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Virtual Machine Migration Planning in

Software-Defined Networks
Huandong Wang∗,Yong Li∗ , Ying Zhang†, Depeng Jin∗
∗ Tsinghua
National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology
Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
† Ericsson Research
arXiv:1412.4980v1 [cs.NI] 16 Dec 2014

Abstract—Live migration is a key technique for virtual ma- planning of VM migration is needed to improve the system
chine (VM) management in data center networks, which enables performance. Specifically, the migration process consumes not
flexibility in resource optimization, fault tolerance, and load bal- only CPU and memory resources at the source and the mi-
ancing. Despite its usefulness, the live migration still introduces
performance degradations during the migration process. Thus, grated target’s physical machines [4], [5], but also the network
there has been continuous efforts in reducing the migration time bandwidth on the path from the source to the destination [4].
in order to minimize the impact. From the network’s perspective, The amount of available network resource has a big impact
the migration time is determined by the amount of data to be on the total migration time, e.g., it takes longer time to
migrated and the available bandwidth used for such transfer. transfer the same size of VM image with less bandwidth. As
In this paper, we examine the problem of how to schedule the
migrations and how to allocate network resources for migration a consequence, the prolonged migration time should influence
when multiple VMs need to be migrated at the same time. We the application performance. Moreover, when multiple VM
consider the problem in the Software-defined Network (SDN) migrations occur at the same time, we need an intelligent
context since it provides flexible control on routing. scheduler to determine which migration tasks to occur first or
More specifically, we propose a method that computes the which ones can be done simultaneously, in order to minimize
optimal migration sequence and network bandwidth used for
each migration. We formulate this problem as a mixed integer the total migration time.
programming, which is NP-hard. To make it computationally More specifically, there can be complex interactions be-
feasible for large scale data centers, we propose an approximation tween different migration tasks. While some independent
scheme via linear approximation plus fully polynomial time migrations can be performed in parallel, other migrations
approximation, and obtain its theoretical performance bound. may share the same bottleneck link in their paths. In this
Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate that our fully
polynomial time approximation (FPTA) algorithm has a good case, performing them simultaneously leads to longer total
performance compared with the optimal solution and two state- migration time. In a big data center, hundreds of migration
of-the-art algorithms. That is, our proposed FPTA algorithm requests can take place in a few minutes [6], where the effect
approaches to the optimal solution with less than 10% variation of the migration order becomes more significant. Therefore,
and much less computation time. Meanwhile, it reduces the total we aim to design a migration plan to minimize the total
migration time and the service downtime by up to 40% and 20%
compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms, respectively. migration time by determining the orders of multiple migration
tasks, the paths taken by each task, and the transmission rate
I. I NTRODUCTION of each task.
The modern cloud computing platform has leveraged vir- There have been a number of works on VM migration in
tualization to achieve economical multiplexing benefit while the literature. Work [7], [10] focused on minimizing migra-
achieving isolation and flexibility simultaneously. Separating tion cost by determining an optimal sequence of migration.
the software from the underlying hardware, virtual machines However, their algorithms were designed under the model of
(VMs) are used to host various cloud services [1]. VMs can one-by-one migration, and thus cannot perform migration in
share a common physical host as well as be migrated from parallel simultaneously, leading to a bad performance in terms
one host to another. Live migration, i.e., moving VMs from of the total migration time. Bari et al. [8] also proposed
one physical machine to another without disrupting services, a migration plan of optimizing the total migration time by
is the fundamental technique that enables flexible resource determining the migration order. However, they assumed that
management in the virtualized data centers. By adjusting the the migration traffic of one VM only can be routed along
locations of VMs dynamically, we can optimize various ob- one path in their plan. Compared with single-path routing,
jective functions to provide better services, such as improving multipath routing is more flexible and can provide more resid-
performance, minimizing failure impact and reducing energy ual bandwidth. Thus, we allow multiple VMs to be migrated
consumption [2]. simultaneously via multiple routing paths in our migration
While there are continuous efforts on the optimal VM plan.
placements to reduce network traffic [3], [4], VM migration In this paper, we investigate the problem of how to re-
has received relatively less attention. We argue that careful duce the total migration time in Software Defined Network

(SDN) scenarios [9], [10]. We focus on SDN because with Networking Resources
Control Module
a centralized controller, it is easier to obtain the global view Network
of the network, such as the topology, bandwidth utilization 6'1&RQWUROOHU
on each path, and other performance statistics. On the other
hand, SDN provides a flexible way to install forwarding rules &RRUGLQDWRU
so that we can provide multipath forwarding between the
migration source and destination. In SDN, the forwarding rules 90 90 90 90 90 90 2SHQ6WDFN
90 90 90 90 90 90
can be installed dynamically and we can split the traffic on 90 90 6HUYHU
90 90 90 6HUYHU
any path arbitrarily. We allow multiple VMs to be migrated 6HUYHU 6HUYHU
simultaneously via multiple routing paths. The objective of
this paper is to develop a scheme that is able to optimize Computing Resources
the total migration time by determining their migration orders
and transmission rates. Our contribution is threefold, and is
summarized as follows: Fig. 1. System Overview

• We formulate the problem of VM migration from the

network’s perspective, which aims to reduce the total
SDN controller uses a standardized protocol, OpenFlow, to
migration time by maximizing effective transmission rate
communicate with these network devices, and gather link-
in the network, which is much easier to solve than
state information measured by them. Meanwhile, the SDN
directly minimizing the total migration time. Specifically,
controller is responsible for computing the forwarding tables
we formulate it as a mixed integer programming (MIP)
for all devices. On the other hand, the cloud controller,
problem, which is NP-hard.
OpenStack, is responsible for managing all computing and
• We propose an approximation scheme via linear approxi-
storage resources. It keeps all the necessary information about
mation plus fully polynomial time approximation, termed
virtual machines and physical hosts, such as the memory
as FPTA algorithm, to solve the formulated problem
size of the virtual machine, the residual CPU resource of the
in a scalable way. Moreover, we obtain its theoretical
physical host. Meanwhile, all computing nodes periodically
performance bound.
report their up-to-date information to it. Besides, OpenStack
• By extensive simulations, we demonstrate that our pro-
also provides general resource management functions such as
posed FPTA algorithm achieves good performance in
placing virtual machines, allocating storage, etc.
terms of reducing total migration time, which reduces
The processes of VM migration are described as follows.
the total migration time by up to 40% and shorten the
Firstly, migration requests of applications are sent to the Coor-
service downtime by up to 20% compared with the state-
dinator. Based on the data collected from the OpenStack and
of-the-art algorithms.
SDN controller, the VM migration plan outputs a sequence of
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the VMs to be migrated with their corresponding bandwidths.
we give a high-level overview of our system, and formulate After reconfiguring the network and providing a bandwidth
the problem of maximizing effective transmission rate in the guarantee by SDN controller, the VM migration plan is carried
network. In Section III, we propose an approximation scheme out at the corresponding time by OpenStack. By this way, it
composed of a linear approximation and a fully polynomial realizes the control and management of VM migrations.
time approximation to solve the problem. Further, we provide
To compute the migration sequence of VMs, we need
its performance bound. In Section IV, we evaluate the per-
network topology and traffic matrix of the data center. Besides,
formance of our solution through extensive simulations. After
memory sizes and page dirty rates of VMs, and residual
presenting related works in Section V, we draw our conclusion
physical resources such as CPU and memory are also needed.
in Section VI.
Most of them can be obtained directly from the SDN controller
II. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION or OpenStack, but measurements of page dirty rate and traffic
matrix need special functions of the platform. We next present
A. System Overview the approach to measure them in details:
We first provide a high-level system overview in this section. Page Dirty Rate Measurement: We utilize a mechanism
As shown in Fig. 1, in such a network, all networking called shadow page tables provided by Xen [1] to track dirty-
resources are under the control of the SDN controller, while ing statistics on all pages [2]. All page-table entries (PTEs) are
all computing resources are under the control of some cloud initially read-only mappings in the shadow tables. Modifying
management system, such as OpenStack. Our VM migration a page of memory would result a page fault and then it is
plan runs at the Coordinator and it is carried out via the trapped by Xen. If write access is permitted, appropriate bit
OpenStack and SDN controller. in the VMs dirty bitmap is set to 1. Then by counting the dirty
More specifically, devices in the network, switches or pages in an appropriate period, we obtain the page dirty rate.
routers, implement forwarding according to their obtained Traffic Measurement: We assume SDN elements, switches
forwarding tables and do some traffic measurement. The and routers, can spilt traffic on multiple next hops correctly,




(a) Google’s inter-datacenter WAN

Prefix Node Next Hop Traffic

195.112/16 α
Fig. 3. An example of migration request and plan.
195.027/16 β
... ... ... ...
(b) Modified Forwarding Table
Then, take random migration orders for example, i.e., first
Fig. 2. Google’s inter-datacenter WAN and the modified forwarding table migrate V1 and V2 simultaneously, respectively with paths
for example.
{(H1 , S1 , H2 )} and {(H2 , S2 , H3 )} and the corresponding
maximum bandwidths of 100MBps. Then migrate V3 with path
and perform traffic measurements at the same time [11], [12]. {(H3 , S2 , H4 )} and the corresponding maximum bandwidth of
To aid traffic measurements, an extra column in the forwarding 100MBps. It totally takes 10s to finish all the migrations.
table is used to record the node in the network that can reach In this example, V1 and V4 can be migrated in parallel,
the destination IP address as in work [11]. Take Fig. 2(a), while V2 can be migrated with multipath. However, V1 and
which is the topology of the inter-datacenter WAN of google, V2 , V4 and V2 share same links in their paths, respectively.
as an example, where all nodes are SDN forwarding elements. By determining a proper order, these migrations can be im-
For instance, we assume node 8 (IP address is plemented making full use of the network resources. Thus,
the node that can reach the subset 195.112/16, and the shortest the total migration time is reduced by 25% in the example,
path from node 7 to node 8 goes through node 6 (IP address illustrating the effect of the migration plan. Then, the forwarding table of node 7 is shown in
C. Mathematical Model for Live Migration
Fig. 2(b), where the first entry is corresponding to the longest
matched prefix 195.112/16. When a packet with the longest In this section, we present the mathematical model of
matched prefix 195.112/16 is processed by node 7, α showed live migration, which is presented in [13]. We use M to
in the figure increases by the packet length. Thus, it tracks represent the memory size of the virtual machine. Let R denote
the number of bytes routed from node 7 to node 8 with the the page dirty rate during the migration and L denote the
longest matched prefix 195.112/16. Using these data, the SDN bandwidth allocated for the migration. Then, the process of
controller easily obtains the traffic between arbitrary two nodes the live migration is shown in Fig. 4. As we can observe,
as well as residual capacity of each link. live migration copies memory in several rounds. Assume it
proceeds in n rounds, and the data volume transmitted at
B. Problem Overview each round is denoted by Vi (0 ≤ i ≤ n). At the first
In the system, we assume there is no alternate network dedi- round, all memory pages are copied to the target host, and
cated to VM migrations, because of the cost of its deployment, we have V0 = M . Then in each round, pages that have been
especially in large-scale infrastructures. Thus, only residual modified in the previous round are copied to the target host.
bandwidth can be used to migrate VMs. Then, our goal is to The transmitted data can be calculated as Vi = R·Ti−1 , i > 0.
determining the VMs’ migration orders and transmission rates Thus, the elapsed time at each round can be calculated as
that satisfy various constraints, such as capacity constraints for Ti = Vi /L = R · Ti−1 /L = M · Ri /Li+1 .
memory and links, to optimize the total migration time. Let λ denote the ratio of R to L, that is λ = R/L.
Now we give an example in Fig. 3. In this network, there Combining the above analysis, the total migration time can
are 2 switches (S1 and S2 ) and 4 physical machines (H1 to be represented as:
H4 ) hosting 4 VMs (V1 to V4 ). Assume the capacity of each n
link is 100MBps and memory size of each VM is 500MB.
X M 1 − λn+1
Tmig = Ti = · . (1)
We want to migrate V1 from H1 to H2 , V2 from H2 to i=0
L 1−λ
H3 , and V4 from H3 to H4 . The optimal plan of migration
Let Vthd denote the threshold value of the remaining dirty
orders and transmission rates is that first migrate V1 and V4
memory that should be transferred at the last iteration. We
simultaneously, respectively with paths {(H1 , S1 , H2 )} and
can calculate the total rounds of the iteration by the inequality
{(H3 ,S2 ,H4 )} and the corresponding maximum bandwidths
Vn ≤ Vthd . Using the previous equations we obtain:
of 100MBps. Then migrate V2 with paths {(H2 , S1 , H3 ),  
(H2 , S2 , H3 )} and the corresponding maximum bandwidth of Vthd
n = logλ . (2)
200MBps. It totally takes 7.5s to finish all the migrations. M

Image-copy round Pre-copying rounds Stop-and-

We call the denominator as net transmission rate. From
Round 1 2 3 ... n-1 copy round an overall viewpoint, theP sum of memory sizes of VMs is
reduced with the speed of k=1 (lk −Xk rk ), which is the total
T0 T1 T2 T3 Tn-1 Tdown net transmission rate in the network. In turn, the integration
Migration Time of the net transmission rate respect to time is the sum of
memory sizes. By maximizing the total net transmission rate,
Fig. 4. Illustration of live migration performing pre-copy in iterative rounds. we can reduce the total migration time efficiently. Thus, it
is reasonable for us to convert the problem of reducing the
migration time to
Pmaximizing the net transmission rate, which
In this model, the downtime caused in the migration can be is expressed as K k=1 (lk − Xk rk ).
represented as Tdown = Td + Tr , where Td is the time spent We now analyze constraints of the problem. A VM is
on transferring the remaining dirty pages, and Tr is the time allowed to be migrated with multipath in our model. Thus,
spent on resuming the VM at the target host. For simplicity, we have a relationship between lk and x(p):
we assume the size of remaining dirty pages is equal to Vthd .
x(p) = lk , k = 1, ..., K.
D. Problem Formulation p∈Pk
Besides, the total flow along each link must not exceed its
The network is represented by a graph G = (V, E), where
capacity. Thus, we have:
V denotes the set of network nodes and E denotes the set X
of links. Let c(e) denote the residual capacity of the link x(p) ≤ c(e), ∀e ∈ E.
e ∈ E. Let a migration tuple (sk , dk , mk , rk ) denote that p∈Pe

a virtual machine should be migrated from the node sk to For a migration that has not been started, there is no bandwidth
the node dk with the memory size mk and the page dirty allocated for it. Thus, we have constraints expressed as follow:
rate rk . There are totally K migration tuples in the system. lk ≤ β · Xk , k = 1, ..., K,
For the migration k, lk represents the bandwidth allocated for where β is a constant large enough so that the maximum
it. Let Pk denote the set of paths between sk and dk . The feasible bandwidth allocated for each migration cannot exceed
flow in path p is represented by the variable x(p). Besides, as it. Then, the problem of maximizing the net transmission rate
different migrations are started at different times, we define can be formulated as follows:
binary variable Xk to indicate whether migration k has been PK
max  k=1 (lk − Xk rk )
started at the current time. P
p∈Pk x(p) = lk , k = 1, ..., K

We first discuss the optimization objective. To obtain an 
 P
x(p) ≤ c(e), ∀e ∈ E

expression of the total migration time is difficult in our 
 p∈Pe
model, because we allow multiple VMs to be migrated si- s.t. lk ≤ β · Xk , k = 1, ..., K

multaneously. Thus, the total migration time cannot simply be 

 Xk ∈ {0, 1}, k = 1, ..., K

represented as the sum of the migration time of each VM 
 x(p) ≥ 0, p ∈ P
like work [7], [10], whose migration plans were designed
which is a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem.
under the model of one-by-one migration. Moreover, even
When some new migration requests come or old migrations
though we obtain the expression of the total migration time,
are finished, the input of the problem changes. Thus, we
the optimization problem is still difficult and cannot be solved
recalculate the programming under the new updated input.
efficiently. For example, work [8] gives an expression of
We notice that migrations that have been started cannot be
the total migration time by adopting a discrete time model.
stopped. Otherwise, these migrations must be back to square
However, they did not solve the problem directly, instead,
one because of the effect of the page dirty rate. Thus, when
they proposed a heuristic algorithm independent with the
computing this problem next time, we add the following two
formulation without any theoretical bound. Thus, we try to
constraints to it:(
obtain the objective function reflecting the total migration time
from other perspectives. Xk ≥ Xk0 , k = 1, ..., K
On the other hand, since the downtime of live migration lk ≥ lk0 , k = 1, ..., K
is required to be unnoticeable by users, the number of the where Xk0 and lk0 are equal to the value of Xk and lk in the
remaining dirty pages in the stop-and-copy round, i.e. Vn , last computing, respectively. It means a migration cannot be
need to be small enough. According to the model provided in stopped and its bandwidth does not decrease.
the last subsection, we have Vn = M · λn . Thus, λn must be By solving the programming, we obtain the VMs that
small enough. For example, if migrating a VM, whose memory should be migrated with their corresponding transmission
size is 10GB, with the transmission rate of 1GBps, to reduce rates, maximizing the total net transmission rate under the
the downtime to 100ms, we must ensure λn ≤ 0.01. Thus, by current condition. By dynamically determining the VMs to
ignoring λn in the equation (1), we have: be migrated in tune with changing traffic conditions and
M 1 M migration requests, we keep the total net transmission rate
Tmig ≈ · = . (3) maximized, which is able to significantly reduce the total
L 1−λ L−R

migration time. This is a maximum multicommodity flow problem, that is,

finding a feasible solution for a multicommodity flow network
III. A PPROXIMATION A LGORITHM that maximizes the total throughput.
Solving the formulated MIP problem, we obtain a well- Fleischer et al. [16] proposed a Fully Polynomial-time
designed sequence of the VMs to be migrated with their Approximation Scheme (FPTAS) algorithm independent of the
corresponding bandwidths. However, the MIP problem is NP- number of commodities K for the maximum multicommodity
hard, and the time to find its solution is intolerable on flow problem. It can obtain a feasible solution whose objective
large scale networks. For example, we implement the MIP function value is within 1 + ǫ factor of the optimal, and the
problem using YALMIP – a language for formulating generic computational complexity is at most a polynomial function of
optimization problems [14], and utilize the GLPK to solve the network size and 1/ǫ.
the formulation [15]. Then, finding the solution of a network Specifically, the FPTAS algorithm is a primal-dual algo-
with 12 nodes and 95 VMs to be migrated on a Quad-Core rithm. We denote u(e) as the dual variables of this problem.
3.2GHz machine takes at least an hour. Therefore, we need an For all e ∈ E, we callP u(e) as the length of link e. Then,
approximation algorithm with much lower time complexity. we define dist(p) = e∈p u(e) as the length of path p. This
algorithm starts with initializing u(e) to be δ for all e ∈ E
A. Approximation Scheme and x(p) to be 0 for all p ∈ P . δ is a function of the desired
accuracy level ǫ, which is set to be (1 + ǫ)/((1 + ǫ)n)1/ǫ in the
1) Linear Approximation: Let us reconsider the formulated algorithm. The algorithm proceeds in phases, each of which is
MIP problem (4). In this problem, only Xk , k = 1, ..., K, composed of K iterations. In the rth phase, as long as there
are integer variables. Besides, the coefficient of Xk in the is some p ∈ Pk for some k with dist(p) <min{δ(1 + ǫ)r , 1},
objective function is rk . In practical data center, rk is usually we augment flow along p with the capacity of the minimum
much less than lk , i.e., the migration
PK bandwidth of the VM. capacity edge in the path. The minimum capacity is denoted
Thus, we ignore the part of k=1 Xk rk in the objective by c. Then, for each edge e on p, we update u(e) by
function, and remove variables Xk , k = 1, ..., K. Then, we u(e) = u(e)(1 + c(e) ǫc
). At the end of the rth phase, we
obtain a linear programming (LP) problem as follows:
ensure every (sj , dj ) pair is at least δ(1 + ǫ)r or 1 apart.
PK When the lengths of all paths belonging to Pk for all k
max  k=1 lk are between 1 and 1 + ǫ, we
P  stop. Thus, the number of
 Pp∈Pk x(p) = lk , k = 1, ..., K

(6) phases is at most log1+ǫ 1+ǫ δ . Then, according to theorem
 p∈Pe x(p) ≤ c(e), ∀e ∈ E
x(p) ≥ 0, p ∈ P

Algorithm 1: FPTA Algorithm.

We select the optimal solution l∗ for (6) with most variables
that are equal to zero as our approximate solution. Then we Input: network G(V, E), link capacities c(e) for ∀e ∈ E,
let N ∗ denote the number of variables that are not zero in our migration requests (sj , dj )
approximate solution l∗ , and the corresponding binary decision Output: Bandwidth lk , binary decision variable Xk for
variables Xk are then set to be 1, while the other binary each migration k, and the amount of flow x(p) in path
decision variables are set to be 0. Then the final approximate p ∈ P.
solution is denoted by (lk∗ , Xk∗ ). Initialize u(e) = δ ∀e ∈ E, x(p) = 0 ∀p ∈ P
As for the primary problem with the additional constraints for r = 1 to log1+ǫ 1+ǫ δ do
shown in (5), by a series of linear transformations, the problem for j = 1 to K do
p ← shortest path in Pj
is converted to a LP problem with the same form as (6) except
while u(p) < min{1, δ(1 + ǫ)r } do
for a constant in the objective function, which can be ignored.
c ← mine∈p c(e)
Thus we obtain a linear approximation for the primary MIP
x(p) ← x(p) + c
problem. ǫc
∀e ∈ p, u(e) ← u(e)(1 + c(e) )
2) Fully Polynomial Time Approximation: The exact solu-
p ← shortest path in Pj
tion of the LP problem (6) still cannot be found in polynomial
time, which means unacceptable computation time for large for each p ∈ P do
scale networks. Thus, we further propose an algorithm to x(p) = x(p)/log1+ǫ 1+ǫ
obtain the solution in polynomial time at the cost of accuracy.
Actually, ignoring the background of our problem and for j = 1Pto K do
lj = p∈Pj x(p)
removing the intermediate variable lk , we can express the LP
Xj = 0
problem (6) as:
P if lj 6= 0 then
max ( p∈P x(p) Xj = 1
p∈Pe x(p) ≤ c(e), ∀e ∈ E (7)
s.t. Return (lk , Xk ) and x(p)
x(p) ≥ 0, p ∈ P

in [16], the flow obtained by scaling the final flow obtained of A. Then, if all n − m components of x not associated with
in previous phases by log1+ǫ 1+ǫ δ is feasible. We modified the columns of B are set equal to zero, the solution to the resulting
FPTAS algorithm by adding some post-processes to obtain the set of equations is said to be a basic solution to Ax = c with
feasible (lk , Xk ) and x(p) to the primal MIP problem, and the respect to the basis B. The components of x associated with
modified algorithm is given in more detail in Algorithm 1. The columns of B are called basic variables, that is, BxB = c [17].
computational complexity of the post-processes is only a linear Definition 2 (Basic Feasible Solution) A vector x satisfy-
function of the number of the VMs to be migrated. In addition, ing (9) is said to be feasible for these constraints. A feasible
the computational complexity of the FPTAS algorithm is at solution to the constraints (9) that is also basic is said to be a
most a polynomial function of the network size and 1/ǫ [16]. basic feasible solution [17].
Thus, the computational complexity of our approximation Lemma 1 (Fundamental Theorem of LP) Given a linear
algorithm is also polynomial. and we obtain a fully polynomial program in standard form (9) where A is an m × n matrix of
time approximation (termed as FPTA) to the primal MIP rank m. If there is a feasible solution, there is a basic feasible
problem. solution. If there is an optimal feasible solution, there is an
optimal basic feasible solution [17].
B. Bound Analysis
These definitions and the lemma with its proof can be
To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, found in the textbook of linear programming [17]. With these
we now analyze the bound of it. We first analyze the bound preparations, we have the following lemma:
of the linear approximation compared with the primary MIP Lemma 2 There exists an optimal solution for (8), such
problem (4), then analyze the bound of the FPTA algorithm that there are at least N ∗ equalities that hold in inequality
compared with the linear approximation (6). With these two constraints of (8).
bounds, we finally obtain the bound of the FPTA algorithm Proof: Problem (8) can be represented in standard form as:
showing in Algorithm 1 compared with the primary MIP
max bT l
problem (4). " #
1) Bound of the Linear Approximation: We discuss the [A I] l = c

bound of the linear approximation compared with the pri- s.t. s

mary MIP problem in normal data center network scenarios. l, s ≥ 0

Common topologies of data center networks, such as fat tree, where c ∈ R2H , l = (l1 , l2 , ..., lK )T , s = c − Al, b =
usually provide full bisection bandwidth, which enables all (1, 1, ..., 1)T ∈ RK , I ∈ RK×K is the identity matrix of
hosts communicating with each other with full bandwidth at the order K, A ∈ R2H×K is composed of 0 and 1, and each
the same time. Thus, we can ignore the routing details, and column of A has and only has two elements of 1. Besides,
only guarantee the traffic at each host not exceeds its maximum [A I] ∈ R2H×K+2H has full rank 2H.
bandwidth. Then, the LP problem (6) becomes:
By Lemma 1, if the LP problem (10) has an optimal feasible
max  K
l solution, we can find an optimal basic feasible solution (l̂, ŝ)
 Psk =i lk ≤ Ci , i = 1, ..., H

for (10). By the definition of basic solution, the number of
s.t. d
dk =i lk ≤ Ci , i = 1, ..., H nonzero variables in (l̂, ŝ) is less than 2H. Meanwhile, By the

lk ≥ 0, k = 1, ..., K definition of N ∗ , the number of nonzero variables in ˆl, which
s is represented by N̂ , is greater than N ∗ . Thus the number of
where Ci is the maximum amount of traffic that can be
nonzero variables in ŝ is less than 2H − N ∗ . Then there are at
received at host i, while Cid is the maximum amount of traffic
least N ∗ variables that are equal to zero in ŝ. Meanwhile, ŝj =
that can be sent at host i. Besides, there are H hosts in the data
0, j ∈ {1, ..., 2H} means the equality holds in the inequality
center. Then, we let L0 be the minimum of Cis and Cid . That is,
constraint corresponding jth row in A. Therefore, we have at
min{C1s , ..., CHs
} ≥ L0 and min{C1d, ..., CHd
} ≥ L0 . Similarly,
least N ∗ equalities that hold in inequality constraints of (8).
we let R0 be the maximum of rk . That is, max{r1 , ..., rK } ≤
Theorem 1 Assume R0 = ηL0 . Let U be the optimal value
R0 .
of the primal MIP problem (4), and V be the optimal value
We now provide some supplement knowledge about linear
of the LP problem (8). Then we have V − N ∗ R0 ≥ (1 − σ)U ,
programming. For a linear programming with standard form, 2η
where σ = 1−2η .
which can be represented as:
Proof: We first prove V ≥ 12 N ∗ L0 . By lemma 2, we know
max ( bT x
that there exists an optimal solution of (8) such that there
Ax = c (9) are at least N ∗ equalities that hold in inequality constraints
x≥0 of (8). We select the corresponding rows a1 , ...aN ∗ of A and
where x, b ∈ Rn , c ∈ Rm , A ∈ Rm×n has full rank m, we corresponding elements c1 , ...cN ∗ of c. Then we have aTi ˆl =
have the following definitions and lemmas. ci , i = 1, ..., N ∗ . Because each column ∗of A has and only
has two elements of 1, elements of N
Definition 1 (Basic Solution) Given the set of m simulta- ai are at most 2.
∗i=1 ∗
Thus, we have V = K ˆlk ≥ 1 PN aT l̂ = 1 PN ci ≥
neous linear equations in n unknowns of Ax = c in (9), let k=1 2 i=1 i 2 i=1
1 ∗
B be any nonsingular m × m submatrix made up of columns 2 N L0 .

600 800 1000

One−by−one One−by−one One−by−one
Grouping Grouping 900 Grouping
Optimal Optimal Optimal
Total Migration Time (s)

Total Migration Time (s)

Total Migration Time (s)


300 400 500 150
80 400
200 50 100
60 300
40 200
200 50
100 40 0.4 0.5 0.6
30 6 7 8 9 10
60 70 80 90 100 100

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
The Number of Migrations The Means of Memory Size (GB) Background Traffic (GBps)

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5. Total migration time vs different parameters in one datacenter under the topology of PRV1.

By definition of U and V , we have U ≤ V and V −N ∗ R0 ≤ IV. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION

U . Then we have |U − (V − N ∗ R0 )| = U − V + N ∗ R0 ≤ A. Simulation System Set Up
N ∗ R0 . Besides, by the last paragraph, we have U ∗≥ V −
N ∗ R0 ≥ 12 N ∗ L0 − N ∗ R0 . Thus, we have |U−(V −N R0 )|
= With the increasing trend of owning multiple datacenter
U−(V −N ∗ R0 ) N ∗ R0 2R0 2η sites by a single company, migrating VMs across datacenters
U ≤ 1 = L0 −2R0 = 1−2η = σ, i.e.,
2 N L0 −N R0 becomes a common scenario. Thus, to evaluate the perfor-
∗ ∗

V − N ∗ R0 ≥ (1 − σ)U .  mance of our proposed migration plan inside one datacenter

By the definitions of N ∗ and R0 , we have that the net and across datacenters, we select the following two topologies
transmission rate corresponding to the selected solution of (8) to implement our experiments: (1) The topology of a private
is at least V − N ∗ R0 . Thus, we obtain the bound of the linear enterprise data center located in Midwestern United States
approximation compared with the primary MIP problem. (PRV1 in [19]). (2) B4, Google’s inter-datacenter WAN with
2) Bound of the FPTA Algorithm: We next analyze the 12 data centers interconnected with 19 links [18] (showing in
bound of the FPTA algorithm. According to theorem in [16], Fig. 2(a)). In B4, each node represents a data center. Besides,
we have the following lemma: the network provides massive bandwidth. However, to evaluate
Lemma 3 If p is selected in each iteration to be the shortest the performance of our proposed algorithm under relatively
(si , di )P
path among all commodities, then for a final flow value hard conditions, we assume the capacity of each link is only
W = 1GBps. On the other hand, the capacities of links in RPV1 are
p∈P x(p) obtained from the FPTAS algorithm, we
have W ≥ (1 − 2ǫ)V , where ǫ is the desired accuracy level. set ranging from 1GB to 10GB according to [19]. The page
Because the value of x(p) is unchanged in our post- dirty rate is set to 100MBps. Besides, Vthd and Tr are set to
processes of Algorithm 1, W is also the final flow value of our 100MB and 20ms, respectively. The memory sizes of VMs are
proposed FPTA algorithm. Note that it is not the bound of the also set ranging from 1GB to 10GB unless stated otherwise.
FPTA algorithm compared with the LP problem (6), because In our experiments, we evaluate the performance of our
our objective function is the net transmission rate, while W proposed FPTA algorithm compared with the optimal solu-
is only the transmission rate of the solution of the FPTA tion of the MIP problem (referred to as optimal algorithm)
algorithm. Besides, V is not the maximum net transmission and two state-of-the-art algorithms. In the two state-of-the-
rate as well. The bound of the FPTA algorithm is given in the art algorithms, one is the algorithm based on one-by-one
following theorem: migration scheme (referred to as one-by-one algorithm), which
is proposed in [7], [10]. The other is the algorithm that
Theorem 2 Let F be the net transmission rate corre-
migrates VMs by groups (referred to as grouping algorithm),
sponding to the solution of Algorithm 1. In the data center
just as the algorithm proposed in [8]. In this algorithm, VMs
networks providing full bisection bandwidth, we have F ≥
that can be migrated in parallel are divided into the same
(1 − 2ǫ − σ)U , where U is the optimal value of the primal
group, while VMs that share the same resources, such as the
MIP problem (4).
same link in their paths, are divided into different groups. Then
Proof: By the definitions of N ∗ and R0 , we have that the net VMs are migrated by groups according to their costs [8]. We
transmission rate corresponding to the solution of the FPTA further set the function of the cost as the weighted value of the
algorithm is at least W − N ∗ R0 , i.e., F ≥ W − N ∗ R0 . Thus total migration time and the number of VMs in each group.
we have F ≥ (1 − 2ǫ)V − N ∗ R0 = (1 − 2ǫ)(V − N ∗ R0 ) −
2ǫN ∗ R0 . Meanwhile, by U ≥ 12 N ∗ L0 − N ∗ R0 ≥ 2η 1
N ∗ R0 − B. Results and Analysis
∗ ∗ 2η
N R0 , we have N R0 ≤ 1−2η U = σU . 1) Migration Time: In our first group of experiments, we
By Theorem 1, we have F ≥ (1 − 2ǫ)(1 − σ)U − 2ǫσU = compare the total migration time of our proposed FPTA
(1−2ǫ−σ)U . Thus we obtain the bound of the FPTA algorithm algorithm with that of other algorithms introduced above, with
compared with the primal MIP problem. the variation of different parameters, i.e., the number of VMs

140 90
Grouping Grouping

Net Transmission Rate (Gpbs)

Total Migration Time (s)

Total Migration Time (s)

Optimal Optimal

80 50

60 40



0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
The Number of Migrations The Means of Memory Size (GB)

(a) (b)
Time (s)
Total Migration Time (s)

Computation Time (s)

120 Optimal

Fig. 7. The net transmission rates vs time of FPTA algorithm and grouping
80 10
algorithm in inter-datacenter network under the topology of B4 with 40 VMs
to be migrated.

20 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Background Traffic (GBps) The Number of Migrations
40 VMs to be migrated in B4. Net transmission rates of the
(c) (d) FPTA algorithm and the grouping algorithm are evaluated, as
Fig. 6. Total migration time or computation time vs different parameters in functions of time. The result is shown in Fig. 7.
inter-datacenter network under the topology of B4. According to previous theoretic analysis, we know that the
sum of memory sizes of VMs to be migrated is approximately
equal to the integration of the net transmission rate with
to be migrated, the amount of background traffic, the average respect to time. In the experiments, the sum of memory sizes of
memory size of VMs, in PRV1 and B4, respectively. The the 40 VMs to be migrated are 203GB. Meanwhile, in Fig. 7,
results are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. the shadow areas of the FPTA and grouping algorithm, which
As we can observe from the Fig. 5, the performance of the can represent the integrations of the net transmission rates with
one-by-one algorithm is much worse than that of the other respect to time, are 203.0GB and 212.0GB, respectively. The
three algorithms: when there are 100 VMs to be migrated, relative errors are less than 5%. It proves the correctness of
the total migration time it takes is about 10 times more than our theoretic analysis. Besides, from the figure we observe that
that of the other three algorithms, illustrating its inefficiency the net transmission rate with the FPTA algorithm remains
in reducing the total migration time. Since the performance a relatively high level in the process of migrations, about 2
gap between one-by-one algorithm and the other algorithms times higher than that of the grouping algorithm on average.
is huge, we do not show its performance in Fig. 6. Besides, Thus,
P40 the integration of the net transmission rate can reaches
from Fig. 6(d) we can observe that the computation time of k=1 mk with less time. Specifically, in this group of exper-
our proposed FPTA algorithm is at most a polynomial function iments, the total migration time of FPTA algorithm is reduced
of the number of the migrations, much less than that of using by up to 50% compared with grouping algorithm. Thus, our
GLPK to solve the LP problem (6). FPTA algorithm significantly reduces the total migration time
As for the performance of the other three algorithms, their by maximizing the net transmission rate.
total migration time vs different parameters in data center 3) Application Performance: The scenarios of this group
networks and inter-datacenter WAN has a similar trend: the of experiments are to optimize the average delay of services
total migration time of FPTA algorithm is very close to that in B4. Assume there are some VMs located randomly in the
of the optimal algorithm, and much less than that of the data centers in B4 at the beginning, and they are providing
grouping algorithm. Take Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 6(a) for example. services to the same user, who is located closely to the node
In PRV1 (showing in Fig. 5(a)), total migration time of the 8 (data center 8). Thus we need to migrate these VMs to data
FPTA algorithm and the optimal algorithm almost cannot be centers as close to the node 8 as possible. However, memory
distinguished, while in B4 (showing in Fig. 6(a)) the gap is less that each data center provides is not unlimited, which is set to
than 15% relative to the optimal algorithm. Meanwhile, FPTA be 50GB in our experiments. Besides, there are 11, 19, 27, 41
algorithm performs much better than the grouping algorithm: VMs in the network, respectively. We find the final migration
its migration time is reduced by 40% and 50% in comparison sets by minimizing the average delay. Then we use the FPTA
with the grouping algorithm in PRV1 and B4, respectively. and grouping algorithm to implement these migrations. The
Thus, the solution of our proposed FPTA algorithm approaches results are shown in Fig. 8.
to the optimal solution and outperforms the state-of-the-art Fig. 8(a) and (b) show the total migration time and down-
solutions. time, respectively. As we observe, FPTA algorithm reduces
2) Net Transmission Rate: To illustrate the effectiveness the total migration time and downtime by 43.7% and 22.6%
of maximizing the net transmission rate, we implement the on average compared with those of the grouping algorithm,
second group of experiments in the scenario where there are respectively. Thus, our proposed FPTA algorithm outperforms

the net transmission rate in the network. We formulate this

Total Migration Time (s)

problem as a mixed integer programming problem, which is

Total Downtime (s)

NP-hard. Then we propose a fully polynomial time approxi-
mation (FPTA) algorithm to solve the problem. Results show
that the proposed algorithm approaches to the optimal solution
with less than 10% variation and much less computation time.
Meanwhile, it reduces the total migration time and the service
downtime by up to 40% and 20% compared with the state-of-
The Number of VMs The Number of VMs
the-art algorithms, respectively.

Fig. 8. Total migration time and downtime for optimizing delay in inter- R EFERENCES
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