Paper ID: (E069U: Total No. of Questions: 081 (Total No. of Pages: 03

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Roll No. . . ...............o ..r.

Total No. of Questions : 081 [Total No. of Pages: 03

M. Tech. (Sem.- 2nd)

PaperID : [E069U
lNotc: Pleasefill subjectcodeand paperID on OMRI

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

' Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five questions.
2) AII questionscarryequalmarks.

Ql) (a) Calculatethe meanfrom the following frequencydistribution:

x: 2 3 5 G8 9-11 12-14 15-20 2l-26 27-32
f : 4 | 2 3 4 3 6 3 1
(b) Compute the median from the following data:
mid.value: ll5 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195
Frequency: 6 25 48 72 116 60 38 22 3

Q2) (a) The mean and the variancecalculatedfrom a group of 80 observations

. are 6.3 and 25.93 respectively.If 60 of these observationshave
meafl:.64.8 and S.D.:4, find the meanand S.D. of the remaining2}
(b) Find the standarddeviation.fromin. foUowing data:

x: 4.5 14.5 24.5 34.5 44.5 54.5 64.5

f: 1 s 12' 22 17 g 4

Q3) (a) A bag contains 7 red and 5 white balls, 2 balls are drawn at random
without replacement.What is the probability that the secondball is red,
knowing that the first ball is red?
(b) The probability that a bomb droppedfrom a planewill strikethe targetis

1 r-^-^^r r , ^ A + L ^ probability
. If six bombs are dropped,find the - - ^ L ^ L : r 2 + -+that
, L^+
(i) Exactly two will strikethe target.
(ii) At leasttwo will strikethe target.
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Q0 @) Find the meanand varianceof the poissondistribution.

(b) In a normal distribution,3l%of the itemsareunder 45 and \o/aarc over

64. Find the meanand standarddeviation ofthe distribution.

Q5) (a) A coin is tossed900 times and headsappear 4g}times. Doesthe result
supportthe hypothesisthat the coin is unbiased?

(b) A drug is given to 10patientsandthe incrementsin their blood pressure

wererecordedto be 3,6,-2,4,-3,4,6,A,A,2.Isit reasonableto believethat
the drug has no effect on changeof blood pressure?

Q6) (a) The two randomsamplesrevealthe following data:

Sampleno. Size Mean Variance

I 15 MA 40

T 25 460 42

Testwhetherthe samplescorneflom the samenonnal population.

(b) The following datais collectedon two characters:

Smokers Non - smokers

Literate 83 57
Illiterate 45 68

Basedon this inforrnationcan you saythat there is no relation between

habit of smoking and literacy.

Q7) (a) Explain in detailthe following:

(i) Betweengroup sum of squares.
(ii) Within group sum of squares.
(iii) Mean squarewithin samples.
(1v) Mean squarebetweensamPles.

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(b) ThreevarietiesA,B,Cof a crop aretestedin arandomizedblock designwith
four replications.The plot yield in poundsareas follows:
A6 C5 A8 89
C8 A4 B6 C9
87 86 ClO 4.6
Analysethe experimentalyield and stateyour conclusion.

Q8) Write short noteson:

(a) Reportwriting
(b) Randomizedblock design.


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