Antioxidative Effect of Lactic Acid-Stabilized Copper Nanoparticles Prepared

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Materials Chemistry
Cite this: J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 23989 PAPER
Antioxidative effect of lactic acid-stabilized copper nanoparticles prepared in
Published on 26 September 2012. Downloaded by UNIVERSIDAD SAO PAULO on 7/17/2018 7:14:11 PM.

aqueous solution
Dunying Deng, Yuanrong Cheng, Yunxia Jin, Tianke Qi and Fei Xiao*
Received 29th July 2012, Accepted 25th September 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2jm35041f

Copper nanoparticles are an alternative for the currently used silver and gold nanoparticles in inkjet
printing of conductive patterns because of the low cost and high electrical conductivity. However, a
serious impediment to using copper nanoparticles for conductive inks is their spontaneous oxidation.
This paper describes a simple, large-scale and high-throughput (0.2 M) process for the synthesis of
copper nanoparticles in aqueous solution at room temperature in a short reaction period. The well-
dispersed antioxidative copper pastes were prepared by dispersing the nanoparticles in an ethanol
solution of lactic acid, and then depositing on glass slides. The resistivity of the conductive copper film
was 14.0  4.5 mU cm after annealing at 200  C for 30 min in nitrogen, which was about eight times of
the resistivity of bulk copper (1.7 mU cm). The copper nanoparticles and films were characterized by
TEM, UV-vis, SEM, XRD and XPS. Lactic acid-stabilized copper nanoparticles showed relatively
better disperse stability and resistance to oxidation than the other carboxylic acids. Furthermore, the
copper film after annealing at 200  C for 30 min in nitrogen showed antioxidative characteristics. It was
experimentally proven that lactic acid could react with the copper oxides surrounding copper
nanoparticles to form copper lactate, which was then reduced to copper in the annealing process.

Introduction undesirable oxidation.6–9 However, most of the synthetic

methods of copper nanoparticles are not economically feasible
Printed electronics have become a research focus due to the because of the low throughput, poor scalability and serious
distinct characteristics such as small size, flexibility, thinness, and agglomeration. Besides, it is very difficult to obtain pure copper
portability. It has shown great potential in daily use such as nanoparticles with the conventional reduction method, because
RFID tags, smart cards and displays. Silver inks, the currently the reduction of Cu salt tends to stop at the Cu2O stage when
favoured inkjet printable metal inks, have been developed water molecules exist in the reaction medium.10 At the same time,
recently in order to manufacture low-cost disposable electronics the synthesized copper nanoparticles can easily be oxidized in air.
such as smart packaging, RFID tags, and digital calendars. The presence of copper oxides will increase the sintering
Different forms of silver inks have been used for inkjet printing temperature of nanoparticles and reduce the electrical conduc-
conductive traces, such as the solution of organosilver tivity. To solve the problem, which in general is based on mini-
compounds which can be reduced to metal at low temperature mizing the exposure of the copper nanoparticles to oxygen, a
and the suspension of silver nanoparticles which can melt at a protective layer such as carbon-based materials (carbon and
much lower temperature than the melting point of bulk mate- graphene), surfactants (PVP, C6–C18 alkanethiols) and metals
rial.1–4 However, owing to the electromigration at relatively high (Cu–Ag core–shell) is formed on the surface of the particles.8 In
temperature and humidity conditions as well as cost-benefit addition, in order to avoid the oxidation during post-heat
issues, silver as a conductive material cannot be used on a large treatment, the copper film is annealed in a reductive atmosphere
scale.5 of carboxylic acid and alcohol with nitrogen as a carrier gas.11,12
Printable copper inks are a desirable alternative because of This makes the annealing process more complicated. Therefore,
their good conductivity, low cost and reduced electromigration it is critical to develop an economically feasible process to
effect. Thus far, copper nanoparticles for conductive inks have produce copper nanoparticles on a large scale and avoid oxida-
been primarily synthesized in organic solvents with capping tion in the post-processing.
agents in an inert atmosphere to prevent aggregation and The synthesis of copper nanoparticles in high concentration
using hypophosphite as reductant and PVP or PVP/CTAB as
capping agent have been reported previously.13–15 Large amounts
Department of Materials Science, Fudan University, 220 Handan Road,
of ethylene glycol were used as solvent in the process and the
Shanghai 200433, P. R. China. E-mail:; Fax: +86-
21-65103056; Tel: +86-21-65642110 reaction temperature was higher than 90  C. As water is a cost

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effective and environmental friendly solvent, to prepare copper Synthesis of copper nanoparticles
nanoparticles in aqueous solution is very attractive. However,
Copper nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical reduction of
the obstacle for the aqueous synthesis is the enhanced surface
copper ions in aqueous solution at room temperature in nitrogen.
oxidation of the copper nanoparticles. Copper nanoparticles in
Copper acetate monohydrate (0.1 mol), CTAB (13 mmol) and
high concentration have been synthesized by the reduction of
PVP (0.4–1.0 mmol) were dissolved in 500 mL of deionized
cupric chloride with hydrazine in aqueous CTAB solution.16 The
water. The solution was stirred with a magnetic stirrer for 20 min
copper nanoparticles were capped by a mass of CTAB molecules
Published on 26 September 2012. Downloaded by UNIVERSIDAD SAO PAULO on 7/17/2018 7:14:11 PM.

to ensure that the copper acetate monohydrate, CTAB and PVP

that TGA showed 70% weight losses below 600  C. Besides, the
were dissolved completely. The pH of the solution was adjusted
XRD results showed that the copper nanoparticles were easily
to 10.0 by adding ammonia water with continuous stirring.
oxidized after sintering. Recently, the poly(allylamine)-stabilized
Hydrazine hydrate solution (0.2 mol) was added into the solu-
colloidal copper nanoparticles and polyacrylate-assisted copper
tion, the color of the solution turned from deep blue to brown
nanoparticles were synthesized in aqueous solution, respec-
within 3–5 min, indicating the formation of copper nano-
tively.17,18 However, further research about the oxidation of the
particles. 4.8 g of copper nanoparticles were obtained after
copper nanoparticles has rarely been reported.
centrifugation, washing with methanol and drying under vacuum
In this study, a simple, large-scale and high-throughput
for 2 h.
process for the synthesis of copper nanoparticles in aqueous
solution was developed by chemical reduction of copper salts.
The copper nanoparticles were redispersed into an ethanol Preparation of copper films
solution of carboxylic acids, and then deposited on glass slides.
Copper nanoparticles obtained above were dispersed in ethanol
The antioxidative conductive copper films were obtained after
by ultrasonication for 1 h to prepare the copper nanoparticle
sintering in nitrogen. The mechanism of lactic acid on the
pastes (10 wt%). Carboxylic acids were added into the solution in
reduction of copper oxide was experimentally studied.
3 wt% to assist the redispersion. The copper pastes were depos-
ited on glass slides by a drop-coating method, dried under
Experimental vacuum for 1 h, and then annealed in nitrogen at a suitable
Materials temperature for 30 min. The film thickness was controlled by
dropping a fixed amount of copper pastes on the glass slides
Copper(II) acetate monohydrate, cetyltrimethylammonium within a fixed area.
bromides (CTAB), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, K-30), hydrazine
hydrate solution (50%), acetic acid, propionic acid, oleic acid,
glycolic acid, lactic acid and ammonia water were purchased Results and discussion
from Sinopharma Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. All chemicals Synthesis and characterization of copper nanoparticles
were used as received without further purification.
By using PVP and CTAB as the double capping agents, copper
Characterization nanoparticles were synthesized in aqueous solutions on a large-
scale (500 ml) and with high-throughput (0.2 M) at room
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out using a temperature in a short reaction period. In the case of using
thermal gravimetric analysis instrument (SHIMAZU, DTG- CTAB or PVP as the only protective agent, visible particles were
60H) with a heating rate of 10  C min1 in nitrogen. UV-vis generated and deposited on the bottom of reactor. The homo-
absorption spectra were recorded on a Hitachi U-4100 spectro- geneous and stable brown solutions were obtained only when
photometer. TEM were performed on a Hitachi H600 trans- both CTAB and PVP were used. It was reported that the
mission electron microscope. The crystal structures were coupling interaction between the two surfactants made the
determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Rigaku D/max- copper nanoparticles suspended in the solution well.15 We believe
rB advanced X-ray diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation. Fourier that the electrostatic repulsion of the cationic CTAB and the
transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra were recorded on a Nicolet steric hindrance of PVP restrict the growth of copper nano-
Nenus 470 FTIR spectrophotometer operating at a resolution of particles cooperatively. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA)
4 cm1. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was recorded reveals that the amount of the adsorbed capping agents on the
on a Kratos axis ultra DLD photoelectron spectrometer using Al synthesized copper nanoparticles is about 16% as shown in
Ka X-ray as the excitation source. The microstructure of the Fig. 1a. After washing with methanol and drying under vacuum,
sintered copper film was analyzed using a field-emission scanning the copper nanoparticles show sharp weight losses in the range of
electron microscope (JEOL, JEM-6701F). The thickness of the 50–150  C and 250–400  C (Fig. 1b), which are related to the
film was measured using a surface profiler (Tencor instruments, evaporation of residual solvent and the decomposition of
alpha-step 200). The resistivity of the copper film was measured capping agents, respectively. The amount of the residual capping
by using a Shanghai Qianfeng SB100A/2 four-point probe meter agent and solvent on the copper nanoparticles is approximately
and calculated by the following equation:19 6.5% by weight estimated by TGA. Thus, 4.8 g of copper
nanoparticles prepared from 0.10 moles of copper acetate
p V
r¼  t corresponds to a reaction yield of 70%.
ln 2 I UV-vis absorption peaks are sensitive to the size of metal
where I, V, and t represent the current, voltage and thickness of nanoparticles. The absorption bands for copper nanoparticles
film, respectively. have been reported to be in the range of 550–600 nm.20 Fig. 2

23990 | J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 23989–23995 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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Fig. 1 TGA curves of copper nanoparticles obtained in nitrogen. (a) As

prepared, (b) after washing.

Fig. 3 TEM images and particle size distribution of copper nano-

particles stabilized with different amounts of PVP. (a) 0.4 mmol L1, (b)
1.0 mmol L1.

methanol, a tiny peak indexed as the (111) diffraction of Cu2O

appeared, associated with slight oxidation of metallic copper.
Generally, due to the high percentage of surface area, nano-
particles are readily oxidized in air. Because of the protection of
both PVP and CTAB, the freshly prepared copper nanoparticles
in this work show a significantly oxide-free, stable FCC copper
phase. However, slight oxidation occurs on the surface of copper
nanoparticles after most of PVP and CTAB are removed by
washing with methanol.
Fig. 2 UV-vis spectra of copper nanoparticles stabilized with different
amount of PVP. (a) 0.4 mmol L1, (b) 1.0 mmol L1.
Characterization of copper nano pastes and films
After removal of the protecting agent (PVP/CTAB), the
displays the UV-vis spectra of colloidal copper nanoparticles synthesized copper nanoparticles are easily oxidized. Thus, the
from the original reaction mixture with different amounts of inkjet-printed copper interconnectors have to be sintered in
PVP. It can be seen that the position of the absorption band various reductive atmospheres.11,12 To simplify the preparation
changes with the amount of PVP used. When the concentration of nano copper pastes and the post-heat process of the printed
of PVP is increased from 0.4 to 1.0 mmol L1, the absorption copper films, carboxylic acids, such as glycolic acid and lactic
peak is slightly shifted from 587 to 578 nm, suggesting the acid, are employed as the protecting and reducing agent in the
decrease of the nanoparticle size. process of copper nanoparticles redispersion. Carboxylic acids
TEM images further confirm the relationship between the size
of copper nanoparticles and the amount of PVP used. As shown
in Fig. 3, the size of particles is about 20–30 nm when the PVP
concentration is 0.4 mmol L1. As the PVP concentration is
increased to 1.0 mmol L1, the size of the particles is less than
10 nm and the size distribution is more uniform. Therefore, the
size and the uniformity of copper nanoparticles can be improved
by increasing the concentration of PVP.
The crystallographic characteristics of the copper nano-
particles was analyzed by XRD. Fig. 4 displays the XRD
patterns of the copper nanoparticles with 2q values between 25
and 80 . The freshly prepared copper nanoparticles without
washing show three characteristic peaks at 43.2 , 50.3 and 74.1
for the marked indices of (111), (200) and (220), respectively
(Fig. 4a). These characteristic peaks confirm the formation of a
face-centered cubic (FCC) copper phase without significant Fig. 4 X-ray diffraction patterns of copper nanoparticles. (a) As
oxides or other impurity phases. However, after washing with prepared, (b) washed by methanol.

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can react with copper oxides to form organic copper salts which
will be reduced into elemental copper at a certain temperature.11
Carboxylic acids can also bind on the surface of copper nano-
particles to prevent them from oxidation.10
The as prepared copper nanoparticles were washed and
dispersed in ethanol by ultrasonication to prepare the copper
nanoparticles pastes in a concentration of 10 wt%. Carboxylic
Published on 26 September 2012. Downloaded by UNIVERSIDAD SAO PAULO on 7/17/2018 7:14:11 PM.

acids (3 wt%) were added into the pastes to assist the redis-
persion. When acetic acid and propionic acid were used, the
copper nanoparticles pastes completely turned into green solu-
tion. In the case of oleic acid, the color of the pastes turned
greenish. There was no obvious color change during the redis-
persion of copper nanoparticles in the presence of glycolic acid
and lactic acid. The greenish color of the pastes implies the
formation of copper carboxylate. Although the acidity of gly-
colic acid and lactic acid are stronger than that of acetic acid,
propionic acid and oleic acid, the reactivity of copper nano-
particles with different carboxylic acids in ethanol are not in the
order of the acidity. According to the color change of the pastes,
almost all copper nanoparticles are reacted and dissolved in the
ethanol solution of acetic acid and propionic acid, only a small
amount of copper nanoparticles are reacted with oleic acid, and
the copper nanoparticles are stable in the ethanol solution of
glycolic acid and lactic acid. We think that the solubility of the
copper carboxylates in ethanol plays an important role here.
Copper glycolate and copper lactate are difficult to dissolve in
ethanol, while copper acetate and copper propionate are soluble
in ethanol and the solubility of copper oleate is in between. The
small amounts of copper oxides on copper nanoparticles can
react with carboxylic acids to form the corresponding copper
carboxylate. If the copper carboxylate is soluble in the solvent,
then the freshly formed copper surface is easily oxidized to
copper oxides, which can further react with the carboxylic acids
to form the copper carboxylate. Eventually, the copper nano-
particles will be consumed. On the contrary, if the copper
carboxylate is not soluble in the solvent, it will coat on the
surface of the copper nanoparticles, thus protect the copper
nanoparticle from further oxidation. In addition to the solubility Fig. 5 TEM images and particle size distribution of copper nanoparticle
difference of the copper carboxylate, both glycolic acid and lactic pastes in the presence of different acids. (a) None, (b) oleic acid, (c)
acid have an additional hydroxyl group, which increase the glycolic acid, (d) lactic acid.
bonding ability of acids on the surface of copper nanoparticles to
further stabilize the copper nanoparticles from oxidation. temperature, further antioxidation experiments are focused on
The TEM images of the copper nanoparticles redispersed in the lactic acid-stabilized copper nanoparticles. The copper films
the ethanol solution of carboxylic acids are shown in Fig. 5. In were obtained by depositing the copper nano pastes on glass
the absence of carboxylic acids, the maximum diameter of the slides, drying under vacuum, and then annealing at a certain
dispersed copper nanoparticles reaches 50 nm with a wide size temperature. Fig. 6 shows the XRD patterns of copper films
distribution (Fig. 5a). In the presence of oleic acid, most of the before and after annealing at 200  C in nitrogen. There are the
copper nanoparticles are dispersed well in ethanol and parts of (111) diffraction of Cu2O in both the non-annealed copper paste
the copper nanoparticles aggregate (Fig. 5b). It has been reported and the annealed copper film without lactic acid (Fig. 6a and c).
that the oleic acid can be used as the capping agent to prevent the In the presence of lactic acid, the (111) diffraction of Cu2O
nanoparticles from aggregating.10 In the case of glycolic acid, disappears in the copper paste and film as shown in Fig. 6b and d.
most of the copper nanoparticles are gathered together, and only As discussed above, the Cu2O or CuO surrounding copper
the indistinct boundaries can be seen as shown in Fig. 5c. The nanoparticles can react with lactic acid forming copper lactate
copper nanoparticles are dispersed well in the ethanol solution of that is coated on the surface of copper nanoparticles in the
lactic acid with a diameter less than 30 nm and a narrow size redispersing process, and then reduced to copper in the annealing
distribution as shown in Fig. 5d. It seems that oleic acid and process.
lactic acid show a better dispersion effect than the other acids. Because the surface oxide layer is amorphous and small in
Considering that lactic acid has a relatively low boiling point volume, XRD may not be suitable for analyzing the trace surface
and can be easily removed from the copper surface at moderate oxide. For more in-depth investigation on whether oxide layer

23992 | J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 23989–23995 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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Fig. 6 XRD patterns of copper pastes (before annealing) and films (after Fig. 8 FT-IR spectrum of the blue solution of lactic acid with the
annealing). (a) Copper paste without lactic acid, (b) copper paste with lactic oxidized copper nanoparticles.
acid, (c) copper film without lactic acid, (d) copper film with lactic acid.

Fig. 9b and c. The results confirm that lactic acid reacts with the
was present on the surface of the annealed copper films, XPS
copper oxides surrounding copper nanoparticles to form copper
analysis was performed. Fig. 7 shows the Cu2p3/2 spectrum with
lactate that is then reduced to copper in the annealing process as
peak fitting of the copper films after annealing at 200  C for 30
described by the following equations:
min in nitrogen. The insets show the Cu2p doublet spectrum. The
obvious peak around 934.8 eV is attributed to CuO (Fig. 7a),
while the peak fitting of the copper film with lactic acid does not
show any indications for the presence of CuO (Fig. 7b). The Cu Cu(CH3CHOHCOO)2 / Cu + 2CO2 + H2 + 2CH3CHO + ..
2p3/2 binding energy for pure Cu, Cu2O and CuO is 932.1, 932.6
and 934.6 eV, respectively.6 Electrical properties of the sintered copper films
To understand the effect of lactic acid in the preparation of the
copper film, the following experiments were conducted. A certain The electrical properties of the copper films are further studied.
amount of lactic acid was added to the copper nanoparticles that Fig. 10 shows the resistivity of the films after annealing in
had been oxidized as shown in Fig. 9a. A light blue lactic acid nitrogen for 30 min at different temperatures in the absence/
solution was obtained after ultrasonication and centrifugation. presence of lactic acid, respectively. In the absence of lactic acid,
Fig. 8 shows the FT-IR spectrum of the light blue lactic acid the resistivity of the film decreases from 7800  500 mU cm to 600
solution. The peaks at 1607 cm1 and 1410 cm1 are attributed  100 mU cm as the temperature increases from 150  C to 300  C.
to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching of the conjugate The decrease of resistivity with the increase of sintering
carboxylate. The carbonyl stretching of the free lactic acid is at temperature may be due to the sintering of copper nanoparticles
1750 cm1. The light blue lactic acid solution was deposited after decomposition of the stabilizers. However, the resistivity of
on glass slides and sintered in nitrogen for 30 min at 200  C and the film annealed at 350  C cannot be measured and the surface
250  C, respectively. The XRD patterns of the obtained films are of film looks black, probably due to the oxidation of copper
shown in Fig. 9. Compared with Fig. 9a, the (111) diffraction of nanoparticles at high temperature. The SEM images of the film
Cu2O disappears and only the diffractions of copper exist in sintered at different temperatures in Fig. 11 confirm the sintering
of the nanoparticles at elevated temperatures.

Fig. 7 Peak fitting of the Cu2p3/2 spectrum of copper film after Fig. 9 XRD pattern of the reaction products of lactic acid and the
annealing at 200  C for 30 min. The insets show the Cu2p doublet oxidized copper nanoparticles. (a) Oxidized copper nanoparticles, (b)
spectrum. (a) Without lactic acid, (b) with lactic acid. sintered at 200  C, (c) sintered at 250  C.

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Fig. 10 Resistivity of the film sintered at different temperatures. (a)

Without lactic acid, (b) with lactic acid.

Fig. 12 SEM images of microstructure of the film with lactic acid

annealed at different temperature. (a) 200  C (cross-section), (b) 150, (c)
180, (d) 200, (e) 250, (f) 300  C.

be sintered together. In contrast, significant inter-particle sin-

tering is observed at 250  C, and most of the particles are con-
nected with each other. At 300  C, all the nanoparticles are fused
together to form the conductive network throughout the entire
film. The resistivity difference between the film without and with
lactic acid is significant, which is mainly due to the antioxidation
effect and the low decomposition temperature of lactic acid. The
microstructure of the film cross-section reveals that the film is
composed of closely packed particles as shown in Fig. 11a. The
thickness of the film is about 20  1.5 mm measured by surface

Fig. 11 SEM images of microstructure of the films without lactic acid

annealed at different temperature. (a) 150, (b) 180, (c) 200, (d) 250, (e)
300, (f) 350  C. Conclusions
A simple, large-scale and high-throughput (0.2 M) process for
In the presence of lactic acid, as the sintering temperature the synthesis of copper nanoparticles was developed in aqueous
increases from 150  C to 200  C, the resistivity decreases sharply solution at room temperature in a short reaction period. Mon-
from (6.55  1.0)  105 mU cm to 14.0  4.5 mU cm, indicating odispersed spherical copper nanoparticles with a size less than
that lactic acid is removed and copper lactate is reduced to 10 nm were synthesized in 70% yield, and the particles size
copper. The electrical conductivity of the copper film obtained in depended on the PVP amount. The antioxidative and well-
the research is about 12% of the conductivity of bulk copper, dispersed conductive copper pastes were prepared by dispersing
which is comparable with the previous reported values 11 mU the copper nanoparticles in an ethanol solution of lactic acid. The
cm 13 and 17 mU cm.21 The conductive paths between the nano- conductive copper films were obtained by depositing the copper
particles have been established by the formation of inter-particle nano pastes on glass slides, drying and annealing at proper
necking, thus, the conductivity of the copper film remains nearly temperatures. The resistivity of the conductive copper film was
unchanged at higher sintering temperatures. The inter-particle 14.0  4.5 mU cm after annealing at 200  C for 30 min in nitrogen.
necking formation is confirmed by SEM images of the film We experimentally proved that lactic acid can react with the
surface after heat treatment at different temperatures as shown in copper oxides surrounding copper nanoparticles to form copper
Fig. 12. After annealing at 150  C, the copper nanoparticles are lactate, which is then reduced to copper in the annealing process.
still surrounded by the organics. Most of the organics are In addition to the potential application in printed electronics
removed when annealed at 200  C and the nanoparticles start to industry, the copper nanoparticles pastes could also be used in

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