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Cala Amrita & Kala Sarpa yoga1
Introduction to Cala Amrita and Cala
Sarpa yogu ............................. 2
Yoga Event .................. 3
Chart analysis ....................... 4
Remedial measures ................... 7
Timing effect
yoga ........................................ 9

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
Introduction to Cala Amrita and Kala Sarpa yoga
Cala Amrita and Kala Sarpa yoga are very often classified in the group
Nabhasa Yoga, listed in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastri (BPHS), though
their source in the classroom is not confirmed. Still, this yoga as well as the rest
Nabasa yoga have a very big impact on the whole chart, and they are considered
one of the most desirable combinations in the kundalion.
Cala Amrita (amrita means nectar) and Kala Sarpa (sarpa is a snake, a demon)
are formed when all the planets are located from Rahu to Ketu (in
the case of Cala Amrita yoga) or vice versa, from Ketua to Rahu (in the case of
Kala Sarpa Yoga). Since the controlling planets are just nodes,
which by their propagation show the two extremes of life, the effects of these yoga
the extreme in life shown by the knot that controls yoga and which
temporarily becomes a very prominent planet in the chart.
Namely, in the case of Kala Amrita Yoga, all peas are arranged from
Rahua to Ketu, representing the Moksa margin, and the whole chart goes in the
spirituality, and Ketu becomes a very important planet in a given chart. While in
In the case of Kala Sarpa Yoga, all the planets are arranged by Ketus ka
The Rahu and the whole of the charade go towards Bhoga marge or pleasure and
possession, and
Rahu becomes very prominent in the chart.
Both combinations generally give total node dominance as a result
that all the planets are "trapped" and all other yogis can stay on the level
potential because the Sun and the Moon are helpless (knots cause eclipses
above the shining bodies), and without their strength, no other yoga can
to activate (the Sun), nor to sustain it (Moon). This is exactly one of the
the main reasons why these two combinations are considered to be our tradition
for one of the serious doses in the horoscope that requires compulsory
remedial measures.

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
Yoga Manifestation
People with a given planetary combination have a strong feeling
captivity, or cage syndrome, which are most manifested at the level
living areas that correspond to the axes of the bhava that the knots in the given
they are taking charge. This is just one of the modes of action. Because they are
controlling the planets Ketu and Rahu, the intelligence of the person who is natural
represented by Lagny (ascendent), is modified by the node that
manages yoga. So people who have Cala Amrita yoga can be
obsessed with spiritual achievements or life circumstances can
make the person turn in the direction. Also, in the case of Kala
Sarpa yoga, a person can be extremely material oriented and yes
the desired pleasure is obtained only after the yoga is interrupted, or be underneath
by pressing circumstances and forced to fight for material aspects
The main questions that this combination will call are seen from the axis
nodes in a given chart are:
Table 1 .

First / Seventh
Celebrity, name / relationship and partnership
Second / Eight
Finance, family / debt and illness
Third / Ninth
Fighting, aggression / higher education
Fourth / tenth
Home, property, happiness / work and profession
Fifth / eleventh
Subordinates, those who support us
lack of the same
Sixth / twelfth
Disease and oppression, enemies
By analyzing the axis that knots occupy, an astrologer can get a quick insight into
problematic areas of life.
1 Verse Larsen, lectures.

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
Analysis of charts
In order to better understand these principles, let's look at the following
Example 1.
- In the given chart, Cala Amrita Yoga was formed (all planets are arranged
from Rahua to Ketuu) with nodes located on the third / ninth axis
House. This combination in itself promises a spiritual direction in
life. Ketu, as the ruler of this yoga, is at the same time a ruler in the given chart
faint, which indicates that the person's intelligence will go in the same direction and
be in
in line with what yoga itself shows.
By applying the information in Table 1, this combination can emphasize
problems related to conflicts, obstacles, higher education, etc. U
The given chart of Rahu is the charms of Atmakarak which brings us focus on IX
house, or house of higher education, spirituality and Guru.
Manifestation of Yoga: The person is at the entrance to the Vimoshara dash
Atmakarake Rahua met her Guru (IX Bhava), received spirituality
initiation (IX bhava) and soon afterwards makes a decision (Ketu is ruler
faint) to leave the University and fully devote to spirituality (effect
Cala Amrita Yoga).

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
Example 2.
- Number two also has Cala Amrita yoga with the knots set
on the axis of the second / eighth bhava. Yoga tends to show spirituality by itself
the quest for life, and Ketu becomes the dominant planet in the chart.
The ruler of the lagging Guru is not involved in the given combination, and we can
to conclude that the spiritual direction in life followed the living
By applying the information given in the table, a person may have a relationship
with finances, family, debts or illnesses (axis second / eighth
bhava). In a given chart of Venus, in conjunction with Rahu in the VIII bhava,
and it is precisely Vimoshtra Dasha Venus who called it a very difficult period, full
painful transformations (VIII bhava), poverty, and the situation of dangerous ones
life (Rahu shows the long maranas effect set in the VIII Bhava).
During the Venus maha gave, Jupiter antar (Jupiter is Atmakaraka and
ruler Lagne and IV bhave in the chart), the person found himself in the midst of
war unrest
which, as the ultimate result for a person, had a loss at home, numerous
deaths in the family and finally the person becomes a refugee and
He goes to live in another country (VIII bhava). This last happens in
the next two Antarashes of Saturn and Mercury, and it is interesting to note
that both planets are involved in a planetary war and are strongly portrayed
circumstances that marked the events. Just before the end of Venus Maha
Yes, the person chooses spirituality for his life course (Ketu, Kala Amrita

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
Example 3.
- In the given case, all planets are ordered from Ketus to Rahu
they form Kala Sarpa Yoga, which leads Rahu. This yoga is generic
shows a person who will seek material satisfaction in life or the Bhoga
margin. The lazy ruler is not involved in yoga, and yoga itself will emerge through
circumstances and less as a personal choice of a person, while the axis of nodes
points to
in what areas of life.
The person was born into a wealthy family and had a very comfortable life all the
way to
Vimshots gave Merkura when the family lost most of its assets. U
Merkur is in a parivartan with Atmakarak Venus and in the given chart
Throughout the whole of Merkur, people will experience the effects of
Atmakaraka. This is
resulted in a huge personal transmigration of a person (Rahu lagga, axis
first / seventh bhava), the person turned to spiritual values whatsoever
resulted in a change in the environment (see the effects of Table 1). Spiritual
the direction was shown Mesec in the natal chart and Cala Amrita yoga in
Drawing on a charity, which is particularly activated by the arrival of a partner in
Since Kala Sarpa yoga is not interrupted (no planet is in conjunction with
nodes), the effects of yoga were manifested by the person being very early
was forced to fight for material existence even though they were interested
was completely different, and the cavity's sense was particularly felt when trying to
Begins life abroad (Rahu na Lagni). Luckily, the person is with
Appropriate remedial measures experienced the first exit and Kala Sarpa yoga.

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
Remedial measures
Realizing the importance of this yoga in the chart and its effects, the astrologer
needs to
advises a cure for this coming before accessing other aspects of life.
Namely, in case the yoga is not interrupted by the first respite that a person can
It is felt in the years of natural maturation of the nodes, ie, 45 and 43, for Ketua and
Rahua in the order given. Yoga can be interrupted earlier if it is a beneficiary
the planet is in conjunction with one of the knots and then the basic caracas
The given planets can point to the circumstances / people who give way out
cage . For example. in case the Moon is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu,
a mother or other maternal figure may cause interruption; Venus and partner either
marriage can be the exit; Guru means that children or the arrival of Guru into life
be the sign of leaving the cage. In the event that the planet is malefic in the
then a remedial measure is advised on the basis of the strength between the two
ie. Venus and Jupiter, depending on the convenience and connection with Satya
axis, which is necessary to remove the illusion that nodes create.
Remedial measures and devata for beans that are in conjunction with
nodes are shown in Table 2.
Table 2.
Parvati / Gauri
Also, for the benefactors in the first house, the virgins should be the form of Vishnu
while benefiting
in the seventh house it should be worshiped in the form of the Shiva; or worshiping
Ganesha in
the case of Cala Amrita, and the worship of Chanda in the case of Kala Sarpa
yoga .

In our tradition, it is often advised to worship the Mahavidya planet which

gives the exit from Cala Amrita / Sarpa Yoga, however, this type of planting carries
with a certain restriction for the person who is practicing (one of the first
the demand is vegetarianism), so astrologers advise caution
giving such remedial measures.
Remedial measures and effects:
In Chart No. 2, a person has Cala Amrita yoga that is interrupted by Venus
(Venus is in conjunction with Rahu). The person got advice from
the astrologer to do Kamalatmika puńu (mahavidja, Venus) for the duration
40 days. Soon afterwards, she met her current partner
2 Sannaj Rath, lectures.

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
as the first sign of breaking the stigma of this yoga, and began life abroad (VIII
Chart number 3, the person has Kala Sarpa yoga which has not been interrupted
and none
The planet does not have a very strong influence on the Satya Pita axis compared to
Lightweight / knots. The next choice applies to Venus or Jupiter, and both
planets are located in the X house in a given chart. Partner (VII House of
Jupiter in conjunction with Venus) received advice from the astrologer that
do Tara puñu (mahavidya which refers to Jupiter) and not long after
the remedial measure began to be practiced, the person enters marriage (7 bhava);
be proclaimed the god of Guru (Karak Guru, it is figurative for the name,
familiarity, etc.) and gets the first respite from claw knots.
Example 4.
In Chart number 4, Kala Sarpa Yoga was formed, with eight nodes of the third /
bhava. The only beneficiary who breaks yoga is Jupiter in conjunction with
Rahuom, Mars and Saturn. The person received advice from a learned astrologer
to devote a certain time to worshiping the Shiva, and then initiated in Tara
sown (see Table 2). The first remedial measure has already been enormous
changes in life, and Shiva gave his blessing in the form of spiritual knowledge.

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
Time determination of the effects of yoga
In the Vedic tradition there are numerous methods for timing
the effects that the chart shows. Among other things, different systems of dah,
progression and the like. And each of these methods is only a supplement and / or
confirmation of what the previous shows.
When we talk about Cala Amriti and Kala Sarpa Yoga, the progression of Jupiter
through nodes has proved very effective in determining the year when this
two yoga starts to work. As far as doses or adverse yoga are concerned,
An adverse event in a given year of life will show the beginning of the action of
(a); The axis on which the nodes are located will show the area of life that has
taken place
time activates (b); The exit from yoga can be felt in the year when Jupiter
Progress progressed through the whole circle.
The application of the above is very simple. Jupiter naturally
is ruling the 16th year of life, and we observe the bhavu in which Jupiter is located
like the 16th year. Then we are progressing Jupiter by bhavas, one year
is equal to one bhava, until we reach the node (Rahu / Ketu). That year will
to show an important and unfavorable event that brought the person into this
intriguing yoga.
Chart number 2, family and finances:
- The position of Jupiter in the IX bhavi is the starting point or the 16th year of life
people, and in the 15th year of Jupiter, progressed through Rahu (one
sign reverse). In her 15th year (a) she was left homeless and
the family lost all assets (axes of the second / eighth bhava) (b). Jupiter
progressed through the whole circle of 27 years of age (c) whenever it can
expect a complete exit from yoga.

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om hrim gam hrim mahaganeshaya namaù swaha
Chart 1, education problem:
- In a given chart, Jupiter is in the tulip and this sign shows the 16th year
life. Since Ket was in the puddle, a person in 19th year made it
mistake (Ketu, a) regarding education (axis third / ninth, b) for what reason
later decided to leave the studies. The expected exit from yoga is
in the age of 30 (c).
Intelligently applying the above principles in combination with
the basic goddess principles, the astrologer has at its disposal a multitude
information about the effects of yoga, time duration and Vedic
advice / remedial measure to the appropriate observed chart.
om tat sat

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