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Practice Exercises

Directions: Read all of the directions for each exercise before you do them!

If you make a mistake at any time in these exercises, REMEMBER THE MAGIC ‘ UNDO ’ BUTTON!!

 With the above two sentences:

Change the font weight to Bold.
Change the font face to Impact.
Change the colour to dark blue.
Change the font size to 25.
And underline the word "undo".

Exercise 1: Save
Save this file as a Word 97-2003 Document with the name “Word 2007 Practice Exercise – your name”.
(Use your actual name; don’t just type ‘your name’! )

Exercise 2: Copy, Cut & Paste

Copy this sentence and paste it in the
box to the right.
Cut this 2nd sentence and paste it in the
box to the right.
Highlight this 3rd sentence and drag it
into the box to the right.

Exercise 3: Aligning Text

Align this sentence to the right.
Align this sentence in the center.
Align this sentence to the left.

Exercise 4: Line Spacing

This is the first paragraph. Change the spacing for this paragraph to double. This is the first paragraph.
Change the spacing for this paragraph to double. This is the first paragraph. Change the spacing for this
paragraph to double. This is the first paragraph. Change the spacing for this paragraph to double.

This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the spacing for this paragraph to single. This is the 2nd paragraph.
Change the spacing for this paragraph to single. This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the spacing for this
paragraph to single. This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the spacing for this paragraph to single.
Exercise 5: Indent
Change the first line indent to 0.5". Change the first line indent to 0.5". Change the first line indent to
0.5". Change the first line indent to 0.5". Change the first line indent to 0.5". Change the first line indent
to 0.5". Change the first line indent to 0.5". Change the first line indent to 0.5". Change the first line
indent to 0.5". Change the first line indent to 0.5". Change the first line indent to 0.5". Change the first
line indent to 0.5". Change the first line indent to 0.5".

This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the left indent to 1". This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the left
indent to 1".This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the left indent to 1".This is the 2nd paragraph. Change
the left indent to 1".This is the 2nd paragraph. Change the left indent to 1".This is the 2nd paragraph.
Change the left indent to 1".

Change the hanging indent of this paragraph to 0.8". Change the hanging indent of this paragraph to
0.8". Change the hanging indent of this paragraph to 0.8". Change the hanging indent of this paragraph
to 0.8". Change the hanging indent of this paragraph to 0.8". Change the hanging indent of this
paragraph to 0.8".

Change the right indent of this paragraph to 0.5". Change the right indent of this paragraph to 0.5".
Change the right indent of this paragraph to 0.5". Change the right indent of this paragraph to 0.5".
Change the right indent of this paragraph to 0.5". Change the right indent of this paragraph to 0.5".

Exercise 6: Header & Footer

Double click on the header section. In the header, type your name, class and date on three separate
lines. Align all three lines to the right.

In the footer, write the name of your favorite Place. [click on the "go to footer" command on the
navigation group to navigate footer]

Exercise 7: Page Setup

Paper size A4

Margins Top Bottom Left Right Gutter Gutter position

1 1 .5 .5 .5 Left

Exercise 8: Deleting Text

Delete all text of Exercises 1 and 2. Your final document should start with Exercise 3.

Exercise 9: Print Preview & Print

Look at the Print Preview. In the print preview, click the "one page","two pages", "page width" and see
the changes.[ You’re now ready to print. Print only the first page of the document. ]

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