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Alluvium is loose soil or sediments (such as clay, silt, sand, gravel and so on) that is eroded and carried
in suspension by flood or river water before being deposited. The material of alluvium is may be
unconsolidated, i.e. not formed together into solid rock, and can by picked up or eroded and carried away
by moving water before being deposited elsewhere when the water flow slows down. Where the
loose alluvial material is consolidated into a stone-like material (or lithological unit), this is known as

The fine-grained fertile soil that is deposited by water that flows over flood plains or river beds is known
as alluvial soil.

Some of the characteristics of alluvial soils include:

 The soil morphology will vary according to the age of the alluvial deposit and how it was formed.
 The textural range of the soil can vary widely from gravel to silty clay.
 Drainage can vary from very poor to free.
 The texture of the soil can vary both vertically and laterally.
 It may contain a large amount of organic matter.

The presence of alluvial deposits may mean that the ground conditions are poor and so can require
the construction of a raft foundation, or deep pile foundations. In these conditions, strip or pad
foundations would require significant excavation.

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