The Giant World History Study Guide of Doom

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The Giant World History Study Guide of Doom

Renaissance and Reformation Test

Multiple Choice

Brethren of the Common Life represent

-An example of Pre-reformation popular piety

Martin Luther wrote his letter to Archbishop Albert in response to

-New campaign to sell indulgences

According to Luther, salvation

-Comes from God's free gift of grace

In 95 Theses, Luther criticized the selling of indulgences for all of the following reasons except that it -failed to
release souls from purgatory

John Knox was influential in the Reformation in


As a result of the Peace of Augsburg, the people of Germany

-Became either Lutheran or Catholic depending on the preference of their prince

The protestant Reformation in Germany

-Contributed to its continued fragmentation

Calvin's reform movement was

-Thoroughly integrated into the civil government of Geneva

According to Calvin, the elect were

-Those individuals chosen for salvation

The dissolution of the English monasteries

-Resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth

The Reformation in England was primarily the result of

-Dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VIII

The pope refused to annul Henry VIII's marriage for all of the following except that

-Henry's case for annulment had no justifiable basis in canon law

The Catholic Reformation sought to

-Stimulate a new spiritualism

The Italian urban nobility were united by all of the following except

-Antagonism with the rural nobility

All of the following were among the Italian powers that dominated the peninsula except


The 1st artistic and literary manifestations of the Italian Renaissance appeared in


The Italian Popola

-Desired government offices and equality of taxation

Italian balance of power diplomacy

-Was designed to prevent a single Italian state from dominating the peninsula

The Italian Renaissance had as one of its central components

-A glorification of individual genius

Italian humanists stressed the

-Study of the classics for what they could reveal about human nature

The most important factor in the emergence of the Italian Renaissance was the

-Decline of religious feeling

The leaders of the Catholic Church

-Readily adopted renaissance spirit

Rich individuals sponsored artists and works of art

-To glorify themselves and their families

Renaissance culture was

-That of a small, urban business elite

According to Machiavelli, the sole test of "good" government was whether it

-Was effective

Which of the following describes a major difference between northern humanists and Italian humanists?

-Both looked to classical sources, but northern humanists also emphasized Christian sources

Define and Explain

Johann Guttenburg: created the printing press in Mainz (1512). The invention of the printing press
allowed many more copies of books to be spread around, such as the bible. More people began reading
and sharing ideas, those who read the bible started interpreting it differently, aiding in the start of the

Archbishop Albert and John Tetzel: Pope Leo X wanted to finish building St. Peter’s Cathedral, but
needed money. He allowed Albert to become archbishop if he sold indulgences. He hired Friar John
Tetzel to sell indulgences for him, this bothered Martin Luther, for he believed that indulgences should not
be sold as a way to heaven instead of doing penance, so he wrote “95 Theses” on the subject of

John Calvin and Predestination: creator of Calvinism believed that God predestined all people to heaven
or hell, no one could change this. Their behavior while on Earth would be the best marker to tell where
they might be predestined, but it was still unsure. Calvinism was later adopted in Geneva, Switzerland,
France (Huguenots), Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, and Scotland (courtesy of John Knox).

Peace of Augsburg: A treaty between German princes allowing them to decide what religion their citizens
would follow. This let princes choose their desired religion. Northern princes were mostly protestant and
southern princes were mostly catholic. Treaty resulted in increased fragmentation.

Index: A list of books banned by the catholic church to read, own, or sell.

Petrarch: Father of Humanism, believed people should “go back to the basics” or return to Greek/Roman

Council of Trent: A gathering of bishops and archbishops to reform the catholic church.

Huguenot: Name for Calvinists in France.

Jesuits: Group of Christians created to revive Catholicism after the Reformation; searched for converts
and built schools.

Classics: Works of literature from the Greek/Roman era.

John Knox: Started the Reformation in Scotland with Calvinism.

Anabaptist: Religious group during the Reformation, believed followers should be rebaptized to give the
choice of whether or not to be Christian as an adult.

Geneva: Where Calvinism was 1st permanently followed.

Renaissance: Meaning “rebirth”. An era after the crusades of new ideas and priorities; the birth of
secularism, individualism, and humanism.

Renaissance Man: A person who is of master knowledge in al the known subjects: science, drawing,
painting, sculpting, mathematics, English.

Classical Culture: Cultures of ancient Rome and Greece.

Rome Test
Taylor McKay
Define And Explain

Huns-Germanic Tribes

Group of Mongol nomads who invaded central Asia, led by Atila the Hun. Franks, Vandals,
Burgundians, fled from the Hun invasion and across the Rhine River. At this point, the Roman
Empire was weak, vulnerable, and unable to stop the flood of barbarians.

“Crossint the Rubicon”

The river crossed by Julius Caesar with his army when asked to return home in the middle of a
conquest. This was considered treason to march into your home city with troops. It was marked
as Caesar’s point of no return.

“Bread and Circuses”

Food and entertainment for rich and poor citizens of Rome. Payed for by political officials to
keep the public satisfied and to keep their minds away from their problems. This, unfortunately,
didn’t rid the Romans of their problems; it only worsened them. Bread and Circuses easily
contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire.

Edict of Milan

The treaty passed by Constantine which legalized Christianity as a religion. Because of this
Christianity was able to grow and spread further quickly, across Europe.

Fill in de friggn blank.

1. Inflation- a drastic drop in value coupled with a rise in prises.

2. Diocletian- This man divided the Roman Empire into western and eastern halves.

3. Byzantium- The capital of the Roman Empire was moved to this city in AD. 330.

4. Actium- Battle in which Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra.

5. Pax Romana- Period of Roman peace and prosperity.

6. Hannibal- Carthaginian general who defeated the Romans at the battle of Cannae.

7. Battle of Zama – Battle in which the Roman general Scipio defeated Hannibal’s army on
their Carthaginian soil

8. Plebians- name for common peoples in Roman society.

9. Particians- name for wealthy people in Roman society.

10. Praetors- name for 8 Roman judges.

11. Augustine- early church father who wrote City of God.

12. Constantine- This man moved the capital of the Roman Empire and issued the Edict of Milan

13. Caesar, Pompey, Crassus- First Triumverate

14. Octavian, Antony, Lepidus, -sceond Triumverate

15. Romulus and Remus- Legendary founders of Rome.

16. Adrianople- Battle that signified Rome could no longer defend its borders.

17. Marcus Aurelius- last of 5 good emperors of Rome

18. gladiators – professional fighters

19. Virgil – poet who wrote Aenid.

20. Gracchus – last name of two brothers who were tribunes and worked to make reforms. Both

21. Legion – division of Roman Army made up of around 5,000 men.

22. Augustus- Man who’s reign officially began the Pax Romana and the Roman Empire.

23. Sulla – Military dictator who represented the interests of the wealthy and was eventually

24. Marious – military dictator who represented commoners and lost to man in previous

Middle Ages Test

Questions (Answers to follow)
1. The Crusades launched by European Christians at the end of the 11th Century were
2. The 2 principle characters in the investure controversy were the Emperor Henry IV and?
3. The assimilation of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings is best personified by?
4. The permanent legacy of the Crusades include the deep bitterness between Christians
and Muslims and the?
5. As a consequence of the 4th crusade?
6. The primary obligation of the serf was to?
7. Gothic Cathedrals were?
8. Edward the Conquerer had the Domesday book compiled because?
9. Themes in the Traubador poetry included?
10. The most signifigant barrier to the centralization of Germany was?
Fill in the Blank

1. Frankish ruler who reunited Western Europe for the 1st time since the fall of the Roman
2. Battle in which Charles Martel stopped the Muslim advance into Western Europe.
3. This cousin of Edward the confessor claimed the English
Throne and invaded and conquered England.
4. Year in which number 3 accoured.
5. War between England and France, 1337-1453 over who should ascend the French
6. Divinly inspired young woman who helped the French drive the English from their
lands during the Hundred Years’ War.
7. English king who claimed the right to the French Throne because he was the grandson
of Philip IV.
8. Name for the time period in which the papacy was run from Avignon.
9. French king who set out to weaken the power of the English kings in France. He gained
Normandy from King John. He ruled form 1180-1223.
10. Battle that changed the course of English History. In this battle, Anglo-Saxons Harold
Goodwinson was defeated by his Norman rival.


Middle Ages Test Answers

Multiple Choices

1. Papal Efforts to unite the western European kings under the banner of common faith.
2. Gregory VII
3. Edward the Confessor
4. Continued and flourishing commercial contact between Europeans and Muslims
5. The Byzantine empire was wounded
6. Work on the Lords Land
7. Symbols of civic pride and urban wealth
8. Tax accurately and to set feudal obligations
9. Courtly love and carnal desires

Fill in the Blank

1. Clovis
2. Tours
3. William the Conqueror
4. 1066
5. 100 years war
6. Joan of Arc
7. Edward III
8. Babylonian captivity
9. Philip II
10. Battle of Hastings
11. Otto I
12. Lord
13. Vassel
14. Fiet
15. Clovis
16. Pepith the short
17. Benedict
18. Tithe
19. Series
20. Parliament




Outside Information


Point of View



Ancient Greece
1. First greek civilization that arose on the island of
2. wars in which daris tried to punish greece for helping
the ionians in their revolt
3. wars between athens and sparta
4. gov. in which all the citizens have a say in all matters
5. clay tablet on which athenians voted to exile members who
threatened the stability of the city state
6. art that emphasized balance order and proportion
7. philosopher who was a student of socrates and techer of
aristotle he wrote the repuublic and spoke about ledership
as being the role of a philosopher king
9this young man became kind of macedonia at a very young
age, he then built a larger empre conqering the persian
empire and india
10blend of greek egyption indian and persian cultures
11type of gov. in which a small group is in control
12spartan leader who was defeated by persian forces in a
narrow pass between the mtns and the sea in the second major
battle of the answer to nmber 3.
13name of the battle in number eleven that was fought in a
narrow pass between mountains and sea
14this man placed earth at center of the universe and this
theory was accepted for the next fourteen centries
15man who opened school of geometry in alexandria
16this school of thought proposed that people should live a
virtual life in harmony w/ natural law
school of thought taught that the greatest good and highest
pleasure came from virtous conduce and the absence of pain
17indo eropeans who migrated from the eutrasion steppes and
settled on the greek mainland arond 2000 bc. their cultre
fell due to internal fighting
18group of ppl who moved into a war torn greece affter 1200
bc under their control the centralized economy collapsed and
the art of writing was forgotten
19league formed by athens to protect greece from petsia
20legaue formed by sparta to preotect city states from
21author of greece's legendary epics
22type of gov. w/ one man hereditary rule
23the fundamental political unit in ancient greece
24wrote athens first legal code
25serious drama about common themese sch as love hate and
26states men who reformed the policies of the athenian
oligarchy in 594 bc; his reforms inclded abolishing debt for
27leader of athens dring its golden age of athenian
28battle ni which athens defeated darius' forces
29type of gov. w/ one man rule in which power was seized by
illegal means
30sparten elected officials who carried out the laws passed
by their assembly
31spartan officials who proposed laws on which the assembly
32sea battle in which athens defeated persia
33athenian officials who proposed laws on which the athenian
assembly voted
34greek heroic ideal meaning virtue and excellence
35macedonian king who began conquest of greece
36city which became the foremost center of culture after the
conqest of alexander the great.

direct democrary
classical art
alexander the great ( you MUSt have "the great")
hellenistic cultre
council of 500
philip II


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