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Lesson Plan Template

Name(s): Halide İslamoğlu
Tan Gedik
Unit Title
The Internet
Grade Level
8th Grade
2 hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
By the end of the lesson learners will;
- revise their previous knowledge on repeated action by connecting with the new content.
-express their internet habits.
- generate ideas about the internet habits.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)], handouts

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Direct method, community language learning, collaborative method.

Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
-Concept map: This encapsulates the previously learned material and connects the new knowledge and
requires learners to use both of these to produce their own sentences.
-Who would like to… game: Learners are asked to walk around the class and find other learners who would like
to… (post on Instagram etc)
- Poster preparation: Learners are asked to create their posters in groups of 2 or 3 in the light of the
information on the internet habits they have collected in the classroom.
Individual Learning Activities -Come up with your own internet habit.

Group Learning Activities - Who would like to… game.

- Poster Preparation.
-Revision of previous knowledge and bridging the gap between the old and the new.
-Practice of ‘’would like to…’’

Measurement & Evaluation

Instructor monitors the performance of learners.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for -Bubblus concept map: Instructor monitors the
Individual Performance grammaticality of sentences.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Who would like to… (instructor monitors the accuracy and
Group Performance pronunciation)
-Poster preparation: Instructor monitors personal growth
of the learners.
Homework (optional) -Please see Protocol 2d..

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

Instructor greets everyone and asks how they are doing. Then wishes everyone a great day. Upon this,
instructor asks random learners what they remember from the previous session. After this, instructor opens up and wants learners to reflect back on their previous knowledge and help them if needed. After this,
instructor goes on examples one by one and asks learners to come up with their own examples. Upon
completion, instructor asks learners to play the ‘’who would like to..’’ game first by showing an example and
allocates 20 minutes to this activity. Instructor asks learners to take notes. Upon completion, instructor forms
groups of 2 or 3 and asks groups to create poster(or charts) on internet habits of the classroom and their

Contingency Plan:
Power Shortage: please follow protocol 1a.
No internet connection: please follow protocol 1b.
Technical difficulties with computers: please follow protocol 1c.
Extra time/No time left: please follow protocol 2d.
Shy learners: please follow protocol 2e.

Protocol 1a: Read the transcription of the videos to the learners.

Protocol 1b: Download all online material prior to the lesson.
Protocol 1c: Download all online material prior to the lesson and have physical print-outs prior to the lesson.
Protocol 2d: Assign it as a homework.
Protocol 2e: Encourage learners to participate and/or put them in a group to study individually.

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