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TM 2210




FOB / 1ST Semester 2ND Year / 2018

Activity 02

01) Taking the perspective of the customer, identify 02 issues that you think this
process might have.
Customer in the case: - The applicant/ The Candidate

1) Online Submission the Documents – This is the one of the issues presented in Sri
Lanka, there are no Internet facilities available in the entire country. Therefore, this task
cannot be done easily. Even though there is a well-known place to present something like
Nenasala, customers can get away from those places. All applicants do not know about
the system. Sometimes they were missing documents. Sometimes they did not send
copies by post.

2) Notify the missing documents via e-mail - A customer has notified a lost or misplaced
office in the mail. It's an issue in a process. Some applicants do not have access to posts.
Because there is no laptop, phone or other access. Another thing is when there is no
internet connection.

02) Taking the perspective of the customer, identify 02 process performance

measures of this process.

Performance Indicators means perspective of customers.

According to the performance in that case means knows about select or not for the university.
 The student selected – Positive Satisfaction
 The student is not selected – Negative Satisfaction

1) English Language Testing - This process is mainly affected by the results of the access
examination office, which cannot be rejected.

2) The role of an Educational Institution - Once the validity of all student documents is
verified, the ticket office sends these documents to the Institute for Appreciation. At the
end of some of the activities, select academics for applicants to choose from.

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