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CHAPTER 6: THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM called H zone; M line contains tiny protein rods

that hold filaments together

 Sacromeres - myofribrils; chains of tiny
Muscle Types
contractile units; aligned end-to-end like
 Skeletal and smooth muscle cells are elongated
boxcars in a train along the length of the
(muscle fibers)
 The ability of the muscle to shorten or contract
 Myofilaments:
depends myofilaments
Actin – thin filaments
Myosin – thick filaments
Skeletal Muscle (striated, voluntary)
 Sacroplasmic reticulum – specialized smooth
 Skeletal muscle fibers are packaged into organs
endoplasmic reticulum; Store calcium and to
called skeletal muscles that attach to the body’s
release it on demand when the muscle fiber is
stimulated to contract
 Help form much smoother contours of the body
 Huge, cigar-shaped, multinucleate cells; largest
muscle fiber types
 Striated & voluntary
 Activated by reflexes; contract rapidly; tires  Flexion – decreases angle of joint; brings 2
easily and must rest after short periods of bones together; HINGE JOINTS
activity  Extension – increases angle between 2 bones
 Soft and fragile; exert tremendous power  Rotation – movement of bone around its
 Their fibers are bundled together by connective longitudinal axis; BALL & SOCKET JOINTS
tissue which provides strength and support to
 Abduction – moving a limb away from the
the muscle as a whole
 Endomysium  Perimysium  Epimysium midline
 Tendons: provide durability and conserving  Adduction – movement of a limb toward the
space; tough collagen fibers; pass over joint body midline
 Circumduction – combination of flexion,
Smooth Muscle (nonstriated, involuntary) extension, abduction, adduction; BALL &
 Found in walls of hollow visceral organs SOCKET JOINTS
(stomach, urinary bladder, respiratory passages)
 Dorsiflexion & plantar flexion – up and down
 Spindle-shaped; single nucleus
movements of the foot and ankle (dorsiflexion –
Cardiac Muscle (striated, involuntary) lifting foot; plantar flexion – pointing toes)
 Heart – serves as a pump, propelling blood into  Inversion & iversion – invert – medial; evert –
the blood vessels and to all tissues of the body lateral
 Arranged in a spiral or figure-8 shaped bundles  Supination & pronation – supination – forearm
rotates laterally; pronation – forearm rotates
Muscle Functions
1. Produce movement
 Opposition – move thumb to touch tips of other
2. Maintaining posture
3. Stabilizing joints
4. Generating heat


 Myofibrils – long ribbon-like organelles that

pushes nuclei
 Light (I) has a midline interruption, darker area
called the Z disc; Dark (A) has a lighter area
Name Origin Insertion Action
Head/Neck Muscles (9)
Frontalis Cranial aponeurosis Skin of eyebrows Raises eyebrows
Orbicularis Oculi Frontal bone & maxilla Tissue around eyes Blinks & closes eyes
Orbicularis Oris Mandible & maxilla Skin & muscle around Closes & protrudes lips
-kissing muscle mouth
Temporalis Temporal bone Mandible Closes jaw
Zygomaticus Zygomatic bone Skin and muscle corner of Raises corner of mouth
-smiling muscle lips
Masseter Temporal bone Mandible Closes jaw
Buccinator Maxilla & mandible Orbicularis oris Compress cheek (whistling
-chewing muscle & sucking); holds food
between teeth
Sternocleidomastoid Sternum & clavicle Mastoid process Flexes neck & rotates
-prayer muscles head
Platysma Connective tissue covering Tissue around mouth Pulls corner of mouth
of superior chest muscles inferiorly
Trunk Muscles (3)
Pectoralis major Sternum, clavicle, 1st-6th Proximal humerus Adducts & flexes humerus
Rectus abdominis Pubis Sternum; 5th-7th ribs Flexes vertebral column
External oblique Lower 8 ribs Iliac crest Flexes and rotates
vertebral column
Arm/shoulder muscles (3)
Biceps brachii Scapula & shoulder girdle Proximal radius Flexes elbow; supinates
Brachialis Distal humerus Proximal ulna Flexes elbow
Deltoid Abducts arm
Hip/Thigh/Leg Muscles (7)
Iliopsas Ilium & lumbar vertebrae Femur Flexes hip
Adductor muscles pelvis Proximal femur Adduct thigh
Sartorius Ilium Proximal tibia Flexes thigh on hip
Quadriceps group (vastus VIL: Femur Tibial tuberosity All extend knee
medialis, intermedius,
lateralis, rectus femoris) RF: Pelvis RF: + flexes hip on thigh
Tibialis anterior Proximal tibia 1st cuneiform & 1st Dorsiflexes & inverts foot
metatarsal of foot
Extensor digitorium Proximal tibia & radius Distal toes 2-5 Extends toes; dorsiflexes
longus foot
Fibularis muscles fibula Metatarsal of foot Plantar flex & evert foot


Name Origin Insertion Action
Neck/Trunk/Shoulder muscles (5)
Trapezius Occipital bone & all Extends neck & adducts
cervical and thoracic scapula
Latissimus dorsi Lower spine & iliac arrest Extends/adducts humerus
Erector spinae Iliac crests, ribs 3-12, Extends back
Quadratus Lumborum Iliac crest, lumbar fascia Flexes spine laterally,
extends spine
Deltoid Scapular spine & clavicle Abducts humerus
Arm/Forearm Muscles (6)
Triceps brachii Shoulder girdle & proximal Olecranon processes Extends elbow
-boxer’s muscle humerus
Flexor carpi radialis Distal humerus 2nd & 3rd metacarpals Flexes wirst, abducts hand
Flexor carpi ulnaris Distal humerus & Carpals of wrist & 5th Flexes wrist, adducts hand
posterior ulna metacarpal
Flexor digitorium Distal humerus, ulna & Middle phalanges of 2nd- Flexes wrist & fingers
superficial radius 5th fingers
Extensor carpi radialis Humerus Base of 2nd and 3rd Extends wrist, abducts
metacarpals hand
Extensor digitorium Distal humers Distal phalanges of 2nd-5th Extends fingers & wrist
Hip/Thigh/Leg Muscles (5)
Gletues maximus Sacrum & ilium Proximal femur Extends hip
Gluteus medius Ilium Proximal femur Abducts thigh; steadies
Hamstring muscles Ischial tuberosity Proximal tibia Flex knee, extend hip
Gastrocnemius Distal femur Calcaneus Plantar flexes foot & flexes
Soleus Proximal tibia & fibula calcaneus Plantar flexes foot

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