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Division of Business

Course: HND Level 5 Business (management) Year: 2018/19

Student Name:

UNIT 17: Understanding and Leading Lecturers Name: Mr I. Ahmad


Date Issued: 8th October 2018 Completion Date: 7th December 2019
Fail Pass Merit Distinction
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2 D3
Learning Outcomes: 1. Compare ways in which change impacts on an organisation’s
strategy and operations; 2. Evaluate the influences that drivers of change have on organisational
behaviour; 3. Determine how barriers to change influence leadership decision-making; and 4.
Apply a range of leadership approaches to a change initiative.


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I declare that the work I am submitting for assessment contains no sections in copied in whole or
part from any other source, unless it is explicitly identified by means of quotation mark or by
means of wholly indented paragraphs. I declare that I have also acknowledged such quotations by
providing detailed references in an approved format. I understand that unidentified and un-
referenced copying both constitutes plagiarism which is an offence. I give my consent for my work
being scanned by Turnitin formatively and summatively for the purposes of assessment.

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Date: Date:

Unit 17: Understanding and Leading Change

Assignment Task:

You have been hired by Alexia Ltd as a Consultant in order to assist them in bringing
a series of changes relating to their organisational restructuring. Your job is to offer
awareness to the leadership of Alexia about why change is important and how it can
impact the culture, objectives, leadership strategies and operations of the

In order to hold meaningful discussions with the leadership of Alexia, you are
required to research two organizations for the purpose of gathering examples of
important changes to better understand the importance and impact of those
changes. You will have a main organization to extract most of the changes from and
the other one will be used for comparison wherever relevant.

It is highly advisable to pick the organizations for which both primary and secondary
data is readily available. The chosen organizations must have gone through some
major changes (for example, entering into a new market, new IT systems,
downsizing, change in organizational structure etc) so that the triggers and impact of
these changes can be studied. You will also be required to evaluate the role that
their management and leadership played (or should have played) in successfully
implementing the changes in question.

Task 1: Impact of change on organizational behaviour, operations and strategy

You are required to:

1. Compare different organisational examples where there has been an impact

of change on an organisation’s strategy and operations. (P1)
2. Assess the different drivers for change in each of the given examples and the
types of organizational change they have affected. (M1)

3. Evaluate the ways in which internal and external drivers of change affect
leadership, team and individual behaviours within an organisation. (P2)
4. Evaluate measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of change
on organisational behaviour. (P3)
5. Apply appropriate theories and models to critically evaluate organisational
response to change. (M2)
6. Draw conclusions and recommendations with valid justifications for planning
effectively for change and applying change impact analysis. (D1)

Task 2: Barriers to change and leadership’s role in change management

Your ultimate goal as a Consultant is to assist the leadership at Alexia to be

prepared for the barriers to the change when the organizational restructuring takes
place. Therefore, you are required to:

7. Explain different barriers for change and determine how they influence
leadership decision-making in a given organizational context. (P4)
8. Use force field analysis to analyse the driving and resisting forces and show
how they influence decision-making. (M3)
9. Critically evaluate the use of force field analysis in the context of meeting
organisational objectives. (D2)
10. Apply different leadership approaches to dealing with change in a range of
organizational contexts. (P5)
11. Evaluate the extent to which leadership approaches can deliver organisational
change effectively applying appropriate models and frameworks. (M4)
12. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of leadership approaches and models of
change management. (D3)

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria


LO1 Compare ways in which change impacts on an
organisation’s strategy and operations.
P1 Compare different M1 Assess the different
organisational examples drivers for change in each
where there has been an of the given examples and
impact of change on an the types of organisational
organisation’s strategy and change they have
operations. affected. D1 Draw conclusions and
recommendations with valid
LO2 Evaluate the influences that drivers of change
justifications for planning
have on organisational behaviour.
effectively for change and
P2 Evaluate the ways in M2 Apply appropriate
applying change impact
which internal and external theories and models to
drivers of change affect critically evaluate
leadership, team and organisational response to
individual behaviours change.
within an organisation.

P3 Evaluate measures
that can be taken to
minimise negative impacts
of change on
organisational behaviour.

LO3 Determine how barriers to change influence

leadership decision-making.
P4 Explain different M3 Use force field analysis D2 Critically evaluate the use of
barriers for change and to analyse the driving and force field analysis in the
determine how they resisting forces and show context of meeting

influence leadership how they influence organisational objectives.
decision-making in a given decision-making.
organisational context.

LO4 Apply a range of leadership approaches to a

change initiative.
P5 Apply different M4 Evaluate the extent to D3 Critically evaluate the
leadership approaches to which leadership effectiveness of leadership
dealing with change in a approaches can deliver approaches and models of
range of organisational organisational change change management.
contexts. effectively applying
appropriate models and

Recommended Resources:

LEWIS, L. K. (2011) Organizational Change: Creating Change Through Strategic

Communication. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

MEE-YAN, C-J. and HOLBECHE, L. (2015)Organizational Development: a

Practitioner's Guide for OD and HR. London: Kogan Page.

NORTHOUSE, P. G. (2010) Leadership Theory and Practice. 5th Ed. London:

SAGE.PENDLETON, D. and FURNHAM, A. (2012) Leadership: All You Need to

Know. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

STANFORD, N. (2013) Organization Design: Engaging with Change. 2nd Ed.

London: Routledge.


Journal of Change Management

Journal of Organisational Change Management


Submission Guideline

 Work should be referenced

 Sources should be acknowledged fully by referenced books, journals used

and URL visited

 All work should be word processed, font size 12 and font style Times New

 Subtitles of the assignment should be in the font size 14

 Pages should be numbered in the bottom right hand corner

 Spell checks the document and read thoroughly for grammatical errors

 1.5 Line spacing

 References list or Bibliography at the end of the assignment

 All paragraphs should be aligned in justified mode

 The guided word limit is between 3500-4000 words

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