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Assignment Format

These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the module-specific assignment question. Failure to
follow the guidelines may result in your assignment being returned to you unmarked.

15,000 words

10% Introduction

30% Literature review

10% Data and Research Meth

30% Data Analysis and Results

20% Conclusion


The assignment must be submitted in Microsoft Word compatible format only (i.e., .doc or .docx). All
elements of the assignment, list of references, and appendices must be submitted as a single file.

Page layout, paragraph and font

The following requirements apply:

• Page size: A4

• Orientation: portrait

• Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides (Microsoft Word Margins Setting “Normal”)

• Paragraph alignment: left (left-justified)

• Line spacing: Option 1: Microsoft Word Standard Setting for Normal text, i.e. Line spacing: multiple at
1.15, Spacing before paragraph: 0 pt, Spacing after paragraph: 10 pt; Option 2: Line spacing double

• Font: Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial, size 12

• Headings: Level 1 – bold, upper case, left aligned; Level 2 – bold, sentence case, left aligned

• Page numbering: all pages must be consecutively numbered in the bottom right corner

Word count

The word limit for the assignment is specified in the assignment question. The word count includes
everything, except list of references and appendices (if any).
The zone of tolerance for word count is ± 10% of the word limit. Exceeding the limit by over 10% will
incur an automatic penalty of 10 points off the mark. Exceeding the limit by over 15% will increase the
penalty, at the marker’s discretion, up to a maximum of 50 points off the mark. There are no automatic
penalties for assignments with word count below 90% of the word limit; however, while brevity is
encouraged, such assignments are unlikely to satisfy the assignment requirements.


All sources used in the preparation of the assignment must be fully and correctly referenced both in the
text and in the list of references (entitled “References”) at the end of the document using the Harvard
referencing format.

Referencing a source (“original source”) quoted in another source (“secondary source”)

If you locate and read the original source, then the in-text citation and the entry in the reference list
must be to the original source. If you do not, then the in-text citation must refer to both the original and
the secondary source as follows:

(Original source Author, Year: Page; cited in Secondary source Author, Year: Page) The list of references
must include only the secondary source.

Writing style

The assignment must be written in fluent formal academic style.

• Do not use contractions (e.g., “isn’t” for “is not”), slang or colloquialisms (e.g., “pretty reliable”),
exclamation marks, or direct questions, and do not directly address the reader.

• Do not use bullet point lists, unless absolutely unavoidable. Do use complete sentences.

• Use common words in their dictionary meaning. When in doubt, check a full-sized dictionary. Use
subject- specific terms in the exact meaning they are used in this subject.

• Do not use a phrase where a word would do. Avoid redundant words, such as “still remains”
(“remains” already means that it is still there), and wordy clichés, such as “in recent years” (instead of

• Do not overuse brackets and subordinate clauses. Avoid long sentences; break a sentence that is more
than two lines long into two (or more) simpler sentences.

• Do not use abbreviations for the names of concepts and theories. Any abbreviations used in the text
must be deciphered the first time the abbreviation is used.

If you wish to use font formatting for emphasis, use italic (not bold or underline), and use it sparingly –
do not emphasise a whole sentence or paragraph. Do not italicise quotations, unless italics are used in
the original source.
• For individual assignments, writing in either the first person singular (e.g., “I analysed”) or the third
person (e.g., “The analysis demonstrated”) is equally acceptable; using the first person plural (e.g., “We
found”) is not.

• You may, if you wish, include tables and figures to present information. Note, however, that these
must be treated as an aid, rather than a substitute for analysis and discussion. Each table/figure must be
preceded by table/figure heading, in bold font, sentence case, centred, using the format: Figure
[Number]: Title. All tables and figures must be numbered; tables and figures are numbered separately;
each table and figure must be referenced in the text

Grammar and spelling

The assignment must be carefully proof-read. A few minor errors in grammar or spelling will be
discounted, but numerous errors in grammar, word choice and spelling will be penalised.

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