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At the very outset, I express satisfaction to praise the Almighty Allah, the most
beneficent with all my gratitude for his providence to me with his piece of this project

On the outcome of this project, I express my deepest sense of gratitude, sincere

appreciation, in debtedness and heart–felt respect to supervisor Dr. A. Nayeem Faruqui,
Lecturer, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of
Rajshahi, for his kind and constant supervision, indispensable guidance, valuable
suggestions, generous help, proper direction and untold patience through the progress
of this project work.

I want to dedicate my special thanks to Prof. Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Chairman,
Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Rajshahi
and Prof. Dr. M. Ahsan Habib, Chairman B. Sc. (Eng.) part-IV (Odd Semester) Exam
Committee-2014, for their encouragement and permission to this project work.

I wish to express my deep appreciation to Prof. Dr. Ranjit Kumar Biswas and
Prof. Dr. M. Shameem Ahsan, examination committee and all of my teacher for
providing their inspiration and occasional help.

I am very much grateful to my parents, sisters and other members of my family

for their keen interest and encouragement in my education.

Finally, I am also recalling with thanks to all of my friends and well wishers.

Md. Osman Gony



The textile industry is major contributor in many nations in terms of economies

and employment. The small and large scale operations in this textile sector though
contribute much to the economy also cause hazardous effect to environment. The
textile manufacturing processes involve large consumption of water, energy and
various chemicals which will generate waste at the end or as a by-product. The major
problem with regard to water usage is the untreated effluents which are discharged
directly into nearby water bodies. The liquid effluents from industries are causing a
major havoc to the environment, ecology, agriculture, aquaculture and public health
since the development of textile industries in Bangladesh. Not only water bodies cause
environmental damage other factors like gas emissions, excessive odors etc. are also
considered to be pollutants. So, it is time to give a pause to the pollution and phase it
out gradually to protect the river system. It had become a prerequisite to set up ETPs
(Effluent Treatment Plant) in each industrial establishment, particularly at dyeing
industries that were discharging huge amount of liquid waste to the rivers everyday.
Though the medium and small-scale industrial activities have a positive impact on the
economy of our country, the increasing industrialization is contributing severe pollution
to the environment by the toxic waste discharge. Since the highest number of factories
is of textile category and these types of factories play a major role in polluting the
nature. Approximately five thousand textile industries are running in Bangladesh. So
the impact of pollution is high.

For the successful implementation of ETPs, industry owners will have to be

socially responsible and at the same time, government should provide the factory
owners with logistic supports and relaxed timeframe to set up ETPs. Environmental
pollution risk analysis and risk management in textile industry is vital in order to
prevent chemical disaster which may lead to terrible results. It is also important to
maintain production level at the same time. This project aims to identify and analyze
the pollutant due to effluent disposal of the textile industries and steps to treat the
effluents accordingly.

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