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John Smith

I 8 Siunnyside Boulevard
Arlington, NY 16543
ji'llli\r!]llit'/ r'i|,i!j , i!ri:

Ability Skills

r Patience
o Attentiveness
r Clear Comruunication Skills
I DcF,endable
o Microsoft Word and Excel
e Tearn Player

Arlington High School
Diploma Arlington, NY

Pet Sitter
Arlington, NY
06/20 I 7-Present

r Established and run successful pet sitting business including

dog walking, feeding, and yard care
' Responsible for obtaining clients, scheduling and attendingli.iir,
o.gunizing visits, and marntaining client

Soup Kit.chen Volunteer

Arlington, NY
0l12017 ;J612017

' ,Y,::-l*'1"]19:I:"tnteer
lntake ol donated food
manager at loc,al soup kitchen, scheduling voluntee:r time slots, managlng

' jT:*:1:1gp::11*,ion
and distribution of meals on Sundays and holidays including, Thanksgiving.
r_ and L.aster

Child Care Provider

Arlington, NY

e Provided child care for several families afft:r school, weekends,

and during school vacations

Awards & Achievements

National I{onor Society
Honor Roll
President of high school Volunteer Club
John Smith
123 Main Street
,A.iken. SC 29801
(803) r23_1234

October I, 2018

First Citizens Bank

12965 Main Street
Williston, SC 29853

Ref: OperationsServicesSupervisor

Dear Sir or Madam:

In rr:sponse to your recent.advertisement through the First Citizens Bank website, please
accept this letter in
app.lication for the Operations Services Supen.isor position currently available
within your.o*purry.
As ;lou can see from my enclosed resume, as rvell as my diverse skills, makes
me a strong candidate for
this position.

I would appreciate the opporrunity to discuss rny credentials with you at a mutually
convenient time.
Thank you for you consideration.

Respectfully yours,

John Smith
Enclosure: Resume

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