Perspectives On Large Bowel Obstruction: January 2017

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Perspectives on large bowel obstruction

Article · January 2017

DOI: 10.4103/2468-7332.200556

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1 author:

Elroy Patrick Weledji

University of Buea


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Perspectives on Large Bowel Obstruction SHORT REPORTS

Elroy Patrick Weledji

IJS Publishing Group Ltd

From the Department of Large bowel obstruction (LBO) is a serious and costly medical condition, indicating often

Surgery, University of Buea, emergency surgery. The main clinical issue is to determine whether the obstruction affects
Buea, Cameroon the small bowel or the colon since the causes and treatments are different. Delay in operative
intervention may lead to an unnecessary bowel resection, increased risk of perforation, and
overall worsening of patient morbidity and mortality. With the advent of colonic endoluminal
stent, the treatment of distal colonic obstruction should be individually tailored to each patient.
This article discussed LBO and emphasized the importance of history taking, examination, and
basic imaging in the early diagnosis of its cause, thus facilitating appropriate management.
Received: January, 2017.
Accepted: January, 2017. Key Words: Examination, history, large bowel, obstruction, resuscitation, treatment

Introduction of transverse colon) colicky pain is carried by the lesser

splanchnic nerve (T10–T11) and referred to the umbilicus
I ntestinal obstruction remains a common and difficult
problem encountered by the abdominal surgeon. Although
large bowel obstruction  (LBO) presents less frequently  (15%)
while hindgut (beyond the distal third of transverse colon)
colicky abdominal pain being carried by the least splanchnic
than its small bowel counterpart (85%), it remains nonetheless nerve (T12) is referred to the suprapubic area. The other
a common surgical emergency.[1] Following resuscitation, sources of pain are somatic (localized) from abdominal
a precise history may indicate the pathology and physical distension and peritoneal irritation when ischemia or
examination supported by basic imaging may indicate where perforation supervenes.[7,8]
the pathology is. These would determine which patient may The main causes of LBO are malignancy and volvulus of the
require immediate surgery, urgent surgery, semi‑elective sigmoid colon [Table 1]. The prevalence of both is subject
surgery, or a trial of conservative management. The to a wide geographical variability.[5,6] Colorectal cancer is
consequences of bowel obstruction are progressive dehydration, particularly prevalent in the west, accounting for at least 50%
electrolyte imbalance, and systemic toxicity due to migration of LBO. This proportion alters in Africa and Eastern Europe
of toxins and bacteria translocation either through the intact but where sigmoid volvulus is the cause of obstruction in up
ischemic bowel or through a perforation. Appreciation of fluid to 40% of cases.[9,10] The most common site of LBO is the
balance, acid–base–electrolyte disturbance, and importance of sigmoid colon, accounting for 50% of all cases. This is not
preoperative resuscitation decrease the morbidity and mortality only because the sigmoid colon is a common site for colonic
from intestinal obstruction.[2‑4] carcinoma but also because the lumen is relatively narrow and
the feces are firm rather than liquid. The second most common
Discussion site is the splenic flexure  (10%), where the combination of a
LBO may be mechanical (lumen partly or completely blocked) sharp kink in the colon together with luminal narrowing by
or paralytic (no peristalsis). It may be chronic, acute‑on‑chronic, the tumor and relatively firm stools leads to blockage. The
acute, or pseudo obstruction (nonmechanical). In fact, there features of a right‑sided LBO may be less obvious than those
is a complete spectrum of clinical presentation and patients of left‑sided colonic lesions because only a small proportion
may present with acute LBO without a preexisting history of the colon is distended. However, an obstruction at the
of obstructive symptoms.[5,6] The visceral pain of intestinal ileocecal valve will produce features of a low small bowel
obstruction is due to increased gut peristalsis against the obstruction.[5,11] A closed loop obstruction may follow an
obstruction and is usually referred toward the midline rather acute‑on‑chronic LBO from a distally obstructing colonic
than being localized as the gut has a midline origin of
development. The visceral sensory fibers are carried by the Address for correspondence:
sympathetic nerves on their way to the spinal cord. Thus, Dr. Elroy Patrick Weledji, E‑mail:
mid‑gut (mid second part of duodenum to proximal two‑thirds
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DOI: 10.4103/2468-7332.200556 How to cite this article: Weledji EP. Perspectives on large bowel
obstruction. IJS Short Rep 2017;2:1-4.

© 2017 International Journal of Surgery Short Reports | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 1
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Weledji: Large bowel obstruction

Table 1: Causes of large bowel obstruction other intra‑abdominal malignancy, recent alteration in bowel
Cancer (primary or recurrent)
habit, or the passage of blood is suggestive of neoplasm.
Patients who are institutionalized and have cognitive
impairment have a high incidence of sigmoid volvulus and
Diverticular disease
severe constipation, and pseudo‑obstruction tends to occur in
patients with a history of recent nongastrointestinal surgery
Fecal impaction
or severe concurrent medical illness.[6,15] Chronic symptoms
Inflammatory bowel disease
will be associated with weight loss and anorexia, and the
Ischemic stricture general premorbid state (cardiovascular and respiratory)
Anastomotic stricture is assessed for a patient with a known diagnosis and the
possibility of surgical intervention. Clinically, it is extremely
lesion. In cases where the ileocecal valve forms one end of difficult to distinguish with any certainty between simple
a closed loop strangulation obstruction is not a problem here, obstruction and strangulation.[4] Simple obstruction presents
but a similar problem to look for is intramural ischemia with colicky (visceral) pain, but there is mild generalized
of the cecum due to stretching causing patchy necrosis. abdominal tenderness from the distension with gas and fluid.
Right iliac fossa tenderness in a patient with LBO may Strangulation (closed loop) obstruction usually has an acute
indicate cecal distension and imminent perforation which is onset. The pain is most marked and the condition very serious
a disastrous complication of LBO. According to the law of if overlooked. There is localized tenderness with pain on
Laplace (2T = PR where P is the transmural pressure, T is the coughing (rebound tenderness) as peritonism develops from
wall tension and is the radius of a sphere), tension (in this case stimulation of pain receptors in the parietal peritoneum or
in the wall of the colon) is proportional to the radius and is abdominal wall. The pain is constant rather than colicky and
therefore higher in the cecum which is the widest point of abdominal rigidity is more marked. There is a tender mass
the colon than elsewhere. Thus, the cecum takes the brunt of even with associated erythema of the skin. The patient is
the distension with imminent perforation if the cecal diameter obviously ill, toxic and may have a leukocytosis. Thus a tense,
is >15 cm. When there is distal obstruction, the ileocecal valve tender, irreducible lump with no cough impulse, especially
often becomes incompetent and both small and large bowel over hernia orifice, for example, femoral or inguinal, is a
become distended. If left untreated, the patient will start to strangulation until proven otherwise. Occasionally, hernia is
vomit, but ischemia or perforation of the bowel is unlikely.[5] internal and not palpable.[1,4,5] In colon obstruction, vomiting
With regard to colonic intussusception in adults, the leading occurs much later if at all especially if the ileocecal valve
point is invariable; a colonic pathology and laparotomy are remains competent and implies a state of severe volume
indicated.[12] depletion. In LBO, the lesion is very distal within the intestine
and constipation and distension are the earliest and most
Sigmoid volvulus is the most common form of volvulus in predominant symptoms. Absolute constipation occurs when
the gastrointestinal tract. The anatomic defect is the narrow there is complete luminal obstruction and the patient is unable
attachment of the root of the mesentery to the posterior to pass either feces or flatus. Patients with partial obstruction
abdominal wall and a long mesenteric axis. Predisposed by may develop spurious diarrhea because fluid feces are all that
very high fiber diet and long redundant sigmoid colon in can pass through a stenosed segment.
Africans, chronic constipation and laxative abuse, psychiatric
and senile disorders, the sigmoid colon rotates around its The physical findings include dehydration, abdominal
mesenteric pedicle usually more than 180° counterclockwise distension, and sometimes, visible peristalsis. Dehydration
resulting in partial or complete LBO. There is a palpable assessed by examination of the mucous membranes and
tympanic mass and with the risk of ischemia from venous skin turgor is an indication of severe fluid depletion. In
obstruction.[9,11] Because of its high recurrence rate, sigmoid colonic obstruction, distension is mainly in the flanks and
colectomy is the definitive treatment as compared to upper abdomen. Abdominal distension is usually evident and
sigmoidoscopic decompression.[13,14] Less common causes of more marked the more distal the obstruction, but it is more
an indication of the site than the extent of obstruction.[5]
LBO are diverticular disease, either as a result of stricture
Swallowed air, gas from bacterial fermentation, and nitrogen
or acute inflammation with edema, and obstructed groin
diffusion from the congested mucosa are all responsible for
hernia. Inflammatory bowel disease is a very unusual cause
the increased intestinal gas. The cause of the obstruction may
of obstruction, but strictures from any cause may precipitate
be may be evident (e.g., scars from previous surgery, tender
obstruction by proximal fecal impaction. Fecal impaction
irreducible hernia, abdominal mass, e.g., intussusception or
alone rarely causes obstruction.[5]
carcinoma of the bowel). Percussion produces a tympanic
The four cardinal clinical features of intestinal obstruction are note and auscultation high‑pitched tinkling bowel sounds.
colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, and abdominal If the obstruction is advanced, there may be signs of bowel
distension. The clinical history may establish other features strangulation (worsening constant pain, toxic patient,
indicative of the likely etiology of the obstruction. A thorough tachycardia, hypotension, and pyrexia) with absent bowel
history of the obstruction would include the patient’s age, sounds (paralytic ileus).[1,5,16] The examination findings
duration of symptoms, history and nature of the pain, history will depend on the stage at which the patient presents. The
of similar symptoms or surgery. A history of colorectal or patients with complete obstruction are at substantial risk

2 International Journal of Surgery Short Reports  ¦  Volume 2  ¦  Issue 1  ¦  January-March 2017

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Weledji: Large bowel obstruction

of strangulation (20%–40%), but a patient with chronic are preserved. The surgical treatment of sigmoid and
obstruction may appear generally quite well with normal vital rectosigmoid junction lesions depends on the general status
signs.[4] On the other hand, the patient who has an acute large of the patient, findings at operation, and preference of the
bowel volvulus or an acute closed loop small bowel obstruction operating surgeon. Perhaps, the most common procedure
may be profoundly ill at the time of presentation. Abdominal performed for acutely obstructed left‑sided colonic cancer
distension may be so marked as to render further assessment of is Hartmann’s operation (left‑sided segmental resection
the intra‑abdominal contents impossible. Rarely a mass be felt, without primary anastomosis). The advantages have no
or an irregularly enlarged liver may suggest a malignant lesion anastomosis, limited mobilization required, resection of
as the cause of obstruction. Hernia orifices must be examined obstructing lesion, and preservation of proximal colon.
in all cases of intestinal obstruction although hernias are The disadvantages are stoma formation, high morbidity of
unusual cause of LBO.[5,16] Although rectal examination will reversal, and up to 50% are not reversed. More recently,
rarely provide a diagnosis as a true rectal lesion rarely causes surgical practice has moved toward one‑stage procedures
LBO, it must always be performed in bowel obstruction. for LBO. The advantages are avoiding stoma, resecting the
Symptoms such as rectal bleeding and Tenesmus herald its lesion, and preserving the proximal colon. The disadvantages
discovery before obstruction ensues. The rectum will be empty are the potential for anastomotic leakage and the possibility
unless the cause of the problem is impacted feces. A pelvic of a synchronous proximal lesion. A subtotal colectomy with
mass may be palpable, and the presence of blood and mucus ileosigmoid or ileorectal anastomosis is indicated if, in the
on the glove is suggestive of a distal neoplasm. Assessment obstructed colon, the quality of the proximal bowel is poor
of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is necessary as with respect to anastomosis because of edema, fecal loading,
most of these patients will require surgery.[5,16] shutdown of the splanchnic blood supply, and an inconsistent
marginal vessel. The anastomosis has a good blood supply
A plain abdominal X‑ray (AXR) will show the distribution
from the ileum and proximal diversion is unnecessary. As
of gas and its distal limits, and it can thus distinguish
the whole of the proximal colon is removed, undetected
small from LBO. AXR features of LBO include distended
synchronous lesions, which may be missed in the absence
colon (over 5 cm) proximal to the obstructing lesion,
of preoperative imaging, are removed and subsequent
collapsed colon distally (“cutoff” sign). Distended large
colonoscopic surveillance can be avoided. The main
bowel tends to lie peripherally and to show the haustrations
perceived disadvantage is postoperative bowel frequency
of the taenia coli, which does not extend across the whole
of twice per day with ileosigmoid anastomosis increasing
width of the bowel. Distended small bowel may also be
to three per day after ileorectal anastomosis. Subtotal
seen if the ileocecal valve is incompetent.[17] Only rarely
colectomy is of course inadvisable in patients with sphincter
is the cause of obstruction detectable on plain films of the
dysfunction or fecal incontinence.[5,6,11,16] On‑table lavage is
abdomen. The advent of modern, fast multidetector computed
most appropriate for obstructing rectal lesions amenable to
tomography (MDCT) scanners has changed management
primary resection, where preservation of colon above a low
strategies for acute abdominal conditions including suspected
anastomosis is desirable.[17] A chronic LBO can be admitted
LBO in all groups of patients, especially the elderly
electively for colonoscopic investigations before definitive
infirm, and those on intensive care/high dependency unit
elective surgery.[4‑6,16] Self‑expandable metal stents are now
(ITU/HDU). MDCT was shown to be more accurate in the
being used more widely in the management of malignant
diagnosis of LBO. It is usually available on a 24‑h basis, and
low  (distal to the splenic flexure) left‑sided LBO. These
in many institutions, it has replaced the urgent water‑soluble
stents are placed endoscopically under fluoroscopic control
contrast enema X‑ray indicated in all cases of apparent LBO
through the obstructing lesion and can remain in place for
but contraindicated in the presence of peritonitis and in
a prolonged period where the stent is definitive palliative
toxic megacolon.[18] It also has the advantage of excluding
treatment or alternatively can decompress the colon, and
incidental findings and in staging malignant disease.
after staging and a complete workup, a definitive one‑stage
The management of LBO depends on its presentation. resection and anastomosis may be possible.[19] The stents
If intervention is not forthcoming following progressive are expensive, but they appear to be cost‑effective. Colonic
symptoms of chronic obstruction over a period, stenting as a bridge to surgery provides surgical advantages,
acute‑on‑chronic obstruction may supervene. These acute as higher primary anastomosis rate and a lower overall
presentations are managed as an emergency to prevent stoma rate, without increasing the risk of anastomotic leak
imminent perforation and fecal peritonitis.[6,16,18] Following or intra‑abdominal abscess.[20] However, these results should
resuscitation, a water‑soluble gastrografin contrast enema be interpreted with caution because of few studies reported
X‑ray may show the level of obstruction and importantly data on these outcomes.[21] Further randomized controlled
exclude a pseudo‑obstruction if a CT scan is not available.[16] trials are needed including a larger number of patients and
The penalty of misdiag nosis in pseudo‑obstruction is an evaluating long‑term results  (overall survival and quality
unnecessary laparotomy in a poor‑risk patient.[15] Obstructing of life) and cost‑effectiveness.[22] Optimal treatment in
carcinomas of right colon are treated by right hemicolectomy advanced disease remains controversial. Complications of
and of splenic flexure by extended right hemicolectomy. perforation and bleeding are possible but uncommon, and
This removes cancer and obstructed right colon and results it is likely this technique will be used more widely in the
in a well‑vascularized ileocolic anastomosis. Postoperative future. At present, the treatment of distal colonic obstruction
diarrhea is rarely problematic as the sigmoid and rectum is individually tailored to each patient.[20,21]

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Weledji: Large bowel obstruction

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