Targum Neofiti

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Targum Neofiti Exod 12:42

It was a night of vigil and being prepared for deliverance to the name of the
Lord, at the time when he brought out the children of Israel redeemed from
the land of Egypt. Indeed there are four nights, which were written in the
Book of Remembrances. The first night: When the Lord was revealed over
the world to create it. The world was formless and void, and darkness was
spreading over the face of the deep, and the Word of the Lord [Memra] was
light and shone. So he called it the first night.
The second night: When the Lord was revealed to Abraham at one hundred
years, and Sarah his wife was ninety years, to fulfill what the Scripture
says, “Behold Abram at one hundred years old begat, and Sarah his wife at
ninety years old gave birth. And Isaac was thirty-seven years old when he
was offered up on the altar. The heavens were lowered and came down,
and Isaac saw their form. So his eyes became dim at their form, and he
called it the second night.
The third night: When the Lord was revealed to the Egyptians at midnight,
his hand was slaughtering the firstborn of the Egyptians, while his right
hand was protecting the firstborn of Israel to fulfill what the Scripture says,
“Israel is my son, my firstborn.” So he called it the third night.
The fourth night: When the world will be complete, the time for it to be
redeemed, the yokes of iron will be shattered, and the evil generations will
be destroyed, and Moses will go up from the midst of the wilderness and
the king Messiah from the midst of Rome. One will lead at the head of the
flock, and the other will lead at the head of the flock, and His Word
[Memra] will be leading between the two of them, and I and they will be
leading together. It is the night of the Passover to the name of the Lord. A
night of vigil and being ready for deliverance to all Israel throughout their

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