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Derivative Nouns

1. Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. Two members of the crew were kidnapped and held in for three months.

captivation captivity caption capture

2. We are hoping for successful of our project by June.

complement compliment completeness completion

3. His two-month stay in the jungle was a real test of his bravery, and will power.

durability duration endurance

4. He studied astronomy and in college.

mechanic mechanics mechanism mechanization

5. Such qualities as superior , extraordinary durability, remarkable transparency and exceptional

brilliance have made diamond the most valuable precious stone.

hardihood hardiness hardness hardship

6. How he managed to get out of the locked room remains a .

mystery mystic mysticism mystique

7. His actions lead to a serious of the problem.

complexion complexity complication complicity

8. Because of that, I found myself in an awkward .

predicament predication predictability prediction

9. Sadness and filled her heart.

longevity longing longitude prolongation

10. He gave us his that the boat was in good working order.

assurance insurance sureness

2. Use the word in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a new word that fits into the blank !

1. I seem to have my keys. I can't find them anywhere. (LAY)

2. The had no support for the new law (GOVERN).
3. is a value that we all should have (HAPPY)
4. The chair umpire the linesman and called the ball out (RULE)
5. He was very because the big day was drawing closer. (ANXIETY)
6. He isn't happy with his job because he feels he is (PAY)
7. Don't eat too much or you'll become (WEIGH)
8. I am not sure all this will work. I can't really say with (CERTAIN)
9. Thousands of people are living in after the earthquake (MISERABLE)
10. Living conditions in many African countries are very (HEALTH).
11. Leisure habits won't change much in the future (SEE)
12. My sister's makes her social life difficult (SHY).
13. We don't have any tomatoes. There is a at the moment (SHORT)
14. The main of the book was the predictable ending. (WEAK)

3. Use the word in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a new word that fits into the blank !

1. The result was very strange. In fact, it was simply (BELIEVE).

2. They reached an not to sell the product to each other's base customers. (AGREE)
3. After losing her job she was for another month. (EMPLOY)
4. The most important value in our school is (OBEY).
5. Her arguments are so that it is not possible to have a real discussion with her.
6. You can wear anything you want . It's an occasion. (FORMAL)
7. This is a good essay. I find your statements very (CONVINCE)
8. He simply and nobody knew where he had gone. (APPEAR)
9. You must have . You'll be called up soon (PATIENT)
10. Margaret quickly and got into the warm bath. (DRESS)
11. It was an day trip we had with our classmates. (FORGET)
12. The parents decided that it was an pet for such a small child. (SUIT)

Perfect tenses exercises

I. Complete the following sentences using appropriate perfect tense forms:

1. Where could the horse ......................?

went have gone had gone

2. Circumstances ....................... him to leave school when he was just ten.

forced have forced were forcing

3. He heard that his brother .......................

arrived has arrived had arrived

4. I ....................... my homework.
completed have completed had completed

5. He ...................... before I reached his place.

left have left had left

6. The children ..................... .. their homework by now.

will finish will have finished will be finishing

7. Shakespeare’s plays ..................... into nearly all languages.

have translated have been translated were being translated

8. Indians ..................... .. skilled mathematicians for thousands of years.

are have been were

9. The boys performed all the tasks we ...................... for them.

have planned had planned were planning

10. He forgave his enemies who ....................... him.

have wronged had wronged had been wronged

II. Complete the sentences using the correct Perfect tenses:

1. ---- (you / see) the news? You won't believe your eyes.

2. I ---- (work) for big companies like this before. I know how they operate.

3-4. They ---- (live) in New York for 3 years before they ---- (move) to Seattle three months
5. Debi ---- (study) for four hours when her father arrives.

6-7. By this time next year, I ---- (finish) the course and I ---- (start) to speak perfect English.
8-9. Sam ---- (drive) for six hours when he arrived in the village. He ---- (drive) more than
300 miles.
10. They ---- (work) for two hours by the time the manager arrives at six today.

11. By the time you received this letter yesterday, Dina ---- (leave) for Algeria.

12. When we meet again next week, I ---- (practice) tennis for at least a month .

13. She ---- (recover) from her surgery by the time we visit her next Saturday.

III. Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences

1. In the evenings, I often play chess with my next door neighbor. I ---- chess with him ever since I ----
to live here ten years ago.
A) have been playing / came
B) play / came
C) have been playing / have come
D) am playing / have come
E) have played / have come

2. Ann ---- her driving test three times because she's so bad at reversing. But she ---- reversing since
last week and i think she has got a bit better at it.
A) has failed / has been practicing
B) failed / practiced
C) failed / was practicing
D) fails / practices
E) has failed / is practicing

3. I have been waiting for the prices of the houses to come down before buying one, but I think I ----
too long and the prices ---- to go up again.
A) am waiting / are beginning
B) wait / began
C) am waiting / began
D) have waited / are beginning
E) waited / were beginning

4. Last year, I experienced how tedious long plane trips could be. i ---- In an airplane for fairly long
distances before that, but never as long as when I went to Australia last June.
A) have never flown
B) didn't fly
C) have flown
D) had flown
E) hadn't flown

5. This bicycle ---- In our family for fourteen years. My father used it for the first five years, my
brother rode it for the next five and I ----it for the last four.
A) is / have had
B) had been / had
C) has been / have had
D) was / had had
E) has been / had

6. It's a great pity you didn't come to London with us last summer, As you --- it before, it ---- a
wonderful holiday for you.
A) hadn't seen / would have been
B) have never seen / will surely be
C) didn't see / has been
D) didn't see / had been
E) haven't see n / was

7. Yesterday at a restaurant, I saw Sally, an old friend of mine. I had not see n her for years. At first, I
---- her because she ---- at least 20 kilos.
A) didn't recognize / lost
B) didn't recognize / will lose
C) didn't recognize / had lost
D) hadn't recognized / lost
E) haven't recognized / had lost

8. Our committee is trying to raise money to buy a new lifeboat. By the end of the year, we ---- out
5.000 letters asking for contributions.
A) were to send
B) will send
C) will be sending
D) will have been sending
E) will have sent
IV. Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect or Past Perfect Tenses

1. I never get up from the table before others ---- (finish).

2. It is already 9:30 pm and I ---- (wait) here for over an hour. If John does not get here in the next five
minutes, I am going to leave.

3. Did you hear that Ben was fired last month? He ---- (work) for that import company for more than
ten years and he ---- (work) in almost every department.

4. I ---- (see) many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt last summer. Pictures of the
monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small.

5. Sarah ---- (climb) Mount Everest, ---- (sail) around the world, and ---- (go) on safari in Kenya. She
is such an adventurous person.

6. Susan ---- (climb) Mount Everest, ---- (sail) around the world, and ---- (go) on safari in Kenya by
the time she was twenty-five. She ---- (experience) more by that age than most people do in their entire

7. Before my trip lo Paris two years ago, I ---- (never be) to France.

8. When we finally stopped him, the squirrel ---- (already eat) five cookies.

9. Ben ---- (try) to open his own restaurant for the last few years. He ---- (just finish) the painting, but
he ---- (not do) the decorating yet.

10. You look tired. How long ---- (run)?

V. Choose future continuous or future perfect continuous tense.

1. By this time next week, my wife __________________________or exactly 24 days.

2. By this time tomorrow, he ____________________________-at his job for one week.
3. I don't know what I ________________________when you come tomorrow, so give me a call if
you cannot find me.
4. Dennis and I _________________________walking around a little later tonight.
5. ______________________to Canada tomorrow around 5 o'clock?
6. By the time they decide, I _________________________-taking care of their kids for centuries.
7. This summer, Nadine___________________________ in Detroit for 25 years.
8. By the time you come back, Jenna ________________________-for commercials for the whole
9. My mother ___________________________cooking when we get home.
10. By next week, I ______________________my girlfriend for 1 year.

Answers Perfect Tenses

1. Where could the horse have gone?
2. Circumstances had forced him to leave school when he was just ten.
3. He heard that his brother had arrived.
4. I have completed my homework.
5. He had left before I reached his place.
6. The children will have finished their homework by now.
7. Shakespeare’s plays have been translated into nearly all languages.
8. Indians have been skilled mathematicians for thousands of years.
9. The boys performed all the tasks we had planned for them.
10. He forgave his enemies who had wronged him.

II. 13. will have recovered

1. Have you seen
2. have worked
3. had lived
4. moved III.
5. will have been studying 1. A
6. will have finished 2. A
7. will have started 3. D
8. had been driving 4. D
9. had driven 5. C
10. will have been working 6. A
11. had left 7. C
12. will have been practicing 8. E

1. have finished
2. have been waiting
3. had been working, had worked
4. had seen
5. has climbed, has sailed, has gone
6. had climbed, had sailed, had gone, had experienced
7. had never been
8. had already eaten
9. has been trying, has just finished, hasn't done
10. have you been running

1. will have been fasting
2. will have been working
3. will be doing
4. will be
5. Will you be driving
6. will have been
7. will have been residing
8. will have been singing
9. will probably be
10. will have been seeing

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