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Information & Solutions For Design & Construction Professionals

MARCH 1998
Number 4

Physical Physical performance standards When manufacturers test thei r

for spray-applied fire resistive materials in accordance with ASTM
Performance materials (SFRMs) are used to procedures, tests are conducted

Standards evaluate the performance of the under co ntrolled conditions at

materials when subjected to independent laboratori es. An
for various simulated forces. independent laboratory test

Spray-Applied Acceptable in-place physical

typically results in one tested value
wh ich often we ll exceeds both the
performance of SFRMs is based
Fire Resistive on ASTM Test Standard procedures
acceptable standa rds (AlA/GSA
minimum requirements) and the
Materials and specific test values as required
actu al in-place performance of
by AlA Masterspec/GSA, Gove rn-
(SFRMs) ment Age ncies and/or Code
th e product at the project site.
Therefore, project specifica tions
should not list specific independent
ASTM (American Society for Testing test results conducted on one
and Materials) has developed test manufacturer's product, but in-
standards that have been adopted stead should reference the typical
by SFRM manufacturers and speci- in -place industry p erformance or
fiers as a means of determining acceptable standard values as
acceptab le, long -term physical indicated by AlA MasterspeclGSA.
performance of fire pro tection A chart summarizing the standard
materials. Whether or not the values referenced by AlA
performance is acceptable depends Masterspec has been attached.
on the specific project requirements.
The required performance for The reverse side of this page
commercial buildings is typically the summarizes th e relevant ASTM
standard performance specified by Standard Test Meth ods used to
AlA Masterspec/GSA or other evaluate th e performance of
agenci es, organization s, etc . SFRM s. The ability of an SFRM to
These are the performance perform in accordance with these
values that should be specified standards can be used to compare
and used as a bench mark for the performance among various
acceptable on-site perform ance. pass ive fire pro tection materials.
ASTM E84 - Surface Burning Characteristics
This test method is used to determine the relative burning behavior of the building material
by observing the flame spread and smoke developed characteristics of the specimen.

ASTM E605 - Thickness a!1d Density

These test methods cover procedu res for determining the basic properties of density and
thickness. Fire resistance ratings are contingent upon meeting minimum in-place density
and thickness values.

ASTM E736 - Cohesion and Adhesion

This test method measu res the cohesion/adhesion (bond-strength) of the material to the
substrate. Bond-strength is cri tical to the in -place perfo rmance of the mate rial which when
insufficient, could jeopa rdize the hourly fire resistance ratings.

ASTM E759 - Deflection

This test method subjects the material to deflection and records whether cracking, spalling
or delamination of the material occurs when applied to the underside of steel deck. The
test is performed to simulate deflection which can result from excessive loads.

ASTM E760 - Bond Impact

This test method determines the effect of impact loading on the bond of the material
applied to the underside of steel deck. Impact loading may occur when loads of material ,
equipment or machinery are dropped onto decking.

ASTM E761 - Compressive Strength

This test method measures the compressive strength of the material when applied to a
rigid substrate. The test determines the material's susceptibility to outside forces which
may cause-deformation or damage.

ASTM E859 - Air Erosion

This test method determines the effect of air flow across the surface of the material. The
tested material is subjected to an air velocity of 1,200 feet per minute, which well exceeds
the typical ai r velocity in an air plenum area.

ASTM E937 - Corrosion

This test method indicates whether corrosion occurs on steel protected by an SFRM and
exposed to elevated temperature and hum idity conditions. Testing is performed on bare,
galvanized and shop-coated steel.
. AlA MlIstersllCc!GSA •...• ... . •.. AIAMasterspec/GSA AIAM~stcrsilec/GSA
Physical Property . . . COJllmerical Dert~jty < ••... . .... .· . Mediilm Density .· . l'figh \)ellsity
Perfc)rirtanceRequireJllcnis · . ... Performance Requirements PerformartccReQuiremcnts

Surface Blirning ASTME 84 Flame Spread. 10 or less Flame Spread. 0 Flame Spread. 10 or less
Characteristics Smoke Developed. 0 Smoke Developed. 0 Smoke Developed. 0

Density ASTM E605 Min. 15 pcf average Min. 22 pef average Min. 39 pef average

Cohesion/Adhesion ASTM E 736 150 psfmin. 434 psfmin. 1,000 psfmin.

(Bond Strength)

Deflection ASTM E 759 No cracking, spalling or No cracking, spalling or No cracking, spalling or

delamination delamination delamination

Bond Impact ASTME 760 No cracking, spalling or No cracking, spalling or No cracking, spalling or
delamination delamination delamination

Compressive Strength ASTM E 761 750 psf min. 7344 psf min . 43 ,200 psf min.

Air Erosion ASTM E 859 Max. 0025 gift.' Max. 0.025 gift.' Max. 0.025 gift.'

Corrosion ASTM E 937 Does not contribute Does not contribute Does not contribute

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