Analyzed Univariate and Bivariate

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Demographic Characteristic

The demographic data in the study can be seen in table 4.1

Table 4.1: Table Demographic Characteristic of the participants (n=96)

Variable Grouping N %
Male 30 31.3
Female 66 68.8
45 to 59 olds 43 44.8
Age 60-to 74 olds 45 46.9
75 to 90 olds 8 8.3
Elementary 60 62.5
Education Level Junior High School 27 28.1
Senior High School 9 9.4

Based on table 4.1 it can be seen with female gender of respondents total of 66

(68.8%), for Ages are 60 to 74 olds 45 respondents (46.9%), and for education status

at junior high school 27 (28.1%).

B. Univariate Analyze

Univariate in this study can be seen in table 4.2

Table 4.2: Table Univariate of adults condition and Formal Informal Character

Variable Mean Median SD Variance Max Min

Adults Condition with 16.29 16 5.109 26.104 3 26
MMSE Tools
Informal Character 9.81 10 1.182 1.396 6 12
Formal Character 8.74 9 1.551 2.405 5 12

Based on table 4.2 can be seen on average to result about adults condition of respondents

is 16.29 with SD (5.109), for informal character is obtained for the average 9.81 with SD

(1.182) and for formal character obtained an average of 8.74 with SD (1.551).
C. Bivariate Analyze

Association with Formal and Informal character of Adults condition can be seen in the

table 4.3, in the analyze used to nonparametric correlation with approach spearman’s rho

analyzed because the study used numeric data with interval scale (adults condition data),

for formal informal character with ratio scale, and analyzed for results of distribution data

not normal so for bivariate analyze used nonparametric correlation.

Table 4.3 Association with Formal and Informal Character of Adults Condition


Adults Condition Informal Formal

Spearman's rho Adults Correlation Coefficient 1,000 ,236* ,177

Condition Sig. (2-tailed) . ,021 ,085

N 96 96 96

Informal Correlation Coefficient ,236* 1,000 ,164

Sig. (2-tailed) ,021 . ,110

N 96 96 96

Formal Correlation Coefficient ,177 ,164 1,000

Sig. (2-tailed) ,085 ,110 .

N 96 96 96

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Based on table 4.3 can be seen on relationship between informal character and adults condition,

statistical test result was obtained p-value: 0.021 with corelation coeficient value of 0.236 so

the relationship apears to be week corelation between the two variable. Then for relationship

between formal charcter adn adults condition no relationship because a statistical test result

was obtained p value: 0.085.

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