Hydrothermal Evolution of Darrehzar Porphyry Copper Deposit, Iran: Evidence From Fluid Inclusions

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Arab J Geosci

DOI 10.1007/s12517-012-0744-x


Hydrothermal evolution of Darrehzar porphyry copper

deposit, Iran: evidence from fluid inclusions
B. Alizadeh Sevari & A. Hezarkhani

Received: 20 December 2011 / Accepted: 31 October 2012

# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2012

Abstract The Darrehzar porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is located typically observed in these veins: (1) vapor-rich, (2)
in Southwestern Iran (∼70 km southwest of Kerman City). The liquid-rich, and (3) multi-phase. Early hydrothermal alter-
porphyries occur as Tertiary quartz-monzonite stocks and ation was caused by high temperature, high salinity ortho-
dikes, ranging in composition from microdiorite to diorite magmatic fluid and produced a potassic assemblage.
and granodiorite. The Darrehzar stock is highly altered, and Phyllitic alteration was caused by high salinity and lower
even in the outermost part of the intrusion, it is not possible to temperature orthomagmatic fluid. Magmatic and meteoric
find completely fresh rock. Surface weathering was develop- water mixture was developed in the peripheral part of the
ing ferrous Fe-rich lithologic units in leached zone and con- stock and caused propylitic alteration which is attributed to
centrated copper minerals in supergene zone. Unlike eastern a liquid-rich, lower temperature.
areas which do not account for deep faults, the supergene zone
is well developed in western areas with maximum of 118 m Keywords Fluid inclusion . Porphyry copper deposit .
thickness. Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization at Potassic alteration . Phyllic alteration . Microthermometry .
Darrehzar are centered on the stock and were broadly synchro- Darrehzar . Iran
nous with its emplacement. Early hydrothermal alteration was
dominantly potassic and propylitic, and was followed by later
phyllic and argillic alteration. The hydrothermal system in- Introduction
volved both magmatic and meteoric water and boiled exten-
sively. Copper mineralization was accompanied by both Due to their low metal grade and very large volume,
potassic and phyllic alteration. Four main vein groups have porphyry-type deposits are described as disseminated, and
been identified: (I) quartz+pyrite±molybdenite±anhydrite± mineralization is, to a great extent, controlled by fractures
K-feldspar±chalcopyrite±bornite±Cu and Fe oxidic miner- and faults. Estimates showed that more than 90 % of the
als (peripheral); (II) quartz+chalcopyrite+pyrite+molybde- mineralization occurs in or adjacent to fractures and veins
nite; (III) quartz+pyrite±calcite±chalcopyrite±anhydrite (Beane and Titley 1981).
(gypsum); and (IV) quartz or calcite, gypsum or ± pyrite. Porphyry copper deposits are formed where magmatic-
Based on abundance, nature, and phases number observed hydrothermal fluids are expelled from a crystallizing magma
at room temperature, three types of fluid inclusions are (Burnham 1979; Ulrich et al. 2001) and initiated by injection
of oxidized magma saturated with S and metal-rich, aqueous
fluids from cupolas on the tops of the subjacent parental
plutons. The sequence of alteration–mineralization is princi-
B. Alizadeh Sevari (*)
pally a consequence of progressive rock and fluid cooling,
Department of Mining Engineering, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran from >700 °C to <250 °C (Sillitoe 2010). Cooling, depressur-
e-mail: beh.alizadeh@gmail.com ization, and reaction between the fluids and the wall rocks
cause metals to precipitate in and around the fractures, form-
A. Hezarkhani
ing veins with alteration envelopes. Alteration assemblages
Department of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering, Amirkabir
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran and associated mineralization in porphyry ore deposits devel-
email: ardehez@aut.ac.ir op from huge hydrothermal systems dominated by magmatic
Arab J Geosci

and meteoric fluids (Sillitoe 1997; Hedenquist and Richards In this research, we have documented alteration and vein
1998; Asghari and Hezarkhani 2010). mineral paragenesis petrographically and conducted a fluid
Porphyry Cu systems host some of the most widely inclusion study to elucidate the hydrothermal history of the
distributed mineralization types at convergent plate bound- Darrehzar porphyry deposit. By comparing the results from
aries including porphyry deposits centered on intrusions. this study with Sarcheshmeh, Sungun Miduk and data avail-
The systems commonly define linear belts, some many able from other porphyry copper deposits (Hezarkhani and
hundreds of kilometers long, as well as occurring less com- Williams-Jones 1998; Hezarkhani 2006, 2008), we have
monly in apparent isolation (Sillitoe 2010). been able to contribute a better understanding of the nature
Sahand–Bazman volcanic belt in Iran is a part of the of Sahand–Bazman porphyry copper province.
collisional Alpine–Himalaya orogenic belt, which extends
northwestward from Sahand volcano in Azerbaijan province
to Bazman volcano in southeast Iran, covering a distance of Geological setting
approximately 1,700 km. This belt was formed by subduc-
tion of the Arabian plate beneath central Iran during the The Darrehzar porphyry copper deposit is located ∼70 km
Alpine orogeny as first identified by Stocklin and Setudenia southwest of Kerman City in the Kerman province of south-
(1972) and consists of alkaline and calc-alkaline volcanic western Iran (Fig. 1). The stock is part of the Sahand–Bazman
rocks and related intrusives (I-type) (Stocklin and Setudenia igneous and metallogenic, a deeply eroded Tertiary volcanic
1972; Berberian 1976, 1983; Stocklin 1977; Berberian and field, roughly 100 by 1,700 km in extent, consisting mainly of
King 1981; Pourhosseini 1981). Sahand–Bazman volcanic rhyolite and andesite, with numerous felsic intrusions.
belt hosts two major porphyry Cu porphyry systems. Sar- Subduction and subsequent continental collision from
Cheshmeh and Sungun deposits are the two ones of these Paleocene to Oligocene caused extensive alkaline and calc-
being mined. alkaline volcanic and plutonic igneous activity (Etminan
Sar-Cheshmeh deposit is located in Southwestern Iran 1977; Shahabpour 1982; Berberian 1983; Hezarkhani 2006).
and contains 450 million tons of sulfide ore with an average The Darrehzar porphyries occur as Tertiary quartz-
grade of 1.13 % Cu and approximately 0.03 % Mo monzonite stocks and dikes, ranging in composition
(Waterman and Hamilton 1975). Darrehzar deposit is locat- from microdiorite to diorite and granodiorite, intruding
ed southeast of the Sar-Cheshmeh porphyry Cu deposit. into volcanic, volcanic-clastic, and volcanic sedimentary
Proven reserve of Darrehzar deposit is >80 million tons of complexes. The volcanic sedimentary complex is the
disseminated sulfide ore, with an average grade of 0.55 % oldest rock with Eocene age, covering a large area of
Cu and approximately 0.005 % Mb (Derakhshani and Darrehzar.
Abdolzadeh 2009). The Darrehzar stock is highly altered, and even in
First studies at Darrehzar were carried out in 1969 by the the outermost part of the intrusion, it is not possible to
Geological Survey of Iran and contained detailed geophys- find completely fresh rock. Surface weathering has
ical, geochemical, and geological surveys (GSI 1973; developed Fe-rich lithological units in leached zone
Ranjbar et al. 2001). and concentrated copper minerals in supergene zone
Later studies were published by Grujicic and Volickovic (Table 1).
(1991) and Maanijou (1993). Unlike western areas, eastern areas do not account for
Detailed studies including mass change calculation dur- deep faults. So, the supergene zone is well developed in
ing hydrothermal alteration have been done by Derakhshani western areas with maximum of 118 m in thickness (Fig. 2).
and Abdolzadeh (2009). The central part of Darrehzar is composed of intensively
Fluid inclusion studies in porphyry copper deposits have hydrothermally altered rocks, covering the surface of about
proven to be an important tool for constraining the hydro- 1.8 km2. Altered zone is elongated in east–west direction,
thermal fluids responsible for vast and pervasive alteration 2.2×1 km in size. These alterations are better developed in
and mineralization processes. Studies of fluid inclusions the western part of the area, while to the south, the rocks are
trapped within hydrothermal veins were recognized to be less altered.
as a direct way of saying much more than had previously
been possible about the nature of these mineralizing fluids
and the processes by which mineral deposits were formed Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization
(Wilkinson 2001).
Fluid inclusion studies have showed many features in Alteration assemblages and related mineralization in the
porphyry copper deposits of Sahand-Bazman belt (Etminan Darrehzar porphyry copper deposit have been investigated
1977 Mehrpartou 1993 Calagari 2004 Hezarkhani and by geological mapping, and detailed mineralogical petro-
Williams-Jones 1998; Hezarkhani 2006, 2008, 2009). graphical and chemical studies of a large number of drill
Arab J Geosci


Geological map of Darrehzar
L e g e n d
393000 393500 394000 394500 395000

Qal Qal : Recent Alluvium
Qc Ev

Qtr Qtr : River Traces


Qc Qc:Clay and Silt with Debris Rock Ev


QT1 QT1 : Recent Alluvium&Talus

GD Gd : Granodiorite Qtr


MD&DI Mi & Di : Microdiorite&Diorite Ev
QZ-MZ Qz-Mz : Quartz Monzonite
Et Qc

E vb E vb : Volcanic Breccia MD&DI




Ev Ev : Andesite & Andesite Basalt


Ea-t : Andesite& Andesite Basalt &
Crystal Tuff & Vitric Tuff & Vitric Ev
Litic Tuff & Lapilli Tuff & Agglomerate


Ea-t Et
Ev Ev
Et : Crystal Tuff & Vitric Tuff & Vitric Ev
Litic Tuff & Lapilli Tuff & Agglomerate Ev

Et Ea-t
DW DW : Dam Water Ev Et

393000 393500 394000 394500 395000

0 100 200 400 600 800


Fig. 1 A Geological map of Iran (modified from Stocklin 1977; intrusions, hosting Cu-Mo porphyry type mineralization. B Detailed
Shahabpour and Doorandish 2008) showing Sahand–Bazman belt: geological map of the Darrehzar area showing the distribution of
calc-alkaline volcanic and quartz monzonite and quartz diorite different suites (modified from NICC 2008)
Arab J Geosci

Table 1 Average grade of Cu, Cuo, Mo, Pb, and Zn in the oxidation, Potassic alteration
supergene, and hypogene zones from Darrehzar area core samples

Average grade in zones The earliest alteration is represented by potassic mineral

assemblages developed pervasively and as halos around
Oxidation Supergene Hypogene All zones veins in the deep and central parts of the Darrehzar stock.
Potassic alteration is characterized by K-feldspar. This al-
Cu (%) 0.08 0.78 0.19 0.25
teration displays a close spatial association with mineraliza-
Cuo (%) 0.02 0.14 0.02 0.04
tion, and average grade of copper mineralization is 0.23 %
Mo (ppm) 55 31 47 46
from core samples. The potassic alteration in western bore-
Pb (ppm) 132 107 161 150
holes was reached at shallower depth than in eastern ones,
ZN (ppm) 32.04 62.7 90.34 79.98
suggesting north–south trending normal faults acting in this
area. Neoformed biotite crystals in potassic alteration were
cores and outcrop samples from various parts of the stock well formed and permitted to distinguish this alteration from
(GSI 1973; Ranjbar et al. 2001). Hydrothermal alteration phyllic alteration.
and mineralization at Darrehzar are centered on the stock
and were broadly synchronous with its emplacement. Phyllic alteration
Early hydrothermal alteration was dominantly potassic
and propylitic, and was followed by later phyllic and Phyllic alteration is characterized by the replacement of almost
argillic alteration. all rock-forming silicates by sericite and quartz and may


Supergene Thickness in Bore Holes

393600 393900 394200 394500 394800


Legend DA-65
Drilling Point PI5
Drilling Point DA-44 PI7


DA-18 DA-17PC17 DA-16

Thickness(m) DA-56PC56 PV9
DA-28 DA-34
PV5 PV6 DA-30 DA-38 DA-08
DA-27 DA-43 DA-23 DA-22 DA-35 DA-49
0 - 25 DA-47 DA-52 PV11
PI2 DA-25 DA-51 DA-53 DA-54 DA-29 DA-32 PC6 DA-36
26 - 50 DA-48 DA-33 DA-06
DA-26 DA-61


51 - 75 DA-09 DA-45 DA-07 PV10
PV8 DA-31 DA-68
PI1 DA-42 DA-55 PV7 DA-40
PV1 PV2 PV4 DA-12
76 - 100 DA-59 DA-41
DA-39 DA-37 DA-20 DA-67 DA-02 DA-04
DA-46 PI6
101 - 118 PV3 DA-60 PC58
DA-58 PI4



Probably One Fault


One Class Fault DA-63 DA-19

Two Class Fault

200 00 393600 393900 394200 394500 394800


Cross Section of Mineralization Zone (Section A-A)
393400 393500 393600 393700 393800 393900 394000 394100 394200 394300 394400

Legend DA-07

Point DA-09


DA-62 DA-62
DA-31 DA-68 DA-40



0 25 50 100 150 200



Fig. 2 A Thicknesses supergene zone as deduced from boreholes. B Cross-section (A-A) of mineralization zone at Darrehzar area
Arab J Geosci

overprint the earlier formed potassic alteration and the transi- Alteration of feldspars and biotite (from potassically al-
tion zones. Surface samples of phyllic alteration contain quartz tered rocks) was accompanied by an increase in sulfide
in both bulk rock and veins and are gray in color. Quartz veins content going outwards from the central part of the stock.
are surrounded by weak sericitic halos. Vein-hosted pyrite is At the exposed surface of the deposit, rocks are highly
partially replaced by chalcopyrite. Silicification was synchro- altered, and the only mineral that has survived supergene
nous with phyllic alteration and variably affected a large part of argillization is quartz. Most of the sulfide minerals have
the stock and most dikes. This observation is supported by been leached, and copper was concentrated in an underlying
whole-rock chemical analyses, indication that Si was added in supergene zone by downward percolating groundwaters.
accordingly (Hezarkhani and Williams-Jones 1998). In con- Cu average grade of oxide, supergene, and hypogene
trast to the transition zone, appreciable Cu was added to the zones at Darrehzar area are 0.08 %, 0.78 %, and 0.19 %,
rock during phyllic alteration. According to core samples, respectively, showing higher concentration of Cu minerals
average grade of copper mineralization in phyllic alteration is in supergene zone. On the contrary, Mo average grade of
0.26 % (NICC 2008). oxide, supergene, and hypogene zones are 55, 31, and
47 ppm, respectively, showing a major concentration of
Propylitic alteration Mo minerals in oxide and hypogene zones than in the
supergene zone (Table 1 and Fig. 3).
Because of erosion, propylitic alteration zone at Darrehzar
area was rarely detected in borehole samples and only ob-
served at the contact area of porphyry stock with Eocene Vein and veinlet classification
volcanic and volcano-clastic rocks.
Propylitic alteration is represented mainly by chloritiza- The veinlet sequence in porphyry Cu deposits, first detailed by
tion of primary and secondary biotite and groundmass ma- Gustafson and Hunt (1975) and widely studied since (e.g.,
terial in rocks peripheral to the central potassic zone. Hunt et al. 1983; Dilles and Einaudi 1992; Gustafson and
Epidote replaced plagioclase, but this alteration is less per- Quiroga 1995; Redmond et al. 2004; Pollard and Taylor
vasive and intense than chloritization. Minor minerals asso- 2002; Cannell et al. 2005; Masterman et al. 2005; Hezarkhani
ciated with propylitic alteration are albite, calcite, sericite, 2006), is highly distinctive. Based on mineralogy and cross-
anhydrite (gypsum), and pyrite. cutting relationships at Darrehzar area, it is possible to distin-
guish four main groups of veins representing four episodes of
Argillitic alteration vein formation: (I) quartz+pyrite±molybdenite±anhydrite±K-
feldspar±chalcopyrite±bornite±Cu and Fe oxidic minerals
The shallow alteration is interpreted to represent a super- (peripheral); (II) quartz+chalcopyrite+pyrite+molybdenite;
gene blanket over the deposit. Rocks in argillic alteration (III) quartz + pyrite ± calcite ± chalcopyrite ± anhydrite
were intensely flimsy and disjointed with a little brunt. (gypsum); and (IV) quartz or calcite, gypsum or ± pyrite
Some samples have aggregation of chlorite and clay miner- (Fig. 4).
als showing argillic and propylitic alteration overlap. In order to determine the volume percent of each vein type
Feldspar is locally altered to clays down to a depth of in the different alteration zones, two-dimensional method of
300 m, and within 80 m from the erosional surface, the entire Haynes (1984) has been applied, and the density of all veins in
rock has been altered to an assemblage of clay minerals. a given core was measured by the sum of the vein lengths
This alteration is manifested also by the advanced re-
placement of plagioclase and mafic phases by clay minerals.


Hypogene copper mineralization was introduced during po-

tassic and phyllic alteration, and exists as disseminations
and veinlets. During potassic alteration, the copper mineral-
ization consisted of chalcopyrite and minor bornite; later,
hypogene copper mineralization consisted mainly of
Copper mineralization increases towards the margins of
the central potassic zone, from less than 0.10 to 0.9 wt.%.
There is also a positive correlation between silicification and Fig. 3 Graph of average Cu and Mo variation in three mineralization
copper mineralization. zones according to core samples at Darrehzar area
Arab J Geosci

exposed in the considered core cut area divided by the same

area. The stockwork system is dominated volumetrically by
Group IV and Group I veins (1.2 % to 4.2 % volume of the
rock, respectively). Group II and Group III veins occupy up to
1.5 and 3.9 vol.% of the rock, respectively. Group I and Group
II veins are volumetrically the most important in the potassic
alteration zone. Group III and Group IV veins are dominant in
the phyllic and argillic alteration zones, respectively.

Group I veins

Group I veins vary in thickness between 0.5 and 3 mm.

They are discontinuous and formed during the early fractur-
ing of the porphyry system. The most important sulfide
mineral is molybdenite and occurs mainly along the vein
margins. Conversely, K-feldspar, anhydrite, chalcopyrite,
bornite, and pyrite are minerals that occur in the central part
of the vein, and less commonly at the margins. Pyrite and
chalcopyrite partially replace the molybdenite. Quartz com-
prises from 60 % to 95 % of the volume of the veins (Figs. 4
and 5A).

Group II veins

Group II veins generally cross-cut and in places off-set

Group I veins. Their thickness varies from 3 to 30 mm,
and they are generally more continuous than Group I veins.
Sericitic alteration haloes are well developed, and K-
feldspar is lacking in these veins. The volume ratio of Fig. 5 A Vein Groups I, II, and III and cross-cutting relationships
chalcopyrite to pyrite is 2:1. The molybdenite content varies between them and sericitic alteration: Sr sericite, Plg plagioclase, Chl
chlorite. B Polish section photograph showing mineralization: Ccp
from trivial value to less than 5 vol.% of the vein. The chalcopyrite, Py pyrite
alteration haloes are most obvious in the potassic alteration
zone, where hydrothermal biotite in the halo was destroyed.
The sericitic alteration haloes have thicknesses varying be- discontinuous layer in the vein centers, but locally, the
tween 1 and 5 mm. Vein quartz crystals are relatively coarse sulfides are disseminated through the quartz. Group II veins
and tend to be oriented perpendicular to the walls of the occur in all alteration zones, but are concentrated mainly in
vein. Sulfide minerals are located mainly in a narrow the potassic zone (Figs. 4 and 5A).

Group III veins

Group III veins crosscut Groups I and II veins and are

most abundant in the phyllic alteration zone. They are
relatively continuous, layered veins, and their thickness
varies from 3 to 50 mm. Quartz occurs mainly near the
vein margins together with anhydrite, calcite, and sulfide
minerals co-precipitated in the vein centers. The only
copper mineral is chalcopyrite, which is observed as
blebs and inclusions in pyrite. Early formed anhedral to
subhedral grains of pyrite are replaced by anhedral grains
of chalcopyrite (Fig. 5B). The lower content of chalco-
pyrite in Group III veins relative to Group II veins may
Fig. 4 Histogram showing the volume proportions of the different indicate that the fluid which circulated in the reopened
vein groups in each of the alteration zones Group II veins leached this mineral (Figs. 4 and 5A).
Arab J Geosci

Group IV veins

Group IV veins crosscut all the other vein groups and repre-
sent the youngest vein-forming event in the Darrehzar stock.
Their thicknesses may reach 14 cm. The mineral assemblage
is given by quartz, and/or calcite, and/or gypsum. Group IV
veins are found mainly in the propylitic zone, but also occur
locally in the phyllic and potassic alteration zones.

Fluid inclusions study

Fluid inclusions are abundant in quartz of all vein types and

range in diameter from 1 up to 15 μm. The majority of
inclusions examined during this study had diameters of 4–
12 μm. Only fluid inclusions within the quartz crystals in
quartz-sulfide and quartz-molybdenite veinlets were chosen
for microthermometric analysis. Most of the observations
were restricted to fluid inclusions in coarse-crystalline
quartz of early mineralized veins. Therefore, most of the
measurements were conducted on fluid inclusions in Groups
I and II veins, with a few from Group III veins.
Fluid inclusions were classified into three main types
based on the number, nature, and proportion of phases at
room temperature (Fig. 6). The following types of fluid
inclusions have been identified:
1. LV inclusions consist of liquid+vapor±solid phases with
the liquid phase being volumetrically dominant. These
fluid inclusions are common in all mineralized quartz
veins and are abundant in Groups II and III veins (Fig. 7).
2. VL inclusions also contain vapor+liquid±solid phases.
Vapor bubbles are variable in size, but in all cases consist
of >60 % of the inclusion volume. These inclusions
mainly homogenize in the vapor phase, and only rarely
in the liquid phase, or by critical behavior (Fig. 7).
3. LVHS inclusions are multiphase and consist of liquid+
vapor+halite+other solids. Based on the number and type
of the solid phases, the LVHS inclusions were further
classified into three subtypes. Subtype S1 inclusions are
Fig. 6 Photomicrographs of different inclusion types within mineral-
characterized by the presence of halite+chalcopyrite± ized quartz veins
anhydrite±K-Fe-Cl phase. Halite, anhydrite, and chalco-
pyrite have consistent phase ratios and are interpreted to
be daughter minerals. Vapor bubbles occupy less than Microthermometric analysis
25 % of the inclusion by volume. Subtype S2 inclusions
contain sylvite in addition to the phases in S1 inclusions. Microthermometric studies were carried out on 76 samples
The solid phases and the vapor bubbles occupy 60 % and of quartz from Groups I, II, and III veins. The Linkam
20 % of inclusion volumes, and 20 % of the inclusion operating unit was applied to measure the temperatures of
volumes, respectively. Subtype S3 inclusions contain ha- phase changes in fluid inclusions, which operates by heating
lite, which is commonly accompanied by hematite, but do and freezing the samples under a polarized microscope
not contain chalcopyrite, sylvite, and K-Fe-Cl phase. The (Were et al. 1979; Bodnar 1994, 2003). Stage calibration
volume of the solid phases is typically less than 40 % of was performed using synthetic and/or fluid inclusions of
the inclusions, whereas bubble volumes range between well-known microthermometric behavior. Accuracy at the
20 % and 60 % of inclusions (Fig. 7). standard reference temperatures was ±0.2 °C at −56.6 °C
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Fig. 7 Sketches of typical fluid

inclusions observed in
Darrehzar porphyry copper LV VL
deposit. L liquid, V vapor L L



Chalcopyrite Chalcopyrite
H Anhydrite H
Anhydrite H
K-Fe-Cl phase K-Fe-Cl phase

(triple point of CO2), ±0.1 °C at 0 °C (melting point of ice), similarity with Te from the LVHS inclusions could indicate
±2 °C at 374.1 °C (critical homogenization of H2O), and that VL inclusions were the result of necking down of LVHS
±9 °C at 573 °C (alpha to beta quartz transition). The inclusion type or heterogeneous entrapment (Fig. 8 and
heating rate was approximately 1 °C/min near the temper- Table 2).
atures of phase transitions. Descriptive statistics of micro- The eutectic temperatures that could be measured in
thermometric data in vein groups were shown in Table 2. LVHS inclusions (Group I and Group II veins) range from
Salinity calculations were accomplished in the NaCl+H2O −30.4 °C to −67.4 °C, suggesting important concentra-
system according to the equation of Bodnar (1993). tions of Fe, Mg, Ca, and/or other components in addition
to Na and K, while eutectic temperatures of LVHS inclu-
Low-temperature phase changes sions in Group III vary from −26 °C to −43 °C (Fig. 8
and Table 2).
One of the most commonly used techniques for determin- Because of the small volume of liquid in LVHS fluid
ing the composition of aqueous fluid inclusions is based inclusions, it is difficult to observe the final melting state
on the phase behavior at low temperatures. The first and measure the melting temperature of hydrohalite in most
melting temperature, or eutectic temperature, is character- inclusions exactly. The Tm ice values for LV inclusions of
istic of the chemical system within the inclusion, and the Group I veins range from −1.3 °C to −8.1 °C, corresponding
final melting temperature is related to the salinity of the to salinities of 2.3 to 9.6 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively.
aqueous solution. In Group II veins, the Tm ice values for LV inclusions range
The eutectic melting temperature of fluid inclusions from −1.2 °C to −10.5 °C, corresponding to salinities of 2.1
could not specifically be measured; however, an approxi- to 14.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively, and finally, in
mation of this temperature was measured in inclusions in Group III veins, Tm values for LV inclusions vary from
order r to estimate the overall chemical system. The reported −2.1 °C to −12.3 °C, corresponding to salinities of 3.5 to
first melting temperatures (Te) represent therefore apparent 16.3 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively (Sterner et al.
eutectic temperatures (i.e., the upper constraints to real 1988).
eutectic temperatures). In Group I veins, Tm ice value for VL inclusions varies
The temperatures of initial (Te) and final melting of ice from −1.1 °C to −13.4 °C, which corresponds to a salinity
(Tm ice) were measured on types LV, VL, and LVHS fluid between 1.9 and 17.3 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Group II veins
inclusions. The temperatures of first melting (Te) of most LV (VL inclusions) have Tm ice from −0.5 °C to −14.9 °C,
fluid inclusions were between −16 °C and −25 °C, suggest- which corresponds to a salinity between 0.9 and 18.6 wt.%
ing that NaCl±KCL are the principal salts in solution. The NaCl equivalent, and in Group III quartz veins, Tm ice range
Te value of VL fluid inclusions ranges from −56.5 °C to from −0.9 °C to −13.2 °C, corresponding to a salinity from
−17 °C, suggesting that together with Na and K, there may 1.6 to 17.1 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The Tm ice values for
be cations in solution like Mg and Ca which could not be LVHS inclusions are −3.5 °C to −33 °C and are consistent
detected by using microthermometry only. The low Te with salinities of 5.7 to 30.6 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respec-
(−31 °C to −46 °C) for some of the VL inclusions and their tively (Fig. 9 and Table 2).
Arab J Geosci

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of

microthermometric data from FI type Statistical parameter Te (°C) Tm (°C) Th Ts NaCl L/V Salinity
different inclusion types of
Groups I, II, and III veins at LV Minimum −57 −12.3 215 – 1.2 2.01
Darrehzar area Maximum −15 −1.2 514 – 19 16.32
Mean −23.7 −5.1 297 – 4.38 8.02
Standard deviation 7.51 2.73 56.64 – 2.96 3.8
VL Minimum −56.5 −14.9 287 – 0.11 0.87
Maximum −17 −0.5 575 – 1 18.55
Mean −28.9 −6.5 421 – 0.49 9.36
Standard deviation 9.39 4.1 67.83 – 0.3 5.2
LVHS Minimum −67.4 −33 211 211 0.47 31.44
Maximum −26 −3.5 487 510 9 59.86
No distinction is made between Mean −47.8 −12.5 330 351 3.66 43.21
inclusions from the different Standard deviation 9.25 6.34 65.98 72.19 2 6.74
quartz vein groups

High-temperature phase changes inclusions have salinity from 0.9 to 18.6 wt.% NaCl, and
their correlation coefficient between the salinity and their
LV fluid inclusions homogenize to liquid Th (L+V→L) at homogenization temperature is weak (R2 00.07). High salin-
temperatures between 215 °C and 514 °C, with an average ity inclusions have salinity between 31.4 and 59.9 wt.%
of 297 °C. Most of VL inclusions homogenize to vapor Th NaCl and have good correlation coefficient (R2 00.7) be-
(V+L→V) between 287 °C and 575 °C. tween the salinity and their homogenization temperature
In the halite-bearing inclusions, Ts NaCl (the temperature (Fig. 13).
at which halite dissolves) and Th (L–V) (temperature of
vapor and liquid homogenization) were recorded.
The liquid and vapor phases in LVHS inclusions from Discussion
Group I veins homogenize to liquid at temperatures between
211 °C and 487 °C (Fig. 10) and between 244 °C and ∼485 °C Pressure–temperature conditions based on LVHS inclusions
in Group II veins. The liquid–vapor homogenization temper-
ature for LVHS inclusions is from 215 °C to 350 °C in Group Most of the halite-bearing fluid inclusions displayed total ho-
III veins. The halite dissolution temperatures (Ts NaCl) for mogenization by halite dissolution, and their data points lay
LVHS inclusions are between 236 °C and 457 °C in Group I, above the halite saturation curve (Fig. 14). In some of the
and 223 to 510 °C in Group II quartz veins. The halite inclusions, dissolution of halite occurred well above (over
dissolution temperatures for LVHS inclusions of group III 50 °C) the temperature of vapor bubble disappearance
quartz veins are 211 °C to 381 °C. Anhydrite and chalcopyrite (Fig. 15). As various pressure–temperature data indicated for
did not dissolve on heating to temperatures in excess of similar porphyry copper deposit of Sahand–Bazman belt
600 °C. Chalcopyrite was identified on the basis of its optical (Hezarkhani 2006, 2008, 2009; Habibi and Hezarkhani 2012),
characteristics (opacity and triangular cross-section) and com- the pressures corresponding to these types of fluids (>800 bars)
position in opened inclusions (SEM-EDAX analyses yielded are much greater than any reasonable lithostatic load. On the
peaks for Cu, Fe, and S). Anhydrite forms transparent aniso- other hand, the existence of LVHS fluid inclusions with Ts
tropic prisms and was revealed by SEM-EDAX analyses to NaCl≫Th (L–V) (over 50 °C) may imply that pressure was
consist only of Ca and S (elements lighter than F could not be locally or temporarily much higher (Hezarkhani 2008, 2009).
analyzed) (Hezarkhani and Williams-Jones 1998). Another potential mechanism that produced the Ts
NaCl≫Th (L–V) inclusions is entrapment of halite crystals
Salinity in the fluid inclusions from a heterogeneous fluid that is saturated with respect to
halite (Calagari 2004). Therefore, these inclusions trapped
Halite-bearing and non-halite-bearing liquid-rich inclusions mixed fluid and halite crystals at temperatures between
at Darrehzar exhibit a wide variation in salinity, ranging 220 °C and 400 °C. Halite-bearing inclusions with varying
from 0.9 to 59.9 wt.% NaCl (Fig. 11). salinity, halite dissolution, and liquid–vapor homogeniza-
LVHS fluid inclusions (high salinity population) have tion temperature could indicate a necking down process of
higher salinities than LV and VL inclusions (low saline the trapped saturated fluid during the cooling process.
population) and clearly separated each other by a salinity Comparison of the homogenization temperature (the
gap within the range of 19–31 wt.% (Fig. 12). Low salinity higher temperature between Th and Ts) ranges and of
Arab J Geosci

Fig. 8 Histograms of eutectic temperatures for LV, VL, and LVHS

fluid inclusions from mineralized quartz veins (p primary, ps pseudo-
Fig. 9 Histograms of final ice melting and hydrohalite dissolution
secondary, s secondary). (A) Group I, (B) Group II, and (C) Group III
temperatures for LV, VL, and LVHS fluid inclusions from mineralized
quartz vein (p primary, ps pseudosecondary, s secondary). (A) Group I,
(B) Group II, and (C) Group III
Darrehzar area obtained from LVHS fluid inclusions
with those from other economic porphyry systems such as Sungun, Miduk, and Sarcheshmeh indicate sim-
occurring within the Cenozoic Sahand–Bazman belt ilar range values.
Arab J Geosci

Fig. 11 Histograms of salinities (weight percent NaCl equivalent)

from microthermometric data for LV, VL, and LVHS fluid inclusions
in mineralized quartz veins (p primary, ps pseudosecondary, s second-
ary). (A) Group I, (B) Group II, and (C) Group III

Fig. 10 Histograms of homogenization temperatures for LV, VL, and

LVHS fluid inclusions from mineralized quartz veins (p primary, ps pseu-
vapor-rich (LV), liquid-rich (VL), and halite-bearing (LVHS)
dosecondary, s secondary). (A) Group I, (B) Group II, and (C) Group III inclusions. Such a fluid inclusion occurrence is characteristic
of many porphyry systems (Calagari 2004 Hezarkhani 2008,
2009), and hence, a boiling mechanism may saturate in halite-
Boiling event bearing inclusions with respect to halite. The coexistence of
vapor-rich and halite-bearing inclusions which homogenize
As presented in the previous sections, three different types of over the same temperature and the wide variation in phase
fluid inclusions occur in the Darrehzar deposit, containing ratio within fluid inclusions suggests that there could have
Arab J Geosci

Fig. 12 Scatter plot of salinity

versus homogenization
temperature showing two
different populations (low
salinity population from LV and
VL inclusions and high salinity
population from LVHS

been some boiling event during the fluid evolution responsible and boiled, but circulated at lower temperature than Fluid I
for Group I and Group II quartz veins (Fig. 14 and Table 2). and also mixed with an external fluid. Fluid III (L–V inclu-
In Group I veins, after each boiling event, at temperatures sions) was mainly meteoric water (low salinity and low tem-
from 400 °C to 500 °C, the residual boiled fluid remained perature) that mixed with magmatic fluids. This fluid
undersaturated. Boiling event in Group II veins at temperatures circulated mainly in Group II and Group III veins. This fluid
between 300 °C and 400 °C saturated the residual boiled fluid also may have caused some of the argillic alteration, in which
with respect to halite, as suggested by the data points that lie on almost all the feldspars were altered to kaolinite and other clay
and adjacent to the halite saturation curve. In Group III veins, minerals. This conclusion is based on the decrease in salinity
no evidence of boiling was observed (Fig. 14). from 18 down to 1 wt.% NaCl equivalent (Fig. 14).

Fluid evolution The role of fluid inclusions in mineral exploration

Based on mineralogical and fluid inclusion analyses from the Porphyry copper deposits are closely associated with intrusive
deposit, three distinct hydrothermal fluids have been recog- calc-alkaline granitic bodies which were emplaced at shallow
nized. The LVHS and VL fluid inclusions in Group I quartz crustal levels (Gustafson and Hunt 1975). The relationship
veins (Fig. 14) record a later stage (Fluid I) in the Darrehzar between granitic plutons and the copper deposits hosted by
hydrothermal system evolution which could be exsolved from them has long been an issue of debate. Such a tool that can be
high density phase magma (high salinity) and progressively used to directly access the origin of minerals, the evolution of
boiled but never become saturated with respect to halite. It is the orthomagmatic fluids, and the involvement of non-
also proposed that LVHS and VL fluid inclusions in Group II magmatic waters is the study of fluid inclusions in ore-
quartz veins (Fig. 14) represent the next stage of fluid evolu- forming processes that are being isolated from the fluid source.
tion. This could be originated from a definite magmatic- Although porphyry copper mineralization has several
derived fluid and subsequently saturated with respect to halite typical features such as alteration zones, low grade, and

Fig. 13 (A) Weak correlation coefficient between the salinity and their homogenization temperature in low salinity population (R2 00.071).
(B) Good correlation coefficient (R2 00.71) between the salinity and their homogenization temperature in high salinity inclusions (LVHS)
Arab J Geosci









150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550

Fig. 15 Th (L–V) vs. Ts (NaCl) diagram. Inclusions above the diago-

nal line homogenized by halite dissolution. Those below the diagonal
line homogenized by vapor disappearance. Those inclusions above the
50 °C isotherm have a Ts NaCl≫Th (L–V) and are most likely a
representation of inclusions that have trapped halite

Porphyry copper mineralization in Iran has been located

on the Sahand–Bazman belt and caused considerable eco-
nomic resources, and for the first time, Etminan (1977) has
indicated porphyry copper mineralization at Sungun area by
fluid inclusions studies.


The multiple intrusions of microdiorite to diorite and granodi-

orite rocks at Darrehzar indicate a long-lived intrusive episode
associated with repeated fracturing, mineralization, and hydro-
thermal activity. The presence of molybdenite and anhydrite in
Group I veins, chalcopyrite and anhydrite in Group II veins,
and chalcopyrite and anhydrite in LVHS inclusions from vein
of Groups I and II suggest that Fluids I and II were responsible
for the transport and, eventually, deposition of Fe, Cu, Mo, and
Fig. 14 Liquid–vapor homogenization temperature vs. salinity plotted
S. Molybdenite was rarely deposited at the margins of Group I
on a section from the NaCl–H2O system (halite saturation and critical
curves from Bodnar 2003 and Roedder 1984) veins, where deposition was controlled by decreasing temper-
ature from 520 °C to ∼450 °C. This cooling also stabilized K-
feldspar (potassic alteration) in the central part of the Darrehzar
large span, which can be assessed by indirect exploration stock. The rarity of chalcopyrite in Group I veins and abun-
methods (geophysics, geochemistry, etc.), all of the eviden- dance in Group II veins indicate that physicochemical condi-
ces are not causes of economic mineralization. So, a careful tions only became appropriate for bulk Cu deposition during
comparison of fluid-inclusion parameters and deposit char- formation of Group II veins. A fluid of mainly mixed meteoric
acteristics enables one to distinguish between economically and magmatic origin (Fluid II) circulated later in the central
significant and insignificant zones. part of the stock, at temperatures up to 420 °C. Late fractures,
Data obtained from fluid inclusions of potassic and phyl- or reopened veins, provided the pathways for this fluid to
lic alteration zones such as salinity, homogenization temper- circulate in the system. The low K/Na ratio (lower than 0.2)
ature, pressure, and degree of filling can be used to and high temperature of this fluid were unstable potassium
determine the potential, type, and severity of mineralization feldspar of potassic alteration and replaced with albite. Also,
obtained in different alteration zones and the state of fluid this fluid dissolves sulfide mineral (before produced) and trans-
circulation in the Earth's crust. mits Cu to upper level. In the upper levels of the intrusion, the
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