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Ms VA IIRAM & RAVI SS Sel = INDEX, ag -Security Issues Pee ee SrNo CHAPTER Page No. a Linkage between Development and Spread of Extremism 1 2. _Indie’s intemal Security Challenges 10 Role of State and non-State actois- a in creating challenges to intemal Security 13 oe Challenges to Internal Security through Communication Networks 24 5. — Role of Media and Social Networking sites in Internal Security Challenges 30 6. Basics of Cyber Security 36 T ‘Mandy Laundeiny andi Provernign 50 8 ‘Security Challenges and their management in border areas 53 8. Linkages of Organized crime with Terrorism 66 10. Various Security Forces and Agencies and their Mandate: 80 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL White Paper on-Black Money 98 Naxalism: The biggest threat te India 108 Organized Crime in India 114 EE VAAN SRS) a ‘CHAPTER —1 ~ _ LINKAGE BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT AND SPREAD OF EXTREMISM © Introduction + Linkagesrbelwaen development and Left Wing Extremism + The three worst case scenarios = + Indias Development Policy = Economic Situation = Social Condition + Government of incia's Approach lowarls LWE = Extremism in North East © Aeligious Fundamentalism and Ethni¢ Contlicts _ INTRODUCTION: Development is a multidimensional phenomenon. Some of its major dimensions. Jedlude the level of economic growth, level of education, level of health services, degree modernization, stalus of wamen, level of nutrition, quality of housing, distribution of is and services and access lo communication etc In India, the progress of socio-economic development among major states is not Economic disparities have created social tensions, urban unrest, rural upsurge youth disenchantment. Problems of deprivation. unemployment, poverty. hunger food shortage. lack of housing. overcrowding. degradation of basic amenities. have rise to anger and crime. The problem is getting worse as rise in population adds to the pressure on d without a corresponding increase in supply. These: regional, socio-economic 2es thus emerging oul of non-uniform, unequal development in the Indian society Jed 10 fuel exttemism ‘Such as sub-Nationalism, Communalism, Insurgencies. and Terrorism. Exiremism is any ideology or political act far outside the perceived political centre ‘sociely; or otherwise claimed to violate common moral standards. In indian i¢ set-up, individuals or groups that advocale the replacement of democracy "2 more authoritarian regime are labelled extremisis. Though Exvemisin has gn connotations, India is facing the highest threat to its National Security through of Left Wing Extremism, LWE. BETWEEN DEVELOPMENT AND LEFT WING EXTREMISM ‘Peasant uprising of 1967 in a small village called Naxalbari in West Bengal has 10 9 adjoining ¢tates, forming a led Corridor of Terror and Violent attacks in the part of India. Part of this spread of Naxal Movement is blamed on tho mis- in this geographically difficult terrain, whereas rest is blamed on the istic, violent ideological expanse of Naxals, geting support from-the adjoining Yor their survival Es VA IRAM & RAV] Today, the Maoist movement has spread to central and eastem India. This Nax affected area is called as “Red Corridor. The movement has been charactorized b factionalism through the last thee decades. Even so, Maoist vidlence has boe observed to have escalated since 2004 in ciffefent states in India antl the intensity é violence is increased since 2008. The landmark development towards this wes merging of two iarge splint groups- the People’s War Group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre of inci (MCC) - to form the Communist Party of India-Macist {CPI-Macist) in 2004. All forms of naxalite organisalions have been declared as terrorist organization under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act of India (1967). Accarding to th Goverment of India, 89 districts@Grdss nine states are affected by Left Wing Extremist down from 180 districts int 2009. Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh in his speech on 23 April 2006 identified th problem of Left Wing Extremism as “the single biggest internal security challeng ever faced by our county". in terms of fatalities, the Naxalite violence has sumasse militancy in Jammu & Kashmir and tte insurgency movernents in the Northeast. The areas affected by intense Maoist violence are distressed by the belor mentioned common indicators which give rise to people's grievances and support 16 th Naxal movement in these areas. These common indicators are 1. The governance deficit, whieh focuses on access to primary and secondat ecuEation, basic sustainable employment, basic healtheare facilities, diinkin water, Law & Order, Grievance redressal and the Public Distribution System 2. Geographical indieators — terrain, forest cover in the area, rainfall an accessibility of these areas. i 3. Social and economic indicators- level of poverty, class and cas! divisions, gainful employment of the youth, level of industriatisation and lar holdings. 4. Miscellaneous indicators - drug trafficking, youth population componer religion and conversion issues. role of women and environment indicators. The Naxal activities in ditlerent parts of Red Corridor ara based on the abo! seid indicators. The linkages with other organizations have worsened ihe situations many parts of the corridor The three worst-case scenarios are: 1. Expansion in adjoining areas due to Hard Combat: Hard combat against 1 Naxals pushes them out temporarily but they use other states to regroup rearm. Taking advantage of jurisdiction problems between states small effective groups cary out attacks in different paris of the country and esca; to other states to lie low. This can be associated with ihe Andhra Prade model, where the intensive use of greyhounds had led to a lot of spill over other slates.

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