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RED BANK REGISTER. Uiutil W«oklr, Enttrtd al SMond-CUii Ilattn at tb« Fort-
office at K<d Bank, N. J . <"<l« the Ait ol Marsh' I, 181*. RED BANK, N. 1 , WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO
Aleck at Colt's Neck
Played a Mean Trick. UNCROFT HAS MORE PUPILS FAMOCS COLT'S NECK PROP- Relatives at Belford.
Some "Smart Aleck" played a mean THAN EVER HEFORK, ERTY IN NEW HANDS. O. P. Cottrell. business manager BTNOHAM. AVKNUJC
BED BANK SCHOOLS, MBS. A. 8. COWAN, trick on the firemen of Atlantic town- for the Associate oil company of BANK ifetT WEEK.
FUnu an Innovation Here—Senior Colonel Cowan Is Now Commander ship by blowing the siren at the flre- Isaac ITormon, Who Has a Boarding It Has Been Bought by Dr. Edward Piedmont, California, has been EaBt
on a business trip. He spent^part Ordinance for This Work Passed by John X Qcilun Will Dn One ol tM
house at Colt'a Neck at one o'clock Establishment, Has Opened a L. Cnisius of Allenhurst From of
High Sohool Chapel Program— at Fort Monmouth—Reception at last Thursday morning. There was School for His Children to Relieve Formnn Hunt for $30,000—Big In- Mr.last week with his wife's parents, Commissioners—JVIaplowood
nuo lo be Improved—Petition for
Avo- Principal Speakers nnd thoParadd
First February Graduation Exer- tho Fort Friday Night Was Pre- no fire. Tho firemen turned out to and Mrs. Albert Runyon of BrJ- Sidewalks on Will Bo 800 Strong—Nutley Qt'
clies In 1031—Other School News, ceded by Dinner Parties. the Crowded Condition. crease In Value. ford. Mr. Cottrell spent last year in First Street phans' Band to Take Part.
the flrohouso, but as no one was there
Motion rlotures will bo ahown this The social season at tho Army sig- to direct them to tho supposed flre Isaac Forman of Everett, who con- Tho Ryall farm near Colt's Neck Japan on a business mission for the At Thursday night's meeting of the Thn Sons of Italy lodges of r,ed
year In tha classrooms of the Rod nal school at For,t Monmouth was they soon sensed the real situation. ducts a boarding establishment for was bought last week by Dr. Ed- Associate oil company. He took mo- Rumson commissioners four or- Bank, Long Branch and Aibury
Bunk publlo schools to aid in the opcnodiFrlday night by a formal're- Some of tho firemen say, they are colored children, has opened a school ward L. Cruslus of Allenhurst from tion pictures of many things which dinances were introduced and an- Park and many Italians of Matawun
study of geography, sclenco and ception given by the officers and certain in their own minds as to who at his place for tho boys and girls In- Forman Hunt for $30,000. The prop- he saw in Japan, and ho exhibited other -was adopted, Two of the new will join In holding a big celebration
phyilcs. • Tho use of motion pictures ladies of tho garrison in honor of turned "this trick," but they lack stead of sending them to the Llncroft erty Is on both sides of tho county these pictures at the Runyon borne ordinances are for improvement!?. at Red Bank on Columbus day. A
for this purpose Is an innovation In Colonel and, Mrs. A. S. Cowan. definite proof. It will go hard with pubjic school. Tho Lincroft school road between Colt's Neck and Free- last week. He has a small motion The other two wero introduced tn parade will- bn held in which 8W
th» Red Bank schools. A portable Colonel Cowan has recently taken up the guilty parties If the firemen ever has" been ~ greatly overcrowded and hold. It comprises 180 acres, of picture machine which he brought rectify an error in a previous or- people will take part The proces-
machine for showing the pictures haE his now duties as commanding of- "get tho goods on them." Mr. Forman agreed to havo the chil- which 114 acres are on the north East with him. dinance. sion will end at the River street
been bought by the board of educa- ficer of Fort Monmouth and com- dren taught at his expense to re- sldo of the road and 66 acres are The ordinance adopted is for a school, there will bo speech-
tion and the pictures can bo) shown mandant of the signal school. Prior lieve this condition. The Llncroft on tho south side. On tho north side storm sewer which will run alontf making and musical entertainment.
in the classrooms In tho daytime. to coming to Fort Monmouth Colonel
Some of tho dim topics procured so Cowan was in command of tho signal
far are .Anthraclto Coal, Irrigation, section, New York general depot,
MDDLETOWN'S BUSINESS. school this year has an enrollment of of the road are two large houses, one
84 pupils, tho largest in the history of which Is the famous Ryall resi-
of the school. Miss Helen C. Hard- dence. <>
CHAMPIONSHIP AT STAKE. part of Bingham avenue, north of tho The celebration will bo the largest
Ridge road, and then over Dalton of its kind ever held at Red Ban*.
Parmly'a property to a lake. The sew- Alfonso DoMaria In chairman ol tha
New England Fisheries, From Wheat Brooklyn. Both Colonel and MrB. Ing of Connecticut Is a new teacher Two years ago Mr. Hunt bought COUNTY TITLE TO BE SETTLED er wiH provide proper drainage for local committee in charge of tha
to Bread, From Tree to Newspaper, Cowan aro well known In army cir- TBOCBLE ABOUT SEWAGE AT In charge of the primary department. the farm at aucfion for $19,000 from Ridge road and Bingham avenue. ceremonies.
Cotton Growing,. Meat Packing, cles and In tho metropolitan dlBtrlet. OCEAN VIEW. The children at Mr. Forman's Joseph F. Brakeiey. Mr. Brakely at AT BELFORD. Bids for laying the storm sewer will
Hawaiian Islands, Tho Arid South- Tho committee In' chargo of the re- home are from cities in northern that time waS.closing his factory at be opened at the next meeting of the A thirty-piece band from the Nut"
west and Atmospheric PreBsure. ception was composed of Captain M. Bad Conditions There Aro Held Not New Jersey and from New York. Freehold and he sanctioned off his "Red" Hyers Was Defeated In Two commissioners. One of the new. or-' ley cipal
orphanage will parade the prin-
streets of the town between
A.t the senior high school chapel G. Brlslawn, Captain L. F. Lawrence, to he the Fault of tho Firemen But They all have parents able to support farms near Colt's Meek, which had Horseshoe Pitching Matches Last dinances for improvements is for
them, but who place their boys and been used to raise beans for canning. Week and His Vanquishers Will sidewalks on the west side of Lennox ten and eleven o'clock In the morn-
t exercises Friday morning a "pep" Captain F. G. Miller and Lieutenant of Property Owners—Other Town- ing. Tho orphans will gather at
meeting was held. It was In charge J. E. Raymond. ship Business. girls in Mr. Forman's charge so they Since that time a number of farms Play Each Other. avenue, between River road and Pleasant
of William Firth, who Is leader of Invitations were Issued to the of- A short time ago complaint was will escape the dangers of city life. at Colt's No'ck nnd Holmdel have Lakeside avenue. The other or- they will inn after their parade and
the cheer loaders. Joseph C. Smith ficers and ladles of Fort Monmouth, made
Raymond Hyers of'feclford, bettor
The Forman institution. Is private teen bought by wealthy men who use known as "Red Hyers," is no longer dinance is for curbing and laying a Garibaldi be. guests of tho Rod Bank
of McLaren street gave a talk on the officers and ladles of Fort Han- dletown to the board of health of Mld- and is in no way connected witli the the places for country estates. The the champion horseshoe' pitcher of gravel and cinder surface on Maple- parade willlodge at dinner. The main,
start from Pleasant Inn
school spirit and .led tho singing. cock, Brigadier General R. C. Van- had beentownship about a pit which
dug in the Ocean View sec-
state. Mlddletown township is not prices In most instances were more Monmouth county. He was defeated wood avenue. As this street has not at three o'clock and the line of
Tho faculty and student council Vliet,, Major General William S. tion of Leonardo required to educate tho children un- than tho value of the land for agri- two times the past week. Jacob yet been taken over for public use march will be down Shrewsbury
committees have arranged the follow- Graves, and Mayor J. William Jones Community lire company by the members of der these circumstances, but in all cultural purposes, but the Ryall farm Johnson of Belford beat him on the the cost will be borne by the property avenue to Monmouth Btreet,
ot that probability no objection would have showed a larger increase in this re- first occasion nnd Albert Brown, a owners uri the street. Mon-
ing program lor Benlor chapel exer- of Long Branch, New Jersey. place. The pit was dug in the course mouth street to Bridge avenue,
cises: Captain and Mrs. Ira H. Trecst en- of a brook to provide a water supply been made if the crowded condition gard than any of the other farms. colored resident of Atlantic High- Several -weeks ago the Rumson Bridgo avenue to Front Btreet, Fron*
October 4th—Bund concert and chorus tertained at a dinner at their home in to fight fires. It Is between Center did not exist In the township schools. The soil Is productive and the place lands, beat him on the other occasion. fishing club gave the borough a strip i street to Broad street. Broad street
staffing in charge of Chester Wllhclm and West Long Branch preceding the re- avenue and Hamilton avenue. It was Seventeen boys and girls are at is rated as one of the best in Atlantic Both games were played at Beiford. of land, adjoining the fishing club's | to Monmouth, Monmouth to Bridge
LeRoy Baker, ception. Among those present were complained that offensive odors came tho Forman homo at present and township. Tho new owner will im- Mr. Johnson and Mr. Brown will property, and in return the borough avonuo and from there to the River
October 7th—Talk to boys on aoclnl Brigadier General R. C. Van Vllet, from tho water in the pit and that thirteen attended the Llncroft school. prove the Ryall house and occupy it. play for the county championship vacated the end of the Avenue of street school. In addition to th;
hygiene by William Sampson of the state Major and Mrs. R. J. Marshall, Cap-
the firemen cither should clean out Another Is in Middletown township Tho other liouac Is occupied by Mr. title Saturday of this week at Bel- Two Rivera. The exchange was made Sons of Italy lodges, Italian frater-
department of health. , tain and Mrs. E. L. Clowcll, Captain the ditch leading to the pit or fill In high school at Leonardo and ho will Hunt. Dr. Crusius lias asked Mr. ford. A purse of $S0 has been raised, to protect the fishing club properly. nal organizations from various patta
October 11th—Columbus day program continue his studies there. About Hunt to remain on the farm and act part of which will jro to the winner The land acquired by the borough of tho county and tho Children of
In chamo of Stephen A. Skakandy, Gcorffc and Mrs. H. P. Browning, Lieutenant the pit. The area in question is low
Sti^uiBB, Mrs. Ada Grdhdali nnd Miss and Mrs. C. W. Wood, Mrs. C. S. and is more or less covered with half a dozen children were at the as foreman. Dr. Crusius has an and the remainder to various parties will be the new terminus of the street Mary society of St. Anthony's church
Paulina Fuicher, history tenchers. Stodter, Llciitonant A. J. Lubbo, Mr. drain water after heavy storms. home last year and they went to amusement park at Asbury Park, who" put up money to make up the at the river. The cost of making the vill be in line. Tho Orphans' band
October 18th—"Pep" meetlnff in charge and Mrs. J. H. Peters and Miss
Dr. O. W. Budlong of Belford, the
school at Lincroft. where he keeps ponies which are purse. The game last Saturday was change will be borne by tho fishing .irill accompany tho procession anil
of LeUoy Baiter and cheer leaders. Janico Dey. Mr. Forman's property Is known rented at so much per ride. The for a purse of $25. club. la the original ordinance for there will be bands from Red Bank,
October 24th—Illustrated lecture on Captain and Mrs. Thomas R. Mc- township health Inspector, assisted by as tho James Kelly farm and ho ponies, 28 in number, have been the exchange an error was made in Long Branch, Matawan and Asbury
"Scenic America" by Robert K. Roth, Justice Louis H. Meese of Belford, bought it five years ago. The farm moved to tho farm at Colt's Neck. Mr. Brown waa accompanied on his the description of tho property. To
November 1st—THallowe'en program In Carloy and Captain and Mrs. Gar- who Is tho township recorder, made Invasion of Belford by Winfleld Tay- rectify this two new ordinances were Park.
charge of William Firth. land C. Black entertained at dinner an investigation of conditions. Sub- comprises about ten acres of land, a The Ryall house lias sixteen rooms. lor, another colored resident of At- Prosecutor John J. CJuinn will oe
November 8th—Armistice day program nt tho Smoko Shop tavern at Red sequently Dr. Sweet of the state house and several small outbuildings. One part of tho building Is very old. lantic Highlands. These two men introduced Thursday night. One re-
In charge of Mis* Snrn Stanger. Bank preceding tho reception. Tho Mr. Forman has rebuilt the house Among the early owners was John played against Belford's champion- peals the original ordinance and the in principal speaker In English at
November 15th—Art talk by Mr«. dinner was served In the private din- board of health was sent for to make and ho has erected a bungalow and Stoutenburg. The county road ship other contains a correct description IC schoolhouso and the main Ital-
Chinalls. ' ing rooms, where the autumnal color- an Inspection. Dr. Sweet made a re- two-man team, consisting of
a large gymnasium on the property. through Colt's Neck was changed Garrett Wilson and Chester Henry. of the propety and will replace the .jn speaker will be Italo Carlo Falbo
November 22d—Thanksgiving program Ing effects were carried out In tho port at a meeting of the board of The first year ho lived at Everett he during Mr. Stoutonburg's ownership original ordinance. of the Progressero Italo Americano
In charge of MIBB Alice Nuglc. health last Thursday and it con-
December 6th—Dramatic reading class decorations. Among those present curred with the findings of Dr. Bud-
boarded only six children. He has to follow its present course. Mr. Tho were
Atlantic Highlands invaders A, petition was received requesting of New York, one of the largest
victorious in a very closely con-
program in charge of Mrs. Robert C. wore Colonel and Mrs. A. S. Cowan, long and- Mr. Meese. gradually increased the number of Stoutenburg was very, much opposed tested serioa of-gamoG. Quito a good sidewalks and curbing on both sides Italian daily newspapers In tho
Brown. Major and Mrs. L. B. Bender, Major boarders and during tho past sum- to this change. Ho had a barn which deal of money is said to have of 1'irtit btrcet. The clerk will as- country. Several other prominent
December 18th—Christmas carols. nnd Mrs. S. B. Akin, Major and Mrs. Dr. Swoot stated that the firemen mer he had about seventy boys and projected beyond the north side of changed hands on the result. certain if the signers own151 per cent men will address the gathering and
December 20th—(Jhrlstmns program In L. E. Ryder, Captain and Mrs. W. were not at fault for the conditions girls at the home. Tho children have the new r»ad and he refused to move or more of property on tho street the celebration will be brought to' a.
chartro of Junior high school puclls. S. Stewart, Captain and Mrs. K. B. at the water pit. He said the trouble the run of the entire farm, but they this building. Throughout his life- Efforts are being made to get and if so an ordinance for the im- close with a musical program.
January 10th—Business English Class Lawton, Captain and Mrs. C. I. HoPr was caused by sewage being de- are not allowed to go more than time lio successfully resisted every George Chandler and Eugene Wen- provement will be introduced at the The Red Bank Garibaldi lodge haa
program In charge of Mrs. Robert C. pough, Captain and Mrs. R. A. Wll- posited in the brook and by out- short distances.from the home with- effort that was made, legally and oth- zell of Red Bank to play against next meeting. had a Columbus day celebration here
Brown. lard, Captain and Mrs. L. Cassler, houses which were not constructed in out a guardian. A running track, erwise, to move this barn. Tho road teams challenging them for the coun- Albert Burdge & Son of Red Bank for many years, but three years ago
The committees which arranged Captain and Mrs. N. L. Baldwin, accordance with tho stato health tennis court, swings and other amuse- ran- straight until It reached the barn. ty championship. The two Red made a request for permission to .run.. the lodge Joined, with a, group ot Mftt--
the above program will meet again Llaut. nnrl.Mrs. C, W. Clarke, Lieut, laws. These outhouses aro oh the ments, are on tho property. Mr. For- In front of this building it described Bankers won" this "title and a silver six busses through Rumson. They awan Italians and the Sons of Italy .
• In November to arrange chapel nnd Mrs. H, L. Vitzhum, Lieut, and hnnltB of tho brook. Dr.. Swoet man goes to' the beach neai'ly every a sort of a semi-circle or loop. Mr. loving cup at the recent fair of the will be operated from Atlantic High- lodges of Long Branch and Asbury
events fur Hie rest of the school year. Mrs. F.' H. Lanahan, Jr., Lieut, and recommonded that notices be sent to day during tho summer and he takes Stoutenburg was very proud of this New Monmouth Baptist church. lands to Asbury Park. Action was Park have agreed to have a large
The 11 A class will bo tho first in Mrs. J. S. Raymond, Lieut, and Mrs. all the property owners In the area a dozen of the boys and girls with lonp. He bnasted on many occasions "Red" Hyers announced immediately deferred until more information is :elebratlon every year at one of the
the history of the school to hold Its L. Hewitt, Lieut, and Mrs. R. Robin- in question that they must remedy him. The children who stay at the that ho was the cause of it and that after he won the county individual obtained regarding the operation of four towns. The first waa at Long
graduation exercises in February. son,. Lieut, and Mrs, A. M. Slier and these conditions. The board of health home the year around make an an- the board of freeholders, with all championship at the church fair that the line. Branch and last year it was held at
This ovent will take place In 1931. Lieut, and Mrs. F. T. Gillespic. passed a motion to this effect. It was nual trip to somo place of interest their power, could not make him ho would take on challengers at any Robert V. White said that the sew- Asbury Park. Next year the cere-
Tho officers of tho class aro Frank stated that some of the persons who within a short automobile ride of the change the location of the barn. Au- time when a convenient arrangement age disposal problem on the Tread- monies wiil be at Matawan, ;.,.,:..."
Blalsdell president, William Russell had boon loudest In their complaints home. Last year the children v/ere gustus Sickles, an aged resident of could ba made. It is believed that well property had been remedied John C. Giordano of Long Bratlch
vico president, Ruth Parker Becre- about the condition of tho pit were taken, to Philadelphia and Atlantic Colt's Neck, remembers this and ho Mr. Chandler and Mr. Wenzell will be and that another case in West Park is chairman of the general commit-
tary, Margaret Hackstaff treasurer
and Edwin Erodcrson, John Galni
CLUB TO GET CHARTER. themselves chiefly responsible for
this condition. Justice Meese was at
City and this year will go to Gettys- told a Register reporter about it last equally as ready to give other cham- where sewage was running into the tee, Mr. DeMarla is vice chairman,
burg. • The children must be physic- week. pionship aspirants a chance to con- river will be taken care of this week. Joseph Thimboli is secretary and
and Angelo Murdlco members of the tho meeting and ho said ho would ally fit before they will be allowed in test. Pietro Tomani Is Jreasurar. Mr. De-
exocutlvfl committee. This class is THE KUMSON LIONS CLUB HAS take energetic measures to bring the home. Mr. Forman is a native After Mr. Stoutenburg died Hen- The championship cup which Mr. Maria's assistants on the Red Bank
selling felt pennants, banners and about full compliance with tho law. of California and he is well educated. drick Longstreet was the next owner. committeo are G. Alesslo Summonte,
other novelties for tho class trip to
After the meeting of tho board of
Six Members Jo.'ned tho Organiza- health' a meeting of the township before moving to Everett.
Hyers won at the church fair and
He lived at New York several years The Longstreets are a pioneer Mon- tho championship cup which Mr.
mouth county family. In the early Chandler and Mr. Wenzell won are
MIDPLEI^IYDRANTS. Louis Gattis, Eugene Adarao, Louis
Dell'Omo, Joseph Condina, Frank
days of Monmouth county most of
Marlon Diet?, •William Russell and tion Last Week and Two Were committee was held. George A. Roger Ho Bays ho will erect other build- them lived at Holmdel. The next not at stake in these championship WATER COMMISSIONERS FIX Sole, Gennarelll Mondlollo, Umberto
Nicosia, Frank Garruto, Vincenzo Al-
Frank Blalsdell liavo been appointed Transferred From tho Red Bank of Naveslnk complained about the Ings on the farm next year and will owner after Hendrick Longstreet was games. The cups are the permanent
on a committee to devise a method Cluli—Charter, Night October 23d. condition of the shoulders of the con- have more boarders the year around. Daniel B. Ryall. He was a lawyer property of the persons who won LOCATIONS FOR TWENTV. vino, Patsy Cappucclo, Rosarlo Ka-
to Increase tho membership of the He says he will raise the standard of and ho had lived in Kentucky prior them, but tho championship title is citi, Roberto Manclnl, Veneenn*
athletlo association. Tho Rumson Lions club received crete road at Navesink. He also
Spina and Joseph Calabrese.
claimed that the tar joints of the his private school as soon as ho is to buying the farm. It was during subject to whatever fluctuations the The Hydrants Will be Placed In the
At a recent meeting of the student six new members last Wednesday road had worn out. Committeemon able. games may bring forth. Territory Between Headden's Cor-
council Edith Head, Elizabeth Pow- night. Two members of the Red Bank Carl Grosslngcr said there were other his ownership that the barn which Albert E. Langford has been made ner and the Shrewsbury River by
The Llncroft school has two class- had projected into the road was NO BIDS MADE.
ers, Jack Mount, William Firth and Lions club transferred their member- roads where similar conditions ex- rooms and seven grades. Miss Lena moved to another location and the arbiter of tho games at Belford. He tho Monmouth Water Company.
Frank Blalsdcll woro appointed on ship to thn Rumson club. Tho club isted and he said all these places has a complete set of tho rules of
the assembly committee, Benjamin now has 24 members and will receive should be repaired. The matter was C. Anderson, principal of the school, road was made straight. The three water commissioners of No Garbage Disposal Service Yet'»t
Cook. Howard Gage, James Rath- its charter on Wednesday night, Oc- referred to Thomas P. Day, the town- has charge of the fifth, sixth and After the death of Mr. Ryall tho horseshoe pitching, and as a result Middletown township, David Simp- Little Silver.
«mlth, Elizabeth Powers, Jessie Frost tober 23d. Tho document will be pre- ship supervisor of roads. seventh grades and the primary de- farm was inherited by his son, some changes havo been made from son, Frank Scott and John T. Law- No bids were received by the mayor
•nd Dorothy Longstrcet on tho cor- Bcntcd by a member of the,Lions In- A movement Is under way to estab- partment Is in charge of her as- Thomas W. Ryall. Another son was the way the games were played at ley, have arranged for the location of and council of Little Sliver last
ridor committee and Edward Jacoubs, ternational organization. sistant. Evcry^year for the last sev- Edgar Ryall and he lived "with his New Monmouth. For example "equal twenty hydrants in that part of Mid- Wednesday night for collecting gar-
lish an airport at somo point along; eral school terms more and more ringers" do not count in the score- dletown township lying between bage at Little Silver. Councilman V.
William RuBsell, Jessie Frost and The new members of tho club are tho BaysTiore section of Monmouth seatsiihavo been added to accommo- brother on tho place. It was during keeping.
.-Emma Stilhvagon-.on tho handbook Rlc.haril Bo£.k, .Robert- AT Cameron, county. The mayor and council of Thomas Ryall's ownership that the Headden's Corner and the Shrews- Parker Wilkinson was appointed,to
committee. Scth Johnson, Theodora Sodon, Mar- Atlantic Highlands Invited the town- date the children and the school is house waa enlarged and remodeled. What Is meant by this is that if bury river. The locations of the hy- select a committee of citizens, with
now about filled to capacity. About Thomas Ryall was an unusual char- ono ofwith the contestants encircles a drants are as follows: himself as chairman, to make a re-
The school band is rehearsing for tin Fleming and A. S. Anderson. ship committee of Mlddletown town- seventy wero enrolled last year. Misa
Jta first appearanco October 4th at Thoso transferred wcro Clarence Pill- ship to join In this movement and the Esther Howe of Pennsylvania, who acter. It was shortly after tho close stako ponent throws
a horseshoe and his op- Southwest corner of Hcndrichson and port on a new system of garbage
a shoe on top of it
chapel exercises. The band will al- ing and Kenneth Bruce. collections.
taught the primary department sev- of the Civil war that he enlarged the no one gets any score. The same Balloch etreetfl.
invitation was accepted.. Robert N. The road committee was Instructed
so play at tho home,, football games. About 100 persons wero entertained Seeley and Carl Grosslngcr were ap- eral years, gave up tho position at house. He was reputed to be worth thing happens if four "ringers" arc Corner of Riverside drive and Conovpr
The candidates for tho band aro Al- Wednesday night by the club. Talks pointed to represent the township In the close of school last year befcause $80,000. and this was a huge sum for thrown, that is to say if each player Corner of Conover Inne and Catherine to get facts and figures about putting
fred Plcone, Wilbur Symington, Don- were given by Assemblyman Thomas this action. The boroughs of High- up a new building in which to store
of tho largo number of pupils she those times. Mr. Ryall entertained
on a lavish scale at his big mansion. makes two "ringers." But if three the borough road machinery. Here-
ald English, Ralph Rlbustclll, Gcorgo M. Gopsill, George W. Brny and Rob- lands and Keansburg are also co-op- had to teach. The work was a strain Among "ringers" are thrown, two by one Corner of Conover lane and Glenmnry
Worthley, Amory Osborn, Jack Ken- ert A. Kennedy of Red Bank, Sam- erating in this movement to havo a other things ho had a band- tofore this machinery has been kept
and was injuring her health. Misa made on his farm and oc- player and ono by another player, avenue. in a-garage on a property occupied
nedy, Robert Tlcehurst, Chester Ar- uel Silverblatt of Highlands and Har- Baysboro airport. Harding Is the third teacher to take stand the person making tho last "ringer" Corner EaBt end of Glenmnrr avenue.
thur, Janlco Simon, Orrln Sickles ry C. Woods of Collingswood. Edward casionally he had concerts given by o[ (ilenmary avenue and Orchard by Orlando P. Warden, the borough
Alfred Hooker nnd James Spenny charge of tho primary department the Freehold brass band. Frequently, Bets credit for all three. Mr. Lang- street. street superintendent. Mr. Warden
Annabollo Marthcns, Reginald Wol- A. Collins of Rumson was toastmas- wero appointed special policemen this year. ford says he had to do a lot of argu- Corner of Riverside drive and street on is about to move to a place where
cott, Allen Upson, Franklin Wllklns, ter. An entertainment was given by without salaries. when a village celebration was held ing and explaining and interpreting Clayton tract.
Georgo Bookman, Edwin Hobbs, members of tho Players' boat club at Colt's Neck, ho would hiro the of the there is no garage, and for this rea-
Receives Matawnn Contract. rules before he got the play- Cumin- ot Conover plncc and Vtrst nve- son it ia necesarsy for the borough
Thomas Vlnlng, Edwin Gllland, Gor- and afterward dancing was enjoyed, Freehold musicians to render music. ers to count the score this way. nue.
trudo Connor, Grace Hicks, Jack with music by Woolley's orchestra. A Frenlt of Nature. The Red Bank sanitary sewer com- Tho legend of his generosity and to build a storehouse.
Mount, Jack McHugh, Mar'jorio S. F. Stevens of Rumson brought pany, of which Frank Nero Is gen- whole-souled hospitality is still ex- Another rule which Mr. Langford Is nue.Corner of slate Hehway nnd Field ave-
Frits, Barnard Taylor, Fred Zweifel, Bought Two Oil Burners. to The Register offlco last week a eral manager, has received the con- tant at Colt's Neck. Stories about trying to get the players to adopt is Corner of state hiffhway anil Cooper road. New Bus Service.
•William Bottagaro, Edward Fix, William B. Potts of Hanco road, small branch of Kleffer pear tree on tract for building a glass house over this aro told not only by old resi- that the stakes be placed forty feet Roosevelt oval nt Cooper boulevard. The Intercity public service com-
Douglas Borry, Dorothy Tcfsky, Fair Haven, has bought two Ray oil which was a nearly full grown pear the Matawan sewage disposal plant. dents of Colt's Neck but also by the opart. According tn his rule book, Hoosevelt oval nt Riverside drive. pany started making'dally trips be-
JameB Stnlcca, Fred Gill, Henry Bain- burners from tho New Jersey oil and several blossoms. Mr. Stevens Their bid was $4,865. younger folks of that place who re- this is the proper distance. At tho Lincoln place nt Lake nvenne.
peat the facts which were related to church fair and at all the games drive. Corner of state hiphwny nnd Rlvcntidc tween Red Bank and New York yes-
ton, Dalton Burdgo and Harold Lar- burner sales company, of which L. has only the ono pear treo In his ' terday. Busses loavo tho corner Of
A Corsot for Every Figure. them by their grandfathers and fath- played at Belford thus far the stakes Corner
taud. Sufforn Tnller of Rumson Is presi- yardbearing nnd this branch was tho only
A graduate corsctlere in attendance ers. Thomas Ryall's generosity and have been 27 feet apart. Mr. Lang- avenue. of Crescent avenue and Mohawk Monmouth street and Bridge avenue
Tho first I number of tho Round dent. Herbert H. Hunter of Fair Ha- one both fruit and blossoms to fit every figure, from one of the arc deeply imbedded in ford says the longer distance would Corner of atate hiE^wny and Crescent o'clock and arrive at New York at
each morning at half-past nine
Table for the present school term ven is a new representative of the at the same time. largest assortments of corsets, corso- hospitality
tile village lore of Colt's Neclc. Ono mako fewer "ringers" and "hubbers" avenue.
•was issued last week. On tho first compnny in this section. lettes and brassieres In Red Bank. thing noon. Busses leave New York In the
page is a pioturo of the Round Table Re-Kooflng Time. Wo also carry a full lino of under- which is nearly always men- and would make more interesting Corner of atate highway and Ironuoia evening at half-past six o'clock and
staff. Rnsement Bargains. Dont wait too long before you re- wear, hosiery, gloves and negligees. tioned by old-time residents is a flow- games. avenue.
Corner of state highway nnd PePnmv
arrive at Red Bank at nine o'clock.
It will pay you to shop in our shinglo your home. Olson roofs are Alsd extra sizes very reasonably ing fountain which used to be in the avenue. —•-«-•. * ,.
SI .05—Kid Gloves—$1.96 basement. Lowest prices in thl3 applied right over your old roof with- priced. Lewis Specialty Shop, 61 front yard. Swan and other water- NOTICE OF ELECTION. Corner of state highway nnd Hnrvnrd Latest Hits.
Wo carry a largo selection of kid county. Sco our windows for spe- fully out any disturbance. Your home is Broad street. Red Bank.—Advertise- fowl wero numerous there in the old Velvet Tone records. Have you
gloves, also washablo kid nnd suede, cials. Yea nnd wo deliver. How on. Wrlto protected while work is going ment. dnys. Tho grounds wero beautiful Mainstay Building und Loan Asso- street.
ciation, Red Bank, N. J. Corner of ntnte htshway and Fair Vien- heard these: "Monnin' Low," "Liia"
for 41.05 a pair. Also 52.49 and $2.95 about ash cans for $1.19 nnd coal monthly payments or phono regarding our with flowcroancl Bhrubbery. and dozens of other song hits? All
a pair. We also carry a full line of scuttles for 49 cents? Get the habit, and ten-year guar- Opoiis October 14th. Tho annual meeting of tho share- road. latest, rwords und sheet music. Shop
underwear, hosiery, negligees, corsets, Rhop with iia and save. National 5c, anteed roofing. Olson Roofing Co., Wimblcton prc-school kindergarten Thomas Ryall's free spending of holders of tho Mainstay Building with us; got. tho habit, it will pay
corsclettes nnd brassieres; also extra 10c and $1.00 stores (formerly Prown- Branches; Asbury Park, phono
Atlantic Highlands, 540. for pupils over tho ngc of 2. State money proved his undoing financially. nnd Loan Association for tho elec- Desirable House for Rent, you. National 5c tn $1.00 stores {for-
Newark, N. licensed and strictly supervised. Per- tion of directors and auditors to fill close to Red Bank railroad station;
got in untoward circumstances existing vacancies, and for the trans- suitable for small family. House ha3 merly Prown-Cooper. Co.)—Advcrtl»«-
Blues very reasonably priced., Lewis Coopcr Co.)—Advertisement.
Specialty Shop, fil Broad street, Red J. "Olson roofs cover New Jersey." manent enrollment or occasional care. Heand his farm was sold at a forced mnnt.
Bank.—Advertisement. —Advertisement. Physchologically guided child activi- action of such other business as may been recently painted and papered
Business Opportunity. ty. Rates reasonable. Write for In- sale. Mr. Ryall died In poverty at be necessary, will be held at tho di- and is a comf orta'blo residence at a low Burton Hull School,
Twenty-six car cupaclty garage; es- formation. Mrs. F. Voleker, 21 Harri- East Orange a number of years ago. rectors' room of tho Second National rfnt. Apply at tho oltlco ot Sigmund at 59 East
Every Wednesday Night
1« Victor night at Tustlng'a, Mon- tablished battery business completely ThotheWell Known European Experts
son avenue. Red Bank.—Advertise- His farm was sold at. the suit of a Bank and Trust Compnny, Red Eisner Co., or telephone Red Bank Hazard, principal. Front street, Georgia B.
mouth street, near Broad street. floor; equipped; living quarters on second of tee
Spanish Beauty Salon guaran-
that your hair will be beautiful ment Freehold bank from which he had Bank, Nc\v.« Jersey, on Wednesday, 1100.—Advertisement. Primary, inter-
six rooms nnd bath, hot water with ono of their mediate, college- preparatory, Spanish,
Radios, rolls, orthophonlo vlctrolas, heat for entire bulldinir; lot 75x125. nent waves, which wonderful perma- borrowed money. Tho buyer was October 2d, 5029, between the hours Fiench, drawing, painting, mu»lc,
records and pre-eminent makes of Excellent they offer at the Hellerman's Antiques. of 8:00 o'clock P. M. and 9:00 o'clock Special Mulii
upright and grand pianos. Bring the party. Inquire opportunity for rea,ponsiblo special price of $5.00.
A, C. Rees, postofflco Artistic finger Unusually small cherry desk, refln- Hugh
Brain, The Brain family lived P. M.
a number of years. of the most delicious coffeo you have Red etc. Rp-opena October 7th. Phon«
Bank (ilO-W.—Advertisement
family tonight—Advertisement building, Matawan, N.-, J.—Advertise- waves $1.00, hair cuts 5ft. cento. All ished, with old brasses; cherry cor- William V. Smith, ever drank at 3fi cents per pound.
ment. . __ tho work in beauty culture at very ner cupboard^ flno clawfoot burenu, Subsequently tho farm was benight Secretary. This is the first time out in Red New lilt Working Machines.
Fashion Bonk, 25 Cents. reasonable rates. For appointment Pembroke table, small Chippendale by Joseph Brakeley, who owned not —Advertisement^ Bank and absolutely new Imported
Pictorial Kcvinw winter faohlon For Sale- coll Red Bank 2342.—Advertisement. mirror, old prints; cabinet work only this pljvco but a mimbor of ad- Koods. New Jersey Grocery Co., I l l byMen'o hatn dry cleaned and blocked
our now lint blocking machine.
•fcook,-showing all advanced fall nnd All kinds of cut flowers and bluo done. 38 'Washington street, Rum- joining farms in Atlantic township Top Soil, Fill Dirt Monmouth'street, Red Bank.—Adver- Makes them like now. Leon's, 70-76
winter styles. Straus Company, Red ribbon winning dahlias and gladiolus. Dancing School. son, N. J.—Advertisement. where he raised lima beans for his grading of all kinds, also roadways tisement. White street, Red Bunk.--Advertise-
Bank.—Advertisement. Dahlias, $1.00 per dozen. You are Mabel Coloman's, 5 Broad street; Card Pnrty and Dunce canning factory at Freehold. For a built: Lakowood sand, washed gra-
vel, slag, cinders, bluo stono. Prices Ostendorff Music Studios. ment.
wclcomo to visit our dahlia garden. opens October 1st; ballet, toe, acro- at St. Gabriel's hall, Bradcvelt, number of years these farms pro- reasonable. Howard G. Rosevelt, Piano and theory, Adalbert Osten- - —•«-•-«•—-—-
New Modern Press Seven-Brldgo road, near Rumson batic, tap, social. Children, begin- Wednesday, October loth. Music by duced great crops of beans. At phono 1085. Red Bank.—Advertise- dorff; violin and ensemble, Angelica winter fashion I'lctorlnl Review
rot only presses your suit but shapen rood, Little Silver, N. J., Frank Bcr- ners, Tuesday; advanced Tuesdays Hackett. Cards at 8:00 P. M.—Ad- length, however, a disease generally ment Ostendorff, announce tho opening of book Just out, with all
It to fit tho individual. Leon's, 70 ardi.—Advertisement and Saturdays; tap Saturday morn- vertisemont. known as "tho rust" mado its ap- their fall^term. Circular sent on re- advanced stylo.-), '2!) cunln. StfnUB
White street, phono IMS, Red Bank. Ings. Business girls' ballet Tuesdays pearance. It waa a mysterious and For Afternoon Weddings. quest. ISfi Monmouth street, Rod Company, 35 Broad street, Red Bank.
—Advertisement^ Mnrccl wnvo 50 Cents. at 7:30; acrobatic and tap Fridays at -Advertisement. _
Given by expert lady attendants. 7:30; social dancing class Fridays at
For Sale.
Soda water, all flavors, mnlt bov- devastating sort of disease. Mr. Brnk- P. Frock
suits for hire; Tuxedoes also. Bank.—Advertisement.
Jinnnine, 67 Bfnnd street. Red
I Jimp Shades nnd Dolls By mnlo attendant $1.00. Phono 2024 0:00 P. M.—Advertisement. crages and distilled wnter. BcnJ. H. cley mado unavailing efforts to check Bank. For your convenience open Typoivrlter Headquarter*.
mndn to order. Holen Rose, 37 East for nn nppolntment today. Mon- Diince Every Night Typowrltcra rented, bought «nd
Crate, 14 North Bridge nvenuo, Red II, Finally he-sold all his farms and Wednesday nnd Saturday evenings.— on tho open- veranda plaza opposite
Front street. Red Bank. 0:30 to 12:00. mouth Beauty Parlor and Barber Tractors: McCormlek, Decrlng, Bank, phono 1485.—Advertiscment- gavrt up Ilia canning factory business. Advertisement. tho San Remo, Ocean avonuo, West told. Trubln's. Sfl Broad stroet H«d
Phone 1762.—Advertisement. Shop, 100 Monmouth street, Red Formal), Wallls, and Bolden's. Also There la a general hope at Colt's End. Swept by the cool breezes ot
Bank, N. J.—Advertisement. several used FordsonB. S. P. Cono- Cariton Tboator Notice. '-Roche
Nook that, under tha now owi\pr the concreto blocks, 12 cents at yard tho ocean. Music by Bonnlo Nnthnh- Cnrlton Th'eiiter Notlc*.
. Carlton Theater notice. , yar,& Bra... sales and service, Wieicar 'Tha'Coek-Eycd'Woi-W;" holtl over Ryall place will be restored to Matawan Coal & Supply Co., phone son, phone Long Branch 1743. Gcno "Tho Cnck-Hynd World," hold ovtr
by popular demand until. Friday, Oc- old
"The Cock-Eycd Woria,'1 held over B-Dttofc-lt. tunk, N. J. Phone Holmdel 9.—Ad- Fold.—Advertisement by popular demand until Friday, Co-
by popular demand until Friday, Oc- Rent a car—drlvo it yourself. Hud- vertisement. tober 4th, inclusive. Advertisement. something liko Its old-timo beauty Rod Bank 802-W or Matawan 2S7.
tober 4th, inclusive.—Advertisement. son, Essex and other cars. You pay nnd grandeur. The new owner has Advertisement. teller -ltd, lucluslvn.—Adv«rtl«oment.
by tho mile. Tho Long Branch U- Carlfon Theater Notice. met a number of tho people of that Curltoir Theater Notice.
Flanos und Service Carltrtn Thentflr Notice. "Tho Cock-Eyed World," held over " N I I « Hal*." Moody'*
Experienced Girls or Women Drlvo, 350 Broadway, next to City "The Cock-Eycd World," hold over the best Dirhan's Piano Shop, section) und he hua niadn a pood im-
wanted to sew on dresaos. Good Hall, phono Long Branch 327.—Ad- by popular demand until Friday, Oc- Drummond placo, Red Bank, phono prcssljJn. Ho was a large buyer at by"The Cock-Eyed World," held over by popular demand until Friday, Oc- Moody'B Shoo Repair Shop, 28 U *
tober 4th, inclusive.—Advertisement. popular demand until Friday, Oc- tober lth, inclusive.—Advertisement. ctianla strcot Red Bunk.—Aavartll*
pay and Btcady work. Apply 100 Riv- vertisement. _ 033.—Advertisement. ' thn rece-nt sale to settle thn estato of tober 4th, inclusive.—Advertisement. ment. J
er street, Red Bank.—Advertisement. Cnrlton Thentor Notice. Frank C. Byrnm. The mansion la In Ten-Payment Finn.
Second national bank and Trust Tho Annual Brown Supper a good slate of preservation. The ex- Suits, 52~.F>0 up, at Jluiinlhf.'fl, t'i Yi' ttem Shoppn will bo jlonied 8*t*
Tetley's Cor Typewrlt/srs 'The Cock-Eyeil World," hold over company stock for sale; odd lots. of tho Holmdel Reformed church will iorinr Banquet Dinner. iinlny, October nth, owing to • holt-
and adding machines. 17 Broad by popular demand until Friday, Oc- Bids wanted. Address Stock, drawer ho held Wednesday niclit, October ncocla rnpahn, but, the interior Eat all you want, take two May- Broad street, upstairs.' Red Ilank.-
> pinks and forgot it—Advertisement Advcrliacment '. day.- '-Advertisement.
street. Red Bank.—Advertisement. tober 4th, Inclusive.—Advertisement. M, Red Bank.—Advertisement. 16th. Dont miss it!—Advertisement. ir, In fine condition.
school -work. Friday night -will be >»>•««»»»•»•#»•••»•••••••»•»•••»•»•»>•>>•*«»»>>«»>

FLY wrra us
for tho young folks and the speaker
State Troopers Bush Medicine to will be Hollls Hart of Atlantic High-
Long Branch Hospital. lands. A social time will follow.
Communion will be observed next
Miss Elisabeth Elys nineteen years Sunday morning.
old, of Neptune City, who was near A birthday party was given last
death from Internal hemorrhages at week for Sivert Walstrom, Jr., four
the Long Branch hospital Saturday
after repeated transfusions had failed years
to help her, was saved by medicine Walstrom
old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sivert
of Hilton Park. Those Catering Luncheon A Safe and Novel Experience
transported from New York by New and children were Mrs. Howard Brltton
Jean and Howard, Mrs. 8 Wallace St.,
Jersey state troopers In a ride Tel. Red Bank 2075
against time. Arrangements for (Raymond Horan and daughter Nor-

ean, Mrs. Leo Horan and sons Rob-

transporting the medicine were made
nt the troop headquarters at Free- ort and Leo, Mrs. Irving Parker and RED BANK.
hold. Dr. Harold V. Connerty of As- daughter Ida, Mrs. Richard Rast and
bury Park was the physician and he children
wanted tissue flbrenogen, which Richard
Myra and Richard* Mrs.
Daniels and daughter Rose, YOU TO Rotinft
causes blood to coagulate. This could Mrs.
Alfonso Mannx and daughters
and Gladys, Mrs. George w., NEWYORKCITY Trip
bo secured from a laboratory at New
York city. Corporal J. C. Smith got King and children George and June,
the medicine at New York and ac-
companied by Trooper O'Hara rushed Ivins
Mrs. Ivins Voorhoes and children
and Shirley, Mrs. Lavlnla Mln-
it to Rahway, where Trooper W. L. garet ton, Mrs. Katie Derby, Miss Mar-

This Certificate
Simpson of Mctuchcn was waiting Horan,Liming,
with a state car. They were met by day a birthday
Trooper Richie of Xoyport and .SiYertAVnlstroBi..
Leona Woolloy, Frank
Jr., and Joan Walstrom. Sun-
party was given for
Trooper Schindler of Kingston, who sons were present.Sr-... About. 25 per-
B A. SHOEMAKER Red Bank - NeW York
good for were on motorcycles. The run from
Rahway to Asbury Park, 37 miles, Mrs. Georgo Card of Fourth street
Daily Air Service
15 was made in 32 minutes. A half gave birth to a daughter last week.
hour after the medicine had been ad- Louis Parker, Jr., underwent an
ministered Miss Ely showed signB of operation last week at the Long
Coal, Wood, Feed, Hay, Straw (EXCEPT SUNDAY)
and Grain

improvement. Tissue fibrenogen is Branch hospital.

. • I •' ''," ' ' ^ ^ _ — — m t ^ _ m m m m m ^ ' • ' • " . •

Read Carefully manufactured only by the Mayo Mr, and Mrs. George King are on
Coupon ttviof u brothers, famous Rochester surgeons. a ten-day motor trip to Connecticut. For Information and Reservations Apply to
e«sy. There tie lix Mr. and MrB. Lester King returned
acts, each of which last week from a two weeks' trip to Peat Moss All Kinds of Poultry Feed FLIGHTS INTERSTATE, INC.
hts ft ptemium cou- HIGHLANDS NEWS. the same place.
pon. Every time you
nccaio*pofinykind, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sturgel have Baled Shavings
simply uk your deal-
ft for "OcwgOD."
Travis Hoffman to Wed Brooklyn moved from Miller street to MrB. An- 551 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY
Girl Next Sunday. nie Patterson's house on Second
Before you know It
you'll hive *. lot of street. Selling LEHIGH and WILKES-BARRE Murray Hill 5785-5786
(The Rod Bank Register can be bought
p iha each week in Highland! at fiedle's drug A number of residents attended tho PLYMOUTH COAL
enjoyment of using the store and at Joseph Stamen's store.) Leonardo-Manasquan football game
best off loipl. Bejti
Travis Hoffman, son of Mr. and Friday at Manasquam Leonardo won
your coupon l i v i n g
Gel Your Premiums at
Furniture ond Stoves,
West Front Street, Corner Maple Avenue, Red Bank, N. J., Fbone 1213.
Mrs. Jacob S. Hoffman of this place, by a biff score.
and Miss Margaret McArdell of A house owned by Jacob Cohen has
For Twenty-five Tear*.
Red Bank Airport
Brooklyn will bo married next Sunday boon moved from Valley street to one
Thli tpccUl offer to for a limited time only
at Brooklyn. A reception will bo of Mr. Cohen's lots on Second street. LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY Red Bank 1730
held at a hotel after the oeremony. The lire department will take part
The couple will leave on a wedding In tho hoso laying contest October ••»>»»«•>«>•»•«>••»»«»»••*••»••«••»••«>•«•«)»>>>«•
trip to Savannah and Florida. Mr. 12th at Lakewood.
Hoffman is head file clerK for the Mrs. Emma Houper and sun *'ran
Texas oil company at Its New York and Misses Constance and Cora Bal
office. py are touring the New Englan
Rally services are being held this states and Canada,
Mrs. Fred Mohr.and Mrs. J. Freai
week at the Methodist church. will leave this week on a motor trl
Prayer service will be held tonight. to the White mountains.
Tomorrow night Professor Burgess
Mrs. Jacob Hoffman and daughte:
of Eatontown will speak on Sunday-
Dorothy have returned to Brooklyi
for the winter.
rom Keyport to Barnegat
we deliver ALTON'S
Windows Should be Open Durln
Firing of Heavy Artillery.
(The Ked Bank Keglattr ean M bought
etch week in Mlantlo Highlands at tb
store* of William Lefl aod N. Brown.)
Beginning October 3d and contlnu
Ing at Intervals during the month
there'will bo heavy artillery firing1 a'
Sandy Hook. Residents of this plac
have been notified to Open all win-
dows In their homes when the flrsl
shot Is heard and to keep them ope
during the firing to avoid damage t
Grade "A"
windows and buildings through con-
=-_Mra. John CoiiBrhlln, Mm, Wlllj
Oakea and Mrs. James Kerrlga:
were in charge of a cake Bale heli
Saturday at Roberta & White's Btor
for the benefit of St. Agnes's church

A card party will- be held Frlda
night of this week at St. Agnes'
school. I t will be In charge of Mrs
Mary Sheridan and Mrs. Ros
A son was born last week to Mrs
Franklin Stanhope.
Leslie Antonides and Fred Weller,
who are on a trip to the Pacifi
coast, spent last week visiting place;
of Interest In Colorado.
The: Olson roofing has bought
new Reo truck.
Members of the Masonic lodge o!
throughout the
this place will be candidates for de-
grees In the Scottish Rite at Aabury
Park October 9th. There will b
candidates1 from the entire state.
whole year
The Atlantic- Highlands profes-
sional football team la practicing fo
the coming season. To fully appreciate what a boon to the
Miss Anna S. Wills has resume
her studies at Simmons college al
Boston. family's health it is to have a rich, nour-
"All My Life I've Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson left las!
week for Florida, where they will
make their homo. Mrs. Johnson wa
formerly Miss Helen White.
ishing: and absolutely fresh milk brought
to your door-step day after day through-
A meeting of the women's temper-
ance union will be held this after-
out the year, order Tilton's Grade "A"
raijoyeo Onoppmg noon at the Presbyterian church t
elect a treasurer in place of Mrs. A.
Pasteurized Milk.
C. Oliver, who has gone to Washing
Gladys Orover has been chosen
president of the young people's union
Tilton's service is so reliable because
at Jjamberger s of the Central Baptist church, suc
ceeding Allan Knight, who it attend-
its Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk is pro-
ing the Bible school at BInghamton,
New York.
duced close to your home. Choice Jersey;
Kally day will bo observed nexl cows feeding on Ocean and Monmouth
Sunday at the Central Baptls
"Now that the Infants' Wear Department church. County pastures supply the creamy milk
A hot air heating plant will be
has been made so beautiful I'm almost installed in the Naveslnk Methodist which is immediately pasteurized and
church. Bids for. Installing the heat-
ing plant "will be opened at a meot- brought to you under the most sanitary;
speechless with joy. And as for mother, ng of the official church board nex
conditions known to science.
Wednesday night.
you'd think she was at a Bamberger
Fashion Show, she gets so excited. This < Church Rally Scrvlcos Next Sunday Of course you, too, will want to enjoy)
older generation is such a problem! Take —Kummago Sale October 9th.
(Tho Red Bank Register ean bl bought
Tilton's daily delivery service. Justwritd
a tip from a boy who knows and take your
each week in Seabright at the itorea of
Morris WclsmoD and H. Ltfkowllx.)
or 'phone us today.
t Rev. Charles Woodruff of Ocean
Grove will preach next Sunday morn-
mother to a store that knows baby clothes.'
"... And the best part of it is, I'll never have
ing and night a t the rally services
a t tho Methodist church.
Tho opening fall meeting of the
young men's Christian association
to stop buying my clothes t h e r e . . . or my will bo held next Saturday night In
the Methodist church basement. Af-
Distributors of Extra Creamery
furniture for that matter. I'd like to tell
you a lot more but time presses. . . . I'm
ter tho business session games will
be held in the gymnasium. Oscar
Benson, leader of the group, will be
In charge.
Tho annual rummage sale of the
Walker-Gordon Products
Tilton's Dairies arc also distributors in
BUTTER The very finest table butter
Methodist Indies' aid society will bi this section of (he state of the well known
going into the talkies and have to rehearse held next Wednesday at the church. obtainable. Extra Creamery
Mrs. Roy Layton, president of the Walker-Gordon Certified Milk for infants; Butter comes in a sanitary,
" . . . da-da... ma-ma ..,. g l u b . . . gooo.'.v society, Is In general charge of the
Acidopliilus Milk and the other famous waxed 1 Ib. carton in Y4 Ib.
Walker-Gordon dairy, products. slices. Order direct or,
see you later." John O'Brion has returned home
from the- Long Branch hospital,
whero ho underwent a n operation
through any Tilton reprc
for appendicitis. scntalive.
i l r . a n d Mrs. John Keenan are
TMFANTK- WKAB spending a week In Connecticut.
Harris Miller, who announced sev-
U.T May Telephone Your unler !>\
Calling Mafket 0001, ." :
eral weeks ago that his department
store would bo closed for the winter,
has decided to keep the store open.
Joseph Martin has taken a posl-
tfon t i t K e w York, • •: • •,-,-;-.
IJ. M. Garrison has closed his sum-
L,BAMBERGER & Co mer home here and has returned
to New York.
Robert Holt, who is attached to Broad Street
805 Second Avenue
224 Second Street
• " O N E O F AMERICA'S GREAT S T O K E S " <^> NEWARK, N . J. ,-j-- the coast guard station horn, has
been on a fifteen days' furlough to Phone Red Bank 3? Phone Asbury Park 757? Phone Lakewood 82
Tho Surf bathing pavilion ha» been
closed for the season
I t pays to advertise in The Register,

>»•••»••»•••»••»•»••••»»••••»»>• effortt of the Organized Minority in dis-osltion of deepening the river channel Ing season on the farms wanes to a
DESIRE MODIFICATION. regard to the Unorganised Majority, -<" ' at Highlands. close. All records for attendance f •«••»••» W t t > «
Ths Volitead act is costing million! of have been broken.

dollan and it causing prohibition, rather
than economic problems, to be the main po-
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION HAS litical Issue, as It Infringes on the per-
liberty and freedom of the American Edward T. Basket Returns Homo
From Kansas City. Preparing
for tho Annual Brown

. . Round Trip
(Including Sunday)
Bound Trip
Modification League Soliciting Mem- privingThe Volstead act is clans legislation, de-
the poor of what the rich can Edward T. Basket returned home
Supper ij[ the Reformed Church.
bers and S'ffners to Petitions Ask«. easily obtain, and has created a contempt laat week from Kansas City, where The ladies' aid society of the Re-
Ing Congress to Make Modifications for all laws, ts making the people law- he attended the funeral of his father. formed church is concentrating its
to the Volstead Act breakers and Is corrupting, through brib- A telegram mesage was cent for him efforts for tho annual brown supper
ery, publle officers and officials.
Canvassers for the Congressional The Volstead act increases the death nnd he arrived at Kansas City two which will bo held Wednesday night,
October 16th. The supper has
districts modification league* are at rate from the drinkinc of liootlcir poUons, days befnris his father died.
work In Bed Bank soliciting member- Increases the use of narcotic drugs, and The Helping Circle of the Re-bountiful andreputation
county-wfde for being a
Red Bank t« NewYork ships In the league and securing elgn- increases rather than decreases intemper- formed church will meet this after- women are doing
ors to a petition requesting congress ance.
to modify the Volstead act. The Redto The
Bank campaign Is under the direction
, of Miss Ola Kcyes. The Modification tion,
It is Influencing even hoys and girls noon at the home of Mrs. Alfred
indulge in alcoholic stimulants. . , * Buck.
Volstead act violates the Constitu-
the fundamentals of Government and
league is a national organization with lnfft Tyrannical and un-American.
palatable feast, and the
tain this record.
their best
Mrs. Hardgrave of Freehold has Rapid progress continues to be
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomson and
to main-

made with the new county road be-

the Bill of Rights, and is Liberty Destruy- been visiting Mrs. Joseph Lefferson. tween this place ailfl Matawali. Con-
crete has been put down all the way
headquarters at Washington, D. C.
In. order to finance the campaign a
their children Melvin and Beth have
returned to Mlddlebush after a visit except for a few places where fill are treasured
MOTOR COACHES membership fee of $1 is. charged.
Each member will receive an en-
HUItT IN AUTO ACCIDENT. to Rev. and Mra. J. A. Thomson. wore made. Tho employees on this
Archibald Reynolds has an excep- job are
graved certificate of membership. Monmouth Clunty Men Injured on tionally fine tomato crop. Ho hasand pleted
working week days, nights
Sundays to get the road com-
as soon as possible.
Now, while Baby i« ai ihm "cut*
LEAVE LEAVE Persons not wishing to become mem- Way Home From Washington. been selling moat of the tomatoes at
Leave from DAILY bers are given the privilege of voic- Mayor J. William Jones of Long the Newark city market and he hasatAthe communion service will be held ' age" tci us make a photograph
0:00 A. M. ing their disapproval of the Volstead Branch and A. E. Dennett of High been making trips there in his auto- morning. Kcformcd church next Sunday
0:00 A. SI. thai will be treasured through
New York
Bridge Avenue Arrive
New York
act on the petition.- The form of the lands were ..bruised and cut in an au-mobile truck two or threo times each
petition which the canvassers are tomobile accident near Merchantville week. Mr. Reynolds usually arrives
circulating is as follows: last Wednesday, They were riding
Corn husking time Is hero aga-in.
at tho market late at night and heThe corn crop is poorer than usual,
all the coming years. W« spe-
cialize in phorojjraphing babies
13 o'clock 12 o'clock in an automobile owned by Jesse A. returns home at five or six o'clock due to -tho long .sumninr drought.
Noon. and Noon. To the Congress of the United States: in the morning. Walter D. Fields has The thieves who stole Robert R. <&%, and young children. Telephone
We, the undersigned voters nnd taxpay- Howland of Rumaon, which was accompanied him on some of the Voorhees's automobile are still at
ers respectfully petition Congrea* of the wrecked. Others in the party were HP*^ for an appulntrnent .
New York
0:30 P. M.
Monmouth Street Leave -
New York
6:30 P. M,
United States throush our Representative Mr. Howland's son George and thetrips.
large. Thn car was recovered at
to modify the Volstead act, BO BS to permit Howland chauffeur, Theodore Sim- John F. Cerratl will keep his Mon Haddon Heights, near Camden, none
of the legal manufacture and consumption mons.;—The driver of the car which mouth Star roadside booth open all the worse for having bnen stolon save Regular $20.00 per dozen. 6 for $5.00 on
(Oliva BrosrStore) of beer and light wines'of moderate al- winter Instead of closing It during for two bullet holes in the windshield presentation of the above photograph before Oc-
Arrive Arrive coholic content under Government Huoer- struck them was evidently asleep and the cold weather, as he had originally and In a back window. In some news-
Reid Bank Bed Hank vislon because of the following reaaons: was on the left side of the road. The Intended. The booth is on the Free- papers it was stated that blood stains tober 5th.
n 110 V. M Opp. K. B. Station, 0:00 F. M. The Volstead act does not have the sup-Monmouth county men were on their hold road on the Young property were in the car. These reports, were
port of the majority of the American way home from Washington, where which Mr., Cerratl bought about a untrue. Kxcept for the two holes
people, havinff become a law throush the they attended a hearing on the prop- year ago. It adjoins James P. Des-through the windows there wei>e--no
mond's farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Fields in The
marks of any kind.
bridge which was on the road
front of Ray Crawford's farm has
Hall's New Studio
spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har- been replaced with a culvert. The 65 Broad St.,
ry Miller of Farmlngdale. work was done under tho direction

-VALUE GIVING Louis Snyder and the men em-of

"board of freeholders have finished penter

the work of replacing the bridge in teaux's work

ployed under his supervision for the George Crawford

of Colt's Neck.
is doing the car-
on William H. LaBoy-
front of Ray Crawford's farm, with Jonathan H. Jones farm.
a culvert.
on thn former
The barn
Red Bank, N. J.
(Former Second National Bank
Telephone 2687.
THAT'S A&P'S POLICY William G. Pullum Is having two consists
principally of concrete and
silos put upon his farm. .» Post Card Portrait*. Amateur Finishing.
A. K. Kappes is having a new roof Let Luke Find Your Home.
* ESTABLISHED THIS WEEK'S REDUCTIONS EMPHASIZE THE put on his house and nther repairs Luke Longhead a department of STUDIO HOURS:
are being made. The Register every week tells of do* 8:00 to 12:30. 2:00 to 5:30.
TRUE VALUE...WE URGE YOU'TO STOCK UP NOW The enrollment at the public school nhablo homes for sale.—Advertise-
WHERE BXWOinltVtB continues to Increase as the harvest- ment
These Prices Effective the Week Beginning Sept. 30th.

Unusual Value at This Price

Campbell's can

Tomato Soup CLEARANCE SALE • • • . .'> ,

Grandmother's We are moving into our new warehouse and found an over-stock of some Suites
BREAD Octagon Soap 5 cakes 27c and articles we are closing out at far below regular price. No more to be had
Large Standard after these are sold at these prices.
WHITE Sunny field Sliced Bacon • ilb.pfcg. 19c NOTICE!
carry all dollar arti- A small deposit will
Sandwich Loaf Evaporated Milk 3 tall cans 25c cles with you due to hold any article or
confusion and possible suite for future deliv-
WHITEHOUSE or BORDEN'S •' disappointment in de- ery.
SMALL WHITE liveries.
5e Pride of the Farm Ketchup • bot- 15c
Gulden's Mustard Jar 10c THREE-PIECE FIBRE SUITE <t
10c Decorated colors; auto cushions covered In good***
grado cretonne. '
IAISIN LOAF Cigarettes • • carton $1.15 2 Pkss- 23c Regular Price—$39.75. "
10c Lucky Strikes, Camels, Piedmonts, Chesterfields, Old Golds.
(IOO-PO. Dinner Set** fine
with linen table cover V I U J J

More of our Attractive Low Prices and napkins.

Ke£. Price. $30.
J. V ~~~m

Odd Dressers (
Ivory or Walnut color*
on hardwood.
Keg. Price, $18.00.
Royal Baking Powder 4 «. can 16c Big Coffee
Davis Baking Powder 3oz.can yc
Fairy Soap • • • • • 2cakes 9c
Regular Price—$225.00.
MAXWELL Regular Price—$195.00. ; 135-00
Heinz Spaghetti • 2 ™d. cans 25c HOUSE Porcelain Tables
COFFEE White or Grey. Slzo
Kellogg's Rice Krispies pkg- 12C 25x40.
Reg. Price, $7.50.
lb. tin Odd Chests
Lea & Perrins Sauce • bottle 28c JAP. GRASS RUGS.
Ivory or Walnut colpf
on hardwood.
Keg. Price, $13.00
27x54 Size 39c
Kitchen Bouquet • • bottle 38C BOKAR 36x72 Size 75c STEEL FOLDING COT
COFFEE 4x7 ft. Size 98c AND COTTON PAD
HM3 OatS • • • • package 12c lb.tin 6x9 ft. Size .: 2.50 Complete $7-50
While They Lnst!
Comet Br°wn Rice Flakes 2pkgs.25c FOUR-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE
Regular Price, $12.00.

Swansdown° r Presto Flour pkg. 29C Yuban, Astor or $1 Specials

AH lnrKO pieces, full vanity bow-end bed, chif-
forobe and dresser In walnut.
Regular Price—$195.00.
3149 $1 Specials
Beechnut Recepto Cans, in colors $1
Argo Laundry Starch • pkg. 9C COFFEE To Our Friends and Customers. Electric Irons $1
Clothes Tree* $1 All merchandise during this sale is our regular Fish Aquariums _...,...... $1
Fleischman's Yeast • • cake 3c lb. 49 Smoking Stands
Lawn Benches
Vegetable Bins
stock and all genuine bargains. No goods have
been bought but we are closing out these and other
suites and odd pieces not listed here to make room.
Card Tables
Ironing Boards
Clothes Dryers ...:
Foot Stools $1 Don't wait as there will not be any more at these Jr. Lamps and Shades $1
prices when sold. Carpet Sweepers $1
Clothes Hampers $1


Phone 1259.
the field y i l ! comprise nearly 200
THE RED BANK REGISTER. acres. Five hundred fine apple trees
will be grubbed out this tail. The
JOHN H. COOK. Uitar,
treei are healthy and in full bearing-.
QBOROB a HJLNOJ5. t l i n l l t o Edltot.
It may n e m like a waits to destroy
THOMAS mvINO BBOWN. them. It this country Buffered from
PnMUhir «n4 Bailnus Hunger.
a famine or anything resembling it SERVICE
SutltrlpUoii PricMI this criticism woujd be true, but un- MEASURED
On » » - « •\*7»
»! der present conditions anything NOT BY
th! . •40 which reduces cultivated a r e u Is re- GOLD
garded by many as a bleulng. Many BUT BY
Th« Ra4 Sink persons believe that most agricultural
!• • nnnbfr of THE •

The Molly Pitcher

THB ASSOCIATED PRESS ills are traceable to overproduction. GOLDEN
Th« AI»O«I»UI! Ttf U ««Imlv«!r • RULE-
titUd to th« OM for wpnbliemtlon of •!! It would seem appropriate for some
aa n
n tt dUr
dUrttchei credited to It or not
ot other- kind of dedicatory exercises to be
M 4 In
wit* er«Me4 I thl»
thl p w r n4 «Uo U th
low! t m patllihed thtrrin. held at the field before it Is put Into
use. Athletics should not be glorified
beyond studies, but when the town
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1029. takes over seven acres of land, as
" , . - . : ••• v _ _ ' • . •' •••' • Desirable ^ a residential dis-
I .. trict, away from
Red Bank has done with its new
athletic field, it would be fitting and
proper to have a flag raising and
At Red Bai|£, N. J. Location the congestion of
other ceremonies. Probably the town business areas, one finds our com-
The Grape Crop wont have another new school ath- plete and modern funeral home.
letic field within the lifetime of any
and Its Harvesting. of the present residents of Red Bank. Here there is always ample park-
Thli year Is the first time that
grapei hive been a major crop in
Monmouth county. Ths vineyard In both Instances the only persons
acreage is nov so large that good 01 hurt were the aviators themselves
Is Now Unlder the Management of ing space no matter if the attend-
ance is small or large; a mighty
poor years for the grape growers has end they were not hurt badly. With- desirable feature in this age of
a very appreciable effect on the wel- in a short time they were aa well and motor transportation.
fare of the county. Due to the aeufc as healthy and as strong as ever.
shortage of farm hands it was pre- The airplanes wore destroyed, but We believe this location laeai. n
dicted by many persons, when the the damage, aside from this, was is further evidence of the thought-
Monrtiouth county farmers "went In slight.
for grapes," that they would be^un
able to find help to gather the fruit
• • •
A majority of the people have not
yet become air-minded enough to re-
One of the Interesting things about gard airplanes as perfectly safe; but
. FREB-L. MINERI fulness of Worden service.

harvesting the grape crop in Mon anyone who makes a fair examina-
mouth county is the lack of dlfflcul tion of the facts must admit that so
ty which the vineyard owners find in far as aviation is concerned a t Red
engag&g folks to gather the fruit. Bank it has proved Bafcr than, auto-
Every farmer is familiar with the ing. Consider the facts.
farm hired help problem. Each year
Lately Manager of the Sedgefield Inn and Country Club FUNERADHOME
it has become worse, due to the fact ' 6 0 E. FRONT ST. • • • RED BANK)
that short hours and attractive wages There were two aviation accidents
in the cities and towns have drawn the past year. In one instance the :PH ONE!557,
former farm hands to factories and aviators were visitors who used the near Greensboro, N. G, and for five seasons Assistant
ether industries. flying field at Red Bank for their
headquarters while they were here.
But for the fact that new time and They were amateurs. Their machine
Manager under Mr. Cfyas. S. Krom at the Essex and Sus-
labor-saving devices have been caught fire and crashed to earth. In
vented, farmers would undoutedly the other instance the airplane of a
find it impossible to cultivate and Red Bank amateur crashed into Gov-
sex at Spring Lake.
harvest., more than small areas of ernor Larson's summer home at Sea
land. The grape crop Is one in which Girt and stuck in the building much Stores Most Everywhere in Jcrtey
no progress has been made in this as an arrow might do after being
respect, nor is there any prospect of shot from a bow.
any immediate change in harvesting
this crop. The fruit is gathered by Automobile accidents occurred by
hand the same as in primitive times, the score at Red Bank and all around
• • a Red Bank the past summer. Scarce-
How far wrong these prophets were ly a week passed without someone
will be realized by any person who being killed or maimed. The fatali-
visits the vineyards in this section. ties were not confined to autoists.
There is no lack of help and it is People were struck down and killed
nearly all women help, and married and injured while walking along the
women help at that. The public ia road3.
Mr. Miner expects to make The Molly Pitcher
familiar with the spectacle of girls
working In offices and other public
places. This change took place be-
*• v d
fore the world war. The public is The aviators held races three days
likewise familiar with seeing women last summer and some of them did
. of certain foreign extractions work- stunt flying. No one was hurt, either
one of the Best Motels in the State
ing in the fields at tasks almost as in the air on on the grouhdr'" Air-
laborious as those performed by men. planes not safe! That is the belief
among many people. Maybo so, but If
this is so all of us landlubbers have
But an entirely different class of got to take our hats off to the avia-
women has taken up the work In the tors. If they are operating sfcie-
vineyards. They ara woiiieh wHoee hing which is not safe, then they
home duties would not permit them must bp nil-fired skillful. It is UH-
to take steady jobs but who can ar-fortunate 'thaPsdme of thla skill Is
range to give a short amount of time not possessed in greater degree, by
each year to gathering grapes. Most- some autoists. They have made
• ly they are young married women, shambles of the loads, but the air
but there arc some exceptions. They lanes are still safe. Perhaps in other
are women who prefer out-door work places aviation is not so safe as here;
to ln-door duties. Kven high school but if this is so it Is still more reason
teachers have become grape gather- why we should admire and respect
>~s. Several young women teachers our home-town( sky pilots. They are
V" the Red Bank hiffh school are do- made of the right stuff.
n s Saturday work in the vineyards (Town Talk continued on page
)f this section.
• • •
Working In the vineyard has been
extolled in many poems, both in the
United States and in foreign lands
It has been depicted as a fascinating
task, second only In its delights to
partaking of the noble fruit. There
We Specialize in
Reduced 10%
OCT. 1st
. to
OCT. 31st
must be something more than just
the money involved to make so many
people anxious to work in the vine-
Jewelry Watches Reduced 10% to 20% We) Nation's Builders
yards. There is probably not a vine-
yard owner in Monmouth county who Loans. Reduced 20%' Diamonds Clocks EMBLEM RINGS Regularly
has not been overrun with applica- LA VALLIERES
tions for work, although other kinds
Applications Given
POCKET KNIVES Civilization could not have made'suca progress
of work which women might do on VASES
farms generally go begging. No farm-
er who raises grapes and who treats M Immediate Attention COMPORT SETS Art-Ware Novelties WATCH CHAINS
•had our great laborers been fed on cream puffs
and other dainties, The modern laborer demands
his help right need fear any shortage SALT & PEPPERS CUFF LINKS
of employees to gather his crops. TEA SETS BRACELETS • meat in his diet realizing that its proteins, vita«!
A Local, Friendly BOWLS REDUCTIONS FROM THIMBLES mins and other properties arc necessary to good
SCARF PINS health. .
Organization BILL CLIPS Good, clean and wholesome meals arc always to
School Athletic Field
Ready for Games. Riverside Mortgage
\O% t o 2O% TIE CLASPS
be had at any Wagner Market—and the prices are!
always moderately low—everyone knows that.'
The new school athletic field on WE OFFER MANY INTERESTING ITEMS WHICH
Bergen place at Red Bank will be & Finance Corporation BREAD TRAYS WE A B E PARTICULARLY ANXIOUS TO MOVE
CLOCKS. Regular Fresh Ham?
used for the first time Saturday of We offer many very good values In
next week when the high school foot- Broad S t Nit'l Bank Bid;.. GOODS ARRIVE. THESE PIECES WE OFFER AT
AND BELOW OUR COST PRICES. Chime, Mantle, Floor, Desk and Your choice whole or half., ilb.
ball team will play the Westneld high Red Bank, N. '.'.
school team. It is perhaps no exag- CHINA AND Traveling Clocks.
Leg o' Spring Lamb
geration to say that this marks an
epoch in the school history of Red
Bank. It will at least seem nothing
less than this to the young fellows
Reduced 10% to 30%
Same High Quality
$9.00 to $35.00 Cut from absolutely genuine, fresh
., lulled lnmb. Very atlroctivcly priced, l b .
who represent the town In athletic Our famous All-Gold Flckard China
events. ' and Glass Stemware at 10% of". $30.00 to $90.00 Prime Rib Roast*
In the general gratification over the VERY SPECIAL! WATCHES CHIME FLOOR CLOCKS
Very templing and cosy to prepare, tb. 38.
new athletic field sight should not be All other China and Glassware at Only at REUSSILLES' will you find such a large selection of $144.00 to $295.00
lost of the generosity of Carl P. Doel- reductions of from 20% to 80%, Strap, Ribbon and Pocket Watches. Every watch sola by us
ger, who during all of the period that lerviced on the premises. SMALLER CLOCKS CUDAIIY'9
the town was without a place ' for SEE THESE VALUES.
these sports, provided a field where High Grade Strap Watches $60.00 to $125.00 $2.50 to $18.00 Regular Puritan IBams
school games were played. Mr. Pocl- Popular Priced Strap Watches . $0.00 to $81.50 '\ , Everyone knows the delicious quality
ger received no rent for the use of the
field. It was an unusual gift and one
that should be remembered. There is
Ladies' Wrist Watches .
Ladles' Wrist Watches, Inexpensive .
Gents' Pocket Watches
—$45.00 to $100.00
$7.50 to $81.60
$0.00 U, $225.00
' of these hams. {.• lb.
an old saying and a true one that WINDOWS. Ladles' Diamond Watches $30.00 to $700.00 PRICE REDUCTIONS.
"eaten bread is soon forgotten," but GKUEN, HAMILTON. ELGIN, BULOVA, LONGINE, WALTHAM
Roasting Chickens
Mr. X>oelger's generosity should not
coon be forgotten. But for his action
the high school would hava had no SILVER NOVELTIES. ART GOODS.
To be hnil in two sizes.
3Ji LB. IIIHDS. <*• lb. 38e
home field and would have had to Reduced 10% to 20%
play all Its games outside of town. Reduced 10% to 20% DIAMONDS CANDLESTICKS I N BRASS '4TO4&LB. BIRDS.' lb. 43e
• • • CIGARETTE CASES The majority of Diamonds sold by u s are highest grade blue- CIGARETTE BOXES
Another debt of gratitude is due to VANITY CASES white in color, and absolutely perfect in material, latest style BOOK ENDS
William Russell, one of the members COMPACTS cutting, at honest values. TABLE LIGHTERS Cliuek Roast,
of the school board. For a number Diamond Solitaires $45.00 to $180.00 ORNAMENTAL PIECES For a flavorful meal, c^ well ni»
of years ha has provided a bus to act BELT BUCKLES
as M. field room or dressing room on
Mr. Doelger'a property. Mr. Russell
Diamond Solitaires, larger stones
Diamond Fancy Rings, all shapes
_ _ $ 2 2 5 . 0 0 to $000.00
, $25.00 to $700.00
Diamond Bracelets, Necklaces and Brooches, all reduced.
economy, these eavorv rousts will
rarely please. lb. 29c
will also do this at the new place. BILL CLIPS Diamond Bracelet Watches $30.00 to $700.00
Thera Is no field house on the new NO BOTHER, upset or
athletic grounds because all the bids delays if we move you. You buy here with the same confidence that others have placed LEATHER WALLETS
for this work exceeded the appro- Know-how service, best fa- In us for the last 43 years. Be sure to see our windows for extra-specials
priation made by the board of edu- cilities/ ready for your Reduced 10% to 30% each Monday,. Tuesday and Wednesday
cation. wants on shortest notice. CUSTOM JEWELRY.
We offer our large and beautiful
Mr. Doelger and Mr. Russell de- stock of Custom Jewelry at 10% to HONJEST PRICE REDUCTIONS. MESH BAGS PRICES PREVAIL 0CT?3M; 4th, Sth
serve the thanks of all Red Bankers, SO'Jji off.
regardless of whether they are In- 125 Broad Street. Reduced 10% to 30%
Articles from $1.00 to $10.00.

terested in school athletics or not.
It is by a proper appreciation of such
gifts that more public-spirited acts PEARL NECKLACES CO.
ol the same sort are prompted.
SILVER DEPOSIT Reduced 10% to 30% J Broad S t , Bed Bank. 23 Bay Avo.. UlRblands.
Monmouth'* Leading Jewelers.
GLASSWARE tl Maatnoath BW Red Banks" tot 'Broadwn}, iioflg Branch.
Automobile Accidents 36 BROAD ST., RED BANK. PEWTER WARE 38B Monn^outb S t , Red Banlt 593 Broadway, Long Branch.
vs. Aviation Mishaps. at 20% off. Reduced 10% 71 First Ave, At, Highlands ISO Main SI., Asbury Fork.
" Rapid progress Is being made with
the work of enlarging the Red Bank This Is your store. Come In—and don't feel Campbell'! Junction, BcKnrd.
flylflg field. With the Patterson farm, EST. IMS obligated to buy. ' "> EST. IMS
whltyi wa» bought a abort time ago.
G OCTOBER 2, 1929. V

The Attractions Listed Below Will Be Shown SOON at the

A Walter Reade Theatre

' 7"' -Tlie Greatest Shows
of the N e w Show World are
to you!
Broadway stars. Broadway hits—
drama, musical comedy and revue.
And your favorite Hollywood stars
- ; • - -

PARAMOUNT! C Remember how you howled at the Marx Brothers in "The Cocoanuts"?
talking and singing. It's The Mew
Show World ol Paramount—talking,
Remember the chills and thrills of "The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu" and
singing screen entertainment at Its
absolute best And these Paramount "The Greene Murder Case " ? The hair-raising drama of that great spectacle,
Pictures are tha greatest attractions
we have ever had for our patrons..
Plan to sea and hear them all, for "The Four Feathers"? That glamorous, glorious romance of the stage,
afternoons and evenings of the most
thrilling, most daizllng «ntartnln< HAROLU LLOYD TALKING in "WELCOME DANGER" "The Dance of life"? They were all Paramount Pictures and only •
ment you have ever had.
few at that — the New Show World ef entertainment at its most thrill-
m his first talking picture ing best. CE, Now look ahead and see what great things are coming I
Harold Lloyd talking in "Welcome Danger"; "The Two Black
The "TWO BLACK Crows", Moran & Mack, in a great talking, singing, dancing speo
MORAN & MACK tacle, "Why Bring That Up ? "; T h e Virginian"-«The Covered
in "Why Bring That Up"
Wagon" of the New Show World; Ziegfeld's great girl-and-
"THE VIRGINIAN" music extravaganza, "Glorifying the American Girl," with
with Gary Cooper,
Walter Huston, Mary Mary Eaton and Dan Healy and such stars as Eddie Cantor,
Brian, Richard Arlen
"THE VIRGINIAN" All-Outdoors, All-Talking Rudy Vallee, Helen Morgan appearing in the revue scenes
—to name a few. CT, The talking-singing screen opened ' -

a great New Show World, and Paramount, with 17

GEORGE BANCROFT in years of supremacy back of it, and with the greatest
resources and man-power in the industry, developed
MAURICE CHEVALIER its possibilities to the fullest extent. With the
"THE LOVE PARADE" cream of screen and stage stars. With the WATCH FOR THESE
AND STAGE STARS greatest music composers. With the leading* COMING!
DENNIS KING in HAROLD LLOYD* In addition to the productions thown on
directors and showmen. With the most ad- this page, ask your Theatre Manager when
you can see and hear—
^CSEOIIGE BANCROFT "The Mighty" vanced sound studios in Hollywood, and
with Jeanette MacDonald CLARA1 BOW MAURICE CHEVALIER in
also in New York, center of the dramatic "The Lore Parade" With Jcanelte MacDonaM
"THE FOUR THE MARX BROTHERS and musical world. CL Small wonder , "APPLAUSE" "
with William Powell, DENNIS KING the greatest shows of the New Show • i


Clive Brook, Noah Beerjr RUTH CHATTERTON World are Paramount Pictures! And Wlth Jeanetle MscDonald
WILLIAM POWELL they're yours to see and enjoy right
"APPLAUSE" \ CIWeBroo^ and AU-Slar Cart
with Helen Morgan
EVELYN BRENT around the corner from wherever ' •
GARY COOPER you are. Your Theatre Manager Hal Skelly, Fay Wray, William Powell


CASE" will tell you when. H "If it's Barry Greene, Mary Brian, Nell Hamilton
with • * • ''
and more, more!
William Powell O N T H E A I R t Paramount. a Paramount Picture it's
Pitblix Radio flour,' each^Saturday PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS-SILENT NEWS
Evening 10-11 P. M.'Eastern Time, over ISOW PARAMOUNT TALKING and MUSICAL ACtS
the natioi>:oidc Columbia Broadcasting the best show in town!" CHRISTIE TALKING PLAYS .
'THE COCOANUTS" Syttem. Bear your favorite stago and "The &:!:traay Night Kid n ./'..--..
with en <tars in dclightfulentcrtainmcnU,
Four Marx Brothers


Warner Oland
six P B r * plac „ ;,.
hangar at the flying field. The build- ADDING TO RESTAURANT. successor to the Tlntern water com- Notice. **
NEW BARN AT LINCROFT. ing work will be done by the Airport HOLMDEL HOUSES SOLD. pany. This water will ba uaed to »up Public Sale of Real E i U U for Unpaid Henry McDerntott* paving, north* *
east side Pranch avenue .......... (6,10


development and construction com-
pany of Philadelphia and It will cost
Simon Strain* Enlarging His Place ply the greenhouse!, the VanDorn
at Eatontown.
Simon ' Str&uii, proprietor oi
I. J. M. Kaouffh.U»>U«ator of
homestead and other buildings on the and for the Borough uf Bed Bank. County
n«rebr give notice that so cording to tht
Samuel Palandrone, paving, weit

of Monnaouth and State; of New Jereevi Jerome Olassey, eurb and walk,
side Bridge avenue
north tide Weotildo avenue 12.89

IT AT A COST OF »S1,000. Bight Urge greenhouse! Will be JiJmes Builoflk. balance newer ben-
FARMS The' addition will he 80x80 feet,
making the hanger 160 feet long. The
ERTIES AT THAT PLACE. Strauss') restaurant on the utate built, Connected with thim will i>« law requiring m« to tntke the unpaid
t u i i i a i i e t i m t n t l and other municipnl
highway, between Shrewsbury and a shad where patted plant* will be charge*, a l i e n e d oft land, tenements John Doe, curb nnd walk, west
efit. No. I t River ntreet , 16.34
The Barn Will be of Framo and
i Country Homes < Glass With Eleven Box Stalls and
building worii! will be started Boon
pnd the addition will be completed in
The Oakea Homestead Bought by Eatontown, is building: an addition to
Frank J. Keano of Jersey City and his restaurant building at a cost of
kept. Each greenhouse will have an
entrance to the «hed. The contract
hertdltamtnts and real estate In saltl Bor side Hi, NlchPlfti Murfl
ough of Red Bank (or the year 1028, will Kit. Mar/ Murphy, curbing, eatt
slile Washington atreet 10 42
i Shore Estates ] an Exercise Track—It Will be
Beady for Use November 16th.
five weeks. The present hangar has
a door at one end, but when the a&
the Curley House Bought by WU- $2,000. George Gilbert of Highlands for the shed has been awarded to on the sixteenth da/ of October, lOHO, at Phillip Murphy, curb and walk,
liarn 3. Keane.
2:00 o'clock p . M., In the Ho rough Hat],
is doing the building work and the Benjamin Donglor of Eatontown. s«ll tha lands, tc-ntmenti, hereditaments Drnmmond avenua Bt.H
All Forms of INSURANCE Bertram S. Cutler, who owns the dltlon Is built the hangar will have and real estate htrttnatter diiorlbtd, to Eat. Charles H. Beckett, eurb and
The Oakei homestead at Holmdel new part will be opened November The work Is to ba completed by De- make the amount ehlrgvabta against laid walk. No. 275 Mechanic street.. 65,77
Allen farm at Llncroft, is building a entrances at both ends.
hfta been bought by Frank Jtj Keano 1st. The addition Is triangular cember 15th. lantlt on tha first 4»y of July, \QSfl, »• George MaUliowi, curb and n&lk,
; State Highway large horse barn on the property at The addition was neceasary to ac-
of Jersey City, who will use it for his shaped. I t is fifty feet long and 22 computed In the tut Hit, together «lth In* north ride Mechanic street .... 181,55
a cost of $21,000. The barn will have commodate the large number of tereat on latil amount from laid first day tlufus Sidney, curb and walk, No. '
Eatontown, N.I. Pliona 178 summer home. The property Is on feet wide at the widest end, It will To Build Two HOUK*. pf July to the datt of isle and the colt* . .262 Mechanic.itr«et» ,.- 80,87
eleven box stalls, and an exercise planes stored at the airport About
a dead-end road ltnow ns Oakca lane, ho. lined for dinner parties and can James LaBau of Fair Haven will of aal* nt public vendtit to nucli personi When Ihe Ditto takes placo payment Of
track will encircle the stalls. Harold twenty planes are kept at the field 6t bo used for dancing. Mr. Strauo will M will purchnso the lame tub/oct to re- All taxes or anscaamcntB, coats and Inter-
which runs southward from tho Van- build two six-room houses shortly demption
the present tlmo, but before the addi- at the lowest rate of Interest,
A. Hendrlcksbn & Company, con- derburg road. It comprises an acre soon change the name of his restau- on the Hue tract a t Hod Bank, He but In no caia In exoess of elsrht par est must be made by the purchaser before)
tha flonelufllrm of the sale otherwlsa the,
tractors and builders of Red Bank, tion is completed there will be ot rant to Strauss's Brookslde inn. Ho
least 25 airplanes stored there.
of land. The house has five rooms. will build on corner lota ht owns at cant per annum. Thti m!e la made under property will be Immediately resold.
are erecting the barn and it will bo The house was built in 1859 by tho moved to his present location three Prospect avenue and Meohsnlo street thai provisions of an Aet of the leaUlatur*
entitled "An Act for the assessment and Wftncat my hand this 18th day of fiep«
ready for use November 15th. late Patrick Oakes. It was be- years ago from Highlands, where he and at Prospect avenua and Baaaott coltietion of taxes, revision of 1016, ap-tember. 1020.
Mr. Cutler has a string of race queathed by his widow, the late Mr-i. conducted a restaurant. proved March 4th, 1618," and tha Aati J. M. KEOUGH,
Auto Owners
place. The lots are SOxSO feet and •uppiemefltary thento and amendatory Collector,
horses. The largest barn now on Bridget Oakes, to her grandchildren,
his farm has eight box stalls, tack the homos will cost about $6,S00.
Mrs. Charles Scolt and John Oakes, SHERIFF'S SALE.
room, three-car garage, three living
rooms, bathroom, hay loft and nn FEMREIf liLAISDELA STARTED the property from Mrs, Scott and Mr.
both of Red Bank. Mr. Kcane boUKht MAKING A NURSERY FARM. Mew Roofs.
Tha 'ssld lands, tenements,
m«nts and real estate to ba sold and th*
By virtue of a writ of (1. fa. to me di-
names of the persons against whom Raid rected, issued out of the Supreme Court of
opening called a breeze way through New roofs are being put on Mr». taxes hava been lain on account of each the State of New Jersey, will he exposed to
BUILDING TWO YEABS AGO. Oakes for $1,200. The new owner is sale at pifhlin vcmlue. on Monday, the 14th

parcel, are as follows;
the center of the building. The new employed In a factory at Jersey City. THE VANDERVEER VANDORN James J. Quigley's house on Bergen day of. October, 1029, between the hoxits
building will bo built on the north Tho Residence Is Being: Built of The late Patrick and Bridget Oakos . PLACE BEING TRANSFORMED. place, Michael Vaughan's house oa UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAX, 182B. ot 12 o'clock and 5:00 o'clock (at 2:00
side of the barn now on the property. Stones From His Farm and It Will were tho parents of Edward Oakes of Clinton place and Rocco Scalzo's Guiieppi Barelll, blk, 6, lot 20-27,
build in B and two lota, on the
o'clock), eastern Btnncliml time In the af*
ternoorLof naid-day, nt the Oourt House I n
It will be modeled after the presen Cost §30,000—Many New Buildings Eelford. John OaUes of Red Bank. The Construction of Greenhouses and house on Catherine street b y tho north aide o! "WCBI Front atreet * 171.17 tho llor-flUKh of Freehold, county of Mon-
barn and will be of frame and glas on tho Place. Miss Catherine Oakes of New Bruns- Other Buildings Will bo Startet Olaon roofing "company of Atlantic MiehKfll Sitbersteln, blk. 10, lot 11 mouth. New Jersey, to satisfy a judgment
construction. The upper half of th> building and lot, north Bide ot of saiil Court amount intfto approximately
Perrcti" F: felalsilell of Ever ett "road,
wick .and the late Thomas bakes of Soon by tho l'oter Henderson Seed Highlands. Ea»t Front street 801.44
..AulomohUa Ftnnnclnl Besponsl* outside -walls will be of glass Tor Ugh Everett. Company. Thomas McKnitrht, blk. 24, lot 8, /All tho defend tint's riyht, title and Inter-
who has a lumber business on Bridge house and lot. aouth alda of
blUty t a w will demand proof of and warmth. Tho remainder of thi avenue at Red Bank, Is completing "William Keane. a brother of the East Front street 171.09
est in nnd to the following:
ALL thtit certain tract or parcel of land]
aides will have a weatherboard fln new owner of the Oal;es farm, The Peter Henderson company, is
financial responsibility for i;h Four metal ventilators will be on the largo fieldstbne house, which he 3, Setro, blk. 6, lots 1-2, houao ami premises, hereinafter particularly de-
$5,040 to 510,000 for public lia- the roof. The floor will be 13 fee
bility Joss and $1,000 for prop- wide and 450 feet long. The entlr.
second floor of the building will hi
started to build on his farm two bought Patrick Curlcy's house • at making changes to the farm on the
years ago. His property was one of Holmdel. This place comprises half ship, near Red Bank, which the com-
the Hubbard farms and the new an acre of land and it Is on the coun- pany recently bought from Vander-
Half-Mile road in Middletown town-
Thomas Jardine and lot. Morford place
Charles P. Irwln, blk. 0, lot 32,
land Wharf avenue
Michael SUheratein* hnuie and lot,
165.14 ncribed. iltimte, lyinu and bolnir in the
Township of Middletown, in the County ot
69.73 Monmouth nnd Htnto of New Jersey, BE-
GINNlNd nt a ttnke In the iouth*«»tftj)y
erty damage loss. ty road.a Bhort distance •west of the south aide Union atreet 65.11 corrjer at lam In of the estate of Martin
a hay loft The foundation will be o house will replace a large farmhouse, village center, near the top of Ely's vcer VanDorn. Mr. and Mrb. Van-
which was more than
The easy way to bo relieved of concrete. The barn will not have a Most of the fleldstono used In the hill. Mr. Keane is employed as a
100 years old. Dorn
ago to RIVER PROPERTY Charles Jones, blk. 16, lot 16,
• peet avenua
and lot, east aide Froa-
Dowel, thence running (1) North twelve da-
grccs emit as the needle pointed fn 1800,
42.80 nloiitf the enaterly lino of landa of said
this worry Is an Insurance Poli- new house is being taken from fields truck driver at Jersey City. He is a Tho Henderson company Is one of Charles P. Irwin. blk. 0, lot 84, Mnrtin Dowd citato, four hundred, ten
A tractor house, 30x40 feet, and a veteran of the World war. Ho paid building and lot. Union stTect.... S92.15 MVftV feet to t b i nnutherly ]ln« of lands of
cy. Wo will bo glnd to servo blacksmith shop, 20x20 feet, wen on the farm. Mr. BlalsdeU will raze $1,100 for the Curley property. He tho best known dealers in vogotablo
you. moved last week by H. C. Kirby o
an old ehed on the farm soon- and and flower seeds and plants in the ARTISTIC HOMES Bradley Fisher, blk. 12, lot 6,
house nnd lot, Caro court
the Atlantic Ulthlnndft and Freehold rail-
103.18 roB«l compniiy thenca (2) easterly filonjr th«
replace it with a four-car garage. will improve the house and occupy it United States. It Is getting the farm James Miles, blk. 75, lot 90. store Bouthcrly line of said Atlantifl lilghltndi
Long Branch to make room for thi
The shed Is the last of the buildings the year around. Mr. and Mrs. Cur- in readiness for growing crops next Alston Court ' Eaat front S t , and lot, east aide Bridge avenue 88.84 nnd 1-rrchold rnllrond company, two hun-
barn. Mr. Cutler is a broker and hi Lucus Laundry Co.. blk. 2, build- tlroil (200) feet to n stake, thence (8)
ley will move to White street.Shrewa- RED BANS. N. J.
which were on the farm when it was ing, west side Bridge avenue.... 28.20 southerly and parallel to the first coune
bought the Allen property about tw<
bought by Mr. Blaisdell. ' bury, where they bought a house sev- spring. Pipe have been put down for Phone M. Joseph Calnbrecflc, blk. 60, lot 8 fout- hundred ten (410) feet to a stake
years ago. Ho built several cmalle; water from the mains of the Mon- and thenao (4) westerly and parallel to
Tho farm comprises about ninety eral years ago. house and lot, No, 178, west
Hylin & Salz buildings a few months ago.
acres of land and it Is.on the north
side of the Everett road, directly op-
Mr. Keane will take possession No-
vember 1st. Mr. Curley, in' talking
mouth consolidated water company, aide
H rid
KG avenue
Philomena Aschetttno, blk. 01, lot
and lot. No. 131,
»8.03 the second course heroin two hundred
(200) tvnt to the point or plnco of begin-
ning. Anil beinjr or Intended to ha t h t
ENLARGING HANGAR. posite tho Half-mile road, Aji old with a Register reporter Saturday west side Brldg* avenue 79.08 plot of frround four hundred ten (410) feet
Realtors—Insurance, barn and several other outbuildings stated that when he quit Holmdel the
Suaie Aschettlno, blk. 01. lot 6-O, In IcniEth nnd two hundred (200) feet In
width thrnuKbout running southerly from

Register Building, Red Bank.

More Storage Room to be Provided
at Bed Bank Airport
were on the property when It' was last native born Irishman would have
bought by Mr. Blaisdell. The house left that village. He eald that a£ the
The Air View flying service, opera- and outbuildings woro built with present time ho. wna tho only malo
Have You Visited Silverwhite Gardens? house and lot, No. 288, west
Bridge avenu*
Elmer Johnson, blk. 15, house,
Marlon street ,u^l 14,15
G2.54 tho Atlnntic Highlnnda and Freehold rail*
road (?ompnny's Innda, ****•
AND UEINO or (nUniled to b« puirt of
Est, Mary Murphy, blk. 24, lot 21, .the mime premispn conveyed by William
tors of the Red Bank • airport, wli; black oak beams hewn by hand from native of Ireland living at Holmdel house and lot, Nd. 13, cast side Kchenck nnd others to the ssiri William
build an addition to the large meta! trees cut on the farm. The beams although only a few years ago there Washington street 120.00 Sercby by deed dated September 28th, 1890,
M. Mllonas, blk. 29, lot 17. houno and rcordod in the Monmouth County
were put together with mortise and were a number of people of this na- We have many people who appreciate Silver- and lot, No* 55, north tide Clerk's OIlloc, in Book 500 of Deeds, on
tenons and the house was lined with tionality in the village. However. Wallace »treat 169.10 PUHBW r>r>. t t c .
hand made brick. The foundations of Holmdel has a considerable popula white Gardens and who will make their home James P. Milonaa, blk. 50, lot 1. Seined ns tho property of William Bern*
all the buildings were of stone and tion of descendants of Irish immi- house and lot, No. 00, aouth by (or Scruby). taken in execution at the
there as soon as they can dispose of the property aide Wallaca street 285.84 suit nf Mtitunl Discount Corporation, a e a r .
the stone is being used In the new James Conway, blk, 25, lot 8, porstlon. nnd to be sold by
When hunt or re-modeled by house. A penny, 101 years old, an old Mr. Curley for 48 years has occu- they now own. They have asked us to help them house and lot. No. 40, west sldo HARRY N. .JOHNSON, Sheriff.
Spring itreet 117*22 Dntnd Scptpmber 13, 1U29.
powder horn and other antiques were pied the house which he has just sold. sell their present holdings and we are therefore' Joseph Mori, blk. 110, lot 7, houno Max 1). Iiowltz, Attorney. /
Carhart Construction Co., Inc. found in the walla of the old house For 33 years he was employed on
when it.was torn down. Lewis S. Thompson's farm at Lln- able to list the following properties as available and lot, east-side Spring street
Haggle E. Brown, blk. 107, lot 26,
house and lot.No. 2G, north aide
60.48 (63 linen) . $22.28

Half of tho farmhouse was razed croft. He retired from active work for purchase: Brown plica 130.2B
By vlrlue of n writ of fL fa. to me di-
two years ago and replaced with a two years ago, but ho cultivates a Charles P . Irwin. blk. 58, Iota 2-3. rected, Untied out of tho Court of Chancery
section of the new building. Five large garden and docs other work on NOB. 28 and 32, two houses and of the State of New Jersey, will be ex-
40 Mechanic Street 11 Garfleld Avenua,
Atlantlo HlghlandA. N. J.
rooms, a bathroom and a large fleld- his property. Attractive modern six-room two lots, south Bide Harding
posed t o pale at public vchdufti on Mon-
237.24 day, the 14th day of October, 1020, be-
Bed Bank. N. J. stone fireplace are in tho flrat section.
The remainder of the new building house with ample garage facil- Ernest DlFlore, blk. n , lot 16, .
hull dine and lot, north side
tween the bourn of 12:00 o'clock and 5:00
o'clock (nt 2-.00 o'clock). In the afternoon
Ciiono for estimates. NEW F1SHEB PLACE HOUSE.
Atlantlo Highlands 210
will have seven, rooms, a bathroom ities, location Arthur Place. Price $12,500.00 Monmouth atreet
Stryker & Strykcr, blk. SB, lot S,
446.89 of said day, nt the Court House In the
Doi-ougb of Freehold, County of Mott-
Bed Bank ium and a one-car garage. Mr. Blaisdell Malcolm Flshor Is Building; a Resi- house And lot, No. 210, north motitb, N. J,, to natlafy a decree of said
and family are living In the new part
rrwrrr\ of the building1 while the final section
dence for $10,000. Commodious home located aide Monmouth street
Fatcr Crispl. blk. 82, lot, 21.
184.91 court nmountlntf to approximately $5,326,
It wns ordered, IH] judged and agreed
Is being built. The house will have Malcolm P. Fisher of the Red within five minutes' walk of house
and, lot, eaat aide, Pcnrl that naici
4G.64 appurtenrfnees mortRnffcil premises, with the
in the bill of complaint in
the latest conveniences. William Bank boat works Is building a'house
the railroad station on Leroy Jane Simmons, blk. 60, lot 12, tho sntd cnuHfl, particularly set forth and
I MONEY TO LOAN VanNote, aucarpenter of Ijincroft, and for his own occupancy at a cost of
Angelo DeFiore, a .mason and stone $15,000 on a lot ho bought a short
worker of West Red Bank, are doing time ago from the E. M. Fisher es-
Place- Price $17,000.00
hovioe and lot. No. 21, south
Bide Peters place
Est. George Libby. blk. 43. lot 7,
house and lot, No. 54, west side
described, that is to say, all the following
226.54 tracts or .pnrcoln of land and described.
situate, lying and being in the Township of
Middletown, in t h e County of Monmouth,
the building work and the residence tate for $5,000. The lot is on Fisher
$1,000 to $1,000,000 will be completed in the spring. place near the river. The house will
George Kaney of River Plaza did the have six rooms, a.sun parlor, break-
On Maple Ave., two prop- '
erties admirably located Price one $16,000.00
Maple avenue
Emma. P. IrfQuier. blk. 1QR. lot 22.
house and
side Hudson avenue
lot. No. 123, ca&t
89.01 and State of New Jersey.
BEING lots 24 mid 23 on Block 9, as
nhowti on a plan nf lot?* of River Plavna
184.91 Middletown Township, Monmouth County,
carpenter work on the first section of fast nook and two bathrooms. Earl-
on First Mortgage. the new building.
learned to cut stone In Italy and he
Mr. DeFiore Ing, Johnson & Fra'ke are doing the
building work and the house will bo
for business. The! other $12,000.00 Martha TrafTord, blk. 114. lot 41,
house and lot, north aide Plnck-
ney road
Sarah M. Cnrney, blk. 114, lot 46,
New Jernoy, nwnctl by Mnrk C, Mencher,
purveyed by George C. Cooper. C. K., Au-
KUBI, into. Said plnn.ftlad in tho office of
is an expert at his trade. The bal- ready for occupancy February 1st. A fine home in perfect condi- house and Jot. north aide Flnck- tho clcn-k of the County of Monmouth at

| WHITE-PACH, Inc. J ustrades and adornments on the house The lot is 50xlS0 feet and It Is on
are being made by Mr. DeFiore and the west side of the stroet. The house tion just repainted, has ample ney road
William Darby, blk.
house and lot, St. Nicholas
113, lot 89.
318.07 Freehold,
New Jersey. Sntd lots taken to-
ttcttier are bounded and described ds fdl-

| RED BANK. Telephone 2100. | all the atone used Is being cut by will face the river. It will be of
Dutch colonial design with stucco ex-
grounds and is well land- place 60.21 feet EASTERLY by Appleffnte street fifty
(fiO), southerly by lot No. 26 one
hand. Santo DeMarco, blk. SO; lot 45,
Some of the stone used 1B from terior. A largo fireplace will be in scaped, located on one of Red houae and lot, north aide White . hundred feet (100), westerly by lots No.
14 and No. 15, fifty feet (50), tiorthcrly
street 181.42 by
the Mrs. Henry 3. White farm, which the living room and the heating Bank's most desirable residen- Abram San born, blk, 30, lot 47,
lot No. 23, 0710 hundred feet (100).
adzed as the property ot Ernest S. How-
• • • • • » » • » • » • • • • • » » • • < >•»•»•••»•»»••••«•»»••»•»»«»» is now owned by C. W. Dow. The plant will be an oil burning hot water tial streets—Irving Place. Price $16,000.00 building and lot, north olilo ard, ot als., taken in execution at the suit
< • PHONE 2310. Barretts Approved Roofer house will be one of the largest fleld- furnace. A lavatory will be on the Whit* street 255.85 of Laura S. Jark«on. nnd to bovnnld by
stono residences in. this locality. first floor. A two car garage to cor- Est. Michael Cnilahan, blk. 31, lot HARRY N. JOHNSON, Sheriff,
8. home nnd lot. aouth ' slila

J. H. White
Emory T. Wales of Rumaon has a 'espond with the house will be built A wonderful opportunity to White street ^ 39.94 Dflted September 16, 1020.
house of similar material and another on the lot. Eat. Michael CnUahfln. bile. 31. Int c, Ohnrlca P. Sexton, Solicitor.
acquire a business site on Mon- 13. house and lot, south side (41 lines) . *17.2!
fleldstone house is on Riverside drive. Mr. Fisher now occupies one of the
White Btreet '. B3.63
Tho stone for the' Riverside drive Newton Doremus houses at Harris mouth street. . Price $25,000.00 Joseph Irnlay. blk. 65, lot 4.. home SHERIFF'S SALE.
house came from an old fleldstone Park. and lot. No. 141, south flldo liy virtue of a writ of f\, ta, to me dl«
General Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor mansion on tha Sandt proparty at Chestnut a t « e t 102.84 rcctcd, issued uut of tho Court of Chancery
ot Vhc Stnlft of New Jersey will bo exposed
Broad street and Pinckney. road, NEW RESIDENTS. Exceptionally well built mod- James Miles, blk. 15, lot 89.
building and lot. north side to Hiilc nt public vendue, on Monday, the
Skylights Ventilating where the Les Gertrudes apartment ern home in an ideal location West Bergen pjace 40.16 ,14th dny uf October, ltfZU, between tho
house now stands. Mr. "Wales im- George T. Baine of Fair Haven Buys William E. Hock, blk. 90, lot B. * j hours of 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock (at 2
Experienced Mechanics Modern Equipment o'clock), In the afternoon of said day, a t
ported, the stone for his house from on Mechanic Street. for a commuter, Peters Place. Price $15,000.00 buildlnK and lot. south side •
West Bergen place 28.26 the Court House in the UoroUfih of Free-
Complete stock of materials. the quarries at Philadelphia. William E. Bock, blk. 90, lot B, hold, county \)t Monmouth, New Jersey
George K. Balne of Fair Haven house and lot, south side West to lintiafy (i decree of euld court amounting
35 WHITE ST., RED BANK, N. J. It would cost a small fortune to
erect Mr. Blalsdell's house if the has bought a six-room house on Me- We will be glad to put you in touch with the Bergen place d0.68 to approximately $4,341.00.
It was ordered, niljudpod and decreed
chanic street at Red Bank from Stanley Sidney, blk. 84, lot 75.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • • • stone used had purchased a t James LaBau of Fair Haven for owners of the above properties or others if you houae and lot, south sido Weit that certain mortfrnuctl premises, with the
Philadelphia, where the nearest quar- Bergen place J4.8S appurtenances, in the bill of complaint in
ries are located. The stone is very $10,000. Mr, LaBau has built a one- will call us on the telephone or stop at our office. Daisy Glover, blk. 70, lot 9. homo the said cmiae particularly aet forth and
deaeribed, thnt is to say: All the following
car garage on the property. Mr. and and lot. No. 41, south sido trnct or imrcol of land and premises here-
EitablUhed 1854 Telephone 111 heavy and the cost of the stone itself Bank street 41.87
and of its transportation Is high. Mr. Mrs. Baine took occupancy Saturday. Charles Smith, blk. 40, lot 0. inafter particularly described, situate, lying
ttnd being in tho Uo rough of Highlands,
The lot is 50x90,feet and it Is on house and lot, No. 74, south

Blaisdell is able to get most of the
material used in the building at cost the Bouth-side of tho street, between
price and he estimates the coat of Prospect and Throckmorton avenues.
fuller Construction Co. »ld« Linden place
Henry McDermott. blk. 112, lot 2.
houae and lot. No. 90, east Bide
4848 in the County of. Monmouth and State of
Now Jcrppy.
DI2UINN1NG flt.n point In the Westerly
Thejiouse is Dutch colonial In design 93 MONMOUTH ST., BED BANK, N. J. Branch avenue 136.09 side of Shrewsbury Avenue, two hundred
his house at 530,000. fifty eight feet four inches (258'4"> north-
John E. Chamborlnin. blk. H I , lot
58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. Mr. Blaisdell "has built a bungalow, and Is stuccoed* It has a sun parlor, Telephone Bed Bank 2440. Evenings Bed Bank 73. 86, houie nnd lot. No. 178, enit erly at the point of intcmcetion of said
of six rooms and a bathroom, a large bathroom, breakfast nook and pan- el tie Branch avenue 97.61 lino of Shrewsbury Avenua and the north-
erly lino of Jackson Street; said beginning
grain, barn, cow barn, greenhouse try. A fireplace is in tho living room, Salvatort Loprestl, blk, 78, lot 28,
house and lot. No. 56, north point bclntr marked by u monument placed
and houses for pigs, chickens and is equipped with Holland vapor
WINDSTORM INSURANCE pigeons on the farm. All the build- air heat. j side Bank street
Julln Vittorla. blk. 66, lot 18-A,
in the bond of Shrewsbury Avenue and be-
40.17 Inff nlao the northeast corner of Lot No,

A Good Coverage at Very Low Rates.

ings are of hollow tile and cement Mr. and Mrs. Balne lived at Fair
and they are modem in every way. Haven the last ten years and they
Mr. Blalsdcll bought the farm eight occupied a house owned by Mrs. L.
Visit SILVERWHITE GARDENS build inR and Int. west elds
Shrewsbury avenue
Victor Hembllnir. blk.
bouse and Int, No. 374, west
88, lot 7,
U0, on the Mnp hereinafter mentioned, run-
n(tiR theuou Southerly, tilon« the Westerly
181.42 line of Shrewsbury Avenue, fifty eight fp-t
four inches (58*4") to the line of Lot No.
M now owned by K mi to on; running thence
years ago for $7,000 and when hjs W. Havell. side Shrewsbury avenue 83.73 Westerly, along cniri lino at right angles to
new residence is completed Dennis Murray, blk. 74, lot 1, Shrewsbury Avenue, ono hundred (100)
atora and lot, east aldo Shrews- feet; thence Northerly. pnrnUel with «a(d
nps on the property will have cost bury "avenue 148.86 line of Shrewsbury Avenue'; thirty (30)
him abmtt 575,000. Qufgley'a lake, feet two (J) Inrhen to the line of Lot No.
which is being built by River Plaza T-A, lot, east aide Shrewsbury 21), on said Mnp, now owned by Peter J .
avenue 23.26 Olde; running thence along said, line one

Realtors Work Together

property owners, will form the rear Stephen Moncl, blk. 77. lot 7. hundred four (104) feet, more or leas to
boundary of his farm. house tnd lot. No. 2GtJ» east naiil lino of Shrewsbury Avenue, at the;
side Shrewsbury avenue 09.51 point or plnco of Reslnnlnir.
Vincent Fiasconaro, blk. 78, lot 211, Being nil uf I-ot No. SO, on a certain
UUILDING AT TINTON FALLS. house and lot. No. 106, north M»p entitled, "Map of Building Lots a t

'I he members of the Red Bank Real Estate Board

are all Realtors.
Eatontown Man Mill Have His Homu ,
sit That Place.
X George Illmcnsec who recently sold '
Battin &. Applegate John
•Id* H(ver street
John Hollan, blk. 73, lot 24, houn«
and lot, No. 108, north tlda
River street
Costa, blk. 71,
rnd lot, No. 58, west side
lot 31, homo
48.07 Naves ink, lligtilnnds, Kay nnd Corn well
Tract, reviseil January VI, l!)0a."
Seized as tho property of Sylvia Bordan,
4S.07 widow, ft HIB. taken In execution at the
nuit of Edward J . Butler et ux, and to ba
oUt by HAKltr N. JOHNSON, Sheriff.
his farm on Reynolds drive at Eaton-1 Leiffhton avenua 116.62 Dated Sept. 16, lOJMi.
They work together. -One of their great work-
togelhcr features is the
town, Is building a bungalow for his '
own use on threo acres of land which
he bought on 'ho Wikoff Estate fnrrr.s
IN NEW LOCATION Herbert A E. Taylor, blk. 71, lot
40, house and
sMs Catherine street
0. Fiaiconaro, btk. 74, lot 1-A,
buUdina and lot, south side
No. 166, north
Alfred A., Alfred- A. j r . and Richard V.
26.10 (Tfi Lines)
near Tlnton Falls. The property 13 ' STATE OF NEW JERSEY.
Multiple Listing System! on the north side of the counlv ro.'nl, • Catherine street
Henry Lawif, blk. 67, lot 29.
- 170.72 Department of State.
Certificate nf 1111 na of content by BtoeV-
etwoen Tinton Falls nnci H^oboy-!
ville. Mr. Illmcnsee will u=c it for! We have moved our REAL ESTATE and house and lot, No. 112, north
, side Leonard street
Frank Avon. blk. 70, lot 12, houie
27.88 TOholders to dlFnolution.
Under this system all the members of the Red Bank oulli-y frirvirirr. | ami lot, No. 85, aouth side Leon- MAY COME. GREETING:
WHEREAS, It npprnr* to my aathfae-
Real Estate Board or Board of Realtors get busy on sell-
ing your property when it is put in the hand's of any mem- iI will have
.v will ho I'^v'.L'
He roof. It v.-iil hive;
f"-'. I f
INSURANCE OFFICE from 6 Mechanic Street ard Btreet
Eat. A. Nclone, blk. 67, Jot 12,
• hou»e and lot. No. 14, Enrl
54.66 111, by duly niilhonticBteii record of tha
pn>coDilinss for the > voluntary dissolution
five, roorr ilvrcr.i .- :i'l'if in 1 itreet 87,21 Roberts thereof depohite*! in my office, that tha
ber, of- the Board, unless you specially do not want this Snfety Water Tuba Boiler Com- i
done. The
improvr:: • . r . .-••^'•;';: h i ;i c o m - '
>•: n •.*'; nr.d partly, j to the former Molly Pitcher Grill. E n Antonio MHSZVQ. blk. C6, lot
«, houn and lot. No. 87, aouth
puny, a corporation of this State, whoso *
principal office in situated. on Onklaml
74.43 | Htrcet, nt the railroad, in the borough of
' The (-;.]-• 'iv .'"7,:'.".(i nnd-it In-1
Fritz Dreitltr, Wk. 84. lot 128, Red }tanl(, county of Mnnmnuth, Htnta of
. " . : - . - fr-l and a |
Multiple Listing System .•;.' lent, The work
i ; to hr rt:::;i! ~! ••! by December 1st.
house nnd lot. No. 72, north
side Wcstside avenue
George McQueen, Jr., blk. 87, lot
Is'ew Joraey, (E, Gerry Roberts being the
•nt therein and in chartre thereof,- upon
whom procpun may be served), has com-
is a great help when it comes to selling a piece of real estate,
for eight firms put your property on their active list at once
Benjamin I >;,;;- ;T of 'Eatontown Is ;
the contrneloi. Opposite the Molly Pitcher 6, hou*t> and lot. No. 37, nouth
*tlde Weitnide avenue
VV. E. Donald, houae and two lots,
north side Newman Springs road
plied with tho requirements of "An Aet
86.52 concerning corporations (Ucvlnlon of
lfaOGI." preliminary to the Issuing of this
07.89 Certificate that such consent hns been
Es. Silas Holmes, blk, 76, lot 105,
10.27 filed. .
houit and lot, Central avenua NOW THERKFOnE. 1 Joseph V. 3 FIU-
Eit, Suntin Braliteri, blk. 105, lot
These are tlic members of the Red Bank Real Estate Asa E. Tary to Hnvp Now Home Here we can better serve our clients. 13, houia and lot, enst slria
patrick, Secretnry 0/ Stiito of tho SUU of '
Costing S(i,000. Broad street 820.S2 New Jersey, do hereby ccrlily that the
[I corporation did, on the eleventh day
Board: If you want to sell or rent your property— Georire F. Wilion, Wk. 63, lot 20,
house and lot, No. 45, north of September, 1020, flIo In my office a duly
Asa E. Fary of Eatontown is build- lB0.4fl executedftnil ntteftlrr! cons on t In writing'to
aide John street th» dissolution of aahl corporation, exe-
LAND and LOAN CO., 12 Mechanic Street Ing a bungalow for hia own occupan-
If you want to buy or lease— Warren Hartman, blk. 04. Int 11, cuted by mor* than two-thlnU in interest
cy on a lot ho bought several years houae and lot, Drummond ave- o( the stockholders thereof, which aald
MORRISEY & WALKER, Keaiuburg ago at Chestnut Grove Manor at that certilicnta «mJ the rffcord of th* proceed- .
IHetrflW-FatteMori. blfc. KSYlot 12,
ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, Inc., 60 Broad Street place. The building- wilj cost, $6,000 : if; you, want to borrow on ; mortgag<fr-^-""" ' : : ^i:v'r J '•"••''! :^»!^y*^;-^-'^ house and lot, Drum mom) nvi - 1 niu..afarMaU('-tr«-tio«>xiVL fl<6 (wtn»'4ald • •'
llice as 'provided by law.
and. it WHl.babflnrslwd N o v e m h t r l s t . 78.74
HAWKINS BROTHERS, 1 0 Motunotrtlii Sheet Tho lot Is 60x150. Tho bungalow will Fay G'oddaru7*'blk*r87. lot 13, In lentlmnny. whnreof. 1 hava hereto eet
If you want any kind of insurance— - ^ . r hbaac and lot, Drummond avc- my hnnd nnd affixed my ofllcfpl seal, at
WM. A. HOPPING, Broad Street and Linden Place bo built of cinder blocks and it will TrPTiirm, \\\\* olovciuh <lny of SiruU'inber,
A. I), on* thousand, nine hundred and
be stuccoed. It will have six rooms,
HENDRICKSON & STOUT. 2 Linden Place u bathroom and modern conveni- Call on us or phone Red Bank 2499. lol 6, house and lot,' No. 27,
£ s s t Westside avenua JOSEPH F. S. FITZPATRICK.
HYLIN & SALZ, 42 Broad Street ences, A two-car garage will bo on
D. A. Msiia, blk. 69, lot 13. ___ Secretary of Stnte#
tho lot. Mr. Fary is a carpenter and houB« and lot. No. 181, «a»t
A. L. IVINS AGENCY, 42 Broad Street hr. is doinR the building work. He • Ids Shrewsburr av«nu» ... The Supor-Satesmao.
nnd his family now occupy one of the Luke Lonphoad in The Heglster
UNPAID ASSESSMENTS. talks to over 35,000 people ever/
»••« Gibson apartmenu on Broad street. '
J a s i Slmmoni, pivlng. loutb tide week.—AdverUaement.
\ RED BANK REGISTEB, OCTOBER 2,1929. Pflge- Seven
BIG BLAZE AT SHORE, neral of James li. Vaughn's son at
Red Bank Saturday morning.
Carafe and Two Warehouses Swept . Miss Jennie McQueen has returned

Wood of beauty ft the tree of beauty by Flames. to work at the Schulte store at Red
Fire swept through Zacharlas's Bank after having been laid up with
garage on Main street at Aobury sickness.
Park early last Wednesday morning David Soffel has re-opened hiB elder
and aproad to two adjoining ware- mill.
houses before firemen were able to James Carton, a policeman of New-
check it. The total damage. Is esti- port, Rhode Island, is visiting John
mated at (80,000. Julius Sanders, a Maher and family. Mr. Carton Is a
night watchman In the garage, brother of Mrs. Maher.
which Jo operated by B & L, motor Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiss of Qlen-
l o be Up-to-Date
company, discovered the blaze a few dale, Long Island, were recent guests

its Best/ seconds after he had turned on an of Ramon Molzon and family. Adolph
electric Switch. Firemen made an In- Molzon will soon undergo an opera-
vestigation and discovered that de- tion at the Spring Lake hospital.
fectlva electric wiring was *>.o cause Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taunt of
Means to be Up-to-Chrysler
of the Dlaze. Two alarmB *rere sent Brooklyn have been visiting Mr, and When anything new is produced, (here arc always
In, which called out practically all of Mrs. William Hurley. those who create and those who follow.
the city's fire fighting fore?. Twelve Mr. and Mrs. Frank Toop visited
streams of water were tjirned on the friends near Princeton Wednesday. In the change to balloon tires, some makers asserted
blaze. Fourteen automobiles In the
ft garage were destroyed riut eighteen EVERETT NEWS.
the new type would never succeed. Four-wheel
were pushed or driven to safety. The brakes found some who disastrously supported the"
warehouses were operated by the Mon- Mr. and Mrs. John Brown Have two-wheel design. And today, there are engineers
mouth productfl_cQmi)fifly. and the Moved to Ernest Wadley'» Farm.
Swift rneat packing companyjind the , who decry the Multi?Range Gear Shift-and-the " :~~-—-
damage to these two buildings is es- "Mr."and Mrs. John Brown of Leon- Down-Draft carburetor. .
timated at $35,000. David Balne of ardo have moved to Ernest Wadley's
Glendola is president of the motor farm here. Chrysler has never been'arhong (hose who shun new
company and George Loos la vice The Blessed Sacrament guild will things—if the new be better than ihc old.
president. They carried no Insurance meet at Mrs. Bernard Warneker's
on the automobiles. ^ next Tuesday night.
A bottle was thrown through one The public acclaim for Chrysler, instead, has been , ... •
of the windows of William Dzlezye'g based on Chrysler's pioneering or ready acceptance of
Dredging at Key-port store late one night last week by a those new creations which have made motoring saferf
Dredging operations In Keyport passing motorist. more comfortable, surer and more economical.
harbor will be renewed In the spring Paul' Kelly was a week-end visitor
providing Interests at that place fur- of Raymond McCue and family of
nish suitable arrangements for dis- Long Branch. Mr. and Mrs. McCue To be always ahead of or abreast of (he limes, but
posing of the dredged material. It is npont Sunday with Bernard Warne- never to experiment on the public is the real founda-
estimated that it will require $5,000 kcr and family. tion of Chrysler success. 7 '
a year to maintain the proper depth Miss Florence and John Eustace of
of water. Now York were In town Saturday You who prefer the latest, the most advanced, the best,
and Sunday.
MNCROFT NEWS. L. W. Horr was laid up last week have made Chrysler the most copied car in the world.
with grip. Because Chrysler has built the kind of cars you up-to-
Leroy Daftendorl's New Garage—Vis- Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Grant the-minute people want, you have given Chrysler the
itors From Massachusetts. were week-end visitors at Merchant- greatest success in the history of automobile building.
vllle. ,
| Leroy Daffendorf has had a two- Mrs. Clarence Jones has a big dis- We invite your most critical inspection. ,
i car £arae;o built at the rear of his play of Targe dahlias of many varie-
mother's residence by Joseph Vincent ties in her flower garden. CHRYSLER SALES CORPORATION
of Red Flank. Mr. Daffendorf bought Special devotions in honor of St. DETROIT, MICHIGAN •">•
a 113V/ Roosevelt straight-eight sedan Theresa will be held at St. Cath-
I;-..', wacl:. Several months ago a new erine's church tonight and tomorrow
Pcriiac a»dan belonging to him was morning. The devotions began last See these Chrysler Features
Ten splendidly constructed pieces exquisite carvings I' 1 , Mr3. Wesley Prentice of Mrs. Curtis Green of Eaton town SYNCHRONIZED POWF.R SYSTEM - ARCHITONIC BODIES
C:nrt Barrington, Massachusetts, and Mrs. J. William Helm of Red PARAFLEX SPRING SUSPENSION - METALWARE BY CARTIER
and turnings......beautifully matched and figured ve- spent last week with Fred Owens and Bank have been visiting Mrs. Benja- WEATHERPROOF INTERNAL-EXPANDING HYDRAULIC BRAKES
f.-'nlly. min Hankinson. Mrs. Green Is re-
neers, rubbed and polished to a velvety smoothness The trainer's house on Harry Payne cuperating after having been serlous-
Whitney's farm Is being renovated lj sick for two months.
chairs upholstered in smartly patterned tapestry for and a new mash house and garage Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shabrlck o Chrysler Imperial, "77". "70" ™d "66' on display at
will be erected coon. The mash Brooklyn have returned home after
a dining room of distinction at only— house and garage will be of hollow spending most of the summer with

6-Pc. Dinette Set. .00 Ten lovely pieces in beautiful

The ladles' aid society will meet at
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Ewald.
Patrick Carton nnd family were ANDY'S GARAGE
high-lighted Walnut, with chairn the chapel tomorrow afternoon to recent guests of Mrs. Frank Neville
plan for their annual supper on of Headden's Corner. Corner Maple Avenue nn3 Woat Front Street, Red Bank, N. J.
A little beauty in glowing,
Regular Trice, $150.00. upholstered In two-tone mohair. Thursday, October 31st. Mrs. Hannah Lovett, Mrs. May Phone Rod Banlt 2124.
splendidly decorated walnut;
Buffet, server, china and six Frank McCarron Js employed on Keeney and Mrs. Holmes Shutts, all
especially mado for the smaller Ernest Wadloy'a Sunnyslde farm at of Keyport, were visitors last week 45-S3 Broadway, Tel. Lone Branch 204
dining room, chairs nt Everett, of thoir cousin, Mrs. .TnhnSnifTen

$ioo- 00
Our complete line of .Dining Thomas Fread, son ,of Everett Mrs. Lovett returned home a flho:
Room Suites has been reduced Fread of tho Cupboard kennels, hasj t j m e a g o from the Long Branch hos-
a monkey for a pet. pital, where she was a medical pa-
for thla week. Como and see F. H. Hortofl Billardi who Is em- tient ten weeks. She is able to walk
nojrular Price, $125.00. them. Bcgular Price, $210.00. ployed at New York, has been re- with the aid of a crutch.
quired to take a vacation for his
Edward Johnson of Brookdale
farm, known as "Dusty" Johnson, Is J. Henry Vlnlng to Stan Building a


a jockey at the Trenton fair, which is Barn Soon.
in progress this week. Many of the
farm employees will attend the fair. J Henry Vlning expects to begin
Edsar, Layton, Charles Toop, Adolph building a burn Boon to replace the
Molzon and Eugene Ford attended ona which was destroyed by fire ten
the fair Monday.' days ago. Mr. Vining states that he
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Thompson will start the barn as soon as the In-
10 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar surance claim is paid.
E. Alexander of Nutswamp rriade an Joseph Woods spent part of last
automobile trip to Bear Mountain week looking at farms on Long Is-
Wednesday. land and near Albany, New York. Mr.
Mrs. Dante Daverlo has been laid Woods contemplates moving from
up with sickness. Tinton Falls. For several years ho
Mlsa Marion Hood, who is em- has occupied the Morris farm on the
ployed at the Red Bank office of tho Shrewsbury road.
Slgmund Ei3ner company, is taking a Dry weather is again affecting con-
special course in shorthand and type- ditions here. Pasturage la beginning:
writing at Mrs. John J. C. O'Shea's to fall and late crops are Bhowlng bad
business school at Red Bank. Miss effects. A few wells have gone dry.
Hood graduated last June from the Berry Christian has enlarged the
Leonardo high school. house at Pine Brook which he recent-
•William Merts Is improving from ly bought from Roland Polhemus
Jaundice. and he has enclosed it with concrete.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ward of Tren- He has put the house on the market.
ton were week-end guests of Henry Mrs. Harry Mayberry and Mrs. An-
A. Fenton and family. drew Williams were visitors at New
Vincent Powers of Belmont Park, York Saturday and Sunday.
New York, was a Sunday visitor of Miss Dorothy Reed, who attends
Janiea G. Rowe. Ivan Johnson of normal school at Trenton, and Miss
Eelmont Park is employed as a Constance Reed of Newark spent
chauffeur by Mr. Rowe. Saturday and Sunday with their par-
I Albert Willgerodt has returned ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Reed,
from a trip of several weeks to the
WeBt- Did anything happen hereabouts?
You'll find out all about it if you read
the fu- The Register.—Advertisement.
If you want a genuine bargain In a reliable,
handsome automobile, select the model you
2-DOOR SEDAN prefer from our atocjf of high-grado u«ed
Excellent condition through- cars. Every car has been tuned up to deliver
out. Good tires, low mUo- Driven only a few mites.
«(«, fully equipped, 4-wheel This car" is on display in exceptional service and every one represents
brake•. Complete motoring our used car showroom. A greater value than would bo ordinarily ex-
satisfaction a t a bargain genuine bargain at .... $475
price :.... $5SQ pected. Big sales of new Oakland* and
Pontiaca force us to clear our stocks at
NASH 1024 LIGHT SIX once to keep our used car inventory at the
SEDAN—Very Rood tires; —Renutiful Fisher hotlj'.
disc wheels, motometcr; fiucn finish. Powerful mo- proper level. And we've priced these car*
"Good Will" reconditioned. Inr. Cnniplotely eiuippeil.
Thla'vhlu* simply can't bn The city's KrcntcHt vnkn* low to sell them quickly. This ia your chant*
beat $175 nt - $275 to save. Take advantage of it today'.

Select a Bargain From This List

SEDAN—Two-tone B rccn ••Good Will" reconditioned 1929 OAKLAND ROADSTER.
and ivory finish; five wire throughout. Tho L-inht Six
wheels and balloon tires; model: running condition is The latest model—Famous style, plck-u;»
bumpers and full equip- perfect; 4-whcel hrnfcp? ;
ment: "Good Will" recon- Duco finish; nnd full equip- and performance. You'll have to hurry IJ
ditioned, to perfect mcchnn- ment S400
Also get a"Wear-Ever>l ie«l «h«pe $550 you mini this enr nt this wonderful prlc;i
liench fryer Really tor "Good Will" recondi-
tioned bnd smooth runnlun
as new. Londcd with ex-
Orininnl finish like- iii*w—-,.
upholstery spotles^--rnpinG.
TbU two-quart the it the tnoit practical tras. Good body finish nml quiet find rr^l'i'nsive. A
f«mji> life. Cntp, fUvcrful foodil A «•»•
Make Double the Saving clean upholstery. Easily doppndtihlo cur for your
lag id time, fuel, and materlaU. Fat not
burned but may bo uicd
repeatedly. Both utensili
F h
French F
many separata uici by getting Two of these}
"HomcMade" the beat bur at this price
in town. Only
fnmilv tr» drive nt a penuinc*
bnrfcnin price $130

DAN—Here's a great buy

d f frying. We makeWright's Mayonnaise In a car famous for its 192? DODGE 4-D00R SE-
•turdy construction nnd DAN—Cnlnplott' OfiuipnR'nt.
'*\}$/tfks»we_ir-irr***.'* Aluminum Baking from the same materials you powerful motor. • "Gnoi\ Uluo Ducn ilni-h .ami ir.i-
Will" reconditioned to the liolstery l<> match. IVrfert.
w e a r - n.v e r would use and with the same O. M. A. C. Time I'liyment r i
and Roa«ting p«n» finest poetibla appearanrp
• nd performance. See it if
meehnnicnlly nftpr "Coril
Will" rrrmiditinninK nn'i :i Down Payment—Calimce a Few Dollar*
The woman who knows real value will decide immediately to care you would exercise. Bui, ' you want a * real bargain. benuttful car nt nt^ FM'OII-
Only $300 tioiifilly low plioQ $425 per Month.
buy one of these #1.73 "Wear-Ever" pans at the special price 08 Wright's is always as good as
98c. To such a woman we »ay "Buy TWO and make twice the
worth while aaVing." Look again at the uses illustrated at the top you hope yours will be. Include
of thit advertisement 1 Surely it will be a matter of real con. a jar of Wright's in your order
venienco and help in the kitchen if you have at least TWO of
these pam. You save 77c when you buy one; you lave $11.34 of today's groceries. We are T. F\ Morford Motor Car Co., Inc.
when you buy TWO. Remember that all "Wear-Ever" utensili sure you will like it better.
ate made of extra hard, thick, sheet aluminum, 21 Mechanic Street, Red Bank.
Replace ^Icmih that wear ma vith utensili thai "Wear-Ever'*

To Ilratauraats, IIoUili, Cafeterias, eto. Why not put In » stock

otthcti/aa, at the •peeUl maat,r MrJorprlw or pir. tie «cb.

For sa'.c NOW by the following "WEAR-EVER" denier* i

II<! ,MLIII«,'1 ri-i-i.
In- (''u' s'ltiTf'j'nitf nt f)>4 ('nuttty of Mofl.
month in<l r.-nmlnl fur •ittlloni'nt t a th«
Robert Hance & Sons ASBURY PARK, N. J. BELMAR, N. J. U U of Elizabeth Mull I net, deconsfd.
Notlca li hereby given that tlio iu'rount« l ) ; i t t " l y i ; l > t e m b " r A. 1). lO? 1
.'. (ii;.i.:ii!. Ci.iii-t n< «»M Count?! on ThilM-
I A. E. Wrllkl Co—DITUIOH of Ki.fl-Th.nU Ch«... Coroor.tlo- ilitv, tin' ililrty-ilrflt ilny (if OiitnUr. A. V
Morris Becker J. Coy to & Son Paul C. Taylor of the iubicriber. executrix of tho cnr:iio of Mttlu Si'.wv lr".l. nt \thluh tlma ntnilltlAtiOn will N
aid decenaed. trill he audited nml nt:il<-i! in Z\a for tlio nllownnen of eommlislolts
HARRY W . CLERK, Distributor to Shore Point; iy the Surrogate of the County of MOM- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Of ACCOUNT ninl Itct.
LONQ BRANCH, N. J. Snyder & Rob-ns MANASQUAN, N. J. mouth and reported for pettlrmt'nt tn ' I K 1: _-1 -i t « - u f M u r ' : i . r i ' l H . < \ ...
< m m r « ,. <!<,•< i i . . -,i iint,•)..s,'i.tcmli«r SO, A. II. 1 « » .
A. M. Townley & Co. - Long Branch. New Jeriey Orphan! Court of unul County, nn Thur<-
Steinbach Co. Oibom& Shier d»y, theUhirty-firit day of October, A. P. «>; thp .-lil^rriliAr. rv-tfou li'i'Vf \\"i\ | I! t.- i
1020t at whicb timf application will PC of aaid deceased, will bs uiilU'J u'nii i u u J I 1» Cunal Slr«Bt. R
NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION; Harbtrt »tr««t to 1U tnt*r*«ticm with UM NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION Swjramlnar Riven thence <•) In an easterly
YEARS AGO IN RED BANK. Borough ol Rtd Bank, N. J. o*,nt*r tint of BhrtwsboiT Manna, tfc*M*
southwardly alont tbs Muter . H w _ e *
Notice U hereby given tbit • General Shrewsbury aveoo* to Ua Intersection with
Town.hl, ol MlddUtown. and southerly direction, following the vari-
ous courses of said Swimming llivtr to
Notice (• hereby rlvsn that a Central the high w/at*r line of the shore of Shrews-
Election will be held fa and for the th* tmtir II • • of W*«t **onar4 •trttt, Elsstlon will U Btldlii and for the Town- bury riven thene* (7) easterly. In th* high
Borough of Rid Bank, la the County o thano* westward!* along UM «nt*r Ha* o •aip at Mlddlatown. In tha County of Mon water Hn* of the shore of said Shrewsbury

ONE DAY SALE H A P P E N I N G S O F O L D I N A N D Monmouth and State of New Jersey, 01 Wtst > Leonard street to Its IntmMtloB mouth and BUtt of Nsw Jsraty on Tuts HWer. to the railroad bridge, th* place of
Tuesday, November 5th, 1929, between lh< with tha o«m*r lln* of Ulghton evenu*. a*ft November 5th, 1939, between thi beginning.
hour* of ilx A. H. and seven P. &•• a' thenoe northwardly along tb* oenter lln* « hours of 6 (00 A. M. and 7iOO P. H., at th*
the respective polling placet In said Bor- Ulghton arena* to It* lnWr*«tloD vltb rsipeottv* polling plaois of laid Town District Is th* potto nice building at Lln-
th* center Mite of Locust •vena*, thenet •nip.
The polling plan* for the Fifth Election '*

THURSDAY Incidents Culled From T b e Register ough. oroft, N. 4.

of t b e First Week In October Said election will ba fcetd In the salt w&itwardl? alons th* eeater line of Loeuit m Skid •Isatlon will b* U\i In tha mid Sixth District. Commonly Known aa the IT
T w e n t y Yeara Ago, Thirty Years *Borounn for the purpoift of •lectin avenue to Its Intersection with tbe •hot* Township for > tha purpose of tltotlns Port Monmouth District,
Member of the Semite of the State fo of the North Shrewsbury river, the no* • Mtmbsr of tha Senate of the SUte for
northeastwardly along th* sbor* of the tha County of Monmouthi two Membin lows, vltt
The boundaries of tbe same arc as fol- it
A g o and Forty Years Ago. the County of Monmouth; two Member* North i
tihrewsburv river to It* Intersection of th* Qemral Assembly of Nsw Jersey I Beginning at the corner formad by the
Forty Y e a n A g o .
of the General Assembly of New Jersey with tb* oenUr (In* of tbe traek or road li
a Cleric for the County of Monmouth; i bed of th* New Jersey Southern, railroad, a Clerk for the, County of Monmouth; a Intersection of the road from Hendrickson's
8hsrlff for the County of Monmouth j Corner to Atlantla Highlands and the road
Surpassing All Previous Offerings! T h e will of Mrs. Margaret Hen- Sheriff for the County of Monmouth tha point or place of beginning.
drlckson, mother of Samuel T. H e n - two Membera of the Do aril of Choie two Members of ths Board of Choien from that rond to Hnrmony; thenco 11)
Th* polling plaoe for the Eighth Eleottoo Freeholder I. for three years; three Coro- easterly to Mill Brook; thence (2) follow-
Freeholder*, for three yearn; three Coro District (s the eafeterU of the Slgmund ners for the County of Monmouth; twi ing said brook Its various courses northerly
drickaon of Red Bank, w a s probated nera for the County of Monmouth; twe Eisner Company. Bridge avenue and W«s
Membera of the Township Committee, fo to Compton'* Greek; thence (3) stilt in a
RADIANT RAYON at Freehold. She left all her prop- Council in en for the Borough of Red Bank Front a trttt.
erty to her daughter, Mrs. A. Eliza- for three yean; a Collector for the Borouu
of Bed Bank, for three yeara; an Asseaio! Ninth Election District.
tbrca yean, and one Road Supervisor.
Notice of RsaUtrailon.
northerly course, following tho oreck to
the old rljiht of way of the New Joney
beth Conover, and her eon, Samuel for the Borouah of Red Bank, for thro Beginning at R point where tht etnte Southern railroad; thenco (4) still north-

CUSHIONS line, of Shrewsbury avenu* la intersected Third TiHlitrttion day—-Octobsr IBth, erly, alontr said old Now Jersey Southern
T. Hendrlckaon. N o mention waa years, and a Justice of the Peace for th with the oenter Una of Berber! atreet, 1020, 1:00 P. M. to 9:00 p, M., to revlsi railroad right of way, to Sandy Hook bav;
mada in the will of her other two Bcrough of Red Bank, to nil the unexpirei thence southwardly along the etntei line o nnd eotrtot tho Hit for the General EUo< thenoe (fi) westerly along tho Bay, to the
children, J. Holmes Hendrlckson and term of Clayton B, Clark, deceased.
Notice ol Reglatratlon.
Shrewsbury avenue to Ita Intersection with tion. mouth of Paw's Creak; thenco (6) south-
Miss Caroline Hcndrickson. Mrs. tbe oenter line of tbe Newman Springe Tha following* Is a description of th erly up Pew's Creek and theHrook at th*
Third realstratlon day—October 16th road, thence easterly along the eenUr lln* Election Districts in the Township of Mid head of sum* and In a straight line went

Hendrlckson had recently died In her 1928. 1:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M., to revi? of the Newman Springs road to Ita Inter, dletown and tha polling plaeei In tht or the farm of Charles H. Mill", to W. E,
Regularly Soldjor $/.gS 87th year. She had been blind sev- and correct the list, for the General Eleo- section with the oenttr lln* of Broad same, vim
Ralph's Cornert thence (7) atlil southerly
along the road past John J. Murphy's
eral years previous to her death. street, tbenc* northwardly along tb* o*n.
Boundaries of th* election districts 1 ter line of Broad street to Its Interieetlob First District, Commonly Known a t thi bouse to tha place of beginning at Har-
ROSE - BLUE - GREEN - HELIO Miss Catherine Allen, oldest daugh the Borough of Red Bank, and the pollln with thfl aenttr line nf the track* ... . ~ MiddUtown District, mony Corner. :
sad GOLD — —- —• Well filled tor of Robert Allen of B e d Bank, plas* lo each district, are at follows! road bed of the Nan York and («oni Ths boundaries of th* same are as fol Tho polling £lac* for the Sixth Election
Branch Railroad, thence northwesterly lowi, via i Dlitrlct Is Port Monmouth Bchoolhouno at
cushions in attractive shapes, each and John Parker, s o n of Benjamin - First Election Dlitrkt. along the center line of the road bed oi Fort Monmouth, N. J.
Beginning at a point on th« shore o tracks of,the New York and Long Branch ion'* I)(ginning at the corner of Wislty M*>
embellished with a large floral
tACfl C. Parker of Shrewsbury, were mar-
ried at Trinity church, R e d Bank, by the North Sbrtwiburj Rlv«r directly b«< Railroad to it* Intersection with the otnttr Middletown
tween th* properties owned by the Mon lloa of Chestnut street, thene* southwardly following
IIOURS on the read leading from Seventh District, Commonly Known a* the
to Key port, and thenoe (1)
a line on a course of (M«y(
Eatt Kean»burg Dfstrkt.
The boundaries of the same are as fol-
Rev. Robert Parker of Boston, a mouth Boat Club and the property knowi along the oenter line of the tracks or road lows, viz:
1011), south forty-eight degress and forty
brother of the groom. After the cere- at th« Red Bank Lyceum, thence iouth> bed of the New Jersey Southern Railroad five minutes west to the Ilne of the roat Beginning at th* corner formed by the
' On Sale Only While They last mony Mr. a n d Mrs. Parker started wardly to the center lloe of Broad street. to Its Intersection with the center line of
thence along the center Una of Broad etrce Herbert street, thence westwardly alont bounding Middletown and Holm del Town intersection of the rond from Hendrlckaon'i
ihlpst thence (2> southerly, following tns Corner to Atlantlo Highlands and tho rontl
on a long wedding trip. to its intersection with the center (In* o the center line of Herbert street to It* In- center Una of said boundary road between from that road to Hnrmony: thenco (1)

RUBY LANE STORES Miss Maria S. Barkuloo, daughter the MeohinlQ street, thence eastward!? along tersection with the oenter line of Shrews- MldJletown and Holmdel Townships to northerly, and northeasterly, along tlia liut
center line of Mechanic itreet to th bury avenue, the point or olace of begin- Garret S. Luysttr'a corner: thenoe (8 named road and] along tho rond past John
of Abraham Barkuloo of Oceanic, •nd of Mechanic street, thane* southeaster- ning.
died of heart disease while on a visit ly along th* Fenc* Line to the curved westerly, to Hcndrickson's Corner In said J, Murphy's residence to W. E.-Ralph's
The polling place for the Ninth Election boundary line; thence <4> southerly, again Corner; thence (2) northerly, In an almost
to her a u n t a t Brooklyn. She waB boundary Una of the Borough of Red Bank, District
the no* northeastwardly and northwardly avenue.' la Union Qrebouie, Shrewsbury to the corner of George C, Luypter'* land straight line, want of the barn of Chnrloa
';,) on the road leading from Middletown to H. Mills to Pew's Creek, and thence (ft)
28 Broad St., Red Bank. | 620 Cookman Ave,, Asbury Park seized with a pain In the heart and rotlowins the curved boundary Una of th
died In a very short time. Sh6 waa Borough of Red Bank to th* shore of th Tenth Election District. Holmdel j thence < 5 > easterly, and fol- down said Creek to Sandy Hook or Rart-
tan Ray; thonce (4) westerly, along the
41 yeara old and had been a member North Shrewsbury river: thence south Beginning at a point where the otnter lowing the esntar line of tald road to Bay Shore to tho KonnahurB Borough line;
westvrardly and westwardty along th line of Shrewsbury avenue Is Intersect** thence Balm Hollow at Frad Harris's Corner;
of St. George's church of R u m s o n shore of th* North Shrewsbury river to with the center line of Wast1 Leonard (6) easterly, following the cente thence (5) southerly, nnd westerly, along
ten years. the point above mentioned at th* ehon street, thence southwardly along th* oen- Long line of said road to the New York and tli* Keansburg lio rough line to Palmer Ave*
line of the nald rivor directly between th- ter Una of Shrewsbury avenue to Iti Inter- Branch railroad: thene* (7) north nue; thence (6) southerly, along Palmar
John A. Sutphen of Holmdel died properties owned by the Monmouth Boa section with the center lln* of the Newman trly, along the New York and Long Branch Avenue, to tha Stnte Highway. Routo No.
of paralysis at the age of 76 years. Club and property known as the Rt Springs road, thence westwardly along th railroad to Mill Brook running throutrh 4: thonce (1) easterly, alonn said State
farm of William B. Conover; thenco (8! Highway and along tho ron;l from J. C,
He waa a widower a n d left three sons Bank Lyceum, at the point or place of be center line of th* Newman Springs road Hendrlckson'd Corner to Atlantic High-
to fta Intersection with the North Shrews- easterly, along said MHI Brook, to the road lands to the'polnt or placa of beginning at
and a daughter. The funeral w a s
The polling place for the [<lrst Election bury river, thence northeastwardly along from formerly Antonldes't Corner to Chepol Harmony Corner,
held at the Holmdel Reformed District Is Navesink Hook and Ladde th* shore of the North Shrewsbury river Hill to Hsadden's Corner past the Evans
The polling place for the- Seventh Elec-
church, of which Mr. Sutphen had Firehouse. Mechanic street to Ua Intersection with the center line of place; thence (10) northerly, along the las tion District li tho firehoune of the Enst
Loouat avenue, thence eastwardly along named road to the said Antonldes'i Cornel Koansburc Fire Company, Thompson Ave-
been a member for more than twenty Second Election DUtrJet. the center line of Locust avenue to Its In- formerly at Chapel Hill; thence <U) west nu*, East Keaniihtirg, N. J,
years. Beginning at a point where tl.e oente tersection with the center line of Lelghtrm erly, and following th* main rosd from Eighth District, Commonly Known as the
Una of Meobanlo street la (nurseoted with avenue, thence southwardly along the can- Chapel Hill to Middletown to the old Mid-
Nine n e w members were received tb* center Una of Broad •tre*t, thence ter Una of Leigh ton avenue to Its Inter- dletown Station of the New Jersey Southern Rlversld* Drive and Headden's Corner

\ln the Stores Where Quality Counts in the R e d Bank Methodist church. aouthwardly along the center line of Broad section with the center tine of Wait Leon- railroad: thence (13) northerly along th
street co Ita Intersection
They were Mrs. Elizabeth Magee, Mr. line of Wallace streot. thence eastivard'.y with tba canter ard
and Mrs. George Twiford, Agnes along the center line of Wallace street to oenter line of Shrewsbury eveouo, th<
street, thence eastwardly along thn right of way of said New Jersey Southern
center line of West Leonard street to th. railroad to Walter Hopplng's Corner; thenci lows, vlti
(IS) northwesterly, from Walter Hopping*! Beginning at
The boundaries of the tamo are as fol-
the Intersection of the

Your Money Goes Furthest! Eustace, Mrs. William Chadwlck; thd rear Of the property of the Second point or placa of beginning.

James P . LongBtreet, Tlllle Green, the rear of said Bank on* hundred fee


by a


Corner along th* Hopping road to Mor Shrewsbury River and tho brlilgo over tho
ford's Comer at New Monmouth; thenci same of tha New York »nd Long Branch1
The polling place for the Tenth Election <14) westerly following the center line o railroad; thence (1) northerly, along the
Rebecca Gray, and E d g a r Patterson. from the center Una of Wallace street, District Is Westald* Engine Rouse, Leigh- the main road leading from Leonardville to right of* way of tho Now York and Long
ton avenue. New Monmouth toward Keyport. Branch railroad to Mill .Brook, running
The confidence with which hundreds of thousands of modern, up-to- Richard a n d James Crawford of AMY K 8BTNN,
ary Una to Its Intersection with the cent* Clerk of the Borough of Rtd Bank District Th* polling place for the First Election through the fnrm of W. II. Conover: thr-nco
Nutswamp, w h o planted forty acres lines of Linden place and Wallace street, IB the postofflce building on State (2) easterly nlunff Mill Urook to the road
date Homekeepers shop at the friendly 4SC0 Stores, proves beyond ques- of potatoes, realized only about half thenct northeastwardly along th* center Dated May 22, 1929. Highway, Middletown Village. Middletown, from Chapol Hill to Headiien's Corner near
the Mill Pond; thence (3) northerly, up
a crop. F r o m the forty acres they line of Wallace street to Its Intersection NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION N. J. ^
tion, that they know they are getting— with thtt center line of Prospect nvenu*,
got only thirty barrels per acre or thence southeaitwardlr along the center
•Rid road to formerly Antonldoa's Corner
Second District. Commonly Known aa the to Chapel Hill; thenca (4) easterly, along
Shrewsbury Borough. Navesink District. the Chapel Hill road to Gnrvcy's Corner,
The Most of the Best for the Least ! 1,200 barrels from the entire forty Una of Prospect avenue to the *outh«rly
surved boundary line of the Borough of Notice Is hereby given that a General Th* boundaries of th* same are as fol formerly Wyckoff'a; thenco (f>) cnoteriy,
cres. Red Bank, thence northwardly along th< Election will be held In and for the lowi, via i and southerly, along the boundnry line of
Cyrenius B. Stllwagon of Morrls- curved boundary lln* of the Borough o Borough of Shrewsbury, In th* County District No. 2, to tho Urown's Dock rond;

Gold Seal Finest Ceresota, Gold Medal, ville died a t the a g e of 77 years. A t Red Bank to the Fence Line, thenco north of'Monmouth,
weitwarHly .along the said Fence Line to
State of New Jersey, on Beginning at Many Mind Creek and thonce (6) southerly, nlouir thq Brown's
Tuesday, November ftth, 1929, from thi Seventh avenu* on the George B. Davis Dock rond, to the Shrewsbury River; thcn.'e
one time h e kept a general store a t the center tine of Mechanic street, thence the hour of six o'clock A. M, to the houi property, and thence running (1) south, <7) westerly, along the Shrewsbury Itlvory

Family Pillsbury's, Hecker's that place. H e died of old age, leav- westward 17 along the center line of Me- of eeven o'clock P. M., at thrxr^spectlve road
ing a wife and five children. chnnic street to Us intersection with the polling places In said Borough. ^£
Said election wilt ba held Iti the said viltc:
in the center of Seventh Avenue to the to ttio point or pl»co of beginning.
leading from Navesink to Leonard-
thence (2) weiterly, along the cen- District The polling placa for the Eighth Election
Is the flrehouae of Mlddlotown t'ir*
otnter line of Broad street, th* Dolnt or

FLOUR Borough for the purpose of electing ter

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schanck place of beginning. line of said road leading from Navesink Company No. 1, State Highway, Hcadrion's

to Leonardville
a Member of the Senate of the State for up to the Sorrey (formerly) property oi to the winding road leading Cornor. N, J.
had a wedding celebration at their Tbe polling place for the Second Elec- the County of Monmouth; two Members
home on White street, R e d Bank, a t tion d i t i t iia
district ia IIIndependent
d d t F ih
Firehouse. H
He of the General Assembly of New Jersey the Day View Heights; thonce (S) soutn- Township Clerk.
which about forty guests were pres- ohanb street. a Clerk for the County of Monmouth; • erly, Avenu*:
up the&frtfW winding road to Far Via*
thencVvU) westerly, In the oen< Dated May 22,-102fl..
ent. Third Election District. Sheriff for" the County of Monmouth ter Ilne of Far View Avenue as laid out on
Beginning at a point where the center two Members of the Board of Chosen
12-ft bag 24-tb bag Milkmen raised the price of milk line of Walbict street (§ interacted with Freeholders, for thro a yenrsi three CorO" tho Map of Bay View Heights, to the cen NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION.
12-tl from six cents per quart t o eight the center line of Broad atreet, then." ners for the County of Monmouth; and for ter Ilne of West Side.Avenue; thence (6) in Borough of Rumson, N. J.
alone: the center line of Broad the following municipal officer!, viz.: Two a northwesterly direction In the center Una

53«: 99<
cents per quart and there w a s a good southwardlystreet to Its intersection with the center Councilman, for three years; a Collector, of West Side Avenu* to its Junction with Election Notice Is hereby given thnt a Cencrnt
bag deal of antagonism to the raise. lln* of Harding Road, thence eastward I y for three years, and an Assessor for three the Old Woman's Hill road; thence <6) will bo held In and for the
southerly, and southwesterly, along the Borough of Rumaon, In' tho County of,
William B . Conover, son of W. W. along the center tine of Hard in ft Road to Iti yeara. oenter line of said Old Woman's Hill road Monmouth and Stoto of New Jersey, on
Conover of Middletown, w e n t to Ta- Intersection with tti«--osnt*rlio* of Branch
ivenue, thence southeastward!* along the Notlcs of Registration. to Garvey Corner; then (7) southerly, from Tuesday, November Cth, 1020, between the
Third registration clny—October 15th Garvey, formerly Bowne'a, Corner in the houra of six A. M, nnd seven-1\ M., at
Prim Pastry Flour 24 lb bag 89c coraa, Washington, to remain until center line of Branch avenue to Its Inter-
the following spring. section with the center line of Berg to 1929, 1:00 P, M. to 9:00 P. M., to revise center line of the road leading to Winter's tho respective polling places in inTtl- Bor-
thence eantwardly directly between and correct the list for tha General Elec- Hill to the junction of said road with the ough. \ °';
George W. Luker, Lyda L-ohsen. place, the properties owned by the Est. of Sarah tion. road leading from Chapel Hill to Brown's Said election will be held In the snld
Borough for the purpoao of electing
Reg. 9c Ritter Reg. 37c Finest Rich Tlllle TiHon and Mellie Reid joined F. Wotcott and Emit; Spinning one hun- The polling place for Shrewsbury BON Dock; thence (8) In an easterly direction In a Member of the Senate of the Stnte for
the Port Monmouth church. ,i dred and fifty feet from the center line of ougb la th* ORTRUDE F<)*#hoUBe, Shrewsbury-
the center line of the last mentioned road
to its intersection with the road leading the County of Monmoutli; two MerntieM
Branch avenue, thence southeastward)? by Clerk of tha Ho rough of Shrewsbury from Navesink to Brown's Dock; thence of the General Assembly., of New Jersey;
Tomato 9 Creamy Mrs. H u l d a h Longstreet of1 Holm- a straight line to the curved boundary line
del died of heart disease at the a g e of the Borough of Red Bank, thence north'
of 68 years. eastwardly alons the curved boundary line
Dated May 22, 1020.
of the Borough of Red Bank to Iti Inter- NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION the
(9> southerly and southeasterly In the a Clerk for the County of-Monmouth; a
oenter line of the last mentioned road to Sheriff for the County of Wonmouth;
shore of the Shrewsbury River; thence two Membera of tho Ilonrd of Ghonon

Soup £cans Cheese James Front of Chapel Hill cele- section with the center line of WaJUci
brated his ninetieth birthday. street, thence southwestffardly along thi
Shrewsbury Township.
Notice is hereby given that a General
center line of Wallace street to Its Inter Election will be held ia and for th* River
section with the center line of Linden place, Township of Shrewsbury, in th* County on
(10) easterly and southeasterly In the high Freeholders, for three yenrs; three (*ort>-
water mark on tbo shore of the Shrewsbury nera for the County of Monmouth: n Mny-
and Clay Fit Creek to the Clay PI or for tho Dor ouch of Humnon for tha full
Bridge; thence (11) ncroai Clay Pit Greek term, and two Counctlmen for the Borough
tbenc* directly westwardly by a atraighi of Monmouth, State of New Jersey, on propertyline the of said bridge to the Randeil of Rums on, for three, years.
You'll never know how Good Bread can be till you've tried Bread Supreme ! Thirty Years Ago. line to the rear of the Second Natlona1 Tuesday, November 6th, 1929, from the thence (12) on the north shore of said creek; Notice of Registration,
George B . Davis of Navesink died Bank; thence northwardly to the center hour of six o'clock A. M. to the hour water line oneasterly! following the high

Bread Supreme I 1 ' 8 c

Third retrlatr/ition dny—October IB th.
th* Shore of said creek and 1929, 1:00 P. M. to 0:00 P. M., to rcvi.-«
very suddenly of heart disease, aged line of Wallace street, thence wentwardly of seven o'clock P. M,, at the respective of tbe said Shrewsbury
to the center line of Broad street. th« place polling pinces in said Township, River, along tha and correct the list for the General Elec-
65 years. H e had been cutting down or point of beginning. Hartshorn and other properties to tho east tion.
trees and h e s a t down on the .grass Said election witl be held in the said erly line of the Boroush of Hlghjanda Boundaries of the election districts in
Tho polllnpr place for the Third Election Township for the purpose of electing thence (18) following the easterly, south the Borough of Rurmon, and tbe polling
to rest w h e n he fell forward on his District is at the High School building n Member of tho Senate of the State for erly and weiterly lines of the Borough ol place In each district arc As follows i-
face dead. Mr. Davis left s i x chll Harding road. thf> County of Monmouth; two Memben Highlands to the easterly borough line of Plret Election District.
dren, Frank J. Davis, Kate Davis Fourth Election District. of the General Assembly of New Jersey the Borough of Atlantlo Highlands; thence All that portion of the Borough of Rum-
Beginning at a point where the conter aSheriff Clerk for the County of Monmouth; i (14) following the easterly and in part of sal situate west*of tb* center line of Bing-
Victor Bread Pan
Loaf 5c and Lillian Davis of Navesink; W e b Una of Broad atreet Is intersected with the
Rev. George M. Davla of Hamilton, wardly along the center of Harding Road ners
N e w York; and Mrs. Alice JFalken- to It* intersection with Branch avenue, for
for the County of Monmouth ths southerly line of the said Borough of hira avenue between the North and South
ster S. Davis, a missionary in India oenter line of Harding road, thence east- two Members of tho Board of Chosen Atlantic Highlands to the point where the Shrewsbury rivers.
Freeholders, for three yeara; three Coro- center line of Seventh Avenue on the said
the County of Monmouth; two Davis property intersects Many Mind District
Commlttoemcn, for three yearn; creek, the same being the point or place of
The polling place for th* Kirnt Election
is Oceania Firchoune, corner Hlvcr
thence southeastwardly along the center Township Assessor, a Township Clerk and one beginning. Also all that territory known road andSecond Allen street, Rumson.
burg of Atlantic Highlands. lin« of Branch avenue to ltn intersection an as Sandy Hook or Fort Hancock. Election District
New Pack 1929 Crop Red Ripe New Pack 1 9 ^ Crop Farindale Sweet Miss Sarah M. Taylor of Atlantic with the center line of Bergen place, Shrewsbury.
thence eastwardly directly between" the
Justice of the Peace for the Township of
The polling place for the Second Elec- All that portion of the Borough of Rum-
son situate cast of tho conter lino of Bin?-
township, w h o had recently died, left properties owned by tha Estate of Sarah , tion District Is th* Naveilnk flrehouse, ham avenue between the North and South
Tomatoes 3 med. cans25c Tender Peas 2 cans 25c divided the rest of her estate equally of
Notlc* of Registration.
$500 to her sister, A n n Taylor, and F. Wolcott nnd Emily Spinning, ono hun- Third registration day—Octob«r 15th, Nsvaiink, N. J,
dred and fifty feet from the center lln« 1929, 1:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M., to revise Third District, Commonly Known aa tbs Shrewsbury rivers.
The polling place for the Second Elec-
Bergen place, thence aoutheastwardly and correct the list for tbe General Elec* Belford District. tion District li Rumson Fire Company's
among six nieces and nephews, they by a straight line to the "urved boundary tion.
Reg. 19c 4SC0 Finest Maine Fat, White, New being Emaretta, Lydla Ann and line of the Borough of Red Bank, thence The polling place for Shrewsbury Town- lowi, The boundaries of th* same ar* ai fol- House, Center street, near Ridge rond,
aouthwestwardly along the curved hound ship is the schoolhouse at Tinton FAIIH. via i
George T. Jones, Harriet B., Edward ary JERE J. CAHEW,
Golden Bantam Corn 2 cans 25c Mackerel each 10c, 15c, 25c lor Darrow.
line of the Borough of Red Bank to its
and James J. Taylor, and Allen Tay- Intersection with the center line of Broad
itreet, thence northwardly along the cen
Clerk of the Township of Shrewsbury.
Dated May 22, 1029.
Beginning at the Bay Shor* In the right
way of tha old New
railroad and from thence running (1)
Jersey Southern
Dated Mny
Clerk of Rumson Borough.
22, 1020.
ter line of Broad street to the intersection southerly, to a brook leading Into Comp-
A cyclone visited- R e d Bank and with the center line of Harding road, the NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION^
NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION, ton's Creek; thence (2) Up said brook and
Reg. 12V2c
Choice Cut Stringless Beans Gold Seal Finest
trees on Oakland street, Maple ave- point or place of bejjtimJnir,
nue, and the woods along the rail-
road track were uprooted. At Eaton- tion
Tbs polling place for the Fourth Elec-
rac«. Broad street
Is Mrs. F. L. Blaisdell's ga-
Holmdel Township, N, J.
Compton'n Creek to Mill Brook at New
Monmouth: thence (8) easterly to the right
Notice of th* time and place of Holding of way of the New Jeraey Southern rail- th*Notice
he General Election and of the officers to road; (hence (4) south to the old Middle
Uttl* Silver Borough, N. J.
of tho time and place of holdlnrt
General Election rnd of the officers to
town part of the publio school roof bo elected In tbe Township of Holmdel, town Station of the New Jeraey Southern bs elected and meetings of tho Board-of
28c Fifth Election District. In the County of Monmouth, Registry and Election tn the Borough, of
w a s torn off and the barn on Albert railroadi thence (6) easterly to Chnpel HOI Little Silver, In the County of Monmuutli.
cans Beginning at a point on the shore line Notice Is hereby given that a General road at a corner of the junction of tht

Bhdd'a place -was picked up from its of the North Shrewsbury River directly be- Election will be held in and for the road leading from Middletown to Hfgb- Notice is hereby given thnt a Ccncrel
foundation and turned completely tween the properties owned by the Mon< Township of Holmdel, in the County of tands; thence (6) following a line of a Election will be held In nnd for thi
mouth Boat Club and the property knowi
as the Red Bank Lyceum, thence south- Monmouth and Stnte of New Jersey, on course (May, 1911) of north six degrees Borough of Little Silver, in the County of
Tuesday, November Sth, 192C, from th,* no minutes vast to Mill Brbok; thence (71 Monmouth nnd State of New Jersey, on
Mlsa Lizzie M. Fowler, daughter of wardly to the center line of Broad street, hour of six o'clock A. U. to the hour of north, down the center of said Mill Brook Tuesday, November Cth, 1029, from tha
J a m e s Fowler, and William E. Ralph ; thence southwardly along the center line
of Broad street to the intersection with the levea o'clock, P. U., at the following to the Bay Shore; thenco (8) westerly. hour of six o'clock A. M. to the hour of
Reg. 10c QSCO Freshly Packed son of Joseph E . Ralph, both of At- center lino of Monmouth street, thence Hall, place In the said Township) Township Allowing th* high water mark along ths naven
Bay Shor* to the place of beginning.
o'clock P. M., at the fulluwliiR plnce
in said Borough; Littlo Silver Volunteer
Holmdel, New Jersey.
lantic Highlands, were married a t the westwardly along tho center line of Mon- Th* polling place for the Third Elec- Flre Company's House.
Buckwheat or Pancake Flour bride's home by R e v . W. B. Harris. mouth street to ft) interaction with the Said election will be held in the said tion District Is the flrehouse of the Belford
center line of the tracks or rond bed of Township for the purpose of electing
After a wedding trip the couple be- the New Jeraey Southern railroad, thence n Member of the Senate of tha State for Chemical Engine Company No. 1.
Said election will bo hold in tho unit
Borough for tho purpono of clectinn

pkgs g a n housekeeping in Charles Fox's northwardly along the center of the tracks the County of Monmouth; two Membera Fourth District. Commonly Known aa the the County of Monmouth; two Member*
a Member of the Sennte of tho State for

3 25c OSCO Baking Powder

can 5c, 10c, 20c
house at Leonardville.

Seabrlght, waa destroyed by fire. The ly-

of the New Jersey Southern railroad, to of the General Assembly of New Jeraey;
the shore of tbe North Shrewsbury river, n Clerk for the County of Monmouth; Q
The R u m s o n Beach hotel, near thence southeastwardly and northeastward' Sheriff for tho County of Monmouth;
along the shore of the North Shrews- two Members of the Board of Chosen
bury river to the center line between the Freeholders, for throo years; three Coro-
Leonardo District.

Beginning at the Bay Shor* at Ware

hotel waa owned by William L. Loew property belonging to the Monmouth Boat ners for the County of Monmouth; and for Greek nnd running thenca (1) southerly, Freeholders, for three years; three Coro-
following the several courses of said creek
of the General Asnembly of New Jersey;
Th* boundaries of tbo sam* ar* aj fol< a Clerk for tho County of Monmouth: n
we, vlai Sheriff for tho County of Monmouth;

o Members of tho Ilonrd of Clinaen
for the County of Monmoutli; nnd for
of N e w York, a summer resident of Club and property known as the Red Bank the following municipal officers, viz.: One and Mills Brook (formerly known as Cold the following municipal oflicen, viz,.: :i
Best Yellow lb Tin Crisco . 24c Red Bank. A house owned by George Lyceum, the point or place of beginning.
M. Sandt, adjoining the hotel, caught The polling place for the Fifth Election
Township Committceman, for three years;
one Township Commltteeman, for ono year, Spring Broak) to Mills Bridge on th* road Mayor for the Borough of Littlo Silver, for
leading from Leonardvlllo to New Mon- two yearn; two Cnunritmrn, for thrpo
District Is Liberty Engine House, White o flti the unexpired term of Garret D. Long- mouth; thonce (2) following a line on a yean: an Assessor, for three yenrn; n
flre several times but this fire waB street. itreefc, resigned: a Township Collector, for
course of south six degrees no mlnuU* Collector, for three years, nml n. Justica
Onions 3 ** 10c Best Pure Lard . .lb Open Kettle Rendered.
iut out.
T h e Epworth league of the Nave-
Sixth Election District,
Hoe of Monmouth street is intersected
iink Methodist church celebrated its with the center line of Broad itreet, thence Highway for ono year each.
hrce yenrs; a Township Assessor, for
three years; two Justices of the Peace, for west (May, 1911) to a corner of the road of the Peace for live yenr*.
Beginning at a point where the center five yenrs each, and two Surveyors of the leading from Chapel Hill to Middletown and
Hendden'a Corner; thenco (3) along the
Notice ol Registration.
And thnt on Tuesday, October IBth,
Chapel HUI road easterly to Garvey's Cor- 1D20, the Board of nefrhtry nml Electlnn
Ifth birthday. T h e exercises includ- southwardly along the center line of Notice of Registration. ner, formerly Bowne's and. Wyckoff's Cor- will meet at tho place nt which they will
Buy at Coffee Headquarters—You'll Taste the Difference ! ed addresses by John W . Nicholson Broad atreet to its (nt'irtectlon with the And thnt on Tuesday, October 15th, ner : thenca (4) In a northerly direction Hold the General Election above men-
center line of Reckless place, thence west-
and J o h n E . Chamberlain, a prayer wardly along the center line of Reckless 929, the Bonrd of Registry and Election n the center line of Old Woman's Hilt road tioned, between the hours of ono o'clock
vill meet at tho place at which they will cading from Gsrvey's Corner to its junc- In the afternoon nnd nine, o'clock In thq
by Warren H. Smock of Red Bank, place to Its Intersection with the center lold tho General Election above men- tion with West Side Avonu* on the GIHett evening, for the purpose of ranking th*
md a talk by Rev. William S. Barn- line of Miple avenue, thence northwardly ioucri, between the hours of one ovcloclc property, known i i Bay View Heights; final revision nnd correction of tho regis-

Coffee .rt.
along the center line of Maple avenue to n the afternoon nnd nine o'clock in the thencte (5) In the center line of said Wast ter for the General Election.
iti Intersection with the center line of 'veninsr, for the purpose of making the Side Avenue to the point where It Inter*
Miss Margaret Egan, daughter of Chestnut street, thence westwardly along final rcvhlon and correction of the rcgli* leoti Far View Avenue on said Glllctt
"William E g a n of Colt's Neck, w a s the center line of Chestnut itreet to Its .er for the General Election.
intersection with the tracks of the Now
married t o Victor Mecca of St. Mary's Jersey Southern railroad, thence north-
church a t Colt's Neck. After a re- wardly along the track* or rond bed of the
Dated May 22. 1920.
V. DRAY. Township Clerk.
property: thence (6) easterly. In the cen- Dated May 22, 1929.
ter lln* of Far View Avenue to the Inter-
section of 'what Is known as the Sorrey
iSLiZAOETii n. Honns,
Borough Clerk.

Monmouth County Surrogate's Office.

Winding Road; thence (7) northerly, down In the matter of the estnto of Gnrrett Stry-
There's a difference In prlco, too—49c—39c—10o Saved. New Jersey Southern railroad to it" inter* NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. he canter line of the Sorrey Winding Road kor, deceased,
:eptlon at the bride's home, the section with tbe center line of Monmouth to th* center Una of the road leading from No tic* to creditors to present olnlms
:ouple w e n t to N e w York and im- street, thence eastward IT along the center Atlantic Township, N. J. Navesink to Leonsrdvllle; thence (8) east- against estato.
Victor Coffee It) 35c I High Art Coffee lb tin 45c nediately began housekeeping. . line of Monmouth street to iti intersection Notice of the time and place of holding erly. In the center Una of the road leading
with center line of Brosd * treat. th« point ho General Election and of ths officers to rom Navesink to LeonardvHie to the cen-* ahay, Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Dnn-
Mild and satisfying. I Extra heavy bodied—E^uislte Flavor. A large barn pn the Selmar Hess or place of beginning. surrogate of tho County of Mrm-
a elected in the Township of Atlantic, ter Una of Seventh Avenue on ths George moutb, made on the (Ifth day of Septem-
dace on the Rumec/n road waa de- The polling place for the Sixth Election n the County of Monmouth. B. Davis tract; thence (9) northerly, in ber, 1829, on the npnllcntlon cf Anna EJ.
troyed by flre, together with its con- District Is Relief Engine Hous«. Drummond Notice, Is hereby given tbat a General tbe center line of Seventh Avenue to Its In- Stryker, executrix of the estate of Gnrrett
ents. The barn had cost $9,500 nnd place. Election will be held In and for the tersection with Many Mind creek ami tht titryker, deceased, notice, in hereby given
oW.* "Zd'Xioca 3 pkgs 20c i £sco Breakfast Farina 3 pkgs 25c ,ts contents were, valued at $2,500. Seventh Election District.
Beginning at o point where the oenter
Township of Atlantic, in the County of loutherljr line of tbe Borough of AtlnnMe tc the creditors of snl<l ikcensed to exhibit
tonmoulh,' and State of New Jersey, on Highlands; thence
'he place had been formerly owned ine of Bnmrt street is Intersected <vltb tha "ucHilay, November Sth, 1929,, from the northerly in th* southerly and westerly their debt» and demnnds t^aln^t the nnl<l
(10) westerly and to the Butiacrlfaer, executrix ns .aforeanicl,
iy General Clinton B. Fisk. center line of Reckless place, thence south- iour of six o'clock A. M. ,to tbe hour of lines of th« Borough of Atlantic High- extate, under ontIt, within nix months from
lands to high water mark on the shore of he date of the nforcnnld order, or they will
4SC0 W. D. Vinegar ^1 Jug 45,. | fl$£Q p u r e Cider Vinegar s»> J"s 55 C wardly along the center line of Uroad even o'clock P. M., at the following plac-i Rarltan
Miss B e s s i e E l k l n s of N e w Bruns- ntreet to the southerly boundary nt the said Township: Township Hall, Colt's or Sandy Hook Bay; thence (11) bo forever barred of their actions therefor
ick and Harry Lewis, son of G. Borough of Red Bank, thonce northwest- tfeek. westerly. In the high water mark on lati] against the paid subscriber.
wardly along the center line uf the tracks Said election will be held In tbs said shore to War* Creek, ths point or ptac* of
Henry Lewis of Red Bank, were mar- intoning. Dated,Freehold, N. J.. Reptcmhrr B. 1020.
OP road bed of the New York and Long iwnshin for the purpose of electing The polling place for th« Fourth Election ANNA E. STRVKKU.
Home Needs at Satisfying Prices ! ried a t the N e w Brunswick Baptist Branch railroad eorcoanv to Iti intersection Member of the Senate of the State far District is thi* Brevent Park and Leonardo Holnulrl. N. J.
ihurch. The bride and groom took with the center line of Chestnut Btrcct. he County,of Monmouth; two Members
ip their home with the groom's par- hence «aatwardiy along the center ilne >f the General Assembly of New Jersey; rehouse, Center Avenue, Leonardo, N. J. NOTICE.
Fancy Blue Hose Rice ". •_ 3 lbs 20o Mueller's Macaroni, Spaghetti mts on Bridge avenue.
of Chestnut street to Us Intersection with Clerk for ths County of Monmouth: a Ifth District. Commonly Known aa the TO "WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
Prim Choice lllco '. ; 3 pliga 20c the center1 Ilne of Maple avenue, thence itriir for the County of tyonmouth; 'LJacrolt District. We hereby certify thnt the pnrtncruMn
or Noodles —pkg 12c Mrs. Virginia M. Graven, wife of southwardly along the center line of Maple to Members of the Board of Chosen Th* boundaries of the ssmo are aa fol- heretofore exUtinir under the firm mmie
4SO0 8 I l c e d Bacon i/j lb pltg 21c Knox Gelatine pkg 10c
avenue to the Intersection
Lewis R. Graves of Atlantic Hlgh- Ilne of Reckless place, thenca eastwardly with tho center echoldcrs, for three years; three Coro- lows, vie: or B. & B. Trucking Company, which hits
•m for the County of Monmouth; and for Beginning al ths Intersection of tb* New carried on trucking htinlncs't in the Borough.
Gttld Seal Macaroni . i 3 pkgs 25c Presto Flqur I —Vkg 14c, 20c ands died of consumption/ aged 33 along the center line of Reckless place to e following municipal officers, viz.: One York and Long Branch railroad with the of Red nank/ unrl in the City of Lone
Gold Sea! Spaghetti , ^ g pkgs25t- /cars, after a sickness of a year. She thi center lice of Broad street, tbe point or )wnshlp Committeeman, for three years, Shrewsbury River; thence northerly along Branch, was dissolved on the flrst duy of
Ucluz .Tomato Catsup . .botlBc,24c irai a daughter of "iViilianK 3V Guta oUce of beginning. nd a Collector for said Township. he said New York and Long Branch rail- September, 1020, by .mutual consent.
fJSCD Noodles . .3 big pltgs 25c 4SC0 Cider Vinegar —botlSo if Atlantlo Highland* and she left tion Th* pcltics T>f»*» fov tb« g«v«nt& Elec- road to the intersection of the road from The true nnmpo - nnd addrcflflPB of l.ho
District Is Eugene M. Mac?e's ga- _>nd thrft on Tuesday, October lBth, Keatfden't Corner to th* SHU House; thence nly prrsotiH who linvGcnTrieii on Ihc bu»1*
ffSCO Noodles 1 med. pkg 6c Cracker Mca! pkg 10c bur young children. r«si. Irving place. .029, the Board of Registry and Election 12) westerly, following the road from less, arc an follows:
Eighth £lictloo District. Headden's Corner to the Still House and Josrnji M.'UruHl, Lone Brnncli, N. .1,
Table Syrup can lie Woodbine Toilet Faper -6 rolls 25o Miss Lucy A, Reed, daughter of 111 meet at the place at which they will
Charles C. R e e d of Navesink, died of tine Beginning at a point where the center old ths General Election above, men- to the Corner: corner of Balm Hollow road 'at Fred Z. Louis Branin. Miihlletown, N. J.
ASCO Tuberculin Tested Evnp. Milk 3 cans 28n Blue Swan White Tissue . _2 rolls 100 of the tracks or road bed of the New oned, between the hours of one o'clock Hans' ing the center
thonce (8) westerly, follow-
Jine of th* public highway
Z. Lou in Bninin In tltc liquintiim rmrt-
consumption a t the age of twenty Jersey Southern railroad ia intersected with, I the afternoon anil nine o'clock In the ner, and assumes all ileh'.i duo nnd ow|n«
Farmdale Evaporated Milk 3 cans 25o Scott Tissue Paper roll 10c between Middletown
years. She left two brothers, Charles thi shore of the Nortb Shrewsbury river, Venlnff, for the purpose of making the thlps to Orden's Corner; thenca (4) fol- \y the partnership, with tho exception of and Holmdel Town-
thince southwardly •Jon* tbs center line inn) revision and correction of the regis* ine certain note mentioned in the Dissolu-
a Reed of Shrewsbury and Ernest of th« tricks or road bed of the New Jer- lowing the center line of the: road from tion Agreement,
\r for ths General Election. 3gden'i Corner to Everett. through-Everett
Reed of Navesink. sey Southern railroad to Its Intersection JONATHAN H. JONEB.
Thee* price* e-fleetly in cm- Store* In Red Bmh and Vicinity. Jj with the center line of Herbert street, to Smock's Corner: thence (5) following s
Township CUtk., ine on a course (May, 1911) of south JOSEPH M. BRUST.
.(Continued on next page.}. , thane* westward!/ along the otnur ilne of Dated May 33, 1921. ' * . fcOUIfi BBANIN,
flIty-s*T*n dt«r*M, forty minutas weit I*
denly taken sick and fell 'uncon- George Vanderveer Cooper, Charles
YEARS AGO IN RED BANK scious In tho wagon. He died without A. McClaskey and Dr. Peter P. Raf-
LITTLE THEATRE (Continued from last page,)
regaining consciousness. He was 73
years old and waa a veteran of the
ferty made high scores In rifle shoot-
ing at Bcaglrt and we're entitled to
Civil war. He left four grown-up the title of "marksmen."
. THtttSHE
Jennie Weeden, daughter of Gil-
bert Weeden of Port Monmouth, died
at the ago of four years. Mr. Weed-
en had previously lost three children
Miss Edna M. Allen, daughter of
Charles Allon of Riverside drive, and
Herschol Blrdeal! wero marrlod by
Henry Wilson of Asbury Park, who
was one of the shareholders In the
Colt's Neck creamery, sold his milk
business at Asbury Park and took
In ten days from diphtheria. Rev, Robert MacKollar. Tho couple charge of the creamery.
i Mrs. Annie Martin of Fair Haven
died at the age of 69 years, after a
went to Portland, Maine, on their Joseph Llnzmayer, son of George
wedding trip and on tholr return Llnzmayer of Naveslnk, waa kicked
dUSt AS i long sickness. She left one daugh- began housekeeping at Red Bank. In the faco by a horse. His nose
ter, Mrs. William Mation, with whom
Bhe made her home.
"Colonel Thomas J. O'Donohuo of was broken and several gashes were These Oldsmobile Owners
Busy A S A wagon load of potatoes was stolen
Shrewsbury died of typhoid "fever. He
was 42 years old and waa president
made In his face.
George A. Moody had a large horse Bought Their Cars
from Peter Castler's farm at Tlnton
COULD Falls. The 'potatoes had been dug
of the Monmduth county fair asso-
ciation. Mr. O'Donohuo was the head
made to serve as a. sign for his har-
ness store. The horse was painted
BE by Mr. Caotlor and were plied up In
heaps In the field.
of the O'Donohue coffee company of
New York.
bright red and It attracted a great
•deal of attention.
WAS SHE Rev. J. M. Nicholson, pastor of the Harry C. Fay and George P. Smith Miss Margaret H. Morford of Mld-
Naveslnk Methodist church, observed bought out tho undertaking and up- dletown sold two acres of land on
his vacation by going on a bicycle holstery business of Robert T. Smith. the north side of the King's Highway
trip through the state. The trip oc- Mr. Smith had been In business in at Mlddletown to Mrs. Edgar A. Slote
cupied two weeks. Red Bank for forty years nnd hud for $1,800.
NEVER ONCE Marcus Nesbltt organized a bowl
Ing team composed of himself,
also conducted a branch business In Arthur E. Roberts, son of John M.
Keyport. Roberts of Eatontown, wont to Kan-
George Button, William H. Houston, Ethel Vandcrbllt, aired eight years,
John M. Hoffmjre and John L. Hub- sas City, where he had a job and
DEUAV - bard. " daughter of Timothy Vandcrbllt,-.-who
lived near Mlddletown village, died
where lie expected to make his future
Norman Eustace Davidson, infant after a short sickness. The little girl
eon of l£mma and George Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Soffel of
of Oakland street, died of Infantile
had run a splinter In her hand and Red Bank returned from Wheeling, Nowhere fa the thorough satisfaction "In my opinion, Oldsmobile fl • raifhty
WE DEUV/.F o WHEW WE PROMISE • OM TIME / diseases. The boy was seven weeks
lockjaw developed ' and caused her
West Virginia, . where ,Mr. Soffel that comes with Oldsmobile owner- RLHXI car for ita price! For a small difference
old. played on the baseball team of that ship more frequently or more def- it given an excellent oiling ayatem; smooth*
Edward A. Bowman of Llttlo Sll- city. ly balanced crankshaft; smart apptaranett
0:}~ COAL GIVES HEATING *y George Hance of Scobeyvllle built
one of the largest corncrlbs In At- vor bought a corn-harvesting ma- Mrs. George Doughty of Fair Ha-
initely expressed than in the thou- and many other items that cheaper and
• U S FACT I ON. WHY EXPERIMENT/ chine., He had forty acroa of corn ven died of lung trouble after sev-
sands of written messages which lighter cars don't give." —Parti, IU.
lantic township. It was 70 feet long, to cut and stack and ho used his ma- purchasers of Oldsmobile cars are con-
9 feet high and S feet wide. eral weeks' sickness. She left a hus- These expressions of owner opinion
chine In this work for other farm- ctantly sending, of their own free
CANBORN'S COAL© SUPPIY Mrs. Henry C. Roberts of New
Monmouth was laid up for more than
era who also had big corn crops.
Joseph V. Holmes of Shrewsbury
band and two small children.
Robert VanOsten, Fair Haven's as will, to the_Olds Motor Works. are typical of thousand* of other*
•which tell the same story of brillianS
vj RED BANK 8 2 4 FROM 8 TO 4 a week by a fall at her home, which fell from a train nt Red Bank and
slstant postmaster, gave up his Job
and went to Florida, where he got Read the reasons w h y these owners performance, restful travel, and da*
roBulted In very severe brllses. was BO badly Injured that he was
• . . . ' ' I , . . ; , , ' , . : • „ : ,8 .•,;,„::':?:. li 1 .;, 1 ::,:;!,;:,":,,!:,!,;.;;. Over a thousand Red Bankers went employment as a hotel clerk. bought Oldimobiles—and their ex- pendable operation.
laid up in bed a week; and for sev- Oldsmobile owners in your own com*
to, New York on the steamer Al- eral weeks thereafter could get
H. Edward Armstrong of Shrews- periences ia owning and driving Olds-
bertlna to aeo tho naval parade on bury turned a horse, out to pasture mobiles. munity will express the nmc en»
dti Pout's I'AMOl'S ARCHITECTS' the Hudson river.
about only with the aid of canes.
MrB. Elizabeth Van Dorn, mother
In a field and a few hours later the thusiasm. Ask them yourself 'what
The horae owned by Judson Arm- horse was found lying dead. "I like th« pklc-np and ease ot° handling of
t COLOR SKRVICH .. . . 1 / Our Slon- strong of Colt's Neck stumbled and of Dr. Horace B. Van Dorn of Broad' John A. Mazza and Joe Sacco, who Oldsmobile—also ?.t» i n a n y | n e w features. they think of their cars. Then com*
fell and broke Its leg. The horse street, died after a short sickness. had conducted a merchant tailoring T h e location of the distributor on top of in and examine Oldsmobile's fine fet»
had to be shot. She was a daughter of Alice and business In Red Bank for three t h e engine is convenient. Radiator shut- tures . . . and drive the car. Th«
Timothy White and was tho last of a years, dissolved partnership. ters are an excellent feature. Front end many sound reasons why Oldsmobil*
William H. Houston's chicken family of six (children. appearance and general good looks of the
house on Riverside avenue was raid-
Tremendous crops of corn were
James J. Hlgglns bought the Wil-
car appeal to me. — Kingston, AJ. Y. owners bought their cars will be-
ed by chicken thieves, who stole 25 liam M. Petlngale house and lot on come more and more apparent to you
game fowls. raised at Holmdcl. Charles Ghaler, Chestnut street for $1,800. The house "Oldsmobile h u attracted my attention
John Culllngton's house on Cath-
William- Pierce and John Kelly went contained six rooms. for a long time, due t o its constant perfec- as you become better acquainted with
erlno Btreet was bought by Mrs. C.
in the corn-cutting business and took Mrs. Charles VanNess of Front tion without radical changes. Its construc- this fine car of low price.
contracts to cut and stack upwards street gave birth to a son, making tion is sturdy throughout, and its engine
S. Leonard for $1,050. The lot w of 100 acres of corn.
40x200 feefev her family to comprise of three sons develops* lot of horsepower for its size." CONSIDER THB
Julia Agnes Rowland, daughter of Edward Mclntosh d Highlands, and three daughters. —7$eAoar\, Ohio TWO DOOR SEDAN DELIVERED PRRB
who had been employed as fireman prk« aa wall ai tlw
Julia and Michael Rowland of High-
lands, died of heart disease, aged
eight years.
The pet fox terrier of Mrs. Doughty
of Fair Haven was poisoned and was
on Sandy Hook by the government,
got an Increase In salary of $300 per
year, together with a complete sup-
ply of rations.
Three boys were born at Eaton-
town, the mothers being Mrs. George
E. Hope, Mrs. Oliver Slocum and
Mrs. John Whalan.
J. B. Pharo and family of South
"My neighbor drove, an Oldsmobile 11
jrear», and the car had a good record all that
time. 1 looked at a n e w one, thought it the
best proportioned car I ever saw. and
bought it. I'm glad I did."
$875 Vu prica whta atm-
partnc ttlteflieMla'
value*. Oldtmobila'
delivered price* |B*
dud* onlr naaoaaBM
/.o. b. factory, Lantlng, Mfch. eiurge* for AalivolJ
Mrs. Alice Hondrlckson of Me- street went to Omaha, Nebraska, —Lebanon, Ohio SpartTireandBumptrtExtra ao4 *^«^.^j^
found dead In her yard. chanic street went on an excursion
Albert Drum of Holmdol lost a whero they made their home with Mr.
up tho Hudson river and In throwing Pharo's mother.
number of pigs from hog cholera. a bit of papier overboard her.diamond The Brevont Park and Leonardo
ring slipped off her finger and fell
Twenty snlfears Ago. • in the r!7er.
fire company bought a lot from Ed-
A. W. Wllllamo of Shrewsbury ave- ward W. Leonard as a site for their
nue gave an old-fashioned Georgia John C. Crawford of Tlnton Falls flrehouse.
barbecue at which pigs and lambs was held up by thrco colored men Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Little,
at Scobeyvllle who attempted to rob
wore roasted whole. The roasting
pit was on Beech street and was him of some meat but Mr. Crawford
grabbed a meat cleaver and fought
Jr., of Fair Haven, celebrated their
fifth wedding anniversary with a big
about two feet deep. The pigs, lambs MONMOUTH ST. & MAPLE AVE., BED BANK, N. 3.
T O help bome-owncri make the
painting they do an investment
instead of an expense, we offer s
You can get this expert (dries
about your borne now—at our itore;
l a fairness to yourself, take ad-
and chickens were cooked on Iron
bars over the coals. Corn, beans and
other vegetables were also cooked
the men off.
Mr. and Mrs.' Lev! B. VanNest of
Rumson celebrated their 25th wed-
Mrs. Amelia R. Jefferson, wife of
Charles Jefferson of Wallace street,
died from a cancer." She was 42 years
Telephone Bed Bank 213.


for the barbecue, which was attend- ding anniversary. . Among .the gifts old. - -
unique service FREE. vantage- of it BEFORE you paint; they'received waa a sliver tea set, 105 Bay Ave., Highlands, N. J. 45 Throckmorton S t . Fnehold
ed by about two hundred persons. Elizabeth Gorman, Infant daughter
Prominent American architects Avoid the two great mistakes so The barbecue was In charge of Au- Including knives, forka and bread ol Thomas Gorman of Locust avenue,
recently collaborated in preparing many people make —and regret: gustus- Ferguson, who was a native died of.cholera lnfantum. DAVID LEWIS 69 South Main St., Aabury Park.
a book, in FULL COLORS, which wrong color selection—paints that of the South and who had prepared J. Hull McLean harvested a big The Lydia Tilton house and lot at 18 Waabington Ate., Long Branch Neptune Towmhip, N* Ja
shows what color harmonies g o do not "stand up." many publlo barbecue dinners in the crop of cow peas, which he raised as Holmdol was bought' by John W.
Southern states. winter fodder for his flock of sheep. Hanco at auction for $420.
test with every type of home; Come in today; This du Pool He was the only farmer In that Peter J. McClees broke two ribs In
The Francis Chadwtck property on
Then the famous du Pont labora- Color Service, which includes tho tho west side of Broad street was neighborhood who raised cheep. a fall on Riverside drive.
t o r i e s d e v e l o p e d special PRE- advice of prominent decorators on bought by Marcus M. Davidson. The
TESTED paints, varnishes, and modern color inside the home, is lot WBB 43 feet front and was 290
enamels to carry out these color entirely FREE. No cost; No obliga- feet deep. Tho property had been
occupied a& a residence, by FranciB
rchemea; tion; Just ask for it; Chadwlck for many years and pre-
vious to his ownership It was owned
and occupied by Anthony Reckless.

Fred L. Waters was at work In his
garage when a belt came off ah elec-
ISHES ami Dl'CO math by du Pout tric motor and struck Mr. Waters in
tho eyo. For a time It was thought
he would lose the sight of the eye
F. M. CHAMBERS but after being laid up a couple of
weeks the doctors told him his eye
PAINTER and DECORATOR would be saved.
Phono BBS
RED BANK, Charles Dennis of Beech street was
driving his team when he was eud-

—the most- important business on earth and one of the most hazardous.
Seed time and harvest follow in rapid and regular succession; the raw
materials the farmer must use are seed, sunshine, rain and Mother
AMERICA'S LOWEST-PRICED FULL-SIZE CAR Earth. Over these he has little or no control, but he can control labor
costs by the use of modem farm equipment.

tells the full storv of The present day farmer cannot afford to use too much man-
power. It costs too much and is too hard to get. The farmer who
WHATTHIS wants to better his living conditions, to equip his children to get more
from life than just a place to eat and sleep, must take advantage of
every agency than can help increase his profits.
More Visibility
Window Area.
iVhen you want to do it Modern farmers are turning to "Caterpillar" Tractors for doing
all the heavy work on the farm. They increase profits by decreasing
350 -
Sqtlan tndut With great economy of fuel costs. BIGGER PROFITS CAN ONLY FOLLOW MORE POWER
6 Without wasteful slippage or The "Caterpillar" track type tractor works and works well in
harmful soil packing. practically every kind of soil—sure-footed, easy on fuel—by reason of
wide tracks that do not pack or slip.
MoreHead-Koonv Here's what a "Caterpillar" Ten will dp The "Caterpillar" will last a long, long time and pay you hand-
and LCiHlOOm
under all ordinary farming conditions. some dividends every year it is used. It is built of quality materials
r-ftrr.~,r ' '" Sk'orlfiJ'i *,$,- AcraptrH<mr to exact standards of precision—each part will withstand shock and
Howfmoidboanl). . . . . T V o l 4 1 n . . . % wear for years. It is built to work, and to keep on working through
Pkw(dtsk) 3disk. . . .
a/3 long years of hard service. The upkeep is surprisingly low.
Plow (one-way duk) .' . . . 6 f t ! /«_
Litter (or lister-planter) . . . 2 row . . . . 2 The "Caterpillar" Ten, suitable for every use about the farm,
DWc Harrow (standard weight) 8 ft. double . . 2Vs
£H»k Harrow (heavy cover crop) 5 ft. double . . . V/» can now be had for $1160 F. 0. B. Garwood, N. J.
Spftc tooth harrow . . . . 4 section (20') . ft
Spring tooth harrow . . » . 8 - 1 0 ft. . . . 2'/3-3 Write for complete information, or ask our salesman to call.
( i ' • •
LsndroUen,B^itweeder»,l , 12-17% ft. . . 5-9
Rotarrhoes . I . •
Grain drills . . . . . . . One 12-14ft. . 3ft-4 Distributed by
•• ' -' T«.TA / 4 (secondspeed)


AND UPWARDS, F, O. B. FACTORY **"«" . T w o 7 f t . . . < \5V 3 (tUrd^p«4)
Gnlnbmden . " . ' , ' , . . T w 7 - 8 f t . . . 4-5 ,./
Combined harvester . . . . O n e 10-12 ft. , 2Vi-JVa
CHRYSLBR MOTORS PRODUCT . ,- . (pnWrlrl«r.l and)
Com picket. . . « •• • .One.ortworow. %
PoiMoftaaier,. . * , . . Tworo* . , . l'/i . GARWOOD, NEW JERSEY
Potatodigger , , , . . .Tworow ' . . l ( /j
JOHN IL B0RNS. MBr. 110-151 W. Front 8L
Distributors for "Caterpillar" Tractors, Holt Harvesters and Modern
Telephone 1296
Farrn,Equipment to be used with Tractor*.
Branch of Forth Amboy.
convention for two days at Freehold Parsons of Bovlna, New York. The Freehold, to Joseph W. Taylor of
BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. and on the closing night a «how W M couple will live a t Belmar, that place. The wedding will take

e can't
given by Junior members of theFiremen'* Clambake. place October 12th.
Daughters of St. George. John Toone The annual clambake of Independ- Big Black Bats.
HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST I N of Freehold was elected Inside sen-
ent fire company of Long Branch Harry BromeU of Freehold caught
MONMOCTH COCNTY. tinel of the state order. was held a t the flrehouse last a black bass In the lake at that place
New .Credit Association. Wednesday night and was attended a few days ago which weighed six
Personal Not«i, Sale* of Property, Building material dealers of Mon- by about 200. Several candidates for pounds and was 26 Inches long. This


Building Operations, Lodge Do- mouth and Middlesex counties have county office were present.
ings, Slight Fires, Births, JHar- formed a credit association and hav
i and Deaths—Other Items. opened an office In Freehold 1 Sent to Reform School.
is said to be the largest bass ever
caught In the lake. more than this
Tho Keyport branch of the Izaak charge of E. H. Christy, the »ecrt years William Smith of Keyport, fourteen Special School Election.
old, who has given the police A special school election will be
Approved and Improved Walton league will give a. moving tary. George H. Conover of Keypor considerable
picture show at the Palace theater is president. trouble, has been sent to held In Raritan township next Mon- , Paint half yo^r house with
the reform BChool At Jamesburg. His day to vote on the proposition of
Heating Plumbing Roofing Thursday night of next week. Pic- Prtee Winning Cattle.
tures of wild animal life will fea- father has been ordered to pay $3 a adding two rooms to the Haalet
Mrs, Elmer H. Geran of Matawan week- toward his support schoolhouse and furnishing them at
Devoe Lend and Zinc Paint and
Water Systems Copper Work ture tho program. won two first prlies, two second and
Miss Mary A. Gibson, daughter of one third with her Guernsey cattle Want* HI* Pay,
a cost of $23,000. pamt the other half with any
Earthen and Iron Pipe Walter Gibson of Freehold.; and Leon at the New Jersey Guernsey breeder* LeRoy Bproul, who was recently Contract Wltb Movies. ordinary paint you choose
W. Cole of Lambertvllle were rriar- show at Far Hills last week. — Mr fired as a cop at Matawan by the Rocco Lanzo, nine-year-old eon of
We Handle the American Radiator Company's rled last Satlrday week. After the Geran had thirteen head entered 1 borough council, has engaged a law- Gustave Lanzo of Long Branch, has If Djevoe Lead and1 Zinc Hdint"
wedding they left for a trip at Wash- the show. yer to try and get his pay from the been placed under contract with tho
ARCOLA HBATINQ SYSTEMS ington, p . C. tune he was suspended on July 26th Prince film company. It is Btated he doesnt take fewer gallons and cort
RED BANK andSEA BRIGHT Bishop Ernest G. Richardson of In Connecticut Prison. until hii final dismissal. will play the fat boy's part In "Our
less money per job we will make
Philadelphia spoke recently In the Charles Cook of Belmar was one o Gang" comedies.
Farmingdale Methodist church. He of three men sentenced to "tati
was the first bishop who has visited prison for four years in Connectlcu!
Stolen Car Found.
An automobile owned by Hayes For New Sewage Plant. V" no charge for Devoe...
that church In 25 yoara. last week on charges of carrying con- Cubberly ot Long Branch, which was The Deal commissioners have in-
Walter J. Matthews of Bradley cealed weapons. It la claimed tha stolen Wednesday night, wan found troduced an ordinance providing for If Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint!
Beach has arrived at Honolulu. He gang went to Connecticut to rob gas Thursday afternoon at the Little Sil- aingnew sewage disposal plant, pump-
station and ocean outlet at a cost doesn't wenr one or two or three
is employed there by the Radio cor- stations. - '*•> ver railroad station. The automo-
poration o( America and will be gone Brakeman Injured. bile was undamaged. of $152,000. years longer.. longer and better..
several months. Frank Beck of Long Branch, Want Station Kept Open.
A taxpayers' association will be or-brakeman on the New York * Lon
Woman Seriously Injured.
Miss Elizabeth Swlchel of Long The borough council at Spring we vrill giv« you free of charge
ganized at Manasquan tomorrow Branch railroad, was strliclt by a Branch was seriously injured when Lake Heights will oppose mi action
night. The primary object of the as- automobile while flagging & train a the car she was driving was wrecked of the IJew York & Long Branch enough Devoe lend and Zinc
sociation is to work for commission Point Pleasant a few days ago, Hi In a collision with a bus last week. railroad in closing the Como station Paint Hto renaint your, entire
government. received three broken ribs and othe She received several fractured ribs on Sundays.
Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Hopkins of Key-Injuries. and Internal Injuries. Teachers to Organize,
house*. . .
port are at Louisville, Kentucky, this
week where Dr. Hopkins Is attend- Killed In Auto Accident. Bailey—Henry. Publio school teachers at Mata-
ing the national American Legion Thomas Meirs of Cream Bidgi Mltnr Marjorle A. Bailey, daughter wan are planning to organize a
convention. died last Friday week from injuriei of Winfleld Bailey of Keyport, was teachers' association to protect their
interests. The schools have 35 teach-
Paul C. Richley of Belmar won he received when he was struck bj married last Saturday week to Rus- ers.
second place with his White Ply- an automobile truck at Camden. Mr sell R. Henry of South Amboy. The
mouth Rocks at the poultry show re- Melrs was getting into his own auto couple are living for the present with Trip to Europe. , Joseph
p R. Bennett & Co.
cently held at Mineola, Long Island. mobile at the time of the accident. the bride's parents. tlacob Seinfeld of Long Branch nionmoutii St., Red Bank
Miss Edna Johnson, who Is in this Firemen Entertain Citiiens. sailed last Wednesday on tho Levia- I'hmie 9.1(|
country on a furlough from mission- A Coming Wedding.
Members of Independent fire com- Invitations have been Issued for than for a trip to European coun-
ary work in China, is visiting Rev. pany of Spring Lake Heights enter
and Mrs. C. P. Newton of Freehold. talned the residents of that place al the marriage of Miss Hildred Luker,
Mrs. David Schermal of Tennent luncheon last Wednesday In cele-
died at the Freehold-hospital recent- bration of the arrival of the new ap-
daughter of James D. Luker of West
tries. His family is living in Poland.
(Continued on next page.) DEVOE
ly after an operation. She is sur-paratus bought by the company,
vived by a husband and her parents.

So Helpless John E . Quinn of Freehold and Boy Held for Theft.

"30,000 lives
Miss Laura J. Applegatc of Farmlnf- Raymond Bross of Allenhurst
da!e were married September 20th at fourteen years old, was arrested lasi
Elkton, Maryland. week charged with having stoler

So Dependent onYou Mrs. Jamea Mion of Long Branch guns and rifles from the honie o
•gave a shower last week for Miss the late Colonel George Harvey. Thi
Mary Anderson, who is engaged to weapons were insured for $700.
wed John Mion.
When you give your boys and girls Drunk When He Wed. Miss Gladys M: Parker, daughter

at stake!"
nvhok wheat, you are doing what doctors Robert E. VanWickle of Matawan of James A. Parker of Interlaken
has asked the court of chancery to' and Harold Norton of Asbury Par'
everywhere recommend. Whole wheat annul his marriage to Grace Wilson. were married last Saturday week
The marriage took place in West They left the following Monday for
euppliesthe vital body-building elements Virginia last February. Mr. Van- a wedding trip to Niagara Falls,
Wickle claims he was drunk at the
children need. JVIake sure that they get time and didn't realize what he wasA Kitchen Shower.
doing. Miss Beatrice Cubberly of Loni
tvhok wheat in its most wholesome Branch was given a kitchen showe:
form. Give them Ralston. New Freehold Resident. last week by Mrs. Charles Smith li
Mrs. Isabella Foster, wife of Wil- honor of her engagement to Charlel
liam Foster of Freehold, arrived in Strlcklin of Farmingdale. The wed-
this country last week from England ding will take place this month.
and will make her home with her
husband at Freehold. Tho couple New Jetty.
The Asbury Park commissioner,

RALSTO were married in England last July.

Retreat Open All Year.
have directed the city engineer t<
prepare plans for extending the Sixt
The San Alphonso retreat house at avenuo jetty about 200 feet eastward
West End, a retreat for Catholic men, and for the construction of a new
WHOLE WHEAT will remain open all the year. Rev. stone jetty at Fourth avenue.
CEREAL Joseph P . Turner Is in charge.. Since Married In Pennsylvania.
April over 1,200 men have been cared
for in week-end retreats at the home. Miss Myrtle Edwards, daughter o:
Christian T. Edwards of Lon
State Lodge Convention. Branch, was married, last week at
The sons of St. George held a state Reading, Pennsylvania, to Herman T,

Tie story ofPhilKIipp, chief

wireless operator, S, S. Pro,
Harding {1923)

What are "Remember the hor-

rors of Russia back in '22? Well, the
lives of 30,000 people depended on
favorite my Brandes head phones. At that
time I was aboard !he S. S. Belling-
ham, discharging relief cargoes of Amazing Value I
grain for the city of Theodosia on $
125 50
ICE CREAM the Black Sea. Telephone wires—
cable wires—the Bolsheviks had de-
stroyed them all. Our only means of
communication with the American
pictured here—7 tubes
and" rectifier tube (LcMlubei)

AMAZING is the wordl Neter before in the history o f

radio did such little money buy a cabinet as handsome

i s ihls-^PLUfc dynamic reproducer—PLUS remarkable
selectivity that brings you the one station you want!
Relief headquarters in Constanti- Here is the otfly radio in the world whose histpry dales
back to 1908—(tie only radio (hat comes to you i s th«
• nople, 450 miles away, were my wire- climax of 21 years of research and experiment! You
see—nod dear—the difference immediately!
less and Brandes head phones. In 12
days, I sent 185,000 words. If my • Tonight's the time! Your dealer is waiting to hi
you test the Brandes in everypoisibh way?
Brandes head phones had gone dead CONSOLE n-M. Handsome cabinet. Selector tun inf.
on me—for only a day—! Well—now Dynamic reproducer. Push-pull amplification with typ«
343 tubes. Four tuned circuits. Heater type tubei.
you know why anything that carries Absolute single dial control. $l2).iQ,

the name of Brandes stands aces high CONSOLB MODEL B-16

7 Tubes and Rectifier Tube - , * * * *
with me; That new set is a wonder TABLE MODEL B-IO
C Tubes and Rectifier Tube . . * i i"$>i *
such a low price!"
[all prices less tubtt)
Copyright 1929. by The Bfindes Corp.

Select your favorite ice cream

flavor combination from the ad-
joining list. Try it in Castles Royal
Family Package. You'll agree that CASTLES (A
Radio NEWARK, N. J.)
it is smoother, richer and more
cream you've ever tasted.

Castles Ice Cream should be

finer. It is made only of rich cream
offers you 5 unique
and delicious flavor
. . '. .
and sugar, blended with fresh
fruits, nuts or other TRUE,
natural flavorings.
" K i n g " - Vanilla, Chocolat. and Strawberry
" Queen "— French Vanilla, Chocolate and Orengt le«
. .';
Monmouth Radio Service
"Princess"—French Vanilla, Coffee and Orange lev • 16 White Street, Radio WJBI. Red Bank, N. J
"Duke " - B l a c k Walnul andJPineapple
"Duchej»"—French Vanilla and Strawberry
There's a Catties

r ''•• ' ' • ' • -

Had *
A 1 1 t vV Miller's Hardware and RadioCo.
m m mm 1 /•r 1 a*
A P R o D U CT F N A T I O N A L D A 1 Ry
33 W. FRONT ST. Jhone 1140 RED BANK N. J ,
house conducted i t Asbury Park by
BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. WalUr Campbell and Joseph New-
man last week. It Is claimed a "num-
D R . R. A. N K V I N 8 ,

Simmons Bed (Continued from lait p»«e.)

William X. Ronan of Freehold dltd
In a Trenton hospital Sunday e( last
ber game" was operated there. - „
Wayside It Zoned.
The Ooean township zoning com-
j I'RED 0. KERN~
week of eryslpelaf. He had been tick mission haa toned Wayside. Two "dls-
Spring and Mattress only a few days, Mr. Ronan w u trlots have been created, one for bus- H A R O L D A. L/IROS,

S 38 years old and leaves a widow and iness and residences and tho other
two children. exclusively for private residence.
PIANO STUDIOS Second Nelleml Bank Bul

15= White—Deedmejer. Paving Contract. " BROAD i WALLACE STS, RED I _

(Koortli 12 and IS) Phane S1J»."
Miss Edith White and Otto X* Joseph Burke has been awarded Studiut open mornlnci, uoept Fridsyi.
Deedmeyer of Freehold were mar- ths eontract for paving Sixth and from 0:00 to 12:00 o'clock. Olfin Ullonj
ried last Thursday night at the Bap- Seventh avenues at Asbury Patk for can be airanuod bf DroKMlIvS potill »ho
h«ve «oo.«« to orgiu. Aiio MUhUl <i«
tist parsonage by Rov, C P. New- IM.152.90. The plans call for a con- «inRCf« for concert md rttlla wqfh.
ton; Tho groom conducts a plumb" cretj) base with asphalt surface, l;T.S<JHi5B A C K O W E I O , "
Any Size Assorted Colors Ing business.
Old Council to Bettre,
Delegate to Convention.
Mils Dolores Ennls of Long
; '•«,•• LAW OFFICES,
The old Monmouth Beach council , WILLIAM MATTHKW3, M. O,,
Come In and Look Over the will wind up Its affairs next Wednes- Branch will attend the American Lc-!
day, the day aftor the special elec- glon convention at Louisville, Ken- :
! Eye. Ear. Noie and Throat.
I Offloej In former Staond National Bull
Building, phone SIX.
tion, at which three commissioners tucky, as an alternate for Miss E.
Simmons Line will be chosen to replace the present Florence Beech of Freehold.
officials. Retired Officer. •. I
Reildenee phdoe 116.
Mi™ hour*: 9:00 to 11:00 A. M.| TlDO t*
0:00 P. M.. and by appointment

New Produce Store. Dr. John L, Remsen of Spring i WILLIAM A. HOPPING.

Geo.H.Roberts Co.,
Real Ettate Broker,
Charles W. Butcher of Farming- Lake has been notified by the war - Llnden
'''•'"• ltED
BANK. W. 1.
dale and Thomas J. Maloney of department that ho has been placed
Manalapan havo organized the Mon- on the list of emergency officers ro- QUINN, PARSONS * DOREMUS,
mouth produce company and have tlred with a rank pf captain. vvhltndil Building, Red Bank.
State Highway, Red Bank, N. J. opened a store next to the court- Tho= Eastern New Jersey power John J. Qulnn, Theodore D. Panoaa,
liouno. ThomaH P. Doremni '
HIONE BED BANE S8TL company has made application fur
School Overcrowded. permission to erect an overhead ALSTON BEEKMAN,
Tho now high school at Freehold transmission line across the channel C U U N 9 E L L 0 U AT L A W .
OIHIM'B. ID Brna.l St.. R E D t i A N K . N. J.
is greatly overcrowded and plans are of Shark river. The clearance undor
being mado for a rearrangement of the line would be 47 feet. GEORGE D. COOPER,
the classes and the employment of CIVIL ENGINEEK,
Succeitor to George Cooper, C K.
an extra teachor to remedy the con- Died at Home for Aged.
WHY dition.
Sued for $25,000.
Frank Schwartz of Long Branch
died at a home for the aged at New-
I'.ttor.on llulldinj. ' RED BANK, N. 1.
GEORGE K. ALLEN, Jr., C E., end
ark last Thursday In his 7,8th year. GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, C E.
Mrs. May Diamond of Asbury Park He Is survived by a widow, three
not get' the extra hours of heat each ton of haii filed a suit for $25,000 against sons and a daughter.
60 Brond 8trcot. Red Hank. H. J.
Jeddo-Highland Coal gives—and at no extra Mrs. Bertha M. Nagle for the alien- WALTER C VAN KEUREN,
ation of tho affections of her hus- Fandolse—Beed. CIVIL ENniNEER AND 8UBVEYOR.
cost. band. Mrs. Nagle denies the accusa- Miss Dorothy Pandolse of Spring Qroad Street NatiDnal Bank Bulldlai,
Red Bank. N. 1.
tion. Lake and Peter Roed of Lakewood
Will Llvo In Oregon. were married Sunday of la«t week In OR. HAROLD J. STOKES,

MI53 LaurA M. Flanders of Free- St. Catherine's church at Spring 94 Broad Street, Elinef B
hold left last week to visit friends Lake by Father Eellly.
In New York state, after which she Young—Slmonson.
will go to Portland, Oregon, where Ml»s Anne Young of Millbrldge
T WICE as many motorists prefer "Standard"
improved Gasoline to any competing brand.
There is good reason for this overwhelming pref-
Roome 4, 5 end 6*
Offloe Uourl BiOO to 6:00
Telephone 1501
ahe will make her home In the fu- and Albert SImonson of Tennent erence."Missouri" motorists don't buy "Standard" OPTOMETBIST,
ture. were married at the Engllshtown Refiiter Bldf^ Broad StrvH.
Woman Loses License. Methodist parsonage September 21st merely on its reputation. They huy it consistently ;
Phnn. 8«, ted Bub
Mis3 Josle H. Wood of Asbury by Rev. Walter A. Kine. because it gives results —power, quick starting, Office Hours: 9:00 to 6:80.
Eveninsri bv AppolntmMt,
Park was among tho automobile Club Wins Cup. acceleration, smooth, effortless performance.
drivers who were deprived of their The Allentown garden club won a "Standard"/M)£roOT<f Gasoline is scientilicully made.
—and— licenses last week by Commissioner cup for the best display of garden
Dill on charges of drunken driving. flowers grown by amateurs at the re-
Always uniform. Tested in the greatest gasoline
laboratories in the country. Checked and re-
Expert Repairing
Gift for Parents of Twins. cent flower show'Vt Trenton; The checked by a corps of engineers. Put on the market

The Farmingdalo chamber of com- club Is one year old. with the guarantee that it is the best gasoline that WATCHES, CLOCKS
merce has presented a twin baby Post—Sickles. ' can be produced. Test it yourself in your ovyn way. and JEWELRY
coach to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith,
who nre the parents ot the first twins Announcement has been of the You will find "Standard" improved Gasoline de»
born at Farmlngdale In twenty years. marriage of Miss Ruth Post to Percy r lcuire I) rci'in livers smooth, resistless power. Accuracy, skill and ex-
Sickles of Keyport. The ceremony itanihrj" Gam
Hounds Chased Deer. was performed at St. Mary's church IIRC loprore i[iul< perience enable us to
phurfrc:. Thi» n
Emil Nelson of Adelphla was ar- by Rev. A. P. Mack. ose cf tie ininjr do the most delicate re-
Jeddo-Highland Coal gives from 10% to 20% rested last weok charged with allow- t e n i»tii in the
ing his hound dogs to run deer. He New State Trooper. "Standard" L*bo- pairing. We guarantee
more value. TRY IT ! was fined $28.50 and In default of Raymond Bastedo of Freehold, who r.mriti to insure THIS "GEORGE WASHING-
f*n flitolinc (or TON"ipetJom«erilwa^itdlf satisfaction. Our prices
payment was sent to the county jail. recently passed the entrance exam- mototbu, t^ c l r u ' a ' ^ o u l mileage. It it
Drunken Driver.
ination for the state police, has gone
to Wllbertha for a threo months'
the one UJCJ by the "Standard"
PmvinR Labofa:ori«nhcn t « t
tit* arc driven over the public
Improved GASOLINE: will please vou. ;
Clinton Ball of Neptune was fined training period. Silverware Repaint). '


$200 and costs last week and his
drivers license was revoked on a Raised $3,400. and Replaced Like New1.
charge of driving while drunk. His The annual drive for funds for the IT'S T H EC H A M P I O N — A 2 T O I F A V O R I T E
arrest followed a collision with a bus. Freehold Christian association, which
Legion Home Finished. closed Jast week, resulted In $3,400
Tho new $18,000 home of the Mat- being raised. The largest single con- 36 Broad St., Red Bank
Telephone 103 awan American Legion post Is about? tribution was $50.
Give Luke Longhead the Job of Supplying Your Wants.
completed. It was opened lor the In-
Where Quality Rules ! spection of the public last Thursday.
Number Game Raid.
Police raided an alleged gambling


Never did two girls look more alike
with the New-45 Tubej • than the Phelps Twins. A revelation
in beauty and grace is their dancing
NO in Earl Carroll's greatest production,1?
the new SKETCH BOOK, by Eddie

A-C Cantor, now running at the 44th

Street Theatre in New York,

Radio Set
built- Spread
(less tubes) Has that 60c flavor
Power detection and the ntw - 4 5 tubes plus Dynamic Speaker. Extra heavy, sturdy Majestic
four tuned stages of radio frequency enable* Power-Pack, with positive voltagcballast.
Majestic to produce the most powerful and
selective radio set «ver built. Absolutely no
insuMS long life and safety. Jacobean period
cabinet of American Walnut. Doors of matched
To distinguish Jclkc GOOD In many cities one out of
hum and no oscillation at any wave length.
Automatic sensitivity control gives uniform
butt walnut with overlays on doors and In.
terior panel of genuine imported Australian LUCK Margarine from the every two .housekeepers use
sensitivity and amplification In both high and Lacewood. Escutcheon plate, knobs and door
low wave lengths. Improved Majestic Super. pulls finished in genuine silver. older spread-f or -bread is GOOD LUCK exclusively on
equally difficult—for it has their tables and for cooking
Get a FREE Home Demonstration the very same expensive lla- and baking, because no dif-
The Proof: Two plates of sandwiches
[Terms As Low As $2.50 per Week —some spread with GOOD LUCK, the
vor—always fresh> exquisite ference in flavor is ever de-
others with a much more expensive and delicate. One cannot tected. There is nonel Get
Bpr'ead of identical flavor. Here is a be told from the other. a package today.
money-saving hint for housewives.



21 Monmouth Street. Red Bank, N. J.
. rtionc 2663.
Wholesale Distributor. TRENTON DAIRY COMPANY, 108-114 Sylvan Avenue, Newark, N. J. Copyright mt, 1.1,1,
, Otbet Stores at I/ong Branch ,nnd Asbury fork. N. J.
HELD IN JEWEL THEFT. given up his job at Lawes Brothers Presbyterian young people's mission- Red Bank. Others present were be well represented at the county pass through the place. Not' sine*
general store and his place has been ary society on Indian habits and Mrs. Addle M. Spader oi-Keyport convention oi Reformed Sunday- the railroad line waa built hara 00 tm
and Mrs. Charles R, Snycier ot At- sohools which will be held Tuesday, trains stopped here. The chang«
ENROLL NOW' „ . Han Who Was Guest of Victim taken by Cyril Lawes, who has been customs at the chapel Friday night
Mrs. Anna V, Jennings Is seriously lantic Highland". A fine dinner was October 22d, at Freehold. wont Into effect Sunday..
Caught In Florida. employed at New York' by the tele-
Red Bank Business Institute Walter Fausner of Kingston, New
York, was arrested at Miami Beach,
Florida, -last week and Is being held
phone company..,
Policeman Otto Horden and family
returned home Friday from an auto-
sick. ''
•• i » Richard Iiufburrow he* been on
MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. the sick list, under the' care of Dr.
A (laughter wa« born to Mrs. Wil-
bur Coddtngton last Saturday.
• Mr. and MrB. Jamon C, Hendrlck-
son spent the wook-ond at James
Mr, Jones, a student at Rutgeri
theological seminary, had charge ot
tho aoivcos at the Reformed ohuroU
Sunday, • •
Secretarial Course mobile trip through Now York state H. W. Young of Red Bank. Mr.
in connection with the jewel rob- port, Long Island.
DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. ' bery In the summer home of Alex- to New England. Ralph Abbott of Less Railroad 8ervkJe Here Now Lufburrow !• at the home of his
Red Bank, who was employed for the Than Ever Before. sister, Mrs. William M. Thompson. A great change has been made
INDIVIDUAL AND CLASS INSTRUCTION. ander H. Flggo at Long Branch laat . It Is expected that the Sunday- In the railroad service. Many trains A directory of desirable homes II
month. Fausner la Bald to be an ln< summer as traffic policeman at Broad The Register's Want page.—AdveN
Preparing students for Secretarial and Stcnographlo positions. street and Sycamore avenue, finished Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hendrlckson school of the Reformed church will which formerly stopped here now tlaement- • • .!
Also short Intensive courses in Gregg Shorthand and Typewriting. tlmate acquaintance of the Figgea and their daughter Jane have closed
and had been a guest at their home work for the town Monday.
ENTER ANY TIME. Miss Ella Case, a school teachor their Locust Grove summer home
on several occasions. When he was and they have gone to New York for
FLORENCE NORTON O'SHEA apprehended In Florida he had sev- at Freehold, visited friends here over
1 2 8 B r o a d si the week-end. She formerly lived at the winter. They made the trip to
Phone 6 8 3 *c°U Bed Bank. N. J. eral cases of liquor and a quantity the city by automobile last week.
of Jewelry Was found secreted in var- this place with Rev. and Mrs. F. P.
Sweezy. Mrs. Jones of "Chicago Is visiting
ious parts of the» upholstery. Some Mrs. F. Marklle Schad ot Homestead
•••»>»>»»»•••»**•>•••>»•>•>»•»< >•••••••••»»••» of this Is said to have been identi- Cheston Simmons of Shrewsbury
fied as part of the loot, obtained at avenue has a new Nash suburban.
Several boys of tho village were The ladles' aid society of the Re-

Anderson Brothers
the Flgeg home formed church Is progressing with
brought to task last week by Re-
corder Elmer Walnrlght for pegging its plans for the annual church sup-
SHREWSBURY NEWS. per on Wednesday night, November
apples at cars passing along the high-
A New- Resident—Edward Obre Is way. Mr. Walnrlght received com- 13th. Many gifts of food are expect-
Adding to His Shrewsbury Market plaints from motorists whose cars ed.
were hit by the apples. -Lee Davis was In a n automobile
STORAGE WAREHOUSE (The Ked Bank Keffiitir can b« bouffbl
•aeh neck In Shrewsbury from Richard
Beaks at the postofflce.)
Miss Gladys Duprcy of Worchcster,
Massachusetts, • Is spending two
accident on the state highway Sun-
day. which Mr. Davis was
Mrs. Henry Flnnegan of Saranac weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. driving was badly damaged. Mr.
Lake Is Bpendlng two weeks wlth.her Davis was painfully but not serious-
Local and Long Distance Moving slater,'"Bra'. Edward Nestlor.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. TLang
and Mrs. Paul .Duprey^.
George Harold Novius nnd family, ly jiurt. ••'•.;.•--••-
who have been spending tv, month at Fred Adams Is having brick posts
have announced the birth of a nine- their summer cottage at ilanasquan, put up at the entrance to his Locust
Our vans are padded and dust-proof. pound daughter. The baby was born will return home thla week. Grove residence. Edward Stone of
Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Langc Edward Hounihan la having his Atlantic Highlands Is doing the work
Packing, crating and shipping to all nsvV have slit children, flvo girls and house repainted by Kellura & Bon of Luclun D'Anthony has mad* a
boy. Mr. Lange Is employed by Red Bank. Mr. Houriihan has a new number of changes and Improve1
points. George Silver, Sr. electric radio. ments to his grocery and butcher
Mrs. Arthur J. Groves gave birth Mrs. Frank O'Brien is much im- store. The place Is one of the larg-
to a daughter last week at the Spring proved after having been laid up sev- est and best stocked country stores
Lake hospital. eral weeks with sickness. Her eon In the country.
Louis J. Borland, Jr., manager of Francis, who was sick two weeks, Miss Elizabeth Casler, who teaches
Office and Warehouse ; the Smoke Shop tavern, has a new ha3 returned to work at the Powers school at Rutherford, will sepnd the
4 i Bulck coupe. factory on Sycamore avenue. weok-end at Valley Spring, Long Is-
: Edward :Obrc is having a two- Henry Billings Is working at Lov- land.
51-53 Mechanic St. room apartment built for his own oc- ett's nursery at Little Silver. A party or plcnlo was given for
cupancy at the rear of his Shrews- A communion service will be held Miss Kate Frost and Mrs. Carrie
bury market by Wesley Hurley. The at the Presbyterian church Sunday Applegate last Thursday at the home
apartment will be ready for use in morning and a special preparatory of Miss Frost. It was given, by Mr.

about two weeks.
Edward Emmons.of Eatontown has
service will be held tomorrow night.
Mrs. David Woods will address, the
and Mrs. Daniel Frost, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Revere and Miss Emma Ely of WindowsWfe the
of Houses
;, -window^ tehine
An Important Announcement It'costsbut littleltbkeep your^hoiwe'always
To Consumers of GAS d halfJ

~~ "Reduced Rates Effective October 1st, 1929

Jersey Central Power & Light Co.
For Automatic Hot Water Heating
[To Our Customers:
We have filed with the State Public Utility Commission and made available as of October 1,
1929, a new gas rate designed for automatic hot water storage systems. This rate is available
immmediately to those of our residence gas customers having systems, or who may install
them, and means a saving to all such gas users. It Is our sincere desire to give the'grcatest servicn
to our customers for the least amount of money.
Here we are Introducing a gas range wfalch will
The purpose of this rate is to offer gas for automatic hot water heating through a storage greatly reduce your gas bill. And more! Health,
system at $1.25 per thousand cubic feet. The rate is optional with this class of gas users and Beauty, Leisure, Happiness come with It,
it will be applied only upon formal written request to the company for it. The effect of the
application of this rate will be a one meter service for cooking and hot water under the fol-
lowing schedule:

First 100 cubic feet, or less per month . ,. . . . . . $1.00 INTRODUCING to o v customers
Next 2,400 cubic feet per month . 15c per 100 cu. ft. the
Next 7,500 cubic feet per month
Next 20,000 cubic feet per month
Over 30,000 cubic feet per month . .
Minimum Bill, $2.00 Per Month.
121 per 100 cu. ft.
9c per 100 cu. ft.
7|cper 100 cu. ft.
Paris 1928
Cooks With The Gas Turned Off """ "*" *
One hundred housewives in Now Bedford, Mass., turned In
\ Continuous hot water, piping hot every houfof the day and night, is under this rate no longer a luxury, their gas bills before and after buying the ChamberB Range. color
is more a necessity than a convenience. It makes hot water in any quantity, in any home, at any time, more Their gaa bills before purchasing, averaged 6U per cent, higher
available jat very Jnw.cost. r-~^ . *" •' > .. J. •••«»• range
than afterward. .Furo economy? Yeal It la paiilllvoly (rue
that the Chambers will pay for ltaolf,

—more Domestlo Science experts estimate that the Chambers Range yes!
' Models of the several approved types of hot water systems are now on display in all of our offices, and gives you two added hours ot freedom each day from tho"
our appliance demonstrators will be glad to explain them to you. All models have been laboratory tested health! kitchen. Think about tho leisure, tho rast, the recreation —oh, my,
and enjoyment th|s means to you year after year.
and their worth also demonstrated by us in practical use. The storage tanks are insulated and are finished
Super-Insulation In the oven and on top of the. range retains
f YOTJlfh °r decoratlons
- L e t us give complete information of their operating costs the vitamins and mineral salts to tho utmost—Health! You
cannot measure the health of your family In dollars and cents.

FILL OUT THIS COUPON This range shuts off its own gas. Place your meal In the
oven, light the gas, set the Autostat, and you are tree until
dinner time.

r n fcn,i?t£ ? 1 ( T h
J ? f f,V e a n
Automatic Hot Water Heating System, and would like full Information
In all fairness to your family, whether you need a range
now or not, you will want to Bee this truly great modern
about the cost of installing and operating one unde r the above reduced rate, place an X here ( )
Please fill out the blank and mail it to that branch office of this company from which ~ ~ -•-•-"-"- During October, we will allow you $23 for your old etove on
the purchase ot a No. 4741 Model Chambers Range.
your gas bills. ^ *•
Trade In your old range for Economy, Besirty, Keb^re, for
Health and for Happiness while you can get $23 for It this
it ',< —Small Monthly Payments—,

Street Address You are

A Jersey Central Party in New York.
On October 24th the Homo Service Department of this Com- cordially/
for your pany Is giving a party at the Grand Central Falaco, Fifty- invited to
Sixth Street and Lexington Avenue, with tho co-operation of
old stove the Homo Making Centor, which Is conductod by tho Now see this
during York Federation of Women's Clubs. Tea will bo served In range on
the afternoon at 2;30, with music, a lecture, and demonstra-
October tion. Try to be there. ,• our display

jersey Central Power <SL Light Co* JERSEY CENTRAL

RED BAN^ REGISTER, OCTOBER 2, 1929.> Thirteen
BOY DROWNS. Edwards Is a daughter tot C. T. Ed- Gade and daughter Isobel and Mlsa SHERIFF'S SALE. ctca V/cut t * o humjrai) «»<| t Y ' t
warde, a formor resilient of this Belle Price, all of Newark on Sun-
SILVERS Intorlaken Boy Loses Life as Blrth- place. The wedding was performed day.
Ily virtue uf ii wi-:t of ii. fa. to ha d.. jnd t-i:t te.ith. tecl: IJiiKiee t - )
t-estc.l, issued out of th,> Court of Chan- c!nh'.y-»'lr:ht dri-roea nnd two.ity two I
WHITE DIAMOND , day Forty Is Planned. by Mrs. Davls'a Bon, Eev. Michael The Methodist ladles' aid society cery of the State; of New Jersey will be ex- wtc.( Kant f'iuc nnd tlilrti .. .__
posed to itaie ut public vendue, on Tumi- clx tsnth» IPO; to t -e middle cf Urant a *
Peter Polk, gon of Augustus Polk Davis. j, will have an all-day quilting party day, the JHh day of October, 1021>, be- ruo; thrnee <.!» r.lonfr tVia.mMdl* tW»*(t
tomorrow. BROTHERS
MAYONNAISE of Intorlaken, who was to have cele 'Forward and Upwarq" is the title tween the huura of l a o'clock und &South ten clrariTi iind fifty v'ehi mlnutt*
Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Steelman o'clock lat •J. o'clock). In the afternoon or E:ist two hundred tind r m u y mi nnd t h r i t
brated his sixth birthday Saturday, of the Methodist f rjiday-uohoors Bald day. at the Laud end Mortimne A«ency tenths Ivat to dip Mouth line of t h e whelt
wao drowned In Deal lake Thursday rally day program, whl.cli will be giv- were week-end guests of relatives at
en Sunday morning by [the teachers Manahawkin.
JEWELERS office, .701 Mattison Avenue, in the City lr;;CC of j;ui<! o*v.e I liy tnu Bttld JiAia* VlW»
of Asbury Park, county of Monmouth, New Keuren; them c t i l r.liimr (ho South ltd*
night when ho slipped from the ledge
A sandwich embodied of tho Graamere avenue bridge Into and pupils. Promotions in the Mr. and MrB. John Cobb of New- 72 Broad Street. Jersey %,) natisty a decree of Bnid court thereof KnuHt o't:hty o irht degreen wnn
amounting to approximately $6,823.00, twenty two imniitt-H Went, Ihrc i hundr^tj
with fourteen feet of water. The body school will be made 4 that time. ark, former residents of this place, Red Bank, N. J. •—It was ordered, adjudged and ilecrecd. and nlxty nlr ai;d tbrtr tenths feet to til*
was found within a short time and A communion service ivlll be held spent last week with Mrs. Cobb'a thnt certain mortgaged premises with the point in- pjitct* nt 11 o ;r i: i n i n y, ,
WATCHES AND JEWELRY appurtenances, 1 in the bUl of coinp!ait:t In
White members of first aid squads from in tho morning at the regular church slBter, Mrs. J. Charles Schlck, Mr. KEPAIIIEI) UNDKI1 OUR the caid cnuic particularity set forth and firing th'1 tv/o ucrc tract rotivoyrd hy
Neptune, Wanamassa' and Eelmar service. i. | and Mrs. Cobb renewed acquaint- dcBcrihtifl, | o r BO much thereof an may be the party of the firat part hi T MMrm Brlck-
Diamond were summoned. After two hours Rev. J. J. Messier anil Mrs. Fred- ances here and at Long Barnch and I'EUSONAL SUPERVISION. necessary for tho purpose), that 1B to any: raan, wife of Cienrj'e llr'ckmun
of wdfK a doctor pronounced the boyerick G.- Steelman flf Eatontown and Freehold. TELEPHONE 2-1IM. All that certain tract «r-parcel uf land - Seised as the property• ut -,imi\f»- Van-
Mayonnaise dead. Mrs. Wellington Wllklna of Tlnton Mrs. Frank M. Bhermer of Atlantic find premiaca. hereinafter particularly de- Keuren, nml OIRH M. Van Keuron, bin
scribed, Bituate, iyinj? ami belnK in the* wife, taken In execution at lh» tsult Of
Imparts a omnolt that Is most FallB attended a district meeting of Highlands, a former resident of this Township nf Entontown, In the County of Frederick K. Pleren nnd to ho «oM hy
delightfully pleasing and appe- tho auxiliaries of tho Ocean Grove place, is seriously sick. Mr. Sher- Monmouth and State nt New Jersey. H A R R Y N. j o i i N a o N , aheriff.
It la Clean—Delicious and
Drowned In Inlet.
horno for the aged lastjjweek at the mer Is a Baptist minister and he con-
Edward Hannlgan, 25 years old, a Went Long Branch Methbdlat church. ducts the services at the Eatontown LEWIS & HAGERMAN Hefrlnnfnpr in the line of land;! of Kd- Dated Scpt'r.nihpr 11. MI21I.
mund Fields ut a corner in mi id FleldV line Edwin P. Loncstrcet, Solicitor.
nnd running north twenty- three ik-Krecs (2-IS JAnrn)>.
Flalnfield fireman, was drowned in

boat from which ho was going out to

Thomas Zlngale waojja week-end Advent church. Bev. Charles W.
Shark river inlet Friday when a visitor of his mother |j.t Brooklyn. Robb of the Belford Methodist LUMBER CO. nnd fifteen minutes west nineteen chains
ami fifty three links to a corner: ithence
(li) north thirty eitfht and forty five min-
By virtue of a writ nt 11. fa. to mo dl-.
Made FROM the DEBT Dr. and Mra. George pi. Whitfleld church preached at the Advent utes cast Jlva chafns and sixty two links reeled,,Smiled out o( tho (JoUrt of Chan*,
nea was capsized. His companion, to n atnke in road leadinnr from Eatontown eery of,.the Stato of Now Jersey, will bo
.MEEPIN A COOL PtAC' Accepted AS the UE8T
entertained Mr. and Mrs. William church here Sunday.
Ooorge Watson, was saved by fisher-
men with the aid of a lobster buoy
Lumber, to Shark Itlver; thence (3» South ueven- cxponrd to Hale at public ventlua on Mon-
trcri degrees and fifteen minutes east six day, the 7th day of Octnhor, 102». b«-
chains and ninety four linka; thence UJ twrcen tlu: hciura rf l£:0O o'clock ami 6 :Q0
J. S. Silvers & Bro. Company
which was tossed to him. The men
were warned by a coast guard
Millwork, south thirty right decrees weat eight link*; o'clock (at H:00 o'clock), in the afternoon
thence (f») Sjuth eleven dcurcea and fjf- of paid ilny. nt the Court Hotlflfl In th«
against venturing through the inlet lern minutes Kaat ooventeen chains nnd Horouch nf I'rirhold. county of Mdn-
Sole Manufacturers because of the heavy current and
high stag.
OPENS! THIS AFTERNOON. Building Supplies (.'itrhtecn links; thence (6) South eighty mouth. New Jersey, to satiafy a decree of
nine minutes West five chains and fifty naifl court amount i tiff to approximately
live linka ta the. place of BcRinninK. Con- $2,4(58.
HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. and Hardware. taining seventeen acres and one hundredths Ml thr fnllnwliiff two ccrlnin tmcti ior
parurla.- <if- hmd-and - vrfmisps- hereinafteP-'
Blossoms and Fruit, "Ahi, flint certain trnct or parcel of land jmrticularly >\f"*criheti, nituate, iyin« and
Mlas I*. S. VanBrunt of Monroe
nvcnuo, Asbury Park, has nti apple
'•-•• "33|d: ANNUAL luid premises, hereinafter particularly d<*- beinu in thn Hnrouch of Ited Hank, in t h a
Ituate, lying and beginning in 'the county o£ Mdunitiuth and btato at New
TRY SOL1DON Township of Eatontown in the County of Jersey.
tree In her yard which Is attracting Monmouth nnd Stnte of New Jersey about J-'IRST TRACT, IlKGIN'NINO at a point

a great deal of Interest. The tree has nnn mile south of the Village ut Eaton- in the northwen onrncr of Aicchnnie str««t
over 100 full size blossoms as well For Walls and Ceilings. town.
BEGINNING nt the moat Southeasterly
nnd Throizkmnrtrm aveniiK; thence ( I )
northerly, nlonp thp wesinrly side of
| as a number of buds. Also on the
I tree are a number of full grown ap-
Stronger, Lighter, corner of land formerly belonging to Throckmorton av<;nue, forty feet to a point;
Ansyl BpinninB; thence t l j South iHty two thenco \2) wmtcrly, paraltrl with Mcelmn-
ples. The tree Is a Bell Flower, in Permanent. degrees mid thirty minutes East twenty ls street, one hundred fret to
two decrees nnd thirty minutes Eitst twen- thence (3) Houtherly, purallel with Throek<
past years a popular eating apple ty two chains and twenty five links to a morton nvenue, forty feet to a point In,
but now scarce. if OP RED BANK, N. J. Ktone in the,line of Willintn H. Dangler's the northerly side of Mechanic atreet;
land; thence (2) South forty one decrees thence (4) easterly, aiontr the northerly
and thirteen minutes West twenty chalna side of Mechanic street, one hundred feet
EATONTOWN and seventy one linka to land formerly he- t'i thi- place of hcirinnirsir.

Mrs. Clara Poolo Is a Patient at tho

Spring lJ\ko Hospital.
(The Red Bank Register can bo bought
inch weel: In Eutontown from Nobla Mo-
Flowers, Fruit longing to Henry W. Wolcott: thence (3) SECOND TRACT: HEGINNING In t h o
| North eiKhty nine decrees and fifteen Went, southerly lino of land »f Enaley E. Mor-
forty six links to the middle of the roal rN, distant one hunt]red mul twenty-nine
Minninjr by Edmond Wolcotts to Shark feot ono inch from tho westerly aiile of
Itivcr, being seventeen feet Easterly from I Throckmorton lvenuo; thence (1) souther-
the Northeasterly corner of Peter Meey's j ly, parallel
lot; thence (4; North nine' detfrees and ton cnty-ono feet six inches; thenco (2)
Throck morton nvenue,

by at the postoffice.) minutes West in the middle of said road westerly, parallel with Mechanic atreet,
seventeen chains and fifty seven linka; nine feet nine umi one-half inches; thenc*
I Mra. Clara Poole of Lewis street is thence (5) north fourteen degrees nnd fif- CD northerly, parallel with the first course,
improving from an operation which teen minuten West, fourteen chains and twenty-ono feet six inches to said land of
flhe underwent last week at the seventy one links to n point in the'middle Morris; thence (i) easterly, along said
of eafd rond, nnd in the line of the moat Innd of Morris, nine feet nino nnd one-half
Spring Lake hospital. She is ex- Southwesterly line o£ fot of land formerly Inches to the place of beginning.
pected home from tho hospital in AT THE , helonnins to Ansyl Spinning; thenoe (G) It in understood thnt the easterly nnd
South forty nine deiaeea and forty min- westerly walls of the garage on said prem-
about a week. utes East three chains and eighty two links ises are party, walla.
George B. Whitfleld, D. Kenneth to the place of beginning; containing twen- TOGETHER with n right of way and
Morris and Thomas Zlngale attended
tho radio show last week at Madison
sfjuare garden.
RED BANK ARMORY ty flix acres end twenty eU hundredths of
nn acre, be the tame more or less. The easement
abovo course* a r e from a survey made in the
December 18B«.
for use in common with others
for ingress and caress in. along and over
trnct of land particularly described In
the deed made by Joseph C. Plcone and
And be it remembered that out of this wife to George D. Owen and Mnry L., W.
Mrs. Ada B. Nafew returned Mon-
parcel of Innd above named one P. h. Owen, his wife, ben ring date July 5, 1927,
J^foft Styles
day from a visit with her grandson,
George Mosby of Newton.
Mra. Augusta A. Ohl of Locust
* Corhin had heretofore given for himself his nnd recorded in the Monmouth County
heirs and
wide for the
andd unto her hclra
assigns a roadwayy twel
d as
of one Ei
* t Clerk's office in Book 1406 of Deeds, pages'
Eizaheth Jackson 150. cik
d assigns
i fforever; Seized HS the property of Mary L. W.
Grove manor has had a new roof put commencinpr in the highway in tho course Owen, et nls., taken in execution at th»
on her garage. Inst named In the forcjroinK survey and suit of Warren II. Smock and to be sold by
Mra. Clara Bruce, mother of Fran-
cis Bruce, has returned to her homo
TODAY-3:30 to 10:00 P. M. running parallel with said Corbin's North
line viz; South forty nine degrees and
HARRY N, JOHNSON, Sheriff. '
Dated September 5th, 1029.
They're chummy, <J\fen! at PlattsburK, New York, after living
with her son a year.
forty minutes East, three chains and eishty Wilson & Smock, Solicitors.
two links and South fifty two decrees nnd
thirty minutes East ten chains and forty
(Gl lines) S23.6X
Frank Kenna of Clinton avenue Is TOMORRpW-10 A. M. to 10 P. M. links to a paint near a locust tree about
three inches in diameter. SHERIFF'S SALE.

By virtue of n writ of fi. tn. to me di-
having a new sun parlor built on his ALL that certain tract or parcel of land rected, issued out of tlie Monmouth Coun-
house. His son, James Kenna, has and premises hereinafter particularly de- ty Common Pleat Cnurt of the Stat* of
Fcribcd, Bltuatc, lying and being: in the New Jcmoy, will be exposed to ealjB ttb
returned from a trip to the West. Township of Eatontown, in the County of public vendue, en .
Mr. and Mrs. John ,T. Bateman, Blended from wheats Monmouth and State of New Jersey about MONDAY, THE 21ST DAY OP OCTOBEn.
SHOES are as chummy as a good Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Wolcott, Mrs.
that have f l a v o r -
a mile South of Eatontown Village.
BEGINNING at the eoutheastery corner between the hours nf ]2:00 o'clock and 5:08
I-larry Dennis and Louis Palmqulst
pipe. You wouldn't consider a Sub- and daughter Emma of this place at- milled in the most
of a lot of land formerly belontilntr to o'clock ( "jl 2:00 o'clock, eastern standard
Ansyl Spinning: thence (1) North thirty timc r in tht! afternoon of said dily, at t h a
eight degrees and fifteen minutes East six Court Hou>*c in the BoroURh of r'reehold,
stitute once you knew them. The tended the Trenton fair yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smock and son ADMISSION . . . 2 5 Cents. modern way—Heck- chains and ninety five links; thence (2) county of Monmouth, New Jersey, to satis-
South sixty two degrees and forty five fy a judgment of said Court amounting t o
, more you see of them the better Harold are at the fair today. ers' Superlative is a minutes East one chain and thirty min- approximately S728.
Tho Eatontown auxiliary of the utes East two chains and thirteen links;
you like them. The longer you wear All the defendant's rlcbt, title »nd In-
Long Branch hospital will meet next UNDER THE AUSPICES OP perfect Pie, Pastry, thence- (3) North forty eight degrees and
fifteen minutes East three chains and forty tereat in nnd to the following:
All that lot, tract or parcel of land t n d1
them the more lasting the bond be- Wednesday afternoon. Cake, Bread Flour. five links,, to land of Charles Wyckoff;
thence (4) Sruth fifty deffreca nnd twen- premises, hereinafter particularly described,
Mrs. Harry Rowland is steadily ty one minutes Enst, nineteen chains and situate, lyini: nnd hoinc in the Township
tween youand Plorsheims becomes. Improving at tho Long Branch hos-
pital from an operation for gall Monmouth County richty one links t o t h e corner o( William of Middletown. in th« County of Monmouth
H. Dangler's Innd; thence (5) South forty and State of New Jersey.
one degrees and thirteen minutes Weat BEGINNING nt r\ point in the center of
stones. She will bo at the hospital
about three more weeks. I 'ouperlati've
eleven chains and sixteen links to n Btone the public road lcadins fri>m Harmony to
in said Dnnetcr'a Westerly line and being Port Monmoulh In th*' northwesterly cor-
WHITE SHOE CO. Clyde Hayes and family spent Sun- Horticultural Society, Inc. •qiialitij-the
the Northerly line of land purchased of ner of lands nf John J. Murphy and at tho
mud Jackson by P . L. Corbln: thence <6> «nd of the third course in said road (n a
dny and Monday with Mr. Hayes's North thirty seven degrees and thirty min- certain deed fi-oin Gcnirdua C- Morris, a n d
9 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. parents near Liberty In Sullivan faying'flour utes West twenty two chains and twenty wife to Stephen (Jroely, dated September
five links to t h e place of beginning. Con- 16, 1908, and recorded in the Monmouth
county, New York. taining twenty five acres, b'e the same County Clerk's office in Book 8.13 of Dmrii,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bruco and. more or Ie3s. on pajres 'ISO, etc., and runnins thenco ( 1 )
a group of boys and girls are organ- BCiuthevly alonK the center .of said road,
ALI( that certain tract or parcel of land, ninety feet to » point, thenco (2) easterly
izing a dramatic club, and promises hereinafter particularly de- on a line parallel with the third course In
Arthur Whitfleld took Phyllis and scribed, situate, lying and being in the the aforesaid deed from Morria to Groeljr,'
Township of Eatontown. in the County of recorded in Book 833, papes 459. etc., four
Julia Miller, members of the Metho- Monmouth and State of New Jersey,'oh hundred and eiphty-tfour feet to a point;
dist Sunday-school, to Atlantic City t.hf. road from Eatnntown to Shnrk River, thence (3) northerly, on a lino parallel
Saturday. Mr. Whitfleld Is enjoy- being a part of the property conveyed to with the flrHt course, be the distance what
Isabella White, wife of Curtia White by a it may to the line of landa of said John
ing a two weeks' vacation from his Deed from Joseph Richmond, dated March J. Murphy and strikinc thp necond couria
work at the Seacoast trust company 3, 1870, recorded in Monmouth County in the deed nforesald recorded in Book 88S
at Asbury Park. He is one of tho Cterk'a Office in Book 224 of Deeds, page of Deeds, panes 451>. etc., thcr.ce (4) west- -
205, etc. erly, alonK said Murphy line, beinir t h o
leaders of tho Sunday-school and he
BEGINNING a t a stake In the Ifne of same second course, aforesaid, be the d i t -
has spent most of his vacation fitting naid road and also in the line of other tancc whnt it may to >t Spitnlsh Oak Tree.
out a new classroom for the begin- lands of said Pierre Louis Corblin. thence now or formerly It boinjr the ending of
ners' department. (1) in a westerly direction in a line aT the second course in the nf ores aid deed
right ancles with tho aforesaid road two from Morris to (Jreely* thence (5) notth, 62
Mrs. Leroy Y. Dlllcner, Mrs, Frank hundred and eighteen feet to a stake; decrees and B5 minutes west (needle of
Woods and Mrs. James Stcen attend- theno4--(2) in a southerly direction in D 1008) 3fi3 feet to the point or placa of
line parallel with the road aforesaid one beginning*.
ed sessions of the Presbyterian sy- hundred feet to a stake; thence. (3) in nn
%e%mancc ofJmeriam flvdrcss nodlcal missionary society meeting at easterly direction in n. line at right angle* BeinK the same nrpmlses conveyed t o
with the last mentioned course two hundred John R. Grecly by Delia Greely and huo-
Asbury Park last Thursday and Fri-
nntl. eighteen feet to the road aforesaid; bnnd. Tliia conveyance is made BUbJect t o
day. Bev. Mr. Dillener, Mlsa Sarah
Nlvlson and Miss Inez Bennett at- Sizes Sizes Sizes thenco (•!) along said road northerly one any and all mnrtK»Kca held by the Atlan-
hundred feet to the beginning. Containing tic Highlands Building nnd Loan ABHOCI*-
te'nded tho Presbyterian young peo- nc-half of an acre. tion on said property, which tho party of
ple's conference at Asbury Park Sat- 14 to 20. 36 to 44. 38 to 52. ALL that certain tract or parcel of Innd the second part i i ^ u m c and agrees to pay.
nnd premises hereinafter particularly de- Seized us the property of Susan J. Grec-
urday. . . " ' situate, lyinpr nnd beinff in the ley. et nl, taken in execution a t the *uit
The Methodist Epworlh league Is Township of Eatontown, in the County of of Second National Rank and Trust Com-
Moiumiulh and State of New Jersey, about pany of Red Bank. N, J., nnd to be sold b r •
holding special rally services this one mile south of Eatontown village, upon HARRY N. JOHNSON, Sheriff.
week. The devotions began with a
meeting Sunday night. A business
Materials are Broadcloth, Cheviots, Tweeds, Alpaca the highway leading from Eatontown to
Shark River.
Dated September 23, 1929.
Applejtate,,Stevens, Foster,
BEGINNING nt a corner of the afore- Lcnnard & Keiiasillt\ Attorney*.
meeting was held last night, a so-
ciable will be given Friday night and
Pile. Colors—Tari, Brown, Green, Gray, Navy and said highway in the line of lands of Ben- (64 lines)
min Jackson und the southeast corner of
i $2li.fl8
the services will be brought to a close the lands of Henry Howiand; thence (I) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.
with a special program Sunday night. Black. Flared and draped models, as well as the id highway south sixteen degrees Notice
nnd thirty minutes cast fifty feet to n will be received ny the Borough of Sea-
ia hereby given that sealed bid*
Miss Ethel Horno "will have charge of take for a, corner; thence (2) south sev- bright for the construction of a atc«I
iViday night's party. Mrs. Georgo B. straight line. Luxurious fur collars and cuffs of enty-two degrees nnd fifteen minutes west nhenthin" hulldiead with stone fill in front
ie hundred fli>d fifty feel to a stake for of the proportion of Jmhrio, Koch nmt
Whitfleld, Arthur and Lester Whit-
corner; thence (3) north sixteen degrees Alexander, mid npened nnd rt-ad in public a t
Hold and Miss Mary Dennis attended
the fall Epworth league convention
Badger, Skunk, Wolf, Fox, French Beaver, Mar- ami thirty. minuted weat fifty feet to a SenbriKlit, the* Council Km>m (,f ntiiii Borough' of
MnnmoutU county, N. J., a n
stake for a corner standing in the Routh Friday evening,
Saturday at Neptune City. line of .Henry Howland's land; thence ,(•!» o'clock P. M. October 4th. 13119, at eight
Itev. J. J. Messier will attend a
mink and many other attractive furs. along said Howland's ] n nd north spvrntv-
Drawings and specifications for the p r o -
ivta dojiroort and fifteen minutes east one
banquet next Monday at Pennington hundred and fifty feet to the Beginning. posed work, prepared byi Borough Kngincer,
seminary for Methodist ministers in EXCEPTING AND RESERVING out of O. It. Seanmrr. ha\o lie» n filed in the oftlca
tile Now Jersey conference. the above described premises so much of of *ald O. K. Svamivn. iltt Uromlwny, l.on«
Uranch, N. J.. mid ni^y bf inspected by
the above premises a« may have been con- prospective bidders during business bouri.
A quarterly confcrorlco for ' tho veyed by P. L. Corblin in hia lifetime to
Peter Skullion. no being the intention of The standard pmpotal form ii attached to.,

Rickett's Steam Carriage fot

Methodist churches of this place, Red
Bank, Oceanport, Rumson and Lit-
tlo Silver will be held here Wednes-
day night, October 16th. Rev. Fur-
man A. DeMarls will be tho principal
speaker and a musical program will
HATS !hi* contract to convey the farm us devised funnelled
to the trustees in the Will of Pierre L.
Ci Thl in, deceased, containing f>3 acres.
' Said excepted portion being described m
HEGINNING at the most northerly point N.
the speciiications, copies tif which will' b«

to pruspectivc
on appHi:ntiiin,
Plans nnd si'fi-ifirnVn'ii-1! will l>n furnished,
bidders, nt the otflce of Raid. -
O. K. Seaman. *J 10 Br.Midway. Lomr Branch.
J.. upon payment of tif teen liollnrs
(?ir..O0), nt wliU-li r.mniint ten dollar*
r>f the tract of twenty-five acres cttti- ($10.00) will be refunded upon tho return
vi-yrd to Pierre L. Corblin by Jurison Pat- (
Common Roads. bo given.
Mrs. Robert Aumack returned
t'-rfnn by dreil of April, l a w . und fnim nf thf
"d. I
ni n'fore t hh o
i been « u b -
thi-nre running ( I ) smith fifty degrees! tiinr *l>
home last week from St. Luke's hos- twenty-one minute*: east four hundred nnd I niittcii. If V,n Mil i tiiitu<d t h e c n t i r a
thirty-two and -lfl l00 of a; thrneo ; n t »ill ho f«irf it'-i'l.
(From the Scientific American, July 2d, 1860.) pital at NewYork, where she was a C2) south twenty-seven degrees* fmty-flve I [!:. •ui-t l>e .on imhml proposal
surgical patient. te«l ihcrein and
About lift y persons attended the
For Miss and Matron. minute* west three hundred nnd t « » f^et (
to a point; thenco C3) north sixty-one d e - | hv tl'u' W M, imist In) en-
rrccf thirty mimitci west so von hundred \ , haiiriniE th«
Just lmoEine tho congestion on Broad Street If theso Presbyterian Sunday-school supper at and four foot to a point; thence (l> northj IMI ji i>f ifi* 1 hidder mid tho
un the ttutaide,
neat little two-nnil-n-half ton Btcnm-o-mobllcs hud the chapel Friday night. Those who
assisted with the supper are Mrs.
In fine Felts, Velvets, Velour and Soliel. Colors—Tan, Brown, Black and thirly-iML'bt decrees fifteen minutes oartt j
mil' hundred nnd iiinptofii feet tn'n point:!
f the
c-l t o
iii.:h (.'oiinrtl. BnroUgh
1h p tic ft 1 f>) south sixty-tw n IIOHTPIM mid t (1f Si' iitll CuUtlty, N, J.. allll
becomo ns common as tho present dny cars. William E. Morris,, Mrs. Carl Whlte- 11 by » certified l k
liurst, Mrs.\Melvin R. VanKeuren, Jr., all the season's popular colors. fortv-live miinito^ runt one hundred nnd
twenty nnd 7^ 101) of n foot to n piiint;
he a.-.-.
...•;l for t h r Hum v r f'ent (lO1^;.)
Mrs. Benjamin VnnKourcn, Mrs. Al- tl'i'ru'e M>) ntirth forty degrei'3 thirty , j n . l a m o u n t bid >n t l ; - work, payable
Inmglnr, loo, tho congestion tucro would bo In tho IUPB c:ist ono hundred nnd forty an.I T
bert Smock, Mrs, Earl Hathaway, r^ 1 100 fi'ft to a point; thtMHT 17) north | hriL'ht, and , '-iirotv f o m p a n y
flnnnclnl end of tlin modern business concern tvero Mrs. Howard Davidson, Mls3 Sarah IiM-ty-ei«hL dcrreo^ fifteen miimtoi ni^t lilt! v-a\i\ s u r e t y e m p
Nivlson,' Minn Inez Bennett, Mr. f,v»i'hiindpcd1 »nd twenty-seven inidTOMOft
It not for the Innumerable and invnlunbln services
rendered by tho modern bank. You will find tho
Morris and Mr. Whitehurst.
Edward Aumack, Jr., and family
Suits * .95 to $14.95 fi-i't !ii tilt pttint or place nf. Hin:inijinit. ' ml'lide
C.-n'aiuink' four »nd 1') 101* ncr,-.. h • befo
idder with t h e ri*qut"«l
ili-llveicil » t tho pl
iibnv(» n a m e d .
IIi'iiiK HIP muni northwcstU-rly corner of! In.! II iiKh (\ uiiril off the h PorouftK #f
have moved from Albert Wolcott's the tnu-t nf t«rnv-«v.. ncrcs aforV^id con- j Scal»r.(Ihh tin- ri«ht to r.'Jert Why
commercial department of tho Ilrond Street Nation-
al Bank well equipped (o assist you In ninny phases
apartment on Main street to Joseph
Miller's house on Lewis street. The sweaters $2,95 •M t . i Piern- I- iTorl.Hn by Judoon Put- •"•."»,
i.v iit..-<l of April, l.SSt'. Pierri! L. "
rcxervinn tn jiini^rir bin heirs nnd Hy
-fried to the Intorenl oi
o do.
i' Hun* Kh (Juunc 1 Hi»r-
house has been wired for electricity. furcvor a pi'ipotufil rixht to use in N, J.
of your business. ' Mrs. Curtis Green was out last with 1'etor R. Skullion, the brook Dated SeptoniliLM. ^1
running throuwh lands, of Peter I: \V. FATIY,
week, for the first time slnco she fur tht* pitrpone of drninini; the
v/us serlouHly sick. ds of I'ie Co •blin and tn muintnin
Mrs. Charles Broi'He Is visiting her inw constructed over IN C H A N C E R Y OI N L W J E U S E Y .
1 the hnds of Peter S, Skullion. T O D O U G L A S 1,. 1 I Y I I H :
con, Albert Breen(\ at, Atlantic City. 1
HKINCi the same preinlseji conveyed to ' H y v l r U i . - o f n n . . r . h - r nf I h a d m r t o f
THE BROAD STREET The Presbyterian Gleaners society
will meet Friday nfternoon to ar-
" i\w>. *iw\ Jiimo» Viui Ryuten ami O k a M. C l i u n c e r V o f ' N i - w .1,r>rv,
i Van Ki'iirtMi. lunbaml mid wife, by Cliarten d n y o f thr- <lnt.- l i n . - d ' , i n n n - r l i i l i i v a n * *
i A. lladkt: Mart*) J.. Rodlut nnd Murk V J h v r v i n !MnTvi:in'l \'.. ]{y i <1 n \u-\ I t j t u m r , niu\
'u.ul-, o n " t h o

NATIONAL BANK rango for tlielr snmi<j!. supper the

third week in October.
Miss Margaret Messier received a
\{, ilkf. nil siiiOrio tiumona, by d.-.'d dated y o u l i r e i U ' l ' i - i n l m i t , ;, <<n H I T i tn|.iir«.-ii t u
'.Inly 1-. lH-:i, and 1reoonltd in lh« M<m-
nniulb fmun'y I'li'rk * ofllco in BuciU 1'1'IH IHitUim'i n n I T b r i m . - -lluf o)<>v<'nlh d a y tit
I ot non.i* nt VftKe \»r>.- N u v v i u l x ' r n « - M , <"• i n d « f « u U tltuM'>i(, t l u c U .
new Victor radio set last week as a
1 KXOFPTINl) AND UKREIlVINr; out cil d e r m - will I..' titlu-n ntjtihi-tL y o u I U " O i l
present from her father, Rev. • J J. tin* (list trnct hcrelimbove de»i-ribt'd all t h i n l i (iciilitnblo m i ' l jtl ja.
I Messier. that ci'itain two acre tract. Thl! MllK« obtain a
HKOINNING »t a ntone In tht? line- fl miirriiiff*
Mrs. William Davia nnd Mrs. Ar- Hiop'Tty owiiL'd by Joel Ficldu nnd M lh<
thur Frazlor attended the wedding
'last week nt Reading, PennsyH'nnia,
of Miss Myrtle Edwards and Herbert
63 BH€AD tYKEET ! RED EANK : N. J. >M»iit>!\vi'st turner of the whole tract oT Unil
owned by the nail! Janiei Van Keui i-n:
Ihenrp . (1> 'nlcntf the ennt liiif or ih>
ty ownrd by the Rftlil Jorl r ' " '
Parsons, both of Long Branch. Miss North twenty two dcsreci ond Mutn mln. Uotod, Srpltmbtr 10, IJJ*.


A. L. Davison of State to Have Headquar-
Blatchley'sDucKs Commercial Body ANNUAL MEETING AT ASBURY
ter, at Aabury Park.
The Sheriffs' association of New

FARK IN NOVEM5BEB. Jersey will maintain headquarters in
are ready. Tho same flne quality, positively tha besl "Sucks tha* Building and Repairs tho Electric building at Asbury Park
can be grown. They are youne and tender, only about 13 weeks of All Kinds. Stale Horticultural Society's Pro- as a preliminary measure In coping
gram for Three-Day Session Is An-with the Increasing rate of crime in
old. «nd are not creasy like other ducks. Blaclismlthlng, Repairing, Auto nounced—Cempetttlro Exhibition of the stato and particularly along the
They may be had by calling on our farm at Eaat Freehold or Springs, Solid Truck Tires, Fruits and Vegetables. shore. ITnder-aherifT John A. Butler
Pneumatic Truck Tires. Announcement of the program for of Asbury Park is largely respon-
by parcel port. Service Firestone Station, the annual meeting of the New Jer-sible for opening of these headquar-
Established over 25 Years. sey horticultural society, scheduled ters. Radio messages will be broad-
Our Price is 38c per Pound Local Distributor (or the for Aabury Park from November cast from stations WCAP, Asbury
20th to 22d Inclusive, has been made Park, WOR of Newark and WPG of '' Be ran II Is Puritan Dairy's Milk—then you
When your Springs break or by Prof. A. J. Farley, extension Atlantic City. will know that you have the beat thai can be
Tou cannot buy poultry or meat o( atiy kind that can compare your car doesn't run right or pomologist for the Hew Jersey agri- produced. You can smile wisely at tha meisage
with our ducks at anywhere near tho price ivo ask. We Invite there's any other trouble which cultural experiment station and sec- UNION BEACH NEWS.
retary of the Horticultural society. 61 IBS soaring bird-man.
Visitors to call and Inspect our plant miRht be traceable to Springs,
come to me, I can fix it. The features of this year's meet- I Donations Received for Stations of
BLATCHLEY BROS. Ing will be the educational program Cross In New Church. His Iron-rufKed strength la built on many •
WHARF AVE., BED BANK. dealings with problems of New Jer- Miss Grace Robedee has accepted
Telephone 1050. bottle of our dellctoui milk.
FHONE S68-F-3 FREEHOLD EAST FREEHOLD sey fruit and vegetable growers, the a position with the Hanson-Van
competitive exhibit of fruits and vege- Wlnklc-Munnlng company of Mata-
tables, and an apple packing contest •wan. ^ "A Puritan Dairy Product
Dr. W. J. Splllraan, senior econom- Mr. and Mrs. H. Rleger and chil-
ist for the U. S. department of agri- dren ll » Pure Product"
Irene and Harry, Jr., Mr. and
cultural, will be one of the principal Mrs. J . Fish and Mr. and Mrs. Chris
ppeakers on the educational program. Vogler spent Sunday a t Barnegat.
His talk, scheduled for Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cowlcy of
evening, November 20th, will deal Freehold
with the present status and future ter's sister,
prospects of New Jersey's extensive Mr. and Mrs.
spent Sunday with the lat-
Mrs. B. A. 'Aumack.
Puritan Dairy
fruit and vegetable industries. Richard West a n d
Mrs. Laura West motored to tho-
Aa Important divisions of the edu-Crystal Cave on Sunday. Phone Red Bank 2030.
cational program, special sessions Mrs. Charlotte Hardy of Woodslde,
This Week Only • . . An Exceptional Value will be conducted in soil improve- Island, spent a few days with
ment problems, insects and diseases
of fruits, insects and diseases of veg- Mr.TheandUnion Mrs. Myron Hardy,
Beach Catholic club
For The College Miss . . . And Those Who etables, better spraying methods, and held their regular
successful Marketing practices. monthly card
party on Friday evening with the
Dr. J. G. Lipman, director of the usual large attendance. Many hand- >^^
Demand A Fur Qarment Of Warmth, Smart' New Jersey agricultural experiment some prizes were awarded and after
station find dean of the agricultural the games rcfreshemnts were served. ••#»»••»•»•»•••»#»•»••••§»•••••••»>•#»•••«•»•••»«»»•••••>•)
cull»;i\ Rutjrers- university, Is one of Mrs. D. Whltaker h a s had several
ness and Sturdy Wearing Qualities . . . the spnikers listed on the soil im- hundred dollars donated for the Sta-
prnv;m:'m, program. He will discuss, Ition.-; of the Cross of the new Holy
"Lim • nml Organic Matter as Fac-j Family church on Stone road.
tors in Fruit and Vegetable Produc- Andrew Bender of Jersey City has
t:cm." New Houses for Old
purchased a new house on Shore
In t.V1.? sessions devoted to insects rond and will be a year around reBi-
ar.-l !.-*rs?3 of fruits and vegetables, dent.
C:: i'.:.-rj;jlom will be led by Dr. T. Mr. and Mrs. George Sappah and
J. IV-ii-n; and Dr, W. H. Martin, eri- family spent Thursday e v e n i n g . a t
Do you want to trade your old
tomo'-'.in uml p\int pathologist re-
r..">^a>^.'o!y for t'l? L'tate agricultural Jcrs?y City visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Whitaker and son '
! house for a new one ?
c:."v;:v-:~:H s'ntion. ^. Willi'ir.) attended the wedding nf
N'."./ rml promislnq: varieties of l.l'.:c, Helen Campbell to Francis J. •
tr??; 1nn'l inia'l fruiu will be cle-Long We have several FINE NEW
scrib?' . <".u inT or? oT t!'."! s?23ion3 by Sunday.a t Kingston, New York, en ;
P.-')C. .:. H. O'i:'.: of IV.'"."":-3 unlvor-'
sil;: v.vl r-i-i.tcyy.- F n ' - \
HOUSES. Priced from $7,500
to $20,000—to trade for old
i"i v l ' l b- or.nlaincd
nf Charflon, l lilrs. Mary Jane Conover Celebrated
of.n.T sci:-:inn.
liv a rountl
9Sd Birthday Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Jane Conover celebrated
houses and a little cash. .;K * •#**.
i ' , : • '.on, hy V.*. W. Olry, her 93d birthday last Wednesday sur-

<-' '•.". - ' i u o f
rounded by friends who came with
-. '.If^K.lliurnt of rgl iculturc. icongratulations and gifts.
Don't miss this if yoirwant a Better home.
(-: :'.! : <iC ruarh^tiny Ncv/ Jorsoy i Mrs. Lydla Fields returned on Fri- We also have FOUR ALMOST NEW
fir i: ..lid vo£:-t.iblcs. Results ob-i day from a visit with her niece, Mrs.
trti.i • :l i;i tlie conduct of farmers' Archie Rutherford of .Red Bank. HOUSES in good locations and in fine
m:i!lft3 at Cedatville, Swedesboro, _,Mls3 Helen Magee was home over condition. .
and Asbury Park will be explain* tne week-end. r
the annual banquet ot tnl horfiF Miss Ruth Ely entertained at din-
diltura! society will be held Thurs- ner un Saturday, friends from Eliz- Priced way below their values—average
day evening. November 21st, andabeth. Her guests were Misses
John Dennis Mahoney, principal of Wllhelmlna GroBS, Lillian Murphy,
sale price about $7,000, all rented and
Va!ues% $400" the West Philadelphia high school Clare Ricco, Adah Wade, Catherine producing'good investment income. Mod-
has been secured aa the principal Clbse, Grace Eldrcd and Mrs. Fachet. erate down payments.
speaker. Entertainment will follow. The firemen were called out Mon-
EXCEPTIONAL DARK SKINS, EXPERTLY MATCHED, In the' two apple packing contests, day afternoon to. a fire on the farm
prizes of as high aa $15 are offered known as tho Hendrickson farm at
for speed and skill in this work. The Bradevclt. Considerable damage was
packing is to be done in tub bushels, done by the cxploslonof an oil stove
and entries close on November 11th. in tho farm-house kitchen.
Apples and containers will be sup- Mrs, Edward Bathgate moved to
plied to each contestant. Freehold on Monday.
The exhibit will bo set up In the Amos Marks of Newark spent Sun-
Arcade at Asbury Park and It will day with hia parents. Opposite the Molly Pitcher
include county displays, commercial Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson Phone Red Bank 2199.
exhibits, novelties and odd forms of have been visiting their son Ellis
fruits and vegetables, and numerous Thompson of Highlands. v
other ^classes. The committee in
Furriers Since 1895 charge of the exhibit consists of Prof.
M. A. Blake, New Brunswick, chair-
RED BANK LONG BRANCH man; Eugene E. Beyer, Mount Holly;
and W.. Raymond Stone, Hacken-
Broad at Mcch?.r'-r 158 Broadway sack.
A Chicken Supper For tho Benefit of
the Community Club.
Everything is in readiness for the
chicken supper which will be held at
the clubhouse of the Community club
tonight. It will be directed by a com-
mittee consisting of Mrs. James Tay-
lor, Mr3. Edward H. Scattergood and
all other low-prieed sixes
During 1928, a large public
Mrs. Vandiyveer VanDorn.
The 500 club met last Thursday at
the home of Mrs. William Kancy
First and second prizes were won by
Mrs. Harry.Clayton and Mrs. James
Taylor. Mrs. William Kaney reveived
tho heart prize and Mrs. George
longer cost
utilities corporation operated
996 automobiles of 33 different
Kahey got the consolation prize.'
Mrs. Charles Thompson was a vis-
ltor at Elmora last Thursday.
makes. And according to its
own accurately recorded cost ever ^ ^ Mrs. Edwin H. Brasch has been
sick with grip and she has been un
This bank, as executor, promptly has com-
figures, its Pontiacs cost one
cent less per mile to operate
able to attend to her duties as prln
clpal of the public school.
E. Graham Caldwcll is spending
petent investigators look into the estate, deter-
than any oilier lotc-priccd six
in the field at that time. Vet
even that (^cat record of
two weeks at Ortley Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt M. Decker and
their daughter, Mis Berdardine Deck-
mine values, examine titles—and mortgages, if
economy is bring surpassed
by the Ponliac Bix Six because
er, have returned from a trip of two
weeks to the Catsklll mountains and
other parts of New York state.
any. •i

of a number of refinements John Brower, who has been sick

and advancements which this with pneumonia, la rapidly Improving'
latest Pontiac includes.
and he is now able to'sit up.
Mrs. Michael Crowley is having
concrete driveways made on her
Stocks, bonds, securities and all claims
properties at this place, which are oc- against the estate are investigated.
BIG SIX cupied by John Jacotra and William
Peterson. c^,.
The 500 club will meet Thursday
afternoon of next week at the home
of Mrs. George Koney. This is just the beginning of an executor's
LEONARDO duties.
FASTER /. o. b. PontUc, Mich*
Two Families nf Summer Residents
Return to Their City Homes.

Five-Pans a n g e r 2-Door Sedan
Body b y Fisher
The Pontiac IHB Six la araflabl* today tn
(The Red Bank Recisttr can b« bought
each week in Leonardo at tht itora of Fred
Do you know any individual with the time
• rarirly of tho Krnwn'* moil popular
*harira of I>uco. When you come to •*•
It bring your present car for our liberal
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goertner and
family have returned to Westfleld af- or experience toproperly perform such a task?
MORE POWERFUL appraisal. I*t us show you how ra#Uy
jnu ran own and enjoy a new Pontlaa
Ilj^SixJ |
ter having spent the summer here.
John Oherle. Jr., h a s bought
Consider tlin drlircred price aa well ai Chevrolet Bedan.
SAFER tho lint (f. o. In.) price vrhen comparing
tintomohileValurfl . . .Oakland-Pontiaa
fMi*rre<I price* Include only author!***!
Norman Burdgo li sick with
heavy cold.

(ImrRm for freight and delivery and tb«
rhnrfir for nny ndditionnl lUMioriM o*
financing <lr»ir»<l.
ran'tnc IH* Six,'$745 to $S9S, f. o. b.
VoMiac, Mich., plug delivery charges.
lUtmpern, spring enrert and Lovmjtvf
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorpe Stlmls and
family of Millburn spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mr. a n d Mrs. Gil-
bert Stlmls.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Melsler of Pennsyl-
The Second National Bank & Trust Co.
LONGER-LIVED ^ *hock absorbers regular equipment at
ttittht extra cost. General Motor* Tim*
fayment Flan available ai minimum
vania have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kecfer.
Herbert Ullrich has bought a Chrys-
ler roadster.
Miss Marian !Mllcs, w h o Is em-
T. F. Morford Motor Car Co., Inc ployed by the New York telephone

21 Mechanic Street, Red Bank.

company, has returned from a camp-
Ing trip and she Is spending two
weeks a t home,
Total Resources Over x-
Mr. a n d Mrs. "Madison have r e -
663 Broadway, Long Branch,
• Phono 2)68.
405 Monroe Ave., Asbury Park.
turned to JJew York after having
spent tho summer a t their place In
the Mardean section.
Ten Million Dollars
Phono Asbury Parli 491L .
*• , »
- h. Do Ton Read ThemT
The clns.ilfled advertisements In
JOE LEVY T. F. Morford Motor Car Co., Inc. The Register contain worth while op-
31 Eaat Main Street, Freehold. ' 107 Main Street, Avon.
portunities for everybody.—Adver-
tisement. .
Page Fifteen "
Three In State Opened With 250
Pens Entered.
the Hunterdon county competition at
Flemington Is new this year. HWMMM
74 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J.
New Brunswick, N. J., (AP)—New Regulations Fur Inspection More
Jersey's three egg laying contests'
ITEAM and BOX WATER FITTING—Gut tori. Leaders and Tin Bodflit* opened the 1929-1930'season yesterday
Itlgld Tills Year.
with 250 Mteen-bird entries from 12 Trenton, N. J., (AP)—"Our eave-a-
statea and 2 Canadian provinces In llfo motor vehicle Inspection cam-
Beautiful Grounds
in Spring
Lawes Lehigh Anthracite
their pens, a larger entry llBt than paign, which began -ycnterday and

FIRELES5 have similar competitions of anycontinues through October in con-
other state. junction with a similar campaign In Fall Planting
GasRanffi The thrco New Jersey cgg-Iaylng Pennsylvania, will be still more suc-
contests, which poultrymen consider cessful this tomo than last year's.
as Indispensable to their poultry judging by all advance Indications,"
rr-rftcns, Mountain
liOflendronn, Azaleas,
nials, Peonies, Flowering
Rones, Jap.ineso Maples,
breeding and Improvement program, says William L. Dill, state motor ve- erinf? , Almonfl. Ilavrthorne,
are located at Vlnoland, Paterson and hicle Inspector. Mf>t:nf(itn A.^JL etc.
Flemlngton. Each of tho Vlneland "In answer to our requests for co-
and Paterson contests houses 100 operation, loiters are pouring in from ffave Plenty of Color jmd Flower in your Planting,
flocks, while tho Flomlngton com all parts of tho state, pledging th Ask us how it is done.
petition ha3 room tor only 50 entries. support of mayors, police chiefs and
In each of the contests, the com-other officials," he went on. "What Tour Planting may consun. al ?25,00 or more. We You Shotald
peting entries are housed, fed, andpleases mo particularly Is the lino ahall bo glad to advlaa you to get the bent effect
cared for under a uniform plan of service that our neighbor Pennsyl-
management to preclude any poa- vania) is rendering to the cause of for -which wo have thousands of email Evergreen*
Iblllty of favoritism. All of tho 3,780 safety. Hcdeo Plwita and Flowering Shrubs,
birda entered eat the same ration, "BosldeB the official activity of the
and the Individual differences In eggmotor vehicle department there, In
production that are certain to develop a similar crusade, automobile groups
during the 51 weeks of competition In Pennsylvania are doing their ut-
will be the result of tho fowls' In- most to fufther the Idea, thus, one
Write our landscape Depnrtment for
better planting

Visit oar 100-Rcre Hursery for Ppcolraon Plants, .

I Fuel Oil—Wood
]! For All Burners.
herent ability 10 ptoduoo eggo. Trap, organization In Phlltuloluhla hag
nesta, devices which make It possible placed along the highways attractive,
to determine accurately the number Illustrated posters, showing a police-
There ii
of eggs laid by each bird, aro In-man halting a motorist and saying:
stalled In all tho contest pens. "You'd better have your car Inspect-' PLAINF1ELD CALL 1251 RED BANK.
Although most of tho entries In thoAutoed.' Tho poster also says; 'Keystone
contest which started yesterday JerseyClub, co-operating with thr> New NURSERY, Inc.
than a ..
originate In New Jersey, there are hicles.' " department of motor ve-
flocks from as far west .as Washing-
ton, as far south as South Carolina Regulations for Inspection will be
and as far north as Canada. much more rigid this year than last,
According to Prof. Willard C. Mr. Dill intimated. He pointed out
Scotch Plains, N.J.
Tel. Fanwood. Till COAL CO.,Inc.
Thompson, pqultry husbandman for that Instead of the 4,000 testing sta- •a—scaaaQecaaaaaaseaa—»aa W W W W M B M W
the Now Jersey agricultural expor- tions authorized for the campaign of
lment station, the state's three egg- September a year ago, there will be
laying contests are not operated only 1,300 this time, as Inspectors
merely as races or competitions, but have been busy all year finding out
rather as Institutions which direct what garages are equipped to carry
The Radio for Your Home and guide poultry breeders In theon the teats In the manner prescribed

The New No. «42 Screen-Grid

development of more efficient flocks. by tho department.
"New Jersey's poultry keepers and As proof of the value of these saye-
egg farmers, whose industry Is worth a-life campaigns, the motor vehicle
nearly $25,000,000 a year," he states, commissioner reftrred to statistics
SlromberfCarlson realize that the most importantsfac- clte*4 In hH annual report. For ex-
tor in securing economical and profit- ample, in the examination, of brakes
able egg production is the Inherent last year, 461,713 were found In good
capacity of the laying birds to pro-condition, but 64,631 wore adjusted
With Linear Power duce eggs efficiently. This means and 22,718 had to be rellned.
that through selection and careful Steering apparatus was satisfac-
mating, each season should see an in- tory on 531,081 cars, but had to be
Unmatched in Tone and Beauty, this Receiver crease In the flock's average egg pro- adjusted on 12,896 and repaired on
duction. Our poultrymen have found 5,082 machines. Similar results wero

is designed to give in the widest sense the*
kind of Receiver yon want in year home.
•Linear" Power Detection as used by Strom-
berg-Carlson not only lends new gplendar to
that egg-laying Contests, which sup- shown in the other pieces of equip-
ply official records of egg production ment tested, including horns, mirrors,
and egg weight on tho birds entered, lights, windshield wipers, and license
are supplying data ' needed for a tags. All of these will be gone over
systematic and scientific plan of again in the new Inspection.
the celebrated Stromberg-Carlson Tone, but
also makes this wonderful Receiver more
selective and gives it a greater distance ability.
poultry breeding. As was the case last year, no test-
"Continuing the /practice Inaugur- Ing station is permitted to charge a
ated last year, the contest manage- fee for the examination, or affixing
ment Is weighing all eggs laid by the to tho windshield tho official label of
competing fowls. This procedure approval. Nor Is any station author-
Come in and see for yourself that this Ncnr No. Identifies tho birds which lay thoized to compel a motorist to have
Hecker's Macaroni
small and "pewee" eggs. With this adjustments or repairs made there In-
642 will fulfill your most exacting ideaL nformation available, the poultry- stead of In a place of his own choice.
man can reduce the number of small Whenever a garage or testing sta- Pillsbuiy Spaghetti or
Price without tubes $247.50 eggs produced on hla farm by breed- tion makes repairs In the course of
ng consistently only those birds the campaign, it will be entitled Jo
Gold Medal At All U S. G. STORES Noodles
which produce eggs weighing 24 orthe normal charge. _
D. A. JOHNSON CO. more ounces to the dozen."
The Vlneland contest Is the oldest Giant Celery.
15-17 Mechanic St., Red Bank, N. J. of the three In New JerBey. It was Coe brothers of Port Monmouth
l ' h o n o SCO.
started In 1916, and yesterday saw have a fine crop of celery this year.
the beginning of Its 14th year. Tho Last week they took a bunch to the
Passalc county contest at Paterson Freehold market which weighed 37
has just begun, its second year, and pounds. It contained twelve stalks. OCTOBER 3rd to OCTOBER 9

GUEST SOAP, 6 cakes.....25c M M , 3 pigs, 20c

FLAKES, large pfcg.. 21c ROYAL GELATIN, 3 fe ...20c
FLAKES, small pfe.. 9c Iferis BAKING POWDER, 12oz. can 19c
<RaIs!on's Breakfast Food, Ige. pkg. 22c FANCY ONIONS, 3 lbs ... 10c
M ™ Maple andCane Syrup, £L?e; .23c BAB-O, 2cans ... .25c
Octagon Washing Powder, Ige. pkg. 19c Scofeue TOILET PAPER, 3 rolls. 29c
October 1st to 10* KEN-L RATION, 2 c a n s . . . . . . . . 25c B.T.BABBimLYE,2cans.....25c

i CASH deposited in our

2 * 1 S H O E POLISH, c a n . . . . . . . . 10c Sun Maid Seedless RAISINS, 2 pkgs. 25c
the first ten days of October earns interest from the
first day of October—
D. S. G. COFFEE, Ib... ......49c LEADER COFFEE, lb.............39c
| Fresh Roasted. Fresh Packed .. Fine Flavor, Mild Drinliinir
POLO We Recommend

the Merchants Trust Company is the only bank in Red

Bank that pays you interest every three months.
Gold Medal
Interest on interest means more money for you. That's
why so many people are transferring their savings tn
HUNTING the Merchants.

A group of responsible Red Bank men, men whom

you know, headed by Henry Campbell, dean of Mon-
MOTOR BOATING for every baking purpose
"Cuts the high cost of living—6 extra slices"
mouth County bankers, is a guarantee of absolute
safety for your funds.' '
Red Bank: Atlantia JOconomy Store Milter St., near liny Ave., 19 Main St..
75 First Ave., Ilighlniuls, N. J. Keansburg, N. J.
RIDING YACHTING GEORGE W. BRAY Atlantlo Highlands, N. J. TeL Highlands 1210. ToL Keansburg CIO.
—ef'.-<- --...I
8 East Front St. ToL A. U. 28-J. FRANCIS KILDUFF
TcL It. B. 008.
OSCAR A. KEMMERER Leonardo, N. 3.
53 Monmoutb St.
ToL E, B. 912.
Belford, N. J.
TeL Kcansbure 0a
2S3 liny Ave.,
Highlnnds, N. J.
TeL Highlands 1109.
ToL At Highlands 211.
BROAD STREET, RED BANK Ulilto Hoiiso Store.
100 Lclcbton Avo. ROBERT B. RORKE GEORGE SCHMIDT Leonardo, N. J .
Tel. B. B. 1982. 217 Sceley Ave,
OFFICERS Nnvcslnk iiml Linden ;Aves., ToL A t Highlands 418.
KENNETH H. McQUEKN, President McNAIR'S MARKET Keansuurg, N. J. Highlands, N. J.
HENRY CAMPBELL., Chairman of the Boar* ToL Keansburg OIL CITARELLA BROS.
JA8. D. OTTERSON, JR., Vice Frca. and Treat. EDGAR N. McCLEES," Vlce-Preu. and Secretary i9 E. Front SL TeL Highlands 1177.
ToL K. B. 373. Llitlo Silver, N. J.
ARCHIBALD I* MILLER Vice-President J. ERNEST OLIVER, - Assistant Secretary ToL Itcd. Bank 2181.
B. H. Garrison 21 Vcarl St. S3 JMUllcr St., ' ' Bray and Thompson Aves., LUCIAN D'ANTHONY
Archibald V. Miller John J. Qulnn Paul Oschwald TcL It. B. 018-n.
Jacob Yonko Warren H. Smock Frank E. Price Clark Holbrook Highlands, N. J. Fast Koaiisbui'K, N, .1. - Mhldletunrn, N. J.
a. Harold Novlus Ray H. Stlllman Charles R. English Albert W. Wordcn * L. M. THOMPSON TeL Keansburg 523. Tel. allddiotown 273.
James D. Otterson, Jr. Fred W. Robinson Arthur C. Steinbach 135 Shrewsbury Avo.
Kenneth H. McQueen John Olbloa Joaso Mlnot TeL B. a U4&-W. OTTO GAUTSCHY FRED J. FINNERTY
188 Biiy Avo., FRANK HERTLE II Itlvor Itcind.
Hudson Ave. and Harding Rd. Highlands, N. J. Iliulet, N. J. Itumoon, N. 3,
,"The Bank Thai Banks on Red Bank" Tel. It. B' 2072. ,\ ToL Hifhlnnds 1299. TeL Kcynurt 038. TeL RimiHon .110.

Hurry poaton of AUantlo Hlghlan

Is Selected Foreman.
Harry Posten of AUantlo HIg.
land., an undertaker, was appointee
foreman of the Septomber grand jurj
at tho opening of court last weo'
Tha other jurors are J. Whittle]
Brooks, Asbury Park; Mrs. Virgin!
Llnde, Mlddletown; Isadora J. Tn
Smartest Winter Coats
bin, Red Bank; Dr. J. E. Mane
Long Branch; Mrs. Albert Ivlns, He
Bank; Mrs. Jennlo Parker, Lon
For Women & Misses Of Discernment,
Branch; Mrs. Bessie Hurley, Asbur
Park; Mayor J. William Jones, Lon
Branch; Edward J. Trayers, Lon
Branch; F. S. Horowitz, JUinM
Branch; Francis W. Downs, Sea-
bright; Moses Evans, Long Branch
Hyacinth Levy, Freehold; David B
Richmond, Engllshtown; Lewis P
Bodlne, Engllshtown; Harry A, Bor
den, Asbury Park; John Tallman
Asbury Park; Martin McCue, Lon
Branch; James P. MoKittrlck, Unlo
Beach; Harry Malchow,. Red Bank,
to $195
Charles R. Mount, Atlantic High
lands; Charles E. Close, Matawan j-'piese May be
xne group of new coats Irf
the Fashion Salon is eveiv Purchased On
Memorial Hall to bo Altered to Bu
changing1, ever-interesting.
as Talking Movie House.
(Th« Bed Bank Rerfiter oan bt bongh'
—etch witk in Keaniburg at the ptpra -
the Club Plan—
LcuU Volland, N. Santa Lucia, t i l Just at present it contains
Keller and Chulea VogtD
A card party was held at the horn some" beautifully tailored Economical suites, indeed . . , , "
of Mrs. Isabel Cyrus last Wednesda;
night for the benefit of S t Mark';
tweeds, and exquisitely fem- because of very special prices,
and because the Club Plan
church. inine coats of silk broad- makes purchasing decidedly
Daniel Connolly and Frank For-
mica have entered S t John's college, cloth. Lines are distinctive, convenient. Have you inquired
Fprdham, N. Y. tailoring is superb; collars about this sDecial Steinbach ser-
Mrs. Anna Kearns and Mr, an vice?
Mrs. Edward Tanner have returnei and cuffs of full pelted furs
from a trip to Atlantic City.
James She'ehan and Mr: and Mrs, including opossum, badger,
James Clancy are on a trip to Can- fitch, beaver, wolf, fox, mar-
John Grant of Hollywood, Fla., wh
has been visiting friends for several
mink and caracul and Per- $240 Colonial Suite $295 Louis XVI Adaptation
days* has returned home. sian lamb.
Robert Dunfee has returned from
the Long Branch hospital.
Alfred Nightingale and family ari
$198.50 $225.00
occupying their home on Palmer ave BTEI^BACHS-rSecond Flocf
Much of the charm of old England lingers In this This suite is a splendid modern adaptation of French
nuo again, Dr. Coll occupied thi
house during the summer. typically American colonial suite, designed in 6 furniture during the Louis XVI period. It retains
Mr. and Mrs. William Vogel havi pieces of genuine mahogany. It has a comfortable, all tho grace and verve of that bygone day with a
moved from Palmer avenue to Har- full-size bed, and all interior construction is dust- modern practicability. There are six pieces, of gen-
mony road. proofed and of solid mahogany. The price, we feel, uine walqut with burl walnut fronts and dust-proof-
Mr. and Mrs. William Pease have
returned from an automobile trip In is an exceptionally low one. ed white oak interiors. Full size bed.
the South.
Walter Conroy has added a sun Women's & Misses'
porch to his home on Palmer avenue.
The ladles' auxiliary of the Eaaf $397 French Empire Suite $340 Early American Suite
Keansburg fire company will hold a
card party on Saturday night
Street signs are being erected
throughout the borough.
Harry Seamen of West Keansburg
Knit Sports Ensembles $275.00 $250.00
has entered Rutgers college. New
Brunswick, as a student
In Inspiring Autumn Shades Quaintly lovely with a sophistication all its own, There's a rugged beauty in every line of early,
Mrs. Albert J. Hendrlckson of Pal- this hand decorated suite of genuine walnut. Among American design, a simple beauty which modern
mer avenue is about again after a its eight pieces are numbered twin beds, and all America finds refreshing and inspiring. All that is
slokness of several days.
John Petrulla. and, family have,
•••••• .116.95-to'$45.00 : ' - interiors ar& dustproofed, and of the finest white
oak. Its beautiful construction and design make a
to be found in this five-piece genuine mahogany
, suite, practically constructed with dustproof mahog*
moved to Lakewood. any interiors. Pieces include a full sized bed.
Mrs. E. Clarke has been entertain- No one denies the importance of the sports ensemble in the Auturrtn suite worth selecting. ,.
ing Miss Evelyn Knapp of JerBey
City. • • •
mode t . , Many times it is cleverly developed of tweed, in this in»
ttistance, of colorful, knit wool.
Policeman George Mauch Is on
duty again after a two weeks' vaca-
$275 Decorated Walnut Sheraton-Influenced Suite
Miss Beatrice Murphy, employed in
the borough collector's office, has re-
Finger-Tip Coats — Long Coats — Short Coats \ , .-.. ' - •• • $215.00
turned from a trip to Canada. Several attractive styles are featured . . . with such important trends
Miss Edna Graves has returned If you are a thoroly modern person, delighted, however, by Sheraton's exquisite choice of line, here is a gen-
from the Long Branch hospital. us the cardigan, belted tuxedo and straightline jacket noted. Some uine walnut suite to please you. It shows much of the Sheraton feeling, yet is modern to the last degree; it
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Swenarton toats have perfectly tailgsj-ssj, lotch ed collars, others are more feminine is attractively decorated: it has dustnroof mahogany interiors. Full size bed.
have returned from a trip to Can- in feeling.
Alex Rueger of EaBt Keansburg, STETNBAOHS—Third Floor
who was sick for several days, has
recovered. " Blues, tans, browns, greens, grays, orchid, black-and-white. Sizes 16
Leonard Slick and his brother to 20 and 36 to 40; . . , - . - •
Jacob are attending county fairs in
New England exhibiting a miniature
bungalow on wheels. BTiSlHBAOHS—Second Floor
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fields left Sat-
urday for Miami, Fla., where they
will spend the winter. .
Charles McGuire is building a gar-
age on Maple street.
These Seamless Sale Men's Oxfords
Mrs. Maurice Belglano has gone to

Servian Rugs
New York for a visit
Nicholas Deturo has purchased me-
morial hall on Main street from the
Keansburg fire company. For several
years the flre company has-been op-
erating moving picture shows during
Men's & Young Men's Suits
the winter months. Mr. Deturo will
make improvements to tho building
Of Impeccable Fabrics & Tmlpring Are Beautiful & Only
and will install equipment for the
production of talking pictures.
A supper was held at the Methodist
church Thursday night. .-"«
' $45.00
Charles Vogel, who wa3 severely in- Selected cassimeres and wor-
jured while at work on a building Enfield Rugs Are Also $98.00
at South River several months ago, steds . . . soft, fine, in effective
is able to be about with the aid of
crutches. i colorings and patterns . . . Au- One knows at a glance that both rug3 have been de- Regular $6.00 to .50 Grades^
Samuel Ruben has closed his drug tumn's best, tailored in two signed and executed by the Biglow-Hartford Mills
store on the boardwalk.
William R. Wilson ot Red Bank
and three-button sack and Eng- . . . the deep, rich, silky pile, the gloriously hued pat-
terns, the exquisitely lovely motifs all bear testimony
.Very Specially Reduced To
has bought property on Seeley ave- lish box models, also some slight-
to Biglow-Hartford origin.
nue. - . •. ly fitted. Many models with two
Thomas Martin and family have,
gone to Newark, for the winter. pairs of trousers. You will find a pleasing choice . . . of rugs which last
George Macdonald, who attended a lifetime . . . in the group. All are entirely seam-
Notre Dame university, South Bend, Grays, browns, tans and excel- less and 9 ft. x 12 ft. (Other sizes are priced in Eighty pairs of excellently constructed oxfords
Ind., last year, began the study of lent blues.
medicine on Tuesday at tho Cornell proportion). of finest materials! Eighty pairs of comfort,
university medical school. able, good looking shoes made to wear AND
Walter A. Conroy has a new auto- 1
Mrs. Amelia B. Moorfleld has re-,
turned to her Granville park home
after a trip to Canada.
Sale Top Coats Black or .brown calf, in the accepted styles , . , '
reduced only because our stock is much de-
William A. Gelhaua lias returned $35 and $40 Values pleted, so popular have these shoes been. Wa
from Washington, where he went in
tho interest of securing a deeper no longer have every size in every style. there*
channel in the Shrewsbury river.
Tho Women's club of Ideal Beach
$25,00 fore this drastic clearance!
will hold its final card party at tho STEINBACHB—First Floor
home of Mrs. Julia Barry on Park A clearance price only possible
avenue, October 12th. because sizes and styles are not
The Keansburg outboard motor-
boat club will hold a danco on Oc- complete. A practicable single- •
tober 26th. breasted model coat of medium
The Gcraldine Thompson unit will
meet at the home of Mrs. Nettie weight. Box back. Satin yoke
Jones on Essex street, Ideal Beach, and sleeve linings. Neiv Store Hours
tomorrow afternoon.
Miss Lillian Gelhaus spent the Tan and lighter gray mixtures.
week-end at Philadelphia,
Dr. J. P. Coll and family, who oc-
cupied Fred Nightingale's home on
Sizes include 35 to/40. 9A.M.to5.30P.M.Daily
Carr avenue during the summer, STEINBACHS—Second Floor
have moved to Fanwood.
Rev. H. E. Garrison has returned
Eastern Standard Time
from his vacation.
Mrs. Lucille Morgan has taken up
her residence at Jersey City.
Justice Ted.Brenton has returned
to his homo at Ideal Beach after a \
stay at New York.
Mr. and Mrg. Horace Fowler will
sail Saturday for a trip to Europe.
Fred Nightingale closed his store on
Carr avenue Sunday night.
The steamboat service between
Keansburg and New York ended on
Sunday for the present season. The
City of Keansburg has been taken to ASBURY PARK
Newburg, N. T., for the winter. The
other steamers of the Gelhaus Inter-
ests will for the first time be placed
In winter quarters on the Shrews-
bury river, probably at Pleasure bay.
RED BANK Uitud WMUr. Katml >4 Stumd-Glur Htttn at tin PoM-
offlo. at End Bank, a J« n d a to* A*t ot Much *, »»»•« JtED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 17 TO 328;
fLOWER SHOW OPEfflNG. A MINIATURE SAILBOAT, German Official and Party Stopped
# • •' • • • .
at Bed Bank Saturday. Owner of the Business.
BEADV BEEN BBOEJVED. \ Guatave Boess, mayor of Berlin In Bed's candy shop, In the Manee
BY BED BANKER. Germany, who arrived In this coun JAMES'S CHUBCH. MEETING HELD YESTERDAY. building on Monmouth street, has THE COUNTY JAIL. METHODIST CHTJECH PLOT.
The Armory Will Be Opened to the Thomas Morrlssey Build* Marconi-. try a few days ago, was a visitor at He Will Administer Confirmation Teams Appointed to Form Auxil- been bought from Mrs. Sarah Borner His Automobile Driving License Re-
Public at Four O'clock This Af- Red Bank last Saturday. Ha and his by Sol. A i d of Lakewood. The new The Offer Was Made by Warren H, '
Rigged Sloop Which Sails Itself— wife and six friends were on their Hera Sunday Afternoon, October iaries In the Towns and Villages owner la now in possession of th voked for a Year—Mr: Lucas HI Smock a t a Church Meeting LMt •
ternoon—Address on Outdoor Ad- It Defeated Over Thirty Other way to Atlantlo City and Washington 20th—Ho Will Also Inspect the Roundabout Bed Bank-—Colored business. For the post three years Policeman George H, Clayton and Friday Night—Sky-Scrnper Mar'be
vertising Tonight. Boata Near Newark Recently. Church Property. Folks to Hold Dance. a Tussle Ensued. Built If the Offer Is Accepted
Frank Edlngton, secretary of the and they stopped for dinner at the Mr. Axel has been associated with
Monmouth county horticultural so An exceptionally large model sail- Riverside grill. They were In thre Confirmation will be administered The second meeting of the execu- his father, Nathan Axel, owner ol Lester Lucas, a colored man who At a meeting of the quarterly con-.
ciety, had received 850 entries up t boat on exhibition In the'aisplay win- automobiles, decorated with Ameri- Sunday afternoon, October 20th, at tive committee of the auxiliary of Laug's Pine Needle taffy shop a lives at the southen end of Mapl ference of tho Red Bank Mdthodlst
•this morning for the society's S3< dow of R. Hanco & Sons of Broad can and German flags. After din- S t James's church by Bishop John Rlvervlew hospital of Red Bank was Lakewood. Only homemade candy avenue at Red Bank, was arrested church, held last Friday night, Witt.
annual .^exhibition of flowers, frul street Is attracting a lot of attention, ner the mayor and the rest of th Joseph McMahon of Trenton. Earlier hold yesterday at the home of Mrs. will be sold by Mr. Axel and he wll yesterday noon for striking Police- ren H. Smock of Broad- street ns«d«
and vegetables at the Red Ban) not only from those who follow wa- party remained for a while on th the same day Bishop McMahon wll) TlioninB Jardlne of Alston court, conduct a luncheonette In conjunc- man George H. Clayton. Mr. Clayton an offer of $250,000 for the present
armory today and tomorrow. Dan ter sports but also from those whe dock on the grill property and th be at Asbury Park, where he will In- Tho officers aro Mrs. Jardlne presi- tion with tho candy Bhop. The Bale in a eon of Harry II. Clayton, who church property at the corner of
lias are the predominating flowei appreciate good workmanship an mayor was greatly impressed with vest the title of monslgnor on Rev. dent Mrs. George Llnton, Mrs. Ed- of the business was made by Hawkins is the Red Baftk chief of police. Broad and Monmouth street*. The
and the most entries are In the finish of design. the scenery along the river. Thomas A. Roche. win H. Updyke, Mrs. Mary W. Blood Bros. The Incident occurred at the cor- members of the quarterly confererics
•-• vegetable' class. Most of the judg The boat, which Is sloop rigged ol The confirmation service here will and Mrs. Bronson Butler vice presf ner of Harding road and Broad comprise the trustees and stewards
ing will be done between one and the Marconi type, was designed an begin at half-past three o'clock. The dents, Mrs. Orrln Soule recording street. Mr. Lucas, who was em- of the church, the heads of church
four o'clock this afternoon. The built by Thomas Morrlsey of Brand
show will be open to the publli avenue and South street, who has
BIG FIRE AT EATONTOWN glrU will wear white dresses and the secretary, Mrs. Luke M. Bleakhey
boys dark suits. J.' J. Travers and corresponding secretary, Mrs. Lyman
BOY SCOUTS MAKE $150 ployed by James Norman & Son, departments and other church of-
had hla employers' delivery car ficials. About forty persona wer« at
from tour to ten o'clock today an been employed several years at th« David Leroy, who are trustees of the C. Vanlnwegen financial secretary parked at the corner, and due to a the meeting and there were only t w o
tomorrow from tea In the morning Red Bank yrtcht works. GARAGE AND TOOLHOUSE OF church, and their wives will be spon- and Mrs. H. D. Tlcehurst, Mrs. Con- EATONTOWN TROOP GAVE A heap of dirt, there was not room dissenting votes to the proposed sale
• to tea at night The boat Is ot fln-kee! type ana Is sors for the children. A sermon will over, Mrs. Ada B. Nafew, Mrs. Phil- MUSICAL COMEDY. for other cars to pass. Mr. Clayton of the church property to Mr. Smoclc
ribbed and planked after the same
FRED BBINKMAN BURNED. be preached by Bishop McMahon. ip Peters and Mrs. Branin trustees. notified him to move. Mr. Lucas for the sum h e offered. '
The blooms will probably surpasi manner as ocean going craft Each The service will be concluded with Mrs. Tony Hunting was appointed The Play Was Presented Twice and did so, and parked his car a shott A congregational meeting of the
that of many of the biggest exhlbl piece of wood has been carefully Se- A Ford Truck. Several Hundred benediction. During his visit here chairman of the program committee, It Was Attended by 100 Persons— distance away, Mr. Clayton walked church members will be held Wednes-
tlons hereabouts. Many hundred lected, steamed. and sprung Into Dollars' Worth of Tools and Bishop McMahon will make an in- Mrs. Tlcehurst chairman of the re-
Quantity of Tar, Gasoline and Oil spection The Players Had a Party Thurs- across to the car. He was dressed day night of next week, when this
of dollars will be awarded In prizes, shape, giving the craft a gracefu of tha church property. Th freshment committee and Mra. Lln- day Night in plain clothes, a&d ho opened his proposed sale of the property will ba
Mrs. W. L. Lawton, chairman of tin appearance. Burned—Firemen Save House. last time confirmation was admin- ton chairman of the publicity com coat to Bhow Mr. Lucas his police further considered. At a congrev
national committee on restriction o The boat carries a spar nearly sev- A one-story garage and toolhous istered at St. James's church wi mittee. The Eatontown boy scout troop man's badge. While he was dis- gatlonal meeting of a Methodist
•» outdoor advertising and billboard en feet In height and Is equipped on the Shore poultry farm at Eaton- four years ago. cleared $150 last week at a three-act playing his badge, Mr. Lucas hauled church all members of the congre-
Captains were appointed to form
chairman of the federation of wom- with a self-steering apparatus which town, owned by Fred Brinltra'-n, was In the confirmation class are 42 auxiliaries In various towns and vil- musical comedy entitled "Oh Doctor,' off and hit him in the face twice, gation are entitled to speak and to
en's clubs, will give an address to- keeps the boat in a self-righting posi- destroyed by fire Friday morning. A girls and 47 boys. The members of lages. These captains are Mra, Clif- given at Crescent hall. Performances each blow bringing blood. A tus3lo vote on all matters which are brought
night at eight o'clock. tion at all times. There 1B a covered light Ford truck, 65 gallons of tar, the class are as follows: were given two nights and the at-
ford Browcr of Eatontown, Mrs, tendance was about four hundred. ensued, and the policeman ovcrr up for discussion. ,
Two hundred more entries hav cockpit on the craft and on the top 55 gallons of gasoline, twenty gal- Girli—Catherine Kennedy, Adelaide Mul- Mary W, Blood of Navesink, Mrs, The play was well received and it powered his assailant. The church property has a front-
been received this year than last, of tho cockpit hatch there Is letterei lons of 611 and several hundred dol- ligan, Heleik Connor, Mnry Gran. Louis Tony Hunting of Fair Haven, Mrs. age of approximately 115 feet on
The exhibition la divided Into eight in gold, Caledonia, the name of th lars' worth of tools were destroyed Rephard, JaVe O'Connor, Pauline Grob, H. C. Updyke of Keansburg, Mrs. was regarded as one of the best ever Mr. Lucas was holed before Jus-
Broad street and 170 feet on Mop-
sections and 225 classes. There ar boat. with the building. The damage Jane Flnan, Grace Rtlblin, Mary Carton, Edward T. Bennett of Belford, Mrs. given by the troop. Thursday night tice Henry F. Hylin. His automobii mouth Btreet. The plot w a s bought
a party was given at the municipal driving license was revoked for one
88 classes for dahlias, twelve o Mr. Morrlsoy had the boat out on amounted to $1,000. The building was Elizabeth rjwyer, Dorothy Lorcnt, Ruth
Ella Herden, Mary Nolan, An- Branson Butler of Holmdel, Mrs. building for those who took part in year and he was sentenced to six
by tho Methodist church In lfi}3,
which aro for amateurs. Fifteen the river here a short time ago anc insured for only $100. Mr. Brink- Chrlstman.
speolal prizes will be awarded in she sailed a straightaway cours man's residence is only a few feet na Mary Christman, Jane McKenna, Su Wellington Wilkins of Tinton Falls, the play. months in tho county Jail. Mr. Lu- when Monmouth street w a s first cut
zanna Glrardln, Elizabeth Schwcera, Mil- Mrs. H. C. Hartnedy of Atlantic through from Maple avenue to Broad
addition to prizes In the special from off the Red Bank shore to near away from the garage but It was dred Hollywood, Eleanor Gould, Mary Highlands, Mrs. Philip Peters of The principal parts were taken by cas has engaged a lawyer in an ef- street. This part of Monmouth street
table decoration class the second the Oceanio bridge without being saved by the good work of the Ea- Jackson, Roao Baft Julia Zajicek, Mary Leonnrdo, Mrs. Orrin Soule of Rum- Louis Hill and Miss Mildred Covert fort to have the penalty set aside, was opened through tho work of Rob-
day of the show.
ho. Twenty-five
Ty booth touched. She was sailed a short tlm tontown firemen. Zajteek, Lois Layman, Laura Broadhend, eon, Miss Smith of Highlands, Mrs. The other players were Mrs. Charles He says he did not know Mr. Clay- ert Allen, who owned a large part of
have b been arrangedd around
r n d the
th ago on a lake near Newark and out An employee of the Jersey central endrlllo, Josephine Saguerton, Helen Pow- C. M. Olson of Atlantic Highlands, Falkenburg,
Ida Setroa, Gertrude Broadhead, Rose Cal- Mrs. Louis Dlngman ton was an officer and that Mr. tho property which was afterward
Clayton called him by a hard nam<
building. sailed a fleet of over thirty minis/ power and light company who was ers, Paulina Hopkinsi Christine Arnone, Mrs. H D. Tlcehurst of Shrewsbury, Mrs. Francis E. Bruce, Mrs. Arthur Mr. Clayton says he made no harsh made Into the street Property oa
The largest exhibitors aro Mrs. turo boats. working near the Brinkman farm Helen O'Connor, Veronlcn O'Neill. Marie Miss Annie Laurie of Little Silver Taylor, George Howard, William E.
remark and said nothing which the street Bold very Blowly a t flrtt
Amory L. Haskell, Mrs. J. A. Haskell, discovered the fire, which started Kllun, Mary Neville,' Catherine Dressier, and Mrs. Theodore Rowe of Ocean- Patterson, Arthur Leavy, Bruce
would justify a blow being struck. and at very low prices. The plot
Abram X. Elkus, Uzal H. McCarter, when a cat upset an oil stove in th< Theresa O'Neill, Helen O'Neill, Marie Cor- port. At the conclusion of the meet- Koehler, Cyril Brown, Mildred No now occupied by the town hall, fop
A. B1. Llchtensteln, Herbert Straus,
Mrs. A. V. Stout, Carl Schwenkor,
HUNT CLUB RACE MEET. building. The firemen were called bett.
but when they arrived the garagi Boys—Emerson Fierce, Frederick Jor- Mrs. Jardine.
ing refreshments were served by Ian, Patricia Seeley, Oliver Dennis,
Harold Smock and Kenneth Van-
instance, -which has a frontage of 100
feet on Monmouth street and whleh
W: W. Kennedy A Sons and Robert and toolhouse were almost entirely dan, James Nolan. Richard O'Connor.
H. McCarter of Red Bank; C. Allen HORSE RACING ON AMORY t, devoured by the flames and Mr, Henry Burke, Edward Coflran, Edward Don hold Arrangements are being made to
a card party at the home of
In the choruses were Helen Gross-
man, Dorothy Frasler, Barbara
extends back to Gold street, w a s «old
by Robert Allen to the township of
Hudson of Fair Haven, Mrs. W. H. Brlnkman's house was in' serioui ahue, 'William Herden, Joseph Christman, Shrewsbury for $2,200. ThU W u In
HASKELL'S PLACE. Finn, William Noone, Albert Sav llr. nnd Mis. Gerald Holbrook. ley, Dorothy Chaflln, Ruth Smith, WHXIAM VAUGHN IS ERECTING 1890 and tha town hall w a s built «.
.LaBoyteaux, William H. Walte, Hen- danger. The house caught fire sev- Edward A dance for tho benefit of the hos Margaret White, Dorothy Walker,
ry Q. Atha, James C. Auchlncloss, Annual Farmers' Day will be Held eral times and It WOB sprayed with ase, Joseph Savage, Joseph O'Callashan,
William Corbett, William Billings, William pltal will be held next Tuesday night Doris Baden, Dorothy Winning, Eliz- IT AT A COST OF $7,000.
couple of years later. The price pain
•Bertram H. Borden,General Howard for this plot by the township c o m -
S. Borden and Henry E. Butler o Saturday, October 10th—A Big flames when the gasoline In the gar- Andrews, John Lynch, Joseph Grause, at Riverside casino on West Bergen abeth Stout, Mary Aumack, Caroline mittee was generally regarded a* »o
Rumson; Thomas Hosier of Little Feast and a Series of Seven Races age exploded. Three-hundred gallons Frank VanBrunt, William Bloom, Carl plnee. under the direction of a group The Building Will Have Fourteen
of chemicals were used on the house. Clark, Russell McCue, Gerard Layman, of Monmouth .county colored citizens. Gsrafolo, Doris and Frances Wolcott, Box Stalls and It Will be Used for outrageously high that tho town»hlj>
Silver, Mrs. C. H. Corbett of Mata- will bo Held. The firemen's work in sarong tho Ralph Layman, Peter Lailare, George Lanffe, Thelma Rush, Kathryn and Eliza- committeemen who made the pur-
wan, Louis B. Tim, Norman S. Gold Irving RlnV, Justin Spence, William Mur Madame Arnold's orchestra will pro- beth Conover, Bertha Maub, Eliza- Yearlings—It Is the Fourth Barn chase were violently criticised and
Preparations are well under way house was highly praised. phy, Richard Murphy, James Walsh, Mor vide music. The members of the beth Van Keuren, Mary Pollet, He Has Built on the Farm.
berger and Clarence C. Housman of for tho fourth annual race meet and condemned, and there were many
Long Branch; Herman Schram.Hen- Farmers' Day of the Monmouth Mr. Brlnkman is employed by timer Moran, John Foole, ThomaB Sal- committee are Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Agnes Cotgreave, Margaret Ervlng, William W. Vaughn of Riverside hints of graft in the transaction. Some
George Reid on his chicken farm mon, James Sullivan, Lewis Grandlnettt, Lane, Sprlguo* Williams, Mr. and
.ry Wood, S. N. Rosenfleld, Hamilton county hunt club. It will be held Joseph Breilin. Frank Hill, Joseph Ma Ida Nolan, Ethel Horn, Roy Emmons, drive in Middletown township is persons declared that the township
F. Kean and Milton F. Untermeyer, Saturday, October 19th, on Amory on Reynolds drive at Eatontown. loney, David Donohue, Edward Broadhead, Mrs. Charles Cobb, Mrs. Martha John Smock, Clarence Smith, Ken- building a - fourteen-stall yearling committeemen ought to be mobbed.
Jr., of Elberon; Herbert T. Parsons L. Haskell's place In Middletown Salvatora Fontans, Edward Betas, Thomas Holmes Madison, Miss Cora Cobb, neth Van Brunt and Arthur Leavy. barn on his stock farm at Everett and driven out of office for this gross
of West End, Harry Durand of Deal, township, near Red Bank, ivhere all Bly, Edward Ficcolie, George Foole. Christopher Williams, Benjamin Miss Milllcent Martin was pianist at a .cost of $7,000. It Is the fourth waste of the publio money. Yat to-
DINNER FOR DEMOCRATS. Hunt, Mrs. Maud Norman Smock and at the second performance she barn he has built on the farm since day that same plot of ground w o
Alfred Sanders of Portaupeck and those annual events have taken place. Bishop McMahon will administer and Mr. and Mrs. George Lane. The received a large basket of flowers
Henry Young of Bernardsvillo. Many invitations will be sent to Speeches Made by Candidates at confirmation at Keansburg • on committee will be enlarged. he bought it several years ago. Wll probably bring $75,000 If It "war*,
from tho Bcouts.' The "players were Ham P- Scott of Red Bank in doing on the market . . , .MiR
Among those who have booths aro Monmouth county farmers and thslr Highlands Last Week. Wednesday, October 83d.' .»««. directed by Miss Ann Fuller Young the building work and the barn will
W. W. Kennedy & Sons and Frank families. The usual custom of pro- A report has gained ratbir ^rfij»
About 2S0 persons attended a din of the Triangle production company be ready for use the latter part of circulation that Mr. Smock; mad* tha
P, Merrltt of Rod Bank, Frank Ber- viding a big dinner for these folks ner given last week at the Villa NEW TIME TABLE.
of Greensboro, North Carolina. Miss the month.
ardl, John A. Kemp, Dean & Com- will ba carried out. The members of Ritchie at Highlands by the Demo- offer of $250,000 for the church prop-
pany and Lovett's nursery of Little the hunt club pass over many farms Station Stops Eliminated on New It Begins at Sundown Friday and Young was assisted by Mr. and Mrs. The building Is of frame, 66x60 erty on behalf ot a quartet composed
when they hold their hunts and tha cratic elub of that place. William H. Continues Until Sunday Night. Bruce and Edward Walder. Mr. feet, and it Is being erected on of himself and three real estateaattt*
Silver; W. H. Walte of Rumson, Mrs,. Sutphln of Matawan was toastmaster. Railroad Schedule. Bruce Is scoutmaster and Mr. Wald- cinder foundation. The stalls will be elates. Mr. Smock, however, esya that i
C. H. Corbett of Matawan, Turner race meet and dinner aro given to Candidates who spoke wero John J. The Jewish New Year, Rosh er is his assistant
Brothers of West Long Branch, Har- show appreciation of this use of A new time table for trains on thi 12x12 and 10x12 feet In size. The sec- he made the offer individually, asdl
Qulnn for state senator, Solomon New York & Long Branch railroad Hashanah, begins at sundown Friday Sixty persons attended the party ond floor will be a hay loft The not for any quartet of friends. •: r
ry A. Kemp of Long Branch, Fau: farm lands. Lautman and Lang^on E. Morris for night. It will be celebrated until sun-
Lelch of Asbury Park, the Monmouth Thorje will be seven races, two "of assemblymen, Harry N. Johnson for was issued Sunday. A. number o down Sunday. Special services will Thursday, night Games and dancing building will be equipped with elec- Mr. Smock has figured In many
county florists' club, the American vhlch" will be for farmers. One cf county clerk, Theodore H. Bennett changes have been made and one oi bo held at the Red Bank synagogue were enjoyed and a luncheon was trlo lights and running water. large real estate deals la Red B«njc
tree cxpert-and Morris B. Reado of these contests will bo for light farm and Mayor William H. R. White for the features is the elimination of served. The property was formerly owned and in Monmouth county, and alto in
Friday night at six o'clock, Saturday
Morrlstown, W. A. Manda. of West horses and tho other will be for freeholders, Robert Thompson for station stops. The theater train, gen- morning at eight o'clock, Saturday by James F. Crawford of Maple ave- other states, notably in Florida. B e
Orange, Hltchlng3" & Company of heavy farm horses. Only genuine sheriff, Bomby R. Muscatello for cor- erally known as "the Owl," formerly POLICEMEN MADE $2,000. nue, Red Bank, and It was occupied has been one of the most suooeufttl
evening at six o'clock and Sunday
Elizabeth, Charles Totty and W, H Monmouth county farmers are por- oner, Frederick P. Bedle and Harry stopped at all stations. Under the morning at eight o'clock. The ser- for many years by Lawrence A. Car- real estate operators in this part o f
Duckham of Madison, Fischer & Mas- mltted to make entries in thciie Brown for Highlands council and new schedule, the only stops between About 600 Attended the Bed Bank ton of Minnesink Park In Middletown New Jersey. . • /
New • York and Red Bank for this mons will be delivered by Rabbi
eon of Trenton, tho Holland bulb aces. Benefit Association's Annual Ball. township. Mr. Vaughn raises thor- Mr.. Smoclc h a s Intimated that t f
William B. Reid for justice of the train are Newark and Matawan Nathan Witkln and the chanting will oughbred race horses and he has his offer for the property liaocoptatf
company of Lako Como, Lewis & Vol. In all the other races the horses cace.
entlne and Stumpp & WaltorB of Now will be ridden b y gentlemen riders, South of Red Bank on this train no be done by Cantor Jacob L. Weiss of The Red Bank police benevolent forty horses at tha farm. He has a sky-scraper would probably be b\iUi
lYork, tho Bartlett tree company, Vlg- as thoy are termed In racing par- Mrs. C. Mel Johnson was chairman stops will be made at Little Silver Brooklyn..! association made more than $2,000 built two bungalows and remodeled on the p l o t ^^ , : - , ;,:';,'
Jewish soldiers at Fort Monmouth Wednesday night for Its sick and
rol & Company of Chicago and the lance. There will be no professional of the dinner committee. Her assist- or Branchport. The northbound havo a furlough during the holiday death benefit fund at Us annual bai: the farmhouse and original buildings
Davey tree expert company ot Kent, Jockeys. The raceB, aside from tho ants were Mrs. Cornelius Gulney, train, which has been leaving Red on the place in addition to building
Mrs. Hattle Davis, Mrs. Richard Bank at 9:57, now runs only on Sun- and many of them will attend the at St. James's high school auditori- R E D B A N E GIBL HUBT. < <
Ohio. farmers' contests, are named Tho Sclialler, Mrs. Edmond Horan, Mrs day night and leaves Red Bank at services at the Red Bank synagogue. um. About 500 persons were present the new barns.
The judges will be Mayor Ellas S. Monmouth County Gold Cup, The Alvlna Myers, Margaret Spearing, 9:49. Those who spend tha holiday at Red and the event was one of the most Miss Elizabeth Smith In a n Automo-
Black of Little Silver, Mrs. G. Mac Master's Cup, The Shrewsbury, The Mra. Charles Pfeifer, Miss Mary A. Bank will be guests of Red Bank successful ever held by the associa- A SPAGHETTI DINNER. bile Accident at Eatontown.
W. Bryan of Rumson, Anthony Sailor MMtllntnwn nnd ThoNavesink, Somo Noil, John R. Horan, William Loc, Jewish residents while they are on tion. Chief Harry H, Clayton was Mies Elizabeth Smith, daughter Of
and Samuel Goldlng of Morrlstown, of these races will be over a courao Stephen Griffin, Cornelius Guiney, DINNER FOB qUINN. tho furlough. Miss Catherine Prate of Bed Bank
chairman of tho ball committee. Entertained Fellow Employees. Policeman Allen H. Smith of WlWam
Alexander Robertson of Montclalr, described as a fair hunting country, Frederick Glrsch and Charles Weck- It Will Be Held^Sxt Tuesday Night Friday is the beginning (it the Jew- The policemen received much street, Red Bank, was c u t and
Georgo Masson of Trenton, Conrad somo will bo over a steeplechase at Deal Golf Club. ish year 6690. The holiday Is some- praise for the smooth way In which Mlsa Catherine Prate of Mount bruised on her legs and fac» last
Frey of- Newark, Richard Hughes ot course, some will be over a brush times called the Feast of the Trum- the ball was run. The number of street, who Is employed at the Cen- week at Eatontown when an automo-
Flushing, Long Island, and Derrlll W. ourse and some will be over a tim- A testimonial dinner will be given pets, and as a reminder of this the .tickets sold was many times double tral railroad office at Jersey City,
Hart of New York. ber course. Edward A. Hurd YACHT CLUB DANCE. Tuesday night of next week at Deal Shofar, or ram's horn, Is blown at the attendance and another large gave a spaghetti dlAner party Thurs- bile inDey which she was riding, with
Those who donated prizes are Mrs. secretary of tho race meet. golf club for John J. Qulnn, Demo- every servico at the synagogue. RoBh source of income was an advertising day night to a number of friends, F-arle ol Red
and Miss Edna Antonldes
Bank, collided with a ' c a r
Howard S. Borden, Mrs. Henry A. Festivities Saturday Night at the cratic candidate for Btate senator. 1
Molly Pitcher Hotel. Hashanah Is the beginning of ten program in which most of the mer- most of whom are employed in tho owned and driven by Harvey Ervlng
Caesar, Mrs. Bertram H. Borden, It Is being arranged by Mr. Qulnn'a days of penitence for the Jews, end- chants of Red Bank and neighboring same office. After the dinner a so- of Eatontown. The accident hap-
Mrs. Bayard Domlnlck, Mrs. R. V. NEW HOTEL MANAGER.' The Red Bank yacht club will hold friends in the golf club. Reserva ing in the Day of Atonement or Yom towns bought space. Chief Clayton cial season was enjoyed. Those pres- pened at the intersection of Main and
White, Mrs. Georgo V. Coe, Mrs. J. Jts annual autumn invitation dance tlons may be made at the Deal golf Klppur. Before the Jewish New was assisted by all the association ent were Miss Mabel Mazza and Lewis streets. ••'..•
A. Haskell, A. F. Llchtensteln, Fred L. Miner to Have Charge of the Saturday night at the Molly Pitcher club not later than next Monduy. Year, followers of the faith are sup- members. Clyde Swannel of Red Bank, Miss Ml.™ Smith received treatment a t
Abram I. Elkus, Theodore H. Banks, Molly Pitcher Hotel. , hotel. Music will be given by a. nine- The committee In charge of the din- posed to settle debts, forgive, all en- Ada Herman and her mother of the headquarters of the Eatontown
James C. AuchincloBS, Edward D. ner comprises Hubert Farrow of
Adams, Dexter Blagdon, Herbert N. Fred L. Miner of Greensboro, piece orchestra and a midnight col- Red Rink and Philip J. Eager and mities and to make good resolutions MERCHANTS BANK DIVIDEND. Plainfleld, Miss Marjorle Kenney and ambulance corps. She is employed a t
North Carolina, has been appointed lation will bo served. The dance In order to start the new year right George Cunningham of Roselle, Ed- the ofllce of the Red Bank Chevrolet
Strausa, Henry Q. Atha, William H. MichXel A. Strollo of Long Brunch.
Lutton, Edward A. Manda, Georgo manager g of tho Mollyy Pitcher hotel committee consists of Thomas Field, It Was Declared Yesterday—Quarter-
ward Lavelle of Elizabeth, Miss Mae sales company. The autombblles
id avenue, R d B Jr., (jommodore Gerald Holbrook, a i »•—;— Hurt In Auto Accident McDevltt, Edward Mahon and Walter were damaged. The owners reached
E. Baldwin, Hosea Waterer, John A. n Riverside Red Bank. Mr. Robert A. Llnton, William T. Brown, Christmas Seals.
ly Dividends Hereafter. Donlon of Bayonne and Misses Helen a n agreement and no arreats wert
M i o
Kemp, Robert Curran, W. E. Mar- Minor has boon manager of g tho Tony Vaccarelli of West Bergen
shall, Robert Crockett, Lolils B. Tim, Sedgcfleld Inn and Country C Club at Carl Schwenker, William J. Duncan, Work Is under way preparing place suffered abrasions on the el- Tho merchants bank of Red Bank Carlak, Mary Kelly and Pearl Pate made. -i';%
Thomas Crows, Jr., William Lippin- 5,800,000 Christmas seals to bo dis- bow and leg in an automobile acci- yesterday paid a dividend on its cap- of Jersey City.
Milton F. Untermeyor, llr., John Greensboro for the past two years. ott and William H. Hendrlckson. ital stock of 25 cents per share,
Scheepers, Henry A. DreerJ Henry F. For five years he was assistant man- Ihutcd by the Monmouth county dent laat night on Bridge avenue. To Give Flay Recital.
Mlchell, CharleB Totty, Andrew Wil- ager of tho Essex and Sussex hotel •octal service organization. The He was taken to the Rlvervlew hos- which Is four per cent a year on tho Real Estate Firm Moves. Mlsa Mildred S. Anderton will give
Supper at River Plaza. stock. This was the first quarterly The real estate firm of Battln &
son, W. H. Walte, Alfred Griffiths, at Spring Lake. As a boy he spent seals will be mailed November 28th. pital. ____M__^w___ dividend and the bank expects to pay Applcgato haa moved from Mechanic play recital entitled "Esnruralde."
Morris Reads, Mrs. Louis B. Tim, years at the Lako Mohonlt A supper lor the benefit of tho com- This Is a part of tho work In public
Covered Dish Sapper for Lodge. dividends every three months, on the street to the building formerly oc- Thursday night, October lOthj a t th«
Lewcllyn B. Jones, Benjamin Suther- •fountain house at Lake Mohonk In munity club of River Plaza will bo health education as well as providing Red Bank Presbyterian church un-
land, Nicholas Butterbach, Charles •Jow York state. For two winters held at the clubhouse tonight It clinics and nursing service. !> The Red Bank Song and Daughters first of January, .April, July and Oc- cupied by tho Molly Pitcher grill. der the direction of the Improvement
o was at tho Mission Inn at Rivor- of Liberty council will have a covered tober of each year. The deposits of This place Is on Riverside avenue, op-
Davison, Alfred, Sanders, Bon Arbor will be in charge of Mrs. James Tay- society. ' Miss Anderton has given
chemical company, Muller & Sealoy, ilde, California, which la one of the lor and Mrs. Edward H. Scattergood. To the Public. dish supper Friday night at their tho bank on the 31st of September, posite the Molly Pitcher hotel. about five hundred play recitals with-
Peter Henderson & company, Bur- amous hotels of tho United States. The ordinance printed herewith has lodge rooms In Clayton & Magee's at the close of the third quarter of in the past three years. ' •".,
Three years ago Mr. Miner took a been adopted by the Borough Coun- hall. __ this year, amounted to $1,685,838:93.
nett Brothers, Hltchlnga & company, Steaks and Chops. cil in tho interest of having proper HAVE YOU MISSED A TREAT?
Atkins & Durbrow, Mullen Sealoy & hotel management course at Cornell The tendcrestand juiciest you ever respect shown for Our Flag:
Notice. Golden Rule Card, Party. -:
company, Stumpp & Walter, W. W. University to gain additional train- ate. Home made soups, pies, pud- An Ordinance Adopting and Endors- My wife, Eleanoro Frost Ayers, NOTICE OF ELECTION. You Surely Havo If You Havo Not
Kennedy & Sons, William Hunt & ing for the work. ' dings, in fact everything is Just like 1
ing the "Flag Code" Adopted at the having left my bed and board, I wili Eaten ut Mother's Dining Room. The Guild of the Golden Rula <if
company, the Max Schllng company A nnmber of Red Bankers have you have at home. Try our BO cent National Flag Conforenco, Wash- np longer ba responsible for any Mainstay .Building and Loan Asso-
ciation, Red Bank, N. J.
Havo you eaten at Mother's Din- Trinlfj' church of Red Bank, wil)
and the Davey tree company. itopped at Sedgefleld Inn during Mr. lunch today. None bettor In town. ington, D. C, June 14-15, 1023, as debts contracted by her. Ing Room, 26 Wallace stroet? If not, hold a card party Wednesday eftor.
Tho annual meeting of tho share- you have missed a great treat. It'a noon, October 30th, at the home i f
All home
•liner's management, among them Candy Kitchen, 69 Broad street— cooking at the Red Bank Revised and Endorsed at the Sec- Arnold F. Ayree. holders of the Mainstay Building simply a homelike place where plain, Mrs. Harry C. Burrowcs a t 183 Broad
Flannel Things eing Herbert W. Hill and Theodore Advertisement. ond National Flag Conference, -Advertisement. and Loan Association.- for the elec- wholesome meals are properly cooked
for the baby and children. Bloomers D. Parlsons, and they speak very Washington, May IB, 1924, and Pro- tion of directors and auditors to fill and served at moderate prices. street. . . "
IS cents a pair, slips 25 cents each, highly of Mr. Minor's abilities, as a Notice. viding Penalties for tho Violation Clocks. existing vacancies, and for the trans- Luncheons and dinners a specialty.
sweaters $1.00 each, sloeper pajamas uotol man. My wife having left my bed and of any of the Provisions of tho All kinds of clocks repaired; work action of such other' business as may Magistrate's Court ,
Said Code. called for and delivered. Phone Red Open dally. Including Sundays and
49 cents. And hundreds of other Mr. Minor assuhied charge of the loard, I will no longer bo responsible Be It Ordained by tho Mayor and Bank 2464, Hyman Bros., jewelers, be necessary, will be held at the di- Holidays. Make It a habit to dlno for Monmouth county. All co&jh
items. Shop in our dry goods de- Molly Pitcher hotel last week. Ho for any debts or obligations contract- Council of the Borough of Red Bank: 72 Broad street. Red Bank.—Adver- Bank and Trust Company, Red rectors' room of the Second National at Mother's Dining Room. Mrs. Car- plaints promptly investigated. Bad
partment and save. Oh, yes, and lit- ed by her. oline Bray, Proprietress.—Adver- accounts and checks collected. D&y
tle warm suits for tho boys, at $1.00 as returned to Sedgeflold inn to Ralph P. Vlllars. 1. That tho "Flag Codo" adopted at tisement Bank, New Jersey, on Wednesday, tisement. and night sorvlce. Justice Elmer C.
each. Get tho habit—shop at Na- lose up his affairs there, but ho will —Advertisement. the National Flag Conference, Wash- October 2d, 1920, between the hours Wainright, 4 Patterson avenue (nssr
tional Be, 10c and $1.00 stores and >o back In Red Bank- In a few days ington, June 14-15, 1923, na revised Hebrew New Year Cards of 8:00 o'clock P. M. and 9:00 o'clock Broad street). Shrewsbury, N. J , t»l«-
and endorsed at the Second Flag on sale at our store. Buy now while Fuel Oil
save. (Formerly Prown-Coopor Co.)— o remain hero permanently. Visiting Chiropodist. P. M. . for. any burner; be3t grades and ->hono 4. At 54 Broad street R«d
Advertisement. Dr. Frances Cooke Cosier will Conference, Washington, May 16, our stock 1B complete. National Be, William V. Smith, prlcoB. Unexcelled service. Fred D. iank, by appointment only.—Adver-
make appointments by telephone to 1921, be and the same Is hereby 10c and $1,00 Stores (formerly Prown-
Cooper Co.)—Advertisement. Secretary. Wikoff Co., Red Bank, phono 552.— tlsemont
Green Gables. Hnfo Made to Ordor. como to you when needed. Telephone adopted and endorsed. —Advertisement. Advertisement.
Din* and dance with Roger Wolfo High class hand made hats no two Red Bank 904 between 8:00 P. M. 2, Any person or corporation violat- Justice ol the Peace.
Kahn's Seronaders. Special shore alike. Best Quality and Style, from and 10:00 P. M.—Advertisement . ing any ot the provisions or terms of every Saturday night, Harmony Coun- Every Wednesday Night Red Bank vs. Keyport Criminal and civil C U M
dinner, $2.60. Patten avenue, Long $5 to $25.00. Mrs. S. Lohmann, 14 laid code shall upon conviction there- prompt and careful attention. __,
Broad St. 1 flight up.—Advertise- of be punlahed for tho first offense try Club. Music by McQulre's Snap- mouth Victor night at TuBting's, Mon- Fifth game of series. Standing now, oiJon from 7:00 A. M. until 9:00 K l
Branch.—Advertisement Motor-Stokor. py Six, Admission fifty cents.—Ad- street near Broad street 3-1 In Keyport's favor. Dont miss dolly except Sunday. Gilbert "
ment. See the Motor-Stokor in operation by a flno not to exceed $5 or by im- vertisement. Radios, rolls, orthophonto vlctrolas, Sunday's game at 2:30.—Advertise- Keith. 2 Wallace fltreat. Red B» ,
/ Notice. at the flower show today and tomor- prisonment in the county Jail for five records and pro-eminent mokes ot ment. _
Just Out—25 Cents. «-+-«• . next to Western Union.—AdvertU*.
Mrs. Clara Bolton of Shrewsbury
Pictorial Review winter fashion takes row. See how it feeds the coal and days, or both, and by a fine not to Tho Beach-Wood, upright and grand pianos. Bring tho ment _.-
will be responsible for no debts except out the ashes.—Advertisement exceed |25 or by imprisonment In tho family tonight—Advertisement Dr. Dunn, Surgeon Chiropodist, :
those incurred by hersolf.—Advertlce- ook, showing all advanced styles, county Jail for thirty days, or both, on ocean front. Long Branch, N. J.
Beachwood orchestra. William Mur- Is here daily from two until six o'clocki Just Like Home.
ment. • ;trauB Company, Rod Bank.—Adver- Fuel OH [or each additional offense. Introducing Mr. Joseph Belanger. Second National Bank building, That's what you'll say wh»n
locmcnt _ . .. Passed December 1st, 1924. phy, Jr., proprietor—Advertisement
'or any burner; best grades and Tho chef who prepares your home phone Red Bank 2160.—AdvertlBO- have tasted our home mads
Carlton Theater Notice. I hereby approve
irlocs. Unexcelled service. Fred D. lance this first day of December, the above Ordi- Carlton Theater Notice. like lunches for 50 conts at the Rod ment. . _^ plea, puddint;a, saladn etc; at
;"Th« Cook-Eyed World," held over Carlton Theater Notice.
"Tho Cock-Eyed World," hold over Wikoff Co., Red Bank, phone K2.— (netecn hundred and twenty-four. "Tho Cock-Eyed World," held over Bank Candy Kitchen, 69 Broad Rod Bank Candy Kitchen, 68 i
by popular demand until Friday, Oc. Advertisement j popular demand until Friday, Oc- street.—Advertisement. . Motor-Stokor. street.—Advortlsnmont
tober 4th, Inclusive.—Advertisement. >y popular demand'until Friday, Go- A. L. Miller, Mrfyor. ;ober 4th, Inclusive.—Advertisement. See tho Motor-Stokor in operation
ober 4th, inclusive.—Advertisement ittest: A. IB. Olson, Clerk. at tho flower show today and tomor-
Fifth Game of Series Carlton. Theater Notice. Proper respect should bo"shown Old Canton Theater Notice. Dont Mlis It!
"The Cock-Eyed World," held over Glory in the way it is displayed in Announcement "Tho Cock-Eyed World," hold over row. See how it feeds tho coal and The fifth game between Rod Bunk
Sunday at 2:30; Keyport vs. Red Porter Bros., Tree Experts. >y popular demand until Friday, Oc- The Sunshino Market will .close all by popular demand until Friday, Oc- akes out tho ashes.—Advertisement. and
Bank, at Hunter's Flold.—Advertise- Spraying, pruning, cavity ' filling, publio and wo feel sure that you will day Saturday, October 6th, because Keyport on Sunday at 2:30. S«ar«
ment. _ ._ ana clearing. Phono Rumson 323.— obcr 4th, inclusive.—Advertisement. jsalst us by doing your part when f tho holiday.—-JAdvertisement) tober 4th, Inclusive.—Advertisement
Upholstery Cleaned.
now Keyport 3, Red Bunk 1.—Advar*
\dvertlsomont displaying eur National Emblem. tlBomcnt. '.^'
The Best Lunch In Town. Electrlo Pleating { Rugs— We dry clean upholstery In your
Onward Council No. 98, Lamp Shades and Dolls car as well as your upholstered furnl- Carlton Theater Notion.
for 50 cents. Red Bank Candy Kit- 2:30 P. [. on Sunday. n any style—ptcttMy doneV Leon's, Jr. O. U. A. M. made to ordor. Helen Rose, 37 East havo them shampooed now and avoid turo. Leon's, 70 White street, phono
.Koyport will play 70 White stdfet, phone 1G45, Bed Tim cock-JCysd World," h*)d CV«f
chen, 60 Broad street—Advertise- Red Bank
Bank.—AdvaJBiement Of Red Bank, N. J. Front Btreat, Red Bank. 9;30 to 12:00. the fall ruah. Leon'u, 70 Whito 1545.—Advertisement by popular demand until JTrldny, Ofo
ment. ho fifth game of Vtho scries.—Adver- —Advertisement. . ~^hone 1782.—Advertisement. itreet, phono 1545.—Advertisement tobcr 4th, Incluslvo.- Aclvartls«m«t,
f r lecmcnt. ^ i » -^ .
Dance cball! Carlton Theater Notice. Coming Typewriter Headquarters. Carlton Theater Notice.
at Colt's Neck schoolhousc, October All You Con Eat i. Keyport. The fifth "The Cock-Eyed World," held over to Hunter's Field Sunday at 2:30? Typewriters rented, bought and "The Cock-Eyed World," held over fntley's Cor Typewrit
llth, benefit Atlantic township fire for $1.00. Holmdcl brown eupper, Oc- rles, Sunday at 2:30. byL popular demand until Frlde.y, Oc- Red Bank va. Keyport. Fifth cramo lold. Trubln's, 68 Broad street R£M by popular demand until Friday, Oc- end adding machine*: 17
toDa—Adverthjemeut. s • tober 16rt, 102B,—A.4veiUae.ment, . _ - "•- •-i.-AtortlsejasBi, fi£ series.-—Advertisement., * *U tollAAyAl«H£8^
* - • * • - * .

Efglfieeir REP BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 2, 1923. -f

THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING It Will be Held Next Tuesday by thi Legislative Commission Will Meet at James Vaughn, Ten Yean Old, Died He Waa a Guest of the Bed B a n t Neptune Township Man Is Said
Mrs. Leon Hardy Is Now at the Home
Woman's Club. „ Asbury Park. Suddenly Thursday. Lions Club Yesterday. Have Got Phoney Checks Cashed. INCOME FRO!!* HER ESTATE of Keyport Relatives. ..,
The Red Bank Woman's club wll The loglslallvo commission appoint- James L. Vaughn, ten years old, son E. Donald Sterner, Republican Allen Smith of Neptune.townshli MrB. Leon Hardy of Colt's Neck,
HALF A CENOTBY. GOES TO SISTERS. who haa been under treatment at the
hold Its semi-annual rummage salt ed to reviso tho election laws of Now James h. and Nellie Hancock candidate lor state senator; w e (no relation to Policeman Allei
Tuesday of next week at the Elsnci Jersey will hold a public meeting Vaughn of Clinton place, Red Bank, guest of the Red Bank Lions cluL Smith of Red Bank] was arreste Long Branch hospital for poisoning
A Dinner Party Was Given for M\ store on Monmouth street, opposlti Friday afternoon at two o'clock In died suddenly Thursday night after yesterday. He gave ah address on Monday on a charge of getting R«v, Joseph A. LlntuMio, Formerly received from swallowing )yso), *was
and Mrs. George Zelglar nt <*«the railroad station. The sale wll tho district court room at Aabury having been seriously sick only a few state highways, and h e showed a forged checks cashed. Ha was caught Assistant Priest at S t James's moved last week to the home of-Rel-
Home of Their Daughter, Mrs. begin at ten o'clock and many con Park. The commission has invited hours.- The funeral was held Satur- map to explain his statements. He at Asb,-^y Park, to which place he Chttrch, Made Several Cash Be- atives at Keyport She Is much'Im-
Harold Davlson of Bed Bank. tributlons of varied kinds have bee all interested municipal officers and day morning nt Ht James's church spoke of the tremendous Increase in was trVtod by Lieutenant Harold <juest»—Other Wills Probated. proved and her complete recovery Is
Mr. and Mrs. George Zelglar o: promised. The store will be open election board members to bo present, and burlel was at M l Olivet ceme- automobiles In recorit years and theDavlson of the Red Bank police Miss Mary Frances West of Red expected. Mrs. Hardy's sickness Is
Rumson celobrated their golden wed Monday afternoon from two- to five and to make any suggestions which tery. traffic problems this Increase brought force. Smith •rtas atr«sUA by an As- Bank, who died recently, executed tho most recent misfortune whloh
ding a few nights ago at the homi o'clock for the receipt of contribu- might be helpful. Aosemblyman James was born at Red Bank and to each community. He showed how bury Park policeman on Mr. Davl- her will three year* ago. She direct- has befallen tho family since Mr.
of their daughter, Mrs. Harold Davl- tions. Persons who wish to contrib- Thomas M. Gopslll of Red Bank is had been a n invalid since his birth. the numerous bridges and tunnels son's complaint He was sent to th ed that her body be burled In thoHardy embarked In farming at Colt's
son of John street. Red Bank. An ute articles but who ore unable t secretary of the commission. Besides his parents ho is survived by had helped to somewhat relieve the county jail to await tho action of th family plot in Old Tennent cemetery, Neok two years ago. Discouraged tnr
elaborate turkey dinner was servec take them to the sale can have them Among tho things which the com- a sister, Miss Catherine Elizabeth situation. He also showed how nec- grand jury. that a suitable Inscription bo placed his many reverses, Mr. Hardy has
and afterward a largo wedding caki called for by notifying Mrs. Robert mission Is considering nre voting ma- Vaughn, who lives at home. Tho essary it was to keep adding new It Is charged that Smith forged te on tha monument and a markor placed his farm on the market He
wjiK cut and each guest received i C. Hance of Riverside avenue, whi chines, crmnfrcs in the date of pri- funeral was largely attended and bridges and-roads to keep abreast or more checks and that Us got then placed on her gave. The will directed says ho will sell It as soon as he can
piece. The rooms were attractive!! Is chairman of the sale committee, mary elections from the spring to thethere wero many floral tributes. Rev. of the times. A bridge across Rar- cashed at various yanks. Ons check that all of her property be sold and and cngago In some other business or
Mrs. Hancc's committee at th fall, extension of the permanent reg- Edward J. Hell conducted the service ltan bay connecting Monmouth coun- wail cashed at the Broad Street na- the proceeds Invested In first mort- occupation. '
decorated with flowers and stream- ty with Staten Island, he believed,
ers, the color scheme being gold and rummage sale Includes Mrs. Frank istration throughout the state In at the church and Rev. John B. Mc-would not only help everyone In tional bank and one waa cashed at gages Or deposited in savings banks
white. Mr. and Mrs. Zelglar wero S. Curtis, Mrs. Henry Mecklem, Jr place of tho house to house canvass, Closkcy had charge at the grave. The the .Atlantio Highlands bank. The Tha Income la to bo paid to her sla-
bearers were Richard Sweeney and Monmouth county but would also name of Patrick Drennan of Baton- ters, Christina VanScholk and Mar- TO STAY WHERE HE IS,
the recipients of many line gifts, Mrs. Luman Reed, Mrs. A. J. Hague, endorsement of candidates by count Donald Dressier of Red Bank and relieve present conditions and rS-
mostly gold. Mrfl. David Leroy, Mrs. Waiter Bru- committees and continuation of th town''was forged on Jnoat of thegaret West. After the death of both
_return_ to_Jh Raymond Mauser and Harold Kelly sult.In a great HAylng of time for checks. Mr. Drennan !« flagman of her sisters the residue Is to bo di- Fred Gnhler Will Remain on the Tay-
Those present were Mr. and Mrs, yere, Mrs. Trevonlan Bennett, Mn open primary or the ;
of Llricroft. those wishing to reach shore resorts at the MenmoutH atreat croialng at vided anibjig her nieces and nephew, ; •:• lor Farm Another Year,, •'.-
Frank Reid, Miss Helen Reid, Mlse George Baldwin,... Mrs. J. A. Van.convention system, "
Mildred Reid, Mrr and Mrs. Waltei Bchblic, Mis. Howard S. Hlggtnson, Mr. Gopslll statea that the mec Mr. Vaughn Is employed at Brook- from the cities, Red Bank. Smith Is said ,to have Josephine West, Edna Holt and Fred Gahlor has signed a contract
Zelglar, Miss Dorothy Zolglar, M Mrs. George Hawkins, Mrs. O. L,Ing will bo non-political in character dale farm a t Lincroft by Lewis S. Martin Van Bureh Smock attend- obtained several hundred dollars b; Thomas W<Stt. Christina VanScholk to remain as foreman for another
and Mrs. William Glennon, Josepl Gllsey, Mrs. Walter VanKeuren, Mrs. Tho commiaalon haa held hearing! Thompson and he is engineer .of ed the meeting, afier an absence of fraudulent checks. and Edna Holt were named execu- year of the Taylor farm neir Holm-
Zelglar Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davl- John ivlns, Mrs. John H. Cook, Mrs, at Newark, Jersey City and Ellia Westside lire company. three months, and was the five min- trlces of the will. del, which is owned by William H i
son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyce, William Strode, Mra. William Man- beth, and It will hold other hearing ute speaker. His topib was "Special- VXNELAND BOMB SPEAKER. Rev, Joseph A. Llnnano, who was LaBoyteaux.. The farm la on* Ot
William Boyce, Mrs. Viola Smith, son, Miss Julia Little, Miss Lydla Ov- at Morrlstown, Trenton, Camden am DIED ON LONG ISLAND. ' ist" The attendance prfase was offered rector of S t Joseph's church at Koy- several near Holmdel which 6av«
Mlse Anna Smith, Joseph Reid, ens, Mrs. Thomas Voorhls, Mra. Ly-Atlantio City. by Charles' R. English and was wonSecretary of State Institution Ad- port several years and was formerly been bought by Mr. LaBoyteaux duri
i Charles Muegge, James Sammoi man C. Vanlnwegen and Mrs. Carl -•»•-•-
George E. Hale, Formerly of Bedby George H. ,Wt(ite. Other guests dresses Woman's Club. assistant, priest at St. James's church Ing the past two years and consoli-
and John Sarnmon. P. Schwenker. A CHAMPION SHOOTER. Bnnb, Wn« Well Known Gardener. of tho club, in addition to Mr. Ster- dated under the name of Hop C«ek
At last week's meeting of the Lit- at Red Bank, made several cash be- Farms. Mr. LaBoyteaux Is using
Mrs. Zelgiar, who before her mar- ner, were Joseph R. Johnson of High- tle Silver's Woman's club a talk was quests lri a will whloh he oxeouted
J. T. Beekman Becoming an Expel George E. Hale,, who for many lands and S. C. Cheney of New Yolrk. given by Miss Ceon, executive secre- last March. S t Joseph's college at these farma principally to raise thor-
riage waa Lydla Bailey, was bor WOMEN DEMOCRATS MEET. years was superintendent of one of oughbred horses. Almost the entlra
in Runuon and has always llvei with Shot Gun. tary of the state home at Vlnelana Princeton was left $500 with the re- acreage of tho Taylor farm has been'
tho large estates at Rumson and
there. Mr. Zelglar was born at Re Over 250 Members of County Club J. T. Beekman of Hudson avenui gained a notablo reputation as a hor- FIGHTING CRIME WITH RADIO. for delinquents, who spoke of th quest that the Vlncentian fathora In seeded down for pasturage and grain
Bank nnd moved to Rumson after Gather at Red Bunk. Is developing Into a champion mark, ticulturist, died recently at Oy- problems of the Institution. charge celebrate masses for him, The
he was married. He Is now care- Catholio diocese of Trenton was left crops. Mr. Gahlor has lived on ths
Over 250 members of the Mon-man with the shot gun. Last weel ster Bay, Long Island. Mr. Hale was Station WJBI at Red Bank to be A letter of thanks was received J500 for the benefit of St, Michael's place tho past twelve yearB,
taker of Victory park at Rumson.. mouth county women's Democratic he took part In the Atlantic In born In England and came to this from the Red Bank high school
Used for This, rurpone.
club attended the monthly meeting dians tournament at Delaware "Wat section when he was seventeen years senior class for the donatlpn of $2S orphange at Hopewell and $500 for
COMING CHURCH SUPPER. at the Molly Pitcher hotel at Red ir Gap. On Thursday he had old. In 1813 he went to Oyster Bay Microphones and other equipment toward the Washington trip fun< the benefit of the home for ihe aged A PRODIGY OF OLD AGE.
at Lawrencevlile. St. Joseph's church
Bank Saturday afternoon. Mrs. score of 92 out of 100. On Frlda; to become superintendent of the H.for broadcasting will soon be set up Vocal solos were rendered by Keyport was loft $1,500 to bo used
Annual Event at New Monmouth Charlotte Robertson of Seabrighr, in a' handicap shoot ho broke 14: S. Shonnard estate, now the property in police headquarters a t the town Bronson Butler and refreshments toward the maintenance of the newTheodore Vdorhees of River Plaza i s
Win be Held October 21th. president of the club, presided and out of 150 and received an Indlai of George T. Bowdoln. He laid out hall at Red Bank, In connection with were served by the hostess committee convent there. Miss Catherine J. n Wonder for Ills Years,
The ladles' aid society of the New Introduced tho speakers. William blanket as a prize. On Saturday M and planted beautiful gardens on the the new county police radio service under the direction of Mrs, Emil; MoNally of Keypcrt was left $1,000 Theodore Voorheea of River Plaza,
Monmouth Baptist church has H. Sutphen of Matawan, county Beekman broko 149 out of ISO ancestate, which a few years ago were to prevent crime and run down crim- Borden. and his sister, Mrs. Delia Mclntlrc, who is 78 yeara of ago, has finished
changed Its plan about holding a chairman, was the first Bpeaker. was awarded a silver trophy. Alber used for several Important scenes In inals. The apparatus a t the town A fashion show will be held Octo- was left $500. John Llnnane, a making alterations to the honie of
cafeteria supper and will have In- Other speakers were John J. Qulnn, Monmouth Ivlns of Red Bank, the dean ol tho moving picture drama "The hall will be connected with Station, ber 3d at the clubhouse by Bam
county trap shooters, alsc nephow, waa bequeathed $500. Tho tho Misses Brand at River Plaza and
stead a regular supper, the same as candidate for senator, who outlined shot In this match. In tho first 10C Purple Highway." Mr. Hale once WJBI at Red Bank, which Is owned berger's of Newark. Tho principal residue of the estate was bequeathed he it) now engaged in building a
It has done In former years. The his platform; Sol Lautman and Lang- Mr. Ivins and Mr. Beekman eac mado a two-year trip around the by Robert S. Johnson. Tho radio speaker at the next meeting of the
station at Asbury Park will also be to Father Llnnane's sister,- Jtrrs. John largo chlckonhouao for a resident of
supper will take place Thursday eve- don Morris, assembly candidates; had a score of 99. Mr. Ivlns lost rid In search of rare plants for used for this county antl-crlme ser- club will be Joseph S. Frellnghuysen E. Ward of Mlllford, Massachusetts. Llricroft. Despite hla advanced years)
Harry N. Johnson, candidate for former United States senator.
ning, October 24th, at the church. four out of the next fifty. He waf the famous Cunard collection, He vice. It is planned to have a receiv- Hendrlk L. Probasco of Freehold Mr. Voorheea is supple and active)
Mrs. 3. C. Runyon is chairman of thecounty clerk, and Mayor William among the prize winners nnd re-leaves a widow and five sons. ing set at each pqjlce station In the made his will three years ago last and ho turns out as much worjt ir^,
dining room committee, and she will H. R. White of Red Bank, one of ceived an Indian blanket. Saturday county, so that the police everywhere FAIB HAVEN'S TAX SALE. July. To hla son, Harry N. Probasco,* a day aa persons much younger than
appoint assistants. Mrs. William the freeholder candidates. All of the night a ball waa hold at the Kitta- MRS. HELEN D. FLADER DEAD. In, the county will be informed of he ieft $5,000. Joseph Voorcman waa himself. Ho Is River Plazas ctiam-
candidates expressed confidence of
Morford Is general chairman. Her tlnny hotel. Mr. and Mra. Beekman everything In their line of work -with- Over 850 Properties Are on thebequeathed $300. All the rest of hla plon old-young man. He lives with
assistant* are Mrs." George H. Rob- being successful at the coming elec- won a balloon dance at tho ball. Resident of Sllverwhlte Gardens out a moment's loss of time. This Delinquent List. estate, Including a house end lot, waa' his son, Henry Voorhees of River
tion. Another speaker was Mrs. Ru^
erts, Mrs. Walter Walling. Mrs. Min- llf. bequeathed to his wife, Evallne C, Plaza, who Is employed at the meat
V. Lawrenco of Freehold, a rhem- Died Monday In Her 44th Year. wireless co-operation, It Is believed, The coming sale of property foi
nie Walldecker, Mrs. William Dennis, ier of the state Democratic commlt- Mr. Beekman continued hla gooi Probasco. MrB. Probasco and Harry market of tho Acker, Merratl & Con-
Mrs. John Montag, Mrs. George Ack- ;ee. The other officers of the club hooting at Freehold on Sunday. In Mrs. Helen L. Flader, wife of Max- will be of large use to the police and Unpaid taxes at Fair Haven ha: N, Probaseo were appointed execu- dlt company at Red Bank.
millian H. Flader, died Monday at county officers. caused considerable comment. I t wll tors.
er Mrs. Herbert Chamberlain, Mrs. ire Mrs. JoHn Gibbons of Asbury the first event of Hfty targets he
her homo a t Sllverwhlte Gardens. be held October 9th. It Is the flrsl
J Henry Walling, Mrs. O. W. Boyd, Park vice president, Miss Madollnd broko 47. Tn a handicap event shoot- Sho had lived here four years. Mrs. tax sale at that place In a numbe Mrs. Ella V. Keller of Bolmar be- Fair Haven Woman Hurt,
Mrs. Bessie Helwlg, Miss Annie Wall- Clancy of Spring Lake secretary ing g from the twenty-yard line Mr. Flader was 43 years old and waa CLASS HAS PICNIC.
of years. There are over 2Si prop- queathed $1,000 and BGveral pieces of
Ing, MrB. Adelbert Howard, Mrs, ind Mrs. William H. Sutphen secre- Beokman had a score of fifty born at Georgetown, Kentucky. Be- irtles oh the delinquent llsf. William jewelry to Gladys K. Hielman, a
Mra. Shorldan of Fair Haven, moth-
Richard Leonard, Mrs. J. Crawford ary. At the close of the meeting traight. Presbyterian Sunday-School Class er of Mrs. Morton PlanlU, Injurei-
sides nor husband, she leaves a son, Enjoys Outing. B. Little, Jr., the collector, who BUC- lece of Mrs. Keller's late husband. hor collarbone In a fall last Weekv
Cotnpton, Mrs. Thomas J. easier, •efreshmenU were served. Robert M. Flader, who lives at home. :eeded the late Joseph Davis, has All the rest of the estate was be-An X-ray photograph of tho ihjurjc
Mrs. Martha Grant, Mrs. John Hlll- FOR A BRIDE-TO-BE. Miss R a y Louise Smith of West- been busy for some time Compiling queathed to Mrs. Keller's secondwill bo taken today a t trie Lone'
Also surviving her are her mother,
yeV, Mrs. William Carmen, Mrs. Jud- side avenue, who teaches a class of
itsa. Palmer, Mrs. Harold Stout and Miss Jennie Trubin Guest of Hono: Mrs. Alma Robinson, and two slaters, little girls In the Presbyterian Sun- he list of unpaid taxes. The list In cousin, BJIUabBth C. Engelberg of Branch hospital.
SOON TO BE BRIDE. at Bridge Parties. Mrs. Ray Miller of Kansas and Mrs. cludes taxes owing for four and five New York. The SeacoaBt trust com-
Mrs. William Cos. Edward Swartu of Missouri. The day-school, took her pupils on a plc- years and for this reason some errors pany of Asbury Park was appointed
nle lasfSaturday afternoon. The pic- have been committed and property executor of the will. Card of Thanks.
rllss Dorothy Oakley Had a Shower Miss Jennie Trubin of Peters place, funeral will'be held at two o'clock Wo wish to thank our friends and
FIRE PREVENTION WEEK. ho will wed Louia L, Light of Phil- tomorrow afternoon at the house. The nic was held at Miss Smith's mother's owners are on the list who have paid Abram H. Harvey of Manasquan neighbors for their many acts of
Monday Night at Long Brunch. idelphla In November, waa the gues body will be taken by train to Jop- camp In the woods on the Wlkoff heir taxes, Some have their receipts left all his estate to his wife, Eudora klndncsa during nur recent bereave-
Movies Will Show How to Eliminate MM. John 0'Koeft»,of Long Branch, if honor at a luncheon bridge Satur- lln, Missouri, where burial will be Farms Estate. The Bhlldren enjoyed and others claim they have paid and . Harvey, for her use as long as she niont, caused by tho death of James
Fire Hazards. brmerly of Red Bank, gave a mle- lay and at a bridge party Sunday. made. Rev. B . F. Rhoado will con- the swings, see-saw, sliding board and have lost their receipts, To avoid remains hla widow, with tho privilege Vaughn, Jr., and especially Rev. John
lellanooufl shower Monday night for Mrs. J^J. Trubin of Spring stree duct the service at the house. other amusements at the camp and confusion and errors in the future, of selling It If she so desires. B. McCloskey, Rev. Edward J. He)|,
Next week has been designated its Vtles Dorothy Oakley, daughter ol gave a flincheon bridge Saturday for late in the afternoon lunch was Mr. Little states that a tax sale will Dr. F. J, Goff, Dr. A. Alfred Podell,
"fire prevention week" throughout Wr. and Mrs. E. Irving Oakley of Miss Trubin at tho Molly Pitcher ho- served. Those on the outing Were ie held every year hereafter. the pallbcarora and thouo who Bent
the United States, and In conjunc- Ihestnut street, Red Bank. Mies tel. There were four tables and JOHN F . THOB^E'S, FUNERAL. Mary and Gladys Malr, Lorraine WEDDINGS. flowers and loaned cars. ''
tion with plans formulated by. the lakley will be married On Saturday, prizes were won- by Miss Sarah. Li Chameroy, Virginia Havlland, Ber- Mr. and MIB. James L. Vaughn
underwriters, the Red Bank nre de- 'Joveinbet 2d, to Lewis Larry of Red pack, Mrs. Michael Sllborstein, Mrs. Service at S t Mary's Church Largely nardlne Kcegan, Elizabeth and Joan ZOBEL OFFICES RENTED. McQarity—Armstrong.
partment will show at the Carlton Bank, formerly of Spokane, Wash- Herbert Henenberg and Mrs. Bertha Attended Sunday. FiBher, Beverley Bremer, Peggy Ran- Miss Mary MeGarity, daughter of —Advertisement.
theater an educational picture on ington. kln, Jean Bmlth and Janet Poxon. Two Tenants Engage Business Quar- Michael MeGarity of Shrewsbury, m t m .-•
Flnkelsteln. Others present were The funeral of John F. Thorpe, ters In New Building. Card of Thanks.
fire prevention. The picture will bo Mra. Morris Jocks, Mra. Julius Straus, who lived near Middlotown village, nd James O. Armstrong, Jr., of
Miss Oakley went to Mrs. O'Keefc's Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hayward
shown at every performance durlnc on a vlalt and tho ahower was Mrs. Max Leon, Mrs. Carl Rose, Mrs, waa held Saturday morning with a The new Henry L. Zobel building South River, were married at threo nnd family of Occanport wish to ex-
the week In addition to the Carl- .iome complete surprise. The house was B. Pachman, Mrs. S. Richter, Mrs. requiem mass at St. Mary's church RUTGERS SCHOLARSHIP.
at the corner of Broad street and I'Clook Monday afternoon at St. press their deep gratitude and apprii
ton'a regular program. The educa- Jecoraterl with streamers and flowers Joonph Berlovv, Miss Fannie Lipnck, 'ames's rectory by Hov. Edward J.
tional film will show how fires can in it New Monmouth. Rev. Thomas Leonardo High School Graduate Gets Harding road Is rapidly Hearing com- Hell. A reception was held at theelation of tho wonderful work don* r
a green and yellow color scheme. Miss Mausner and Miss Ella Zager. Kearney of Keahsburg was In charge. pletion. The building Is a very largi by tho Occanport lire company, thV
be prevented. There will also be a Miss Upson Memorial Award, ride's home and tho couple left on Portaupeck Ilro company and friends, -
one, and is two stories in height. Thi
series of pictures especially prepared OtherOakleyguests
received many presents
wore Mrs. James En-
Sunday night a bridge party was Solos were sung by John Keelan of
Donald S. Miles of Leonardo was flrBt floor of the building will be oc~ a short wedding trip to Niagara Falls neighbors and all thoso who gavs n«J
tot children. given for Miss Trubin by Mlsa Flor- Keansburg. There was a large at- and Canada. They will make their slstanco at tho recent ilro.—AdveN
Ight, Mrs. John Kelly, Mlsa Kath- ence Richmond at her home on Reek- tendance and many floral tributes. one of ten members of the freshman upted by Mr. Zobel for his automo- iome in Chicago, whore Mr. Arm-tisement.
Fritz Dressier, chief of the Redrlno Child, Mlsa Catherine Warn- legs placn. Tho prize winners were Burial was made at Mount Olivet class of RutgerB university to r )llo business and it will be one of
itrong Is employed by the DuPont Card of Thanks. '
Bank fire department, secured these :ker, and Miss Ann Wlllgerodt. Mrs. Joseph Berlow, Miss Rose Klat- Cemetery. The bearers wera John celve Upson memorial scholarships al the very finest automobile business lompany, Mr. William Leahy and his daujth-'
educational films by hla contact with Mrs. O'Keefe and Mlas Oakley are sky and Mrs. Aaron DIxon. Other H. Wermert, John O'Nell, Martin the college Saturday. Miles gradu- places In the county. The second tor Annlo wish to thank tho many
the underwriters' association. They employed at the Red Bank social eer- guests were Mrs. Samuel Swartz and Casserly, John Travera, Joseph Mo- ated from the Leonardo high school floor will be divided Into 23 business The bride was given in marriage
will fee shipped to Red Bank In his Ice office and tho guests were also Misses Llbby Madansky, Rose Wald- loney and Thomas Salmon. in 1828. offices. Three of these offices have iy her father. Miss Ella MeGarity of friends, who with kind wishes an*'
service, helped to lighten their bur*
charge for next week's use. Chief oclal service employees. man, Ella Zager, Sarah Klatsky, The scholarships are awarded on already been engaged. Harry B. Shrewsbury, a sister of tho bride, was dons In connection with the loss o f -
Dressier Urges residents to eliminate Pauline Rosenberg and Miss Minnie competitive basis to candidates wht Southall, a Red Bank contractor, haa ifldeamsld and Russell Armstrong, a tho wifo and mother recently.—Ad«
as many of the fire hazards as pos- NEW YORK LAWYER DEAD. show the greatest promise In qual engaged an ofllco In the building and brother of the groom, was grooms- vertlsoment.
sible in or about their premises. He NEW AUTO LAW. ities of manhood, force of character two offices have been rented by Vin- man. The bridesmaid received an ex-
especially -urges storekeepers to clean Thomas Glllerhan Was a Summer and leadership, literary, and scho- cent J. Eck, an architect of Redpensive cameo brooch as a gift from Card of Thanks.
JUNIOR CLUB'S SUPPER. Resident of Highlands. Mrs. Harriot Swan wishes to ex<"'
up their cellars and other places Iler November 15th It Will be Ad- lastic ability and attainments anc Bank. Tho offices of both these ton- slater and the groom's gift to press her thanks and appreciation to
where waste and other refuse col- vlenble to Carry Insurance. A Feast for Mothers ond Daughters Thomns Glllerhan, a New York physical vigor. Tho scholarships an ants front on Harding road. attendant was a gold fountain pen thoso who sent flowers and loaned .
lects. Beginning November 15th a now at Applegato's Tea Room. lawyer and a summer resident of good for four consecutive, years, sub- and penoll set, cars at tho time of tho funeral of her •
w requiring persons driving an au- Highlands, died last week at New ject to the maintenance of hlgl BOAT BUSINESS CLOSED. Tha brlds was attired In a brown daughter, Miss Nina Swan.—Adver-
About fifty persons attended
TWO BBJTHDAYS YESTERPAY. omoblle to show proof of their "mothers and daughters" dinner held ork. The funeral was held Thurs- the scholastic) records. chiffon velvet suit with a hat to tjsoment.
inanclal liability to settle claims aa lay at St. Bernandcs's church at Ebcnoier Scott and Frank Patten match and »ha wore a corsage bo-
Mrs. Corlles was 86 and Mrs. Nevlus result of accidents will go Into cf- by the Junior Woman's club of Red ew York and burial was made at THIEVES AND "VARMINTS." Have Gono to North Carolina. quet of yellow tea roses. The brides- FLADER.—Helen Loulao FUdar, dltd on
Was 83. ict. After, that data nny person bank at Applegate'a tea room Mon- Vhite Plains. Mr. Gillerhan leaves maid wore B. purple chiffon velvet suit Ootolier l i t ; Moved wlfo of Max H. Ki«-
invlcted of various violations of tho day. Tho festivities opened with an widow and four children. He had Waller Wyndorfs Chickens Havi Ebenezer Scott and Frank Patten Ith a hat of a corresponding shado dcr, nnd doar mother of Robert M, Fliiler
Yesterday was the 86th birthday notor vehicle act, or who has, whllo Invocation by Mlsa Gertrude Norman, een a summer resident of Hlgh- of River Plaza have gone to Eastern ind wore a corsage of pink roses. i-unornl sorylcon will be held a t h«r I t t l '
of Mrs. William T. Corlles of Linden poratlng a car, killed, or injured a followed by a toast "To Our Mothers" Been Attacked by Both.
nds eight years and was a member North Carolina, where they will Fifty persons, including relatives of residence, 5 Silverwhlta nvonua, B«d Bank,'
N. J., on Thuradny, October 8d, a t SlOO
place and tho 83d birthday of Mrs. lerson, or damaged property to thoby Bernlco Soule. Tho response was Walter Wyndorfs chlckenhous spend the winter hunting and fishing. he couple from Red Bank, Rumeon, 1*. M.
Henry M. Nevlus of East Front xtent of $100, shall give tho Co'm-by Mrs. Soulo. Greetings were giv- if the Highlands business and civic
near Tititon Falls was broken lnti Mr. Scott occupies a boathouse on Branch, South Rlvor, Brooklyn
street. Formal celebrations were not ilssloner of Motor Vehicles proof of en by Miss Jncquellno King, pres- iBsociation and tho Bayshoro lm- by thieves a fow nights ago and twotho river near Hubbard's bridge dur- ind New York, were present at tho-
held, but each celebrant received Is financial ability to satisfy a claim ident of the Junior Woman's club, irovemcnt association.
many birthday cards and floral gifts. ir personal dnmages up to $5,000 or by Miss Florcnco Krldel, tho aonlor
hens were stolen. Mr. Wynd'orf has ing the summer and he makes a bus- eceptlon. The bride received many
been unfortunate with his poultry tho lneas of renting boats and canoes and aluable wedding presents, Including WANT ADVERT1SMTS.
There was a family gathering and .0,000 In case of death or Injury to prosldent, and by Miss Elizabeth ,ONG BRANCH MAN'S FUNERAL. paet summer. Early during the sum- selling bait. Mr. Patten is a son of londs, checks, silverware, etc. Too Late for Classification.
dinner party at the home of Mrs. everal persons and for property Powers, tho past junior president mer a hen and eight small chickens Barton Patten and he works with Mrs. Armstrong Is a graduate of DRAFT IIOnSE for lide, twclv. y u r a 0 U ,
Nevlus; Both Mrs. Corlles and Mrs. amage up to $1,000. The principal address was made 3ev. Herbert Lane Conducted Service were killed by a weasel. Later a Mr. Scott. the Red Bank high school and of tho """'«•»»»» aound, wood worker. ADDly i n r « » M
Nevlus enjoy excellent health despite Such proof may bo in the form of by Miss Ella May Itawson of Ssbury Wednesday' for George- Dey. number of chickens were killed by Mr. Scott closed his business last Montclalr teachers' college. She has Park. N.Wman IpriV."'o,d!
their advancod years. They are in-Insurance for • the aforementioned Park, who was introduced b,y Miss dogs whose owners are unknown. Mr, week and moored his boathouso on been employed as a teacher at theitcd Uank."
timate friends and frequently visit imounts, or a surety bond, or the de- Jacqueline Klnsr. Her subject was Tho funeral of George W. Dey of Wyndort will send a bill to the town-
each other on their birthdays, but osltlng of sufilclent collateral with The Young Woman in Business." mg Branch, who died last week, ship committee of Atlantic township the River Plaza shore. He has been louth River public school the las Iti PotorB phice, Rod Dank.
this custom was not followed this as held Wednesday afternoon at his for tho chickens which were killed spending his winters In North Caro- ve years. Mr. Armstrong graduated RAIIMT HOUNbTtwenty nvo toflftrdol-
e commissioner. Mlsa Rawson is vice president of the iate residence. Rov. Herbert J. Lane lna the last twelve years. rom the South River high school Iars, iruurnnlecd aa dolcrlb.d. O
year. Mr. Corliea died a number of Soacoast Trust company of Asbury f tho Long Branch Baptist church by dogs. nd he has been connected with the 8 nti A L
years ago, Ha was at one tlr- post-
master of Red Bank. Tho ' ^nry
Park. A duct was Bung by Bernlce
BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR TWO. Soule and Vivian Rosebury. d lie sermon and Allen Wool-
WHEIIE CORN GROWS BIG. )uPont company nvo years. He waB
brmerly at the company's plant at FOR HENT "house, 0 roomi, all Imprcn-i-
% AA"
M. Neviua was 'formerly ,«ecutor sang two selections. Burial was
. of Monmouth county. He Vas a vet- Wss Lena. L. Curtis and Mrs. Nina t Glenwood cemetery and the bear- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peters Make a •"arlln, but last April ho was trans-
eran of the civil war, and a statue Bakcmnri Guests of Honor. BRIDGE PARTY AND LUNCHEON. 'a were John Davlson, Harry De- Mrs. Harry Angelo Entertained a Trip In Pennsylvania. erred to Chicago. HOUSE for rent; North Urld'ee avenue':'
root, George Greenleaf and Charles Few Friends Last Week. Showers w«ro given for the bride BOmo . mprovemonu.
. . . , — -.,.„, Wllli.n, K.r... b u ..
representing him is on tho town hall Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peters and 78, Mhldlotown, N.
grounds. Mrs, Elizabeth Curtis gave a birth- Gilts of Baby Toggery for Mrs. Wil- •ullladeau. V Mrs, Harry Angelo gave a lunch- family of Fair View spent Saturday last week at the Woodrow Wilson ho-
day dinner party Saturday night at liam Slocum. eon-bridge last week at her homo at and Sunday with Mrs. Peters' moth- ;el at New Brunswick by Miss Amelia G i R i r w A O T E p ~ t o ~ ^ ? i r ^ ~ n s n T ~ T S * •:,.
her home at Rlvoralde Heights in Fell Dead From Bicycle. Fair Haven. There woro three tables. Porter and Mrs. Harry NUBS, both of MJjJdjot^Kn^J^V.^hl^™ 776*J.8« b ° * Y 8 '
SOLD TWO BOATS. Middletown township for her daugh- Mrs. Tony Hunting; gavo a bridge er at Ambler, Pa. They brought South River, and at Benjamin H
ter, Miss Lena Louise Curtis and luncheon and baby shower last woek Bloomfleld Edwards, caretaker of The guests were Mrs. J. J. Ballln home with them some very largo Lane's home at Shrewsbury by Mrs, Ford "
One Shipped to Florida—East Orange Mrs. Nina Bakeman. A fine Uuok at her homo at Fair Haven for Mrs. le Long Branch public library for Mrs. William M. Toetosel, Mrs. Rob- iars of field corn which were raised Armstrong's cousin, Miss BCBSIQ
ert Dean, Mrs, Charlos White, Mrs.
Man Buys Other. dinner was served by Mrs, Curtis. A'illiam Slocum. Prizes at bridge !veral years, fell dead from his bl- George O. Hendrlckson, Mrs. Lillian by a friend, Monroe Boyer of Three Lane, MrB. Nuss and Miss Porter
were won by Mrs. Davis Hicks and ,'cle while going to his lunch last Tun Inn, Pennsylvania. Some of I'AHT-TIMB snleswomnn want.*; muat
Floyd E. Brady of Fair Havon, Mrs. Bakoman and Miss Curtis re- Mra. Chester Arthur, An elaborate Vednesday. He had complained of VanBuskirk, Mrs. William W. Brown the corn has been on exhibition In are friends of tho bride. P
local yacht broker, has sold two ceived many birthday gifts. The dinner woi served amid floral decora- ioor health for several weeks. Mr, Mrs. Theodore Hall, Mrs. Harvey "W The Red Bank Register ofllco. The i 2 ' T '" """0™1 llm f l lll
boats within the past week to out-guests wero Mr. and Mrs. Clarke E. tions. Each guest received a fnvor Edward3 waa 79 years old and is sur- Dobbins, Mies Julia Little and Miss ars are about twelve Inches long. Edwards—Borden.
of-town residents. He sold a cabin Fuller1 and children Louise nnd Clark nnd Mrs. Slocum received many gifts vived by a widow, two daughters and Agnes Murray. Mr. Boyer had a crop of about fifteen Miss Elizabeth Edwards of Bloom-
LOST u blnck poodle, nnawors to tho E
skiff mado at tho Banfleld works at Fuller, Jr., of Rod Bank, .Henry Swan of blby togger.v. Mr. Slocum is a two sons. acres and It was uniformly good. fleld and Elliott C. Borden, son of
of Prince. Cnjl Jted Bank 71B-TV
Atlantio Highlands to W. K. Hunter, one! Albort E. Snyder of Riverside drumrrnT in the orchestra of the BAPTIST WOMEN'S LUNCHEON. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Bordon of Lit-SALESWOMAN^"'
a hardware and lumber dealer at Heights and Miss Edna McCullough children
Tony Hunting theatre. Others at Anniversary Party. tle Silver, were married Friday at .............. ashoos nnd children'* w a i >»'.
Jacksonville, Florida. The boat is of Keyport.
BED BANK BOY ARRESTED. l l u u a n m l emmren # wuri
the party blades those mentioned The wedding anniversary of Mr. Missionary Society to Meet at the the Methodist parsonage at Little • teidy ponltlon; (food t*y. G o l d W j il
25 feet In length and has a 125 horse Church Tomorrow Afternoon. Silver by Rev. Lewis Pike. Tho at- Broad ttreot, nod Bank.' """""I"- ««
power Kermath motor. The boat was TRUCK DAMAGED. were Mr9. Harry Welsh, Mrs. Ray and Mrs. George Kaney of River Joseph MIgUazza Was Driving an Au-
Corsal, Mrs. William Mason, Mra. Plaza was celebrated with a party tomobile Without a License. tendants were L. A. Stockbrldge of
•hipped on the Clyde line last week. J o h n M l s o n Rri&
The Red Bank Baptist women's Glen Ridge and Oscar Benson of
Anthony Blahchoff's Car In an Accl-; Mrs^Gordon Sloanc, Saturday night. Tho festivities wero missionary society will have a box
The other craft was a Great Lakes arranged by the St. Vincent do Paul luncheon at the church tomorrow af- Joseph Mlgllazza of Shrewsbury Rumson. Mr. Borden la rural mall
speed runabout, 23 foot long and dent Lost Week. avenue was fined $10 lost week by
SMALL GIRL'S FARTT. society of S t Jamea's church of Red ternoon. Mrs. Frank Manson will carrier at Little Silver and ho la
equipped with a 100 horse power truck loaded with brick nnd Recorder William J. FOulson for driv- also In charge of the parcels post
Scrlpps motor. This boat was sold owned by Anthony BischofI of Mid-1 It Was Given at Ked Bank for Knth- Bank, of which society Mr, Kaney Is have charge of the devotions and the ing an automobile without a license. shipping department at Lovott'a
by Mr. Brady to H. P. ChllJ of East dletown vlllago was badly damaged j a member. The usual pastimes were program will be arranged by Mra.Mlgllazza was driving a car owned
lecn Sulllvnn of Brndovolt. enjoyed and everybody had a fine Edward W. Miller and Mrs. Archi- 3y Nicholas Siclllano of River street nursery.
Orange, general sales manager of last Friday on tho state highway
the Underground cable company of when It ran into a truck loaded with Mrs. Gcorfto Harvey and Mlsa Mary time. bald H. Sutphln. The hostesses will and tha arrest was made after Hance—Crawford.
Perth Amboy. lumber. Tho lumber laden truck had Sullivan of Washington streot, Red bo Mrs. Herbert E. Williams, Mrs. Mlgliozza hit a n d , damaged cars,
Bank, gavo a party last week in cel- William A. Truex, J r , Mrs. Georga The wedding has been announced
stopped suddenly to avoid hitting an- Married Ten Years Last Week. owned and driven by Charles Gel- of Miss Frances Hance of Troy, New
FAMILY DINNER PARTY. other truck owned by Carl Halperin ebration of tho second birthday of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett of D. Cooper and MISB Mary B. Mount laua and Edmond B. Roae, Jr., both York, a physical training teacher at WANT to buy in o"
of Newark. Mr. Halperin's truck their niece, Kathleen Sullivan; Monroe avenue a t Shrewsbury cele- if Atlantio Highlands,. The accident the Russell Sage school at Troy, and hou.o wllh Improvement.; kindly •tau
A Festive Evening at tho StUwagon had entered tho highway from a side daughter of Mr. and Mra. Frank brated the tenth anniversary of their Veterans to Sell Flags. occurred on West Front street near Goorge B. Crawford, eon of Mrs.full partlctilnrs. Address E,Ut,,
drawer M. Itcd Hanlu
Homestead at Everett. road. No one waa hurt. Sullivan of BradovclL wedding last week. They entertained Shrewsbury poBt of the American Maple avenue. Susan Crawford of Middletown. The TWO-wwrsrsi.-;
A complaint of reckless driving Other guosta we're Mr. nnd Mrs.a dozen friends a t a party and re-legion of Red Bank will start selling couple were married on Tuesday, ru
Miss Catherine StUwagon nnd herwas made against Mr. Halpeiin by Jamua Fyatt and children, Mrs. Wil-ceived many presents. Mra. Bennett flags and flagpoles next Monday. The Going to Florida. Ilronil itroot; very reasonable.
brother, Cyrcnluo V. StUwagon, en- Mr, BlBchoff, and a hearing waa held liam Bcvins and daughter Margaret, was formerly lljss Mary Davis of Hogs and poles will be tho same aa September
p 3d,, by
y Rev. Archibald H,, rl50 llcrtren place, Hod Dnnk.
tertained a number of relatives and Monday night before Recorder Louis Mrs, Harold Little and son Arthur, Red Bank. Mr. Bennett Is employed those used on .Broad street and In Mr, and Mrs. August Wulflng and Sutphln of River Plaza at his resi- ??}/™l!"?X°'?' *^~iZrt~<
friends at a dinner party and fam- H- Meeso of Belford, Decision was Mra. James Ltirkin and children Mary at' Tiiton's dairy. Mrs. Vlah Smith will leave this week dence. Mr. Crawford Is employed at
ily gathering at tholr homo at Ever- reserved for a week. other business sections of the town. for Florida, whera they will spend the JSfid B a s k by tho Snedoimr llash cor-
and James, and Rose and Ethel Wil- One of the chief objects of this sale
ett one night last week. The evening. son. : I vlnter. Mrs. Wulflng Is president of poratlon. ^ t t a a i S i ^ ; So^
was spent In general sociability and Players' Auxiliary Growing. is to have a uniform flag display on he Flayers' auxiliary and during her Bargain. 'Iclephona Red Dank J62-R
everybody had a Jolly time. Tho Hospital Workers' Meeting, Mrs, Joseph Tomllnson and Mrs. Armistice D a y .bsenco the meetings will be in Planning Drama Events. LET'S TALK about i W l ^ — ^ S T S
Raised $1,000 For Ilollof Fund:
guests were Mrs. John B. StUwagon, There was a mistake In tho report William Tobias, Sr., Joined tho Play- harge of Mrs. Morton Planltz, the The drama department of the Wo- II,tdoor
i . nnd ~A nn
ll . - . * i » K, cummercill
ii |
Mr. and Mra. Roger Wymba, Mr. andaa to the time for the next meeting Tho Red Banli committee of theers' boat club auxiliary of Fair Ha- Bridge Party. r
Ice president man's club of Red Bank held a cov- out-door nnd all types of «)octr|c .feni.
Mrs. Charles StUwagon and their of tho Red.Bank auxiliary of tho Palestine emergency drive have nl- ven laBt night.. The auxiliary will ered dish luncheon a( tho home of ir n i i " ' i " p r l ' ' 0 1 " m l reliability-
Mrs. Frank Kuhl of Walface street
children Robert and Gloria, Mr. and Spring Lake hospital. The meeting ready j%iscd more than SI 000 J. hold a cake sale Saturday of this gave a brldgo party Monday night. Taken to Mo; Mrs. C. F. Bostock .laat Wednesday, ROOM {lank '"'"''• P h ° n 0 a 4 8 ' - J - ««l •
Mrs.'Harold Stout and Mr. and Mrs. will ho "hold next Monday aftern'nori Lester Klsner is honorary chairman ;v/cek in a Broad street store at Red The prize winners wero Miss Lida Mra. Daniel Oracey ;i Plans for the coming year were i (or •ml: nsnr iOtvn, «nrt
Melvln Stout and their son Robert %t three o'clock at the Woman's club- I), ino committee, Jacob Ynnko Is . Bank. A luncheon will be hold next Emmons of Red Bank and Mrs. F. ho has been an Invi made. The drama department will. will'. r - ! remonalilo.
--, • - • • - -

It Llndon placi,
i r i t i s HUJflfJ .

of Red Bank. house. ' honorary vice chairman and Leon I Monday at Chestnut Grove Maaor Halsey Cocheu and Mlaa Anna Fleck- as taken lo the Lo h th meeting i Fridav
Lill; id off thiB S
Rueckhaua Is chairman. »t Eatontown. have another S^-H!!*-.-
ner of Long Branch. pltal today for medical ent; week. (Want advertUemTn'ta umtlntua oa
BOWLING LEAGUE PUNS. BIRD CLASS ilocp for •»•«, fllgh ton-foot,
esc til en* EondUIon. S o tt at johttion
MaITCUINQ. Mexlcaa. gold, stlfor. VVILLIAU
•tt., boUonf. plaklng. pUltlna, em= (as
U V.V. DIETRICH, plumbing, beat
as and tlttntna. Pumps and wndmtU
l d Ayent ttor_ M
DINNERS—Bhitwibai? Manor
FOR RENT nicely "furnished room,'""iiil
provemBnti; two minuteft tn1 station; in
im- HALF of doDbl. tious. for r.nt; i . v . n
room* ind bithi .1) lmproy.ra.nts. In-
Broi., boat w«k». Point FI«M«nt. N. J. broidery, trlmmliui and noTsltlss, Maa- npalrtd., Master carburetpr excellent bom. cook.d dinnvrs at private family. 'Apply 131 South Brldg*
quortd* eolU for nlra. The Uandj Shop, savins device, Fits any furnace, *2
SEASON FOB BED BANK TEAMS Write to Kuntcfl Born ton, air* Boynton
H Broad strtet. Bed Bask. atenut. Rid Dank. Pboae It.CD. special Thursday and Sun&ar. SIX-ROOM hdu»i~»irim»tov'im«nts^ A«". fa«.
Broi. * Co., 200 Jfflcrion itr*«t. Fertc
Ambgy. N L j . 1864. Fhon. lot n i e m t l o n 1106. lied ROOMS for rent on riverbank, furnlib«d. ylr 2«0 M.eli.iila stra.t, ReJ Sink,. i
SUPERIOR Window Cleaning Co.. phone Bank, Sycamor. aveou., Shr0«sburr. APARTMENT of Av. rooms, all Improve
Alexander Curcbln New President of ST. BERNARD pupplii for iftle, fihtap, H. OBIENTAL tad donustU mgs «nd Red Bank 2478. We mike a specialty ot SIi Tooms and baa7d;""Weli menls; also n.wly furnished rooms, with
RiUflu, Bad Bank, phom 8240-W. N. J. location, on the Shrewabury river; mod- or without board; slngl. « n i iWubl. rooms. . l o t on eorosr ol Wail
the Commercial Bowling Leftgue— csrptU ibampootd and dry eletnad. cleanlRtf windows In pi*vat* reaidencea. erate rates. Frivold'a, 188 Riverside ave. Phone Had B.nk 10U or «.!, 31 Branch fclspie *venu«, OD wblob
Fourteen Team* Are in the League BOYCE, th* painter, bout* pilnt, 18.80 Old carptu m»d« Into xo#i. Sag Day and night service. WE LOAN money on borne futDttur« wttb- nvn>. Red Sank, phono 2771. store buUdlni*. U faerebr
per ssllon, w»H p*pn wperti practicti avenue, B.d Bank.*, -. •
Thlt Year—Headpln Tournament pumtori and p»p«r banff*r«t eatlmatai fr*», ruva woven. Telephone <nr a postal out removal In sums from 125 to 1800. pply to J. JraSotd AU«n,
esrd *U1 brio* our troak to roar MELVIN 8. ROSE, 107 Plnckney road; Repayable monthly, lawful Interest, prompt JJVE-BOOM bungilow lor rent, furnlsJuil, «enu*. Red Bank.
Tht Commercial bowling league ot •II work fiuaranteed. Opan «v«ntnffi tit) service. Writ*, phone or, ea.lL Industrial FIVE ROOMS and bathroom f<ji rttit; to smRll family, on Ntttmin Springs
R«d B»nJt met Thursday night at the ntna o'clock. It Blvtr road, Bumaon.' H.
J,, phorm tit. '•
door. Uonaootb Ctrp«k Clianlng landscaping and general contracting, Loan Gociety, laa., 176 fitnllb street, water, gas, electricity; $37.50 psr roid, betxen Llncroft and Red Bank; all nd Burason, inoludlnl rlr.1 ptoMnfat.
Elmer cafeteria and made plant tor Compinr. tslepbont Monmontb Bsacb Ground clearing, grading, pruning. •eith "Amboy. N. J,, pbone 19K1. Improvement! except gas. Reason Sot
the coming (mason. Alexander Cur- HOT AIR fupiftc* in «xe«itflnt condition WUilam Oroii, proprietor. *to,, »Sone by txperU. Satitfection 'SPIRIT OF MONMOUTH,'* Is an Italian
month; near Broad street. Apply Red returns, moving • « » . Address Bungalow, In boylnjr. p r, Kann.dy,
TOU to phoos. from If you > t . Inlsr.lU
»i Sail
for ialet will haat twelve-room bouiti weekly newspaper that covers the coun- Bank Real Estate Co., former Second drawer M, Bed Bank.' nt .treet, Red Bank, pboni^..ȣ>%___
ohln waa elected president of the tor ••!« ehoap. P. F, Kennedy, 85 Ea.t guaranteed. Eistlmatea cheerfully giv-
y and Is read by thousands of Italians. National Bank building. Red Bank. HOUSE foi rent, seven rooms, all Im- AL ESTATE
,EAL ESTAT8 for *ai* or tflDt. IR oinir
iMjtue, aucceeding Harry Qullmctto, Front »tmtt,R»d B^hlt, EXPEHT automabUa washer now In obarse an. Call R«d Batvk 22Q.M,' Advertise In It. 152 Monmouth street, provementa, furnished or unfurnished.
of the weih sund at the Boro D u n n , to slv* b u t ssrvlc. to eH«nIi, owners
wbp hat moved to Long Branch. SAI)DLE"HOR,SE for ia]«. Call Bchenck. phone Reil Bank 2607. PUtw Red Bank Hi. ra nquaittd to sind d«t«Ued, docrlpUoo
Inc.. Globe Court and Mesbanle atnet. FOUR*ROOMsTTiin pn7ch'nnTgsrng«Tsoma
No other officer* wore elected, but Holmdel 22-?.* G«fc fout o v «a»htd whQ« En town. Sflrv- I. TERZIAN, fine cabinet maker and up- ADVERTISING ts today one the best par- improvementa; J27 per month, Kennedy, HOUSE for rent, flv. lars., bright Toorai, ' iad proptttT, with Urmt. H. L rr»a»,
itrett. Bhrawsburj, N, J.
ttu»« who will aerve during the com- ANCM?or~iia!t, I2C. T«l«phone 4T1-J. i guaranteed. holsterer; Early Arncricsn furniture ing professions. Learn advertising or Maple Bvenue, nenr Tliird street, Fair newlv decorated; .11 improvements: run-
adt to order; dealer In fine furniture. commercial nrt. Wet teach ft In all It* n N J ning water, bath, g i s , electricity; deslr-
ing aeaaon In addition to Mr. Curchln or eall any morning or tvenlm at 28 Mc- IF IT'S r*al eitat* you want we have it. Antiques on hand. 88 Went Front itrwt branches; also landscapes In oil or water iibia location, ot Ridge road, RumBon. M. ta«n aoret, ntetly located; nelJ ail your
Dim area t & Krahnert. Pbone Red Bank
are William McKnlght vice president, Laren (treat. Rod Bank,
FOH BALE, elshtQen-foot motor boat} r o - 82U»M. or Katuntuwn 81-R. Main rfffce, Red Bank. color. Call or write for further informa- ^a7dlsingTow^dou^iB
rooms. 28 South street. Red Bank, itgs right at tbe door, A aood hoai* and
Harry Rowland secretary and treas- 1» volir ttmfl to buy reaionabU. Mo offer 168 South strett, Eatontown: branch office, REAL ESTATE for note or rent. John W. tion. Terms reasonable. Evening lessons
phone n21. 11UUSE to let furnished, at 101 We.tilde • good living for •omaona, poultry botiMt
urer, and Arthur Slattery assistant rafuBed, r'nona Red Bank 1011. ! lycamoTa avenue. Shrewsbury, N. J, Melons licensed broker, 27 Ennt Front from 1-.00 to OiOO P. M. Avon Art School, avenue; reasonable. Apply . t ' Al's ot 1.400
tun nine water, «Quorate •
602 -Main street. Avon-by-the-Sea, R J. Whit. Market, comer Broad and Front '1°" •"ii t n«"'«M«- B. U Atw»Ut.•*
secretary. MALE police puppy eight month I old for Oft well papering, painting ana aeeorat- street. Red Bank. Phonei 2786 and 2810. ABOUT thirty w«ll-bred rabbit, fox and ROOM for rent, ^ilh'board nt with
private home; mnn or lady; «l«o
tale, Benjamin Dennis, Port Monmouth, l n r s e e O. A. Millar, Cbnreh and Oomo* L d t rour property with me for quick ac- rasQ atreet. Red Bank.*
ton tttrests. Belford, Thlbaut'a wall paper. tion. raccoon hounds for sals; guaranteed to - —"t, f>4 Linden placp, lied Bank. UNFURNISHED FN apartment
p for r rent; n ; Bvo 'OR SALE, farm of i l l acres | ten-roim
There will be fourteen teams In N. J. Telephone Keens burg 864-J.* Estimates cheerfully given. Postouiee ad* BOYCE, the painter, fully equipped for the stisfy your purpose. Vour choice of col- phono 170-J. , j rooms,o all
ll improvements;
i t heat
h t furnished;f i h d
the league this year. Five are new, ENGLISH ~~tt»y Spaniels, Kins Charles | dresi Bslford, box 66, Phopa Ktsni- finest interior decorating, wall paper «x- and sizes W. D. Smock, South Est- rent. nuilaMe I vacant now. Can be seen any time. Ap- Iv. acrei: fruit; on hlchw.y. Tartu, ean
bouse, hot water heat, eltotrto . n d BMI
b&ntittful lDvlnp pot*. Duwson, 148 New burg 878-W. :own, N. J. for miR or tw pers
they being the Blue Comet, the Mail- street, Newark, N. J,» pertsj prsctical house painteri. Store and 18 Elm dace, I ply 236 West Front street. Red Bank, b . made. Caleb Lukor, BaUord. N. J w
men, Jersey Central power and light GEORGIAN SILVER—Old ffrupe dtiifln J. O. ESCHBLUAGH A SON, 12fi West Open evenings. Fine paint I3-2G. office, 18 River road, Rumson. Phono 666. Red Bank. phone Red Bank 309-R.
\VANTED, antique furniture, china or Ei5*_IC-?*!LI-^i"' "12-M.
company, Prudential Insurance com- Sheffield tray, 17 Inches diameter, «n- Ft ont street, Bed Bank, pfaont 127 5. FOUR rooms in double houso for rent;! HALF of doubl. house for rent, aix rooms, FOR SALEln Belfonr.TrTMain atreet,' two
glassware; or anything 160 years
pany and Butchers and Grocers. nine-piece Jewelry, elietrle Baby Grind piano. Auto accessories and vulcanizing. outhcrn exposure living room anri all improvementa. Inquire Joseph Wil- aii-room bungalows; small payment
Chlppendal*i rl.ln.lng. .room,, *ulitt old In the antfqu. line* C M . WU- rtitchen. first flOfir; Iwo bedronms, second danHcr'e Rudy Shop on R.llroad avenue,
.'..Th*-.oth«r teams aie ClpthUmi »nd low iioY, ChlppeniUU clnskt,nijedlepoint flrp THE QVJERHEAP door for garages* faa*
torl«s, warebouies. •tc.i any size, any
LOST AND FOUND. iiar. 101 South street. Freehold, N. J. floor; improvements. 404 Went J'ront I phono Red Bank 1360.. own, baUneo monthlyj tient. eleotrla .nil
as. Possession at once. Caleb U Lliker,
Insurance, Blgmund Eisner company, shield, four mahogany drdplcaf tablet, opening, Let us call and explain. Mou* LOST, small brown dog, inswori to name street. Itivrr Plan, phono Red Dunk ' •- - -
1160-R. or 2110. STORE and apartment~to let; 119 West lelford, N. J.. phon. Keanshurg 6O2.M,
Po«taffloe, New Jersey boll telephone nervlce platas, criraUl case Slats, cocktail mouth and Ocean counties rcpresantativ* ot Rex; very friendly; lost sometime MARY A. FROST of Atlantlo Highlands U Front street; reasonabl. rent. Inquire LARGE two-otory store for ••!«, incTudinil
company, Automobllo Men, Washers, ple glasses, Quean Anns wins chstr, curly ma- Ralph B. Blckels, Red Bank. Saturday. Reward. ..-if. Moffltt, 21 Hard- now at 84 Maple avenue, Eatontown, FURNISHED room, cheerful, modern home, on premises. Call Long Branch_8J19-J. • helving and coanter*. with four flnlihed
net tee, itpplewood corner cabinet. Chip- H1QHK3T prices paid for all kinds of IIv« avenue. Red Bank," N. J. half hlnck from bun line and hleti iichuuli i'OR RENT, five-room burujalowrwithTwa^ Ivlns: roomi In rear; located at Ttnton
Broad Street national bank, Second pond nit mirrors, tenicwood scrttni, Hitch- poultry. Jacob Becker, 27& Shrewsbury small round KOM wrist watch, on MORTGAGE money wanted; on first bond
reasonable. 14 South street. Red Bank.* tcr in kitchen; cellar. Inquire at 116 Fa Ha. on corner. ,of paved county road to
national bank and trust company, cock chairs. Sti<urnl vas», scoop back avenue. Red Bank, OK phone 1G8&-W. Bed LOST, blsek ribbon Saturday, September 28th. and mortgage, $5,500 wanted on Red Main street, Matnwan, N. J., real estate •e»Bhor«: oan bo used a»^grocerjr, eaniral
and Commercial .ChmifTcurn. chfilrs, olil brats, and Irons • Entfllih Hunt Bank. In Carlton theater or vicinity. Reward if Bank residential property worth at least ore. flliini itatlon. Wonderful oppor-
prints, tapestries, broncau, . SUfTord shire
The league schedule will begin Oc- doRi and ruby and sapphire tins'"ware. We H* Rl'tZAU, remover of dead animals Red returned to Wolcott, 85 Branch avenue, $0,000. Address First Mortgage, drawer REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. agent, Mr. Strauss.
nity. Bargain, Phona Eitontown 304
l-'OR RENT, two four-room apartments. In ^ c -J l i4 re *! l _5?.?_iliL.9. c ^ 8n P ort ' N. J,
Pbon« Red Bank 2240-W. ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bank, phone S5S-M.* . M R d B k heart of Eatontown: newly decorated:
tober 7th and end, April 25th. buy and sell the1 unununl. Red Bank Fur- FOR RENT, house, 69 Monmouth Btreet; BUSINESS property on 8Ut^hi,thwaV~for
CONTRACTOR, wnll rtecoratlna. pBIf WILL THE PERRON -who fount! n blRck NTEO, Konl Model A roadster. pl«at« elx rooms, bathroom and laundry; all improvements; convenient to R«d Bank
Matches will be held Monday and niture Rxch'inrr* . 85 Enot Front street, Red hanging and Tex tone and exterior pocketbook Thursday afternoon on a Fair tnto cash price. Phone Middle town improvements; centrnl location. Apply to nnd Long Branch; Rood but service; rent aale; new, ilx roomi, all latest Improve-
ments; larje pavilion; opposite ichool at
Wednesday nights on the Knights of Bnnk, phone 2G2, ___
painting. S. Csnnlzzaro, Main street. K Haven-Rod Bank bus please call Red Rank 270-M.' owner. M M . Arthur I'". Swift, Globo hotel $20 each. Apply Ray U. Stillman, phone *:»tontown. Suitable any lln* of buiineit.
Columbus alleys at Red Bank and TOR cheap, lawn mower, only used port, N. i,, telephone Keyport »01-M. 815 7 Contains very important keys.* BICYCLE wanted for school boy, of 11 Katontown 178.
few tlmoEt; Iron bed and springs, (3.00; Red Banlt.* VIH rent or *ell at bin laerlflcft. Property
every night, except Saturday, on Tay- Crex run. 0x12. 11.00; square stand 60 DOG LOST, wire haired terrier, white with years, If cheap; also express wagon, RIVER PROPElTfY~~for rent; six rooms BRAND NEW bungalow of elx room!, ree and clear. Wolf, phone Lak*wood
lor'* alley* at Eatontown. A new cents, chairs 25 cents, pictures 26 cent* txAKDSCAPfi, gardener. Prnnlng block spots on head and back, IPhone heavy, 1 on wheels, wanted if reasonable. and bath; enclosed sleeping porch; nec- bath, all improvements, garase; never 46L
621. Red Bank. GcorBO Foloy, Jr., 2*7 Seeley avenue, ond house acroaa Hubbard's bridge. River occupied. Rent reasonable. Inquire 12
rule this year requires every mem- .»cd.-Bank.« and round d.ntHjr table, £8 Sprlna street, by experienced men; spraying, lay- b N. J.* _
SILK SCARF lost, dark brown, with blue, Plaza. Telephone A. L. Miller, phone Red Oak place, Fair Haven, phono Red Bank HILL SITE for sale, with acres go of about
ber of the league to act as foul line THHKli. pulrs of vclour portieres for iale< Ing out ot grounds, large or small. 1635. sixty acres; ovctlooklng river and oetan.
reil and tun squares, at tVio meetlriB of HORSES wanted to board-, have room for Bank 1169-R. 'jargs barn, and houia on property. On
umpire at least one* during the sea- Jt2.00 pnir; lady's wrltlnar doik 14.00 and Advice given as to vrbat, when and the Monmouth County Democratic Club on four more; Inrge box stalls, with plenty FOUR-BOOM house Fair Haven for I HALF or entire seven-room house, fully Brown's dock road or McClees road, to filv-
bow to plant T. H. Stiles, 17 Harri- Saturday, September 28th, at the Molly of Jlftht and crround floors. Warren Mesa- rent: all improvements; rent reaion- equipped, furnished or unfurnished; wln-
aon. The umpires will be assigned mnrble top rosewood washstand, 51.60, erslde drive and Bed Bank. J. i\ Andrew,
Address G. M,, drawer M, Red Bank.* son avanuo tied Bank, phone 1991. Pitcher hotel. Finder Scarf, Icr. lied Bank., phone 640-J, Inquire at 1 Oak place, Fair Haven, tcr months; very reasonable to reflponsible Naveslnk, N. J.
by Mr. Slattery. drawer M, Rod Bank,* WILL EXCHANGE .Spring Lake all-year N. J. people. Also rooms, light housekeeping
The annual headpln tournament FOR SALKi Booster kitchen cabinet, single
bra** bed, sprtnjr and nvattrett. double homo for Red Bnnk home, all improve- privileges. 140 Washington a treat. Lone I OR SALE, seven-acre farm with four-
What have you T DESIRABLE office for rent In the Eisner Branch, N. J » room stucco house and garaga; near
will b« held December 27th at Tay- bed and spring and other small articles of OLD FLUORS reiurfaced like new. Let ments ; or vicinity.
lor's alleys.
HI give you an estlmata for resurfacing
furniture and gnrden tool*. Mrs. J. A. your old floors by machine, which we have EMPLOYMENT. George Menno. realtor, 614 Warren ave- buiidlnsr. Apply at the office of SIgmund
Eisner Co,, or telephone Red Hank 11 DO. FOB RENT in Rumson, one-half of double t/> settle estate; Rnritan township. Ad-
Btftte highway; very reasonable; must sail
Chaumy, corner Pair Haven road and Clay recently added to our equipment. Pbont HELP supplied of all nationalities, for all nue. Spring Lake, N. J^ house, 121 a month. Five-room bunga-
HALL for rent; third floor. 10 Broad low {45; aix-room house, all improvemants, dress Seven-Acre Farm, drawer M, Rtd
street, Fnlr Haven, N. J.» _^____ Ralph B. Blckels, Red Bank. kinds of work, specializing in farm- WANTED to purchnuo. old furniture. Orl street, for lodge, dances or entertain- $40 unfurnished, S4G furnished. U C Mar Bank.
A SUNDAY CLAMBAKE. FOR HALE, fifteen rabbit bounds sad \ E 3 , it will be done rlgbt U your gar Is hands. Write or call at 8. Berger'e Agen- cntal rugs. Alao old silverware. Any- ments. Can bs rented by the year. mon*,h tha Htlleyman, phone Rumson 464.
thing unusual. Address Old Furniture. FOR SALE, rondttnnd; livlne rooms and
twelve Llewellyn setters under two washed at tbe Boro Busies, Ine« wash cy, 86 West etreeU tyew York City, phone drawer M, Red Bnnlt^ or evening. Apply It. Hanca & Sons. 12 cellar, electric; lot 60x126 feet* corotrt
Sunrise Ftsb and Gun Club Members y o a n ; bred right; $20 each. Come Invea- itnnd. Qharlai A. Jonea, export washer Rector 8546. Broad street Red Bank. HALF of double house for rent; B e d -
WANTED, ' Bmall gas stove, not over rooms and bath; at 61 Mechanic street. 12,600, S500 cash. Also two and a quarter
Had a Fine Time, htcnte. Nathan Umatead, Bed Star Gamp, AUCTIONEER—Let my experience of con MARRIED dairy end poultry man wishes OU RENT, store rooms on Monmouth Apply 63 Mechanic street. Red Bank, phono acres land. 1900. Lukor's Realty, Belford,
SnlUbury, Md. ducting over one thousand sales be of position by October 1st, Addrclfl Dairy- 18x30; height Immaterial; must be atreet. Ited Bank, for rent; favorable lo- 692-M. N. J.. phonw Keansburg 602«M.
About twenty members of the Sun- OKTHOPHONIO Vlctrola, a |800 model, service to rot). Will attend to all advertin- man, drawer JM, Red Bunk.* good condition. State price. Address B er.tion: moderate rent. Apply at tho oflflco
Ilko now, for Bale, 83% on tho dollar. J. init, furnish clerks—all you have to do it
AGENTS wanted to aeU our new spring 197. Octiiinuort. N. J.* o! Sismuntl Eisner Co., or telephone Ited FOR RENT, half of double houae; five HOUSE for sate or rent. VandervccT &
rl»e rod and gun club ol Red Bank set the date. George U. Roberts, phone line of Alice Ann dresses direct from our CURTAINS properly and reasonably dono rooms and bath; steam heat; all modern Birdsall, phone 1465 or 109-J. Red Bank.
enjoyed a clambako Sunday after- H. Meyer, Oceanport avenue. Ocean port,
opposite hotel. Phone 411, Eatontown.* day Rod Bank 2371. night Middletowti factory. Liberal commission. W.rite Bel- ip. Phone Red Bank 439-M. LODGE! room for rent Desirable room mprovements: electric, Ban: centrally lo- FOR SALE, factory buildings and bungivi
noon on the club's lot on tho Wyc-FOR S/CLE, three-piece IWIng room suite, 278-M. mar Brett Co.. Seventh avenue, Belmar, available for us* second and fourth cated, 102 Monmouth street. Possession low at South Eatontown adjoining new
N. J. WANTED, veal calves, beef cattle and Thursday night* of each month. November 1st, 192D; rent HO. Thone Red Stats Highway, Terms to responsible par-
koff estate tract near Tinton Falls. small leather chair and lamp. Also com. BUSINESS for sale; plumbing business
at the office .of Slgmund Eisner Co.
Apply Bank 2086.* ty. First National Bank of Eatontown, or
A flue repast was prepared and Dleta dining room autte with s«nu(ne red Red Bank, N. J,, a town of about 16,000 BED BANK, Employment Agency ana Digs. Top market prices paid* cash. your broker.
Nurses' Registry. -15 Riverside avenue, FOB RENT, stores, offices, flats, housea, HOUSE for rent. Biz rooms and bath; fir*-
served by Philemon Crelin. II com- leather Bank 692-J.
upholstered chairs. Phone Bed population; stock and fixtures, also three
Mrs. L K, Batter*by, proprietor. Courte-
A. E. Crawford Co., Tinton Falls, N.
apartments; improved; all locations, Just place, gaa, water, all improvements FOR SALE on account of death, modern
prised steamed clams, chicken, sweet automobiles. Reason for sale, death of ous service, efficient help; references J , DQone Eatontowa 16L off Broad street, at 12 one-car g&raee; rent $40 a month. H. A •tven-room house, two baths, sun par-
Jcch&nlo street.
RANGE for sale, good condition; very ^proprietor. For further particular! inquire veatlgated. Practical and trained on oalL
potatoes, white potatoes, sea bass, GAS cheap. Call at 168 Hudson avenue, or ifl. Joseph Itodgers, phone 63P-M, Red Bank. Telephone Red Bank 1422. C 3
Land & Loan Co.
wanted; will pay highest FOURTEEN vacant bouses and apartment*
Hendrlckson, phone Red Bink 1400. lor, 12*14, partly furnished; 116x800 feet;
fruit trees, barns, two-car garage, New-
blacuita, watermelon and soda water. t>hone Rod Bunk 458-S^ OARTUN CHAMBERLAIN, aontractor and market prlcei for tovtin and broilers; man Springs road, phon* Red Bank
The afternoon was spent In va- TWO hound dogs for tale; male and fe- •treat. builder: jobbing especially. 161 Souttt INSTRUCTION—Anncso School of Music; Call or write Alex Zwickl,. 89 North .month for rent at priced ranging from $35 pet
and upwards. P. F. Kennedy, *b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 226&-M.
Red Bank, phone 1615-W. expert instruction on violin, mandolin,
rious dlverslona. Horseshoe pitching male. Telephone Red Bank 2873, or call guitar, ukelele, steel guitar, banjo, saxo- D roadway, Long Branch, N. J.* phone Eaat Front Btreet. Red Bank, phone 20ft t
phone, clarinet. Instruments sold, traded 1500. SIX-ROOM bungalow on Main •trett, Bel- FIRST-CLASS seafood restaurant for sal«;
w u the principal game, and Thomas at 10 Bridge avenue, Had Bank.* and repaired. 47 Washington street, Red THE SHORTEST route from seller to
FOR RENT or sale, bungalows and housea; ford, tot IB.1«; t l i o ifx-room houie i t andor corner a woman partner for tea room: home
LANDSCAPE) gardener? new grounds property for sale; all improve-
HOBS waa tho champion. Ho "cleaned PIPELESS henter for sale; large site Rich
ardson & Boynton; excellent condition. Bank, phone 1751.
some bargains. Fourteen acres land near
buyer, from employer to employee and Keansburjr, suitable, for poultry farm; only Middletowo. near depot. S3.00O: three acrei ments. Apply Bayahorc Restaurant, 102
laid oat and planted) old grounds woodland, near Keanabanr. inlUbla for Front street, Keyport, N. J.
up" everybody he played against, al- Address B32 TSait Front street, liti Bank.*
Improved and bead tilled. Trees and HOUSEKEEPER wishes position in private from ioser to Under U a Register Want S6.500. Caleb L. Luker. Belford. N. J., chicken* 11,600. Caleb Lukor. Belford.
though In one game ho was aided by FOR SALE, Airedale puppy six weeks old. family or widower's borne; middle aged •dverttseraent^ phone Keansburg 602-11. LOT FOR SALE on Madison avenue: site
•hrobbsrr sprayed and pruned. Ad- roman. Address H. A, B.. drawer M, Red
a bit of good fortune. His horseshoe See EJ. F. Day, Palmer avenue, Keans
FARM PRODUCE FLAT lor rent, six rcoiru and bath:; all 40x11)0. Phone Red Bank 1023-R.
vice gladly given. N. Butterbach, Bank. improvements; two minutes from depot
•truck a tree branch and came down burg, N. J. PRIVATE RESIDENCE for sale, in ex- FOR SALE, a linn of farms; all kinds. If
and topped a "ringer," thus giving GATE LKO table for sale; reasonable; all box 288. Fair Haven. N. J^ pbooe ATLANTIC Employment Agency, licensed ABOUT 100 Rhode Island Red, Leghorn and bus line. Reasonable rent. Apply at you are out for ft farm see Laker's
cut Bias a punch bowl. 65 Linden place, Bed Bank 2042-J, and bonded. At your service to furnish and Plymouth Rock hens for sale, Mra. Bank. 18 Reckless place, or phona 6S0-W. Ited clusive residential met.on; «even Realty, Belford, N. jr., pbont Kcansburg
to Mr. Ross the necessary points to Bed Bank Z07-K. competent male or female help for any re* Fred Rader, Navesjnk, N. J. rooms, bath, awnings, jfar«B«; excellent 502. M.
win the game from Harry Pennlng- SALE of used furniture at your own pries; quirement, 61 First avenue, Atlantic HOUSE for rent on Mechanic atreet; good condition; $12,000. Ho atrintf. Ad-
WE BUY and sell old •noes;* men's and Highland,*, N. J., phone 633 or 821. Vin- SOD (or sale, thirty years old. Thoma* H. location, near'center of town; suitable ATTENTION:—Buathouae on plot 66x125
ton, his opponent. Mr. Rosa had carpets, rues, beds, pliinos, radios, Vlc- boys' only. Strand Shoe Benewry. 20 cent Dimiceli, proprietor. Grant homestead, on Everett rofld, one dress Residence, drawer M, Bed Back/ feet, on Pasiale river; docks, floats, club-
never been accounted a contender for trolas, sewing irtachlnei, antiques, stoves, West Front street. Red Bank, and B balf milei from Red Bank. John tl. for small family and rent Is very reason- room, living rooms, sits pumps on dock; In-
able. Apply at the ofilce of Sigmund Eti-
championship honors and his victory andirons, flretools, trunks. Mason Jars Sfi
cents donen; complete living, dining and F.LMEK a WAIN RIGHT, justice or th»
MEN WANTED for apple picking. H. Rit- Grant, R. D 1. Red Bank.
zau, Clover Hill Farm. Red Bank.
ner Co,, or telephone Red Bank 11Q0. BUSINESS for gale; plumbint; business a
side and outside storage; refreshment
stand with two gaa pumps on road. Splen-
HAY for sale; have about fifty ton* at
was of the "dark horso" varloty, Tho -bedroom suites, 824; tables, chain, $1., etc. peace. All complaints receive prompt $12 per ton; ten tons for $100 cash. W, FLAT for rent; four nice-large rooms and Red Bank. N. J.; stock and fixtures, a) did going: business. Selling on account oE
club expects to enter him In tho next Ucd Bank Auction House, 35 Monmouth attention. Day and
Accounts and checks eolUoted.
night eevlce. Patten on avenue, SALESMEN—Wonderful money-mak- i. Bridge. West Lone Branch, phone Long bath; all improvements; steam heat, $35 •o three automobiles. Reason for sale, sickness. Investigate. Sell very reason-
county championship event. Tho Htreot. month; In Doremu3 building, Mechanic death of proprietor. For further particu- able. Arlington Boathoui I, 701 F a n ate
near Broad street, Shrewsbury, N. J^ phone ing proposition; leads furnished; $90 Branch 552. '
Btreet, Land & Loan Co. lars inquire J. Joseph Rodgers. pbone Bed mue, Arlington, N. J^
clambake was arranged by a com WELL-MARKED pedigreed Boston terrier Red Bsnk 4. per -week; plus commissions. Address NGORA GOATS, will exchange;
ANGORA exchang; very ey
FIVE-ROOM bungalow, all .improvements, Bank 539-M.
pups; one male and one female. Sean by UPHOLSTERING and reflniahfng of all fine,
fi bast
b t breeding,
b d i for fh
fresh cow. h if
heifer, ATTRACTIVELY situated homes, read/ for
mlttee consisting of Ralph Brown, appointment. Phone AHenhurst 4089.* Salesmen, drawer M, Red Bank. or first class saddle horse. Wilberlu furnished or unfurnished; after October FOR SALE, very fine building lot, 60x100, occupancy, for rsalo on terms to suit pur-
kinds of furniture, Frank Howard, 65
Donald Smith and Henry Higglna. CRIB for »nle, white enamel. In «ood con- Hatrieon avenue, Red Bank, phone 2081 ox Farm, Locust Point, N. J., phone 166, At- 1st. Phone Red Bank G22-R. on Foster nicest, with all advantage* ol chaser* ; building lots for sale. John
dition. Mrs. Aekermsn, Newman Springs 044. LAUNDRY WORK wanted; done by hand. lantic Highlands. ONE-CAR garage for rent at 63 Bergen electricity, sras, town water and sidewalks, Canevarl, Wolf Hill avenue, Occanport, K.
place, $5.00 per month. Apply Mary C. Inquire of J. McClain, 47 Foster street! J., phone Eatontown 68.
road, west of Carmen place, Red Bank.* Fine silks done with care. Brine your
A BIO RALLY DAY. FLOORS RESURFACED—W« ipeelallte in package for qulclc service. Address Box SQUABS—Fresh Deliveries
killed squabs for sale;
Friday In Red Bennett, 28T Spring street. Red Bank, or River Plata, Red Bank. HOUSE of nix rooms for sale, all Improvt-
YOU BALE, cosh' register, one cent to making old floors look like new. New 127, R. F. P.. Eatontown, N. J., D. Weaver. find phone Asbury Pnrk 4390.
53.09. Alno one one cent to $00.09. floors also reflnished. vicinity. Telephone Holmdel 72-] BUILDING LOTS, 50x188, for saU; aide- roents. Apply ZZZ Mechanic street, R«d
Estimates cheer- walk, curbing, electric, wf^ter and BR» Bank.*
Record for Sunday-School At- Address Cash Register, drawer M, Kod fully given. Crosiei & Son. Fair Hav«tt POSITION wanted ai chauffeur hy young Marlboro Squab Loft. Marlboro, N. J. LOW RENT, bungalows, heated; winter
tendance at Now Monmouth. Bank. N. •!.. phone Red Bank 1082. man, married; willing to travel; refer- MONMOUTH HATCHERY, at Bailey's season; furnished complete; Bum a on. C. $50 down, balance J3 par week^James A. FOR SALE, two houses, near Broad street*
Packer, phone 120 Seabrightj Curlty, 6 Elm place, phone 2368, Hjyd Back
KITCHEN STOVE for sale. Csll at 48 NOTICE—Vacation time In winter or sum. ences. Can do llffht repair work. Addresi Corner, Bel mar. pay-old and startei Red Bank; one eeven rooms and on* six
Bally day at the Now Monmouth Brummnnd avenue. Red Bank, any time mer 1B the riant time to hoiia* clean L H. C , drawer M, Red Bank.* rMekB for Bale. Now hatching Rocks and FOR RENT at Fair Haven, Bix-room bun^a s7LCRiFICET~6lln8~ F I T 8 « t a u ;; houiT"in «T rooms; all Improvements; open fireplace.
low, all modern improvements; Catherine Red Bank, L i t t l * S i l v e r , F a i r Hav«n. Will sell very reasonable, owners leaving
Baptist church was slgnallzod by a after 8:00 P. M.» We clean and take care of your house WOULD mind children or bo companion to Itcds. Bred for large size and heavy egg Priced from 1 6 , 0 0 0 t o 8 1 5 . 0 0 0 . Or «&-
record attendance of 268 at tho Sun-DURO water system for sale, used only H. while yoO'are away, Best references. J. mrcd or sick persona any afternoon or layinir. Fall hatched chicks arc mighty street, off Kemp avenue; immediate oeeu. Changs f o r s a l e a b l e b u i l d i n g lota. JohnJ'B town. Address 21 Branch Avenue, or cell
anil Amelia Hicks, 100 Linden place, evening. Call mornings or write. Mrs. good chicks, pancy for winter, or nil year. Joe Hum' 1014. Red Bapk.»
tjay-flchbol mooting. Tho previous range. ' few monthi; nlso WeatlnffhouBS eleetrie P r o t h e r o . a Brent. 3 1 M o n m o u t h street, Jti
II. C. Voorhees, Manning place, Red Bank. , • • Field, 105 Linden place, Red Bank.* B"ALBD~~ALFALFA^ChoIcff green leafy phries, phone 3.11-W, iled Bank. B a n k , phona 9 6 2 . * FOR SALE, six-room house, all Improvt*
fecord was 287 and It was mado two River plata. DWELLINGS, garages. Jobbing. « t c (C QUILTING DONE—All kinds of quiltins, second cutting: priced richt. See it. FOR RENT, house of never, rooms, bath, tnenU; two acres land; tutt&bU for
weeks ago. Lester Thorno con- KITCHEN RANGE (Perfect) for tale, with you wish work done rlfiht and at the and QUilts recovered; also laundry want- Hanco & Davis, phone 103, Red Bank. sun porch, fireplace; nil modern improve' BARGAIN—Sale al or exchange; chg; severale l do-
do chickens, $4,500; near Long Branch, tin-
CLOVER HAY—Extra choice quality clov. ments; sarase. Apply Lester Dey, care i b l houses,
h , lll iin good g d ne.g"hborhood.
g h b h d ker's Realty. Belford, N. J., phone Kwni-
tributed to this result by running his water bnck: price | 1 2 . . Can be seen at right price, call Ralph B. Slckels. UcLiren ed to do at home. Mra. WInfleld Ivins, t ?17000 Will
bus through Mlddletown township 120 Harding roatl. Rod Bunk. ntreet. lied Bank. 18 Westslde cnue, Red Bank, phone er hay lor cows; baled. Priced low for Mrs. Winfield' Ivins, 13 Wentside avenue, Prices from J7.0OO to ?17,000. Will ex- burg 502-M,
Sec . i t , Hance A Davis, Red Sank, phone 940-J. change. Inquire Joseph C. Picone, or you: FOR SALE, farms of all kinds and s e n -
J. HILL, paper hanging and dec C40-J.* this quality.
and conveying many children to and FOR SALE. «ovoral~good used Jce boxes ANDREW orating, exterior and interior painting, MAN OR WOMAN wanted with ambition phone 103, Red Bank. WE HAVE a four and six room bungalow own broker. Phone Red Bank 165. aga to auit; two acres to 800. Ten
from the service. cheap. These all come from nice homes with ail .mprovomcntB, for rent: KR- RARE CHANCE; five rooms, improve- acres, seven-room house. Urge orchards,
of our customers who have bought Gen- 14 Worthley street. Bed Bank, phone 14H. and industry, to introduco and supply the FRF.SH . r for sale. Apply Peter McCuo.
rage included; good location. Prices $36 ments ; beautiful location, two doart $7,500. Luker's Realty. Belford, H. J.,
The musical progr.'Jn at the morn- eral Electric refrigerators from us. H. M O N i to Joan on first bond and mort- demand for Rawlelgh's Household Products Marlboro, N. J. from Maple avenue: $6,000. Terms. Pay< phone Kennsburg 502-M.
Ing service was In charge of the chil- Hondrickflon Co., 8 Maple avenue, phone double gage on Improved real estate wortb to steady users. Several lino openings in COW ami calf three weeks old, for sale; nnd $45. Inquire E. A; Crozier, 184 Fair iner ten per cent. John Prothero, Z\ Mon
the amount loaned. Alston Beek- Red IJsnk and nearby towns. Wo train Haven road. Fair Haven, N. J., phone "Red WILL SACRIFICE my lot in Gienmary
dren's choir and the primary '3opart- 1736, Rod Bank. man. attorney. 10 Broad stree* Red Bank
also two yenr nnd half old yearlings and
and help you. Rawloish dealers can ranke sow with cifrht pigs three weeks old. Tele-
mouth street, phon« Red Bank 062.
Pnrk to quick buyer. Restricted. Eair
ment. Tho chlldron wore coached LARGE gas heater, good condition; price up to $100 a week or more. No experi- phone Freehold 368-F-32. William B. Last, HALF of double houae for rent; aUo nix- BEAUTIFUL CORNER; «Ix rooms, bath, al terms. Addrtas Box 56, Mlddletown.
£5.00; nlso pair blsck suede shoes, 8-A. THE HIGHEST price* paid for Uva chick ence necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dig- improvements; large open lot;
for their parts by Miss Alida Helwig value $10, sell for $2. 268 East Front ens. Joe Baker, 2S0 Mechanic street* nified work. Writo today, W. T. Raw- R, t>. r.. Freehold, N. J. room house and five-room bungalow; all ATTRACTIVE homes, bungalows, far mi.
shrubbery. Prlci $8,200, reduced
and Mrs. Fred Pontermann. atrcet, phono 1100, Red Bunk.* phona Red Bnnk 28(19. Co., Dept. Nj-6253, Frceport, 111. HORSES for sale; three horses for sale improvements; near school and churchci. $12,000; tent tiO. John B, Prothero, S lota. Stiles, 17 Harrison avenae. Red
Diamond Jubilee bonds were dollv- COOK STOVE In Bond condition for sale, THE LIFE of paint depends on the oil WHITE woman wishes dny'a work to do, cheap. John S. Holmes. R. D. No. 2, Inquire C. W. CTOzitr, 110cFaire(Hnvcn road, Monmouth street, phone 052, Red Bank. Bank, phone 1091.*
usad,.. We use pure linseed oil In sealed Keyport. N. J.. phone Holdmel 79-F-13. t_i V-°_. . ^ ^ Bank 1082. FOR SALE, five-room bungalow, with wa-
•red to several persona. These bonds Rumson, N. J. price $7.00. Inquire 8 Church street, or would do laundry in or out. 276 Me- FOR RENT, four-room buncalow with all SUBURBAN ESTATE; three acres, •[g
com. We do interior and exterior painting DUCKS ior ante, young and tender; tweK rooms, two bathe, hot water heat, fire- ter in kitchen; cellar. Inquire e.t 115
are bolng sold to ralso money to con- PIPELBSS heaters completely installed of all kinds; also texcreting in various tex- chanic street, phone Red Bunk 1274. i nndd C hl
weeks old, four to eight pounds each; Brenker. 507 West Front street. Red Bank, place; garage with servant's quarters, po ~Maln street, MaUwan, N. J., real estate
igent. Mr. gtraugs.
struct a building for religious educa- anywhere, 198 to 1160. Pips furnace tures. Compare our estimate with others. WOMAN Tviahca day'« work Monday, Tuc: price 38 cents per pound F. O. B. Maple further particulars tee J. B. Prothero, 8
tional purposes on tho church estimates; heat guarantee. Tanni. Btovtt, An estimate costs you nothing, G. L. Dor- day, Friday- Address Day's Work, Farm, Silvercide avenue. Little Silver, K. J. phone 1S.07. Monmouth street, phona Red Bank 852. FARM of 22 acres for sale; bungalow of
ranges, heaters stocked. Catalogue prices. sett, 81 Miller street, Highlands, N. J, drawer M, Red Bank." SIX-ROOM house with fireplace and all Jive rooms, all Improvements; large
gruunds. The most rccont buyers Drop card or phone; representative will BOYCE, tho Painter, practical painters and DAY'S WORK or part tfmo wanted by FOR SALE, twenty stacks of sweet corn conveniences, including garntre, for rent. LARGE five-room bung-alow, all modern double garage, chicken house; direct en
are Howard W. Roberta, Judson calL C. MerrUt. ttutViorlied branch Ktl- Btalks. cheap. L. C. Raynor, Port Mon- Charles Brenker. t>OT West Front street, improvements; excellent condition; nice new lake; price $0,500; easy terms. Ad-
decorator*, wnll pnper experts; equipped women. 24 West Sunset avenue, Red rnou il 1 '_- Nt J- Phone 4 63-R. Kcansburg. surroundings; lot 60x150; sale $7,000 dress Trivato, box 302, Rod Bank.*
Palmer, Elmer Maxson, Miss Pot nmazoQ Stove Co., 404 Newark javenae. to handle all classes of decorating work, Bank.* Red Bnnk. phone 1G07.
Runt furnished 160. J. B. Prothero, 3
Seeley, Miss Martha Grant, Mrs. El- Brndley Beach, N. J., phone 2020-B. BunlnoKs (• good, there must be a reason. WANTED, a. maid for general housework. FOR SALE. BOO yearling. Leghorn hens. SIX ROOMS for rent; all light; $21 per Monmouth. isiteet, phoi.e_ Red Bank 052. FOR SALE at Middletown, mix-roam Eng-
150 laying Rhode Island Reds, pulletB;
wood Seeley and Miss Dean Walling's DRY OAK wood In itova arid fireplace Estimates. Phone 666, Kumaon. Phone Red Bank 2717, between 0:00 nnd cow beets nnd fifty loads of chicken month: toilet, gas and water. Apply lish stylo bungalow; all improvement!;
length, delivered; also tractor plowing 12:00.*. Power's Restaurant, 184 Monmouth street. NOT~RKSfRICTEb—Double house. Sunn* blR lot; near railroad station and stores.
Sunday-school class. manure. Schlafke, opposite- Swimming Red Bank. Also atore for rent. avenue; five rooms, bath, steam heat eaci
and hay baling. J. H. Carney, pbone Eat- CARPEHTEH worx wanted. AU kinds EXPERIENCED Rirl with reference, , wishes
h River Country Club, Rlvtrdale avenue side; good lot; $6,200, *G00 cash; 12^ Will sacT.flcfl foT less than cost. For pat*
ontowti 1D-F-21. ii
psition att generall housework. Call 43 Phono Red Bnnk 129-W. FOR RENT nt Fair Haven, new Sears- Investment. J. B. Prothero. 81 Monmoutl ticulars write Box 18. Middletown. N. J.
of Jobbing attended to by an ex- Roebuck bungalow; six rooms, all mofl' FOR SALE, beautiful lota on the Flshir
FOR SALE, baby's crib, mattress and West Bergen plnco, Red Bank.* street, phone Red Bank 952.
iprinRfl. Also cnrrlaRe. Price $B com* perienced carpenter* Write ov phon« ern improvpmenta; gflrnge; lot 60x150; lo estate, with rinht of way to riv«r.
WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ...-tc. Tom Jensen, Park avenae, Belford,
N. J.
tNS—The Movie Romances, the
Marvin, '81 Plnckney road. Red Bank.
Phone S108.
YOUNG MAN with seven years' experi-
ence in retail merchandising wishes po-
sition In Red Bank. References. AddresB FURNISHED room to l e t 28 Throckmor- Bank.
Salesman, 'rirawor M, Red Bnnlt.* ton avenue, Roil Bank. Phono 1779-M.
cated on Catherine street, two doors off BUSINESS property corner, good location 50x150, with sewer, ga<. water, sidewalks,
Kemp, avenue. Call or phone 3C1->V, Jted one Tnlnu,te from Broad street: lot 36x90, rtc.
Price 516.009. Ideal for chain stote. W.
A. Hopplns, 8 Linden placi. Red Bank, FOR~SALE.~«as Btatlonr"tlre"~busln«*a,
Inquire of IJ. E. Fiaher ^n premises.
(Oontlnoa<J from »r.MfliM p u t . ) BUNGALOW of five moms, all improve
i f - t mucizlne of HA kind In the world. phone 397.• store and dwelling; good location. South
I< <*rn and manr Illustration! am NEW FLOORS made perfect at small coi-- YOUNG MAN. 22. wishes to afTiliste with I,AROE ROOM for rent, two bedn. Buitablc ment3; breakfast nook; hot water heat, River Tiro Depot, 16 Main street, South
Rod Bank firm as salesman or collector, for two; next bntb; near depot ant one-car gamce. One of the nicest in this LOT FOB SALE In good location, near bu River. N. J.
i in nil tha colors. Article* actually Have your new floors finished by a Door where ability will meet with advancement.
i siffned bjr the groat moving macbfnt lu tbo first place—it aavea monty Six years' experience. Best of referenced. rpftiilentinl center; private family.
Hhoppintr district: all busses pans door section. Apply Howard G, Roscvelt, 41 line; owner not going to build; sEzi
01 Monmouth uttccet, phone Red Bank 1E85, 50x300 feet deep. Price $1,200—a bargain, CHOICE! LIST of' properties for sale or
FOR 8AWE. Singer «»wlna; machine, per- pU • *(•• M themselves appear regularly In the end. Phona Ralph B. Slckela, Rtd No canvassing. Address Ability, drawer West Front street. Red Bank.* W. A. Hopping, 8 Linden place, Red Bank, rent. Elizabeth D. Hobbs, real estate,
or 1760.*
fMt condition, for tale cheap. Address in '. ilc ['.innnhces. Can be had for fifty Bank, for estimate. _____
M. Red Bank.* TWO connecting: furnished or unfurninher FOR RENT, eifrht-rnom house, bath, laun- phone 897.* Little Silver, N. J.. phone Red Bank 741.,
flewlflg Machine, firawer M, Rod Bank.* cents per yonr. Subscriptions taken 'by CAR washing my specialty. I euarunu*
Mrs. D. W. PolUy. 48 Wallace etreet, Red. you a satisfactory job. Let me pro** WOMAN wants work by the day or room* to rent for housekeeping, adjoin- dry: all improvements; near station and
LAMP SHADES and dolls nude to order. Dunit. Not «old flt news stands.* my ability. Charloa A. Jones, c~pert auto- Call 730-W. Red Bunk.* ing bnth; Rnrngo, Apply 14 Madison ave- nchool: two-rar enratrr; rent rranonablc;
H«l»n Kose. 87 Eaat Front ntreet. Hours nue. Red Bank.
*:»0 to 12:00'. Fhona 1763, Bed Dunk. FOR SALE, addinat tnaohlnsa, desks, safei, mobile waaher at Boro Busses, Inc.. Globe GENERAL housework wanted; mornings located at Port Monmouth. Telephone
typewriters, filing cabinet!. Every thin a Court snd Mcohanio street. Hetl Bank. only. Call Red Bank 1251 mornings. KcnnahurK HBO,
LIKE NEW—Wins k e n , fruit press, bur- TWO Irtrso connecting roomi, furnished or
for the ofllc«. Call Asbury 6140, Butler's CARPENTER and builder. Qenorat re- WOMAN wanted for general housework, FARMHOUSE for rent for the winter
T«l .pray outfit, wlckleas oil stove, small Offlo Kqtilpmpnt Co., 417 Bond street. pairing, estimates givon on all kinds of unfurnished for light housekeeping; or
one day a week. Phone Red Bank 1451-J. will make Into one large room and kitch- th« Crawford Walling place Ttcnr New
•barn, flwle*. cooker, Oliver OH-EQS burn-
.* and grindstone; priced low. Charles MOTOR BOAT for sale, e I ch teen-foot run* buildings, blue prints furnished; prices M"i_Kenneth L. Walker.* enette: nil improvements; two blocks from Monmouth. Apply to J. E. Bennett, Jr.,
Grant. Everett, N. J., phono Mlddletown tittle sbout type, Thompson Quad Elto motor, reasonable! •>" work gunranteed. A. G. POSITION wanted by vhito all around station, I3S South Bridge avonue, Red Port Monmouth.
used. S«a Dlckman'a boat works, CoiT, phono Red Bank 826-M. mnn an watchmnn caretaker; ten Bank. RENTAL SPECIALIST; agent for Twin
Tarm. West Long Branch.
Whnrf avenue, Red Bank.
ftlao two cooking eo&l ranges. Anderson CANARY birds and gold (lib for sale, W« ahania
now have a full line of canary birds and B k
HAVE your clothes cleaned at tbe Ci:y years' experience. Addrcas W. M., drawer WILL LKT a comfortable, furnished room,
Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Works, 0 M«-
ani street, near Brood
r o d street,
s t e e t , R
I AM LOOKING for a man between the ephone Hod Bnnk 68-M.
with or without den: aUo garajte; to re-
fined business, m w . Meals optional. Tel- nr
Gables, Les (.prtrucles, Riverside Garden.
a list of riphty houses for rent in R*d
Hank and vicinity. J. B. Prothero. 31
The Great Market Place.
Bank, Pb
Pbone 2117
2117, Willi
William O t
Ostrov. pro-
gold flsbi nlio bird and fl*b supplies. W, prietor^ affes of 25 nnd 40, who is not satisfied ROOM nnil tub!lo board; e uitnbio :room for Monmmith Rtrect. phono Red Bank 952. Year alter year tha same people advertise In th»
SAW MILL equipment for sale. n. J. VV. Kennedy A Som. 41 Broad street. R«d with the, future In his present position.
Vellow. Colt'. Keck. N. J. Ilnnk. An unusual opportunity in nvailnble at this two or (hree men; rcasianfiblc. <Jnrl t o n * ersido .Want Columns ot Tho Register.
COCKER SPANIEL pupnlos for Bale, two CONCRETE, gravel and mason aand for JOSEPH L KNIGHT, aaotloneer, over time to connect with n rapidly ftrowlnu Hoif e 1 00 Me>nmouth it nnn Hrd Tiank.
months to twelva months old; bred for sale. U. Rltznu, pbone S340-W, Bed twenty year** •xperlenoe stlUng ovRftnizntlon, whoso luturc depenrta upon Bnnk 2*1>M Why do they do It? ' .«-•
tome and beauty. Great Drta, Edward Bank. goods at auction. I stLI anything any- the type of men they now trnfn for futuro F U R N I S H E D r o o m for r e n t , s u i t a b l e fop BUNGALOW or four^rooms^Tnd bath~for
exocutlvo positions. You will be trained ono n r t w o p e r s o n s ; naiir center of rent; all modern iniprovoments ; conveni-
Gibson, phone 180-J. Eatontown.
where. Phona Red Bank 727-W. ent to market, church and schnol; one Why do they keep It up, year after year, when-
^ O P 8 O C ~ n T r o l t t , oroillna ot all kinds; In all phases of tlie bunin^sR and will tie t o w n . 2 0 S p r i n g **«**• l _J* e A 5 ? n ^ - ^ _
AUTOMOBILES. advanced to an executive position, AR soon ROOMS for r e n t ; board If d e s i r e d ; pleas" block from 1 1)U3 line; possession November ever they have any wants they want filled?
klao roadway, built: Lakewood land, 1st. C. I . Kemp. I.ittlo Silver, N. J-.
waahed irvrel. lias, cinders, blue .tone. as you can Qualify, Some men qualify in nut Iccntion. 2 4 4 Broad s t r e e t . Red phono Red Bni.k 13^0-J.
PAINTING and papcrhanglnff eattmatei nil months .and other* in tiuoe year*.. Aro Hank,
Frica. nalonable. Howard O. USED and rebuilt traolu for salet various cheerfully given. Elmer H. Stout, 89 you honest, ambitious, wlllintr to work for phonaji22-J
phone mattes of from one to flva toot capacity. SIX ROOMS nnd bnth, "nil improvements
phone 1588, Red panic.
1«B». Bed Bank- - Sold wltb gutrante*. A. Vesoatra, Whit* South street. Red Bank, N. J., phone a position whero you will ultimately bo In r c T M l ;
d R :
r A n i , E room's w i t h bo«rd. TuiT- | Bar.TH**: hiiHi>?<i pn^fl door. Convenient Tho answer In simple. j
BABOAIKS In furniture. We oarry ont ol tmik distributor* 817 CotU«svav«cn«. AB- 166Q-R* charjra of five to ten offices, flvo tn for o n o or t w o p e o p l e ; also tn market, rhurch, RCIIOOI nnd stntlon; $40
I KM ]anest slock* of asod fumltur. and bury Park. N. J. - CONTRACTORS and builders. When you
They , advertise year after year whenever they
bouse furnishings In the state. Bur ooi.- want anything, because they know that this la th«
tenta of homes outright, or aeU on eommla. OAKLAND COACH, 1027, for sal«; ran are thinking of- bavins; work done, by
•Ion. George H. Roberts Co.. Ino.. Bta!" about 12,000 mltos; reason for sale, day or contract, consult £)arllng, Johnson very beat and quickest and easiest and cb^nest
Highway (ont mile north of Rid Dank, death of owner. For further particulars ft Frake. We have our own lumber yard. way of getting their wants filled.
Then. Red Bank 2371. phono Red Bnnk BSP-M. RED UANK. Window Cleaning Co.
PEKINESE d o n regular tors for n»1e. FORD COACH. 175 cash buys it: good make a specialty of cleaning .rlndowa of ever, if you are Interested
Coyl. Kannels, Nutswamp road, phone running order; good tires. Phono Bed stores, ofBces and private residences. Rates ahead, apply by letter, Btntii RIVER VIEW house of neven rooms and
Rid Bank U B V - B . Bunk 1BBO.» reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, 4t tionality, education, etc.. to M. n. Fire- moi\d place, Bank. bath: one-cnr trnrnpc, Urcro front porch Head the Want Department of Tho Register regu-
Washington street. Red Bnnk. phone tills hock, care N. C. C. A., Asbury Tnrk, N. J., LAR'GB R~OO^r~for rent, with kitchenette nice open fireplnco; $100 per month, Hnd-
ANTIQUES or all kinds bought nnd Hold; AT SACRIFICE, seven-pasianger 1024 MASON • contractor, eitlrnates cheerfully P. O. Box 297. _ first floor.
larly and you will find many bargajns Ihoro. They
Bulck Sedan. 215 Spring street. Bed Apply 36 Enat Front .oy-Ilnll, H'.i M millionth Btreet. next
repairs-and reflntshlng work done. Hell- - given. - Eugene Borer, 89 Hudson av< SAYKSGIIH^" WATrfKrrr^ii^Wp~hnil I Bank Cnrium theater, phone Hcil Rank 1888. will be bargains for you.and they will be bargain*
•mian'i Antiques, S8 WnshlnKton street, Tinnk. > ______
experience In mcrchnndi.ii> rnnclnjr (ic for the party who baa tho things for sale. Two
Rumson, N. J,, phone .64, FORD TRUCK for aale; good condition; nue. Red Bank, bhona 1467- inifurniflhcd apnrtmtnt of SIX-ROOM house, nil improvementa; very
GLAZED SASH for sale, well nullt. four closed body. Phona Red Bank 28B0, PLUMBING and heating; eatlmatet fur- V nice location; oeeupftney after Novembo people are helped yrhenever a real bargain la profit-
nished, Joseph W. Fox, 110 Plnaknsy ™nven,fent to railron.l station 1st; $6(1 a month. Hndley-Hnll. 03 Mon. able to both sides.
feet, two Inches by six feet; IB.00 each. National 6c, lOt and $1.00 Stores. rond. Red Bunk, phone 2817. WANTED, whito uneful mnld, no wimliinft i *«'! « " t ) l l s Unos. Inauiro nt 13S Bridge mouth ftreet. next tn Carlton thenter, Red
Must b* seen to be appreciated. Phone 303 NASH flv'c-pastensor sedan, stood paint TYPEWRITER" hMdQuarUra. T y p w r l U n j or cooktnjr. Phone Ifl79, Rnl Rniilt,* i avenut!, Rflil Bank. Bank, phone !SSt>,
Atlantic Highlands. and rubber; bargain to quick cash buyer.
Phone 1850. Dobbins, Riverside drive.* rented, bought and sold. Trubin's, 6t* REFINED, educated! niidilin oi?cd lady! WANH't'O, n builnon woman to nharo a
DELCO 110 volt generator nnd 160 Bnll Prnnd street, Rfd Dank. seeks position as housekeeper or com- home with another Indy livinc alone in onk floors, open nrcplnee: nicely located The Want Department of Tho Register la Mon-
dCEANPORT Auto Wreckers; used parti panlon In - - - - - -• . i . .nice .
Delco pump for sale. Address A. B. C. 1 M. L. McCOLOAN, nurseryman and land* npnrtmcnt, with nil improvementa. SfiO a month. Hiiillcv-IInll. 1*9 Monmouth mouth County's Great Market Place, where thost
drawer M, Red Bank. for Fore , Chevrolet. Star, Dodge, Max- 1 homo; will so South for winter. Ad<lr. Write or Innulre. Mra. F. Zeman, 2S La- streyt. next to Curlton tlioater. phnno Roil
well, Bulck, Reo, Durant, EARCX Four ant) •cape contractor; grading , driveways an who have wants to (111 and those who can fill want!
UANURE for sale, well rotted, in any Six, Sunletift^er and other*; radiators, b-at- walks constructed. Broken (lagstones for J. H. N.. HO Washington street. Lomr fnyctto d street.
tt Rumson.* R * Ilnnk 18 S.I.
quantity, delivered anywhere: nlso cln* sale. 20 Plnckney road. Red Bank, phom Branch. N. SINRLE or conncctinff rooms, fully fiTr- I LITTLE KILVICR hmiaa of six~roorns ami get together.
dsra, top soil, grading and trucking. Rob- tcrios nnd tires. Main street, phone Eaton 1401-W. nlnhcd ; for men : rivor front property:! bath, open firtir.nco; Hollnntl hentIT. all
ert Laurino. 86 Second avenue. Long town 412, CHAUFFEUR w.t.he)» poiillon; will be privlltije o[ home nnd Brounds. 103 Easl Improvementa; $f>». Hartley-Hall, 89 Mon-
Branch, phone 268-J. Long Branch. ESSEX COACH mutt be seen In order MONEY to loan on first mortgage In sutui
to appreciate the value of this automo from $2,000 up. Prompt service, The , disengased after Octoher 10th; on Front street. Rod Bank. mouth slreot, next to Cnrlton thenter. Red
WINTER Is coming. Protect your house bllo. Good rubber and paint. This Is L Land 4k Loan Company. 12 Mechanic present job eleven years; excellent AI'AR'rlviEN'r for rent, threo rooms" ~10"j Bank, phono_1«S8. ^____
with paint, tS.20 per gallon. Stnrt. 1% real Uiy at $126. Cnll at 242 BHdgv Av«. street, R«d Bsnk. Wallnco street; steam heated, al im- BRAND new lioiise, tile both, ti\o kitchen,
River roadj open evenings. Prnctfcnl rcforencea; willing. Addrcon Oox 26'J, provemnntfl. Phono 2065, Red Hunk. electrif. wanliinB mncliine. Locnted in
Pllnters and decorators, wall paper experts- }*«1***B_ -5PU'- !!. M. *
I[ < IDEAL LAYOUT for automobile paint shop Monmouth Beach, >f. J . -
or machine shop ml joining new State niRNlSHED room with kitchenette, all cn<» of tho hest devchipmenta. Hndley-
Estimates free. Boyce, the painter, phone 1927 FOUU-DOOB Kupmobil* aedan, 102B • (mprflvcmenttjconrl location; fw«ty"<(«c-•{ 11*11*00-Manmtiut& street, next to tariton
( i s : Runuotu . Caur-oo*«eneer Ifuoino6(t« coups* 1028 WtttviAir at Eatontown,v W(f( ««ir. T*tm«
Ruick four-door sednn, also 1927 four-door to respomlbls party. First National Bank, MOTHER ami dauKhtor wlxh work to- orutpd; builnesil woman preferred. Phone I theater, phono ited Hank t s a s .
BUILDING gravel lot sals at tti'e Ilorsfall ncven-pnsBonHcr Bed*n and 1325 two-door Eaton town or your broktr. gether; mother cook nnd downstairs .RTO-.I^Rotl . _ . _Bank.*. . THREE-ROOM npurtmcnl for rout, nil li
provements; nlsn hent. SuItaWo for biis-
farm, Newmaa Springs road, first house Dulck conch; nil In A-l condition. Tay- BOARDING, modern Improvements, hot work, daughter' iipalnlrn and wnitln^ nn TWO TWO furnVhstt furnlfhett rooms for lidht hntHe-
ine:iii rouplo. Whytc, llivor rond. Fair Ha-
west of bridge. Phonn Red Bank 16RI-M. lor'n • OnrnRo, Pearl street. Red Bank. •_ and cold running water, ceotrally In- tahle. .Communleata with Mrs. V. E\\\f>, keoplnu:, for rent; nil Improvements. An-
cited : rates reasonable. Hudson Houio, 18B ^West_KreBrnBBon_iitreol, Kdenlnn. N. C. j ply 65 Enst Bergen pine.-, phono Reil
TWO PAIRS'of hound dogs for sale; will BARGAIM~-Chevrfilpt nedan In excellent Iflj Hud_«on_ av^er^ue. phone. Red Bank. IH I i r RF.N't'. Nnvcmlioi- ist. «is-room. all
•all single; one pair year and half old, comlftlnn; lr»t« 1924 model. Must b* sold
desires position with rtsutLnhla concrr.. i UOOMS f«r vent, w.lh l.^iwl. clin nd 1 tmprnv eincut.i: irurafit; nrown place.
and one patr two and fnuriyear. old. Tele- thU week. Only Iflfi. Call at 14 South HOW ARD ^VltlTE, fi I Portland coirt, 28 j Apply Ilnward G Roaeviilt. 41 Mnnmouth
phone S88.F-82 Freehold, William B. Last street. Red Dank, between 7:00 and 8:00 Highlands, N, J., house mover, foundu Phone Atlantic HiBhland" t»7 r*. or write •' double rooms; BIHO stun i f '<pr r o
B, D. No. «, freehold. N. 1. P. M.« tlon* butlt. Phone Highlands. 1279-B. B. W., drawar M. Red Bank,* ' South street, Red Bank, phona 621. ' atreot, phune 1685 or 1760,,Red Bank.
THE RED BANK REGISTER. cesa In winning financial auccess, but
It make* life fuller and richer.
Mighty changes of nature must have
. COOK. Biltor. -
.NOB. Anooliu Editor.
taken place to convert this earth
front a watery waste to a dry, safe
habitation for mankind. Personi
f Attendance looked {or at
Event TU» Altentooa. •
A large attendance la looked for
at the tea which tha aft department
Notice—Carlton Theatre
who have a collection of relics from of the Woman's club will hold this
OH r«»
Subscription Price*! the old-time marl pits have some-
thing well worlh preserving. Such
afternoon at tha clubhou»e. It will
be 111 charge of Mrs. Richard Blck-
Bit raootlia —


TBN« montbj , things may have little or no mone- nell and Mrs. H. C. Moeklem, Sr.
tary value, but they are more valu- Receiving with them Will be Ulsa
B..J able than ordinary curiosities, espe- Florence Krldcl, Mrs. J. Daniel Tul-
cially It there are children in the ler, Mrs. Frank Curtis, Mrs. John A WALTEB BEADB THEATHE I
Tbt Bed Bank Reilittr household whose study books need Leonard, Mrs. Charles McClaikey, Three PerfonnanoM DftUjv-SiW. JiM mat 8:00 V. BL Saturday* and BoKttiys Contlnncro*.
li. K member of supplementing. There ia nothing like Mrs. Trevonlan Bennett, Mrs. W. H.
THS ASSOCIATED PRE3S ocular proof to make a lesson genu- Carvalior, Mm C. F. Boatock, MM.
Til AMottated Pr«n l» «Mlu«i™ir « • ine and real. Arthur SwlJt, Mrs. Lyman C. Van Held over by popular demand until
MUtd to tt« »•• t°r repablicaUoB ol all Inwegon, and tha members of the
» » • dlipMshei credited to It or not otter- garden committee. NOTICE—Public Demand has been so great that we
Friday, Oct» 4
«il« trtdlted In thta pacer »nd alio th« Dog Show to be In June Next Year.
loMl ne*> pnbllslwtl therein. The Monmouth county kennel club Mrs. W. H. D. Koerner of Inter-
will hold Its third annual dog show laken will speak on antique and mod-
ern hooked rugs. She la reputed to
are compelled to hold over the record-breaking picture
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1920. next year on Saturday, June 28th, on have one of the largest collections
the Charles B. Harding esTaTe at
Rumson. Tha date was recently ap- ol hooked rugs In the Stats. of the world until
, TOWN TALK. proved by the American kennel clifb.
— i «• - inclusive.
It pays to advertise In The Register.
(Continued from pBga 4.)
Monmouth's Farms and
New Farm Owners. PUBLIC SALE Friday, October 4th
the sale of the famous Ryall farm
i t Colt's Neelt at an advance of
»ii,000 over tho prlco paid two years
*&o aeema to indicate that the many
Jtufchaiea of Inland places of late by
wealthy men (a beginning to bear
Household Furniture
Mortgage We're telling the Cock-Eyed
fruit; BO far as farm land valuta are OCEANPORT, N, J.,
c&nterned. The new owner paid
tSO.OOO for a farm which was bought
tw6 years ago for $19,000. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1929, World our. new picture makes LAUGHING
Itla true that the past summer has
been a more prosperous season than
at 1:00 O'clock P. BL
The undersigned has been ordered by the owner to sell the entire WE HAVE SUMS OF.
"What Price Glory" as tame Mmetonei
most of the farmers of Monmouth contents of the Keeb home, Colonel street, Oceanport, N. J. (Directions
county have had since the world war, turn left in Fort Monmouth, going from Red Bank to Oceanport, go to as a Bedtime Story!
but this one good season could bring end of street.) , .

$8,000 and $9,000

fid luch Increase In farm values as
Was shown by the Byall sale. A far Laurence Stalling!
Sale consists of kitchen utensils and furniture, oil stove, ice box, lot and Maxwell Andor-
ttore likely reason Is that the pur-
chase of farms for country estates by of tools, BO-gal. kerosene tank with pump, dishes, glassware, china closet, son who wrote
tfesJthy men has Increased farm land parlor heater, 9x12 rugs, small rugs, antique sofa, clocks, pictures, cur- "Whnt Price Glory"
values. The flret sales of farms for tains, drapes, radio, vlctrola, desk and chair, Circassian walnut bedroom' are tho brilliant
country estates took place at Holm- authors who wrote
furniture, maple furniture, rockers, Btralght chairs, stands, jardinieres, this great work,
del about two years ago and spread
to idjolnlng agricultural districts. At
flrtt the prices were at little more
pedestals, bedding, pillows, mirrors, piano, springs and hundreds of arti-
cles too numerous to mention.
and Larger Amounts to place on
th*n farm land values, but succeed-
TERMS:—Cash. Improved Properties in Red Bank
ing sales have resulted In other con-
siderations. GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer.
* • *
flsrms with high hills or knolls
and Vicinity. Applications will
for home Sites and farms with old
historical houses have value because receive Immediate Attention.
*f these hills and historical associa-
tions. They are more valuable than
they were a. few years ago, -when they
were aolfl for crop raising purposes
Ghly. Mo«t tot the wealthy buyers of
Van Blerck Junior VICTOR MCLA€UEN
these places are not looking for lands
that will give a profit on the farm
A four-cylinder four-cycle portable ALLAIRE tf SON AGENCYJnc. EDMUND LOWE
crops. They are trying to get away ESTABLISHED 1873
from' traffic and noise and to find rec- Inboard Marine Motor. LY DAMITA
reation and Indulge in hobbles In the
Costs no more than a large outboard motor 1
60 BROAD ST. r
The whole rural country between and half as much to operate. invented by
Bed Bank and Freehold has unfler-
gsbe a great change by reason of See this motor at our factory. RAOULWAISH
theee sales. It will undoubtedly un-
dergo a greater change In the next >- A. .A. -A. J
few* years, for unless indications are
misleading more Bales of this sort are —ALSO-
Impending. Farm land values are
Increasing, not because of any great
Improvement in the status of agrkul-
turft but because wealthy men have
taken a fancy to such places.

• * * •


In every respect the change seems
wholesome. For one thing it re- NOTICE !—This Picture comes direct to you from a $2.00 run at the Globe
duces the amount of land under cul- Works: Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank 1208.
tivation. The wealthy owners of the Theatre, New York.
farms are seldom interested In rais-
ing paying crops. Most of them run We recommend this picture as the greatest entertainment ever offered any*
their places as stock farms or play-
things. Overproduction haB been where at any price.
considered a large cause of the farm-
ers' troubles the past few yearn and
Positively No Advance in Prices!
the conversion of farms Into country
estates has helped to solve this prob-
Coal Safety
Most of the new owners of these without
places have spent huge sums of
money in Improving their properties.
In various other ways this fancy or
hobby of rich men has been a great
thing for the rural sections and in-
directly for tho wholo county. Real
Shoveling Ashes
estate organizations and civic bodies
might well devote part ol their at-
tention to encouraging this tendency.
There has been no recent real estate
activity which promises larger bene-
ficial results.
I S there any one
tiling that every-
one wants so much
as clean, safe, uni-
A Reminder of
form, automatic
Earth's Early Days. heat for the home t
Well diggers are not archaeologists,
but occasionally they make finds
which give a good Insight into the "My wile ihovcls no You can now get
prehistoric past. Recently a lot of
shark teeth were found at the bot-
tom of a,well at Middletown village ]
e.nd a short time later in another part j
more cool (uhei but ice
burn cod, the safe fuel." it with the
"That's what Icall
of the same village oyster shells were j
found 75 feet below the surface when MOTOR whiteV
a well was dug. ;
• * * ! U
This world is a tousy place and ~K JTAKY, that laundry you're sending the
most folks don't find much time to JVJL clothes to.certainly knows how to wash
speculate about the prehistoric past Automatic Coat Burner
after they leave school. But sonic things white. Just look at this shirt! It's at
persons find great interest and las- It feeds in the coal. It takes out, the ashes. Frilla and frolic jazz and jamborco
cination in Huch studies. Proof that ' It is almost human.
] least six months old, but it looks as white as In a laughable, human, heart-com-
the whole North American continent ]
It goes in your present furnace or boiler. if it were brand new." pelling drama of u Broadway Cin-
must have been covered by the ocean derella,
oges apo ia furnished by such finds I A quiet little electric motor at n cost of a "Yes, Jim, I'm glad I found a laundry where
ar those just made, but experts real few cents a day saves your back and BOTes your I could have my clothes washed with Rinso— BETTY COMPSOW
the past by many other things when , time. fiddling, fynclng. winning your heart
thjy probe tho rarth. Each layer ot it does wash the clothes so much whiter— Ned Sparks, Jacfr Oalde, Joseph
earth tells to thorn a story of the re- j And the MotorStokor eaves you $5.00 to
mote past and of the progress of $9.00 on every ton of coal you burn. and it's so easy on the clothes, they last a Cawthorn, In rapld-flrc laughs; «[|
good deal longer." Cimlnl Singers;40 Dancing Bcmillcs;
mankind. Come in and see it work, at least see what Gus ArhciniB Bnnd; and 2OU others.
• a • your home can now have in the newest heating Lots of our customers are saying things like
Probably there was no greater rc- idea. Convenient terms of payment, of course.
vsaler of this truth than the marl pits this! You, also, vvill appreciate the care we All
or Monmouth county. Many prehis- ». MERRITT MACHINE SHOP give to your laundry—everything washed in
toric remains were found in the old Talking,
days crhen marl and not fertiliser was 24 Mechanic Street. Phono 322. Bed Bank. N. .). safe Rinso suds—given ten changes of rain-soft Singing
used to enrich tho fnrms. Borne of water—returned to you clean, sweet-smelling,
these things wero BO curious HB to in- and
terest even persons who had little or and white. Dancing
no liking for prehistoric htBtory.
There is probably no farmer of the
old marl days who does not remem-
ber incidents of thla sort, for it
seemed to be In the marl pits that
Notice—Carlton Theatre Because we use only the safe granulated soap,
Rinso, gay colored things stay fresh—bright
•—new looking—month after month.
the richest legacies of tho ancient Hundreds of wise housewives have found
past were stored.
• • •
—The— our careful laundering method the very thing


These discoveries in the marl pits they had been hoping for, and send us their
rfided little to tho sum total of the laundry work each week.
patient studies of scientists; but It
was more interesting to most people Why not let us relieve you, also, of laundry
to Bee ooular proof that the earth tares? A phone caiJ is sufficient
was once covered with rfater than to
Mad about it in bookB. Patent fer- Held over by popular demand until
tilizers may be better than marl for
making: crops grow, but the old-tjmo
farmers hud a more intimate knowl- RUMSON LAUNDRY
*dgn of - tho prehistoric past than
niost folkfi today.
• • •
Such knowledge may have no In-
trlncia, value and may be of no »uc-j
Friday, Oct. 4 inclusive.
20 CENTER ST. TEL. 329.
BED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 2,1929. Pace Tweniv-Ona
tot will render a cantata entitled this reason the stenographer cannot
' MfM Batty Miller of Becklen place
has begun her itudlei at St. Mary's
ducted every
school at Burlington. She w a r a Red Bank Baptist church by Dr.
member .of the junior olais of the Charles F. Mayhem
depend Upon his memory for a single
thing, but must write everything
down as soon as It Is said.
In tha case of a long Hat of figures
TITION AlBPOBT OFFICIALS. this Is especially difficult. The same
I Notice—Carlton Theatre
Red Bank high school lout year. Jeraey Baptist convention. The ser-
Mrs. Roy P. Boothe of Freehold vices bogln at 7:30. A volunteer choir The Mayor and Council Approved speaks broken English, not badly
difficulty exists when a witness NEXT SUNDAY and Ocloh.r 20
Alto Columbus Day, October iZ
gave birth to a daughter last WedneB- and spirited song service will feature tho Movement at I*»t Night's enough for a translator. When a Lratl It<d Hunk 9:20 X. M. Returning

day at the Freehold hospital. Be- each .meeting, The subject of to Meeting—•Immediate Belief for witness of thl« »,ort pays something L « v » Atlantic Cltn 7:16 F. M.
fore h«r marriage Mrs. Boothe was night's aetvlec, which wilt bo a union Monroe Avenue Residents. tho stenographer must bo able to re-
Miss Elizabeth Stout of Red Bank. meeting, Is."The Call of the Church The mayor and council of Shrews-
peat It In flawless English which
Mrs. Marlon Ivlns of Long Branch to Christianize." At the close of bury last night approved a petition means that he must master dialects.
has taken a position In the Sally this meeting representatives* of all If he hesitates a second In 'the read-
requesting the Red Bank airport to
Ann beauty shop on Monfneuth churches will remain for plans and prohlbjt low flying and stunting ovor Ing counsel for both sides will voice
street announcements on the community re- vigorous protests. EARLY COPY Held over by popular demand until
A daughter was torn a few days llgloua, survey, which will be held Oc- Shrewsbury. The airport la on The day's work for ths court We aia thankful to
Shrewsbury avenue in the borough.
ago to Mrs. Kenneth Robinson of tober 27th, The subject of tomorrow stenographer Is by no means over
service will be "The Call of Several resident! of East Monroe when court adjourns. Often In an
cur patrons, not only for
Elizabeth. Mrs. Robinson was form- night's Church to Prayer." This will be avenue attended the meeting and Important case which may last sev-
favoring us with their
erly Miss Alice Conover of Middle- the business, but for getting
town. She Is the daughter of Wil-young
liam B. Conover,
Boy Scout night. Friday will be

Front etreet recently •visited Mr. cration."

Brltton's son William of Lyndhurat.
people's and women'*
zations night and the topic will be
of the condition of their eral days ho must rush to the dict-
aphone and dictate everything ho has
Mayor Benjamin John Parker written down. Where Immediate
William Brltton and family of East "Tho Call of tho Church to Conse- promised the Monroe avenue resi-
transcription Is necessary two men
dents Immediate relief and he said work In IS minute relays and In less
steps would
Mrs. Ferren F. Blaludell of tho Rev. Edward W. Miller, pastor of street In such a way that It could be
be taken to Improve tho than a
half hour
the testimony
transcribed by a
Hear Launderland'e
wonderful program
from any station of •
Friday, Oct. 4
their copy in two or threo
days before publication,
as ia being done by a
largo number of our ad-
vertisers. Early copy is
deeply appreciated.
Everett road returned Thursday the First Baptist church, will preach
from a trip to Maine. at tho eleven o'clock service Sunday kept in good condition permanently. and bound, ready for use by judge the N.B.C. System.
It was decided that curbing wag
Mrs. E . B . Morris and Mrs. Cora morning on "The Power'of God," His tha most essential Improvement Af- or counsel. A good stenographer can
dictate in 12 minutes what it takes
evening toplo will be "Tho Power of
Smith of Harding road, who have ter curbing had been put down tha
been spending three weeks at Groon- Myself," Sunday-school meets at street could be graded and Improved IB minutes to put down.
Red Bank Steam Laundry
wood Lake, New York, have re- 0:45 In the morning and the young with a cinder base, stone and oil:
turned home.
The Bilks' auxiliary will hold a bus-
people's union at 0:30 P
The Baptist women's missionary,
. M.

iness meeting tonight at tho lodge society will hold a box luncheon to- torney, was authorized to ask the Neal Ransom, official court sten-
Jersey City Is especially fortunate
In having an efficient staff of court
John S. Applegate, the borough at- reporters. '
03 White Street,
home. morrow afternoon. at one o'clock. Shrewsbury township committee if ographer In Hudson county has held Comer Shrewsbury Avenue and Newman Springs Road
i Mrs. Alfred 8. Romer and daughter Members are requested to bring need they of
would sell the borough a plot the speed shorthand writing cham-
waste land and allow the borough
of Chicago, who have been visiting les and thimbles for White Cross pionship of the United States for
Mrs. Benjamin W. Covert of Bergen work, residents to Use It as a dumping many years. Each member of his
Tho Baptist men's league annual ground. staff is an expert. Ransom had
place, have returned home. Mr.
Romor IS a professor at the Univer- banquet and ladles' night will be held Thomas Dean was granted nn charge of all the stenographic work
sity of Chicago and Is now on a nine Thursday night of next week. Dr. J. exempt firemen's certificate. Tha at the Hall-Mills trial and the typed
months' research expedition In Afri- Earlo Edwards of Queens Village, next regular meeting falls on elec- word was never more than five min-
ca. ' Long Island, will be the speaker. tion night and this meeting waa utes behind tho spoken word, a feat
postponed until Tuesday night, No- which won wide acclaim for those
Ellwood B . Ivlne of Washington
street 1B recovering from a severe
. -*•<-•>

SIIOWEB FOR A MUDE. vember 12th.

« - . * - > •
who accomplished it. Specialty Shop
cold which at one tlmo threatened A COMMUNITY MEETING. OLD MILLS.
The Feronchlef Society Gave It For
to develop Into pneumonia.
Mrs. Klrlnvood Kelly.
24 Broad St., Red Bank.
Jack W. Mason of East Front Public Invited to First Fall Meeting Only Four Grist Mills Now Oper-
street last week passed tho etato ex- Tho Pcrenchlef society of the Red of Chamber of Commerce. ated In the County.
amination for real estate brokers. Bank Methodist, church gave a mis-
Mr. Mason will open an ofllco at his cellaneous shower last night for Mrs The first meeting of the chamber Asbury Park, N, J., (AP)--Al-
home at 27 East Front street. Klrkwood Kelly or Rutherford at tho of commerce since the summer vaca- though it Is almost extinct now the
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Doremus homo of Mrs. Fred H. Ayres at Rum- tion will be held Tuesday night of wheat raising industry and Its many
Ladies', Infants' &
of Reckless place and Mr. and Mrs. son road and Branch avenue. Mrs. next week at the borough hall. Spe- branches was once an Important one
Thomas P. DoremuB of Harris park Kelly, who. was married last week, cial arrangements have been made to In Monmouth county and in tho early
were guoBta at Chalfonte-Haddon was formerly Mies Marlon Many of have this the biggest gathering the colonial and Revolutionary daya
Children's Wear.
Hall at Atlantic City last week. Plnckney road. She Is president of chamber has so far had. Logan there \V)2JB many grist mills scattered
Charlos H . Ennls, proprietor1 of the Peronchlef society. Bllllngsley, president of the Bronx throughout the county, and many
Ennls'o bicycle and sporting gaods The party was hold In the base- chamber of commerce, who ha» fields of waving grain.
We Carry
store on White streot, and Edward ment of tha Ayrcs home and themado the Bronx chamber one of the Some of the grain plantations
NoBtler of Shrewsbury are on a room waa* arranged to represent the most active In -the. United- States; were, worked by Negro* slaves. With
week's automobile trip to Carbon- Interior of a barn. It was decorated Dr. John Edmund Aubrey, promi- their passing the Industry passed and
dale, Pennsylvania. with corn stalks and dahlias and the nent a s an expert in community of all the picturesque mills of those
Patrick Nlcolottl of River atreot gueata woro overalls and straw hats. matters, and H. Emerson Quln, man- days whose great wheels were turned
"Dr. Posner"
and Alfred Mazzucca of WeBt Bor- Mra. Kelly's presents wore In peach ager of the community department by water from many brooks and
Scientific Shoes
gen place returned last wook from a baskets arranged around the room, A of the New Tork Times, will address rivers, hone now remain In operation.
trip to Woston, West Virginia. They short business meeting was held af- the meeting. The program has been A thriving Industry has all but dis-
were away a month. Mr. Mazzucca ter which games were played and a worked out to bring to Red Bank appeared, only four mills now being for
has taken a Job at Lovctt's nursery luncheon was served. One of Mrsr the very latest In Ideas for commun- In operation, and these are apparent- OUR SPAGHETTI DINNERS ARE VERY TASTY
at Little Silver. Kelly's presents was a chest of sil- ity advancement and to Inspire here ly erected upon sites occupjed- by.
Miss Fannlo Mauanor of Maple ave- ver from her as5ociates~at the Jer- a community consciousness which Revolutionary structures.
Boys and Girls.
nue and Wavorly place la a new sey City offices of tha Central rail- must. precede organized effort for Various of the old structures were All Styles, Sizes and Widths.
member of tho Red Bank young road. Mrs. Kelly went to the Ayrea improvement It It Is to proceed along destroyed by fire, others passed away
men's and young women's Hebrew home expecting to attend a meeting the right lines. through neglect and decay, still oth-
socloty. of tho society Qnd tho shower was a Invitations to attend the meeting ers were torn down or rebuilt to be
comploto surprise.
$2.00 to $6.00
are not confined to members of the devoted to other uses. There are
Mlas Angelina Palmloro of Shrowa-
bury avenue spent part of last week The committee which arranged the organization. All interested in theremnants of some still visible but also THE FINEST STEAKS AND TENDERLOINS
with friends at Brooklyn. party waa composed of Mrs. Jessie Advancement of the community are these remainders are fast disappear-
William V- Smith of tho Second Supp, Miss Minnie Commes, Miss Invited, and the ladles are especially
national Dank and; Trust company is Grace Allen and Miss Emma Burdge. urged to bo present Municipal offi-
spending two weeks In Maine.
The~foUr mills at present In oper-
Others at the party were Mrs. Kolby cials and members of civic and serv- ation are located at Mlllhurst, Villa
"Dr. Malkiris"
. . . ,
Joseph and Angelina Floro of Leon- Warden, Mrs. John Many, Mrs. Frank ice groups are also urged tb attend. Park and two at Allentown. o f these SHOES
ard street had their tonsils and ade-Warner, Mra. Robert Hayward, Mrs. the two busiest are those at Mill- OUB SPACIOUS DINING BOOM IS VERY COOL AND COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE AMPLE
noids removed last week at tho Long Benjamin Pryor and Mlaaea Edna hurst and the Conine mill, an inter- lot ACCOMMODATIONS FOR BANQUETS, PARTIES, ETC. ALSO I'RIVATE ItOOMS FOR SMAXX
Mappa, Ruth Smith, Helen Treadwell, NEW LICENSED PILOTS. esting building which borders the 3PBIVATE PAKTIES. NO EXTRA COVER CHARGES, OUB TRICES ARS VERY REASON-
Branch hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hlgglna and Dell Morlatt, Elizabeth Compton,1 Government Inspector Gave Examin- main street of Allentown. ABLE *UTO OBB SERVICE COURTEOUS. IF YOU 1VANT SOMETHING /IITETIZIVO. DE-
daughter of New York havo returned May Worden, Eleanor Morris and
homo after a visit with Mrs. Hlg- Ethel Roxey. ations nt Airport Jjut Week.
That at Mlllhurst la particularly
busy, working sometimes 20 hours
Boys and Girls.

Herbert E . Williams and Peter T. day. The mill Is situated on a side

glns'H parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Calver of Leonard street. RIVER PLAZA'S GOOD PUPILS. McIIvlred of Red Bank, Herman streot of the little settlement, which $1.50 to $3.50 WE SPECIALIZE IN THE CHOICEST AND FINEST ITALIAN
Rusaoll L. Tctloy of Chestnut streot Schumacher of Keyport and Walter Is located just at the juncture of the DISHES PREPARED BY AN EXPERT ITALIAN CHEF.
and Mrs. George K. Rudy and Mlsa Children With Perfect Attendance P. Keener of Highlands passed ex- Engllshtown road with the Freehold-
Grace M. Rudy of River Plaza spent RecoTds for a Month. aminations for private airplane pilot Hlghtstown turnpike. The village was Every pair guaranteed
lost week as tho guests of Mr. and Pupils of the River Plaza school licenses last Thursday at the Redonce known as Black's Mills because satisfaction.
Mrs. Harry Rudy of Hagorstown, Bank airport. Elliott N. Clark of of the many grist mills there but to-
Maryland. The trip was made by with perfect attendance records for Westfleld received a transport pilot's day Is only the one mill, operated
automobile. During their stay trips tho past month are: license. Tho examinations were given by an old miller and his three young
were made t o Annapolis and to the First and Bocond grades—Frank Atex- by George Reims, a department of sons.
nnilor. Avert Conklin, Lloyd Holbrook. Cor- commerce inspector. How long prior to 1823 there was a
Come in and see our
Shcnandoah Caverns. nelus MarcoUun, Joseph McGrath, Frank
Miss Ray L. Smith of Wcstsldo Schmidt, Bertha Applcgate, Patricia Con- grist mill there is not recorded but new Shoe Dept.
More lor your
avenuo started yesterday a courso of over, Joanne Matthews, Anna McGrath, COMPANY HEOBGANIZIED. In that year a mill was run there by
study at Coleman's business college Gladys Nettormnn, Doris Parker, Jeanne Thomas and John Black of Burling-
at Newark, Fettlt, Elizabeth Proti. Alfonse DeMarla Is President of The ton, N. J. On January 26th, 1824, they
Second and third grade*—Barbara Verlta Corporation. purchased the water power of Man-
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Pryor and Baincs, Eileen Baumcrt, Korma Conklin, alapan river of Jonathan Forman
Mrs. Harry Patterson of Red Bank Christina Hurlc, PoloreR Jones, Vera Kon- Tho Verlta corporation, of Redand Boon affer purchased other In Monmouth County Surrogate's Office.
the matter of the estate of Cora KTaft,
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Mor- drup, Marlon Lucas, Kettle Nntalo, Sophie Bank, which publishes The Verlta, rights. The mill wan enlarged and a deceased.
ris of WUHamsburg, Virginia, to their ltussack, Paulino Shkoiln, Euth Snlffen, an Italian weekly paper, has been saw mill added, and both were run Notice to creditor! to present claims
homo last Saturday, tho trip being Mary Stavcln, John Alexander, DuunM reorganized and Alfonse DeMarla by tho Blacks for many years. Sev-
made by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Mor-Asay, Joe Focrestor, Blltle Fowler, Jack of Red Bank la the new president eral others followed and in time a ah ay. Surrogate of. the Count/ of Mori-
ris spent five weeks In Now Jersey. Fowler. Arthur Jones. John Kaczuba, John Louis DeU'Omo is secretary and
Kondrup, Donnld Matthews, Wllllnm Sobo, treasurer and Eugene Adamo Is bus-tavern was opened but all these 1929. on the application of Hel*n F. Kraft
Mrs. Louis J. Tetley of ChoBtnut John Koleds.
ngainut estate.
Pursuant to tho order of Joseph L. Don-
mouth, mado on the first day o£ October,
buildings went out of existence long Frake, executrix of the estate of Cora
street spent last week with Mra. John Fourth ani fifth gradea—Doris Conover, iness manager. A new office has ago. Kraft, deceased, notice is hereby given to
Phmonhoisor of Asbury Park. Dorothy DcBcrV, Doris Fowler, Helen Gor- been opened In Mr. Adamo'a store the creditors of aafd deceased to exhibit
The Conine mill, In the rear of the to the subscriber, executrix an afore-
Dr. Charles Dunn of Asbury Park, dnychlk, Deryl Gosa, Florcnco Hogan, Mary building on West Front street. little village of Allontown, is a said, their debta and dernand* against Erery dollar you invest in • Frigidairo menta that have madeFrigldalrclncped*
a surgeon chiropodist, will bo at his McGralh, Thelraa Nielsen, Helen Olnas, the (aid estate, under oath, within six
ofllco In tho former Second national Em/ Olvirift, Florence Petlngalc, Alice Policeman Shot
picturesque four-story brick struc- months from the date of the aforesaid or-
ture beside a small lake. It Is ander, or they will be forever barred of their
buys definite value—value in terms of ibly quiet. You pay nothing extra tot
bank building dally from two to BIXScWlchttag, Lucy Stavoln, Mae Stewart. Carl Goodenough, a member of, the historic building in an historic en- actions therefor against the' paid eub- improvements that save time, work and the Bound engineering which eliminates
Audrey Willis. Violet Woltott, Charles
o'clock, during the winter. In thoAlexander, Victor Ilalnes, Itudolf Fliher, Aabury Park police force, was shot-in vironment. The mill waa built In 1706
summer Dr. Dunn 1B at MB Red Carl Faerestor, Panic! Gordiiychlk. Peter tho shoulder early Monday morning by Nathan Allen, the first settler in Date'd Freehold. N. J.. October 1. 1929.
trouble—value so plainly self-evident complicated parts and tho need.of
Bank offlco only throe days a week. Koloda, Arthur Kondrup, George Nettcr- in a duel with an unidentified colored the town named for him. It has been ' HELEN F. KRAFT FIIAKE,'
119 Pinckney Itcftd, Red Bank, N. J.
that more Frigidaircs have been bought factory service. .
Walton Culllngton and Raymond man. John Mylock, John Otvlnff, Herbert man, whom the policeman caught ownod since by many persons, includ- than all other electric refrigerators You'll lie amazed that you can buy a
Hurley, who are employod at thoSchumann, Kenneth SnlHoit; Alvlll Wlckor- leaving the American railway express ing the present owner, John R. Monmouth County Surrogate's Office.
Broad street bank, are enjoying a sham. omco with packages. After being hit Conine, who bought the property In In Kruse, tVia matter of the estate of Emil 3. combined. Frigidaire with all of these features at
. •» i » — deceased.
vacation In Bermuda.
VICTIM OF HEART TROUBLE. Goodenough emptied his revolver at 1916. Notice to creditors ' to present claims And you not only get definits valuo the remarkably low prices now in effect.
Harry T. VanNoto and family have tho fleeing colored man but missed nKainst estate.
moved from Harrison avenuo to
The other old mill In this vicinity Pursuant to tho order of Joseph L. Dcn- but extra value. For you get the famous Call at our display room. Let us give
him. Goodenough's Injury is not ser- Is about a mile west of Allentawn. nhay, Surrogata of the County of Mon-
Plnckney road. Mr. VanNoto Is cap- Mm. Eurotla Cheney Had Been Con- ious. It is operated by John F. Hutchln- mouth, made on the first day of October. Frigidaire "Cold Control" at no extra you fuels und figures—ludar.
tain of tho police force. fined to Bed Less Than a Week. 1029. on the application of H«ary S.
son and Raymond Richardson but Knise, administrator of the estate of Emi] cost. You pay nothing extra for the sur-
Miss Ida Rlette Flchlcr of Broad Mrs. Kurotta N. Cheney of Chapel Acute indigestion Fatal. seldom grinds wheat, most of Its ac- 3. Krone, deceased, notice Is hereby given
street and MIBB Marie Runyon of Hill, widow of Norman M. Cheney,
Kenneth B. Yettman of Aabury tivity being confined to grinding of to th* creditor* of the deceased to exhibit plus power of the Frigiduire compressor.
New York havo enrolled at tho Red dlnii Friday night of hoart troublo rye flour and atock feed. It la located to the subscriber, administrator as afore- You pay nothing extra for the improve-
Dank business Institute on Broad after having been confined to herbed Park dropped.dead a few daya ago on Doctor's creek, the small stream said, their debts and demands sgainst
alnco the previous Sunday. She had while talking to his wife. Death was
streot tho naid estate, under oath, within six
which turns the wheela of the Conine months from the date of the aforesaid or-
Mrs. Harry Belgrad and her daugh- been ailing several weeks. Rev. Ed-caused by acute indigestion. He was mill. der, or they will be forever barred of their
ter Sarah, of Wallace street, are ward W. Miller of Rod Bank con- 33 years old. Probably the mill with which sea- acribor.
actions therefor against the said sub-
spending ten days at Baltimore. They ductor! the funeral _yeaterday nfter- — • — Below I» shown the famous Frigldairo
COWBT STENOGRAPHERS. ohora residents are moat familiar Is Dated Freehold, N. J., October 1. 1929.
attended tho wedding of a rolaMvo noon at tho Mtddletown Baptist "the old mill" in Villa Park and near HENRY S. KRUSE. "Cold Control" which speeds tho frccz-
at Baltimore on Sunday. church and burial was at Fair View. Seagirt. I t Is operated only once In 51 West Rtvev Road, Rumfon, N. J. Ing of ice cubes ami desserts.
Mrs. Cathorlno Bailey and her Mrs. Cheney waa a daughter of the Their Work Is Always Exacting and a while as the occasion demands.
granddaughter, Mlsa Cathorlno Iato William and Lydla Ravatt and Very Tiresome. BIDS WANTED.
Bids will be received at the meeting of
Hance of, .Riverside avenuo, havo sho was born 73 years ago in the Newark, N. J., (AP)—Sometimes IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. the Township Committee of the Township
rented apartments for a month at houso In which sho died. Sho was a interesting, but always exaotlng and TO HOMER WILLETT: of Middletown to bo' held on Thur»dny,
tha Bellevue House at Loch Arbor. llfo long mombcr of tho Mlddletown tiresome Is, the job of court sten- By virtue of an order of the Court of October 10th, 192$, at the Committee roomi
Chancery of New Jersey, made on the nt MEddlctown, New Jersey, at 8:30 o'clock
Mrs. Bally and Miss Hanco returned Baptist church. Surviving her areographer. In an age of specialized day of the, date hereof, In a certain cause in tho afternoon, for the furnishing of all,
homo a few days ago from New two daughters, Mrs. Walter Warden crafts this Is one of the more spec- wherein Leah Wlllett is petitioner, and the material and labor for the construction
Hampshire, where thoy spent tho and Mra. John Mason, both of Key-ialized, demanding Intensive training you ara defendant, you are required to of tho concrete walk and curbs nn
and plead or answer to petitioner's Cnmpboll avenue at Port Monmouth, New
summer. port. In not only routine stenographic mat- appear, petition on or before tho seventh day ofJersey, according to plans and specifica-
Miss LIda Kmmona of Wallace ters but In many unusual phase* of November next, or in default thereof, such tions made by Herbert O. Todd.
Btreot spent the week-end with her DeForrcst's Daughter Elopes. general knowledge. decree will be' taken against you as the Plans and specifications may be had on
Chancellor shall think enuitable and juat. application to Herbert O. Todd.
sister, Mrs. Lester Hurley at Sea- Miss Virginia DoForrest, daughter Any one desiring to go Into this The oojeet of said suit is to obtain a Bids must be Accompanied by a c«rU-
girt of Jimmy DoForrest of Long Branch, branch of work must first of all mas- decree of divorce, tliasoivinft the marriage fled check for ten per cent of the bid and
CharloB E. HendrlckBon, Jr., o !well known trainer of fighters, was ter one of tho two shorthand methods between .you and the said petitioner. the Township Committee reserves the right
Wallace street, a senior at Univer- secretly marrlod ovor a week ago at and become so proficient In It that he WILSON & SMOCK. to reject any and all bids.
A proper statutory bond will Wav« to bt
sity of Alabama, has had a relapse Elkton, Maryland, to Franklin Rus- can almost write "backwards, fore- P. 'O.' Address t Cor. Solicitors of Petitioner,
Kroad and Mechanic furnished by the duccesnful bidder.
and he Is very sick at Druid City sell of Portaupcck. When Miss De- warda or sideways" aa ono stenogra- Streets. Red Dank. N. J. HOWARD W, ROBERTS,
hospital at TuBcaloooa, Alabama. Ho Forrest left homo sho Ba\i\ she was pher expressed It, and read just as Dated. September 6th, 1029. Towfiship Clerk.
had been In poor health aoveral accompanying a girl friend on a bus- well. Long after he has become ef-
woeka, but had Beomed to bo well iness trip to Maryland, The girl ficient enough to get employment In
on tho road to recovery whon tho friend, Mlsa Jeanetto Sutton of Long an ordinary shorthand positldh tho
relapse set In. Ho will roturn to Branch, waa marrlod at tha same court stenographer mUBt keep on
Rod Bank to recuperate aa Boon as time to John Moshcr of Long practising. Not until he Is able to
he regains sufficient Btrength to Branch. write at least 150 words a minute Notice—Carlton Theatre
Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Pryor and
Mrs. Harry Patterson of Washington
stroot went to WUHamsburg, Vir-
m • m
Harry J.. Torwllllger Hurt
Harry J. Tcrwll'lgor of Linden wield
can lie hopo to get a court job.
At the same time he Is learning to
a flying pencil tha court sten-
ographer must bo training his ears.
ginia, last week with Mr. and Mrs. place, Red Bank, a d/J^igglBt at Cham- For In tha rapid fire of cross exam-
J. V. Morris, who wcro vlBillng at bcrs's ili;ug store, rcce.ved two broken ination or Impassioned pleading by
this place.
Mrs. Ernesto DoSamplo of Forest mobllo
light rlba and many severe cuts about lawyers, ha Is kept too bUBy to glance
hiu body Sunday night In nn nuto- up at the speakers or witnesses and
Hills, Long Island, visited her grand- at Eatontown.accident on Neptune highway must tell from the sound of the
mother, Mrs. Charles Emmons of Mc- nnd Iin 'will not bo He la at his home voices whoHa doing- th» talking, Of-
able to return to ten lawyer* can cram 300 word* Into
COCK EYED WORLD More than n MILLION in use

Jersey Central Power & Light Company

Laren street, ovor the week-ond. work In sovoral weeks. a. mlnuta of talking and though the Held over by, popular demand until
jury and witnesses are bewildered
Church Notes. Buck from Southern Trip, tho stenographer must keep on writ-

Oct. 4
Next Sunday morning Rev. John A- Frederick E. Burst of Monroe ave- Ing correctly,
Hayes, pastor of tho Presbyterian nuo! 8hrowflhyry, has returned from The slightest mistake In the trans-
church, will preach on the topic a threo wtcka' trip through Georgia position of the stenographic record
65 Broad Street, Red Bank. N. J.
"Should Man Fear C3od?" A Bpcclal and Alabama on busincas for the Slg- may bo pounced upon by a lawyer DOMESTIC ELECTRIC CO., Inc., Room 907 • Electric Building, A»bUnr P«rli, N. i.
program will bo rendered by thomund.Eisner company, by whom he who will make It the basis for an
church quartet. Sunday night a sex- Is employed. • appeal, or retrial of the case. For
oxonr 10 Sqma
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"X MON—oo» i x i l » j pooS u p a unm n q Xindttios BSJOIB U«D|JOUJV uosuqof -JJI -jjaiBSA-Bii JB Bsaujsnq
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'XBpuns P u v XBpjnjBS >1U|B8A»M J»
'aaisioau XNVS aaa
Burned With Gasoline.
NEWS FROM KEYPORT preparatory school a t Troy, New
York. Joseph Hercht of Freehold and
Ths Sunday-school of St. John's Mrs. Catherine M. Graham w«re »nr-
• - - a

Hotel Rivercrest
• ' •


chtpsl will rsopsn October 13th.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shosmaksr
•nttrtainsd frltnds from Washington
lift WMk.
loutly burned ons. night last weeK
when In a gasoline explosion which
was caused by a cigarette lighter
operated by Hercht, Mrs, Graham
MAURICE LA FARGE Notice—Carlton Theatre
Newman Sprint* Xtood
Mlis Dorothy I. Foalks and Kenneth
Manuel "Married . Saturday Alter*
noon—Mr», Elmer X. Morris Guve bury Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Osten havs was filling the tank of Hercht's car
moved from Ooossneck Point to As-at the time. Vocal and Piano Instruction —The—


Near Bridge, Bridge Party Last Week. 0«orf« BlgTlm has bought a new Escaped Lockjaw,
Nash ear. Wlnflsld Walnrlght Is the Fred Taylor, a nine-year-old Sea- Coach Concert—Accompanist. Toured with Mellia, Caive, Thlbaud,
Bed BanfcN. J. (Till Bad Bank ittgUMi « u ba bonsai owner of a new Willye-Knlght
••oh wMk la Ktjport at Cbaiiai IMa't girt boy, is recovering after a nar- Alda, Amato, Marie Bundellus, Minna Bharlon, Carmcla FonseUe,
•tors.) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Btorey have row escape from lockjaw. He shot . Graham McNamee (the famous radio announcer.) Won first prize
PRIVATE ROOMS The Palace theater opened Satur- rstumsd to Jsrsey City for the win- himself in the hand with an air rifle at the National Conservatory of Muslo of France.
OVERLOOKING day after having been closed for theter. . ' and lockjaw serum was promptly ad-
summer months, . George Hanstn, who is employed ministered. Symptoms of lockjaw Held over by popular demand until
,, T H E RIVER Miss Dorothy J. Foulks, daughter on the J . Lewis B a y estate, will developed but the serum counter-
of Mrs. Frank R. Foulks of Church leave this w««k oa a trip to Den- acted them. HOTEL RIVERCREST
Excellent Servtoa street, and Kenneth Manuel, son ofmark.

Friday, Oct. 4
Mrs. Mary Manuel of Third street, Mrs. Louis Esstmond la confined to Knights Elect Officers. NteWMAN SPUING S HO AD, HED BANK, N. J. ]
Meals At All Houn were married on Saturday afternoon the b i d with slcknsis. Joseph Howard was elected grand
by Rev, V. T. B. Reynolds at the Jacob Schenck has taken a Job on knight of the Long Branch Knights / Telephone 1372.
parsonage of the Reformed church. ths Psok estate. of Columbus laat l/eok. Paul White
After their wedding trip the couple was chosen deputy grand knight llllltlMIIIIMIIIHIMIIHHIsHMIIIHIIIIIIIM
will reside with the groom's mother It pays to advsrtlse in Ths Register. inclusive.
on Third street.
Better Furs Mrs. Elmer HI. Morris entertained
at bridge at her home on First strest
Out reputation M last week. Those awarded prlzsa for
the creators of • high score were Mrs. It. Brower Wall-
better garment m u Ing, Mrs. James T. Walling and Mrs.
gained t h r o u g h William Walling.
y e a n and year* of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Walker
supreme effort t o have returned from "an auto trip to
create the m o l t Vermont
servlceabla far the Mrs. Oeorga 8. Cherry entertained
least money, Saturday afternoon .at a luncheon

to Select From.
bridge at her home on Broad street
* 28 Neweit Styles The prize winners were Mrs, H, 6sa-
brook Sehanck, Mrs. Herbert R.
Us Once, West, Mrs. J. J. Scully and Mrs. E.
$WU Try Us Al-Slloox. Others present were Mrs.
wajs. Clinton B. WyclcolT, Mrs. J. H. p e n .
drlcltuon, Mrs. L. E. Cokelet, Mrs.
you think
Jack Friedman
25 West Main Street,
Freehold, N. J.
Charles J. Straub, Mrs. W. D. flwart-
zel, Mrs. W. P. Swantoa, Mrs. J. 8.
Matthews, Jr., Mrs. Earl H. Cherry,
of this plaoe, Mrs. Fred Noble of
Holmdel, Mrs, Fred Adams of Middle-
town and Mrs. J. Smith of South Or-
this set has an equal. •.
The Barney Paving company has
started work on the new water main
extension which will Increase the flow
of water at the Calco factory at the
U It's money you need, let u* southerly end of the borough. Tht
supply you. That's oui busi- Calco plant, formerly the Crown
just go 'round trying to find it!
ness. Chemical company, Is the largest
We make loans to help peo- user of water In the borough, but
ple out at all kinds o l trouble. has not been able to secure enough
to supply their demands, which will
Our system permit* you to however be corrected b y the exten-
to, pay us back at your con- sion. The cost will be around $27,000.
venience a little eaob month on Mrs. Harold Smith of Pleasantvllls
'your awn endorsement with was the week-end guest of her sister,
lawful rate of Interest, gov-
erned by the laws ol 'this
Mrs. Thomas Morrison, Jr.
Mrs. Edna Ogden and daughter
Chech Up compare on any 9
State. Call, or write, and get Frances aro occupying their home on
ptjint of performance, design,
acquainted with our method of
doing business.
Main street after spending the sum-
mer at Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Qalbralth, who occupied the
AMOUNT Ogden house during the summer, construction, new features,
have returned to their home at But-
Loans from $50 to $300 fern, N. T. Inner and outer quality, dol-
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey S. Bedle have
TJiero are no fees or deductions returned from a visit with Mr. and
QUICK SEEVICEi ", Mrs. A. C, Huston at Newark, Del.
- Dr. and Mrs, H. T. Hopkins and
lar-for-flollar value.
Monmouth Mr. and Mrs, J, H. Johnson are at-
tending the national convention of
the American legion a t Nashville,
Loan Company Tenn. They made the trip by auto
and will visit other Southern cities GENUINE AUTOMATIC TUNING MODEL 52...Employi n!n« tate»
7 Broad Street, before they return. i llm itnllini li Tlimr Inn i mi 11 mi lln including reeKAsr. Sp«dally d*«
Bed nnnic. New Jersey. The West furniture company are lignad Scraan-Grld clreult...
Tel. 2548. making show windows on the second
floor of their warehouse on Church DOUBLE Puih-Pull audio ampl'tflca*
License No. B9S. street tion. p«nuins) Autotnortie Tunlnfl.
Opnn Wed. Eve. t to 8 V. M.
Mian Martha Anderson has re- Super-size, 12-Inch Zenith Synhsn-
Offlco Hours 0 to 6; S a t 0 to L sumed her studies at Cedar Crest col- A taadstty duranwi tcrtan.grtd circuit...built from H»
ic-Dynomlc Typa Spaakar. UIMOT
What National Banks have lege, Allentown, Fa. Power Detection. SeH-Haaling Rl-
done for B i s Business E. Everett Decker has been malt-
Ing a business trip to Detroit tar Condsmer. Simpla Salactivity
"THE MAN WHO WORKS." Osceola Cottrell of Berkeley, Call., Adjmtment. Automatic Phono*
has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Uk* 1b» pewnr ef ,o lecamotiva In a mDtor car... maDower, graph Switch. Charming low-boy
Thomas Cottrell. I<DW,abaoluMy UMDISIORTABLE ton.olany volum.. Four
hlbw In h » •tsgei ef push-pull omplifkotion Inittrad of prey- console ef Butt Walnut with ovtr-
—FOR— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson
have rented an apartment In the alentiMSftv»rol»i In oneiroga. lays of English Satin Oak.
Longstreet house on Cedar street
Tire Service Mr. and Mis. Russell Henry hava

Our Service Car is

always ready.
returned from their wedding trip and
will occsipy their now home on
Chandler avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BolanA enter-
tained Mrs. Charles Flynn and her
father-in-law of Leonla last week.
Mrs. Flynn, who formerly resided a t
NINE TUBES (with rectification)
Urn* UV-224 Scr*«n-Orld lubai, thras UY-2J7 (haotor
type) tokwi fw» UX-245 (lattlt typa amplifl.n], on* UX-


••? «

Koyport, was Mrs. Ann Warren. She

and her husband have recently re- Waak ef stfwg ilgnali racahwd with tru. tons quality, Hw
Steam Vulcanizing. turned from their wedding trip which
was spent In Europe
f rW Mas • • I t * dthctor tub* airtomotlcolly changing with rh«
h f l l

Balloon and Truck Mrs. A. L. Huylar of Kearney

strset and Mrs. Margaret Havens SIMPLE SELECTIVITY ADJUSTMENT
Tires in Stock. were hostesses to the ladles' aid of
Calvary Methodist church last P*mtH r*0«tat1ng capacity of antenna for bait op«raHon. If you believe all you hear about a radio receiver, your buying jndgnent may be blated. Bnt If jtm keB««fv
Wednesday at ths home of Mrs. Huy- l
what you hear from a radio receiver,.you just simply can't .go wrong. ,
lar. The next meeting will b« held
at the home of Mrs. Garret Van- SELF-HEALING FILTER CONDENSER Zenith invites you to make the rounds before you buy...not only to listen, bnt to see...confident that tfcf
John Hansen Oelson on Stadslon street on October
9th. v . .
la skerp CMtmt to th* common paper and Hnfoll typ< of fll-
isrcwa^llaw.ZMfthliMsaMlf-ntolingiMlercondenitroflong farther you go, the nearer you'll come to owning one of these great new 15th Anniversary Models.
42 West Front Street, Mr. and Mrs. Buasell Wharton and if» whtch WMAIN3 aparatin undw all n m n t conditism.
Here ore not only ALL (lie modern radio developments found in all other makes of reeeiTers, bat Jtu-
daughter Virginia have returned af-
RED BANK. N. J. ter having spent their vacation In ahead advancement in their refinement and perfection. Here,, for instance, is not merely t i e customary «*M*
M » I M h n l b dewn, and radio ilanol strength li up. Con.
of screen-grid tubes, but n specially designed screen-grid circuit plus DOUBLE Push-Pull amplification...prB'Mftaf
The Monmouth county women's
Republican club held their Septem- nwtfM pmvtdad to mlnlmlz* Una nolui. Compart Zsnilh twice the tone fidelity, providing for double the volume tvithout any distortion.
ber meeting on Friday at Belmar. A with
large number attended from tho Re- Co right down tho line and compare. Inspect Zenith Automatic Tuning and contrast its genome
publican club of the borough. thc-button" action 'with the half-way tuning contraptions on other sets. See as well as hear. Note the
Tho regular monthly meeting of SUPER. SIZE SPEAKERS
tha directors of the chamber of com- »»up«r->lta, 12-Inch iyntonk-dynamlc typo speaker et- superiority of the Zenith-built consoles. finish, in design, in cabinetry...and then note the amaDBg
merce will be held this evening. p*tlaMrdailgnadtoeparate !n full lympalh/with th*
Postmaster and Mrs. Dallas Young awn* af Hw ranlnr...«mphailtlng tha fomoui Zenith HU You can't mistake the matchless, outstanding value of the new Zenith 15th Anniversary Radio
of Second street are spending their MANIKOTona.
DonH make the mistake of buying any radio before you've seen and heard this one.
vacation at Washington, p . C.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Walter Smith ot
Myrtle avenue are on a two weeks' PHONOGRAPH SWITCH
automobile trip to Nova Scotia. d«*K|n«al fho««graph Switch which y

10,000 Bottles a Day

Hw ZMMI n a h w r for elocrricol rapradixtlon with
—y nhfc » • m4 w o r d hmMabla.

Every day 10,009 women buy a

bottle of Lydia E . Finkham's Vege-
table Compound. They know that
there ia no better remedy for their
E. C. Unff Building a House—Attend-
ing School In New York State.
1 Tha [tad Bank HeuliUr aao ba bougbl
e e h waak in Little Sllvtr at th* UntoD
New* Htani) *t the depot and at Qaorsv
UiiackanbuBh'a general atoia.1
troublosome ailments with their
accompanying nervousness; back- Ground has been broken for E. C.
ache; headache; ."blue" spells, and
rundown condition.
Haff's new house on ths eornsr of
Willow drive and Little Silver Point
Harry Found exhibited several
Lydia E. Pinkluiin's dogs at the Troy dog show In New
Vegetable Com pound York state last week.
Miss Lois Wilkinson Is attending a
AK&I V I B S i l l l

Notice—Carlton Theatre DIXON BROS.


COCKEYED WORLD Only Authorized Zenith Dealers in Red RanE

15 E. FRONT ST. PHONE 1^90.
Held over by popular demand until
Next to Hunting Theai Open Evenings.

Friday, Oct. 4 inclusive.

We Take Sets in Trade.
as?g3K'Cfc^«:«o««aBgK^^ FENCE IN RIVER. . organist ,of Central North Broad at half-past seven o'clock at the par across! the bench on the west *td% of
Street Presbyterian church of Phila- ish house. An election of officers the Quintan property.
Wire Fence Erected Along Quinism delphia, He will bo assisted by Flor-
Property a t Fair Haven. ence M. Davis, with a chorus. The
will be held. The guild will hold a The fire patrol truck, with a new
rummage sale next Monday morning Ford chassis, will be ready for use
Notice—Carlton Theatre
School Supplies The public Is still further barred program, will consist of hymns and
from use of the shore at the foot of classical selections. A collection will
Fair Haven road, formerly Pear be taken up to help pay for the or-
street, at Fair Haven by the erection gan, which coat 53,500.
of a heavy Iron and wire fence along The Junior Christian- Enaeavor so-
at ten o'clock at the parish house, this week.
It will be In charge of Miss Mary
beth Scowcroft
The Sunday-school of the Chapel
A number of private docks have
Emma Hcndrlckson and Miss Eliza- been removed from the water (or the
winter. ': • "
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and son •:-.- ' —the—.- : :
Headquarters I tho western boundary of the Quintan ciety gave a box sociable Friday
property. The fence extendB but In- night under the direction of Mrs.
to the river in a northwesterly di- William Russell for the benefit of the
rection. After the borough lost Us organ fund. The society made t37.
suit for the possession of the dock Prizes for bringing In the moat
of the Holy Communion will reopen Keith of Philadelphia were Sunday
next Sunday morning at ten o'clock. guests of Councilman and Mrs. Bam.
Communion will be held at eight uel H. Cleeland. Mr. Cleeland's moth'
o'clock next Sunday morning. Tho or, Mrs. Mary J. Cleeland of Phila-
regular service will take place Sun- delphia, who accompanied Mr. and COCK EYED WORLD
at the foot of Pearl street to thoboxes were won by Audrey Cameron, day night at eight o'clock. Mrs. Richardson here Is remaining
Where the selection is the largest g Quinlans, a fence was erected barring Marjorle Smith and Russell Bennett, Chlel of Police Joseph Herdon Is for a visit. - '
the public from using the dock. In Jr., and they put the prize money on a trip to Canada. Warren chandler, son of Mr. and Held over by popular demand until
this suit It waa established that Pearl back in the fund. Mrs. Clara. Knight, who has been Mrs. George Chandler of Clay street,
street ran oft at an angle oh'-the rlvor Tho ladlof;',: guild of the Chapel of staying In the New England states, was taken to the Long Branch hos-
Oct. 4
front and that the dock, which was the Holy Communion will hold Its Is visiting Miss Elizabeth Scowcroft. pital last veek suffering (lth mas
built at publlo expense, was not first meeting of tho leason tonight A wire fence has been put uptolaltls. •
erected on public land. The mayor
and council have taken steps to se-
cure the riparian rights In the river

58 Broad St.,
at the foot of Fair Haven road and
also plan to erect a dock. The new
fence erected by the Qulnlana will be
right alongside of the proposed dock.

Red Bank, N. J. | A Profitable


Event for the Firemen

i of Atlantic Township.
The first of a series of dances was
held by the fire company of,.AtlanTic
township last Friday" night" "at the

Notice—Carlton Theatre Colt's Neck schoolhouse. It was man-

aged by Joseph Hamernick and he
has received many compliments on
the successful outcome. Tho admla-
slon fees amounted to more than $100
—The— and In addition to this there was a
'considerable Income from the sale of
refreshments by the ladies' auxiliary Jlichardson, HACkERCRAFT
COCK EYED WORLDHeld over by popular demand until
of the company, Another danco will
be held at the schoolhouse Friday
nigh* of next week. ,,
•» • »ti

Organ Recital to bo Held onlght i t

Haven't yon bad that desire to go spinning through toe water In
a safe, comfortable boat? There's no reason why you can't
Phone me for a froo demonstration. Better yet, let mo explain
hen you can have that bout you most desire.


the Methodist Church. BOATS FOB SALE. PARTICULARS.
(Tb* Bed Bank Register can be bough; For the convenience ot Eastern cus-
Royal Oak Boxwood Farms
Friday, Oct. 4
each w«k In the store of Harry Kurtid and Demonstrated by
At thtt Gold Cedars, Fair Haven. Sub. tomers, we are shipping fouif to »i» ear-
Beriberi' can Eet their papers at' (he post*
office Wednesday afternoon! %t \ ;80
o'clock.) (
A recital will be hold tonight on the
loads of Boxwoodi from VirginU each
week. They can be seen a5 o n New
' C S. Wassum, Proprietor. Nursery, Marlon, Va.
New York Office nnd Warehouse:
460 Eleventh Ave., 'Phone for appointment
new organ of the Methodist church. Phone Red Bank 2640 Fair Haven, N. J.
inclusive. It will be given by William C. Young,
York warehouse. Bet 37th & 38th Sts.. Medallion 4323.

Unusual Values in
Put your fqjth and your dollars in
a Dodge Truck. You will profit
through more work done, more
time saved, more customers
gained, more profits earned. \E DESIRE to have you see the great variety, the artistic standard of
/ these Living Room Suites, and to learn of the moderate prices which
Dependable, powerful, speedy, prevail here at McKelvey's. This collection knows but one stan-
long-lived, good-looking and dard . . . and it is applied to every piece of furniture. Value must
miser-like in their cost-saving come before price . . . and the price must always be as low as is com-
mensurate with the fine materials and craftsmanship involved. Gome to Free-
ability—are Dodge Trucks. More hold and McKelvey's; become acquainted with the possibilities of superlative,
successful, more efficient, more values; come whether you purchase now or not. It has always been our policy
profit-certain—are the business to build for the future as well as for the present.
men who own them. ;
Whatever your business, what-
Beautiful 3-Piece
. ever your hauling needs, there is
a Dodge Truck, complete with
3-Piece SuiteIn Mohair and Frieze Living
Mo&air and Frieze Room
body, that will be profitably
yours. Ask us for proof.

%-TON— 1O»' wbMDnu

p 11 e i $
(4-cyL) S 525
This handfioma sulto la typical of tho
value3. This three-piece, excellent quality
jacquard suite, covered nil over. Reversi-
ble, spring-filled cushions, Webbed con-
struction thruout. A suits that will meet
in 3 gorgeous pieces
For Your Living Room
Upholstered In mulberry mohair Yilii Suite
the* requirements of the most fastidious; charminu Irleze on reverse side of
124'wbMSMM (4-tyL) 675 colorful, a custom suite tn tho most min- cushions. Full webbed construction, Beautiful mohair covering with gorgeous
»4-TON 124'whMllxu* (6-cyL) 775 ute detail, with grace of line that only. and hair filled thruout. A suite that
charming furniture can have. still give everlasting comfort and years frieze on reverse sides of the cushions.
1-TON 133' whMlbasa (4-cyL) 745 Note the unusually low price 3f charm to your Superior construction thruout; full webbed
1-TON 193' w b M l b a a . (6-cyL) 845 dome. Especially
back and bottoms, double cone oil tempered
priced for this oc-

' |%-TON
1«O' wiwcIbaM (6-«yh)
fcfeovy bufy * •
ISO' wbe«lba» (6-cyL)
IAS' wti—lboi» (6-cyt)
I4750 casion springs tied eight ways and hair topped.
This suite hns nil the desirable features of
ths finest furniture . . . and its price is no
criterion by which to judge its exceptional
1-TON WO' wtiMlbcu* (6-cyk) 1515 value.
1-TON 165' mbmmSbmtm (6-cyL) 1585
»-TON 133' wtaMlbfM (6-cyL) 1745
•-TON 165' wtMalbcu* (6-cyL)
f wheaUxu* (6-cyL)
1845 Many COLONIAL
Other Living Room
Ctraisti C. «. h. Detroit
Reproductions in Solid Suites to $450
Maple and Mahogany .


at about ONE-HALF Regular Retail Prices
There Is nothing that contributes a greater beauty anfl llvtablcness to the hom« . . . nothing
that creates a greater pride and satisfaction . . . than tho possession of truly tins rugs. In
the hundreds of colorful, high grade Wilton Rugs received in this store, then Is Inescapably
a certain percent that is rot up to our high standards. We are now
offering an unusual assortment of these high (trade Seamless Worsted i
Many Other Beautiful Wilton Rugs,
Including American Orientals
$47.50 to $99.50
Some slightly Imperfect.
Wilton Rugs at about one-half their regular retail prices. This group ' Regular retail values up to 8150.
la a special assortment, and therefore limited oa to number

Purchases' licit
30HK H BURNS. Mgr. 149-151 W, Front St.
Until Wanted
Telephono 1296 In Free Storage
Branch of Perth Amboy. IpnilHIHln 111 m i n i m i iiniiTITU

See Our Great Display

If you have anything to sell, or if you want7 to buy

oj High Grade Rugs FREEHOLD, N . J . Stow Open •
Satnrdu Until
• Factory Distributor far A. and M. Karagheusian Rug Mill of Freehold, N. J. len P. M.
anything, you will find The Register's Want Column
Uw guickett and cheapest way of filling your want. ^_
MOHEY * O B OMJB H1SXD TRIAL THIS WEEK. principal topio of the businone ses- out of the game beeausa o l heart
KEYPORT WINS HANDILY. VICTORY FOR RED BANK. sion. . . trouble, Members of last yeark


Bumaon AthleUo Club to Hold a
Danct and a Minstrel Show.
Tne Rumaon athlattt flluB will hold
SHOTOUT OK BtitBAY, 1 tO 0. K dance Oetobar 11th at Had Men's
It WU1 Be at Tinton Falls Instead ot
at Colt's Neck.
Tliu Honmouth boat club will bold aquad, around whloh Abbatelll la
Its October meeting next Monday building thla year's team, are Joseph
night at the clubhouse. A featuro of Tylutkl, James Tanner, Arthur
Tha second amateur field trial of tho evcnlhg'a program will bo this Leavy, Francis'Cornell, Edwin Ken-
Good Roofing
hall a t that place. Adolph C. Kind is
tht Monmouth county kennel club on presentation of a silver trophy to As- nedy, Daniel Calandrlello, George "The Kind That Laat$n •}
KevporU Pitcher Allowed Only Xliree in general charge ot the arrange- Gridiron Team Defeated Trenton Friday and Saturday will be hold on aoBBor George W. Bray, the gift of QI1I, Pnul Homschoot, Alexander Mc-
Hlta—Moulten W u BttMM lTfOltt ment*, Saturday Bt That Plafie by a. Score the Dr. Cook and Knoll Aero farms President Augustus M. MInton, Phee, John Patterson, John Fitzger- For all types ot roots
the Bed Bonk Uneup-»«0O T8MH t h « ClUfe will hold a minstrel show of 11 to 0—Touchdowns by Mo-at Tinton Falls, Instead of on thowhoso boat Llndy captured the Bea-ald and John Bhechan. New candi-
farms of Mrs. Burton C. Downing, aon points trophy this year. Llp;ht dates who are aura of births on tho
In at Uu Gftta, November 18th. Mr. Kind la chair- Cloes and Jncoubs. Vincent Carney and John T. Cross, refreshments'will bo served ufter the squad are WHUatn Maloney, John
The Bad Bank bmball team m i man of the show committee and his Red Bank high school'a 1929 foot- at Colt's Neck as was scheduled. Tho business session. Moron and Daniel Hayes. Practice
Monmouth Roofing Co.
shutout Sunday altirnoon, 1 to 0, by assistants are Patrick Kennedy, Al- ball season opened with a victory Tinton Falls farms afford more cover In held at the playground at tho rear Johni-Msnville Approttd Raoftra
Keyport in a leyen-game n r l e i Xor bert Brletenbach, Anthony Gardner, Saturday, when the local boya defeat- for the birds that will bo used than of the school. 12 MASON PL.
the county oKamplonshlp. Petroskl, Arthur Dolby and John Satnmon. ed Trenton high school at Trenton by the farrhB on which the trial waa to Phono 390
Keyport'i hurler, putilad the BadThe profits from the two affairs will a score of 14 to 0. Rod Bank's speedy lave been held.
B u k m with hli <UUv«rv and WM be used to buy equipment for thebaakflcld and powerful Una made an' The first conteat on Friday morn-
OPENING FOOTBALL GAME, Tho schedule has not yot been com-
pleted, but other gamoa already se-
cured ore with Newman preparatory

touoiwd l o t only t h « » him, on* b»-club, _•' impressive showing against the cap-
Ing a »cratoh ilnglt. The Red Bank ital city team, playing an all around Ing will be for dogs not yet a year ST. JAMES'S WAREIOHd TO Bchool on Monday, October 28th;
old. An amateur derby for dogs born Westfleld public school on Friday, No-
bstimen hit only » v « n balls out ot
th» Infleld and put runner* on third
oose and aecond twice. StrylMr Wat
A NEW FOOTBALL TEAM, game with lino bucking, end running
and passing.
Mulligan and McCloes starred far
l e u offaatlve Sunday than In any oth- HEBBEBT HUNTEB OBQANIZ- Red Bank with their long gains of
er aeMae fama, giving ten lafetlei, through the line. The linesmen di-
after January 1st will bo held In the MEET SOUTH AMBOY FRIDAY. vember list; the Point Pleasant pub-
afternoon, and the principal event
Notice—Carlton Theatre-
lic school on Friday, November 15th,
tht trials will be a shooting dog Vincent Abbatclli Says This Year's and St. Mary's Catholic school of
stake all day Saturday. Squad Will bo Fust and Futloim— South Amboy on Friday, November
vided honors about squally and dis- Walter Arnold of Plalnfield, who
Tut Calundrivllu and Neville Miss- 22d. ;
seven ot whloh yw» clean hlu. Maul-
ten's abience considerably weakened
played oplendld team work. Tha fed waa to have judged at the trial, will
Red Bank'a attack and defensa. Oamea Will B« Flayed on Newman and gray goal line was never ser- be unable to attend, and Dr. Wallace
ing From the Lineup.
- A b o u t 1.400 portona attended the Spring* Field After Baaebftll Bea- iously threatened. ]T. VB.I1 of Greenwich, Connecticut, instructor at St. Jamoa'a high school, EGAN'S
Vincent Abbatelll, the new physical
sains and the gate receipt* Were
d o n t o $800. The fifth | a m e of the
aerlee will be played at Hunter'a
leading s to 1.
ton Ends—Former College and The Trenton backs were stopped In Will eubstitute for him. William B. is whipping In shape a faBt football
H l | h School Flayera Signed. tliolr tracks. Their gains came most- Sngllah of Trenton will be another aggregation to play an eight-game

bauball team, la organising a foot- eons, Rossi and Wlkoff were Tren-
Carhart of Kayport led off with a ball aquad to play at the field on ton'a shining lights.
deublo In thi flrat Inning, went .to Newman Spring* road. The team
judge. F. Dwlght Foster Is chair- schedule. The first game will be
Herbert H. Hunter of Pair Haven, ly through their aerial work, complet- man of the field trial committee.
fleld Sunday afternoon. Keyport la manager and owner of the Red Bank ing eight passes out of twelve. Par-


Auto Vans and Express
Now that tnovlnf tltoe U afar l am
playtfcl Friday afternoon at Hunter's prepared to do your ntxt moving Of turn1*
field with the Bouth Amboy public city
high achooh Only twenty football In Red
turs, planoi or bnasast* to ati parti ot
or country! In tha largeit padded vaiii
Dank. Before you bare your neai
nion nrn avnilnblc1, but Abbatelli 13 moving done, writ*, ••nrt er call for thi Held over by popular demand until
Tho first score came early In tho only reliable furnltura u n v i n ID town* and
Ihlra on a eacrIdee and countered on will be made up principally of former second quarter when, after having October Meeting of North Shrews- confident, of producing a team cap- H«t my
able of holding; Its own with any of of hvavj*prle«» on your next Job, All klndn

Friday, Oct. 4
» tingle by Feterion. Walter Manual high school and college stars. Ag- forced Trenton to come from behind bury Club Tomorrow. or light tmckins dom at short
croiBed the plate in the fourth gregations from New Brunswick and the goal line, the Red Bank team its competitors. aottot. Call or addr«ia
frame on StlHwagon'a roller to flrat Trenton, and teams of similarcnllbrn brought tha ball to the ono»yard line The October meeting of the North Several of last year's squad were jr. T . E d A N
after singling, stealing to aacond and wilt be played. The first contest and then McCloea took It over for a Shrewibury Iceboat and yacht club lOBt by graduation; Patrick Calan- 11 WALL STREET, RED BANK
btlng sacrificed to third. BtUlwagon will be held tho Sunday following touohdown. Trenton's o/fslde mada will be held at the clubhouse tomor- driello, a star lineman, injurod his Retid«nce Phone 39-W
rtade a hit In tho sixth and tallied the oloae of the baseball series be- Hortman'a try for tho extra point row night. Matters pertaining to the IPRS last year In play and Francis Office Phone 2215-J
with Keyport'i! final run when Peoora tween B t d Bank and Keyport Mm good. coming Ice. boating season will be theNeville, a promising; player, la kept 10 WHARF AVENUE inclusive.
rrtuffed a drive by Arthur Manuel Hunter played football a t the Unl- Following two periods of hard play-
Newman dropped a pop fly by Dana vanity of Virginia, ing with neither team gaining much
in that inning, but later threw the
Jteyport catcher out at third. The team will average 17S pounds ground, tho Red Bank eleven in a
In weight. The first practice was rally rammed their way 65 yarda to
Hunter drove a bard hit to eenter- held Sunday morning and another the Trenton goal line, Eddie Jacoubs
fleld In the second and was sacrificed try-out will be held nest Sunday carrying the ball over. Again T,ren-
to aecond by Porter, but the aide wa« morning. The squad wilt play eight ton's offsldo made another point .for
retired when Brookholt filed o u t games, the first two being played Red Bank. Tho final whistle blew
Hunter beat out a slow tap In theaway from home. The gridiron has with tho ball In mld-fleld.
fourth, atole second and went to third been laid out from east to west at Jack Strode, R e d Bank's speedy
on an error by StlUwagon, but Brook- Hunter's field, in order to give thoso right halfback, twisted his foot in the
holt again filed out and Hunter was In the grandstand a clear view of third period and was replaced by Ed-
unable to score. Red Bank's only the entire field. die Jac6ubs. Stryker went In for
other threat to score was In. the ninth Zucco, tackle, who broke his wrist
-whan Newman poled out a two-base Charlie Clayton of Aabury Park, a while playing In the final quarter.
hit with one o u t The two follow- former nthlello star ot the Aabury About 200 Red Bankers accom-
ing batters were put out quickly and Park Is tha only mem- panied tho team to Tronton and
Newman was kept on second. Only ber ot the Red Bank baseball team made a very spirited cheering con-
fifteen Red Bank bntteru faced who will be on the football squad. tingent. They were equipped with
Fetroskl In five Innings. Claytoh will the backfield.
Other buckfleld men are Ooorge whistles, horns and klaxons.
Porter, Red Batik's second base* Knochel, Charles Dato, Ignaclo Mo- At a meeting last Friday, Herbert
rnan, excelled in the field by hand- llnet, "Stubby" Kempt, Stanley Ewlnp, veteran guard, was elected
Three DAY
ling eight hard chances without a slip Phraner, Otto Schnorr, Harry Ben- captain of tho team.
and lie was pressed by Walter Man- nett, Paul Simpson, Ellsworth Con- On Saturday of this week, tho high
uel, who led the Keyport team In the over and James Egldlo. Candidates school'team will journey to South Or-
fleld. for positions on the line are Edward ange to meet Columbia, high school.
.. Sunday's game Will probably be one Gehlhaus, John Joslln, Harold Mer- Head Coach Rlnehort and t h e boys
of tho hardest fought contests of the rltt, Jehn Qrodeska, Edward Bloom, realize that this Is one of the most
aeries. Keyport will Strive to winWesley Wohefleld, Ned McLaughlln difficult teams on the schedule.
the tame, whloh will give them the and Charles Hull. TRENTON. BED DANK,
championship, ana Hunter promise* Parians, Captain. L.E. ^ ' Cook
to have a much stronger team In an Edward Hartcorn of Atlantic High- Rots L.T. Roilti
effort t o retain the title. lands Is booking agent and manager. Gill * L.G. Maraiclo
The box acora Is: " Krotke C, Wolcott
LOCAL DOGS WIN. Dalllaneld n.C. XMnr, Captain.
DUlterer R.T. ; Zueco The arrival of several cars of new bed- ' .
Pntlack , -R.E. - Bruno
•CMhlrt, of 1 1 t d Mrs. Boh and Mlsa Aohells Win at Wyeltofl Q.B. Hartman room suites is the signal for the greatest sale of bedroom
P»rrti», Sb. . . . . . . 01 1 Enjlowood Snow.
P«t«rion, it. . . . . . I t Dogs from Red Bank and Rumson
Rom I
furniture in our history ! Never before in all our experience have we had so many
W. Mutuel. 8b. . . . 1 1 won several prizes at the ninth an- Malon* P.B. McCIees beautiful suites to show you. Never has so much style and quality been available at prices so low J
Dane, e 0 2 nual' ahow of the Englewood ken-
StMIwmon. 1b: a 1 14 Touchdowns—McCIees, Jacoubs. Polnte Certainly this is the opportune time to purchase that new bedroom suite, and we have room here to
A. Minue) 8 nel olub held Saturday afternoon. after touchdowns, Hartman 2, Trenton or7.
Dletz, If S Mrs. Florence B. Ilch of Red Bank side—Subatltutloni—Trenton, Floyd for
Krocke, Daiaraky far Uoae, Henry for
mention just a few of the interesting values.
Petroskl. p 2 won first prlta for female collies with
Laund Lovely of Bell Haven and she Rossi, Miller for Henry, Barelkowskl for
Bclllaflold, Krocke for Lloyd, Berateln for
ToLl 20 S 10 S7 JS won the reserve with Bell Haven Olll. Grnvatt for Mnlone. Chase for Barel. 3-Piece Walnut Combination Suite—
BED DANK. Lady Bar None, In tfee beat of win kovrkskl. Red Bank, Jncollbs for Strode,
AB It H PO A nera and best of breed Mrs, tloh's
r?eor», »• Laund Lovely of Belt Haven carried
Bchwcnket lor JIucto. Be(«ree—Arm1tat«,
Gettysburg. Umpire—Coleman, Rutgers,
Bed, Dresser and Chest
Lukens, 8b Head linesman—Storcr, Remington. Time
Newmnn, If. . . . off first prize. In the class for Calm Hero in without question the most amazing value wo have offered In ycara! A beau-
terriers Cbrnor Oliver owned py Miss of quarters, 8 minutes. tiful suite In genuine walnut with other fine hardwoods, richly grained and hand-
Egbert, cf. . . . . .
Hunter, l b . . . . Dorothy Achells of Rumson won the somely finished, at a sensationally low price!
Porter, Ibv . . . . reserve. Caught a Big Black Bass.
Brootoholt, o. . . . Edward Murphy of Wostslde ave-
Macintosh, rf. i .

Walker to Fight Hudklns. nue, Bed Bank, caught a black bass
Stryker, V
Mickey Walker of Rumoon has Weighing two pounds last week In 4-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite
Tots! 2« 0 S a t 14 signed to meet Acs Hudkine, the Ne- tho reservoir of the water company,
Score by Inning* i braska Wildcat, In a ten-round bout betwe'eifTiWcroft and Tinton Falls. With Rich Maple Overlays at
B*d B«nk O O O O O O O O 0—0 to a decision. The fight will be held
fcyport . . . . . 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 x—8 October 20th at Los Angolen. Walker It pays to advertise in Tho Register. Another outstanding feature value! Suite includes full size double bed, largo dresser,
Errori—Stlllwagon, A. Manuel, Pecora, Is now In California. —Advertisement. chest of drawers end new Hollywood vanity—oil four pieces included at this remark-
Newman. Earned rum—Keyport 2. Rum ably low price! ' *
batted In—Peteraon 1. T w o - b m tilta—
C&rh&Tt, Newman. Left on batea—K«J-
port 4, Bed Bank B, Flrat b i n on errora—
Porter, Stryker, Dane, A. Manuel. Saerl-
flpea—Porter, Perrlne, Dane. Double pllyi
Porter to Hunter to Brookholt, Stolen
bun-SttH-nmton ! , HunUr, P««t»on, W.
Notice—Carlton Theatre 6-Piece Burled Walnut Bedroom-
Suites, Exceptionally Fine for
Manuel. Strike outs—By Fetroikl ! , by
Rtryker 8. Hit by pitcher—By Petroikl—
Peeora. Time 1 hour and 40 minutes. Um-
pires—Lavole, Davis and Craig.
—The— The unusual cabinet work, fine construction and carefully selected matched 'walnut
used in this BUlte, make it extremely desirable. Genuine burled walnut ovor sturdy
hard wood, embellished with contrasting panels of maple and mahogany, with beau-


tiful carved effect, at a price irresistibly low!
roterton o! Keyport Hit Twice Sun-
day Out ot Four Turns at Bat.
The Red Bank baseball players are
leading Keyport in batting for the
county championship series whloh is
Held over by popular demand until
Moderne Style Bedroom Suites
of 4 Exquioite Pieces at
You will be delighted with one of your
bedrooms furnished in the new Art

Friday, Oct. 4
being played at Hunter's field, Eg-
bert of the Red Bank team, who waa Moderne style! Let ua Bhow you some
leading with an average ot .545, went splendid examples of this new stylo of
hltless Sunday and he was replaced furniture, and quote you the remark-
at the head of the Hat by Peterson ably low prices wo have put into effect
of Keyport Peterson played his Bret to make this one-day sale tho talk of
game Sunday and made two hits out inclusive. the town!
of four chances; Hunter took sec-
ond place on his team by collecting
two singles In Sunday's contest The
cluba have good fielding records. Every Bedroom
The leading batters of both clubs
American Suite in the
Store Included !

F'ood Co.
Ejbert ...
Hunter . ,
Peeora «. .375
Newman .SIS
Lukena . .267
Felenon 4 0 1 .too
W, Manuel 4 14 i ,W
Carh.rt 4 17 I .294 Always the Best Meat at Lowest Prices I
Stiilnagon * 1> > .ill
A. Manuel 4 IS S .SSI
Perrln 4 Id I .188
The leading fielders are: Legs of Fresh-Killed

Dltti, outfielder 1
Mftclntoth, outfielder . . . . a

Petoraon, outfielder l
Walter Manual, Infleldcr 25
Stniwaaon. Infleltler 07
Lukans, Inflelder ia (4-lb. Average)
Hunter, Inflelder 45
C lb C lb
Gaddls Plum's H o n e Broke Its Le«
In Game Sunday at Bumson.
33 / •

38 -
During a polo game Sunday at the
Rumoon country club a pony ridden
by Gaddls Plum of the Rumson road
fell and broke his leg. The animal
JERSEY PORK LOINS . 32c lb. Convenient
Terms Arranged
had to bo ehot. A similar accident
occurred earlier In the season to one Prime Fresh
of Mr. Plum's mounts and this horse
nlso had to bo shot. CHUCK CALA J. SCHWARTZ ING MtiHNt.SDl

Rumson Golfers Win.

Tho Rumoon country club woman's
golf team won the final matches of
the Metropolitan women's golf asso-
ROAST HAMS 77-79 Brood Street Red Bank, N. J.
\ IIOMV. {

ciation tournament last week. The

members of the team ar»' Mrs. S. J.
Burghard, Mtsa M. E. Bryan, Mrs.
IC. M. Seggerman, Mr*. 8S. M. Crane
and Mlsa A. Boker.
20c lb. 23 lb.
TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN I Fix Clocks Norman Morgan to Operate Chriney
Holmes's Place.
Contractor and Builder
. - • / ; . : > • '

Flltr y**r»' «xptrl«oe* and tb* btit

equipped clock repair ahop In th» county. Norman Morgan, who for the past
two years has operated ona at Ther-
Xelephono BIO-H
160 Bridge Avenue. Bed Bank, N .
15 Rector P U c * Red Bank, N. J .
on McCampbell'a farms at Holmdel,
has signed a. contract to work
Chriney Holmes's place at Holmdel
Pbon* 2011.

ATTEND THE By virtue

of a writ of fl. fa. to ma di-
tho coming Benson. Mr. Holmes'a
farm was operated during most of
the past season by Garrett Stryker,
rected. Issued out of the Supreme Court who died about a month ago. Mrs.
16 Monmouth St., -f BUILDERS
of the Stata of New Jersey, will be «x- Stryker Is still living on the farm.
\ Asbury Park Business College
R Day School opens September 16th.
poad to sale «*t public vendu«, on
MONDAY, THE 21ST DAY OP OCTOBER, She la arranging to hold, an auction
of the live stock and farm Imple-
between the hour* of 12:00 o'clock and 5 ;00 ments during the winter. She will
359 West 26th St.,
New York City.
18 Mechanic St.,
Red Bank, N. J.
Night School opens September SOth. o'clock ( at 2:00 o'clock), enstern standard move to Matawan, where she will
time, in the afternoon of said day, at the
School Offlco opona September 4th. Court House in the Borough of Freehold, live with relatives.
INDIVIDUAI. INSTRUCTION. county of Monmouth, New JerBey, to satis- Mr. Morgan had great success with
fy a judgment of said Court amounting to
All Commercial subjects, Pitman and Gregg Shorthand. Free approximately $358., his potato crop this year, In com-
placement bureau. Pupils from other schools may continue their All the defendant*! rlnht, title and In- mon with most of the other potato
work here without interruption. Enter any time. Phone or call. terest in and to \pe following:
All those certain lots, tract or parcel of farmers of Monmouth county. Tho
ERNEST L. BEAN, Principal.
land arid premises, hereinafter particularly yield was only about 55 barrela to the
described, situate, lying and being Jn the acre, which was much smallor than
townshir of Middlotown, in the County ol
K £ Monmouth, New Jersey, shown and dc*- the harvest laBt year. But the small-
Iftnated on amended map of WHmort Park, ness of the crop was Insignificant as
Craig FlnneKtin, surveyor, December 16th, compared with the abnormally high
1022, B5 lota Noa. 78 and 74, Block A. prices paid. As was the case with
nee&iowton/y Supply you with your Fuel—

Notice—Carlton Theatre which lota taken together, are described as most

follows: Monmouth county potato farm-
BEGINNING at a point in the eouth< ers, the drought waa a blessing In'
easterly line of Lincoln street, eaid point disguise for Mr. Morgan. Loot year
distant 260 feet aouthweatcrly from a mon- ho had a big potato crop and no
ument at an angle in said, street, laid be-
ginning point being also thV southwest profit , \,
Fuel Oil Coke
corner of lot No. 72; thence (1) touth-
eaaterly alonff the southwesterly line of PARTY FOB A VISITOR.
lot No. 72. 810 feet, more or less, to the


southeast corner of lot No. 72; thence (2)
south 17 degrees IS minutes west 15 fcci Miss Elizabeth Canonico Entertained
to a point; thence (8) south 42 degree? in Honor of Ilor Cousin*,. ."
weat 25 feet to the northeast corner of lot
No. 75; thence (4) northwesterly nlon« tha
northeasterly line of lot No. 75, 810 feet Miss Elizabeth Canonico of River FIREPLACE WOOD
more or le»». to the north-went corner there. street entertained about a doicn
of in the southeasterly line of Lincoln
street, and thence (5) northeasterly along
friends last week at a party In honor KINDLING WOOD
Held over by popular demand until the southeasterly line of Lincoln street of her cousin, Miss Louiso Lonbardl
40 feet to the point or place of beginning of New York, who Is visiting here.

Friday, Oct. 4
Seized as the property of Nicholoy Sabo-
lensky. taken In execution at the suit of
Mutual Discount Corp., a corporation, and
to be sold by
Dated September 23, 1929.
The guests Included Misses Helen
Canzona, Anna, Josephine and Ther-
esa Garljudo, Susie and Rose Caruso,
Louiso Kossl, Rose Canonico and An-
gelina Palmlcrl.
m ail-pxrpaupLmo tt$39S

VT THERE can you get so much

" tor ao little? Play yourself
Max B. Lowitr, Attorney. . • . the melodies yoa 2ore , . a
(47 lines) 919,74
BUMSON NEWS. accompany yourself... or play
inclusive. It pays to advertise In Tho Register. by hand if you choose. This is OFFICEi 19 W. Front S t
Made $450 at Rummage Sale—Party Gnlbransm's greatest Register- Phono 652
lor School Teachers. ing Piano value. A genuine, YARDt Maplo Are. A Bergen P l a n
(The Red Bank Register-can ba bouElu high quality instrument for a
each week in Rumaon at Finnerty's gen- jirice yooil hardly believe— Phon. 654
eral store, at Boyle'a grocery, and at Tor- $395. Only Gulbrarreen could do

berg's general store.)
The Presbyterian ladles' aid society it. Letrashow you today.
made $150 at the annual rummage
sale last week at the parish house.
A junior Christian IJndeavor so-
ciety will be formed at a meeting Terms
Friday afternoon at the parish house.
Miss Helen C. Harding, a former
school teacher here, is now teaching
at Lincroft.
GULBRANSEN Notice—Carlton Theatre
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pearsall and Ttanos
CHNEIDER' Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn have re-
turned from an automobile trip In
New York state.
A rally sociable will be held Thurs-
day night of next week at the par-
ish house. It will be given by mem-
bers of the Presbyterian church and
A Type tad Style for Every Home


Sunday-school. Bally day services 609 Mattkon.Avenue Anbury Fork

will bo held October 13th at tho 1G Monmduth St* Bed Bank.
Phone Phone church.
Stores Open Wed, and Sat. Evenlngi
Held over by popular demand until
Mr. and Mrs. George Schllchting
2653 2653 of Darien, Connecticut, are spending

Prime Meats and Fancy Poultry

two weeks here.
Leon Longstreet ia employed on the
Treadwcll property.
A meeting of the teachers of the
Presbyterian Sunday-school will be
held Thursday night at the manse. '
Two of George Hallanan's houses
Friday, Oct. 4 inclusive.
have been rented to Alfred Patterson
and family and to Mrs. Roy Erlick.
21 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. Thomas Coakley has moved from
Mrs. John Corlies's house to one of
the Paelzky apartments and Herbert
Miller of Fair Haven has moved into
the house vacated by Mr. Coakley.
Prices Effective October 3d, 4th, 5th. Thirty-five persons attended a tea
given Monday afternoon by1 the par-
ent-teacher association to welcome
the teachers of the Rumson public
schools. On the committee were Mrs m
Pork a 29° Best Sausage
in town.
D. Harold Karp, Mrs. Theodore
Clark, Mrs. Wayne Cadwallader, Mrs.
George Ivins, Mrs. Frank. Nary and
Mrs. Frank B. Cornell. The next
meeting of the association will be
PRICE n hidi hon
held next Tuesday night at the high

Legs of Shoulder Shoulder of

school. *
A card party and dance will be
held next Monday night at Holy
Cross hall.
Forty hours' devotion began Sun-
Genuine Spring day and ended yesterday morning at
Holy Cross church.
Lamb 3 3 ' Lamb
22' Lamb


Tarty Last Tuesday in Celebration of
Joseph Lovctt's Birthday. The New Steinite! The set -which gives you au
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.. Lovett'en- that the latest radio engineering, backed
tertainod a number of guests on
by years of experience can producet Three
Fowler 39«
Tuesday of last week in celebration
fl, . , 4-ft. Size
Si: 4-ft. Size of Mr. Lovett's 38th birthday. The
evening "was plensantly spent playing screen-grid tubes in a SUPER screen-grid cir-
thickens Fre8h ", A-l Quality
cards, dominoes and dancing. Music
for dancing was furnished by Garo-
cuit ; push-pull amplification; humless, inspir-
Roasting vese's orchestra of Keyport. Walter ing tone; and a real electro-dynamic speaker
Bolte and Joseph L. Lovett, who sing that will thrill you with its glorious voice. These
over station WJBI at Red Bank, en-
PORTERHOUSE CROSS RIB FRESH PORK tertained with songs; Mrs. Cottrcll, are the features which have made. The New
Mr. Bloodgood and Harry Carhart Steinite find its way into the hearts of the radio
did a few fancy steps which were
Steak Top Round
greatly enjoyed. Mr. Lovett received public. Overwhelming public demand, mass
Pork '

39- Hams
many useful gifts. It was also tho
birthday of L. W. Cottrcll of Long
Branch. Hefreshments were served
about midnight. Thoso present were
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baldwin, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Bolte, Mr. and Mrs.
production, true one-profit manufacture, has
made possible the price.
Your Steinite awaits yotu When you buy, you
Garrett Roberts, Mrs. Sadie Smltli, will have the knowledge that your judgment
Mrs. Hannah Lovett, Mrs. Ada Rob-
CATSUP BAKED irts, Miss Hannah Mac Robert3, has been confirmed by millions of other buyers.
Mince Meat CHILI Harry Carhart, William Shultz, John
Roberts and Alfred Chinery of Key-
large BEANS
Reinz's 22c 15c
bot. 25c
port; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dolson of
Belford, Alvin Adams of Keansburg,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wallace Cottrell and
son of Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs.
Jame3 Bloodgood of South J^mboy,
You Can. Get No More Than This At Any Price!
TUDE9—a total of 7 tabea.
8. RealfaamieMreception.
t 6. "Datll««hlp" ohai«1 • eon-
• t r n e l l o D i eomplelety
CATSUP Spaghetti Mince Meat CIDER Mr. and Mrs. William D. VanPclt, fl. Ton* CoadeaMrt.

Products small can can VINEGAR

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Webster,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Peseux, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles D. Johnson, Mr.
leu tubes
A richly carved high-
8. Lbwar power detection will*
4. rn«tPan ndj0 powe* it
[ fi. Glorittu tone.
and Mrs. Ernest E. Peseux, Mr. and boy console with the 2iS*" tn 9, M'galflcenl eo&aolai.
bot. 15c 12c 39c 22c Mrs. Roy Ldmbertson,. Mrs. Emma popular half-swinging Hcattttnt afBa&lo
(Ueaiuaf unjtr Atpauntt and jxtMnl applkatleint tif Radio Corp.
Corp. of
and auodnud tempenlma and (A. Radio Frtauencj Laboralortet)
T. Rudigor, George B. Roberts, Harry doors
Peseux and Edwin H. Walling, Model 80.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo-F. Layton and
Prirrie Rib Roast son Cheston, Mr. and.Mrs. Henry L.
Bennett, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Les-
And ter V. Walling spent the week-end
I at the Layton bungalow at Lavalctte.
Frying or Roasting Chickens j The Hazlot flro company will hold
| a roast fresh ham supper in the flro-
What (3-lb. Average) houso next Wednesday. A masquer-
ada dance will be held by tho flre-
S men October 31st.
Rump Corned Beef I William Murphy, who recently pur-
chased the late Capt Bush property
on tho Hnhndel turnpike, Is malting
considerable Improvements to the
Center Cut Pork Chops property, SUPER SCREEN-GRID! RADIO
George W. Zucker.and family, who
lived on the Holmdel turnpike, have
moved to East Orange for the winter.
Sugar-Cured Sliced Bacon Robert T. Woolley has purchased

FRESH HAMS, whole - - ib 27c

a now l?ord coupe.

del turnpike.
* •
John B. Bozarth Is erecting a new:
home on his property on tho Holm-
Harvey S. Bedle of Keyport, who
purchased tho Bedie property, is
making considerable alterations to
the; place. .. •
It Bays to advertise Jji The Register, Next to Hunting Theatre, PHONE 1890. Open Evening!,
A SURPRISE AND A GIFT. FHIBT AID COURSE, annual meeting and election of offi-
Modiste cers tomorrow afternoon at the* home Announcement!
Party Olvon for Mrs. Mndio Mnncle Twenty-Five Person* Hnvo Enrolled
Mn> Hanna Marie Patten The o«members Holmdei Last Week. lor Instruction at Eotohtovvn.
of Mrs. George S. P . Hunt Plans
will be made for Belling luncheons on
election day and for the annual fall SED'S HOME-MADE CANDY SHOP FreeDumpingAllowed
of tho missionary Twehty-ilvo persons > from Hed
84 Broid 3t, R«d Bank. N. J. oupper for the benefit of the church.
64 Monmouth 8 t , Bed Bank. loclety of tho Mut^wan Second Bap- Bank, Eatontown, Long Branch, 42-A Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N. J. near Fort Monmoutb Bridge,
Tel. Hod Bank WW. tint chtirch paid a surprise visit to West Long Branch and Oalihurst Uttlo Sliver. N. 3.
Mrs. Madia Mancle of Holmdol last have enrolled In the first aid and
iujtlsM Bands* 11 * . '•»« • r. «*.
Bun4«r-Soh«>»-»i«0 A. M, Thursday night Mrs. Mancle re- eafoty work course, which is being
I . Sewing
^ d»aoln« TMtldonitvl cently returned homo from the Cong conducted at Eatontown by tho Jer- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
with a full lino of
Branch hospital, where she was a sey central power and light company.
P. M.

Butntdays trout ! • » to «fM V, M.

i patient. She 1B much Improved. A The second lesson was given at the
gift of a purse was mado to her. municipal building Monday night,
Violin. > Specialty.
Quick Pile Relief
Bowl Rt>b«!ro<L LUNCHEON SERVED DAILY FROM 11:00 A. M. TO 3:00 I1. M.
Tlit poblta b cordially lovlt«d to General sociability was enjoyed, Everett Erwln, a member of tho
28 Weit Front Sti-»»»- A1X HOME COOKING. HOME-MADE TIES A SPECIALTY. Dr. Leonhardt'a Hem-Rold la guar- ^
»tUnd th» »»rvlei» «oa at* * • refreshments were served and selec- Long Branch first aid and safety
(Over Chamben Paint Shop.) antced to banish any form ot Pllo
and BUILDER tions were sung by the' Mntawan squad, Is conducting tho course.
ijtiartet, Others present besides Mrs. Lessons, an hour and a half In
SOL AXEL, rron.
Branch of the Pine Needle Taffy Shop, Lnkmvood, N. J.
misery, or money back. It «lve«
quick action even In old, stubborn
RED BANK, N. Jv ilancle were Mrs. M. M. Skinner, length, will be given every Monday
BumsteadsWormSynip who Is president of the missionary night for ten weeks. Those who cnaea. Hem-Hold I» a hurmlona tab-

Notice—Carlton Theatre
Offle« la EUtftr Bttlldtoe society! Mrs. Anderaon, Mrs. Euntus, complete the courso will receive cards lot that removes bluo'd/abngeithttt In
Mr. and Mra, Anthony, Mrs. Wil- from tho Red Cross signifying that tho lower bowel—tho caueo of pllci.
ROOM 3 It brings Joyful relief quickly and
T.bpbon. 2018.
Jobbing of All Kia'tU
1>J MfetltafcM Eitlaate* O i M r W l j
liams, Mrs. Lee Anderson, Mrs. S. J. they, have sufficient knowledge to ad-
Harrison, Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Mo- minister first aid in emergencies.
Oee, Miss Johnson, Luther Ander-
son, Mrs, Granger, Mr. and Mrs.
FnrtiUh»d Morris and Mr. Johriston. CAKE SALE NETS $7S.
A Profitable Event for the Woman's
safely or costs nothing, Wholnn DrUlf
Stores and drugslsta everywhere Bell
it with tnia guarantee,
Estate of Kraco R. It. Lanitler. ,


M44H Club of Red Bank. 24 Broad St., Red Bank. .Notlco Is. hereby slvon that th., account!'
of the aiibiicribers, executors of tho uitat.
Monmouth Motor HaulageCo. About 475 was cleared for the
Woman's club of Red Bank by a cake
It Will Beplace Hte Residence Which sale which was held In the Krldel
, Was Dffltroycd by Fire, building at No. 6 Broad street Fri-
nt mid dpcoascil, will bn BuilltrJ and slatail
by the Burrogato of the County <it Morl-
mnutli ami rtported for sottliment to thl
Omhan» Court ot said County, on Thurs-
>'"• t h » tMrty.flrat OttolMr,-A;-ft "
Michael Noono of the Nutswamp day, afternoon and Saturday morn- M(J!9, « r toliioft (Inift Rpvileattort T»ili ba
maa» tot tho allowance1 ot commllllonl
Daily transportation between Asbury Park, Long road.ln Mlddletown township Is bulld- Ing. Mrs. Thomas VoorhU was In Held over by popular demand until and coimnrl fees.

Branch Red jSank and Newark and New YorL InK & house for hla own occupancy charge of the sale and she was as-
at B coat of $8,000. Tho residence sisted by Mrs. Frank 8. Curtis, Mrs.
Ladies', Infant8'& Dated September 20, A. D 1029

Oct. 4
Hlvemldu Drive, Hod Hank, M. J,
will have six rooms, a bathroom and James R. Smock, Mrs. Thomas Cook,
Light and heavy hauling, all iiiodem conveniences. William P. Mrs. James Wolcott, Miss Catherine
Scott of Red Bank Is the contractor. Vanderveer, Miss Ida Wels, Mrs. Children's Wear. Hlverslde Urivc, Hed Hank, U.' 1.

The hduoe will bo ready for oc- Charles White and Mrs. Henry INTERNATIONAL PAPER AND POWER
Phone Atlantic Highlands 246. cupancy In two months. Mecklcm. The profits will be used COMPANY.
Uoaton, Ming., Sept. 11th, 1Q2J
The house will replace Mr. Noone's to make repairs to the clubhouse, inclusive. Tlio Board of Directors declared a r««-
ular.quarterly dividend of ona and Uir««.
residence, which was destroyed by A card party for the 'Same purpose ,nuarter» per cent ( l « i % ) on the Cumuli.
fire several weeks ago. It will be a will be held Friday, November 8th, HlltlJtM tlve,7% Preferred Stork of thin Company,

Notice—Carlton Theatre frame structure, 24x28 feet. Mr. under the direction of Mrs. Thomas
Noorie Is employed by the New York Voorhls, who will appoint a commit-
and Long Branch railroad. tee of assistants.
Ready and a reeular Quarterly dividend of ona Mill
one-hull por cent ( I V J ' , 1 ) on tho Cumula-
tive £% Preferred Stock ot thl» Company.
"'„ °,J?,'"at . . i " " 1 " . payable October
Hth. 1929, to holders of record «t th»
cloie of builneas .September 25th, 192J.
DEN TO COST $8,000. COMPLAINTS WITHDRAWN. with Checks lo bo mailed. Transfer booki will
—The— F. Biclght Foster Is Adding to His
Charges Against A. T. Cross of
Shrewsbury Not Tressed,
not olosa.
Assistant Trealurcr,
House on Conover Lane. An unsurpassed selection

T. Dwlght Foster of Conover lane Eutnte of William O'Drlen, decemed,
bury borough public school, was to
In Mlddletown township la having a have had a hearing last night on of Boys' and Girls' Coats Notica i» hereby given that the, aceoBBIl
Of the subscriber, exr-cutor of tho ostata Ot
den built to hla residence for $3,000. charges of cruelty to children, but the said deceased, will be audited and stand fcr
The building work la being done by
William P. Scott of Red Bank.
complaints were withdrawn and no and Hats to match. An ar th Surrocata of-the County of Monmouth
and reported for Settlement to<tha OrahttM
hearing was held. The complaints Court of laid County, on Thursday, t m
The addition will be 12x20 feet and ray of materials and styles seventeenth day of October, A. D. 1BJ9, at
Held over by popular demand until It will be completed in three weeks.
were made by John T. Wilson and Al-
fred S. Hooker of Shrewsbury, who
which tlms application Kill be mads for
the allowance of commissions ana coun-
Tho Interior will bo finished in white said that their sons had been bruised — Germania, Chinchillas, sel fees.

Friday, Oct. 4
birch slabs In a log cabin effect. by being shaken and pushed about Dated September S. A. D. 1920.
by Mr. CroBB. The board of educa- THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK
Daniel Doran Visits Wncroft. tion considered the matter at a meet- Montebellos, Glorettek, AND TRUST COMPANY
Of Bed Bank, New Jirsey,
Ing last week and Instructed Mr.
Daniel Doran of Long Branch spent
Thursday at Llncroft where he was
Cross riot to use force in regulating Tally-Ho and Camels Hair Monmouth County Surrogata's Office,
In tho matter of the estate of Mary Fran-
the conduct of the children. This
inclusive. born and received his elementary ed-
ucation. He visited his birthplace
action was B&tlsfactory to Mr. Wil- Cloths—at verv reasonable
ces West, deceased.
Notice to creditors to present elalttlt
son and Mr. Hooker and the com- against estate.

Why not let us

and renewed all his former acquaint- plaints were withdrawn. Pursuant to tha order of Joftcph L. bbil-,
ances. He was employed as a clork prices. ahay, surroifato of tha County of Mbfa-
mouth, made on the twonty-saventh day of
by the late John R. Conover at the September. 1023. on the application ol Bo-
Ltncroft general etoro moro than MOVED TO RIDGEFIELD. nn Lockwood Holt, ncting axeeittrix of th*
forty years ago. estate of Mary Frances Weat, dectiieil,

Represented in Red Bank Improving a House.

Thomas, Sagurton of Broad street,
Rollond Chllton Is Consulting En-
gineer for Faterson Firm.
Holland Chllton of Keyport has
given up his position as consulting
Visit our Coat
shoulder this worry? notlco is hereby filveh to ths creditors of
said deceased to exhibit to ths subs'eribiir,
actintt executrix as .aforesaid, their del£ts
and demarrts aealnst.the.said estaU. tin8»t-
oath, within six months from tha data of
the aforesaid order, or they will b«; for*
-by- Shrewsbury, Is having a new front ever barred of their actions tbirtfor
porch and a new shingle roof put engineer of the Aeromarlne-Klem against the aald subscriber.

J. KRIDEL corporation at Keyport and he Is now

Dept. ODERN society requires that a
on his house and the exterior of the
building stuccoed. The work Is being
done by Harold A. Hendlckson &
Company of Red Bank and It will
employed In the same capacity by tho
Wright aeronautical corporation of
Paterson, He recently moved from
Keyport to RldgBfleld.
M woman be always young and
smilingy and of coarse this is impossi-
Dated Freehold, N. J., Sept. J7.
86 Caroline Avenue, Yonkera. N..T,

bo completed In about two weeks. To Pay Carafe Keeper's Ll«n.

Mr. Chllton is a member of the
Red Bank Aero Club and he owns a
ble if she must devote a seventh of of Ford Rondster. bearing motor numtjer *'
NOTICE. 12572211, Model T.,
Moved to Rumson. Waco sport modol airplane which he TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN>— her life to the cares and worries of Or to WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
VanCampen H[oilner of Spring keeps at tho Red Bank airport. He TAKE NOTICE, That » rneetinj Is h«r«- Pursuant to an Act of tha Leslslature
Lake, well known explorer and writ- is the Inventor of the Inertia start- by called for October 18th. 1920, at S:00
P. M., at the flrehouia of the Seabright
washday. Let us shoulder your wash- of tho Stato of New Jersey, ontltlcd "All
Act for the better protection of Garatto
er, and Mrs. Hoilncr havo leased the er for airplane motors. Hook and Ladder company. Surf I t n t t , In day burdens. Keepers ftnd Automobile Repair Men," ap-
Emory Wale8 house on Rumson the Borough of Seabright, New Jcrsir, for proved April 14th, 1016. and the Aett
parkway at Rumson for tho winter. the purpose of choosing ft nama for t&e amendatory thereof (P. L. 11)15, Chapter
Colt's Neck Church Events. corporation to be formed.on laid date, and 8 1 ^ P. I* 1022, Chapter 2S1; P. L. 1024,
Their two children will attend the Tho sewing club of tho Reformed euch other business as may be neeeasarr LET THE LATJNDBY DO I T ! Chapter 201; P. L. 1025. Chapter 88),
Rumson school. to Incorporate, and the members aro here* notica la hereby given that the under-
church of Colt's Neck will hold Its by requested to be present thereat. signed, Leiter C. Walling, Constable, will
Bell on the nineteenth day of October, lS8y,

Red Bank Steam Laundry

at public auction, at WalllnK'a Garavs*. Bftl-
ford, K. J., the above mentioned automb*
bile, which was detained by said Wtlnrirt
Garage, who claim a Hen tnereon for ItoT"

ElfEllYDEKilL 62 White St. Phone 16S9

Dated Belford. N. J., October 1st, 102».
The Register's motto—"A paper ttt

oifits design* #•)•» overy home."—Advertisement

makes for
is more than "miles per gallon"
S POTLESS, gleaming white—the Genera
Electric Refrigerator looks it* part—.
guardian of the family food . . . end the
family health. And, because of its special de- Owners tell you the Dodge Six is unusually
sigu, it is as sanitary and dean as it looki.
All tho iusido corners of the cabinet are economical on gas and oil. They emphasize, too,
rounded. You know how easy that makes
cleaning. No spilled food can hide in cor- that this is only one item in its economy.
ners or seep into crevices. A damp doth
leaves the whole lining of the cabinet abso-
lutely spotless. .And the chilling chamber
Big, durable, oversize tires mean higher mileage.
is to designed that you can easily dean all
around it. Housewives who pride themsclrei Body construction is such that utmost strength
on being "fussy" have commented favorably
Remember This: on this fact. And they like having the cab-
inet up on legs, for that gives them plenty
and rigidity are secured with a minim urn of weight.
of broom-Toom underneath.
There is Only One Ltt Vs Demonstrate Then Fourteen Superiorities
. . . an hermetically scaled, dust-proof mechanism. Because the entire mechanism of the Gen.
The extra-large clutch — massive 7-bearing
KniMex Goat . . . a simple (reelingregulator.
. . . a mechanism tint requires no oiling.
eral Electric is hermetically sealed in a steel
casing, it is duet-proof and safe from the
crankshaft —8-bearing rear axle—8-inch Frame
. . . all troublesome machinery eliminated. difficulties which dust can so easily cause.
When you buy a topcoat remember this
. . . a new standard of quiet operation.
...moantedonlegfwiubnmm-roomnndenieadi. You should examine this moat modern of
— permanently efficient internal-expanding 4-
one thing. There are a great many coats
. . . no installation problem whatever.
. . . a sanitary, porcelain chilling chamber.
all refrigerators study the new all-steel
cabinet, the many improvements. As evi- wheel hydraulic brakes —together with a score
. . . the entire mechanism mounted on top. dence of guaranteed reliability, there are
of fabric construction that look like KnlHex,
but there is only one genuine KniMex
...maximum food storage space in the cabinet.
. . . an appreciably lower cost of operation.
more than 300,000 useri and not one has of unseen but all-important mechanical superi-
spent a single dollar for repairs! And find ont
. . . a radically improred type of cabinet
Coat. Unless you see the Knit-tex label, It . . . absolutely no radio Interference
. . . an unqualified two-year guarantee*
about the conveniently spaced payments
on which any of the models can be bought
orities, insure that never-failing, dependability
is not the real thing. Tana in on the General Electric Bourbroadcatt overy Saturday evening
8 to 9 Eastern Standard Time over the N. B. C network of 42 stations.
which is the foundation of Dodge Six economy.
We feature the genuine Knit-tex Coat.
We handle no imitations.


30 MINI iODY rrvusi t n j T O »<MI F. O . B. DETROIT cHitmu MOTOII MODuar

(8tore Cloned All Day Saturday, October 5UJ.V
H. HENDRICKSON CO. Frank Van Syckl^y
JOHN H. BURNS, Mgr. 149-151 W. Front'Si
Open «t B!80 P. M.'- ,.. Red Bank 1736
Telephone 1296.
8 MAPLE AVENUE. RED BANK, N. J. Branch ol Ferth Amboji,
Open Evenings. Convenient Payments Arranged.
New Low Prices,

Notice—Garlton Theatre Best Place

Monmouth County
-rTfte— to Buy a Good His Report Shows That Borne Own-
ers of Rented Farms Are Paying
as High as SI Per Cent ot the


Held over by popular demand until
Farm's Net Income In Taxes.
New Brunswick—In his flith ri
port for tha New Jersey farm tax
committee, Prof. A. G. Waller, eco-
nomist for tho New Jersey agricul-
tural experiment station, shows thai
owners of some rented farms art
By W. A. Sweeney.
The writer of this column is
In receipt of the following let-
<Next to City H»ll) paying as high as 51 per cent of thel ter:
farms' net Incomes to the tax col Mr. William A. Sweeney, •*

Friday, Oct. 4
Broadway, *
Long Branch. N. J.
This Information was uncovered
Post Office,
Red Bank, N. J.
during tho course of a three-year September 23,1929. SEE AND HEAR! SEE AND HEAR !
Phono 327. study on rented farms which includ-
inclusive. Open Eveninga and Sunday*. ed the years 1925 through 1927. Se'
enty-nlne farms embracing 10,23'
acres, and representing an Invest
Sear Mr. Sweeney:
I want to join Issue with you
JOAN CRAWFORD in "Our Modem Maidens"
ment ranging from about $920,000 t< on the position you take In
$932,172. were Included in the survey
These farms were located In flfteei
Imimrtant agricultural counties
"Timely Community Topics," In
The Keglster.ot last-woofe—You
say that you believe there is a
New Jersey and they are considered clear line of demarcation be-
as representative of,the rented "farms tween the duties, rights and
prerogatives of the Chamber of
THURS, FRL, SAT, OCT. 3d, 4th, 5th
in the state.
"On a $920,772 Investment In 1025,' Commerce and the Mayor and 100 PERCENT TALKING THRILLER !
Professor Waller states, "these Council, and add, '*Fhey oper-
THEATRE TEL. 658 farm owners realized a net income t and ate, naturally, in separata fields
of $40,764 before deducting taxes. At one must not invade the ter-
ter tax bills aggregating $20,894 had ritory of the other." This Infer-
NOW PLAYING UNTIL FRIDAY! been paid, however, only $ ence is
I draw from this expression
that In some way the Cham-
mained as actual profits to these 79 ber of Commerce loses, or maybe
AND NOW VITAPHONE BRINGS TO YOU— farm owners. In other words, slight- never acquires, the
ly over 51 per cent of their net profits interests inherent inrights and
the indi-
The charming voice of the Screen's Most Beautiful Actress The story that won the Pulitzer Prize had been taken by the tax collector viduals that compose It, despite
as the year's best play—The thrills that only Maxwell Anderson can create. Kcmember "WHAT with the result that they realized
PBICE GLOBY." return of only 2.15 per cent on tin the fact that I think what is in
the mind of every member who
It's A Vitaphone Talking Picture. money invested in their farms. joins is that he is entering Into
"The following year, 1920, there \ co-operation with other citizens
was a very slight improvement In for the purpose of better per-
tho situation. The farm owners had forming his duties as a citizen.
to pay only 48.3 per cent of their ne(
Incomes to the tax collectors, ant It is not only the right put the

their return on Investment Increase duty of every individual citizen
Could from 2.15 to 2.50 Jier cent to take Interest In his municipal
'The last year of tho survey, 1927, government and the way It func-
saw the toll In tax collections de- tions, but to co-operate •with it
You crease slightly from 48.3 to 44 pe In every way possible. There Is
cent of net incomes on theae 78 much concern being displayed by
farms, and the net return on Invest- publicists over the fact that citi-

A Live
ment waa Increased to 3.13 per cent. zens are not taking the Interest
On a three-year basis, the tax col- in municipal affairs that they
lections averaged 47,8 per cent of ne should. Their disinclination to
incomes, and the average return on
Investment was slightly more than
do so is one of the reasons for
the Increasing urge toward

2.5 per cent.' group activity.
Professor Waller also summarized I cannot believe that munici-
data pertaining to Increases in the pal officials do not welcome sug-
Love tax per acre for the period 1915 gestions, recommendations, and
through 1927 la his report just raadi even complaints from citizens, THE FIRST GREAT ALL-
public. These data were gathered and when they come, not from TALKING PICTURF x

—with— in a survey covering the following single individuals, but from an
On 16 important agricultural counties
Sussex, Warren, Morris, Hurjte
organized body of 300 citizens, OF. THE SEA t
GRANT Somerset, Middlesex, Wonmour
after having been sifted and con-
sidered through Its committees
e'er, Ocean, Camden, Burlington, At- and hoards, it would aoem to me The Hoarlng Gale.
WITHERS $40 lantic, Gloucester, Salem, Climber- that they should be all the more The Shrieking Winds,

I And a Fine"
Supporting Cast.
land ' and Cape May. Seventy-five welcome.
townships were represented In the
1,000 farms.of. .slightly.. more ..than

"Considering the state as a whole,'

> I am sure that the Chamber
of Commerce has no desire to
100,000, acres that were included in pose as a common scold. Noth-
the survey. ing so far would indicate that.
But a very email number ot the
Tho Crashing Waves,
The Din ol Embattled Human
Souls In a Mighty Drama
of Human Emotions
Stripped to
tho Raw "^

N Week nays Waller, "taxes per farm acre in matters coming to its attention
New Jersey averaged 82 cents an are ever referred to the Mayor
acre in 1915, compared with $2.38 an and Council, and these bave all
acre in 1927. This means that real been matters in which all citi-
estate taxes on farm acreage as a zens have a common interest,
whole in New Jersey are now very and they have been referred to
Greater Than Any Stage Play !
Breath Taking Drama of the Sea I

G nearly three times what they were

n 1015, only I t years ago.
"From 1915, through 1927, taxes for
the borough officials with a con-
eldered recommendation.
How do you reconcile your
each year, with the exception of 1925, warm advocacy of better parking

were higher than the preceeding facilities with the position you
year. The largest Increases took place take? Provision for better park- THE HUMAN PINWHEELS HARRIS & PEPPER
since 1919, juat about the time when Ing facilities is certainly a gov- SENSATIONAL t
tho prices of New Jersey farmers' ernmental function. Twelve cit- ALL LAUGHS t
AND produce took a drop. This continual izens have written to the Cham- CHET ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA.
lse in a fixed charge such as taxes, ber about the matter. Are we
for the years 1919 through 1927, diir- to Ignore their, communications?
by Maxwell Anderson
ng which the prices received bj
farmers for their products were gen
rally lower, made the tax burden criticise,
particularly noticeable."
Tho studies from which Professor
So far/ there has never been
occasion for the Chamber to
but I feel that a Cham-
ber of Commerce which, after
MON., TUES., WED., OCT. 7th, 8th, 9th
due consideration, did not criti-
The Season's Funniest All-Talking Comedy !
Waller's data comes were undertak- cise public' officials if occasion
n by the experiment station at thj warranted, would be hardly
request of the New Jersey farm tax worth maintaining.
committee, which represents the
See and^Heaf
"IN A MUSIC S H O P " with WILLIE and state grange and the state federation The object of the municipality
is not so much good government Warner Bros. -
of county boards of agriculture. Tho as It is ths development of a
in A muaii 3 n u r EUGENEHOWARL statB and federal departments of better and more responsible citi- .prennt, > v ^
—OTHER SHOBT SUBJECTS— agriculture co-operated in making zenship.
tho studios.
Very truly yours,
SAT., MON., TUES., WED., OCT. 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th HOSPITAL INSPECTION. George H. Murdoch,
4 DAYS ONLY—A Great Talking Picture ! Annual Meeting at Allenwood Next The letter will be answered in
Sunday Afternoon. this column next week.
A larger attendance than ever 1
expected at the nnnual meeting at
the Allenwood hospital next Sunday
nftcrnoon at 2:30 when Governor
Morgan F. Larson will be a special

interested in the' hospital is invite'

to attend and inspect the institution.
IT is really good business
to follow the lead taken by'
guest. The meeting Is open to all successful men everywhere.
citizens of the county and anyone
MORE often than not, the
man with the spotted lapel
Dr. Walter L. Rathbun, superintend- isn't really indifferent. He
ent of the Newton memorial hospital knows as well as any man
at Cassadaga, New York, and an
authority on the use of tho X-ray in the true importance of good
treating tuberculosis, will be thi grooming, but he is so busy
principal speaker. The new building he forgets.
providing accommodations for 21 pa-
tients is about completed. THE. country's alert, ad- ARCH.EL.MAYO
vancing men in business and
THE CHANNEL PBOJECT. the professions take no
chances. They depend on
Monmouth- County Men Feel En- the drycleaner to keep their
couraged After Hearing. clothes always Clean, Fresh
The committee of Monmouth coun- and New-looking.
ty citizens who attended a hearing YOU'LL look like a
before army engineers at Washington
last Wednesday in reference to a younger and more successful
deeper channel in the river at High- man, and you'll be money in
lands returned feeling greatly en- the pocket too, if you will
couraged.' Although no decision wll arrange for LEON'S to call
be made for several weeks, the army
men gave the Monmouth county dele- regularly for your suits and
gation an hour's time. They were ex- overcoats. We'll put back
tended every courtesy and were into them the Shape and
naked many questions relative to the Snap they had when you
improvement. Congressman Harold
G. Hoffman was spokesman for the bought them;
group. 'William A. Sweeney repre- Our telephone is
sented the Ked Bank chamber of
commerce. RED BANK 1S45
and air calls receive prompt
Call 13 or 1300 attention. »
when you want to find a quick buyer
for your automobile.—Advertisement.
of the Jury
"Here stands Anna Janssen—a jazz-maa t i n »i
Broadway—charged with the murder of a gentle-
man. Yon have heard the shocking testimony ol
lier own luuband.. Are yon going to let her con-
tinue her life as she lived It In the past, or will Sunday, October 6th
you niake her pay to tho fullest extent of the law? TICKETS GOOD TO NEWARK.

Hear Ms passionate plea 1 Before a paclica courtroom he spoalts his soul-secrets. Tells ' ol his RED BANK 8.SSA.M.
love adventures on a desert Island, n;Uh the murderess bo brought back as his wife * ^ * X D D I J E T O W ! N •••.*»....I,.I ««.» 0 -QR A \ t ARE BEAUTIFIED.
Keturnlna lenva New York, Weit 2Id S t
8:47 P. M.« Liberty St. 8;00 p. Mi Nawarlf
(Broad S t ) 0:06 P, M. ' MAIN OFFICE &
It's Greater Than SATURDAY Sensational Serial,
at I Tlcl/i rl 0fflci. n '° rm '"" < " 1 " C U r *

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PRIZES. 70-76 White Street,
Red Bank, New Jersey,

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