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New World

North Africa Edition

Learn, plan your trip and dis- Featured

cover all North Africa has to story:
offer. Perfect to escape a harsh Discover
winter or relax anytime of year Algerias
ruins, culture
Morrocco: Castles and Culture and lifestyle

20 Must try foods that

will have you coming back
North Africa’s
top 10 ancient
annually for more structures
incuding castles.
churches and

December 2018
Despite all this the most amazing attraction to see would be the Royal Mausoleum
Mauretania, In France it’s called “the tomb of the Christian woman” because of the
Christian like cross of the false door. It pyramid built during the time of Cleopatra. It is
located in the Tipaza province. The mausoleum is a funeral monument and the tomb
where the Berber King Juba II and Queen Cleopatra Selene II, who was Cleopatra Vll
daughter, were allegedly buried. However, their human remains have not been found
at the site, allegedly due to tomb raiding. However you need a special pass to go in-
side which happenes rarely. It is visited by millions of tourists every year and it’s easy
to see why. It sits on a square base and has a circular structure with a round top. The
square base measures about 60 meters squared. The height of the monument was
Get to know Algeria originally about 40 metres, however due to damage that the mausoleum has suffered
Algeria is the largest country in Africa with a population of over 41 million people how-
from natural elements and vandalism, the monument now measures around 32 metres
ever almost all its habitants live around the northern coast since most of the country is
high. The base of the monument was decorated with 60 Ionic columns whose capitals
covered by the Sahara Desert. Its name is a variation of its capital Algiers which is the
were removed, possibly stolen. Inside, the centre of the mausoleum has two vault-
most populated city in the country. Berbers are the indigenous habitants of Algeria and
ed chambers, separated by a short passage connected by a gallery outside by stone
make up 99% of all Algerians since most Algerians are said to have come from Berber
doors which can be moved up and down by levers. The passage leading to the cham-
decent but only 20% still speaks the Berber language which is recognized as the
bers is about 500 feet. One chamber measures 142 feet long by 11 feet wide and is 11
national official language aside from Arabic, and is a muslim country. The country is a
feet high, while the other is smaller. This tomb was supposedly also for the king and
semi-presidential republic consisting of 48 provinces and 1,541 counties. Its largest in-
queen’s descendants. This amazing structure is an amazing look into how things were
dustry is oil and has the second largest oil reserves in Africa, its oil is exported all over
built in the past and has a mysterious background, which makes it had to not
Europe and parts of Africa. Algeria also has on of the largest militaries in Africa, which
stop there.
has the largest defence budget on the continent. Algeria is a member of the
The French colonization impacted Algeria greatly. The Algerian slave trade and piracy
African Union, the Arab League, OPEC, the United Nations and is a founding member of
halted during this time. In school they were taught to speak French by nuns, because
the Arab Maghreb Union.
of this children learned Arabic at home and many never learned to speak Berber which
There are many empires that have left their mark and legacies in the country and have
is why it is not commonly spoken at all today. You can also see it’s impact in the
left must see attractions whether you’re a local or not, since Algeria is home to 7
amazing and beautiful churches. The most amazing is the Cathedral Notre Dame D’
UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Afrique or our Lady Of Africa. It is a protestant Chuch that the Christian minoity is
The most popular would be the Roman ruins left behind by the great empire. Rome con-
fighting for it to stay open while many others want it closed like so many others around
quered much of the world as we know, including Algeria. The largest grouping
the country.On another note you can enjoy the Sahara by tours on Camels which is a
of these spectacular ruins still standing in Algeria can be found in Timgad, a
great experience for the family, youcan also see anicent rock art. Before you leave just
Roman-Berber city. There are so many amazing ruins to look at and is a prime example
make sure to pack for the weather. In winter it’s around 20 degrees Celsius, however it
of the way the Romans would build their towns. During the Ottoman Empire, pirates
can still snow, and in summer the highest recorded temperature was 50 degrees
captured over 1 million Europeans as slaves. These pirates were ruthless and
Celsius so make you drink lots of water while enjoying all the amazing things to see.
dominated the seas, the most famous around the Mediterranean were the Barbary
pirates. The pirates would capture slaves from Europe to sell at slave markets in North
Africa and the Ottoman Empire. In 1551 the entire population of the Maltese island
if Gozo, between 5000-6000 slaves were captured. You can visit old pirate ships and
even go on a replica ship where there are actors dressed at pirates who re-enact fights
on board and take you around the coast, atthe end of these tours they’ll let you jump off
the boat and into the water below.

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