Bataan Peninsula State University Dinalupihan Campus Dinalupihan, Bataan

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Bataan Peninsula State University

Dinalupihan Campus
Dinalupihan, Bataan 54

Chapter 5


This chapter consists of the summary, conclusion, and recommendation which the

researchers arrived after undertaking the study with respect to the data gathered.

The intention of the study was to find out the Influences of Computer Games to the

Academic Performance of the Second Year College Students at Bataan Peninsula State

University Dinalupihan Campus.

The study made use of the purposive technique, wherein with the help and permit of the

Dean of Instruction, Dr. Nely G. Espino, and the Coordinator of the Teacher- Education

Program, Dr. Glenda C. Magno, the researchers were able to gather the data from the second

year college students, who play computer games, of BPSU-DC, where it is needed for the

completion of this study.

The gathered data were tallied and subjected to statistical measures such as frequency,

percentage, and rank as basis for analysis and interpretation.

The study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the students be described in terms of their:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender; and

1.3 daily allowance?

Bataan Peninsula State University
Dinalupihan Campus
Dinalupihan, Bataan 55

2. What forms of computer games do the respondents engage with:

2.1 online; and

2.2 offline?

3. How may the computer games influences the academic performance of the respondents in

terms of:

3.1 participation in the class discussion;

3.2 performance in the examinations;

3.3 making projects;

3.4 making homework; and

3.5 punctuality and attendance?

4. How may the influence of computer games be addressed?

Summary of the Findings

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

With the total of 235 respondents, 135 or 57.45 percent of them were seventeen years old

while 4.68 percent or 11 respondents were nineteen years old which is the least common age of

the respondents.
Bataan Peninsula State University
Dinalupihan Campus
Dinalupihan, Bataan 56

1.2 Gender

There are more female respondents than male respondents who, according to the survey,

are engaged in computer games. The number of female respondents was 138 or 58. 72 percent

while the male respondents were 97 or 41.28 percent.

1.3 Daily Allowance

With the total of 235 respondents, 110 or 46.81 percent of the respondents have an

allowance ranging from Php 100- 149 daily, while only 2.55 percent or 6 respondents have a

daily allowance ranging from Php 200 and above.

2. Forms of Computer Games Played by the Respondents

2.1 Online Games

The most commonly played online game by the respondents was Candy Crush Saga with

the frequency of 152 or 64.68 percent while the least was Flyff played by 13 or 5.53 percent of

the respondents. The total frequency of the online games was 513.

2.2 Offline Games

The most commonly played offline game was Plants vs. Zombies that was playedby 171

out of 235 or 72.77 percent of the respondents. On the other hand, Devil May Cry, Heroes of

Newerth and Peggle were the least common offline games played by only 19 or 8.09 percent of

the respondents. Offline games garnered total frequency of 798 outnumbering the total frequency

of online games.
Bataan Peninsula State University
Dinalupihan Campus
Dinalupihan, Bataan 57

3. Influence of Computer Games to the Academic Performance of the Respondents

3.1 Participation in the Class Discussion

The option “I cannot recite properly during recitation” ranked first with an average weight

of 2.51 and an “Always” description while the option “I can easily formulate solutions in

different problems that I’ve encountered during discussion” ranked last with an average weight

of 2.05 and “Sometimes” as its description.

3.2 Performance during Examination

The option “I find it difficult to answer the examination” garnered the highest rank with

an average weight of 2.60 and “Always” as a description. Meanwhile, the option “I can easily

answer problem solving questions” collected an average weight of 2.03, a description of

“Sometimes” and landed last on the ranking.

3.3 Making Projects

“It is difficult for me to make projects” and “I have lesser time to make projects” were the

options that both ranked first with an average weight of 2.40 and a description of “Always”

while the option “I make projects early to have more time playing” placed on the last rank with

an average weight of 1.95 and a description of “Sometimes”.

3.4 Making Homework

“I copy my classmates’ homework” was the option ranked as first having an average

weight of 2.60 and a description of “Always”. On the other hand, “I make my homework early to

have more time playing” landed on the last place with an average weight of 1.98 and

“Sometimes” as its description.

Bataan Peninsula State University
Dinalupihan Campus
Dinalupihan, Bataan 58

3.5 Punctuality and Attendance

With an average weight of 2.74 and having the description of “Always”, the option “I cut

classes” ranked as the first place while the option “I manage my time properly” ranked last with

an average weight of 2.39 and an “Always” description.

4. Ways to Address the Influences

More than half of the respondents chose the option “The use of computer should be

limited” as their best solution to address the problem which was favored by 171 or 72.77 percent

of the respondents while only 35 or 14.89 percent of the respondents agreed on the option

“Parents should let their children play educational computer games”.

On the other hand, one of the respondents suggested that “Students should have

discipline” as a way to address the influence of computer games.


In the light of the research findings, the researchers arrived at the followings conclusions.

1. Among all second year college students of Bataan Peninsula State University

Dinalupihan Campus, 235 admitted that they were playing computer games. Majority of

these 235 students were female, seventeen years old and belongs to the middle class


2. Online games or the games making use of internet connection and Offline games or the

games that can be played without connecting to the internet were the two forms of

computer games that were being played by the respondents. Candy Crush Saga was the

most commonly played online games while Plants Vs. Zombie was the most commonly
Bataan Peninsula State University
Dinalupihan Campus
Dinalupihan, Bataan 59

played offline. Offline games were more commonly played by the respondents than

online games.

3. There were influences of computer games to the different areas of the academic

performance of the respondents such as participation during class discussion,

performance in the examinations, making projects, making homework and punctuality

and attendance. The most influenced area was the punctuality and attendance of the

respondents. The influences were commonly negative.

4. By limiting the use of computers, guidance of parents and teachers, passing ordinances

on the proper management of internet café around the school, and strict implementation

of those ordinances may address the influence of computer games to the respondents’

academic performance.


Based on the findings and conclusions made, the following were here by recommended

by the researchers.

1. The administration should have a partnership on the university’s Management of

Information System (MIS) and other computer game producer to create educational

computer games intended for female students which will help them on their studies.

The administration should also provide different activities involving female gamers

that will help them to avoid playing computer games. Moreover, parents should make

sure that the money intended to be the school allowances of their children are

properly disbursed.
Bataan Peninsula State University
Dinalupihan Campus
Dinalupihan, Bataan 60

2. The management of internet café’s around the vicinity of the campus should avoid

offering online and offline games which are addicting and commonly played by the

students. They should implement policies that will prohibit the students on playing

computer games. The management must assure that the students use their computers

only to school-related deeds. Furthermore, the administration should have an

agreement to the leaders of the Municipality of Dinalupihan for more strong

ordinances about it.

3. The teacher should strictly implement the policy of the school in terms of the

attendance written in the Student Handbook, Part Three, Chapter Three, Section 19,

20, 21, 22, and 24. The teacher should also summon the parents of students who

frequently take absences.

4. The parents should guide and discipline their children at home and required them to

lessen their time on playing computer games and provide their children other

recreational activities that will help their kids to avoid playing computer games. In

addition, the teachers should help the parents to guide the students. They should

explain to their students the effects of computer games to their performance

academically. They should be the one to initiate seminars and lectures about it.

5. The following are recommended for further studies:

5.1 Awareness of the Students on the Negative Effects of Computer Games.

5.2 Impacts of Computer Games to the Behavior of the Students.

5.3 Symptoms of Computer Games Addiction.

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