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Kyony aq rpnos aoyjo tp U 10 yH091 09 Kem ayp Uo sa9e4 5,a}doad ye @ eoyerasnf ep v sown pazpuny yo aydnos w se yonus se (0 seuunowos ‘warpryp wey $y 205 yBhe| SyMpe “547 (Q) 390} ese 19] Ajsnoyiag — nox 203 pos 54 Surysine7 wu 0] 2iduoxyz pooys $1 audy“a0nds 1 S10} donisin jeunes v wo sudmsun anof yuu yr nof mx ayy uy (9) Sun mo Ao asry“aonds wov9 syyf 809 yonyor paaon ayy for B09 ayy go ajduinxs 2 1824 a4 ood“ 4909 ut pac ib 40g INO Luvd SaInuiw O€ 4NOU | HSITDNA dO 3SN € Hadvd Om 1s3L NO Luv Cuadvd 9g TEST TWO © You can stay with us if you like, we've got a room in our house difficult to get parts for machines as old as this, so it’s hard to get them repaired if they break down. like my job but the hours are long so it doesn’t allow me much time. 0 spare 26 Don’t cheat ~ you've just put a card down and it’s my now. I'm exhausted because it’s been very busy at work and I've been on the all day. Daniel had a at fixing the washing machine but he couldn’t make it work properly. x Its as well I remembered to take the map with me, or we'd never have found our way there. There’s no need to get upset because I've said I don’t agree with you Do you think you could phone back in about ten minutes — I can’t speak to you now 28 They to lose a lot of money if they are forced to close down their business He has treated me very badly for a long time and I think that the time has now come for me to up to him, Wendy is extremely selfish and she can't it when she doesn’t get her own way. 29. I didn’t have a view of the sea from my hotel room because there was @ big block of flats in the way The town where I live is not very well-known and doesn’t attract a many visitors. I didn’t want to go into detail at that point, so I said I would discuss the matter further the following day. 30 Inaunited of defiance, the protesters refused to disperse when ordered to do so by the police The burglars were in the of breaking in when he spotted them and called the police. His ‘was not well received by the audience and he left the stage to total silence. 31 If you wait outside the building at six o'clock, Ill you up in the car. He obviously wanted to a fight with me but I refused to react to his aggressive behaviour, Most fans ded him as one of the best players in the country and were astonished when the selectors didn’t him for the national team. Now check your answers to Part Three of the test.

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