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Application of the discrete element method - Part 4: Bucket elevators and

scraper conveyors

Article · July 2007


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2 authors, including:

André Katterfeld
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg


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Design and Engineering

Application of the
Discrete Element Method – Part 4:

Bucket Elevators
and Scraper
A. Katterfeld and T. Gröger, Germany
This paper, the fourth and last of a series on DEM application, describes how this
new technology can be used to optimise the design of bucket elevators and scraper
conveyors at a very early stage of the engineering process. The verification of DEM-
simulations by means of experiments shows, that even with current restrictions,
DEM-simulations can beconsidered a valuable design tool.

harging and discharging processes have an important in- The DEM can be characterised as the ideal tool for the analysis
fluence on the function of certain conveyors for bulk solid of the charge and discharge processes due to the direct consid-
handling. Computer simulations based on the Discrete eration of each discrete particle. During the simulation the
Element Method (DEM) offer a new approach for a qualitative computer calculates for each particle alternately the forces act-
analysis of these processes. Therefore, the fourth and last part ing upon it and the resulting acceleration by the application of
of the article series about the DEM application in materials han- Newton’s second law. By integration over a very small time step
dling presents the results of the qualitative verification of the the particle velocity and hence the new particle positions are
discharge behaviour of bucket elevators and of the charge be- calculated. The basics of the DEM are described in more detail
haviour of scraper conveyors. in [1].

Due to the high computation effort idealisations of the simula-

1 Introduction tion model are necessary to minimize the calculation time. The
particle number and the process time influence the computa-
The DEM-simulation of the discharge behaviour of bucket ele- tion time significantly and therefore determine the degree of
vators and of the filling process of the scraper conveyors prom- idealization. Hence, the real particle size distribution can only
ises new possibilities to control the function of the conveyors be applied very seldom in the simulation. Idealised simulation
before they are built as well as new possibilities for the optimi- models force the calibration of simulation parameters by shear
sation of the bucket geometry which heavily influences the tests and angle of repose tests. More information to the cali-
conveyor efficiency. bration process is given in [1].

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Design and Engineering

a) b) c)

Fig. 1: Determination of the pole height for the three basic discharge behaviours: a) gravitational discharge, b) mixed discharge,
c) centrifugal discharge [3]; where: g = acceleration of gravity, m = particle mass, v = particle speed, r = distance between particle
and centre, rT = pulley radius, ra = distance between outer edge of the bucket and pulley centre, ri = distance between inner edge of
the bucket and pulley centre

From the necessary idealising of the simulation model follows fine the discharge process. The bulk solid is thrown over the
the question if the simulation provides realistic results. There- outer edge of the bucket only.
fore, it is the aim of several research projects of the Institute of
Logistics and Material Handling (ILM) of the University of According to P et al. [2] the so called pole height and the
Magdeburg to qualitatively and quantitatively verify the simu- F number can be used for the characterisation of the dis-
lation results by comparing them with the results of experi- charge process. The calculation of the pole height for the three
mental tests. The qualitative verification of the bucket elevator basic types of discharge behaviour can be visualised by Fig. 1. The
and scraper conveyor is done by the comparison of the mate- F number is given by the following equation:
rial flow in simulation and reality.
v 2
Fr2 = ____
rT · g (1)

2 Bucket Elevator Table 1 relates the types of discharge behaviour to the pole
height and the F number [2].
2.1 Introduction
With the calculation of the pole height respectively the Froude
According to P et al. [2] basically three different discharge number only the basic discharge behaviour can be determined.
behaviour can be characterised: A complete analysis of the discharge process and a detailed char-
acterisation of the bulk material flow in the discharge area of the
1. Gravitational discharge: bucket elevator are not possible. Therefore, conventional ana-
The discharge is mainly influenced by the gravity and occurs lytical methods can not answer the question if the bulk material
over the inner edge of the bucket. leaves the bucket elevator completely or falls down in the return
strand of the elevator. An incomplete discharge process would
2. Mixed discharge: reduce the conveyor efficiency considerably.
Gravitational and centrifugal forces influence the discharge
of the bulk solid. The particles leave the bucket over the in- 2.2 Test Rig and Simulation Model
ner and outer edge.
The bucket elevator test rig at the ILM (Fig. 2) allows the obser-
3. Centrifugal discharge: vation of the discharge behaviour via a high speed camera. All
The bucket speed is so high that the centrifugal forces de- three basic types of discharge behaviour can be realised by the

Table 1: Discharge behaviour with the related pole height and F number [2]

Discharge behaviour Pole height Froude number

Gravitational discharge hp > ra Fr2 < __
Mixed discharge ra ≥ hp ≥ ri ra ≤ Fr ≤ 1

Centrifugal discharge hp < ri Fr2 > 1

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Design and Engineering

Fig. 2: Bucket elevator test rig at the ILM Fig. 3: Geometry of the bucket 125 × 106 - C [3]

variation of the bucket speed. Thus, the experiments allow a de- shape on certain bulk material properties the simulation param-
tailed view on the bucket discharge and give an excellent possi- eters had to be calibrated. With the help of the calibration proc-
bility for the comparison with the DEM-simulation results. ess the idealised bulk material in the simulation shows the same
angle of repose and the same angle of internal friction as the real
The technical data of the bucket elevator test rig can be sum- bulk material.
marised as follows:

- driving drum diameter: 400 mm 2.3 Results

- driving drum width: 130 mm Fig. 4 shows the comparison of the simulation and the experi-
ments. A good correlation between the pictures can be found.
- rotational speed: 24 - 191 rpm The basic characteristic of the discharge process can be clearly
observed in the experiment as well as in the simulation.
Fig. 3 shows the design of the bucket 125 × 106 C, which was
used for all experimental tests. Gravitational discharge occurs with a low bucket speed. As it can
be seen in Fig. 4 the bulk material flows only over the inner edge
Almost every bucket and elevator design can be considered in of the bucket. The particles hit and rebounce from the forerun-
the DEM-simulation by the import of 3D-CAD data. All real geo- ner bucket and fall into the exit via hitting the chute. Due to the
metrical and operational parameters except the bucket fasten- hit of the forerunner bucket, a high amount of particles falls also
ing (two screw heads inside the bucket) are considered in the into the return strand of the elevator. The particles in the simula-
DEM-model for the verification of the experimental tests. The tion start to discharge earlier in comparison to the reality. Hence,
bucket speed allows the definition of the discharge behaviour in the particles impact the chute more to the right.
reality as well in the simulation.
In mixed discharge conditions the bulk material flows over both,
In opposition to the DEM-simulation of other bulk material han- the inner and outer edge out of the bucket. The bulk material
dling equipment, such as screw conveyors [4] and transfer sta- forms a very characteristic shape during the discharge. The simi-
tions of belt conveyors [5] etc. the idealisation of the simulation larity between simulation and reality can be clearly recognised.
model for bucket elevators is easier due to the limited particle The simulated point of impact of the particles is nearly identical
amount in one bucket. For the simulation of the discharge proc- to the real point of impact. In the simulation the particle dis-
ess the consideration of one filled bucket in the simulation mod- charge starts too early what can be clearly seen on the character-
el is sufficient. Depend on the discharge behaviour (gravitational istic particle tail on the top of the elevator. The reason for this
and mixed discharge) an empty forerunner bucket has to be con- unrealistic behaviour is the higher filling level of the bucket in the
sidered in the simulation model. simulation.

Due to the limited particle number in the simulated bucket it

was possible to consider the real particle size distribution of the
experimentally used bulk material mixed plastic granulate. Thus, Fig. 4:
12 500 particles with a uniformly distributed diameter of 2.8 mm Comparison of the discharge behaviour of a bucket elevator in
to 5 mm were considered in each simulation. the DEM-simulation (≈12,500 particles) and experiment. The
DEM-simulations were run with one filled bucket. The shown
simulation pictures are collages out of several pictures
Unlike the particle size distribution the particle shape had to be
idealised. Spherical particles were used instead of the real cylin-
drically shaped particles. Due to the influence of the cylindrical

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Design and Engineering

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Design and Engineering

to analyse the dynamical behaviour of the buckets and the chain

during the filling process. The aim is the analysis of the dynamical
forces in the bucket fastening.

In future also the scoop process in the L-shaped base of bucket

elevators used for ship unloading will be simulated to optimise
the design and the operational parameters of these high-per-
formance conveyors.

3 Scraper Conveyors
3.1 Introduction
The reasons for the build of stockpiles in the field of bulk mate-
Fig. 5: Work principle of a scraper conveyor shown by example of a rial handling are manifold. The main function of a stockpile is the
portal scraper conveyor [8] creation of a buffer between the bulk material delivery and con-
sumption. Often different delivery and the consumption proc-
esses with continuous or discontinuous operation have to be
A high bucket speed causes centrifugal discharge where the par- combined by the stockpile buffer. Indoor and outdoor stockpiles
ticles flow only over the outer bucket edge. The simulated shape are usually created by a stacker belt conveyor. The continuous
of the bulk material during discharge is similar to the real shape. reclaiming of the bulk material is often realised by the use of a
Also the real and the simulated impact points are identical. scraper conveyor (Fig. 5) [7].

Despite the good correlation small difference can be found be- The transport process of a scraper conveyor combines the linear
tween the simulated and real discharge behaviour. These differ- movement of the buckets and the feed movement of the whole
ences can be traced back to the too high bucket filling level of conveyor (see Fig. 5) with the scrape off process, the bucket fill-
the simulated bucket and to the idealisation of the simulation ing process, the acceleration and the discharge of the bulk mate-
model. Parameter studies show a high influence of the particle rial. During the transport process, the bulk material is filled into
stiffness on the whole discharge process. the buckets and is carried along the pile bank.

2.4 Conclusion and Outlook Due to the complex bulk solid motion, which is dependent on
the bucket design and on operational parameters, the determi-
In summary the results of the verification could be called very nation of the average bucket filling level is not fully understood.
promising. A good correlation between simulation and experi- However, it is known that the filling level influences the efficiency
ment was achieved. A similar precise and detailed prediction of of a scraper strongly. Therefore the ILM undertook extensive ex-
the particle flow during the discharge process can not be ob- perimental tests on a scraper conveyor test rig (Fig. 6) as well as
tained by analytical methods. The costs and the time effort for DEM-simulations utilising two different bucket designs.
undertaking the experiments were much higher in comparison
to the simulation. Therefore the DEM-simulation can be named The test rig and the experimental tests offered an excellent pos-
as very suitable and effective for the analysis of the discharge sibility for the qualitative verification of the DEM-simulation and
process in bucket elevators. were performed in close cooperation with the Magdeburger
Förderanlagen und Baumaschinen GmbH (FAM).
Current research projects are focused on the bucket filling proc-
ess of chain elevators. Due to the application of a new DEM-soft- 3.2 Test Rig and Simulation Model
ware not only the particles can be modelled as discrete elements
but also the buckets and chain links. Therefore it will be possible Due to the general difficulties of undertaking experimental tests
on conveyors during real operation conditions, a test
rig was build to allow an easy variation of the design
parameters at realistic operating conditions. The work
principle of the scraper conveyor was simplified by
two moving buckets and a bulk solid bed which could
be inclined.

The so called span geometry was defined by the prep-

aration and inclination of the bulk solid bed. The first

Fig. 6:
3D-CAD model of the scraper conveyor test rig; the close-
to-reality transport process can be observed using a 6 m
long bulk solids bed and two industrial sized buckets

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Design and Engineering

of the two installed buckets prepares real scraping conditions for

the second bucket. Due to the bed length of 6 m it was possible
to use industrial sized buckets for the experiments.

In the first step the experimental tests were used for the qualita-
tive analysis of the influence of the bucket geometry on the
bucket filling level during the operation. For this the bulk solid
bed was built from Limestone.

Because of the large size of the test rig in comparison to the aver-
age particle diameter a reduced simulation model had to be
used. Therefore, only the particles in vicinity of scraper bucket
were considered. The bulk material under the span is modelled
as a particle grid with a thickness of one particle diameter. The
particles in the grid are fixed. The particle shape and the coeffi-
cient of friction form a realistic friction basis with a compara-
tively low amount of particles.

A further reduction of the particle number can be achieved by

continuously generating and deleting particles depend on their Fig. 7: Qualitative verification of the DEM-simulation of the trans-
position. A particle range with a specific span shape is generated port process in a scraper conveyor with flat buckets
in front of the buckets after these have covered a certain dis-
tance. Particles behind the buckets are deleted at the same
time. solid ends inside respectively with the front edge of the bucket.
Therefore the round bucket geometry shows many advantages
With the help of these idealisations a particle size distribution in comparison to the flat geometry.
closer to the real conditions could be considered in the simula-
tion model. Nevertheless only the coarse fraction (with diame- 3.4 Conclusion and Outlook
ters ranging from 14 mm to 16 mm) of the limestone could be
simulated. In summary a good qualitative correlation between simulation
and experiment was observed, although the DEM-simulation
The calibration of the simulation parameters allowed real angle model does not consider the bulk solids fine fraction, uses spher-
of repose and angle of internal friction of the simulated bulk ical shaped particles which also have a lower stiffness than the
solid. The simulation models considered two buckets with a usu- real bulk material. Since the DEM-simulation allows to vary near-
al flat and a new round design. ly every geometrical and operational parameter it is a very suit-
able method to optimise the bucket design.
3.3 Results
The promising results of the qualitative verification indicate also
For an initial qualitative verification the observed material flow good results for the ongoing quantitative verification of the mo-
in experiments and DEM simulations were compared, as is tion resistances due the scraping and breaking of the bulk solid.
shown in figures 10 and 11. The characteristic filling behaviour
can be observed on the second bucket for both experiment
Fig. 8: Qualitative verification of the DEM-simulation of the trans-
and simulation. port process in a scraper conveyor with round buckets

The comparison between experiment and simulation for both

bucket geometries shows the same qualitative behaviour of the
bulk solid in the bucket.

With a usual flat geometry (Fig. 7) the bucket is not filled com-
pletely. Also, a lower filling level can be observed in both simu-
lation and experiment in the right hand side of the second

Although the bucket is not completely filled, the bulk solid be-
gins to flow around the right edge of the bucket. This behaviour
reduces the efficiency of the conveyor. Furthermore it can be
recognized that the bank of the bulk solid in the bucket ends far
outside of the bucket.

With the new developed round bucket geometry (Fig. 8) the

bulk solid fills a larger space in comparison to the usual flat buck-
et. Also, the bulk solid does not flow around the right edge, but
flows more likely over the top of the bucket. The bank of the bulk

bulk solids handling · Vol. 27 · 2007 · No. 4 233

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Design and Engineering

Therefore the simulation of the consolidated bulk solid proper- [2] P, G., K, H. and K, F.: Stetigförderer. 5. Aus-
ties is necessary. So far the bulk solid in the simulation was as- gabe, Verlag Technik, Berlin 1988.
sumed to be unconsolidated. Consolidated bulk solid can be
considered by the use of bonded particles which requires not [3] H, T.: Einfluß des Entleerungsverhaltens auf Becher-
only the calibration of the simulated particle properties but also form und Becherteilung zur Erhöhung der Leistungsfähig-
the calibration of the bond properties. keit von Becherförderern. Dissertation, Otto-von-Guer-
icke-Universität Magdeburg 1993.

[4] M, A., K, A. and G, T.: Application of

Acknowledgements the Discrete Element Method in Materials Handling - Part
2: Screw and Shaftless Screw Conveyors. bulk solids han-
The authors thank the German Ministry of Economics and Tech- dling Vol. 27 (2007) No. 2, pp. 84-93.
nology and the companies Aumund-Fördererbau GmbH & Co.
KG, Bühler AG, Emde Industrie-Technik GmbH, Magdeburger [5] G, T. and K, A.: Application of the Discrete
Förderanlagen und Baumaschinen FAM GmbH, ITASCA Con- Element Method in Materials Handling - Part 3: Transfer
sultants GmbH, Koch Transporttechnik GmbH, MAN Takraf Stations. bulk solids handling Vol. 27 (2007) No. 3, pp.
GmbH, PHOENIX Conveyor Belt Systems GmbH, RUD Gruppe, 158-166.
RWE Power AG and ThyssenKrupp-Fördertechnik GmbH for the
given financial and technical support. [6] D, M.: Zum Schöpfverhalten von Becherförderern.
Dissertation, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg,

References [7] S, A.: Untersuchungen des Grabwiderstandes an

Entspeicherungskratzern. Dissertation, Technische Uni-
[1] G, T. and K, A.: Application of the Discrete versität Magdeburg 1977.
Element Method in Materials Handling - Part 1: Basics and
Calibration. bulk solids handling Vol. 27. (2007) No. 1, pp. [8] Website of FAM (Magdeburger Förderanlagen und Bau-
17-23. maschinen GmbH):, Mai 2007. ■

About the Author About the Author

Dr. André Katterfeld Dr. Torsten Gröger

Dr. André Katterfeld currently works Dr. Torsten Gröger studied Mechanical Engi-
as a Scientific Assistant and Project neering at the Otto-von-Guericke University,
Manager at the Institute for Conveying- Magdeburg, Germany, and specialised in
and Construction Machinery Technol- continuous conveying of bulk materials un-
ogy, Steel Construction and Logistics at the Otto-von-Guericke der guidance of Prof. Friedrich Krause. He received his Ph.D. with
University, Magdeburg, Germany. After receiving his Ph.D. with his work on DEM simulations of vertical pipe conveying (Dis-
his work on the Functional Analysis of Pipe Chain Conveyors crtete-Elemente Simulationen zur senkrechten Schlauchgurt-
(Funtionsanalyse von Rohrkettenförderern), he took part in nu- förderung). For one year, Dr. Gröger worked as a Post-Doc with
merous research projects about the application of computer Prof. Jürgen Tomas (Institute for Mechanical Processing, Magde-
simulations on basis of the Discrete Element Method in the ar- burg) and for three years with Prof. U. Tüzün (Institute for Chem-
ea of bulk material conveying technology. Dr. Katterfeld is co- ical and Process Engineering, University of Surrey, United King-
founder of the CeParTec GmbH. dom). During his work for Itasca Consultants GmbH he gained
imporant experience in the execution of industry projects on
basis of DEM simulations. Dr. Gröger is the Managing Director
Contact: and co-founder of CeParTec GmbH.
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Dr.-Ing. André Katterfeld Contact:
Institut für Logistik und CeParTec GmbH
Materialflusstechnik Dr.-Ing. Torsten Gröger
Universitätsplatz 2, Uhlandstrasse 4,
39106 Magdeburg, Germany 39108 Magdeburg, Germany
Tel.: ++49 (0) 391 67 12245 Tel.: ++49 (0) 2327 96 56 48
Fax: ++49 (0) 391 67 12518 Fax: ++49 (0) 2327 96 56 49
E-Mail: E-Mail:

234 bulk solids handling · Vol. 27 · 2007 · No. 4

BSH4_08_1_Katterfeld-Part4.indd 234 22.06.2007 15:49:11

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