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Singapore June 2015 Energy

Simulation for Commercial Buildings

Singapore Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 1 -


Carrier Corporation
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Table of Contents
KEYS TO USING THIS TRAINING MANUAL ..................................................... - 7 - 

ICONS USED IN THIS MANUAL ........................................................................ - 7 - 

EARNING CEU CREDITS ................................................................................... - 8 - 

Course Learning Outcomes .............................................................................................................. - 8 - 
Continuing Education Unit Credits (CEUs) ..................................................................................... - 8 - 
HAP V4.9........................................................................................................... - 9 - 
Workbook Organization .................................................................................................................... - 9 - 
PROJECT DEFINITION AND OUTLINE ............................................................ - 10 - 


SIMULATION WEATHER ................................................................................. - 21 - 
SETTING PROJECT PREFERENCES .......................................................................................................... - 21 - 
ENTER DESIGN AND SIMULATION WEATHER PROPERTIES .................................................................... - 23 - 
DEFINING THE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................... - 28 - 
Weather Reports ............................................................................................................................. - 29 - 
SECTION 1_WORKSHOP 2 – EDITING SCHEDULES ....................................... - 33 - 
Schedule Profile Assignments Input Details ................................................................................... - 35 - 
USING THE EQUIPMENT WIZARD. ................................................................. - 43 - 
SYSTEM DESIGN REPORTS ........................................................................................................................ 53 
Zone Sizing Summary.......................................................................................................................... 54 
Ventilation Sizing Summary ............................................................................................................ - 56 - 
Air System Design Load Summary Report ...................................................................................... - 57 - 
Hourly Zone Load Report Example ................................................................................................ - 58 - 
Monthly Air System Simulation Results .......................................................................................... - 60 - 
Monthly Air System Simulation Graph ........................................................................................... - 61 - 
Daily Air System Simulation Results ............................................................................................... - 62 - 
Daily Air System Simulation Results ............................................................................................... - 64 - 
Hourly Air System Simulation Results ............................................................................................ - 65 - 
Hourly Air System Simulation Results Graph ................................................................................. - 67 - 
Zone Temperature Report ............................................................................................................... - 68 - 
HYDRONIC PLANTS ............................................................................................ 71 
Retrieve Energy Simulation Archive 2 Unsolved ................................................................................ 71 
Air Cooled Chiller Selection ............................................................................................................... 75 
Entering Chiller Performance Data................................................................................................ - 77 - 
Cooling Plant Sizing Summary Comparison Discussion ................................................................ - 85 - 
Entering Cooling Tower Performance Data ................................................................................... - 85 - 
SECTION 4 ...................................................................................................... - 89 - 
C Alt 2 Chiller Plant Input Data ..................................................................................................... - 94 - 
D Alt3 SZCV/RTU ........................................................................................................................... - 95 - 

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SECTION 4_WORKSHOP 5 SOLUTIONS ......................................................... - 99 - 

A Base Case Chiller Plant Simulation Results ................................................................................ - 99 - 
D Alt 3 Packaged RTU D-31 RTU D5 Classroom D104 Simulation Results................................ - 105 - 
Defining Buildings in HAP ........................................................................................................... - 111 - 
SIMULATION RESULTS ................................................................................ - 119 - 
Annual Emissions Summary .......................................................................................................... - 120 - 
Annual Component Cost for C Alt 2 ............................................................................................. - 124 - 
Annual Energy Cost ...................................................................................................................... - 125 - 
Annual Cost HVAC and Non-HVAC ............................................................................................. - 126 - 
Energy Budget by System Component........................................................................................... - 127 - 
Energy Budget by Energy Source ................................................................................................. - 128 - 
Monthly Component Cost ............................................................................................................. - 129 - 
Monthly Energy Cost by Energy Type .......................................................................................... - 130 - 
Monthly Energy Use by System Component ................................................................................. - 131 - 
Monthly Energy Use by Energy Type............................................................................................ - 132 - 
Electric Billing Details ................................................................................................................. - 133 - 
Hourly Energy Use Profile ........................................................................................................... - 135 - 
Hourly Energy Use Graph ............................................................................................................ - 136 - 
APPENDIX “A”  AIR SYSTEM SCHEMATICS .............................................. - 139 - 

APPENDIX”B” ............................................................................................... - 153 - 

Putting Load Calculation Methods in Perspective ....................................................................... - 155 - 
The Benefits of the Transfer Function / Heat Extraction Method ................................................. - 158 - 
Understanding Zone Loads and Zone Conditioning ..................................................................... - 158 - 
The Sizing Dilemma ...................................................................................................................... - 162 - 
Which Sizing Method to Use? ....................................................................................................... - 163 - 
Differences between Peak Coil Load CFM, Max Block CFM, Sum of Peak Zone CFM .............. - 165 - 
Selecting Equipment When Coil CFM (L/s) Differ ....................................................................... - 168 - 
ASHRAE 62.1-2004 and 2007 Ventilation Air Sizing in HAP ...................................................... - 169 - 
ASHRAE Standard 62 ................................................................................................................... - 169 - 
Defining ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004/7 Ventilation Requirements in HAP ............................... - 170 - 
Space Level Ventilation in ASHRAE 62.1-2004 & 2007 ............................................................... - 171 - 
Space Usage Comparisons and Two-Part OA Requirement ......................................................... - 172 - 
Step 1: Determining the Space Level Minimum Ventilation Requirements................................... - 174 - 
Step 2: Determining the System Level Minimum Ventilation Requirements ................................. - 177 - 
Minimum Supply Air (CFM) ......................................................................................................... - 180 - 
Floor Area (sq ft) .......................................................................................................................... - 180 - 
Required Outdoor Air (CFM/Ft²) ................................................................................................. - 180 - 
Time Averaged Occupancy ........................................................................................................... - 180 - 
Required Outdoor Air (CFM/Person) ........................................................................................... - 180 - 
Air Distribution Effectiveness ....................................................................................................... - 180 - 
Required Outdoor Air (CFM) ....................................................................................................... - 180 - 
Uncorrected Outdoor Air (CFM) .................................................................................................. - 180 - 
Space Ventilation Efficiency ......................................................................................................... - 181 - 
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... - 181 - 
System Based Design Load Calculations ...................................................................................... - 182 - 
APPENDIX “C” .............................................................................................. - 189 - 
Technical White Papers ................................................................................................................ - 189 - 
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. - 190 - 

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How Traditional System Design Methods Work ........................................................................... - 190 - 

Shortcomings of the Traditional Approach ................................................................................... - 190 - 
System-Based Design and How It Works ...................................................................................... - 191 - 
Benefits of System-Based Design .................................................................................................. - 192 - 
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... - 192 - 
The Benefits of 8760 Hour by Hour Building Energy Analysis..................................................... - 193 - 
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. - 193 - 
What Is Building Energy Analysis? .............................................................................................. - 193 - 
Requirements for High Quality Results......................................................................................... - 193 - 
8760 Hour-By-Hour Method: How and Why? .............................................................................. - 196 - 
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... - 199 - 
Figure 0.1 - Continuous Design Decision Cycle..........................................................- 10 - 
Figure 0.2 – ASHRAE U.S. Climate Zone Map ...........................................................- 11 - 
Figure 0.4 – School Exterior “A” Commons Area ........................................................- 12 - 
Figure 0.5 – A Commons Area Floor Plan ..................................................................- 13 - 
Figure 0.6 – “B” Classroom Wing ................................................................................- 14 - 
Figure 0.7 – “C” – Gymnasium Wing...........................................................................- 15 - 
Figure 0.8 – “D” Classroom Wing................................................................................- 16 - 
Figure1.1 - Create New Project in HAP 4.9 ................................................................- 21 - 
Figure1.2 – Setting Project Preferences .....................................................................- 22 - 
Figure 1.3 – HAP Program Preferences  Figure1.4 – View/Preferences ....- 23 - 
Figure 1.5 – HAP Weather Wizard ..............................................................................- 24 - 
Figure 1.6 A, B & C – Weather Wizard Input Screens ................................................- 25 - 
Figure 1.7 – Weather Wizard Design and Simulation Properties ................................- 25 - 
Figure 1.8 – Wizard Created Data ..............................................................................- 26 - 
Figure 1.9 - HAP Design Weather Properties Form. ...................................................- 26 - 
Figure 1.10 – Importing Simulation Weather Data ......................................................- 27 - 
Figure 1.11 – Adding Holidays ....................................................................................- 28 - 
Figure 1.12 Design and Simulation Weather Reports .................................................- 29 - 
Figure 2.1 - Schedule - Profile Assignments-Lights Classrooms ................................- 33 - 
Figure 2.2 - Schedule–Profile Assignments-People-Classrooms ...............................- 34 - 
Figure 3.1 - Launching the Equipment Wizard ............................................................- 43 - 
Figure 3.2 - Assign Spaces to Building in Wizard .......................................................- 43 - 
Figure 3.3a - Equipment Wizard Screen 1 ..................................................................- 44 - 
Figure 3.3b - Equipment Wizard Screen 2 ..................................................................- 45 - 
Figure 3.3c - Equipment Wizard Screen 2 ..................................................................- 46 - 
Figure 3.3d - Equipment Wizard Screen 3 ..................................................................- 47 - 
Figure 3.3e - Equipment and System Wizard Data Summary ....................................- 49 - 
Figure 3.4 - Select Print View Design Reports ............................................................- 50 - 
Figure 3.5 - Select Air System Sizing Summary Report .............................................- 50 - 
Figure 3.6 - Select Simulation Results Reports ..........................................................- 58 - 
Figure 3.7 - Select Air System Simulation Results Reports ........................................- 59 - 
Figure 3.8 - Rerun and View all Air System Simulation Results .................................- 59 - 
Figure 4.1 - Retrieve HAPv4.9 Energy Simulation Archive 2 Unsolved .......................... 71 
Figure 4.2 - Create New Chiller Plant ............................................................................. 72 
Figure 4.3 - Generic Chiller Plant Sizing Details ............................................................. 72 
Figure 4.4 - Add “A Base Case” Air Systems to the Generic Chilled Water Plant .......... 73 
Figure 4.5 - Calculate Chiller Plant Design Load ............................................................ 73 
Figure 4.6 - Select Print/View Design Results – Cooling Plant Sizing Summary ............ 74 
Figure 4.7 - Chiller Plant Sizing Summary Report .......................................................... 74 

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Figure 4.8 - Details of Chiller Selection using e-Cat Selection Software. ....................... 75 
Figure 4.9a - Chiller Input Form – Import Chiller Data ................................................- 77 - 
Figure 4.9b – Chiller Properties General Tab – Imported Chiller Data .......................- 78 - 
Figure 4.9c - Chiller Properties Design Inputs – Imported Chiller Data ......................- 79 - 
Figure 4.9d – Chiller Properties Performance Map – Imported Chiller Data ...............- 80 - 
Figure 4.10 – Integrated Part Load Value ...................................................................- 81 - 
Figure 4.11a – Define Chiller Part Load Performance ................................................- 82 - 
Figure 4.11b – Chiller Template Design Inputs ...........................................................- 82 - 
Figure 4.11c - Chiller Properties General Tab Template Data ....................................- 83 - 
Figure 4.11d - Chiller Properties Design Inputs Tab ...................................................- 83 - 
Figure 4.11e – Chiller Properties Performance Map Tab ............................................- 84 - 
Figure 4.12 - Cooling Tower Properties for C Alt 2 WC Screw Chiller ........................- 86 - 
Figure 4.13a Generic Service Hot Water Plant ...........................................................- 87 - 
Figure 4.13b Link “A” Base Case Air Systems ............................................................- 87 - 
Figure 4.13c –Define Service Hot Water Consumption ..............................................- 88 - 
Figure 5.1 – Chiller Plants Created in WS4. ...............................................................- 91 - 
Figure 5.2a – A Base Case Chiller Plant Data Inputs .................................................- 91 - 
Figure 5.2b – A Base Case Air Systems .....................................................................- 92 - 
Figure 5.2c – Base Case Plant Configuration .............................................................- 92 - 
Figure 5.2d – Schedule of Equipment .........................................................................- 93 - 
Figure 5.2e – Configure Plant Distribution ..................................................................- 93 - 
Figure 5.3a – Packaged RTU-Configuration System Components –Supply Fan .......- 95 - 
Figure 5.3b – Equipment – Central Cooling Unit.........................................................- 96 - 
Figure 6.2 – Enter Building Data ..............................................................................- 114 - 
Figure 6.3 – Assign Air Systems to Building Design .................................................- 114 - 
Figure 6.4 – Misc. Energy Tab Input Details .............................................................- 115 - 
Figure 6.5 – Building Meters Tab ..............................................................................- 116 - 
Figure 6.6 – B Alt 1 Building Properties - Plants .......................................................- 116 - 
Figure 6.7 – B Alt 1 Building Properties – Systems ..................................................- 116 - 
Figure B-1. Load Estimating Methodologies ............................................................- 155 - 
Figure B-2. Lighting Heat Gains and Loads ..............................................................- 156 - 
Figure B-3 Stage One Calculations...........................................................................- 166 - 
Figure B-4 Stage Two Calculations...........................................................................- 167 - 
Figure C-1 Evolution of ASHRAE Ventilation Standards ..........................................- 169 - 
Figure C-2 HAP Preferences ....................................................................................- 170 - 
Figure C-3 Setting Project Preferences ....................................................................- 170 - 
Figure C-4 HAP Space Properties Input Screen (General Tab) ...............................- 171 - 
Figure C-5: Minimum Ventilation Rates ASHRAE 62.1-2004 ...................................- 171 - 
Figure C-6: RETAIL Space Usage Comparison........................................................- 172 - 
Figure C-7: EDUCATION Space Usage Comparison ...............................................- 173 - 
Figure C-9 Space Air Distribution Effectiveness .......................................................- 176 - 
Figure C-10 Typical VAV System and Critical Space ...............................................- 177 - 
Figure C-11 No Critical Space Issues with Dedicated OA Unit .................................- 178 - 
Figure C-12 Ventilation Report for VAV System .......................................................- 179 - 
Figure D-1 VAV System Airflow Rates ......................................................................- 183 - 
Figure D-2 Zone and Coil Load Profiles ....................................................................- 185 - 
Figure D-3 Zone Air Temperature Profile ..................................................................- 186 - 
Figure D-4 Loads for Varied Throttling Ranges ........................................................- 187 - 
Figure D-5 Zone Temperatures for Varied Throttling Ranges...................................- 187 - 
Figure E-1 Chicago Weather/September Dry Bulbs .................................................- 197 - 
Figure E-2 Chicago Weather/September Solar.........................................................- 197 - 

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Keys to Using This Training Manual

Objectives - There is a listed of objectives at the beginning of each section.
Detailed discussions of materials for this section are included in the text.

Sample Section (Multiple Pages)

Systematic exercises ____________________________________________________
preceded by topic ____________________________________________________
discussions, these ____________________________________________________
exercises are the “hands-on- ____________________________________________________
practice” part of this section. ____________________________________________________
Summarize main points
at the end of each
section. Summary
Review at the end of ____________________________________________________
each section ensures ____________________________________________________
achievement of
Review of Learning Outcomes
learning outcomes.

Enhanced screen shots included for additional detail

Icons Used in This Manual

The “icon key” at left depicts the four
Icon Key icons used throughout this manual to
Valuable Information highlight valuable information, learning
Learning Objective outcome objectives, hands-on
exercises and additional information
Hands-on Exercise included on the accompanying hand-
Additional Information on companion flash drive

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Earning CEU Credits

As part of our Technical Training Center, the International Associate for Continuing
Education and Training (IACET) accepts and approves the E20-II software training as an
Authorized Provider of Continuing Education Units (CEUs). IACET's mission is to
promote and enhance quality in continuing education and training through research,
education, and standard setting. IACET Authorized Providers undergo a strict evaluation
of their educational processes according to the IACET Criteria
and Guidelines, including two reviews by IACET's Commission
and a site visit by an IACET Commissioner. Members of the
organization are the educational professionals that strive to
provide the highest quality in continuing education and training.


Energy Simulation is a term used to describe the process of energy modeling. Recently,
in the building industry the requirement for quality energy modeling has increased
dramatically. This is because of the rise in energy prices coupled with new specific
applications such as the LEED rating system, which places a large weighting on energy
fitness for both new and existing buildings. Quality energy simulation requires
consideration of many parameters such as simulation weather, energy profiles, air
systems, plant performance, utility rates and analysis of multiple building design
scenarios. The goal of this session is for each student to generate and interpret
simulations for air systems, plants, and whole buildings and produce accurate operating
cost comparison reports.

Course Learning Outcomes

As part of this software training, each student will learn how to use the Hourly Analysis
(System Design Load) Program by completing several simple project exercises. These
exercises confirm the student’s ability to understand the course learning outcomes.
These are:
 Define and input the following
o Energy simulation weather data, internal load schedules including profiles
used for energy analysis, unitary packaged equipment power
requirements, water chillers, boilers, cooling towers, hydronic distribution
systems, electric and fuel rate structures and miscellaneous building
energy use
 Generate and interpret simulation reports for air systems and plants
 Generate and interpret diagnostic reports for air systems and plants
 Trouble shoot air systems and plants
 Generate and interpret annual operating cost reports for a base and alternate
design case
 Determine best practices from energy simulation

Continuing Education Unit Credits (CEUs)

One (1) IACET CEU is equal to ten (10) contact hours of participation in an organized
continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and
qualified instruction. After successfully completing this training, the student receives an
appropriate number of CEUs based on the classroom contact time. In addition, the

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student should feel very comfortable using the eDesign Suite software to enhance their
HVAC related job responsibilities.

We use this IACET symbol throughout this manual to represent required

learning outcomes and expect each student to comprehend the subject content
by successfully demonstrating competency in these areas.

NOTE: Because each state and municipality has their own rules, it is the responsibility
of the participants to determine whether their agency accepts IACET CEUs toward
whatever certification they are pursuing. This is not the responsibility of Carrier
Corporation or its agents.

Welcome to Energy Simulation for Commercial

Buildings using HAP v4.9
We created this manual to assist engineers and designers in using the Hourly Analysis
Program v4.9 for calculating commercial building cooling and heating loads and
performing energy simulations. This manual is a companion to the hands-on training for
the Hourly Analysis Program “Energy Simulations for Commercial Buildings” course
facilitated by Carrier Software Systems Network. This manual includes all class
exercises, workflow tips and additional helpful information related to the HAP program.

Workbook Organization
This section of the manual follows the logical process of the hands-on workshops and
workflow. We cover the common process and special features of the HAP program. We
arranged the topics of discussion in the same order as our hands-on training.
The second section discusses how to use HAP to calculate a system design load. The
second section follows the logical path of the program’s modules including detailed
discussions and examples of the workflow process used to create a complete HAP
Design Data set. This includes detailed discussions of the input forms, editing, document
outputs and more.
The third section of this student manual includes the following appendixes:
Appendix A includes air system schematics.
Appendix B contains detailed articles discussing numerous topics and frequently asked
questions about HAP inputs and results.
Appendix C includes several “white papers” discussing the advantages of the HAP
program. These include System Based Design and the use of 8760 hourly weather
profiles for calculations.
Appendix D includes HAP e Help articles offering detailed explanations on frequently
asked questions about HAP inputs and outputs.

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Project Definition and Outline

Our project for this hands-on training is a 9-12 high school located in Singapore. There
are numerous workshops and work sessions requiring use and understanding of all
modules in the HAP program.

Workshop #1 includes configuring the weather data, adding simulation weather data and
defining annual holidays.

Workshop #2 requires updating fractional and fan-thermostat schedules by adding

profiles for assigning to the energy simulation of the buildings.

Workshop #3 includes defining air systems for the different building types for calculating
loads, selecting equipment, entering equipment performance, simulating the equipment
and analyzing the results.

In Workshop # 4 we calculate chiller and SWH boiler capacities, select and add chillers,
towers and SWH boilers to our project library.

In workshop # 5 we link the chillers, tower and SWH boilers to plants including
configuring the distribution and simulate the plant operations to compare plant energy
consumption for the different design scenarios.

In Workshop # 6 we add the utility rates to the project library. We discuss simple and
complex rate structures for electric, natural gas and remote source chilled and hot water.
We also look at the Utility Rate Time of Day schedule. We then define the different
building case studies, perform the energy simulation and compare the results; thus
enabling us to offer the best solution to the building owner and stake holders.

The objective of this projects is to provide a sustainable energy efficient 69,000 ft² (6,410
m²) one story high school building, with minimum carbon emissions. The target is to
reduce energy consumption while improving the built environment. Included in our
design project are recommended building envelope; fenestration optimized for
daylighting; interior and exterior lighting systems; HVAC systems and controls; OA
ventilation requirements and service water heating alternatives.

We use an integrated, iterative continuous design and construction decision process for
our building as shown in Figure 0.1 with the intention of fully coordinating best practices
for sustainable design throughout the life of the building (cradle-to-cradle) as follows.

Figure 0.1 - Continuous Design Decision Cycle

For our school building project we selected Singapore which is located in ASHRAE
Climate Zone 1A Hot and Moist, as detailed in the ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Appendix “B”.

Singapore 2015 Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 10 -


Marine (C) Dry (B) Moist (A)

All of Alaska in Zone 7 except for the following
Boroughs in Zone 8:
Bethel Northwest Artic
Dellingham Southeast Fairbanks 1
Fairbanks N. Star
Wade Hampton Zone 1 Includes
Nome Yukon-Koyukuk Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico
North Slope and the Virgin Islands

Figure 0.2 – ASHRAE U.S. Climate Zone Map

The following pages include floor plans of the school building. This manual contains
detailed construction information for entering into the HAP program as needed for each
of the work sessions. This hands-on training session also leaves ample time for
participant question/answer sessions. Our goal is to make you familiar and comfortable
with the input routines and the calculated and simulated results of the HAP Design
Loads and Energy Simulation.

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Figure 0.4 – School Exterior “A” Commons Area

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Figure 0.5 – A Commons Area Floor Plan

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Figure 0.6 – “B” Classroom Wing

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Figure 0.7 – “C” – Gymnasium Wing

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Figure 0.8 – “D” Classroom Wing

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We developed the school building construction using the ASHRAE Std. 90.1-2007
minimum envelope requirements and maximum “U” values for the building envelope
components for each climate zone. We did not follow the 90.1 Appendix “G” modeling
rules for our energy modeling. These requirements are covered in detail in our “Energy
Modeling for LEED EA Cr-1” training session.

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Blank Page

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Section 1

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Blank Page

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Section 1_Workshop 1 Inputs - Create New Project and

Link Simulation Weather
Our first workshop focuses on expanding an existing design load analysis to include a
complete energy simulation. Our first step is retrieving an archived system design load
project developed in the Load Calculations for Commercial Buildings Training Seminar.
The retrieval of this project includes all spaces, air systems and library items so we can
focus on the additional input requirements for completing an energy analysis. Take the
following steps to begin this workshop.

First open windows explorer, navigate to folder B. Energy Simulation Student Handout
on the flash drive, copy folder 02. Unsolved Workshop Archives to your desktop.
Then launch HAP and create a new project as shown in Figure 1.1 below.

Figure1.1 - Create New Project in HAP 4.9

Setting Project Preferences

Once we create the New Project, HAP prompts us to choose the applicable ventilation
standard for the project. This first step in our design process links our project to the
appropriate database in determining the ventilation requirements for the spaces and air
systems in our project. The choices include:
 User Defined
 ASHRAE 62-2001
 ASHRAE 62.1-2004

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 ASHRAE 62.1-2007
 ASHRAE 62.1-2010
After assigning the appropriate ventilation standard, we assign the appropriate Energy
Standard. The choices are:
 ASHRAE 90.1-2004
 ASHRAE 90.1-2007
 ASHRAE 90.1-2010
Please refer to Fig 1.2 below for additional details.

Figure1.2 – Setting Project Preferences

Select the ASHRAE 62.1-2007 Ventilation Standard, ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Energy

Standard and Enter the appropriate Currency Symbol for our workshop and class
Users can set HAP program preferences under the General Tab. Please refer to Figures
1.3 and 1.4 below for additional details of the General HAP program preferences.

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Figure 1.3 – HAP Program Preferences Figure1.4 – View/Preferences

Note: Users can access the Program Preferences anytime by going to the View item on
the menu bar and selecting Preferences as shown in Figure1.4

Retrieve Unsolved Archive 1 from B. Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings/

Folder 02. Unsolved Archives/Singapore HAP49 EnergySim Unsolved Archive

Enter Design and Simulation Weather Properties

Next, we define the project design weather properties and link the 8760 hour simulation
weather file used in energy simulations, using one of the following methods. We can
assign the defaulted ASHRAE design weather properties by using the “Weather Wizard”
or using the Weather Properties input forms. Let’s first look at the Weather Wizard.
Go to the “Wizards” item on the menu bar and select “Weather Wizard.” When selecting
the weather wizard, HAP presents the following graphical interface where the user
selects the region, location and city either from the drop down or by clicking on the map.
Refer to Fig 1.5 and 1.6 below for details.

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Figure 1.5 – HAP Weather Wizard

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Figure 1.6 A, B & C – Weather Wizard Input Screens

Once the user selects the Region, the next selection is Location. For our project, we
selected Asia/Pacific, Singapore and finally Singapore. This defaults to the ASHRAE
0.4% summer design conditions and 99.6% winter design conditions. This step also
automatically links the 8760 hourly simulation weather data. After selecting the weather
properties HAP generates the following Weather Wizard Input Summary as shown in
Figure 1.7.

Figure 1.7 – Weather Wizard Design and Simulation Properties

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After accepting the wizard inputs HAP converts the Wizard Data to the HAP interface as
shown in Figure 1.8.

Figure 1.8 – Wizard Created Data

Once the Wizard Data successfully converts to HAP data, the user can return to HAP
and edit any of the wizard created data by accessing the weather properties input forms
as shown in Figure 1.9.

Figure 1.9 - HAP Design Weather Properties Form.

Note that you can edit any of the input items in the Design Parameters, Design
Temperatures and Design Solar input forms. For our project, we accept the ASHRAE
defaults for St. Louis IAP, Missouri.
One of the major enhancements beginning with HAP 4.6 is the ability for users to import
the following simulation weather data formats: ASHRAE IWEC (*.IWEC), ASHRAE
IWEC2 (*.CSV), Energy Plus (*.EPW), USA TMY2 (*.TM2) or USA TMY3 (*.CSV). See
Figure 1.10 Below for additional details.

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Figure 1.10 – Importing Simulation Weather Data

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Defining the Holiday Schedule

In the simulation input form under the simulation tab, configure energy simulation data
for the same city. The appropriate simulation weather for
Asia/Pacific_SINGAPORE_SINGAPORE_IWEC.HW1 linked when we used the wizard
to define the weather properties.
1. Let us Import Simulation Weather from the Flash Drive folder 02 Unsolved
Workshops as demonstrated.
2. Please change day of the week for January 1st to Thursday.
3. The next step is adding the following dates to the Holidays List by double left
clicking the date on the calendar:
4. Use the Navigation buttons to change calendar month

Holiday List
16-20 March
1-5, 8-12, 15-19, 22-26 June
04, 07-11 September
23-27, 30 November

These dates represent typical secondary

school holidays. We model the winter break
in the fractional schedules for internal loads
and energy use.

Figure 1.11 – Adding Holidays

Note: Please remember to “save early and save often”

Design and simulation weather reports are displayed on the following pages.
Use one of the following procedures to preview the weather input details.

1. Weather reports are available by highlighting “weather” in the left tree then left clicking
on “Reports” and choosing “Print/View Input Data”


2. Right click on < Weather Properties> and choose “Print/View Input Data”.

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Select the weather reports shown in Figure 1.12 below. HAP uses “Design” weather data
in determining peak heating and cooling load calculations and sizing coils, fans and
terminal equipment. HAP uses the 8760 hourly “Simulation” weather data to simulate
building energy consumption and calculating annual operating cost based on the
equipment sized and selected using the design weather data.

Figure 1.12 Design and Simulation Weather Reports

Below are just a few examples of the available weather reports.

Weather Reports
Design Parameters:

City Name ...................................................................................................... Singapore

Location ......................................................................................................... Singapore
Latitude ...................................................................................................................... 1.4 Deg.
Longitude .............................................................................................................. -104.0 Deg.
Elevation .................................................................................................................. 52.0 ft
Summer Design Dry-Bulb ........................................................................................ 91.0 °F
Summer Coincident Wet-Bulb .................................................................................. 79.0 °F
Summer Daily Range ............................................................................................... 11.3 °F
Winter Design Dry-Bulb ............................................................................................ 73.0 °F
Winter Design Wet-Bulb ........................................................................................... 60.9 °F
Atmospheric Clearness Number .............................................................................. 1.00
Average Ground Reflectance ................................................................................... 0.20
Soil Conductivity .................................................................................................... 0.800 BTU/(hr-ft-°F)
Local Time Zone (GMT +/- N hours) ......................................................................... -8.0 hours
Consider Daylight Savings Time ................................................................................ No
Simulation Weather Data ................................................................ SINGAPORE (EXT)
Current Data is ...................................................................... 2001 ASHRAE Handbook
Design Cooling Months ............................................................... January to December

Singapore 2015 Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 29 -


Design Day Maximum Solar Heat Gains

(The MSHG values are expressed in BTU/(hr-ft²) )
January 34.0 34.0 82.9 172.4 230.9 253.9 237.5 184.5 126.4
February 35.3 35.7 126.4 201.2 242.8 247.0 213.0 145.3 74.1
March 37.9 82.4 166.6 220.2 240.2 223.3 172.4 90.3 38.8
April 64.6 132.3 192.8 223.1 219.8 183.6 117.4 38.9 37.6
May 105.3 160.3 205.5 220.2 202.0 153.7 80.2 37.1 37.1
June 122.0 168.1 207.4 216.6 193.4 141.5 65.3 37.3 37.3
July 108.1 158.4 202.0 216.4 198.3 151.0 77.7 37.9 37.9
August 68.8 131.8 188.8 217.0 212.8 177.0 112.9 39.6 39.1
September 39.3 79.3 157.5 207.5 226.2 210.9 163.8 87.6 40.3
October 35.9 36.9 125.5 193.8 231.2 232.8 202.5 140.8 72.6
November 34.2 34.2 86.6 170.4 223.6 245.2 232.2 183.9 124.4
December 33.0 33.0 69.7 156.0 220.8 251.8 243.8 198.4 145.5
January 187.0 234.5 249.3 229.7 174.2 86.8 34.0 292.0 1.00
February 144.9 209.5 245.0 242.4 202.1 129.1 36.1 303.8 1.00
March 88.4 169.5 221.0 238.2 218.8 165.5 82.1 302.0 1.00
April 38.8 116.6 182.0 218.2 221.8 192.1 132.2 283.1 1.00
May 37.1 80.4 153.5 201.8 220.1 205.4 160.4 265.2 1.00
June 37.3 67.0 138.8 191.5 215.6 207.6 169.1 256.1 1.00
July 37.9 78.5 146.3 194.7 214.2 202.1 160.3 261.3 1.00
August 39.6 110.6 174.0 209.8 214.7 187.8 132.0 275.9 1.00
September 88.1 165.1 212.9 228.6 209.7 159.2 80.2 291.3 1.00
October 140.6 205.6 238.1 234.3 194.7 123.0 36.9 296.6 1.00
November 182.2 233.8 249.5 226.7 169.1 83.9 34.2 288.7 1.00
December 199.1 243.4 250.4 218.8 158.5 70.1 33.0 282.4 1.00
Mult. = User-defined solar multiplier factor.

The Design Solar tab contains information about solar heat gain profiles for the currently
selected city. Based on the design parameters for the city you selected, HAP constructs
24-hour profiles of solar flux and solar heat gain for all 12 months using ASHRAE
procedures. Each profile represents clear sky solar conditions. Solar profiles are used
for wall, roof and window load calculations.

Singapore 2015 Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 30 -


Location: Singapore, Singapore

(Dry and Wet Bulb temperatures are expressed in °F)
Hr January February March April May June
0000 71.7 69.9 73.7 71.4 76.7 73.5 77.7 74.6 78.7 75.6 80.7 76.7
0100 71.2 69.7 73.2 71.2 76.2 73.4 77.2 74.4 78.2 75.5 80.2 76.5
0200 70.6 69.5 72.6 71.1 75.6 73.2 76.6 74.3 77.6 75.3 79.6 76.4
0300 70.2 69.4 72.2 70.9 75.2 73.1 76.2 74.1 77.2 75.2 79.2 76.3
0400 69.8 69.2 71.8 70.9 74.8 73.0 75.8 74.1 76.8 75.1 78.8 76.2
0500 69.7 69.2 71.7 70.8 74.7 73.0 75.7 74.0 76.7 75.1 78.7 76.1
0600 69.9 69.3 71.9 70.9 74.9 73.0 75.9 74.1 76.9 75.1 78.9 76.2
0700 70.5 69.5 72.5 71.0 75.5 73.2 76.5 74.2 77.5 75.3 79.5 76.4
0800 71.5 69.8 73.5 71.3 76.5 73.5 77.5 74.5 78.5 75.6 80.5 76.6
0900 73.0 70.3 75.0 71.8 78.0 73.8 79.0 74.9 80.0 75.9 82.0 77.0
1000 74.7 70.9 76.7 72.2 79.7 74.3 80.7 75.4 81.7 76.4 83.7 77.4
1100 76.6 71.6 78.6 72.8 81.6 74.8 82.6 75.9 83.6 76.9 85.6 77.9
1200 78.4 72.2 80.4 73.3 83.4 75.3 84.4 76.3 85.4 77.3 87.4 78.4
1300 79.8 72.6 81.8 73.7 84.8 75.7 85.8 76.7 86.8 77.7 88.8 78.7
1400 80.7 72.9 82.7 73.9 85.7 75.9 86.7 76.9 87.7 77.9 89.7 78.9
1500 81.0 73.0 83.0 74.0 86.0 76.0 87.0 77.0 88.0 78.0 90.0 79.0
1600 80.7 72.9 82.7 73.9 85.7 75.9 86.7 76.9 87.7 77.9 89.7 78.9
1700 79.9 72.6 81.9 73.7 84.9 75.7 85.9 76.7 86.9 77.7 88.9 78.7
1800 78.6 72.2 80.6 73.3 83.6 75.4 84.6 76.4 85.6 77.4 87.6 78.4
1900 77.2 71.7 79.2 72.9 82.2 75.0 83.2 76.0 84.2 77.0 86.2 78.0
2000 75.7 71.3 77.7 72.5 80.7 74.6 81.7 75.6 82.7 76.7 84.7 77.7
2100 74.4 70.8 76.4 72.2 79.4 74.3 80.4 75.3 81.4 76.3 83.4 77.4
2200 73.3 70.5 75.3 71.9 78.3 74.0 79.3 75.0 80.3 76.0 82.3 77.1
2300 72.4 70.1 74.4 71.6 77.4 73.7 78.4 74.8 79.4 75.8 81.4 76.8
Hr July August September October November December
0000 81.7 76.7 81.7 76.7 79.7 75.6 77.7 74.6 74.7 72.9 72.7 70.9
0100 81.2 76.5 81.2 76.5 79.2 75.5 77.2 74.4 74.2 72.7 72.2 70.7
0200 80.6 76.4 80.6 76.4 78.6 75.3 76.6 74.3 73.6 72.5 71.6 70.5
0300 80.2 76.3 80.2 76.3 78.2 75.2 76.2 74.1 73.2 72.4 71.2 70.4
0400 79.8 76.2 79.8 76.2 77.8 75.1 75.8 74.1 72.8 72.2 70.8 70.2
0500 79.7 76.1 79.7 76.1 77.7 75.1 75.7 74.0 72.7 72.2 70.7 70.2
0600 79.9 76.2 79.9 76.2 77.9 75.1 75.9 74.1 72.9 72.3 70.9 70.3
0700 80.5 76.3 80.5 76.3 78.5 75.3 76.5 74.2 73.5 72.5 71.5 70.5
0800 81.5 76.6 81.5 76.6 79.5 75.6 77.5 74.5 74.5 72.8 72.5 70.8
0900 83.0 77.0 83.0 77.0 81.0 75.9 79.0 74.9 76.0 73.3 74.0 71.3
1000 84.7 77.4 84.7 77.4 82.7 76.4 80.7 75.4 77.7 73.9 75.7 71.9
1100 86.6 77.9 86.6 77.9 84.6 76.9 82.6 75.9 79.6 74.6 77.6 72.6
1200 88.4 78.4 88.4 78.4 86.4 77.3 84.4 76.3 81.4 75.2 79.4 73.2
1300 89.8 78.7 89.8 78.7 87.8 77.7 85.8 76.7 82.8 75.6 80.8 73.6
1400 90.7 78.9 90.7 78.9 88.7 77.9 86.7 76.9 83.7 75.9 81.7 73.9
1500 91.0 79.0 91.0 79.0 89.0 78.0 87.0 77.0 84.0 76.0 82.0 74.0
1600 90.7 78.9 90.7 78.9 88.7 77.9 86.7 76.9 83.7 75.9 81.7 73.9
1700 89.9 78.7 89.9 78.7 87.9 77.7 85.9 76.7 82.9 75.6 80.9 73.6
1800 88.6 78.4 88.6 78.4 86.6 77.4 84.6 76.4 81.6 75.2 79.6 73.2
1900 87.2 78.0 87.2 78.0 85.2 77.0 83.2 76.0 80.2 74.7 78.2 72.7
2000 85.7 77.7 85.7 77.7 83.7 76.7 81.7 75.6 78.7 74.3 76.7 72.3
2100 84.4 77.4 84.4 77.4 82.4 76.3 80.4 75.3 77.4 73.8 75.4 71.8
2200 83.3 77.1 83.3 77.1 81.3 76.0 79.3 75.0 76.3 73.5 74.3 71.5
2300 82.4 76.8 82.4 76.8 80.4 75.8 78.4 74.8 75.4 73.1 73.4 71.1

Singapore 2015 Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 31 -


Simulation Weather Profile for August 27

Wednesday, August 27

Hour Dry-Bulb Wet-Bulb Beam Solar Total Solar

( °F ) ( °F ) on Horiz. on Horiz.
( BTU/(hr-ft²) ) ( BTU/(hr-ft²) )
0000 78.8 76.2 0.0 0.0
0100 78.3 75.1 0.0 0.0
0200 78.8 75.0 0.0 0.0
0300 77.0 75.8 0.0 0.0
0400 77.9 75.5 0.0 0.0
0500 77.0 75.8 0.0 0.0
0600 77.0 75.8 0.0 0.0
0700 77.9 75.1 0.0 6.3
0800 80.6 76.7 6.6 49.1
0900 82.4 77.1 17.9 103.5
1000 83.5 76.3 28.3 152.2
1100 86.0 76.8 81.1 212.0
1200 84.2 78.9 126.9 254.0
1300 86.0 78.5 156.9 272.6
1400 87.8 79.8 170.5 262.7
1500 89.6 77.8 152.1 226.6
1600 89.1 77.5 110.2 165.0
1700 87.8 76.2 38.1 86.0
1800 86.0 76.9 1.3 17.5
1900 84.2 76.4 0.0 0.0
2000 82.4 77.2 0.0 0.0
2100 80.6 76.7 0.0 0.0
2200 81.1 77.1 0.0 0.0
2300 80.6 76.7 0.0 0.0

Singapore 2015 Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 32 -


Section 1_Workshop 2 – Editing Schedules

This workshop focuses on editing the previously created schedules from our system
design load calculations and were included in the retrieved archive. Please add the
following hourly profiles to each schedule as noted:
Lights - Classrooms
Profile #4 – Energy Weekday
Hours 00-06: 05%
07: 25%
08-11: 90%
12: 05%
13-15: 90%
16: 40%
17-23: 05%

Profile #5 – Energy Weekend

Hours 00-23: 05%
On the Assignments tab, assign Profile #4 to Monday thru Friday in all months except
December. Assign existing Profile #2 from the design load phase to Monday thru
Friday in the month of June only. Assign existing Profile #3 to Monday thru Holiday
for the month of July only.

Assign Profile #5 to day types Saturday, Sunday, and Holiday for all months. Refer to
Figure 2.1 for additional details.

Figure 2.1 - Schedule - Profile Assignments-Lights Classrooms

Singapore Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 33 -


People - Classrooms
Profile #4 – Energy Weekday
Hours 00-06: 00%
Hour 07: 10%
Hours 08-11: 90%
Hour 12: 10%
Hours 13-15: 90%
Hour 16: 25%
Hour 17: 10%
Hours 18-23: 00%
Profile #5 – Energy Saturday
Hours 00-07: 00%
Hours 08-12: 10%
Hours 13-23: 00%

On the Assignments tab, assign Profile #4 to day types Monday thru Friday in all
months except June and December. Assign Profile #3 to day types Monday through
Friday for June and December only and Profile #3 to Sunday thru Holiday in all
months except December.
Assign Profile #5 to day type Saturday for all months except June and December.
Refer to Figure 2.2 for details.

Figure 2.2 - Schedule–Profile Assignments-People-Classrooms

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 34 -


The remaining schedules were completed and included in the retrieved archive.
They are shown below for reference only.

Schedule Profile Assignments Input Details

Lights - Classrooms (Fractional)
Hourly Profiles:
1:Design Day
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

2:Summer School
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 60 60 60 60 60 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

3:Summer Shutdown
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

4:Energy Weekdays
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 90 90 90 90 5 90 90 90 40 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

5:Energy Weekends
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1
Monday 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4
Tuesday 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4
Wednesday 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4
Thursday 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4
Friday 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 4 4
Saturday 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Sunday 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Holiday 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 35 -


People - Classrooms (Fractional)

Hourly Profiles:

1:Design Day
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 10 0 0 0 0 0 0

2:Summer School
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 40 40 40 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3:Summer Shutdown
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4:Weekday Energy
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 90 90 90 90 10 90 90 90 25 10 0 0 0 0 0 0

5:Energy Saturday
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3
Monday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Tuesday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Wednesday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Thursday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Friday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Saturday 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 3
Sunday 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Holiday 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 36 -


People - Corridors (Fractional)

Hourly Profiles:
1:Design Day
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 30 10 0 0 0 0 0 0

2:Summer School
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 40 40 40 40 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3:Summer Shutdown
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4:Weekday Energy
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 50 40 40 45 60 45 40 40 25 10 0 0 0 0 0 0

5:Energy Weekends
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5
Monday 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5
Tuesday 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5
Wednesday 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5
Thursday 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5
Friday 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 5
Saturday 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Sunday 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Holiday 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 37 -


People IT Room (Fractional)

Hourly Profiles:
1:Design Day
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0

2:Summer School
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3:Summer Shutdown
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3
Monday 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3
Tuesday 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3
Wednesday 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3
Thursday 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3
Friday 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3
Saturday 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Sunday 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Holiday 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Equipment IT (Fractional)

Hourly Profiles:
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 80 80 50 50 50 80 70 60 50 80 50 25 25 25 25 25 25

Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2
Monday 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2
Tuesday 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2
Wednesday 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2
Thursday 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2
Friday 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2
Saturday 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sunday 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Holiday 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 38 -


Occupied Schedule - Classroom (Fan / Thermostat)

Hourly Profiles:
1:Design Day
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value U U U U U U O O O O O O O O O O O O U U U U U U

2:Summer School
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value U U U U U U O O O O O O O O U U U U U U U U U U

3:Summer Shutdown
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U

4:Energy Weekdays
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value U U U U U U O O O O O O O O O O O O U U U U U U

5:Energy Saturday
Hour 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Value U U U U U U U O O O O O O U U U U U U U U U U U

O = Occupied; U = Unoccupied

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Design 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3
Monday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Tuesday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Wednesday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Thursday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Friday 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3
Saturday 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sunday 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Holiday 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 39 -


Blank Page

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 40 -


Section 2

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Blank Page

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Section 2_Workshop 3 - Modeling 4-Pipe Fan Coil Unit

Air Systems - Using the Equipment Wizard.
Launch the Equipment Wizard by selecting the Wizard item on the Menu bar and clicking
the Equipment Wizard on the list. See Figure 3.1 for details.

Figure 3.1 - Launching the Equipment Wizard

Next add the following spaces top the system. Assign spaced D100 through D114 to the
building and click OK. Refer to Figure 3.2 for additional details.

Figure 3.2 - Assign Spaces to Building in Wizard

After assigning the spaces the following screen appears. Enter the system and
equipment data as described below and detailed in the following figures.

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 43 -


Figure 3.3a - Equipment Wizard Screen 1

1. Enter Air System Name and Identifier

2. Select 4 Pipe Hydronic Fan Coil Units from Equipment Type dropdown
3. Select Hot Water from the Heating Type dropdown
4. Select Fan Coil Units from the System Type dropdown
5. Select One FCU per Zone from the Configuration dropdown
6. Select Occupied Schedule-Classroom from the Operating Schedule dropdown
7. Select CW Ventilation Unit from the Common Vent Unit dropdown
8. Select Used from the DCV Control dropdown
9. Select Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) from the Ventilation Reclaim dropdown

Now click on the Details Button and enter the details as shown in Fig 3.3b.

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 44 -


Figure 3.3b - Equipment Wizard Screen 2

1. Enter the FCU Design SAT 58ºF Cooling and 90ºF Heating
2. Enter Terminal Unit Supply Fan Performance 0.50” wg.
3. Accept T-stat Occ/Unocc Setpoints 75º/80º F [23.89º/26.67º C] Clg and 70º/65º F
[21.1º/18.3º C] Htg.
4. Accept the Operating Schedule using the T-Stat Schedule - Classrooms
5. Enter the Common Vent Unit Cooling and Heating Coil Setpoint 75º/70º F
6. Enter the Ventilation and Exhaust fan performance of 1.50”/1.00” wg
7. Configure the DCV Base Ventilation Rate 20%, 257ppm Min. CO2, 700ppm Max
CO2 differentials and 393ppm Outdoor Air CO2 levels
8. Enter 50% Ventilation Reclaim Efficiency and 0.200kW Input Power
9. Click OK when finished.

10. Click Next Button

Because we are only analyzing the Wing D 4 Pipe FCU air system, we can just accept
the chiller and boiler plant defaults which we will discard. The next two screens depict
the chiller and boiler plant wizard input forms and are for reference only.

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 45 -


Figure 3.3c - Equipment Wizard Screen 2

Click on the Next button and enter the data detailed in Figure 3.3d

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 46 -


Figure 3.3d - Equipment Wizard Screen 3

Click Finish. Clicking the Finish button generates the following Equipment Wizard input
report. Please refer to the details in Figure 3.3e below.

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 47 -



Equipment and System Data Summary

Name ...................................................................... 2P FCU
Identifier .................................................................. 2P FCU
Notes .....................................................................................

Equipment Type ............................... 2-Pipe Fan Coil Units
Heating Type ............................................................... None
System Type ................................................ Fan Coil Units
Configuration ......................................... One FCU per Zone
Operating Schedule ............ T-Stat Schedule - Classroom

Key Features
Common Ventilation Unit .................... CW Ventilation Unit
Demand Controlled Ventilation .................................... Used
Ventilation Reclaim ..... Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV)

Equipment and System Details

Terminal Unit Cooling

Design SAT ................................................................... 58.0 °F

Terminal Unit Features

Supply Fan Performance .............................................. 0.50 in wg

Cooling Setpoint, Occupied ........................................... 75.0 °F
Cooling Setpoint, Unoccupied ....................................... 80.0 °F
Heating Setpoint, Occupied ........................................... 70.0 °F
Heating Setpoint, Unoccupied ....................................... 65.0 °F
Operating Schedule ............ T-Stat Schedule - Classroom

Common Ventilation Unit

Type .................................................... CW Ventilation Unit

Cooling Coil
Setpoint ..................................................................... 75.0 °F

Heating Coil
Setpoint ..................................................................... 70.0 °F

Fan Performance
Ventilation Fan Performance ..................................... 1.50 in wg
Exhaust Fan Performance ......................................... 1.00 in wg

Demand Controlled Ventilation

Used ........................................................................ Used
Base Ventilation Rate ................................................... 20 %
Min. CO2 Differential .................................................. 267 PPM
Max. CO2 Differential ................................................. 700 PPM
Outdoor Air CO2 Level ............................................... 393 PPM

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page 48


Ventilation Reclaim
Type ........................ Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV)
Efficiency ...................................................................... 65 %
Input Power .............................................................. 0.200 kW
Zone Configuration

No. of Floors .................................................................... 1

Use Typical Intermediate Floor? .................................. No

Configuration of Spaces and Zones

Floor 1
D100 - Computer Server
D100 - Computer Server
D101 - Classroom
D101 - Classroom
D102 - Classroom
D102 - Classroom
D103 - Classroom
D103 - Classroom
D104 - Classroom
D104 - Classroom
D105 - South Vestibule
D105 - South Vestibule
D106 - Classroom
D106 - Classroom
D107 - Classroom
D107 - Classroom
D108 - Music Room
D108 - Music Room
D109 - Music Practice
D109 - Music Practice
D110 - Music Files
D110 - Music Files
D111 - Music Office
D111 - Music Office
D112 - West Vestibule
D112 - West Vestibule
D113 - Corridor
D113 - Corridor
D114 - Corridor
D114 – Corridor
Figure 3.3e - Equipment and System Wizard Data Summary

Open the air system and under the Vent System Components tab, Ventilation
Air, select ASHRAE 62.1-2007 as the Ventilation Sizing Method.

Next, calculate the air system by highlight the system on the list and select
reports/print view design reports.
HINT Select the Air System Sizing Summary report first to speed up the
terminal air system calculations. Refer to figure 3.4 below for details

Singapore Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 49 -


Figure 3.4 - Select Print View Design Reports

Figure 3.5 - Select Air System Sizing Summary Report

HINT: After the initial system calculations, choose to print view design results and select
all reports you want to view. Refer to the following reports for details of the design load
results for this air system.

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 50 -


Section 2, Workshop 3

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 51 -


Blank Page

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System Design Reports

Air System Information
2P FCU - Whole Building................................ Number of zones .......................................................... 15
Equipment Class .................................. TERM Floor Area ............................................................ 9216.0 ft²
Air System Type ................................... 2P-FC Location ..................................... Singapore, Singapore

Sizing Calculation Information

Zone and Space Sizing Method:

Zone CFM Sum of space airflow rates Calculation Months .............................. Jan to Dec
Space CFM Individual peak space loads Sizing Data .......................................... Calculated

Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load .................................... 2.1 Tons Load occurs at .................................................. Aug 1500
Total coil load .......................................... 25.2 MBH OA DB / WB ..................................................... 91.0 / 79.0 °F
Sensible coil load .................................... 25.2 MBH Entering DB / WB ............................................ 82.0 / 71.0 °F
Coil CFM at Aug 1500 ............................ 2902 CFM Leaving DB / WB ............................................. 74.0 / 68.6 °F
Max coil CFM ......................................... 2902 CFM Bypass Factor .......................................................... 0.100
Sensible heat ratio ................................ 1.000
Water flow @ 10.0 °F rise ....................... 5.04 gpm

Ventilation Fan Sizing Data

Actual max CFM .................................... 2902 CFM Fan motor BHP .......................................................... 1.19 BHP
Standard CFM ........................................ 2897 CFM Fan motor kW ............................................................ 0.95 kW
Actual max CFM/ft² ................................. 0.31 CFM/ft² Fan static ................................................................... 1.50 in wg

Exhaust Fan Sizing Data

Actual max CFM ..................................... 2902 CFM Fan motor BHP .......................................................... 0.79 BHP
Standard CFM ........................................ 2897 CFM Fan motor kW ............................................................ 0.63 kW
Actual max CFM/ft² ................................. 0.31 CFM/ft² Fan static ................................................................... 1.00 in wg

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow CFM ............................... 2902 CFM
CFM/ft² .................................................... 0.31 CFM/ft²
CFM/person .................................... 12.84 CFM/Person

NOTE: This report is for the Dedicated Outdoor

Air System (DOAS) only. For Terminal Unit Sizing
data refer to the Zone Sizing Summary Report.

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page 53


Zone Sizing Summary

Air System Information
Air System Name ......... 2P FCU - Whole Building Number of zones .......................................................... 15
Equipment Class ................................................ TERM Floor Area .............................................................. 9216.0 ft²
Air System Type ................................................. 2P-FC Location ....................................... Singapore, Singapore
Sizing Calculation Information
Zone and Space Sizing Method:
Calculation Months ..................................... Jan to Dec Zone CFM Sizing ................ Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space CFM Sizing ............ Individual peak space loads
Terminal Unit Sizing Data - Cooling

Total Sens Coil Coil Water Time

Coil Coil Entering Leaving Flow of
Load Load DB / WB DB / WB @ 10.0 °F Peak Coil Zone
Zone Name (kBTUh) (kBTUh) (°F) (°F) (gpm) Load CFM/ft²
D100 - IT Room 5.9 5.5 76.4 / 64.3 58.7 / 57.6 1.17 Aug 1200 8.29
D101 - Classroom 28.5 19.1 76.1 / 66.7 58.2 / 57.3 5.70 Jul 1500 1.17
D102 - Classroom 28.5 19.1 76.1 / 66.7 58.2 / 57.3 5.70 Jul 1500 1.17
D103 - Classroom 28.5 19.1 76.1 / 66.7 58.2 / 57.3 5.70 Jul 1500 1.17
D104 - Classroom 32.1 22.5 76.1 / 66.4 58.5 / 57.6 6.42 Jul 1500 1.41
D105 - South Vestibule 2.7 2.2 76.6 / 65.6 58.6 / 57.6 0.54 Aug 1500 1.26
D106 - Classroom 31.0 21.5 76.3 / 66.7 58.8 / 57.9 6.21 Aug 1500 1.27
D107 - Classroom 29.5 19.9 76.2 / 66.8 58.5 / 57.7 5.89 Aug 1500 1.16
D108 - Music Room 60.5 41.8 76.2 / 66.4 58.0 / 57.1 12.11 Jul 1400 1.15
D109 - Music Practice 2.7 2.1 76.3 / 66.1 59.0 / 58.1 0.55 Jul 1500 1.70
D110 - Music Files 2.2 1.6 76.5 / 66.3 58.6 / 57.7 0.44 Aug 1500 0.95
D111 - Music Office 4.8 3.7 76.5 / 65.8 58.8 / 57.8 0.96 Aug 1500 1.35
D112 - West Vestibule 2.8 2.2 76.6 / 65.6 58.8 / 57.8 0.55 Aug 1500 1.31
D113 - Corridor 10.1 6.1 76.6 / 67.9 58.0 / 57.3 2.03 Aug 1200 0.41
D114 - Corridor 12.3 7.3 76.6 / 68.0 58.0 / 57.3 2.47 Aug 1300 0.39

Terminal Unit Sizing Data - Heating, Fan, Ventilation

Heating Htg Coil

Heating Coil Water Fan OA Vent
Coil Ent/Lvg Flow Design Fan Fan Design
Load DB @20.0 °F Airflow Motor Motor Airflow
Zone Name (kBTUh) (°F) (gpm) (CFM) (BHP) (kW) (CFM)
D100 - IT Room 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 290 0.043 0.034 7
D101 - Classroom 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 986 0.146 0.116 351
D102 - Classroom 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 986 0.146 0.116 351
D103 - Classroom 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 986 0.146 0.116 351
D104 - Classroom 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 1184 0.175 0.139 351
D105 - South Vestibule 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 111 0.016 0.013 5
D106 - Classroom 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 1135 0.168 0.133 358
D107 - Classroom 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 1040 0.154 0.122 358
D108 - Music Room 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 2129 0.315 0.250 611
D109 - Music Practice 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 110 0.016 0.013 24
D110 - Music Files 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 84 0.012 0.010 11
D111 - Music Office 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 195 0.029 0.023 19
D112 - West Vestibule 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 115 0.017 0.013 5
D113 - Corridor 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 304 0.045 0.036 45
D114 - Corridor 0.0 -1.0 / -1.0 0.00 366 0.054 0.043 57

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page 54


Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone
Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kBTUh) Cooling Load (kBTUh) (ft²)
D100 - IT Room 5.3 Sep 1200 0.0 35.0
D101 - Classroom 18.1 Aug 1500 0.0 840.0
D102 - Classroom 18.1 Aug 1500 0.0 840.0
D103 - Classroom 18.1 Aug 1500 0.0 840.0
D104 - Classroom 21.7 Aug 1500 0.0 840.0
D105 - South Vestibule 2.0 Aug 1500 0.0 88.0
D106 - Classroom 20.8 Aug 1500 0.0 896.0
D107 - Classroom 19.1 Aug 1500 0.0 896.0
D108 - Music Room 39.0 Aug 1500 0.0 1856.0
D109 - Music Practice 2.0 Aug 1500 0.0 65.0
D110 - Music Files 1.5 Aug 1500 0.0 88.0
D111 - Music Office 3.6 Aug 1500 0.0 144.0
D112 - West Vestibule 2.1 Aug 1500 0.0 88.0
D113 - Corridor 5.6 Aug 1400 0.0 750.0
D114 - Corridor 6.7 Aug 1400 0.0 950.0

Space Loads and Airflows

Cooling Time Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kBTUh) Load (CFM) (kBTUh) (ft²) CFM/ft²
D100 - IT Room
D100 - IT Room 1 5.3 Sep 1200 290 0.0 35.0 8.29
D101 - Classroom
D101 - Classroom 1 18.1 Aug 1500 986 0.0 840.0 1.17
D102 - Classroom
D102 - Classroom 1 18.1 Aug 1500 986 0.0 840.0 1.17
D103 - Classroom
D103 - Classroom 1 18.1 Aug 1500 986 0.0 840.0 1.17
D104 - Classroom
D104 - Classroom 1 21.7 Aug 1500 1184 0.0 840.0 1.41
D105 - South Vestibule
D105 - South Vestibule 1 2.0 Aug 1500 111 0.0 88.0 1.26
D106 - Classroom
D106 - Classroom 1 20.8 Aug 1500 1135 0.0 896.0 1.27
D107 - Classroom
D107 - Classroom 1 19.1 Aug 1500 1040 0.0 896.0 1.16
D108 - Music Room
D108 - Music Room 1 39.0 Aug 1500 2129 0.0 1856.0 1.15
D109 - Music Practice
D109 - Music Practice 1 2.0 Aug 1500 110 0.0 65.0 1.70
D110 - Music Files
D110 - Music Files 1 1.5 Aug 1500 84 0.0 88.0 0.95
D111 - Music Office
D111 - Music Office 1 3.6 Aug 1500 195 0.0 144.0 1.35
D112 - West Vestibule
D112 - West Vestibule 1 2.1 Aug 1500 115 0.0 88.0 1.31
D113 - Corridor
D113 - Corridor 1 5.6 Aug 1400 304 0.0 750.0 0.41
D114 - Corridor
D114 - Corridor 1 6.7 Aug 1400 366 0.0 950.0 0.39

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Ventilation Sizing Summary

1. Summary
Ventilation Sizing Method ........................................... ASHRAE Std 62.1-2007
Design Condition ................................................................. Cooling operation
Occupant Diversity .................................................................................... 1.000
Uncorrected Ventilation Airflow Rate ......................................................... 2902 CFM
System Ventilation Efficiency .................................................................... 1.000
Design Ventilation Airflow Rate ................................................................. 2902 CFM

2. Space Ventilation Analysis Table

Space Area Time People Breathing

Floor Outdoor Averaged Outdoor Air Space Zone Space
Supply Air Rate Occupancy Air Rate Distribution Outdoor Outdoor Air Ventilation
Area (ft²)
Air (CFM) (CFM/ft²) (Occupants) (CFM/person) Effectiveness Air (CFM) (CFM) Efficiency
Zone Name / Space Name Mult. (Vpz) (Az) (Ra) (Pz) (Rp) (Ez) (Voz) (Vbz) (Evz)
D100 - Computer Server
D100 - IT Room 1 290 35.0 0.06 1.0 5.00 1.00 7 7 1.000
D101 - Classroom
D101 - Classroom 1 986 840.0 0.12 25.0 10.00 1.00 351 351 1.000
D102 - Classroom
D102 - Classroom 1 986 840.0 0.12 25.0 10.00 1.00 351 351 1.000
D103 - Classroom
D103 - Classroom 1 986 840.0 0.12 25.0 10.00 1.00 351 351 1.000
D104 - Classroom
D104 - Classroom 1 1184 840.0 0.12 25.0 10.00 1.00 351 351 1.000
D105 - South Vestibule
D105 - South Vestibule 1 111 88.0 0.06 2.0 0.00 1.00 5 5 1.000
D106 - Classroom
D106 - Classroom 1 1135 896.0 0.12 25.0 10.00 1.00 358 358 1.000
D107 - Classroom
D107 - Classroom 1 1040 896.0 0.12 25.0 10.00 1.00 358 358 1.000
D108 - Music Room
D108 - Music Room 1 2129 1856.0 0.06 50.0 10.00 1.00 611 611 1.000
D109 - Music Practice
D109 - Music Practice 1 110 65.0 0.06 2.0 10.00 1.00 24 24 1.000
D110 - Music Files
D110 - Music Files 1 84 88.0 0.12 1.0 0.00 1.00 11 11 1.000
D111 - Music Office
D111 - Music Office 1 195 144.0 0.06 2.0 5.00 1.00 19 19 1.000
D112 - West Vestibule
D112 - West Vestibule 1 115 88.0 0.06 2.0 0.00 1.00 5 5 1.000
D113 - Corridor
D113 - Corridor 1 304 750.0 0.06 8.0 0.00 1.00 45 45 1.000
D114 - Corridor
D114 - Corridor 1 366 950.0 0.06 8.0 0.00 1.00 57 57 1.000
Totals (incl. Space
10023 2902 1.000

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Air System Design Load Summary Report

COOLING OA DB / WB 90.7 °F / 78.9 °F HEATING OA DB / WB 73.0 °F / 60.9 °F
Sensible Latent Sensible Latent
ZONE LOADS Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) Details (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr)
Window & Skylight Solar Loads 768 ft² 9668 - 768 ft² - -
Wall Transmission 2400 ft² 4964 - 2400 ft² 0 -
Roof Transmission 9216 ft² 24140 - 9216 ft² 0 -
Window Transmission 768 ft² 12543 - 768 ft² 0 -
Skylight Transmission 0 ft² 0 - 0 ft² 0 -
Door Loads 0 ft² 0 - 0 ft² 0 -
Floor Transmission 9216 ft² 0 - 9216 ft² 0 -
Partitions 0 ft² 0 - 0 ft² 0 -
Ceiling 0 ft² 0 - 0 ft² 0 -
Overhead Lighting 16430 W 43721 - 0 0 -
Task Lighting 7657 W 22639 - 0 0 -
Electric Equipment 4809 W 15015 - 0 0 -
People 225 36251 27000 0 0 0
Infiltration - 10698 23224 - 0 0
Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0
Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0
>> Total Zone Loads - 179639 50224 - 0 0
Zone Conditioning - 189940 50224 - 0 0
Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Exhaust Fan Load 2902 CFM 2152 - 2902 CFM -2152 -
Ventilation Load 2902 CFM 14933 37077 2902 CFM -7234 0
Ventilation Fan Load 2902 CFM 3227 - 2902 CFM -3227 -
Space Fan Coil Fans - 4012 - - -4012 -
Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 -
>> Total System Loads - 214264 87301 - -16626 0
Cooling Coil - 24494 0 - 0 0
Heating Coil - 0 - - 0 -
Terminal Unit Cooling - 189771 86520 - -16626 0
Terminal Unit Heating - 0 - - 0 -
>> Total Conditioning - 214264 86520 - -16626 0
Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads
Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads

This report represents the “block load” of this system and includes the DOAS and
Terminal Units coil loads.

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Hourly Zone Load Report Example

ZONE: D104 - Classroom
Hour (°F) (°F) (%) (CFM) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr) (BTU/hr)
0000 81.7 80.1 58 107.3 6970.6 2558.6 4191.0 0.0 0.0
0100 81.2 80.1 59 100.8 6529.4 2402.7 3995.7 0.0 0.0
0200 80.6 80.1 60 93.5 6105.8 2229.6 3775.0 0.0 0.0
0300 80.2 80.1 61 86.9 5729.1 2069.9 3567.5 0.0 0.0
0400 79.8 80.1 61 81.0 5401.6 1929.9 3381.9 0.0 0.0
0500 79.7 80.1 62 77.5 5158.8 1845.1 3267.7 0.0 0.0
0600 79.9 75.8 75 1183.9 5039.4 10398.3 12470.4 0.0 0.0
0700 80.5 75.5 75 1183.9 5515.3 10441.6 15108.3 0.0 0.0
0800 81.5 76.2 64 1183.9 14665.2 17540.9 25315.2 0.0 0.0
0900 83.0 76.1 61 1183.9 16407.9 18938.8 27511.7 0.0 0.0
1000 84.7 76.2 60 1183.9 17839.8 19844.5 28436.8 0.0 0.0
1100 86.6 76.4 59 1183.9 19036.9 20206.2 28643.3 0.0 0.0
1200 88.4 76.2 58 1183.9 19965.6 21428.0 30655.6 0.0 0.0
1300 89.8 76.2 57 1183.9 20742.5 21957.1 31318.3 0.0 0.0
1400 90.7 76.3 56 1183.9 21279.6 22114.9 31386.5 0.0 0.0
1500 91.0 76.1 56 1183.9 21505.6 22477.8 32100.9 0.0 0.0
1600 90.7 76.3 64 1183.9 15977.6 16423.3 22208.7 0.0 0.0
1700 89.9 76.0 68 1183.9 13107.4 14003.5 17659.7 0.0 0.0
1800 88.6 80.2 55 161.0 11494.8 3852.1 5735.1 0.0 0.0
1900 87.2 80.2 55 154.4 10348.3 3692.1 5551.1 0.0 0.0
2000 85.7 80.2 56 141.7 9454.8 3387.1 5196.3 0.0 0.0
2100 84.4 80.2 56 132.3 8723.2 3160.2 4927.9 0.0 0.0
2200 83.3 80.1 57 122.7 8052.4 2929.8 4645.2 0.0 0.0
2300 82.4 80.1 58 114.2 7467.4 2726.0 4397.6 0.0 0.0

The Hourly Zone Load report displays zone temperatures and relative humidity values
along with zone sensible load and heat extraction rate.

Next, highlight the same air system and select Reports, Print/View Simulation Results
and View to generate the Air System Simulation Results.

Figure 3.6 - Select Simulation Results Reports

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 58 -


Figure 3.7 - Select Air System Simulation Results Reports

Figure 3.8 - Rerun and View all Air System Simulation Results

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 59 -


System Simulation Reports Monthly, Daily and Hourly

Simulation Results
Monthly Air System Simulation Results
Air System Simulation Results (Table 1) :
Terminal Vent. Reclaim
Precool Coil Preheat Coil Cooling Coil Device
Load Load Load Ventilation Fan Exhaust Fan Terminal Fan (kWh)
Month (kBTU) (kBTU) (kBTU) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh)
January 3660 0 46860 244 163 366 60
February 3588 0 46287 220 147 330 54
March 3163 0 47470 189 126 305 47
April 4420 0 56257 241 161 364 59
May 4015 0 57061 233 156 363 58
June 126 0 28105 10 7 106 6
July 4107 0 55443 251 168 378 61
August 3867 0 51874 233 156 359 58
September 2880 0 41439 178 119 283 44
October 4093 0 53064 244 163 369 61
November 2331 0 38676 168 112 270 42
December 89 0 15367 10 7 75 6
Total 36339 0 537901 2222 1481 3567 557

Air System Simulation Results (Table 2) :

Lighting Equipment
Month (kWh) (kWh)
January 2834 927
February 2571 840
March 2329 832
April 2811 911
May 2734 908
June 591 490
July 2931 751
August 2734 908
September 2210 796
October 2834 927
November 2109 777
December 611 506
Total 27300 9575

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 60 -


Monthly Air System Simulation Graph

Precool Coil Load (kBTU) Terminal Cooling Coil Load (kBTU)












Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 61 -


Daily Air System Simulation Results

Daily Air System Simulation Results for August (Table 1):
Precool Coil Preheat Coil Cooling Coil
Load Load Load Ventilation Fan Exhaust Fan Terminal Fan
Day (kBTU) (kBTU) (kBTU) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh)
1 34 0 917 3 2 10
2 0 0 545 0 0 2
3 123 0 2082 10 7 14
4 169 0 1988 10 7 14
5 200 0 2224 10 7 14
6 205 0 2315 10 7 14
7 197 0 2279 10 7 14
8 39 0 1130 3 2 10
9 0 0 531 0 0 1
10 183 0 2053 10 7 14
11 189 0 2181 10 7 14
12 190 0 2231 10 7 14
13 189 0 2141 10 7 14
14 153 0 1850 10 7 14
15 37 0 883 3 2 10
16 0 0 370 0 0 1
17 102 0 1755 10 7 14
18 184 0 1976 10 7 14
19 154 0 2093 10 7 14
20 184 0 2137 10 7 14
21 155 0 2127 10 7 14
22 35 0 877 3 2 10
23 0 0 691 0 0 2
24 123 0 2025 10 7 14
25 207 0 1937 10 7 14
26 187 0 2068 10 7 14
27 181 0 2117 10 7 14
28 209 0 2132 10 7 14
29 42 0 1143 3 2 10
30 0 0 655 0 0 2
31 198 0 2422 10 7 15
Total 3867 0 51874 233 156 359

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 62 -


Daily Air System Simulation Results for August (Table 2):

Lighting Equipment
Day (kWh) (kWh)
1 23 16
2 20 16
3 120 35
4 120 35
5 120 35
6 120 35
7 120 35
8 23 16
9 20 16
10 120 35
11 120 35
12 120 35
13 120 35
14 120 35
15 23 16
16 20 16
17 120 35
18 120 35
19 120 35
20 120 35
21 120 35
22 23 16
23 20 16
24 120 35
25 120 35
26 120 35
27 120 35
28 120 35
29 23 16
30 20 16
31 120 35
Total 2734 908

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 63 -


Daily Air System Simulation Results

Daily Simulation Results for August
Precool Coil Load (kBTU) Terminal Cooling Coil Load (kBTU)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Day of Month

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 64 -


Hourly Air System Simulation Results

Precool Coil Preheat Coil Terminal Cooling Ventilation Reclaim
Load Load Coil Load Fan Exhaust Fan Terminal Fan Device
Hour (kBTU) (kBTU) (kBTU) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW
0000 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0100 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0200 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0300 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0400 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0500 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0600 2.2 0.0 91.2 0.3 0.2 1.2 0.2
0700 8.9 0.0 98.2 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
0800 12.8 0.0 186.1 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
0900 14.5 0.0 197.0 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
1000 16.0 0.0 194.6 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
1100 18.9 0.0 204.7 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
1200 16.2 0.0 178.8 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
1300 18.5 0.0 209.7 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
1400 20.9 0.0 204.3 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
1500 22.3 0.0 197.3 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
1600 21.8 0.0 143.0 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.2
1700 13.6 0.0 115.5 0.7 0.4 1.2 0.2
1800 0.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1900 0.0 0.0 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2000 0.0 0.0 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2100 0.0 0.0 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2200 0.0 0.0 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2300 0.0 0.0 5.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total 186.5 0.0 2067.6 10.4 7.0 14.3 2.4

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 65 -


Lighting Equipment
Hour (kW) (kW)
0000 0.8 0.7
0100 0.8 0.7
0200 0.8 0.7
0300 0.8 0.7
0400 0.8 0.7
0500 0.8 0.7
0600 0.8 0.7
0700 1.6 1.8
0800 16.7 3.8
0900 16.6 3.2
1000 16.6 3.2
1100 16.6 3.2
1200 10.9 3.8
1300 10.8 2.3
1400 7.5 1.4
1500 7.6 1.2
1600 2.7 1.8
1700 1.6 1.2
1800 0.8 0.7
1900 0.8 0.7
2000 0.8 0.7
2100 0.8 0.7
2200 0.8 0.7
2300 0.8 0.7
Total 119.9 35.5

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Hourly Air System Simulation Results Graph

Hourly Simulation Results for Tuesday, August 26 (day 238) thru Thursday, August 28 (day 240)

Precool Coil Load (MBH) Terminal Cooling Coil Load (MBH)


238 239 240
Day of Year

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Zone Temperature Report

1. Zone Temperature Statistics
Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Unocc Unocc Unocc Unocc
Hours Hours Cooling Hours Heating Hours Hours Cooling Heating
More Than 1.0 to Setpoint Within Setpoint 1.0 to More Than Setpoint Setpoint
Max 5.0 °F 5.0 °F plus Throt. minus 5.0 °F 5.0 °F Min Max plus minus Min
Zone Above Above Throt. Range or Throt. Below Below Zone Zone Throt. Throt. Zone
Temp Throt. Throt. Range Dead- Range Throt. Throt. Temp Temp Range Range Temp
Zone Name (°F) Range Range (°F) band (°F) Range Range (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F)
D100 - IT Room 77.1 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 74.8 80.4 81.5 63.5 80.3
D101 - Classroom 76.5 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.1 80.3 81.5 63.5 77.1
D102 - Classroom 76.5 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.1 80.3 81.5 63.5 77.1
D103 - Classroom 76.5 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.1 80.3 81.5 63.5 77.1
D104 - Classroom 76.5 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.0 80.4 81.5 63.5 77.1
D105 - South Vestibule 76.4 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.0 80.4 81.5 63.5 75.9
D106 - Classroom 76.4 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.0 80.4 81.5 63.5 76.9
D107 - Classroom 76.4 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.1 80.3 81.5 63.5 77.1
D108 - Music Room 76.3 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.1 80.2 81.5 63.5 77.4
D109 - Music Practice 76.6 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 74.9 80.5 81.5 63.5 75.7
D110 - Music Files 76.5 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.0 80.5 81.5 63.5 75.7
D111 - Music Office 76.5 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.1 80.5 81.5 63.5 76.6
D112 - West Vestibule 76.4 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.0 80.4 81.5 63.5 75.9
D113 - Corridor 76.4 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.2 80.3 81.5 63.5 75.8
D114 - Corridor 76.4 0 0 76.5 2804 68.5 0 0 75.2 80.3 81.5 63.5 75.8
Note: For any occupied hours in which cooling is unavailable or scheduled off, zone temperature out of range statistics are not reported.
Note: For any occupied hours in which heating is unavailable or scheduled off, zone temperature out of range statistics are not reported.

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Section 3

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Section 3_Workshop 4 - Modeling Chillers, Towers, Boilers and Hydronic Plants

This workshop consists of entering cooling and heating plant information including detailed
performance on chillers, towers, boilers and the distribution piping and pumping.
There are several ways to enter the data into HAP. One option is using the Equipment Wizard
found in HAP. Utilizing this wizard creates not only the Air Systems but also the hydronic plants
that connect to the air systems. When we used the Equipment Wizard to create the 4Pipe FCU
air system in workshop 3 the wizard automatically created the Chiller and Boiler plants for the air
system’s source of cooling and heating. Refer to Figures 3.3b and c for additional details. The
wizard created plants use the “auto-size” feature when creating the chillers and boilers. We now
create specific chillers, towers and boilers for our design alternatives.
The first step in this workshop is retrieving the second class archive which contains all air systems
for our design alternatives.

Retrieve Energy Simulation Archive 2 Unsolved

1. While in the existing project, go to the menu bar; select “Project \ Retrieve HAP v 4.9 Data.”
2. Navigate to folder 02 copied to the desktop and select Energy Simulation Unsolved Archives.
3. From this Folder - retrieve the archive “Singapore_HAP49_EnergySim Archive
2_Unsolved.E3A.” Allow this retrieval to “overwrite” the data created thus far in our workshops.
Be sure to click “Project, Save” to update your project files after retrieving this archive. The
project now contains all required air systems for the remaining workshops. Refer to Figure 4.1 for

Figure 4.1 - Retrieve HAPv4.9 Energy Simulation Archive 2 Unsolved

Highlight and retrieve Energy Simulation Archive 2 Unsolved into the existing project and then
save the project.
In the previous workshop #3, we used the Equipment Wizard to create our air systems, chiller
plant and boiler plant for our 2 pipe fan coil air system with a DOAS for wing D of our building. In

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this workshop we create several chillers, a cooling tower and several SWH boilers for our building
air systems because the wizard created plants are sized only for the previously created 2-pipe fan
coil system for wing D.
HAP considers all the air systems assigned to the plant in determining the peak coincident, or
"block" load, taking into account diversity on several levels. Diversity is defined as the block load
divided by the sum of the individual peak loads.

HAP considers diversity between the zones within an air system and between systems when a
plant serves multiple air systems. The plant design load calculation analyses the total plant load
(sum of air system loads) for each hour and finds the largest load. This analysis includes the zone
and air system diversity. When using air system multipliers for identical air systems, the resulting
plant sizing includes those requirements in determining the peak plant load.
HAP calculates the total building, project or campus block load accounting for diversity in sizing
the plant and plant equipment.
We begin the process by determining the chiller and boiler plant sizing for the “A Base Case” and
“C Alt #2” design case. In the HAP main window, click on the Plant item in the tree and select
“create new plant” in the detail pane. Refer to Figure 4.2 for details.

Figure 4.2 - Create New Chiller Plant

This opens the Plant Input form for data entry. Please refer to Figure 4.3 for A Base Case Chilled

Water Plant sizing procedure.

Figure 4.3 - Generic Chiller Plant Sizing Details

Next click on the “Systems” tab and add the A Base Case air systems to the chilled water plant
and left click on the OK button. Refer to Figure 4.4 for details.

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Figure 4.4 - Add “A Base Case” Air Systems to the Generic Chilled Water Plant

This takes us back to the HAP plant screen showing the newly created plant on the list. Highlight
the plant and use the right mouse click then select “print/view design results” from the selection
list. Refer to Figures 4.5 and 4.6 for additional details.

Figure 4.5 - Calculate Chiller Plant Design Load

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Figure 4.6 - Select Print/View Design Results – Cooling Plant Sizing Summary

Review the follow details for the plant sizing.

Figure 4.7 - Chiller Plant Sizing Summary Report
1. Plant Information:
Plant Name ................................. A Base Case A/C CW Plant Sizing
Plant Type ........................................................ Generic Chilled Water
Design Weather ............................................... Singapore, Singapore

2. Cooling Plant Sizing Data:

Maximum Plant Load .....................................................................283.3 Tons
Load occurs at ...................................................................... Aug 1500
ft²/Ton ............................................................................................ 210.2 ft²/Ton
Floor area served by plant ........................................................ 59553.0 ft²
3. Coincident Air System Cooling Loads for Aug 1500

Coil Load
Air System Name Mult. ( Tons )
A01 - AHU A1 - Commons/Offices 1 47.5
A02 - AHU A2 - Classroom/Misc. 1 43.7
A03 - AHU B1 - Classrooms 1 50.6
A04 - Project 1 Gymnasium 1 49.0
A05 - AHU C2 - Aerobics Gym 1 13.2
A06 - AHU C3 - Locker Rooms 1 26.2
A07 - AHU C4 - Office/Classroom 1 12.6
A09 - Project 2 - Wing D PFPMXB 1 20.0
A10 - AHU D2 - Classrooms 1 20.6

System loads are for coils whose cooling source is ' Chilled Water ' or ' Any '.
Figure 4.7 details the chiller plant sizing summary for the A Base Design Case air systems.
The resulting peak plant load for the “A Base Case” is 283.3 tons (996.37kW). This peak
load includes diversity as previously discussed. For our “A Base Case” design we use two
(2) air-cooled chillers in our chiller plant.

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With the maximum plant load determined, we can select specific chillers for the chiller plant. This
is accomplished in one of several ways. For our exercise we selected the chiller in the e-Cat
Chiller Builder program. After finalizing the selection, we exported the chiller data for use in our
project. This allows us to import the actual chiller performance for a detailed energy analysis of
the chiller plant. Copies of the chiller data files are on the accompanying flash drive.

Air Cooled Chiller Selection

Design based on the following parameters.
Quantity: 2 Air-Cooled Packaged Scroll Chillers
Capacity: 150 Nominal Tons at 95º F (527.55kW @35⁰C)
LCHWT: 44º F (7⁰C)
ECHWT: 56º F (12⁰C)

Figure 4.8 - Details of Chiller Selection using e-Cat Selection Software.

Run the calculations and generate the Chiller Performance Report.

See following page for details.

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page 75


30RB with Greenspeed Technology TM

Unit Information Performance Information

Tag Name:........... A Base Case CH-1 and 2 Cooling Capacity: ....................................... 536.5 kW
Model Number: ......................... 30RB0522B Total Compressor Power: ........................... 165.7 kW
Quantity: ..................................................... 1 Total Fan Motor Power: ................................ 13.0 kW
Manufacturing Source: ..... Shanghai, China Pump Power: ................................................ 9.53 kW
Refrigerant:........................................ R410A Total Unit Power (without pump): ............... 178.7 kW
Shipping Weight: .................................. 3296 kg Total Unit Power (with pump): .................... 188.2 kW
Operating Weight: ................................ 3348 kg Efficiency (without pump): ............................ 3.00 COP
Unit Length: .......................................... 4798 mm A-Weighted Sound Power Level: ..................... 94 dbA
Unit Width: ............................................ 2253 mm A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level:................. 74 dbA
Unit Height:........................................... 2297 mm
Accessories and Installed Options
Evaporator Information Opt. 254 Cu / Al Coil
Fluid Type:............................... Fresh Water
Fouling Factor: .................................. 0.0180 (sqm-K)/kW Electrical Information
Leaving Temperature: ............................. 7.0 °C Unit Voltage: .......................................... 380-3-50 V-Ph-Hz
Entering Temperature:........................... 12.0 °C Standby Power: ............................................ 10.4 kW
Fluid Flow: ........................................... 25.57 L/s Minimum Voltage: .......................................... 342 Volts
Pressure Drop: ...................................... 91.6 kPa Maximum Voltage: ......................................... 418 Volts
Power Factor: ............................................... 0.85
Condenser Information
Altitude: ...................................................... 0 m Electrical Electrical
Number of Fans: ......................................... 8 Amps (Un) Circuit 1 Circuit 2
Total Condenser Fan Air Flow at 20°C:36107 L/s Max Unit Current 415.0 ---
Entering Air Temperature: ..................... 35.0 °C Draw (RLA)
Max Start Up 629.0 ---
Integrated Pump Information Current (ICF)
Static Head at Pump:.................................. 275.1 kPa Nominal Unit 327.0 ---
Static Head External to Chiller: ................... 183.5 kPa Current Draw (A)

All performance efficiency data are without pump.

Sound pressure level measured in accordance with JBT4330.
Sound pressure level is the data when the unit is placed in a free
field over a
reflecting plane.

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Entering Chiller Performance Data

There are three (3) ways to enter chiller data into HAP.
1. Import Chiller
2. Chiller Template
3. User Defined Chiller Type
In this Workshop, we enter chiller data using method 1 and method 2.

For our Air Cooled Packaged Scroll Chillers we selected using the Packaged Chiller Builder
program, we exported the detailed chiller performance for use by HAP in simulating the hour-by-
hour operation of the chiller plant. To import the actual performance matrix of our chiller for use in
our plant model we use the “Import Chiller” utility in the chiller properties input form. Refer to
Figure 4.9a through Figure 4.9d for details.

We placed a Chiller Export Archive file on the accompanying Flash Drive. To Import this chiller for
this exercise open the chiller properties form and Double Click on the “New Default Chiller” in the
chiller Library, then click on the Import Chiller button as detailed in Figure 4.9a.

Figure 4.9a - Chiller Input Form – Import Chiller Data

Navigate to your desktop where we copied folder 02. Unsolved Workshop Archives and
select the “A Base Case CH-1 and 2.cd5.” Click the OPEN button to import the chiller into HAP.

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Figure 4.9b – Chiller Properties General Tab – Imported Chiller Data

Note: The Chiller properties are imported from the archived file and include all selection design
inputs and calculated performances for IPLV and NPLV using the full operating matrix of the

We can rename the default Chiller1 name to something that makes more sense i.e. “A Base Case
AC Chillers” or similar.

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Figure 4.9c - Chiller Properties Design Inputs – Imported Chiller Data

Note: All data is part of the import file.

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Figure 4.9d – Chiller Properties Performance Map – Imported Chiller Data

Using the Equipment Wizard in creating our C8 2-Pipe Fan Coil Unit air system in Workshop 3
also created a chiller and tower for this design alternative. Looking at the Chiller library we see
only one chiller on the list, the one from the wizard was deleted from the previous archive.
When using the Wizard in creating chillers the default sizing is “Auto-Sized” meaning the chiller
capacity defaults to the required capacity for the assigned air system coil loads. In order to
perform an accurate comparison of actual chiller performance we need to user define the
performance of this water-cooled screw chiller. We enter the chiller performance into HAP using
the “Chiller Template” utility in HAP.
Use the following information for modeling the water-cooled screw chiller for the C Alt 2 design.

Now calculate the design load for the “C” Alt-2 chiller plant.

Note: The calculated load for C Alt 2 is 225.0 tons [791.3 kW]. The chiller capacity and part load
performance used in the template input are detailed in Figures 4.10 through 4.11e, and resulted
from a preliminary selection from the e-Cat software and includes extra capacity.

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Integrated Part Load Value (AHRI)

IPLV:......................................................27.05 EER

Unit Performance
Percent Full Load Cooling Capacity, % 100 75 50 25
Percent of Full Load Power, % 100.0 61.6 35.0 17.4
Unloading Sequence Default Default Default Default
Cooling Capacity, Tons 274.0 205.5 137.0 68.5
Total Unit Power, kW 162.6 100.2 56.8 28.2
Efficiency, EER 20.23 24.62 28.93 29.11
Evaporator Data
Fluid Entering Temperature, °F 54.0 51.5 49.0 46.5
Fluid Leaving Temperature, °F 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0
Fluid Flow Rate, gpm 657.7 657.7 657.7 657.7
Fouling Factor, (hr-sqft-F)/BTU 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Condenser Data
Fluid Entering Temperature, °F 85.0 75.0 65.0 65.0
Fluid Leaving Temperature, °F 94.4 81.9 69.5 67.2
Fluid Flow Rate, gpm 816.3 816.3 816.3 816.3
Fouling Factor, (hr-sqft-F)/BTU 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025 0.00025
Figure 4.10 – Integrated Part Load Value

Certified in accordance with the AHRI Water-Cooled Water Chilling Packages Using Vapor Compression Cycle
Certification Program, which is based on AHRI Standard 550/590 (I-P). Certified units may be found in the AHRI
Directory at
Sound pressure level data used to develop this program was determined in accordance with AHRI Standard 575 for
water chillers in a free field and ANSI/AHRI Standard 370 for air cooled chillers.

Double click “New Default Chiller” and enter the IPLV data from Figure 4.10 as detailed in Figures 4.11a
through 4.11e.

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Figure 4.11a – Define Chiller Part Load Performance

Figure 4.11b – Chiller Template Design Inputs

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Figure 4.11c - Chiller Properties General Tab Template Data

Figure 4.11d - Chiller Properties Design Inputs Tab

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Figure 4.11e – Chiller Properties Performance Map Tab

Note: The above inputs are IPLV rating points based on 44/56ºF LCHWT/ECHWT, with
adjusted Cooler and Condenser Water flow rates.

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Cooling Plant Sizing Summary Comparison Discussion

The maximum plant load for the water-cooled design case using air systems C1-C8 is 204 tons.
Note that some of these air systems are 4 pipe fan coil units.

For the air-cooled design case using air systems A01-A10, the plant load was 251.7 tons.
Some of these air systems are VAV. Both plants serve identical 59,553 ft² areas.

What contributes to the load difference between the plants?

We find the answer by comparing the Air System Design Load Summaries for the two plant
types. (Not done as part of this workshop).The air-cooled chiller plant requires more ventilation
air than the water-cooled chiller plant. But the primary reason for the tonnage difference is the 4
Pipe FCU system using DOAS only tempers the outside air to 72º F while the A01-10 VAV
systems temper the ventilation air to 55º F requiring an additional 47.7 tons of cooling.

Sum of ventilation air amounts for A01 - A10 = 32,299 cfm or 0.542 cfm/ft²
Sum of ventilation air amounts for C01 - C08 = 31,590 cfm or 0.530 cfm/ft²

We selected the ASHRAE 62.1-2007 Ventilation sizing for all air systems in both plants.
However, each VAV air system serves multiple zones requiring the use of the VRP and multiple
space equation for VAV systems in order to satisfy the critical zones requirements and comply
with ASHRAE 62.1-2007. The difference in the design cases results in a 47.7 ton
ventilation air load reduction.

Entering Cooling Tower Performance Data

Next, we need to verify the cooling tower performance for our water-cooled chiller. Before we
do, there are several important terms definitions related to cooling towers including:

1. Entering Wet Bulb temperature is an important parameter in tower selection. For most
areas in North America, an entering wet bulb temperature of 78°F [25.6ºC] is common.
2. Approach is the difference between the water leaving the tower and the entering wet
bulb temperature of the air. A 7°F [259.3º K] approach is common in HVAC systems with
a 78°F [25.6ºC] entering wet bulb and 85°F [29.4ºC] water leaving the tower. (85°F -
78°F = 7°F) [29.4ºC – 25.6ºC = 259.3ºK]
3. Range is the difference in temperature of entering and leaving condenser water. An
approximate 10°F [260.9º K] range is most common in HVAC applications and reflects
approximately 3 gpm/ton flow rate in the condenser loop.

Check with your local cooling tower representative to confirm the design entering wet bulb and
approach values for your area. The tower range must match the chiller condenser ∆T.

1. Create a new cooling tower by opening the Cooling Tower Properties form.
2. Enter the cooling tower data found under the Chiller Properties Design Input Tab in
Figure 4.11 D.
3. See details in Figure 4.12.

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Figure 4.12 - Cooling Tower Properties for C Alt 2 WC Screw Chiller

1. Enter Cooling Tower Name

2. Select Cooling Tower radio button Modeling Method
3. Select gpm and enter the water flow rate matching the chiller properties
4. Enter Cooling Tower Model performance data
5. Select Fan Control type from dropdown and define fan performance
6. Click OK when finished

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Entering Boiler Performance Data

We are now ready to size our boiler plants and add boilers to our library. We start by sizing our
A Base Case boiler load as detailed in the following Figures 4.13a through 4.13d. Create a new
Generic Service Hot Water Plant and link all “A” designated air systems.

Figure 4.13a Generic Service Hot Water Plant

Figure 4.13b Link “A” Base Case Air Systems

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Figure 4.13c –Define Service Hot Water Consumption

Save plant inputs and generate plant sizing report as detailed below.
A Base Case SWH Plant
Plant Type Generic Service Hot Water
Design Weather Singapore, Singapore

Heating Plant Sizing Data:

Maximum Plant Load 36.4 MBH

Maximum Pasteurization Load 25.3 MBH

Load occurs at Jan 0900
Estimated Pasteurization Heater Capacity 7.4 kW

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Section 4

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Section 4 - Workshop 5 - Configuring Chiller Plants

We created two plants in our previous workshop, a chiller plant for our A Base Case and our C
Alt 2 Design, as displayed in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 – Chiller Plants Created in WS4.

What is a Plant?
A Plant is the equipment and controls that provide cooling or heating to coils in one or more air
systems. Examples include chiller plants, hot water or steam boiler plants and remote source
chilled water, hot water or steam plants and service water heating plants. This workshop
consists of finalizing the two chiller plants created in Workshop 4.

The base design case chiller plant consists of two Carrier 30RBX150 A/C (air-cooled) packaged
scroll chillers. The air systems served by this plant include all “A” designated air systems with
chilled water coils. The pumping and piping distribution system is a primary only with variable
speed pumping and sized for a 12T [262ºK] with 2% piping heat gain factor.

The “C Alt 2” chiller plant serves the “C” designated air systems. This plant consists of one
222.5 ton Carrier 30XW water-cooled packaged screw chiller and a matching cooling tower. The
pumping and piping distribution system is a primary only variable speed system sized for a
12T and 2% piping heat gain factor.

For this workshop we can modify the previously created generic plants by changing the plant
type from “Generic” to Chiller Plant and complete the plant inputs for both plants as shown on
the following pages in Figures 5.2a through 5.2e.

Figure 5.2a – A Base Case Chiller Plant Data Inputs

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Figure 5.2b – A Base Case Air Systems

Figure 5.2c – Base Case Plant Configuration

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Figure 5.2d – Schedule of Equipment

Figure 5.2e – Configure Plant Distribution

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This completes the base case plant inputs please refer to the chiller plant input reports for C Alt
2 to configure the chiller plant. Use the same procedure for editing the plant described in the
base case above for the C Alt 2 plant. Refer to the following pages for the C Alt 2 plant details.

C Alt 2 Chiller Plant Input Data

1. General Details:
Plant Name ..................................... C Alt 2 W/C CW Plant Sizing(1)
Plant Type ...................................................................... Chiller Plant

2. Air Systems served by Plant:

Air System Name Mult.

C01 - 4PFCU D1 - Wing A (all) 1
C02 - 4PFCU D1 - Wing B (all) 1
C03 - AHU C1 - Gymnasium 1
C04 - AHU C2 - Aerobics Gym 1
C05 - AHU C3 - Locker Rooms 1
C06 - 4PFCU C4 - Office/Classrms 1
C08 - 4PFCU D1 - Wing D (all) 1

3. Configuration

Equipment Sizing ........................................ User-Specified Capacities

Quantity ............................................................................................ 1

Plant Control .......................................................... Equal Unloading
LCHWT Control ..................................................... Constant LCHWT
Design LCHWT ........................................................................... 44.0 °F

Free Cooling ........................................................................ Not Used
Cooling Tower Configuration .............................................. Individual

4. Schedule of Equipment

Cooling Equipment

Full Load Cooler Flow Condenser Tower Flow

Sequence Name Cooling Tower Name
Capacity (Tons) Rate Flow Rate Rate
CH-1 C Alt 2 W/C Chiller 274.0 657.6 gpm 822.0 gpm C Alt 2 Cooling Tower 822.0 gpm

Totals: 274.0 657.6 gpm 822.0 gpm 822.0 gpm

5. Distribution

Chilled Water Distribution System

Type ................................................ Primary Only, Constant Speed
Cooling Coil Delta-T at Design .................................................... 12.0 °F
Pipe Heat Gain Factor ................................................................... 2.0 %

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Fluid Properties
Fluid ............................................................................... Fresh Water
Density ........................................................................................ 62.4 lb/ft³
Specific Heat Capacity ................................................................ 1.00 BTU / (lb - °F)

Primary Loop

Mechanical Electrical
Pump for Eqpt. Flow Rate Efficiency Efficiency
[ft wg]
(%) (%)
CH-1 657.6 gpm 70.0 70.0 94.0

6. Condenser Water

Pump Control .................................. Variable Flow / Variable Speed
Minimum Pump Flow ...................................................................... 80 %
Static Head .................................................................................. 10.0 ft wg


Mechanical Electrical
Pump for Eqpt. Flow Rate Efficiency Efficiency
[ft wg]
(%) (%)
CH-1 822.0 gpm 50.0 70.0 94.0

Next let’s look at how to configure a packaged roof top unit for energy simulation. Our “D”
Alternative consists of 36 single zone, constant air volume packaged rooftop air source heat
pump units. Open the Air System Properties form for [D31 – RTU D5 – Classroom D104] and
review the following details required for an energy.

Figure 5.3a – Packaged RTU-Configuration System Components –Supply Fan

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Figure 5.3b – Equipment – Central Cooling Unit

Configure the central cooling unit air cooled DX Equipment as follows:

1. The Design OAT populates to ARI Standard conditions. Enter the 95ºF [35ºC] design
conditions for St. Louis IAP, Missouri.
2. Equipment capacity defaults to auto-sized, however, we recommend entering actual
selected equipment manufacturer’s performance data by selecting “User-Defined
Capacity from Equipment Sizing dropdown.
3. Enter Gross Cooling Capacity from manufactures performance data
4. Select AHRI Performance Rating from dropdown and enter the SEER or EER efficiency
5. Select DX Configuration from dropdown
6. Enter Conventional Cutoff OAT
7. Uncheck Low Temperature Operation checkbox
8. Click OK to save
Next open the Central Heating Unit input form and enter the following information as detailed in
Figure 5.3c.
After entering the plant and equipment data, we can generate the Simulation Reports for each
of the four plants and packaged RTU. Please refer to the following pages for the detailed
simulation reports for “A” Base Case Chiller plant, Boiler plant and D31 – RTU D5 – Classroom
D104 rooftop unit.

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Section 4 Solutions

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Section 4_Workshop 5 Solutions

A Base Case Chiller Plant Simulation Results
Plant Simulation Results (Table 1) :
Cooling Coil Primary Chilled
Load Plant Load Chiller Output Chiller Input Water Pump
Month (kBTU) (kBTU) (kBTU) (kWh) (kWh)
January 809689 829803 829803 56318 2295
February 778796 798312 798312 55755 2171
March 756960 776350 776292 55159 2390
April 942290 966152 966152 70485 2522
May 950708 974822 974822 69825 2587
June 274919 282978 282978 20897 1983
July 647615 663746 663746 45599 2131
August 877203 899229 899229 62641 2430
September 672298 689520 689520 48117 2233
October 918126 941218 941218 66449 2491
November 637784 654141 654141 44515 2191
December 408971 419518 419518 23705 1979
Total 8675357 8895788 8895731 619465 27403

Cooling Coil Load (kBTU) Plant Cooling Load (kBTU) Chiller Output (kBTU)










Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 99 -


Daily Plant Simulation Results for August (Table 1) :

Cooling Coil Primary Chilled
Load Plant Load Chiller Output Chiller Input Water Pump
Day (kBTU) (kBTU) (kBTU) (kWh) (kWh)
1 28160 28860 28860 1878 77
2 2860 2989 2989 230 63
3 35007 35875 35875 2387 83
4 35368 36245 36245 2514 84
5 36802 37722 37722 2739 87
6 38001 38956 38956 2867 90
7 36102 37000 37000 2648 85
8 26333 26979 26979 1756 73
9 2717 2843 2843 215 63
10 34559 35411 35411 2467 82
11 36885 37808 37808 2720 88
12 36186 37087 37087 2661 86
13 34472 35328 35328 2536 83
14 30813 31566 31566 2115 76
15 24930 25543 25543 1693 72
16 2530 2652 2652 201 63
17 29809 30533 30533 1936 74
18 34436 35285 35285 2462 81
19 33735 34571 34571 2400 82
20 36569 37484 37484 2674 87
21 35953 36844 36844 2517 84
22 24859 25467 25467 1588 71
23 3122 3256 3256 253 63
24 32591 33392 33392 2214 79
25 32360 33157 33157 2386 79
26 33968 34807 34807 2462 82
27 34097 34939 34939 2442 81
28 33922 34758 34758 2503 81
29 26336 26981 26981 1798 72
30 3003 3135 3135 249 63
31 40716 41754 41754 3131 98
Total 877203 899229 899229 62641 2430

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Daily Simulation Results for August

Cooling Coil Load (kBTU) Plant Cooling Load (kBTU) Chiller Output (kBTU)









2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Day of Month

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Table 5.1 Hourly Plant Simulation Results for Tuesday, August 26

Cooling Coil Primary Chilled
Load Plant Load Chiller Output Chiller Input Water Pump
Hour (MBH) (MBH) (MBH) (kW) (kW)
0000 92.8 97.6 97.6 7.3 2.6
0100 93.3 98.2 98.2 7.3 2.6
0200 93.7 98.6 98.6 7.3 2.6
0300 97.7 102.7 102.7 7.5 2.6
0400 96.9 101.8 101.8 7.5 2.6
0500 99.0 104.0 104.0 7.6 2.6
0600 1922.8 1967.2 1967.2 122.2 3.2
0700 1864.7 1907.6 1907.6 119.7 3.1
0800 2470.1 2529.3 2529.3 171.6 4.0
0900 2560.3 2622.2 2622.2 184.4 4.2
1000 2501.0 2561.1 2561.1 182.1 4.1
1100 2653.0 2717.5 2717.5 202.7 4.4
1200 2795.3 2864.1 2864.1 210.4 4.8
1300 2813.7 2883.0 2883.0 217.8 4.8
1400 2996.1 3071.2 3071.2 244.3 5.4
1500 2698.9 2764.8 2764.8 217.2 4.5
1600 2500.5 2560.6 2560.6 196.9 4.1
1700 2196.5 2248.1 2248.1 164.4 3.5
1800 845.0 864.9 864.9 42.4 2.6
1900 794.2 813.0 813.0 42.0 2.6
2000 805.6 824.6 824.6 41.5 2.6
2100 772.1 790.5 790.5 41.1 2.6
2200 103.6 108.7 108.7 8.3 2.6
2300 101.1 106.1 106.1 8.0 2.6
Total 33967.9 34807.4 34807.4 2461.6 81.5

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Table 6.1 Hourly Plant Simulation Results for Wednesday, August 27

Cooling Coil Primary Chilled
Load Plant Load Chiller Output Chiller Input Water Pump
Hour (MBH) (MBH) (MBH) (kW) (kW)
0000 106.4 111.5 111.5 8.4 2.6
0100 107.9 113.1 113.1 8.5 2.6
0200 114.6 119.9 119.9 9.1 2.6
0300 107.6 112.7 112.7 8.4 2.6
0400 110.2 115.4 115.4 8.6 2.6
0500 108.6 113.7 113.7 8.5 2.6
0600 1891.1 1934.7 1934.7 122.6 3.1
0700 2056.8 2104.7 2104.7 133.1 3.3
0800 2676.8 2742.0 2742.0 189.4 4.5
0900 2873.3 2944.5 2944.5 218.2 5.0
1000 2938.1 3011.4 3011.4 223.9 5.2
1100 2935.2 3008.3 3008.3 224.3 5.2
1200 2517.3 2577.8 2577.8 190.2 4.1
1300 2523.3 2584.1 2584.1 194.6 4.1
1400 2467.3 2526.5 2526.5 187.4 4.0
1500 2477.4 2536.8 2536.8 187.1 4.0
1600 2345.1 2400.8 2400.8 172.9 3.8
1700 2251.0 2304.1 2304.1 162.7 3.6
1800 832.9 852.5 852.5 42.0 2.6
1900 823.8 843.3 843.3 41.9 2.6
2000 815.6 834.9 834.9 41.5 2.6
2100 806.6 825.7 825.7 41.5 2.6
2200 108.1 113.2 113.2 8.7 2.6
2300 102.5 107.6 107.6 8.1 2.6
Total 34097.4 34939.0 34939.0 2441.7 81.4

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Hourly Simulation Results for Tuesday, August 26 (day 238) thru Thursday, August 28 (day 240)

1. Unmet Load Statistics

Equipment Capacity Capacity Capacity Total Hours
Capacity is Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Total Hours with
Sufficient by 0%-5% by 5%-10% by >10% with Unmet Equipment
Month (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) Loads Loads
January 744 0 0 0 0 744
February 672 0 0 0 0 672
March 743 1 0 0 1 744
April 720 0 0 0 0 720
May 744 0 0 0 0 744
June 720 0 0 0 0 720
July 744 0 0 0 0 744
August 744 0 0 0 0 744
September 720 0 0 0 0 720
October 744 0 0 0 0 744
November 720 0 0 0 0 720
December 744 0 0 0 0 744
Total 8759 1 0 0 1 8760
Note: Data shown in this report is for diagnostic purposes only. Values represent total unmet hours for this plant. No deductions
are made when unmet hours for this plant coincide with those in another plant or system in the building.

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D Alt 3 Packaged RTU D-31 RTU D5 Classroom D104 Simulation Results

Air System Simulation Results (Table 1) :
Central Central
Cooling Coil Cooling Eqpt Central Unit Electric
Load Load Clg Input Supply Fan Lighting Equipment
Month (kBTU) (kBTU) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh)
January 12 12 1 343 70 143
February 31 31 2 323 66 119
March 69 69 5 285 59 78
April 1058 1058 80 356 72 64
May 1841 1841 130 300 62 43
June 4523 4523 345 171 41 35
July 3725 3725 315 50 16 16
August 8582 8582 641 358 73 62
September 4267 4267 315 356 72 48
October 809 809 60 314 65 55
November 251 251 18 298 62 88
December 0 0 0 270 57 123
Total 25168 25167 1911 3424 715 873

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Daily Air System Simulation Results for August (Table 1) :

Central Central
Cooling Coil Cooling Eqpt Central Unit Electric
Load Load Clg Input Supply Fan Lighting Equipment
Day (kBTU) (kBTU) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh)
1 285 285 21 1 2 1
2 53 53 4 0 2 1
3 476 476 34 2 11 2
4 470 470 35 2 11 2
5 513 513 39 2 11 2
6 528 528 40 3 11 2
7 509 509 39 3 11 2
8 290 290 22 1 2 1
9 39 39 3 0 2 1
10 488 488 37 3 11 2
11 510 510 38 2 11 2
12 508 508 38 2 11 2
13 492 492 37 2 11 2
14 423 423 32 2 11 2
15 273 273 21 1 2 1
16 20 20 2 0 2 1
17 408 408 29 2 11 2
18 468 468 36 2 11 2
19 474 474 35 2 11 2
20 501 501 37 2 11 2
21 493 493 36 2 11 2
22 253 253 19 1 2 1
23 83 83 7 0 2 1
24 455 455 33 2 11 2
25 456 456 36 2 11 2
26 472 472 36 2 11 2
27 478 478 36 2 11 2
28 481 481 38 3 11 2
29 297 297 23 1 2 1
30 90 90 8 0 2 1
31 579 579 43 3 11 2
Total 11865 11865 897 55 257 42

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Central Central
Cooling Coil Cooling Eqpt Central Unit Electric
Load Load Clg Input Supply Fan Lighting Equipment
Hour (MBH) (MBH) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
0000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
0100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
0200 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
0300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
0400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
0500 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
0600 25.5 25.5 1.7 0.2 0.1 0.0
0700 29.2 29.2 2.0 0.2 0.2 0.0
0800 40.3 40.3 2.8 0.2 1.6 0.3
0900 43.2 43.2 3.1 0.2 1.6 0.3
1000 47.5 47.5 3.5 0.2 1.6 0.3
1100 51.0 51.0 3.9 0.3 1.6 0.3
1200 45.0 45.0 3.5 0.2 0.9 0.3
1300 55.8 55.8 4.4 0.2 1.1 0.1
1400 57.8 57.8 4.7 0.2 0.8 0.0
1500 57.8 57.8 4.7 0.2 0.8 0.0
1600 50.2 50.2 4.1 0.2 0.3 0.0
1700 44.5 44.5 3.6 0.2 0.2 0.0
1800 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
1900 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
2000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
2100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
2200 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
2300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Total 547.8 547.8 42.2 2.2 11.4 1.7

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1. Unmet Load Statistics - Central Cooling Unit - Air-Cooled DX

Equipment Capacity Capacity Capacity Total Hours
Capacity is Insufficient Insufficient Insufficient Total Hours with
Sufficient by 0%-5% by 5%-10% by >10% with Unmet Equipment
Month (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) Loads Loads
January 338 0 0 0 0 338
February 319 0 0 0 0 319
March 392 0 0 0 0 392
April 358 0 0 0 0 358
May 392 0 0 0 0 392
June 551 0 0 0 0 551
July 374 0 0 0 0 374
August 359 0 0 0 0 359
September 336 0 0 0 0 336
October 338 0 0 0 0 338
November 334 0 0 0 0 334
December 306 0 0 0 0 306
Total 4397 0 0 0 0 4397

1. Zone Temperature Statistics

Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Occ Unocc Unocc Unocc Unocc
Hours Hours g Hours
More Hours Cooling Within Setpoi Hours More Cooling Heating
Than 1.0 to Setpoint Throt. nt 1.0 to Than Setpoint Setpoint
Max 5.0 °F 5.0 °F plus Range minus 5.0 °F 5.0 °F Min Max plus minus Min
Zone Above Above Throt. or Throt. Below Below Zone Zone Throt. Throt. Zone
Zone Temp Throt. Throt. Range Dead- Range Throt. Throt. Temp Temp Range Range Temp
Name (°F) Range Range (°F) band (°F) Range Range (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F) (°F)
Zone 1 74.0 0 0 74.0 2804 68.0 0 0 72.6 82.4 84.0 63.0 76.0
Note: For any occupied hours in which cooling is unavailable or scheduled off, zone temperature out of range statistics are not
Note: For any occupied hours in which heating is unavailable or scheduled off, zone temperature out of range statistics are not

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Section 5 Inputs

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Section 5_Workshop 6 Defining and Simulating Buildings

Defining Buildings in HAP

The first step in this workshop is to retrieve Singapore_HAP49_EnergySim Archive

3_Unsolved into the project. However, before actually working with this archive, let us discuss
how HAP uses the term “building”.
A building in HAP is the “container” for all HVAC and non-HVAC systems for one design
scenario. Performing an energy analysis calculates annual energy costs for the building’s
energy consuming systems. System design load analysis in HAP, requires us to create
elements, spaces, zones, air systems, and plants like in the previous workshops, while a
"building" is only required for performing an energy simulation.
Taken literally, a building represents one structure. However, in HAP the definition of a building
is flexible. It can also represent a group of structures. For example, a "building" could represent
a campus in which all the structures are served by central steam and chilled water plant
equipment. Keep in mind, a design case can contain part of an actual building, a complete
building, or many buildings.
When using the Equipment Wizard HAP not only creates the Air Systems and Plants but also a
Building. The Wizard created Building includes the plants, air systems, spaces and all items
linked to the spaces like schedules, construction items etc.
One exercise included in this workshop is defining the Energy Charges by creating an Electric
Rate. There are several ways to create these energy rates including the Utility Rate Wizard,
importing previously created rates, use the state EIA average rates or user defining the rates.
For our workshop we create a complex electric rate that includes seasonal scheduling, time-of-
day utility rate schedules and a demand clause. Create the Natural Gas utility rate as a simple
rate structure. Use the following values for creating the electric and fuel utility rates.
HTS Supplies

General Details
Rate Name ............................................ HTS Supplies
Rate Type ..................................................... Complex
Energy Units ......................................................... kWh
Conversion ...................................................... 1.00000 kWh/kWh
Demand Units ......................................................... kW
Customer Charge .................................................. 0.00 $
Minimum Charge ................................................... 0.00 $
Tax Rate ............................................................... 0.00 %

Time-Of-Day Scheduling
TOD Schedule Name ............................ HTS Supplies

Emissions Analysis
CO2e Factor ......................................................... 1.58 lb/kWh

Energy Charges
Type of Energy Charge ................................. Standard
Step Type Season Period Block Size Block Units $/kWh
Energy All Seasons Peak 9999999 kWh 0.23670
Energy All Seasons Off-Peak 9999999 kWh 0.14400

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Demand Charges
Season Period Block Size Block Units $/kW
All Seasons Peak 9999999 kW 7.49000
All Seasons Off-Peak 9999999 kW 7.49000

Demand Clauses
No data specified.

This Concludes the Utility Rate Input

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Our next exercise in this workshop consists of creating the “Buildings” for this project. As
discussed in a previous paragraph, each “Building” represents a design alternative for
comparison of energy consumption etc. Our project includes the following four (4) designs:

I. Building Name: A Base VAV-PFPMXB- ASHRAE 62.1-2007

Cooling Plant: (2) 30RBA150 Air-Cooled Scroll Chiller
Air Systems: A01-A10
Air System Types: VAV PFPMXB, SZCV
Ventilation Control: Constant
Ventilation Sizing: ASHRAE 62.1-2007

II. Building Name: B Alt1 VAV-PFPMXB- ASHRAE 62.1-2007_DCV

Cooling Plant: (2) 30RBA150 Air-Cooled Scroll Chiller
Air Systems: B01-B10
Air System Types: VAV PFPMXB, SZCV
Ventilation Control: Demand Controlled Ventilation
Ventilation Sizing: ASHRAE 62.1-2007

III. Building Name: C Alt2-4PFCU-ASHRAE 62.1-2007_DOAS

Cooling Plant: (1) 30 XW09002P Water-Cooled Screw Chiller
Air Systems: C1-C8
Air System Types: 2- Pipe Fan Coil Units, SZCV
Ventilation Control: Constant (dedicated outdoor air system for 2PFCU)
Ventilation Sizing: ASHRAE 62.1-2007

IV. Building Name: D Alt3 SZCV/RTU_ASHRAE 62.1-2007

Cooling Plant: None (Integral to RTU- Air Cooled DX)
Air Systems: D01-D36
Air System Types: SZCV RTU
Ventilation Control: Constant
Ventilation Sizing: ASHRAE 62.1-2007

Notice the “B Alt-1” scenario is a duplicate of the “A” Base Case except the associated air
systems use demand control ventilation to simulate ventilation loads. Using DCV is an energy
saving strategy that reduces ventilation air requirements resulting from diverse building

The “C Alt-2” design scenario uses a water cooled screw chiller to supply chilled water to 2-pipe
fan coil units and single zone air handlers. The fan coil systems utilize a common (dedicated)
ventilation air system resulting in a lower peak total ventilation airflow compared to the A and B

The “D-Alt 3” scenario uses multiple packaged single zone constant volume RTU units. The
rooftop units are self-contained DX cooling with air source heat pump heating and are not
connected to a chilled water or hot water plant.
In order to save time, the schedules and profiles applicable to the miscellaneous energy items
are completed as part of archive # 3.

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Figure 6.2 – Enter Building Data

Figure 6.3 – Assign Air Systems to Building Design

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Enter the following Miscellaneous Energy Users under the Misc. Energy Tab. Refer to Figure
6.4 for additional details. Note: the fractional schedules came as part of the archive, there is no
need to create the fractional schedules for this exercise

Name Energy Type Peak Use Schedule

Exterior Lighting Electric 20.5 kW Parking Lot Lights
Kitchen Booster Heater Electric 125 kW People-Classroom
Aerobic Pool Heater Electric 175 kW Aerobic Pool Heater
Aerobic Pool Circ. Pumps Electric 2.5 kW Aerobic Pool Heater

Figure 6.4 – Misc. Energy Tab Input Details

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page ‐ 115 -


Figure 6.5 – Building Meters Tab

Highlight the “A Base Case Building” after saving it and then right mouse click and choose

Rename the duplicate B Alt 1 VAV FPMXB DCV. Deselect the A Base Case plants and assign
the B Alt 1 plants to the B Alt 1 Building under the Plants Tab. Refer to Figure 6.6 for details.

Figure 6.6 – B Alt 1 Building Properties - Plants

Figure 6.7 – B Alt 1 Building Properties – Systems

These are the only required changes for the B Alt 1 Building design. Repeat the process for the
C Alt 2 design and D Alt 3 Design. After saving these additional buildings, highlight all four
design case buildings and perform the energy simulation.

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Section 5 Solutions

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Blank Page

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Simulation Results
Table 1. Annual Costs
A Base VAV- B Alt 1 VAV- C Alt 2 2P FCU
ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE62.1- ASHRAE62.1-
2007 2007 DCV 2007 2007
Component (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD)
Air System Fans 60,636 60,195 39,312 62,323
Cooling 170,532 127,130 80,874 167,812
Heating 8,122 14,998 5,214 5,351
Pumps 7,705 7,457 39,826 310
Heat Rejection Fans 0 0 19,662 0
HVAC Sub-Total 246,996 209,780 184,888 235,797
Lights 45,052 44,799 44,143 45,328
Electric Equipment 20,114 19,993 19,709 20,251
Misc. Electric 182,934 181,756 179,306 184,244
Misc. Fuel Use 0 0 0 0
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 248,099 246,549 243,158 249,822
Grand Total 495,095 456,329 428,046 485,619

Table 2. Annual Cost per Unit Floor Area

A Base VAV- B Alt 1 VAV- C Alt 2 2P FCU
ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE62.1- ASHRAE62.1-
2007 2007 DCV 2007 2007
Component (SGD/ft²) (SGD/ft²) (SGD/ft²) (SGD/ft²)
Air System Fans 0.878 0.872 0.569 0.903
Cooling 2.469 1.841 1.171 2.430
Heating 0.118 0.217 0.076 0.078
Pumps 0.112 0.108 0.577 0.005
Heat Rejection Fans 0.000 0.000 0.285 0.000
HVAC Sub-Total 3.577 3.038 2.677 3.415
Lights 0.652 0.649 0.639 0.656
Electric Equipment 0.291 0.290 0.285 0.293
Misc. Electric 2.649 2.632 2.597 2.668
Misc. Fuel Use 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 3.593 3.570 3.521 3.618
Grand Total 7.169 6.608 6.198 7.032
Gross Floor Area (ft²) 69057.0 69057.0 69057.0 69057.0
Conditioned Floor Area (ft²) 69057.0 69057.0 69057.0 69057.0
Note: Values in this table are calculated using the Gross Floor Area.

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Table 3. Component Cost as a Percentage of Total Cost

A Base VAV- B Alt 1 VAV- C Alt 2 2P FCU
ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE62.1- ASHRAE62.1-
2007 2007 DCV 2007 2007
Component (%) (%) (%) (%)
Air System Fans 12.2 13.2 9.2 12.8
Cooling 34.4 27.9 18.9 34.6
Heating 1.6 3.3 1.2 1.1
Pumps 1.6 1.6 9.3 0.1
Heat Rejection Fans 0.0 0.0 4.6 0.0
HVAC Sub-Total 49.9 46.0 43.2 48.6
Lights 9.1 9.8 10.3 9.3
Electric Equipment 4.1 4.4 4.6 4.2
Misc. Electric 36.9 39.8 41.9 37.9
Misc. Fuel Use 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 50.1 54.0 56.8 51.4
Grand Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Annual Emissions Summary

Table 1. Annual Costs
A Base VAV- B Alt 1 VAV- C Alt 2 2P FCU
ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE62.1- ASHRAE62.1-
2007 2007 DCV 2007 2007
Component (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD)
HVAC Components
Electric 246,991 209,776 184,886 235,807
Natural Gas 0 0 0 0
Fuel Oil 0 0 0 0
Propane 0 0 0 0
Remote HW 0 0 0 0
Remote Steam 0 0 0 0
Remote CW 0 0 0 0
HVAC Sub-Total 246,991 209,776 184,886 235,807

Non-HVAC Components
Electric 248,105 246,554 243,157 249,817
Natural Gas 0 0 0 0
Fuel Oil 0 0 0 0
Propane 0 0 0 0
Remote HW 0 0 0 0
Remote Steam 0 0 0 0
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 248,105 246,554 243,157 249,817
Grand Total 495,095 456,331 428,042 485,625

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Table 2. Annual Energy Consumption

A Base VAV- B Alt 1 VAV- C Alt 2 2P FCU
ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE62.1- ASHRAE62.1-
Component 2007 2007 DCV 2007 2007
HVAC Components
Electric (kWh) 902,991 771,644 689,880 857,339
Natural Gas (na) 0 0 0 0
Fuel Oil (na) 0 0 0 0
Propane (na) 0 0 0 0
Remote HW (na) 0 0 0 0
Remote Steam (na) 0 0 0 0
Remote CW (na) 0 0 0 0

Non-HVAC Components
Electric (kWh) 908,085 908,085 908,056 908,046
Natural Gas (na) 0 0 0 0
Fuel Oil (na) 0 0 0 0
Propane (na) 0 0 0 0
Remote HW (na) 0 0 0 0
Remote Steam (na) 0 0 0 0

Electric (kWh) 1,811,076 1,679,729 1,597,937 1,765,384
Natural Gas (na) 0 0 0 0
Fuel Oil (na) 0 0 0 0
Propane (na) 0 0 0 0
Remote HW (na) 0 0 0 0
Remote Steam (na) 0 0 0 0
Remote CW (na) 0 0 0 0

Table 3. Annual Emissions

A Base VAV- B Alt 1 VAV- C Alt 2 2P FCU
ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE62.1- ASHRAE62.1-
Component 2007 2007 DCV 2007 2007
CO2 Equivalent (lb) 2,852,450 2,645,571 2,516,779 2,780,463

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Table 4. Annual Cost per Unit Floor Area

A Base VAV- B Alt 1 VAV- C Alt 2 2P FCU
ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE62.1- ASHRAE62.1-
2007 2007 DCV 2007 2007
Component (SGD/ft²) (SGD/ft²) (SGD/ft²) (SGD/ft²)
HVAC Components
Electric 3.577 3.038 2.677 3.415
Natural Gas 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Fuel Oil 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Propane 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Remote HW 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Remote Steam 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Remote CW 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
HVAC Sub-Total 3.577 3.038 2.677 3.415

Non-HVAC Components
Electric 3.593 3.570 3.521 3.618
Natural Gas 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Fuel Oil 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Propane 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Remote HW 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Remote Steam 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 3.593 3.570 3.521 3.618
Grand Total 7.169 6.608 6.198 7.032
Gross Floor Area (ft²) 69057.0 69057.0 69057.0 69057.0
Conditioned Floor Area (ft²) 69057.0 69057.0 69057.0 69057.0
Note: Values in this table are calculated using the Gross Floor Area.

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Table 5. Component Cost as a Percentage of Total Cost

A Base VAV- B Alt 1 VAV- C Alt 2 2P FCU
ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE 62.1- ASHRAE62.1- ASHRAE62.1-
2007 2007 DCV 2007 2007
Component (%) (%) (%) (%)
HVAC Components
Electric 49.9 46.0 43.2 48.6
Natural Gas 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fuel Oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Propane 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Remote HW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Remote Steam 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Remote CW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
HVAC Sub-Total 49.9 46.0 43.2 48.6

Non-HVAC Components
Electric 50.1 54.0 56.8 51.4
Natural Gas 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fuel Oil 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Propane 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Remote HW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Remote Steam 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 50.1 54.0 56.8 51.4
Grand Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

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Annual Component Cost for C Alt 2

Air System Fans 9.2%

Cooling 18.9% 41.9% Misc. Electric

Heating 1.2%

Pumps 9.3%

Heat Rejection Fans 4.6% 4.6% Electric Equipment

Lights 10.3%

1. Annual Costs
Annual Cost Percent of Total
Component (SGD) (SGD/ft²) (%)
Air System Fans 39,312 0.569 9.2
Cooling 80,874 1.171 18.9
Heating 5,214 0.076 1.2
Pumps 39,826 0.577 9.3
Heat Rejection Fans 19,662 0.285 4.6
HVAC Sub-Total 184,888 2.677 43.2
Lights 44,143 0.639 10.3
Electric Equipment 19,709 0.285 4.6
Misc. Electric 179,306 2.597 41.9
Misc. Fuel Use 0 0.000 0.0
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 243,158 3.521 56.8
Grand Total 428,046 6.198 100.0
Note: Cost per unit floor area is based on the gross building floor area.

Gross Floor Area ....................................................... 69057.0 ft²

Conditioned Floor Area ............................................. 69057.0 ft²

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Annual Energy Cost

HVAC Electric 43.2%

56.8% Non-HVAC Electric

1. Annual Costs
Annual Cost Percent of Total
Component (SGD/yr) (SGD/ft²) (%)
HVAC Components
Electric 184,886 2.677 43.2
Natural Gas 0 0.000 0.0
Fuel Oil 0 0.000 0.0
Propane 0 0.000 0.0
Remote Hot Water 0 0.000 0.0
Remote Steam 0 0.000 0.0
Remote Chilled Water 0 0.000 0.0
HVAC Sub-Total 184,886 2.677 43.2
Non-HVAC Components
Electric 243,157 3.521 56.8
Natural Gas 0 0.000 0.0
Fuel Oil 0 0.000 0.0
Propane 0 0.000 0.0
Remote Hot Water 0 0.000 0.0
Remote Steam 0 0.000 0.0
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 243,157 3.521 56.8
Grand Total 428,042 6.198 100.0
Note: Cost per unit floor area is based on the gross building floor area.
Gross Floor Area ........................................ 69057.0 ft²
Conditioned Floor Area .............................. 69057.0 ft²

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Annual Cost HVAC and Non-HVAC

HVAC 43.2%

56.8% Non-HVAC

1. Annual Costs
Annual Cost Percent of Total
Component (SGD/yr) (SGD/ft²) (%)
HVAC 184,888 2.677 43.2
Non-HVAC 243,158 3.521 56.8
Grand Total 428,046 6.198 100.0
Note: Cost per unit floor area is based on the gross building floor area.

Gross Floor Area ....................................................... 69057.0 ft²

Conditioned Floor Area ............................................. 69057.0 ft²

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Energy Budget by System Component

1. Annual Coil Loads
Component (kBTU) (kBTU/ft²)
Cooling Coil Loads 6,222,422 90.106
Heating Coil Loads 0 0.000
Grand Total 6,222,422 90.106

2. Energy Consumption by System Component

Site Energy Site Energy Source Energy Source Energy
Component (kBTU) (kBTU/ft²) (kBTU) (kBTU/ft²)
Air System Fans 501,117 7.257 1,789,704 25.916
Cooling 1,029,636 14.910 3,677,270 53.250
Heating 66,415 0.962 237,197 3.435
Pumps 506,246 7.331 1,808,023 26.182
Cooling Towers 250,487 3.627 894,595 12.954
HVAC Sub-Total 2,353,901 34.086 8,406,788 121.737
Lights 562,249 8.142 2,008,033 29.078
Electric Equipment 250,835 3.632 895,839 12.973
Misc. Electric 2,285,228 33.092 8,161,527 118.185
Misc. Fuel Use 0 0.000 0 0.000
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 3,098,311 44.866 11,065,398 160.236
Grand Total 5,452,212 78.952 19,472,186 281.973

1. 'Cooling Coil Loads' is the sum of all air system cooling coil loads.
2. 'Heating Coil Loads' is the sum of all air system heating coil loads.
3. Site Energy is the actual energy consumed.
4. Source Energy is the site energy divided by the electric generating efficiency (28.0%).
5. Source Energy for fuels equals the site energy value.
6. Energy per unit floor area is based on the gross building floor area.
Gross Floor Area ............................................ 69057.0 ft²
Conditioned Floor Area .................................. 69057.0 ft²

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Energy Budget by Energy Source

1. Annual Coil Loads
Component (kBTU) (kBTU/ft²)
Cooling Coil Loads 6,222,422 90.106
Heating Coil Loads 0 0.000
Grand Total 6,222,422 90.106

2. Energy Consumption by Energy Source

Site Energy Site Energy Source Energy Source Energy
Component (kBTU) (kBTU/ft²) (kBTU) (kBTU/ft²)
HVAC Components
Electric 2,353,870 34.086 8,406,680 121.735
Natural Gas 0 0.000 0 0.000
Fuel Oil 0 0.000 0 0.000
Propane 0 0.000 0 0.000
Remote Hot Water 0 0.000 0 0.000
Remote Steam 0 0.000 0 0.000
Remote Chilled Water 0 0.000 0 0.000
HVAC Sub-Total 2,353,870 34.086 8,406,680 121.735

Non-HVAC Components
Electric 3,098,289 44.866 11,065,315 160.235
Natural Gas 0 0.000 0 0.000
Fuel Oil 0 0.000 0 0.000
Propane 0 0.000 0 0.000
Remote Hot Water 0 0.000 0 0.000
Remote Steam 0 0.000 0 0.000
Non-HVAC Sub-Total 3,098,289 44.866 11,065,315 160.235
Grand Total 5,452,159 78.952 19,471,995 281.970

1. 'Cooling Coil Loads' is the sum of all air system cooling coil loads.
2. 'Heating Coil Loads' is the sum of all air system heating coil loads.
3. Site Energy is the actual energy consumed.
4. Source Energy is the site energy divided by the electric generating efficiency (28.0%).
5. Source Energy for fuels equals the site energy value.
6. Energy per unit floor area is based on the gross building floor area.
Gross Floor Area ............................................ 69057.0 ft²
Conditioned Floor Area .................................. 69057.0 ft²

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Monthly Component Cost

Air System Fans Cooling Heating Pumps

Heat Rejection Fans Lights Electric Equipment Misc. Electric

Cost (SGD)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1. HVAC Component Costs
Air System Fans Cooling Heating Pumps Heat Rejection Fans HVAC Total
Month (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD)
January 4,194 7,251 548 3,430 1,834 17,257
February 3,796 7,226 520 3,145 1,689 16,376
March 3,337 7,199 461 3,368 1,627 15,992
April 4,083 8,910 604 3,363 1,845 18,805
May 4,055 8,990 515 3,451 1,865 18,876
June 788 3,087 34 3,110 946 7,965
July 2,157 5,171 480 3,261 1,499 12,568
August 4,060 8,126 540 3,450 1,850 18,026
September 3,217 6,408 468 3,289 1,523 14,905
October 4,191 8,466 578 3,449 1,882 18,566
November 3,029 5,909 427 3,237 1,456 14,058
December 2,405 4,129 40 3,273 1,648 11,495
Total 39,312 80,874 5,214 39,826 19,662 184,888
2. Non-HVAC Component Costs
Lights Equipment Misc. Electric Misc. Fuel Use Non-HVAC Total Grand Total
Month (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD)
January 4,537 1,938 17,740 0 24,215 41,472
February 4,162 1,780 16,316 0 22,259 38,635
March 3,775 1,693 15,308 0 20,776 36,768
April 4,496 1,916 16,841 0 23,254 42,059
May 4,399 1,894 16,364 0 22,656 41,532
June 1,142 822 7,502 0 9,465 17,430
July 3,863 1,665 9,800 0 15,329 27,897
August 4,408 1,897 16,269 0 22,575 40,601
September 3,658 1,648 14,172 0 19,478 34,383
October 4,533 1,936 16,967 0 23,437 42,003
November 3,467 1,581 14,278 0 19,326 33,384
December 1,702 938 17,748 0 20,388 31,883
Total 44,143 19,709 179,306 0 243,158 428,046

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Monthly Energy Cost by Energy Type

HVAC Electric Non-HVAC Electric
Cost (SGD)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1. HVAC Costs
Remote Hot Remote Chilled
Electric Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Water Remote Steam Water
Month (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD)
January 17,256 0 0 0 0 0 0
February 16,376 0 0 0 0 0 0
March 15,992 0 0 0 0 0 0
April 18,805 0 0 0 0 0 0
May 18,875 0 0 0 0 0 0
June 7,965 0 0 0 0 0 0
July 12,567 0 0 0 0 0 0
August 18,026 0 0 0 0 0 0
September 14,906 0 0 0 0 0 0
October 18,565 0 0 0 0 0 0
November 14,058 0 0 0 0 0 0
December 11,495 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 184,886 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Non-HVAC Costs
Remote Hot
Electric Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Water Remote Steam
Month (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD)
January 24,214 0 0 0 0 0
February 22,258 0 0 0 0 0
March 20,776 0 0 0 0 0
April 23,253 0 0 0 0 0
May 22,656 0 0 0 0 0
June 9,465 0 0 0 0 0
July 15,330 0 0 0 0 0
August 22,574 0 0 0 0 0
September 19,479 0 0 0 0 0
October 23,436 0 0 0 0 0
November 19,327 0 0 0 0 0
December 20,387 0 0 0 0 0
Total 243,157 0 0 0 0 0

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Monthly Energy Use by System Component

1. Monthly Energy Use by System Component
Component Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Air System Fans (kWh) 15795 14095 12394 15316 15205 2770 8172 15195 11713 15797 11118 9299

Electric (kWh) 27311 26832 26740 33423 33712 10852 19595 30410 23329 31913 21689 15963
Natural Gas (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fuel Oil (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Propane (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Remote HW (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Remote Steam (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Remote CW (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Electric (kWh) 2063 1931 1713 2264 1931 120 1819 2021 1704 2178 1567 154
Natural Gas (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fuel Oil (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Propane (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Remote HW (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Remote Steam (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pumps (kWh) 12919 11678 12509 12615 12940 10931 12356 12913 11975 13002 11882 12653

Clg. Tower Fans (kWh) 6906 6271 6044 6921 6992 3327 5678 6922 5543 7094 5342 6373

Lighting (kWh) 17087 15455 14023 16866 16495 4014 14640 16495 13317 17087 12726 6582
Electric Eqpt. (kWh) 7299 6609 6290 7189 7101 2890 6310 7101 6000 7299 5802 3625
Misc. Electric (kWh) 66818 60584 56856 63174 61362 26370 37136 60885 51594 63958 52406 68620

Misc. Fuel
Natural Gas (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Propane (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Remote HW (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Remote Steam (na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Monthly Energy Use by Energy Type

1. HVAC Energy Use
Electric Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Remote HW Remote Steam Remote CW
Month (kWh) (na) (na) (na) (na) (na) (na)
Jan 64,993 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 60,806 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mar 59,399 0 0 0 0 0 0
Apr 70,539 0 0 0 0 0 0
May 70,781 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jun 28,000 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jul 47,619 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aug 67,458 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sep 54,264 0 0 0 0 0 0
Oct 69,982 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nov 51,597 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dec 44,442 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 689,880 0 0 0 0 0 0

2. Non-HVAC Energy Use

Electric Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Remote HW Remote Steam
Month (kWh) (na) (na) (na) (na) (na)
Jan 91,201 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 82,647 0 0 0 0 0
Mar 77,165 0 0 0 0 0
Apr 87,227 0 0 0 0 0
May 84,957 0 0 0 0 0
Jun 33,273 0 0 0 0 0
Jul 58,092 0 0 0 0 0
Aug 84,480 0 0 0 0 0
Sep 70,914 0 0 0 0 0
Oct 88,342 0 0 0 0 0
Nov 70,936 0 0 0 0 0
Dec 78,821 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 908,056 0 0 0 0 0

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Electric Billing Details

1. Component Charges
Billing Energy Charges Demand Charges Charges Taxes Total Charge
Period (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD) (SGD)
Jan 35,228 6,243 0 0 41,471
Feb 32,376 6,259 0 0 38,635
Mar 30,600 6,169 0 0 36,769
Apr 35,694 6,364 0 0 42,058
May 35,166 6,365 0 0 41,531
Jun 12,909 4,521 0 0 17,431
Jul 23,457 4,439 0 0 27,896
Aug 34,344 6,257 0 0 40,601
Sep 28,034 6,350 0 0 34,384
Oct 35,782 6,220 0 0 42,002
Nov 27,354 6,030 0 0 33,384
Dec 27,596 4,287 0 0 31,883
Totals 358,543 69,504 0 0 428,047

2. Totals
Billing Total Charges Consumption Avg Price
Period (SGD) (kWh) (SGD/kWh)
Jan 41,471 156,198 0.2655
Feb 38,635 143,455 0.2693
Mar 36,769 136,569 0.2692
Apr 42,058 157,768 0.2666
May 41,531 155,738 0.2667
Jun 17,431 61,273 0.2845
Jul 27,896 105,708 0.2639
Aug 40,601 151,942 0.2672
Sep 34,384 125,176 0.2747
Oct 42,002 158,327 0.2653
Nov 33,384 122,532 0.2725
Dec 31,883 123,269 0.2586
Totals 428,047 1,597,955 0.2679

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3. Consumption Totals
Billing Peak Mid-Peak Normal Peak Off-Peak Overall
Period (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh)
Jan 137,385 0 0 18,813 156,198
Feb 126,416 0 0 17,039 143,455
Mar 117,954 0 0 18,614 136,569
Apr 139,978 0 0 17,790 157,768
May 137,427 0 0 18,311 155,738
Jun 44,078 0 0 17,195 61,273
Jul 88,833 0 0 16,875 105,708
Aug 134,462 0 0 17,480 151,942
Sep 107,972 0 0 17,204 125,176
Oct 140,057 0 0 18,270 158,327
Nov 104,744 0 0 17,789 122,532
Dec 106,210 0 0 17,059 123,269
Totals 1,385,517 0 0 212,438 1,597,955

4. Billing Demands
Billing Peak Mid-Peak Normal Peak Off-Peak Overall
Period (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
Jan 623.4 0.0 0.0 210.1 623.4
Feb 628.0 0.0 0.0 207.6 628.0
Mar 617.4 0.0 0.0 206.2 617.4
Apr 644.5 0.0 0.0 205.2 644.5
May 642.0 0.0 0.0 207.9 642.0
Jun 400.3 0.0 0.0 203.4 400.3
Jul 403.9 0.0 0.0 188.8 403.9
Aug 638.5 0.0 0.0 196.9 638.5
Sep 639.4 0.0 0.0 208.4 639.4
Oct 634.2 0.0 0.0 196.2 634.2
Nov 613.5 0.0 0.0 191.6 613.5
Dec 393.8 0.0 0.0 178.6 393.8

5. Maximum Demands
Billing Peak Mid-Peak Normal Peak Off-Peak Overall
Period (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
Jan 623.4 0.0 0.0 210.1 623.4
Feb 628.0 0.0 0.0 207.6 628.0
Mar 617.4 0.0 0.0 206.2 617.4
Apr 644.5 0.0 0.0 205.2 644.5
May 642.0 0.0 0.0 207.9 642.0
Jun 400.3 0.0 0.0 203.4 400.3
Jul 403.9 0.0 0.0 188.8 403.9
Aug 638.5 0.0 0.0 196.9 638.5
Sep 639.4 0.0 0.0 208.4 639.4
Oct 634.2 0.0 0.0 196.2 634.2
Nov 613.5 0.0 0.0 191.6 613.5
Dec 393.8 0.0 0.0 178.6 393.8

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6. Time of Maximum Demands

Billing Peak Mid-Peak Normal Peak Off-Peak Overall
Period (m/d/h) (m/d/h) (m/d/h) (m/d/h) (m/d/h)
Jan 1/26/0900 n/a n/a 1/26/0600 1/26/0900
Feb 2/2/0900 n/a n/a 2/2/0600 2/2/0900
Mar 3/30/0900 n/a n/a 3/23/0600 3/30/0900
Apr 4/27/0900 n/a n/a 4/20/0600 4/27/0900
May 5/18/0900 n/a n/a 5/25/0600 5/18/0900
Jun 6/29/0800 n/a n/a 6/4/0000 6/29/0800
Jul 7/20/1100 n/a n/a 7/23/0000 7/20/1100
Aug 8/31/0900 n/a n/a 8/31/0600 8/31/0900
Sep 9/14/0900 n/a n/a 9/14/0600 9/14/0900
Oct 10/26/0900 n/a n/a 10/26/0600 10/26/0900
Nov 11/2/0900 n/a n/a 11/26/0000 11/2/0900
Dec 12/1/0800 n/a n/a 12/3/0000 12/1/0800

Hourly Energy Use Profile

Wednesday Thursday Friday
Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28
Hour (kW) (kW) (kW)
0000 58.1 173.6 58.2
0100 58.1 58.2 58.2
0200 58.1 58.2 58.2
0300 58.1 58.3 58.2
0400 47.9 48.0 48.0
0500 37.7 37.8 37.8
0600 158.9 157.4 170.4
0700 338.0 348.4 353.8
0800 592.3 590.5 570.3
0900 562.7 594.8 563.7
1000 541.9 581.2 547.4
1100 561.1 563.4 531.0
1200 500.2 491.5 485.1
1300 470.5 473.3 456.4
1400 422.4 412.7 404.6
1500 437.2 412.3 406.9
1600 369.5 366.9 362.4
1700 178.7 181.9 172.8
1800 133.6 135.9 129.1
1900 130.4 135.9 127.3
2000 131.5 134.3 128.6
2100 139.1 144.3 140.4
2200 64.0 64.0 64.2
2300 58.1 58.1 58.3

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Hourly Energy Use Graph

Electric Use Profiles - Tuesday, August 26 (day 238) thru Thursday, August 28 (day 240)





Usage ( kW )








238 239 240
Day of Year

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Appendix “A”

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Blank Page

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Appendix “A” Air System Schematics

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Induction Beam System Schematic

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Induction Beam Terminal Diagram

Chilled Beam System Schematic

Chilled Beam Terminal Diagram

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Blank Page

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Application Topics

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Blank Page

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Putting Load Calculation Methods in Perspective

By Rudy Romijn, Regional Sales Manager, Carrier Software Systems
Over the years our industry has used many methods for performing cooling load calculations.
Comparing these methods provides a useful perspective on the benefits of the methods currently
employed by engineers, and ultimately helps in understanding output data provided by
engineering software like HAP.
Those of us who started in this business before the age of computers can appreciate Figure 1
shown below. It illustrates the relationship between complexity and accuracy that many of us had
to grapple with for five of the principal load methods used over the years.

Load Estima ting M eth ods

Balance Method

C ASHRAE Transf er Functions
Y Carrier E20 M ethod

Instantaneous Q=U A TD


Figure B-1. Load Estimating Methodologies

In the past, we calculated loads by hand using the “instantaneous method” which assumed heat
gains were instantly converted to cooling loads. This method was simple and fast, but was
unreliable because it ignored processes such as heat storage and radiation transfer, which affect
the rate at which heat gains become cooling loads.
In 1960, Carrier published its System Design Manual, which included tables of Equivalent
Temperature Differences (ETD) and Storage Load Factors (SLF) to predict cooling loads, which
incorporated the effects of heat storage by building materials, and the effects of building
orientation and occupancy cycle. Later, in the 1970s ASHRAE published its CLTD/CLF method,
which incorporated the same kind of considerations. As hand calculation procedures, both
methods did a good job of balancing complexity (and therefore effort) with accuracy. However,
both methods lacked flexibility. Building loads are affected by a wide variety of factors involving
design, construction, environment and building use. Table-based hand calculation methods
typically dealt with a fixed set of basic conditions (such as envelope loads for July 16:00, 40
degrees north latitude) and then attempted to handle other conditions via correction factors.
Ultimately, this approach introduced errors and reduced accuracy when compared with methods
that are more complex. We needed a way of calculating loads specific to each design
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The Heat Balance Method, the most rigorous method of calculating building loads, provides one
solution to this problem. Heat balance is actually the foundation of all the other methods of
calculating building loads. The heat balance method evaluates each conductive, convective,
radiative and heat storage process that occurs in the building using the fundamental laws of heat
transfer and thermodynamics. Using the heat balance method to determine building heat transfer
requires an equation written for each surface and mass element considering each process
involved. By solving all heat balances equations simultaneously, the total rate of heat
transferred to room air can be determined and the dynamic ebb and flow of heat in the room can
be successfully evaluated. The Heat Balance method can be highly accurate but it is also
complex and requires powerful computer hardware, detailed inputs and long calculation time.
An alternate solution is the ASHRAE endorsed Transfer Function Method of calculating loads,
and which is used in the HAP, System Design Load, Block Load and Block Load Lite programs
produced by Carrier. The Transfer Function Method uses some mathematical “tricks” to simplify
the heat balance solution process, thereby yielding calculation times that are faster than those of
the Heat Balance Method without sacrificing too much of its accuracy. The Transfer Function
procedure calculates how heat gains from sources such as warm ambient air, solar radiation,
lights, people, etc. are converted to cooling loads via conduction, convection, radiation and heat
storage processes. The procedures therefore account for the dynamic heat transfer found in a
“real world” building. Further, calculations account for specific design, construction,
environmental and building usage conditions and are therefore customized to each building
application. Thus, for the current state of technology of computerized engineering tools, Transfer
Functions provide a good compromise between complexity and accuracy.

Figure B-2. Lighting Heat Gains and Loads

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When using programs that employ the Transfer Function Method, remember that nearly all loads
involve dynamic heat flow. Heat gain received from a source such as lighting is not immediately
converted to a cooling load. Rather, the portion of the heat gain that is thermal radiation is
transferred to massive building elements such as floors and walls, and may be stored for a period
of time before being released to air in the building. Once heat is transferred to the air, it is a load
that must be removed by the air conditioning apparatus. Figure 2 shows a sample relationship
between lighting heat gain and load. When the lights first come on, a significant portion of the
lighting heat gain is absorbed and held by the building mass. Over time, this stored heat is
discharged to air in the building, but more radiant heat is received. When the lights are turned off,
the stored heat continues to be discharged. Thus, loads continue even after the heat gains
cease. All heat sources that involve a radiant component exhibit similar behavior. These include
loads for walls, roofs, windows, partitions, people, lights and electrical equipment. Transfer
Function calculations account for these dynamic processes. Remembering this is often very
helpful when analyzing load calculation outputs.
The Radiant Time Series method was introduced in ASHRAE 2001 Handbook of Fundamentals.
It is a dynamic way of calculating loads, but is not as complex to calculate and is easier to
understand than the TFM. It is a good method to obtain sizing data for a typical building.
However, it is not a good method to simulate system operation. 

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The Benefits of the Transfer Function / Heat Extraction Method

The previous article (Putting Load Calculation Methods in Perspective) describes the transfer
function and heat extraction procedures used to calculate loads in HAP. While the benefits of this
calculation method for energy analysis are evident, customers often question whether such
advanced calculation methods are worth using for system design applications, or whether simpler
methods would be sufficient. Carrier feels that advanced methods such as transfer functions/heat
extraction should be used because the method provides several important benefits to users.
These include:
1. Accuracy. Advanced methods such as Transfer Functions account for the dynamic heat
flow processes which occur in buildings and which significantly influence design loads and
system behavior. Simpler methods either ignore these dynamics, or analyze them in much less
detail than Transfer Functions. Advanced methods therefore can provide results that are more
2. Pull down Loads. One of the most important aspects of dynamic heat flow is the pull
down load. Pulls down loads have a significant influence on system sizing results and therefore
need to be considered. Advanced methods such as Transfer Functions/Heat Extraction are the
only way to adequately account for pull down loads. Simpler methods can only make gross
estimates of the effect of pull down loads.
3. Flexibility. Advanced methods such as Transfer Functions/Heat Extraction customize
calculations to the application. Since loads are dynamic, loads in one hour are influenced by
conditions in both the current hour and previous hours. The nature of 24-hour profiles of solar
radiation, ambient temperature and internal heat gain need to be considered to accurately predict
loads in any one hour. Transfer functions use the solar, temperature and internal gain profiles
defined by the user for each specific application. Therefore, loads are customized to each
application. Simpler table-based methods make assumptions, such as a standard operating
profile or the use of July 40°N latitude for solar radiation. In some cases, correction factors are
used to try to adjust for actual conditions. These adjustments are often not adequate and
produce less accurate results than methods that customize calculations to each application. 

Understanding Zone Loads and Zone Conditioning

Have you ever examined a HAP Air System Design Load Summary output and wondered ‘what is
zone conditioning and why it differs from the total zone load?’ Judging from questions our
support staff receives, many people have wondered the same thing. The answer to this question
requires an explanation of the ASHRAE Transfer Function and Heat Extraction methods.
Understanding the calculation methods used by computerized engineering tools is vital to the
successful use of these tools. As these tools use increasingly complex analytical methods, the
methods become more difficult to grasp. This article attempts to aid understanding of the load
calculation method used in Carrier’s Hourly Analysis Program (HAP) by explaining the transfer
function and heat extraction methods in plain language and without the use of mathematical
equations. If at the end of this discussion you understand what “zone conditioning” and “zone
load” refer to and why they are different, the article will have been successful.
Objectives. First, we need to clarify our objectives for a load calculation tool. As HVAC system
designers, we want:
 A calculation tool that accounts for all the processes involved with building heat flow,
 A tool that is fast,
 A tool that is easy to use, and
 A tool that provides accurate, reliable results.

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Understanding the Processes at Work. Providing accurate, reliable results requires accounting
for all of the complicated heat flow processes occurring in the building. For the explanations of
the Transfer Function and Heat Extraction Method later in this article to make sense, we first
need to provide a quick refresher on the heat flow processes that occur in a building.
First, our ultimate interest is in cooling or heating loads. A “load” is the rate of heat transfer to or
from the air in the building. Heat transferred to air in a room changes the room air temperature.
The thermostat senses these changes and sends a signal to the HVAC equipment to provide
cooling or heating.
Secondly, we are all familiar with the different sources of heat gain or loss, which influence
cooling or heating demands in the building. These include solar radiation, temperature gradients
across walls, heat gain from lighting, people, etc.
Therefore, we know where the heat originates (the sources) and we know where it ultimately
ends up (in the air in the building). The challenging part of this engineering problem is analyzing
how heat travels from its source to its destination.
As an example, let us consider the wall component of a cooling load. First, solar radiation and
ambient air warm the outside surface of the wall. This initiates heat flow across successive layers
in the wall assembly. Heat does not flow instantaneously from outside to inside surfaces of the
wall. Instead, it takes time. In addition, the amount of time depends on the intensity of heat flow at
the outer surface plus the thickness, density, specific heat and thermal conductivity properties of
material layers in the wall assembly.
Ultimately, heat reaches the inside surface of the wall where it raises the wall surface
temperature. At this point two things happen. First, a portion of the heat convects to air in the
room, raising the air temperature. Thus, this heat becomes a cooling load. Second, a substantial
portion of the heat at the wall surface transfers as thermal radiation to other wall, ceiling and floor
surfaces in the room. This raises the temperature of the other surfaces and triggers convection to
room air, heat storage within the material and further radiative exchanges within the room.
Eventually most or all of the original heat flow becomes a cooling load, but the complete
conversion of the heat gain to cooling load takes time.
The same sort of thermal processes occur for heat flow through roofs, windows, doors and
partitions. Heat from other sources such as solar, lighting, electrical equipment and occupants is
introduced directly into the room, and once in the room it undergoes the same sort of room heat
transfer processes described for walls. This is because all these heat gains are comprised of
separate convective and radiative components. The convective components immediately become
cooling loads. The radiative components transfer directly to surfaces in the room and then
undergo further radiant, convective and heat storage processes.
Another important factor governing heat flow to the air in the room is the temperature of the room
air. The temperature difference between wall, ceiling and floor surfaces and the room air govern
convection. Thus, for a cooling scenario, convective heat flow from warm room surfaces
decreases as the room air temperature rises. As room air temperature falls, convective heat flow
from warm room surfaces increases. Recognizing this is important for two reasons. First, all
thermostats have a certain operating range within which they attempt to maintain room air
temperature. Thus, room air temperature varies within this operating range and this influences
convective heat flow. More importantly, nighttime setup control or equipment shutdown can cause
room temperature to vary by 10 °F (-12.2 °C) or more during a 24-hour operating cycle. A large
increase in room temperature greatly reduces convective heat flow. Heat is essentially “trapped”
in the massive elements in the room, and the surface temperatures of these elements rise. In the
morning when cooling equipment starts up reducing room air temperatures, there is a “rush” of
convective heat flow due to the large temperature difference between room air and the surfaces
in the room. We call this process “pull down load.”

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Therefore, in summary:
 There are many factors involved in building heat flow.
 This heat flow occurs over time rather than instantaneously.
 Room air temperature governs heat flow from surfaces in the room to the air in the room.
 The nature of the thermostat control in a room influences the rooms cooling loads by affecting
convective heat flow.
Calculating Building Heat Flow. Now, in order to calculate realistic, accurate building loads, we
need to account for all of the complicated processes we have just discussed. This is quite a
challenge. One way to do this is with the “Heat Balance Method” which is essentially the “mother
of all load calculation methods.” With this method, each of the heat flow processes is represented
by a mathematical equation drawn from the laws of conduction, convection and radiation and
from the first law of thermodynamics. The result is a large number of equations, and an equally
large number of unknown quantities. Typically, no one equation can be solved directly. Instead,
the whole set of equations must be solved simultaneously or by iteration. The results of this
calculation are the temperatures and heat flows at each surface in the room, and ultimately the
temperature and heat flow to room air, which tells us the cooling load. Currently, we cannot
satisfy our original objectives of “fast” and “easy” with the Heat Balance Method because
computer software using this method requires too much calculation time and too much input data.
However, the day is fast approaching when this method will become feasible for everyday use on
desktop computers.
Until then, we need an alternate solution to our engineering challenge. That solution is the
Transfer Function Method, first developed by researchers in the late 1960s. The Transfer
Function Method uses several mathematical “tricks” to make solving heat balance equations
much faster. While this method is faster, it continues to account for the complex processes
involved in building heat flow and thus provides realistic, accurate results.
Here is how it works. Within the method, there are three kinds of transfer function equations used
to analyze different aspects of the building heat flow problem:
 HAP uses Conduction Transfer Function Equations to analyze the conductive heat flow
through walls and roofs.
 HAP uses Room Transfer Function Equations to analyze the radiative, convective and
heat storage processes for all load components once heat reaches the interior of the room.
 HAP uses Space Temperature Transfer Function Equations (aka. Heat Extraction
Equations) to analyze the effect of changing room temperatures on convective heat flow from
surfaces in the room to the room air. Included in this calculation is the behavior of the room
thermostat in controlling room temperature levels and communicating demands to the cooling
or heating apparatus.
Using these three kinds of transfer function equations in sequence determines how heat from
various heat sources converts into cooling loads in the building.
However, there is one complicating factor crucial to this whole discussion. It has been said that
there is “no such thing as a free lunch,” and that is certainly true in this case. As we noted earlier,
the Transfer Function Method uses mathematical tricks to simplify and speed up the calculation
process. The cost of increased speed is performing the calculation in two distinct stages. There
are simply too many factors involved to be able to solve the entire problem in one pass when
using the transfer function tricks.
In the first stage of this calculation process, we use the Conduction and Room Transfer Function
Equations to calculate room loads as if the room is held at precisely one temperature 24 hours a
day. For a design cooling calculation, we use the cooling thermostat set point as the fixed room
temperature for this calculation. Once room loads based on this simplifying assumption have

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been determined, the second calculation stage “corrects” these loads to account for the true
behavior of the building (rising and falling room temperatures) using the Space Air Transfer
Function Equations.
In HAP, results of these two calculation stages appear throughout the system design reports. On
the Air System Design Load Summary, all the results in the top portion of the report down to and
including the “Total Zone Load” are from the first stage of the calculation, which assumed
constant room temperature. We use the terms “zone load” and “space load” throughout the
reports to refer to results from this first stage of calculations. We use the term “Zone Conditioning”
to refer to the results of the second stage of calculations. HAP corrects the “Total Zone Loads” to
produce “Zone Conditioning” by accounting for room temperature and thermostat effects. As
such, Zone Conditioning represents the true amount of cooling or heating a room needs and is
the basis for simulating operation of system components such as coils and fans. Results from the
system simulation appear in the lower part of the Air System Design Load Summary. Differences
between “Zone Loads” and “Zone Conditioning” are due to room temperature effects on heat
transfer such as pull down loads and temperature variations within the thermostat throttling range.
Conclusion. The Transfer Function Method allows us to consider as many of the complex
aspects of building heat flow as possible to provide accurate results, and at the same time
provide a calculation tool that is fast and easy to use.
The price for these benefits is that we must perform the calculation in two distinct stages. The first
stage yields what HAP calls “zone loads” and “space loads” assuming a constant room
temperature. The second stage yields what HAP calls “zone conditioning” which is derived by
correcting the original zone loads to account for room air temperature effects. Zone conditioning
represents the true demand for cooling or heating in a zone. Understanding this two-stage
process and the results it yields is important for successfully applying program results.

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The Sizing Dilemma

In HAP, users are asked to choose among four different methods of sizing zone and space
airflow rates. This discussion explains why different sizing methods are used and summarizes the
four methods offered in the programs.
The Sizing Dilemma. The key issue is that there is not a single “correct” way to size space
airflow rates. In fact, no sizing method can guarantee comfort in all spaces at all times when a
zone contains multiple spaces. The reason for this is that each zone has a single thermostat to
control the comfort conditions in all the spaces in that zone. The space that contains the
thermostat will maintain comfort conditions, but the other spaces in the zone will receive
conditioning based on the load in the space containing the thermostat. Because of this imperfect
situation, designers’ use different approaches to size space airflow rates in order to minimize
conditioning problems in the spaces that do not contain the thermostat. Which approach is best
varies by application. Ultimately, the choice of a sizing method depends on the designer’s
judgment and experience.
Sizing Method #1:
 Zone airflow computed using peak zone load.
 Space airflow computed using zone CFMft² or L/s/m².
With this method, the zone airflow is computed using the maximum zone sensible cooling load.
The zone airflow is divided among spaces in the zone on the basis of zone CFM/ft² (L/s/m²).
Therefore, space airflow is not related to space loads unless all spaces in the zone have a
consistent load density in BTU/hr/ft² (W/m²).
Sizing Method #2:
 Zone airflow computed using peak zone load.
 Space airflow computed using coincident space loads.
With this method the zone airflow is calculated from the maximum zone sensible cooling load.
The zone airflow is divided among spaces in the zone on the basis of the ratio of coincident
space sensible cooling loads to peak zone sensible load. By “coincident,” we mean the space
load computed for the month and hour when the zone sensible load peaks.
Sizing Method #3:
 Zone airflow computed using peak zone load.
 Space airflow computed using peak space load.
With this method, the zone airflow is computed using the maximum zone sensible load. Required
space airflow rates are computed using the maximum sensible load for each individual space.
Note that if spaces experience peak loads at the same time the zone peak occurs, the sum of
space airflow rates will equal the zone airflow rate. Otherwise, the sum of space airflows will
exceed the zone airflow rate.
Sizing Method #4:
 Zone airflow computed using sum of space airflows.
 Space airflow computed using peak space load.
With this method, required space airflow rates are computed using the maximum sensible load for
each individual space. The zone airflow rate is calculated as the sum of space airflows for all
spaces in the zone.

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Which Sizing Method to Use?

By John Deal, Regional Sales Manager, Carrier Software Systems.
The previous article titled The Sizing Dilemma discusses in detail the four sizing methods in HAP.
The problem confronting the designer is that one of the four methods must be chosen and some
thought is required to determine which method to use. The purpose of this article is to share
some ideas to assist your decision on which sizing method to use.
The four methods summarized in the previous article (The Sizing Dilemma) are those requested
by our HAP customers. If someone has another sizing method, we certainly would like to hear
about it! I think we can safely say that every designer uses one of these methods almost
exclusively and probably was not aware of the three alternatives until forced by an impudent
software program to make a choice. The method one uses is probably from a habit formed when
a load estimating methodology and calculations were first learned or passed on from a teacher, a
mentor or a boss.
Methods 1 and 2 give results similar to those of “hand” calculation methodology expectations.
Simplifying assumptions were made because of the amount of time it took to perform the number
crunching. One could not afford the time necessary to calculate loads over a number of hours or
to break up the building into numerous design zones and spaces. So, results were obtained in a
simplified fashion that could be easily applied throughout the design such as CFM/ft² (L/s/m²),
heat loss of BTU/hr/linear ft. (W/m) of exposure and so forth.
Methods 3 and 4 give results expected of a methodology that can only be done on a computer.
Calculating 12 months 24 hours a day to find peak loads for fans, coils, zones and spaces is a
reasonable expectation. Crunching the numbers on hundreds of spaces collected into a hundred
or more zones in a dozen air systems is a reasonable expectation.
I am going to make a provocative statement to start your thought process on which methods to
use. If you are doing detailed final design calculations, methods 3 and 4 are the ones to use and
the type of system under design will dictate which one. Variable air volume (VAV) systems use
method 3. Constant volume systems use method 4.
The key function that these two methods share is that the space peak sensible load is found and
reported. This gives the designer the information about the peak design parameters for every
space defined. With this information, the designer can get a better handle on the magnitude of the
compromises that must be made with the control zone layouts, duct design and terminal
equipment sizing.
Using method 3 for a VAV terminal zone sizes the “box” for a VAV diversified CFM. The spaces in
the zone are sized for their peak so no matter which space the thermostat is placed in that space
can be controlled. If future reworking of zones is done, the space duct and terminal sizing is still
valid. The key to good zoning practice is to have spaces with similar thermal load profiles on the
same thermostat. With this method the time and month that each space peaks is reported. This
helps in the decision whether the spaces have similar thermal load profiles. If all the spaces in the
zone peak in the same month around the same time of day, this indicates a good probability of
similar thermal load profiles for the spaces. If one or more spaces peak at different times of the
year than the other spaces this indicates dissimilar load profiles and some thought should be
given to “re-zoning."

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Using method 4 for constant volume systems is good practices since these types of systems are
normally not sized with diversified or block load air quantities. Let us discuss one of the most
common systems, the packaged rooftop unit. In HAP language, this is a single zone constant air
volume system. If the designer takes the time to describe the various areas served as spaces,
some valuable information can be gained. An example is the amount of air needed in different
places so diffusers and the duct system can be designed with some knowledge of the actual
requirements. Again, if some of the spaces were peaking at different times of the year than others
this would indicate the need for better zoning (another unit if you can afford it). At least you will
know that the job probably will not work very well at this stage. This method also sizes the rooftop
unit CFM (L/s) undiversified. This is good since it seems you need to get all the air you can on
these types of jobs.
We hope that this article has helped you think about the choices of space descriptions, zoning
and sizing methods you must make. Make your choices with a purpose in mind. I am sure many
of you may have differing thoughts and we would like to hear them. Even with faster computers
and more complex software, system design still has a lot of art and designer experience involved.
Remember this old saying: If a job is to work correctly, it must be designed right one time. The
problem is when! 

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Differences between Peak Coil Load CFM, Max Block CFM, Sum of Peak
Zone CFM
In the cooling coil section of the HAP Air System Sizing Summary printout, three coil airflow rates
are listed: (1) the coil airflow for the time when the maximum coil load occurs, and (2) the
maximum block airflow rate and (3) sum of the peak zone CFM (L/s). When analyzing VAV
systems, these three airflow rates can often differ. This article explains why. An accompanying
article provides recommendations for selecting equipment in these situations.
In most cases, the coil airflow rates differ in VAV applications for one of the following two
The peak cooling coil load and peak zone sensible load occur at different times, resulting in
different coil airflow rates at these times.
Due to the ASHRAE sizing methodology used by HAP, the two airflow rates are computed using
slightly different considerations. This can introduce small differences between the two airflow
values even if the coil load and zone sensible load peak at the same time.
Each reason will be explained separately below.
Differences Due to Timing of Peak Loads. The maximum airflow rate required for the supply
fan and therefore for the central cooling coil depends on the cooling requirements in zones
served by the air system. The individual component loads in the zones such as wall, roof,
window, solar, lighting, people and equipment loads influence zone cooling requirements. These
loads vary due to changes in outdoor air temperature, solar radiation and internal heat gains
throughout the day.
While the maximum cooling coil load is influenced by these same zone cooling requirements, it is
also influenced by extra heat gains introduced by outdoor ventilation air, fan heat, return plenum
heat, and the latent components of the coil load.
Because extra factors influence the coil load, it is possible for the maximum coil load to occur at a
different time than the peak zone sensible load occurs.
In a VAV system, the coil airflow varies as zone cooling requirements vary. Therefore, if the peak
cooling coil load and peak zone sensible load occur at different times, the coil airflow rates for the
two times will differ. The following simple example illustrates how this situation can occur.
Example #1. Consider a 1-zone VAV system that serves an east-facing zone. Figure B-3 shows
24-hour profiles for the total cooling coil load and the zone sensible load for this system. The
zone has a large area of east-facing glass. Consequently, solar heat is the dominant load
component and causes the peak zone sensible load to occur at 9 am.
The total cooling coil load in this example is strongly influenced by ventilation loads, which peak
during the mid-afternoon hours. Since the outdoor air temperature is relatively cool at 9 am
versus mid-afternoon, the peak coil load occurs at 2 pm rather than 9 am. When the peak zone
sensible load occurs at 9 am, the zone requires 5154 CFM of supply air. When the cooling coil
load peaks at 2 pm, the zone sensible load has dropped to approximately 80% of its peak value
and the zone requires only 4100 CFM of supply air. For such a situation, HAP will report the
following data on the Air System Sizing Summary output
Peak coil load occurs at: Jul 1400
Coil CFM (L/s) at Jul 1400: 4100 CFM (1935 L/s)
Maximum block CFM (L/s): 5154 CFM (2432 L/s)
Sum of peak zone CFM (L/s) 5369 CFM (2534 L/s)

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The Sum of the peak zone CFM (L/s) is useful for judging diversity in VAV systems and for sizing
components for special periods when all VAV box dampers are full open at the same time.
Differences Due to Methodology. The ASHRAE design procedure, which utilizes the transfer
function method and heat extraction techniques, requires a two-stage calculation:
1. First, zone sensible loads are computed assuming the zone is held exactly at the cooling
thermostat set point 24 hours per day. Results from this analysis are used to determine peak
zone airflow rates and the peak central coil airflow rate.
2. Second, the program simulates system operation. When doing so, it takes the zone loads
calculated in the first stage and corrects them for the actual system operating conditions. These
corrections account for the use of different thermostat set-points during occupied and unoccupied
periods or the shutdown of cooling during the unoccupied times, and for the existence of a
throttling range for the thermostat. Considering these real-life system-operating factors changes
the thermal dynamics of the system, causing zone temperatures to vary within the thermostat
throttling range and introducing pull-down load components at certain times of day.
The "Max block CFM (L/s)" is calculated in stage 1 and is therefore based on the idealized zone
loads computed in this stage. The coil airflow at the peak coil load time is obtained from stage 2,
and is therefore based on the corrected zone loads computed considering the actual system
operating conditions. Because the two airflows are computed using slightly different
considerations, differences between the two airflows often occur for VAV systems. The following
example illustrates these method-based effects.

Figure B-3 Stage One Calculations

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Figure B-4 Stage Two Calculations

Example #2. Consider a VAV system that serves four zones. Hourly profiles of the total coil load
and the zone sensible block load are shown in Figure B-4. Here "block load" refers to the sum of
the sensible loads for all four zones. The maximum zone sensible block load occurs at 5 pm in
July. Based on this block load, the required coil airflow rate is 13269 CFM (l/s.) The maximum
cooling coil load also occurs at 5 pm in July. For this hour the coil airflow rate is 12355 CFM (l/s.)
Therefore, on the Air System Sizing Summary, HAP will report:
Peak coil load occurs at Jul 1700
Coil CFM (L/s) at Jul 1700 12355 CFM (L/s)
Max block CFM (L/s) 13269 CFM (L/s)
In this example, the 900 CFM (425 L/s) difference between airflows is due to the different
considerations used to calculate the required fan airflow in stage 1 of the analysis, and the coil
airflow during the system simulation in stage 2 of the analysis. Further investigation of the results
showed that the zone air temperatures are close to 76° F (24.4° C), which is the upper limit of the
thermostat throttling range for this example. For the initial zone loads calculated in stage 1 of the
analysis, a thermostat set-point of 75° F (23.9° C) was used. The difference in zone air
temperatures used in the two calculations (75° F [23.9° C] versus 76° F [24.4° C]) and its effect
on zone thermal dynamics ultimately results in lower coil airflow.
The important thing to recognize is airflows are computed for different purposes and therefore
use different considerations. The maximum coil airflow is derived as part of the zone and fan
airflow sizing calculation, which considers idealized conditions. The coil airflow at the time of the
peak coil load is derived as part of the cooling coil analysis. This analysis considers all of the
operating factors of the system, most notably the interaction between the zone thermostats and
the VAV box dampers, and between zone air temperature and room loads.

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Further Information. Differences between maximum coil airflow rate and coil airflow rate for the
peak coil load time can also occur for Multizone, Bypass Multizone and Dual Duct CAV systems,
and for single-zone constant volume systems using fan cycling.

Selecting Equipment When Coil CFM (L/s) Differ

The preceding article describes situations in which the maximum coil airflow rate differs from the
airflow rate at the time of the peak cooling coil load. When this happens, a design engineer is
faced with the dilemma of which airflow rate to use when selecting equipment. This article
provides recommendations for dealing with this equipment selection situation.

Central Cooling Coils in VAV Systems.

First, the packaged unit or the cooling coils for a built-up unit should be selected using the airflow
at the time of the peak coil load [listed as "Coil CFM (L/s) at month/hour"]. This airflow is obtained
from the system simulation and corresponds to the total load, sensible load, and entering and
leaving temperature conditions in the table. Thus, in order to use consistent coil performance
data for selection, the "Coil CFM (L/s) at month/hour" item must be utilized.

Second, use the fan motor BHP or fan motor kW data reported in the "Supply Fan Sizing Data"
section of the Air System Sizing Summary to select the fan motor.
Third, verify that the selected fan can operate at the maximum fan airflow rate without exceeding
its maximum RPM value. The maximum fan airflow is reported in two places on the Air System
Sizing Summary. It appears in the "Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data " table as "Max block CFM
(L/s).” It also appears in the "Supply Fan Sizing Data” table as "Actual max CFM (L/s)". The Sum
of peak zone CFM (L/s) is provided for those who wish to take further precautions.

Finally, in certain applications, it may be necessary to use product literature to verify that
excessive water carry-over will not occur when the coil experiences its maximum airflow rate.

Recommendations for Other System Types.

Differences between the maximum coil airflow and the coil airflow at the peak coil load time can
also occur for Multizone, Bypass Multizone, and Dual Duct CAV systems. For these systems, the
cooling coil should be selected using the airflow at the peak coil load time. Make sure the coil will
not have excessive water carryover when operating at maximum airflow. To select the fan, the
maximum fan airflow should be used since the fan supplies air to both cold and hot decks.¨

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ASHRAE 62.1-2004 and 2007 Ventilation Air Sizing in HAP

This article explains how to define the ASHRAE 62.1-2004 and 2007 ventilation requirements in
HAP 4.6. We also discuss differences between Standard 62.1-2004/7 and Standard 62-2001
with respect to space usage and outdoor air requirements. We also explain how HAP determines
the minimum system ventilation (outdoor air) requirement per 62.1-2004/7 at the space level and
then at the system level which is the OA intake of the HVAC unit. We end our discussion
reviewing the HAP Ventilation Sizing Summary Report for a VAV system using ASHRAE
Standard 62.1-2004/7 procedures.

HAP e-Help # 006 titled “Ventilation” dated November 2, 2005 is prerequisite reading to this
discussion. It examines ASHRAE Standard 62-2001, and “user defined” ventilation sizing method.
It explains the hierarchy employed by the software in determining the ventilation air requirements
of the HVAC system. We also explain ventilation airflow controls, which including constant,
proportional, scheduled and DCV (demand controlled ventilation).

ASHRAE Standard 62
Since its introduction, Standard 62 from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has been the primary design reference affecting the
ventilation aspects of HVAC systems. ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010, is the most recent
ventilation standard. As shown below, the standards for ventilation air have evolved over the
years to accommodate the changing design trends in the industry.

Figure C-1 Evolution of ASHRAE Ventilation Standards

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The purpose of ASHRAE 62.1-2004/7, is to specify minimum ventilation rates to help achieve
acceptable indoor air quality. Since we can dilute contaminants in indoor air by supplying the
space with uncontaminated outdoor air, ASHRAE established ventilation rates in Standard 62.1-
2004/7 based on achieving this dilution. ASHRAE 62.1-2004/7 considers these minimum dilution
requirements as good design practice for achieving acceptable indoor air quality.

Defining ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004/7 Ventilation Requirements in HAP

In HAP, we use the preferences option on the “View” Menu to specify preferences affecting the
project operation such as ventilation. See figures C-2 and 3 below to set preferences. HAP
includes the following choices for ventilation calculations:
User Defined
ASHREA Standard 62-2001
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007

Figure C-2 HAP Preferences

Figure C-3 Setting Project Preferences

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Space Level Ventilation in ASHRAE 62.1-2004 & 2007

After choosing the ASHRAE ventilation Standard, HAP defaults to the specific Space Usage
options and associated OA requirements that comply with that Standard. For example in Figure
C-4, the Space Usage options displayed in the Space Properties input screen reflect specific
values from ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007. The note at the bottom of the Space Properties form
serves as a reminder of the chosen ventilation standard.

Figure C-4 HAP Space Properties Input Screen (General Tab)

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004 revised the outdoor air requirements for various types of space
usages. The Standard also completely overhauled the methods for determining minimum outdoor
air airflow rates. Figure C-5 shows a partial table of minimum ventilation rates at the breathing
zone for different occupancy categories. Let us examine the differences between Standard 62-
2001 and Standard 62.1-2004/7.

Figure C-5: Minimum Ventilation Rates ASHRAE 62.1-2004

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Space Usage Comparisons and Two-Part OA Requirement

ASHRAE 62.1-2004/7 determines the total outdoor airflow rate for the system using the
Ventilation Rate Procedure from Section 6.2 and Appendix A in the Standard. This procedure
involves a two-part OA requirement. The first part determines CO2 generated pollutants or odors
based on number of occupants. The second part determines pollutants generated by building
materials and VOC in the space based on square feet floor area. In contrast, Standard 62-2001
requires just a one-part OA requirement as shown below.

Differences exist in the space usage categories between the two Standards. Figures C-6 and C-7
offer visual comparisons between Standard 62-2001 and 62.1-2004/7 for Retail and Education
space usage categories.

ASHRAE 62-2001

ASHRAE 62.1-2004/2007
Figure C-6: RETAIL Space Usage Comparison

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Figure C-7 below shows space usage comparisons in the EDUCATION category. Notice the
quantity of space usage choices remained the same, but space usage names differ in Standard
62.1-2004/7 vs. 62-2001.

ASHRAE 62-2001

ASHRAE 62.1-2004

Figure C-7: EDUCATION Space Usage Comparison

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The procedure for calculating space and project level ventilation airflow in Standard 62.1-2004/7
involves two (2) major steps. The first major step considers the following three (3) steps in
determining total space ventilation rates:
Summing the CFM/person and CFM/ft² requirements as discussed above.
Applying time averaging to space occupancy.
Utilizing space air distribution effectiveness.
The second major step determines how much outdoor ventilation air the central system intake
requires in ensuring each space receives the required ventilation. As we will see, the ventilation
airflow required at the intake can be larger than the sum of the uncorrected space OA airflows.
The second item determined in step two (2) is the final total ventilation requirement at the air
intake using the calculated system ventilation efficiency.

Before we continue, we should clarify some terminology between HAP and ASHRAE. ASHRAE
Standard 62.1-2004/7 uses “zone” to refer to what HAP identifies as a "space". To avoid
confusion, this discussion adopts the HAP terminology. For example and clarity, later in this
discussion the Standard refers to "zone ventilation efficiency" to which HAP refers as "space
ventilation efficiency".

Step 1: Determining the Space Level Minimum Ventilation Requirements

1. Summing the OA Requirements

During sizing calculations for Standard 62.1-2004/7, HAP first sums the two OA requirements.
However, at this point in the calculations we must apply the additional considerations mentioned
above. For that reason it is difficult to say which Standard (62-2001 or 62.1-2004/7) requires the
greater ventilation air volume before doing all the calculations.
Using our 840ft² classrooms with 25 children from Figure C-7, the “uncorrected” ventilation air
requirements are:
Standard Space Usage Category Calculation
Ventilation Air
62-2001 Classroom 25  15CFM/Person 375 CFM
25  10CFM/Person 250 CFM
62.1-2004 Classroom (ages 9+)
+ 0.12 CFM/ft²  840 ft² 101 CFM

Standard 62-2001 requires 375 CFM of uncorrected ventilation air versus 351 CFM for 62.1-
2004/7. Uncorrected means we must still apply additional considerations or “adjustments” as
required by the Standard.

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2. Calculating the Time Averaging Factor

If the number of people in the space fluctuates over time, Standard 62.1-2004/7 allows estimating
the space population by applying a time averaging procedure. HAP applies the user’s fractional
people schedule along with the equations in paragraph of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004/7
to produce a “time averaging interval”. The interval length is a function of the ventilation air
change for the space. HAP uses the calculated average occupant values for this interval and
uses the largest average value in determining the time averaging factor. HAP uses this factor to
correct the OA per person ventilation amount.

For example, suppose a 2000ft² space with floor to ceiling height of 9 ft. has 10 occupants. The
requirements for this space are 5 CFM/person and 0.06 CFM/ft². Using 10 occupants and 2000
ft², the uncorrected outdoor airflow is 170 CFM. The time averaging interval equation from the
Standard is 3 x Space Volume / uncorrected outdoor airflow, which equals 318 minutes or 5.3
hours. HAP rounds this to 5 hours. Next, HAP calculates an average schedule factor for each
group of five (5) consecutive hours in the people design day schedule. First HAP uses hours
0000 thru 0400, then 0100 thru 0500, then 0200 thru 0600, etc. If the schedule values for five
consecutive hours are 60%, 80%, 100%, 100% and 100%, the average for this block is 88%.
Once HAP calculates these averages for each 5-hour block in the day, HAP uses the largest
average as the Time Averaging Factor. In this case, since the largest 5-hour time averaged
occupancy is 88% means the people count is 0.88 X 10 = 9 occupants. If we take 5 CFM/person
X 9 people, we have 45 CFM versus 50 CFM as initially determined, resulting in a reduction of 5
CFM for the space and 165 CFM instead of 170 CFM as the sum of the 2-part OA requirement.

If the people schedule uses 100% for all hours, the Time Averaging Factor is 100%. Also, note
HAP uses only CFM/person and CFM/ft² airflow requirements for this calculation. If you have
specified a total airflow (CFM) or "% of supply airflow" ventilation requirement for the space, HAP
does not consider these values in the calculation as they are outside the scope of the Standard
62.1-2004/7 Ventilation Rate procedure.

The time averaging factor does not always result

in a downward correction of the people
occupancy and an associated decrease in
ventilation airflow. It depends on the space
volume, people occupancy, and profile. For
example, the 840ft² classroom with 25
occupants, requires 10 CFM/person and 0.12
CFM/ft² resulting in 351 CFM uncorrected
outdoor airflow. The time averaging interval from
the ASHRAE equation is 3 x Space Volume /
351 CFM, which equals 60 minutes or 1 hour. In
this example, the program calculates an average
schedule factor for each one consecutive hour.
The largest one-hour “average” in this case is
100%, so for this classroom there is no change
to the original uncorrected ventilation airflow
based on the time averaging factor. Figure C-8 People Profile For Classroom

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3. Assigning Space Air Distribution Effectiveness

The next consideration affecting the required space outdoor airflow amount involves the air
delivery from the diffusers. The Air Distribution Effectiveness is a new concept in ASHRAE 62.1-
2004. It is not enough to deliver ventilation air to a space, that air must also effectively reach the
breathing zone of its occupants. Standard 62.1-2004/7 state, “A system that is effective at
delivering air to the breathing zone requires less outdoor airflow than a less effective one for the
same space”.

The Standard defines the breathing zone as the area between 3 in and 72 in above the floor as
shown in Figure C-9. When supply air is delivered anywhere above the breathing zone, it is
considered to be the same as ceiling delivery. Since different types of systems and air terminals
are more or less effective at delivering ventilation air to this breathing zone, HAP considers the
effectiveness of the air distribution system in calculating ventilation requirements.

Most cooling applications deliver the air through ceiling diffusers thus using an effectiveness
value of 1.0. If cooling sidewall supply registers are more than 72 inches above the floor, HAP
considers them the same as "ceiling supply" with an effectiveness value of 1.0.

Figure C-9 Space Air Distribution Effectiveness

Per ASHRAE 62.1-2004/7, systems that deliver warm air from a ceiling supply diffuser, and
have supply air 15 °F above room air temperature, have an effectiveness of 0.8. Warm air
supplied from a ceiling diffuser, with a temperature <5 °F above room air temperature have an
effectiveness of 1.0.

HAP performs the Standard 62.1-2004/7 calculations twice for each system if the system
provides cooling and heating. It performs it once assuming cooling operation and again for
heating operation. HAP uses the larger system ventilation airflow as the result. If heating duty
results in a larger ventilation airflow, then the space air distribution effectiveness HAP uses is
0.8 (reflecting warm air supply typically 15 °F above room temperature) for all spaces in the

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The outdoor air amount for the space calculation is found by dividing the uncorrected airflow by
the space air distribution effectiveness, which occurs after the time averaging correction.
Standard 62.1-2004/7 refers to answer as "zone outdoor airflow" after considering the space
air distribution effectiveness.

Step 2: Determining the System Level Minimum Ventilation Requirements

Step 2 determines how much outdoor ventilation air is required at the common OA intake to
ensure that each space receives its required ventilation. As we will see, the ventilation airflow
required at the intake can be larger than the sum of the uncorrected space airflows due to
issues related to the “critical space”. Determination of the OA amount at the unit intake also
involves calculation of a space and system “ventilation efficiency” value per equations in
ASHRAE 62.1-2004/7. This section develops the procedures for system level ventilation
calculations, but there is also considerable discussion involving spaces.

"Critical Space" involves a concept that meeting the ventilation requirements of one space may
require over ventilating other spaces. The example in Figure C-10 supposes space “A”
requires a total of 800 CFM supply air, which includes 200 CFM of outside air, or 25% of
supply. Space "B" requires a total of 600 CFM supply air, which includes 300 CFM of outside
air, or 50% of supply. Both spaces receive supply air from the same RTU. If that RTU total
supply air contains 25% ventilation air, the ventilation requirement of Space “A” are met, but
does not meet the ventilation requirement of Space “B”. The outdoor air fraction defines
ventilation air as a percentage of supply air to the space, the higher the fraction, the more
critical the space tends to be.

Figure C-10 Typical VAV System and Critical Space

The common supply air must contain more than 25% outdoor air in order to meet Space “B”
requirements resulting in over ventilating of Space “A”. However, once Space “A” is over
ventilated, there is unused or "unvitiated" ventilation air that re-circulates from Space “A” which
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moderates the need to increase the ventilation rate to 50% of supply air. In this example, Space
“B” is the critical space, as it requires a greater outdoor air fraction than any other space. The
Critical Space concept existed in ASHRAE 62-2001 but the mathematics for handling it are
different because in Standard 62.1-2004/7 a new term called “ventilation efficiency” is calculated
and taken into account. The Standard defines a complex calculation procedure that HAP follows
to determine the ventilation efficiency for each space. This calculation procedure is different
depending on the system type. A dual duct or recirculation system like fan powered VAV boxes
requires a more involved calculation.
There is a relationship between percent OA for the space and the ventilation efficiency that HAP
takes into account using the equation in ASHRAE 62.1-2004/7. The bottom line is that the
procedure for finding the critical space as defined by ASHRAE 62.1-2004/7, is complex and
system dependent. Both the percent of outdoor air to supply air for the space and the percent of
outdoor air for the system are considered. The larger this difference, the smaller the space
ventilation efficiency and the more likely the space is critical. This difference tends to get larger
when a pace has a higher percent of outdoor air to supply air.
The “critical” space for a system is the one having the lowest ventilation efficiency. For example, if
a space requires 200 CFM of outdoor air and has a ventilation efficiency of 0.75, 200/0.75
requires 267 CFM of outdoor be introduced at the system intake to ensure that the space
receives its 200 CFM of outdoor air. Therefore, the space with the lowest ventilation efficiency
dictates the overall outdoor airflow for the system since it requires the largest amount of over
ventilation of other spaces to ensure it receives its required airflow.
HAP uses the critical “space” ventilation efficiency as the “system” ventilation efficiency thus
enabling the calculation of design ventilation rate for the central system. The Standard refers to
this value as "outdoor air intake." In the HAP Ventilation Sizing Summary Report, this outdoor air
intake is the same as the Design Ventilation Airflow Rate in the case of the VAV system example.
HAP calculates this by dividing the Uncorrected Outdoor Airflow by the System Ventilation
Note: A dedicated OA system providing 100% outdoor air to all spaces, as shown below, sums
the ventilation values for all spaces in the system and uses that sum as the total system
ventilation airflow. The required air for each space is set at the diffuser and sizes the 100% OA
unit for the sum. There is no “critical space” calculation required.

Figure C-11 No Critical Space Issues with Dedicated OA Unit

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Ventilation Sizing Summary Report

The last section of this discussion uses the preceding information to interpret the output data from
the Ventilation Sizing Summary Report in HAP. The example system is a 7-zone VAV system
supplying multiple classroom spaces, small computer lab, corridor and vestibule using the
ASHRAE 62.1-2004/7 ventilation procedures.

The total cooling coil load for this 7-zone system is 26.4 tons occurring at August 1500 as shown
below. This reflects a Design Ventilation Airflow Rate calculated by HAP based on ASHRAE 62.1-
2004/7 requirements of 2547 CFM. Notice the Design Condition for ventilation air is at the
“minimum flow (heating)”. As discussed previously, because this is a cooling and heating system,
HAP does the Standard 62.1-2004/7 ventilation air calculation once for cooling and once for
heating and uses the higher of the two values. In this example, heating duty was higher because
the heating duty air distribution effectiveness was lower (0.80) than cooling duty (1.0) which
results in 25% more ventilation air requirement to each space during the heating cycle.

Figure C-12 Ventilation Report for VAV System

The following discussion explains the column headings of the Ventilation Sizing Summary Report
for our VAV system. Refer to Figure C-12.

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Minimum Supply Air (CFM)

This value represents the minimum supply airflow (not just the outdoor airflow) for the VAV
terminal for each space. In the HAP Air System Properties under the Zone Components tab/
Supply Terminals/ Minimum Airflow, we defined the minimum supply airflow at 50% of the supply
terminal airflow. Notice in this example the Design Ventilation Airflow is less than the Minimum
Supply Air CFM. HAP automatically increases (overrides) the minimum Zone supply airflow when
the users’ input value for minimum zone airflow does not achieve the minimum required
As an added note, this column heading only appears for VAV. For a CAV system, the column
heading is “Maximum Supply Air (CFM)” because a CAV system diffuser has no minimum airflow
set-point like a VAV terminal.

Floor Area (sq ft)

This is the space floor area used in the uncorrected ventilation airflow calculation based on

Required Outdoor Air (CFM/Ft²)

This represents the part two value for the OA requirement based on Space Usage in ASHRAE

Time Averaged Occupancy

This value represents the number of occupants used in the final calculations for ventilation air.
HAP accounts for any headcount reductions based on the time averaging factor calculations
discussed earlier.

Required Outdoor Air (CFM/Person)

This represents the part one value for the OA requirement based on Space Usage in ASHRAE

Air Distribution Effectiveness

This value takes into consideration the ability of the supply air from the diffusers or registers to
reach the breathing zone of its occupants effectively. Our case used 0.80 because heating duty
ventilation airflow (0.80 effectiveness) exceeded cooling duty ventilation airflow (1.0

Required Outdoor Air (CFM)

This column contains the calculated outdoor air quantities after taking into account the air
distribution effectiveness. The uncorrected outdoor air CFM divided by the air distribution
effectiveness is the required outdoor air CFM for each space. This is not the final airflow for the
common OA intake for the system.

Uncorrected Outdoor Air (CFM)

This column contains the part one and two outdoor air quantities before taking into account the air
distribution effectiveness and critical space issues after considering the time averaging factor for

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Space Ventilation Efficiency

HAP uses space ventilation efficiency in identifying the critical space in the system. The space
with the lowest ventilation efficiency is the most critical therefore it dictates the outdoor airflow for
the system to ensure it receives its required airflow. The Uncorrected Outdoor Air (1760) divided
by the lowest Space Ventilation Efficiency (.691) value is the final answer called Design
Ventilation Airflow Rate (2547).The Space Ventilation Efficiency is calculated by HAP using the
procedures in Appendix A of the Standard, as opposed to using the more simplified method in
table 6-2 of the Standard. This results in the highest level of accuracy.

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004/2007 requires HVAC systems to bring in outdoor air at specified
minimum ventilation rates that will be acceptable to human occupants to minimize the potential
for adverse health effects.
Determining the ventilation airflow for each space involves summing a two-part OA requirement
then applying a time averaging factor that adjusts for occupant fluctuation in the space.
Differences exist in the space usage choices between Standard 62-2001 and standard 62.1-
Next HAP considers the ability of the cooling/heating system to deliver air to the breathing zone
per standard 62.1-2004/2007. The effectiveness value represents the required increase for space
ventilation airflow to compensate for a less effective air delivery.
Then HAP uses ASHRAE 62.1-2004/2007 equations in determining ventilation requirements for
the central system intake to ensure each space receives its required ventilation. This process
involves finding the critical space. The critical space is the one that exhibits the lowest ventilation
efficiency and dictates the overall outdoor airflow for the system.
The purpose of ASHRAE 62.1-2004/2007 is to specify minimum ventilation rates to help achieve
acceptable indoor air quality through constant dilution using outdoor air. ASHRAE considers
these minimums as good design practice for achieving acceptable indoor air quality.

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System Based Design Load Calculations

In HAP, two of the important concepts in design load calculations involve the use of the ASHRAE
heat extraction method and "system-based" sizing techniques. Both are concepts that have been
used since HAP 3.0, but it is useful to review them since it is important to understand the
principles and procedures involved as well as their effects on results. In this article the system
sizing procedures used in HAP will be explained with emphasis on the roles heat extraction
calculations and system-based sizing play.
Definitions. Before beginning, it will be useful to provide brief definitions of heat extraction and
system-based sizing:
 Heat Extraction Procedures represent the second part of the two-step ASHRAE-
endorsed transfer function load method. The first part is the basic transfer function
calculation, which accounts for the transient nature of the processes that convert heat
gains to cooling loads. Heat gains usually do not instantly become cooling loads, but
rather involve a time delay due to heat storage. However, the loads calculated with the
basic transfer function equations are based on the idealized assumption of a constant
room temperature 24 hours per day. Heat extraction procedures are used to take the
calculation one step further considering the effect of varying zone temperatures during the
day (such as set-up or shutdown periods at night) and how air-conditioning systems and
thermostat controls respond to load conditions. The most compelling reason to include
heat extraction in design calculations is that they provide a way to obtain realistic,
accurate estimates of pull-down loads.
 System-Based Design considers system specifics when sizing systems. Many load
estimating programs deal with systems in a generic manner. Thermostat set-points,
supply air controls and fan characteristics are specified without being associated with a
specific system control such as variable air volume (VAV) or constant air volume (CAV).
However, different sizing procedures are needed for VAV and CAV. With a generic
approach, it is up to the user to decide how to use program outputs to size a specific type
of system. With HAP, sizing calculations and outputs are tailored to the system type
specified by the user, thus making the results more accurate and easier to use.
Sizing Overview. In HAP, sizing calculations are performed for all system types using the
following three-step procedure:
 Size Zone Airflows. Zones are dealt with separately to determine peak sensible loads and
required airflow rates.
 Size Supply Fan Airflow. Zone airflow requirements are then combined to determine the
maximum supply fan airflow requirement.
 Size Coils. Given user specifications of air system characteristics plus the calculated zone
and fan sizing data, the program simulates operation of the system for design cooling
conditions each month. A simulation is also performed for the design heating condition. Coil
loads resulting from these simulations are inspected to identify the maximum load for each
coil in the system. These are reported on program outputs.
In the paragraphs below, each of these steps are discussed in detail.

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Step 1: Zone Airflow Sizing. The goal of this step is to identify the maximum sensible load and
maximum airflow rate for each zone in the system. To do this the program deals with each zone
separately. Using space and zone input data and ASHRAE transfer function procedures; the
program calculates heat gains for all heat sources in a zone and converts the heat gains to
"cooling loads". Per ASHRAE procedures, these cooling loads are based on the assumption that
cooling equipment operates 24 hours per day and that the zone is maintained exactly at the
cooling thermostat set-point. Thus, these cooling loads are idealized unless the system will
actually operate this way. This simplifying assumption will be compensated for later during the
coil simulations using the heat extraction procedure.
After calculating loads for all design cooling months specified, the program searches the data to
identify the maximum zone sensible cooling load. For a given supply air temperature, the program
calculates the required airflow rate to satisfy this load.
Results of the zone airflow sizing analysis appear on the Zone Sizing Summary report. Zone
sensible loads from this analysis also appear on the Air System Design Load Summary, Zone
Design Load Summary and Hourly Zone Design Day Loads reports. On these reports, the cooling
loads are interchangeably referred to as "zone load" and "zone sensible.”
Step 2: Fan Airflow Sizing. The goal of this sizing step is to determine the maximum airflow
requirement for the central supply fan. This is the first calculation in which system-based sizing is
involved. For a CAV system, the program adds peak CFMs (L/s) for all zones to determine the
required supply fan airflow. For VAV systems, the program identifies the peak coincident CFM
(L/s). This is done by first using zone sensible load data from the previous step to determine
require airflow rates for each hour of the day. Hourly airflow requirements for each zone are then
added together to build a fan airflow profile. Finally, the program searches this profile to find the
maximum airflow rate.

Figure D-1 VAV System Airflow Rates

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Figure D-1 illustrates this calculation for a VAV system. Zone airflow rates are shown in this figure
for an east-facing zone and a west-facing zone. For each hour, the sum of east and west zone
airflow rates is the required fan airflow rate. In Figure 1, the east zone peaks at 0900 with a 6252
CFM (2950 L/s) requirement, the west zone peaks at 1700 with a 6989 CFM (3298 L/s)
requirement, and the supply fan peaks at 1600 with a 10213 CFM (4820 L/s) requirement. Note
that this VAV fan airflow is 23% less than the 13241 CFM (6248 L/s) that would be required for a
CAV system. Because a VAV system can take advantage of load diversity, its design airflow can
often be less than the sum of peak zone CFMs (L/s). When a VAV air system is specified in HAP,
the system-based sizing procedure automatically considers this.
Step 3: Coil Sizing Calculations. The goal of the final sizing step is to determine maximum
loads for all coils in the air system. Performing detailed simulations of air system operation for
each design cooling month and the design heating condition does this. Air system input data, the
airflow rates and zone sensible load profiles calculated in steps 1 and 2, and ASHRAE heat
extraction procedures are used to perform these simulations. Simulations are specific to the type
of system being dealt with and consider all system components and controls specified.
The zone sensible load profiles calculated in step 1 are the basis for system simulations. As
noted earlier, these load profiles were calculated assuming 24-hour equipment operation and a
constant zone temperature equal to the occupied cooling thermostat set-point. Consequently,
these load profiles must be adjusted using the ASHRAE heat extraction equations if cooling
equipment is operated for less than 24 hours, if an unoccupied period set-up temperature is used,
if cooling equipment is shut down during the unoccupied period and if a thermostat throttling
range other than 0º F (-17.8º C) is used. The heat extraction calculations yield the amount of heat
the air conditioning system must remove each hour to maintain the zone in the thermostat
throttling range. Once zone heat extraction rates have been computed, this data serves as the
basis for calculations of airflow rates, temperatures and humidity at all points in the air system.
Finally, these results allow loads for coils in the system to be determined. For example, the
cooling coil inlet and outlet dry-bulb temperatures and the coil airflow rate are used to calculate
the sensible coil load.
Figure D-2 provides sample results from a design simulation for a single-zone CAV air system.
The figure provides a useful comparison between zone sensible loads, heat extraction rates
(called "zone conditioning") and sensible and total cooling coil loads.
The "zone sensible" load profile represents sensible cooling loads assuming 24-hour equipment
operation and a constant 75º F (23.9º C) zone air temperature. The "zone conditioning" profile
represents heat extracted from the zone during the 6am-7pm operating period (from 8pm to 5am
the cooling system is off). During this operating cycle, the zone air temperature varies within in
the 75º F (23.9º C) - 78º F (25.5º C) throttling range during the 6am-7pm operating period, and
floats at higher temperatures during the nighttime shutdown period. Heat extraction method
estimates of zone air temperature are shown in Figure D-3. As a result of this behavior, extra load
is imposed on the air conditioning equipment to pull down the zone air temperature and to
remove heat that has accumulated in the building mass during the nighttime period. This pull-
down load is the principal reason for differences between the zone sensible and zone
conditioning profiles in Figure D-2. Note that these differences are most significant at the start of
the operating period, but also continue throughout the 13-hour operating period.
The coil sensible profile in Figure D-2 represents the sensible heat that must be removed at the
central cooling coil. In addition to providing enough sensible cooling to meet zone-conditioning
demands, the coil must also provide cooling to offset fan heat gain, sensible ventilation load and
the portion of plenum heat gains that returns to the coil. These factors cause the coil sensible
profile in Figure D-2 to exceed than the zone conditioning profile for all hours. Finally, the total coil
load profile in Figure D-2 represents total heat removal at the cooling coil. The difference between
the total and sensible coil profiles is the latent cooling provided by the coil.

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Figure D-2 Zone and Coil Load Profiles

Results from the coil sizing analysis are reported on the Air System Sizing Summary. Zone
conditioning and coil load data are also provided on the Air System Design Load Summary and
Hourly Air System Design Day Loads reports. Zone temperatures and zone conditioning are listed
on Hourly Zone Design Day Loads reports.
Implication: Performance-Based Coil Estimate. While it is useful to understand the sizing
procedures used in HAP, it is even more important to recognize the implications of the
procedures. The most significant of these is that the system simulation technique used yields a
"performance-based" estimate of peak coil loads. By this, we mean that the calculation considers
all system controls and operating variables. Perhaps most important among these is the variation
of zone temperature.
As noted earlier, zone temperature will vary during the unoccupied set-up or shutdown period,
and within the thermostat throttling range during the occupied period. In Figure D-3, for example,
zone temperatures lie toward the upper end of the 3º F (-16.1ºC) thermostat throttling range
during the 13-hour occupied operating period. This is not necessarily always the case. If
unoccupied cooling at a set-up temperature was provided, or 24-hour cooling was provided, the
pull-down load component would be less severe or eliminated altogether and zone temperatures
would tend to lie closer to the bottom of the throttling range.
These temperature variations may or may not be desired by the designer. On one hand, some
designers wish to consider actual operating characteristics in the calculation, including zone

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temperature variations, and are therefore comfortable with a performance-based calculation.

Others may want to use idealized conditions with the zone temperature fixed exactly at a single
set-point temperature.

Figure D-3 Zone Air Temperature Profile

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Figure D-4 Loads for Varied Throttling Ranges

Figure D-5 Zone Temperatures for Varied Throttling Ranges

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While the performance-based nature of the coil simulations cannot be eliminated completely,
using a throttling range of 0.1ºF (-17.7ºC) can minimize it. Note that a finite throttling range is
required by the heat extraction method. Without it, the analysis cannot be performed and pull-
down loads cannot be computed; 0.1ºF (-17.7ºC) is the minimum allowed by the program. Using
this throttling range will have an effect both on the zone conditioning and cooling coil loads
calculated, as well as the estimates of zone temperatures. Results from the single-zone CAV
example for both 3 F (-16.1ºC) and 0.1ºF (-17.7ºC) throttling ranges are shown in Figures D-4
and D-5. Use of the 0.1ºF (-17.7ºC) throttling range results in a peak cooling coil load that is 4%
larger than the 3ºF (-16.1ºC) throttling range case. It also results in estimated zone temperatures
closer to the 75ºF (23.9ºC) cooling set-point as shown in Figure D-5.
Thus, system based design using the heat extraction method offers powerful, sophisticated
capabilities to user. But to successfully use the heat extraction method, a designer must
understand the procedure and its implications.

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Appendix “C”
Technical White Papers

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In 1993 Carrier incorporated system-based design features in its Hourly Analysis Program
(HAP) software. At the time, system-based design was a new concept that allowed the computer
to do a more complete and accurate job of sizing equipment than the traditional load estimating
approach. Ten years later, this approach still yields significant benefits to HVAC system
designers because of the productivity advantage it offers. And even today it still serves to
differentiate HAP from other load estimating and system design software on the market.
This paper explains system-based design and its benefits. First the paper discusses how
traditional system design methods work and the shortcomings of the traditional approach. Next,
the concept of system-based design is explained, and the benefits it offers are explored.

How Traditional System Design Methods Work

Many computer programs used for HVAC system design are based on a traditional approach that
manual methods use. First, the engineer inputs weather data, information about the building
construction, internal loads and layout, and HVAC sizing parameters. The latter includes such
things as thermostat set-points, the required supply temperature and the required outdoor air
ventilation rate. Using this data the program then:

 Computes zone sensible cooling loads for all zones for a series of design cooling months.

 Identifies the maximum zone sensible load for each zone in order to calculate required zone
airflow rates and the required supply fan airflow rate.

 Calculates central cooling coil loads for the months being considered in order to identify the
maximum cooling coil load.

 If the system also provides heating, calculations are performed to determine the maximum
heating coil load.

This procedure yields data useful for sizing terminal diffusers, the supply fan, the central cooling
coil, and the central heating coil.

Shortcomings of the Traditional Approach

It is important to note the traditional approach does not explicitly consider the type of HVAC
system being designed. This approach is acceptable when designing simple CAV or VAV
systems. However, when an HVAC system with special features, components or aspects of
operation is involved, the traditional approach has two important flaws.

First, it leaves a gap between what the engineer needs to design the system fully, and what the
program provides as sizing data. Different types of HVAC systems contain different components
which each need to be sized. Further, different types of HVAC systems require different sizing
procedures. Therefore defining the system type is necessary to determine the components to be
sized and the procedures to be used. The following examples illustrate this point:

 A single zone CAV system requires that the supply diffusers, supply fan and the central
cooling and heating coils be sized. The supply fan airflow is equal to the required airflow for
the single zone.

 A VAV Reheat system serving multiple zones requires that supply diffusers, the supply fan,
the central cooling coil and the terminal reheat coils be sized. The supply fan is sized for the

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diversified peak airflow to zones, rather than the sum of zone airflows. The terminal reheat
coils are sized using a procedure that is different from sizing a central heating coil.

 A VAV Fan Powered Mixing Box system serving multiple zones requires that supply diffusers,
mixing box terminals, the supply fan and the central cooling coil be sized. Unlike other
systems, the terminal equipment for this system includes both a fan and a reheat coil, both of
which must be sized. Sizing procedures differ slightly depending on whether a series mixing
box or parallel mixing box terminal is used.

 A 2-Fan Dual Duct VAV system serving multiple zones requires that supply diffusers, mixing
box terminals, the cold deck supply fan, the hot deck supply fan, the cold deck cooling coil
and the hot deck heating coil all be sized. This system contains a unique configuration of
components not found in other systems. Procedures tailored to this type of system must be
used to properly size the equipment.

The second problem with the traditional approach involves accuracy. If the traditional approach is
used to size a system such as series Fan-Powered Mixing Box or 2-Fan Dual Duct, additional
hand calculations will be required to size components not addressed by the calculation. These
additional hand calculations make the design more difficult, more time consuming and prone to
error. In more complex situations, sizing is often approximated to save time. Thus, the traditional
approach plus hand calculations is often less accurate than a computerized approach that
considers system type and does a complete job.

System-Based Design and How It Works

The system-based design approach considers the unique features of the HVAC system being
designed and then tailors the load estimating and sizing procedures to that system. It can
therefore provide specific, accurate sizing information for each component of the system.

If a Series Fan Powered Mixing Box system is being designed, for example, the system-based
approach will provide the information necessary to size the terminal mixing boxes, their fans and
heating coils. It will also consider the special operating features of the system to determine
accurate primary supply fan and primary cooling coil sizes. In this way sizing methods and output
data are customized to each specific system type.

By providing system-specific sizing data, the system-based design approach can bridge the gap
between what an engineer needs and what a computerized system design program provides.

How It Works. The information a designer must supply to initiate the design process is similar to
the traditional approach. The engineer must:

 Input weather data.

 Input building construction, internal heat gain and layout information.

 Define the HVAC system. In addition to thermostat set-points and sizing criteria, the engineer
specifies exactly what type of HVAC system is involved and its attributes. For example, it
could be VAV Reheat, VAV with baseboard heat, Series Fan Powered Mixing Box, Dual Duct
VAV, etc...

Next, the system-based design computer program calculates loads and sizes system

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1. Zone Load Calculation. The program first calculates hourly zone sensible cooling loads for
all zones for the design cooling months being considered.

2. Zone Airflow Sizing. The program then identifies maximum zone sensible loads in order to
determine required zone supply airflow rates and required central fan airflow rates. For some
systems, such as fan powered mixing box systems, special aspects of system operation may
influence the required airflow rates.

3. System Simulation. Once system airflows have been determined, the program simulates the
hour-by-hour operation of the HVAC system and all its components to determine loads for all
coils in the system. This mathematical simulation considers the interplay of component
operation for the specific system being studied. Simulations are performed for the range of
design cooling months specified by the designer and for the heating design condition.

4. Coil Sizing. Finally, the program searches results of system simulation to determine
maximum required size for each component coil in the system.

Benefits of System-Based Design

The major benefit of the system-based design approach, of course, is that it gives the engineer
exactly what is needed to design a system. Specific sizing data is provided instead of raw
material for further hand calculations. The result is increased productivity for the designer
because the computer is being put to work more effectively. The computer does a complete job of
system sizing, not a partial job.

A related benefit is that the system-based approach does a more accurate and therefore reliable
job of generating sizing data. This is because sizing calculations consider the specific operating
nature of the system, not the features of a simple, generic system. Further, the approach can
evaluate more operating conditions than can be checked by hand, so that the approach is more
thorough and comprehensive.

Finally, because detailed, dynamic system simulations are part of this approach, the method can
potentially be used to investigate the effect on sizing of such devices and controls as:

 Outdoor air ventilation energy recovery devices.

 Outdoor air economizers.

 Active dehumidification and humidification controls.

 Night-time free cooling controls.

Previously, such controls have only been evaluated in energy analysis simulations to determine
effects on operating costs. But each can also have an effect on sizing which in turn can have a
significant effect the first cost of the system.

Even though the concept is no longer brand new, system-based design still represents a
promising advance in the field of HVAC system design. It offers improvements in productivity and
accuracy, and opens new avenues of investigation to the designer in the pursuit of the optimal
design. Look for it when choosing your HVAC design tools.

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The Benefits of 8760 Hour by Hour Building Energy Analysis

As energy costs rise, building owners are becoming increasingly interested in operating costs and
energy efficiency. As a result, building energy analysis (BEA) is becoming an important tool in the
HVAC design field. Currently many BEA tools are available to engineers. Most are in the form of
computer programs and employ a variety of methods with different benefits. Among these, BEA
tools such as Carrier's HAP program that use the 8760 hour-by-hour method can offer the
greatest benefits because they yield highly accurate, sophisticated system comparisons. This
article will discuss the benefits of 8760 hour building energy analysis by first explaining the basics
of building energy analysis and the requirements for high quality BEA system comparisons. Then,
major BEA methods will be evaluated with special emphasis on the benefits of 8760 hour-by-hour
versus reduced hour-by-hour methods.

What Is Building Energy Analysis?

Building energy analysis is the technique of estimating energy use and operating costs for a
building and its energy consuming systems. In our industry, particular emphasis is placed on the
energy use of a building's HVAC systems. The purpose of BEA is to compare the energy use and
operating costs of alternate system designs in order to choose the optimal design. The analysis
mathematically simulates the thermal performance of the building to determine cooling and
heating loads. It then mathematically simulates the performance of HVAC equipment in response
to these loads to determine energy use over the course of a year. Finally, energy data is used to
calculate operating costs.

Requirements for High Quality Results.

Successful building energy analysis relies on considering as many of the physical factors
influencing building loads and equipment performance as possible. The ultimate result of the
analysis is a predicted operating cost. An accurate cost prediction relies on energy use data,
which in turn relies on equipment simulations, which must be based on building load predictions,
all of which must be accurate. Concisely stated, high quality results can be obtained when the
analysis considers:

1. The Range and Timing of Weather Conditions. Varying levels of temperature, humidity
and solar radiation during the year influence building loads and equipment performance. In
each geographical location conditions range from hot to cold, wet to dry and sunny to cloudy
in different ways. Considering the actual ranges of these conditions and when they occur on a
daily, monthly and yearly basis is crucial to producing accurate energy use results.

2. The Hourly and Daily Variation in Internal Loads. Patterns of building use involving
occupancy, lighting and equipment operation can change significantly from one day to the
next. Considering these use patterns in their correct day-to-day sequence is important in
generating accurate load data.

3. The Dynamic Nature of Building Heat Transfer. The process of converting heat gains and
losses to cooling and heating loads is a transient rather than a steady-state process. Heat
gains occurring during one hour often affect loads over a number of succeeding hours.
Consequently, it is important to consider accurate sequences of heat gains occurring during
the day. In addition, because weather conditions and building use profiles vary from day to
day, sequences of heat gains can affect loads from one day to the next.
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4. The Response and Performance of HVAC Equipment. How controls, systems and
equipment respond to demands for cooling and heating in a building, and the factors that
affect part-load performance of the equipment must be considered to yield accurate
equipment energy use data.

5. The Details Of How Utilities Charge For Energy Use. Often prices for energy vary by
season and time of day. Further, charges are often made for peak energy usage. As a result,
the analysis must not only be able to produce accurate estimates of how much energy is
used, but must also accurately determine when during the day energy is used.

Evaluation of BEA Methods

A wide variety of building energy analysis methods are currently available to HVAC engineers
and range from simple to sophisticated. The simplest methods involve the largest number of
simplifying assumptions and therefore tend to be the least accurate. The most sophisticated
methods involve the fewest assumptions and thus can provide the most accurate results.
Generally, BEA methods are divided into three categories:

a) Single Measure Methods (example: Equivalent Full Load Hours)

b) Simplified Multiple Measure Methods (example: Bin Method)
c) Detailed Multiple Measure Method (example: Hour by Hour)

While methods in the first two categories serve a useful role in providing quick, preliminary energy
estimates, the simplifications they involve impair their accuracy. Each will be briefly discussed
below. The main focus of the following discussions, however, will be the different hour by hour
methods contained in the third category.

Single Measure Methods

These methods involve one calculation of annual or seasonal energy use. The Degree-Day
Method, for example, computes energy use by combining one degree-day weather value with a
load value and an efficiency value to obtain seasonal or annual energy use. Similarly, the
Equivalent Full Load Hour Method combines full load capacity, full load efficiency and equivalent
full load hours to obtain annual energy use. In both cases, this level of simplicity is achieved by
using such sweeping assumptions that the accuracy and reliability of these methods are very

Simplified Multiple Measure Methods

These methods involve calculations of energy use at several different conditions. With the Bin
Method, for example, energy use is computed at a series of outdoor air dry-bulb conditions.
Results are then weighted according to the number of hours each dry-bulb condition is expected
to occur to determine annual energy use.

For example, the temperature 47ºF would be used to represent the range of conditions between
45ºF and 50ºF, referred to as a "bin". Building loads and equipment energy use would first be
calculated for the 47ºF bin. Next, energy results would be multiplied the number of hours per year
temperatures are expected to occur between 45ºF and 50ºF to determine annual energy use for
that bin. Similar calculations would then be repeated for all other temperature bins for the local
climate and would be summed to determine overall annual energy use.
While the Bin Method provides a vast improvement in sophistication over single measure
methods, it has a fatal flaw. This flaw is that it must decouple weather conditions, loads and
system operation from time. For example, hours in the 47ºF bin, when the outdoor dry-bulb is

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between 45ºF and 50ºF, occur at a variety of times of day and night, days of the week and
months of the year. Because a single calculation is performed to represent energy use for all
these different times it is difficult or even impossible to accurately:

a) Link solar radiation and humidity conditions to the bin.

b) Consider hourly and daily variations in internal loads.
c) Consider the transient hour to hour and day to day thermal performance of the building.
d) Predict time-of-day energy use and peak demands.

Inevitably averaging assumptions must be made to shoehorn all these considerations into the
framework of the bin analysis. And these assumptions impair accuracy. While the Bin Method is
useful for simple, preliminary estimates of energy use and operating cost, it cannot provide the
level of accuracy and sophistication offered by the detailed multiple measure methods.

Detailed Multiple Measure Methods

These methods perform energy calculations on an hour-by-hour basis. As a result, they have the
potential to satisfy all the requirements listed earlier for high quality energy analysis results. There
is, however, a certain amount of variation among different detailed multiple measure methods,
leading some methods to meet the accuracy requirements better than others. Within the detailed
multiple measure category are two major sub-categories worth discussing:

a) The Reduced Hour-By-Hour Method

b) The 8760 Hour-By-Hour Method.

Reduced Hour-By-Hour Method: How & Why?

This method typically uses one 24-hour profile of average weather conditions per month. Energy
simulations are performed for this average profile and results are then multiplied by the number of
days in the month to obtain monthly energy totals. Upon this basic foundation, different reduced
hour-by-hour methods make various improvements to enhance the accuracy of results:

a) Some methods analyze building operation for a typical Weekday, Saturday and Sunday each
month since building use profiles differ significantly between these days. One average
weather profile is still used for all three typical day simulations each month.

b) Some methods also analyze equipment operation for a hot and cold day each month in an
attempt to improve estimates of peak electrical demand.

c) Some methods simulate building operation for one 7-day week each month to try to account
for day-to-day building dynamics. However, a one average weather profile is still used for all 7
days of the simulation.

The fundamental principle of this method is that building and equipment performance on hotter
and colder than normal days each month averages out so that monthly energy use can be
accurately predicted by simulating a small group of days using average weather conditions. The
method offers the benefits of reduced calculation time and more moderate demands on computer
memory and hard disk storage space.

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8760 Hour-By-Hour Method: How and Why?

This method simulates building and equipment performance for all 8,760 hours in the year using
the proper sequence of days and actual weather data. No weighting of results or simplifications
are necessary.

The fundamental principle is that the way to produce the most accurate energy and operating
cost estimates is to mimic the real-time operating experience of a building over the course of a
year. All the requirements listed earlier for high quality energy analysis results can be met with
this approach. The actual weather data accounts for the range and timing of weather conditions in
great detail. Further, the hourly and daily variation of building occupancy, lighting and equipment
use can be easily accounted for. In addition, the full year simulation tracks the dynamic hour-to-
hour and day-to-day thermal behavior of the building, and the response of HVAC equipment to
this behavior. The ultimate result is high-quality data that can be utilized to produce accurate,
detailed data about the quantity and timing of energy use. Both are requirements for accurate
operating cost estimates.

Comparison of Reduced and 8760 Hour-By-Hour Methods

While the Reduced Hour-By-Hour method often provides accurate results, the 8760 Hour-By-
Hour method can consistently provide superior accuracy and reliability. Among the reasons why,
five stand out:

1. Better Estimates of Monthly Energy Use.

One of the flaws in the fundamental principle of the reduced hour-by-hour method is that it relies
on building and HVAC system behavior being "continuous" and "linear" during the month. Often
these requirements are not met and this adversely affects accuracy

"Continuous" is a mathematical term that in this context refers to a consistent mode of operation
(it does not refer to constant 24-hour operation of equipment). For example, during a summer
month HVAC system operation is continuous when cooling is consistently done on all days
whether hot, cool or average weather conditions prevail. In this situation simulation of system
performance for one 24-hour average weather profile has the best chance of approximating the
total energy use for a month.

However, system operation is often not "continuous" during a month, especially during
intermediate seasons. For example, during an autumn month, cooling may be done on warmer
than average days, economizer operation may occur on average days, and heating may occur on
cooler than normal days. A simulation of one average day for such a month may indicate little or
no cooling and heating because it does not consider the warmer and colder than average

In moderate climates this problem can become severe when the only time heating occurs is on
colder than average winter days. Because only average winter weather is considered, most or all
of the heating duty for the year may be missed by an average-day simulation approach.

Finally, "linear" behavior is a requirement for averaging to be accurate. For example, if cooling
loads are 20% larger when the temperature is 15ºF warmer than average, and 20% smaller when
the temperature is 15ºF cooler than average, cooling loads are linearly proportional to outdoor
temperature. Averaging of the warm day and cool day loads will result in loads similar to those
produced by simulating only the average weather day. However, loads depend on more than just
outdoor temperature. Solar radiation, internal loads and hour-to-hour and day-to-day dynamic
behavior also affect loads and often result in non-linear behavior.
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Another example involves cooling equipment. If equipment input kW decreases 8% for every 10%
drop in part-load ratio, input kW and load are linearly proportional. If this relationship holds true,
simulation of equipment performance for one average day per month has the best chance of
accurately approximating equipment performance on the collection of hot, average and cool days
during the month. Unfortunately, the performance of equipment is often non-linear due to part-
load, entering condenser temperature and other performance factors. Consequently, the
accuracy of the average day approach can be degraded when equipment behavior is non-linear.

The 8760-hour method avoids these problems by simulating building and equipment operation for
the entire month. Actual weather data used by the simulation consists of a collection of days, all
with different combinations of temperature, humidity and sunshine.

Figures E-1 and E-2 provide an example of this kind of data for the month of September in
Chicago. Figure E-1 demonstrates the way dry-bulb temperatures can vary during a month. The
dotted lines in this figure are the upper and lower limits of the average temperature profile for the
month that would be used by the reduced hour-by-hour method. Comparison of the average and
actual data shows a significant number of hours outside the range of conditions considered by the
average day simulation approach.

Figure E-1 Chicago Weather/September Dry Bulbs

Figure E-2 Chicago Weather/September Solar

Likewise, Figure E-2 demonstrates the variation of solar radiation profiles during the month. The
dotted line indicates the maximum solar flux in the average day profile used by the reduced hour-
by-hour method. Once again, there are many conditions with greater sunshine and less sunshine
than considered by the average day approach. More importantly, comparison of the peaks and

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valleys in Figures E-1 and E-2 shows that hot days are not always sunny, and cool days are not
always cloudy. The diverse collection of hot, cold, sunny, cloudy and in between conditions
shown in these figures illustrates the complex nature of actual weather data and provides
evidence that building loads will not be a simple linear function of outdoor air temperature.
By considering a diverse collection of weather conditions each month, the 8760 hour method
produces a diverse, realistic set of cooling and heating loads for the month. Further, because a
full month of days are simulated, the appropriate factors influencing equipment performance are
considered. There is no reliance on the assumption of "continuous" or "linear" behavior, and the
estimates of monthly energy use can be highly accurate.

2. Higher Quality System Comparisons.

The issues discussed under item (1) affect not only the accuracy of monthly energy estimates, but
also the quality of system comparisons. This is because many of the system design alternatives
commonly considered exhibit behavior that is both discontinuous and non-linear.

"Discontinuous" refers to inconsistent operation. That is, operation that starts and stops rather
than continuing for all operating conditions during a month. "Non-linear" refers to the fact that
there is often not a simple proportional relationship between load or outdoor temperature and
equipment performance, as discussed in item (1).

A comparison of air handling systems with and without a non-integrated outdoor air economizer
provides a good illustration of this problem. With this type of economizer control, economizer
dampers open when outdoor air temperature drops below the supply air temperature. The system
can then immediately use outdoor air for free cooling; mechanical cooling can be turned off. For
this example, assume the supply air temperature is 57ºF and that we are simulating system
operation for the weather data shown in Figure E-1. The dotted lines in this figure indicate the
upper and lower limits of an average temperature profile for the month. Because this average
profile ranges between 58ºF and 75ºF, a simulation using the reduced hour-by-hour approach
would never find a condition when the economizer dampers opened during September; free
cooling would never be available. However, with the 8760 hour method, the use of actual
temperature profiles for the month result in 119 hours during 13 days when temperatures drop
below 57ºF. If cooling loads exist during these times, the economizer would operate to provide
free cooling. Therefore, because an economizer exhibits discontinuous operation, turning on and
off at specific conditions, the reduced hour-by-hour approach may not successfully account for
this operation. In our example the reduced hour-by-hour method would underestimate the benefit
of the economizer.

Similar situations can exist for other system components and controls that involve discontinuous,
on/off behavior. Examples include ventilation heat reclaim, supply air reset, humidity control,
cooling tower fan cycling, and loading and unloading of chiller networks as well as many others.

3. More Accurate Load Histories.

The fact that the 8760 hour method simulates building thermal performance day to day for the
entire year means it can correctly account for day to day dynamic load behavior. This results in
more accurate load profiles, which ultimately lead to more accurate energy use predictions.
For example, on a Monday morning in the summer, pull-down loads tend to be larger than on
other days of the week due to the heat accumulated by the building mass during the weekend. In
addition to resulting in larger cooling loads, these conditions can sometimes set the monthly
electric demand.

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In reduced hour-by-hour methods that do not simulate a full week of operation, each day is
simulated separately from all other days. Consequently, day to day building dynamics cannot be
considered, and the building load histories are more simplistic. In those reduced hour-by-hour
methods that do simulate a 7-day sequence each month, results tend to be unrealistic since the
same average weather profile is used for all 7 days.

4. Higher Quality Time of Use Energy Data.

Because of the diverse weather conditions and operating conditions, and because of the dynamic
nature of building heat transfer, 8760 hour methods can produce energy use data that not only
accurately defines how much energy is used, but when during the day and week the energy is
used. When energy prices vary with time of day, accuracy of the timing of energy use is critical for
producing accurate operating cost data.

5. More Accurate Estimates of Peak Demand.

Finally, by considering the full range of weather and operating conditions experienced by a
building during a month, the 8760 hour method is able to produce more accurate estimates of
peak energy demand. When utility rates include a demand charge component, a significant part
of the energy cost can be due to the peak energy use rather than the quantity of energy used.
Many reduced hour-by-hour methods must determine demands from average day simulations
which tend to underestimate demand values. Those methods that add consideration of hot and
cold day weather profiles can provide an improvement in demand estimates. However, it is
important to recognize that demand will be dependent on more than just the outdoor air
temperature. Solar radiation, internal loads, building use profiles and day to day building
dynamics also play an important role. The 8760-hour method is the only method that can
simultaneously consider all these factors.

Thus, while the Reduced Hour-By-Hour Method considers many of the factors required for high-
quality energy estimates, certain aspects of the method are flawed and can limit the accuracy of
the method. Because the 8760 hour method uses a more detailed, comprehensive approach to
building simulation, it can consistently overcome these problems to provide accurate, reliable
energy estimates.

This article has discussed the important benefits of the 8760 hour-by-hour building energy
analysis method. This method is certainly not new. Computer programs using this method have
been available for nearly three decades. However, because many of these programs were
developed on mainframe computers as research tools, the programs, and by association, the
8760 hour method itself acquired a reputation of being complicated, difficult and impractical to
use. It is important to note that these are problems with the implementation of the 8760 hour
method, not with the method itself. If the 8760 hour method is implemented in a well-designed,
well-documented microcomputer program, the 8760 hour method can be as easy to learn and
use as reduced hour-by-hour methods. In developing Carrier's Hourly Analysis Program we have
put two decades worth of experience in the HVAC software field to work to produce an 8760 hour
energy analysis tool that is both powerful and easy to use. The resulting program maximizes the
benefits of the 8760 hour method while minimizing or even eliminating costs traditionally
associated with use of this method.

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Carrier Corporation
Carrier University
Bynum Training Center
6540 Old Collamer Rd. S.
East Syracuse, NY 13057

Singapore June 2015 Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings_HAP4.9_Rev0.00

Energy Simulation for Commercial Buildings Page 200

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