Parcial de Asia

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Calificación para este intento: 64 de 80

Presentado 16 de dic en 8:55

Este intento tuvo una duración de 88 minutos.

Pregunta 1
4 / 4 ptos.
In the last decade, the trade between Latin America with ASEAN, can be affirmed

It remains without any variation.

Grew to the highest levels in history.

Decreased to the lowest levels of history.

There is not information available to know with certainty.

Pregunta 2
4 / 4 ptos.
China's foreign policy is summarized in the doctrine of peaceful coexistence; non-
interference in internal affairs of other states and development of diplomatic
relations and economic and cultural exchanges with other countries based on
equality and mutual benefit. The above sentence is:



Pregunta 3
4 / 4 ptos.
In the period ranging from the mid-nineteenth century until World War II, it is known
that China saw decreased its ownership and leadership in the region of Southeast
Asia, this situation originated by:

Internal conflicts and invasions from the West

Lack of authority of the emperor

None of the above

Establishment of trade relations with Latin America

IncorrectoPregunta 4
0 / 4 ptos.
China's foreign policy is summarized in the doctrine of __________; non-
interference in internal affairs of other states and development of diplomatic
relations and economic and cultural exchanges with other countries based on
equality and mutual benefit.


Non peaceful coexistence

Peaceful coexistence

Old regime

IncorrectoPregunta 5
0 / 4 ptos.
In the Indian market, "strengthened companies" refer to:

Mixed capital companies.

Companies with many shareholders.

Companies where workforce is the center of its strategy.

Companies with a high investment capital.

Pregunta 6
4 / 4 ptos.
The main markets for Latin America in the Middle East are:

Iran, Iraq and Jordan.

Qatar, Syria and Yemen.

Kuwait, Lebanon and Oman.

Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

Pregunta 7
4 / 4 ptos.
In recent years constant touring in Latin America by major Asian leaders make
clear the enormous economic interest and investment from countries like China,
Japan, India, Korea or Singapore in Latin America. The above sentence is:


Pregunta 8
4 / 4 ptos.
With the independence of the British Empire, India began a period of
transformation.After independence in 1947, what economic model adopted this

Communist Model

Trade Openness

Protectionist Model

None of the above

Pregunta 9
4 / 4 ptos.
At present, how can Chinese migratory waves be considered in the world?

Recognized because they are gaining space across the planet.

Adverse because they are almost not perceptible.

Normal like another country.

Null because there are no Chinese migratory waves.

Pregunta 10
4 / 4 ptos.
What is the most dynamic sector of the Indian economy today?


None of the above



Pregunta 11
4 / 4 ptos.
The phrase "market socialism" was proposed by:

Mao Zedong

Deng Xiaoping

Jiang Zemin

Hu Jintao
Pregunta 12
4 / 4 ptos.
With the reforms that began in 1979, the Chinese Communist Party sought to
achieve economic takeoff of the country, through what measures?

All of the above

Investment in science and technology

Modernization of agriculture

Industry Developments

Pregunta 13
4 / 4 ptos.
Which one is the capital of Vietnam


Abu Dhabi



Pregunta 14
4 / 4 ptos.
During the 70s and 80s, what was the position adopted by India in relation to
international politics?
Country remained neutral.

It belonged to the Warsaw Pact.

It belonged to the triple alliance.

It belonged to the Western NATO.

Pregunta 15
4 / 4 ptos.
The business culture is a fundamental aspect to be taken into account by those
who seek to establish trade relations. It is the most important Chinese business
culture asset




Shehui Dengji

Pregunta 16
4 / 4 ptos.
In the past 10 years the economic development of China can be considered:




Pregunta 17
4 / 4 ptos.
Is Colombia is a member of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

yes, it is a member since 2014

yes, it is a member since 2016

No, it is not a member anymore since 2017

Colombia has never been an APEC member

Pregunta 18
4 / 4 ptos.
What were the main consequences of the Great Cultural Revolution?

Mao Zedong gained prominence again

Creation of the army "Red Guards"

Persecutions, especially against intellectuals

All of the above

IncorrectoPregunta 19
0 / 4 ptos.
Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru signed the document that officially created the
Pacific Alliance in 2012. Overall, the agreement seeks to accelerate the integration
between the countries of greater trade liberalization in Latin America, closer ties
with __________and counter protectionism of other blocks in the region.





IncorrectoPregunta 20
0 / 4 ptos.
What are the success factors that are associated with liberalization reforms
initiated in the nineties by government in India?

All of the above

Greater international impact over decisions in India

Changes within the Indian State

Changes in the social structure

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