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PART 1 - PAIR DISCUSSIONS - Useful expressions for discussions and debates

Agreeing On the whole, woman are more honest than men. Checking information
I agree. NB You CAN’T say “According to me”. What exactly do you mean by “modern art”?
That’s right. What exactly do you mean when you say “rebellious”?
That’s correct. Asking for an opinion Sorry, could you explain that point?
That’s true. What do you think about the film? Tell us a bit more about the effects of homelessness.
You’re right. How do you feel about this? Can you give us an example of computer addiction?
You’re absolutely right. What’s your opinion (on .....)?
I agree that air pollution is a problem. Do you agree with me that it’s the wrong thing to do? Being certain... or not so certain
That’s exactly what I think. What does anyone else think about this? I’m quite certain about this.
Yes, I feel the same about the prices – they’re too high. I’m absolutely certain about this.
Persuading The death penalty frightens people, and that’s a fact!
Agreeing in part But think about it like this. There’s no question about the dangers of smoking.
You may have a point. Surely you must agree that women are paid less? I know for sure that animals suffer pain.
I agree with you up to a point. Let me put it another way. Absolutely!
You’ve got a point, but.... Try to see it from their point of view. Definitely!
I see what you mean, but... I’ve got the feeling that fashion is to blame.
Interrupting I may be wrong, but I think there are too many people
Disagreeing Excuse me, can I just say something about this? in the group.
I (totally) disagree. Sorry, but can I just interrupt you a second?
I don’t agree. Yes, but wait a minute.... Getting angry
No, that’s not right. OK, but..... I can’t believe this!
That’s not true. Yes, I see what you mean but.... You can’t be serious!
It’s simply not true that TV is bad for children. You must be joking!
I don’t think you’re right about that. Avoiding interruption Just listen to me!
I’m sorry, I can’t agree with you about nuclear energy. OK. I’ve almost finished. That’s it! I’ve had enough!
Well, I don’t see it that way. Just let me finish. I’m not listening to any more of this!
Can I just finish this point?
Giving an opinion Do you mind? You’ll get your turn in a moment. Being polite... and not so polite
I feel that.... Would you mind being quiet for a moment!
My feeling is that things have changed a lot. Explaining yourself Perhaps you could consider this point?
In my opinion, the government has failed. What I really mean is.... I’m not sure that I can agree with you on that.
Personally, I think this sort of music is boring. My point is that language is changing all the time. Listen!
I don’t think she’s going to succeed. The point I’m trying to make is that footballers are Rubbish! Nonsense!
It seems to me that she’s doing well. overpaid. Look, you’re not making any sense here!
In general........ What I’m trying to say is.....
Generally speaking....
SPEED-DISCUSSING - Hold a 3 minute discussion with partner on a topic - change partners every 2 discussion questions - 3 rounds

1. We should forgive and forget 21. We should follow the law rather than 36. Charity is a mistake
2. We should question authority our consciences 37. Power corrupts
3. When in doubt, run 22. We know too much 38. America is the most dangerous country
4. Heroism is folly 23. We should always put the rights of the on earth
5. Chaos is preferable to order individual before those of society 39. Good government requires hypocrisy
6. We have too much freedom 24. No pain, no gain 40. This house believes that religion does
7. Every man has his price 25. When the Gods wish to punish us, they more harm than good
8. We should not compromise on answer our prayers 41. This house believes that the classless
principles 26. The pen is mightier than the sword society is a dangerous pipe dream
9. If you want peace you must prepare for 27. Fear is the best peacemaker 42. That which does not kill us makes us
war 28. We should decide with our hearts, not stronger
10. We get what we deserve with our heads 43. This house believes that it is better for a
11. We should always get even 29. If you give them an inch, they will take leader to be feared than loved
12. Honesty is the greatest virtue a mile 44. Society needs more conformity and less
13. We should seek commitment rather than 30. The more we have, the more we want rebellion
freedom 31. We should prefer pragmatism to 45. Luck is more important than skill
14. Loyalty is folly principle 46. Democracy is a farce
15. Progress is an illusion 32. Our goals should always exceed our 47. Feminism is corrupting the family
16. Memory does more harm than good abilities 48. We should not interfere in other
17. We are the servants and not the masters 33. The great are only great because we are people’s wars
of our machines on our knees 49. An oppressive government is better than
18. We are too serious 34. To travel hopefully is better than to no government
19. We should seek moderation in all things arrive 50. We have too much knowledge and too
20. Personality is more important than 35. It is human nature to think wisely and little wisdom
ability act foolishly

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