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Handling Guest Complaint-10

Things You Must Know

Handling guest complaints in hospitality industry is such an art which needs to be

adopted by all hoteliers. There are some basic principles you need to know and use
while handling any complaints raised by guests. These are some basic rules for the
successful handling of complaints. If you ignore or forget any of these, a simple
complaint can turn into a major issue. So, never dare to ignore. These are all basic
but most powerful must follow principles of handling complaints.

This is not the first time in this blog we write about effective guest complaint
handling techniques. In fact we have published 5 excellent guest complaint handling
training tutorial on this topic. Here are those:

 How to Handle Guest Complaint in Hotel & Restaurant

 Step by Step Guest Complaint Handling Procedure in Hotel &
Restaurant (SOP)
 Tips on How to Handle Difficult Situation in Hotel & Restaurant
 Types of Complainer Guests in Hotel & Restaurant
 Dialogue: Guest Becomes Angry for Extra Charge
In this unit we will learn some major principles of guest handling. Let’s know what
those are.
1. Mind Set up
2. Using Polite Language
3. Proper Listening
4. Remaining Calm
5. Showing Sympathy
6. Apology
7. Never blame others
8. No accuse
9. Not try to make your guest Wrong
10. Be honest

1: Mind set up:

Setting up your mind is important. Keep good faith to help customer. It has been said
that “Customer is the boss” or “Customer is always right”. So, never take any
complaint personally. Try to be professional and handle each complaint with
professionally. Generally people don’t complaint. If anyone complaint then try to
understand his or her feelings. A complaint indicates that there must be loopholes in
your service and this is the chance to solve your problem. Even world’s greatest hotel
can never fulfill all the gusts. Do you know why? It is because every guest has
different thinking, different expectation, different reasons to come in your hotel or
restaurant. You are providing general standard service and facilities which will be
suitable for most of your guests but not necessarily “EVERYONE” and for this reason
you should always be ready to provide demanded service and facilities to each and
every guest.

2: Using polite Language:

Use of language is the most important aspect of handling any verbal or written
complaint. While you are handling any written complaint then you need to be sure
enough about what you are writing, careful about each word and make sure any of
the word does not give wrong meaning. When you are answering written then it is a
document so proper structure should be followed. On the other hand, handling
verbal complaint demands skills and tricks. Your experience and pressure handling
power will be tested. Talk in polite language with proper volume, speed and tone.
Proper expressions should be made. Be professional and try to explain your point of
view about the problem.
3: Proper Listening:
Proper listening is necessary for two reasons. First of all, if you don’t listen
complaints properly then you cannot explain properly. So, to give logical replies on
guest complaints listen fully. Another big reason is that if you start replying on each
point guest makes while complaints then there will not be any solution. Guest will
become more aggressive. Let your guest express his feelings first then take your time,
make your points and after finishing his part, start explaining.

4: Remaining Calm:
You may often find it difficult to remain calm to handle complaints but you have to
be that. Just think in a logical way. Why guest become frustrated? Is it because of
you? No. He is mad at the situation not at you. There is no personal clash. He is
paying for having good services and as he is not satisfied so he has the logical point to
complaint. It is your duty to react professionally. But yes, if guest becomes so
aggressive that security measures need to be taken then don’t hesitate.

5: Showing Sympathy:
Start with sympathetic words and expressions is the most advisable way to handle
any complaints. If you show sympathy then you will get a psychological advantage.
Guest will start feeling that you understand his feelings and you are very careful
about him. Some catchy words and phrases can easily turn the hot & aggressive
situation into cool and friendly.

6: Apology:
Often some hoteliers come to a solution that why should I apology to guest whereas I
have no fault? Don’t think in that way. Whoever does the mistake, apology first. This
does not mean that you agree on the complaint makes by the guest. It means that you
feel sorry only for the reason that guest is not satisfied with your service. After
apology you can easily defend yourself. In fact you should but at the beginning,

7: Never Blame Others:

Never blame others or other department. All are your colleagues who are working as
your team member and blaming each other will violet your team goal. In spite of
blaming others take responsibility on your shoulder if possible to handle the
complaint or call the proper person to deal with the situation but do not finish your
job by just blaming others.
8: No Excuse:
Never excuse. No guest will love to pay to listen at your excuses. There are some
common excuses like “today we are short of staffs”, “we are very busy” etc. Each of
the guests wants full attention to him. So for any reasons, even if it is logical, you
should not try to get sympathy for that. Excusing is not the proper approach rather
try to explain. If you are short of staffs explain it and show possible ways to solve it.
From when you are selling your service from then it is your responsibility to be
prepared for everything.

9: Not Try to Make your Guest Wrong:

It is told that guest is always right. Yes it is indeed. Even if your guest is wrong then
do not directly make him wrong. Logically explain why you cannot fulfill his demand.
This will represent that you are really caring about your guest as a person and this
will make your guest comfortable and be friendly to you.

10: Be Honest:
Be honest within yourself. Never give any promise which you cannot maintain. Also,
do take follow up steps. Whenever a guest comes to you with any complaint then
responsibility puts on your shoulder. Even you are not engaged with the complaint
but you have to take regular follow up to finish the circle. Here circle means from
where the complaint has been started, finishes at that point.

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