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Research Committee Results

Led by Kearsetyn Bargeron and Renee Gable

Katie Fitts, Saloni Rai, Grace Walker, Kyrsten Burch and

Benedicta Dadson
Please remember that these are all simply
observations based on another College’s
constitutions and by-laws. They are not
official changes to Wesleyan’s SGA and they
may not all work at Wesleyan. They are
simply observations.
● Student Government ● Serving students
Association (SGA) ● Facilitation between
● Student Union (SU) faculty/staff/administrat
ion and students
● Flexible to fit the needs
of the community
● Advocating for student
Positions in SGA
● Executive Board, Class Presidents, Senators ● Senators
○ One Senator per group represented
● Executive Board, Committee Chairs, Senators ○ Two senators per group represented
○ Five senators per group represented
● Executive Board ■ First Year
○ President ■ Sophomore
○ Vice-President ■ Junior Senator
○ Secretary ■ Senior Senator
○ Treasurer ■ Club senators
○ Secretary/Treasurer ● Committees
○ Elections Officer ○ Exec Board Advisor
○ Public Relations Officer ○ Committee Chairs/Heads
○ Parliamentarian ○ Committee Members
○ Executive Assistant to the President
Committees ●

Financial committee
Public relations committee
● Student affairs committee
● Elections Committee
● Event planning committee
● Student empowerment committee
● Student Concerns committee
● Campus Outreach committee
Executive ● Some colleges pay their executive officers
○ At Piedmont college, exec board receives up to $250 a
Board and semester. Committee chairs also receive a stipend of up to
$125 a semester based on their approval ratings/amount
Committee of hours put in
● Some colleges only elect President and
Head Vice-President and the remaining executive board
is appointed into office
○ Sometimes all other positions besides President and VP
are appointed solely by the President
Elections Procedure

Some colleges have an Elections committee that Consider the possibility of

elections officer who oversees consists of any SGA executive having no students involved in
the election board member who is not the actual voting process
running in that election
Can absences can get you removed?

● 1 absence = removal
● 3 absences = removal
● 4 absences = removal
○ At Mercer you are counted tardy if you don’t answer at roll call

What it means to be absent?

● You are counted absent if not in professional attire/ You are

counted tardy if not in professional attire
Amendment Process
● ⅔ of senate to approve amendments
○ At Shorter University the President can veto any amendment that can only be overturned by a ⅔
total senate
● Voting on amendments once a semester
● Voting on club proposals/fund proposals once a semester
○ At Shorter University you must take and pass a test on the Constitution and By-laws in order to keep
your seat in Senate
● Student makes the claim to the
executive board, then they vote
● Student makes the claim to the Dean
of Student who decide
● Student makes a claim (that must be

Impeachment sponsored by a senator). There will be

a fair hearing with allowance for
witness’ on both sides. The entire
senate votes minus the accused
Meeting Structure/Meetings

● Date, then open flow ● Monthly SGA meetings/Committee

● Date, Purpose of meeting, New Business, Meetings as needed at Piedmont
Student Concerns ● Weekly SGA meetings at Mercer
● Date, Attendance, Business, ● First meeting business meeting, Second
● Some colleges have more strict/less meeting committee meeting, third
strict Robert's Rules based on size of the meeting business meeting, final meeting
SGA of the month would be a service project
to better the community
Thank you for your time.

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