Observation Summary Form Fall 2018 1

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Observation Summary

Component Strengths of the Teacher’s Practice (List no more than two components.)

The teacher was instrumental in developing both independence and cooperative peer interactions
during the partner phase of the lesson. Children were held to high standards in the expectations
set by the teacher during this portion of the lesson.

Scientific inquiry and terminology were features of the lesson, again, setting high expectations
for this group of children.

Component Areas for Growth in the Teacher’s Practice (List no more than two components)

Consider how you might arrange your environment to encourage children to make predictions
without influence from other children’s responses.

Consider also your pacing of your activities to ensure that you allow sufficient time to fully
develop all of the features of your planned lesson.

Next Steps:

A spring observation will be planned.

We have conducted a conversation and rubric assessment on the above items.

Teacher’s signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Administrator’s signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

Amy Wallo

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