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Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134

The service concept: the missing link in service design research?

Susan Meyer Goldstein a,∗ , Robert Johnston b , JoAnn Duffy c , Jay Rao d
aDepartment of Operations and Management Science, University of Minnesota, 321 19th Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
b Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
c Gibson D. Lewis Center for Business and Economic Development, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX 77341-2056, USA
d Management Division, Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457, USA

The service concept plays a key role in service design and development. But while the term is used frequently in the service
design and new service development literature, surprisingly little has been written about the service concept itself and its im-
portant role in service design and development. The service concept defines the how and the what of service design, and helps
mediate between customer needs and an organization’s strategic intent. We define the service concept and describe how it can be
used to enhance a variety of service design processes. As illustrations here, we apply the service concept to service design plan-
ning and service recovery design processes. Employing the service concept as an important driver of service design decisions
raises a number of interesting questions for research which are discussed here. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Service concept; Service design planning; Service recovery design

1. Introduction major decisions like facility location to seemingly

minor decisions like napkin color. For even a rela-
A service organization can only deliver a ser- tively simple service, numerous decisions are made in
vice after integrating (or outsourcing) investments in taking a new or redesigned service from the idea stage
numerous assets, processes, people, and materials. through the design phases to a deliverable service.
Much like manufacturing a product composed of hun- And in many cases, these processes are ongoing as
dreds or thousands of components, services similarly service organizations continue to invest in their phys-
consist of hundreds or thousands of components. ical assets and the training of their workforce, as well
However, unlike a product, service components are of- as make changes and improvements in front room
ten not physical entities, but rather are a combination service encounter processes and back room service
of processes, people skills, and materials that must be support processes. The large number and wide variety
appropriately integrated to result in the ‘planned’ or of decisions required to design and deliver a service
‘designed’ service. are made at several levels in the organization—from
In designing a new service or redesigning an the strategic level to the operational and service en-
existing service, managers and designers must make counter levels. A major challenge for service orga-
decisions about each component of the service, from nizations is ensuring that decisions at each of these
levels are made consistently, focused on delivering
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-612-626-0271; the correct service to targeted customers.
fax: +1-612-624-8804. From the service organization’s perspective, design-
E-mail address: (S.M. Goldstein). ing a service means defining an appropriate mix of

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122 S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134

physical and non-physical components. But do cus- level, we provide useful research questions that intro-
tomers define a service as a sum of components? Or duce future research ideas for progressing in study-
do customers define a service as a singular outcome ing the service concept and its related components.
they are seeking when they obtain or purchase the ser- First, we discuss the positioning of the service concept
vice? Similarly, how do service providers (i.e. service within the service literature.
employees) define the service they deliver—as an in-
tegration of service components or as one package? 1.1. New service development, service design
Regardless of how the service organization defines and service innovation
their service and how customers perceive the service,
a delivered service should function seamlessly for There are several terms used in the literature
customers to perceive it correctly (i.e. as designed). addressing related ideas about how service organi-
Customers have a preconceived notion of what a ser- zations design new service offerings from either the
vice is, even if they have not experienced it previously customer’s viewpoint or the delivery organization’s
(Johnston and Clark, 2001). In other words, customers viewpoint. The most recent of the terms is new ser-
have an image of the service concept regardless of vice development (NSD) and there appears to be
whether it has been defined by word-of-mouth or some degree of agreement about its meaning. NSD
other sources of information or from real service is the “overall process of developing new service
experiences. offerings” (Johnson et al., 2000) and is concerned
Before, during, and after service delivery, service with the complete set of stages from idea to launch
organizations set customer expectations. These ex- (Cooper et al., 1994). This view is shared by other
pectations relate to the nature of the service package, writers including Edvardsson et al. (2000), who ex-
as well as to the nature, duration, and customer flex- tend the scope of NSD to encompass strategy, culture,
ibility during the service encounter. To ensure that and service policy deployment and implementation.
the service package and service encounter fit the The term service design has been more narrowly
needs of the customer and the service organization defined, notably by Gummesson (1991), as “the
itself, organizations must focus on the design and concretization of the service concept in drawings,
delivery of their service concept. flowcharts . . . ”. Norling et al. (1992) define it as
In this paper, we propose that the service concept the work of specifying an idea about a new service
can be the key driver of service design decisions at all in drawings and specifications. Others have used
levels of planning. We provide three levels of discus- the term service design to cover the whole process
sion in relation to the service concept. First, we define from idea to specification (see, for example, Zeithaml
the service concept and how it drives design decisions et al., 1990; Martin and Horne, 1993). Service in-
for new and redesigned services. An organization’s novation has also been defined in a number of
definition of its service concept is necessary at the ways from a narrow view of being concerned with
strategic level of planning. Second, we describe how the “idea generation” portion of the NSD process
the service concept is useful at the operational level (Edvardsson et al., 2000) to the whole process of
during service design planning, particularly in in- service development (Sundbo, 1998).
tegrating service strategy into the service delivery One feature common to most of the research on
system and in determining appropriate performance NSD, service design, and service innovation is the ser-
measures for evaluating service design. Third, service vice concept. The service concept, which is described
recovery, one component of service design, is used in detail in the following section, is a core element of
to show the usefulness of applying the service con- processes for service design, development, and inno-
cept in designing and enhancing service encounter vation (see, for example, Scheuing and Johnson, 1989;
interactions. Tax and Stuart, 1997). Indeed, one of the most re-
At each of these three levels—the service concept, cent models outlining the NSD process cycle (Johnson
service design planning, and service recovery—we et al., 2000) puts concept development and testing at
discuss the existing literature in terms of what has been the heart of service design. Most authors refer to the
studied and what deficiencies remain. Also, at each service concept as a central component in designing
S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134 123

services (see, for example, Norling et al., 1992) and package, or what Collier (1994) calls the “customer
as a key stage in the process of NSD (see, for exam- benefit package”, i.e. the things that provide benefit
ple, Johnson et al., 2000). However, until now, much and value to the customer. This approach of defining
of the related research has focused on other aspects of the nature of a service in terms of its constituent parts
design and development, such as: has also appeared in the marketing literature. Love-
lock and Wright (1999), for example, use the “8Ps”
• the process of service design and NSD (e.g.
of marketing which encompass the elements of the
Donnelly et al., 1985; Scheuing and Johnson, 1989;
service product, process, place, physical evidence,
Bowers, 1989; Johnson et al., 2000);
people, productivity and quality, plus additional mar-
• dynamics of innovation (Johnson et al., 2000);
keting elements, price and promotion. The “8Ps” is
• process of innovation (Sundbo, 1998; Edvardsson
based on the “7Ps” by Booms and Bitner (1981) which
et al., 2000);
was developed from the “4Ps” by McCarthy (1960).
• types of new services and service innovation
Edvardsson and Olsson (1996) refer to the service
(Lovelock, 1984);
concept as the prototype for service and define it as
• design of the service encounter (Gupta and Vajic,
the “detailed description of what is to be done for
2000; Tansik and Smith, 2000);
the customer (what needs and wishes are to be sat-
• process versus service product innovation
isfied) and how this is to be achieved”. They stress
(Boone, 2000);
service concept development as a critical stage in
• capacity design (Pullman et al., 2000);
service design and development. This involves under-
• innovation methodologies (Behara, 2000;
standing the needs of customers in the target market
Edvardsson et al., 2000);
(which they call the “service logic”) and aligning
• success and failure in service design (de Brentani,
this with the organization’s strategy and competitive
1989, 1995; Martin and Horne, 1993; Edgett and
intentions. This what and how approach is also used
Parkinson, 1994) and
by Lovelock et al. (1999) who separate the “service
• measurement of service design and innovation
marketing concept” as the benefits to the customer
(Voss et al., 1992).
(i.e. the what) and the “service operations concept”
We propose that it is critical to clearly define the ser- as the specification of how the service will be deliv-
vice concept before and during the design and devel- ered. Other writers (such as Dibb et al., 1997) use the
opment of services. The service concept then serves as notion of the “marketing concept” as an attempt to
a driver of the many decisions made during the design encourage organizations to understand and then sat-
of service delivery systems and service encounters. isfy customers’ needs and fulfill the objectives of the
organization. The service concept is at the inseparable
crossroad of service marketing and service operations
2. The service concept that exists for most service organizations.
Edvardsson et al. (2000) define the service concept
The service concept is a frequently used term in the as a detailed description of the customer needs to be
service design and NSD literature, and indeed much satisfied, how they are to be satisfied, what is to be
of the above work recognizes, explicitly or implic- done for the customer, and how this is to be achieved.
itly, the importance of the service concept. However, Clark et al. (2000), and Johnston and Clark (2001)
surprisingly little has been written about this central further define the service concept as:
issue in service design and development. Most work
to date has been concerned with its definition. 1. service operation: the way in which the service is
The service concept has been defined in many differ- delivered;
ent ways. Heskett (1986) defines it as the way in which 2. service experience: the customer’s direct
the “organization would like to have its services per- experience of the service;
ceived by its customers, employees, shareholders and 3. service outcome: the benefits and results of the
lenders”, i.e. the organization’s business proposition. service for the customer and
It has also been defined as the elements of the service 4. value of the service: the benefits the customer
124 S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134

perceives as inherent in the service weighed against

the cost of the service.
The four dimensions defined above encompass the
domain of the service concept definition that we use
throughout this paper.
Deconstructing a service into the what and the how
or into its components allows designers to identify
the various elements of a service concept, check them
against customers’ needs, and then design and de-
liver those elements. However this ‘bits and pieces’ Fig. 1. The missing link in service design research?
approach belies the complexity of many services and
also ignores the fact that a service may be seen by its
The notion of employing the service concept as an
customers (and designers?) as a ‘whole experience’.
important driver of service design decisions raises a
For example, “a day out at Disney’s magic kingdom is
number of questions for research.
more likely to be defined by its designers and its visi-
tors as a magical experience rather than six rides and • Do customers buy a ‘concept’ or ‘specifications’,
a burger in a clean park” (Clark et al., 2000, p. 72). i.e. do they consume bits and pieces of a service
Clark et al. (2000) envisage the service concept as or do they have a single mental picture of what the
a mental picture, i.e. “service in the mind”, held by service is?
not only customers but employees and designers as • If customers buy the mental picture, how should
well. Clark et al. stress the need for alignment among organizations organize themselves to deliver such
these stakeholders in order to create a service concept a mental picture rather than the bits and pieces,
that is understood by the organization and shared with i.e. how does the service organization focus on the
employees and customers to minimize a gap between whole service experience?
expectations and service delivery. • How can the service concept be used to create orga-
nizational alignment, not only overcoming conflicts
2.1. The missing link? between the how and the what, but also linking the
needs of customers and the design of the service
The service concept clearly has a key role to play
with the strategic intentions of the organization?
in service design and development, not only as a
• Can the service concept be used to define the dif-
core element of the design process but as a means of
ferences between design and capability, and then
“concretizing” the nature of the service. The service
help designers and operations managers identify
concept not only defines the how and the what of
and deal with the consequences of change, such as
service design, but also ensures integration between
re-configuring their operational resources?
the how and the what. Furthermore, the service con-
• If the service concept is central to service design
cept can also help mediate between customer needs
planning, how can it be used to develop and assess
and the organization’s strategic intent. One reason
a service? Can the concept be used to drive strategic
for poorly perceived service is the mismatch between
what the organization intends to provide (its strategic
• How can the service concept be used to design
intent) and what its customers may require or expect
the components of service encounters (e.g. service
(customer needs). While this gap may be the result of
recovery processes)?
inappropriate marketing, or poorly specified or deliv-
ered service (see, for example, Johnston and Clark, The remainder of the paper focuses on the last two
2001; Parasuraman et al., 1985), it can be avoided at questions above. In the following section, we review
the design stage by ensuring that the design intent is the current knowledge on service design planning and
focused on satisfying targeted customer needs (see describe how the service concept is useful for focus-
Fig. 1 for a model of the basic structure of the service ing decision-making during the planning process. Ad-
concept). ditionally, we discuss how the service concept helps
S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134 125

service organizations determine the correct perfor- specific processes by which the service is created
mance measures for their delivery systems. In Section and delivered. A similar view is taken by Ballantyne
4, we discuss a more specific issue related to designing et al. (1995) who identify four diagnostic levels for
the service encounter—that of the designed service re- service system design: (1) physical setting; (2) pro-
covery process. Again, we review the current literature cess design; (3) job design and (4) people, in order to
and discuss the usefulness of the service concept in “design quality in” to service delivery systems. Pro-
the design of a specific process—the service recovery. cess design, as described by Heskett (1987), Chase
and Bowen (1991), and Ballantyne et al. (1995),
corresponds to the use of flow-charting techniques,
3. The service concept as a driver sometimes called blueprinting (Shostack, 1987) or ser-
of design planning vice mapping (Kingman-Brundage, 1992). Ballantyne
et al.’s job design draws on classical socio-technical
Without a clear and shared understanding of the job design approaches that focus on motivational
nature of the service to be provided, i.e. the service outcomes (Hackman and Oldham, 1980) and then
concept, how can managers expect to design a suc- analyze and modify the service system design based
cessful service? It is analogous to asking three car de- on those outcomes. The people issues described
signers to work together to create a new car when each by Heskett (1987), Chase and Bowen (1991), and
of them has a different ‘car in the mind’, perhaps a Ballantyne et al. (1995) encompass staff selection,
Cadillac, a Chevy Suburban, and a Honda Civic. De- training, communications and support.
signers and managers must first establish a shared vi- Similarly, Georgantzas and Madu (1994) adapt
sion and definition of the service concept before design Chase and Acquilano (1989) service-system design
processes can begin. Service design planning is the matrix and incorporate design variables, such as in-
first step in the process of service concept execution. novations (teams, self-serve, automation), operational
Following an extensive literature survey, Tax and focus (client mix, flow, capacity, demand manage-
Stuart (1997) voice concern over the scant attention ment) and worker requirements (skills). The premise
service design has received in the service literature. of their model is that the extent of contact the
The extant service literature has focused heavily on customer has with the service delivery system de-
service process mapping, customer interaction man- termines the specifications for its design. The model
agement, failure prevention and service recovery. includes dimensions of customization, efficiency,
Specifically, Tax and Stuart call for the use of case personalization, standardization, variety, and the op-
studies to gain insight into design challenges and portunities for cross selling.
to develop frameworks for organizing and assessing
service design. 3.2. Limitations of existing studies
Two major deficiencies in the service design lit-
erature remain. One is in linking business strategy While the current literature adequately addresses
and service design, i.e. ‘service design planning’. The operational and tactical issues, there are two short-
second is the lack of consideration for measuring the comings in the existing frameworks and models. First,
financial performance of a service design. Using the they fail to bring strategic service issues (market
service concept as the driver of the design planning positioning and the type of customer relationship)
process will help to address these two deficiencies. into service design. Second, the existing models do
not incorporate into the design process the use of
3.1. Present status of service design financial performance measures to evaluate the output
planning research of the service system being designed.
Sasser et al. (1978) propose a model that addresses
Heskett (1987) and Chase and Bowen (1991) sug- in part both of these shortcomings. They suggest
gest the design of a service delivery system should a framework for the design of the service delivery
encompass the roles of the people (service providers), system based on the degree of standardization, trans-
technology, physical facilities, equipment, and the action volume per time period, locus of profit control,
126 S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134

type of operating personnel, type of customer con- 1978; Chase and Acquilano, 1989), while acting as the
tacts, quality control, orientation of facilities, and integrative element between an organization’s busi-
motivational characteristics for management and op- ness strategy and delivery of its service products (see
erating personnel. They incorporate service strategy Fig. 2). Business strategy for a service firm accounts
issues into their model by using the desired service for not only its mission and long-term objectives, but
level that management chooses, based on market also its relative position in comparison to other firms
needs and service offerings of competitors, to dictate in the marketplace. Firms develop competitive busi-
the design of the service delivery system. ness strategies to differentiate themselves from other
However, Sasser et al.’s model assumes the ser- firms, deliberately choosing a set of activities that
vice delivery system is designed as a profit center. deliver to customers an experience and mix of value
While this sets a performance measure for the deliv- that is different from what competitors deliver. Hence,
ery system, a critical element in most service design the critical decisions in service strategy include: (1)
planning models, they assume the service strategy market positioning relative to competitors and (2) the
has an underlying business strategy of profitability, type of relationship a firm wishes to pursue with its
sometimes true but definitely not always the case. For customers. Market positioning decisions entail choos-
example, at Hitachi, a large data storage provider, its ing to be a ‘service leader’, ‘middle-of-the-road’, or
customer service center is managed as a profit cen- a ‘service laggard’. Customer relationship decisions
ter while its warranty center is run as a cost center. mean choosing to build long-term partnerships with
So Sasser et al.’s model is applicable in the design customers, to have time-bound contractual agree-
of the customer service center, but not necessarily ments, or to be on an encounter-by-encounter trans-
to the warranty center. Additionally, nonprofit and actional basis (Cash et al., 1994).
government services face similar design challenges Recall that the service concept includes the service
to those of for-profit firms, but do not evaluate the strategy of what to deliver (market position and type
performance of their service delivery system on profit of customer relationship) and how that strategy should
measures. Sasser et al.’s model has not been tested in be implemented. The how is carried out by the design
research or applications in the extant literature. The of the service delivery system.
research questions raised at the end of this section As described previously, Heskett (1987), and Chase
address the need to test such a model. and Bowen (1991) suggest that the design of a ser-
The service concept provides the basis for ser- vice delivery system includes the role of the people,
vice design planning by incorporating the necessary technology, physical facilities, equipment, and the
elements presented in previous models (Sasser et al., processes by which a service is created and delivered.

Fig. 2. Proposed service design planning model.

S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134 127

Missing in these frameworks is a crucial dimension Firms are also known to operate service delivery
that evaluates the above features, namely performance systems differently for different customer segments,
measures for the service delivery system. thus eliminating the opportunity to evaluate them
Performance measures can vary widely from finan- against the same performance standards. For exam-
cial (revenues, cost, profit, return on investment) to ple, American Airlines has three levels of customer
operational (number of transactions per day, average service: “special services” for “special customers”,
time per transaction) to marketing (customer satis- regular services for its frequent flyer program mem-
faction). The service concept and its associated goals bers, and limited services to non-members. The special
for both customers and the service delivery organi- services division is managed as an investment center,
zation can be employed to help determine the most the frequent flyer program services are a profit center,
appropriate performance measures for a particular and the customer service department for non-members
service. The choice of performance measures should is designed as a cost center. Hence, the financial mea-
subsequently drive structure and infrastructure invest- sure for which the delivery system is designed can
ments to support customer and organizational goals. directly impact the resources (technology and people),
In particular, the chosen performance measures will processes, and services delivered to the customer.
affect the behavior of workers in all functional areas
of an organization, and hence the service processes as 3.3. Future opportunities in service design research
well. This is especially true when employee rewards
are linked to the performance measures. When man-
The service concept allows for consideration of any
aged appropriately, evaluating a service design and
performance measures that are relevant to either cus-
the structure and infrastructure surrounding it will
tomers or the service organization, and models or
improve the probability of achieving each functional
frameworks that integrate performance measures for
area’s performance goals.
service delivery systems similarly require flexibility in
The extant literature has been quite thorough in
addressing this important feedback element of service
evaluating operational (transactions, time, etc.) and
design planning (see Fig. 2).
marketing-based (satisfaction, perception of quality,
While some of these practices are quite prevalent
etc.) performance measures. However, absent from the
in service businesses, the literature has not explored
literature is the role of financial measures in the de-
many of these issues. There are several questions that
sign of the service delivery system. In practice, firms
need more research.
commonly use financial measures such as cost, profit,
revenues, and return on investment (ROI) to track the • With service strategy as the first step of the ser-
performance of functional units. vice design planning process, how does manage-
Determining how to model performance measures ment choose the desired service level? What are the
in a service system design is complicated by the lack market needs that correspond to the determination
of standards within service industries. Firms with sim- of the service level?
ilar services and similar customers seem to manage • How does management determine the type of rela-
their service delivery systems very differently. IBM, tionship the firm wishes to pursue with customers?
Sun, Hitachi and several large data storage service How do competitors’ offerings drive this decision?
providers run their customer service centers as profit • What is service leadership? Should a firm strive
centers. However, EMC manages their service center to be a service leader? When is it better to be a
as an investment center, tracking ROI in terms of the middle-of-the-road provider or a service laggard?
percentage of new sales made to existing customers When is it better for a firm to have a long-term,
and the percentage of customers retained from the contractual, or transactional relationship with its
previous year. EMC’s customer satisfaction measure customers?
is known to be highly correlated with these two mea- • Having decided the market positioning (service
sures and these measures drive their yearly budget leadership versus middle-of-the-road versus ser-
(upwards of $200 million in 1999) for the customer vice laggard) and the type of customer relationship
service division. (long-term versus contractual versus transactional)
128 S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134

to pursue, what performance measures should • value of service recovery (Berry and Parasuraman,
be used to drive service delivery system design 1991; Hart et al., 1990; Johnston, 1995a; Barlow
decisions? and Møller, 1996; Brown et al., 1996);
• What is the impact of the chosen performance • developing measurement instruments (Cooper et al.,
measure on the people, technology, processes and 1989; Boshoff, 1998);
service delivery? How do service features (profit • elements of recovery and recovery strategies
margin, transaction volumes, etc.) determine the (Barlow and Møller, 1996; Boshoff, 1997; Boshoff
appropriate performance measures? and Leong, 1998; Johnston and Fern, 1999);
• impact of complaint and recovery on financial per-
We now address the next level of detail in terms of
formance (Spreng et al., 1995; Johnston, 2001) and
the service concept—the service encounter level.
• service recovery applied to internal customers
(Bowen and Johnston, 1999).
4. Using the service concept to design a service
The use of scenarios and critical incident tech-
niques (CIT) have characterized most service recovery
Many dimensions of service design are driven by
research. Scenarios are varying vignettes addressing
the service concept. As an example of how the ser-
the same issue; they are presented to respondents for
vice concept and service design drive decisions at the
evaluation. CIT consists of first using a procedure
service encounter level, designing a service recovery
for collecting respondents’ previous observations or
plan is discussed here.
experiences and then usually classifying these obser-
Service recovery design has emerged as a critical
vations according to some schema developed by the
aspect of service design research, because ROI in ser-
vice recovery can exceed 100% (Heskett et al., 1997).
Until very recently, anecdotal studies predominated
This high ROI may be related to a proven link be-
the service recovery literature along with a few corre-
tween service recovery and customer satisfaction and
lational studies. Only two models for classifying and
loyalty (Spreng et al., 1995). In spite of the obvious
describing the antecedents and outcomes of service
benefits of effective service recovery, over 50% of
recovery have appeared in the literature (Miller et al.,
customers studied report dissatisfaction with recovery
2000; Smith et al., 1999). The Miller et al. model
efforts (Zeithaml et al., 1990).
relates service recovery antecedents, three service
Service recovery research is only beginning to move
recovery phases, types of service recovery activities,
beyond the anecdotal stage. The seeming contradiction
and delivery of service recovery to service recov-
produced by previous research—that successful ser-
ery outcomes. The Smith et al. model “integrates
vice recoveries have substantial financial payoff, yet
perceived justice and expectancy disconfirmation, in-
service organizations fail to deliver successful recov-
vestigates specific aspects of the service failure and
eries in half of all cases—can be attributed not only to
the recovery effort as antecedents to customer eval-
limitations in research methodology and service recov-
uations, and includes proactive and reactive recovery
ery models, but also to an overriding failure to apply
efforts” (p. 357).
the service concept in the research design. The follow-
From the Miller et al. and Smith et al. models,
ing discussion summarizes the existing literature on
we gain an overview of what has been considered
service recovery and suggests areas for future research.
in service recovery design research. Researchers have
tended to study factors determining consumer expec-
4.1. Present status of service recovery research
tations about service recovery, as well as the what and
how of service recovery. Higher levels of commitment
A good deal has been written on service recovery
and loyalty following recovery are linked to lower
and complaint management including:
customer expectations of the service and recovery pro-
• nature of complaining behavior (see, for example, cesses (Miller et al., 2000; Kelley and Davis, 1994).
Halstead, 1989; Feinberg et al., 1990; Singh, 1990; Similarly, higher perceived service quality of the core
Johnston, 1998); service is linked with lower customer expectations of
S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134 129

service recovery, an indication that perhaps customers The CIT, while allowing respondents to recount their
are more tolerant when they perceive service quality own sense of the service experience, has generally
to be high (Miller et al., 2000; Halstead et al., 1993; been analyzed with the focus on only the surface level
Kelley and Davis, 1994). of the what and the how of the service recovery design
Customer dissatisfaction with service recovery rather than on a full accounting of the service con-
efforts increases with the magnitude of the ser- cept which would relate the service recovery design
vice failure (Levesque and McDougall, 2000; Smith and delivery to the customers’ expectations of what
et al., 1999; Miller et al., 2000; Hoffman et al., the service is.
1995; Bitner et al., 1990). Likewise, core service As with all qualitative research, the results of data
failures affect expectations of recovery, especially analysis are determined in part by how the researcher
judgments of fairness (Smith et al., 1999; Bitner organizes the data analysis. The observed data analysis
et al., 1990; Hoffman et al., 1995). The presence in service recovery research has not been guided by the
of a service guarantee can increase expectations re- gestalt of the service concept. Instead the analysis has
garding service recovery efforts (Miller et al., 2000; focused on identifying categories of recovery efforts
Halstead et al., 1993). that are linked to satisfaction.
Service recovery strategy characteristics are also Another limiting aspect of previous research is
linked to customer satisfaction. Rapid initiation of the lack of studies of relationship services. Relation-
service recovery strategies is associated with higher ship services, exemplified by professional services,
satisfaction (Miller et al., 2000; Smith et al., 1999; tend to be long-term in nature and have more com-
Clemmer and Schneider, 1996; Kelley et al., 1993; plex communication patterns and customer prob-
Clark et al., 1992; Hart et al., 1990; Bitner et al., lems than transaction based services. The focus on
1990). Similarly, empowerment of front line workers the often transactional services such as hotels and
to manage service recovery is linked to success- restaurants has done little to advance our understand-
ful service recovery (Miller et al., 2000; Bowen ing of services in which the relationship between
and Lawler, 1995). Service recovery strategies that service provider and customer is critical to under-
affect, in varying degrees, consumer satisfaction standing the service experience. Furthermore, the
include: listening/acknowledgment, apology, fixing frequent use of college students may have advanced
(replacement/correction), and compensation/atone- our understanding of successful service recovery ef-
ment (Miller et al., 2000; Levesque and McDougall, forts from a student perspective, but not necessarily
2000; Duffy et al., 2000; Smith et al., 1999; Johnston, our understanding of the perspective of those cus-
1999; Hoffman et al., 1995; Kelley et al., 1993; Hart tomers whose loyalty and satisfaction are important
et al., 1990; Zemke, 1994; Bitner et al., 1990). Cus- determinants in service profit chain relationships
tomer satisfaction is linked to post-service recovery (Heskett et al., 1997).
customer contact (Miller et al., 2000; Johnston, 1999; While recent attempts to model service recovery
Bell and Zemke, 1987) as well as to the matching of have greatly overcome the obvious limitations of
service recovery expectations and perceptions medi- anecdotal and correlational studies, neither the Miller
ated by judgments of fairness (Smith et al., 1999). et al. (2000) nor Smith et al. (1999) models are suf-
ficiently robust since each model captures aspects of
4.2. Limitations of existing studies service recovery not included in the other model. Ad-
ditionally, neither of the models includes non-human
The use of scenarios in service recovery research elements such as equipment or atmospherics that can
prevents respondents from describing the service fail- influence customers’ perceptions of service encoun-
ure and subsequent service recovery efforts from the ters. Furthermore, the models focus on mapping the
basis of their own expectations and perceptions. Sce- dominant influences on customer satisfaction with
narios are somewhat contrived since they capture only service recovery. It appears that the service con-
the scenario writer’s concept of the service failure and cept is as much a missing link in service recovery
service recovery. Respondents are constrained to do design research as it is in overall service design
precisely that—respond to what the scenario portrays. research.
130 S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134
S.M. Goldstein et al. / Journal of Operations Management 20 (2002) 121–134 131

4.3. Future opportunities in service recovery research is the reestablishment of patient trust in the compe-
tence of the dentist. Understanding the differences in
Use of a variety of research techniques can serve the service concepts of a dental office and airline helps
to overcome some of the limitations associated with us to understand why their service recovery designs
the use of scenarios and CIT. For example, Johnston’s must differ.
(1995b) findings regarding banking recovery strategies Making the service concept central to the study
using scenarios are validated by a related study using of service recovery highlights several important re-
a survey design (Duffy et al., 2000). search needs and leads researchers to recast compara-
There is also an opportunity to test a more robust tive studies of various service industries to answer the
service recovery model, one that incorporates vari- following research questions.
ables identified by Miller et al. and Smith et al. in
• How can researchers employ the service concept
their models of service recovery, as well as variables
to identify target customer groups for studying the
identified in the general service encounter literature:
effects of service recovery efforts aimed at these
nonhuman elements and encounter process dimen-
sions (Winsted, 1999; Parasuraman et al., 1991), and
• How can researchers identify gaps between cus-
both general and specific affect, i.e. feelings (Alford
tomer expectations and perceptions as they relate
and Sherrell, 1996; Jayanti, 1996) (see Fig. 3 for a
to service recovery? More importantly, how can
model of the relationships discussed here).
we identify gaps between provider perceptions of
The future of service recovery research takes on
customer expectations (translated into strategic in-
new dimensions if we imbed service recovery design
tent) and real customer expectations (based on the
within a service experience (service concept) per-
customer’s service concept)?
spective. A service concept perspective expands the
• Do differing service concepts alter the important
research horizon by integrating the what and the how
factors in the model of service recovery or affect the
of service recovery with customer needs and strategic
interplay of factors in the model? Are these factors
intent. Consider designing airline recovery efforts:
different for relationship, transactional, and contrac-
students tend to be cost conscious and may identify
tual services?
monetary atonement as an important aspect of airline
service recovery following failure. A time-sensitive
business traveler, an arguably more important target 5. Conclusion
customer, may not view monetary atonement as ap-
propriate service recovery. Understanding the service Studying the service concept helps us begin to un-
concept that each of these customers is buying (expect- derstand how customers and service providers view
ing) helps an airline develop an appropriate service services—as a sum of components (processes, facili-
recovery plan. Thus, we model the influence of the ser- ties, tasks, etc.) or as a singular outcome that is sought
vice concept on both customer recovery expectations from the service process. The service concept or “ser-
and the service recovery delivery system in Fig. 3. vice in the mind” (Clark et al., 2000) is the customer’s
Next, consider how the inclusion of the service con- and provider’s expectation of what a service should be
cept in the design of an airline recovery system helps and the customer needs it fulfills. It provides a founda-
us see why the airline recovery design and the recov- tion for developing the what, marketing content, and
ery design at a dentist’s office must differ. Airline ser- how, operations content, of a service as well as for
vice is transactional in nature; the passenger wants the facilitating alignment between the strategic intent of
recovery to occur quickly, usually by the front line the firm and the delivery service itself. How customer
service provider. In contrast, the dental patient wants needs and wishes are fulfilled by customers’ experi-
a service recovery to be conducted by the dentist, not ence and valuation of a service addresses the important
the front line service provider. The service concept at a domain of the service concept. The multi-dimensional
dental office includes, in most cases, a long-term doc- service concept shows us that numerous derivatives of
tor/patient relationship based on trust and competence. the same core service can be developed and marketed
A critical component in the dentist’s recovery design to a variety of target segments.
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