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Definitie! Prezentul simplu este folosit pentru actiuni obisnuite , repetate care au
loc intr - o perioada generala sau specifica , mentionata prin adverbe sau locutiuni verbale de
timp ca: on Mondays , in summer , every day , sau adverbe sau locutiuni verbale de frecventa
ca: often , frequently , rarly , always , sometimes , never , once a week , once a month , once a

Exemplu : I go to school every week.

Pronuntarea si ortografierea
- (e) s se pronunta :

{s} dupa consoane surde : he thinks

{z} dupa consoane sonore sau vocale : he runs , he studies

{iz} dupa consoane sibilante : she washes

Desinenta devine -es cand verbul se termina in s , x , z , sh , ch, tch sau o : he watches , he

Affirmative: I go to school = Eu merg la scoala

You go to school = Tu mergi la scoala

He / She / It goes to school = El / ea merge la scoala

We go to school = Noi mergem la scoala

You go to school = Voi mergeti la scoala

They go to school = Ei / ele merg la scoala

Negative: I don't go to school = Eu nu merg la scoala

You don't go to school = Tu nu mergi la scoala

He / She / It doesn't go to school = El / ea nu merge la scoala

We don't go to school = Noi nu mergem la scoala

You don't go to school = Voi nu mergeti la scoala

They don't go to school = Ei / ele nu merg la scoala

Interogative: Do I go to school ? = Merg eu la scoala ?

Do you go to school ? = Mergi tu la scoala ?

Does he / she / it go to school ? = Merge el / ea la scoala?

Do we go to school ? = Mergem noi la scoala ?

Do you go to school ? = Mergeti voi la scoala ?

Do they go to school ? = Merg ei / ele la scoala ?

Present Continuous

1. Defineste o actiune care se petrece in momentul vorbirii.
Exemplu : Eu scriu un email in acest moment.
I am writing an email at the moment.

2. Mai poate defini si actiuni temporare.

Exemplu : Maria lucreaza pentru un avocat pe timpul verii.

Maria is working for a lawyer during the summer.

3. Defineste actiuni care sunt planuite in viitor.

Exemplu : Voi avea o petrecere diseara.

I am having a party tonight.

Affirmative : I am playing = Eu ma joc

You are playing = Tu te joci

He / she / it is playing = El / ea se joaca

We are playing = Noi ne jucam

You are playing = Voi va jucati

They are playing = Ei / ele se joaca

Negative : I'm not playing = Eu nu ma joc

You are not playing = Tu nu te joci

He / she / it is not playing = El / ea nu se joaca

We are not playing = Noi nu ne jucam

You are not playing = Voi nu va jucati

They are not playing = Ei / ele nu se joaca

Interogative : Am I playing ? = Ma joc eu ?

Are you playing ? = Te joci tu ?

Is / he / she / it playing ? = Se joaca el / ea ?

Are we playing ? = Ne jucam noi ?

Are you playing ? = Va jucati voi ?

Are they playing ? = Se joaca ei / ele ?


1. Defineste o actiune care a inceput in trecut si se continua in prezent.

Exemplu : Mike este in S.U.A. de trei luni.

Mike has been in U.S.A. for three months.

2. Defineste o actiune care s - a petrecut in trecut si se continua si in momentul vorbirii.

Exemplu : Azi nu ai mancat inca.

You have not eaten today yet.

3. Acest timp mai poate exprima ceea ce s - a intamplat de curand.

Exemplu : Tocmai mi - am facut tema.

I have just done my homework.

Acest timp foloseste doar adverbe de timp imprecis precum : for , since , just , yet , ever ,
Se mai poate folosi si cu expresiile : It's a long time since... , this is the first time.

Affirmative : I have eaten

You have eaten

He / she / it has eaten

We have eaten

You have eaten

They have eaten

Negative : I haven't eaten

You haven't eaten

He / she / it hasn't eaten

We haven't eaten

You haven't eaten

They haven't eaten

Interogative : Have I eaten ?

Have you eaten ?

Has he / she / it eaten ?

Have we eaten ?

Have you eaten ?

Have they eaten ?


Definitie! Defineste o actiune inceputa in trecut care se continua in prezent si care

probabil va continua si in viitor.

Exemplu : Maria vorbeste la telefon de o jumatate de ora.

Maria is talking on the phone for half an hour.

Se foloseste de obicei cu adverbele since , for , just , yet , ever , today , etc.

Affirmative : I have been working

You have been working

He / she / it has been working

We have been working

You have been working

They have been working

Negative : I haven't been working

You haven't been working

He / she / it hasn't been working

We haven't been working

You haven't been working

They haven't been working

Interogative : Have I been working ?

Have you been working ?

Has he / she / it been working ?

Have we been working ?

Have you been working ?

Have they been working ?


Definitie! Acest timp desemneaza o actiune care a avut loc in trecut , dar care
este amintita in prezent.

2. Subiect + Verb + ed = pentru verbele regulate

3. Subiect + forma a II - a a verbului = pentru verbele neregulate

Affirmative : I played tennis = Eu am jucat tenis

You played tennis = Tu ai jucat tenis

He / she / it played tennis = El / ea a jucat tennis

We played tennis = Noi am jucat tenis

You played tennis = Voi ati jucat tenis

They played tennis = Ei / ele au jucat tenis

Negative : I didn't play tennis = Eu nu am jucat tenis

You didn't play tennis = Tu nu ai jucat tenis

He / she / it didn't play tennis = El / ea nu a jucat tenis

We didn't play tennis = Noi nu am jucat tenis

You did't play tennis = Voi nu ati jucat tenis

They didn't play tennis = Ei / ele nu au jucat tenis

Interogative : Did I play tennis ? = Am jucat eu tenis?

Did you play tennis ? = Ai jucat tu tenis?

Did he / she / it play tennis ? = A jucat el / ea tenis ?

Did we play tennis ? = Am jucat noi tenis ?

Did you play tennis ? = Ati jucat voi tenis ?

Did they play tennis ? = Au jucat ei / ele tenis ?


Definitie! Trecutul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune care era in

desfasurare intr - un moment din trecut.
Affirmative : I was playing tennis = Eu jucam tenis

You were playing tennis = Tu jucai tenis

He / she / it was playing tennis = El / ea juca tenis

We were playing tennis = Noi jucam tenis

You were playing tennis = Voi jucati tenis

They were playing tennis = Ei / ele jucau tenis

Interogative : Was I playing tennis ? = Jucam eu tenis ?

Were you playing tennis ? = Jucai tu tenis?

Was he / she / it playing tennis ? = Juca el / ea tenis ?

Were we playing tennis ? = Jucam noi tenis ?

Were you playing tennis ? = Jucati voi tenis ?

Were they playing tennis ? = Jucau ei / ele tenis ?

Negative : I wasn't playing tennis = Eu nu jucam tenis

You weren't playing tennis = Tu nu jucai tenis

He / she / it wasn't playing tennis = El / ea nu juca tenis

We weren't playing tennis = Noi nu jucam tenis

You were't playing tennis = Voi nu jucati tenis

They weren't playing tennis = Ei / ele nu jucau tenis


Definitie! Exprima o actiune trecuta , terminata inaintea altei actiuni trecute.
Exemplu : He told me that Judy had left the building.
El mi - a spus ca Judy a plecat / plecase din cladire.

Affirmative : I had worked

You had worked

He / she / it had worked

We had worked

You had worked

They had worked

Negative : I hadn't worked

You hadn't worked

He / she / it hadn't worked

We hadn't worked

You hadn't worked

They hadn't worked

Interogative : Had I worked ?

Had you worked ?

Had he / she / it worked ?

Had we worked ?

Had you worked ?

Had they worked ?


Definitie! Exprima o actiune trecuta , inceputa inaintea unui moment sau a unei actiuni
trecute , continuand pana in acel moment sau pana la acea actiune si poate si dupa aceea.

Exemplu : They had been playing the piano all morning.

Ei cantasera la pian toata dimineata.

Affirmative : I had been dancing

You had been dancing

He / she / it had been dancing

We had been dancing

You had been dancing

They had been dancing

Negative : I hadn't been dancing

You hadn't been dancing

He / she / it hadn't been dancing

We hadn't been dancing

You hadn't been dancing

They hadn't been dancing

Interogative : Had I been dancing ?

Had you been dancing ?

Had he / she / it been dancing ?

Had we been dancing ?

Had you been dancing ?

Had they been dancing ?


Definitie!Exprima actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor si peste care nu putem avea control.
Exemplu : Next year Easter will be on 15th of April.

Affirmative : I will sing

You will sing

He / she / it will sing

We will sing

You will sing

They will sing

Negative : I will not sing

You will not sing

He / she / it will not sing

We will not sing

You will not sing

They will not sing

Interogative : Will I sing ?

Will you sing ?

Will he / she / it sing ?

Will we sing ?

Will you sing ?

Will they sing ?


Definitie! 1. Se foloseste pentru a exprima planuri , intentii pentru viitor.

Exemplu : I'm going to travel to Spain one day.

Intentionez sa vizitez Spania intr - o zi.

2. Actiuni la care ne - am hotarat deja sa le facem in viitorul apropiat.

Exemplu : We are going to visit our friends in the weekend.

Noi vom merge sa ne vizitam prietenii in weekend.

Affirmative : I am going to dance

You are going to dance

He / she / it is going to dance

We are going to dance

You are going to dance

They are going to dance

Negative : I'm not going to dance

You are not going to dance

He / she / it is not going to dance

We are not going to dance

You are not going to dance

They are not going to dance

Interogative : Am I going to dance ?

Are you going to dance ?

Is he / she / it going to dance ?

Are we going to dance ?

Are you going to dance ?

Are they going to dance ?


Definitie! Exprima o actiune , un eveniment viitor care va fi fost terminat inaintea unui alt
moment din viitor sau ajungand pana la acesta.

Exemplu : He will have finished the book by the time you come back home.
El va fi terminat cartea pana ce tu te intorci acasa.

Affirmative : I will have danced

You will have danced

He / she / it will have danced

We will have danced

You will have danced

They will have danced

Negative : I will not have danced

You will not have danced

He / she / it will not have danced

We will not have danced

You will not have danced

They will not have danced

Interogative : Will I have danced ?

Will you have danced ?

Will he / she / it have danced ?

Will we have danced ?

Will you have danced ?

Will they have danced ?


Definitie! Se foloseste atunci cand ne referim la o actiune care va fi in desfasurare intr - un

alt moment din viitor.

Affirmative : I will be dancing

You will be dancing

He / She / it will be dancing

We will be dancing

You will be dancing

They will be dancing

Negative : I will not be dancing

You will not be dancing

He / she / it will not be dancing

We will not be dancing

You will not be dancing

They will not be dancing

Interogative : Will I be dancing ?

Will you be dancing ?

Will he / she / it be dancing ?

Will we be dancing ?

Will you be dancing ?

Will they be dancing ?

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