Audit Checklist

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Location : Checked By :
Audit Date: Designation :
* Note: DR - Document Review, PI - Physical Inspection and IP - Interview Personnel
# Description Yes No N/A
(DR, PI or IP)
Occupational Safety and Health Policy
Does the policy include a commitment to
1 prevention of injury,ill health and continual DR
improvement in OSH Management and
2 Is the policy documented, implemented and DR & PI
3 Is the policy available to interested parties? DR, PI & IP
4 Does the policy provide framework for setting and DR & IP
reviewing OSH Objectives?
Is the policy reviewed periodically to ensure that it
5 remains relevant and appropriate to the DR & IP
Planning: Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Controls
Is there a procedure for ongoing hazard
1 identification, risk assessment and determination of DR & IP
necessary controls?
Does the organization identify OSH hazards and
risks associated with the changes in the
2 organization, management system or activities DR & IP
prior to introducing the changes?
Is hierarchy of controls considered when
3 determining controls or considering changes to DR & IP
existing controls?
Are results of hazard identification, risk
4 assessments and determined controls documented DR & IP
and up-to-date?
Does the organization ensure OSH risks and
determined controls are taken into account when
5 establishing, implementing and maintaining OSH DR & IP
management system?

Implementation and Operation: Competence, Training & Awareness

Does the organization ensure person(s) under its
control performing tasks that can impact OSH are
1 competent on the basis of appropriate education, DR, PI & IP
training or experience?
Does the organization retain associated records of
2 education, training or experience? DR & IP
Has the training needs associated with OSH risks
3 and management system identified by the DR & IP
Does the organization evaluate the effectiveness of
4 the training provided? DR & IP
Does the training procedures take into account
5 differing levels of responsibility, ability, language DR & IP
skills, literacy and risk?
Checking: Incident Investigation
Has the organization established, implemented and
1 maintain a procedure(s) to record, investigate and DR & IP
analyse incidents?
Are the incident investigations performed in a
2 timely manner? DR & IP
Is there a procedure to address corrective action or
3 opportunities for preventive action arising from DR & IP
incident investigation?
Are the results of incident investigations
4 documented and maintained? DR & IP
How are the results of incident investigation
5 communicated? IP

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