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Kindness to Animal



1.Word meaning :

‫هرة‬ CAT

‫خشا ش الرض‬ EARTH WORMS

‫النار‬ Hell fire

2. Answer the following question:
a. Why did the women enter in hell fire according to hadees?

The women entered hellfire according to hadees because she did

not show the mercy to animal.

b. Why do we take care of animal?

We take care of animals to please Allah glory be Him .

c. Which animal is najas according to the quran

d. How can we show mercy on animals?

Provide shelter and food to them, provide treatment If they are sick.

e. List out the names of famous zoos in UAE



3. Tick the statements which are correct and cross the statements which
are incorrect:
a. It is good to watch bullfighting. ____________
b. We should feed our pets.
c. I have a cat and it need treatment but I ignore. __________
d. I have given heavy luggage on camel back. ___________
e. Animal also feel like cold.___________
f. Animal does not need kindness.__________
g. Dog saliva is najas so we should be unkind with the dog.________

4. Think and answer :

a. What types of benefits Allah has provided us from animal?

-____________ ___________ __________ ___________

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