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NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

NURS 4020 Final Clinical Evaluation: Pass__X__ Fail_____

Student: Melissa Friskney Preceptor: Anna Blanco

Faculty Advisor: Sarah Harvey Clinical Practice Site: Baycrest

Nature of Clinical Practice (Check all that apply) Practice hours completed _____________

The setting is: The population is primarily:

___X_Hospital/Inpatient Unit _____Adults with medically-related health needs

_____Hospital/Ambulatory or Day Program _____Adults with surgery-related health needs
_____Hospital/Critical or Emergency care _____Children or adults with mental health needs
_____Community/Community Health _____Intrapartum families/mothers and newborns (not NICU)
_____Community/Home Care ___X_Older adults requiring support
_____Community/Long Term Care _____Healthy adults
_____Industry/Occupational Health _____Families/Neonates requiring critical care
_____Other _________________ _____Adults requiring intensive or critical care
_____Persons requiring emergency care
_____Children with medically or surgically related health needs

NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

Program Goals
Graduates are generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and illness.
Graduates are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities and populations) in a
variety of settings.
Graduates continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply nursing knowledge in their
Graduates will demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care contexts.

Graduates will contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying, and mitigating risk for
patients and other health care providers
Graduates will establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and health care team members based
upon relational boundaries and respect.
Graduates will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice.

Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes.

Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidence-informed
interventions and outcome measures.

Before completing the evaluation form, students and preceptors should review the objectives and sub-objectives. While students and
preceptors should comment on each of the seven course objectives, it is not necessary to write comments about each sub-objective. It is
better to provide specific and detailed comments about a few sub-objectives than to write broadly about many.

NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

Objectives Progress
Indicators/Evidence S U
1 Within the scope of practice and knowledge of a fourth year BScN • Throughout this placement I have demonstrated professional X
student, continually demonstrates professional conduct in accordance behavior by always showing up on time to my shifts with the
with CNO standards for nursing practice and ethics: supplies I require such as my identification badge and pen.
a. Critically appraises own interactions with clients and team • When working with other team members, patients and their
members families I always identify myself by stating my name and
b. Demonstrates accountability and accepts responsibility for own explaining my role as a student. I also make sure to ask if they
actions and decisions have any questions and explain to them the care I am providing.
c. Demonstrates a professional presence and models professional • I have participated in professional development by attending a
behaviour case study with my preceptor, completing my online training and
d. Consistently identifies self by first/last name and student reading previous clinical skills day presentations to get myself
designation to clients and team members more familiarized with certain procedures and tasks.
e. Displays initiative, self-awareness, and with time, increasing • During this placement I have gained confidence in myself as a
levels of confidence in role care provider. At the beginning of the term I felt nervous and
f. Demonstrates effective and collaborative problem-solving uncomfortable on this new unit. But, as time has gone by I am
g. Uses effective approaches to managing conflict more comfortable and not afraid to ask other staff members for
h. After critically reflecting on learning needs, guidance or assistance instead of just my preceptor. This has
a. Recognizes individual competence within scope of allowed me to take on more of a team approach when caring for
practice and seeks support and assistance as necessary my clients. As well, I feel more comfortable doing tasks on my
b. Participates in professional development own such as injections and dressing changes.
• By working with other professionals, I am able to provide my
clients with better care. For example, I had a new patient who
had not received their blood pressure medications yet. The
pharmacist was going to order the medications for him but
because I communicated with him that the patient had a low
blood pressure we decided, as a team, that it would be best to
hold the medication and monitor the patient. I also work with
OT/PT by taking clients to the gym when it is their scheduled
time or walking patients to the dining room as per
physiotherapies request.
2 Within the scope of practice and knowledge of a fourth year BScN • Throughout my placement I have used effective strategies to X
student, continually demonstrates that the primary duty is to the client, maintain patient privacy by always ensuring the door to their
to ensure safe, competent, ethical nursing care room is closed or their curtain is drawn when performing care.
a. Advocates and intervenes, as needed, to ensure safety of the For example, when performing an ECG I only expose the parts of
person requiring nursing care the patient that need to be exposed and cover the rest up with
b. Uses effective strategies to maintain a patient's privacy and their blanket. This allows the patient to feel more comfortable

NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

autonomy during this procedure.

• Throughout this placement I have used effective strategies to
maintain patient autonomy by giving my clients choices. For
example, when getting a client ready for bed I ask them if they
would like to wear a hospital gown or their own sleep wear to
bed. I also respect a client’s choice to refuse a medication. I
ensure I provide them with all the knowledge I have about the
medication, but I do not make it mandatory that they take it and
respect their decision.
• I advocate for my patients by communicating with other
members of their health care team about their condition. For
example, when caring for a patient I have had for a while I
noticed she was more confused than normal. I charted my
findings and communicated with the doctor by leaving them a
note in their book. As a result, the doctor ordered a urine
analysis and ended up changing the times for certain
medications to be administered because it turned out the
medications were interacting with proteins at meal time.
• I maintain client privacy and confidentiality by always shredding
my worksheet at the end of the shift and only discussing my
client’s concerns within their circle of care.
3 Within the scope of practice and knowledge of a fourth year BScN • I engage in critical self-reflection by completing my weekly X
student, demonstrates safe, competent and ethical nursing practice in journal and submitting it to my facility advisor each week. I also
the area of relational practice: take time to reflect on the care I provide while on the floor and
a. Engages in critical self-reflection seek guidance form my preceptor. For example, when doing a
a. evaluates own emerging competence in the area of dressing change on a client’s toe I reviewed the procedure steps
relational practice with my clinical instructor before preforming the skills.
b. identifies personal, professional and systemic barriers to • I can effectively initiate, maintain and terminate relationships
development with clients I care for. For example, many of the patients on this
c. prioritizes learning in the area of relational practice floor are here for extended periods of time and I have been able
b. Effectively uses self to initiate, maintain and terminate to initiate a therapeutic relationship with them when I initially
relationships care for them. I have been able to maintain these relationships
a. creates therapeutic, caring, and culturally safe by saying hi to them on the unit, assisting them with preparing
relationships their meals and providing them with assistance when required. I
b. uses principles of supportive counselling and am also able to terminate these relationships at the end of their
motivational interviewing to help clients set goals, stay by saying goodbye and wishing them luck as they are
identify problems, find solutions discharged home.

NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

c. Demonstrates • I take time to listen to my patients and really get to know them.
i. empathy For example, I spent a short period of time talking to my one
ii. attentive listening and sensitive questioning patient who is a holocaust survivor and she told me all about her
iii. mutuality and reciprocity in relationships experience in the concentration camps. I demonstrated
iv. advocacy attentive listening and sensitive questioning during this
c. Works collegially and in concert with other health professionals experience because I listened to my client’s experience and
to facilitate appropriate, timely care asked questions but did not push information out of her.
• Throughout my placement I have demonstrated empathy by
listening to my patient’s concerns and assisting them with
anything they need. For example, I often help my patient’s work
their electronics and teach them how to connect to the internet.
Although this is a simple task it helps form a relationship with
my patients and shows them I care.
• I work with other health care professionals to facilitate
appropriate, timely care by ensuring my clients have their pain
medications before therapy to optimize their comfort. This
allows the client to get the most out of their sessions. I also
answer the call bell and assist patients when their primary nurse
is busy. This allows the patient to receive the care they need in a
timely manner. I also work as a team by communicating with the
doctors, and other health care professionals to update them on
their patient’s condition. As a result, all members of the care
team are aware of the client’s status and concerns.
4 Within the scope of practice and knowledge of a fourth year BScN • During this placement I use knowledge learned from other X
nursing student, demonstrates safe, competent and ethical nursing courses and apply it to the care I am giving. For example, when
practice in the area of clinical decision-making: cleaning wounds and dressing them, I use the proper clean
a. Informed by the discipline of nursing, integrates nursing technique, which demonstrates safe practice and ensures both
knowledge with knowledge from the basic sciences, health the safety of myself and the patient.
sciences, humanities, research, and ethics • When providing care to my patients I apply theories such as the
a. Applies models, theories, and frameworks from the Orem’s Self Care Deficit Nursing Theory. This theory provides a
discipline of nursing method to determine the self-care deficits and define the roles
i. Chooses appropriate models for specific client of the patient or nurse to meet the self-care demands. Many
situations and clinical settings patients I care for require some assistance with their activities of
b. Continuously demonstrates critical inquiry, scientific inquiry, and daily living. Often times clients are able to recognize that they
clinical reasoning as evidenced by: require assistance and will ask for help. As their provider I am
a. Using new understanding to identify problems, propose also able to recognize this and provide them with assistance for
solutions, find evidence for and against proposed tasks such as toileting, showering and dressing. I try my best to

NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

solutions, and evaluate proposed solutions let the client do as much as they can on their own and only assist
b. Challenging the status quo when needed. I was able to recognize what the client cannot do
c. Performing focused reflection, connecting new on their own and provide assistance with self-care tasks. It was
experiences to existing knowledge, thinking creatively, important to help them perform these tasks because it meant
using nursing judgment meeting a self-care deficit that the patient did not need to worry
about and could focus on improving their health instead of a
basic requirement of elimination.
• During this placement I am continuously using my nursing
judgement when caring for patients. For example, when a
client’s blood pressure is low I try to think of the reasons why it
could be low and put some nursing interventions into place
before reassessing the problem. By using my nursing judgement,
I am also able to identify when something is a problem that the
doctor needs to be aware of right away or if the problem can be
easily fixed by providing the client with water because they are
5 Within the scope of practice and knowledge of a fourth year BScN • I recognize, gather and analyze data from multiple sources to X
student, demonstrates safe, competent and ethical nursing practice in develop a plan of care. For example, when performing an
the area of planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care: admission assessment, I review the patient’s chart, the OT/PT
a. Uses the nursing process to initial assessment, and talk to the patient and to their family
a. recognize, gather and analyze data from multiple sources members or private caregiver. This allows me to get the full
to develop a plan of care picture of the client to help develop the most accurate plan of
b. recognize actual or potential life-threatening situations care.
c. implement appropriate interventions to prevent • I document and communicate assessment data, plan of care,
complications interventions and patient responses or outcomes by ensuring I
d. document and communicate assessment data, plan of complete the vital signs, stool chart and personal care flow sheet
care, interventions and patient responses or outcomes documentation during each shift. I also make sure I write a
e. teach the client, consistent with the acuity, complexity, progress note when something out of the ordinary occurs or I
readiness, ability and needs of the patient and family feel other staff should be made aware of something. Finally, I fill
b. Integrates own knowledge with the client’s knowledge and out the card-ex for each of my patients to ensure important
preferences, and factors within the health care setting, to plan, information is past on during shift change.
implement and evaluate care • I expand my nursing knowledge by researching and doing
a. identifies gaps in own knowledge readings at placement and at home to learn more about the
b. Identifies client’s knowledge and preferences conditions/procedures my clients have to gain a better
c. Seeks and evaluates new evidence to support nursing understanding. For example, one of my clients had low
action hemoglobin and required a blood transfusion. Before beginning
d. Uses many kinds of evidence to inform nursing actions the transfusion, I took time to research the procedure by reading

NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

e. Recognizes the resources and limitations of the health the facilities policy and a step-by-step clinical skills handout on
care setting how to properly preform a blood transfusion. This allowed me to
c. Appraises outcomes of nursing care have a better understanding and answer any questions the client
d. Demonstrates collaborative action within the nursing and health had about the procedure.
care team • I am able to identify gaps in my own knowledge and seek out
a. Collaborates with other providers to assess outcomes of ways to fill those gaps. For example, during down time I practice
health care procedures with my preceptor such as how to do blood work. I
b. Identifies environmental, physical and psychosocial also ask my preceptor and other members of the health care
stressors affecting the inter-professional team team questions when I am unsure of how to do a skill or feel I do
not have the knowledge to answer a client’s question.
• I often collaborate with providers to assess the outcomes of
care. For example I attended multidisciplinary rounds and I also
participate in floor rounds with the MD and pharmacist. This
allows me to develop an understanding of all the client’s care
and goals, as well as see the approaches different health care
providers want to take to achieve the client’s goals.
6 Within the scope of practice and knowledge of a fourth year BScN • During my placement at Baycrest, a hospital that specializes in X
student, demonstrates enhanced knowledge of nursing and health the care of older adults, I have been able to enhance my
related to indigenous populations, women's and environmental health, knowledge of caring for this population and explore their health-
aging and rural populations, and other marginalized populations: related issues. This placement has demonstrated to me the
a. Identifies gaps in care delivery many gaps to delivery of care such as language barriers, as many
b. Challenges status quo approaches to caring for marginalized clients speak little English. This can be challenging when asking
populations questions such as “are you in pain?” or “did you have a bowel
c. Recognizes the unique pathophysiology of disease states and movement?” because often clients will smile and nod even
implications for care of special populations including those with though they do not understand the question. To overcome this
prolonged lengths of stay, bariatric patients and older adults barrier I have learned how to say bowel movement in Italian (a
d. Consistent with student role and novice practitioner, language several clients speak) and try to communicate with
recommends and initiates changes in practice clients using simple words that they are more likely to
• Clients want to return back home after their hospital stay but
several clients will be discharged with a new or worse mobility
impairment. This makes it harder for them to get upstairs, move
around their house and puts them at risk for falls. As a result, it
is often recommended that they get special equipment installed
in their bathrooms, move their bedroom to the main floor or
have assistance come in to help them with activities of daily
living. However, several clients that require care do not qualify

NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

for it because they have family that can take care of them. This
leads to caregiver burn out or clients trying to do things on their
own because they do not want to be a burden to their family.
This leads to falls, more injuries and even emergency room visits.
This is a hard gap to overcome but throughout my time at
Baycrest I have watched the staff advocate for the client’s and
family’s needs to ensure they are going home to a safe
7 Within the BScN student's scope of practice and knowledge, assumes the • I am able to manage 2/3 of the preceptor’s usual assignment X
responsibility and care of patients: independently, with minimal supervision by my preceptor.
a. Demonstrates safe and effective care of patients: However, she is there to support me and assists me when I
a. Initially, and with a high level of supervision and support require it.
from the preceptor, the student will manage an • Nursing activities I have carried out at this placement include:
assignment of two-three clients performing medication passes, assisting clients with ADLs, vital
b. By midterm, the student will be managing at least 2/3 signs, dressing changes, oxygen titration, IV bag change,
(e.g. approximately 3-4 on day shift) the preceptor’s injections, new admission assessment, discharges, MRSA swabs,
client assignment with frequent support and guidance by ECGs, blood transfusion, ambulating and transferring patients,
the preceptor team lead role, report, charting, multidisciplinary rounds, bed
c. By the conclusion of the practicum, the student will making, head-to-toe assessments, pain assessments, progress
independently and with minimal supervision by the notes and bladder scans.
preceptor, manage an assignment equivalent to 2/3 the • I have demonstrated a basic knowledge of medications
preceptor’s usual assignment. prescribed by understanding the classification, purpose, possible
b. A fourth year nursing student is able to carry out the following side effects, interactions, dose and route. I share this
nursing activities: information with my clients so they have an understanding of
a. Assessment why they are taking certain medications. When I am unsure
i. Biopsychosocial, head-to-toe, focused, mental what a medication is for I take the time to research it in the drug
status, pain guide book.
ii. Vital signs: TPR, BP, SaO2 • I have demonstrated health teaching by working with clients and
iii. Situational stressors and coping pattern their families to ensure they are transferring properly. I also
iv. Medication administration encourage them to push off of the bed instead of holding on to
v. Basic knowledge of the medications prescribed the walker to stand up and remind them to put their breaks on
vi. Classification for their wheel chairs when transferring. By reminding the client
vii. Purpose and assisting them it helps them learn the proper technique and
viii. Possible side effects eventually they develop the skills to safely transfer on their own.
ix. Adverse effects • As discussed previously, I collaborate with the team to meet the
x. Interactions with other drugs client’s goals by attending rounds, communicating with doctors,
xi. Appropriate dose/route giving pain medications before therapy to ensure the client can
xii. Implications for nursing care
NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

b. Health Teaching participate fully and properly documenting to share information

i. Identify client/family learning needs with the team.
ii. Collaborate with team to develop plan to meet • I show relational practice during placement by listening to my
client’s learning needs clients concerns and communicating about them with others. I
iii. Implement aspects of plan within scope of like to take time to talk to my clients and find out about their
practice as a learner family, their career and their lifestyle. This allows me to form a
c. Psychosocial/Relational Practice relationship with them and develop a better understanding of
i. Recognize and acknowledge client distress as it what their baseline was and the things in life that are important
arises to them.
1. Demonstrate empathy, active listening, • Team communication is very important on this unit because
sensitive questioning each client works with several health care professionals. When
2. Apply principles of motivational caring for clients I ensure I share abnormal findings related to
interviewing the patient with my preceptor, nurses, physician and other team
3. Offer support members. For example, one of my clients only drained 50ml of
4. Engage in problem-solving as required, in urine for an 8-hour shift and had noticeable distention. I notified
collaboration with others as needed my preceptor and we worked together to perform a bladder
ii. Team Communication scan, notify the on-call doctor and then follow orders by
1. Discuss any abnormal findings related to irrigating the Foley. By working as a team, we were able to catch
the patient assessment with preceptor, this problem and help our client.
staff nurse, physician, team member • I also make sure I always document all findings on meditech and
2. Seek assistance/ask questions before include important information on the Kardex.
doing procedures for the first time, or for • Every shift I assist my clients with basic nursing care and
anything about which is uncertain. activities of daily living by helping them to the bathroom,
3. Report to team leader/staff nurse when emptying their catheters, providing showers and peri care,
leaving the floor and arrange for ambulating them to meals, setting up their trays, helping them
coverage of patients get dressed and undressed, etc. I try my best to allow clients to
d. Basic Nursing Care/Activities of Daily Living do what they can on their own and assist them as little as
i. Hygiene, skin care possible to promote independence.
ii. Nutrition, elimination, intake/output • During my clinical placement I demonstrate knowledge of
iii. Ambulation/transfers nursing and collaborative therapeutic interventions by ensuring I
e. Nursing and Collaborative Therapeutic Interventions administer medications at the right time, the right dose, by the
i. Determine which interventions are required, right route to the right patient for the right reason. I make sure I
what resources, including support and assess my client’s pain and provide proper interventions when
supervision are required, and schedule needed such as PRN pain medications.
interventions in consultation with the client • Throughout this placement I demonstrate and maintain
ii. Complete interventions as appropriate and professional relationships by dressing appropriately,
within scope of learner practice communicating in a professional manner with staff, clients,
f. Relationships
NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation

i. Work with the staff to learn and deliver excellent families and volunteers and showing up to clinical on time ready
patient care to learn. I take advantage of new learning opportunities by
ii. Maintain a professional manner in dress, asking other health care providers if I can observe or participate
behaviour and conversation in the care they are providing. For example, I assist and observed
iii. Assist others with patient care as time and scope a blood transfusion. This helped me develop a better
of practice permit understanding of the process and the possible adverse effects
iv. Welcome all opportunities to learn and practice that could occur.
new skills • During each shift I properly document all my assessment findings
g. Evaluation and Documentation in medi tech by ensuring I fill out the vital signs, stool chart,
i. Document vital signs and assessments in the personal care flow sheet and patient care notes sections. I also
appropriate areas of the chart for assigned leave notes for doctors, complete the report tool and provide
patients, accurately and concisely, ASAP after constant updates on each of my patients to my preceptor.
assessment • I take time to reflect on my own practice by submitting my
ii. Use institution’s system of documentation for weekly journals, asking for feedback from my preceptor, talking
nursing process and patient progress with my preceptor about tasks I performed and how I can
iii. Reflect on own performance independently improve and finally, personally, reflecting on the care I have
during and after each shift provided and thinking about what I did well and how I can
iv. Reflect on and seek clarification of any feedback improve to ensure I am providing my clients with the best
from the instructor, who may receive feedback possible care.
from the staff.

NURSING 4020/21/22 FINAL Clinical Evaluation


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