Paper English Digestive System Lecturer: Wita Agustina, S.PD

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Lecturer: Wita Agustina, S.Pd

Compiled By:

Group II

Apriliano : 2014.B.15.0362

Helminati Oktaselima : 2014.B.15.0371

Lela Karlina : 2014.B.15.0380

Mira Purwanti : 2014.B.15.0388

Riswan Saputra : 2014.B.15.0396

Yulia Artha : 2014.B.15.0405





Praise we pray toward the presence of God Almighty for His love and grace
of this paper can be completed. This paper contains about " DIGESTIVE
SYSTEM", so that it can be applied and useful to readers. We realize that this paper
is not perfect, we expect their input and suggestions from various parties for
improvements in the future.

Finally, we thank all those who have worked together in the process of
preparing this paper so that it becomes useful for us all.

Palangkaraya, June 24, 2015



PREFACE ............................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Purpose Papers ......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Benefit ...................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................ 2
2.1 Gastrointestinal ......................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Mouth .................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2 Pharynx ................................................................................................. 2
2.1.3 Esophagus ............................................................................................. 3
2.1.4 Ventrikulus............................................................................................ 3
2.1.5 Small intestine....................................................................................... 4
2.1.6 Large Intestine ...................................................................................... 5
2.2 Ingestion Food .......................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER III CLOSING .................................................................................... 7
3.1 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................ 7
3.2 ADVICE ................................................................................................... 7
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 8

1.1 Background
Every living thing definitely need to eat because food is a source of energy in living
organisms. Living things need energy to activities such as learning, street, talking,
sleeping and so forth. The digestive system is different every creature, in the human
digestive tract starts from the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine and colon. Digestive tract needs to be maintained so that the digestive
system is running properly, keeping to eat regularly and consume fibrous foods.

1.2 Purpose Papers

In order for a student can find in the human digestive tractc.

1.3 Benefit
so that students can understand the digestive system and can keep well

2.1 Gastrointestinal
Digestive system to deal with the reception of food and prepare it for assimilated
by the body. Digestive tract consists of the following sections:

 Mouth
 Pharynx
 The esophagus (gullet)
 Ventrikulus (stomach)
 Small Intestine
 Large Intestine
 Colon

In the process of digestion, food is first made part of the small ones by means
of biting and chewing, then further refined by acid chloride and digestive enzymes.
These enzymes help prevent, or hydrolyze proteins, carbohydrates, and fats become
basic compounds such as amino acids, monosaccharides and glycerides. These
compounds are then absorbed through the intestinal wall into the blood. So
digestion is a process that converts food ingredients into substances that can be
absorbed into the bloodstream. The materials are not useful and even partially toxic,
excluded (expelled) in the form of feces.

2.1.1 Mouth
The mouth is oval cavity at the beginning of the digestive tract. Consists of
two outer narrow, or vestibule, namely the space between the gums and teeth with
your lips and cheeks, and inside, the oral cavity in the limit in sides by maxilaris
bone and all the teeth, and behind continued to scratch the pharynx.

2.1.2 Pharynx
Pharyngeal form a conical channel of the muscular membrane material
(musculo membranous) with the widest part at the top and runs from the base of the
skull until the sixth sentrivekal in height vertebrates, namely bone height krioid,
where faring continued with the esophagus. At this altitude the larynx also


continued with the trachea. Pharyngeal length of approximately seven cm and is

divided into three parts:

1. nasopharyngeal, behind the nose. Wall in this area there is a hole eustachian
channels. Adenoid glands found in the nasopharynx.
2. pharynx oralis, located behind the mouth. Secondly there tonsil lateral wall
of the pharynx area is
3. laryngeal pharynx is the lowest part is located behind the larynx.

2.1.3 Esophagus
The esophagus is a muscular tube length is twenty to twenty-five
centimeters, above begins of the pharynx, to the entrance of gastric cardiac below.
Located behind the front of the trachea and spine. After a penetrating thoracic
diaphragm, to enter into the abdomen and connects to the stomach. Oesophageal
walled four layers. Adjacent to the outside consists of a layer of loose connective
tissue, a muscle layer consisting of two layers of muscle fibers, which runs
longitudinally and another one circular, a submucosal layer and there dipaling in
mucous membranes (mucosal). Oesophageal walled four layers. The outer consists
of a layer of loose connective tissue, a muscle layer consisting of two layers of
muscle fiber, the one running longitudinally and the other circular, a submucosal
layer and at least in the mucous membrane of mucosal there.

2.1.4 Ventrikulus
Ventricle or stomach is part of the digestive tract that can bloom most lot.
Located primarily epigastric region, and partly on the left hipochondria and
umbilical. Hull consists of the top, namely the fundus, the main stem and the bottom
of the horinzontal, magnesium or cardia, and the duodenum through urisium
pilorik.lambung located dibaewah diaphragm, pancreas and spleen in front of the
left fundus.fungsi menempal receive food from the stomach through the esopagus
cardiac orifice and worked as a temporary hoarders, while muscle contractions mix
the food with gastric juice. Peristaltic wave begins high in the fundus, run
repeatedly, every minute three times and crept slowly into the pylorus. Glands in
the mucosal lining of the stomach secrete digestive juices sekretyaitu important,
gastric juice. This sap is a clear colorless liquid acid. Containing 0.4 percent

hydrochloride acid (HCL), which acidify all the food and worked as an antiseptic
and disinfectant, making many organisms, which go in with food, harmless, and
provide the environment for the digestion of food proteins. Some of digestive
enzymes contained in gastric juice:

Pepsin is produced from pepsinogen in an acidic environment hydrochloride and

work on protein, turning it into a material that is more soluble, called peptone;

Rennin is to freeze the milk and the yeast form of casein carcinogen soluble. Casein
is a milk protein and after separation can be affected by fermen pepsin. ("Rennet"
rennin is extracted from calf's stomach, can be used to make cakes and can freeze
the milk to make cheese).

2.1.5 Small intestine

The small intestine is a tube that is roughly about two and a half meters long in a
state of life. The usual figure given, six meters is after matibila muscle has lost her
tone. The small intestine extends from the stomach to the valve ileo-colic. Place
concatenated with a colon. Umbilicus located in the area of the small intestine and
the large intestine surrounded. Divided into several parts.

1) The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine which is 25 cm long,
horseshoe-shaped, and the head surrounds the head of the pancreas. Bile
duct and pancreatic duct into the duodenum in a hole called the ampulla
hepatopankreatika, or ampulla of Vater ten centimeters from the pylorus.
2) Yeyunum occupies the upper two-fifths of the remaining small intestine.
3) Ileum occupies three-fifths of the end.

In the ileum there are groups of nodules. They piled stacks Peyer glands and can
contains 20 to 30 nodes solitary one centimeter in length up to several centimeters.
These glands have the function of protecting and was the site of inflammation in
the intestines fever (typhoid).

The function of the small intestine is to digest and absorb khime of the
stomach. Two of digestive juices enter the duodenum through the channels they, ie
bile through the liver and pancreas pancreatic juice dar.

Bile is necessary for digestion fat emulsified (that is solved in small parts), thus
helping to work lipase. Alkaline nature and help make the food coming out of the
stomach acid to neutral. Bile salts reduce the surface tension of the intestinal
contents and help form an emulsion of fat eaten.

Three enzymes pancreatic juice containing digestive work on the following food
three thypes. The rest alkali. Amylase digests carbon hydrate, is more powerful
than ptialin, working on starch raw or cooked and turn it into disakharida. Lipase is
enzin that break down fats into glycerol and fatty discouraged. Trypsin digest
protein. Produced by the enzyme trypsinogen contained in pancreatic juice and
digestive enzymes that turned into one of the enzymes trypsin by dati sukus
entrekus, namely entrokinase.

2.1.6 Large Intestine

The large intestine or colon that is approximately one and a half meters in
length, is the connection of the small intestine and begin the valve ileokolik or
ileocecal, where the rest of the food through. Gastokolik reflex occurs when food
enters the stomach and cause peristalsis in the colon. This reflex causes disposal
defecation or bowel. Kolon began as a bag which contained her bloom and
vermiformis appendix or appendix. Appendix considered to have a function similar
to the tonsils. Cecum is located in the right iliac region and attaches to the iliopsoas
muscle. In the right iliac region are called flexura sigmoid curves and molded
sigmoideus colon or large pelvic colon and into the rectum. The rectum is the
bottom ten centimeters of the large intestine, begins at sigmoideus colon and anal
canal ends at approximately 3 cm in length. These channels end into the anus which
is guarded by the internal and external muscles.

2.2 Ingestion Food

The digestive process begins from:

First the food into the mouth of these foods will be chewed by the teeth and
aided by Siliva (saliva), saliva contains enzymes ptialin (salivary amylase). This
enzyme functions convert starch into sugars that can cook soluble (maltose). After
that the food will go to the pharynx, the food here will be filtered by using a gland
lymphocytes, lymphocytes useful for defending the body against infection, filter

and off bacteria. Furher in the esophagus will happen kristaltik motion (motion
pushing the food towards the stomach). In the stomach food will be chewed again
until smooth and aided by the gastric juice containing the enzyme rennin, pepsin
and gastric lipase. Rennin serves to transform kasinogen into casein, pepsin
function convert proteins into peptone, and gastric lipase begin work on fat
hydrolysis enzyme helps prankreas. The duodenum will happen absorption by
trypsin enzyme that converts proteins and peptone into polypeptides and amino
acids, enzymes amylase convert all the sugars and starches into maltose. And lipase
function simplifies fat into glycerin and acid-fat.then food will go to the small
intestine, absorption will occur here in nutrients will be absorbed by the absorption
process is aided by several enzymes that function frees entrokinase prankreas
trypsin in the liquid, enzyme function Erepsin simplify all substances proteins into
amino acids and enzymes sucrose, maltose and lactose function simplify all
substances carbon hydrate into monosaccharides, glucose, galactose, and laevulose.
And then the rest of the products of digestion are temporarily stored before in the
exhaust din rectum through the anus.
The digestive system is a system that is very important for humans because
the digestive system absorbs vitamins, nutrients, minerals, fats, proteins and
carbohydrates are highly needed by the human body to perform daily actiivity.

We should multiply eating nutritious foods that our body is not deficient
intake of nutrients (food that contains carbohydrates, protein, minerals, fats and
vitamins). And we should also maintain the health of the digestive system by
controlling the consumption of the food we eat.

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