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Lecturer: Wita Agustina, S.Pd.

Compiled By:
Group IV

1. Chaterine Claudia Sandra (2014.B.15.0364)

2. Intan Kusuma Fabriyani (2014.B.15.0373)
3. Lomeyda Sri Rahani (2014.B.15.0382)
4. Nadya Carolina Sihombing (2014.B.15.0390)
5. Rosdiana (2014.B.15.0398)




Thanks to the presence of Almighty God for His blessing and His gift of this
paper can be completed. Papers that we make is about the "Cardiovascular
System". This paper is based on sources regarding cardiovascular system. So that
we can convey this paper may be useful in the future to increase knowledge and
In writing this paper may still be far from perfect and there are still many
shortcomings. Therefore we are looking forward to constructive suggestions. If
there are errors or drawback in the manufacture of this paper please

Palangka Raya, June 25, 2015

Group IV


PREFACE ............................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Formulation ................................................................................ 1
1.3 Destination................................................................................................ 1
1.3.1 Special Purpose ................................................................................. 1
1.3.2 General Purpose ................................................................................ 1
1.4 Benefit ...................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................ 2
2.1 Understanding Cardiovascular System..................................................... 2
2.2 Location Of The Heart ............................................................................. 2
2.3 Definition Of Systolic Pressure And Diastolic........................................ 3
2.4 Abnormalities Or Diseases Of The Circulatory System........................... 4
2.5 Cardiac Structure ...................................................................................... 4
2.6 Circulation Heart ...................................................................................... 5
2.7 Settings Normal Heart .............................................................................. 6
CHAPTER III CLOSING .................................................................................... 7
3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Suggestion ................................................................................................ 7


1.1 Background
From conception until death, heart throbbing rhythmic and kontinus to
sustain life. Some diseases arise due to decreased organ function. Nurses, must
have knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the heart in an effort to provide
optimal care, helping patients to understand the conditions that occur and support
patients and families living in restoring function optimally.
Heart muscle latitude, the same as skeletal muscle. Heart muscle has a
typical myofibrils contain actin and myosin filaments are almost identical to the
actin and myosin filaments are found in skeletal muscle. The place cells of the
heart muscle is very strong bond so that when the cells are stimulated, an action
potential spread to all the cells and spread throughout the lattice of interconnected.
Fist-sized heart of a person and is located the cavity thorax (chest).
1.2 Problem Formulation
1. How is the structure of the heart?
2. Where is the heart?
3. How chamber of the heart?
4. any part of the heart valves, and the lining of the heart?
5. how determinants of heart work?
1.3 Destination
1.3.1 Special Purpose
To fulfill one task subjects English language.
1.3.2 General Purpose
So that students can find out how the cardiovascular system as well as to
add insight to the reader.
1.4 Benefit
In the discussion of this paper can provide benefits in understanding more
about the cardiovascular system.


2.1 Understanding Cardiovascular System

The circulatory system or cardiovascular system is an organ system that
serves to move substances into and out of cells. These systems also help stabilize
body temperature and pH (part of homeostasis).
There are two types of circulatory systems: open circulatory system, and
circulatory system is closed. circulatory system, which is also part of the network
performance of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular system) is formed.
This system ensures the survival of the organism, supported by the metabolism of
every cell in the body and maintain the chemical and physiological properties of
body fluids.
First, the blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells and carbon
dioxide in the opposite direction.
Second, nutrients are transported from gastrointestinal daril taste like fat,
sugar and protein from the gastrointestinal tract within each network to consume,
according to their needs, processed or stored.
The resulting metabolites or waste products (such as urea or uric acid) were
then transported to other tissues or organs of excretion (kidney and colon). Also
distributes blood such as hormones, immune cells and parts of the coagulation
system in the body.
2.2 Location Of The Heart
The heart is located in the mediastinum cavity of the chest cavity (thorax),
between the two lungs.
- The front is protected by the sternum and the ribs as high costal three to four.
- Sidewall associated with lung and faises mediastinalis.
- Over the wall as high as sixth and cervical thorakal to two associated with
aortic, pulmonary and bronchial right and left.
- Rear wall, posterior mediastinal esophagus, descending aorta, vena azygos,
and thoracic vertebral column.
- The lower part associated with the diaphragm.


Two-thirds of the heart is to the left of the sternum. Apex of the heart, are in
the fourth or fifth intercostal space on the center line of the clavicle. In the
average adult length is about twelve centimeters wide and nine centimeters with
three hundred to four hundred grams weight.
2.3 Definition Of Systolic Pressure And Diastolic
Systolic blood pressure (systolic) is tenanan blood taken when the heart
contracts or on when the heart is pumping blood rich in oxygen (O2) to the rest of
the body, through the artery vessels.
While Diastolic pressure (diastolic) is the pressure of blood taken during
relaxation of the heart or blood vessels when blood flow through veins that
contain a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2). Blood pressure unit is mmHg (millimeter
Hydrargyrum / millimeters of mercury. The pressure is normal human blood: ±
100 mmHg Systolic and Diastolic ± 80 mmHg.
How it Works When the throbbing heart, any heart chamber slack and fill
with blood (called diastole). Furthermore, the heart contracts and pumps blood out
of the heart chambers (called systole). Both porch loosens and contracts
simultaneously, and both chambers also loosens and contracts simultaneously.
Oxygen-depleted blood and contains a lot of carbon dioxide (dirty blood) of the
entire body flows through two veins encouraged (vena cava) leading into the right
atrium. After the right atrium filled with blood, he'll push blood into the right
ventricle. The blood from the right chamber will be pumped through the
pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery, leading to the lungs. Blood will flow
through very small vessels (capillaries) that surrounds the air bag in the lungs,
absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide that is subsequently exhaled. Blood rich
in oxygen (clean blood) flow in the pulmonary veins to the left atrium heading.
Blood circulation between the right side of the heart, lungs and the left atrium
called the pulmonary circulation. Blood in the left atrium will be driven into the
left ventricle, which in turn will pump clean blood is passed through the aortic
valve into the aorta (the largest artery in the body). This oxygen-rich blood is
provided to the entire body, except the lungs.

2.4 Abnormalities Or Diseases Of The Circulatory System

Some abnormalities or diseases of the circulatory system, among others:
1. Atherosclerosis: Hardening of the arteries due, fibrous connective tissue and
smooth muscle cells which in Infiltration by Lipid.
2. Anemia: Low levels of hemoglobin in the blood or a reduced number of
erythrocytes in the blood.
3. Varicose veins: There was a strain on vessels in the calf veins.
4. Hemorrhoid (pile): There was an inflammation of the veins (phlebitis) in the
5. Embolism: Blockage of blood vessels due to moving objects.
6. Hypertension: high blood pressure, with pressure systol / distol> 100/80
7. Hypotension: low blood pressure, with pressure systolic / diastolic <100/80
8. Stroke: Rupture of an artery (Hemorrhaging) due Hipertensi, or blockage of
the arteries (ischemic) by embolism, which will flow to the brain, so that the
oxygen supply to the brain is reduced.
9. Cholesterol: The presence of steroid levels in the blood flow in the circulatory
10. Triglycerides: attachment of Lipid blob on the inner walls of blood vessels.
11. Arteriosclerosis: thickening of the arteries due to the blockage by the
aggregation of calcium.
2.5 Cardiac Structure
Inferior surface section (diaphragm) are largely left ventricle and right
ventricle portion. Right border of the heart is formed by the superior vena cava
and right atrium, while the left border of the heart is restricted by the lateral wall
of the left ventricle. Heart base formed by the left atrium and right atrium partially
located in the ribs into two. Membrane that encloses the heart called the
pericardium, which consists of two layers:
1. The fibrous pericardium, the outer layer is attached to the sternum, diaphragm
and pleura.

2. Serous pericardium, which is the inner layer of the pericardium consists of

parietal layer.
Between the two layers there is a cavity called the pericardial space that
contains little lubricating fluid or pericardial fluid called approximately ten to
thirty milliliters useful to reduce friction caused by the motion of the heart.
pericardium serves as a barrier to infection of the lungs and mediastinum.
2.6 Heart Circulation
Circle heart circulation can be divided into two major parts, namely the
pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation. However, there is also the
coronary circulation which also plays a very important for heart circulation.
1. Pulmonary Sirkulasi
1) Only blood flow to the lungs.
2) Only for lung function.
3) Having a low pressure starters.
4) Only slightly prisoners.
5) Column that short hidrostatik.
Pulmonary circulation is also called small circulation.
Cardiac pulmonary artery → lungs → pulmonary veins of the heart.
2. Systemic Circulation
1) Flowing blood to various organs of the body.
2) Meet the needs of different organs.
3) Requires pressure great starters.
4) Many experienced prisoners.
5) hydrostatic column length.
Systemic circulation is also called the large blood circulation.
Heart → aorta throughout the body via the blood vessels of heart → vena
cava heart → heart.
3. Coronary Circulation
Coronary circulation covers the entire surface of the heart and carry oxygen
to the myocardium through branches intramyocardial tiny.
Increase in coronary blood flow:
1) Increased activity.

2) The heart beats.

3) Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
2.7 Settings Normal Heart
Two basic ways of working arrangements heart namely:
1. Autoregulation intrinsic, ie pumping due to changes in blood volume.
2. Reflex, which is overseeing the speed and force of heart contractions. In this
case the heart is affected by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.
 The parasympathetic: lowered heart rate, and cardiac muscle
 Sympathetic: strengthens the heart rate and cardiac muscle vasodilation.
3.1 Conclusion
The circulatory system or cardiovascular system is an organ system that
serves to move substances into and out of cells. These systems also help stabilize
body temperature and pH (part of homeostasis).
There are two types of circulatory systems: open circulatory system, and
circulatory system is closed. circulatory system, which is also part of the network
performance of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular system) is formed.
This system ensures the survival of the organism, supported by the metabolism of
every cell in the body and maintain the chemical and physiological properties of
body fluids.
The heart is located in the mediastinum cavity of the chest cavity (thorax),
between the two lungs.
Inferior surface section (diaphragm) are largely left ventricle and right
ventricle portion. Right border of the heart is formed by the superior vena cava
and right atrium, while the left border of the heart is restricted by the lateral wall
of the left ventricle. Circle heart circulation can be divided into two major parts,
namely the pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation.
3.2 Suggestion
Hopefully this paper useful and can add insight to the reader. We are aware
of many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper. For improvement we
expect criticism and constructive suggestions from readers.


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