At Gabriele's Dorm: Gabriele Is Admiring Yunha's Punctuality. Who Wouldn't Like To Be Complimented For The Same Reason?

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At Gabriele's dorm

Gabriele is admiring Yunha’s punctuality. Who wouldn’t like to be

complimented for the same reason?

Jeg liker å…
In the video Yunhas response is

-Jeg liker å være presis. (I like to be punctual.)

This is, of course, a correct response, and a very handy one, as well,
because this is how we tell others what we like to do.

-Jeg liker å drikke kaffe. (I like to drink coffee.).

-Jeg liker å jogge. (I like to jog.)

Vær så god
Gabriele prepares a delicious smoothie for Yunha as part of their
breakfast. The glass of smoothie is accompanied by

-Vær så god. Håper det smaker. (Here you go. I hope you like it.)

“Vær så god” is something Norwegians say when giving something to

someone. It really has a nice ring to it in Norwegian. And some say
we’re not polite!? The proper response is always “Takk” (Thank you).

Jeg har lyst på…

From the previous video you know “Jeg har lyst på en kopp kaffe (I
would like a cup of coffee), in this video we focus on activities rather
than objects. Gabriele asks: “Hva har du lyst til å drikke?” (What would
you like to drink?). «Jeg har lyst til å drikke te.» (I would like to drink

-Jeg har lyst på en kopp kaffe. (I would like a cup of coffee.)

-Jeg har lyst til å drikke en kopp te. (I would like to drink a cup of tea)

Got it?

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