Ipt Assignment

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We, the students of

Ujjain Engineering
Ujjain, M.P.
Studying in the III Semester of Chemical
Engineering department (2018-19)
Are hereby submitting our work in the
subject of Inorganic Process
Technologies on the topic
Submitted by: Guided By:
Prathamesh Lele Mr. A.K. Dwivedi Sir
Pranav Vatsa (Head of Department)
Pragya Yadav Chemical Engineering
Priyanka Malviya
Paramanand Parmar
Phosphorus in elemental form and in its many
product is derived from commercial deposit of
phosphate Rock in the mineral form fluorapatite

1)Raw materials:

The high grade of imported ore is necessary to avoid

solubilization of mined rock impurities such as
aluminium, silicon, iron oxide and alkaline minerals.
In USA, beneficiation process is used on low grade
ore which involves milling, screening, hydrolic
separation,classification and floatation. Other raw
material required is a strong Sulphuric Acid
this comes from sulphuric acid plant located at
or near the phosphoric acid plant.
Alternative raw material used:
Elemental Phosphorus, air and steam. Even
low grade crushed phosphate coke as
reductant and sand as flux are also used.
2) Method of production:
 Wet process(strong sulphuric acid):
Phosphate rock is ground to 65%-200 mesh
and fed to a chute where cycle stream of
weak H3PO4 washes it into a reaction tank.
Strong H2SO4 is metered with automatic control
which keeps the acid and rock feed ratio at the
desired setting.
A single reactor can be designed by proper
baffling and residence time capacitance to
permit a 90% conversion in 4 to 6 hours. In
other designs, a series of 4-5 continuous mixing
tanks can be used with slightly better efficiency
of extraction by minimizing back mixing. Heat
of reaction is controlled by pulling cooling air
The gypsum-phosphoric acid slurry goes to a
traveling and vacuum filter where the 40% acid
is removed and washed with water.
Filterate from the letter is returned to the
reactor.The gypsum is free-filtering and cake
thickness is about two inches cancement, or
reacted the ammonium carbonate to give
Ammonium Sulphate (fertilizer ingredient) and
Calcium Carbonate(merseberg process).
The dilute acid is concentrated in a single effect
evaporator to any grades greater than 50%acid.
Most of the wet process acid is being
converted to high concentration chemical
Pyro phosphoric acid can be made by heating
the ortho phosphoric acid to 250°C.By
increasing the temperature to red heat
(~900°C) meta phosphoric acid results.

 Quantitative requirement:
(a) Basis: 1 ton of 100%H3PO4 in 90%
yield 2.7 tons of gypsum phosphate rock
(32%P2O5) 2.5 tons sulphuric acid (93-98%).
(b) Plant capacities: 100-150 tons/day
of 100% H3PO4.

 Chemical reactions:
(a) Ca3(PO4)2+3H3SO4+6H2O->

(b) Side reaction


3) Major engineering problems:

•fineness of grind-economic balance

between printing cost and reactor fixed
charges as shown by the curves below.

•Temperature-If the temperature is kept

above 100 degree Celsius undesirable
semi hydrate and anhydrate crystals
are formed which are difficult to filter .By
digesting at 80 degree Celsius the gypsum
rhombic crystal predominate and this can
be filtered and washed easily.

•Control of sulphuric acid- 1-1.5%

residual H2SO4 is left in the slurry going to
the filter, again to produce a more filterable
gypsum. Small percentage of sulfuric acid
can be tolerated for fertilizer grade acid . If
a purer product is desired excess H2SO4 is
eliminated with slower filtration rate.
3) safe storage and phosphoric acid:
Store phosphoric acid in a cool, well-ventilated
area protected from moisture. Keep away from
incompatible substances such as oxidizing
agents, metals, combustible materials, and
alkalis. This chemical should be stored in a
metallic or coated fiberboard container using a
strong polyethylene inner package. Dispose of
this chemical in accordance with federal, state,
and local environmental control regulations
4) Phosphoric Acid Distribution &

Aluminium polishing solutions spent

phosphoric acid in the distribution and
marketing of thermal phosphoric acid, Fang
Chemicals, Inc. has been a key player in the
chemical industry since 1987. From our
beginning as a distributor of chemical bright-
dip solutions, we have grown into an
international chemical company that not only
provides phosphoric acid, but will also
formulate and blend custom products to our
customer’s specifications.
Our high-purity H3PO4 is manufactured in a
variety of grades to suit your needs, from
technical and electronic, to food and reagent
grades in 75% or 85% concentrations. Our
multinational operation includes a bulk liquid
storage terminal in Savannah, Georgia that
receives cargo vessels and ISO tanks. It serves
as an acid distribution point, along with our
centers in Georgia and overseas in Fangcheng,
Guanxi, China.
lead the way in our industry by distributing
high-purity cost-effective phosphoric acid
produced in China. We provide the H3PO4 that
is essential to many industries, including
agricultural, industrial, metal finishing,
electronics, food processing, and water
treatment. The high quality of our thermal
product makes it perfect for anodizing, bright
dipping, and metal polishing. In addition, we
provide packaging for the safe and effective
transport of our phosphoric acid, including
drums, IBC totes, bulk and ISO tanks.It serves as
an acid distribution point, along with our
centers in Georgia and overseas in Fangcheng,
Guanxi, China.Our phosphoric acid meets the
highest industrial standards. We have a Food
Grade Certificate and Kosher Certificate
approval for our phosphoric acid.

3) risk & safety measurements:

Acid can be very hazardous in the case of skin

contact, eye contact, and ingestion. It can also
cause irritation if vapors are inhaled. This
chemical can cause damage to the skin, eyes,
mouth, and respiratory tract. Because of the
potential hazards posed by this chemical, it is
important to use care when handling it.
Repeated or prolonged exposure to phosphoric
acid mist can lead to chronic eye irritation,
severe skin irritation, or prolonged respiratory
tract issues. To protect your health when
handling this potentially hazardous chemical, it
is important to use caution in the form of
personal protective equipment (PPE).

 phosphoric Acid Safety,

Handling & First Aid

When handing phosphoric acid, use a certified

vapor respirator. Eye-wash stations and safety
showers should be located near work stations
as a precaution. A face shield, gloves and boots
should also be used. In case of accidental
exposure to phosphoric acid, follow these first
aid guidelines:
(i) Inhalation—Seek fresh air and immediate
medical attention.
(ii) eye Contact—Remove contact lenses if
present. Immediately flush eyes with plenty of
water for at least 15 minutes, and get medical
(iii) Skin Contact—Wash skin with soap and
water. Cover any irritated skin with an emollient.
Seek medical attention.
(iv)Ingestion—Do NOT induce vomiting. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. Seek medical attention if any adverse
health symptoms occur.
4) Pollution Prevention and Control

(i) Source Reduction- Most of the emissions

fluorides to the atmosphere can be reduced by
selection of efficient absorption equipment.
The hemihydrates (HH) process produces lower
quantities of phosphogypsum and a higher
concentration of phosphoric acid; however,
difference in pollution problems are not
substantial. The wastewater released from the
transportation of the phosphogypsum slurry
must be carefully circulated.
(ii) Recycling and Byproduct Recovery- The
proper recycling of wastewaters from the
process and maintaining the water balance
should be two of the technology targets.
Fluorides should be transformed into useful
industrial products whenever possible. In critical
cases when there is no marker for such a
product, wash waters must be returned to the
process and discharged with phosphogypsum.
P phosphogypsum can be processed and used
as a construction material or converted to
cement and sulfuric acid. The assessment of this
process is given.
(iii). Hazardous Materials Handling,
Management, and Disposal- Phosphoric acid is
highly corrosive to mild steel. Much of the plant
is fabricated using stainless steel,
rubber and mild steel. Plastic piping and
valving, and vessels. All storage tanks should be
inside containment areas. The plant areas
should have impermeable flooring; all surfaces
should drain to a neutralization pit to deal with
small acid discharges from maintenance
 conclusion :-

Here we present our assignment which we

have prepared on the given topic
“Phosphoric Acid Manufacturing”. WE have
gained a lot of knowledge about different
aspects of the manufacture and use of
phosphoric acid, which will be very helpful
in our study of the subject, Inorganic
Process Technologies.

We would also like to mention, that as we

are only the learners of very initial stage, we
don’t have knowledge to wrte or reserch on
our own, so, all the matter in this brief
assignment is just copied and compiled by
us, also we look forward to learn from this
This assignment is purely a teamwork and
all the members of the group have
contributed equally in the preparation of
this assignment.

In the end, we would like to extend our

gratitude and are very pleased to thank our
guide and motivator towards this
assignment, Mr. A.K. Dwivedi Sir.
 Remarks :
In the study of Phosphoric acid industry, it is
very essential to check all the areas of the
energy losses, as the cost increases
exponentially with the loss of energy. Also
adequate amount of catalysts and poisons
should be added so that production of acid
would be viable and sufficient to meet the
needs of the economy.
Also, The effect of the production on the
environment should be kept in mind. Any
harmful emissions should be avoided,or should
be neutrillised before emitting in the
environment for a better future.
 References:

 Vaughn Astley “The Use of a Advanced

Process Control in a Phosphoric Acid Reactor”
Paper published in Spring 2015, by ECI Digital
 Shreve R. Norris “The Chemical Process
Industries” Second editon published by
 Nieuwenhuyse Ave. E van “Production Of
Phosphoric Acid” published by European
Fertilizer Manufacturers’ Assosiation Booklet No.
4 of 8, in 2000
 “Phosphoric acid. Immediately Dangerous to Life
and health Concentrations” Paper by National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), in 2017
 Wolf S.; R.n. Tauber “Silicon processing for the
VLSI era:Volume 1- Process technology.p. 534.
ISBN 0-9616721-6-1
 https://en.wikipedia.org/Phosphorus_Acid

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