Vocabulary Test1

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English Test : 1

1. As cocoa specialization provided greater (1) to the farmer's labor, it soon became the crop of choice for
all smallholders who settled in forested lands.
2. The party headed by Balance and Ward held office without a break for more than seventeen years, a
result mainly due to the general support given to its (2) and labor policy by the small farmers and the
working classes.
3. Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a (3) financial position.
4. There has always been a divide between secure middle-class families and poorer working families and
the government's policies are plainly intended to (4) that divide.
5. There was no concealing either the (5) 5felt by many such workers whose whole working lives had
been geared to the productive rhythms of the sugar mill.
6. As revenues (6) and costs exploded, the company had to rely on bond sales and short-term borrowing
to remain afloat.
7. Sitting in the hot summer sun, unprotected by shade for more than seven hours, the community
demonstrated its (7) to the dredging.
8. I am (8) to the audiences for valuable comments and criticisms.

A. Indebted, B. Implode, C. Angst, D. Precarious, E. Mitigate, F. Remuneration, G. Agrarian, H. Aversion

9. Whatever the demand turns out to be, we need to understand the options available and
their (1) benefits and costs.
10. This political dissolution was perceived to be creating a vacuum into which ethnic nationalism could
spread chaos and (2).
11. We ought to be responsible in trying to help all the authorities concerned to reach (3) settlements.
12. We have had (4) [pleasant and friendly] conversations on important matters before, and there is no
reason why we should not have them again.
13. There's nothing I enjoy more than a leisurely (5) in the park.
14. Innovations in agriculture tend to promote deforestation, although in the case of land-augmenting
technical change this result is (6).
15. The work that we've done has been used in a multitude of different ways, from just music through to
atmospheric (7) effect.

A. Ambient, B. Amble, C. ancillary, D. Anarchy, E. Ambiguous, F. Amicable, G.anarchy

16. In this situation, it was equally possible that other interested parties might want to strengthen the
international reputation of the (1) government.
17. The agreement ended a potentially serious (2) between management and unions at the plant.
18. The police (3) (that) the robbers have fled the country.
English Test : 1

19. With the extra resources, the project now seems (4).
20. Following the recession in 1991-1993, worldwide sales of industrial robots (5) to about 54,000 units in
21. These yoga postures are (6) and good for balance.
22. They also increase the political influence of political constituencies who favor more (7) regulatory
policies and reduce the influence of business.
A. stringent , B. feasible, c. incumbent, D. plummet, E. invigorating, F. confrontation, g.

Write a sentence following words

23. Abate 33. Abysmal
24. Abdicate 34. Accretion
25. Aberrant 35. Accrue
26. Abeyance 36. Adamant
27. Abject 37. Adjunct
28. Abjure 38. Admonish
29. Abscission 39. Adulterate
30. Abscond 40. Aesthetic
31. Abstemious 41. Affected
32. Abstinence 42. Affinity

When the European Central Bank’s Governing Council met on December 14, there was little to surprise
financial markets, because no policy changes could be (1) from public remarks. The previous meeting, in
late October, had already set the stage for the normalization of monetary policy, with the announcement
that the ECB would halve its monthly asset purchases, from €60 billion ($71 billion) to €30 billion, beginning
in January 2018.The motivation behind normalization does not appear to be the eurozone’s inflation
performance, which continues to (2) the target of roughly 2% by an uncomfortable margin. Inflation
expectations, while inching up recently, also appear anchored well below target, despite recent (3)
confidence readings. And the ECB’s own forecast suggests that it does not (4) that price growth will breach
2% anytime soon. What about the output gap? In step with the US Federal Reserve, the ECB (5) its growth
forecasts higher. In that setting, R-star (the natural rate of interest) may be perceived as (6) up, in line with

English Test : 1

output moving closer to (7) across a broad swath of euro zone economies. Still, OECD estimates of the
2017 (and 2018) output gap for most of the euro zone countries (Germany and Ireland are notable
exceptions) suggest that there is slack, and in (8) cases considerable slack. While German unemployment,
now below 4%, is at its lowest level since (9) , EU unemployment still hovers around 9%. Given this, it
appears premature to view fears of euro zone overheating as the main driver of monetary-policy
normalization. Perhaps there are other motives for normalization that the ECB doesn’t discuss publicly.
Financial stability comes to mind. After all, the Fed does not forecast recessions, and the International
Monetary Fund usually does not issue public (10) on a country’s odds of default. The silence reflects an
understandable desire to avoid fueling a self-fulfilling process.

1. 1) bending 2) lenient 3) segmentation 4) dispersed 5) gleaned

2. 1) flexible 2) limber 3) scattered 4) undershoot 5) pliable
3. 1) pliant 2) separated 3) soaring 4) yielding 5)prevailing
4. 1) acknowledgment 2) anticipate 3) content 4) disunion 5) unassuming
5. 1) nudged 2) fulfilled 3) be amazed 4)stunned 5)desperate
6. 1) drifting 2) satisfied 3) be surprised 4) consensus 5)abide
7. 1) partition 2) doubt 3) potential 4) gratify 5) privilege
8. 1) numerous 2) soothe 3) rediscover 4) subdivision 5) vivisection
9. 1) return 2) revert 3) severance 4) disjuncture 5) reunification
10. 1) deficient 2) lacking 3) pronouncements 4) carving 5) rupture

Spotting Errors(NOUN)
1. Bringing back of normal functioning (1)/ of the working bodies after demonetization (2)/ is the
biggest concerned (3)/ for the people now.(4)/ No error (5)
2. The mother-in-laws (1)/ gathered together (2)/ to discuss certain family issues (3)/ that had to be
sorted out. (4)/ No Error (5)
3. It is a scientifically accepted (1)/ fact that laugh is (2)/ the best medicine to remove stress (3)/ and
live a disease-free life.(4)/ No error (5)
4. Her hairs was messed (1)/ up badly in the wind (2)/ by the time she reached (3)/ the function hall
(4). No error (5)
5. The flexible of withdrawals (1)/ from funds under the (2)/ pension scheme would (3)/ be tightened.
(4) / No error (5)
6. Women athletes have (1) /performed far better (2)/ than man athletes (3)/ this sport season. (4)/
No error (5)
7. His tenure (1)/ as a pilot (2)/ made him face (3)/ a lot of horrifying experience. (4)/ No error (5)
8. There were a great many question (1)/ which were (2)/ left unanswered (3)/ at the end of the
investigation. (4)/ No error (5)
9. He knocked out (1)/ four tooths of his assailant (2)/ with a single punch (3)/ that night (4)/.No error
10. His honestly (1)/ was admired by (2)/ one and all (3)/ in the village. (4)/ No error (5)
11. My sister-in-laws (a)/ who live in Bangalore (b)/ have not come to visit us.(c)/ no error
12. We got to see (a)/ many beautiful sceneries (b)/ during Darjeeling trip.(c)/ no error
13. Cards (a)/ are (b)/ my favorite game.(c)/ no error
English Test : 1

14. I bought (a)/ this sunglass (b)/ for rupee 2500.(c)/ no error
15. The police (a)/ is investigating (b)/ the case.(c)/ no error
16. Robin is (a)/ too proud of (b)/ his riches.(c) / no error
17. Many sheeps (a)/ were grazing (b)/in the field.(c)/ no error
18. After brushing my head (a)/, I found many hairs (b)/ lying on the ground. (c)/ no error
19. He has (a)/ a lot of hairs (b)/ on his head.(c)/ no error
20. Business houses (a)/ have to pay custom tax (b)/ on imports.(c)/ no error
21. The Himalayas’s (a)/ snow cap (b)/ is melting.(c) / no error
22. . I usually visit (a)/ my uncle’s (b)/ on Sundays.(c) / no error
23. Survin did not (a)/ present project (b)/ in today’s meeting.(c) / no error
24. Air is (a)/ not good (b)/ for your intellect.(c)/ no error
25. One should be (a)/ persistence in work (b) if one wants to succeed .(c)/ no error
26. The sculpture (a)/ has made (b)/ beautiful dummy.(c)/ no error
27. My pants (a)/ are four (b)/ sizes large.(c)/ no error
28. Interviews (a)/ for the post of Auditor (b)/ will begin from Tuesday.(c)/ no error
29. Identifying, Nurturing and Developing (a)/ an employee’s talent is among the most important
task(b)/ of Human Resource Development. (c)/ no
30. The Present day (a)/ youth needs (b)/ Vivekanand to guide them (c)/ no error
31. Kalidas (a)/ is Shakespeare (b)/ of India (c)/ no error
32. Any Pramod (a)/ is looking (b)/ for you.(c)/ no error
33. Yesterday, I went (a)/ to Sharma's(b)/ house (c)/ no error
34. A school of fish (a)/ were swimming (b)/ across the pond.(c)/ no error
35. Gold (a)/ is a precious (b)/ element.(c)/ no error
36. Gold (a)/ in this ring (b)/ is not pure.(c)/ no error
37. The Earth and (a)/ her water is endangered (b)/ to man’s greed.(c) / no error
38. The rich (a)/ is usually unhappy (b)/ from within.(c)/ no error
39. He takes delight (a)/ in to tease (b)/ (c)/ no error
40. Rajesh received (a)/ the three fourth of the land (b)/ from his father.(c)/ no error
41. Three fourths (a)/ of the house is (b)/ (c)/ no error
42. Half the (a)/ household items is (b)/ luxurious.(c)/ no error
43. From day third (a)/ situation started (b)/ becoming normal.(c)/ no error
44. India got freedom (a)/ during the reign of (b)/ George the five.(c)/ no error
45. My Brother has read (a)/ pages after pages of (b)/ the Bible.(c)/ no error
46. The Candidate put forward (a)/ a number of criterions (b)/ for the post.(c)/ no error
47. The Data (a)/ was not (b)/ sufficient.(c)/ no error


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