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Scale Model (Due Monday, October 22)**

 This is the graded portion of the project

 You need a template of your design with all inch measurements included on the template.
(Use a scale factor of 1 inch = l foot)
 40 points – all individual pieces are drawn, labeled, and have measures in inches
 10 points attention to detail (i.e. use of ruler for all lines, numbers and units clearly
labeled on corresponding parts)
 Build an actual model that accurately represents your template.
 40 points for mathematical accuracy from template to model
 10 points attention to detail (i.e. well defined model with clear folds and neat
 Size requirement -- your boat must fit 2 people, it cannot exceed 8 feet in length and cannot
be wider than 4 feet.
 It would be a good idea to look at the “Design Rubric” that the class is using to judge your boat
Voting and Team Assignments (Monday, October 22)**
 The class will narrow boat choices down to 5 boats
 You will be placed on a boat team and use the design rubric to vote on a boat that your team
will build.
 As a team you will determine a captain or co-captains. The captain/co-captains should assign
the individual boat sections that need to be drawn and cut to small teams of 2 or 3.
Building** (Starting Date Tuesday, October 23. End Date Thursday, October 25)
 You will have 3 class days to build, tape, and spray your boats.
 My suggestion for time management is the following:
 Day 1 -- draw out patterns on cardboard start having cuts made
 Day 2 – finish cuts and start assembly of individual pieces
 Day 3 -- finish assembly and spray
 If your team gets behind you will have the following times to work on your boats before and
after school.
 Tuesday, October 23, Afternoon Session 4:15-5:15
 Wednesday, October 24, Morning Session 8:00-8:45
 Thursday, October 25, Afternoon Session 4:15-5:15
 Friday, October 26, Afternoon Session 4:15-5:15 (Touch ups only!)
Name __________________________________________ Class period ___________

Scale Model Rubric

Comments True Seafarer Waterman Landlubber
Template has all Template has most Template is missing
individual pieces individual pieces drawn pieces or labels. Size
drawn and labeled. and labeled. Size of of actual boat built
Size of actual built some pieces are not would not be within
boat would be within within the size size requirements.
size requirements requirements.
(40 – 31 points) (30 – 26 points) (25 – 0 points)
Template lines are Most lines are drawn Lines are messy
drawn with a ruler, with a ruler and/or and/or numbers and
numbers and units are most numbers and units are not clearly
clearly labeled and go units are clearly labeled or go with
with correct labeled and go with correct corresponding
corresponding parts. correct corresponding parts.
(10 – 8 pts.) (7 – 5 pts.) (4 – 0 pts.)
The model accurately The model represents The model does not
represents the the template somewhat represent the template
template but there are some mathematically.
mathematically. mathematical miss
(40 – 31 points) (30 – 21 points) (20 – 0 points)
The model is well The model is The overall look of the
defined with clear folds somewhat neat but model is messy (i.e.
and an overall neat attention to small excessive adhesive,
appearance. details missing (i.e. loose folds, askew,..)
excessive adhesive,
askew on one side, …)
(10 – 8 pts.) (7 – 5 pts.) (4 – 0 pts.)

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