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How is Yuhna settling in as a

Hvordan går det med deg?
Gabriele is a caring kind of person, and she is concerned about
Yunha and how she is doing as a newcomer in Oslo.

-Hvordan går det med deg, egentlig?” (How are you getting on, really?)

“Egentlig” tells us, and Yunha, that Gabriele is not only asking this to
be polite, but because she really cares.

Yunha is doing fine, but Gabriele wants to make sure, so she asks
Yunha a lot of questions. Let’s have a look.

-Er det tøft å være internasjonal student i Norge? (Is it tough being an
international student in Norway?)
-Hvordan liker du hybelen din? (How do you like your studio flat?)
-Har du pakket ut alle tingene dine? (Have you unpacked all your
-Klarer du å kjøpe mat i butikken? (Do you manage to buy food at the
-Har du kjøpt månedskort til T-banen? (Have you bought a monthly
commuter’s ticket for the metro?)

Now we want to show you how these questions will change their
meaning when we change some of the vocabulary but keep the basic
structure, of the questions.

-Er det gøy å være internasjonal student i Norge? (Is it fun being an
international student in Norway?)
-Hvordan liker du sykkelen din? (How do you like your bike?)
-Har du pakket ut alle klærnedine? (Have you unpacked all your
-Klarer du å snakke norsk? (Do you manage to talk Norwegian?)
-Har du kjøpt sykkel? (Have you bought a bike?)

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