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and Succeed
Accurate measurements for humidity,
temperature, dew point, carbon
dioxide, pressure and moisture in oil
If the success of your operations depends on faultless
measurements, we have the solution for you: Vaisala
sensors – the unrivaled industry quality benchmarks.
Only true knowledge matters and only the world’s most
accurate instruments can deliver it reliably. Based on over
75 years of experience. With unique technologies for
long-term stability, proven in the harshest conditions.
Vaisala instruments ensure better efficiency, quality,
safety and profitability of critical processes in hundreds
of applications in dozens of industries worldwide.
Choose from a wide range of fixed and handheld instruments
for different applications, requirements and budgets.
Tell us how you would like to measure your success.
Our sensors will help deliver it.
Demanding measurement requirements across multiple industries, from semiconductor to
automotive to power, have always inspired Vaisala to continuously develop measurement
instruments that set the benchmark for quality, accuracy, and reliability.

To ensure we continue to understand your needs, we keep a close eye on our customer surveys
and on comments collected from the field. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for
your compliments regarding our product performance and technical customer service.
But thank you even more for your comments on how we can improve, including suggestions for
new product options and calibration services. For example, customer feedback played a vital role
in developing the new GMW90 CO2 measurement instrument with microglow technology in 2013.

Throughout our over 75-year history, Vaisala has succeeded together with our customers.
Please keep on sharing how we can best address your needs and add value to your investment.
We are here to help you succeed – your success is our success.

Sampsa Lahtinen
Executive Vice President
Controlled Environment

Table of Contents by Parameters
Humidity and Temperature
Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor for Measuring Relative Humidity. . ................................................................................................... 4
How to Choose the Right Instrument for Measuring Humidity and Dew Point........................................................................... 6
HMT330 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for Demanding Humidity Measurement........................................... 14
HMT331 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for Demanding Wall-Mounted Applications.............................................. 18
HMT333 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for Ducts and Tight Spaces...................................................................... 18
HMT334 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for High Pressure and Vacuum Applications. . ........................................... 19
HMT335 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for High Temperatures............................................................................ 19
HMT337 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for High Humidity Applications. . ..............................................................20
HMT338 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for Pressurized Pipelines. . ........................................................................21
HMT360 Series Intrinsically Safe Humidity and Temperature Transmitters.............................................................................24
HMT310 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter ..................................................................................................................30
HMT120 and HMT130 Humidity and Temperature Transmitters ............................................................................................34
HMW90 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for High Performance HVAC Applications . . ...................................... 38
HMD60/70 Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for Ducts in HVAC Applications............................................................. 40
HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for High-Accuracy Measurements in HVAC Applications................42
HMS110 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for High-Accuracy Outdoor Measurements
  in Building Automation Applications. . ................................................................................................................................46
HMDW80 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for Building Automation Applications ...........................................48
HMS80 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for Outdoor Measurements in Building Automation Applications........ 52
HMM100 Humidity Module for Environmental Chambers ......................................................................................................54
HMP60 Humidity and Temperature Probe.............................................................................................................................56
HMP110 Humidity and Temperature Probe............................................................................................................................ 58
HM70 Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter for Spot-Checking Applications.............................................................. 60
HM40 Series Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meters.................................................................................................. 64
SHM40 Structural Humidity Measurement Kit .. .....................................................................................................................68
HMK15 Humidity Calibrator..................................................................................................................................................70
HMP155 Humidity and Temperature Probe. . .......................................................................................................................... 72
DTR500 Solar Radiation and Precipitation Shields................................................................................................................. 74
HMT330MIK Meteorological Installation Kit.......................................................................................................................... 76
HMT300TMK Turbine Mounting Kit for Power Turbine Intake Air Measurement.. .................................................................... 78
DL2000 Temperature and Humidity Loggers. . ....................................................................................................................... 80
DL1000/1400 Temperature Loggers....................................................................................................................................... 82
DL1016/1416 Wide-range Temperature Loggers......................................................................................................................86
DL1200 Low Temperature Loggers........................................................................................................................................ 88
DL4000 Voltage and Current Loop Loggers. . ......................................................................................................................... 90
DL1700 Thermocouple Data Loggers..................................................................................................................................... 92
HMT140 Wi-Fi Data Logger for Multiple Environmental Parameters....................................................................................... 94
Mid-Range Data Loggers for Temperature, Humidity & Contact Channel Measurement .........................................................96
vNet Power over Ethernet Data Logger Interface. . ................................................................................................................100

Dew Point
Vaisala DRYCAP® Sensor for Measuring Dew Point.. ............................................................................................................. 102
DMT340 Series Dewpoint and Temperature Transmitters for Very Dry Conditions................................................................ 104
DMT345 and DMT346 Dewpoint Transmitters for High Temperature Applications................................................................. 110
DMT242 Dewpoint Transmitter for OEM Applications........................................................................................................... 114
DMT152 Dewpoint Transmitter for Low Dew Point Measurement in OEM Applications .......................................................... 116

DMT143 Miniature Dewpoint Transmitter for OEM Applications. . .......................................................................................... 118
DMT132 Dewpoint Transmitter for Refrigerant Dryers .. ....................................................................................................... 120
DM70 Hand-Held Dewpoint Meter for Spot-Checking Applications.. ...................................................................................... 122
DSS70A Portable Sampling System and Sampling Cells for DM70. . ......................................................................................... 126
DPT146 Dewpoint and Pressure Transmitter for Compressed Air......................................................................................... 128
DPT145 Multiparameter Transmitter for SF6 Gas . . ............................................................................................................... 130

Dew Point
Moisture in Oil
Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor for Measuring Moisture in Oil..................................................................................................... 134
MMT330 Moisture and Temperature Transmitter Series for Oil............................................................................................ 136
MMT310 Series Moisture and Temperature Transmitters for Oil........................................................................................... 140
MMT162 Compact Moisture in Oil and Temperature Transmitter for OEM Applications. . ....................................................... 142
MM70 Hand-Held Moisture and Temperature Meter for Spot-Checking in Oil........................................................................ 144

Moisture in Oil
Carbon Dioxide
Vaisala CARBOCAP® Sensor for Measuring Carbon Dioxide................................................................................................. 146
GMP343 Carbon Dioxide Probe for Demanding Measurements.. ........................................................................................... 148
GMT220 Series Carbon Dioxide Transmitters for Industrial Applications ............................................................................. 152
GMM220 Carbon Dioxide Modules for Demanding OEM Applications................................................................................... 154
GMM111 Carbon Dioxide Module........................................................................................................................................ 156
GM70 Hand-Held Carbon Dioxide Meter for Spot-Checking Applications. . ............................................................................. 158

Carbon Dioxide
GMW90 Series Carbon Dioxide, Temperature, and Humidity Transmitters for Demand Controlled Ventilation Applications... 162
GMW80 Series Carbon Dioxide and Temperature Transmitters for Demand-Controlled Ventilation.. ...................................... 166
GMD20 Series Carbon Dioxide Transmitters for Demand Controlled Ventilation Applications. . .............................................. 168
GMM112 Carbon Dioxide Module for HVAC Applications...................................................................................................... 170

Vaisala BAROCAP® Sensor for Measuring Pressure. . .............................................................................................................172
PTU300 Combined Pressure, Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for Demanding Applications........................................174

PTB330 Digital Barometer for Professional Meteorology, Aviation, and Industrial Users. . ...................................................... 180
PTB330TS Barometric Pressure Transfer Standard – Take the Lab to the Field. . .................................................................... 184
PTB210 Digital Barometer. . ................................................................................................................................................. 188
PTB110 Barometer for Industrial Use. . ................................................................................................................................. 190
SPH10/20 Static Pressure Heads for Minimizing Wind Induced Error. . ................................................................................... 192
PDT102 Differential Pressure Transmitter .......................................................................................................................... 194
PDT101 Differential Pressure Transmitter ........................................................................................................................... 196
Vaisala Wind and Weather Sensor Technologies for Measurements in Industrial Applications. . ............................................. 198
WXT520 Weather Transmitter – Access to Real Time Weather Data..................................................................................... 200
WMT52 Ultrasonic Wind Sensor.. ....................................................................................................................................... 202
WA15 Wind Set for High Performance Wind Measurement.. ................................................................................................. 204
Service Offering

Vaisala Service Offering

Calibration Maintains and Documents Accuracy................................................................................................................ 206
Vaisala Filters.. .................................................................................................................................................................. 208
Vaisala Contact Information. . .............................................................................................................................................. 210



Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor for Measuring

Relative Humidity

In 1973, Vaisala introduced HUMICAP ®, the world’s first thin- HUMICAP in Brief
Box headline here
film capacitive humidity sensor. Since then, Vaisala has
become the market leader in relative humidity measurements,
▪ A capacitive thin-film polymer
and thin-film capacitive humidity sensors have developed from
▪ Full measurement range
one company’s innovation into a global industry standard. 0...100 %RH

▪ Accurate to ±1 %RH
Vaisala HUMICAP sensors guarantee the dielectric properties of the ▪ Traceable humidity
quality and reliability, with their polymer film change, and so does measurement
reputation for accuracy, excellent
long-term stability, and negligible
the capacitance of the sensor. The
instrument’s electronics measure
▪ Nearly 40 years on the market

hysteresis. the capacitance of the sensor and

convert it into a humidity reading. HUMICAP’s Unique Benefits
How It Works ▪ Excellent long-term stability
HUMICAP is a capacitive thin-film Typical Applications for
polymer sensor consisting of a Humidity Measurement ▪ Insensitive to dust and most
substrate on which a thin film of Vaisala’s humidity instruments with
polymer is deposited between two HUMICAP sensors are suitable for ▪ Chemical purge option
for stable measurements
conductive electrodes. The sensing a wide range of applications. From
in environments with high
surface is coated with a porous power and steel to life sciences and
concentrations of chemicals
metal electrode to protect it from building automation, many industries
contamination and exposure to need to measure humidity – here are ▪ Sensor heating for
measurements even in
condensation. The substrate is just a few:
condensing environments
typically glass or ceramic. Humidity must be measured and
The thin-film polymer either absorbs controlled in many drying processes, ▪ Full recovery from
or releases water vapor as the such as those in construction
relative humidity of the ambient material and paper manufacturing,
air rises or falls. The dielectric and fluid bed dryers. The humidity Cleanrooms and other critical
properties of the polymer film of the process air is a good indicator environments also require high-
depend on the amount of absorbed of the progression of the drying performance environmental
water. As the relative humidity process. measurements in order to operate
around the sensor changes, consistently and within

In building automation, optimizing
Vaisala INTERCAP® Sensor
both the temperature and relative
▪ Same measurement principle

humidity of the indoor environment
enables a greater level of comfort as in the HUMICAP® sensor
for occupants than optimizing ▪ Factory pre-calibrated - no
temperature alone. Careful humidity additional calibration or
control is a must in museums, adjustment needed
archives, warehouses, and other ▪ Fully interchangeable
environments where humidity-
sensitive materials are stored. ▪ Used in humidity instruments
with ±3 %RH accuracy
Humidity Products
Family of HUMICAP sensors. Vaisala has everything you need
for measuring humidity, with a Upper electrode
specifications. In addition, glove boxes wide range of humidity instruments Thin-film polymer
and isolators – used for handling covering applications from HVAC
moisture or gas-sensitive materials Lower electrode
to the most demanding industrial
– benefit from accurate and reliable Glass substrate
applications, both indoors and
humidity measurements. Measuring out. Vaisala’s humidity instrument
humidity in a critical environment can offering includes transmitters,
be especially challenging. modules for volume applications,
In the food industry the dryers and portable and handheld humidity
ovens used in bread baking and meters, and humidity calibrators.
cereal manufacture require a carefully The full range of humidity
controlled humidity level to maintain products can be found at
consistent quality and high yield, and Structure of the HUMICAP sensor.
to give distinctive characteristics to
the finished product.

HUMICAP® – The Story of Innovation

Until the early 1970s, hair the sensor had no moving parts, museums. The need for reliable
hygrometers were commonly and due to the advanced use humidity measurement was
used in radiosondes. At that time, of semiconductor and thin-film common to all, and instruments
reliable humidity measurement technologies, it was amazingly that could do this accurately were
was an unresolved challenge small. The sensor had a fast few and far between.
and to solve this, Vaisala began response time, good linearity, low
By 1980, a variety of products
developing a new type of humidity hysteresis, and small temperature
based on HUMICAP technology
sensor using semiconductors coefficiency.
– from hand-held meters to
and thin-film materials. The
Despite the fact that the innovation industrial transmitters, calibrators,
revolutionary HUMICAP humidity
was designed for a new type of a and other accessories – were
sensor was introduced two years
radiosonde, the greatest interest being sold in over 60 countries.
later, in 1973, at CIMO VI congress.
came from elsewhere: people Since its birth, HUMICAP has been
HUMICAP was a radical working in environments as part of Vaisala’s core business,
innovation that changed humidity diverse as greenhouses, bakeries, propelling the company to industry
measurements for good. The new warehouses, construction sites, leadership in the field of humidity
technology was groundbreaking: brick and timber kilns, and measurement.

For more information, visit Ref. B210781EN-C ©Vaisala 2012

This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights or contact retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved.
us at Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or
its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or
storage of information contained in this brochure in any form
without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited.
All specifications — technical included — are subject to change
without notice.

How to Choose the Right Instrument for
Measuring Humidity and Dew Point
What is Humidity?
An Introduction
to Humidity
Partial Pressure of
Water Vapor
Humidity is simply water in its
gaseous phase, properly called water
vapor. Because water vapor is a gas,
most of the common gas laws apply
to it, including Dalton's law of partial
pressures. Dalton's law says that the
total pressure of a gas is equal to the
sum of the partial pressures of each
of the component gases:
Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3…
Learn the basics and get the best out of your humidity measurements. If we consider air, the equation means
that the total atmospheric pressure
of 1.013 bar (14.7psia) is the sum of
Humidity measurement and control is called for in a wide variety the partial pressures of nitrogen,
of industrial applications. Each application has a different set of oxygen, water vapor, argon, carbon
dioxide, and various other gases in
requirements for humidity instruments, such as required measurement
trace amounts.
range, tolerance to extreme temperature and pressure conditions,
ability to recover from condensation, ability to operate in hazardous Definition of Water Vapor
environments, and options for installation and calibration. There is Pressure
no single device that is suitable for all needs. In fact, the range of Water vapor pressure (Pw) is the
available equipment is quite large, varying both in cost and quality. pressure exerted by the water vapor
present in air or a gas. Temperature
dictates the maximum partial
pressure of water vapor. This
This paper discusses the following • Sensor properties that influence maximum pressure is known as
topics in order to help in selecting the choice of humidity instrument saturation vapor pressure (Pws).
the right humidity instrument: • Practical guidelines for selecting a The higher the temperature, the
• Different humidity parameters humidity instrument higher the saturation vapor pressure
and the more water vapor the air
• Environmental conditions that
can hold. Thus, warm air has a
influence the choice of humidity
greater capacity for water vapor
than cold air.

If saturation vapor pressure is
reached in air or in a gas mixture,

the introduction of additional water
vapor requires that an equal amount
condenses out of the gas as a liquid
or a solid. A psychrometric chart
shows graphically the relation
between saturation vapor pressure
and temperature. In addition, vapor
pressure tables can be used to see Some humidity measurement instruments allow an individual humidity parameter
the saturation vapor pressure at to be chosen which can then be followed on a graphical display. This picture shows
any temperature, and there are different views of the Vaisala HUMICAP Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter
also a number of computer-based HM70 display.
calculation programs available.

Effect of Pressure Relative Humidity Dew point directly correlates with

on Humidity When thinking conceptually of water
saturation vapor pressure (Pws ).
The partial pressure of water vapor
Dalton's law states that a change in vapor as a gas, it's easy to define
associated with any dew point can
the total pressure of a gas must have relative humidity. Relative humidity
be easily calculated. Unlike RH, dew
an effect on the partial pressures of (RH) can be defined as the ratio of
point is not temperature dependent
all of the component gases, including the partial water vapor pressure
but it is affected by pressure.
water vapor. If, for example, the (Pw) to the water vapor saturation
Typical applications for dew point
total pressure is doubled, the partial pressure (Pws) at a particular
measurement include various drying
pressures of all component gases are temperature:
processes, dry air applications, and
doubled as well. In air compressors, %RH = 100% × Pw / Pws compressed air drying.
a pressure increase "squeezes" water
Relative humidity is strongly
out of the air as it is compressed.
temperature dependent as the Frost Point Temperature
denominator in the definition (Pws) If the dew point temperature is below
is a function of temperature. For freezing – which is the case in dry gas
example, in a room with an RH of 50% applications – the term frost point (Tf )
and a temperature of 20°C, increasing is sometimes used to explicitly state
the temperature of the room to 25°C that the condensing phase is ice. The
will decrease the RH to about 37%, frost point is always slightly higher
even though the partial pressure of than the dew point below 0°C as the
the water vapor remains the same. water vapor saturation pressure of
Pressure will also change relative ice is different to water. People also
humidity. For example, if a process often refer to dew point for subzero
is kept at a constant temperature, values, even though they mean frost
relative humidity will increase by a point. Ask for clarification if you are
factor of two if the process pressure not certain.
is doubled.
Parts Per Million
Dew Point Temperature Unit parts per million (ppm) is
Humidity calculators are also available If a gas is cooled and gaseous water sometimes used for low levels of
for mobile phones. vapor begins to condense in the humidity. It is the ratio of water vapor
liquid phase, the temperature at to dry gas or total (moist) gas, and is
This happens because the partial which condensation occurs is defined expressed either by volume/volume
pressure of water vapor (Pw) is as the dew point temperature (Td ). (ppmvol) or mass/weight (ppmw ).
increased, but the saturation vapor At 100%RH the ambient temperature Parts per million (ppmvol) can be
pressure is still only a function of equals the dew point temperature. quantitatively expressed as follows:
temperature. As pressure builds in The further negative the dew point ppmvol = [Pw /(P - Pws )] × 106
a receiver tank and Pw reaches Pws, is from the ambient temperature, the
The ppm parameter is typically used
water condenses into liquid and must smaller the risk for condensation and
when defining the water vapor content
ultimately be drained from the tank. the drier the air.
of pressurized and dry pure gases.
Mixing Ratio used together to calculate relative Water Activity
humidity or dew point. For example,
The mixing ratio (x) is the ratio of Water activity (aw) is similar to
the wet bulb temperature is used
water vapor mass to the mass of dry equilibrium relative humidity and
in air conditioning applications
gas. It is dimensionless but often uses a scale of 0 to 1, instead of
where it is compared to the dry bulb
expressed in grams per kilogram of 0% to 100%.
temperature to determine the cooling
dry air. The mixing ratio is mainly
capacity of evaporative coolers.
used in drying processes and HVAC Enthalpy
applications for calculating water
Absolute Humidity Enthalpy is the amount of energy
content when the mass flow of air is required to bring a gas to its current
known. Absolute humidity (a) refers to the
state from a dry gas at 0°C. It is used
mass of water in a unit volume of
in air conditioning calculations.
Wet Bulb Temperature moist air at a given temperature and
pressure. It is usually expressed
Traditionally, the wet bulb
as grams per cubic meter of air.
temperature (Tw) is the temperature
Absolute humidity is a typical
indicated by a thermometer wrapped
parameter in process control and
in a wet cotton sheath. The wet bulb
drying applications.
and ambient temperatures can be

The Effect of Environmental Conditions

on Humidity Measurement
Environmental conditions can have of temperature. However, when Recommended
Mounting for
a significant effect on humidity and measuring dew point, pressure duct or chamber
dew point measurements. Take the conditions must be taken into Probe
following environmental factors into account. Insulation

consideration to achieve the best

possible measurement result: Beware of Temperature
Select a Representative
When mounting a humidity probe
Measurement Location into a process, avoid temperature
Always choose a measuring drops along the probe body.
point that is representative of the When there is a large temperature Not
environment being measured, difference between the probe and if risk of
avoiding any hot or cold spots. A the external environment, the whole
transmitter mounted near a door, probe should be mounted within the Figure 1: Mounting a humidity probe
humidifier, heat source, or air process and the cable entry point in a condensing environment.
conditioning inlet will be subject to should be insulated.
rapid humidity changes and may When there is a risk of condensation, 10
appear unstable. the probe should be mounted 9

As relative humidity is strongly horizontally to avoid water dripping 8

temperature dependent, it is down the probe/cable and saturating
dRH (%RH)

very important that the humidity the filter (see figure 1). 5
sensor is at the same temperature Ensure that air is allowed to 4

as the measured air or gas. When flow around the sensor. Free air 3

comparing the humidity readings flow ensures that the sensor is 2

of two different instruments, the in equilibrium with the process


thermal equilibrium between the temperature. At 20°C and 50%RH, 1°C -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Temperature ( C)
units/probes and the measured gas is difference between the sensor and
particularly crucial. the measurement zone will cause an Figure 2: Measurement error at
Unlike relative humidity, dew point error of 3%RH. At 100%RH the error is 100%RH at various temperatures when
measurement is independent 6%RH (see figure 2). the temperature difference between the
ambient air and the sensor is 1°C.

Installation with the ball valve set
The Right Instrument In many applications it is advisable
for High Humidity to isolate the probe from the process

with a ball valve to enable the
Environments with >90%RH are
removal of the probe for maintenance
defined here as high humidity
without shutting down the process
environments. At 90%RH a
(see figure 3).
difference of 2°C can cause water to
condense on the sensor, which in an
When is a Sampling
unventilated space may take hours
System Needed for
to dry. Vaisala humidity sensors
Dew Point Measurement?
will recover from condensation.
However, if the condensed water Wherever possible, the probe
is contaminated, the instrument should be mounted in the actual
accuracy can be affected due to process to achieve the most accurate
deposits on the sensor, especially measurements and a rapid response
salt deposits. Even the life of time. However, direct installations
the sensor may be shortened. In are not always feasible. In such
applications with high humidity situations, sample cells installed
where condensation can occur, a in-line provide an entry point for a
warmed sensor head probe such as suitable measurement probe.
the Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Note that external sampling systems
Temperature Transmitter HMT337 should not be used to measure
should be used. relative humidity because the
change in temperature will affect
The Right Instrument for the measurement. Sampling systems
Low Humidity can instead be used with dew point
Figure 3: A ball valve installation in a probes. When measuring dew point,
Environments with <10%RH are process pipe line.
defined here as low humidity sampling systems are typically used
environments. At low humidities, the to lower the temperature of the
calibration accuracy of instruments process gas, to protect the probe
60°C the transmitter electronics
measuring relative humidity may not against particulate contamination,
should be mounted outside the
be adequate. Instead, measuring dew or to enable easy connection and
process and only a suitable high
point will provide a good indication disconnection of the instrument
temperature probe should be
of humidity. For example, Vaisala without ramping down the process.
inserted into the high temperature
DRYCAP® products are designed for environment. Moreover, built- The simplest dew point sampling
measuring dew point. in temperature compensation is setup consists of a dew point
If a dryer fails in a compressed air required to minimize the errors transmitter connected to a sampling
system, water condensation may caused by large temperature cell. Vaisala has several models
appear and the instrument will need swings or operation at temperature suitable for the most common
to recover. Many dew point sensors extremes. applications and sampling needs.
are damaged or destroyed in such For example, the easy to install
When measuring humidity in
situations, but Vaisala DRYCAP® DSC74 sampling cell is designed for
processes operating at around
dew point sensors withstand high the flow and pressure conditions in
ambient pressure, a small leak may
humidity – and even water spikes. compressed air applications.
be tolerable and can be reduced by
sealing around the probe or cable. In demanding process conditions,
The Right Instrument for However, when the process needs sampling systems must be designed
Extreme Temperature and to be isolated, or when there is a carefully. As dew point is pressure
Pressure Conditions large pressure difference between dependent, a flow meter, pressure
Continuous exposure to extreme the process and the external gauge, special non-porous tubing,
temperatures may affect sensor environment, a sealed probe head filters, and pump may be needed. As
and probe materials over time. It is with appropriate mounting must be an example, a flow chart showing the
therefore very important to select used. Pressure leaks at the point of Vaisala DRYCAP® Portable Sampling
a suitable product for demanding entry will alter the local humidity and System DSS70A for DM70 is shown in
environments. In temperatures above result in false readings. figure 4.

In a pressurized system a sample
pump isn’t needed as the process
pressure induces a large enough flow
to the sampling cell.
When measuring dew point with
a sampling system, trace heating
should be used when the ambient
temperature around the cooling
coil or connecting tube is within
10°C of the dew point temperature.
This prevents condensation in the
tubing that connects the dew point
instrument to the process.

Hazardous Environments
Only products with appropriate
Vaisala HUMICAP ® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMT360 is
certification can be used in
designed for hazardous and explosive environments.
potentially explosive areas. For
example, in Europe products must
comply with the ATEX100a directive,
which has been mandatory since
2003. Intrinsically safe products are
designed in such a manner that even
in the event of failure they do not
generate enough energy to ignite
certain classes of gas. The wiring
Figure 4: The DSS70A sampling system includes a filter to clean the gas and a
from the intrinsically safe product needle valve to control the sample flow rate. A sample pump is needed to generate
into the safe area must be isolated flow from an unpressurized process gas.
via a safety barrier. For example, the
Vaisala HMT360 series of intrinsically
safe humidity transmitters are Shock and Vibration choice of probe, mounting method,
and installation location needs
specially designed for use in When the probe will be subject to
careful consideration.
hazardous environments. excessive shock or vibration, the

What Makes a Good Humidity Sensor?

Humidity sensor performance is a Optimal Measurement Good Chemical Tolerance
critical contributor to the overall Range Aggressive chemicals can damage or
quality of the humidity measurement.
The choice of humidity sensor contaminate sensors. The instrument
Consider the importance of the
depends on the application and manufacturer should know the effects
following sensor properties:
operating temperature, especially at of various chemicals on their sensors
the extremes of humidity. and be able to give advice related to
Fast Response Time
The majority of Vaisala's humidity acceptable chemical concentrations.
The sensor response time is the
sensors work over the full range
speed of response when the sensor
from 0 to 100%RH. Vaisala HUMICAP® High Accuracy
is subjected to a step change in
sensors are the optimal choice for Accuracy as a term is well
humidity. In addition to the sensor,
applications with a relative humidity established, but difficult to define.
factors such as temperature, airflow,
around 10–100%RH, whereas Each step in the calibration chain
and filter type all have an effect on
DRYCAP® sensors are designed for – from the primary standard in an
response time. A blocked filter will
measurements in low humidities internationally recognized calibration
give a slower response.
around 0–10%RH. laboratory, to the actual product

manufacture and the measurement
on site – introduces measurement

error. The sum of these potential
errors is the uncertainty of the
When selecting a humidity sensor,
consider the following factors
associated with accuracy:
• Linearity over the working range
• Hysteresis and repeatability
• Stability over a period of time
• Temperature dependence of the Humidity sensors from Vaisala.
During manufacture, Vaisala directly traceable to internationally certificates that are supplied with the
products are compared and adjusted recognized standards. The majority of Vaisala products.
against factory standards that are calibration chain is detailed in the

The Right Humidity Instrument for the Job

or connected with a flexible cable. from dust, dirt, and excessive
The transmitter provides the output humidity. An enclosure with an IP65
signal. or NEMA 4 classification gives good
Vaisala designs and manufactures protection against dust and sprayed
a range of products for measuring water. The cable entry points need to
relative humidity, temperature, be sealed during installation.
and dew point based on HUMICAP® When using the instrument outside,
and DRYCAP® sensors. All Vaisala it should be mounted in a radiation
humidity instruments feature shield or Stevenson screen to prevent
Protective filters for Vaisala’s humidity built-in temperature compensation solar radiation or extremes of weather
instruments. to minimize the errors caused by from affecting the measurement.
temperature variations and operation
at extremes of temperature. Many Must the Instrument
No matter what the application, the
of the products include built-in Tolerate Condensation?
total range of gas temperatures and
calculations for other humidity Making good quality humidity
expected water vapor levels must be
parameters. measurements in near-condensing
known in order to decide the optimal
humidity parameters and the optimal conditions is very challenging.
Protect the Sensor Warmed probe technology ensures
instrument for the environment.
and Electronics with reliable measurements when
The process pressure must also be
the Right Filter measuring relative humidity close
known when measuring humidity
within the process. In addition, it As well as screening the sensor from to saturation point. The humidity
must be decided whether to make the any stray electromagnetic fields, level of the warmed probe always
measurement at the process pressure the filter protects the sensor from stays below the ambient level, where
or at some other pressure. For gases dust, dirt, and mechanical stress. condensation occurs.
other than air, the gas composition A membrane or netting filter is a
must be known. good alternative for the majority of Must the Instrument
applications. In temperatures above Withstand Exposure to
The terms probe, transmitter, and
80°C, in high pressure, or in rapidly Chemicals?
sensor describe products that
moving air up to 75 m/sec, a sintered A chemical purge feature helps to
measure humidity. The probe is the
filter should be used. maintain measurement accuracy
part of the product that contains
the humidity sensor. The probe may A suitable protective enclosure in environments with a high
be rigidly bound to the transmitter protects the instrument electronics concentration of chemicals or

cleaning agents. The chemical purge
heats the sensor at regular intervals
to remove chemicals that may have
accumulated over time.

The Importance of
Compatibility (EMC)
There are many standards defining
the ability of products to withstand
external electrical interference.
In addition, the product must not
generate emissions that can cause
interference to sensitive equipment.
Industrial applications have more
demanding EMC requirements
Vaisala HUMICAP ® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMT330 is a
than HVAC installations – the CE flexible product family designed for demanding industrial applications.
marking used in Europe guarantees
Which Power Supply on the length of the signal path and
and Output Signals on the interfacing equipment. Some
Consider Wiring products have a 4–20mA loop power
and Earthing are Needed?
connection, which is a 2-wire system
Except for short cable runs, a The majority of measurement
where the output signal current is
screened cable is recommended. instruments are powered using a low
measured in the supply line.
Proximity to high-voltage cables or voltage supply. If a low voltage AC
supply is used, an isolated supply is In addition to analog outputs, some
RF sources should be avoided. It is
recommended for each transmitter Vaisala products feature digital
good practice to earth the connection
to avoid earth loops or interference communication via RS-232, RS-485,
cable screen at a common point and
from an inductive load. or LAN/WLAN interfaces. Selected
avoid multiple earth points. Galvanic
commercial protocols (Modbus,
isolation is also available on some Analog output instruments usually
BACnet) are also available.
Vaisala products. have an option for both voltage and
current outputs. The choice depends

Consider Calibration before Purchasing

Instruments typically need to be of calibration. However, it does not
calibrated every year or every second reflect the stability of the instrument
year. Calibration requirements in the long run. Calibration at routine
depend on the application and the intervals is essential to understand
stability of the instrument, with wide the instrument’s long-term stability.
variations in how easy it is to carry Calibration frequency depends on
out field checking and calibration. the operating environment. A rule
Some instruments need to be sent of thumb for Vaisala instruments
to a laboratory for calibration, is that yearly calibration is enough
for example. Understanding the for HUMICAP® products, whereas
calibration needs is therefore in most applications a two-year
an important part of instrument calibration interval is suitable for
selection. DRYCAP® products. When measuring
in constant high humidity (>85%RH),
Calibration Frequency high temperature (>120°C), or On-site calibration of a HMW90
An individual calibration certificate chemically aggressive atmospheres, humidity transmitter with a HM70
for a particular instrument indicates more frequent checks may be hand-held meter.
the accuracy and linearity at the time needed.

Humidity Instrument

In calibration, the humidity reading
of an instrument is compared against
a portable reference. The reference
should be regularly calibrated and
provided with a valid certificate.
When selecting one of the many
calibration methods, time, cost,
technical requirements, expertise,
and the unique needs of the
organization must be balanced.
Portable meters and products that
can be removed from the installation
can be calibrated in an approved
laboratory or returned to the
instrument provider for calibration.
Vaisala has four Service Centers
around the world available for
Instruments installed in processes
that operate within narrow Vaisala Humidity Calibrator HMK15 for multi-point on-site calibrations.
boundaries can be calibrated using
on-site one-point calibration that can
can be accomplished in the customers perform calibrations
be performed without disconnecting
field with the help of humidity- on Vaisala DRYCAP® products.
the instrument. One-point calibration
generating equipment, as long as Instead, they should be calibrated in
can also be used to identify the
the local environment is at a stable professional calibration laboratories,
need for further calibration and
temperature. The advantage of multi- such as Vaisala Service Centers.
point calibration compared to one- However, it is possible to perform a
Some portables such as the Vaisala point calibration is higher accuracy field check on a dew point instrument
HUMICAP® Hand-Held Humidity over the entire measurement range. to identify whether adjustment is
and Temperature Meter HM70 or Multiple humidity levels can be needed, using the Vaisala DRYCAP®
the Vaisala DRYCAP® Hand-Held created with the Vaisala Humidity Hand-Held Dewpoint Meter DM70.
Dewpoint Meter DM70 can be directly Calibrator HMK15, for example.
connected to the installed product
To learn more about Vaisala's
and the readings compared to those Calibration of Dew Point
humidity instruments,
on the portable meter’s display. Instruments
In environments with large It is a demanding task to perform
variations in humidity, multi-point high-quality calibrations on low
calibration is recommended. Two- dew point instruments. For this
point or three-point calibrations reason, Vaisala doesn't recommend

For more information, visit Ref. B211203EN-A ©Vaisala 2012

This material is subject to copyright protection, with all or contact copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
us at rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


HMT330 Series Humidity and

and Temperature
Transmitters for Demanding
Demanding Humidity
Humidity Measurement
▪ Six models for demanding
industrial applications

▪ Full 0 ... 100 %RH

measurement, temperature
range up to +180 °C (+356 °F)
depending on model

▪ Pressure tolerance up to
100 bar depending on model

▪ 4th generation Vaisala

HUMICAP® sensor for superior
accuracy and stability

▪ Graphical display and keypad

for convenient operation

▪ Multilingual user interface

▪ Excellent performance in harsh

conditions; good chemical

The HMT330 transmitter family offers reliable performance for a wide variety of ▪ Corrosion-resistant IP65/IP66
demanding industrial humidity measurements. housing

▪ 6-point NIST traceable

(certificate included)
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and stable measurement even in ▪ 10-year warranty when
and Temperature Transmitter Series environments with high humidity or annually calibrated at the
HMT330 is designed for demanding chemical contaminants. Vaisala Service Center
industrial applications where
Chemical Purge Minimizes
▪ Analog outputs, RS232/485,
stable measurements and extensive WLAN/LAN
customization are essential. With Effects of Contaminants
multiple options to choose from, the In environments with high
▪ MODBUS protocol support
instrument can be tailored to meet concentrations of chemicals and
the specific needs of each individual cleaning agents, the chemical
▪ Compatible with Vaisala
viewLinc software
application. purge option helps to maintain
measurement accuracy between
Proven Vaisala HUMICAP® calibration intervals.
Performance The chemical purge involves heating
The HMT330 series incorporates the sensor to remove harmful
Vaisala’s 40 years of experience in chemicals. The function can be
industrial humidity measurement. initiated manually or programmed to
The updated fourth-generation occur at set intervals.
HUMICAP sensor provides accurate

Wide Range of Installation Graphical Display of
Options Measurement Data and
The wide variety of measurement Trends for Convenient
probes, several installation Operation
accessories, and universal mains The HMT330 series features a large
and DC power options make the numerical and graphical display with
instruments easy to install in various a multilingual menu and keypad.
locations and kinds of environment; It allows users to easily monitor
walls, poles, pipelines, and ducts, operational data, measurement
for example. The input/output cable trends, and access measurement The display shows measurement
can be fed through the back of history for the past 12 months. trends and over four years of real-time
the transmitter, which is a useful The optional data logger, with measurement history.
feature, especially for cleanroom real-time clock, makes it possible
installations. to generate over four years of
The HMT330 series includes six measurement history, and zoom in on data can be viewed on the local
models: any desired time or time frame. display or transferred to a PC with
• HMT331 for wall-mounted The display alarm allows any Microsoft Windows® software. The
applications measured parameter to be tracked, transmitter can also be connected to
with freely configurable low and a network with an optional (W)LAN
• HMT333 for ducts and tight
high limits. interface, which enables a (wireless)
Ethernet connection. A USB service
• HMT334 for high-pressure and
Versatile Outputs and cable makes it easy to connect the
vacuum applications
Data Collection HMT330 to a PC via the service port.
• HMT335 for high-temperature
The HMT330 can support up to three
analog outputs; an isolated galvanic
Flexible Calibration
• HMT337 for high-humidity power supply and relay outputs are The HMT330 instruments are
applications also available. calibrated at six humidity points
• HMT338 for pressurized pipelines at the factory and come with a
For serial interface the USB
calibration certificate that meets
connection, RS232, and RS485 can
all the relevant traceability and
This device is designed to integrate be used.
compliance requirements.
seamlessly with the Vaisala viewLinc HMT330 is also capable of applying
A quick, one-point field calibration
CMS, which is a Part 11/Annex 11 the MODBUS communication protocol
can be performed with the hand-
compliant software that can be easily and, together with an appropriate
held HM70 meter. A two-point field
implemented following the GAMP5 connection option, provides either
calibration can be performed,
guidelines. MODBUS RTU (RS485) or MODBUS
for example, with the HMK15 salt
TCP/IP (Ethernet) communication.
bath calibrator in a controlled
The data logger, with real-time clock environment. The transmitter
and battery backup, guarantees can also be sent to Vaisala for
reliable logging of measurement data recalibration, and accredited
for over four years. The recorded calibrations are available.

Technical Data
Performance Inputs and Outputs
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Operating voltage 10 ... 35 VDC, 24 VAC ±20%
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH with optional power supply module 100 ... 240 VAC, 50/60 HZ
Accuracy (including non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability) Power consumption at +20 °C (Uin 24 VDC)
with Vaisala HUMICAP® 180 or 180R* for typical applications RS232 max. 25 mA
with Vaisala HUMICAP® 180C or 180RC* for applications with Uout 2 x 0 ... 1 V/0 ... 5 V/0 ... 10 V max. 25 mA
chemical purge/warmed probe Iout 2 x 0 ... 20 mA max. 60 mA
with Vaisala HUMICAP® 180VC catalytic sensor display and backlight + 20 mA
with chemical purge for during chemical purge max. 110 mA
H2O2 environments during probe heating (HMT337) + 120 mA
at +15 ... +25 °C (59 ... +77 °F) ±1 %RH (0 ... 90 %) Analog outputs (2 standard, 3rd optional)
±1.7 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH) current output 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA
at -20 ... +40 °C (-4 ... +104 °F) ±(1.0 + 0.008 x reading) %RH voltage output 0... 1 V, 0... 5 V, 0... 10 V
at -40 ... +180 °C (-40 ... +356 °F) ±(1.5 + 0.015 x reading) %RH Accuracy of analog outputs at +20 °C ±0.05% full scale
Factory calibration uncertainty (+20 °C) ±0.6 %RH (0 ... 40 %RH) Temperature dependence of the
±1.0 %RH (40 ... 97 %RH) analog outputs ±0.005%/°C full scale
(Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits. Small External loads
variations possible; see also calibration certificate.) current outputs RL < 500 ohm
Response time (90%) at +20 °C (+68 °F) 8 s/17 s** with grid filter 0 ... 1 V output RL > 2 kohm
in still air 20 s/50 s** with grid + steel netting filter 0 ... 5 V and 0 ... 10 V outputs RL > 10 kohm
40 s/60 s** with sintered filter Max. wire size 0.5 mm2 (AWG 20)
*HUMICAP 180R or 180RC recommended stranded wires recommended
** with HUMICAP 180R or 180RC or 180VC sensor Digital outputs RS232, RS485 (optional)
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ± 0.2 °C (± 0.36 °F) Service connection RS232, USB
Accuracy over temperature range (measurement range Relay outputs (optional) 0.5 A, 250 VAC
depends on model) Ethernet interface (optional)
Supported standards 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX
°C Connector 8P8C (RJ45)
0.6 IPv4 address assignment DHCP (automatic), static
Protocols Telnet, MODBUS TCP/IP
0.3 WLAN interface (optional)
0.2 Supported standards 802.11b
°C Antenna connector type RP-SMA
-0.1 IPv4 address assignment DHCP (automatic), static
-0.2 Protocols Telnet, MODBUS TCP/IP
Security WEP 64/128, WPA2/802.11i
-0.5 Authentication / Encryption (WLAN)
Open / no encryption
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Open / WEP
WPA Pre-shared key / TKIP
Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 WPA Pre-shared key / CCMP (a.k.a. WPA2)
Other available variables (model-dependent) Optional data logger with real-time clock
dew point temperature, mixing ratio, absolute humidity, wet bulb Logged parameters max. four with trend/min/max values
temperature, enthalpy, water vapor pressure Logging interval 10 sec. (fixed)
Max. logging period 4 years, 5 months
Logged points 13.7 million points per parameter
Battery lifetime min. 5 years
Display LCD with backlight, graphical trend display
of any parameter
Menu languages English, Chinese, Finnish, French, German,
Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish

77 (3.03)
71 (2.80)

Mechanics Dimensions
53.5 (2.10) 38 (1.50) 38 (1.50) 53.5 (2.10)
Cable bushing M20 x 1.5 for cable diameter Dimensions in mm (inches)
8 ... 11 mm/0.31 ... 0.43" 183 (7.20)

Conduit fitting 1/2" NPT 169 (6.65)

User cable connector (optional) M12 series 8-pin (male)

option 1 female plug with 5 m (16.4 ft.) black cable
option 2 female plug with screw terminals

116 (4.57)

96 (3.78)
Probe cable diameter
HMT333 (+80 °C) 6.0 mm

ø 7 (0.28)
other probes 5.5 mm
Standard probe cable lengths 2 m, 5 m or 10 m
(Additional lengths available,
please see order forms for details)
Transmitter with WLAN antenna
Housing material G-AlSi 10 Mg (DIN1725)
183 (7.20)
Housing classification IP 66
IP65 (NEMA4X) with local display
depending on selected probe, cable and modules 1.0 - 3.0 kgs 116 (4.57)

Operating Environment
Operating temperature
for probe same as measurement range
for transmitter body -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... 140 °F)
92 (3.62)

with display 0 ... +60 °C (32 ... 140 °F)

Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard
EN61326-1, Industrial Environment
Note: Transmitter with display test impedance of
40 ohm is used in IEC61000-4-5 (Surge immunity)

Mounting Options

Mounting with Wall Mounting with DIN Rail

Mounting Kit* Installation Kit

Pole Installation with Installation Mounting Rain Shield with

Kit for Pole or Pipeline Installation Kit TYPE APPROVED PRODUCT

*not mandatory for wall installations

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B210951EN-H ©Vaisala 2015
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for
more information
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.

HMT331 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for Demanding
Wall-Mounted Applications
Typical Applications
▪ cleanrooms

▪ pharmaceutical

▪ swimming halls

▪ museums and archives

HMT331 Humidity and

Temperature Transmitter
with short flexible probe and
The HMT331 is a state-of-the-art wall-mounted humidity optional WLAN.
measurement instrument. Technical Data
Temperature measurement range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature
Transmitter HMT331 is a high-quality wall-mounted USB service port cable with PC software 219916
transmitter for demanding HVAC and condition-monitoring Connection cable for HM70 211339
applications. Wall-mounting plate (plastic) 214829
Pole installation kit with rain shield 215109
DIN rail installation set 215094
PPS plastic grid filter with stainless steel net DRW010281SP
Stainless steel sintered filter HM47280SP

HMT333 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for Ducts and Tight Spaces
The Vaisala HUMICAP®
Typical Applications
Humidity and Temperature
Transmitter HMT333 is a ▪ cleanrooms
versatile instrument for
applications where a small
▪ pharmaceutical
remote probe is needed,
for example in demanding
▪ environmental chambers

HVAC applications. Its small ▪ processes with

moderate temperature
Duct installation kit for
HMT333 and HMT337.
thermal mass enables rapid
and humidity
response to temperature
The HMT333 transmitter’s
Flexible Installation compact probe is designed for Technical Data
To install the probe in remote applications. Temperature measurement range -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F) or
ducts, channels, and -40 ... +120 °C (-40 ... +248 °F)
through walls, an installation kit is available with a stainless Accessories
steel flange, lead-through piece, and steel support bar. Duct installation kit 210697
Cable gland with split seal HMP247CG
The HMT333 has two probe cable options – a flexible
USB service port cable with PC software 219916
rubber cable that withstands temperatures of up to +80 °C,
Connection cable for HM70 211339
and a durable cable that withstands temperatures of up to
Wall-mounting plate (plastic) 214829
+120 °C. Both cable options are available in lengths of 2, 5,
Pole installation kit with rain shield 215109
and 10 meters. Additionally, flexible rubber cable (+80 °C) is
Solar radiation shield DTR502B
available in 20-meter lengths. DIN rail installation set 215094
For outdoor environments, the DTR502B solar radiation PPS plastic grid filter with stainless steel net DRW010281SP
shield provides protection for the probe. The shield can be PPS plastic grid filter DRW010276SP
installed on a pole, beam, or flat surface. Stainless steel sintered filter HM47280SP

HMT334 Humidity
Humidity and
and Temperature
Temperature Transmitter
Transmitter for
for High
High Pressure
and Vacuum Applications
and Vacuum Applications

Typical Applications
▪▪ test
test chambers

▪▪ high-pressure
high-pressure and
and vacuum
vacuum processes

Technical Data
Temperature measurement
measurement range
range -70
-70 ...
... +180
+180 °C
°C (-94
(-94 ...
... +356
+356 °F)
Operating pressure
Operating pressure 00 ...
... 10 MPa (0 ... 100 bar)
10 MPa (0 ... 100 bar)
Fitting body
body ISO
M22 x x 1.5
1.5 17223SP
Fitting body NPT
Fitting body NPT 1/2"1/2" 17225SP
USB service
USB service port
port cable
cable with
with PCPC software
software 219916
The HMT334
HMT334 is
is ideal
ideal for
for permanent
permanent installations
installations in
in pressurized
pressurized or
or Connection
Connection cable
cable for
for HM70
HM70 211339
vacuum processes.
processes. Wall-mounting
Wall-mounting plate
plate (plastic)
(plastic) 214829
Pole installation kit
installation kit with
with rain
rain shield
shield 215109
DIN rail installation
DIN rail installation set set 215094
The Vaisala
HUMICAP® Humidity
Humidity and
and Temperature PPS
Temperature PPS plastic
plastic grid
grid filter
filter with
with stainless
stainless steel
steel net
net DRW010281SP
Transmitter HMT334 is designed for humidity
HMT334 is designed for humidity measurement
measurement PPS plastic
PPS plastic grid
grid filter
filter DRW010276SP
in pressurized
pressurized spaces
spaces or
or vacuum
vacuum chambers.
chambers. Every
Every probe
probe is
is Stainless
Stainless steel
steel sintered
sintered filter
filter HM47280SP
tested for gas and vacuum-tight installation.
tested for gas and vacuum-tight installation.
Stainless steel grid
steel grid filter
filter HM47453SP

HMT335 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for High Temperatures
HMT335 Humidity
Humidity and
and Temperature Transmitter for
Temperature Transmitter for High
High Temperatures
Typical Applications
▪▪ hot
hot drying
drying processes

▪▪ food
food processes,
processes, e.g.
baking ovens

The installation
installation flange
flange allows
easy adjustment of
adjustment of the
the probe
installation depth.

The HMT335
HMT335 has
has a
a robust
robust stainless
stainless steel
steel probe,
probe, ideal
ideal for
for hot
hot Technical
Technical Data
processes with
with high
high flow
flow rates.
rates. Temperature
Temperature measurement
measurement range
range -70
-70 ...
... +180
+180 °C
°C (-94
(-94 ...
... +356
+356 °F)
The Mounting
Mounting flange 210696
The Vaisala
HUMICAP® Humidity
Humidity and
and Temperature
Temperature flange 210696
USB service
service port
port cable
cable with
with PCPC software 219916
Transmitter HMT335 has a long stainless steel
HMT335 has a long stainless steel probe
probe software 219916
Connection cable
Connection cable for
for HM70
HM70 211339
designed for high temperatures.
designed for high temperatures. Wall-mounting
Wall-mounting plate
plate (plastic)
(plastic) 214829
Pole installation kit
installation kit with
with rain
rain shield 215109
Robust Probe
Probe Ideal
Ideal for
for High
High Flow
Flow Rates
Rates DIN rail installation set
shield 215109
DIN rail installation set 215094
With high
high tolerance
tolerance for
for mechanical
mechanical stress
stress and
and high
high flow PPS
flow PPS plastic
plastic grid
grid filter
filter with
with stainless
stainless steel
steel net
net DRW010281SP
rates, the HMT335 is ideal for duct measurements. The
the HMT335 is ideal for duct measurements. The PPS plastic grid filter DRW010276SP
PPS plastic grid filter DRW010276SP
stainless steel
steel installation
installation flange
flange allows
allows easy
easy adjustment
adjustment of
of Stainless steel
Stainless steel sintered
sintered filter
filter HM47280SP
the probe’s installation depth.
the probe’s installation depth. Stainless
Stainless steel
steel grid
grid filter
filter HM47453SP

HMT337 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for High Humidity
Typical Applications
▪ professional

▪ intake air monitoring of

engines and gas turbines

▪ timber drying kilns

Duct installation kit for

HMT333 and HMT337.

The HMT337 is ideal for the most demanding process and

meteorological measurements in high-humidity condensing

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Technical Data

Transmitter HMT337 is delivered in one of three Temperature measurement range -70 ... +180 °C (-94 ... +356 °F)
configurations: Accessories*
• Basic, with a non-warmed probe for moderate humidity Cable gland and AGRO HMP247CG
Duct installation kit (RH probe) 210697
• With a warmed probe, for near-condensing conditions Duct installation kit (T probe) 215003
and dew point measurement Swagelok fittings (NPT and ISO) for both RH and T probes
• With a warmed probe and an additional temperature (up to 10 bar)
sensor, for near-condensing conditions and relative Solar radiation shield DTR502B
humidity measurement Meteorological installation kit HMT330MIK
USB service port cable with PC software 219916
True Humidity Readings in Condensation Connection cable for HM70 211339
Conditions Wall-mounting plate (plastic) 214829
Pole installation kit with rain shield 215109
Vaisala’s unique warmed probe provides fast and reliable
DIN rail installation set 215094
measurement in environments where humidity is near
Warmed probe accessory HMT330WPA
saturation. The heating prevents condensation from PPS plastic grid filter with stainless steel net DRW010281SP
forming on the sensor. PPS plastic grid filter DRW010276SP
As the probe is heated, the humidity level inside it stays Stainless steel sintered filter HM47280SP
below the ambient level. With accurate temperature Stainless steel grid filter HM47453SP
measurement, the ambient dew point can be calculated *for more installation accessories, check the order form
If the relative humidity value is needed, an additional
temperature sensor is used. The measured ambient
temperature provides the compensation for calculating
relative humidity and other humidity parameters.

Installation Options
Tight installation through a process wall can be achieved
with Swagelok ® fittings. The optional HMT330MIK
Installation Kit is available for outdoor installations; duct
installation kits are also available.

HMT338 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for Pressurized Pipelines

Typical Applications
▪ process lines

▪ environmental chambers

▪ vacuum-drying processes

▪ compressed air lines with refrigerant dryers

The HMT338 is ideal for installations in pressurized processes

where the probe needs to be removed while the process is

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Technical Data

Transmitter HMT338 is designed for pressurized processes. Temperature measurement range -70 ... +180 °C (-94 ... +356 °F)
Operating pressure 0 ... 4MPa (0 ... 40 bar)
Insert or Remove the Probe while the Accessories
Process is Running Ball-valve set BALLVALVE-1
With “hot tapping”, the probe is inserted directly into the Pressure fitting ISO 1/2 to NPT 1/2 210662
USB service port cable with PC software 219916
process while it is running, without the need for venting or
Connection cable for HM70 211339
lowering the process pressure.
Wall-mounting plate (plastic) 214829
The probe is tightened to a ball-valve assembly fixed to Pole installation kit with rain shield 215109
the process pipe or wall. The adjustable hex nut is hand- DIN rail installation set 215094
tightened to temporarily hold the probe in place. The probe PPS plastic grid filter with stainless steel net DRW010281SP
is then pushed down to the appropriate depth. The hex nut PPS plastic grid filter DRW010276SP
is then tightened with a wrench to lock the probe in place. Stainless steel sintered filter HM47280SP
Hot tapping is possible in pressures up to 10 bar. Stainless steel grid filter HM47453SP

Dimensions of the Probes for the HMT330 Series
Dimensions in mm (inches)

HMT331 probe HMT335 probe HMT338 probe

ø13.5 (0.53)
41 (1.6)

51 (2.0) 192 (7.56)

253 (9.96)

HMT333 probe HMT337 RH probe

ø 12 (0.47)
Ø 12 (0.47)



37.5 (1.48) 37.5 (1.48)

78.5 (3.09) 79.5 (3.13)
98.5 (3.88) 99.5 (3.92)

HMT334 probe HMT337 T probe Installation flange

50 (1.97)
M22×1.5 or
NPT 1/2"

ø12 (0.47)



2 (0.08)

41 (1.61)
120 (4.72)

170 (6.69)


14 (0.55)

When There’s
No Room for Error
When it comes to measuring humidity in harsh
manufacturing environments, you don’t want to
cut corners. The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and
Temperature Transmitter Series HMT330 is an
uncompromising transmitter you can depend on for
years of trouble-free performance.

• Credibility that speaks for itself – close to 80,000

installations worldwide and counting
• 10-year warranty when annually calibrated
• A wide range of options and configurations
• Built for extreme environments
• Support and service you can count on

Your customers choose the best. Why would you

choose anything less?


HMT360 Series Intrinsically Safe Humidity and

Temperature Transmitters
Customers may specify the
transmitter configuration when
ordering the instrument, however
changes in configuration can also
easily be made in the field.

Interchangeable Probes
The HMT360 offers six probe options
for various applications:
HMP361 - wall mount
HMP363 - confined spaces
HMP364 - pressurized spaces
HMP365 - high temperature
HMP367 - high humidity
HMP368 - pressurized
The interchangeable probes
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMT361 wall mount enable fast and easy removal or
transmitter, shown with six probe options, is designed specifically for hazardous re-installation when required.
and explosive environments. Calibration, for example, is easy
to perform due to the modular
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity structure. All calibration coefficients
and Temperature Transmitter Series are included in the probe unit itself,
▪ Measures humidity and HMT360 are the ideal solution for which means that probes can be
temperature, outputs also dew measuring humidity in hazardous switched between transmitter bodies
point, mixing ratio, absolute
areas. They operate safely and without losing the accuracy.
humidity and wet bulb
reliably even in the most hazardous
classifications. The HMT360 Optimized Sensors
▪ Safe operation with the entire transmitters' proven performance In addition to the standard Vaisala
transmitter in hazardous areas:
and technology conform with HUMICAP® Sensor, an application
Division 1 and 2 (USA, Canada),
rigorous international standards. specific, very chemically durable
Categories 1G / Zone 0 and
1D / Zone 20 with protection sensor is also available.
cover (EU) Intrinsically Safe
▪ Intrinsically safe The entire HMT360 transmitter can Long-term Solution
be installed directly in explosive The HMT360 transmitters are an
▪ Designed for harsh conditions areas. It can withstand continuous investment; their rugged design,
▪ Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor exposure to potentially explosive combined with trouble-free
features high accuracy, environments that contain flammable operation, ensure a long-term
excellent long-term stability, gases or dust. solution for monitoring humidity and
and negligible hysteresis dew point in explosive environments.
▪ Six probe options Customized Configuration Customized calibration and
Due to the microprocessor based maintenance contracts for the
▪ Temperature range between
electronics, options and accessories, HMT360 series are available on
-70 … +180°C (-94 … +356°F)
depending on the probe option the HMT360 series is truly flexible. request.

▪ NIST traceable (certificate


Interchangeable Probes for HMT360 Intrinsically
Safe Humidity and Temperature Transmitter

Technical Data Dimensions
Dimensions in mm (inches)
HMP361 for wall mounting
Temperature range -40 ... +60 °C

ø12 (o.47)
(-40 ... +140 °F)

62 (2.44)
Probe diameter 12 mm
41 (1.61) 86 (3.39)
127 (5)

The HMP361 probe in this picture has

a stainless steel netting filter.

Technical Data Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
HMP363 for confined spaces
Temperature range with

ø 12 (0,47)
teflon cable -40 ... +120 °C
37.5 (1,48)
(-40 ... +248 °F)
98,5 (3,88)
rubber cable -40 ... +80 °C
(-40 ... +176 °F) Installation kit for Installation flange:
duct mounting aluminum or
Probe cable length 2, 5 or 10 meters stainless steel
The HMP363 probe is small and fits
into tight spaces. This one is connected Probe diameter 12 mm 75 (2.96)
50 (1.97)
with a teflon cable. Installation Ø12 (0.47)

Duct installation kit 210697

Cable Gland M20x1.5
duct wall
with splitting seal HMP247CG
Swagelok for 12mm drilling 16...22 (0.63...0.87)

probe, 1/2" NPT

thread SWG12NPT12

Technical Data Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
HMP364 for high pressure
Temperature range -70 … +180 °C
(-94 … +356 °F)
M22×1.5 or
NPT 1/2"
ø12 (0.47)

Pressure range 0 ... 10 MPa

Probe cable length 2, 5 or 10 meters
Probe diameter 12 mm 41 (1.61)
120 (4.72)
Fitting body M22x1.5 17223 170 (6.69)
The HMP364 probe is designed for Fitting body NPT1/2 17225
measurement in pressurized spaces or
vacuum chambers.

Technical Data Dimensions
Dimensions in mm (inches)
HMP365 for high temperature
Temperature range -70 … +180 °C

ø13.5 (0.53)
(-94 … +356 °F) 41 (1.6)

Probe cable length 2, 5 or 10 meters

51 (2.0) 192 (7.56)

Probe diameter 13.5 mm 253 (9.96)

75 (2.96)
50 (1.97)

Mounting flange 210696 Installation flange:

The HMP365 probe is designed for high Cable Gland M20x1.5 stainless steel
temperature environments.
with splitting seal HMP247CG

drilling 16...22 (0.63...0.87)

Technical Data Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
HMP367 for high humidities
Temperature range -70 … +180 °C

ø 12 (0.47)
(-94 … +356 °F)

Probe cable length 2, 5 or 10 meters
Probe diameter 12 mm 37.5 (1.48)
Installation 79.5 (3.13)
Duct installation kit 210697 99.5 (3.92)
The HMP367 probe is constructed to Cable Gland M20x1.5
be installed in environments with high
with splitting seal HMP247CG
Swagelok for 12mm
probe, 3/8" ISO thread SWG12ISO38
Swagelok for 12mm
probe, 1/2" NPT thread SWG12NPT12

Technical Data Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
HMP368 for pressurized
Temperature range -70 … +180 °C
(-94 … +356 °F)
Pressure range 0 ... 4 MPa
Probe cable length 2, 5 or 10 meters
Probe diameter 13.5 mm/12 mm
The HMP368 probe enables flexible Two probe lengths available.
installation in pressurized pipelines. Installation
Fitting body ISO1/2 solid structure
Fitting body NPT1/2 solid structure
Ball valve ISO 1/2 with welding joint

Technical Data

Performance Operating Environment
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Temperature range
Measurement range 0 ... 100 % RH operating temp. range for
Accuracy (including non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability) electronics -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
with Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R for typical applications with display -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
at +15 ... +25 °C (59 ... +77 °F) ± 1.0 % RH (0 ... 90 %RH) storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
±1.7 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH) Pressure range see probe specifications
at -20 ... +40 °C (-4 ... +104 °F) ±(1.0 + 0.008 x reading) %RH
at -40 ... +180 °C (-40 ... +356 °F) ± (1.5 +0.015 x reading) %RH Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment for
with Vaisala HUMICAP® 180L2 for application with demanding measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements;
chemical environment Industrial Environment.
at -10 ... +40 °C (14 ... +104 °F) ± (1.0 + 0.01 x reading) %RH NOTE! IEC 1000-4-5 complies only when using external EXi
at -40 ... +180 °C (-40 ... +356 °F) ± (1.5 + 0.02 x reading) %RH approved surge arrester in the safe area.
Factory calibration uncertainty (+20 °C) ± 0.6 % RH (0 ... 40 %RH)
± 1.0 % RH (40 ... 97 %RH) Inputs and Outputs
(Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits. Small variations Operating voltage 12 ... 28 V
possible, see also calibration certificate.) with serial port (service mode) 15 ... 28 V
Response time (90 %) at +20 °C (+68 °F) in still air Analog outputs two-wire 4 ... 20 mA, one standard, one optional
with grid filter 17 s Typical accuracy of analog outputs at +20 °C ±0.05% full scale
with grid + steel netting filter 50 s Typical temperature dependence
with sintered filter 60 s of analog outputs 0.005% / °C (0.005% / °F) full scale
Analog outputs connection via safety barriers
TEMPERATURE RS232C serial output for service use connector type RJ45
Measurement range -70 ... +180 °C (-94 ... +356 °F) Display two-line LCD
(depends on selected probe)
Typical accuracy of electronics at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F) Mechanics
Typical temperature dependence Connections screw terminals, 0.33...2.0 mm 
of electronics 0.005 °C/°C (0.005 °F/°F) 2 wires (AWG 14-22)
Sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Cable bushings For 7.5...12mm or 10...15mm cable
Accuracy over temperature range diameters (M20)
Conduit fitting NPT 1/2" (M20)
Housing material G-AlSi10Mg (DIN 1725)
°C Housing classification IP66 (NEMA 4X)
0.6 Housing weight 950 g
Options and Accessories
0.2 Duct installation kit (for HMP363/367) 210697
°C Mounting flange (for HMP365) 210696
-0.1 Ball valve ISO 1/2 with welding joint BALLVALVE-1
-0.2 (for HMP368)
pressure range at +20 °C (+68 °F): 0 ... 20 bar (0 ... 290 psia)
-0.5 (during installation max. 10 bar (145 psia)
Calibration adapter for HMK15 211302
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Serial interface cable for PC
connectors RJ45 - D9 female 25905ZZ
Galvanic isolator 212483
OTHER VARIABLES Zener barrier 210664
Optionally available dew point temperature, mixing ratio, Protection cover (for use in the 214101
absolute humidity, wet bulb temperature. presence of combustible dust, ATEX) II 1 D IP65 T = 80 °C

Classification with Current Outputs Dimensions
EUROPE / VTT Dimensions in mm (inches)
EU (94/9/EC, ATEX100a) II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
VTT 09 ATEX 028 X issue No: 2
Safety factors Ui = 28 V,   Ii = 100 mA,   Pi = 700 mW
Ci = 1 nF,   Li negligibly low
Environmental specifications
Tamb -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Pamb 0.8 ... 1.1 bar
Dust classification (with protection cover) II 1 D (IP65 T=70 °C)
VTT 04 ATEX 023X
USA (FM) Classes I, II, III, Division 1, Groups A-G and
Division 2, Groups A-D, F and G
FM Project ID: 3010615
Safety factors: Vmax = 28 VDC,   Imax = 100 mA,
Ci = 1 nF, Li = 0, Pi = 0.7 W, Tamb= 60 °C(140 °F), T5
Code number: TC20238
Safety factors: Ui = 28 VDC,   Ii = 100 mA,   Ci = 1 nF,
Pi = 0.7 W,   Li = 0,   Tamb= 60 °C (140 °F)
Class I Division 1 and Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D;
Class II Division 1 and Division 2, Groups G and
Coal Dust;
Class III CSA File No: 213862 0 000, CSA Report: 1300863
Safety factors: Tamb= 60 °C,   T4,
Intrinsically safe when connected as per
Installation Drawing DRW213478.
Certificate No. CE092145
Standard GB3836.1-2000 and GB3836.4-2000
IECEx (VTT) Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
IECEx VTT 09.0002x issue No: 2
Safety factors Ui = 28 V,   Ii = 100 mA,   Pi = 700 mW
Ci = 1 nF,   Li negligibly low
Environmental specification
Tamb -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Pamb 0.8 ... 1.1 bar

HMT361 HMT363 HMT364 HMT365 HMT367 HMT368
Accessory part number
Ball valve ISO 1/2 with welding joint BALLVALVE-1 √
Cable Gland M20 x 1.5 with splitting seal HMP247CG √ √ √
Duct installation kit 210697 √ √
Fitting body ISO1/2 solid structure DRW212076SP √
Fitting body M22 x 1.5 17223 √
Fitting body NPT1/2 17225 √
Fitting body NPT1/2 solid structure NPTFITBODASP √
Mounting flange 210696 √
Swagelok for 12mm probe, 1/2" NPT thread SWG12NPT12 √ √
Swagelok for 12mm probe, 3/8" ISO thread SWG12ISO38 √ √

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210956EN-D ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMT310 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter HMT310 models

(from left to right): HMT313, HMT317, HMT314, HMT318, HMT315 and HMT311.

Features/Benefits Reliable Vaisala Chemical Purge

HUMICAP® Technology
▪ Latest generation Vaisala
The HMT310 incorporates the latest
Chemical purge helps to maintain
measurement accuracy between
HUMICAP® sensor for excellent
accuracy and stability generation Vaisala HUMICAP® calibration intervals. It involves
sensor. The sensor is a capacitive heating the sensor to remove harmful
▪ Full 0 ... 100 %RH
thin-film polymer sensor providing chemicals. The function can be
measurement, temperature
range up to +180 °C (+356 °F), high accuracy, excellent long-term initiated manually or programmed
depending on model stability and negligible hysteresis. It to occur at set intervals.
is insensitive to dust, particulate dirt
▪ Small size, easy to integrate
and most chemicals. Optional Functions
▪ Insensitive to dust and most The following optional functions
chemicals Several Outputs, One are available: several probes for
▪ NIST traceable calibration Connector various applications, calculated
(certificate included) The HMT310 is powered up with humidity quantities, variety of
10 ... 35 VDC. It has two analog mounting kits, rain shield, sensor
outputs and an RS232 serial output. protection options and probe cable
The output signal and the supply lengths, warmed probe and sensor
power travel in the same cable, the heating for high humidity conditions
only cable connected to the unit. (HMT317), and chemical purge for
applications risking an interference
with chemicals in the measuring

Technical Data

Measured Values Electrical Connections
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Two analog outputs, 0 ... 20 mA or 4 ... 20 mA
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH selectable and scalable 0 … 5 V or 0 … 10 V
Sensor 1 … 5 V available through scaling
Vaisala HUMICAP®180R typical applications Typical accuracy of analog output at +20 °C ±0.05 % full scale
Vaisala HUMICAP®180RC applications with chemical Typical temperature dependence 0.005 %/°C (0.003 %/°F)
purge/warmed probe of analog output of full scale
Vaisala HUMICAP®180V catalytic sensor for H2O2 Serial output RS232C
environments Connections M12 8-pole connector with RS232C,
Vaisala HUMICAP®180VC catalytic sensor with chemical current/voltage outputs (two channels) and Uin
purge for H2O2 environments Operating voltage 10 ... 35 VDC
Accuracy (including non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability) Minimum operating voltage
at a temperature range of RS232C output 10 VDC
+15 ... +25 °C (+59 … +77 °F) ±1 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH) Analog output 15 VDC
±1.7 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH) Probe heating and chemical purge 15 VDC
-20 ... +40 °C (-4 … +104 °F) ±(1.0 + 0.008 x reading) %RH Pressures above 10 bara (145 psia) 24 VDC
-40 ... +180 °C (-40 … +356 °F) ±(1.5 + 0.015 x reading) %RH Power consumption
Factory calibration uncertainty ±0.6 %RH (0 ... 40 %RH)* RS232 12 mA
(+20 °C) ±1.0 %RH (40 ... 97 %RH)* Uout 10 V (10 kOhm) channel 1 & channel 2 12 mA
* Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits. Small variations possible, see Iout 20 mA (load 511 Ohm) channel 1 & channel 2 50 mA
also calibration certificate. Chemical purge at 24 VDC + 220 mA
Response time (90 %) at +20 °C (+68 °F) 17 s with grid filter Warmed probe at 24 VDC + 240 mA
in 0.1 m/s air flow 50 s with grid and steel, netting filter External load RL < 500 Ohm
60 s with sintered filter Startup time after power-up 3s
HMT311 -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Operating temperature range for -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
HMT313 -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
or -40 ... +120 °C (-40 ... +248 °F)
Storage temperature range -55 ... +80 °C (-67 ... +176 °F)
HMT314, HMT315, HMT317, HMT318 -70 ... +180 °C (-94 ... +356 °F)
Operating pressure
Typical accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.2 °C (±0.36 °F)
HMT314 0 ... 100 bar
HMT318 0 ... 40 bar
Accuracy over temperature range (see graph below) HMT315, HMT317 vapor tight
Transmitter housing material G-AlSi10Mg
Δ °C
0.7 Transmitter base material PPS
0.5 Housing classification IP66
Cable feed through 8-pole connector with 5 m cable,
0.2 alternatives Female 8-pin connector screw joint for
°C cable diameter 4 ... 8 mm
Probe cable length 2m, 5m, or 10m
-0.3 Sensor protection PPS grid with stainless steel net,
PPS grid, Sintered filter, Membrane
-0.6 stainless steel filter, H2O2 filter
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Industrial environment

Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Accessories

Rain shield ASM211103
USB cable 238607
PPS Plastic Grid with Stainless Steel Netting DRW010281SP
PPS Plastic Grid Filter DRW010276SP
Sintered Filter AISI 316L HM47280SP
Stainless Steel Filter HM47453SP
Stainless Steel Filter with Membrane 214848SP
Catalytic H2O2 Filter 231865


5 (0.20)
Transmitter body dimensions in mm (inches)
Ø4.5 (0.177)

5 (0.20)

60.5 (2.38)
72.5 (2.85)
Ø4.5 (0.177)

102 (4.02)
60.5 (2.38)
72.5 (2.85)

115 (4.53)
Probe dimensions in mm (inches)

M22×1.5 or
NPT 1/2"
ø12 (0.47)
Ø 12 (0.47)

102 (4.02)

115 (4.53)

37.5 (1.48) 41 (1.61)

120 (4.72)
78.5 (3.09)
HMT313 probe 170 (6.69)
98.5 (3.88)
HMT314 probe
ø13.5 (0.53)

ø 12 (0.47)

41 (1.6)

51 (2.0) 192 (7.56) 37.5 (1.48)

253 (9.96) 79.5 (3.13)

99.5 (3.92)

HMT315 probe HMT317 probe

HMT318 probe

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210769EN-G ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

and Convert.
The free web based Vaisala Humidity
Calculator allows you to calculate several
humidity parameters from one known
humidity value. Make unit conversions on
the fly, and see the effects of changing
ambient conditions, like temperature and

The calculator works with any device, PC or

mobile, and online and offline. It is available
in several languages.

Access the Vaisala Humidity Calculator at


Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature

Transmitters HMT120 and HMT130
▪ Vaisala HUMICAP® technology
with humidity sensor

▪ Humidity parameter options:

relative humidity, dew
point/frost point, wet bulb
temperature, enthalpy, absolute
humidity, mixing ratio, vapor
pressure, and saturation vapor

▪ 2-wire loop-powered or 3-wire

voltage output configurations

▪ Interchangeable probe
(easy field calibration)

▪ Accurate and reliable

▪ Resistant to dust and most


The HMT120/130 with and without a display. ▪ Optional LCD display

▪ USB cable available for a PC

connection for maintenance
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Interchangeable Probe ▪ Wall-mounted or with a
Temperature Transmitters HMT120 The HMT120/130 transmitters use remote probe
and HMT130 are designed for a fully interchangeable relative ▪ Constant output probe
humidity and temperature monitoring humidity probe. The probe can available
in cleanrooms and are also suitable
for demanding HVAC and light
be easily removed and replaced ▪ Can be mounted outdoors
with a new one without having to using a Vaisala installation
industrial applications. adjust the transmitter, which allows kit and the Vaisala Radiation
for easy and quick recalibration Shield DTR504A
The HMT120/130 incorporates Vaisala
of the transmitter. The probe can
▪ Enclosure IP65
be adjusted using one of Vaisala’s
HUMICAP® technology that measures portable meters as a reference. ▪ 3-point NIST traceable
calibration (certificate
relative humidity accurately and Also available is a constant output included)
reliably. The Vaisala HUMICAP® is probe with fixed RH and T output
resistant to dust and most chemicals. for convenient inspection of the ▪ Suitable for cleanrooms and
demanding HVAC and light
The transmitter enclosure is monitoring system and signal industrial applications
optimized for use in cleanrooms. transfer line.
The smooth surface of the enclosure probe is ideal. The transmitters
makes it easy to clean and the Available Options come with an optional LCD display,
enclosure material is chosen The HMT120 and HMT130 which shows the measurement
to tolerate purifying agents. transmitters are available as wall results of selected parameters in
Furthermore, the cabling can be mounted or with remote probe. For selected units. The parameters are
done through the back wall of the high temperature applications or displayed simultaneously at two
transmitter. where space is limited, the remote separate rows on the display.

Technical Data

Performance Operating Environment
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Operating temperature range
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH transmitter body, no display -40 °C ... +60 °C
Accuracy including non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability transmitter body, with display -20 °C ... +60 °C
temperature range 0 °C ... +40 °C HMP110 probe -40 °C ... +80 °C
0 ... 90 %RH ±1.5 %RH Storage temperature range -50 °C ... +70 °C
90 ... 100 %RH ±2.5 %RH Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61326-1 and EN 55022
temperature range -40 ... 0 °C, +40 ... +80 °C
0 ... 90 %RH ±3.0 %RH
90 ... 100 %RH ±4.0 %RH
Factory calibration uncertainty at +20 °C (+68 °F) Mechanics
0 ... 90 %RH ±1.1 %RH Material
90 ... 100 %RH ±1.8 %RH transmitter housing PBT plastic
Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R display window PC plastic
Stability ±2 %RH over 2 years probe body Stainless steel (AISI 316)
In typical HVAC applications ±0.5 %RH per year probe grid filter Chrome coated ABS plastic
Housing classification IP65
Measurement range -40 °C ... +80 °C inputs and outputs Screw terminals 0.5 ... 1.5 mm2
Accuracy over temperature range probe interface 4-pin M8 female panel connector
at +15 °C ... +25 °C ±0.2 °C Probe cable lengths 3 m, 5 m, 10 m - up to 50 m
at 0 ... +15 °C and at +25 °C ... +40 °C ±0.25 °C Display (optional) 128 x 64 resolution full graphics
at -40 °C ... +0 °C and at +40 °C ... +80 °C ±0.4 °C B&W display without backlight
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Weight (including probe) 270 g


dew point/frost point, wet bulb temperature, enthalpy, absolute
humidity, mixing ratio, vapor pressure, and saturation vapor

Inputs and Outputs Accessories

HMT120 TWO-WIRE TRANSMITTER (LOOP POWERED) Humidity and temperature probe HMP110*
Current output signals 4 ... 20 mA Humidity and temperature replacement probe HMP110R*
External loop voltage 10 ... 30 VDC (RL= 0 ohms) Constant output probe HMP110REF*
20 ... 30 VDC (RL< 500 ohms) Humidity sensor HUMICAP® 180R
Probe mounting flange 226061
HMT130 THREE-WIRE TRANSMITTER Probe mounting clamps, 10 pcs 226067
Voltage output signals 0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V HMP110 sensor protection
or user defined between 0 ... 10 V plastic grid filter DRW010522SP
Min output resistance 1 kohm plastic grid with membrane filter DRW010525SP
Serial output RS485, non-isolated stainless steel sintered filter HM46670SP
Relay output 1 relay (max. 50 VDC, 200 mA) Probe cable 3 m HMT120Z300
Supply voltage 10 ... 35 VDC Probe cable 5 m HMT120Z500
15 ... 35 VDC (when output 0 ... 10 V) Probe cable 10 m HMT120Z1000
24 VAC (±20 %) Radiation shield DTR504A
Current consumption at 24 VDC 8 mA, if relay closed 15 mA Rain shield with installation kit 215109
Max. additional error caused by the Duct installation kit 215619
analog outputs after calibration at HMI41 connection cable 25917ZZ
+20 °C ambient temperature ±0.1 % of FS output signal HM70 connection cable 211339
Temperature dependence of the USB serial interface cable 219685
analog outputs ±0.005 % of FS output signal * See separate order form

Dimension in mm

Remote probe dimensions



Wall Assembly dimensions

39 ø12 [0,47]

71 [2,8]




Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211086EN-E ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

The five-step Vaisala Humidity Expert Series will give you all you need to
know to become an expert in humidity.

Convert different humidity parameters

Make easy calculations with Vaisala Humidity Calculator

Find out how to choose the right humidity instrument for your application

Learn the optimal calibration methods for humidity calibration

Get familiar with the operational principle of your humidity sensor

Getting access to all this expertise is easy – sign up now at


HMW90 Series Humidity and Temperature

Transmitters for High Performance HVAC Applications
▪ Both analog and digital output

▪ Easy installation, configuration,

and field adjustment

▪ Humidity parameter options:

relative humidity, dew point,
mixing ratio, enthalpy, wet
bulb temperature, dew point
depression, and absolute

▪ Full 0 … 100%RH measurement


▪ Up to ±1.7%RH accuracy

▪ User exchangeable humidity

The HMW90 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters are designed for and temperature module
demanding HVAC applications. ▪ NIST traceable calibration
(certificate included)

▪ Available in four colors

Wall-mounted Vaisala HMW90 Digital Communication
Series HUMICAP® Humidity and Brings Benefits BACnet in Brief
Temperature Transmitters measure
relative humidity and temperature
The introduction of digital (BACnet/ ▪ A data communication protocol
Modbus) communication to field level for Building Automation and
in indoor HVAC applications, where Control networks
devices brings many advantages. For
high accuracy, stability, and reliable
operation are required.
example, all sensors can be centrally ▪ Used in management,
accessed and their performance automation and field level
The flexible HMW90 series offers can be easily monitored. Wiring is communication
a variety of options and features.
Transmitters include a display and a
simple when multiple sensors are
installed on the same bus. Sensors
▪ ANSI/ISO/ASHRAE standard
controlled by a standardization
sliding cover with either an opening can be set up using standardized body
for the display or a solid front. Both tools, and the system can be enlarged
analog and digital output options, with additional sensors quickly and
▪ Adds flexibility by allowing
the integration of products
including special scalings and conveniently. In addition, parameters and systems from different
calculated parameters, are available. influencing measurements, such as manufacturers
pressure or site elevation, can be
Quick and Easy to Install centrally set and updated. making it clear and convenient to make
HMW90 series transmitters are quick adjustments. A service port enables
and easy to install. The wiring is Choose from a Wide two-point calibration, using either a
connected through the back plate Variety of Calibration PC or the Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-
and the electronics with the sensors Options Held Humidity and Temperature Meter
can be snapped on easily after the On-site calibration and adjustment is HM70. HMW90 series transmitters
wiring is complete. The transmitter is exceptionally easy. The sliding cover include a user-exchangeable
configured using dip switches, which exposes offset trimmers for one- measurement module, which can be
are accessible when the enclosure point calibration without disturbing ordered as a spare part. Calibration
is open. measurement. The display instantly services are available through all
indicates the effects of changes, Vaisala Service Centers.

Technical Data Mechanics
IP class IP30
Standard housing color White (RAL9003*)

Optional housing colors Black (RAL9005*)
TMW92 T-only 2-wire, current output (configurable models only) Grey (RAL7035*)
TMW93 T-only 3-wire, voltage output Light Ivory (RAL1015*)
TMW90 T-only configurable analog output model Housing material ABS/PC, UL-V0 approved
HMW92 RH+T 2-wire, current output Output connector Screw terminals
HMW92D RH+T 2-wire, current output with display max. wire size 2 mm2 (AWG14)
HMW93 RH+T 3-wire, voltage output Service port connector 4-pin M8
HMW93D RH+T 3-wire, voltage output with display Weight 155 g
HMW90 RH+T Configurable analog/digital model *RAL code is only indicative with potential small variations in color shade
HMW95 RH+T Digital (BACnet, Modbus) model Inputs and Outputs
HMW95D RH+T Digital (BACnet, Modbus) model with display Current output models
Outputs 2 x 4 ... 20 mA, loop powered
Loop resistance 0 ... 600 Ω
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH, non-condensing Supply voltage 20 ... 28 VDC at 500 Ω load
Accuracy 10 ... 28 VDC at 0 Ω load
Temperature range +10 ... +40 °C (+50 ... +104 °F) Isolation between output channels 500 VDC
0 ... 90 %RH ±1.7 %RH Voltage output models
90 ... 100 %RH ±2.5 %RH Outputs 2 × 0...5 V or 2 × 0...10 V
Temperature range -5 ... +10 °C, +40 ... + 55 °C Load resistance 10 kΩ min.
(+23 ... +50 °F, +104 ... +131°F) Supply voltage 18 ... 35 VDC, 24 VAC ±20 % 50/60 Hz
0 ... 90 %RH ±3 %RH Max. current consumption 12 mA
90 ... 100 %RH ±4 %RH max. with relay 25 mA
Stability in typical HVAC applications ±0.5 %RH/year Relay 1 pc (max. 50 VDC, 500 mA)
Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R Digital models
TEMPERATURE Supply voltage 18 … 35 VDC, 24 VAC ± 20% 50/60 Hz
Measurement range -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 ºF) Max. current consumption
Accuracy (with 120 Ω termination) 30 mA at 24 VDC
+20 ... +30 °C (+68 ... +86 °F) ±0.2 °C (± 0.36 °F) Output type RS-485 (galvanic isolation, 1.5 kV)
+10 ... +20 °C, +30 ... +40°C RS-485 end of line termination Enable with jumper, 120 Ω

(+50 ... +68 °F, +86 ... +104 °F) ±0.3 °C (± 0.54 °F) Supported protocols Selectable by DIP switch
-5 ... +10 °C, +40...+55°C BACnet MS/TP

(+23 ... +50 °F, +104 ... +131 °F) ±0.5 °C (± 0.90 °F)
Operating mode Selectable Master/Slave
Temperature sensor Digital temperature sensor
Address range, master mode 0 … 127
Operating Environment Address range, slave mode 128…255
Operating temperature range -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F) Modbus RTU
Storage temperature range -30 ... +60 °C (-22 ... +140 °F) Address range 0 … 247
Electromagnetic compliance EN61326-1, Industrial Environment Service port RS-485 line for temporary service use
Spare Parts and Accessories Dimensions in mm ( h × w × d) 59.5
133 × 81 × 30
30 29.8
Humidity and Temperature Module HTM10SP 4.4
Temperature Module (for T-only models) TM10SP

Decorative cover set (10 pcs.) 236285


Connection cable for HM70 hand-held meter 219980



USB cable for PC connection 219690



Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211183EN-D ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMD60/70 Humidity and Temperature

Transmitters for Ducts in HVAC Applications
▪ Full 0 ... 100 %RH measurement

▪ Accuracy up to ±2 %RH

▪ True two-wire transmitters

with 4 ... 20 mA loop powered
output (HMD60)

▪ Selectable signal output of

0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 5 V or 0 ... 10 V
(HMD70) with optional current
module also 0 ... 20 mA

▪ Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor

for excellent accuracy and
long-term stability, negligible
hysteresis and resistance to
dust and most chemicals.

▪ Temperature compensated

▪ IP65 (NEMA 4) housing

Vaisala HUMICAP Humidity and Temperature Transmitters HMD60 and HMD70 are

designed for use in air conditioning applications where accurate and stable control ▪ Also available as temperature-
only transmitters
of relative humidity and temperature are required.
HMD 60T/70T

▪ NIST traceable
The duct mounted Vaisala HUMICAP® Measures both Humidity (certificate included)
Humidity and Temperature and Temperature
Transmitters HMD60 and HMD70
The HMD60 and HMD70 transmitters
are designed for monitoring relative
are available in three models:
humidity and temperature in building
U for humidity measurement-only,
energy management systems.
Y for humidity and temperature
The combination of high accuracy,
measurement, and T for temperature
stability and reliable operation, make
these products the ideal choice for
demanding applications.
Fast, On-Site Calibration
Resistant to Chemicals The accuracy of the transmitters
and Dust is simple to check using either
the Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held
The duct mount HMD60 and HMD70
Humidity and Temperature Meter
transmitters can also be used in
HM70 or the Vaisala HUMICAP®
many industrial humidity monitoring
Humidity Indicator HMI41. The
applications, where their stability
calibration can be done in seconds
and resistance to chemicals and dust
with a single potentiometer without
are of great value. A useful feature
disturbing the operation, resulting
of these duct mount transmitters is
in great savings both in maintenance
the ability to remove the electronics
time and costs.
without removing the unit from
the duct.

Technical Data

60 Series: 2-wire, 4 to 20 mA Output General - 60 Series
Duct mount RH only HMD60U Supply voltage 10 ... 35 VDC (RL = 0 ohm)
RH & T HMD60Y 20 ... 35 VDC (RL = 500 ohm)
T only HMD60T Output signal 4 ... 20 mA

70 Series: 3-wire, Variable Voltage Output General - 70 Series

Duct mount RH only HMD70U Supply voltage range depends on the selected output signal
T only HMD70T 0 ... 1V 10 ... 35 V 9 ... 24 V
0 ... 5 V 14 ... 35 V 12 ... 24 V
Relative Humidity 0 ... 10 V 19 ... 35 V 16 ... 24 V
duct mount 0 ... 100 %RH* 0 ... 20 mA (RL = 0 ohm) 10 ... 35 V 11 ... 24 V
Accuracy at +20 °C **0 ... 20 mA (RL = 500 ohm) 20 ... 35 V 17 ... 24 V
Power consumption @ 24 VAC
HMD70U 10 mA typical
1 HMD70Y 12 mA typical
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %RH
-1 General
-3 Operating temperature range
Temperature dependence electronics -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F)
probe -20 ... +80 °C (-4 ... +176 °F)
2.0 +80 °C, + 1,3 % Storage temperature range -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
1.5 -20 °C, + 1,5 %
1.0 Maximum flow speed 50 m/s
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 °°C
Current module part no. 18945 HM
-1.0 Housing
-2.0 probe stainless steel
Response time at +20 °C (+68 °F), electronics cast aluminum
90% response 15 s (with membrane filter) Connections screw terminals 0.5 ... 1.5 mm2
Stability + 2 %RH / 2 years Sensor protection
standard membrane filter (part no. DRW010525)
Temperature (Y and T Models) optional stainless steel sintered filter (part no. HM46670SP)
Linearity better than 0.1 °C Cable thread-through
Sensor Pt 1000 RTD Class F0.3 IEC 60751 bushing for 7 ... 10 mm (PG9)
Measurement range -20 ... +80 °C (-4 ... 176 °F) ** cable housing IP65 (NEMA 4) part no. 18941HM
Accuracy armoured cable glands part no. 10528HM
•C (must be ordered separately)
0.8 Complies with EMC standard EN61326 and EN55022
0.4 Dimensions
Dimensions in mm (inches)
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8 0 °C
62 (2.44) 250 (9.84) 100 (3.94)
100 (3.94)
82 (3.23)

Ø 12 (0.47)

** Optional temperature scales are available on request.

82 (3.23)

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210839EN-B ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information containwed in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature

Transmitters for High-Accuracy Measurements
in HVAC Applications
▪ Accurate humidity and
temperature transmitters for
measurements in HVAC and
cleanroom applications

▪ Outdoor transmitter with

professional-grade radiation

▪ Proven HUMICAP® 180R sensor

for superior long-term stability

▪ ±2 %RH accuracy

▪ 3-point NIST traceable

calibration (certificate

▪ On-site calibration with

HM70 Hand-Held Meter or PC

▪ Current output (4 … 20 mA)

HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for measurements in
ducts, outdoor environments, and humid areas.
▪ Default output parameters
are relative humidity and
temperature. Dew point
Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and HMDW110 series instruments are temperature, wet bulb
Temperature Transmitter Series individually adjusted and delivered temperature, and enthalpy
HMDW110 measure relative humidity with a calibration certificate. The outputs selectable with a
and temperature in multiple HVAC factory calibration is traceable to PC connection.
applications. The series includes NIST.
transmitters for duct mounting,
IP65-classified wall transmitters, and Unrivaled Outdoor Well-Suited for
outdoor transmitters with integrated Humidity Measurements Cleanroom Monitoring
radiation shields. The integrated radiation shield of the The HMD110 and HMW110
outdoor models HMS110 and HMS112 transmitters can be ordered with
Proven Vaisala HUMICAP® enables unrivaled measurement a catalytic HUMICAP® sensor
Performance performance. It reduces the impact HUMICAP® 180VHP. The catalytic
The cost-efficient HMDW110 series of sunshine on temperature and sensor improves stability especially
transmitters are equipped with trusted humidity measurements, and ensures in hydrogen peroxide sterilized
HUMICAP® 180R sensors. The sensor’s measurement accuracy in outdoor environments where repeated
superior long-term stability minimizes conditions. The most popular condensation is expected.
maintenance needs throughout the control parameters in free cooling An optional panel display can
transmitter’s lifetime. If necessary, – dew point temperature, wet bulb be added for remote monitoring.
the transmitter can be field-calibrated temperature, and enthalpy – are Transmitters can be installed into
using either an HM70 Hand-Held available as output parameters. difficult-to-reach locations, while
Humidity and Temperature Meter, or a measurement data can be read from
PC connection. a more convenient spot.

72 40.6 HMW110/112
RH+T transmitters
for measurements
in wet areas




72 290.8

40.6 250.2 HMD110/112

RH+T transmitters
for ducts



Ø4...8 Ø4...8 99


for outdoor
Ø25 ...60


121.5 264.2

Technical Data
Model number Type Output Special Features Ingress Protection
HMW110 Wall-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output Configurable model* IP65
HMW112 Wall-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output IP65
HMD110 Duct-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output Configurable model* IP65
HMD112 Duct-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output IP65
HMS110 Outdoor, RH+T 2-wire, current output Radiation shield, configurable model* IP65
HMS112 Outdoor, RH+T 2-wire, current output Radiation shield IP65
*Delivered with customer specific output settings, including calculated humidity parameters and special scaling of outputs.

Performance Operating Environment (All Models)

RELATIVE HUMIDITY Operating temperature range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH Operating humidity range 0 ... 100 %RH
Accuracy Maximum wind/flow speed 30 m/s
Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F) Storage temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
0 ... 90 %RH ±2 %RH Electromagnetic compliance EN61326-1, Industrial Environment
90 ... 100 %RH ±3 %RH
Temperature range -20 ... +10 °C, +30 ... +60 °C Mechanics
(-4 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +140 °F) Max wire size 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16)
0 … 90 %RH ±3 %RH Standard housing color White (RAL9003)
90 … 100 %RH ±4 %RH Housing material PC + 10%GF (UL-V0 approved)
Temperature range -40 ... -20 °C (-40 ... -4 °F)
0 ... 100%RH ±4 %RH Inputs and Outputs
Stability in typical HVAC applications ±0.5 %RH/year Analog output 4 ... 20 mA, loop powered
Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R Loop resistance 0 ... 600 Ω
TEMPERATURE Supply voltage 20 ... 28VDC at 600 Ω load
Measurement range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) 10 ... 28VDC at 0 Ω load
Accuracy Data input for RDP100 Remote RS485,
At +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.3 °C Panel Display Vaisala proprietary protocol
Temperature dependence ±0.01 °C/°C
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Spare Parts and Accessories
Measurement range for dew Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / NPT1/2 Inch) 210675SP
point temperature and wet bulb Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / PG9, RE-MS) 210674SP
temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Fastening set HMS110 237805
Measurement range for Porous PTFE Filter DRW239993SP
enthalpy -40 ... 460 kJ/kg (-10 ... +190 BTU/lb) Membrane Filter ASM210856SP
Accuracy of the calculated parameters should be Terminal Block, Blue 236620SP
calculated at the actual condition based on the RH USB cable for PC connection 219690
and temperature specification. Connection cable for HM70 hand-held meter 219980SP
Accuracy at 20°C (68°F) and 80%RH: HUMICAP® 180R sensor HUMICAP180R
Dew point ±0.7 °C (1.2 °F) Catalytic HUMICAP® sensor HUMICAP180VHP
Wet bulb temperature ±0.5 °C (0.9 °F)
Enthalpy ±1.6kJ/kg (0.7 BTU/lb)

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211349EN-B ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


Find out more at


HMS110 Series Humidity and Temperature

Transmitters for High-Accuracy Outdoor
Measurements in Building Automation Applications

▪ Reliable outdoor transmitters
with integrated radiation

▪ ±2 %RH accuracy

▪ Proven HUMICAP® 180R sensor

for long-lasting accuracy

▪ 3-point NIST traceable

calibration (certificate

▪ Default output parameters

are relative humidity and
temperature. Dew point
temperature, wet bulb
temperature, and enthalpy
outputs selectable with a PC

▪ Current output (4…20 mA)

HMS110 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters with HUMICAP® sensor. ▪ On-site calibration with
HM70 Hand-Held Meter or PC
Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and The integrated radiation shield
Temperature Transmitter Series allows unrivaled measurement ▪ Ingress protection IP65
HMS110 are designed for demanding performance, reducing the impact
outdoor measurements in building of sunshine on temperature and screws are retained in the enclosure,
automation applications. These humidity measurements and ensuring all connectors are clearly labeled, and
±2% transmitters include an measurement accuracy in outdoor the connectors are within easy reach.
integrated radiation shield to reduce conditions. The HUMICAP® sensor’s excellent
the influence of solar radiation long-term stability and high-quality
on temperature and humidity Easy Installation and materials ensure minimal need
measurements. Maintenance for maintenance. If necessary, the
HMS110 transmitters are easy to transmitter can be field-calibrated
Proven Vaisala HUMICAP® install. They can be mounted directly using either an HM70 Hand-Held
Performance for Outdoor onto a wall or pole without any extra Humidity and Temperature Meter, or
Measurements accessories. There are no loose parts, a PC connection.
HMS110 transmitters are equipped
with the trusted HUMICAP® 180R – a
robust, general-purpose humidity
sensor that functions well in high

Ø25 ...60

humidity. The sensor’s superior


stability ensures long-lasting

accuracy and minimal maintenance Ø5.5

throughout the transmitter’s lifetime. Ø4...8

121.5 264.2

Technical Data

HMS110 Outdoor, RH+T 2-wire, current Delivered with customer specific output IP65
output settings, including calculated humidity
parameters and special scaling of outputs.
HMS112 Outdoor, RH+T 2-wire, current IP65

Performance Operating Environment

RELATIVE HUMIDITY Operating temperature range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH Operating humidity range 0 ... 100 %RH
Accuracy Maximum wind/flow speed 30 m/s
Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F) Storage temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
0 ... 90 %RH ±2 %RH Electromagnetic compliance EN61326-1, Industrial
90 … 100 %RH ±3 %RH Environment
Temperature range -20 ... +10° C, +30 ... +60 °C
(-4 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +140 °F)
0 … 90 %RH ±3 %RH
Max wire size 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16)
90 … 100 %RH ±4 %RH
Standard housing color White (RAL9003)
Temperature range -40 ... -20 °C (-40 ... -4 °F)
Housing material PC + 10%GF (UL-V0 approved)
0 ... 100%RH ±4 %RH
Stability in typical HVAC applications ±0.5 %RH/year
Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R
Inputs and Outputs
Analog output 4 ... 20 mA, loop powered
Measurement range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Loop resistance 0 ... 600 Ω
Supply voltage 20 ... 28VDC at 600 Ω load
At +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.3 °C (±0.54 °F)
10 ... 28VDC at 0 Ω load
Temperature dependence ±0.01 °C/ °C
Data input for RS485,
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751
RDP100 Remote Panel Display Vaisala proprietary protocol
Measurement range for dew
point temperature and wet bulb Spare Parts and Accessories
temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Remote Panel Display RDP100
Measurement range for enthalpy -40 ... 460 kJ/kg Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / NPT1/2 Inch) 210675SP
(-10 ... +190 BTU/lb) Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / PG9, RE-MS) 210674SP
Accuracy of the calculated parameters should be Fastening set HMS110 237805
calculated at the actual condition based on the Membrane Filter ASM210856SP
RH and temperature specification. Accuracy at Terminal Block, Blue 236620SP
20°C (68°F) and 80%RH: USB cable for PC connection 219690
Dew point ±0.7°C (1.2°F) Connection cable for HM70 hand-held meter 219980SP
Wet bulb temperature ±0.5°C (0.9°F) HUMICAP® 180R sensor HUMICAP180R
Enthalpy ±1.6kJ/kg (0.7 BTU/lb

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211354EN-A ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMDW80 Series Humidity and Temperature

Transmitters for Building Automation Applications
▪ Reliable transmitters for basic
HVAC humidity measurements

▪ ±3.0 %RH accuracy

▪ Full 0 … 100 %RH measurement


▪ Optimized for easy installation

and low maintenance

▪ User exchangeable INTERCAP®

sensor for easy field

▪ Output parameters: relative

humidity and temperature
with optional dew point
temperature, wet bulb
temperature and enthalpy

▪ UL- V0 flammability rating

HMDW80 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for multiple applications Typical Installation Locations
within building automation.
▪ Ventilation ducts

▪ Walls
Vaisala INTERCAP® Humidity Calculated humidity parameters –
and Temperature Transmitter dew point temperature, wet bulb ▪ Wash-down areas

Series HMDW80 measure relative temperature, and enthalpy ▪ Outdoor locations

humidity and temperature in – are also available.
various building automation
applications. Transmitters combine Easy Installation mount transmitters can be installed
easy installation and reliable HMDW80 series transmitters are without the need to make holes in the
operation with a low requirement for optimized for easy installation. transmitter enclosure.
maintenance. There are no loose parts, screws
The versatile HMDW80 series are retained in the enclosure, all Reliable Operation
includes transmitters for wall and connectors are clearly labeled, and HMDW80 series transmitters require
duct mounting, IP65-classified the connectors are within easy reach. minimal maintenance thanks to
transmitters for humid areas, and The duct mount transmitters are well their excellent sensor stability and
transmitters with a radiation shield suited to a variety of duct sizes, the high-quality materials. If necessary,
for outdoor use. It also includes outdoor transmitters can be mounted the INTERCAP® sensor can be easily
temperature-only transmitters and directly onto a wall or pole without exchanged in the field with minimum
transmitters with an optional display. any extra accessories, and the wall downtime.

76.9 81 24
HMW82/83 RH+T
and TMW82/83
Ø4.4 Ø4.4 transmitters


for wall-mounting




72 40.6
Ø3.5 Ø10

RH+T transmitters
for measurements

in wet areas



72 290.8 HMD82/83(D)
40.6 250.2 and TMD82/83
RH+T and

for ducts



Ø4...8 99

for outdoor

Ø25 ...60


121.5 264.2

Technical Data
Model number Type Output Special Features Ingress Protection
TMW82 Wall-mount, T-only 2-wire, current output IP30
TMW83 Wall-mount, T-only 3-wire, voltage output IP30
HMW82 Wall-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output IP30
HMW83 Wall-mount, RH+T 3-wire, voltage output IP30
HMW88 Wall-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output Calculated parameters* IP65
HMW88D Wall-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output Display, calculated parameters* IP65
HMW89 Wall-mount, RH+T 3-wire, voltage output Calculated parameters* IP65
HMW89D Wall-mount, RH+T 3-wire, voltage output Display, calculated parameters* IP65
TMD82 Duct-mount, T-only 2-wire, current output IP65
TMD83 Duct-mount, T-only 3-wire, voltage output IP65
HMD82 Duct-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output Calculated parameters* IP65
HMD82D Duct-mount, RH+T 2-wire, current output Display, calculated parameters* IP65
HMD83 Duct-mount, RH+T 3-wire, voltage output Calculated parameters* IP65
HMD83D Duct-mount, RH+T 3-wire, voltage output Display, calculated parameters* IP65
HMS82 Outdoor, RH+T 2-wire, current output Radiation shield, calculated parameters* IP65
HMS83 Outdoor, RH+T 3-wire, voltage output Radiation shield, calculated parameters* IP65
*Output parameters for humidity: relative humidity, dew point temperature, wet bulb temperature, and enthalpy.

Specifications for Models HMW82/83 and Specifications for Models HMD82/83,

TMW82/83 TMD82/83, HMW88/89, and HMS82/83
Performance Performance
Operating temperature range -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F) Operating temperature range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Operating humidity range 0 … 100 %RH, non-condensing Operating humidity range 0 ... 100 %RH
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH
Accuracy Accuracy
Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F) Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F)
0 ... 70 %RH ±3 %RH 0 ... 90 %RH ±3 %RH
70 ... 100 %RH ±5 %RH 90 … 100 %RH ±5 %RH
Temperature range -5 ... +10 °C, +30 ... + 55 °C Temperature range -20 ... +10° C, +30 ... +60 °C
(+23 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +131 °F) (-4 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +140 °F)
0 …100 %RH ±7 %RH 0 … 90 %RH ±5 %RH
Stability in typical HVAC ±2 %RH over 2 years 90 … 100 %RH ±7 %RH
applications Temperature range -40 ... -20 °C (-40 ... -4 °F)
Humidity sensor Vaisala INTERCAP® 0 ... 100%RH ±7 %RH
TEMPERATURE Stability in typical HVAC applications ±2 %RH over 2 years
Measurement range -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F) Humidity sensor Vaisala INTERCAP®
+10 ... +30 °C (+50 °F ... +86 °F) ±0.5 °C (±0.9 °F) Measurement range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
-5 ... +10 °C, +30 ... +55 °C Accuracy
(+23 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +131 °F) ±1.0 °C (±1.8 °F) At +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.3 °C (±0.54 °F)
Temperature sensor Digital temperature sensor Temperature dependence ±0.01 °C/ °C
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751
Measurement range for dew point
temperature and wet bulb temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Measurement range for
enthalpy -40 ... 460 kJ/kg (-10 ... +190 BTU/lb)

Specifications for Models HMD82/83D and
Performance Mechanics
Operating temperature range -5 … +60 °C (+23 … +140 °F) Max wire size 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16)
Operating humidity range 0…100 %RH, non-condensing Standard housing color White (RAL9003)
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Housing material
Measurement range 0 … 100 %RH HMW82/83, TMW82/83 ABS/PC (UL-V0 approved)
Accuracy HMW88/89(D), HMD82/83(D),
Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F) TMD82/83, HMS82/83 PC + 10%GF (UL-V0 approved)
0 ... 90 %RH ±3 %RH
90 … 100 %RH ±5 %RH Inputs and Outputs
Temperature range -5 ... +10 °C, +30 ... +60 °C Current output models (2-wire)
(+23 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +140 °F) Outputs 4 ... 20 mA, loop powered
0 … 90 %RH ±5 %RH Loop resistance 0 ... 600 Ω
90 … 100 %RH ±7 %RH Supply voltage 20 ... 28VDC at 600 Ω load
Stability in typical HVAC applications ±2 %RH over 2 years 10 ... 28VDC at 0 Ω load
Humidity sensor Vaisala INTERCAP® Voltage output models (3-wire)
TEMPERATURE Outputs 0...10 V
Measurement range (Analog output scaling) Load resistance 10 kΩ min
-40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Supply voltage 18 ... 35 VDC
Operating temperature range 24 VAC ±20 % 50/60 Hz
of the display +5 ... +60 °C (+23 ... +140 °F)
At +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.3 °C (±0.54 °F) Spare Parts and Accessories
Temperature dependence ±0.01 °C/ °C INTERCAP® sensor 15778HM
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 10 pcs of INTERCAP® sensors INTERCAPSET-10PCS
CALCULATED PARAMETERS Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / NPT1/2 Inch) 210675SP
Measurement range for dew -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / PG9, RE-MS) 210674SP
point temperature and wet Fastening set HMS80 237805
bulb temperature Porous PTFE Filter DRW239993SP
Measurement range for enthalpy -40…460 kJ/kg Membrane Filter ASM210856SP
(-10…+190 BTU/lb) Terminal Block, Blue 236620SP
HMD80 display lid ASM210793SP
Operating Environment (All Models)
Operating Environment (All Models) See model specifications
Maximum wind/flow speed 30 m/s
Storage temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Electromagnetic compliance EN61326-1, Industrial Environment

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211253EN-B ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMS80 Series Humidity and Temperature

Transmitters for Outdoor Measurements in
Building Automation Applications
▪ Reliable outdoor transmitters
with integrated radiation

▪ ±3 %RH accuracy

▪ User-exchangeable INTERCAP®
sensor for easy field

▪ Default output parameters

are relative humidity and
temperature. Dew point
temperature, wet bulb
temperature, and enthalpy
outputs selectable using dip

▪ Options for both current and

voltage outputs

▪ Ingress protection IP65

HMS80 Series Humidity and Temperature Transmitters with integrated radiation


Vaisala INTERCAP® Humidity and For fast and convenient configuration, Low Maintenance
Temperature Transmitter Series the most popular control parameters
HMS80 series transmitters require
HMS80 are designed for outdoor in free cooling control – dew point
minimal maintenance thanks to
measurements in various building temperature, wet bulb temperature,
their excellent sensor stability and
automation applications. These and enthalpy – are selectable using
high-quality materials. If necessary,
±3% transmitters include an dip switches.
the INTERCAP® sensor can easily be
integrated radiation shield to reduce
replaced in the field with minimum
the influence of solar radiation
on temperature and humidity

Easy Installation
HMS80 transmitters are easy to
install. They can be mounted directly
onto a wall or pole without any extra

Ø25 ...60

accessories. There are no loose

parts, screws are retained in the
enclosure, all connectors are clearly Ø5.5

labeled, and the connectors are

within easy reach. 121.5 264.2

Technical Data

Models Operating Environment
MODEL TYPE OUTPUT INGRESS Operating temperature range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
NUMBER PROTECTION Operating humidity range 0 ... 100 %RH
HMS82 Outdoor, RH+T 2-wire, current output IP65 Maximum wind/flow speed 30 m/s
HMS83 Outdoor, RH+T 3-wire, voltage output IP65 Storage temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Electromagnetic compliance EN61326-1, Industrial
Performance Environment
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH
Accuracy Mechanics
Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F) Max wire size 1.5 mm2 (AWG 16)
0 ... 90 %RH ±3 %RH Standard housing color White (RAL9003)
90 … 100 %RH ±5 %RH Housing material PC + 10%GF (UL-V0 approved)
Temperature range -20 ... +10 °C, +30 ... +60 °C
(-4 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +140 °F)
0 … 90 %RH ±5 %RH
90 … 100 %RH ±7 %RH
Temperature range -40 ... -20 °C (-40 ... -4 °F) Inputs and Outputs
0 ... 100%RH ±7 %RH Current output model HMS82 (2-wire)
Stability in typical HVAC applications ±2 %RH over 2 years Outputs 4 ... 20 mA, loop powered
Humidity sensor Vaisala INTERCAP® Loop resistance 0 ... 600 Ω
TEMPERATURE Supply voltage 20 ... 28VDC at 600 Ω load
Measurement range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) 10 ... 28VDC at 0 Ω load
Accuracy Voltage output model HMS83 (3-wire)
At +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.3 °C (±0.54 °F) Outputs 0...10 V
Temperature dependence ±0.01 °C/ °C Load resistance 10 kΩ min
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Supply voltage 18 ... 35 VDC
Measurement range for dew
point temperature and wet bulb
temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Measurement range for enthalpy -40 ... 460 kJ/kg
(-10 ... +190 BTU/lb) Spare Parts and Accessories
Accuracy of the calculated parameters should be INTERCAP® sensor 15778HM
calculated at the actual condition based on the 10 pcs of INTERCAP® sensors INTERCAPSET-10PCS
relative humidity and temperature specification. Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / NPT1/2 Inch) 210675SP
Accuracy at 20°C (68°F) and 80%RH: Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / PG9, RE-MS) 210674SP
Dew point ±0.9 °C (1.6 °F) Fastening set HMS80 237805
Wet bulb temperature ±0.7 °C (1.3 °F) Membrane Filter ASM210856SP
Enthalpy ±2kJ/kg (0.9 BTU/lb) Terminal Block, Blue 236620SP

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211353EN-A ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMM100 Humidity Module for Environmental


The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity Module HMM100.

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity probe can be freely placed in a test

Module HMM100 is an open chamber as the speed of airflow does
▪ Full temperature compensation frame module for integration into not affect the measurement.
over the operating temperature environmental chambers. The
range of -70 °C ... +180 °C Maintenance-free
modules provide a single analog
▪ High temperature tolerance, output channel for relative humidity Compared to psychrometers, the
also suitable for heat- (RH) or dew point (Td). HMM100 is practically maintenance-
Two probes are available, one made free. There is no wick that needs
▪ Excellent measurement of plastics, the other of stainless changing and there is no need for
accuracy with Vaisala steel. Several cable lengths up to a water tank or water pump. Thus,
HUMICAP® 180R sensor environmental stress screening can
3 meters are available. Both the
▪ Durable probes have the Vaisala HUMICAP® be done reliably.
180R sensor which ensures excellent
▪ Easy field calibration by
measurement accuracy. Accessories
The accessories available are a
▪ Maintenance-free
Robust and Reliable component board mounting bracket
▪ Easy to install The HMM100 probe works in freezing with a lid, probe clamp, USB-cable for
conditions (-70 °C) and also in service use, a module housing and a
▪ Applications: test chambers,
temperatures up to +180 °C. The probe mounting flange.
HMM100 is easy to install and the

Technical Data

Performance Mechanics
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Service cable connector M8 series 4-pin (male)
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH Probe diameter 12 mm
Accuracy (incl. non-linearity, hysteresis Probe cable lengths 0.6/1.55/2.9 m
and repeatability) Probe material
temperature range -20 ... +40 °C plastics PPS
0 ... 90 %RH ±2 %RH stainless steel AISI316/PPS
90 ... 100 %RH ±3 %RH Probe mounting clamp AISI316
temperature range -40 ... -20 °C, +40 ... +180 °C Mounting bracket material
0 ... 90 %RH ±2.5 %RH lid ABS/PC
90 ... 100 %RH ±3.5 %RH bottom plate Al
Factory calibration uncertainty (+20 °C) ±1.5 %RH Module housing material ABS/PC (cover)
Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R
Measurement range -20 ... +100 °C (-4 ... +212 °F)Td Options and Accessories
Accuracy (incl. non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability Humidity sensor HUMICAP180R
when dew point depression <20 °C ±2 °C Td Membrane filter 10159HM
(Ambient temperature - dew point) Plastic grid filter 6221
Porous PTFE filter 219452SP
Operating Environment Stainless steel sintered filter HM47280SP
Operating temperature range Mounting bracket with lid 225979
component board -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F) Module housing (IP65) 226060
stainless steel and plastic Probe mounting flange 226061
probe -70 ... +180 °C (-94 ... +356 °F) Probe mounting clamp set (10 pcs) 226067
porous PTFE filter stainless USB cable 226068
steel, sintered filter -70 ... +180 °C (-94 ... +356 °F)
plastic grid, membrane filter -20 ... +80 °C (-4 ... +176 °F)
Electromagnetic compatibility Applicable parts of EN61326-1,
Generic Environment
See Table 55

Input and Outputs 49

Operating voltage 1.21

2-wire model 24 VDC
3-wire model 10 ... 35 VDC or 9 ... 24 VAC


15 ... 35 VDC or 14 ... 24 VAC when 0 ... 10 V

output is used
AW 7 [0.28]

Power consumption 6 mA


Analog output types (1 output selectable)

2-wire model 4 ... 20 mA (loop-powered)
3-wire model 0 ... 20 mA, 0 ... 1 V/5 V/10 V
Max. wire size 0.5 ... 1. 5 mm2 (AWG)
Service port M8 connector for USB cable

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210813EN-C ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


Vaisala INTERCAP® Humidity and Temperature

Probe HMP60

The HMP60 for extreme conditions.

Features/Benefits HMP60 Several Outputs

▪ Miniature-size humidity probe The HMP60 is a simple, durable and
cost-effective humidity probe. It is
There are two configurable voltage
outputs with relative humidity,
▪ Low power consumption suitable for volume applications, temperature or dew point scaling.
▪ Measurement range: integration into other manufacturers’
equipment, incubators, glove boxes,
Four voltage output ranges are
0 ... 100 %RH; -40 ... +60°C available.
greenhouses, fermentation chambers,
▪ Cable detachable with
and data loggers. Rugged Design
standard M8 connector
The HMP60 is designed for extreme
▪ Rugged metal housing Easy Installation conditions. The stainless steel body
▪ Interchangeable Vaisala The probe cable has a screw-on of the HMP60 is classified as IP65.
INTERCAP® Sensor quick connector for easy installation. The probe has a sealed structure
▪ Optional RS485 digital output Different cable lengths are available. and the sensor is protected by a
Also other compatible M8 series cables membrane filter and a plastic grid,
Optional dew point output can be used. Accessories are available or optionally by a stainless steel
▪ Applications: volume for different installation needs. filter.
applications, integration
into other manufacturers’ Low Current Consumption Recalibration Not Needed
equipment, glove boxes,
The HMP60 is suitable for battery- The Vaisala INTERCAP® Sensor is
greenhouses, fermentation
chambers, data loggers powered applications because of its interchangeable. No recalibration is
very low current consumption. required; the sensor can simply be
replaced, also in the field.

Technical Data

Performance Operating Environment
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Operating temperature -40 ... +60 °C
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61326-1: Electrical equipment
Typical accuracy for measurement, control and
temperature range 0 ... +40 °C laboratory use – EMC requirements
0 ... 90 %RH ±3 %RH – for use in industrial locations.
90 ... 100 %RH ±5 %RH
temperature range -40 ... 0 °C, +40 ... +60 °C
0 ... 90 %RH ±5 %RH
body stainless steel (AISI 316)
90 ... 100 %RH ±7 %RH
grid filter chrome coated ABS plastic
Humidity sensor Vaisala INTERCAP®
cable polyurethane or FEP
Housing classification IP65
Measurement range -40 ... +60 °C
Body thread MI2x1 / 10 mm
Accuracy over temperature range
Cable connector 4-pin M8 (IEC 60947-5-2)
+10 ... +30 °C ±0.5 °C
-40 ... +10, +30 ... +60 °C ±0.6 °C
probe 17 g
probe with 0.3 m cable 28 g
Measurement range -40 ... +60 °C
Typical accuracy Options and Accessories
temperature range 0 ... +40 °C Vaisala INTERCAP® Sensor, 1 piece 15778HM
when dew point depression < 15 °C ±2 °C Vaisala INTERCAP® Sensor, 10 pcs INTERCAPSET-10PCS
temperature range -40 ... 0 °C, +40 ... +60 °C Sensor protection
when dew point depression < 10 °C ±3 °C plastic grid DRW010522
dew point depression = ambient temperature - dew point membrane filter DRW010525
ANALOG OUTPUTS stainless steel sintered filter HM46670SP
Accuracy at 20 °C ±0.2 % of FS 4 ... 20mA loop power converter UI-CONVERTER-1CB
Temperature dependence ±0.01 % of FS/°C Mounting bracket for converter 225979
Inputs and Outputs Plastic M12 installation nuts, pair 18350SP
Operating voltage 5 ... 28 VDC / 8 ... 28 VDC with USB cable for PC connection 219690
(Use lowest available operating 5 V output Probe mounting clamp set, 10 pcs 226067
voltage to minimize heating.) 8 ... 28VDC with loop power Probe mounting flange 226061
converter Connection cables
Current consumption 1 mA average, max. peak 5 mA 0.3 m PU HMP50Z032SP
Start-up time 3 m PU HMP50Z300SP
probes with analog output 4 s at operating voltage 180 °C 3 m FEP 226902SP
13.5 ... 16.5 VDC
2 s at other valid operating voltages
in mm (inches)
probes with digital output 1s (2.8)
Outputs 71

2 channels 0 ... 1 VDC/0 ... 2.5 VDC / 0 ... 5 VDC/1 ... 5 VDC
1-channel loop-power converter (separate module,
compatible with humidity accuracy only) 4 ... 20 mA
M12 x1


digital output (optional) RS485 2-wire half duplex

External loads
0 ... 1 V RL min 10 kΩ
0 ... 2.5 V /0 ... 5 V RL min 50 kΩ

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210851EN-D ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature

Probe HMP110

The HMP110 with excellent stability and high chemical tolerance.

The HMP110 is a trouble-free and Several Outputs
cost-effective humidity transmitter
▪ Miniature-size humidity with high accuracy and good
The temperature measurement
is a standard feature, dew point
transmitter stability. It is suitable for volume
measurement is optional. Three
▪ Low power consumption applications or integration into other
standard voltage outputs are
and fast start-up for battery manufacturers’ equipment. The
powered applications available. The HMP110D model has
HMP110 is also suitable for glove
RS485 digital output.
▪ Measurement range: boxes, greenhouses, fermentation
0 ... 100 %RH; -40 ... +80°C and stability chambers, data loggers,
Robust Design
▪ Cable detachable with and incubators.
The stainless steel body of the
standard M8 quick connector
Easy Installation HMP110 is classified as IP65. Thus,
▪ Reliable: Latest generation
The probe cable has a screw-on
it survives rough conditions.
HUMICAP® 180R sensor for The HMP110 has high chemical
best stability and high chemical quick connector for easy installation.
tolerance because of the HUMICAP®
tolerance. IP65 metal housing. Different cable lengths and
180R sensor.
▪ Optional RS485 digital output accessories are available.
Easy Maintenance
▪ Traceable: Comes with Low Current Consumption
calibration certificate. ±1.5 %RH Maintaining measurement
HMP110 is suitable for battery-
measurement accuracy traceability is easy using the
(0 ... 90 %RH) powered applications because of its
HMP110R replacement probe. We
very low current consumption. It also
▪ HMP110R replacement probe
has a fast start-up time.
send you a replacement probe, you
service available for easy detach the old probe and send it back
maintenance to us. In this way the measurement
▪ Optional dew point calculation is available at all times without

Technical Data Outputs
2 channels 0 ... 1 VDC / 0 ... 2.5 VDC / 0 ... 5 VDC / 1 ... 5 VDC

1-channel loop-power converter (separate module,
Performance compatible with humidity accuracy only) 4 ... 20 mA
RELATIVE HUMIDITY digital output (HMP110D) RS485 2-wire half duplex
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH External loads
Accuracy (incl. non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability) 0 ... 1 V RL min 10 kΩ
temperature range 0 ... +40 °C 0 ... 2.5 V /0 ... 5 V RL min 50 kΩ
0 ... 90 %RH ±1.5 %RH
Operating Environment
90 ... 100 %RH ±2.5 %RH
Operating temperature range -40 ... +80 °C
temperature range -40 ... 0 °C, +40 ... +80 °C
Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61326-1: Electrical equipment
0 ... 90 %RH ±3.0 %RH
for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC
90 ... 100 %RH ±4.0 %RH
requirements – for use in industrial locations.
Factory calibration uncertainty (+20 °C)
0 ... 90 %RH ±1.1 %RH Mechanics
90 ... 100 %RH ±1.8 %RH Materials
Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R body stainless steel (AISI 316)
Stability ±2 %RH over 2 years grid filter chrome coated ABS plastic
TEMPERATURE cable polyurethane or FEP
Measurement range -40 ... +80 °C Housing classification IP65
Accuracy over temperature range Body thread MI2x1 / 10 mm
0 ... +40 °C, ±0.2 °C Cable connector 4-pin M8 (IEC 60947-5-2)
-40 ... 0 °C, +40 ... +80 °C ±0.4 °C Weight
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 probe 17 g
DEW POINT probe with 0.3 m cable 28 g
Measurement range -40 ... +80 °C Options and Accessories
Accuracy (incl. non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability) Sensor protection
temperature range 0 ... +40 °C plastic grid DRW010522SP
when dew point depression < 15 °C ±1 °C membrane filter DRW010525SP
when dew point depression 15 ... 25 °C ±2 °C stainless steel sintered filter HM46670SP
temperature range -40 ... 0 °C, +40 ... +80 °C 4 ... 20 mA loop power converter UI-CONVERTER-1CB
when dew point depression < 15 °C - dew point ±2 °C Mounting bracket for converter 225979
depression = ambient temperature - dew point Plastic M12 installation nuts, pair 18350SP
ANALOG OUTPUTS USB cable for PC connection 219690
Accuracy at 20 °C ±0.2 % of FS Probe mounting clamp set, 10 pcs 226067
Temperature dependence ±0.01 % of FS/°C Probe mounting flange 226061
Inputs and Outputs Connection cables
Operating voltage 5 ... 28 VDC / 8 ... 28 VDC with standard 0.3 m HMP50Z032SP
(Use lowest available operating 5 V output standard 3 m HMP50Z300SP
voltage to minimize heating) 8 ... 28 VDC with loop power 80 °C 1.5 m 225777SP
converter 80 °C 3 m 225229SP
Current consumption 1 mA average, max. peak 5 mA 180 °C 3 m FEP 226902SP
Start-up time connection cable for HM70 229980
HMP110 probes with analog output 4 s at operating voltage Dimensions
13.5 ... 16.5 VDC Dimensions in mm (inches) (2.8)
2 s at other valid operating voltages
HMP110D probes with digital output 1s
M12 x1


Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B210852EN-G ©Vaisala 2015
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
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more information
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


HM70 Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature

Meter for Spot-Checking Applications

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter HM70 is a

high-performance, portable humidity reference. From left to right: MI70 indicator,
probes HMP75, HMP76 and HMP77.
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held Three Probes
Features/Benefits to Choose from
Humidity and Temperature Meter
▪ Designed for spot-checking HM70 is designed for demanding The HMP75 is a general purpose
and field calibration humidity measurements in spot- probe whereas the HMP76 is a long,
▪ Multilingual user interface checking applications. It is also ideal stainless steel probe especially
for field checking and calibration of suitable for spot-checking in ducts.
▪ Shows measurement trends
Vaisala's fixed humidity instruments. The HMP77 is a small probe at the
The HM70 incorporates the latest end of a 5-meter cable. The probe is
▪ Proven Vaisala HUMICAP®
generation of the Vaisala HUMICAP® ideal for difficult-to-reach areas and
Sensor technology
Sensor. It is reliable and has better for on-site calibration of Vaisala's
▪ 3 probe alternatives,
than ever long-term stability. process transmitters.
temperature measurement
Additionally, it has a sensor that In addition, the HM70 supports the
ranges between -70 and +180 °C
copes well with chemical interference use of Vaisala's dew point, carbon
▪ 2 probes - also dew point and and provides accuracy that lasts in dioxide and moisture in oil probes,
CO2 probes - can be connected
demanding conditions. allowing measurements in several
The chemical purge option multiparameter applications.
▪ Displays various humidity
maintains measurement accuracy
parameters MI70 Link
in environments with high
▪ Sensor preheat and chemical concentrations of chemicals. The The optional MI70 Link Windows®
purge options for demanding
sensor preheat option reduces software and the USB connection
measurement delays as it keeps cable form a practical tool for
▪ 6-point NIST traceable the sensor dry when the probe transferring logged data and real
calibration (certificate is inserted into hot and humid time measurement data from the
included) processes. HM70 to a PC.

Technical Data

HMP75, HMP76 and HMP77 Probes MI70 Measurement Indicator
Measured Variables Indicator General
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Menu languages English, Chinese, French, Spanish, German,
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH Russian, Japanese, Swedish, Finnish
Accuracy (including non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability) Display LCD with backlight, graphical trend display of any
at +15 ... +25 °C (+59 ... +77 °F) ±1 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH) parameter, character height up to 16 mm
±1.7 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH) Max. no. of probes 2
at -20 ... +40 °C (-4 ... +104 °F) ±(1.0 + 0.008 x reading) %RH Power supply Rechargeable NiMH battery pack with AC-
at -40 ... +180 °C (-40 ... +356 °F) ±(1.5 + 0.015 x reading) %RH adapter or 4xAA-size alkalines, type IEC LR6 0
Factory calibration ±0.6 %RH (0 ... 40 %RH) Analog output 0... 1 VDC
uncertainty (+20 °C / +68 °F) ±1.0 %RH (40 ... 97 %RH) Output resolution 0.6 mV
(Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits.) PC interface MI70 Link software with USB or
Response time (90%) at +20 °C (+68 °F) in still air serial port cable
HMP75 (with standard plastic grid) 17 s Data logging capacity 2700 points
HMP76 (with standard sintered bronze filter) 60 s Alarm audible alarm function
HMP77 (with standard plastic grid and stainless 50 s Operating temperature range -10 ... +40 °C (+14 ... +104 °F)
steel netting) Operating humidity range non-condensing
Sensor HUMICAP® 180R Housing classification IP54
HUMICAP 180RC (chemical purge, sensor preheat)
® Battery operation time
Typical long-term stability better than 1 %RH / year Continuous use 48 h typical at +20 °C (+68 °F)
TEMPERATURE Data logging use up to a month, depending on logging
Measurement range interval
HMP75 -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F) Electromagnetic Complies with EMC standard
HMP76 -50 ... +120 °C (-58 ... +248 °F) compatibility EN61326-1, Portable Equipment
short time -50 ... +180 °C (-58 ... +356 °F)
HMP77 -70 ... +180 °C (-94 ... +356 °F) MI70 Indicator + Probe = HM70
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.2 °C (±0.36 °F) ACCESSORIES

Accuracy over temperature range (see graph) Carrying cases

for MI70 and HMP75/77 probe MI70CASE3
0.6 for MI70 and HMP75/76 probe MI70CASE4
Transmitter connection cables for
0.2 HMT330 & HMT120/130 211339
°C HMT310 DRW216050
-0.2 HMW90 Series, HMDW110 Series & GMW90 Series 219980
HMD/W60/70 Series HMA6070
MI70 Link software with USB cable 219687
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 MI70 Link software with serial port cable MI70LINK
Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Analog output cable 27168ZZ
10 m (32.81 ft) extension cable for probe 213107SP
dew point, frost point, absolute humidity, mixing ratio, wet bulb Sensor protection HMP75
temperature, water content, vapor pressure, saturation vapor Plastic PC grid (HMP75 standard) 6221
pressure, enthalpy, water activity Membrane filter 10159HM
Sintered bronze filter DRW212987SP
Probe General HMP76/77
Operating temperature range for electronics -40 ... +60 °C Plastic PPS grid DRW010276SP
(-40 ... +140 °F) Sintered stainless steel filter HM47280SP
Housing classification IP65 (NEMA 4) Sintered bronze filter (HMP76 standard) DRW212987SP
Housing material ABS/PC blend PPS grid with SS netting (HMP77 standard) DRW010281SP
Probe material Stainless steel (AISI316L)
Cable length between probe and indicator 1.9 m

Technical Data

Dimensions in mm (inches)

MI70 indicator HMP75 probe

HMP76 probe HMP77 probe with cable HMP77 probe

ø 12 (0.47)

37.5 (1.48)

79.5 (3.13)

99.5 (3.92)

Please contact us at
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This material is
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Looking for Accurate
and Reliable Humidity
Only Vaisala HUMICAP®
Measures Up.
The quality and profitability of your process
equals the quality of your measurement.
The success of critical operations depends on small things, such as our
humidity sensor. The Vaisala HUMICAP® technology has led the market
for almost 40 years through unrivaled reliability continually introducing
innovative features for better stability and usability.

Resistant to dust, particulate dirt and most chemicals, Vaisala

HUMICAP® delivers the most accurate humidity measurements
on the market, even in the harshest conditions.

Choose from a wide range of fixed and handheld instruments

for different applications, requirements and budgets.

Improve efficiency, quality, safety and profitability.

Vaisala HUMICAP® helps deliver them all.


Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held Humidity and

Temperature Meter Series HM40

The Vaisala HM40

Humidity and
Temperature Meter
is designed for
spot-checking in
a wide variety of
environments and The graph clearly indicates when the
is available with readings have stabilized.
four different probe
Left to right: Benefits
HM41, HM45,
HM42, and HM46.
▪ Compact, portable, and easy to use

▪ Versatile meter with wide

measurement range and multiple
calculated parameters

The easy-to-use HM40 is a compact parameters, all of which are available ▪ Four different models available:
HM41, HM42, HM45, and HM46
and portable humidity meter that in metric and non-metric units.
provides reliable measurements The HM40 is powered by 2 AA
▪ Ideal for spot-checking in a wide
variety of applications
in a wide range of applications. It batteries. An external NiMH
is the ideal spot-checking tool for charger with USB connection Features
everything from structural moisture
measurement and air conditioning
and rechargeable AA sized NiMH ▪ Humidity measurement range
batteries are available as an option. 0 ... 100 %RH
systems to humidity measurement in
industrial production processes and
Each model also comes with a handy ▪ Temperature measurement ranges
belt clip and case. -40 ... +100 °C (-40 … +212 °F),
life science applications. There are depending on probe model.
The HM46 can measure up to
four different models available: HM41, Easy Recalibration +180 °C (+356 °F) for a short
HM42, HM45, and HM46.
Calibrating the HM40 is easy. period of time.

Simple and Easy to Use

The meter or the probe can be
▪ Incorporates proven Vaisala
sent to a Vaisala Service Center HUMICAP® sensor technology
The HM40 has a large, user-friendly
graphical display and easy-to-use
for recalibration. Alternatively, ▪ Calibration reminder function
calibration can be completed on site
push buttons. The user interface is by users with a humidity reference ▪ Probes can be user calibrated
using an on-site reference
simple and intuitive, and available in such as the Vaisala Humidity
10 languages. Also, many settings can Calibrator HMK15. The indicator ▪ Graphical display indicates when
measurement has stabilized
be modified to meet users’ individual includes a calibration reminder
needs. In addition to relative function that can be activated by ▪ Hold-button to freeze the screen
and save the reading
humidity and temperature, the HM40 the user.
provides five calculated humidity ▪ Multilingual user interface available
in 10 languages (EN, DE, FR, JA,

Technical Data
Dimensions in mm
HM41 Humidity and

Temperature Meter 72 12

Humidity measurement accuracy (including

non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability):

at 0 … +40 °C ±1.5 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)
±2.5 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)
at -10 … 0 °C and ±3.0 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)

+40 … +60 °C ±4.0 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)

measurement range -10 … +60 °C
Measurement probe interchangeable
HMP113 probe
Probe material PC/ABS plastic blend (white)
Housing classification IP54

Technical Data Dimensions

Dimensions in mm 36.5
HM42 Humidity and Temperature 4
Meter for Tight Spaces
Humidity measurement accuracy (including
non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability):
at 0 … +40 °C ±1.5 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)
235 366
±2.5 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)
at -40 … 0 °C and ±3.0 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)
+40 … +80 °C ±4.0 %RH (90 ...100 %RH)
at +80 …+100 °C ±4.0 %RH*
Probe head temperature
measurement range -40 … +100 °C 4.4

Measurement probe HM42PROBE 155 8.4

Probe head material Stainless steel

Housing classification IP40 (probe),
IP54 (indicator)
*) Not recommended for Td > 85 °C

Technical Data Dimensions

Dimensions in mm
HM45 Humidity and Temperature
Meter with Remote Probe 36.5 12

Humidity measurement accuracy (including


non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability):


at 0 … +40 °C ±1.5 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)

±2.5 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)

at -40 … 0 °C and ±3.0 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)



+40 … +60 °C ±4.0 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)



Probe temperature

measurement range -40 … +60 °C

Measurement probe interchangeable
HMP113 with HM40HANDLE

Probe material PC/ABS plastic blend (white)

Housing classification IP54

Technical Data Dimensions
Dimensions in mm 36.5
HM46 Humidity and Temperature 12
Meter for Mechanical Durability and
Extra Reach
Humidity measurement accuracy (including
non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability):
at 0 … +40 °C ±1.5 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)
±2.5 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)
at -40 … 0 °C and ±3.0 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH) 320 451

+40 … +80 °C ±4.0 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)

at +80 …+100 °C ±4.0 %RH* 72

Probe head temperature -40 … +100 °C, short-

measurement range term up to +180 °C
Measurement probe HM46PROBE 4.4

Probe head material Stainless steel, brass filter 155 8.4

Housing classification IP40 (probe),

IP54 (indicator)
*) Not recommended for Td > 85 °C

Technical Data
Performance Mechanics
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Weight (with alkaline batteries)
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH HM41 230 g
Accuracy (including non-linearity, HM42 370 g
hysteresis, and repeatability) for HM45 330 g
different models at 0 … +40 °C ±1.5 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH) HM46 490 g
(+32 … +104 °F) ±2.5 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH) Probe cable lengths
Factory calibration uncertainty at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±1.5 %RH HM42, HM46 1500 mm
Humidity measurement response time HM45 1200 mm
(90 %) with plastic grid filter (HM41 and HM45) 17 s Materials
(90 %) with membrane filter and steel grid (HM42) 26 s Meter body PC/ABS blend, acrylic display lens
(90 %) with brass sintered filter (HM46) 40 s Probe holder PC/ABS blend (gray)
Stability ±2 %RH over 2 years Probe handle PC/ABS blend (white),
Humidity sensor PC/ABS blend (gray, HM45)
HM41, HM45, HM46 HUMICAP® 180R or PBT (gray, HM42/46)
HM42 HUMICAP® 100R-Mini HMP113 probe or PC/ABS blend (white, HM41/45)
probe measurement head or stainless steel (HM42/46)
Measurement range HM41, HM45 PC (glass-reinforced)
HM41 -10 ... +60 °C (+14 ... +140 °F) HM42 Stainless steel and PTFE membrane
HM42 -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... +212 °F) HM46 Sintered brass
HM45 -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Housing classification IP54
HM46 -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... +212 °F), HM42 and HM46 probes IP40
short-term up to +180 °C (+356 °F)
Accuracy over temperature range:
at 0 ... +40 °C (+32 ... +104 °F) ±0.2 °C (0.36 °F)
at -40 ... 0 °C and +40 ... +100 °C
(-40 ... +32 °F and +104 ... +212 °F) ±0.4 °C (0.72 °F)
Temperature sensor
HM41, HM45, HM46 Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751
HM42 Pt1000 RTD Class F0.3 IEC60751

Technical Data
Power-up time <3s STANDARD PROBE (HM41)
Batteries 2 × AA, 1.5 V HMP113 probe for HM40 HMP113 (configuration: V00B2C1A0)
Calculated parameters Dew point, wet bulb temperature, Plastic locking bushing (3 pcs) for attaching
absolute humidity, mixing ratio, HMP113 probe to HM40 indicator DRW238590SP
enthalpy Plastic grid filter for HMP113 probe DRW236214SP
Menu languages English, Chinese (simplified), Finnish, Plastic grid with membrane filter for HMP113 probe 230727SP
French, German, Japanese, Portuguese,
Russian, Spanish, Swedish HM42 PROBE (HM42)
Display LCD (140 x 160 pixels) Thin 4 mm diameter probe for HM40 HM42PROBE
Operation time (typical) 100 hours (without backlight) Steel grid filter for HM42PROBE 19867HM
Operation temperature range Membrane tube set (5 pcs) for HM42PROBE 19858HM
indicator -10 ... +60 °C (+14 ... +140 °F) Rubber sleeve set (10 pcs) for HM42PROBE 19809HM
probe handle -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Calibration adapter for HM42PROBE HM37067
probe head (see specifications for each probe type,
ranges -40 …+180 °C (-40 … +356 °F) REMOTE PROBE (HM45)
Storage temperature range -30 ... +70 °C (-22 ... +158 °F) HMP113 probe for HM40 HMP113 (configuration: V00B2C1A0)
Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard Plastic locking bushing (3 pcs) for attaching
EN61326-1, Portable Equipment HMP113 probe to HM40 indicator DRW238590SP
HM40 handle and cable HM40HANDLE
Plastic grid filter for HMP113 probe DRW236214SP
Accessories and Spare Parts Plastic grid with membrane filter for HMP113 probe 230727SP
Spare HM40 indicator HM40INDI HM46 PROBE (HM46)
Belt clip (3 pcs) 227710SP Stainless steel 12 mm diameter probe for HM40 HM46PROBE
Battery cover (3 pcs) 225688SP Sintered filter for HM46PROBE 0195
NiMH rechargeable batteries (4 pcs) 229247SP Optional membrane filter for HM46PROBE
External battery recharger with USB (up to +80 °C) 10159HM
connection and 2 batteries 229249SP Plastic grid filter for HM46PROBE (up to +80 °C) 6221
Case for short HM40 probes 235849SP Disposable sleeve, 50 pcs set 1558
Case for long HM40 probes DRW242351SP Probe holder HM36915

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211064EN-D ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


SHM40 Structural Humidity Measurement Kit

A borehole in concrete and a measurement

probe HMP40S inserted in it.

Vaisala HUMICAP ® Structural Humidity Measurement Kit SHM40 offers an easy and
reliable solution for humidity measurements in concrete and other structures.

Concrete dries unevenly and is usually heating elements or tubing embedded

drier on the surface, consequently in the concrete.
it is important to measure beneath
the surface conditions. The borehole Easy Measurement with
method provides information about the Multiple HMP40S Probes
humidity profile under the surface. In and Quick Connectors
this method, a humidity probe is left in HMP40S measurement probes
the borehole until the humidity in the are interchangeable. The probes
hole has reached an equilibrium state connect easily to the HM40 indicator
and the stabilized values can be read. with a snap-on connector enabling
convenient use of multiple probes Snapping a connector to the indicator
SHM40 Is All You Need with one indicator. The measurement HM40 to read the measurement results.
for Borehole Humidity data can be displayed in numeric,
Measurement statistic or graph views.
The Vaisala HUMICAP ® Structural Standard Contents of SHM40
Features or Benefits
Humidity Measurement Kit SHM40
▪ HM40 indicator with adapter
is an ideal solution for the borehole ▪ Easy to use
method. The starter kit is comprised of ▪ 1 piece HMP40S RH&T probe
an HMP40S probe, HM40 indicator and
▪ Truly interchangeable
with a cable
measurement probes
accessories for the borehole method in
▪ Durable ▪ 12 pcs plastic tubes (19266HM)
a weather-proof case, optimized for use
in harsh and humid construction sites. ▪ Accurate measurement data ▪ 12 pcs rubber plugs (233976)

Additional accessories for the SHM40

in numeric, statistic or graph ▪ 3 pcs protective covers with lid
views (19268HM)
can be used to prepare a moisture
measurement hole in fresh concrete. ▪ Conforms to ASTM standard
▪ NIST traceable certificate
Pre-formed holes eliminate the need
for drilling and the risk of damaging ▪ IP65 classified measurement ▪ Weather-proof carrying case
probe and case with a shoulder strap

Technical Data

HMP40S Probe Indicator housing classification IP54
Mechanical drop endurance 1.0 m without the probe
Relative Humidity Power-up time <3s
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH Alkaline batteries 2 x AA sized, 1.5V (LR6)
Accuracy (incl. non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability): Operation time (Alkaline batteries) typical 100 hours
temperature range 0 °C ... +40 °C (without backlight)
0 ... 90 %RH ± 1.5 %RH Calculated variables Td, Tw, a, x, h
90 ... 100 %RH ± 2.5 %RH Menu languages English, German, French, Finnish, Spanish,
temperature range -40 °C...0 °C and +40 °C ... +80 °C Swedish, Chinese (simplified), Russian, Japanese
0 ... 90 %RH ± 3.0 %RH Display LCD (140 x 160 pixels)
90 ... 100 %RH ± 4.0 %RH Electromagnetic European Union directive EN61326-1 for
Factory calibration uncertainty at +20°C (68°F) compatibility (EMC) portable equipment
0 ... 90 %RH ± 1.1 %RH
90 ... 100 %RH ± 1.8 %RH Accessories and Spare Parts
Humidity sensor HUMICAP® 180R HM40 indicator with adapter and cable probe HM40S
Stability ± 2 %RH over 2 years RH&T probe with cable HMP40S
HM40 indicator with adapter HM40SINDI
Temperature Quick connection adapter HM40SADAPTER
Measurement range -40 °C ... +80 °C Cable for RH&T probe HMP40SCABLE
Accuracy over temperature range: Long cable (2.7 m) for RH&T probe HMP40SCABLE2
0 ... +40 °C ± 0.2 °C Plastic tube set (12 pcs) 19266HM
-40 ... 0 °C, +40 ... +80 °C ± 0.4 °C Rubber plugs (12 pcs) 233976
Temperature Sensor Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Protective cover with lid (3 pcs) 19268HM
Weather-proof carrying case with SHM40 filling 233815
General USB recharger for HM40 indicator batteries 229249SP
Operating temperature range for probe -40 °C ... +80 °C Plastic grid with membrane filter for HMP40S probe DRW010525SP
Probe weight with standard cable 31 g ACCESSORIES FOR WET CONCRETE
Probe housing material stainless steel Plastic flange set (12 pcs) 26529HM
Probe filter and sensor protection membrane filter with chrome Long rubber plug for wet concrete (12 pcs) 26530HM
coated ABS plastic
Cable material Wire PVC / jacket PU Dimensions
Cable connector TRRS male 3.5 mm Dimensions in mm
Probe housing classification IP65
Borehole diameter needed 16 mm
Measurement depth with standard min. 30 mm, max. 90 mm

HM40 Indicator
Operation temperature range for indicator -10 ... +60 °C
Storage temperature range -30 ... +70 °C
Indicator with adapter 240 g
SHM40 case with standard content 3.7 kg
Indicator materials PC/ABS blend, acrylic display lens
Indicator adapter materials Nickel plated brass and plastic

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211187EN-E ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMK15 Humidity Calibrator

accepted and reliable method to

three step plugs to fit all calibrate humidity instruments.
chamber holes (12 mm, Usually two or three different salt
13.5 mm and 18.5 mm) solutions are used. Salts are chosen
according to the application.
transit covers
for secure Certified Salts
The HMK15 can be ordered with
and long-term
storage certified and pre-measured salts.
A sample calibration is made from
each batch in Vaisala’s Measurement
Standards Laboratory (MSL).

Calibrated Thermometer
The HMK15 can be ordered with
a thermometer, which is used for
thermometer with measuring the temperature during
calibration certificate the calibration. It can also be used
for checking the temperature
measurement accuracy of the
In addition to laboratory use, Vaisala Humidity Calibrator HMK15 is suitable for on- transmitter. The thermometer can
site checks of humidity probes and transmitters. contain either mercury (accuracy
±0.3 °C (±0.54 °F)) or red capillary
No measuring instrument stays fluid (accuracy ±1.0 °C (±1.8 °F)).
accurate by itself. It is essential that
▪ Easy and reliable calibration the functioning of an instrument FINAS Accredited
of humidity probes and is periodically checked against a Measurement Standards
reference. Vaisala has developed the Laboratory
▪ Based on saturated salt Vaisala Humidity Calibrator HMK15 to Vaisala’s Measurement Standards
solutions make calibration and spot checking Laboratory is a FINAS accredited
▪ Fast temperature equilibration of humidity probes and transmitters calibration laboratory. FINAS is a
easy and reliable. member of the EA (the European
▪ No external power required
Cooperation for Accreditation).
▪ Suitable for laboratory use Method Used by
and on-site checks Leading Laboratories
▪ Chambers and transit covers The operating principle of the
make HMK15 easy to transport HMK15 is based on the fact that a
▪ Pre-measured certified salts saturated salt solution generates a
certain relative humidity in the air
above it. The reading of the humidity
▪ Vaisala Service Centers offer
probe or transmitter can then be
accredited calibrations for
humidity, temperature and adjusted accordingly. Many leading
barometric pressure. laboratories use this generally

Technical Data

General Options
The standard HMK15 consists of the following parts: Certified and ready Order Total
Two salt chambers, chamber covers and transit covers dosed salts: code: uncertainty*:
Base plate
Choice of thermometers LiCl salt 11 %RH 19729HM (±1.3 %RH)
mercury thermometer, Vaisala calibrated, MgCl2 salt 33 %RH 19730HM (±1.2 %RH)
order code 19728HM NaCl salt 75 %RH 19731HM (±1.5 %RH)
thermometer with red capillary liquid, calibrated by K2SO4 salt 97 %RH 19732HM (±2.0 %RH)
manufacturer, order code 25130HM *Uncertainties given at +20 °C
Measurement cup and mixing spoon
Ion exchanged water 19767HM
Extra salt chambers 19766HM
Carrying bag HM27032

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210908EN-C ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMP155 Humidity and Temperature Probe

▪ Vaisala HUMICAP®180R sensor
- superior long-term stability

▪ Optional warmed humidity

probe and chemical purge

▪ Plug-and-play

▪ USB connection for service use

▪ Fits with DTR13 and DTR503

radiation shields and also for a
Stevenson screen

▪ Weather-proof housing IP66

▪ Optional, fast temperature


▪ Different output possibilities:

voltage, RS-485, resistive Pt100

HMP155 with an additional temperature probe and optional Stevenson screen ▪ Applications: meteorology,
aviation and road weather,
installation kit.

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and This is an environment to which Long Lifetime
Temperature Probe HMP155 provides Vaisala has designed a patented,
Protecting the sensor from scattered
reliable humidity and temperature warmed probe for reliable measuring.
and direct solar radiation, and
measurement. It is designed As the sensor head is warmed
precipitation will increase its lifetime.
especially for demanding outdoor continuously, the humidity level
Thus, Vaisala recommends installing
applications. inside it stays below the ambient
the HMP155 in one of the following
level. Thus, it also reduces the risk of
radiation shields: DTR503, DTR13,
Long-term Stability condensation forming on the probe.
or a Stevenson screen. For the
The HMP155 has the proven Vaisala additional temperature probe, an
HUMICAP®180R sensor that has Fast Measurements
installation kit is available to be
excellent stability and withstands With its fast response time, the used with DTR502 radiation shield.
well harsh environments. The probe additional temperature probe for the
structure is solid and the sensor is HMP155 is ideal for measurement Easy Maintenance
protected by default with a sintered in environments with changing
The probe can be calibrated using a
teflon filter, which gives maximum temperatures. The new membrane
pc with a USB cable, with the push
protection against liquid water, filter speeds up the RH measurement.
buttons, or with the MI70 indicator.
dust, and dirt.

Warmed Probe and High

Humidity Environment
Measuring humidity reliably is
challenging in environments
where humidity is near saturation.
Measurements may be corrupted
by fog, mist, rain, and heavy dew. A
wet probe may not give an accurate
measurement in the ambient air.

Technical Data General
Operating temperature range -80 ... +60 °C (-112 ... +140 °F)

Storage temperature range -80 ... +60 °C (-112 ... +140 °F)
Performance Connection 8-pin male M12 connector
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Connection cables 3.5, 10, and 30 m
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH Cable material PUR
Accuracy (incl. non-linearity, hysteresis Wire size AWG26
and repeatability) at Service cables USB connection cable
+15 ... +25 °C (+59 ... +77 ±1 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH) MI70 connection cable
°F) ±1.7 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH) Additional T probe cable length 2m
-20 ... +40 °C (-4 ... 104 °F) ±(1.0 + 0.008 x reading) %RH Housing material PC
-40 ... -20 °C (-40 ... -4 °F) ±(1.2 + 0.012 x reading) %RH Housing classification IP66
+40 ... +60 °C (+104 ... +140 °F) ±(1.2 + 0.012 x reading) %RH Sensor protection sintered PTFE
-60 ... -40 °C (-76 ... -40 °F) ±(1.4 + 0.032 x reading) %RH optional membrane filter
Factory calibration ±0.6 %RH (0 ... 40 %RH)* Weight (probe) 86 g
uncertainty (+20 °C /+68 °F) ±1.0 %RH (40 ... 97 %RH)* Electromagnetic compatibility: Complies with the EMC standard
* Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits. Small variations EN61326-1, Electrical equipment for measurement control and
possible, see also calibration certificate. laboratory use - EMC requirement for use in industrial locations
Recommended humidity sensor HUMICAP®180R(C)
Inputs and Outputs
Response time at +20 °C in still air with
Operating voltage 7 ... 28 VDC*
a sintered PTFE filter
*Note: minimum operating voltage 12 V with 0 ... 5 V output and
63 % 20 s
16 V with 0 ... 10 V output, probe heating, chemical purge or
90 % 60 s
Measurement range -80 ... +60 °C (-112 ... +140 °F)
voltage output 0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V
Accuracy with voltage output at
resistive Pt100 (4-wire connection)
-80 ... +20 °C ±(0.226 - 0.0028 x temperature) °C
+20 ... +60 °C ±(0.055 + 0.0057 x temperature) °C
Average current consumption
passive (resistive) output
(+15 VDC, load 100 kOhm)
according to IEC 751 ±(0.1 + 0.00167 x |temperature|)°C
1/3 Class B 0 ... 1 V output <3 mA
RS485 output 0 ... 10 V output +0.5 mA
-80 ... +20 °C ±(0.176 - 0.0028 x temperature) °C RS485 <4 mA
+20 ... +60 °C ±(0.07 + 0.0025 x temperature) °C during chemical purge max. 110 mA
Accuracy over temperature range (opposite) with warmed probe max. 150 mA
Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Settling time at power-up
Response time with additional temperature voltage output 2s
probe in 3 m/s air flow RS485 3s
63 % <20 s
Δ ºC
90 % <35 s 0.5


dew point/frost point temperature, 0.2

wet bulb temperature, mixing ratio 0.1


Dimensions -0.1

Dimensions in mm 267
40 -0.4

-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60

RS485 output voltage output



Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210752EN-E ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


DTR500 Solar Radiation and

Precipitation Shields
3 2 1
Rev. Qty. Description ECO no. Design Reviewed Approved

The Vaisala Radiation Shield Series DTR504
( 105)
for HMP60
DTR500 are solar radiation and D D
precipitation shields supporting
humidity probe installations in outdoor

Shield Protects Sensor

The maintenance-free DTR500 series

shields protect the humidity and
temperature sensors from solar
radiation and precipitation. They
provide excellent ventilation while
blocking both direct and reflected
solar radiation.
The special plastic used in the plates
has excellent thermal characteristics;
VAISALA. These material are subject to the exemption 5 U.S.C. Section 552 (b) (4) which provides
NOTE: This information is CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY to VAISALA. It is furnished with

that trade secrets and commercial or financial information shall not be disclosed to third parties.
understanding that the information will not be copied or disclosed without the written consent of

the white outer surface reflects

radiation; the black inside absorbs
ISO 2768-m
General tolerance

accumulated heat. The shields can DTR504 for HMP60, HMP110 and

Material Weight

HMT120/130 remote probes. Refer to


be easily installed on either a vertical A Replace Title

drawings of DTR502B for dimensions

pole, horizontal beam, or a flat surface. Creator

of DTR504A pole mast installation

Review Size Code Rev

The DTR Shields can be used with the



1:1 Sheet 1 of 1
Archive ID

3 2 1
following Vaisala products:
• DTR502(A) with adapter 221072
for Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity
and Temperature Probe HMP155's
The Vaisala Solar Radiation Shield additional temperature sensor Features/Benefits
Series DTR500 are available in either
• DTR502B for Vaisala HUMICAP®
a 5-, 9- or 12-plate models.
Humidity and Temperature
▪ Protects temperature and
humidity probes from
Transmitters HMT333, HMT337, scattered, as well as, direct
HMT363 and HMT367 and Vaisala solar radiation and rain.
Combined Pressure, Humidity and
Temperature Transmitters PTU303
▪ Maintenance-free

and PTU307 ▪ Naturally ventilated

• DTR503(A) for Vaisala HUMICAP

Installs easily on a vertical pole,
Humidity and Temperature Probe horizontal beam or flat surface
▪ Suitable for a wide range of
• DTR504(A) for Vaisala HUMICAP® applications
Humidity and Temperature
Transmitters HMT120/130,
▪ Choice of shields and mounting
Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity and
Temperature Probe HMP110 and
Vaisala INTERCAP® Humidity and
Temperature Probe HMP60

Technical Data

Dimensions Dimensions
Dimensions in mm. Dimensions in mm.

for HMT333, HMT337, HMT363, HMT367, PTU303 and PTU307 for HMP155




DTR502B pole mast installation. DTR503A pole mast installation.

DTR502 horizontal DTR503 horizontal

beam installation. beam installation.

• DTR502/503/504 include only horizontal beam assembly

• DTR502A/503A/504A include also pole mast installation kit
• DTR502B include also product specific adapter

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210906EN-E ©Vaisala 2015
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


HMT330MIK Meteorological Installation Kit

regular probe

warmed probe


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

After a period of 100 % relative humidity,

the warmed probe measures the true
humidity, whereas the non-warmed
probe takes time to recover from the
and the transmitter calculates the
relative humidity from the dew point
and temperature values.

Open Shield Prevents

The HMT337 and PTU307 feature warmed probe technology. Installed with the Microclimates
HMT330MIK kit either one forms the right choice for reliable humidity measurement The warmed probe of the HMT337/
in humid weather conditions. PTU307 is mounted in a shield which
is open at the bottom to ensure steady
The Vaisala Meteorological air circulation to the sensor even in
Installation Kit HMT330MIK enables calm weather.
▪ For outdoor humidity and the Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity
temperature measurements In traditional radiation shields sleet
and Temperature Transmitter
or snow can accumulate on the shield
▪ Can be ordered in a variety of HMT337 to be installed outdoors to
and prevent the proper air circulation
configurations obtain reliable measurements for
through the shield, and create a humid
▪ Used together with HMT337 meteorological purposes.
microclimate until the snow melts.
transmitter or PTU307
True Humidity Readings in
▪ Vaisala SPH 10/20 Static
Condensing Conditions Essential for Critical
Pressure Head eliminates Weather Measurements
effectively pressure variations In weather observations dew
in the barometer caused by Obtaining a true humidity reading is
formation makes reliable humidity
wind particularly important e.g. in traffic
measurement difficult. When dew has
safety: at airports and at sea as well
HMT337/PTU307 Features formed on the humidity sensor, it is
as on the roads. It is essential, for
▪ Warmed probe provides impossible to obtain a true reading
until this dew evaporates.
example, in fog and frost prediction.
true humidity readings in
condensing conditions Both the PTU307 and HMT337 avoid
▪ Humidity measurement this problem by warming the probe.
expressed as relative humidity When warmed, the relative humidity
and/or dew point temperature inside the probe stays below the
▪ Easy field calibration with the ambient level. With an accurate
temperature measurement, the
HM70 hand-held meter
ambient dew point can be calculated
precisely. To obtain the ambient For calibration, a portable HMP77
relative humidity, an additional probe reference probe is easy to attach beside
measures the ambient temperature, the HMT337 or PTU307 probe.

Technical Data

Dimensions in mm (inches)

Ø220 (8.7)

Ø105 (4.1)

299 (11.8)
211 (8.3)

Transmitter mounting plate.

Ø100 (3.9)

40 (1.6)

160 (6.3)
371 (14.6)

Order form 645 (25.4) Valid from July 2012

ser Order no800
. (31.5)
Pole mounting plate Support bar & shield
for support bars, for heated Td probe.
item 10387

Vaisala Meteorological Installation Kit


for HMT330
Order form and PTU300 transmitters
1 2 3 4 5
Vaisala Meteorological Installation Kit HMT330MIK PRICE
1 Support bar & shield for warmed Td probe No support bar & shield for warmed Td probe 0
Support bar & shield for warmed Td probe 1
2 Support bar and radiation shield for No support bar or radiation shield A
additional T probe or for Support bar with DTR502 shield for T probe B
non-warmed RH or Td probe Support bar with DTR13 shield for T probe C
Support bar with DTR502 shield for non-warmed RH or Td probe D
Support bar with DTR13 shield for non-warmed RH or Td probe E
3 Support bar mounting plate No mounting plate 0
Pole mounting plate for support bar/bars (item 10387) 1
4 Additional transmitter mounting plate No additional transmitter mounting plate A
(incl. rain shield) Transmitter mounting plate for support bar assembly B
Transmitter mounting plate for pole assembly C
5 Static Pressure Head No Static Pressure Head 0
Static Pressure Head SPH10 Only for the PTU300 1

Selections in bold are included in the prices of the basic versions.

Selections in italic have an additional cost
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210944EN-D ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
Example of known
code wiTheth tyaccuracy
pical sspecification
ettings (fotakes
r PTinto
U307): HMT330MIK copyrights retained by Vaisala1 and C 1 partners. All
B its1 individual
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.
End customer:


HMT300TMK Turbine Mounting Kit for Power

Turbine Intake Air Measurement
on the humidity sensor and thereby
cause errors in measurement. The
patented warmed probe prevents
condensation from forming on the

Protective Enclosure
The HMT300TMK includes a white,
painted stainless steel enclosure
with an installation kit for the
probe. The HMT337 Humidity and
Temperature Transmitter is installed
in the stainless steel enclosure at the
factory, when ordered together with
HMT300TMK. The instrument can be
equipped to be powered with either
24 VDC/VAC or with an internal
110/230 volt power supply unit.
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Turbine Mounting Kit HMT300TMK is shown with the cover The outer cover protects the
open and HMT337 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter installed. (Not included in transmitter from direct sun light and
the HMT300TMK.) rain. The installation kit protects the
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Turbine It is ideal for measuring in water probe from outer water splashes,
Mounting Kit HMT300TMK is vapor injection applications because keeps the sensor dry, and prevents
developed to monitor the air intake of the sensor has been optimized for any parts that could vibrate loose
gas and liquid fueled power turbines. high humidity environments by from entering the turbine.
HMT300TMK is used together with utilizing a patented, warmed probe. The HMT300TMK can be ordered
HMT337 Temperature and Humidity Water vapor is added to the intake of separately for installation with the
Transmitter. the turbine to increase the mass flow customer’s existing HMT337.
which in turn increases compression
Features/Benefits and electrical power output. HUMICAP® Performance
The HMT330 Series Transmitters are
▪ Designed for high humidity Low Maintenance fitted with the latest generation of
Power turbines also require exact the HUMICAP®, the polymer sensor
▪ Measurement range: water vapor injection in the chamber known for its accuracy, reliability and
-40 ... +100°C
to reduce pollutant emissions. long-term stability. The sensor has a
▪ Patented, warmed probe Vaisala’s warmed probe technology high tolerance for particulate abrasion
is ideal because of its reliability in and chemical contamination.
▪ Incorporates Vaisala HUMICAP®
the field. In fact, the only suggested
Sensor for excellent accuracy
and long-term stability and scheduled maintenance is annual Vaisala HUMICAP®
resistance to dust and most calibration. Humidity and Temperature
chemicals Transmitter HMT337
Patented, Warmed Probe
▪ Low maintenance need
Prevents Condensation
The HMT337 is intended for
demanding industrial humidity
▪ Outer cover provides
The HMT300TMK with the HMT337 measurement applications with a
protection from rain and
installed, provides fast and reliable risk of condensation. The stainless
direct sunlight
dewpoint measurement especially steel probe is mechanically durable
▪ NIST traceable under high humidity conditions and preferred for most industrial
(certificate included)
where dew would normally form applications.
Technical Data

Dewpoint Temperature Outputs
Measurement range -40 ... +100 °C (-40 … +212 °F) Two standard outputs, third optional 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA,
Accuracy: find the intersection of the dewpoint temperature 0 ... 1 V, 0...5 V, 0 ... 10 V
curve and the dewpoint difference reading (process temperature Typical accuracy of analog output
- dewpoint temperature) on the x-axis and read the accuracy in at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.05 % full scale
dewpoint measurement at the y-axis Typical temperature dependence
of analog output ±0.005 %/°C full scale
Serial output available RS232C (optional RS485)

Dimensions in mm (inches)
254 (10)
91.5 (3.6)
203 (8)
Ø 13 (0

144.5 (5.69)
101.6 (4)

100 (3.94)
441.5 (17.38)

488 (19.21)
Response time (90 %) at +20 °C (68 °F)
in still air (PPS grid with steel netting) 20 s 100 (3.94)
Sensor HUMICAP® 180C

Connections screw terminals for 0.5 mm2 wires (AWG 20),
stranded wires recommended
Operating voltage 24 VDC/VAC (20...28 V) or 115/230 VAC
(Must be specified at time of order) 254 (10)
Recommended external load for current outputs < 500 ohm 91.5 (3.6)
0...1 V output > 2 kohm (to ground) 203 (8)
0...5 & 0...10 V outputs > 10 kohm (to ground) Ø 13 (0
Operating temperature range for
165.3 (6.51)
144.5 (5.69)

electronics -40...+60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)

101.6 (4)
Storage temperature -55...+80 °C (-67 ... +176 °F) 193 (7.6)
100 (3.94)

Housing material G-AlSi10 (DIN 1725)

Housing classification IP65 (NEMA 4)
441.5 (17.38)

488 (19.21)

Bushing 8...11 mm diameter cables (0.31 ... 0.43 inch)

Humidity sensor protection (Ø 12 mm) PPS grid with steel netting 100 (3.94) 354.9 (13.97)
HMT300TMK with HMT337 8,7 kg
HMT300TMK with HMT337,
packed in a wooden shipping box 13,3 kg
Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard
EN61326-1, Industrial Environment
HUMICAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210680EN-C ©Vaisala 2011
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


Vaisala Temperature and RH Data Logger

Series 2000
logger can also include a Boolean
channel for door switches or alarm
Ideal for use in standalone or
networked applications, the 2000
data logger connects directly to a PC
with USB, or installs to an existing
network via Ethernet, Power over
Ethernet, or WiFi. Each data logger
contains a 10-year battery and
onboard memory for recording at
the point of measurement. With
autonomous power and recording
capacity, data is immune to network
and power interruptions.
The DL2000 data loggers can be used
with Vaisala software, either viewLinc
or vLog, to download, display, and
Vaisala's 2000 series of data analyze environmental data. The
loggers are designed to provide viewLinc monitoring system provides
▪ Industry-leading temperature high accuracy measurements for 24/7 multi-stage alarm notification,
and relative humidity temperature, relative humidity and remote, real-time monitoring and
measurement precision gap-free data. The vLog software
an analog sensor of your choice.
▪ High accuracy, adjustable time- The 2000 logger combines internal is a simple solution for validation/
based digital recording
temperature and RH sensors with mapping applications. All reports are
▪ Printed reports for any time optional external channels for customizable and can be exported
either current or voltage inputs to spreadsheets and PDF to provide
▪ 10-year battery
for recording parameters such as records that meet the requirements
▪ Ability to perform validation differential pressure, CO2, level, of 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11.
and continuous monitoring with particles, or conductivity. The 2000
the same model
▪ NIST-traceable, ISO 17025
accredited calibration Technical Data
▪ Superior alternative to chart
recorders and hard-wired General
systems Size 85 x 59 x 26mm (3.4 x 2.3 x 1") 76g (2.7 oz.)
▪ Integrated high-accuracy Interfaces RS-232 serial, USB, WiFi, Ethernet and Power over Ethernet (vNet)
RH sensor Mounting Magnetic strips; 3M Dual Lock™ fasteners
PC Software viewLinc for Monitoring, Alarming, Reporting
vLog for Validation/Mapping GxP Environments
Spectrum for non-GxP Environments
OPC Server to add loggers to an existing
OPC-compatible monitoring system.
Internal Clock Accuracy ± 1 min./month@ -25 °C to +70 °C (-13 °F to +158 °F)
Electromagnetic FCC Part 15 and CE, EN 55022:2006,
Compatibility EN 61000-4-2:2001, EN 61000-4-3:2006
Power Source Internal 10-year lithium battery
(Battery life specified with sample interval of 1 min. or longer)

Memory Current Loop and Voltage Inputs

Sample Capacity 122,197 12-bit samples INPUT TYPE CURRENT LOOP ANALOG VOLTAGE
Memory Type Non-volatile EEROM Available Ranges 0 to 22 mA 0 to 5 VDC, 0 to 10 VDC
Memory Modes User-selectable wrap (FIFO) or stop when Resolution 5.5 μA 0.025 % F.S.
memory is full. Accuracy ±0.15 % F.S. at +25 °C (+77 °F) ±0.15 % F.S. at +25 °C (+77 °F)
User-selectable start and stop times. Input Impedances 75 Ohms4 >1 MOhm
Sampling Rates User-selectable from once Isolation One common per logger One common per logger
every 10 seconds to once a day. Overload 40 mA max. (reverse- ±24 VDC max. (reverse-
Protection polarity protected) polarity protected)

Internal Sensors Channel Configuration and Recording Span

Calibrated Measurement -25 °C to +70 °C MODEL
Range1 (-13 °F to +158 °F) NUMBER CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4
Operating Range -35 °C to +85 °C (-31 °F to +185 °F) 2000-20R Temperature Relative
Initial Accuracy2 Humidity
± 0.10° C over +20 °C to +30 °C (± 0.18° F over +68 °F to +86 °F) 2000-3CR Temperature Relative Current 4
± 0.15° C over -25 °C to +70 °C (± 0.27 °F over -13 °F to +158 °F) Humidity to 20 mA
One Year Accuracy3 2000-35R Temperature Relative Voltage 0
± 0.15 °C over +20 °C to +30 °C (± 0.27 °F over +68 °F to +86 °F) Humidity to 5 VDC
± 0.25 °C over -25 °C to +70 °C (± 0.45 °F over -13 °F to +158 °F) 2000-3AR Temperature Relative Voltage 0
Resolution 0.02 °C at +25 °C (0.04 ° F at +77 °F) Humidity to 10 VDC
2000-4BR Temperature Relative Boolean Boolean
Calibrated Measurement 45 %RH at +10 °C (+50 °F) NUMBER OF CHANNELS ENABLED5
Range1 10 %RH to 80 %RH at +25 °C (+77 °F) SAMPLE
45 %RH at +45 °C (+113 °F) INTERVAL 1 2 3 4
Operating Range 0 %RH to 100 %RH (non-condensing) 10 Seconds 14.1 Days 7.1 Days 4.7 Days 3.5 Days
Initial Accuracy2 ± 1 %RH over 10 %RH to 90 %RH at 1 Minute 2.8 Months 1.4 Months 23.8 Days 21.2 Days
+20 °C to +30 °C (+68 °F to +86 °F) 5 Minutes 1.2 Years 7.1 Months 4.7 Months 3.5 Months
± 2 %RH over 10 %RH to 90 %RH at 15 Minutes 3.5 Years 1.7 Years 1.2 Years 10.6 Months
-20 °C to +70 °C (-4 °F to +158 °F) 1 Hour 13.9 Years 7.0 Years 4.6 Years 3.5 Years
One Year Accuracy3 ± 2 %RH over 10 %RH to 90 %RH
at +20 °C to +30° C (+68 °F to +86 °F)
Termination resistance plus approximately 0.4 volt drop through
± 3 %RH over 10 %RH to 90 %RH a protection diode.
at -20 °C to +70 °C (-4 °F to +158 °F)
Temperature channel must be enabled when the RH channel
Resolution 0.05 %RH is enabled.

Custom calibration points available upon request including full
ICH coverage.
Initial accuracy includes all known influence quantities present
at the time of calibration including calibration uncertainty,
mathematical fit, data logger resolution, hysteresis and
One Year Accuracy includes all known influence quantities
present during the operation of a data logger over the course
of one year including Initial Accuracy and Long Term Drift.
Not included is any drift related to atypical contamination or misuse.

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B211055EN-B ©Vaisala 2015
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for
more information
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


Vaisala DL1000-1400 Temperature

Veriteq Temperature Data Recorder
Ideal for Monitoring & Validation of:
▪ Refrigerators & Freezers
(to -90 °C)
▪ Incubators

▪ Stability Chambers

▪ Warehouses

▪ Ambient conditions

The 1000/1400 temperature data accurate measurement and recording

loggers include the VL‑series for device. Coupled with vLog SP
▪ Industry-leading precision and regulated environments and the software for downloading, displaying,
accuracy SP‑series for non FDA/GxP regulated analyzing and reporting of recorded
▪ Ideal for low temperature industries. The VL‑series of data environmental data, the SP‑series
environments – to -25 °C loggers, together with vLog VL was designed for use in non FDA/GxP
▪ Printed reports for any time software, provide a superior, high regulated environments. Optional
period accuracy solution for use in FDA/GxP browser‑based viewLinc software
▪ 10-year battery regulated environments by ensuring provides 24/7 multi‑stage alarm
▪ Validation and continuous tamperproof files and electronic notification and remote monitoring
monitoring with the same records that meet 21 CFR Part 11 for both the VL and SP series of data
model requirements. The SP‑series provides loggers.
▪ Two year limited warranty a compact, easily deployable, highly
▪ Superior alternative to chart
recorders and hard-wired
▪ NIST-traceable calibration
accredited to ISO/IEC 17025
▪ Timebase calibrated over the
operating temperature range
▪ Adjustable time based
▪ Snap-in logger cradle for easy
network connectivity
▪ Three probe options give high
accuracy – from -90 °C to
+70 °C

Technical Data

General Recording Span: 1000-2xx
Size 85 x 59 x 26 mm (3.4 x 2.3 x 1") 76 g (2.7oz) NUMBER OF CHANNELS ENABLED
Interfaces RS-232 serial, USB, Ethernet, SAMPLE INTERVAL 1 2
WiFi, PoE network interface available 10 Seconds 5.5 Days 2.7 Days
Mounting Magnetic strips, 3M Dual Lock™ Fasteners 1 Minute 1.1 Months 16.7 Days
Snap-in connector locks provide secure probe 5 Minutes 5.5 Months 2.7 Months
connections 15 Minutes 1.3 Years 8.3 Months
PC Software Graphing & Reporting Software 1 Hour 5.4 Years 2.7 Years
vLog SP for SP-series
vLog VL for VL-series
viewLinc for continuous monitoring & alarming
OPC Server to add on to existing OPC compatible
monitoring systems
Internal Clock Accuracy ±1 min. /month -25 °C to +70 °C
(-13 °F to +158 °F)
Electromagnetic Compatibility FCC Part 15 and CE
Power Source Internal 10-year lithium battery
(Battery life specified with sample interval
of 1 min. or longer) VL-1000-21x VL-1000-22x
Logger Operating/ -40 °C to +85 °C (-40 °F to +185 °F)
Storage Range 0 %RH to 100 %RH non-condensing

Internal Temperature Sensor

Series Sensor Type Recording Span: 1400-44x
1000-21x Precision-tolerance epoxy- NUMBER OF CHANNELS ENABLED
encapsulated NTC thermistor SAMPLE
INTERVAL 1 2 3 4
Memory 10 Seconds 9.8 Days 4.9 Days 3.2 Days 2.4 Days
Data Sample Capacity 1 Minute 1.9 Months 29.6 Days 19.7 Days 14.8 Days
1000-2XX 48,100 12-bit samples 5 Minutes 9.8 Months 4.9 Months 3.2 Months 2.4 Months
1400-44X 85,300 12-bit samples 15 Minutes 2.4 Years 1.2 Years 9.8 Months 7.4 Months
Memory Type Non-volatile EEPROM 1 Hour 9.7 Years 4.8 Years 3.2 Years 2.4 Years
Memory Modes User selectable: wrap (FIFO) or stop when
memory is full. User selectable start time.
User selectable stop time (VL series only).
Sampling Rates User-selectable (in 10 second intervals)
from once every 10 seconds to once a day.


EPT Series Temperature Probes
Sensor Models Temperature Probe Accessories
“N” Range External Probes EPT-23N-XXN and EPT-22W-XXN Thermal Dampening Block, for use in refrigerators and freezers,
Operating/Storage Range -40 °C to +95 °C (-40 °F to +203 °F) simulates a glycol bottle to reduce viewLinc alarms generated by
Connector Color Code Black opening and closing a door.
“L” Range External Probes EPT-23N-XXL and EPT-22W-XXL
Operating/Storage Range -60 °C to +95 °C (-76 °F to +203 °F)
Connector Color Code Green
“V” Range External Probes EPT-23N-XXV and EPT-22W-XXV
Operating/Storage Range -95 °C to +95 °C (-139 °F to +203 °F)
Connector Color Code Blue


External Probe - Temperature

23N or 22W

Probe Length – 10 or 25'

Probe Range – V, N,or L

Sensor Tips
EPT-23N-XXX Stainless Steel
Diameter 3.2 mm (1/8”)°F)
Length 38 mm (1.5”)
EPT-22W-XXX (liquid submersible) Sealed Teflon Tip
Diameter 3 mm (0.12”)
Length 28 mm (1.1”)
Probe Lengths 3 m (10’) and 7.6 m (25’)
Cable Construction 2mm (0.07”) Diameter
Teflon coated cable

Product Part Number Legend: Guide for reading the External Probes - All Models
product tables and selecting the most appropriate model "N" RANGE EXTERNAL PROBE
for your application. Calibrated

XX - 1000 - XXX Measurement Range

Operating/Storage Range
-25 °C to +70 °C (-13 °F to +158 °F)
-40 °C to +95 °C (-40 °F to +203 °F)
Initial Accuracy* +/-0.10 °C over +20 °C to +30 °C
Series Type: VL (Validatable) or SP (+/-0.18 °F over +68 °F to +86 °F)
+/-0.15 °C over -25 °C to +70 °C
Series Number: Series 1000: 2 Channel,
Series 1400: 4 Channel (+/-0.27 °F over -13 °F to +158 °F)
One Year Accuracy* +/-0.2 °C over +20 °C to +30 °C
Total Number of Channels: 2/4
(+/-0.36 °F over +68 °F to +86 °F)
Number of External Channels: 1/2/4 +/-0.25 °C over -25 °C to +70 °C
External Channel Temperature Range: (+/-0.45 °F over -13 °F to +158 °F)
Please refer to the Temperature Range and Accuracy table below Resolution 0.02 °C at +25 °C (0.04 °F at +77 °F)
for external probe options. “L” RANGE EXTERNAL PROBE
Measurement Range -50 °C to +10 °C (-58 °F to +50 °F)
Operating/Storage Range -60 °C to +95 °C (-76 °F to +203 °F)
Temperature Range and Accuracy Initial Accuracy* +/-0.15 °C over -50 °C to +10 °C
Internal Sensor (+/-0.27 °F over -58 °F to +50 °F)
Calibrated One Year Accuracy* +/-0.25 °C over -50 °C to +10 °C
Measurement Range -25 °C to +70 °C (-13 °F to +158 °F) (+/-0.45 °F over -58 °F to +50 °F)
Operating/Storage Range -40 °C to +85 °C (-40 °F to +185 °F) Resolution 0.02 °C at -20 °C (0.04 °F at -4 °F)
0 %RH to 100 %RH non-condensing
Initial Accuracy +/-0.10 °C over +20 °C to +30 °C Calibrated
(+/-0.18 °F over +68 °F to +86 °F) Measurement Range -90 °C to -40 °C (-130 °F to -40 °F)
+/- 0.2 °C over -25 °C to +70 °C Operating/Storage Range -95 °C to +95 °C (-139 °F to +203 °F)
(+/- 0.36 °F over -13 °F to +158 °F) Initial Accuracy* +/- 0.2 °C over -90 °C to -40 °C
One Year Accuracy +/-0.15 °C over +20 °C to +30 °C (+/- 0.36 °F over -130 °F to -40 °F)
(+/-0.27 °F over +68 °F to +86 °F) One Year Accuracy* +/-0.25 °C over -90 °C to -40 °C
+/-0.25 °C over -25 °C to +70 °C (+/-0.45 °F over -130 °F to -40 °F)
(+/-0.45 °F over -13 °F to +158 °F) Resolution 0.02 °C at -80 °C (0.04 °F at -112 °F)
Resolution 0.02 °C at +25 °C (0.04 °F at +77 °F)
*Specification for external channels is for a probe calibrated to
the specific channel of the data logger and with the data logger at
-25 °C to +70 °C (-13 °F to +158 °F)

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
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Ref. B211044EN-C
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©Vaisala 2014
material isis subject
subject toto copyright
copyright protection,
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Vaisala Multi-application Temperature

Data Logger Series 1016/1416

Vaisala's multi-application monitoring and gap-free data.

temperature data loggers monitor The vLog software is a simple
▪ Industry-leading precision and temperatures in up to four solution for validation/mapping
accuracy applications with one logger – ultra- applications. All reports are
▪ Real-time monitoring & low temperature freezers, freezer/ customizable and can be exported
alarming with viewLinc refrigerators and incubators. to spreadsheets and PDF to provide
▪ Reliable validation/mapping The DL1016-1416 data loggers can be records that meet the requirements
with vLog
used with Vaisala software, either of 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11.
▪ Easy connectivity to your viewLinc or vLog, to download, Choose the DL1016-1416VL
existing network – wired or
wireless display, and analyze environmental data logger for GxP-compliant
data. The viewLinc monitoring
▪ Validation and continuous system provides 24/7 multi-stage
environments and the DL1016-
monitoring with the same data 14160SP for non-GxP applications.
logger alarm notification, remote, real-time

▪ Superior alternative to chart

recorders and hard-wired
Technical Data
▪ NIST-traceable, ISO 17025 General
accredited calibration Size 85 x 59 x 26 mm (3.4 x 2.3 x 1") 76 g (2.7oz)
MODEL NUMBERS & CHANNELS Interfaces RS-232 serial, USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PoE network interface available
▪ VL-1016-22V Mounting Magnetic strips, 3M Dual Lock™ Fasteners
Two external channels for Snap-in connector locks provide secure probe connections
validatable applications PC Software vLog Graphing & Reporting Software
▪ VL-1416-44V viewLinc for continuous monitoring & alarming
Four external channels for OPC Server to add Vaisala recorders
validatable applications to any OPC-compatible monitoring system
▪ SP-1016-22V Internal Clock Accuracy ±1 min. /month 0 °C to +50 °C (32 °F to +122 °F)
Two external channels Electromagnetic Compatibility FCC Part 15 and CE
▪ SP-1416-44V Power Source Internal 10-year lithium battery
Four external channels (Battery life specified with sample interval of 1 min. or longer)

Technical Data
Technical Data

Temperature Range & Accuracy Recording Span: 1416-44V
Sensor “V” Range External Probe NUMBER OF CHANNELS ENABLED
Calibrated -90 °C to +50 °C SAMPLE
Measurement Range (-130 °F to +122 °F) INTERVAL 1 2 3 4
Operating -95 °C to +70 °C 1 Minute 2.3 Months 1.1 Months 23.5 Days 17.6 Days
Range (-139 °F to +158 °F) 5 Minutes 11.3 Months 5.6 Months 3.7 Months 2.8 Months
Initial Accuracy* ±0.25 °C over -90 °C to +50 °C 15 Minutes 2.8 Years 1.4 Years 11.3 Months 8.5 Months
(±0.45 °F over -130 °F to +122 °F) 1 Hour 11.5 Years 5.7 Years 3.8 Years 2.8 Years
One Year Accuracy* ±0.35 °C over -90 °C to +50 °C
(±0.63 °F over -130 °F to +122 °F)
Resolution 0.01 °C at +25 °C Thermistor Probes
(0.02 °F at +77 °F) Sensor “V” Range
External Probe
Operating Range -95 °C to +70 °C
1016 Series (-139 °F to +158 °F)
Data Sample Capacity 68,600 16 bit samples Connector Color Code Blue
Sensor Tip Stainless Steel,
1416 series Diameter: 3.2 mm (1/8"),
Data sample Capacity 101,375 16 bit samples Length: 38 mm (1.5")
Sealed Teflon Tip
1016 and 1416 series Diameter: 3 mm (0.12"),
Memory type non-volative EEROM Length: 28 mm (1.1")
Memory Modes User-selectable rates from once every Probe Length 3 m (10') and 7.6 m (25') lengths
10 seconds to once per day. available
(Battery life specified with sample Cable Construction 2 mm (0.07") Diameter,
interval of 1 min. or longer) Teflon coated cable
Sampling Rates User-selectable rates from once every
10 seconds to once per day. Immersion/Dry Probes
(Battery life specified with sample DESCRIPTION/LENGTH PART NUMBER
interval of 1 min. or longer) Thermistor V Range probe 25' 235139SP
Thermistor V Range probe 10' 235218SP
Recording Span: 1016-22V Thermistor immersion V Range probe 25' 235140SP
NUMBER OF CHANNELS ENABLED Thermistor immersion V Range probe 10' 235217SP
1 Minute 1.5 Months 23.8 Days
5 Minutes 7.6 Months 3.8 Months Temperature Probe Accessories
15 Minutes 1.9 Years 11.5 Months EPT-TDB-2: Thermal Damping Block, for use in refrigerators and
freezers. Simulates a glycol bottle to reduce alarms generated by
1 Hour 7.8 Years 3.9 Years
opening and closing a door.
*Specification for external channels is for a probe calibrated to the
specified channel of the data logger, with the logger at
0 °C to +50 °C (32 °F to +77 °F)

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B211042EN-B ©Vaisala 2015
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
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prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


Vaisala DL1200 Low Temperature Data Logger

▪ Ideal for in situ cold
temperature validation to -55 °C

▪ Can record with up to 2 external

probes calibrated to -55 °C

▪ Highly accurate for use in GxP

low temperature applications

21 CFR Part 11 requirements.

The SP-series of 1200 data recorders
provide a compact, easily deployable,
measurement and recording device
for use in non FDA/GxP regulated
industries. The SP recorders are
used with Vaisala vLog SP software
for downloading, displaying,
The 1200 series temperature data analyzing and reporting of recorded
Features / Benefits environmental data.
loggers include the VL-series for
▪ Equipped with internal regulated environments and the For applications that require
temperature sensor, onboard SP-series for non FDA/GxP industries. monitoring, alarming and reporting,
memory and 10-year battery our viewLinc Continuous Monitoring
The VL-series of data recorders,
▪ Memory at the point of together with vLog VL software System combines with both the
measurement ensures provide a superior, high accuracy VL- and SP-series of data recorders
continuous, 21 CFR Part solution for validation studies and to provide 24/7 multi-stage alarm
11-compliant records notification, remote, browser-based
testing applications in FDA/GxP
▪ Renders data immune to regulated environments. Hardware is monitoring, and customizable
power failures and network robust and tamper-proof and vLog VL reporting in an easy to deploy, easy
interruptions provides electronic records that meet to use solution.
▪ NIST-traceable, A2LA
accredited calibration

▪ Adjustable recording intervals

(every minute, every hour, etc)
Technical Data
with multi-year data recording General
capacity Size 85 x 59 x 26 mm (3.4 x 2.3 x 1") 76 g (2.7oz)
▪ High-stability temperature Interfaces
RS-232 serial, USB, Ethernet, WiFi, Power over Ethernet
Magnetic strips, 3M Dual Lock™ Fasteners; Snap-in
sensors provide in-calibration
performance between connector locks provide secure probe connections
calibration intervals up to a Software vLog SP for SP-series
year vLog VL for VL-series

▪ External inputs for remote viewLinc CMS for SP/VL-series

OPC server for data recorder interoperability with
temperature probes
OPC-compatible monitoring systems
Internal Clock Accuracy +/-1 min./month over -55 °C to +40 °C (-67 °F to +104°F)
Electromagnetic Compatibility FCC Part 15 and CE
Power Source Internal 10-year lithium battery (Battery life
specified with sample interval of 1 min. or longer)

Technical Data

Measurement Accuracy Recording Span: External Channels
Calibrated Measuring Range -55 °C to +40 °C (-67 °F to +104 °F) SAMPLE INTERVAL 1 2
Standard Calibration points ** -55°C, -40°C, -20°C, -0°C, +20°C, +40°C 10 Seconds 5.5 Days 2.7 Days
(-67°F, -40°F, -4°F, +32°F, +68°F, 104°F) 1 Minute 1.1 Months 16.7 Days
Resolution 0.02 °C at -20 °C (0.04 °F at -4 °F) 5 Minutes 5.5 Months 2.7 Months
Initial Accuracy* +/-0.3 °C over -55 °C to +40 °C 15 Minutes 1.3 Years 8.3 Months
+/-0.54 °F over -67 °F to +104 °F 1 Hour 5.4 Years 2.7 Years
One year Accuracy* +/-0.42 °C over -55 °C to +40 °C
(+/-0.76 °F over -67 °F to 104 °F)
Operating/Storage Range -60 °C to +85 °C (-76 °F to +185 °F) Product Part Number Legend: Guide for reading the product tables
*The accuracy specification for external channels is for a probe and selecting the most appropriate model for your application.
calibrated to the specific channel of the data logger and with the
data logger at -55 °C to +40 °C (-67 °F to +104 °F)
**Customized calibration points are available, from -60°C to +45°C
XX - 1200 - 2XL
(-76°F to +113°F)
Series Type - VL or SP
Internal Temperature Sensor
Series Number - 1200
Type of Sensor Precision-tolerance epoxy-encapsulated
NTC thermistor Total Number of Channels

Number of External Channels

External Temperature Sensor
Sensor Type L Range Probes Probe type - "L" range
Sensor Tips Stainless Steel
Diameter 3.2 mm (1/8"), The 1200 data recorder comes in the following models:
Length 38 mm (1.5") SP or VL 1200-21L One internal temperature channel and
Sealed Teflon Tip one external temperature channel.
(Waterproof) SP or VL 1200-22L Two External temperature channels.
Diameter: 3mm (0.12"),
Length 28 mm (1.1")
Cable construction 2 mm (0.07") Diameter, Temperature Probe Accessories
Teflon coated cable Thermal Dampening Block, for use in refrigerators and freezers,
Probe length 7.6 m (25') simulates a glycol bottle to reduce fluctuations generated by
Connector Color Code Green opening and closing a door.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211132EN-B ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


Vaisala Universal Input Data Logger

Series 4000

The 4000 series of data loggers are is immune to network and power
designed to interface with a wide interruptions.
▪ 10-year battery and large range of transducers, transmitters, The DL4000 data loggers can be
onboard memory and sensors with a DC voltage or used with Vaisala software, either
▪ Single and multi-channel 0 - 20 mA current loop output. viewLinc or vLog, to download,
models with up to four input The 4000 is a simple solution for
channels display, and analyze environmental
recording and monitoring pressure, data. The viewLinc monitoring
▪ Easily set scaling and flow, fluid level, PH, electrical system provides 24/7 multi-stage
measurement units for
properties, moisture and gas alarm notification, remote, real-time
concentrations. monitoring and gap-free data. The
▪ Time-based digital recording in
Ideal for use in standalone or vLog software is a simple solution for
a range of sample intervals
networked applications, the 4000 validation/mapping applications.
▪ Multiple connectivity options -
Universal Input logger connects
USB, Ethernet, WiFi All reports are customizable and can
directly to a PC with USB or installs
▪ Optional vNet cradle for
to an existing network via Ethernet,
be exported to spreadsheets and
Ethernet or Power over PDF to provide records that meet the
Ethernet connectivity Power over Ethernet or WiFi. Each requirements of 21 CFR Part 11 and
▪ NIST-traceable , ISO 17025 logger contains a 10-year battery
and onboard memory for recording
Annex 11.
accredited calibration Choose the DL4000VL data logger for
▪ Two year limited warranty a wide range of variables at the point
of measurement. With autonomous
GxP-compliant environments and the
DL4000SP for non-GxP applications.
power and recording capacity, data

Technical Data

General Recording Span
Size 85 x 59 x 26 mm (3.4 x 2.3 x 1") 76 g (2.7 oz) SAMPLE NUMBER OF CHANNELS
Operating Range -40 °C to +85 °C INTERVAL 1 2 3 4
(-40 °F to +185 °F) and 0 %RH to 100 %RH 10 seconds 13.8 days 6.9 days 4.6 days 3.4 days
(non-condensing) 1 minute 2.7 months 1.3 months 27.7 days 20.8 days
Interfaces RS-232 serial 5 minutes 1.1 years 6.9 months 4.6 months 3.4 months
USB 15 minutes 3.4 years 1.7 years 1.1 years 10.4 months
Wifi module 1 hour 13.6 years 6.8 years 4.5 years 3.4 years
Ethernet and Power over Ethernet (vNet)
Mounting Magnetic strips,
3M Dual Lock™ fasteners
Current Loop and Voltage Inputs
PC Software Graphing & Reporting:
Available Ranges 0 to 20mA 0 to 5 VDC, 0 to 10 VDC
vLog SP for non-GxP regulated
vLog VL for GxP regulated Resolution 5.5 μA 0.025 % F.S.
Monitoring, Alarming,Reporting: Accuracy ±0.15 % F.S. at +25 °C ±0.15 % F.S. at +25 °C
viewLinc™ (+77 °F) (+77 °F)
Internal Clock Accuracy ±1 min./month @ -25 °C to +70 °C Input Impedances 75 Ohms >1 MOhm
(-13 °F to +158 °F) Isolation One common per logger One common per logger
Electromagnetic FCC Part 15 and CE Overload 40 mA max. (reverse- ±24 VDC max. (reverse-
Compatibility EN 55022:2006 Protection polarity protected) polarity protected)
EN 61000-4-2:2001
EN 61000-4-3:2006 Channel Configurations
Power Source Internal 10-year lithium battery MODEL 1, 2 OR 4 CHANNELS
(Battery life specified with sample interval of 4000-405 0 to 5 VDC
1 min. or longer)
4000-40A 0 to 10 VDC
4000-40C 0 to 20 mA
Memory Type Non-volatile EEROM
Data Sample Capacity 120,000 12-bit samples
Memory Modes User-selectable wrap (FIFO) or stop
when memory is full. User-selectable start
and stop times.
Sampling Rates User-selectable from once every 10 seconds to
once a day. (Battery life specified with
sample interval of 1 min. or longer)
Recording Span Recording span depends upon sample
interval selected and number of
channels enabled.
Please see table above.

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B211045EN-B ©Vaisala 2015
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
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prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


Vaisala Thermocouple Data Logger Series DL1700

The Vaisala DL1700 series data to spreadsheets and PDF to provide

loggers provide highly accurate records that meet the requirements
▪ Ideal for extreme temperatures temperature data acquisition and are of 21 CFR Part 11 and Annex 11.
from -240 °C to 1760 °C ideal for demanding environments. Easy to use with standard
▪ Accepts type J, K, T, E, R and The DL1700 data loggers can be used thermocouples, these compact data
S thermocouples with Vaisala software, either viewLinc loggers can offer up to five channels
▪ No programming or or vLog, to download, display, and of data in temperatures ranging from
complicated equations required analyze environmental data. The -240 °C to +1760 °C.
▪ Highly accurate replacement viewLinc monitoring system provides
24/7 multi-stage alarm notification,
We offer models for both validated
for bulky data acquisition and non-validated applications.
systems remote, real-time monitoring and
Choose the DL1700VL for
gap-free data. The vLog software
▪ NIST-traceable calibration
is a simple solution for validation/
GxP-compliant environments and
the DL1700SP for non-validated
mapping applications. All reports are
customizable and can be exported

Technical Data

General Data Logger Inputs
Size 3.4 x 2.1 x 1" (85x59x26mm); 60g (2.7 oz) 1700 MODEL NUMBER OF CHANNELS ENABLED
Operating Range -40 °C to +85 °C (-40 °F to +185 °F) and Thermocouple CJT Total
0 %RH to 100 %RH (non-condensing) 1700-54T 4 1 5
Interfaces RS-232 serial, USB, Ethernet, Note: One channel is designated for Cold Junction Temperature
WiFi network interface available (CJT) reference using an on-board precision-tolerance thermistor.
Mounting Magnetic strips, 3M Dual Lock™ fasteners
Software viewLinc for Monitoring, Alarming & Reporting Thermocouple Input Channels
vLog for Validation/Mapping GxP environments COMPATIBLE THERMOCOUPLE TYPES: J, K, T, E, R, S
Spectrum for graphing & reporting non-GxP environments INITIAL ACCURACY:
Internal Clock Accuracy: ±1 min./month at -25°C to +70°C Input Range Resolution Initial Accuracy
Electromagnetic Compatibility FCC Part 15 and CE -7.2 to +55.4 mV 0.016 mV ±0.042 mV @ +25 °C (+77 °F)
Power Source Internal 10-year lithium battery INPUT IMPEDANCE: 10M OHMS
(Battery life specified with sample interval Input Range Resolution 1-Year Accuracy
of 1 min. or longer) -7.2 to +55.4 mV 0.016 mV ±0.055 mV @ +25 °C (+77 °F)
Additional error at 3 V/m RF field from
450 MHz ... 580 MHz: ±0.350 mV
And at 3 V conducted RF from 3 MHz … 80 MHz: ±1.0 mV

Temperature Accuracy
-220 °C to +1370 °C -130 °C to +900 °C -240 °C to +350 °C -110 °C to +740 °C -50 °C to +1760 °C -50 °C to +1700 °C
(-364 °F to +2498 °F) (-202 °F to +1652 °F) (-400 °F to +662 °F) (-166 °F to +1364 °F) (-58 °F to +3200 °F) (-58 °F to +3092 °F)
Temperature ±1.3 °C ±1.0 °C ±1.2 °C ±0.70 °C ±4.4 °C ±5.1 °C
Accuracy at (±2.3 °F) (±1.8 °F) (±2.2 °F) (±1.3 °F) (±7.9 °F) (±9.2 °F)
Resolution 0.37 °C 0.29 °C 0.34 °C 0.20 °C 1.3 °C 1.5 °C
at mid-range (0.67 °F) (0.52 °F) (0.61 °F) (0.36 °F) (2.3 °F) (2.7 °F)
* Listed accuracies are for data logger only at 25°C (+77°F). They do not include the accuracy of the thermocouple probe or cold junction compensation or
electromagnetic interference.

Cold Junction Temperature Channel Memory

Measurement -40 °C to +85 °C Memory Type Non-volatile EEROM
Range (-40 °F to +185 °F) Data Sample
Accuracy ±0.25 °C over +20 °C to +30 °C Capacity 135,165 12-bit samples
(±0.45 °F over +68 °F to +86 °F) Memory Modes User-selectable wrap (FIFO) or stop when
±0.35 °C over -25 °C to +70 °C memory is full. User-selectable start time.
(±0.63 °F over -13 °F to +158 °F) Sampling Rates User-selectable from once
every 10 seconds to once a day.
(Battery life specified with sample interval of
Thermocouple probe EPT-22T-20T
1 min. or longer)
Type T
Recording Span Recording span depends upon sample interval
Conductors Copper/Constantan
selected and number of channels enabled.
Operating range -200°C to 200°C (-328°F to 392°F)
Length 6.096 meters
Error ±1°C to ±1.5%

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B211189EN-C
B211189EN-C ©Vaisala
This material
©Vaisala 2015
material isis subject
subject toto copyright
copyright protection,
protection, with
with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained
retained by
rights reserved.
reserved. Any
by Vaisala
Vaisala and
Any logos
logos and/or
and its
its individual
and/or product
individual partners.
product names
partners. All
names are
are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of
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individual partners.
partners. The
The reproduction,
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distribution oror storage
storage ofof information
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Vaisala isis strictly
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without notice.
— technical included — are subject


Vaisala Wi-Fi Data

Vaisala Wi-Fi Data Logger
Logger HMT140
for Multiple
Multiple Environmental
Environmental Parameters
The Vaisala HMT140 wireless data Vaisala Continuous Monitoring System
logger is designed for humidity, (CMS) software at preset intervals and
temperature and analog signal during parameter excursions.
monitoring in warehouses, freezer and Autonomous operation with audible
cryogenic farms, laboratories, blood and visual alarming (beep and
banks and many other life science flashing LED) ensures that local alerts
applications. are indicated independent of active
network or server connection.
The data logger's enclosure is
The HMT140 incorporates Vaisala optimized for use in cleanrooms with
HUMICAP® technology to measure a surface that is easy to clean and
relative humidity and temperature tolerates purifying agents.
accurately and reliably. The Vaisala
HUMICAP® sensor is resistant to dust Interchangeable Probe
and most chemicals. Alternatively,
The HMT140 data logger uses
the HMT140 can connect to Resistance
a fully interchangeable relative
Temperature Detectors (RTDs),
The HMT140 with and without a display. humidity probe. This allows for quick
Voltage, Current and Contact sensors,
recalibration of the data logger. The
making the HMT140 the most versatile
probe can be adjusted using one
Features/Benefits Vaisala data logger for life science
of Vaisala’s portable meters as a
▪ Wi-Fi connectivity to Vaisala's applications. Combining RTD and
contact inputs, the HMT140 is ideal for
Continuous Monitoring system

▪ Connectivity provided through monitoring chamber/door excursions.

Available Options
existing Wi-Fi Access Points Using Wi-Fi connectivity, the HMT140
The HMT140 data logger is available as
▪ Autonomous operation and local can connect through any wireless
wall mounted or with remote probes.
alarms ensure alerting capability access point. The battery powered
regardless of network connectivity For high temperature applications or
logger can operate for 18 months
where space is limited, the remote probe
▪ Local data storage provides continuously, or longer if using the
is ideal. The optional LCD display is
continuous fail-safe operation batteries only as backup to an optional
operated using a power-saving infrared
▪ 18-month battery operation external power source.
sensor that is motion-activated.
▪ Vaisala HUMICAP® technology with Optional local display allows the
HMT140 to indicate process parameter
When activated, the display indicates
humidity sensor HUMICAP® 180R the results of selected parameters
values and any limit warnings. All data
▪ Interchangeable temperature/RH
is logged locally and uploaded to the
simultaneously on two rows.
probe for easy field calibration

▪ Two inputs available:

voltage, current, contact, RTDs or
temperature & RH Technical Data
▪ Accurate and reliable multi-signal Probe Performance
HUMICAP® Humidity and Temperature Probe HMP110
▪ Resistant to dust and most RELATIVE HUMIDITY
chemicals Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH
▪ Optional LCD display Accuracy including non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability
Temperature range 0 °C ... +40 °C
▪ Wall-mounted or with remote
at 0 ... 90 %RH ±1.7 %RH
at 90 ... 100 %RH ±2.5 %RH
▪ NIST-traceable
Temperature range -40 ... 0 °C, +40 ... +80 °C
(certificate included)
at 0 ... 90 %RH ±3.0 %RH
▪ Ideal for cleanrooms and other life at 90 ... 100 %RH ±4.0 %RH
science applications
Factory calibration uncertainty at +20 °C ±1.5 %RH HMP110 probe interface 4-pin M8 female panel connector
Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R HMP110 probe cable lengths 3 m, 5 m and 10 m
Stability ±2 %RH over 2 years RTD Temperature Sensor

TEMPERATURE Sensor tip material Stainless steel (AISI 316)
Measurement range -40 °C ... +80 °C Sensor tip length 50.8 mm
Accuracy over temperature range Sensor tip diameter 4.76 mm
at +15 °C ... +25 °C ±0.2 °C Cable length 5m
at 0 ... +15 °C and at +25 °C ... +40 °C ±0.25 °C Hermetic Door Switch Sensor
at -40 °C ... +0 °C and at +40 °C ... +80 °C ±0.4 °C Cable length 7.6 m
Temperature sensor Pt1000 RTD 1/3 Class B IEC 751 Display (optional) 128 x 64 resolution full graphics
HMP110 probe -40 °C ... +80 °C B&W display without backlight
Storage temperature range -50 °C ... +70 °C Weight (with battery/without probe) 300g
Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61326-1 and EN 55022, Class B Accessories
Analog Inputs HMP110
2 Channel Current input signals 0 ... 22 mA Humidity and temperature probe HMP110*
Resolution 0.67 μA Humidity and temperature replacement probe HMP110R*
Accuracy ±0.15 % F.S. at +25 °C Humidity sensor HUMICAP® 180R
Input Impedance 62 Ohms Probe mounting flange 226061
Overload Protection 40 mA Probe mounting clamps, 10 pcs 226067
2 Channel Voltage input signals 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V Sensor protection
Resolution 0.0034% F.S. Plastic grid filter DRW010522SP
Accuracy ±0.15 % F.S. at +25 °C Plastic grid with membrane filter DRW010525SP
Input Impedance 37K Ohms Stainless steel sintered filter HM46670SP
Overload protection 50 Volts max Probe cable 3 m HMT120Z300
Isolation one common per logger Probe cable 5 m HMT120Z500
2 Resistive Temperature input signals Pt 100 RTD / 4 wire Probe cable 10 m HMT120Z1000
Class A IEC 751 Duct installation kit 215619
Input Impedance 5.1K Ohms OTHER AccEssORIEs
Measurement range -196 °C to +90 °C Optional External Voltage Supply (15 VDC) 236081SP
Accuracy over temperature range Batteries (Packs of 3) 236318SP
at -196 ...-90 °C ±2.5 °C RTD Temperature Probe 5 m ASM210644SP
at -90 ... -30 °C ±0.75 °C Hermetic Door Switch Sensor Kit 236319SP
at -30...0 ±0.5 °C Thermal Dampener Blocks 236310SP
at 0 ... +50 °C ±0.25 °C Four Dual Lock™ Strips (3"/76mm) 237217SP
at +50 ...+90 °C ±0.75 °C * See separate order form
Open/Closed with magnetic reed switch cable connections Wireless
(Dry Contact) Networking Standards IEEE 802.11 b/g
Mechanics Data Rates 802.11 b: 1, 2, 5.5,11 Mbps : 802.11 g: 6, 9, 12, 18,
Operating Temperature Range 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps
Data logger body, no display -40°C...+60°C Frequency Band 2402 ~ 2480MHz
Data logger body, with display -20°C...+60°C Modulation 802.11 b: DSSS(CCK-11, CCK-5.5, DQPSK-2,
Material DBPSK-1): 802.11g : OFDM
Data logger housing PBT plastic Wi-Fi Security WEP (128-bit), WPA, WPA2 (Personal)
Display window PC plastic Output Power +18dBm(63mW)
HMP110 probe body Stainless steel (AISI 316) Receiver Sensitivity -85dBm typical
HMP110 probe grid filter Chrome coated ABS plastic Antenna Onboard whip
Housing classification IP65 (NEMA 4) Certifications FCC, IC, CE, Wi-Fi Alliance, EN61326-1:2006,
Connections EN61326-2-3:2006, EN61000-3-2:2006+A1:
Screw terminals 26 AWG ... 20 AWG 2009+A2:2009, EN61000-3-3:2008, EN61326-1:2006,
MIC R 201-125765, CMIIT ID: 2013DJ7129

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B211185EN-B ©Vaisala 2013
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for
more information
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


Vaisala Mid-Range Data Loggers for Temperature,

Humidity & Contact Channel Measurement
Designed for Controlled
Environments such as:
▪ Drug Discovery, R&D

▪ Early Phase Clinical Trials

▪ Blood & Tissue Banks

▪ Hospitals & Pharmacies

▪ Nutraceutical Manufacturing

▪ Food & Dietary Supplement

▪ Aerospace

▪ Semiconductors

▪ Museums & Archives

Vaisala’s Mid-Range data loggers are Easy Configuration • viewLinc Continuous Monitoring
designed for early phase drug and and Alarming
Connectivity options include USB,
device development applications • vLogSP for Validation/Mapping
wireless, and Power over Ethernet
where speed and economy are applications
with a vNet PoE network interface.
critical. The MR loggers can be used
When MR loggers are used with
with Vaisala software to monitor
vNet PoE device, installation takes Data Logger Options
and analyze environmental data and
minutes. With the vNet device, Six versions of the MR Loggers are
provide presentation-quality records
loggers are automatically identified available with up to four channels
that are easily exported to PDF and
on your network by the software. of Temperature-Only, Temperature
+ Humidity, or Boolean contact

Simplified Calibration Lean Validation channel for door switches/alarm

For applications that require contact recording:
Easy to install and configure, the
validation, we offer efficient and • DL1000MR - 1 internal
MR loggers are calibrated with an
practical protocols that allow for temperature channel
abbreviated process that provides
quick verification of data logger • DL1016MR - 2 channel
reliable accuracy in operating
functions. See Express IQOQ and temperature with probes
environments between -55 °C
Rapid IQOQ under “Accessories”
to +50 °C. • DL1016MRB - 2 channel with
on page 3.
The MR loggers include NIST- 1 temperature probe, and
1 contact input
traceable calibration in one of Software Options
Vaisala’s accredited calibration • DL1416MR - 4 channel
Whether you need multistage
laboratories to ensure cGMP, ISO temperature with probes
alarming sent via text, email, PC
9000 and HACCP quality standards. • DL1416MRB - 2 channel
display or dial-out, or to perform
Optional services are available, temperature with probes, and
a comprehensive mapping study,
including extended warranties and 2 contact inputs
Vaisala has user-friendly software
onsite calibration.
designed for use in regulated • DL2000MR - 2 internal channels
environments, including: Temperature and RH

Technical Data

General Temperature Sensors
Size 85 x 59 x 26 mm (3.4 x 2.3 x 1") Internal Sensor type Precision-tolerance epoxy
76 g (2.7 oz.) encapsulated NTC thermistor
Interfaces RS-232 serial Ethernet EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE PROBES
USB WiFi Sensor Tip Stainless Steel
vNet PoE network interface Diameter 3.2 mm (1/8")
Mounting Magnetic strips Length 38 mm (1.5")
3M Dual Lock™ Fasteners PROBE CABLE LENGTHS
Snap-in connector for secure probe DL1016MR/MRB 3 m (10')
connections DL1416MR/MRB 7.6 m (25')
Software • vLog Validation/Mapping CABLE CONSTRUCTION
• viewLinc Continuous Monitoring & 2 mm (0.07") Diameter, Teflon coated cable
• OPC Server to add Vaisala loggers to
any OPC compatible monitoring system
Internal clock accuracy ±1 min. /month
0 °C to +50 °C (32 °F to +122 °F)
Electromagnetic FCC Part 15 and CE
Power source Internal 10-year lithium battery1
Battery life specified with sample interval of 1 min. or longer

Data Sample Capacity
DL1000MR 48,100 12-bit samples
DL1016MR/MRB 68,600 16 bit samples
DL1416MR/MRB 101,375 16 bit samples
DL2000MR 122,197 12-bit samples
Memory type Non-volatile EEPROM
Memory Mode User-selectable wrap (FIFO) or stop when
memory is full
Sampling Rates User-selectable rates from once every
10 seconds to once per day
(Battery life specified with sample interval
of 1 min. or longer)

DL1000MR Internal Temperature Sensor DL2000MR Internal Temperature/ RH Sensor
Logger Operating Range -35 °C to +85 °C Operating Range -35 °C to +85 °C
(-31 °F to +185 °F) (-31 °F to +185 °F)
Calibrated Measurement Range -25 °C to +70 °C Calibrated Measurement Range -25 °C to +70 °C
(-13 °F to +158 °F) (-13 °F to +158 °F)
Accuracy over temperature range2 Accuracy over temperature range2 at -25 °C ... +70 °C ±0.5 °C
at -25 °C ... +70 °C ±0.5 °C (-13 °F .... +122 °F) (±0.9 °F)
(-13 °F .... +122 °F) (±0.9 °F) Resolution 0.02 °C at +25 °C
Resolution 0.02 °C at +25 °C (0.04 °F at +77 °F)
Calibrated Measurement Points 45 %RH at +10 °C (+50 °F)
DL1016/1416MR External Temperature Sensors 10 %RH and 80 %RH at +25 °C (+77 °F)
RANGE AND ACCURACY 45 %RH at +25 °C (+77 °F)
Logger Operating Range 0 °C to +50 °C 45 %RH at +45 °C (+113 °F)
(32 °F to +122 °F) Operating Range 0 %RH to 100 %RH (non-condensing)
Probe Operating Range -95 °C to +70 °C Temperature range
(-139 °F to +158 °F) +20 °C ... +30 °C 10 ... 90 %RH ±2.0 %RH
Calibrated Measurement Range -55 °C to +50 °C (68 °F ... 86 °F)
(-130 °F to +122 °F) Temperature range
Accuracy over temperature range3 -20 ... +20 °C, +30 ... +70 °C 10 ... 90 %RH ±3.0 %RH
at -55 °C ... +50 °C ±0.5 °C (-4 °F ... 68 °F, 86 °F ... 158 °F)
(-67 °F .... +122 °F) (±0.9 °F) Resolution 0.05 %RH
Resolution 0.01 °C at +25 °C Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R
(0.02 °F at +77 °F) Stability ±2 %RH over 2 years
Initial accuracy includes all known influence quantities present
at the time of calibration including calibration uncertainty, Accessories
mathematical fit, data logger resolution, hysteresis and TEMPERATURE PROBE
reproducibility. EPT-TDB: Thermal Dampening Block, for use in refrigerators and
freezers. The block simulates a glycol bottle to reduce alarms
Not included is any drift related to atypical contamination or generated by opening and closing doors.
EPT-DS-25 Available cable with magnetic contact switch –
Specification for external channels is for a probe calibrated to the 7.6 m (25') for use with MRB loggers.
specified channel of the data logger, with the logger VALIDATION DOCUMENTS
at 0 °C to +50 °C (32 °F to +122 °F) VL-VPE-VLNC-43 Express Validation IQ is eight tests, OQ is
eleven tests. Testing includes
security testing for users.
VL-VPR-VLNC-43 Rapid Validation IQ is eight tests, OQ is six
tests. Only tests that challenge
the basic operation of GxP
processes (i.e.: alarming and
data collection).

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211412EN-A ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

and Convert.
The free web based Vaisala Humidity
Calculator allows you to calculate several
humidity parameters from one known
humidity value. Make unit conversions on
the fly, and see the effects of changing
ambient conditions, like temperature and

The calculator works with any device, PC or

mobile, and online and offline. It is available
in several languages.

Access the Vaisala Humidity Calculator at


Vaisala vNet Power over Ethernet

Data Logger Interface

Monitoring and Alarming

Remote Monitoring

Ultra-Low Refrigerators Incubators

Temp Freezers
Remote Alarming

Existing Network

vNet Power over Ethernet interface with VL-2000 temperature

and humidity logger.

Wherever reliable network alone or in batches. Simply place data

Benefits loggers in a vNet cradle, connect to
communications and cost are
▪ Eliminates the cost of wiring important, more companies are using a Local Area Network, and viewLinc
AC power to each monitored discovers and configures loggers.
Power over Ethernet (PoE) devices.
The Vaisala vNet PoE network The vNet PoE interface comes in four
▪ Data loggers can be installed interface brings easy connectivity models:
wherever a LAN cable can be with data loggers at a lower cost than • CDL-VNET-P with a fan inside the
alternative networking devices. cradle for data loggers with an
▪ Increased data communication The snap-in design streamlines logger internal temperature channel
protection from power outage
connectivity into a small footprint, • CDL-VNET-LP without a fan for
because the server room's UPS
eliminating wires between normally data loggers without an internal
can provide backup power.
separate loggers and PoE devices. temperature channel
▪ Plug and Play connectivity When power and data are carried over
• CDL-VNET-PC with 15V output
when using viewLinc Aware the same cable, you can also eliminate
function. to power external sensors and
the cost of installing an AC power
transmitters; includes internal fan
• CDL-VNET-LPC with 15V output
The vNet PoE integrates VL and SP
to power external sensors and
data loggers without compromising
transmitters; without internal fan
their high accuracy. It brings greater
flexibility and simplicity to deploying There is also an option to power the
the Vaisala Continuous Monitoring vNet device with AC. Select the model
system. that fits your application to monitor
and record temperature, humidity,
The viewLinc Aware function in
CO2, differential pressure, door
viewLinc monitoring software allows
switches and many other parameters.
you to quickly configure data loggers,

Technical Data

vNet PoE Interface
FEATURE Power Input (Optional for use without PoE)
Logger Compatibility v6.00 hardware and higher 12-30 VDC, plugs into vNet jack labled 12 V
(Includes Models: VL & SP 1000,
1700, 1200, 1016, 1416, 1400, 2000, 4000) Power Output
CDL-VNET-P & CDL-VNET-LP Not available
Ethernet Connectivity IEEE 802.3af, 10Base-T CDL-VNET-PC & CDL-VNET-LPC 15 VDC nominal, 350 mW max.

Connectivity Cable Category 5/5e; RJ-45 connector; 1.83 m (6 ft.) Regulatory FCC Class A, CE, EN 55011, Group 1, Class A;
EN 16000-4-2 to -6, RoHS; WEEE
LED Indicators link, activity, power, logger communications
Heating Effect on Measurements
Device Configuration HTTP Web Interface, PC-based CDL-VNET-P & CDL-VNET-PC Temperature rise from electronics
configuration wizard (important only for loggers with
internal sensors): less than 0.05 °C
Addressing DHCP/RARP, ARP-Ping, Static IP for as seen by the logger sensor
IP address assignment, Net BIOS name CDL-VNET-LP & CDL-VNET-LPC Not to be used for loggers
with internal sensors.
Firmware Field upgradable firmware
Environmental Operating Range
viewLinc Aware Requires one vNet to be programmed -25 °C to 70 °C (-13 °F to 158 °F), 0 to 90 %RH
with the viewLinc server IP address. non-condensing and not to exceed
Other vNets on the sub-net will a mixing ratio of 38.5 g/kg
automatically self-configure Storage: -40 °C to 85 °C (-40 °F to 185 °F)

Power Consumption Dimensions/ Weight Width: 10.2 cm (4.0");

CDL-VNET-P & CDL-VNET-LP 625 mW typical, 700 mW max Length: 10.2 cm (4.0");
CDL-VNET-PC & CDL-VNET-LPC 900 mW typical, 1.35 W max. Height: 4.3 cm (1.7");
Weight: 180 g (6.3 oz)
Power Supply (Included but not required when using PoE)
North America: 12 VDC/0.5 A max out,
120 VAC in
International: 12 VDC/1.66A max out,
100-240 VAC in

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
B211043EN-C ©Vaisala
Ref. B211043EN-C
This material
©Vaisala 2015
material isis subject
subject toto copyright
copyright protection,
protection, with
with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained
retained by
rights reserved.
reserved. Any
by Vaisala
Vaisala and
Any logos
logos and/or
and its
its individual
and/or product
individual partners.
product names
partners. All
names are
are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of
of Vaisala
Vaisala or
or its
its individual
individual partners.
partners. The
The reproduction,
reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution
distribution oror storage
storage ofof information
information contained
contained inin this
this brochure
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without thethe prior
prior written
written consent
consent ofof Vaisala
Vaisala isis strictly
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to change
change without
without notice.
— technical included — are subject

Dew Point


Vaisala DRYCAP® Sensor for Measuring

Dew Point

In 1997 Vaisala introduced DRYCAP®, a new type of dew point sensor based on thin-film polymer
technology. Since its launch, the DRYCAP product family has grown to encompass a huge range
of applications, from drying processes to compressed air and dry chambers. The DRYCAP sensor
is particularly renowned for its reliable performance in hot and very dry environments.

How It Works are monitored as the sensor cools

DRYCAP in Brief
to ambient temperature, with offset
DRYCAP’s unrivalled performance is
based on two innovations: the proven
correction compensating for any ▪ Thin-film polymer sensor with
potential drift. This enables the unique auto-calibration function
capacitive thin-film polymer sensor
and the auto-calibration function.
DRYCAP sensor to deliver accurate ▪ Wide measurement range, dew
measurements in the long term, point measurement down to
The sensor’s thin-film polymer dramatically reducing the need for -80 °C (-112 °F)
absorbs or releases water vapor as
the surrounding humidity increases
maintenance. ▪ Accuracy ± 2 °C (± 3.6 °F)

or decreases. The dielectric Typical Applications for ▪ NIST-traceable dew point

properties of the polymer change Dew Point Measurement
as the humidity around the sensor
Vaisala DRYCAP dew point
changes, as does the capacitance of DRYCAP’s Unique Benefits
instruments measure dew point in
the sensor. Capacitance is converted
into a humidity reading. The
industrial applications, where gas
▪ Excellent long-term stability,
humidity is typically very low. Dew with recommended 2-year
capacitive polymer sensor is bonded
point is often a critical parameter, calibration interval
together with a temperature sensor,
and dew point is calculated from the
with inadequate control resulting in
problems such as process downtime,
▪ Rapid response time
humidity and temperature readings.
damaged process equipment, and ▪ Withstands condensation and
Vaisala’s patented auto-calibration deterioration in end-product quality. recovers rapidly
function optimizes the measurement
Dew point is measured in various ▪ Resistant to particulate
stability at low dew points. contamination, oil vapor, and
drying and heat-treatment processes.
The sensor is heated at regular most chemicals
It is also controlled in compressed
intervals during the automated
air, where excess moisture can result
auto-calibration procedure. The
in poor end-product quality, ice
humidity and temperature readings
formation, and equipment corrosion.

Other typical applications include
medical gas, dry environments in
lithium battery manufacturing, and
gas-insulated high-voltage equipment
used in the power industry.
Upper electrode
Vaisala DRYCAP Dew
Point Products Thin-film polymer

Vaisala's dew point instruments Lower electrode

are suitable for accurate and stable

Dew Point
Glass substrate
monitoring of dry conditions in a
variety of applications from -80 to Pt-100
+100 °C Td. Vaisala’s product range
includes transmitters for demanding
industrial applications, compact
instruments for installation in dryers,
and hand-held meters for spot
checking. Portable sampling systems
are also available. View the complete
range of dew point products at

Structure of the DRYCAP sensor.

DRYCAP sensor.

The DRYCAP Story

The DRYCAP story began Vaisala's solution was to combine DRYCAP also led the way for the
in the mid-1990s following the highest quality polymer next great innovation: the world’s
an unresolved measurement technology with a patented key first transmitter that monitors
challenge. Traditional humidity feature – auto-calibration – that both dew point and process
instruments were not accurate would eliminate sensor drift in pressure simultaneously, aimed
enough at very low humidities, very dry conditions. The result at compressed air customers
while commonly used aluminum was the stable, reliable, and worldwide. The story continues.
oxide sensors were prone to drift accurate DRYCAP sensor.
and required frequent calibration.
The first DRYCAP products were
There was strong demand for
launched in 1997, and this highly
accurate, easy-to-use, cost-
successful innovation is still going
effective, and low-maintenance
strong today.
dew point instruments.

For more information, visit Ref. B210981EN-B ©Vaisala 2012

This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights or contact retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved.
us at Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or
its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or
storage of information contained in this brochure in any form
without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited.
All specifications — technical included — are subject to change
without notice.


DMT340 Series Dewpoint and Temperature

Transmitters for Very Dry Conditions

The display shows measurement

trends, real-time data, and
measurement history.

feature allows the transmitter to

perform calibration and adjustment
by itself while the measured process
is running. If the measurement
accuracy is not confirmed, corrections
are made automatically. The
The Vaisala DRYCAP® Dewpoint and procedure is so quick and corrections
Features/Benefits so minor that it causes no disruption,
Temperature Transmitter Series
▪ Measures dew point from DMT340 is designed for industrial ensuring easy maintenance and
-60 °C to +80 °C low-humidity applications such as high performance. To maintain high
(-76 ... +176 °F) with an performance, transmitters can be sent
compressed air drying and metal
accuracy of ±2 °C (±3.6 °F)
treatment. The transmitters are very to Vaisala for calibration. Calibration
▪ Vaisala DRYCAP® sensor reliable, easy to use, and economical intervals depend on the application; in
provides accurate, reliable to maintain. normal conditions it is recommended
measurement with excellent to have calibration performed every
long-term stability and a fast
response time
Stability at Low Dew two years.
▪ Condensation-resistant
The Vaisala DRYCAP® sensor is Graphical Display of
Measurement Data and
▪ Unique auto-calibration feature immune to particulate contamination,
Trends for Convenient
water condensation, oil vapor, and
▪ Compatible with Vaisala
most chemicals. Since the sensor Operation
DRYCAP® Hand-Held Dewpoint
is condensation-resistant, its The DMT340 features a large
Meter DM70
performance is unmatched in low numerical and graphical display with
▪ NIST traceable calibration dew point applications where water a multilingual menu and keypad.
(certificate included) It allows users to easily monitor
spikes occur in the process. The
▪ Graphical display and keypad sensor recovers rapidly from contact operational data, measurement
for convenient operation with free water. trends, and access measurement
▪ Optional alarm relays and history for the past 12 months.
mains power supply module Unique Auto-Calibration The optional data logger, with
▪ Analog outputs, RS232/485, Feature real-time clock, makes it possible
WLAN/LAN The stability of the DMT340 series to generate over four years of
measurement history and zoom in on
▪ MODBUS protocol support is due to its unique auto-calibration
function, developed by Vaisala. This any desired time or time frame.
The display alarm allows tracking of TCP/IP (Ethernet) communication.
any measured parameter, with freely The data logger, with real-time clock
configurable low and high limits. and battery backup, guarantees
reliable logging of measurement data
Versatile Outputs and for over four years. The recorded
Data Collection data can be viewed on the local
The DMT340 can support up to three display or transferred to a PC with

Dew Point
analog outputs; an isolated galvanic Microsoft Windows® software. The
power supply and relay outputs are transmitter can also be connected to
also available. a network with an optional (W)LAN
For serial interface the USB interface, which enables a (wireless)
connection, RS232, and RS485 can Ethernet connection. A USB service
be used. cable makes it easy to connect the
DMT340 to a PC via the service port. The Vaisala DRYCAP® Hand-Held
DMT340 is also capable of applying Dewpoint Meter DM70 is ideal for field-
the MODBUS communication protocol checking DMT340 transmitters.
and, together with an appropriate
Easy Installation
connection option, provides either DMT340 transmitters are delivered
MODBUS RTU (RS485) or MODBUS installation-ready, with a variety of
installation options to choose from.

Specifications Dimensions
Dimensions in mm (inches)
DMT341 for Installations in
Dry Spaces 183 (7.20) 77 (3.0)

Temperature range
Transmitter body -40 … +60 °C
119 (4.69)

(-40 … +140 °F)

244.5 (9.63)

With display 0 … +60 °C

(+32 … +140 °F)

The DMT341 is made for installations

in dry rooms where the entire dew
point transmitter needs to be inside the
dry space. The concept is easy to clean
and suitable also for cleanrooms.

Probe Specifications Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
DMT342 with Small Size
92.5 (3.64)
Flanged Probe Flange intersection
ø12 (0.47)


Pressure range 0 ... 50 bar/0 ... 725 psia


Mechanical durability up to 250 bar/



3625 psia ø36 (1.42)


71.5 (2.81) 7 (0.28)

Probe diameter 12 mm/0.5" 81 (3.19)
Sampling cell HMP302SC
The DMT342 probe is installed using Installation 58.7 (2.31)

a flange or sampling cell. The small 45°

45° 1/8"-27 NPT

Flange 36 mm/1.4"
probe is ideal for integration into larger ø24
ø12.5 (0.49)

equipment. Sampling cell HMP302SC

1/8"-27 NPT


ø32 (1.26) 71 (2.80)

Probe Specifications Dimensions
Dimensions in mm (inches)
DMT344 with Probe for
High Pressures

M22x1.5 or
NPT 1/2"
Pressure range 0 ... 50 bar/0 ... 725 psia

Ø 12 (0.47)
Mechanical durability up to 100 bar/
1450 psia
41 (1.61)
Probe diameter 12 mm/0.5" 120 (4.72)

170 (6.69)
The DMT344 features a threaded Installation
connection for extended pressures Fitting body M22 x 1.5
with different fitting-body options. It is
ideal for permanent installation into Fitting body NPT 1/2"
pressurized or vacuum processes.

Probe Specifications Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
DMT347 with Small-Sized Probe
84 (3.31)
Pressure range 0 ... 10 bar/0 ... 145 psia

I S O 3 / 8 ” / N P T 1 / 2 ” or G 1 / 2 ” ISO
41 (1.61)
Mechanical durability up to 10 bar/
145 psia

Probe diameter 12 mm/0.5"

Installation Ø 12 (0.47) Hex 22 mm
The DMT347 probe is ideal for tight (0.87)
spaces with a thread connection. Fitting body R 3/8" ISO
The small probe is installed using Fitting body G 1/2" ISO
Swagelok® connectors.
Fitting body NPT 1/2"

Probe Specifications Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
DMT348 with Probe for
Pipeline Installations 215.5 (8.48) / 448 (17.6)
Pressure range 0 ... 40 bar/0 ... 580 psia 191 (7.52) / 410 (16.1)
41 (1.61) - 149 (5.87) / 41 (1.61) - 379 (14.9)
Adjustable length 41 ... 149/371 mm/
1.61 ... 5.87/14.6"
Ø 12 (0.47)

Ø 13.5 (0.53)

Installation 41 (1.61)
R1/2” ISO7/1

The DMT348 is ideal for installation Fitting body R1/2" ISO

into pressurized processes where the Fitting body NPT 1/2"
probe needs to be able to be removed
Ball-valve set BALLVALVE-1 35 (1.37)
while the process is running. The probe
depth is adjustable. Sampling cell DMT242SC or
Optional filter for low pressures
(suitable for all models)

Technical Data
Measured Parameters Inputs and Outputs
DEW POINT Operating voltage 10 ... 35 VDC, 24 VAC ±20 %
Sensor Vaisala DRYCAP®180M with optional power supply module 100 ... 240 VAC 50/60 Hz
Measurement range -60 ... +80 °C (-76 ... +176 °F) Td Power consumption @ 20 °C (Uin 24VDC)
For continuous use -60 ... +45 °C (-76 ... +113 °F) Td RS232 max. 25 mA
Accuracy Uout 2 x 0...1V / 0...5V / 0...10V max. 25 mA
up to 20 bar/290 psia ±2 °C/±3.6 °F Iout 2 x 0...20 mA max. 60 mA

Dew Point
(see the accuracy graph below) display and backlight + 20 mA
20 ... 50 bar/290 ... 725 psia additional inaccuracy +1 °C Td during sensor purge max. + 110 mA
Analog outputs (2 standard, 3rd optional)
Dew point temperature (°C)

Area not recommended for

continuous measurement
current output 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA
voltage output 0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V
Accuracy of analog outputs at 20 °C 0.05% full scale
Temperature dependence of the
analog outputs ± 0.005%/°C full scale
External loads
current outputs RL < 500 ohm
Dew point measurement renge lower limit
0 ... 1V output RL > 2 kohm
0 ... 5V and 0 ... 10V outputs RL > 10 kohm
Temperature of measured gas (°C)
Max. wire size 0.5 mm2 (AWG 20) stranded wires recommended
Dew point accuracy vs. measurement conditions Digital outputs RS232, RS485 (optional)
Response time 63% [90%] at +20 °C gas temperature Service connection RS232, USB
Flow rate 1 l/min and 1 bar pressure Relay outputs 0.5 A, 250 VAC, SPDT (optional)
-60 ... -20 °C Td (-76 ... -4 °F Td) 5 s [10 s] Ethernet interface (optional)
-20 ... -60 °C Td (-4 ... -76 °F Td) 45 s [10 min] Supported standards 10/100Base-T
Measurement range 0 ... +80 °C (+32 ... +176 °F) Protocols Telnet
Accuracy ±0.2 °C at room temperature WLAN interface (optional)
Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Supported standards 802.11b
Antenna connector type RP-SMA
Protocols Telnet
Measurement range 0 ... 70 %RH
Security WEP 64/128, WPA
Accuracy (RH <10 %RH, at + 20 °C) ±0.004 %RH + 20% of reading
Authentication / Encryption
Open / no encryption
Measurement range (typical) 10 ... 2500 ppm
Open / WEP
Accuracy (at + 20 °C, 1 bar) 1 ppm + 20% of reading
WPA Pre-shared key / TKIP
Other measurement parameters available (model-dependent):
WPA Pre-shared key / CCMP (a.k.a. WPA2)
mixing ratio, absolute humidity, pressure dew point calculated
Optional data logger with real-time clock
to 1 bar, temperature difference (T-Td), water vapor pressure
Logged parameters max. three with trend/min./max. values
Operating Environment Logging interval 10 sec. (fixed)
Operating temperature Max. logging period 4 years, 5 months
for probes -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F) Logged points 13.7 million points per parameter
Mechanical durability up to +180 °C (+356 °F) Battery lifetime min. 5 years
of transmitter body -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Display LCD with backlight, graphical trend
with display 0 ... +60 °C (+32 ... +140 °F) display of any parameter
Storage temperature range -55 ... +80 °C (-67 ... +176 °F) Menu languages English, Chinese, Finnish, French, German,
Pressure range for probes see probe specifications Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
Sample flow rate no effect
Measured gases non-corrosive gases
Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard
EN61326-1, Industrial environment
Note: Transmitter with display test impedance of
40 ohm is used in IEC61000-4-5 (Surge immunity)

Mechanics Dimensions
Cable bushing M20x1.5 for cable diameter 8 ... 11mm/0.31 ... 0.43" Dimensions in mm (inches)

71 (2.80)

77 (3.03)
Conduit fitting 1/2" NPT
User cable connector (optional) M12 series 8-pin (male)
option 1 female plug with 5 m (16.4 ft.) black cable

71 (2.80)

77 (3.03)
option 2 female plug with screw terminals
USB-RJ45 Serial Connection Cable 219685
Probe cable diameter 5.5 mm
Standard probe cable lengths 2 m, 5 m or 10 m
(Additional cable lengths available, 183 (7.20)

please see order forms for details) 169 (6.65)

Housing material G-AlSi 10 Mg (DIN 1725)
183 (7.20)
Housing classification IP 66
IP65 (NEMA4X) with local display 169 (6.65)

116 (4.57)

96 (3.78)
depending on selected probe, cable and modules 1.0 – 3.0 kgs

7 (0.28)
116 (4.57)

96 (3.78)

7 (0.28)
DRYCAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.



Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B210952EN-E ©Vaisala 2014
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for
more information
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.

You Compress Air.
We Make Sure It’s Dry.
Optimize your compressed air quality

Dew Point
with the right dew point instrument

Fastest wet-to-dry response

time on the market - just minutes ✔
Product range from -80°C to
+60°C Td with ±2°C accuracy ✔
Long, 2-year
calibration interval ✔
High resistance to contamination
– immune to compressor oil ✔
Complete recovery from
saturated conditions ✔

For more information, please visit:


DMT345 and DMT346 Dewpoint Transmitters

for High Temperature Applications

The large graphical display allows the

user to check data at a glance.

Vaisala DRYCAP ® Dewpoint Transmitters DMT345 and DMT346 are designed Features/Benefits
to measure and control humidity, especially in dry environments with high
temperatures. ▪ The DMT345 measures
humidity at temperatures up to
180 °C (356 °F)
The Vaisala DRYCAP® Dewpoint The accuracy and stability of the
Transmitters DMT345 and DMT345 and the DMT346 are due to ▪ The DMT346 measures
humidity at temperatures up to
DMT346 are designed for humidity their unique auto-calibration function,
350 °C (+662 °F)
measurement in industrial drying developed by Vaisala. This feature
applications with particularly high allows the transmitter to perform ▪ Dew point accuracy ±2 °C
temperatures. calibration and adjustment by itself (±3.6 °F)

Both transmitters incorporate the while the measured process is ▪ Vaisala DRYCAP® sensor
Vaisala DRYCAP® sensor, which is running. If the measurement accuracy provides accurate and reliable
is not confirmed, corrections are measurement with excellent
accurate, reliable, and stable. The
made automatically. The procedure long-term stability and fast
sensor is condensation-resistant response time
and is immune to particulate is so quick and corrections so
contamination, oil vapor, and most minor that it causes no disruption, ▪ Condensation-resistant
ensuring easy maintenance and high
chemicals. The DRYCAP® sensor is
performance. In normal conditions, it ▪ Unique auto-calibration feature
notable for its swift response time
and rapid recovery after getting wet. is recommended to have a traceable ▪ NIST traceable calibration
calibration performed once a year. (certificate included)
Measure Humidity Directly ▪ Graphical display and keypad
in Hot Processes DMT345: Accurate in Hot for convenient operation
and Dry Environments
The DMT345 and DMT346 are ▪ Optional alarm relays and
built for direct measurement in The DMT345 is designed for accurate mains power supply module
humidity measurement in hot and
hot processes. Therefore, there
dry conditions. This model provides
▪ Analog outputs, RS232/485,
is no need for sampling systems WLAN/LAN
unmatched dry-end measurement
and trace heating. As a result,
high measurement accuracy and accuracy at temperatures up to 140 °C; ▪ MODBUS protocol support
constancy are maintained. however, it can operate safely at
temperatures up to 180 °C.
The stainless steel probe is especially designed for high The optional data logger, with real-time clock, makes
temperatures and has an optional installation flange for it possible to generate over four years of measurement
easy adjustment of the probe’s installation depth and, history and zoom in on any desired time or time frame.
therefore, more precise positioning. The display alarm allows tracking of any measured
parameter, with freely configurable low and high limits.
DMT346: Reliable in Very Hot Processes
The DMT346 provides the best measurement performance Versatile Outputs and Data Collection
at process temperatures between 140 °C and 350 °C. DMT345 and DMT346 transmitters can support up to three

Dew Point
The DMT346 includes a cooling set as standard. The analog outputs; an isolated galvanic power supply and
cooling effect can be regulated by adding the cooling relay outputs are also available.
fins, or they can be removed from the set for optimal For serial interface the USB connection, RS232, and RS485
measurement performance. can be used.
The cooling system has no moving parts, and requires no DMT345 and DMT346 are also capable of applying
additional power or cooling utilities, so there is no risk of the MODBUS communication protocol and, together
sensor damage due to mechanical cooling failure. with an appropriate connection option, provide either
Additionally, sensor warming minimizes the risk of MODBUS RTU (RS485) or MODBUS TCP/IP (Ethernet)
condensation accumulating on the sensor. In low humidity communication.
conditions the combination of auto-calibration and The data logger, with real-time clock and battery backup,
DRYCAP® ensures accurate measurement. guarantees reliable logging of measurement data for over
four years. The recorded data can be viewed on the local
Graphical Display of Measurement Data display or transferred to a PC with Microsoft Windows®
and Trends for Convenient Operation software. The transmitter can also be connected to a
The DMT345 and DMT346 transmitters feature a large network with an optional (W)LAN interface, which enables
numerical and graphical display with a multilingual menu a (wireless) Ethernet connection. A USB service cable
and keypad. It allows users to easily monitor operational makes it easy to connect the DMT345/346 to a PC via the
data, measurement trends, and access measurement service port.
history for the past 12 months. Units are delivered installation-ready.

Technical Data
Measured Variables DMT345
Sensor Vaisala DRYCAP®180S Measurement range 0 ... +180 °C (+32 ... +356°F)
Measurement range -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... +212 °F) Td with sensor warming upper range limited by humidity
Accuracy ±2°C (±3.6 °F) Td (at 80 %RH warming is switched on and T
See the accuracy graph below reading not actual process temperature)
Dew point temperature (°C)

Accuracy ±0.4 °C at 100 °C

Accuracy Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751
e ± 4°C Td
n lin
t io or better
s at u Accuracy ±2°C Td
or Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH
v ap or better
ter e with sensor warming 0 ... 80 %RH
Wa ac t i v
outp Accuracy
i f ie d , mit
not s
p e c wer li below 10 %RH ±10% of reading
a c y r a n ge lo
A cc u
r nt
re m e above 10 %RH ±1.5 %RH + 1.5% of reading
e a su
p o int m
D ew

Dew point accuracy vs. measurement conditionsgas (°C) MIXING RATIO DMT345
Temperature of measured
Measurement range (typical) 0 ... 1000 g/kg (0 ... 7000 gr/lbs)
Dew point accuracy vs. measurement conditions Accuracy (typical) ±12% of reading
Response time 63% [90%] flow rate 1 l/min and 1 bar pressure
from dry to wet 5 s [10 s]
from wet to dry including auto-calibration 45 s [5 min]

Technical Data
Measured Variables DMT346 Temperature dependence of
DEW POINT DMT346 analog outputs ± 0.005%/°C full scale
Sensor Vaisala DRYCAP®180S External loads
Measurement range -25 ... +100 °C (-13 ... +212 °F) Td current outputs RL< 500 ohm
Accuracy ±2 °C (±3.6 °F) Td 0 ... 1V output RL > 2 kohm
See the accuracy graph below 0 ... 5V and 0 ... 10V outputs RL > 10 kohm
Dew point temperature (°C)

Max. wire size 0.5 mm2 (AWG 20) stranded

wires recommended
Digital outputs RS232, RS485 (optional)
Protocols ASCII commands, MODBUS RTU
Service connection RS232, USB
Relay outputs 2+2 pcs (optional) 0.5 A, 250 VAC, SPDT
Ethernet interface (optional)
Supported standards 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX
Connector 8P8C (RJ45)
IPv4 address assignment DHCP (automatic), static
Protocols Telnet, MODBUS TCP/IP
WLAN interface (optional) DHCP (automatic), static
Dew point accuracy vs. measurement conditions
Supported standards 802.11b
Response time 63% [90%] flow rate 1 l/min and 1 bar pressure Antenna connector type RP-SMA
from dry to wet 5 s [10 s] IPv4 address assignment DHCP (automatic), static
from wet to dry including auto-calibration 45 s [5 min] Protocols Telnet, MODBUS TCP/IP
MIXING RATIO DMT346 Security WEP 64/128, WPA WPA2/802.11i
Measurement range (typical) 0 ... 1000 g/kg (0 ... 7000 gr/lbs) Authentication / Encryption (WLAN)
Accuracy (typical) ±12% of reading Open / no encryption
Operating Environment, DMT345 and DMT346 Open / WEP
Mechanical durability up to +180 °C (+356 °F) for DMT345 WPA Pre-shared key / TKIP
of probes up to +350 °C (+662 °F) for DMT346 WPA Pre-shared key / CCMP (a.k.a. WPA2)
of transmitter body -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Optional data logger with real-time clock
with display 0 ... +60 °C (32 … +140 °F) Logged parameters max. four with trend/min/max values
Storage temperature range -55 ... +80 °C (-67 … +176 °F) Logging interval 10 sec. (fixed)
Pressure range for probes slight pressure difference (~ 200 mbar) Max. logging period 4 years, 5 months
Measured gases non-corrosive gases Logged points 13.7 million points per parameter
Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard Battery lifetime min. 5 years
EN61326-1, Industrial environment Display LCD with backlight, graphical trend display
Note: Transmitter with display test impedance of Menu languages English, Chinese, Finnish, French, German,
40 ohm is used in IEC61000-4-5 (Surge immunity) Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish

Inputs and Outputs, DMT345 and DMT346 Mechanics, DMT345 and DMT346
Operating voltage 10 ... 35 VDC, 24 VAC ±20% Cable bushing M20x1.5 for cable diameter
with optional power supply module 100 ... 240 VAC 50/60 Hz 8 ... 11mm/0.31 ... 0.43"
Default start-up time Conduit fitting (optional) 1/2"NPT
initial reading after power-up 3s User cable connector (optional) M12 series 8-pin (male)
full operation after sensor purge and autocalibration about 6 min option 1 female plug with 5 m (16.4 ft.) black cable
Power consumption @ 20 °C (Uin 24 VDC) option 2 female plug with screw terminals
Uout 2x0 ... 1V/0 ... 5V/0 ... 10V max. 25 mA USB-RJ45 Serial Connection Cable 219685
Iout 2x0 ... 20mA max. 60 mA Probe cable diameter 5.5 mm
RS232 max. 25 mA Standard probe cable lengths 2 m, 5 m or 10 m
display and backlight + 20 mA (Additional cable lengths available, please
during sensor purge max. + 110 mA see order forms for details)
Analog outputs (2 standard, 3rd optional) Housing material G-AlSi 10 Mg (DIN 1725)
current output 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA Housing classification IP 66
voltage output 0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V IP65 (NEMA4X) with local display
Accuracy of analog outputs at 20 °C ± 0.05% full scale Weight
depending on selected probe, cable, and modules 1.0 – 3.0 kgs
Technical Data
Dimensions in mm (inches)

DMT345 and DMT346 transmitter housing DMT345 probe and mounting flange

75 (2.96)
50 (1.97)

13.5 (0.53)

28 (1.10)
12 (0.47)

Dew Point
77 (3.03)
71 (2.80)

75 (2.95)
41 (1.61)

27 (1.06)
2 (0.08)
192 (7.56) drilling 16...22 (0.63...0.87)
242 (9.53)

183 (7.20)

169 (6.65)
DMT346 cooling set
304 (11.97)
27.5 164 (6.46) 112.5 (4.43)
(1.08) 8 15 (0.59) 40.6 (1.6)
116 (4.57)

96 (3.78)

ø20 (0.79)

ø105 (4.13)
ø118 (4.65)

120 (4.72)
ø28 (1.1)
ø89 (3.5)
ø7 (0.28)

(fixed on top of
the cooling set)

125 (4.92)
cooling element mounting cooling fins

DMT346 probe

steel grid
grid cable
cable 2, 25 m, 5m
or 10 m or 10 m

357 (14.1)

334.5 (13.17)

ø 11
22.5 (0.89) ø13.5 (0.53)

DRYCAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210723EN-F ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


DMT242 Dewpoint Transmitter for

OEM Applications
▪ Ideal choice for industrial dryer
▪ Incorporates advanced Vaisala
DRYCAP® Sensor and enhanced
auto-calibration software
▪ Long-term stability in low
dew points
▪ Fast response time

▪ Two sensor options cover

dew point measurement
range from -60 … +60 °C
(-76 … +140 °F) with an
accuracy of ±2 °C (±3.6 °F)
▪ Withstands condensation

▪ NIST traceable (certificate

Due to its wide measurement range and high long-term stability, the DMT242 is an ▪ Compatible with Vaisala
ideal choice for low dew point industrial applications such as compressed air dryers, DRYCAP® Hand-Held Dewpoint
plastic dryers and other OEM applications. Meter DM70

Vaisala DRYCAP ® The auto-calibration software works Dimensions

The Vaisala DRYCAP® Dewpoint on-line while the process is running. Dimensions in mm (inches)
Transmitter DMT242 provides If the measurement accuracy is not
reliable and stable measurements confirmed, corrections are made
for industrial dryer applications. It is automatically. The DMT242 adjusts
designed for extreme conditions. the measurement, corrects dry-end
DMT242 incorporates the Vaisala drifts and continues to function.
DRYCAP® thin film polymer sensor Calibration occurs quickly, and
and auto-calibration software. with corrections so minor, it will go
The standard sensor choice for unnoticed.
dry gases and desiccant dryers is
DRYCAP® 180M and for more humid Compact, Rugged and
applications such as refrigeration Intelligent
dryers, a DRYCAP® 180S sensor. Due to its compact size, DMT242 is
Both the sensors are immune to quickly and easily installed in tight
particulate contamination, water spaces.
condensation, oil vapor and most Users can perform a field-check by
chemicals. Because the sensor using the Vaisala DRYCAP® Hand-
withstands condensation, its Held Dewpoint Meter DM70. The
performance is unmatched for transmitter can be sent to Vaisala
low dew point applications that Service for NIST traceable calibration.
experience process water spikes, The recommended calibration
such as pipeline condensation during interval is every two years.
a system failure or start-up.

Technical Data

Dew Point Temperature Operating Environment

Measurement range (typical) -60 ... +60 °C (-76 ... +140 °F) Temperature 0 ... +60 °C (32 ... +140 °F)
Analog output scalings higher temperature peaks Short-term OK
Option A -80 ...+20 °C (-112 ... +68 °F) Td Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %RH
Option B -60 ... +60 °C (-76 ... +140 °F) Td Pressure 0 ... 20 bara (0 ... 290 psia)

Dew Point
Option X free scaling Sample flow rate no effect
(when the dew point is below 0 °C (32 °F),
the transmitter outputs frost point)
Accuracy with DRYCAP® 180M ±2 °C (±3.6 °F)
(see graph below)
Analog output 4 ...20 mA
Resolution for analog output ±0.002 mA
Typical temperature dependence 0.0008 mA/ °C
Serial line for service use RS232

Sensor DRYCAP® 180M
Optimal sensor for refrigeration dryers DRYCAP® 180S
Operating voltage 18 - 35 VDC, 20 - 28 VAC
Power consumption at 24 VDC max. 220 mA
External load for analog output max. 500 Ω
Optional connection cable with
DMT242 connector 2 m or 10 m
Connector for supply voltage and
Response time 63 % [90 %] at +20 °C gas temperature
signal output
Flow rate >1 l/min and 1 bar pressure
max. wire size 0.75 mm2
-60 -> -20 °C Td (-76 -> -4 °F Td) 5 s [10 s]
max. cable diameter 6.5 mm /PG7
-20 -> -60 °C Td (-4 -> -76 °F Td) 45 s [10 min]
Service cable for serial interface
Accuracy with DRYCAP® 180S ±2 °C (±3.6 °F)
RS232 product code DMT242RS
(see graph below)

Probe material (wetted parts) stainless steel

Dew point temperature (°C)

70 (AISI 316L)
Sensor protection stainless steel
tion lin sintered filter (HM47280)
40 satura
30 vapor
Water Mechanical connection G½” ISO228-1 thread with
10 bonded seal ring (U-seal)
0 Td
y < ± 2°C
-10 Electronics housing material plastic (ABS/PC)
-30 Housing classification IP65 (NEMA4)
-40 Weight 225 g
er limit
-50 ur ement range low
-60 Dew point meas Storage temperature range -40 ... +70 °C, (-40 ... +158 °F)
-80 Complies with the EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements;
Process temperature (°C) Industrial environment.

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B210765EN-E ©Vaisala 2015
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for
more information
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


DMT152 Dewpoint Transmitter for Low

Dew Point Measurement in OEM Applications

The small and powerful DMT152 measures dew point down to -80 °C.

The Vaisala DRYCAP® Dewpoint Applications
Transmitter DMT152 is designed for
The DMT152 is an ideal choice for
▪ Compact measuring low dew point in OEM
industrial applications where it
applications, even down to -80°C .
▪ Accurate
The excellent long-term stability and
is necessary to control very low
humidity. Most typical areas of
▪ Vaisala DRYCAP® technology reliability of its performance is based
use are air and plastics dryers, dry
with a polymer sensor on the latest DRYCAP® polymer
chambers, pure gases, and
▪ Measures dew point down sensor technology.
highvoltage circuit breakers.
to -80 °C (-112 °F )
Low Maintenance The DMT152 measures accurately
▪ Reduced maintenance costs
The DMT152 mechanics have been and reliably also in the challenging
due to long calibration
interval designed for harsh environments combination of low humidity and
requiring protection against dust, hot air, which is typical in plastics
▪ Fast response time
dirt, and splashed water. drying.
▪ Withstands condensation
The DRYCAP® technology has a low
▪ NIST traceable maintenance need due to its excellent
long-term stability and durability
▪ Applications: compressed air,
against condensation.
plastics drying, dry chambers,
pure gases, and high-voltage
circuit breakers

Technical Data
Measured Variables General
Measurement range -80 ... -10 °C (-112 ... +14 °F)Td Thin-film capacitive polymer sensor
Accuracy Recommended calibration interval 2 years
-80 ... -30 °C (-112 ... -22 °F) ±2 °C (3.6 °F) Td Operating voltage with
-30 ... -10 °C (-22 ... +14 °F) ±3 °C (5.4 °F) Td RS485 output 11* ... 28 VDC
Non-calibrated range -100 ... -80 °C, -10 ... +20 °C Td voltage output 15* ... 28 VDC

Dew Point
(-148 ... -112 °F, +14 ... +68 °F Td) current output 21 ... 28 VDC
Analog output scalings *For extended temp. down to -40 °C (-40 °F) or pressure up to
option 1 -80 ... +20 °C (-112 ... +68 °F) Td 50 bar (725 psia), the supply voltage is 21 ... 28 VDC.
option 2 -100 ... 0 °C (-148 ... +32 °F) Td Supply current
option 3 user-specified output scaling normal measurement 20 mA + load current
when dew point is below 0 °C (32 °F) the transmitter outputs during self-diagnostics max. 220 mA pulsed
frost point Supply voltage fluctuation max. 0.3 V
Accuracy over temperature range External load for
voltage output min. 10 kOhm
20 current output max. 500 Ohm
Dewpoint temperature (°C)

10 Accuracy not specified

Not recommended for continuous measurement
Housing material (wetted parts) AISI316L
Accuracy ±3 °C Td
Stainless steel mesh filter Filter body AISI303, mesh
-50 Accuracy ±2 °C Td
AISI316L, grade 18 μm
Mechanical connections ISO G½”, NPT ½", UNF 3/4”- 16”
-90 Accuracy not specified Housing classification IP65 (NEMA 4)
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Storage temperature range -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Temperature of measured gas (°C) Weight (ISO G½”) 190 g (6.70 oz)
Response time 63 % [90 %] at a gas temperature of +20 °C (+68 °F) Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment for
and pressure of 1 bar measurement control and laboratory use - EMC requirements;
-10 ... -80 °CTd 0.5 min [7.5 min] Industrial environment
-80 ... -10 °CTd 2 s [5 s]
Typical long-term stability better than 2 °C (3.6 °F) /year
Connection cable for MI70 hand-held indicator 219980
Measurement range (typical) 0 ... 500 ppm
USB cable for pc connection 219690
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F),
Sampling cells (available for ISO G½”)
1013 mbar ±(0.2 ppm + 20 % of reading)
basic sampling cell DMT242SC
Operating Environment with Swagelok 1/4” male connectors DMT242SC2
Temperature -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F) with a quick connector and leak screw DSC74
Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %RH (up to + 20 °C/68 °F) two-pressure sampling cell DSC74B
Pressure 0 ... 50 bar (725 psia) NW40 flange 225220SP
Measured gases non-corrosive gases
Sample flow rate no effect on measurement accuracy
4.74 1.3 3
Outputs 2.99
76 32.5
Two analog outputs (scalable) 4 ... 20 mA, 0 ... 20 mA (3 wire)
0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V
Accuracy of analog outputs ± 0.01 V / ±0.01 mA
Ø 29.5

Ø 12

Digital output RS485 (2-wire) 1.18

AW 30
Alarm-level indication by analog signal user selectable
G 1/2" ISO 228-1
Purge information 5 V, 10 V, 20 mA or LED 5.06
2.99 1.28
76 32.5
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210750EN-F ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
Ø 29.5

for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This

Ø 12

of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,


means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information
1/2" NPT
to change without notice.

32.5 117

DMT143 Miniature Dewpoint Transmitter

for OEM Applications
▪ Miniature size dew point
transmitter for e.g. small
industrial dryer applications
▪ Vaisala DRYCAP® technology
with auto-calibration
▪ Calibration interval of two years
▪ Dew point measurement range
-60...+60 °C (-76...+140 °F)
▪ Accuracy ±2 ºC (±3.6 ºF)
▪ Withstands condensation
▪ Fast response time
▪ Compatible with Vaisala
DRYCAP® Hand-Held Dewpoint
Meter DM70
▪ NIST traceable calibration
(certificate included)
▪ Easy servicing and data transfer
The Vaisala DRYCAP® Dewpoint Transmitter DMT143 is an ideal choice for small via the RS485 user interface
compressed air dryers, plastic dryers and other OEM applications.
LED alarm for exceeded dew
▪ point level
Vaisala DRYCAP® DRYCAP® Hand-Held Dewpoint Meter

The Vaisala DRYCAP® Dewpoint

DM70 can be used to confirm the Easy Installation
performance of the DMT143 without
Transmitter DMT143 is a miniature dew The DMT143 has a variety of features to
disconnecting the transmitter. For any
point measurement instrument. The choose from, including different output,
adjustment needs, the transmitter can
transmitter can be installed directly installation options and alarm LED.
be sent to Vaisala Service.
into pressurized systems at 50 bar Due to its small size and light weight, the
(725 psia) maximum pressure. The The auto-calibration software works
DMT143 is quickly and easily installed
long-term high performance is achieved on-line while the process is running.
in tight spaces or in small-size pipelines.
with Vaisala DRYCAP® technology. If the measurement accuracy is not
The alarm LED indicates too high dew
confirmed, corrections are made
The sensor fully withstands getting wet, point in the process. The trigger point
and therefore, the transmitter performs is preset at the factory. It can be later
exceptionally well in applications that adjusted with the Vaisala DRYCAP®

Technical Data
occasionally experience process water Hand-Held Dewpoint Meter DM70 or a PC.
spikes, such as pipeline condensation
during a system failure or start-up. Measured Parameters
The sensor is also highly resistant to DEW POINT TEMPERATURE
particulate contamination, oil vapor Measurement range(typical) -60 ... +60 °C (-76 ... +140 °F) Td
and most chemicals, and is insensitive Analog output scalings
to the flow rate. option 1 -80 ...+20 °C (-112 ... +68 °F) Td
option 2 -80 ...+20 °C (-112 ... +68 °F) Td dew point at ambient pressure
Long Calibration Interval option 3 free scaling
The calibration interval of the DMT143 Accuracy in air or N2 ±2 °C (±3.6 °F) Td (see graph below)
is two years. Additionally, the Vaisala when the dew point is below 0 °C (32 °F), the transmitter outputs frostpoint

Technical Data
Supply current
50 Not recommended for normal measurement max 10mA + load current
continuous measurement
Dewpoint temperature (°C)

during self-diagnostics max. 220 mA pulsed
20 Load for current output max. 500 Ohm
0 Accuracy Load for voltage output min. 10 kOhm
-10 ±2 °C Td
-20 Housing material stainless steel (AISI316L)
±4 °C Td
Sensor protection stainless steel sintered filter
Mechanical connection ISO G1/2” or NPT 1/2

Dew Point
-70 Accuracy not specified
Housing classification IP66 (NEMA 4)
Dewpoint measurement low limit
Storage temperature range -40 ... +60 °C (-40...+140 °F)
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Weight G-thread version 90g (3.2oz)
Temperature of measured gas (°C)
NPT-thread version 100g (3.5oz)
Dew point accuracy vs. measurement conditions Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment for
measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements -
Industrial environment.
Response time 63% [90%] at +20 °C gas temperature and 1 bar
pressure Accessories
-60 -> -20 °C Td (-76 -> -4 °F Td) 5 s [15 s] Connection cable for DM70 219980SP
-20 -> -60 °C Td (-4 -> -76 °F Td) 45 s [10 min] USB connection cable 219690
Measurement range (typical) 10 ... 40000 ppm Sampling cells
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F), 1 bar 1 ppm + 20% of reading basic sampling cell DMT242SC
with Swagelok 1/4" male connectors DMT242SC2
with quick connector and leak screw DSC74SP
Operating Environment two-pressure sampling cell DSC74BSP
Measured gases non-corrosive gases
cooling/venting coil DMCOILSP
Temperature *) -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
See DM70 / Portable Sampling Systems and Sampling Cells for
Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %RH
further information about sampling cells available
Pressure *) 0 ... 50 bara (725 psia)
Loop powered external display 226476
Sample flow rate no effect for measurement accuracy
Loop powered external display with relays 234759
*) For extended temperature below 0 °C (+32 °F) or pressure
above 20 bara (290 psia) the supply voltage must be 24 ... 28 VDC. Dimensions
in mm AW24
Outputs G1/2”
Analog output (scalable) 4 ... 20 mA (3-wire), 0 ... 1 V/5 V, 1 ... 5 V
Resolution for current output 0.002 mA Ø 12
Ø 28

Resolution for voltage output 0.3 mV

Typical temperature dependence 0.005 % of span / °C
Digital output RS-485, non-isolated 57 22.5
Vaisala Industrial Protocol 91.6
Connector 4-pin M8 (IEC 60947-5-2)
Ø 32 AW30

General NPT1/2”
Ø 12

Sensor Vaisala DRYCAP® 180D

Recommended calibration interval
to confirm the specified accuracy 2 years 22.5
Operating voltage with voltage output 12 ... 28 VDC 49.1
Operating voltage with current output 18 ... 28 VDC 91.6

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211207EN-C ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


DMT132 Dewpoint Transmitter

for Refrigerant Dryers
Features / Benefits
▪ Affordable dew point
transmitter for refrigerant

▪ High accuracy ±1°C (±1.8°F)

in the measurement range of
refrigerant dryers

▪ Excellent long-term stability -

resistant to compressor oil and
most other chemicals thanks to
HUMICAP® technology

▪ Low power requirements,

10 ... 28 VDC

▪ Easy to verify functionality with

compatible hand-held meters
DM70 or HM70

▪ Optional LED warning light

The optional LED warning light tells the user when the defined dew point limit has
been exceeded.

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Dewpoint High Accuracy and DMT132 operating voltages can be as
Transmitter DMT132 is an affordable Long-Term Stability low as 10 VDC.
dew point measurement instrument Verifying the performance of the
The DMT132 provides optimal
designed to verify the functionality of DMT132 is easy with the compatible
performance in the operating range of
refrigerant dryers. It is especially well Vaisala hand-held DM70 or HM70
refrigerant dryers. In the measurement
suited for OEM dryer manufacturers. meters. The user can perform
range of -3 … 20 °C (+26.6 … +68 °F),
where the refrigerator dryers typically possible adjustments with the Vaisala
Direct Measurement HMK15 Humidity Calibrator.
operate, the Td accuracy is ±1°C (±1.8°F).
Cuts Costs
The instrument incorporates the
Direct outlet air dew point proven Vaisala HUMICAP® sensor,
measurement provides accurate which is resistant to compressor oil
information about dryer functionality and most other chemicals, thereby
and is more reliable than the providing excellent long-term stability.
traditional method of measuring
refrigerator temperature only. Quick Installation and
Knowledge of the real dew point Easy Field Checking
ensures high quality compressed air
It takes just a few minutes to install
at all times and enables customers to
the DMT132 directly into a dryer or
optimize dryer capacity. This helps
compressed air line through a G1/2"
to prevent investment in redundant
ISO thread. Vaisala sampling cells
dryer capacity and avoid unnecessary Demand for dew point sensors to verify
can also be used. The loop-powered refrigerant dryers is increasing. Direct
maintenance and costly malfunctions.
electronics mean that wiring is easy dew point measurement enables energy
and power requirements are low. The savings and improved efficiency.

Technical Data
Performance General
DEW POINT Sensor Vaisala HUMICAP®180R
Measurement range -20 ... +50 °C (-4 ... +122 °F) Td Recommended calibration interval 2 years
Accuracy (at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±1 °C for -3...20 °C (+26.6 ... +68 °F) Td (in refrigerant dryer application)
±2 °C for -15...-3 °C (+5 ... +26.6 °F) Td Mechanical connection G 1/2" ISO
see accuracy graph below Operating voltage 10 .... 28 VDC
* when dew point is below 0 °C (+32 °F), the transmitter outputs External load max 100 ohm for supply voltages <20 VDC

Dew Point
frostpoint max 500 ohm for supply voltages 20...28 VDC
Response time at 20 °C (+68 °F) gas temperature and 1 bar pressure Weight 65 g (2.3 oz)
-14 -> +3 °C (+7 -> +37 °F) Td 17 s (63%) Housing material PPS + 40% GF
40 s (90%) Housing classification IP65 (NEMA 4)
+3 -> -14 °C (+37 -> +7 °F) Td 33 s (63%) Storage temperature range -40 ... + 80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
85 s (90%) Start-up time 3s
Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment
CALCULATED VARIABLES for measurement control and laboratory use - EMC requirements;
Dew point converted to atmospheric pressure Tdf atm Industrial environment

60 Options and Accessories

50 Tube filter 230602
Dew point temperature (°C)

40 Special cover set for HMK15

30 (calibrator fitting DMT132 and HMP60) 230914
Accuracy NPT Adapter 210662SP
10 ±1 °C Accuracy
±2 °C
Sample cells DMT242SC, DMT242SC2, DSC74,
Duct installation flange DM240FA
-30 Cables (several lengths available) HMP50Z032, HMP50Z300SP,
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 HMP50Z500SP, HMP50Z1000SP
Temperature of measured gas (°C) Loop powered external display 226476
USB Service cable 219690
Connection cable to DM70/HM70 219980
Operating Environment
LED plug 230388
Operating temperature -10 ... + 60 °C (+14 ... +140 °F)
ISO" 1/2 plug 218773
Operating pressure 0 ... 20 bar
NPT1/2" plug 222507
Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %RH
Sealing ring set (3 pcs U-seal) 221525SP
Sample flow rate no effect on measurement accuracy
Measured gases non-corrosive gases

Outputs 125.5
Analog output (scalable) 4...20 mA, 2-wire 80.5 45
AW 30 6 2.5
Resolution for current output 0.002 mA

Accuracy of analog outputs at +20 °C ±0.05% full scale

Typical temperature dependence ±0.005% of full scale/ °C
Connector 4-pin M8 (IEC 60947-5-2) R1
LED indication available for defined

G1/2" ISO 228-1 36

dew point limit/ error state indication
RS485 serial line for service use

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211105EN-B ©Vaisala 2011
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


DM70 Hand-Held Dewpoint Meter for

Spot-Checking Applications
▪ Designed for industrial spot-
checking and field calibration
▪ Three models: accurate
measurement ranges from
-60 to +60 °C (-76 ... +140 °F)
▪ Vaisala DRYCAP® Sensor with
unique autocalibration function
▪ Low maintenance need due to
superior long-term stability
▪ Sensor withstands
▪ Fast response, enhanced by
Sensor Purge option
▪ Easy-to-use user interface

▪ Data can be logged and

transferred to a PC via MI70
Link software
▪ Compact, small and light

The Vaisala DRYCAP® Hand-Held Dewpoint Meter DM70 offers accurate and fast ▪ NIST traceable calibration
(certificate included)
measurement for industrial dew point applications, such as compressed air, metal
treatment and plastics drying.

The Vaisala DRYCAP® Hand-Held sensor provides reliable, stable An analog output is also available.
Dewpoint Meter DM70 measures and high-performance dew point The DM70 meter is suitable for direct
dew point temperature accurately measurement. Autocalibration process dew point measurement in
over a wide measurement range. detects on-line possible measurement a wide temperature and pressure
The probe may be inserted directly inaccuracies and automatically range. For more demanding
into pressurized processes, and corrects dry-end drift in the applications, the DM70 can be
it responds rapidly from ambient calibration curve. used with the Vaisala sampling
to process conditions. The sensor The DM70 has a versatile and easy- cell adapters, or with the Vaisala
withstands condensation and fully to-use, menu-based user interface, a DRYCAP® Sampling System DSS70A.
recovers from getting wet. clear graphical LCD display, and data-
Three probe models, all with auto- logging capability. It can also be used
calibration, are available. The A as a tool for reading the output of
and B models are both general fixed Vaisala dew point transmitters,
purpose probes. The C model is like the DMT242, DMT132, DMT143,
specifically developed for SF6 gas. DMT152 and DMT340.
The B and C probe models have an The DM70 displays one to three
additional Sensor Purge feature that parameters at a time, either
heats and dries the sensor, making numerically or graphically. Several
the response from ambient to dry humidity units can be selected.
conditions exceptionally fast. In addition, the DM70 includes
The DM70 is fitted with the conversion from gas pressure dew
Vaisala DRYCAP® Sensor. The point to ambient pressure dew point.

Technical Data
Measured Variables, Dew point sensor Vaisala DRYCAP® 180M
DEW POINT Measurement range -10 ... +60 °C (+14 ... +140 °F)
Measurement range (typical) -50 ... +60 °C (-58 ... +140 °F) Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.2 °C (±0.36 °F)
Accuracy (A probe) -40...+60 °C ±2 °C (±3.6 °F) Typical temperature dependence
(see graph) of electronics ±0.005 °C/°C (±0.005 °F/°F)
Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751

Dew Point
Dew point converted to atmospheric pressure, ppm volume and
ppm weight concentration
Dew point accuracy
vs. measurement
All Probe Models
Operating temperature -10 ... +60 °C (+14 ... +140 °F)
Response time Operating pressure
flow rate 0.2 m/s, 1 bar pressure, +20 °C (+68 °F) 63% [90%] DMP74A, DMP74B 0 ... 20 bara (0 ... 290 psia)
0 -> -40 °C Td (32 -> -40 °F Td) 20 s [120 s] DMP74C 0 ... 10 bara (0 ... 150 psia)
-40 -> 0 °C Td (-40 -> 32 °F Td) 10 s [20 s] Sample flow rate no effect for measurement accuracy
Dew point sensor Vaisala DRYCAP® 180S Measured gases non-corrosive gases
TEMPERATURE Probe material (wetted parts) Stainless steel (AISI 316L)
Measurement range -10 ... +60 °C (+14 ... +140 °F) Sensor protection Sintered filter (AISI 316L)
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ±0.2 °C (±0.36 °F) partno: HM47280
Typical temperature dependence Mechanical connection G1/2” ISO228-1 thread
of electronics ±0.005 °C/°C (±0.005 °F/°F) with bonded seal ring (U-seal)
Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Housing classification IP65 (NEMA 4)
Dew point converted to atmospheric pressure, ppm volume and
ppm weight concentration, absolute humidity, mixing ratio, relative
humidity MI70 Indicator, General
Menu languages English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, French,
Measured Variables, Japanese, German, Swedish, Finnish,
DMP74B and DMP74C (for SF6 gas) Probes Display LCD with backlight
DEW POINT Graphic trend display of any parameter
Measurement range (typical) -70 ... +30 °C (-94 ... +86 °F) Character height up to 16 mm
Accuracy (B and C probe) -60...+20 °C ±2 °C (±3.6 °F) Max. no of probes 2
(see graph) Power supply Rechargeable NiMH battery pack with AC-adapter
or 4xAA size alkalines, type IEC LR6
Analog output 0...1 VDC
Output resolution 0.6 mV
PC interface MI70 Link software with USB or serial port cable
Dew point accuracy Data logging capacity 2700 points
vs. measurement Alarm Audible alarm function
conditions Operating temperature range -10...+40 °C (+14…+104 °F)
Storage temperature range -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... +158 °F)
Operating humidity range 0 ... 100 % RH, non-condensing
Dotted line: Housing classification IP54
For DMP74C the ±2 °C accuracy range is limited to -50 °C Td when Housing materials ABS/PC blend
used in SF6 gas. Weight 400 g
Battery operation time with DMP74 probe
Response time continuous use 48 h typical at +20 °C (+68 °F)
flow rate 0.2 m/s, 1 bar pressure, +20 °C (+68 °F) 63% [90%] data logging use up to a month, depending on logging interval
0 -> -60 °C Td (32 -> -76 °F Td) 50 s [340 s] Electromagnetic compatibility EN 61326-1, Generic Environment
-60 -> 0 °C Td (-76 -> 32 °F Td) 10 s [20 s]

Technical Data
Accessories Dimensions
Connection cables for fixed Vaisala dew point transmitters Dimensions in mm (inches)
for DMT242 transmitter 27160ZZ
for DMT340 series 211339 Ø 12
for DMT152, DMT143, and DMT132 transmitters 219980 7)

52 (

96 (3.78
for DMT142 transmitter 211917ZZ )

MI70 Link software with USB cable 219687

10.5 (0
G 1/
MI70 Link software with serial port cable MI70LINK 2

Analog output cable 27168ZZ AW24

10 m (32.81 ft) extension cable for probe 213107SP 38 ( 32 (1.26)


300 (11.
Portable Sampling System DSS70A
(see separate data sheet)

140 (5.51)
Cable length 1850 (72.83)

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B010162EN-E
Ref. B010162EN-E ©Vaisala
©Vaisala 2014
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retainedby
rights reserved.Any
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This ofVaisala
of Vaisalaor
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distributionor
distribution orstorage
containedin inthis
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. inany
in anyform
consentof ofVaisala
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more information
— technical
included— — are

Dew Point
Dew Point
Measurement as
It Should Be.
Longest Calibration
Interval – Widest Range.
Fifteen years of leading performance
through continuous innovation.
High quality dew point measurement is essential to process
efficiency, safety and profitability. In fact, the quality of
measurement equals the quality of your process.

Vaisala DRYCAP® sensors provide the highest accuracy over the

widest dew point range on the market, plus the fastest response
time and extremely rapid recovery from condensation. Its unique
auto-calibration function ensures superior stability, giving you
the dual benefit of low maintenance and peace of mind.

Choose from a wide range of fixed and handheld instruments for

hundreds of applications and dozens of industries, worldwide.


DSS70A Portable Sampling System

and Sampling Cells for DM70

The DSS70A provides a compact solution for field checking dew point where direct
measurement is difficult. Typical applications for the sampling system are metal
treatment and plastics drying processes.

DSS70A Portable (+104 °F) should be cooled with a ambient pressure. This sampling cell
Sampling System short PTFE (included in the DSS70A is especially suitable for dew point
system) or stainless steel tube prior measurements in SF6 gas with the
The DSS70A is designed to provide
to entering the DSS70A. DSS70A is an DMP74C probe.
dew point sampling flexibility for the
accessory for DM70 Dewpoint Hand- The DMT242SC is a basic sampling
DM70 hand-held dew point meter. For
held Meter. cell. The DMT242SC2 is a sampling
processes at atmospheric pressure,
a battery powered pump is used to cell supplied with welded Swagelok
Sampling Cells for connectors for sampling in a 1/4”
extract a gas sample. For pressurized
Pressurized Processes pipeline.
processes up to 20 bar, the sample
is measured at process pressure The DM70 can easily be connected to
and then reduced to atmospheric pressurized processes. In addition to
pressure for venting or re-direction, direct pipeline installation, a variety
bypassing the pump. In all cases, the of sampling cell options are available
sample gas passes through a filter for gas sampling.
to remove particulate contamination The DSC74 sampling cell is the
before measurement. Flow through recommended choice. It has a variety
the system is controlled and of connection adapters that allow
monitored with a needle valve and several different ways of installation.
flow meter. The quick connector with a leak The sampling cells (from the left)
screw allows a very fast connection DMT242SC2, DMT242SC and DSC74 can
The DSS70A is easily connected to be used to connect the DM70 to sample
an appropriate sample point with for compressed air lines. Additionally,
gas flow. The DSC74B (right) is a two-
tubing (typically 1/4” or 6 mm). two thread adapters are available for pressure sampling cell that can be used
The measured dew point must be the inlet port. for measurements in either pressurized or
below ambient temperature to avoid The DSC74B is a two-pressure ambient pressure. The cooling/venting
condensation in the system. Gas sampling cell, which enables coil is included in the DSC74C sample
measurements in both process and cell, but is an option for all sampling
temperatures higher than +40 °C
Technical Data

DSS70A Sampling System and DMCOIL cooling/venting coil

DSC74B/C Sampling Cells DMT242SC sampling cell
pressure limit 10 MPa (100 barg, 1450 psig)
Sampling Cell DMT242SC2 sampling cell with Swagelok

Dew Point
Filter for Td Probe Needle Valve Flow meter Sample Pump Sample Gas
Outlet connectors
pressure limit 4 MPa (40 barg, 580 psig)
Sample Gas
Inlet Material for all sampling cells stainless steel AISI316

The DSS70A sampling system includes a filter to clean the dirty DSS70A Sampling System
sample gas and a needle valve to control the sample flow rate Operating Conditions
with the flow meter. A sample pump is used to generate a sample Operating gases air, N2 and other non-toxic,
flow from processes at ambient pressure. inert gases
Sampled gas dew point below Tamb
Measurement Inlet/outlet connection 1/4" Swagelok
in gas Sampling Cell
Valve Removable
pressure for Td Probe
flow limiter Operating temperature
Sample gas ambient temperature 0 ... +40 °C (32 ... +104 °F)
Sample gas process gas temperature
DSC74B with PTFE tube at +20 °C (+68 °F) max. +200 °C (+392 °F)
(included in the DSS70A)
Sample gas
outlet with stainless steel tube specification according to
Measurement in
atmospheric Sampling Cell
stainless steel tube specification
Removable Valve for Td Probe
pressure flow limiter maximum gas temperature at inlet +40 °C (+104 °F)
Operating pressure
Sample gas with pump 0.6 ... 1.2 bara (8.7 ... 17.4 psia)
inlet DSC74B Diffusion coil
pump disconnected 0 ... 20 bara (0 ... 290 psia)

The DSC74B sampling cell enables the measurement of the

sampled gas either in gas pressure up to 10 bar or in atmospheric
Battery operation time for pump 8 h continuous use
pressure depending on the gas inlet and outlet. The DSC74C
battery can be recharged using DM70 charger
is like the DSC74B but with an additional coil to avoid back
Filter 7 mm inline filter cartridge 1/4"
diffusion, the effect of surrounding moisture, in dew point
Swagelok SS-4F-7
measurements in atmospheric pressure.
(spare part order no. 210801)
wetted parts Stainless steel
carrying case ABS plastic
Case size (W x D x H) 430 x 330 x 100 mm
Sampling Cells Technical Data Weight 5.5 kg (12 lbs)
DSC74 sampling cell for pressurized gases
pressure limit 1 MPa (10 barg, 145 psig)
DSC74B two pressure sampling cell Electromagnetic Compatibility
pressure limit 1 MPa (10 barg, 145 psig) EN61326-1, Generic Environment.
DSC74C DSC74B with DMCOIL cooling/venting coil

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210833EN-C ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


DPT146 Dewpoint and Pressure Transmitter

for Compressed Air
▪ The first transmitter that
monitors both dew point and
process pressure

▪ A simple and convenient

transmitter for monitoring
of compressed air

▪ Highly accurate humidity

information thanks to dew
point data coupled with live
pressure input

▪ Proven sensor technology

▪ Compatible with the Vaisala

Hand-Held DM70 for easy spot
checking, local display and
data logging
The DPT146 measures both dew point and process pressure. Monitoring compressed ▪ Pressure: 1 … 12 bar
air is simpler and quicker, helping you to make more informed decisions.
▪ Dew point: -60 … +30 °C
(-76 ... +86 °F) Tdf with
The Vaisala Dewpoint and Pressure in the information. As an example, accuracy of ±2°C (±3.6 °F)
Transmitter DPT146 for Compressed regulative requirements of medical gas
Air makes monitoring compressed can be fulfilled easily and quickly. ▪ Digital output RS-485 with
air simple and convenient. The
DPT146 measures both dew point and A Unique Combination of
process pressure simultaneously, and Two World-Class Sensors Convenience with Proven
is the ideal choice for anyone using
The DPT146 combines the knowledge
or monitoring compressed air. Well-developed technology brings
of more than 20 years of sensor-
both proven results and convenience.
technology development. Proven
Simple and Efficient measurements from the DRYCAP®
Spot-checking and verification of
Installation sensor for dew point and the
dew point is easy thanks to fully
compatible Vaisala DRYCAP® Hand-
One transmitter providing two of BAROCAP® sensor for pressure are
Held Dewpoint Meter DM70. The
the most important compressed now combined into one easy-to-use
DM70 can also be used as a local
air measurements means reduced transmitter.
display and data logger. Temperature
installation costs and a much easier
Dimensions measurement is available when the
setup – with only one instrument
Dimensions in mm (inches) RS485 is in use.
needing connection and wiring.
120.5 120.5
3 3 3
Make More Informed
Ø3 76 Ø3 32.5 76 Ø3 32.5




Dew point measurement combined

with process pressure measurement
AW 30 AW 30 AW 30 G 1/2" ISO 228-1
G 1/2" ISO 228-1
offers further unique advantages.
128.5 128.5
120.5 128.5
When dew point76 data is coupled with
32.5 76
76 32.532.5 7676 32.5 32.5
live pressure input, conversions to
atmospheric pressure or ppm are






available online, leaving no ambiguity

1/2" NPT 3/4"-16
1/2" NPTUNF 3/4"-16 UNF
1/2" NPT
Technical Data
Measured Parameters
Dew point -60 ... +30 °C (-76 ... +86 °F) Relative humidity 0...100 %
Pressure, absolute 1 ... 12 bar (14.5 ... 174 psi) Measured gases Air/ non-corrosive gases
Temperature (available if output Sample flow rate no effect on measurement accuracy
RS-485 only selected) -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Calculated Parameters Analog Outputs (2 channels)

Dew Point
ppm moisture, by volume 1 ... 40 000 ppm current output 0 … 20 mA, 4 … 20 mA
Dew point, converted to voltage output 0 … 5V, 0 …10V
atmospheric pressure -75 … +30 °C (-103 ... +86 °F) Accuracy of analog outputs ± 0.01 V / ± 0.01 mA
Digital output RS-485, non-isolated,
Performance Vaisala protocol,MODBUS RTU protocol
Dew point accuracy ±2 °C (±3.6 °F) Connector 4-pin M8
Pressure accuracy at 23 °C (73.4 °F) ±0.4 %FS General
Pressure temperature dependence ±0.01 bar / 10 °C (18 °F) Sensor Vaisala MPS1 multiparameter sensor
Temperature accuracy Operating voltage 21 ... 28 VDC, current output
0 ... 40 °C (+32 ... +104 °F) ±0.5 °C (± 0.9 °F) 20 ... 28 VDC, voltage output and/or use
-40...80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F) ±1 °C (± 1.8 °F) in cold temperatures (-40 ... -20 °C (-40 ... -4 °F))
PPM accuracy (7 bar) ±(14 ppm + 12% of reading) 15 ... 28 VDC, RS485 only
Sensor response time: Supply current
Pressure response time <1s during normal measurement 20 mA + load current
Dew point response time 63% [90%] at 20°C and 1 bar during self-diagnostics 300 mA + load current
-50 -> -10 °C Tdf 5 s [ 10 s] External load for
-10 -> -50 °C Tdf 10 s [ 2.5 min] current output max. 500 Ohm
voltage output min. 10 kOhm
Housing material AISI316L
30 Not recommended for
continuous measurement
Housing classification IP65 (NEMA4)
Sensor protection Mesh filter AISI303, grade 18 µm
Dewpoint temperature (°C)

Storage temperature range
transmitter only -40 … +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Accuracy shipment package -20 … +80 °C (-4 ... +176 °F)
±2 °C Td
Mechanical connection ISO G1/2”, NPT 1/2", UNF 3/4"-16
-40 Recommended calibration interval 2 years
-50 Weight (ISO1/2") 190 g (6.70 oz)
-60 Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment for
Accuracy not specified
-70 measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements;
Dewpoint measurement low limit
-80 Industrial environment
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature of measured gas (°C) Accessories
Connection cable for MI70 indicator /DM70 meter 219980
DPT146 Dewpoint Measurement Accuracy
USB connection cable 219690
Sampling cells DMT242SC, DMT242SC2, DSC74, DSC74B, DSC74C
Operating Environment Flange DM240FA
Operating temperature of electronics -40 … +60 °C Loop-powered external display 226476
(-40 ... +140 °F) ISO 1/2" plug 218773
Operating Pressure 0 … 50 bar (0…725 psi) NPT 1/2" plug 222507

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211159EN-E ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


DPT145 Multiparameter Transmitter for SF6 Gas

▪ First transmitter to offer online
measurement of seven SF6
parameters in one unit
▪ Measured parameters: dew
point, pressure, temperature
▪ Calculated parameters: SF6
density, normalized pressure,
dew point in atmospheric
pressure, ppm
▪ Saves time and money across
the board, from investment and
installation to operation and
▪ More reliable assessment of the
condition of SF6 insulation due
to online measurement
The Vaisala Multiparameter Transmitter DPT145 with the DILO DN20 connector.
▪ Long calibration interval of years

The Vaisala Multiparameter board, from investment to installation,

▪ Digital output RS-485 with
Transmitter DPT145 for SF6 Gas is a operation and servicing. Lower
unique innovation that enables online assembly costs, fewer cables and
measurement of dew point, pressure, connectors, minimized need for on-site reduces the risk of leaks. Monitoring
and temperature. It also calculates four visits and field operations - all these is environmentally friendly because
other values, including SF6 density. translate into cumulative savings. there is no need for sampling - no SF6
The DPT145 is especially well suited for The long calibration interval results gas is released into the atmosphere.
integration into OEM systems. in further savings.
The Fruit of Experience
Online Reliability Risk-Free, Greener Vaisala has over 70 years of
Online dew point measurement Solution extensive measurement experience
combined with pressure Online measurement enables gas and knowledge. The DPT145 brings
measurement provides an excellent trends to be followed via a data together the proven DRYCAP®
assessment of the condition of the collection system, making monitoring dew point sensor technology
SF6 insulation. Sudden and minor fast, risk-free, and accurate. Using and BAROCAP® pressure sensor
leakages are immediately detected one instrument for monitoring seven technology in one package, providing
by the direct normalized pressure different parameters means also an innovative and convenient
measurement, while online dew fewer mechanical connections and solution for monitoring SF6 gas.
point measurement alerts the user to
moisture issues, which can weaken
the insulation properties of SF6
and cause rapid deterioration. With
the DPT145, it is also easy to build
a redundant solution for multiple

Savings Across the Board The DPT145

A single transmitter, instead of several, with the
saves time and money across the weather shield.

Technical Data Operating Environment
Operating temperature of electronics -40 … +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Operating Pressure 0 … 50 bar (0…725 psi)
Relative humidity 0...100 %
Measured Parameters Measured gases SF6, SF6/N2 mixture
Dewpoint -50 ... +30 °C (-58 ... +86 °F)
Pressure, absolute 1 ... 12 bar (14.5 ... 174 psi)
Digital output RS-485, non-isolated, Vaisala protocol,
Temperature -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
MODBUS RTU protocol
Connector 4-pin M8
Calculated Parameters

Dew Point
Pressure, normalized to 20 °C (68 °F) 1 ... 12 bar (14.5…174 psi)
SF6 or SF6/N2 mixture density 0 ... 100 kg/m3 Sensor Vaisala MPS1 multiparameter sensor
ppm moisture, by volume 40 ... 40 000 ppm Operating voltage 15 ... 28 VDC
Dewpoint, converted to atmospheric 20 ... 28 VDC in cold temperatures (-40 ... -20 °C (-40 ... -4 °F))
pressure -65 … +30 °C (-85 ... +86 °F) Supply current, during normal measurement 20 mA
during self-diagnostics max. 300 mA pulsed
Performance Housing material AISI316L
Dewpoint accuracy ±3 °C (±5.4 °F), see graph below Housing classification IP65 (NEMA4)
Dewpoint stability typical drift < 2 °C (3.6 °F) /5 years Weather shield to be used for continuous outdoor installations
Pressure accuracy at 23 °C (73.4 °F) ±0.4 %FS Storage temperature range
Pressure temperature dependence ±0.01 bar/10 °C (18 °F) transmitter only -40 … +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Pressure stability typical drift < 1 %FS /5 years shipment package -20 … +80 °C (-4 ... +176 °F)
Temperature accuracy Mechanical connection DILO DN20, DILO DN8, ABB Malmkvist,
0 ... 40 °C (+32 ... +104 °F) ±0.5 °C (± 0.9 °F) or Alstom G1/2” compatible connector
-40...80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F) ±1 °C (± 1.8 °F) Every connection is helium leak tested at the factory.
Density accuracy (pure SF6, 1 ... 12 bara) Dimensional drawings See the document B211165EN-B
0 ... 40 °C (+32 ... +104 °F) ±1 %FS Weight (with DILO adapter) 765 g (27.0 oz)
-40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) ±2.2 %FS Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment for
PPM accuracy, typical (5...1000 ppm, 7 bar) ±(7 ppm + 15% of reading) measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements;
Sensor response time: Industrial environment, Tested levels
Pressure response time <1s EN/IEC 61000-4-2, Electrostatic Discharge 8kV con / 15kV air
Dewpoint response time* 63% [90%] at 20°C and 1 bar EN/IEC 61000-4-3, RF field immunity 10V/m (80MHz-4.2GHz)
-50 -> -10 °C Tdf 5 s [ 10 s] EN/IEC 61000-4-4, Electric Fast Transient ±2kV power and signal
-10 -> -50 °C Tdf 10 s [ 2.5 min] EN/IEC 61000-4-5, Surge ±2kV power line to ground / ±1kV signal
* system equilibrium related response time is typically longer line to ground and power line to line
EN/IEC 61000-4-6, Conducted RF 10Vemf power line
40 Immunity and digital output
30 Not recommended for Mechanical vibration
continuous measurement
Dewpoint temperature (°C)

EN/IEC 60068-2-6, Fc Sinusoidial vibration ± 6 g, 5-500 Hz sweep
60 min/axis, 3-axis
Accuracy Accessories
±3 °C Td
-30 Connection cable for the MI70/DM70 hand-held 219980
-40 USB connection cable 219690
Accuracy not specified Protection plug for connector 218675SP
Dewpoint measurement low limit 1.5 m Shielded PUR cable with 90° connector 231519SP
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 3m Shielded PUR cable with 90° connector 231520SP
Temperature of measured gas (°C)
5 m Shielded PUR cable with 90° connector 231521SP
10 m Shielded PUR cable with 90° connector 231522SP
DPT145 Dewpoint Measurement Accuracy 3.0m Shielded FEP cable with straight connector 226902SP
Weather shield ASM210326SP

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211160EN-C ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

Dimensional Drawings of the DPT145
Multiparameter Transmitter

AW27 M30x2

44 80 44 7 53.5

The DPT145 with the The DPT145 with the ABB


weather shield. Malmkvist connector.


51 AW36


AW 32


AW27 G1/2 ISO 228-1

7 20
83 5
7 20
160 60
33 152

The DPT145 with the The DPT145 with the

DILO DN20 connector. Alstom connector.

AW32 / M26x1.5
Ø 29.5

Ø 20


The DPT145 with the

AW 32

DILO DN8 connector.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211165EN-B ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

Dew Point
Happen 24/7.
So Should Monitoring.
Vaisala Online Measurements
for Transformers and Switchgear
Dew Point / Moisture-in-oil / SF6 Density / Pressure

• See moisture fluctuations in varying temperature

and load conditions
• Receive early warnings of sudden changes in
moisture, pressure and density
• Avoid sampling and waiting for lab results
– Act on real time trend data
• Integrate into condition monitoring and
data acquisition systems

Real risks, real savings and real performance

require – quite simply – real-time monitoring.
Let’s talk more.

Moisture in Oil


Vaisala HUMICAP® Sensor for Measuring

Moisture in Oil

Water is a common contaminant in Free water formation is critical in

Unique Benefits of HUMICAP
industrial oils. Water contamination terms of problems related to water in
in Oil Moisture Measurements
deteriorates the performance of the oil. When water is no longer dissolved
oil, be it used for lubrication, cooling, in the oil, corrosion and wearing ▪ Fast. Online, real-time
insulation or other purposes. High of equipment increase rapidly. detection of moisture in oil
without sampling
moisture content increases the risk Therefore it is important to keep the
of corrosion, overheating, machine moisture content safely below the ▪ Reliable. Tells the true margin
malfunction and other problems saturation point. to water saturation point in all
and can ultimately lead to costly changing conditions, taking
The ability of oil to hold dissolved into account e.g. temperature
failure and unscheduled downtime. water depends on the type and age changes and aging of oil
Monitoring the oil for moisture of the oil as well as its additives.
is a simple way of improving the Two major factors have an effect ▪ Highly stable. Excellent
reliability of industrial machinery and pressure and temperature
on the saturation point as the oil tolerance
equipment. With time, substantial ages: temperature fluctuations and
savings in maintenance costs can be changes in the chemical make-up due ▪ Easy to install through ball
achieved. valve – no need to shut down
to the formation of new substances
the process
as by-products of the chemical
Free Water Formation – reactions. ▪ Enables predictive
the Critical Point maintenance work. Trends can
be quickly identified.
Water can dissolve in oil. When the Water Activity (aw) –
water content of the oil increases, a Direct Measure of
it eventually reaches the saturation Oil Quality
point of the oil. Once the fluid has The conventional measure for of how close the moisture level is to
reached its saturation point, any water content in oil is ppm (parts the saturation point in a dynamic
additional water introduced will per million), which describes the system with fluctuating saturation
separate out as free water by forming absolute amount of water in the oil. point. By measuring water activity
a distinct layer. Alternatively, the Ppm measurement has, however, instead of ppm, the risk of actually
oil can form dispersion with water, a major limitation. It does not exceeding the saturation point can
which turns the oil cloudy. Since account for any variations in the oil’s be avoided.
most oils are less dense than water, saturation point. In other words, ppm
the water layer will usually settle measurement provides no indication
below the oil with time.

Water activity measurement indicates polymer layer until there is moisture
HUMICAP in Brief
directly whether there is a risk of free equilibrium between the polymer and
water formation. With a relative scale the oil. The dielectric properties of ▪ A capacitive thin-film polymer
from 0 (no water present) to 1 (the the polymer depend on the moisture sensor
oil is saturated with water) it gives a level. As the moisture level changes, ▪ Water activity (aw)
reliable indication of how close the the dielectric properties of the measurement within range 0…1
saturation point of water is. polymer film change, and so does
▪ Accurate to +/- 0.02 (aw)
In contrast to traditional the capacitance of the sensor. The
measurement techniques, water instrument’s electronics measure ▪ 15 years of experience in
measuring moisture in oil
activity measurement is independent the capacitance of the sensor and
of oil type. Regardless of the convert it into water activity.
saturation point of the fluid, water Oil molecules or additives do not
activity measurement always penetrate the electrode. Thus the Upper electrode
provides a true indication for the risk sensor output is independent of the
Thin-film polymer
of free water formation, even when oil type.
Lower electrode
the saturation point is increasing or
decreasing. In its simplicity, water On-line Measurement Glass substrate

Moisture in Oil
activity value is understandable On-line water activity measurement
at a glance. Trends can be quickly ensures reliable performance
identified. of equipment at all times. Time-
consuming sampling and laboratory
Vaisala HUMICAP® for analysis are no longer needed. This
Measuring Water Activity not only reduces the risk of human
The Vaisala transmitters used induced error but also provides cost
for measuring moisture in oil savings in equipment and chemicals. Structure of the HUMICAP sensor.
feature the HUMICAP® sensor, a
capacitive thin-film polymer sensor Typical Applications
especially developed for demanding for Moisture in Oil
moisture measurements in liquid Measurement
hydrocarbons. Moisture is an important factor
The HUMICAP sensor consists of four determining the condition of both
functional layers: glass substrate, lubricating and transformer oils.
lower electrode, water-active polymer With on-line information on the
layer, and porous upper electrode. quality of the oil, preventive actions
The thin-film polymer either can be taken and the maintenance
absorbs or releases water as the costs cut substantially.
surrounding moisture level changes.
Water molecules move to/from the

For more information, visit Ref. B211231EN-A ©Vaisala 2012

This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights or contact retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved.
us at Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or
its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or
storage of information contained in this brochure in any form
without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited.
All specifications — technical included — are subject to change
without notice.


MMT330 Moisture and Temperature

Transmitter Series for Oil

The display shows measurement

trends, real-time data, and
measurement history.

The MMT330 transmitter family offers reliable performance for the demanding
measurement of moisture in oil.

The Vaisala HUMICAP® Moisture and The sensor's excellent chemical

Temperature Transmitter Series for tolerance provides accurate and
▪ Continuous online Oil MMT330 enables the fast and reliable measurement over a wide
measurement of moisture in oil reliable detection of moisture in oil. measurement range.
▪ Ball-valve installation – no need MMT330 series transmitters can be
to shut down the process or used in online moisture monitoring For Diverse Applications
drain the oil and as control devices, allowing and Demanding
▪ Proven Vaisala HUMICAP® separators and oil driers to be Conditions
sensor, used for over 15 years in started only when needed. With a wide variety of probes, the
oil applications transmitter can be used in lubrication
Proper monitoring saves both oil and
▪ Easy field calibration and the environment. With the MMT330 systems, hydraulic systems, and
maintenance – compatible with series it is easy and economical to transformers.
Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held monitor the changes of moisture in
Moisture Meter for Oil MM70 Indicates the Margin to
▪ NIST traceable calibration Water Saturation
(certificate included) Reliable Vaisala The MMT330 measures moisture in
▪ Analog outputs, RS232/485, HUMICAP® Technology oil in terms of the water activity (aw)
WLAN/LAN The MMT330 series incorporates the and temperature (T). Water activity
▪ MODBUS protocol support latest-generation Vaisala HUMICAP® indicates directly whether there is
(RTU/TCP) sensor, which is the result of over a risk of free-water formation. The
15 years of field experience. It was measurement is independent of oil
▪ Approved for installation
developed for demanding moisture type and age.
in MAN Diesel & Turbo
Two-Stroke Diesel Engines measurement in liquid hydrocarbons.
lubrication systems

Water Content as ppm The display alarm allows any
Conversion measured parameter to be tracked,
with freely configurable low and high
In addition to water activity, the
MMT330 can output ppm, the average
mass concentration of water in oil.
Versatile Outputs and
Vaisala has this conversion readily
Data Collection
available for mineral transformer oil.
The MMT330 can support up to three
For other oils, the oil-specific
analog outputs; an isolated galvanic
conversion coefficients can be
power supply and relay outputs are
programmed into the transmitter
also available.
if the water solubility of the oil is
known. For serial interface the USB
connection, RS232, and RS485 can be The Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held
Graphical Display of used. Moisture for Oil Meter MM70 is

Moisture in Oil
designed for field-checking MMT330
Measurement Data and MMT330 is also capable of applying
Trends for Convenient the MODBUS communication protocol
Operation and, together with an appropriate
The MMT330 features a large connection option, provides either
numerical and graphical display with MODBUS RTU (RS485) or MODBUS
a multilingual menu and keypad. TCP/IP (Ethernet) communication. interface, which enables a (wireless)
It allows users to easily monitor The data logger, with real-time clock Ethernet connection. A USB service
operational data, measurement and battery backup, guarantees cable makes it easy to connect the
trends, and access measurement reliable logging of measurement data MMT330 to a PC via the service port.
history for the past 12 months. for over four years. The recorded
data can be viewed on the local Easy Installation
The optional data logger, with
real-time clock, makes it possible display or transferred to a PC with MMT330 transmitters have several
to generate over four years of Microsoft Windows® software. The options for transmitter mounting.
measurement history and zoom in on transmitter can also be connected to They are delivered installation-ready,
any desired time or time frame. a network with an optional (W)LAN pre-configured with all settings.

Mounting Options Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
77 (3.03)
71 (2.80)

183 (7.20)
Mounting with Wall Mounting with DIN Rail 169 (6.65)
Mounting Kit Installation Kit
116 (4.57)

96 (3.78)

Ø 7 (0.28)

Pole Installation with Installation Mounting Rain Shield

Kit for Pole or Pipeline with Installation Kit

HUMICAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.


Installation Options Dimensions
Dimensions in mm (inches)
MMT332 for High Pressure
97 (3.82)
Pressure range 0 ... 250 bar /


Ø 12 (0.47)
0 ... 3625 psia


Probe diameter 12 mm / 0.5"

35 (1.38)

The MMT332 probe is installed using a Ø 36 (1.42) 9 (0.35)

flange. It is designed for high-pressure Flange 36 mm / 1.4" 65.5 (2.58) 7 (0.28)

applications. Temperature
Measurement range -40 ... +180 °C
(-40 ... 356 °F)

Installation Options Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
MMT337 with Small-Sized Probe

ISO 3/8" or
Pressure range 0 ... 10 bar / 0 ... 145 psia Hex 22m

Probe diameter 12 mm / 0.5"

Ø 12 (0.47)
Fitting body R 3/8" ISO 33 (1.30)

The MMT337 probe, with optional Fitting body 1/2" ISO 77 (3.03)

Swagelok® connector, is ideal for tight Fitting body NPT 1/2"

spaces with a thread connection. The
small probe is designed for integration Temperature
into small diameter lines. Measurement range -40 ... +180 °C
(-40 ... 356 °F)

Installation Options Dimensions

Dimensions in mm (inches)
MMT338 with Probe for Pipeline
Pressure range with ball-valve
Ø 13.5 (0.53)

R1/2" ISO7/1
0 ... 40 bar / 0 ... 580 psia
Ø 12 (0.47)

35 (1.37)

up to 120 °C (248 °F) and 40 bar

14 (0.55)
Adjustable length 35 ... 157/379 mm / 35 - 157/379(1.37 - 6.2/14.9)

The MMT338 is ideal for installation 1.37 ... 6.2 /14.9"

188/410 (7.40/16.1)
226/448 (8.90/17.6)
into pressurized processes where the Installation
probe needs to be able to be removed
while the process is running. The probe Fitting body R1/2" ISO
depth is adjustable. Fitting body NPT 1/2"
Ball-valve set BALLVALVE-1
Sampling cell DMT242SC2
Measurement range -40 ... +180 °C
(-40 ... 356 °F)

Technical Data
Measured Values Protocols ASCII commands, MODBUS RTU
WATER ACTIVITY Service connection RS232, USB
Measurement range aw 0 ... 1 Relay outputs 0.5 A, 250 VAC, SPDT, potential-free (optional)
Accuracy (including non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability) Ethernet interface (optional)
0 ... 0.9 ±0.02 Supported standards 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX
0.9 ... 1.0 ±0.03 Connector 8P8C (RJ45)
Response time (90%) at +20 °C in still oil IPv4 address assignment DHCP (automatic), static
(with stainless steel filter) 10 min. Protocols Telnet, MODBUS TCP/IP
Sensor HUMICAP® 180L2 WLAN interface (optional)
Performance Supported standards 802.11b
TEMPERATURE Antenna connector type RP-SMA
Measurement range IPv4 address assignment DHCP (automatic), static
MMT332 -40 ... +180 °C (-40 ... +356 °F) Protocols Telnet, MODBUS TCP/IP
MMT337 -40 ... +180 °C (-40 ... +356 °F) Security WEP 64/128, WPA
MMT338 -40 ... +180 °C (-40 ... +356 °F) Authentication / Encryption

Moisture in Oil
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ± 0.2 °C (0.36 °F) Open / no encryption
Open / WEP
Operating Environment WPA Pre-shared key / TKIP
Operating temperature
WPA Pre-shared key / CCMP (a.k.a. WPA2)
for probes same as measurement ranges
Optional data logger with real-time clock
for transmitter body -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Logged parameters max. four with trend/min/max values
with display 0 ... +60 °C (+32 ... +140 °F)
Logging interval 10 sec. (fixed)
Pressure range for probes see probe specifications
Max. logging period 4 years, 5 months
Logged points 13.7 million points per parameter
Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard
Battery lifetime min. 5 years
EN61326-1, Industrial environment
Display LCD with backlight, graphical
Note: Transmitter with display test impedance of
trend display of any parameter
40 ohm is used in IEC61000-4-5 (Surge immunity)
Menu languages English, Chinese, Finnish, French, German,
Inputs and Outputs Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
Operating voltage 10 ... 35 VDC, 24 VAC ± 20% Mechanics
with optional power supply module 100 ... 240 VAC 50/60 Hz Cable bushing M20x1.5 for cable diameter 8 ... 11mm/0.31 ... 0.43"
Power consumption @ 20 °C (Uin 24VDC) Conduit fitting 1/2" NPT
RS232 max. 25 mA Interface cable connector (optional) M12 series 8-pin (male)
Uout 2 x 0...1V / 0...5V / 0...10V max. 25 mA option 1 female plug with 5 m (16.4 ft.) black cable
Iout 2 x 0...20 mA max. 60 mA option 2 female plug with screw terminals
display and backlight + 20 mA USB-RJ45 Serial Connection Cable 219685
Analog outputs (2 standard, 3rd optional) (incl. Mi70 Link software)
current output 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA Probe cable diameter 5.5 mm
voltage output 0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V Standard probe cable lengths 2 m, 5 m or 10 m
Accuracy of analog outputs at 20 °C ± 0.05% full scale (Additional cable lengths available,
Temperature dependence of the please see order forms for details)
analog outputs ± 0.005%/°C full scale Housing material G-AlSi 10 Mg (DIN 1725)
External loads Housing classification IP 66
current outputs RL < 500 ohm IP65 (NEMA4X) with local display
0 ... 1V output RL > 2 kohm Weight
0 ... 5V and 0 ... 10V outputs RL > 10 kohm depending on selected probe, cable and modules 1.0 - 3.0 kgs
Max. wire size 0.5 mm2 (AWG 20) stranded wires recommended Sensor protection Stainless steel grid standard filter/
Digital outputs RS232, RS485 (optional) Stainless steel grid filter for high flow rates (>1 m/s)

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210953EN-C ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


MMT310 Series Moisture and Temperature

Transmitters for Oil
Water Content as
PPM Calculation for
Transformer Oils
PPM units are traditionally used
in transformer applications.
They indicate the average mass
concentration of water in oil. The
ppm calculation for mineral oil based
transformer oil is optional in the
MMT310 series.

Diverse Applications and

Demanding Conditions
The MMT310 can be used in
lubrication and hydraulic systems
as well as in transformers. It can be
used for on-line moisture monitoring
and as a control function, allowing
separators and oil purifiers to be
started only when necessary.
Two probe options: MMT318 and MMT317. Optional rain shield is also available.
Installation Options
Features/Benefits The Vaisala HUMICAP Moisture and
The MMT318 has two adjustable
Temperature Transmitter Series for probe lengths. The transmitter can
▪ Continuous measurement of
Oil MMT310 is a fast and reliable on- be ordered with a ball-valve set that
moisture in oil
line detector for moisture in oil. enables the insertion and removal of
▪ Proven Vaisala HUMICAP®
the moisture probe for calibration,
sensor, over 15 years in oil
Reliable Vaisala without the need to empty the oil
HUMICAP® Technology system.
▪ Measurements in lubrication,
The MMT310 series incorporates The MMT317 has a small pressure-
hydraulic and transformer oils
the latest generation of the Vaisala tight probe with optional Swagelok
▪ Excellent pressure and
HUMICAP® sensor, developed for fittings.
temperature tolerance
demanding moisture measurement An optional rain shield is available for
▪ Measuring water activity - ppm in liquid hydrocarbons. The sensor’s outdoor installations.
calculation for transformer oil excellent chemical tolerance provides
▪ Small size, easy to integrate accurate and reliable measurement Several Outputs, One
▪ NIST traceable calibration
over the wide measurement range. Connector
(certificate included) The MMT310 series has two analog
Measuring Water Activity
▪ Applications: e.g. monitoring
The MMT310 measures moisture in
outputs and an RS232 serial output.
of transformer oil and of The output signals and the supply
lubrication systems in marine oil in terms of the water activity (aw) power travel in the same cable, the
and paper industry and temperature (T). Water activity only cable connected to the unit.
indicates directly whether there is
a risk of free-water formation. The
measurement is independent of oil
type, age, and temperature.

Technical Data
Measured Values General
WATER ACTIVITY Operating temperature range for -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Measurement range aw 0 ... 1 electronics
Accuracy (including non-linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability) Storage temperature -55 ... +80 °C (-67 ... +176 °F)
0 ... 0.9 ±0.02 Pressure range for MMT318 with ball-valve up to 120 °C 0 ... 40 bar
0.9 ... 1.0 ±0.03 Pressure range for MMT317 0 ... 10 bar
Response time (90 %) at +20 °C in still oil 10 min. Material
(with stainless steel filter) transmitter housing G-AlSi 10 Mg
Sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180L2 transmitter base PPS
TEMPERATURE Housing classification IP66
Measurement range -40 ... +180 °C (-40 ... +356 °F) Cable feed through alternatives 8-pole connector with 5 m cable,
Typical accuracy at +20 °C (68 °F) ±0.2 °C (±0.36 °F) female 8-pin connector screw joint for cable diameter 4 ... 8 mm
Sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Sensor protection stainless steel grid standard filter
stainless steel grid filter for high flow rates (>1 m/s)
Electrical Connections Probe cable length
Two analog outputs, selectable and 0 ... 20 mA or 4 ... 20 mA

Moisture in Oil
MMT317 2 m, 5 m, or 10 m
scalable 0 … 5 V or 0 … 10 V MMT318 2 m, 5 m, or 10 m
1 … 5 V available through scaling Weight (depending on selected probe and cable)
Typical accuracy of analog output at +20 °C ±0.05 % full scale example: MMT317 with 2 m cable 476 g
Typical temperature dependence 0.005 %/˚C (0.003 %/°F) Probe installation MMT317
of analog output full scale Swagelok® NPT 1/2", ISO 3/8" or ISO 1/2"
Serial output RS232C Probe installation MMT318
Connections 8-pole connector with RS232C, current/ Fitting bodies ISO 1/2", NPT 1/2"
voltage outputs (two channels) and Uin
Ball-Valve Set BALLVALVE-1
Operating voltage 10 ... 35 VDC
Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Industrial environment
Minimum operating voltage
RS232C output 10 VDC
Dimensions in mm (inches)
Analog output 15 VDC
43(1.69) 72.5 (2.85)
Pressures above 10 bara (145 psia) 24 VDC 5 (0.20) 60.5 (2.38)
Power consumption
Ø4.5 (0.177)

RS232C 12 mA
Uout 10 V (10 kOhm) 12 mA
102 (4.02)
115 (4.53)

channel 1 & channel 2 Transmitter body

Iout 20 mA (load 511 Ohm) 50 mA
channel 1 & channel 2
External load RL < 500 Ohm
Startup time after power-up 3s

ISO 3/8" or

Hex 22m
Rain shield ASM211103 (0.87)

USB cable 238607 MMT317 probe

Ø 12 (0.47)

Stainless steel filter HM47453SP

33 (1.30)
Stainless steel filter (high flow rate) 220752SP 77 (3.03)
Ø 13.5(0.53)
Ø 12(0.47)

R1/2" ISO7/1

MMT318 probe
14 (0.55)
35 - 157/379(1.37 - 6.2/14.9)
188/410 (7.40/16.1)
226/448 (8.90/17.6)

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B210831EN-E ©Vaisala 2015
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
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more information
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


MMT162 Compact Moisture in Oil and

Temperature Transmitter for OEM Applications
Water Activity
The MMT162 measures moisture in
oil in terms of the water activity (aw)
and temperature (T). Water activity
directly indicates whether there is
a risk of free water formation. The
measurement is independent of oil
type, age and temperature. The ppm
calculation for mineral oil based
transformer oil is optional in the

Several Outputs - One

The MMT162 has two analog
outputs that can be scaled and
the measurement ranges changed.
Additionally, the transmitter has an
RS-485 serial output. The signals and
The MMT162 enables on-line moisture monitoring in oils even in the most the unit power travel in the same
demanding applications.
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Moisture An optional LED-cable enables a
and Temperature Transmitter for Oil visual alarm.
▪ Continuous measurement of MMT162 is an excellent economical
moisture in oil solution for reliable on-line detection Compact, Rugged
▪ Measures in lubrication, of moisture in oil. and Intelligent
hydraulic and transformer oils Due to its compact size, the MMT162
▪ Excellent pressure and Reliable Vaisala is quickly and easily installed in
temperature tolerance HUMICAP ® Technology tight spaces. Units are delivered fully
▪ Proven Vaisala HUMICAP® The MMT162 incorporates the latest assembled, however, you can re-
configure them to suit your needs.
Sensor, 15 years in oil generation of the Vaisala HUMICAP®
applications Sensor. The sensor is developed for
▪ Measures water activity demanding moisture measurement
in liquid hydrocarbons and has been
- ppm-calculation available for In combination with an MM70
transformer oil successfully used in oil applications indicator, the MMT162 provides an
for over a decade. The sensor’s ideal tool for on site calibration.
▪ Small size, easy to integrate
excellent chemical tolerance provides The MI70 indicator can be used as a
▪ Digital output RS-485 with accurate and reliable measurement display, communication, and data-
MODBUS over the measurement range. logging device for the MMT162.
▪ NIST traceable calibration
(certificate included)

Technical Data
Measured Values General
Measurement range 0 ... 1 aw Cable connections (2 ports) M8, 4 pin
Accuracy (including non-linearity, hysteresis and repeatability) Minimum operating voltage with
0 ... 0.9 ± 0.02 RS-485 output 14 ... 28 VDC
0.9 ... 1.0 ± 0.03 voltage output 16 ... 28 VDC
Response time current output 22 ... 28 VDC
in oil flow (typical) <1 min (dry-wet) Supply current
MOISTURE normal measurement 20 mA + load current
Calculated moisture content in ppm for mineral transformer oil External load for
TEMPERATURE voltage output min. 10 kOhm
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ± 0.2 °C (0.36 °F) current output max. 500 Ohm
Housing material
Operating Environment metal AISI 316L

Moisture in Oil
Operating temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
plastic PPS + 40% GF
Oil temperature -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Mechanical connections with bonded seal ring (washer)
Pressure range
metal version G 1/2" ISO or NPT 1/2’’
metal version up to 200 bar
plastic version G 1/2’’ ISO
plastic version up to 40 bar
Housing classification IP65 (NEMA 4)
Oil flow some flow recommended
Storage temperature range -40 ... +80 °C (-40 ... +176 °F)
Outputs Weight
Analog outputs (two channels) with plastic housing 65 g (2.3 oz)
current output 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA with metal housing 200 g (7 oz)
voltage output 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment
Alarm level indication by analog signal user selectable for measurement control and laboratory use - EMC requirements;
Digital outputs RS-485, non-isolated, Vaisala protocol, Industrial environment
MODBUS RTU protocol
Options and Accessories
Stainless steel filter (standard) 225356SP
Stainless steel filter for high flow (>1 m/s) 221494SP
Connection cable for MM70 hand-held meter 219980
USB serial interface cable 219690
Sealing ring set (U-seal) ISO G1/2, 3 pcs 221525SP
119.5 [4.7] Sealing ring set (copper) ISO G1/2, 3 pcs 221524SP
76 [3] 43.5 [1.7]
30.5 [1.2] ISO 1/2" plug 218773
Ø 12 [0.47]

NPT 1/2" plug 222507

Dimensions Sampling cell DMT242SC
Dimensions in mm (inches) Sampling cell w. Swagelok connectors DMT242SC2
G1/2" ISO 228-1
119.5 [4.7] 127.5 [5.02]
Connection cable
76 [3] 43.5 [1.7] 76 [3] 51.5 [2.02] 2 m (6.5 ft), M8 snap-on 211598
30.5 [1.2]
Ø 12 [0.47]
Ø 12 [0.47]

30.5 [1.2] 0.32 m (1 ft) Shielded, M8 threaded HMP50Z032

3.0 m (9.8 ft), Shielded, M8 threaded HMP50Z300SP
5.0 m (16.4 ft), Shielded, M8 threaded HMP50Z500SP
G1/2" ISO 228-1 1/2" NPT
10 m (32.8 ft), Shielded, M8 threaded HMP50Z1000SP

127.5 [5.02]
Ø 33 [1

76 [3] 51.5 [2.02]

3 m, connector 90° angle 221739
5 m, connector 90° angle 221740
Ø 12 [0.47]

30.5 [1.2]
AW 30 [1.18]
M8 threaded, Ch1 signal + Ch2 LED MP300LEDCBL

1/2" NPT
Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210755EN-E ©Vaisala 2015

specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
Ø 33 [1
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
AW 30 [1.18] means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
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more information
prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.


MM70 Hand-Held Moisture and Temperature

Meter for Spot-Checking in Oil
Numerical and
Graphical Display
The MM70 features a multilingual,
menu-based user interface and a
backlit LCD display. The measurement
parameters can be numerically and
graphically displayed and logged
into the meter's memory at the same
time. An analog output option is also

The MM70 is an ideal Connection to PC

tool for the preventive
maintenance of oil-filled The optional MI70 Link Windows®
systems. The water software in combination with a
activity measurement USB connection cable is used to
indicates the margin to transfer logged data and real time
free water formation, measurement data from the MM70
which causes severe to a PC.
problems in lubrication
Proven Vaisala HUMICAP®
The Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-held
Features/Benefits The MM70 incorporates the latest
Moisture Meter for Oil MM70 enables
generation of the Vaisala HUMICAP®
▪ Measurement independent of reliable detection of moisture in oil.
Sensor, developed for demanding
oil type, age and temperature
moisture measurements in liquid
▪ In-line process checking In-Line Process Checking
hydrocarbons. The sensor’s excellent
through ball valve, no need to Through Ball Valve
drain the oil chemical tolerance provides accurate
The probe can be inserted directly and reliable measurement over the
▪ Rugged and reliable into the process pipe through a ball measurement range.
construction valve without draining the oil in the
▪ Excellent pressure and system. Speedy Service -
temperature tolerance Once a Year
Water Activity
▪ Data can be logged and
Measurement The meter can be recalibrated
transferred to a PC by sending the probe to Vaisala
▪ Proven Vaisala HUMICAP® The MM70 measures moisture in oil
in terms of the water activity (aw)
Service, or customers can calibrate
Sensor, over 15 years in oil the instrument themselves using a
applications. and temperature (T). Water activity standard relative humidity calibration.
directly indicates whether there is
▪ Compatible with Vaisala’s fixed
oil moisture instruments a risk of free water formation. The Multi-Probe Operation
measurement is independent of oil
▪ No reference oil needed for
type, age and temperature.
One or two probes can be connected
recalibration simultaneously. Maintenance teams
▪ NIST traceable calibration PPM Calculation Included can use additional Vaisala dew point
or relative humidity probes for other
(certificate included)
The MM70 has an embedded model tasks. For example, a dew point probe
for expressing moisture as ppm in is ideal for checking the moisture
mineral transformer oil. The customer inside washed and dried oil tanks.
can enter up to three other oil models
into the meter’s memory.
Technical Data
Performance Display LCD with backlight, graphic trend display of
WATER ACTIVITY any parameter, character height up to 16 mm
Measurement range aw 0 ... 1 Analog output 0 ... 1 VDC
Accuracy (including nonlinearity, hysteresis and repeatability) Output resolution 0.6 mV
When calibrated against salt solutions (ASTM E104-85): PC interface MI70 Link software with USB or serial port cable
0 ... 0.9 ±0.02 Data logging capacity 2700 points
0.9 ... 1.0 ±0.03 Alarm Audible alarm function
Maximum achievable accuracy when calibrated against Mechanics
high-quality, certified humidity standards: PROBE
0 ... 0.9 ±0.01 Housing classification IP65 (NEMA 4)
0.9 ... 1.0 ±0.02 Housing material ABS/PC blend
Response time (90%) at +20 °C (+68 °F) Probe material Stainless steel (AISI316L)
in still oil (with stainless steel filter) 10 min. Cable length between probe and indicator 1.9 m,
Sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180L2

Moisture in Oil
10 m extension available
Recommended recalibration interval 1 year Weight 506 g
Measurement range -40 ... +100 °C (-40 ... +212 °F) Housing classification IP54
Typical accuracy at +20 °C ±0.2 °C (±0.36 °F) Weight 400 g
Typical temperature dependence Probe inputs 1 or 2
of electronics ±0.005 °C/°C (±0.005 °F/°F)
Sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 Options and Accessories
Typical long-term stability better than 0.01 aw / year Carrying case MI70CASE2
Ball valve set (incl. fitting body & blanking plug) HMP228BVS
Operating Environment
Probe cable extension, 10 m 213107SP
Transmitter connection cables for
Operating temperature range for electronics -40 ... +60 °C
MMT162 219980
(-40 ... +140 °F)
MMT310 DRW216050
Operating pressure range max. 20 bar
MMT330 211339
during installation through ball valve max. 10 bar
MI70 Link software with USB cable 219687
Oil flow range max. 1 m/s
MI70 Link software with serial port cable MI70LINK
Analog output cable 27168ZZ
Operating temperature range -10 ... +40 °C (+14 ... +104 °F)
Sensor protection HM47453SP
Operating humidity range non-condensing
Dew point measurement probes DMP74A/B
Relative humidity measurement probes HMP75, HMP76, HMP77
Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1, Electrical equipment for
measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements; Dimensions
Portable equipment. Dimensions in mm (inches) 340 (13.39) 210 (8.27)
Inputs and Outputs 15
) 5)
42.5 (1.6
Power supply Rechargeable NiMH battery pack with
13.5 (0.53)
12 (0.47)

AC-adapter or 4xAA-size alkalines, type IEC LR6

Battery operation time
range250 mm
continuous use 48 h typical at +20 °C (+68 °F)

data logging use up to a month, depending on



logging interval
Menu languages English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, 62
Japanese, Russian, Swedish, Finnish
HUMICAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.

Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
Ref. B210960EN-D ©Vaisala 2014
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
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prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
to change without notice.

Carbon Dioxide


Vaisala CARBOCAP® Sensor for Measuring

Carbon Dioxide

First launched in 1997, the Vaisala CARBOCAP® carbon CARBOCAP

Box headlineinhere
dioxide (CO2) sensor features a groundbreaking innovation
– the micromachined, electrically tunable Fabry-Perot ▪ A silicon-based infrared (IR)
absorption sensor
Interferometer (FPI) filter for built-in reference measurement.
▪ Continuous internal reference
This reliable and stable sensor has been delivering accurate measurement
CO2 measurements for over 15 years across a wide range of ▪ Both ppm and percentage-
industries and applications, from building automation and level CO2 measurement
safety to life sciences and ecological research. ▪ Providing accurate
measurements for over 15 years
How It Works absorption wavelength. The reference
CARBOCAP’s Unique Benefits
measurement compensates for any
Carbon dioxide has a characteristic
absorbance band in the infrared (IR)
potential changes in the light source ▪ Superior stability enabled by
intensity, as well as for contamination built-in reference measurement
region at a wavelength of 4.26 µm.
This means that when IR radiation
and dirt accumulation in the optical
path. This feature means that
▪ Minimal maintenance and
is passed through a gas containing calibration requirements
CARBOCAP sensor operation is
CO2, part of the radiation is absorbed.
highly stable over time. ▪ Insensitive to dust, water vapor,
Therefore, the amount of radiation and most chemicals
Instruments measuring at both
passing through the gas depends on
the absorption and the reference
▪ Insensitive to changing air flow
the amount of CO2 present, and this
can be detected with an IR detector. wavelength with a single light
4.26 µm
source are known as single-beam
The Vaisala CARBOCAP sensor
dual-wavelength instruments.
features an electrically tunable
The technology is widely applied
FPI filter located in front of the IR
in costly analyzers. The unique
detector. In addition to measuring
feature of the CARBOCAP sensor
CO2 absorption, the micromechanical
is its micromachined FPI filter,
FPI filter enables a reference
which performs a dual-wavelength
measurement at a wavelength where
measurement using a single detector.
no absorption occurs. When taking
The compact size of the sensor
the reference measurement, the
means that this advanced technology
FPI filter is electrically adjusted to
can be incorporated into small Both absorption and reference are
switch the bypass band from the
probes, modules, and transmitters. measured with the CARBOCAP sensor.
absorption wavelength to a non-

Typical Applications measurement applications, where outdoor environments. Vaisala's wide
for Carbon Dioxide excellent long-term stability and variety of CO2 instruments ranges
Measurement tolerance to harsh conditions are from hand-held meters, measurement
important requirements. modules, and industrial transmitters
Vaisala CARBOCAP instruments
to high-volume, affordable
are well suited to a wide range of
CARBOCAP CO2 Products transmitters for volume applications.
applications, from ppm (parts per
Vaisala offers instruments for View the complete range of CO2
million) to percentage-level CO2
measuring CO2 at ppm and products at
measurements. Since CO2 is harmful
percentage levels in both indoor and carbondioxide.
in high concentrations, it is present at
percentage levels only within closed
processes such as fermentation
and controlled-atmosphere storage
environments. Percentage-level
measurements are also typical in Mirror surface
life-science applications such as CO2
CO2 IR absorption
Normal atmospheric air includes CO2
at ppm levels. Typical CARBOCAP
applications include ventilation
control in buildings occupied Protective window
by people, animal shelters, and IR source
greenhouses. In areas where large
volumes of CO2 are handled, reliable Interferometer Filter
CO2 measurement with alarm control

Carbon Dioxide
is an important safety precaution. Detector
The CARBOCAP sensor is also
a popular choice in ecological
Structure of the CARBOCAP sensor.


The CARBOCAP story began The driving force behind the The first commercial CARBOCAP
in 1992, when micromechanical innovation of the CARBOCAP products for measuring ppm-level
sensors were being intensively sensor was Vaisala's commitment CO2 in ventilation applications
researched at Vaisala. The to developing superior were launched in 1997, with
groundbreaking idea of technologies for environmental instruments for percentage-level
miniaturizing the Fabry-Perot measurements. And indeed, CO2 measurements following soon
Interferometer (FPI) was Vaisala’s pioneering work in after. CARBOCAP technology
born, leading to collaborative the field of silicon-based NDIR is proven in a wide range of
development work with VTT technology and electrically tunable applications, including ecological
Technical Research Center of filters resulted in the compact, measurements, where it performs
Finland. Later, a patent application simple and high-performance reliably in harsh environments such
was submitted for a single-channel CARBOCAP sensor. To this day, the as soil and snow, satisfying the
gas concentration measurement long-term stability and reliability of thirst for knowledge that scientists
method using the FPI. the measurement provided by the have for understanding nature’s
FPI is unrivaled. processes.

For more information, visit Ref. B210780EN-C ©Vaisala 2012

This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights or contact retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved.
us at Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or
its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or
storage of information contained in this brochure in any form
without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited.
All specifications — technical included — are subject to change
without notice.


GMP343 Carbon Dioxide Probe for Demanding

▪ Excellent accuracy and stability

▪ Vaisala CARBOCAP® Sensor,

a silicon-based non-dispersive
infrared (NDIR) sensor

▪ A single-beam, dual-
wavelength CO2 measurement
with no moving parts

▪ Compensation options
for temperature, pressure,
humidity and oxygen

▪ Low power consumption and

heat emission

▪ Designed for outdoor use

▪ Compact and lightweight

The GMP343 is available as an open-path diffusion-aspirated model (left) and as a

flow-through model (right).

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Probe Technical Data

GMP343 is an accurate and rugged probe-type Performance
instrument for ecological measurements. Typical Measurement range options 0 ... 1000 ppm, 0 ... 2000 ppm,
applications include CO2 soil respiration, ambient 0 ... 3000 ppm, 0 ... 4000 ppm,
CO2 monitoring, plant growth chambers, and 0 ... 5000 ppm, 0 ... 2 %
OEM applications. Accuracy (excluding noise) at 25 °C (77 °F) and 1013 hPa after factory
The GMP343 can output both numerically filtered calibration with 0.5 % accurate gases with different range options
and raw measurement data and it can also 0 ... 1000 ppm ±(3 ppm + 1 % of reading)
compensate the measurement with an internal 0 ... 2000 ppm - 0 ... 2 %* ±(5 ppm + 2 % of reading)
temperature measurement and user-set relative *Accuracy below 200 ppm CO2 not specified for 2 % range option
humidity, pressure and oxygen values.
Noise (repeatability) at 370 ppm CO2
In combination with an MI70 indicator, the GMP343
with no output averaging ±3 ppm CO2
provides a tool for accurate in-situ measurement.
with 30 s output averaging ±1 ppm CO2
The MI70 can be used as a display, communication
and data logging device. TEMPERATURE
Each GMP343 is calibrated using ±0.5 % accurate Effect on accuracy with temperature compensation:
gases at 0 ppm, 200 ppm, 370 ppm, 600 ppm, CO2 range options 0 ... 1000 ppm 0 ... 2 000 - 5000 ppm 0 ... 2 %
1000 ppm, 4000 ppm and 2 %. Calibration is also Temperature °C (°F) Accuracy (% of reading)*
done at temperature points of -30 °C, 0 °C, 25 °C +10 ... +40 (+50 ... +104) ±1 ±1 ±2
and 50 °C. If needed, the customer can recalibrate +40 ... +60 (+104 ... +140) ±2 ±3 ±4
the instrument using the multipoint calibration -40 ... +10 (-40 ... +50) ±3 ±3 ±5
(MPC) feature allowing up to 8 user-defined * Always at least ±10 ppm CO2.
calibration points. Temperature compensation is performed by an integrated Pt1000 element

Technical Data
PRESSURE Inputs and Outputs
Effect on accuracy with pressure compensation: Operating voltage 11 ... 36 VDC
CO2 range options 0 ... 1000 ppm 0 ... 2000 - 2 % Power consumption
Pressure (hPa) Accuracy (% of reading) without optics heating <1 W
900 ... 1050 ±0.5 ±1 with optics heating <3.5 W
700 ... 1300 ±1 ±2 ANALOG OUTPUTS
Integrated pressure sensor is not included in GMP343 Current output
Long term stability see graph below range 4 ... 20 mA
easy ±2 % of reading */ year resolution 14 bits
moderate ±2 % of reading */ 6 months max. load 800 Ohm @ 24 VDC, 150 Ohm @ 10 VDC
harsh ±2 % of reading */ 3 months Voltage output
* Always at least ±10 ppm CO2. range 0 ... 2.5 V, 0 ... 5 V
resolution 14 bits (13 bits with 0 ... 2.5 V)
min. load 5 kOhm
Easy Moderate Harsh Stability not specified

30 Materials
Housing anodized aluminium
Filter cover PC
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature (°C)

IP classification
Response time (90 %)
Housing (cable attached) IP67
Diffusion filter (weather protection) IP65

Carbon Dioxide
Filter attached Averaging (s) Response (s)
Yes 0 75 Diffusion filter (sintered PTFE) IP66
Yes 30 82 Cable connector type 8-pin M12
No 0 <2 Weight (probe only) 360 g
No 30 30
Gas flow (l/min) Averaging (s) Response (s)
Options and Accessories
0.3 0 26 Wall mount bracket GMP343BRACKET
0.3 30 44 Mounting flange GMP343FLANGE
1.2 0 8 Standard diffusion filter (weather
1.2 30 23
protection, IP65) +filter cover GMP343FILTER
Warm-up time
Diffusion filter (sintered PTFE
full accuracy ±0.5 % 10 min
filter, IP66) + filter cover 215521
full accuracy 30 min
Calibration adapter (for the diffusion model) GMP343ADAPTER
Operating Environment Junction box JUNCTIONBOX-8
Temperature Probe cables
operating -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) 2m GMP343Z200SP
storage -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... 158 °F) 6m GMP343Z600SP
Humidity see graph ‘GMP343 Operating 10m GMP343Z1000SP
Conditions’ PC connection cable, 2m 213379
Pressure MI70 connection cable, 2m DRW216050SP
compensated range 700 ... 1300 hPa USB adapter (USB-D9 Serial connection cable) 219686
operating <5 bar Soil adapter kit for horizontal positioning 215519
Gas flow for flow-through model 0 ... 10 liters/min Soil adapter kit for vertical positioning 215520
Electromagnetic compatibility EN61326, Generic
Environment For full specifications, see the GMP343 User's Guide.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210688EN-E ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

Dimensional Drawings of the GMP343
Carbon Dioxide Probe
Dimensions in mm (inches)

2.07 1.77
52.5 45




2.17 2.17
55 55

Diffusion model Flow-through model

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211239EN-A ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide
with Superior
Stability and Ability.
Unique built-in reference
measurement and robust reliability.
Stability is what everyone promises. But it is exactly what
Vaisala CARBOCAP® successfully delivers with its unique built-in
reference measurement. Vaisala CARBOCAP® combines the ease
and cost efficiency of extra long calibration intervals with leading
accuracy on both ppm and percentage level measurements.

While highly sensitive to carbon dioxide, CARBOCAP® is

insensitive to water vapor, dust and most chemicals. This has
made it the trusted sensor for harsh and humid environments.
Proven for over 15 years in hundreds of applications and dozens
of industries, worldwide.

Choose from a wide range of fixed and handheld instruments

for different applications, requirements and budgets and enjoy
superior stability with leading ability.


GMT220 Series Carbon Dioxide Transmitters

for Industrial Applications

The GMT220 transmitters withstand harsh and humid environments.

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon GMT222 for lower concentrations

Dioxide Transmitter Series GMT220 is of CO2. The GMT220 probes are
▪ Incorporates Vaisala designed to measure carbon dioxide interchangeable. They can be
CARBOCAP® - the silicon- in harsh and humid environments. removed and reattached or replaced
based NDIR sensor
The housing is dust- and waterproof at any time – without the need for
▪ IP65 protected against dust to IP65 standards. calibration and adjustment. The
and spray water probes can be attached directly to
The GMT220 series transmitters
▪ Several measurement ranges incorporate the advanced Vaisala the transmitter body or, when used
CARBOCAP® Sensor. The patented with a cable, installed remotely into
▪ Easy installation
sensor has unique reference hard-to-reach places or areas with
▪ Standard analog outputs measurement capabilities. Its critical dangerously high levels of CO2.
and two configurable relays parts are made of silicon; this gives The interchangeability of the GMT220
available the sensor outstanding stability transmitter’s probes truly facilitates
Applications include: over both time and temperature. By field maintenance.

▪ Horticulture and fruit storage lengthening the calibration intervals,

the user saves both time and money.
The end user can carry out field
maintenance without any additional
▪ Greenhouses and mushroom
equipment or heavy and expensive
farming Interchangeable Probes calibration gas bottles by simply
▪ Safety alarming and leakage The user has a choice of replacing a probe.
measurement ranges up to 20% Probes that have been replaced can
▪ Demand controlled ventilation of CO2. The GMT221 is for higher be sent to Vaisala for recalibration.
in harsh environments concentrations of CO2 and the

Technical Data
Performance Operating Environment
Measurement Ranges Operating temperature -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
GMT221 0 ... 2 % with display 0 ... +50 °C (+32 ... +122 °F)
for high concentrations 0 ... 3 % Storage temperature -30 ... +70 °C (-22 ... +158 °F)
0 ... 5 % Operating pressure (compensated range) 700 ... 1300 hPa
0 ... 10 % Humidity 0 ... 100 %RH, non-condensing
0 ... 20 % Electromagnetic compatibility EN61326-1, Generic Environment

GMT222 0 ... 2000 ppm Mechanics

for low concentrations 0 ... 3000 ppm Housing material
0 ... 5000 ppm transmitter body ABS plastic
0 ... 7000 ppm probe PC plastic
0 ... 10 000 ppm Housing classification IP65
Accuracy (including repeatability, non-linearity and Weight:
calibration uncertainty) at 25 °C and 1013 hPa GMT221 max. 280 g
GMT221 ±(1.5 % of range + 2 % of reading) GMT222 max. 300 g
(applies for concentrations above 2 % of full scale) Probe cable length 2 m and 10 m (optional)
GMT222 ±(1.5 % of range + 2 % of reading) Accessories
Temperature dependence, typical -0.3 % of reading / °C Spare probe GMP221, GMP222
Pressure dependence, typical +0.15 % of reading/hPa (use the order form to define measurement range etc.)
Long-term stability <±5 %FS/2 years Clips (2 pcs) for attaching the probe 25245GM
Response time (63 %)

Carbon Dioxide
Mounting flange for the probe GM45156SP
GMT221 20 seconds Probe cables
GMT222 30 seconds 2m 25665GMSP
Warm-up time 30 seconds, 15 minutes full specifications 10 m 210848GMSP
Inputs and Outputs Calibrator for interchangeable probes GMK220
Outputs 0 ... 20 or 4 ... 20 mA Wall Assembly Plate GM45160
and 0 ... 10 V In-soil adapter for probe 211921GM
Resolution of analog outputs 12 bits Serial COM adapter 19040GM
Recommended external load: Calibration adapter for probe 26150GM
current output max. 400 Ohm Dimensions
voltage output min. 1 kOhm Dimensions in mm (inches)
Two pre-or user-defined relay 31.8 (1
.25 )

outputs )
Relay contacts max. 30VAC/60VDC, 0.5A 10

Connections screw terminals, 0.5 ... 1.5 mm2

Operating voltage 16 ... 35 VDC or 24 VAC (±20%) (0
119 (4.69)


Power consumption <4 W

GMP221 probe



GMT220 transmitter GMP222 probe

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210827EN-E ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


GMM220 Carbon Dioxide Modules for

Demanding OEM Applications

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Module Series GMM220 withstand

harsh conditions. They provide high carbon dioxide measurement accuracy
over wide temperature and relative humidity ranges.

Features/Benefits For Harsh Environments Interchangeable Probes

▪ The Vaisala CARBOCAP Carbon The GMP220 probes are
Incorporates Vaisala
CARBOCAP® - the silicon Dioxide Module Series GMM220 are interchangeable. They can be
based CO2 sensor designed for Original Equipment removed, reattached or replaced at
Manufacturers (OEM’s) requiring any time – without the need for
▪ Choice of several measurement
carbon dioxide measurements in calibration and adjustment. The
harsh and demanding applications. interchangeable probes make
▪ IP65 protected probe against
calibration and field service easy. In
dust and spray water
Vaisala CARBOCAP® addition, the measurement range can
▪ Interchangeable probes
The GMM220 series modules be changed simply by replacing one
provide easy maintenance
incorporate the industrial Vaisala probe with another.
▪ Modules optimized for CARBOCAP® Sensor. The patented
integration into equipment for
sensor has unique reference Different Configurations
greenhouse control, incubators,
measurement capabilities. Its critical The user has a choice of
fermentors, safety alarming
and integrated systems. parts are made of silicon; this gives measurement ranges up to 20 % CO2:
the sensor outstanding stability over the Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon
both time and temperature. Dioxide Module GMM221 for higher
Since water vapor, dust, and and the Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon
most chemicals do not affect the Dioxide Module GMM222 for lower
measurement, the GMM220 series concentrations of CO2.
modules can be used in harsh and Different power supply voltages,
humid environments. output options, as well as cable
lengths, connectors, and mounting
gear are also available.

Technical Data
Carbon Dioxide Mechanics
Measurement ranges Probe housing material PC plastic
GMM221 for high concentrations 0 ... 2 %, 0 ... 3 %, 0 ... 5 %, Housing classification (probe only) IP65
0 ... 10 %, 0 ... 20 % Weight: GMM221 (w/2m cable) max. 180 g
GMM222 for low concentrations 0 ... 2000 ppm, 0 ... 3000 ppm, Weight: GMM222 (w/2m cable) max. 200 g
0 ... 5000 ppm, 0 ... 7000 ppm, Probe cable length 0.6 m, 1 m (high temperature cable),
0 ... 10 000 ppm 2 m, 6 m or 10 m (optional)
Accuracy (including repeatability, non-linearity and calibration
uncertainty) at 25 °C and 1013 hPa Accessories
GMM221 ±(1.5% of range + 2% of reading) Spare probe GMP221, GMP222
(applies for concentrations above 2% of full scale) (use the order form to define measurement range etc.)
GMM222 ±(1.5 % of range + 2 % of reading) Clips (2 pcs) for attaching the probe 25245GM
Temperature dependence, typical -0.3 % of reading / °C Mounting flange for the probe GM45156SP
Pressure dependence, typical +0.15% of reading hPa Calibrator for interchangeable probes GMK220
Long-term stability <±5 %FS/2 years Probe cables
Response time (63 %) 1 m high temperature probe cable
GMM221 20 seconds (180 °C / 365 °F) GMM220Z100SP
GMM222 30 seconds 2 m probe cable GMM220Z200SP
Warm-up time 30 seconds, 15 minutes 6 m probe cable GMP343Z600SP
full specifications 10.0 m probe cable GMP343Z1000SP
Serial COM adapter 19040GM
Calibration adapter for probe 26150GM

Carbon Dioxide
Inputs and Outputs
Outputs 0 ... 20 or 4 ... 20 mA, 0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 2V, Dimensions
0 ... 2.5 V, or 0 ... 5 V Dimensions in mm (inches)
Resolution of analog outputs 12 bits
Recommended external load:
current output max. 200 Ohm
voltage output min. 1 kOhm
Operating voltage 11 ... 20 VDC or 18 ... 30 VDC
Connections screw terminals, wire size 0.5 ... 1.5 mm2
Power consumption <2.5 W

Operating Environment
Operating temperature -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)
Storage temperature -30 ... +70 °C (-22 ... +158 °F) GMP221 GMP222
Operating pressure 700 ... 1300 hPa
probe 0 ... 100 %RH, non-condensing
mother board 0 ... 85 %RH, non-condensing
Electromagnetic compatibility Applicable parts of EN61326-1,
Generic Environment

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210856EN-E ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


GMM111 Carbon Dioxide Module

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Module GMM111 is a CO2 measurement

module with flow-through aspiration.

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon from the stable reference provided by

Dioxide Module GMM111 is the electrically tunable Fabry-Perot
▪ Compact CO2 module with designed especially for control of Interferometer(FPI).
flow-through aspiration biological processes where high
▪ Ideal for control of CO2 CO2 concentrations are used. It has The tunable FPI filter measures CO2
concentrations in incubators 3 optional measurement ranges absorption, and simultaneously a
▪ Incorporates Vaisala 0 ... 5/10/20 % CO2. The GMM111 is a reference wavelength. This internal
CARBOCAP®, the silicon based flow-through model and has barbed reference measurement compensates
NDIR sensor with unique connectors for attaching the in and effectively for any changes in the
internal referencing out flow tubes. As the module is not optical path, such as light source
▪ Advanced single-beam, dual mounted in the chamber, the chamber
can be heatsterilized without
intensity changes and contamination.
wavelength measurement with In the HVAC market, this type of
no moving parts removing the module. reference measurement is a unique
▪ Measurement range options
The Vaisala CARBOCAP® CO2
feature to Vaisala CARBOCAP®
0 ... 5 %, 0 ... 10 % and products.
0 ... 20 % CO2 sensors have been proven to be
accurate and durable. They have an
▪ Excellent long-term stability
excellent long-term stability, which
The true internal reference
measurement of Vaisala CARBOCAP®
decreases maintenance. The
CO2 transmitters provides years of
superior performance of Vaisala
stable CO2 measurements.
CARBOCAP® sensors results largely

Technical Data

Performance Dimensions
CO2 measurement range 0 ... 5 %, 0 ... 10 % or 0 ... 20 % Dimensions in mm
Accuracy (including repeatability,
non-linearity and calibration mA mA
uncertainty) ±(1.5% of range + 3 % of reading)

0 0
Long-term stability A A
0 0
0 ... 8 %CO2 ±0.5 %CO2/year 24V 24V
8 ... 12 %CO2 ±1 %CO2/year

12 ... 20 %CO2 ±2 %CO2/year

Response time T90 < 1 min, when flow > 0.2 l/min
Flow rate dependence
< 1 l/min flow no effect TUBE I.D. Ø4

(TUBE O.D. Ø6)
1 ... 10 l/min flow 4 % of reading/ l/min 30
Temperature dependence, -0.3 % of reading/°C 60

Pressure dependence, typical +0.15 % of reading/hPa
Warm-up time 1 min, 10 min for full
Operating Environment
Temperature +5 ... +55 °C (+41 ... +131 °F)
Humidity 0 ... 99 %RH non-condensing

Carbon Dioxide
Pressure 700 ... 1200 hPa
Gas flow
operating range < 10 l/min
recommended range 0.2 ... 0.8 l/min
Electromagnetic compatibility Applicable parts of EN61326-1,
Generic Environment

Inputs and Outputs

Outputs 4 ... 20 mA, 0 ... 10 V
RS485, 2-wire, non-isolated
Operating voltage 24 V (±20 %) AC/DC
Power consumption <2 W

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210566EN-D ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


GM70 Hand-Held Carbon Dioxide Meter

for Spot-Checking Applications

accuracy is not affected by dust,

water vapor or most chemicals. The
GM70 has a two-year recommended
calibration interval.

Two Sampling Methods

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Hand-Held Carbon Dioxide Meter GM70 is the demanding
professional’s choice for hand-held carbon dioxide measurement. The meter consists The handle is for hand-held
of the indicator (center) and probe, used either with the handle (left) or pump (right). diffusion sampling. The GM70
pump enables pump-aspirated
The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Hand-Held sampling from locations difficult
Features/Benefits to access otherwise. It is also ideal
Carbon Dioxide Meter GM70 is a
▪ Proven Vaisala CARBOCAP® user-friendly meter for demanding for comparisons with fixed CO2
reliability spot measurements in laboratories, transmitters.
▪ Two optional sampling greenhouses and mushroom farms.
Interchangeable Probes
methods: diffusion or pump The meter can also be used in HVAC
aspiration and industrial applications, and as a The GM70 uses the same probes as
▪ User-friendly meter with tool for checking fixed CO2 instruments. Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide
multilingual user interface The GM70 has a short warm-up Transmitter Series GMT220 and
Modules Series GMM220. By plugging
▪ Numerical and graphical time and is ready for use almost
different probes into the handle or
display of measurements immediately. It has a menu-based
pump, the user can easily change the
▪ Data can be logged and interface, a graphical LCD display and
measurement range of the GM70.
transferred to PC via MI70 Link data logging capability. The optional
software MI70 Link Windows® software in The meter can also be used as a
combination with a USB connection calibration check instrument for
▪ Wide selection
cable provides an easy way to handle Vaisala’s GM20 and series, GMT/
of measurement ranges
data in a PC environment. M220 fixed CO2 instruments. GMP220
▪ Easy recalibration using the
probes can even be adjusted by using
interchangeable probes
Vaisala CARBOCAP ® the GM70 meter.
▪ Suitable for field checking of Technology The GM70 has two probe inputs.
fixed CO2 instruments
The GM70 incorporates the advanced Vaisala’s relative humidity and
▪ Short warm-up time
Vaisala CARBOCAP® sensor that dewpoint probes can also be
▪ Compact and versatile has unique reference measurement used simultaneously with CO2
capabilities. The measurement

Technical Data

CO2 Volume Concentration Measurement MI70 Indicator General

Measurement ranges Menu languages English, Chinese, French, Spanish,
High concentrations 0 ... 2 % German, Japanese, Russian,
short probe (GMP221) 0 ... 3 % Swedish, Finnish
0 ... 5 %, 0 ... 10 %, 0 ... 20 % Display LCD with backlight, graphic trend
Low concentrations 0 ... 2000 ppm display of any parameter,
long probe (GMP222) 0 ... 3000 ppm, 0 ... 5000 ppm, character height up to 16 mm
0 ... 7000 ppm, 0 ... 10,000 ppm Max. no. of probes 2
Accuracy (including repeatability, non-linearity and calibration Power supply Rechargeable NiMH battery pack
uncertainty) at 25 °C and 1013 hPa with AC-adapter
GMP221 ±(1.5% of range + 2% of reading) Analog output 0 ... 1 VDC
(applies for concentrations above 2% of full scale) Output resolution 0.6 mV
GMP222 ±(1.5% of range + 2% of reading) PC interface MI70 Link software with USB or
Temperature dependence, typical -0.3 % of reading / °C serial port cable
Pressure dependence, typical +0.15% of reading/hPa Data logging capacity 2700 points
Long-term stability <±5 %FS/2 years Alarm Audible alarm function
Response time (63 %) Operating temperature range -10 ... +40 °C (+14 ... +104 °F)
GMP221 20 seconds Operating humidity range non-condensing
GMP222 30 seconds Housing material ABS/PC blend
Warm-up time 30 seconds, 15 minute full Housing classification IP54
specifications Weight 400 g

Carbon Dioxide
Battery Operation Time
Measurement Environment Continuous use
Temperature -20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F) with handle better than 8h at +20 °C (+68 °F)
Relative humidity 0 ... 100 %RH non-condensing with pump better than 5h at +20 °C (+68 °F) without load
Operation pressure 700 ... 1300 hPa Data logging use up to a month, depending on logging interval
Flow range (diffusion sampling) 0 ... 10 m/s

Electromagnetic Compatibility
EN 61326-1, Portable Equipment.
Probe, Handle & Pump General
Sensor Vaisala CARBOCAP® Accessories
Housing material Connection cable for fixed CO2 instruments
GMP221/222 probe PC plastic GMT220, GMM220, GMD20 and
GMH70 handle ABS/PC blend GMW20 GMA70
GM70 Pump aluminium casing MI70 Link software with USB cable 219687
Storage temperature -30 ... +70 °C (-22 ... +158 °F) MI70 Link software with serial port MI70LINK
Storage humidity 0 ... 100 %RH non-condensing cable
Weight Analog output cable for 0 ... 1 VDC 27168ZZ
GMH70 with GMP221/222 probe 230 g Calibration adapter 26150GM
GM70 Pump with GMP221/222 Carrying case MI70CASE
probe 700 g Battery, NiMH 4.8V 26755
Spare probe GMP221, GMP222
(use the order form to define measurement range etc.)
Nafion Membrane Tubing 212807GM

Technical Data

Dimensions in mm (inches)

MI70 indicator GMP222 probe GMP221 probe GM70 pump

85 (3.3
( 0.73

Ø 18

109 (4

32 (1.26)




Please contact us at
Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and
B210824EN-C ©Vaisala
Ref. B210824EN-C ©Vaisala2014
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given
copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
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prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
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Carbon Dioxide
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GMW90 Series Carbon Dioxide, Temperature, and Humidity

Transmitters for Demand Controlled Ventilation Applications
▪ Measured parameters: carbon
dioxide, temperature, and
humidity (optional)

▪ Superior long-term stability

with the next generation Vaisala
CARBOCAP® sensor

▪ Accurate temperature and

humidity measurements in a
three-parameter instrument due
to the low-power microglow
infrared source

▪ Quick and easy installation and


▪ Calibrated, user-exchangeable
modules for carbon dioxide,
temperature and humidity

▪ 3-point traceable CO2 calibration

(certification included)
GMW90 Series Carbon Dioxide, Temperature and Humidity Transmitters for HVAC
are available with either a display opening or a solid front. An optional traffic light ▪ Both analog and digital commu-
nication (BACnet/Modbus)
indication can also be selected.

The Vaisala GMW90 Series CARBOCAP® The new generation CARBOCAP® sensor
Carbon Dioxide, Temperature, and no longer uses an incandescent light
Humidity Transmitters are based on new bulb, which limits sensor lifetime. This
measurement technology for improved unique sensor consumes very little
reliability and stability. With the new power compared to other sensors on
technology the transmitter’s inspection the market. As a result, instrument
interval is extended to five years. self-heating is low and humidity and
Designed for demand controlled temperature can be measured correctly.
ventilation, these transmitters measure
carbon dioxide and temperature, with
Convenient Installation
the option for humidity measurements. GMW90 Series Transmitters have
The instruments come with a calibration been designed for quick and easy
certificate that meets traceability and installation and maintenance. Every Make the transmitter blend into your
compliance requirements. model includes a display for easy interior design with the optional
startup and convenient maintenance. decorative cover.
Reliability from Unique To protect the sensor from dust and dirt
Measurement Technology during construction and installation, exchangeable measurement modules.
The GMW90 Series Transmitters use the units can be cabled with back-plate Sensor traceability and measurement
advanced Micro-Electro-Mechanical only. Electronics can be snapped on quality is easily maintained by snapping
System (MEMS) technology for later at an appropriate phase in the on a new module calibrated at Vaisala
measuring carbon dioxide. The construction project. Dip switches factory. The instrument can also be
CARBOCAP® carbon dioxide sensor's make it quick and easy to configure the calibrated using a hand-held meter or
continuous reference measurement transmitters. reference gas CO2bottle. The service
enables reliable and accurate readings interfaces are easy to reach by simply
and outstanding long-term stability
Easy Calibration sliding the cover down. The closed cover
also in buildings with round-the-clock Regular instrument maintenance keeps the measurement environment
occupancy. guarantees a long product lifetime. stable during calibration and ensures a
Calibration is easiest done with the top-quality final result.

Technical Data
Models Stability in typical HVAC applications ±0.5 %RH/year
GMW93 CO2+T 3-wire, voltage output Humidity sensor Vaisala HUMICAP® 180R
GMW93D CO2+T 3-wire, voltage output with display *Complies with CEC-400-2008-001-CMF
GMW94 CO2+T 3-wire, current output Operating Environment
GMW94D CO2+T 3-wire, current output with display Operating temperature range -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F)
GMW93R CO2+T+RH 3-wire, voltage output Operating humidity range 0 … 95 %RH
GMW93RD CO2+T+RH 3-wire, voltage output with display Dewpoint <30 °C (+86 °F)
3-wire, voltage output with display and Storage temperature range -30 ... +60 °C (-22 ... +140 °F)
CO2 indicator LEDs Electromagnetic compliance EN61326-1, Industrial Environment
GMW94R CO2+T+RH 3-wire, current output
GMW94RD CO2+T+RH 3-wire, current output with display Spare Parts and Accessories
GMW95 CO2+T Digital (BACnet/Modbus) model CO2 module GM10SP
GMW95D CO2+T Digital (BACnet/Modbus) model with display Temperature Module (CO2+T models) TM10SP
GMW95R CO2+T+RH Digital (BACnet/Modbus) model Humidity and Temperature Module
GMW95RD CO2+T+RH Digital (BACnet/Modbus) model with (CO2+T+RH models) HTM10SP
display Decorative cover set (10 pcs.) 236285
GMW90 CO2+T Configurable analog/digital models Connection cable for HM70 hand-held meter 219980
GMW90R CO2+T+RH Configurable analog/digital models USB cable for PC connection 219690

Performance Mechanics
Measurement range 0 … 5000 ppm Standard housing color White (RAL9003*)

Carbon Dioxide
Accuracy Housing material ABS/PC, UL-V0 approved
+20 ... +30 °C (+ 68 ... + 86 °F) ± (30 ppm + 2 % of reading) Output connector Screw terminals
+10 ... +20 °C, +30 ... +40 °C ± (35 ppm + 2.7 % of reading) max. wire size 2 mm2 (AWG14)
(+50 ... +68 °F, +86 ... +104 °F) Service port connector 4-pin M8
-5 ... +10 °C, +40 ... +55 °C ± (45 ppm + 3.8 % of reading) Weight 163 g
(+23 ... +50 °F, +104 ... +131 °F) *RAL code is only indicative with potential small variations in color shade
Stability in typical HVAC applications Total accuracy at room
temperature ±75 ppm at Inputs and Outputs
600 and 1000 ppm incl. 5 years drift* Supply voltage 18 … 35 VDC, 24 VAC ± 20% 50/60 Hz
Carbon dioxide sensor Vaisala CARBOCAP® GM10 Current output models
TEMPERATURE Outputs 0/4…20 mA, 2 and 3 channel models available
Measurement range -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F) Loop resistance 0…600 Ω
Accuracy Power consumption <2W
+20 ... +30 °C (+68 ... +86 °F) ±0.5 °C (± 0.9 °F) Voltage output models
+10 ... +20 °C, +30 ... +40 °C ±0.6 °C (± 1.08 °F) Outputs 0…5/10 V, 2 and 3 channel models available
(+50 ... +68 °F, +86 ... +104 °F) Load resistance 10 kΩ min.
-5 ... +10 °C, +40...+55 °C ±0.8 °C (± 1.44 °F) Power consumption <1W
(+23 ... +50 °F, +104 ... +131 °F) Digital models
Temperature sensor Digital temperature sensor Power consumption <1.5W
RELATIVE HUMIDITY Output type RS-485 (galvanic isolation, 1.5 kV)
Measurement range 0 ... 95 %RH RS-485 end of line termination Enable with jumper, 120 Ω
Accuracy Supported protocols Selectable by DIP switch
Temperature range +10 ... +40 °C (+50 ... +104 °F) BACnet MS/TP
0 ... 60 %RH ±2.5 %RH Operating mode Selectable Master/Slave
60 … 80 %RH ±3.0 %RH Address range, master mode 0 … 127
80 ... 95 %RH ±4.0 %RH Address range, slave mode 128…255
Temperature range -5 ... +10 °C, +40 ... + 55 °C Modbus RTU
(+23 ... +50 °F, +104 ... +131 °F) Address range 0 … 247
0 ... 60 %RH ±3.5 %RH
Service port RS-485 line for temporary service use
60 … 80 %RH ±4.0 %RH
80 ... 95 %RH ±5.0 %RH

Dimensions in mm

30 29.8




Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211296EN-B ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

Decorative Cover for Vaisala
GMW90 and HMW90 Series Transmitters
The decorative cover helps to camouflage the transmitter to the
surroundings. Transmitter location can be chosen with optimal
measurement in mind without compromising aesthetics.

Carbon Dioxide


GMW80 Series Carbon Dioxide and Temperature

Transmitters for Demand-Controlled Ventilation
▪ Cost-efficient, affordable

▪ Reliable and maintenance-free

operation up to 15 years

▪ Superior stability due to

2nd-gen proprietary
CARBOCAP® technology

▪ Improved accuracy due to low

self-heating of microglow light

▪ Easy to install, easy to use

▪ Versatile – works well in

buildings occupied 24/7

▪ Ideal for demand-controlled


The GMW86P and GMW86PT transmitters.

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Easy Installation Reliable Operation

Dioxide and Temperature Transmitter
With modern buildings often having The GMW80 series transmitters are
Series GMW80 is based on a
hundreds of sensors, the installation optimized for low maintenance. The
second-generation technology for
time per unit can be a significant second-generation, low-power
improved reliability and stability. The
cost factor. Returning to the building CARBOCAP® technology enables
transmitters are designed to fulfill
site to check sensor operation adds a longer lifetime and superior
the needs for CO2 measurements
further costs. stability than ever before. As the
in standard demand-controlled
The GMW80 series transmitters power consumption is low, the heat
ventilation applications. Temperature
include a number of subtle design generated by the electronics does
measurement is always included
features that have been introduced to not distort the temperature inside
in the GMW80 series transmitters.
make installation and commissioning the sensor. The internal reference
The optional temperature set-point
quick and easy. The pull-out tab in the CO2 sensor guarantees the
potentiometer gives you the flexibility
makes opening the transmitter faster best stability and operation even
needed for a variety of projects.
than before, while also doubling as a in constantly occupied buildings
The CARBOCAP® sensors measure without frequent readjustments.
quality check slip and holder for the
CO2 accurately immediately when
anti-tamper screw. The backplate can The reliable operation and accurate
powered on. As they have a built-in
be twisted onto pre-mounted screws, measurement values of the GMW80
reference measurement they do not
and the wiring can be done easily on series transmitters contribute to the
need a lengthy learning phase before
the clearly marked backplate. The significant cost savings brought by
the measured values are correct.
electronics can be snapped on later demand-controlled ventilation.
Proper operation can be verified
when the building automation system
immediately after snapping on the
is commissioned.
device cover.

Technical Data
GMW86P and GMW86PT

Performance Mechanics
Measurement range 0 ... 2000 ppm Housing material ABS/PC UL-V0 approved
Accuracy Housing color White (RAL9003)
+20 ... +30 °C ±(30 ppm +3 % of reading) Output connector Screw terminal
+10 ... +20 °C, +30 ... +40 °C ±(35 ppm +3.7 % of reading) max. wire size 2mm2 (AWG14)
+0 ... +10 °C, +40 ... 50 °C ±(40 ppm +4.8 % of reading) Weight
Stability in typical HVAC ±(15 ppm + 2 % of reading) GMW86P 114 g
conditions over 5 years GMW86PT 120 g
Warm-up time 1 min; 10 min for full specification
Response time (63 %) 60s Inputs and Outputs
Carbon dioxide sensor Vaisala CARBOCAP®GM10 Supply voltage 18 ... 35 VDC, 24 VAC ±20 % 50/60 Hz
TEMPERATURE Max. current consumption 45 mA at 18 VDC, 100 mA at 24 VAC
Sensor Class F0.15 IEC 60751 CO2
Product lifetime >15 years Outputs 4 ... 20 mA, 0 ... 10V
Scale 0 ... 2000 ppm
Operating Environment Current loop resistance (4 ... 20mA) 0 ... 600 Ω
Operating temperature range 0 ... +50 °C ( +32 ... 122 °F) Voltage output load resistance 10KΩ min
Operating humidity range 0 ... 95 %RH Temperature Pt1000 RTD

Carbon Dioxide
Dewpoint <30 °C (+86 °F) TEMPERATURE SETPOINT
Storage temperature range -40 ... +70 °C (-40 ... 158 °F) (GMW86PT) 10 KΩ potentiometer
Electromagnetic compliance EN61326-1,
Industrial Environment Spare Parts and Accessories
CO2 module GM10SP80

CO2 4 … 20mA/0 … 10V output CO2 4 … 20mA/0 … 10V output
T Pt1000 RTD T Pt1000 RTD

60.3 81.1 25.9 60.3 81.1 25.9






Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211435EN-B ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


GMD20 Series Carbon Dioxide Transmitters for

Demand Controlled Ventilation Applications

The GMD20 series transmitters are designed for use in ventilation-related

applications. Versatile Transmitters
The GMD20 series transmitters
The duct mounted Vaisala can be used independently, or
Features/Benefits incorporated into building energy
CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide
▪ Versatile transmitters Transmitter Series GMD20 is specially management systems. The series
designed for Demand Controlled consists of duct mount units GMD20
▪ Reliable measurement with
Ventilation (DCV). They are easy to and GMD20D. Version D has a display.
sensor inside the duct
install and require no maintenance. The duct units' compact sensor head
▪ Incorporates Vaisala
The recommended calibration design fits inside the ventilation duct,
CARBOCAP® Sensor - the
silicon-based NDIR sensor interval is five years. eliminating the risk of leaking gaskets
and measurement errors.
▪ Excellent long-term stability
Vaisala CARBOCAP® In addition to the standard
▪ Negligible temperature Technology 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA and 0 ... 10 V
dependence The GMD20 Series Transmitters use outputs, there are two other options:
▪ Ease of installation the silicon-based Vaisala CARBOCAP® one LonWorks® interface and a relay
Sensor. The simple structure and output. The relay output is standard
reference measurement capabilities with the display units.
make this Single-Beam, Dual-
Wavelength NDIR sensor extremely Improve Indoor Air at
stable and reliable. Minimal Energy Costs
The temperature and flow The use of the GMD20 series
dependences of the sensor transmitters ensures the best
are negligible. In addition, the possible control of air quality and
measurement accuracy is not results in considerable savings in
affected by dust, water vapor and energy consumption, maintenance
most chemicals. and recalibration costs.

Technical Data

Performance Accessories and Options

CARBON DIOXIDE MEASUREMENT Display and relay option for GMD20 GMI21
Measurement range 0 ... 2000 ppm Relay output option GMR20
(nominal; can be calibrated for other ranges: LonWorks® module with CO2 signal GML20
0 ... 5000 ppm, 0 ... 10,000 ppm, 0 ... 20,000 ppm) (Not available when display option is added)
Accuracy (including repeatability, non-linearity Serial COM adapter 19040GM
and calibration uncertainty) ± (2 % of range + 2% of reading) Hand-held meter for field verification GM70
Long-term stability <±5 % of range / 5 years
Response time (63%) 1 minute Dimensions
Warm-up time 1 minute, 15 minutes full specifications Dimensions in mm
GMD20 and GMD20D
Inputs and Outputs
Outputs 0 ... 20 or 4 ... 20 mA and 0 ... 10 V
Optional outputs relay
LonWorks® interface
Resolution of analog outputs 8 bits
Recommended external load:
current output max. 500 ohm
voltage output min. 1 kohm
Operating voltage nominal 24 VAC/DC (18 ... 30 VDC)

Carbon Dioxide
Connections screw terminals, wire size 0.5 ... 1.5 mm2
Power consumption <2.5 W
CARBOCAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.
Operating Environment
Temperature -5 ... +45 °C (+23 ... +113 °F)
Humidity 0 ... 85 %RH, non-condensing
Flow velocity (GMD20) 0 ... 10 m/s
Electromagnetic compatibility EN61326-1, Generic Environment

Housing material ABS plastic
Housing classification (GMD20 electronics housing) IP65
Weight: GMD20 (D) 140 g (170 g)

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211432EN-A ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


GMM112 Carbon Dioxide Module

for HVAC Applications
▪ Compact OEM module for
demand controlled ventilation
and other CO2 measurement

▪ Incorporates Vaisala
CARBOCAP®, the silicon based
NDIR sensor with unique
internal referencing

▪ Advanced, single-beam, dual

wavelength measurement with
no moving parts

▪ Excellent long-term stability

▪ Ideal for ventilation control in

all types of occupied spaces

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Module GMM112 is a basic CO2

measurement module.

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Proven Performance with in the optical path, making the sensor
Dioxide Module GMM112 is a compact the Vaisala CARBOCAP® extremely stable over time.
module for measuring ppm (parts Sensor CARBOCAP sensor has no need
per million) levels of carbon dioxide. for any compensation algorithms
The GMM112 module includes Vaisala
The GMM112 module is designed that are used in more simple
CARBOCAP® carbon dioxide sensor, a
for indoor use in demand controlled sensors to compensate for their
silicon-based infrared (IR) absorption
ventilation and other applications drift. In applications with constant
sensor. The excellent long-term
requiring carbon dioxide control. elevated levels of carbon dioxide
stability of the CARBOCAP® sensor
The GMM112 has three optional results from its unique measurement and in buildings with around-the-
ranges to select from: 0…2 000 ppm, technology. The sensor features clock occupancy (e.g. hospitals,
0…5 000 ppm and 0…10 000 ppm. an electrically tunable Fabry-Perot manufacturing facilities, residential
The selectable analog (current and Interferometer for built-in reference buildings, and retirement homes) the
voltage) and digital outputs make it measurement. The sensor not compensations based on assumed
easy to integrate to various control only measures CO2 absorption but background carbon dioxide level
systems. The GMM112 modules are also a reference, which makes it simply do not work.
easy to install and need practically possible to compensate for potential
no maintenance. light intensity variations and
contamination and dirt accumulation

Technical Data

Performance Dimensions
CO2-measurement range 0 ... 2000 ppm Dimensions in mm
0 ... 5000 ppm
0 ... 10000 ppm mA mA
Accuracy (including repeatability, non- ± (2 % of range + 2 % of V V

linearity and calibration uncertainty) reading 0 0
Long-term stability ± 5 % of range/5 years
Response time T90 1 min
Temperature dependence, typical -0,35 % of reading / °C
0 0
Pressure dependence, typical +0,15 % of reading/hPa
24V 24V
Warm-up time 1 min, 10 min for full.
specification Ø3.2
Product lifetime > 10 years

Operating Environment

Temperature -5 ... +45 °C (23 ... 113 °F)
Humidity 0 ... 85 %RH
Pressure 700 ... 1200 hPa
Electromagnectic compatibility

Carbon Dioxide
Complies with EMS standard EN61326-1:1997 + Am1:1998,
Generic Environment 6
Inputs and Outputs
Operating voltage 24 V (±20 %) AC/DC
Power consumption <2 W 30
Outputs 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V, 60
RS-485, 2-wire, non-isolated

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210567EN-E ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.



Vaisala BAROCAP® Sensor for Measuring


First introduced in 1985, Vaisala BAROCAP® is a silicon-based micromechanical pressure sensor

that offers reliable performance in a wide variety of applications, from meteorology to industrial
measurements. Combining two powerful technologies – single-crystal silicon material and
capacitive measurement – BAROCAP sensors feature low hysteresis combined with excellent
accuracy and long-term stability.

How It Works Typical Applications for BAROCAP in Brief

Barometric Pressure
BAROCAP is a micromechanical
Measurement ▪ Over 25 years of accurate
sensor that uses dimensional changes pressure measurement
Barometric pressure measurement
in its silicon membrane to measure
pressure. As the surrounding has a wide variety of applications ▪ Silicon-based capacitive
sensor for absolute pressure
pressure increases or decreases, the within meteorology. Pressure data is measurement
required for estimating the amount
membrane bends, thereby increasing
or decreasing the height of the of precipitable water vapor in the ▪ Barometric pressure range
500...1100 hPa
vacuum gap inside the sensor. The atmosphere. Typical applications
opposite sides of the vacuum gap act include weather stations, data buoys, ▪ 50...1100 hPa pressure range
GPS meteorology, and environmental available for industrial
as electrodes, and as the distance applications
between the two electrodes changes, data logging. Barometric pressure
the sensor capacitance changes. measurement is also used in hydrology ▪ Process pressure measurement
and agrology applications. range 1...10 bar
The capacitance is measured and
converted into a pressure reading. Barometric pressure data is also ▪ NIST-traceable pressure
required in several industrial measurement
The BAROCAP sensor’s properties
– good elasticity, low hysteresis, applications. It is measured in pressure-
excellent repeatability, low sensitive industrial equipment, such as
temperature dependence, and laser interferometers and lithography
BAROCAP’s Unique Benefits
superior long-term stability – are systems, aviation applications, and
the result of its single-crystal silicon in exhaust-gas analysis. Metrological ▪ Low hysteresis, high
applications include laboratory repeatability
material. The capacitive structure
gives the sensor its wide dynamic pressure standard measurements ▪ Superior long-term stability
and environmental monitoring in
range and provides a built-in
mechanism for overpressure blocking. calibration laboratories. ▪ Tolerates harsh conditions

Vaisala offers a range of professional- gas monitoring in high-voltage point data. This is important because
grade barometers for both indoor and equipment. In addition to the changes in the pressure of the gas
outdoor use. BAROCAP barometers need for dew point measurement, being monitored alter its dew point.
operate over a wide temperature these two applications also share Combined dew point and pressure
range and perform reliably even in the need for accurate and stable measurement in SF6 gas monitoring
highly demanding applications such pressure measurement. Vaisala has of high-voltage equipment provides
as professional meteorology and integrated its DRYCAP and BAROCAP a superior tool for assessing the
aviation. View the complete range technologies into a range of products condition of SF6 insulation. Leakages
of Vaisala barometers at that offer a unique combination of can be immediately detected and pressure and dew point measurement early warning is given for moisture
for pressurized systems. issues. Measuring dew point,
BAROCAP Applications In compressed air, combining pressure, and temperature enables
for Measurements in dew point measurement with live the calculation of SF6 gas density,
Pressurized Systems process pressure data provides a normalized pressure, dew point at
Vaisala DRYCAP® dew point unique advantage: The conversion atmospheric pressure, and ppm – all
instruments have a long history of measured pressure dew point to essential elements in SF6 monitoring.
of providing reliable and stable atmospheric pressure or ppm unit View the complete range of Vaisala
measurements in compressed is available online, eliminating the products for combined pressure
air systems and SF6 insulation possibility of any ambiguity in the dew and dew point measurement at

BAROCAP sensor. Cross-section of the BAROCAP sensor.


The story of BAROCAP began in new pressure-sensing technology set foot, including as part of several
the late 1970s during preliminary based on silicon processing. The Mars exploration missions and the
micromechanical pressure sensor critical breakthrough came on Cassini-Huygens mission to explore
studies for the new-generation the brink of the project deadline. Saturn and its largest moon, Titan.
Vaisala Radiosonde RS80. The first BAROCAP sensors were BAROCAP’s out-of-this-world
Micromechanics proved to be delivered to two icebreakers and journey continues with its inclusion
challenging, and Vaisala worked in the Helsinki Telephone Company. in instruments that form part of
close cooperation with universities NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory,
BAROCAP sensors have traveled
and research institutes in Finland launched in November 2011.
to places where no human has ever
and internationally to develop a

For more information, visit Ref. B210845EN-B ©Vaisala 2012

This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights or contact retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved.
us at Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or
its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or
storage of information contained in this brochure in any form
without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited.
All specifications — technical included — are subject to change
without notice.


PTU300 Combined Pressure, Humidity and

Temperature Transmitter for Demanding Applications

The Vaisala Combined Pressure, Humidity and Temperature Transmitter PTU300 is

a versatile, multi-purpose instrument.

Features/Benefits One Transmitter, Graphical Display of

Three Measurements Measurement Data and
▪ Barometric pressure, humidity,
The Vaisala Combined Pressure, Trends for Convenient
and temperature measurement
in one transmitter Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Operation
PTU300 is a unique instrument The PTU300 features a large
▪ Available with up to two measuring three parameters numerical and graphical display with a
barometric pressure sensors simultaneously. multilingual menu and keypad. It allows
for added reliability
You can choose from the following users to easily monitor operational
▪ RS232C serial interface with probe options: PTU301 for laboratories, data, measurement trends, and access
NMEA protocol for GPS use PTU303 for general use, PTU307 warmed measurement history for the past

▪ Graphical display and keypad probe for outdoor and demanding

meteorology applications, and
12 months.
for convenient operation The optional data logger, with real-time
PTU30T for pressure and temperature clock, makes it possible to generate over
▪ Analog outputs, RS232/485,
measurement only. four years of measurement history and
zoom in on any desired time or time frame.
▪ MODBUS protocol support Proven Vaisala Sensor
The display alarm allows any measured
(RTU/TCP) Technology parameter to be tracked, with freely
▪ Optional universal power The PTU300 incorporates sensors
known for their high accuracy and
configurable low and high limits.
supply module
excellent long-term stability: Vaisala
▪ NIST traceable calibration
BAROCAP® for pressure measurement
(certificate included)
and Vaisala HUMICAP® for humidity
▪ HMT330MIK installation kit for measurement. The temperature sensor
outdoor use is a platinum RTD sensor.
▪ Applications include
environmental monitoring
in calibration laboratories,
industrial applications, GPS
meteorology: estimating
precipitable water vapor in the
atmosphere, weather stations

Versatile Outputs and can be viewed on the local display Flexible Calibration
or transferred to a PC with Microsoft
Data Collection Quick, one-point field calibration for
Windows® software. The transmitter
The PTU300 comes with a standard humidity is easy using the Vaisala
can also be connected to a network
RS232 serial interface. The output format Hand-Held Humidity
with an optional (W)LAN interface,
is compatible with major GPS receivers Meter HM70.
which enables a (wireless) Ethernet
and NMEA-coded messages. An isolated connection. A USB service cable makes With Vaisala Barometric Pressure
RS485 is available as an option. it easy to connect the PTU300 to a PC Transfer Standard PTB330TS, including
The PTU300 is also capable of applying via the service port. optional humidity and temperature
the MODBUS communication protocol probe, field check and calibration can
and, together with an appropriate Outdoor Installation Kit be performed for all three parameters.
connection option, provides either
Outdoor installation is possible using
the optional HMT330MIK installation
TCP/IP (Ethernet) communication.
kit, for applications requiring reliable
The data logger, with real-time clock measurements for meteorological
and battery backup, guarantees purposes.
reliable logging of measurement data
for over four years. The recorded data

PTU300 Models
Dimensions in mm (inches)

120 (4.72)
12 (0.47)

PTU301 for wall mounting

Dimensions in mm (inches)

183 (7.20)
116 (4.57)

PTU301 short cable probe with

optional WLAN
106 (4.17)

42 (1.65)

PTU300 Models

Dimensions in mm (inches)

Ø 12 (0.47)

37.5 (1.48)

78.5 (3.09)
PTU303 probe for outdoor use
98.5 (3.88)

Dimensions in mm (inches)
Ø 12 (0.47)

37.5 (1.48)

79.5 (3.13)
PTU307 warmed probe for demanding
meteorological installations 99.5 (3.92)
Ø 3.2 (0.13)
Ø 6 (0.24)

130 (5.12)

Dimensions in mm (inches)
Ø 3.2 (0.13)
Ø 6 (0.24)

130 (5.12)

PTU30T for pressure and temperature

only measurement

Technical Data
Pressure range 500 ... 1100 hPa, 50 ... 1100 hPa
Accuracy 500 ... 1100 hPa 500 ... 1100 hPa 50 ... 1100 hPa
Linearity ±0.05 hPa ±0.10 hPa ±0.20 hPa
Hysteresis* ±0.03 hPa ±0.03 hPa ±0.08 hPa
Repeatability* ±0.03 hPa ±0.03 hPa ±0.08 hPa
Calibration ±0.07 hPa ±0.15 hPa ±0.20 hPa
Accuracy at +20 °C*** ±0.10 hPa ±0.20 hPa ±0.30 hPa
Temperature ±0.1 hPa ±0.1 hPa ±0.3 hPa The display also shows the WMO pressure
dependence**** trend ∆P 3h and tendency of 0 ... 8.
Total accuracy ±0.15 hPa ±0.25 hPa ±0.45 hPa
-40 ... +140 °F) Δ °C
Long-term stability/year ±0.1 hPa ±0.1 hPa ±0.2 hPa 0.5

Response time (100 % response) 0.4

one sensor 2 s• 1 s• 1 s•
Pressure units hPa, mbar, kPa, Pa, inHg, mmH20, mmHg, torr,
psia °C
* Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of endpoint non-linearity,
hysteresis error or repeatability error and calibration.
** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of accuracy in the working -0.2
standard including NIST traceability. -0.3
*** Defined as the root sum of the squares (RSS) of endpoint non-linearity, -0.4
hysteresis error, repeatability error and calibration uncertainty at room -0.5
temperature. -40 -20 0 20 40 60
**** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of temperature dependence over
the operating temperature range. Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751
Operating Environment
Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH
Operating temperature -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Accuracy (including non-linearity,
with optional display 0 ... +60 °C (+32 ... +140 °F)

hysteresis, and repeatability at
Humidity range non-condensing
+15 ... +25 °C ±1 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)
Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard
±1.7 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)
EN61326-1, Industrial Environment
at -20 ... +40 °C ±(1.0 + 0.008 x reading) %RH
Note: Transmitter with display test impedance of 40 ohm
at -40 ... +60 °C ±(1.5 + 0.015 x reading) %RH
is used in IEC61000-4-5 (Surge immunity)
Factory calibration uncertainty (+20 °C )
(Defined as ±2 standard deviation ± 0.6 %RH (0 ... 40 %RH) Inputs and Outputs
limits. Small variations possible, ± 1.0 %RH (40 ... 97 %RH) Operating voltage 10 ... 35 VDC, 24 VAC ±20%
see also calibration certificate.) with optional power supply module 100 ... 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Sensor Power consumption at +20 °C (Uin 24 VDC)
for typical applications Vaisala HUMICAP® 180 or 180R* RS232 max. 28 mA
for applications with chemical Uout 3 x 0 ... 1 V/0 ... 5 V/0 ... 10 V max. 33 mA
purge/warmed probe Vaisala HUMICAP® 180C or 180RC* Iout 3 x 0 ... 20 mA max. 63 mA
Response time (90%) at +20 °C (+68 °F) in still air display and backlight +20 mA
with grid filter 8 s / 17 s* during chemical purge max. +110 mA
with grid + steel netting filter 20 s / 50 s* during probe heating +120 mA
with sintered filter 40 s / 60 s* Settling time at power-up (one sensor)
* with HUMICAP® 180R or 180RC sensor class A 4s
Measurement range, all probes -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) External loads
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) ± 0.2 °C (± 0.4 °F) current outputs RL < 500 ohm
Temperature units °C, °F 0 ... 1 V output RL > 2 kohm
0 ... 5 V and 0 ... 10 V outputs RL > 10 kohm
Recommended wire size 0.5 mm2 (AWG 20) stranded wires Probe cable diameter
Digital outputs RS232, RS485 (optional) PTU303 6.0 mm
Protocols ASCII commands, MODBUS RTU other probes 5.5 mm
Service connection RS232, USB Standard probe cable lengths 2 m, 5 m or 10 m
Relay outputs (optional) 0.5 A, 250 VAC (Additional cable lengths available, please
Ethernet interface (optional) see order form for details)
Supported standards 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX Housing material G-AlSi 10 Mg (DIN 1725)
Connector 8P8C (RJ45) Housing classification IP 66
IPv4 address assignment DHCP (automatic), static IP65 (NEMA4X) with local display
Protocols Telnet, MODBUS TCP/IP Weight
WLAN interface (optional) depending on selected probe 1.0 - 3.0 kgs
Supported standards 802.11b
Antenna connector type RP-SMA
IPv4 address assignment DHCP (automatic), static
PC software and cable 215005
Protocols Telnet, MODBUS TCP/IP
USB-RJ45 Serial Connection Cable 219685
Security WEP 64/128, WPA2
Connection cable for HM70 211339
Authentication / Encryption (WLAN)
Wall mounting plate (plastic) 214829
Open / no encryption
Pole installation kit with rain shield 215109
Open / WEP
DIN rail installation set 211477
WPA Pre-shared key / TKIP
Duct installation kit, PTU303/307 210697
WPA Pre-shared key / CCMP (a.k.a. WPA2)
Cable gland and AGRO, PTU303/307 HMP247CG
Optional data logger with real-time clock
Solar radiation shield, PTU303/307/30T DTR502B
Logged parameters max. four with trend/min/max values
Meteorological installation kit HMT330MIK
Logging interval 10 sec. (fixed)
Duct installation kit (T probe) 215003
Max. logging period 4 years, 5 months
Logged points 13.7 million points per parameter
Battery lifetime min. 5 years Dimensions
Display LCD with backlight, graphical trend display Dimensions in mm (inches)
of any parameter 183 (7.20)
183 (7.20) 169 (6.65)
Menu languages English, Chinese, Finnish, French, German,
Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
Analog outputs (optional)
116 (4.57)

116 (4.57)

current output 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA

96 (3.78)
Ø 7 (0.28)

71 (2.80)
voltage output 0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V
Humidity and temperature 183 (7.20)
169 (6.65)
accuracy at +20 °C ±0.05% full scale
temperature dependence ±0.005%/°C full scale
92 (3.62)

Pressure 500 ... 1100 hPa 50 ... 1100 hPa

accuracy at +20 °C ±0.30 hPa ±0.40 hPa
116 (4.57)

96 (3.78)

accuracy at -40 ... +60 °C ±0.60 hPa ±0.75 hPa 77 (3.03)

Ø 7 (0.28)

71 (2.80)

Cable bushing M20 x 1.5 for cable diameter
8 ... 11 mm/0.31 ... 0.43" BAROCAP® and HUMICAP® are registered trademarks of Vaisala.
Conduit fitting 1/2" NPT
User cable connector (optional) M12 series 8-pin (male)
option 1 female plug with 5 m (16.4 ft) black cable
option 2 female plug with screw terminals



Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210954EN-E ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

Products, spare parts
and accessories
Convenient product
comparison tool

Invoice option
(30 days NET)


PTB330 Digital Barometer for Professional

Meteorology, Aviation, and Industrial Users
against one another and provides
information on whether these are
within the set internal difference
criteria. This unique feature
provides redundancy in pressure
Thus, users also get a stable and
reliable pressure reading at all times
as well as a pre-indication of when to
service or recalibrate the barometer.


The PTB330 can be set to
compensate for QNH and QFE
pressure used especially in aviation.
The QNH represents the pressure
reduced to sea level, based on the
altitude and temperature of the
observation site. The QFE represents
the height corrected pressure of
Vaisala BAROCAP® Digital Barometer PTB330 with a new trend display. small differences in altitude, for
example, the air pressure at the
Vaisala BAROCAP® Digital Barometer capacitive, absolute pressure sensor airfield elevation.
PTB330 is a new generation - the Vaisala BAROCAP® Sensor. It
barometer, designed for a wide provides high measurement accuracy Graphical Display
range of high-end atmospheric and excellent long-term stability. The PTB330 features a multi-lingual,
pressure measurement. The pressure graphical display allowing users to
measurement of the PTB330 is based Highly Accurate monitor measurement trends. The
on the Vaisala in-house, silicon The PTB330 series is highly accurate. graph is updated automatically while
The Class A barometers for the measuring and it provides a one-year
most demanding applications are measurement history. In addition to
Features/Benefits fine-tuned and calibrated against a instant pressure, the PTB330 also
▪ Vaisala BAROCAP® sensor high-precision pressure calibrator. provides the WMO pressure trend
Class B barometers are adjusted and and tendency codes.
▪ Accurate measurement calibrated using electronic working
▪ Excellent long-term stability standard. All the PTB330 barometers Applications
come with a NIST traceable, factory The PTB330 can be used successfully
▪ Added reliability through calibration certificate. for aviation, professional
meteorology, and for demanding
▪ Graphical trend display with Reliability through industrial pressure measurement
1-year history data Redundancy applications such as accurate laser
▪ Height and altitude corrected According to customers’ choice, the interferometric measurement and
pressure (QFE, QNH) PTB330 can incorporate one, two exhaust gas analysis in engine test
▪ For professional meteorology or three BAROCAP® sensors. When benches.
and aviation, laboratories, two or three sensors are used, the
demanding industrial barometer continuously compares
applications the readings of the pressure sensors

Technical Data
Performance Inputs and Outputs
BAROMETRIC PRESSURE RANGE 500 ... 1100 hPa Supply voltage 10 ... 35 VDC
Class A Class B Supply voltage sensitivity negligible
Linearity* ±0.05 hPa ±0.10 hPa Typical power consumption at +20 °C
Hysteresis* ±0.03 hPa ±0.03 hPa (Uin 24 VDC, one pressure sensor)
Repeatability* ±0.03 hPa ±0.03 hPa RS-232 25 mA
Calibration uncertainty** ±0.07 hPa ±0.15 hPa RS-485 40 mA
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) *** ±0.10 hPa ±0.20 hPa Uout 25 mA
BAROMETRIC PRESSURE RANGE 50 ... 1100 hPa Iout 40 mA
Class B display and backlight +20 mA
Linearity* ±0.20 hPa Serial I/O RS232C, RS485/422
Hysteresis* ±0.08 hPa Pressure units hPa, mbar, kPa, Pa inHg, mmH20, mmHg, torr, psia
Repeatability* ±0.08 hPa Class A Class B
Calibration uncertainty** ±0.15 hPa Resolution 0.01 hPa 0.1 hPa
Accuracy at +20 °C *** ±0.20 hPa Settling time at power-up (one sensor) 4s 3s
TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE**** Response time (one sensor) 2s 1s
500 ... 1100 hPa ±0.1 hPa Acceleration sensitivity negligible
50 ... 1100 hPa ±0.3 hPa Pressure connector M5 (10-32) internal thread
TOTAL ACCURACY -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Pressure fitting barbed fitting for 1/8” I.D. tubing or quick
Class A Class B connector with shutoff valve for 1/8” hose
500 ... 1100 hPa ±0.15 hPa ±0.25 hPa Maximum pressure limit 5000 hPa abs.
50 ... 1100 hPa ±0.45 hPa Compliance EMC standard EN61326-1:1997 + Am1:1998 +
LONG-TERM STABILITY Am2:2001: Industrial Environment
500 ... 1100 hPa ±0.1 hPa/year Mechanics
50 ... 1100 hPa ±0.1 hPa/year Housing material G AlSi10 Mg (DIN 1725)
* Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of endpoint non-linearity, Housing classification IP66
hysteresis or repeatability error.
IP65 (NEMA4) with local display
** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of inaccuracy of the
Weight 1 - 1.5 kg
working standard including traceability to NIST.
*** Defined as the root sum of the squares (RSS) of endpoint Analog Output (optional)
non-linearity, hysteresis error, repeatability error and calibration Current output 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA

uncertainty at room temperature. Voltage output 0 ... 1 V, 0 ... 5 V, 0 ... 10 V
**** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of temperature Accuracy at pressure range 500 ... 1100 hPa 50 ... 1100 hPa
dependence over the operating temperature range. at +20 °C ±0.30 hPa ±0.40 hPa
at -40 ... +60 °C ±0.60 hPa ±0.75 hPa
Operating Environment Accessories
Pressure range 500 ... 1100 hPa, 50 ... 1100 hPa Serial interface cable 19446ZZ
Temperature range USB-RJ45 serial connection cable 219685
operating -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Software interface kit 215005
with local display 0 ... +60 °C (+32 ... +140 °F) Wall mounting kit 214829
Outdoor installation kit (weather shield) 215109
Data Transfer Software Installation kit for pole or pipeline 215108
MI70 Link Interface Software Power supply module POWER-1
Requirement: Microsoft® Windows OS Temperature compensated analog output module AOUT-1T
Microsoft® Excel Isolated RS-485 module RS485-1
DIN Rail Kit 215094

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210708EN-E ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

Dimensional Drawings of the PTB330
Digital Barometer
Dimensions in mm (inches)
183 (7.20)

169 (6.65)

71 (2.80) 77 (3.03)

116 (4.57)

96 (3.78)

∅7 (0.28)
Mounting Options

Mounting with Wall Mounting with DIN Rail Pole Installation with Installation Mounting Rain Shield
Mounting Kit Installation Kit Kit for Pole or Pipeline with Installation Kit

HUMICAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211235EN-A ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

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Take the Lab to the Field

Vaisala Barometric Pressure Transfer
Standard PTB330TS
Operational PTB330TS unit
includes a PTB330 digital
barometer, hand-held MI70
indicator, optional HMP155
humidity and temperature
probe, optional MI70 Link
PC software, a user’s guide
and a weatherproof transfer
case equipped with a
shoulder strap.

PTB330TS transport case

shipped. The components are placed

in a proofing foam interior, with
Barometric Pressure Transfer accurate humidity and temperature
accessories and user’s guide placed
Standard PTB330TS makes field measurement.
in the lid organizer. The case includes
inspection accurate and easy. It The PTB330TS is suitable for various a separate inner tabletop case in
combines a PTB330 digital barometer reference measurements in industrial which the barometer is mounted.
with a hand-held MI70 indicator and meteorological areas. Shoulder strap is included for
within a portable unit functioning The PTB330TS comes in a durable convenience. Battery duration is up
as a transfer standard. The optional and weatherproof transport case to 11 hours of continuous use and up
HMP155 probe is available for that can be easily carried and to 30 days in data logging use.

Features / Benefits

▪ Portable, battery operated ▪ Optional humidity and ▪ Data can be logged, and
transfer standard with data temperature measurements transferred to a PC via
logging capability with HMP155 MI70 Link software
▪ Barometric pressure with Vaisala – Vaisala HUMICAP®180R sensor ▪ SO/IEC 17025 Accredited
BAROCAP® Digital Barometer - superior long-term stability calibration services available
PTB330 – New, fast temperature probe ▪ For professional meteorology,
– Excellent long term stability – Chemical purge aviation, laboratories and
demanding industrial
– Accurate measurements
▪ Multilingual user interface, applications
– Added reliability through nine languages

The PTB330 Digital Barometer The HMP155 probe The MI70 hand-held indicator displaying
the prevailing pressure in hPa

PTB330 Digital Barometer against one another and provides probe for the HMP155 is ideal for
information on whether these are measurement in environments with
Vaisala BAROCAP® Digital Barometer
within the set internal difference rapidly changing temperatures.
PTB330 is a new generation
criteria. This unique feature
barometer designed for a wide MI70 Hand-Held Indicator
provides redundancy in pressure
range of high-end atmospheric for Spot-Checking
measurement. Thus, users get a
pressure measurement. The pressure Applications
stable and reliable pressure reading
measurement of the PTB330 is based
at all times as well as a pre-indication The Vaisala Measurement Indicator
on the Vaisala in-house, silicon
of when to service or re-calibrate the MI70 is a user-friendly indicator
capacitive, absolute pressure sensor
barometer. for demanding spot-checking
– the Vaisala BAROCAP® Sensor. It
measurements. It is ideal for field
provides high measurement accuracy Optional HMP155 checking and calibration of Vaisala’s
and excellent long-term stability. Humidity and fixed instruments.
Temperature Probe
High Accuracy Easy-to-Use User
The new Vaisala HUMICAP® Humidity
The PTB330 series features extremely and Temperature Probe HMP155 Interface and Three-
high accuracy. Class A barometers for provides reliable humidity and Variable Display
the most demanding applications are temperature measurement. The MI70 features a multilingual,
fine-adjusted and calibrated against menu-based user interface, and a
a high-precision pressure calibrator. Long-Term Stability clear graphical LCD display. Overall
All the PTB330 barometers come with three measurement parameters can
The HMP155 has a new generation
a NIST traceable, factory calibration be displayed and logged into the

Vaisala HUMICAP®180R sensor
certificate, also optional ISO/IEC that has excellent stability and meter’s memory at the same time.
17025 accreditation calibration withstands harsh environments well. One or two probes or transmitters
services are available. The probe structure is solid and the can be connected simultaneously.
sensor is protected with a sintered
Reliability through teflon filter, which gives maximum MI70 Link
Redundancy protection against liquid water, dust, The optional MI70 Link Windows®
According to customers’ choice, the and dirt. software and the USB connection
PTB330 can incorporate one, two cable form a practical tool for
or three BAROCAP® sensors. When
Fast Temperature transferring logged data and real
two or three sensors are used, the
Measurement time measurement data from the
barometer continuously compares What’s more, with its fast response MI70 to a PC.
the readings of the pressure sensors time, the additional temperature

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210785EN-B ©Vaisala 2011
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


Vaisala Barometric Pressure Transfer

Standard PTB330TS
Technical Data
These specifications apply when MI70, PTB330 and
HMP155 are used together in the PTB330TS product.
For individual specifications, please refer to the product
documentation and brochures of the PTB330 and HMP155.

Operating temperature range -10 ... +40 °C (+14 ... +104 )°F
Operating humidity range non-condensing
Maximum pressure limit 5000 hPa abs.
Power supply Rechargeable NiMH battery pack
with AC-adapter or 4xAA-size
alkalines, type IEC LR6
Operation time
(using rechargeable battery pack)
Continuous use with PTB330 11 h typical at +20 °C (+68 °F)
Datalogging use up to 30 days
Menu languages English, Chinese, French,
Spanish, German, Russian,
Japanese, Swedish, Finnish
Display LCD with backlight, graphic Relative Humidity (HMP155)
trend display of any parameter, Measurement range 0 ... 100 %RH
character height up to 16 mm Accuracy (incl. non-linearity, hysteresis and
Data logging capacity 2700 points repeatability) at +15 ... +25 °C (+59 ... +77 °F)
Alarm audible alarm function ±1 %RH (0 ... 90 %RH)
PTB330TS is in conformity with the following EU directives: ±1.7 %RH (90 ... 100 %RH)
- EMC Directive (2004/108/EC) Complies with the EMC product family standard EN61326-1,
Electrical equipment for measurement control and laboratory use - Basic immunity test -10 ... +40 °C (-4 ... 104 °F) ±(1.0 + 0.008 x reading) %RH
requirements. Factory calibration uncertainty (+20 °C /+68 °F)
- Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC)
- ROHS Directive (2002/95/EC) ±0.6 %RH (0 ... 40 %RH)*
±1.0 %RH (40 ... 97 %RH)*
Humidity sensor HUMICAP180R
Performance HUMICAP180RC
Response time at +20 °C in still air with a sintered PTFE filter
Barometric Pressure (PTB330) 63 % 20 s
Measurement range 500 ... 1100 hPa 90 % 60 s
Linearity* ±0.05 hPa * Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits. Small variations possible, see also calibration
Hysteresis* ±0.03 hPa
Repeatability* ±0.03 hPa
Calibration uncertainty** ±0.07 hPa
Temperature (HMP155)
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) *** ±0.10 hPa
Temperature dependence**** ±0.1 hPa Measurement range -10 ... +40 °C (+14 ... +104 °F)
Total accuracy -40... +60 °C (-40...+140 °F) ±0.15 hPa Accuracy
Long-term stability ±0.1 hPa/year -10 ... +20 °C ±(0.176 - 0.0028 x
Settling time at power-up (one sensor) 4s temperature) °C
Response time (one sensor) 2s +20 ... +40 °C ±(0.07 + 0.0025 x
Acceleration sensitivity negligible temperature) °C
* Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of endpoint nonlinearity, hysteresis or Accuracy over temperature range (see graph overleaf)
repeatability error.
** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of inaccuracy of the working standard including Temperature sensor Pt100 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751
traceability to NIST. Response time with additional temperature probe in 3 m/s air flow
*** Defined as the root sum of the squares (RSS) of endpoint non-linearity, hysteresis error,
repeatability error and calibration uncertainty at room temperature.
63 % <20 s
**** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of temperature dependence over the operating 90 % <35 s
temperature range.

Technical Data

Available Parameters Accessories

Pressure parameters P, P3h, HCP, QFE, QNH PTB330
Humidity and temperature parameters RH, T, Tdf, Td, x, Tw MI70 – PTB330 Spiral Cable 223235SP
USB-RJ45 serial connection cable 219685
Serial connection cable 19446ZZ
Barbed fitting 1/8” 19498SP
Inputs and Outputs Quick Connector 1/8” 220186
MI70 probe ports 2 Transport case with interior foams
MI70 data interface RS-232 (accessible only with MI70 and tabletop casing for PTB330 224068SP
Link software) Tabletop casing for PTB330 224064SP
PTB330 supply voltage 10 ... 35 VDC (if not powered by
USB cable for MI70, 219687
PTB330 data interface RS-232C
includes MI70 Link software
PTB330 serial I/O connectors RJ45 (service port)
MI70 Link software MI70LINK
Male 8-pin M12 (user port)
MI70 connection cable to HMT330,
HMP155 data interface RS-485
MMT330, DMT340, HMT120/130, HMT100, PTB330 211339
HMP155 serial I/O connector Male 8-pin M12
MI70 battery pack 26755
variety of AC adapters available
Mechanics HMP155
PTB330 HMP155 – MI70 connection cable 221801
Housing material G-AlSi 10 Mg (DIN 1725) Protection set for HMP155 calibration
Housing classification IP65 buttons: protective cover,
Pressure connector M5 (10-32) internal thread 2 O-rings and protective plug 221318
Pressure fitting barbed fitting for 1/8” I.D. USB cable for HMP155 221040
tubing or quick connector with Sintered teflon filter + O-ring 219452SP
shutoff valve for 1/8” hose Humidity sensor HUMICAP180R
HMP155 Humidity Calibrator HMK15
Housing material PC
Housing classification IP66
Additional T-probe cable length 2m
∆ °C
Cable material PUR 0,3

Sensor protection Sintered PTFE
Housing classification IP54 0,1
Housing material ABS/PC blend
0 °C


Housing classification
(when closed) IP67 -0,2
Plastic parts TTX01®, PP+SEBS, POM
Metal parts stainless steel AISI303 -0,3
-20 0 20 40
Interior foam material PE and polyether
Weight with all instruments and
typical accessories 5.9 kg
Exterior dimensions (LxWxH) 405×330×165 mm Accuracy of HMP155 temperature measurement over
(15.94×12.99×6.50) inch temperature range

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210786EN-B ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


PTB210 Digital Barometer

The PTB210 paired with the SPH10

Static Pressure Head.

The Vaisala BAROCAP® Digital Barometer PTB210 is a reliable outdoor barometer

that withstands harsh conditions.

For Harsh Environments The PTB210 barometers are ideal High Precision Pressure Calibrator,
for use in applications such as is available for the 500 ... 1100 hPa
The Vaisala BAROCAP® Digital
weather stations, data buoys and pressure range.
Barometer PTB210 is ideal for
ships, airports, and agrology. They In addition, the PTB210 integrates
outdoor installations and harsh
are also an excellent solution for directly with Vaisala Static Pressure
environments. The barometers
monitoring barometric pressure in Head Series SPH10/20. This pairing
are designed to operate in a
industrial equipment such as laser offers accurate measurement in all
wide temperature range, and the
interferometers and engine test wind conditions.
electronics housing provides IP65
(NEMA 4) standardized protection
against sprayed water. Vaisala BAROCAP®
Several Pressure Ranges Technology
The PTB210 barometers are designed The PTB210 barometers use the
for various pressure ranges. They are Vaisala BAROCAP® Sensor, a silicon
▪ 500 ... 1100 hPa or available in two basic configurations: capacitive absolute pressure sensor
50 ... 1100 hPa pressure ranges serial output for 500 ... 1100 hPa and
with serial output developed by Vaisala for barometric
50 ... 1100 hPa and analog output pressure applications. The Vaisala
▪ Different scalings between with different scalings between BAROCAP® Sensor provides
500 ... 1100 hPa with analog 500 ... 1100 hPa. excellent hysteresis and repeatability
characteristics and outstanding
▪ Electronics housing IP65 Accurate and Stable temperature and long-term stability.
protected against sprayed Measurement All PTB210 barometers are delivered
All the PTB210 barometers are with a factory calibration certificate
▪ Accurate and stable digitally adjusted and calibrated by which is NIST traceable.
measurement using electronic working standards.
▪ NIST traceable A higher accuracy barometer, that is
(certificate included) fine-tuned and calibrated against a

Technical Data
Operating Range (1hPa=1mbar) Shutdown ON/OFF
Pressure range (order specified) Settling time at power up 2s
serial output 500 ... 1100 hPa Serial I/O (factory setting•) RS232C
50 ... 1100 hPa RS232C /TTL (optional)
analog output 500 ... 1100 hPa RS485, non isolated (optional)
600 ... 1060 hPa parity none, even•, odd
800 ... 1060 hPa data bits 7•, 8
900 ... 1100 hPa stop bits 1•, 2
Operating temperature range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Baud rate 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600•, 19200
Humidity range non-condensing Response time 1 s•
Resolution 0.01 hPa (1 measurement/s)
0.03 hPa (10 measurements/s)
SERIAL OUTPUT (units in hPa)
Pressure range 500 ... 1100 50 ... 1100
Outputs 0 ... 5 VDC, 0 ... 2.5 VDC (order specified)
Class A Class B
Current consumption
Non linearity* ± 0.10 ± 0.15 ± 0.20
normal mode < 8 mA
Hysteresis* ± 0.05 ± 0.05 ± 0.10
shutdown mode 0.2 mA
Repeatability* ± 0.05 ± 0.05 ± 0.10
Shutdown ON/OFF
Calibration uncertainty** ± 0.07 ± 0.15 ± 0.20
Response time 500 ms
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F)*** ± 0.15 ± 0.20 ± 0.35
Resolution 300 µV
Temperature dependence**** ± 0.20 ± 0.20 ± 0.40
Measurement rate 3 measurements/s
Total accuracy*** ± 0.25 ± 0.30 ± 0.50
-40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F)
Supply voltage (reverse polarity protected)
Long term stability (hPa/year) ± 0.10 ± 0.10 ± 0.20
with RS232/TTL output 5 ... 28 VDC
with RS485 or analog output 8 ... 18 VDC
Non linearity* ± 0.20 hPa
Max. pressure 5 000 hPa abs.
Hysteresis* ± 0.05 hPa
Pressure connector M5 (10-32) internal thread
Repeatability* ± 0.05 hPa
Pressure fitting barbed fitting for 1/8" I.D. tubing
Calibration uncertainty** ± 0.15 hPa
Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F)*** ± 0.30 hPa
electronics IP65 (NEMA 4)
Temperature dependence**** ± 0.50 hPa
sensor IP53
Total accuracy*** -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) ± 0.60 hPa
Housing material PC plastic
Long term stability ± 0.10 hPa/year

Supply/output cable length 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 m
* Defined as the ±2 standard deviation limits of end point
non-linearity, hysteresis error or repeatability error. Instrument 110 g
** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of inaccuracy of Cable 28 g/m
the working standard including traceability to NIST. Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard
*** Defined as the root sum of the squares (RSS) of end point non-
linearity, hysteresis error, repeatability error and calibration EN61326-1, Generic Environment
uncertainty at room temperature.
50 (1.97)

**** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of temperature

dependence over the operating temperature range. Dimensions in mm (inches)

16 120 (4.72)
32 (1.26) 122.5 (4.82)

(• Factory setting)
50 (1.97)

Current consumption
normal mode < 15 mA• 16
120 (4.72)

power down mode < 0.8 mA 32 (1.26) 122.5 (4.82)

shutdown mode 0.2 mA

BAROCAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210942EN-B ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


PTB110 Barometer for Industrial Use

The Vaisala BAROCAP® Barometer PTB110 offers outstanding long-term stability.

Features/Benefits PTB110 Accuracy and Stability

▪ Vaisala BAROCAP® sensor The Vaisala BAROCAP® Barometer
PTB110 is designed both for accurate
The excellent long-term stability of
the barometer minimizes or even
▪ Several pressure ranges barometric pressure measurements removes the need for field adjustment
▪ Accuracy ±0.3 hPa at +20 °C at a room temperature and for
general environmental pressure
in many applications.

▪ Long-term stability monitoring over a wide temperature Applications

▪ On/off control with external The PTB110 is suitable for a variety of
applications, such as environmental
Vaisala BAROCAP® pressure monitoring, data buoys,
▪ Output voltage 0 ... 2.5 or
Technology laser interferometers, and in
0 ... 5 VDC
The PTB110 barometer uses the agriculture and hydrology.
▪ Current consumption less than
Vaisala BAROCAP® Sensor, a silicon The compact PTB110 is especially
4 mA
capacitive absolute pressure sensor ideal for data logger applications as it
▪ Mountable on a (35 mm wide) developed by Vaisala for barometric has low power consumption. Also an
DIN rail pressure measurement applications. external On/Off control is available.
▪ NIST traceable (certificate The sensor combines the outstanding This is practical when the supply of
elasticity characteristics and electricity is limited.
mechanical stability of single-crystal
silicon with the proven capacitive
detection principle.

Technical Data

Operating Range (1 hPa=1mbar) Accuracy

Pressure ranges 500 ... 1100 hPa Linearity* ±0.25 hPa
600 ... 1100 hPa Hysteresis* ±0.03 hPa
800 ... 1100 hPa Repeatability* ±0.03 hPa
800 ... 1060 hPa Pressure calibration uncertainty** ±0.15 hPa
600 ... 1060 hPa Voltage calibration uncertainty ± 0.7 mV
Temperature range -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) Frequency calibration uncertainty ± 0.3 Hz
Humidity range non-condensing Accuracy at +20 °C*** ±0.3 hPa
* Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of end-point
General non-linearity, hysteresis error or repeatability error.
Supply voltage 10 ... 30 VDC ** Defined as ±2 standard deviation limits of inaccuracy of the
Supply voltage control with TTL level trigger working standard including traceability to NIST.
Supply voltage sensitivity negligible *** Defined as the root sum of the squares (RSS) of end-point
Current consumption less than 4 mA non-linearity, hysteresis error, repeatability error and
in shutdown mode less than 1 µA calibration uncertainty at room temperature when using
Output voltage 0 ... 2.5 VDC voltage output.
Output frequency 500 ... 1100 Hz + 15 ... +25 °C (+59 ... +77 °F) ±0.3 hPa
Resolution 0.1 hPa 0 ... +40 °C (+32 ... +104 °F) ±0.6 hPa
Load resistance minimum 10 kohm -20 ... +45 °C (-4 ... +113 °F) ±1.0 hPa
Load capacitance maximum 47 nF -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) ±1.5 hPa
Settling time 1 s to reach full accuracy after power-up Long-term stability ±0.1 hPa/year
Response time 500 ms to reach full accuracy
after a pressure step Dimensions
Acceleration sensitivity negligible Dimensions in mm (inches) 2.69
Pressure connector M5 (10-32) internal thread 1.11 0.14
Pressure fitting barbed fitting for 1/8" 28.1 3.50

Minimum pressure limit 0 hPa abs


Maximum pressure limit 2000 hPa abs


Electrical connector removable connector for
5 wires (AWG 28 ... 16)
Terminals Pin 1: external triggering
Pin 2: signal ground
Pin 3: supply ground


Pin 4: supply voltage
Pin 5: signal output
Housing material, plastic cover ABS/PC blend
Housing classification IP32
Metal mounting plate Al
Weight 90 g
Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EMC standard
EN 61326-1, Electrical equipment for 0.62
0.53 0.28
Ø 7.20
measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC 15.82

requirements - for use in industrial locations BAROCAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210681EN-C ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


SPH10/20 Static Pressure Heads

for Minimizing Wind Induced Error

Wind induced effects are one of SPH10/20 static pressure heads are
the main sources of error when durable and weather resistant.
measuring barometric pressure. The SPH10/20 protects against
Variations due to strong and gusty rain and condensed water, thus
wind can be overcome by using a preventing capillary condensation
static pressure head to ‘filter out’ the of a water column in the pressure
effect of dynamic pressure. channel which results in pressure
The Vaisala Static Pressure Head error. The drain holes in the lower
Series SPH10/20 are designed to plate allow rain and water to flow
minimize the errors caused by wind. out. The static pressure heads have
The wind tunnel tested structure internal netting which prevents
is both horizontally and vertically insects and debris from blocking the
symmetrical. This design ensures pressure channel.
reliable barometric pressure
measurements in all weather. Carefree Maintenance
The SPH10/20 static pressure heads
Ideal for Outdoor are easy to install and disassemble,
Installations service and clean – even at the
Vaisala’s static pressure heads installation site. Vaisala BAROCAP®
are available in two models: the Digital Barometer PTB210 can be
Vaisala Static Pressure Head SPH10 installed directly on top of the
is a basic version, and the Vaisala SPH10/20 static pressure heads.
Static Pressure Head SPH20 is a Other barometers can be connected
heated version for reliable operation to the heads with pressure tubing. The SPH10/20 is easy to install and
in snowy and icy conditions. The SPH10 and SPH20 are a perfect pair connect. In the picture, a SPH10 is
warmed SPH20 contains a thermostat connected to a PTB210 barometer.
for all Vaisala barometers. They
that switches on the warming power ensure an accurate and reliable
at temperatures, where the risk of measurement in all weather
icing may occur. conditions.
Composed of ultraviolet stabilized PC
plastics and offshore aluminium, the

▪ Minimizes wind induced error ▪ Easy-to-clean

▪ Reliable barometric pressure ▪ Easy-to-install

measurement in all weather

▪ Wind tunnel tested structure

Technical Data

General SPH20
Operating temperature -60 ... +80 °C (-76 ... +176 °F) Electrical connections M12 connector
Weight Power supply factory setting 12 V
SPH10 800 g changed connection 24 V
SPH20 1360 g Thermostat switching temperature
Material PC plastic, offshore aluminium On +4 °C (±3 °C)
Mounting with 2 bolts (M6 X 20 mm min) +39.2 °F (±4.4 °F)
Hose connection barbed fitting for 4 mm I.D. hose Off +13 °C (±3 °C)
or Rp1/4 thread (parallel) +55.4 °F (±4.4 °F)
Power consumption during heating 70 W
Dimensions in mm




Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210907EN-A ©Vaisala 2009
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


Vaisala Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT102

Vaisala Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT102 with process valve actuator and
test jacks.

Features Operating Environment reliable and repeatable measurement.

The sensor uses a micro-machined,
▪ In-place system calibration and Vaisala Differential Pressure
Transmitter PDT102 is a high
ultra-thin silicon diaphragm
on-line monitoring without which provides inherent sensor
disturbing process tubes with performance instrument designed
repeatability and stability. The
optional process valve actuator primarily for life science and high
sensor enables precise measurement
and test jacks technology cleanroom applications.
and control in high performance
▪ Ultrathin profile ideally suited The front panel includes zero and
cleanrooms. The PDT102 transmitter
for DIN rail mount reduces span adjustment potentiometers for
is available with voltage output
installation and calibration costs convenient adjustment. The PDT102
(3-wire) or current output (2-wire).
▪ High accuracy, two options; transmitter is ideal for incorporating
into the Vaisala Veriteq Continuous
0.25% or 0.50% of span Available Options
designed for use in critical Monitoring System to measure and
monitor the critical environmental Online monitoring of the PDT102 is
monitoring of cleanrooms
for pharmaceutical, parameters as required in regulated simple using the optional process
biotechnology, medical device environments. valve actuator and the front access
and semiconductor controlled test jacks. The front access test jacks
manufacturing environments Performance provide online process reference
▪ Extremely robust MEMS silicon The PDT102 offers very high
signal or calibration signal without
disconnecting power supply wiring.
sensor technology provides accuracy, sensitivity and stability
very high accuracy, sensitivity, Measurements can be made using a
with two options for accuracy, 0.25%
stability and durability standard multimeter.
or 0.50% of span providing a highly
▪ NIST traceable 9 point
calibration with certificate
▪ Front side accessible zero and
span adjustment potentiometers

Technical Data
Measurement ranges (bidirectional) ±50 Pa Supply current
±0.25 in H2O for 0 ... 5 V output max. 10 mA
Overpressure for 4 ... 20 mA output max. 20 mA
proof pressure 0.7 bar Electrical connection Screw terminals, 12 ... 22 AWG
burst pressure 1.7 bar (0.33 up to 3.31 mm2)
static pressure 1.7 bar
Pressure type differential, gauge, vacuum and compound
Medium (measured gas) clean and dry air, non-conducting
Accuracy (incl. non-linearity,
and non-corrosive gases
hysteresis, repeatability and 0.25 % span or 0.5 % span,
zero/span calibration settings) depending on choice
process connection brass
sensor element silicon, aluminium, glass
for 0.25 % span accuracy 0.03 %
case Polycarbonate, glass filled (UL94-V-1)
for 0.5 % span accuracy 0.05 %
Mounting DIN rail types EN 50022, EN 50035
Electrical resolution 1 x 10-4 span
and EN 50045
Long-term stability ≤0.5 % span/year
Housing classification IP30
Response time (10 ... 90 %) 250 ms
Weight 0.16 kg
Warm-up time 15 s
Compensated temperature range +2 ... +57 °C (+35.6 ... +134.6 °F) Dimensions
Temperature dependence ±(0.036 Pa + 0.036 % of reading) / °C Dimensions in mm
±(0.0001 in H2O + 0.02% of reading) /°F
(reference 21 °C or 70 °F)
Mounting position 125.99
Figure 1
error (zero adjustable) ≤0.25 % 80.8

Adjustments (front accessible)

zero ±5 % span
span ±3 % span 99.6 22.6

Operating Environment
Operating temperature -29 ... +70 °C (-20.2 ... +158 °F)
Storage temperature -40 ... +82 °C (-40 ... +179.6 °F)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EN 61326-1), 134.4

Figure 2 with Process
basic immunity test requirements Valve Actuator and
Note: If used in an electromagnetic field of 3 V/m, with narrow frequency area
of 80 - 120 Mhz, it is possible that the current output of PDT102 can deviate max. Test Jacks
0.3% (with accuracy specified 0.25%).

Inputs and Outputs 99.6 22.6

Process connection 1/8 NPT female
according to ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 Order Information for PDT102
Output signal
2-wire 4 ... 20 mA PDT102 - XXXT
3-wire 0 ... 5 V Measurement range:
Operating voltage 12 ... 36 VDC P (+/-50 Pa) or W (+/-0.25 in H2O)
Max. loop resistance
for 4 ... 20 mA ≤ (Supply voltage - 12V)/0.022 A Accuracy: 2 (0.25 % span) or 5 (0.5 % span)

Output: C (current) or V (voltage)

Option: (blank) or T

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211083EN-D ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


Vaisala Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT101

Vaisala Differential Pressure Transmitter PDT101 with current output (black) and
voltage output (green).

Features Operating Environment cleanrooms. The PDT101 transmitter

is available with voltage output
▪ Easy mounting on wall, DIN rail Vaisala Differential Pressure
Transmitter PDT101 is designed
(3-wire) or current output (2-wire).
or panel
especially for demanding life science Zero and span adjustment screws are
▪ 2 pressure ranges (Pa and
and high technology cleanroom available on every PDT101 model.
in H2O) Both adjustments are accessible from
applications. The PDT101 transmitter
▪ Accessible zero and span is ideal for incorporating into the front of the unit.
adjustment potentiometers
the Vaisala Veriteq Continuous
▪ ¼” brass tubing connections Monitoring System to measure and Applications
The PDT101 is suitable for high
▪ LED status indicator monitor the critical environmental
parameters as required in regulated performance cleanroom
▪ Specially designed for critical environments. environments in the life science,
and regulated environments semiconductor and electronics
▪ Euro style detachable Performance industries. As part of a continuous
connector The PDT101 offers high accuracy, monitoring system, it is highly
▪ NIST traceable (certificate sensitivity and stability with suitable for regulated environments
where continuous, documented and
included) accuracy 0.40% of span providing
a highly reliable and repeatable redundant data is a requirement to
measurement. The sensor uses a meet FDA regulations. The compact
micro-machined, ultra-thin silicon design is well suited for mounting in a
diaphragm which provides inherent cleanroom or in the adjacent corridor
sensor repeatability and stability. The with LED indicator lights for quick
sensor enables precise measurement and easy power status spotcheck.
and control in high performance

Technical Data
Measurement ranges (bidirectional) ±60 Pa Optical process diagnostics LED visual indicator
±0.25 in H2O Electrical connection Euro style pluggable terminal block
Overpressure accepts 12...26 AWG wire
proof pressure 1.0 bar (0.13 up to 3.31 mm2)
burst pressure 1.7 bar
static pressure 1.7 bar
Medium (measured gas) clean and dry air, non-conducting
Pressure type differential, gauge, vacuum and compound
and non-corrosive gases
Accuracy (incl. non-linearity, hysteresis,
repeatability and zero/span calibration settings) 0.4 % span
process connection brass
Long-term stability ≤0.5 % span/year
sensor element silicon, aluminium, glass
Response time (10 ... 90 %) 250 ms
case NEMA type 1 fire-retardant ABS 1
Warm-up time 15 s
(meets UL94-5VA)
Compensated temperature range +2 ... +54 °C
Mounting threaded fastener for wall mounting
(+35.6 ... +129.2 °F)
or DIN rail type EN50022
Temperature dependence ±(0.065 Pa + 0.054 % of reading) / °C
Housing classification IP40
Weight 0.07 kg
±(0.00015 in H2O + 0.03 % of reading) / °F
(reference 21 °C or 70 °F) Dimensions
Mounting position Dimensions in mm
error (zero adjustable) ≤1 %/g (calibration in vertical
position is standard) 9.4
Adjustments (front accessible) ø5
zero ±5 % span
span ±3 % span POWER

Operating Environment
Operating temperature -18 ... +70 °C (-0.4 ... +158 °F) HI LO

Storage temperature -40 ... +82 °C (-40 ... +179.6 °F)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EN 61326-1), ZERO SPAN
74 84.6
basic immunity test requirements
Note: If used in an electromagnetic field of 3 V/m, with narrow frequency area
of 80 - 120 Mhz, it is possible that the current output of PDT101 can deviate max.
0.8% (with accuracy specified 0.4%).

Inputs and Outputs
Process connection 1/4" barbed fittings 48
Output signal
2-wire 4 ... 20 mA
3-wire 0 ... 5 VDC (user selectable 0 ... 10 VDC) Order Information for PDT101
Operating voltage
2-wire output 4 ... 20 mA 12 ... 36 VDC PDT101 - XXX
3-wire output 0 ... 5 VDC 11.5 ... 36 VDC
3-wire output 0 ... 10 VDC 14 ... 36 VDC or 24 VAC
Measurement range: P (+/-60 Pa) or W (+/-0.25 in H2O)
Max. loop resistance
for 4 ... 20 mA ≤ (Supply voltage - 12V)/0.022 A Accuracy: 4 (0.4 % span)
Supply current max. 20 mA for 4 ... 20 mA output signal
Output: C (current) or V (voltage)

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B211082EN-D ©Vaisala 2013
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.



Vaisala Wind and Weather Sensor Technologies

for Measurements in Industrial Applications

Vaisala's long history in wind and Nuclear power plants require wind Vaisala Wind and
weather measurements started data for safety reasons to be able to Weather Instruments
already in the 1930s from the model the dispersion of potentially
Vaisala manufactures wind and
development of a radiosonde to radioactive leakages. In addition to
weather instruments for different
measure the conditions in the upper nuclear power plants, also chemical
applications, requirements and
atmosphere. Today, Vaisala wind factories need to gather wind data for
budgets. The wind sensor portfolio
and weather instruments are used in dispersion monitoring.
for industrial applications includes
dozens of applications and industries Accurate outdoor measurements both mechanical and ultrasonic
all over the world. are essential in operating modern sensors. View the complete
buildings. Processes such as free range of wind products at
Industrial Applications cooling, natural ventilation, and Have a
for Wind and Weather automated shading are dependent on look at the multiparameter Vaisala
Measurements real-time weather data. Ventilation Weather Transmitter WXT520 at
Wind and weather data are required control in greenhouses also relies
in many activities across industries. on localized weather data to ensure
For example, in power industry, an optimized environment for plant
the efficiency of power lines is a growth.
function of wind speed and direction.

Vaisala Ultrasonic Vaisala Mechanical Vaisala Weather Sensor

Wind Sensors in Brief Wind Sensors in Brief in Brief
▪ Wind sensor with no moving ▪ Accurate wind speed and ▪ Measurement of the six
parts direction sensors essential weather parameters:
wind speed and direction,
▪ Unique triangular design for ▪ Fast and linear response
liquid precipitation, barometric
accurate measurements from
all directions ▪ Low measurement starting pressure, temperature, and
treshold relative humidity
▪ Optional sensor heating

available ▪ Sensors with heating elements Feature proprietary Vaisala
available for cold climates sensor technologies:
▪ Maintance free, no field WINDCAP®, RAINCAP®,
calibration required HUMICAP®, and BAROCAP®
▪ Measurement range up to
75 m/s

Vaisala Sensor Technologies for Wind and Rain Measurements
Vaisala WINDCAP® Sensor Vaisala RAINCAP® Sensor
Vaisala WINDCAP Ultrasonic Wind Sensor uses ultrasound
Vaisala RAINCAP® Sensor is an acoustic sensor that
to determine wind speed and direction. The sensor has measures the impact of individual raindrops on a smooth
no moving parts, which makes it independent of the stainless steel surface using a piezoelectric detector. The
limitations of mechanical wind sensors such as friction, sensor provides real time information on rain intensity,
inertia, time constant, over-speeding, and starting treshold. duration, and accumulated rainfall.
How It Works How It Works
WINDCAP sensor features an array of three ultrasonic
The RAINCAP® sensor consists of a round stainless steel
transducers oriented to form an equilateral triangle. Wind cover, approximately 90 mm in diameter mounted to a
measurement is based on time of flight (TOF) of the sonic rigid frame. A piezoelectric detector is located beneath
impulse - the time it takes for the signal to travel from one the cover.
transducer to another. TOF is measured in both directions Raindrops hit the RAINCAP® sensor surface at terminal
for each pair of transducer heads. Simple algebra allows velocity, which is a function of the raindrop diameter.
solving for the parallel component of wind velocity Rain measurement is based on acoustic detection of each
independently of the static speed of sound. individual rain drop as it impacts the sensor cover. Larger
The equilateral triangle configuration of the three drops create a larger acoustic signal than smaller drops.
Transducer separation length, L The piezoelectric detector converts the acoustic signals
Receive Transmit

Transmit Receive

1 Time of flight, t1 2 into voltages. Total rain is calculated from the sum of the
Vw individual voltage signals per unit time and the known
Parallel component of wind velocity surface area of the RAINCAP® sensor. In addition, the
intensity and duration of rain can be calculated.
1 Time of flight, t2 2
For static speed of sound Vs: 1 = Vs + V w and 1 = Vs + V w
t1 L t2 L
pv = mvt
Combine to remove Vs: Vw = L
( 1t -1
Solve for Vw 1

transducers provides three possible sets of basis vectors.

The combinations yield bi-directional measurements on
Piezo detector
the paths labeled A, B and C. These measurements are
used to determine the wind velocity components parallel
to each of the three paths. Electronics Algorithm

1 Basis A Output
set 1 Pv = vertical momentum
60˚ B m = mass of drop


C vt = terminal velocity of drop


Basis Weather

set 2

60˚ 60˚
2 3 Basis A C
path b set 3

For more information, visit Ref. B211233EN-A ©Vaisala 2012

This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights or contact retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved.
us at Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or
its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or
storage of information contained in this brochure in any form
without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited.
All specifications — technical included — are subject to change
without notice.


Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520

Access to Real Time Weather Data
▪ Measures 6 most essential
weather parameters
▪ Applications: weather stations,
dense networks, harbors,
▪ Low power consumption
– works also with solar panels

▪ Compact, light-weight
Easy to install with one-bolt
▪ mounting method

▪ No moving parts

▪ Heating available
▪ Vaisala Configuration Tool
for pc
The WXT520 has an automatic control circuit that switches the heating on
at low temperatures.
▪ USB connection

▪ IP66 housing with mounting kit

WXT520 Measuring Acoustic to the volume of the drops.

The Vaisala Weather Transmitter Precipitation Hence, the signal from each drop
can be converted directly to the
WXT520 measures barometric The WXT520 precipitation
accumulated rainfall.
pressure, humidity, precipitation, measurement is based on the unique
temperature, and wind speed and Vaisala RAINCAP® Sensor, which The WXT520 measures accumulated
direction. detects the impact of individual rainfall, rain intensity and duration of
rain drops. The signals exerting the rain – all in real time.
To measure wind speed and
direction, the WXT520 has the from the impacts are proportional
Vaisala WINDCAP® Sensor that uses
ultrasound to determine horizontal Dimensions
wind speed and direction. Dimensions in mm (inches)
The array of three equally spaced Ø114 (4.49) 115 (4.52)

transducers on a horizontal plane is

a Vaisala specific design. Barometric
pressure, temperature, and humidity
measurements are combined in
the PTU module using capacitive
238 (9.35)

198 (7.78)

measurement for each parameter. Ø30 (1.19)

It is easy to change the module

without any contact with the
The WXT520 is immune to flooding
clogging, wetting, and evaporation 22

losses in the rain measurement. (1.8


Technical Data
Wind Air Temperature
SPEED Range -52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F)
range 0 ... 60 m/s Accuracy for sensor at +20 °C ±0.3 °C (±0.5 °F)
response time 250 ms Accuracy over temperature range (see graph below)
accuracy ±3% at 10m/s
Δ °C
output resolutions and 0.1 m/s, 0.1km/h, 0.7
units 0.1 mph, 0.1 knots 0.5
azimuth 0 ... 360° 0.1
0 °C
response time 250 ms -0.1
accuracy ±3° -0.3
output resolution and unit 1° -0.5
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80

Output resolutions and units 0.1 °C, 0.1 °F

Liquid Precipitation Barometric Pressure

RAINFALL cumulative accumulation after the Range 600 ... 1100 hPa
latest automatic or manual reset Accuracy ±0.5 hPa at 0 ... +30 °C (+32 ... +86 °F)
output resolutions and units 0.01 mm, 0.001 inches ±1 hPa at -52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F)
accuracy 5%* Output resolutions and units 0.1 hPa, 10 Pa, 0.0001 bar,
RAINFALL DURATION counting each ten-second increment 0.1 mmHg, 0.01 inHg
whenever water droplet is detected
output resolution and unit 10 s Relative Humidity
RAIN INTENSITY one-minute running average in Range 0 ... 100 %RH
ten-second steps Accuracy ±3 %RH within 0 ... 90 %RH
range 0 ... 200 mm/h (broader range with ±5 %RH within 90 ... 100 %RH
reduced accuracy) Output resolution and unit 0.1 %RH
output resolutions and units 0.1 mm/h, 0.01 inches/h
HAIL cumulative amount of hits against General
the collecting surface Operating temperature -52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F)
output resolutions and units 0.1 hits/cm2, 0.01 hits/in2, 1 hits Storage temperature -60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... +158 °F)
HAIL DURATION counting each ten-second increment Operating voltage 5 ... 32 VDC
whenever hailstone is detected Typical power consumption 3 mA at 12 VDC (with defaults)
output resolution and unit 10 s Heating voltage 5 ... 32 VDC / 5 ... 30 VACRMS)
HAIL INTENSITY one-minute running average Serial data interface SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485, RS-422,
in ten-second steps USB connection,
output resolutions and units 0.1 hits/cm2h, 1 hits/in2h, 1 hits/h Weight 650 g (1.43 lb)
* Due to the nature of the phenomenon, deviations caused by spatial Housing IP65
variations may exist in precipitation readings, especially in a short time scale. Weather
The accuracy specification does not include possible wind induced errors.
Housing with mounting kit IP66

Electromagnetic Compatibility
Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1; Industrial Environment
IEC standards IEC 60945/61000-4-2 ... 61000-4-6

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210417EN-K ©Vaisala 2014
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


WMT52 Ultrasonic Wind Sensor

The WMT52 is ideal for use in marine
applications as the housing with
the mounting kit is water resistant.
The WMT52 is also suitable for
wind energy and environmental
monitoring, for example, for
measuring the distribution of air
pollution and road tunnel ventilation.

Easy to Install
The WMT52 is delivered fully
assembled and configured from
the factory. With the Vaisala
Configuration Software Tool you
can change the settings, such as
averaging times, output mode, update
intervals, measured variables and
message contents.
The WMT52 can be mounted either
The Vaisala WINDCAP ® Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WMT52.
on top of a pole mast or on a cross
When using the optional mounting
Features/Benefits Proven Vaisala kit, the north alignment needs to be
Performance performed only once.
▪ Measures horizontal wind
The Vaisala WINDCAP® Ultrasonic
speed and wind direction
Wind Sensor WMT52 incorporates Heating
▪ Triangular design ensures
decades of Vaisala experience in The optional heating available in the
excellent data availability
wind measurement using ultrasound WMT52 assists measurements in
▪ No moving parts
to determine horizontal wind speed the freezing weather conditions and
▪ Maintenance-free and direction. during snowfall.
With no moving parts, the WMT52 As the heating circuit is independent
▪ Optional heating available
has high sensitivity as the of the operational power, separate
▪ Compact, durable and robust measurement time constant and supplies can be used. Heating is
starting threshold are virtually switched on automatically at low
▪ Low power consumption
zero. This makes it superior to the temperatures, well before the
▪ IP66 housing with mounting kit conventional mechanical wind freezing point.
▪ Applications: marine, wind
The WMT52 is designed to operate Low Power Consumption
energy, environmental
monitoring without periodic field calibration and The WMT52 has very low power
maintenance. consumption; during the idle mode
the device typically consumes about
2 ... 3 mW.

Technical Data

Wind Power Supply

WIND SPEED Operating voltage 5 ... 32 VDC
Range 0 ... 60 m/s Power consumption on average
Response time 250 ms minimum 0.1 mA at 12 VDC
Available variables average, maximum, and minimum maximum 14 mA at 5 VDC
Accuracy ±3% at 10m/s typical 3 mA at 12 VDC
Output resolution 0.1 m/s (km/h, mph, knots) (default measuring intervals)
WIND DIRECTION Heating voltage 5 ... 32 VDC / 5 ... 30 VACRMS)
Azimuth 0 ... 360°
Response time 250 ms Accessories
Available variables average, maximum, and minimum Mounting kit 212792
Accuracy ±3° Bird spike kit 212793
Output resolution 1° Surge protector for sensor WSP150
Averaging time 1 ... 3600 s (=60 min), at one second steps Electromagnetic Compatibility
on the basis of samples taken Complies with EMC standard: EN61326-1, Industrial Environment
at 4 Hz rate (configurable) IEC standards IEC 60945/61000-4-2 ... 61000-4-6
Update interval 1 ... 3600 s (=60 min), at one-second steps
Dimensions in mm (inches)

General Ø 115 (4.53)

Self-diagnostics separate supervision message,

unit/status fields to validate
99 (3.9)

measurement quality
139 (5.48)

Start-up automatic, <10 s from power on to

the first valid output
Serial data interface SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485, RS-422,
USB connection
Communication protocols SDI-12 v1.3, ASCII automatic &
Ø 114 (4.49)
polled, NMEA 0183 v. 3.0
with query option
Baud rate 1200 ... 115 200
Operating temperature -52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F)
Storage temperature -60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... +158 °F)
height 139 mm (5.7")
diameter 114 mm (4.49") Weather
weight 510 g (1.12 lb)
Housing IP65
32 (1.3)

mounting kit
Housing with mounting kit IP66
Vibration IEC 60945 paragraph 8
WINDCAP® is a registered trademark of Vaisala.

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210553EN-E ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.


WA15 Wind Set for High Performance

Wind Measurement
The output pulse rate is directly proportional to wind
speed (e.g. 246 Hz = 24.6 m/s). However, for the highest
accuracy, the characteristic transfer function should be
used to compensate for starting inertia.

Sensitive Wind Vane

The WAV151 is a counter-balanced, low-threshold,
optoelectronic wind vane. Infrared LEDs and
phototransistors are mounted on six orbits on each
side of a 6-bit GRAY-coded disc. Turned by the vane,
the disc creates changes in the code received by the
phototransistors. The output code resolution is ±2.8°.

Heated Bearings Withstand Cold Weather

Heating elements in the shaft tunnels of both the
The WA15 is based on accurate sensors installed on a large anemometer and vane keep the bearings above freezing in
crossarm. It is designed for demanding wind measurement cold climates.
Complete Package Available
With a proven track record of successful installations, the The anemometer and vane are designed to be mounted on
Vaisala Wind Set WA15 has earned its reputation as the Vaisala crossarms.
industry standard in the wind sensor market. The WHP151 power supply provides the operating and
The WA15 consists of a Vaisala Anemometer WAA151, a heating power needed for the WA15. The power supply,
Vaisala Wind Vane WAV151, an optional crossarm, a power as well as the signal and power cables are available as
supply and cabling. options.

Anemometer with Excellent Linearity

The WAA151 is a fast response, low-threshold anemometer. Technical Data
Three lightweight, conical cups mounted on the cup wheel,
provide excellent linearity over the entire operating range, Vaisala Wind Set WA15
up to 75 m/s.
Options and Accessories
A wind-rotated chopper disc attached to the shaft of Crossarm and termination box WAC151
the cup wheel cuts an infrared light beam 14 times 16-lead signal cable ZZ45048
per revolution. This generates a pulse output from the 6-lead power cable ZZ45049
phototransistor. Crossarm and analog transmitter WAT12
6-lead cable for signal and power ZZ45049
Features/Benefits Crossarm and serial RS485 transmitter WAC155

▪ High-performance wind measurement set Serial RS485 transmitter card

Power supply
▪ Long and successful track record in meteorological Set of bearings and gasket 16644WA
applications Dimensions
▪ Accurate wind speed and direction measurement Junction box 125 x 80 x 57 mm
Crossarm length 800 mm
▪ Low measurement starting threshold
Mounting to a pole mast with a nominal
▪ Conical anemometer cups provide excellent linearity outside diameter 60 mm
Cup assembly 7150WA
▪ Heated shaft prevents bearings from freezing Tail assembly 6389WA

Technical Data
Vaisala Anemometer WAA151 Vaisala Wind Vane WAV151
Wind Speed Wind Direction
Measurement range 0.4 ... 75 m/s Measurement range at wind speed 0.4 ... 75 m/s 0 ... 360°
Starting threshold < 0.5 m/s * Starting threshold <0.4 m/s
Distance constant 2.0 m Resolution ±2.8°
Characteristic transfer function U = 0.328 + 0.101 × R Damping ratio 0.19
(where U = wind speed [m/s], R = output pulse rate [Hz]) Overshoot ratio 0.55
Accuracy (within range 0.4 ... 60 m/s) Delay distance 0.4 m
with characteristic transfer function ± 0.17 m/s ** Accuracy better than ±3°
with transfer function U = 0.1 × R ± 0.5 m/s***

General General
Operating power supply Uin = 9.5 ... 15.5 VDC, 20 mA typical Operating power supply Uin = 9.5 ... 15.5 VDC, 20 mA typical
Heating power supply AC or DC 20 V, 500 mA nominal Heating power supply AC or DC 20 V, 500 mA nominal
Output 0 ... 750 Hz square wave Output code 6-bit parallel GRAY
Transducer output level Output levels
with Iout < +5 mA high state > Uin-1.5 V With Iout < +5 mA high state > Uin –1.5 V
with Iout > –5 mA low state < 2.0 V With Iout > –5 mA low state < 1.5 V
Settling time after power turn-on < 30 µs Settling time after power turn-on < 100 µs
Plug 6-PIN MIL-C-26482 type Plug 10-PIN MIL-C-26482 type
Cabling 6-wire cable through crossarm Cabling 10-wire cable through crossarm
Recommended connector at cable end SOURIAU MS3116F10-6P Recommended connector at cable end SOURIAU MS3116F12-10P
Operating temperature with heating -50 ... +55 °C (-58 ... +131 °F) Operating temperature with heating -50 ... +55 °C (-58 ... +131 °F)
Storage temperature -60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... +158 °F) Storage temperature -60 ... +70 °C (-76 ... +158 °F)
Material Material
housing AlMgSi, grey anodized housing AlMgSi, grey anodized
cups PA, reinforced with carbon fibre wave Alsi 12 anodized
Dimensions 240 (h) × 90 (Ø) mm Dimensions 300 (h) × 90 (Ø) mm
Swept radius of cup wheel 91 mm Swept radius of vane 172 mm
Weight 570 g Weight 660 g

Test Compliance Test Compliance

Wind tunnel tests ASTM standard method D5096-90 Wind tunnel tests ASTM standard method D5366-93
Exploratory vibration test MIL-STD-167-1 (for starting threshold, distance constant, transfer function)
Humidity test MIL-STD-810E, Method 507.3 Exploratory vibration test MIL-STD-167-1
Salt fog test MIL-STD-810E, Method 509.3 Humidity test MIL-STD-810E, Method 507.3
Salt fog test MIL-STD-810E, Method 509.3
Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1:1997 + Am1:1998 +
Am2:2001; Generic Environment Complies with EMC standard EN61326-1:1997 + Am1:1998; Weather
Am2:2001; Generic Environment
* Measured with cup wheel in position least favoured by flow
direction. Optimum position gives approx. 0.35 m/s threshold.
** Standard Deviation
*** Typical error vs. speed with the "simple transfer function" used.
RANGE (m/s) 0-3 3-10 10-17 17-24 24-31 31-37 37-44 44-51 51-58 58-65
ERROR (m/s) -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 +0.1 +0.2 +0.3 +0.4 +0.5

Vaisala takes pride in professional and comprehensive Ref. B210382EN-C ©Vaisala 2012
specifications that are based on scientific test methods and This material is subject to copyright protection, with all
known standards. The accuracy specification takes into copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
account repeatability, non-linearity, and hysteresis, and is given rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
for the full measurement range, unless otherwise stated. This of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
means our customers get truly reliable information with no distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
gaps, helping them make the right decisions. in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject more information to change without notice.

Vaisala Service Offering

Confidence on Day 1, Confidence for Years

Calibration Maintains changes in pricing during the term

Reliability of the plan, and no purchase order
needed for every calibration.
Regular calibration ensures your
high-precision instruments continue Custom calibration plans are Relative
to provide accurate, high-quality available for customers
data. Choosing the right calibration with unique calibration
needs or a high
laboratory can be as important for
lifetime accuracy and reliability as volume of calibrations. All
the initial selection of the instrument. Vaisala Calibration Carbon
Identifying and setting calibration Service Centers are
intervals are based on the appliction, located in Canada,
Our global service centers
product usage and the company's United States, Finland, calibrate all parameters
quality system. Our experts are ready China and Japan. and can meet your
specific needs.
to help with these important criteria.
Over 50 Years of Calibrations
Expertise Working for You Accredited calibrations can Barometric
Pressure Dew Point
Our high-performance calibration be required by regulating
laboratories started in 1958 and we bodies or to comply with a
continually improve our technology, company’s quality standards. For
facilities and capabilities to provide example, accredited calibration may
the high quality and scope of services be required for instruments used
that you expect from Vaisala. as reference standards or to meet maintenance tasks and schedules
various demands from different will be made to suit your needs and
Calibration Services to authorities. Accredited calibrations minimize any possible downtime.
Meet Your Needs are available for selected parameters. Preventive maintenance service
Our regional Calibration Service Calibrations are traceable to requires a service agreement.
Centers are ready with answers, national or international standards.
options and flexibility to meet your Calibration certificates are issued in Repair Services
requirements and budget. compliance with the requirements of Our professional repair services
the ISO/IEC 17025 and are recognized help extend the life of your Vaisala
Scope of calibration includes
by all the major international equipment. We will repair your
temperature, relative humidity, dew
accreditation organizations. equipment at the most convenient
point, barometric pressure and
carbon dioxide. location – either at your premises
Preventive Maintenance or at one of our Regional Service
Standard calibrations are traceable
Both product lifespan and uptime can Centers. Repairs include fault tracing
to national or international
be improved with regular preventive and repair or replacement of failed
standards and meet ISO9001 quality
maintenance, decreasing the need components, as well as final testing to
management standards. Calibration
for unforeseen repairs and spare ensure your equipment is functioning
services in our laboratories in the
parts while lowering life cycle costs according to specifications.
U.S. and Canada also meet ANSI/
and ensuring the continual supply of If your equipment requires repair,
NSCL Z540.1 requirements.
high-quality data. please first contact our technical
Pre-paid calibration plans offer
Maintenance is carried out by support for instructions on how to
savings and convenience with
our qualified technicians. All return products for repair.
discounts on calibration services, no

Calibration Maintains and Documents Accuracy
Vaisala offers both standard service formally recognize compliance by regulating bodies or to comply with
center calibrations and calibration issuing a certificate of accreditation. a company’s quality standards. For
services that have been accredited ISO/IEC 17025 is the international example, accredited calibration may
by the world’s leading accreditation standard used to accredit testing be required for instruments used
authorities. Accrediting bodies and calibration laboratories for as reference standards or to meet
audit management, quality systems measured quantities. Accredited various demands from different
and technical competence and calibrations can be required by authorities.

Vancouver, Boston, Helsinki, Beijing, Tokyo,

Canada USA Finland China Japan
Relative Humidity Relative Humidity Relative Humidity Relative Humidity Relative Humidity

Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature

Dew Point Dew Point Dew Point Dew Point

Barometric Pressure Barometric Pressure Barometric Pressure Barometric Pressure

Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide


Service Offering

Relative Humidity Relative Humidity Relative Humidity Relative Humidity

Temperature Temperature Temperature

Dew Point Dew Point

Barometric Pressure Barometric Pressure

Vaisala Filters

Group A: 12 mm Diameter, Standard Length, Female Threads

0195 10159HM
Brass, sintered filter, 133 microns, ø 12.0 mm Membrane filter, 0.2 microns, ø 12.0 mm
Use with: HMM100, HMP46 Use with: HMM100, HM34
Group: A Group: A

0195 10159HM

6221 230727SP
Plastic grid, 2 mm protection, ø 12.0 mm Membrane filter, 0.2 microns, ø 12.0 mm
Use with: HM34, HMM100 Use with: HMP155
Group: A Group: A

6221 230727SP

Group B: 12 mm Diameter, Long Length, Female Threads (Could be used in place of “A” type filters)
DRW010276SP HM47280SP
PPS plastic grid filter, 6.5 mm, ø 12 mm Stainless steel sintered filter, 38 µm, ø 12mm
Use with: HMT330, HMT360, HMT310, HM70, Use with: HMT330, HMT360, HMT310, HM70,
PTU300 HMM100, DMT340, DMT242, DM70, PTU300
Group: B Group: B
DRW010276SP HM47280SP

DRW010281SP HM47453SP
PPS plastic grid with stainless steel net, Stainless steel filter, 3.15 mm, ø 12 mm
15 µm, ø 12 mm Use with: MMT330, MMT310, MM70, HMT330,
Use with: HMT330, HMT360, HMT310, HM70, HMT360, HMT310, DMT340, PTU300
PTU300 Group: B
DRW010281SP Group: B HM47453SP

DRW212987SP 220752SP
Sintered filter, 40 µm, ø 12 mm Stainless steel filter for high oil flow (>1m/s)
Use with: HM70 2 mm hole size
Group: B Use with: MMT330, MMT310, MM70
Group: B
DRW212987SP 220752SP

220957SP 219452SP
Stainless steel mesh filter, 18 μm, ø 12 mm Sintered PTFE filter, ø 12 mm
Use with: DMT152, DPT146 Use with: HMP155, HMM100, HMP63,
Group: B HMP113
Group: B
220957SP 219452SP
221494SP 225356SP
Stainless steel filter for high oil flow Stainless steel filter for oil measurements,
(>1 m/s) 2 mm hole size ø 12 mm, 3 mm holes
Use with: MMT162 Use with: MMT162
Group: B Group: B
221494SP 225356SP

230602 231865
Tube filter Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide resistant
Use with: DMT132 sintered filter
Group: B Use with: HMT330, HMT360, HMT310,
HM70, PTU300
230602 231865 Group: B

Group C: 12 mm Diameter, Male Threads

HM46670SP DRW010525
Sintered stainless steel filter, 38 µm, Membrane filter, 0.2 µm, ø 12 mm
ø 12.0 mm Use with: HMT120/130, HMP60, HMP110,
Use with: HMT120/130, HMD60/70, HMD60/70, HMD42/53
HMD42/53, HMP60, HMP110, HMM210 Group: C
HM46670SP Group: C DRW010525

DRW010522 232637
Plastic Grid, 2 mm, ø 12 mm Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide resistant
Use with: HMT120/130, HMD60/70, sintered filter
HMD42/53, HMP60, HMP110 Use with: HMT120/130, HMP110, HMP60
Group: C Group: C
DRW010522 232637

Stand Alone - Not Interchangeable: Filters for Discontinued Products

HM46780 Group C: 12 mm Diameter, Male Threads
Stainless steel filter, 38 µm, ø 20 mm
• 17039HM Membrane filter, 0.2 μm, ø 12 mm
Use with: DMT346 Cooling set
Group D: 13.5 mm Diameter, Male Threads
• 16452SP Sintered filter, stainless steel,
HM46780 37 microns, ø 13.5 mm
• 16562SP PPS Grid, 2 mm, ø 13.5 mm
• 16720HMSP PPS Grid and stainless steel net,
Membrane filter tube set (5 pcs)
14 µm, ø 13.5 mm
Use with: HMP42
• 17230HMSP PTFE membrane, 3.5 µm, ø 13.5 mm
• HM46999SP Sintered stainless steel filter, 2mm, ø 13.5

19858HM Group E: 18.5 mm Diameter, Female Threads

19867HM • 6597 Plastic grid, 2.5 mm, ø 18.5 mm
Steel grid for the HMP42, • HM46717 Plastic grid, 2.5 mm, ø 18.5 mm
1 mm, ø 4 mm • 2787HM Membrane filter, 0.2 microns, ø 18.5 mm
• 16126HM Metallized membrane filter,
0.5 µm, ø 18.5 mm
Service Offering


Vaisala Contact Information

Vaisala Oyj Vaisala GmbH Contact: Bonn Office
P.O.Box 26 Bonn Office Adenauerallee 15
FI-00421 Helsinki Adenauerallee 15 D-53111 Bonn
Tel. +358 9 894 91 GERMANY Tel. +49 228 24971 0 Tel. +49 228 24971 0 Fax +49 228 24971 11 Fax +49 228 24971 11
National: 0800VAISALA
Contact: Bonn Office UNITED KINGDOM
Adenauerallee 15 Vaisala Ltd
D-53111 Bonn Vaisala GmbH Bury St. Edmunds Office
GERMANY Hamburg Office 2B, Hillside Business Park,
Tel. +49 228 24971 23 Notkestraße 11 Kempson Way, Moreton Hall,
Fax +49 228 24971 11 D-22607 Hamburg Bury St. Edmunds,
Toll free Netherlands : GERMANY Suffolk IP32 7EA
00800 -282 472 52 Tel. +49 40 83903 160 UNITED KINGDOM
Toll free Belgium: Fax +49 40 83903 110 Tel. +44 121 683 5620
0800 17 200 National: 0800VAISALA Fax +44 121 683 1299


Vaisala SAS Vaisala Oyj Birmingham Office
Lyon Office Malmö Office Vaisala House
12, Avenue des Saules Drottninggatan 1 D 351 Bristol Road
F-69922 OULLINS Cedex S-212 11 Malmö Birmingham B5 7SW
Tel. +33 4 72 68 80 54 Tel. +46 40 298 991 Tel. +44 121 683 1257
Fax +46 40 298 992 Fax +44 121 683 1299
+ 0800 67 67 26 National (tel.): 0200 848 848 National (fax): 0200 849 849
Vaisala SAS
Paris Office Vaisala Oyj
2, rue Stéphenson Stockholm Office
F-78181 Johanneslundsvägen 2
Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines S-194 61 Upplands Väsby
FRANCE Tel. +46 8 750 94 20
Tel. +33 1 3057 7342 Fax +46 8 750 92 11
Fax +33 1 3096 0858 National (tel.): 0200 848 848
National (fax): 0200 849 849
+ 0800 67 67 26

Boston Office Vaisala Pty Ltd Vaisala KK
10-D Gill Street Melbourne Office Tokyo Office
Woburn, MA 01801 3 Guest Street 42 Kagurazaka 6-Chome
USA Hawthorn, VIC 3122 Shinjuku-Ku
Tel. +1 781 933 4500 AUSTRALIA Tokyo 162-0825
Toll free 1-888-VAISALA (824-7252) Tel: +61 3 9815 6700 JAPAN
Fax +1 781 933 8029 Fax +61 3 9815 6799 Tel. + 81 3 3266 9611 Freecall: 1800 335 840 Fax + 81 3 3266 9610
Toll free 0800 891 7392 CHINA Vaisala KK Vaisala China Ltd Osaka Office Beijing Office Awajimachi 3-5-13
Floor 2, EAS Building Chuo-ku
Vaisala Canada Inc. No.21, Xiao Yun Road, Osaka-shi 541-0047
Vancouver Office Chaoyang District JAPAN
100-13775 Commerce Parkway 100027, Beijing Tel. +81 6 6208 5566
Richmond, BC V6V 2V4 CHINA Fax +81 6 7635 5033
CANADA Tel. +86 10 5827 4209
Tel. +1 604 273 6850 Fax +86 10 5827 4238
Toll free 1-800 683 8374 National hotline 400 810 0126
Fax +1 604 273 2874 Vaisala KK Nagoya Sales Office GS Sakae Building 3F
Vaisala China Ltd 5-26-39 Sakae,
Shanghai Branch Naka-ku
Room 1102, Information Tower Nagoya-shi
No. 1403 Minsheng Road Aichi 460-0008
Pudong New District JAPAN
200135 Shanghai Tel. +81 52 261 3577
CHINA Fax. +81 52 308 4966
Tel. +86 21 50111581/2/3
Fax +86 21 50111580
National hotline 400 810 0126

Vaisala China Ltd

Shenzhen Branch
Bldg 1, 17B China Phoenix Building
2008 Shennan Avenue
Futian District 518026
Service Offering

Tel. +86 755 82792403
Fax +86 755 82792404
National hotline 400 810 0126


Products, spare parts
and accessories
Convenient product
comparison tool
Invoice option
(30 days NET)

Please contact us at Ref. B210974EN ©Vaisala

This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All
rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks
of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer,
distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure
in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly
Scan the code for prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject
more information to change without notice.

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