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Effect of Physiotherapy Treatment on Frozen Shoulder: a Case Study

Article · January 2015

DOI: 10.5958/0973-5674.2015.00028.3

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2 authors, including:

Sonu Punia
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology


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DOI Number: 10.5958/0973-5674.2015.00028.3

Effect of Physiotherapy Treatment on Frozen

Shoulder: a Case Study

Punia Sonu1, Sushma2

Teaching Associate , Student, Department of Physiotherapy, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology

Hisar (Haryana)


Objective: To determine the effectiveness of physiotherapy management in patients with frozen


Materials and Method: A rehabilitation protocol was followed to treat diagnosed frozen shoulder patient.
Result: In this study, Reduction in pain, improvement in range of motion and able to do activities of
daily living after giving physiotherapy management.

Conclusion: this study concluded that Various therapeutic techniques like hot packs, ultrasound,
capsular stretches, strengthening exercises and home regime have a significant effect in reducing pain,
increasing range of motion and stiffness of joints in frozen shoulder.

Keywords: Frozen shoulder, Physiotherapy.

INTRODUCTION Frozen shoulder was first described as

periarthritis by Duplay in 1872. Codman coined the
Frozen shoulder is also termed as adhesive termed as ‘frozen shoulder ’in 1934. J.S.Naviaser
capsulitis, stiff painful shoulder, or periarthritis coined the term ‘adhesive capsulitis’ in 1945. He
is a common cause of shoulder pain is a common found dense adhesions and capsular contractures
cause of shoulder pain. It is estimated to affect 2- causing in restriction of motion, intra-articular pain
5% of the general population.1 Frozen shoulder is and microscopic evidence of reparative inflammatory
a rheumatological enigma.2 Frozen shoulder is a changes in the glenohumaral joint capsule.
ill-understood disorder. It affects the glenohumeral
joint, possibly involving a non-specific chronic Many authors have a�empted to explain the
inflammatory reaction, mainly of the subsynovial cause of frozen shoulder. Some have suggested an
tissue, resulting in capsular and synovial thickening. autoimmune phenomenon. Others have suggested the
Frozen shoulder is used to denote a limitation of condition is a variant of sympathetic reflex dystrophy.
shoulder motion without abnormalities of the joint However, patients generally do not improve after
surface, fracture or dislocation. The onset of frozen what is probably the most effective treatment for
shoulder is usually gradual and idiopathic. The sympathetic reflex probably the most clinically useful
disease occurs mainly in middle aged individuals and classification of the frozen shoulder defines primary
is usually self-limiting but the duration and severity and secondary forms. In the primary form, no other
may vary greatly.3 Most studies have suggested a self identifiable systemic condition or local shoulder
limiting condition lasting an average of two to three disease explains the patient’s pain and loss of range
years, although significant numbers of people have of motion. Most of the literature on diagnosis and
residual clinically detectable restriction of movement treatment refers to the primary form. In the secondary
beyond three years and smaller numbers have form, a predisposing condition usually is associated
residual disability.1 with the patient’s pain and loss of movement. Patients
with hemi paresis from a stroke or other upper motor
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2015, Vol. 9, No. 1 137

neuron lesion frequently develop a secondary frozen Conservative management strategies for frozen
shoulder. Frozen shoulder might coexist with other shoulder frequently include combination of varied
local shoulder disorders, such as impingement types of interventions such as rest, medications,
syndrome. Other predisposing conditions include acupuncture, physical agents, postural or ergonomic
cervical spondylosis, recent thoracic surgery, thoracic advice, slings and range of motion exercise programs.
(such as a Pancoast tumor), and coronary artery Therapy includes manual therapy; ROM exercises,
disease.5 specific stretching and strengthening exercises and
aerobic program and modalities are available such as
Information on the treatment and prognosis
interferential therapy, ultrasound, and hot therapy.
of frozen shoulder is inadequate and based largely
There is no doubt that physiotherapy treatment is
on individual practice experience rather than
promising and cost effective treatment option and
randomized controlled clinical trials. There is as
aimed at relieving the pressure on nerves causing
yet no definitive agreement on the most effective
the inflammation and pain. This present study is
form of treatment. Initial treatment is aimed at
done on patients’ diagnosed frozen shoulder with a
reducing inflammation and increasing range of
physiotherapy treatment protocol.
motion. Thus analgesic and anti-inflammatory
drugs are commonly used. Most type of treatment RELEVANT ANATOMY, ETIOLOGY AND
focus primarily on restoration of mobility. Although PATHOLOGY OF SHOULDER
physical therapies such as massage, heat application,
The shoulder is a complex, ball and socket
ultrasound, interferential treatment, osteopathic
synovial joint, composed of the humerus, scapula
, chiropractic techniques and stretching and
and the clavicle. The labrum is a ring cartilage that
isometric exercise therapy are routinely prescribed,
surrounds and deepens the glenoid cavity of the
the efficacy is variable. Controversial results are
scapula. The resting position of the glenohumeral joint
reported with manipulation under anesthesia,
is 550 of abduction and 300 of horizontal adduction.
distension arthography, and arthoscopic surgery. In
What makes the shoulder unique among all the joints
osteoporotic or postsurgical frozen shoulder, an open
of the body is that its support, stability and integrity
release with lysis of adhesions and capsule release is
depend on muscles rather than bones and ligaments.
recommanded. Intra-articular corticosteriod injection
However recent studies have shown that it is the
and suprascapular nerve block have also been
group of muscles known as the rotator cuff that is most
strongly advocated. Metaanalysis of randomized
commonly involved in myofascial pathologies of the
controlled trials evaluating interventions for painful
shoulder. The rotator cuff muscle group is comprised
shoulder from 1966 to 1995, however, failed to find
of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and
evidence to support or refute the efficacy of these
subscapularis muscles. According to Klab, 95% of all
cases of shoulder pain are a�ributable to the tendons
Acupuncture has been reported to be effective of the rotator cuff becoming impinged between the
for the treatment of frozen shoulder or shoulder greater tuberosity of the humerus and the anterior
arthritis. Hansen reported that 5 minute acupuncture edge of acromion, especially during motions that
treatment sessions were equally as effective for neck positions the arm above the head. Thus, impingement
and shoulder pain when compared with 20 minute syndromes are the most frequent type of shoulder
sessions. However, there was an imbalance between pathology and often the result of the cumulative
the groups studied in terms of the pretreatment visual effect of the rotator cuff tendons constantly passing
analogue score, and this combined with the limited under the acromion hood.6
trial size suggested these results may not be reliable.4
Manipulation under anesthesia combined with
The etiology of the frozen shoulder remains
early physiotherapy alleviates shoulder pain and
unknown. Lundburg and helbig et al proposed
facilitates of shoulder function in patients with frozen
primary and secondary classifications for cases that
shoulder syndrome.
occur spontaneous and for those that results trauma.
138 Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2015, Vol. 9, No. 1

The primary, idiopathic cases are the most common 60 O degree abduction, 90 degree lateral rotation of
and the least understood. The unknown stimulus humerus, 30O rotation of scapula and 30-50O rotation
produces profound histological changes in the capsule up to 15 degree elevation of clavicle.8
that are substantially different from changes produced
by immobilization and degeneration. Secondary
frozen shoulder commonly develops after a variety of The natural history of frozen shoulder follows a
antecedent episodes, such as central nervous system classic cycle of “freezing”, “frozen”, and “thawing”.
involvement, upper limb immobilization, and trauma There is an acute onset of pain that often worsens
to the arm, pulmonary cancer or infection, myocardial during the first weeks or months. The pain of
infarction, lengthy duration of intravenous infusion, frozen shoulder is present during both activity
cervical disk disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or diabetes and rest, resulting in long term sleep disturbances.
mellitus. Quigley hypothesized that minor trauma or Arm movement of the shoulder also aggravates the
an episode of inflammation may produce pain, which symptoms. Limitation of the shoulder motion is the
eventually leads to disuse and the classical restriction frequent symptom. Motion is guarded, and the arm is
of motion characterizing frozen shoulder. Lloyd and held against the body with the shoulder adducted and
Lloyd suggested that secondary frozen shoulder medially rotated. Functional activities that requires
develops when painful spasm limits activity and overhead reaching or behind the back may be difficult
creates dependency of the arm. or impossible because of pain. Disuse atrophy may
be evident in the rotator cuff. Capsular contractures
limit the range and thus, produce a capsular end feel7.
Features of this pathologic condition include Both Yergason’s test11 (resisted forearm supination
chronic capsular inflammation with fibrosis with elbow flexed to 90’) and Speed’s test12 (resisted
and perivascular infiltration. Although several shoulder forward flexion) are often positive. Other
researchers found no evidence of inflammation, they pathologies commonly found in the shoulder
concurred that fibrosis exists in the capsule. Chronic involve the muscles or tendons of supraspinatus,
cases of frozen shoulder demonstrate constrictive subscapularis and deltoid. These can be differentiated
capsulitis, characterized by adhesions of synovial by the Empty can test (resisted abduction with arm at
folds; obliteration of the joint cavity; and a thickened, 90’ abduction and medial rotation) and Lift-off sign
contracted capsule that eventually becomes fixed to (patient asked to lift hand off his or her lower back)
the bone.7 and drop-arm test respectively.13

Complex shoulder joint is comprised of mainly Many treatments have been advocated for
three joint glenohumeral joint, stenoclavicular frozen shoulder. The existence of so many different
joint and acromioclavicular joint. The coordinating treatments, each with its own group of enthusiastic
movement of these joint during arm movement is supporters, suggests that no single treatment is
referred to as scapulahumeral rhythm. Inman and unequivocally superior to others. The fundamental
Colleagues in 1944 showed the kinematics of the goal of treatment is to restore and maintain function.
shoulder abduction, occurring at a ratio of 2:1. a full Corticosteroid injections have long advocated for
arc of 1800 of shoulder abduction is the result of a treating frozen shoulder joint, into the adjacent soft
simultaneous 1200 of glenohumeral joint abduction tissues, or into the subacromial bursa1. Many studies
and 600 of scapulothoracic upward rotation. Stage have included early mobilization and gentle range
1 includes Glenohumeral movement alone for first of motion exercises should be part of managing all
30O, inferior angle of scapula should not move patients with shoulder dysfunction. Exercise should
and Clavicle elevate 5 O. Stage 2 includes Scapular be two types stretching exercises to prevent further
elevation and upward rotation (200) point glenoid loss of range of motion and promote faster return to
cavity towards the ceiling humeral head glides normal range, and strengthening. A physiotherapist’s
inferiorly by 90O revealing a sulcus. Stage 3 includes most useful role is in patient education and instruction
Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2015, Vol. 9, No. 1 139

in appropriate exercise to prevent loss of further • Resisted exercises in available range are added (15
range and strength5.Among all the above treatments repts)
physiotherapy play a significant role in the treatment
of frozen shoulder. After through assessment
physiotherapy rehabilitation protocol was given to 5 patients (3 females 2 males) diagnosed case
the patients. The protocol is as follows4. of frozen shoulder were randomly included in the
study. They were assessed by a fixed assessment
protocol prior to the commencement of the study.
Subjects included whom had Painful, restricted
DAY 1-5 active and passive range of motion of the shoulder,
symptoms present for at least 1 month, absence of
• Hot packs for 15 minutes so as to relax the muscles radiological evidence of glenohumeral joint arthritis
around shoulder complex. and had capsular pa�ern of motion restriction.
• Ultrasonic therapy: 0.8 wa�s with 1 MHz frequency Subjects were excluded if any subject had taken local
probe for 10 minutes for breaking the adhesions as corticosteroid therapy currently and within the last
well as relieving pain. 3 months, and had history of any neuromuscular
• Shoulder joint capsule stretching (4 times) diseases, Pregnancy and diagnosis of cancer within
• GH Caudal glides (4sets of 10 rep. each) 12 months10.

• GH Posterior glides (4 sets of 10 rep. each) DISCUSSION

• Long axis traction of glenohumeral joint (5 mins)
Frozen shoulder is often diagnosed and
• Passive movements
managed. This is partially due to a lack of agreement
• Finger ladder exercise about definitions and classification of this disorder,
• Shoulder wheel exercise for 15 minutes confusing terminology and difficulty differentiating
• Home regime it from other conditions. The frozen shoulder is
• Hot water fomentation characterized by an unknown etiology, spontaneous
• Pendular exercises and gradual onset of pain and a global restriction
of movement in the GH joint due to contractures
• Wall finger climbing exercises
and loss of compliance of the capsule. While the
• Self assisted exercise.
etiology is typically unknown, there can be a history
DAY 6-10 of minor trauma and occasional significant injury.
Exercises are same while number of repetitions is An important component of successful management
increased of frozen shoulder syndrome is educating patients
• Shoulder joint capsule stretching (6 times) and informing them about the planned treatment
modalities. Objectives of physiotherapy and
• GH Caudal glides (6 sets of 10 rep. each till end
rehabilitation applications in patients with frozen
shoulder are to prevent disability, to increase
• GH Posterior glides (6 sets of 10 rep. each till end functional capacity, and to provide pain relief .In
range) this study five cases of frozen shoulder were taken, 3
• Long axis traction of glenohumeral joint (7 times) females and 2 males. The age of patients were ranging
• Hold relax exercises (7 repts) from 35-60 years. All of them suffered from global
restriction of movements and pain in the shoulder
• Resisted exercises in available range are added (10
region. Patients also displayed a feature of nocturnal
repts) pain in common. A standardized assessment
DAY 11-15 performa was used to assess the patient.
Exercises are kept same and the numbers of repetitions
Case 1 presented with pain and stiffness in
are increased.
left shoulder, global restriction of movements and
• Hold relax exercise (10 repts)
difficulty in ADL’s .VAS score was 7 before treatment
140 Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. January-March 2015, Vol. 9, No. 1

and after physiotherapy treatment reduced to 3. Pain Ethical Clearance : The research was approved
reduced and also stiffness in joint was reduced. She was from the ethical commi�ee of department of
able to activities of daily living. Case 2 presented with physiotherapy, guru Jambheshwar University of
science & technology, hisar.
pain and stiffness in right shoulder, nocturnal pain,
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Source of Funding: The work done in the study 13. Monteleone P. Gaetano, “rotation handout family
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from a conference presentation. April 2004.
Conflict of Interest: There was no conflict of interest.

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