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ABHYANKER, California SBN 233284

WENSHENG MA, California SBN 299961


1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 10
Mountain View, CA 94040
Telephone: (650) 965-8731
Facsimile: (650) 989-2131

Attorneys for Plaintiffs,

LegalForce RAPC Worldwide, P.C. and
LegalForce, Inc.







Plaintiffs LegalForce RAPC Worldwide, P.C. and LegalForce, Inc. (“Plaintiffs”) hereby
oppose the Motion To Shorten Time For Court To Hear Defendant Upcounsel, Inc.’s Motion To
Stay (“Motion”) filed by Defendant UpCounsel, Inc. (“UpCounsel” or "Defendant”) on January
15, 2019 (Dkt. 99).
As an initial matter, UpCounsel’s motion to shorten time, like its motion to stay

Mooted Plaintiffs’ Opposition To Motion To Shorten Time For Court
To Hear Defendant Upcounsel, Inc.’s Motion To Stay
Case No. 4:18-cv-02573-YGR-DMR
discovery, is patently disingenuous and strategic. It strains credulity to believe that UpCounsel,
a business that touted it raised $12 million just nine months ago (Exhibit A) and filed SEC
filings to that effect (Exhibit B), now claims financial hardship that gives rise to a sudden and
“emergency” need to hear this motion ahead of the line and terminate the Keker, Van Nest &
Peters LLP (“Keker”) law firm. UpCounsel is a rich business, funded with more apparently $26
million in external venture capital funding over the last four years by a billion dollar venture
capitalist. (Exhibit C). This $26 million in venture capital is separate and apart from
UpCounsel’s likely millions of dollars a year of revenue from its own operations, which are
ongoing. UpCounsel boasts that they have more than 50 employees.1 Despite this, UpCounsel is
the one asking for relief from their own “Trumped Up” financial emergency. All that granting
this motion will do is erect a big, ugly concrete “WALL” blocking fairness.
UpCounsel has provided no financial documents to the court much less audited financial
statements (or financial statements of any kind), no explanations of why and how they
potentially burned through $12 million in nine months (Exhibit A and B) without even
budgeting for Keker. And now, suddenly sirens are blaring a bombastic “emergency” two days
after the loss of the Motion to Dismiss on the First Amended Complaint (Dkt. 95) and days after
Plaintiffs produced thousands of pages and hundreds of megabytes of highly confidential and
confidential discovery, including nine years of tax returns and financial statements, on January
10, 2019, at the behest of Keker and UpCounsel. Now, just days later, UpCounsel claims the
poverty defense.
Even if UpCounsel is “flat broke”, Plaintiffs’ conduct had nothing to do with it. Plaintiffs
did not ask UpCounsel to hire an elite team of five (5) attorneys from the prestigious Keker law
firm. Plaintiffs and Keker did not fabricate UpCounsel’s ratings or create UpCounsel’s fake
attorney profiles that caused this dispute to arise. Plaintiffs and Keker did not create the unfair
competition promulgated by UpCounsel. It seems quite preposterous now that UpCounsel, the
same corporation that had the ability to hire such an expensive and elite law firm, likely billing

According to LinkedIn as of January 15, 2019, it shows 64 results for “current company”
employees at UpCounsel, Inc.
Mooted Plaintiffs’ Opposition To Motion To Shorten Time For Court
To Hear Defendant Upcounsel, Inc.’s Motion To Stay
Case No. 4:18-cv-02573-YGR-DMR
them a blended rate of over-$500 per hour, and whose first-year associates make a whopping
$190,000 a year in salary alone (Exhibit D, Exhibit E, page 3, highlighted) and its senior
associates which are employed in this case make nearly as much as the President of the United
States at $340,000 (Exhibit E, page 3, highlighted), is suddenly, without warning claiming a
poverty defense. It goes without saying that UpCounsel could have hired any one of its 10,000
“top 5%” attorneys on its own website, likely at heavily discounted rates. It goes without saying
that a partner of Keker also bills significant time to Keker, whose profits per partner likely
exceed $2 million dollars per year based on comparable firms in its tier group (Exhibit E, page
3, highlighted). Despite having the “Top 5%” of “On Demand” business litigation lawyers in its
stable and purportedly in its own situs, UpCounsel went a different route than their own “Top
5%” attorneys and chose to hire one of the most expensive boutique litigation law firms in the
In every sense, UpCounsel’s dilemma, is a crisis of their own making. Only UpCounsel
can say “O! I am Fortune's fool.”2 UpCounsel should not be excused now and prejudice the
Plaintiffs by evading their written discovery obligations pending since September 13, 2018
(UpCounsel has mostly produced junk—including hundreds of pages of public website pages
and apparently manufactured invoices, brought to Judge Ryu’s attention), for which a joint letter
has already been submitted (Exhibit F). Moreover, UpCounsel should not be allowed to
terminate Keker with just five (5) weeks remaining in the months-long discovery cycle. Instead,
UpCounsel should be compelled to continue the engagement of the competent Keker firm,
through the end of discovery, as their problems are of their own making and Plaintiffs will be
severely prejudiced by a stay of any kind this close to the final weeks of discovery.
“Generally, a party carries a heavy burden of making a ‘strong showing’ why discovery
should be stayed.” Silva v. TEKsystems, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-05347-LHK, 2013 WL 3388255 at
*2 (N.D. Cal. July 8, 2013) (citations omitted). Here, UpCounsel has failed to make a strong
showing of why discovery should be stayed.

William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 1.
Mooted Plaintiffs’ Opposition To Motion To Shorten Time For Court
To Hear Defendant Upcounsel, Inc.’s Motion To Stay
Case No. 4:18-cv-02573-YGR-DMR
A. Defendant’s Notice Was Not Reasonably Given, And Deposition Dates Have
Already Been Confirmed And Calendars Aligned.
“Counsel may not withdraw from an action until relieved by order of Court after written
notice has been given reasonably in advance to the client and to all other parties who have
appeared in the case.” Civ. L.R. 11-5(a) (emphasis added). For the reasons described below,
Defendant’s notice was not given reasonably in advance. There are only five weeks left until the
non-expert discovery cutoff of February 25, 2019. All the depositions have been scheduled.
Therefore, Keker cannot withdraw from this action at this time. Moreover, contrary to
UpCounsel’s pleas, there is irrefutable evidence that its own counsel, Keker, already confirmed
two depositions, and five others await.3 Jonathan Grant’s deposition has been confirmed for
January 17, 2019, and Plaintiffs have not taken that off calendar. The same is true for
newly-promoted “Executive Chairman” of UpCounsel Matthew Faustman, who used to be the
CEO of UpCounsel and whose deposition was confirmed by Keker to be February 13, 2019.
Moreover, Plaintiffs have provided available dates for depositions of at least six (6) witnesses
asked for by UpCounsel.
B. Plaintiffs Are Financially Prejudiced And Harmed Each Day By
UpCounsel’s Ongoing Conduct And Violations.
UpCounsel has done virtually nothing to rectify the harm it has caused Plaintiffs.
UpCounsel’s manufactured ratings and attorney pages continue to steer traffic and revenue away
from Plaintiffs each day. UpCounsel continues to fee share. It seems UpCounsel’s primary goal
is to delay the proceedings in an apparent effort to bleed Plaintiffs dry. In addition, Plaintiffs
have fixed costs for in-house counsel, certain aspects of work for external counsel, and have
already retained experts. To date, Plaintiffs have received very little in written discovery for
which a joint letter has been submitted (Exhibit F).

With respect to Jonathan Grant, UpCounsel’s own counsel, Nic Marais at Keker, admitted in a
mutually consented audio recording on January 8, 2019, that “He [Jonathan Grant] has given
notice, and his last day is the 17th next week.” “If you want to depose him, that is really is your
day, we are confirmed on that.” and “He is still a party witness, and I mean, you can notice him,
you don’t need to set service or anything. He will be a party witness until the 17th, 9:30 is fine, I
haven’t checked with him, it might by be 10, might be 9.” Plaintiffs properly noticed Grant.
Mooted Plaintiffs’ Opposition To Motion To Shorten Time For Court
To Hear Defendant Upcounsel, Inc.’s Motion To Stay
Case No. 4:18-cv-02573-YGR-DMR
C. Plaintiffs Have Fixed Costs That Cannot Be Recouped.
Plaintiffs have fixed monthly costs of $25,000+ for January and February 2019 in
supporting a litigation team staffed for this, and whose calendars were largely made available for
the remaining five (5) weeks of discovery contemplated in this case. Court reporters have been
arranged. Time blocks have been reserved. All of Plaintiffs’ witnesses called for depositions
have been served. It is entirely unfair for Plaintiffs to suffer this additional financial harm.
UpCounsel is gaudily funded and fancifully well-heeled. UpCounsel has caused and continues to
cause to harm to “confidence in the legal profession at large” as well as financial harm to
Plaintiffs’ businesses. One need not go further than looking at the fabricated ratings, fake
attorneys, and blanket disregard for the fundamental need for honesty in the legal profession
articulated in the First Amended Complaint.
D. Even If UpCounsel Is Suffering From An Emergency, UpCounsel Had Ample
Time To Seek And Find Replacement Counsel Sooner And Bring Their Dire
Straits To The Court’s Attention.
On Saturday, January 12, 2019, just two days after Plaintiffs spent over $15,000 in costs
(not attorney’s fees) in the last week alone compiling and organizing discovery responses in a
forensically sound manner at the behest of UpCounsel, for the first time, they brought up their
desire to “immediately” terminate Keker. Had UpCounsel wanted to fire the Keker law firm
sooner, they could have and should have done so. Waiting until the eve of discovery is a strategic
move to buy more time and drain Plaintiffs’ resources.
Certainly, UpCounsel could or should have hired, or can still quickly hire, any one or
more of their own 10,000 attorneys (all in the “Top 5%” with invariably 5-star ratings). Indeed,
UpCounsel has the unique ability to find and retain counsel. Notably, over one-hundred (100)
such attorneys are “Top 5% Business Attorneys” licensed in California and located in San
Francisco (Exhibit G) as of the today, January 15, 2019. An added over forty (40) are “Top 5%
Business Attorneys” licensed in California and are represented by UpCounsel to be located in
Oakland (Exhibit H) as of the today, January 15, 2019. For all of these attorneys UpCounsel
boasts that not only does it have these “Top 5%” Business Attorneys available, that they are

Mooted Plaintiffs’ Opposition To Motion To Shorten Time For Court
To Hear Defendant Upcounsel, Inc.’s Motion To Stay
Case No. 4:18-cv-02573-YGR-DMR
available “On Demand”, see Exhibit G pg 53, for example reprinted below:

UpCounsel should take itself up on its own claims and hire one of these “Top 5%”
business attorneys “On Demand” now, not in 60 days.
E. There Are No Active Settlement Negotiations Between The Parties.
Plaintiffs have already informed UpCounsel that they no longer wish to settle this case as
of the filing of this motion to stay. Plaintiffs demand a judgment on the merits or an admission of
guilt by UpCounsel through a Rule 68 offer for judgment. Plaintiffs are not interested in private
settlements, plagued by overbroad confidentiality clauses, given the wide reaching public policy
implications of this case.
F. There Are No Guarantees That UpCounsel Will Ever Find Replacement
Counsel If This Stay Is Granted.
Even if what UpCounsel claims is true and is taken at face value (i.e., that they are
broke), there is no reasonable likelihood that they will find substitute counsel in 30 days, 60
days, or ever for that matter. It is clear that UpCounsel has failed to plan for and meet its
obligations, and it should not therefore be rewarded with a stay.
UpCounsel, like many aspects of its business, invents an emergency for a self-inflicted
wound caused solely by the Defendant to stall litigation and escape discovery obligations.
UpCounsel can prioritize money for their counsel, Keker, to address this challenge which they
claim presents an existential threat to their very survival. Moreover, there is nothing here that
requires this court to divert itself from its orderly and scheduled docket and put this

Mooted Plaintiffs’ Opposition To Motion To Shorten Time For Court
To Hear Defendant Upcounsel, Inc.’s Motion To Stay
Case No. 4:18-cv-02573-YGR-DMR
invented crisis ahead of the line. Doing so would cause significant harm to the Plaintiffs.
Plaintiffs are fully self-funded with no external financial resources except their own operating
cash flows.
If UpCounsel wants to end this lawsuit, they should submit an offer for judgment.
Otherwise, the final stage of discovery should conclude and UpCounsel should wake up to the
fact that “Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides: Who cover faults, at last shame them
derides.”4 The court should not only deny this administrative motion to shorten time, but require
that Keker remain active in this case and fully defend the rights of UpCounsel and cooperate
with Plaintiffs on discovery scheduling until and unless new counsel makes an appearance in this
case. In view of this stubborn posture, UpCounsel’s narrative in its motion to shorten time and
motion to stay can only be called out for what it is—pure fiction. For at least the reasons stated
here, Plaintiffs respectfully request this Court to deny Defendant’s Motion to Shorten Time.

Respectfully submitted,

Dated: January 15, 2019 LEGALFORCE RAPC WORLDWIDE P.C.

/s/ Raj V. Abhyanker______

Raj V. Abhyanker (233284)
Attorneys for Plaintiffs:
LegalForce RAPC Worldwide, P.C and
LegalForce, Inc.

William Shakespeare, King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1.
Mooted Plaintiffs’ Opposition To Motion To Shorten Time For Court
To Hear Defendant Upcounsel, Inc.’s Motion To Stay
Case No. 4:18-cv-02573-YGR-DMR
1/15/2019 UpCounsel Raises A $12M Series B To Connect Lawyers With Businesses


UpCounsel Raises A $12M Series

B To Connect Lawyers With
Mary Ann Azevedo April 4, 2018

UpCounsel, a marketplace for legal services, has raised a $12 million Series B
round according to a new ling with the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Follow Crunchbase News on Twitter & Facebook

UpCounsel previously raised a total of $14 million since its inception in 2012.
This latest round brings its aggregate funding to $26 million. Most recently,
the San Francisco-based startup raised a $10 million Series A round that
    1/3
1/15/2019 UpCounsel Raises A $12M Series B To Connect Lawyers With Businesses

closed in July 2015. Menlo Ventures, Compound, Homebrew, and BluePoint

Ventures participated in the round.

It is not clear from the SEC ling who participated in UpCounsel’s latest
round, although the ling indicates there were 12 investors who were a part of
its Series B. At the time of writing, UpCounsel had not responded to
Crunchbase News’s request for comment.

Small and large enterprises use UpCounsel to supplement or replace large law
rms or traditional service providers. The UpCounsel community is made up of
part-time, solo, and boutique attorneys who hail from global law rms and
graduated from top law schools. Customers include Twilio, Charming Charlie,
and investor Menlo Ventures.

Gyi Tsakalakis, founder of legal web strategy consultancy AttorneySync,

believes that UpCounsel makes a lot of sense from the perspective of business
legal services consumers.

“They take a lot of the pain out of the lawyer search process,” Tsakalakis told
Crunchbase News.

However, Tsakalakis is skeptical of the startup asking clients to review their

attorney upon completion of a project.

“I’ve always thought that these sites face something of an identity crisis,
namely, is their primary function to serve legal services consumers (i.e., their
users) or their lawyers?” he said. “Needless to say, these interests aren’t
always aligned…. If consumers lose trust in the integrity of a platform, they’re
more likely to fall back on traditional notions of getting referrals from people
they know, like, and trust—which they should still be doing anyway.”

It is a similar problem that Avvo, another online legal marketplace, had,

according to Tsakalakis.
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1/15/2019 UpCounsel Raises A $12M Series B To Connect Lawyers With Businesses

“Rating lawyers is really hard. It’s not like rating a restaurant,” he said. “I have
yet to see a lawyer rating site that does a good job of matching based on
qualitative data.”

Illustration: Li-Anne Dias

Tags legal

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1/15/2019 SEC FORM D

The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has
not determined if it is accurate and complete.
The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete.


Washington, D.C. 20549
FORM D OMB Number:
Estimated average burden
hours per
Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities response:

1. Issuer's Identity

CIK (Filer ID Number) X None Entity Type
0001649919 X Corporation
Name of Issuer Limited Partnership
UpCounsel, Inc.
Limited Liability Company
Jurisdiction of
Incorporation/Organization General Partnership
DELAWARE Business Trust
Year of Incorporation/Organization
Other (Specify)
X Over Five Years Ago
Within Last Five Years (Specify Year)
Yet to Be Formed

2. Principal Place of Business and Contact Information

Name of Issuer
UpCounsel, Inc.
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
580 Market Street 5th Floor
City State/Province/Country ZIP/PostalCode Phone Number of Issuer

3. Related Persons

Last Name First Name Middle Name

Faustman Matthew
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
580 Market Street 5th Floor
City State/Province/Country ZIP/PostalCode
San Francisco CALIFORNIA 94104
Relationship: X Executive Officer X Director X Promoter

Clarification of Response (if Necessary):

Last Name First Name Middle Name

Blake Mason
Street Address 1 Street Address 2 1/5
1/15/2019 SEC FORM D
580 Market Street 5th Floor
City State/Province/Country ZIP/PostalCode
San Francisco CALIFORNIA 94104
Relationship: X Executive Officer X Director X Promoter

Clarification of Response (if Necessary):

Last Name First Name Middle Name

Ganesan Venky
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
580 Market Street 5th Floor
City State/Province/Country ZIP/PostalCode
San Francisco CALIFORNIA 94104
Relationship: Executive Officer X Director Promoter

Clarification of Response (if Necessary):

Last Name First Name Middle Name

Lauchengco Martina
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
580 Market Street 5th Floor
City State/Province/Country ZIP/PostalCode
San Francisco CALIFORNIA 94104
Relationship: Executive Officer X Director Promoter

Clarification of Response (if Necessary):

4. Industry Group

Agriculture Health Care Retailing

Banking & Financial Services Biotechnology
Commercial Banking Health Insurance Technology
Hospitals & Physicians Computers
Investment Banking Pharmaceuticals Telecommunications

Pooled Investment Fund Other Health Care X Other Technology

Is the issuer registered as Manufacturing Travel

an investment company under Airlines & Airports
Real Estate
the Investment Company
Act of 1940? Commercial Lodging & Conventions
Yes No
Construction Tourism & Travel Services
Other Banking & Financial Services
REITS & Finance Other Travel
Business Services
Residential Other
Coal Mining Other Real Estate

Electric Utilities

Energy Conservation 2/5
1/15/2019 SEC FORM D

Environmental Services

Oil & Gas

Other Energy

5. Issuer Size

Revenue Range OR Aggregate Net Asset Value Range

No Revenues No Aggregate Net Asset Value
$1 - $1,000,000 $1 - $5,000,000
$1,000,001 -
$5,000,001 - $25,000,000
$5,000,001 -
$25,000,001 - $50,000,000
$25,000,001 -
$50,000,001 - $100,000,000
Over $100,000,000 Over $100,000,000
X Decline to Disclose Decline to Disclose
Not Applicable Not Applicable

6. Federal Exemption(s) and Exclusion(s) Claimed (select all that apply)

Investment Company Act Section 3(c)

Rule 504(b)(1) (not (i), (ii) or (iii)) Section 3(c)(1) Section 3(c)(9)

Rule 504 (b)(1)(i) Section 3(c)(2) Section 3(c)(10)

Rule 504 (b)(1)(ii)
Section 3(c)(3) Section 3(c)(11)
Rule 504 (b)(1)(iii)
Section 3(c)(4) Section 3(c)(12)
X Rule 506(b)
Rule 506(c) Section 3(c)(5) Section 3(c)(13)
Securities Act Section 4(a)(5) Section 3(c)(6) Section 3(c)(14)

Section 3(c)(7)

7. Type of Filing

X New Notice Date of First Sale 2018-03-26 First Sale Yet to Occur

8. Duration of Offering

Does the Issuer intend this offering to last more than one year? Yes X No

9. Type(s) of Securities Offered (select all that apply)

X Equity Pooled Investment Fund Interests

Debt Tenant-in-Common Securities
Option, Warrant or Other Right to Acquire Another Security Mineral Property Securities 3/5
1/15/2019 SEC FORM D

Security to be Acquired Upon Exercise of Option, Warrant

X Other (describe)
or Other Right to Acquire Security
Series A Preferred stock and the Common stock into which it is

10. Business Combination Transaction

Is this offering being made in connection with a business combination transaction,

Yes X No
such as a merger, acquisition or exchange offer?

Clarification of Response (if Necessary):

11. Minimum Investment

Minimum investment accepted from any outside investor $0 USD

12. Sales Compensation

Recipient Recipient CRD Number X None

(Associated) Broker or Dealer CRD

(Associated) Broker or Dealer X None X None
Street Address 1 Street Address 2
City State/Province/Country
State(s) of Solicitation (select all that
apply) All
Check “All States” or check individual States

13. Offering and Sales Amounts

Total Offering Amount $11,999,996 USD or Indefinite

Total Amount Sold $11,999,996 USD
Total Remaining to be Sold $0 USD or Indefinite

Clarification of Response (if Necessary):

14. Investors

Select if securities in the offering have been or may be sold to persons who do not qualify as accredited
investors, and enter the number of such non-accredited investors who already have invested in the
Regardless of whether securities in the offering have been or may be sold to persons who do not 12
qualify as accredited investors, enter the total number of investors who already have invested in the

15. Sales Commissions & Finder's Fees Expenses

Provide separately the amounts of sales commissions and finders fees expenses, if any. If the amount of an expenditure is
not known, provide an estimate and check the box next to the amount.

Sales Commissions $0 USD Estimate

Finders' Fees $0 USD Estimate

Clarification of Response (if Necessary):

16. Use of Proceeds 4/5
1/15/2019 SEC FORM D
Provide the amount of the gross proceeds of the offering that has been or is proposed to be used for payments to any of the
persons required to be named as executive officers, directors or promoters in response to Item 3 above. If the amount is
unknown, provide an estimate and check the box next to the amount.

$0 USD Estimate

Clarification of Response (if Necessary):

Signature and Submission

Please verify the information you have entered and review the Terms of Submission below before signing and
clicking SUBMIT below to file this notice.

Terms of Submission

In submitting this notice, each issuer named above is:

Notifying the SEC and/or each State in which this notice is filed of the offering of securities described and undertaking
to furnish them, upon written request, in the accordance with applicable law, the information furnished to offerees.*

Irrevocably appointing each of the Secretary of the SEC and, the Securities Administrator or other legally designated
officer of the State in which the issuer maintains its principal place of business and any State in which this notice is
filed, as its agents for service of process, and agreeing that these persons may accept service on its behalf, of any
notice, process or pleading, and further agreeing that such service may be made by registered or certified mail, in any
Federal or state action, administrative proceeding, or arbitration brought against the issuer in any place subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States, if the action, proceeding or arbitration (a) arises out of any activity in connection with
the offering of securities that is the subject of this notice, and (b) is founded, directly or indirectly, upon the provisions
of: (i) the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the
Investment Company Act of 1940, or the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, or any rule or regulation under any of
these statutes, or (ii) the laws of the State in which the issuer maintains its principal place of business or any State in
which this notice is filed.

Certifying that, if the issuer is claiming a Regulation D exemption for the offering, the issuer is not disqualified from
relying on Rule 504 or Rule 506 for one of the reasons stated in Rule 504(b)(3) or Rule 506(d).

Each Issuer identified above has read this notice, knows the contents to be true, and has duly caused this notice to be signed
on its behalf by the undersigned duly authorized person.

For signature, type in the signer's name or other letters or characters adopted or authorized as the signer's signature.

Issuer Signature Name of Signer Title Date

UpCounsel, Inc. Mason Blake Mason Blake CTO 2018-04-04

Persons who respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not required to
respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB number.
* This undertaking does not affect any limits Section 102(a) of the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 ("NSMIA") [Pub. L. No. 104-290, 110 Stat. 3416 (Oct. 11,
1996)] imposes on the ability of States to require information. As a result, if the securities that are the subject of this Form D are "covered securities" for purposes of NSMIA, whether
in all instances or due to the nature of the offering that is the subject of this Form D, States cannot routinely require offering materials under this undertaking or otherwise and can
require offering materials only to the extent NSMIA permits them to do so under NSMIA's preservation of their anti-fraud authority. 5/5
1/15/2019 UpCounsel Raises $10 Million in Series A Funding Led by Menlo Ventures

UpCounsel Raises $10 Million in

Series A Funding Led by Menlo
Online marketplace for legal services ushers in next wave of on-demand
workforce; Investment will accelerate further adoption among businesses
and lawyers


Jul 28, 2015, 07:00 ET

SAN FRANCISCO, July 28, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- UpCounsel today announced it

has secured $10 million in Series A funding to accelerate further adoption of its on-
demand legal marketplace. New investor Menlo Ventures led the funding round with
participation from previous investors including Homebrew and Metamorphic
Ventures. The company has raised $13.9 million to date and offers cost-effective
legal counsel to businesses while equipping attorneys with the necessary tools to
grow and manage their practices effortlessly.

"Businesses and their decisions makers - from CEOs to General Counsels - use
UpCounsel to complement or replace the expensive and less efficient services of
traditional law firms," said Matt Faustman, CEO of UpCounsel. "We obsess about
giving businesses access to the very best attorneys, and then supporting them with
tools to make the traditionally painful service relationship productive, transparent,
and cost-effective. We've even had some law firms start to hire ad hoc legal staff
through us because it's just that efficient."

UpCounsel empowers the next wave of the on-demand workforce, professionals

and white collar workers. In 2014, UpCounsel's top 10 attorneys made more
than $1 million in aggregate. Attorneys who use UpCounsel get immediate access
to the company's free practice management, marketing, document, and payment 1/3
1/15/2019 UpCounsel Raises $10 Million in Series A Funding Led by Menlo Ventures

tools on top of guaranteed payments and assistance with collections and payment
plans for clients.

"The key to success here is to equally invest in amazing products that empower our
lawyer community," said Faustman. "The future of legal services lays with the
solopreneur lawyer, and we are just at the starting line of unlocking their impact on
the industry."

This year, UpCounsel has experienced 20 percent month-over-month in revenue

growth and 30 percent month-over-month in lawyer signups across the U.S. The
new round will be used to expand the company's sales and marketing teams while
continuing to expand on features that put UpCounsel in center of the
business/lawyer relationship.

"On-demand marketplaces are where the next 10 million jobs will be created and
today's 'Right Now Economy' is only going to continue to grow which is a vital
reason why we wanted to assist with UpCounsel's growth and progression,"
said Venky Ganesan, managing director at Menlo Ventures. "We're at the cusp of a
golden age and UpCounsel is at the forefront of providing high quality professional

For more information visit

About UpCounsel
UpCounsel is on a mission to make the legal experience remarkable for businesses.
We provide small and medium businesses with an alternative to expensive and slow
legal services through an online platform and an all-star virtual lawyer community.
UpCounsel is working with thousands of entrepreneurs and companies to increase
the quality and speed of legal services while dramatically reducing costs. When
businesses have easy access to great legal services, they make better decisions
and can grow their business with confidence. The company is currently based
in San Francisco, CA. For more information, please visit: 2/3
1/15/2019 UpCounsel Raises $10 Million in Series A Funding Led by Menlo Ventures

About Menlo Ventures

Menlo Ventures provides capital for seed through growth technology companies in
the consumer and enterprise sectors. Since 1976, the firm's market-driven analysis
has led to the identification of and successful exits in innovative technology
markets. Notable areas of investment include Mobile (Siri, Uber, Machine Zone,
Roku), Social & Ecommerce (Tumblr, Lumosity, Poshmark), Cloud (Carbonite,
EdgeCast, Dropcam, Vidyo), Storage & Big Data (3Par, Coraid, Tintri, Avere
Systems), Digital Advertising (Flurry, YuMe, DataXu, Dstillery, eXelate) and Security
(Cavium, IronPort, nCircle, BitSight). Menlo's portfolio includes 70+ public
companies and 100+ mergers and acquisitions. Menlo's guiding philosophy is to
Venture Right, working side-by-side with portfolio entrepreneurs as allies, serving
ethically on boards as company builders with decades of market expertise, and
opening access to a curated network of advisors. Menlo Ventures has $4
Billion under management and is currently investing Menlo Ventures XII,
a $400M fund with $15M allocated to the Menlo Talent Fund for fast seed funding.
For more information, visit

Media Contact: North 6th Agency (for UpCounsel)


SOURCE UpCounsel

Related Links 3/3
1/15/2019 $10 Million For UpCounsel Means Small Businesses Can Hire BigLaw Attorneys | TechCrunch

$10 Million For UpCounsel Means

Small Businesses Can Hire BigLaw
Christine Magee @christinekmagee / 3 years ago

UpCounsel, a marketplace for legal services, has pulled in $10 million in new funding to
provide small businesses with attorneys at a fraction of the cost of a big law firm.

Menlo Ventures led the Series A round, with participation from previous investors
Homebrew and Metamorphic Ventures, which brings the company’s funding total to $13.9

When businesses hire a lawyer from a top firm, the majority of the legal fees they pay are
not going directly to the attorney doing the work, according to UpCounsel co-founder and
CEO Matt Faustman, who previously worked as an attorney at international law firm Latham
& Watkins.

“Say I bill $300 per hour as a first-year associate,” Faustman says. “I only see $100 of that,
because a third is built up in overhead and another third goes to partner pay.”
By eliminating the partner pool and reducing overhead costs with its free practice
management software, UpCounsel charges clients a third of what a major law firm would
charge, on average, while their attorneys bring in a comparable salary.
For the 300 attorneys currently using UpCounsel, the company’s software handles
scheduling, payments, document organization and marketing. In the future, Faustman says
UpCounsel plans to roll out additional services for independent lawyers, such as
providing malpractice insurance. 1/2
1/15/2019 $10 Million For UpCounsel Means Small Businesses Can Hire BigLaw Attorneys | TechCrunch

Over 10,000 lawyers have registered for UpCounsel, but the company is carefully vetting
and accepting a limited number every month to maintain a high level of quality. Faustman
says that the average UpCounsel attorney has around 15 years of legal experience.
“Independent lawyers and small, loosely-affiliated law firms make up 60 to 70 percent of the
legal industry, and that number is growing,” says Faustman. “We’re moving toward this
freelance economy where and more of the legal industry is relying on the solo attorney.”

Currently, UpCounsel is focused on providing day-to-day legal services, such as commercial

contracts, patents, and employment agreements, rather than handling massive litigation.

Surprisingly, a number of big law firms are also using UpCounsel to find ad-hoc staff in
areas where they don’t have expertise.
“Hopefully we become the default place for businesses to find lawyers, as well as the
infrastructure layer for this new solo entrepreneur lawyer,” says Faustman. “If they can
easily manage all of the stuff that goes along with being an independent contractor, then
they can just focus on the work.” 2/2
1/15/2019 The Bay Area Dam May Be Breaking When It Comes To Associate Raises | Above the Law


The Bay Area Dam May Be

Breaking When It Comes To
Associate Raises
Litigation boutique ups salaries.

Jun 18, 2018 at 11:23 AM

weekend, a reader asked us
to shine a light on the
relatively slow pace of the
Bay Area firms when it
comes to matching the new
salary normal. Not that it’d been entirely quiet on the Western Front,
but the action was coming primarily from Bay Area firms with a
national presence.

For those of us wondering if this would be the raise that would inspire
firms outside of the hyper-competitive NY recruiting market
to reconsider the mad dash to match top dollar, this delay raised some
eyebrows. It’s one thing for the Dallas market to pump the brakes on
salaries… but the Bay Area?

And now, it looks like the dam has finally broken out West. A bevy of
California firms just matched, including San Francisco-based Keker.
Everyone in the Golden State can resume their vigorous chillaxation.

Tipsters report that Keker, the American Lawyer’s inaugural Litigation

Boutique of the Year, will join the prevailing salary scale. UPDATE:
For clarity, this means they are matching the salary scale but not
paying the summer bonuses many are distributing.

Click here to learn more about Context on Lexis Advance

It’s one more reminder that in a world where the gap between the
haves and have-nots in Biglaw continues to grow, the high-powered
boutiques are the big winners, capitalizing on the work clients don’t
want to send to the Biglaw elite, but can’t bring themselves to take to a
high-overhead, Biglaw mid-tier firm.

Congrats Keker associates. And congratulations to the rest of the Bay

Area firms that have to feel like raises are finally on their way.


Demo Smokeball in January and receive a 1 in TOP ARTICLES 5/6

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GREAT odds for seeing a GREAT practice management

We depend on your
tips to stay on top of this stuff. So when your firm matches, please text
us (646-820-8477) or email us (subject line: “[Firm Name] Raises
Salaries”). Please include the memo if available. You can take a photo Snowflakes That Stay On My Nose
of the memo and send it via text or email if you don’t want to forward A d
Eyelashes — See …
the original PDF or Word file. 1/3
1/15/2019 The Bay Area Dam May Be Breaking When It Comes To Associate Raises | Above the Law

And if you’d like to sign up for ATL’s Bonus Alerts (which is the alert
list we’ll also use for salary announcements), please scroll down and
enter your email address in the box below this post. If you previously
signed up for the bonus alerts, you don’t need to do anything. You’ll
receive an email notification within minutes of each bonus
announcement that we publish. Thanks!

Joe Patrice is an editor at Above the

Law and co-host of Thinking Like A
Lawyer. Feel free to email any tips,
questions, or comments. Follow
him on Twitter if you’re interested
in law, politics, and a healthy dose of college sports news.


The Gap Between Technology and Effective

In one of the more interesting dichotomies of this year’s Law
Department Operations Survey, 69 percent of law
department operations professionals say they have the right
technology to do their jobs. However, most technology is not
considered especially effective.
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1/15/2019 The Bay Area Dam May Be Breaking When It Comes To Associate Raises | Above the Law




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Salary Wars Scorecard: Which Firms Have Announced Raises And
 Bonuses? (2018)
Where does your law firm stand?


Jun 5, 2018 at 1:46 PM

70    

Since we broke the news of the new $190K salary scale for associates at large law firms in the United States — a trend that was started by
Milbank on Monday, June 4, 2018 — several firms have fallen in line and matched the scale, but dozens more firms have remained
completely silent. Maybe this Above the Law feature will encourage some more firms speak up…

Today, we unveil a table of all of the firms that have already matched the new salary scale, the markets where those matches were made,
whether bonuses were offered on top of raises, and the profits per partner (PPP) at those firms for your viewing pleasure. We will be 1/11
1/15/2019 Salary Wars Scorecard: Which Firms Have Announced Raises And Bonuses? (2018) | Above the Law

updating this table on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times, as news on raises unfolds. If you see any information here that is incorrect
or needs further clarification, let us know.

Remember, we are covering this trend extensively, so please drop us a line — text (646-820-8477) or email (subject line: “[Firm Name]
Matches Milbank”) — when you know of another firm making a compensation move. Please include the memo if available. You can take a
photo of the memo and send it via text or email if you don’t want to forward the original PDF or Word file. All sources are kept confidential.

Firm Date Matched Offices Matched Summers Matched Bonuses Am Law 100 PPP Rank

Milbank FIRST MOVER Global (excluding German Yes Yes 12: $3.46M
1st Year: $190K June 4, 2018 offices) 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $330K $340K June 19, 2018 8th Year: $25K

Hueston Hennigan June 4, 2018 Los Angeles, CA TBD No N/A

1st Year: $190K June 13, 2018 Newport Beach, CA
7th Year: $315K $325K

Proskauer June 5, 2018 Boston, MA Yes No Yes 26: $2.366M

1st Year: $190K June 29, 2018 Chicago, IL 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $330K $340K Los Angeles, CA 8th Year: $25K
New York, NY
Washington, D.C.

Winston & Strawn June 5, 2018 All U.S. Associates Yes No Yes (subject to 33: $2.158M
1st Year: $190K June 25, 2018 hours)
8th Year: $330K $340K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $25K

Simpson Thacher June 6, 2018 Global Yes Yes 9: $3.683M

1st Year: $190K June 14, 2018 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $330K $340K 8th Year: $25K

Barack Ferrazzano June 6, 2018 Chicago, IL Yes No N/A

1st Year: $190K
8th Year: TBA + $10K

Jones Day June 6, 2018 TBA Yes (this raise was No 73: $1.009M
1st Year: $190K retroactively
8th Year: TBA instituted for current
summers and future

Irell June 7, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes Am Law 200: $3.079M
1st Year: $190K June 18, 2018 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $330K $340K 8th Year: $25K

Selendy & Gay June 11, 2018 New York, NY Yes No N/A
1st Year: $190K June 15, 2018
8th Year: $330K $340K

70 Cravath NEW MARKET New York, NY Yes Yes 6: $4.002M

1st Year: $190K LEADER 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K June 11, 2018 8th Year: $25K

Holwell Shuster & June 12, 2018 New York, NY TBA Yes N/A
 Goldberg 1st Year: $5K
1st Year: $190K 8th Year+: $25K
 8th Year+: $340K

 Debevoise June 12, 2018 New York, NY TBA Yes 20: $2.827M
1st Year: $190K Washington, D.C. 1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $340K All international associates 6th Year+: $25K
on U.S. scale

Paul Weiss June 13, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes 4: $4.563M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
9th Year+: $350K 9th Year+: $25K

Sullivan & Cromwell June 13, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 5: $4.271M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Quinn Emanuel June 13, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes 2: $4.735M
1st Year: $190K London, UK 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Davis Polk June 14, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes 7: $3.7M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 6th Year+: $25K

Willkie Farr June 14, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 17: $2.969M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $25K 2/11
1/15/2019 Salary Wars Scorecard: Which Firms Have Announced Raises And Bonuses? (2018) | Above the Law
8th Year: $340K
MENU Seniors: $350K

Weil Gotshal June 14, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 10: $3.639M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Cleary June 14, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 16: $3.070M
1st Year and Int’l Lawyer 1st Year: $5K
Program: $190K 9th Year+: $25K
9th Year+: $350K

Skadden June 14, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes (subject to hours) 11: $3.471M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $340K 8th Year+: $25K

Kaplan & Company June 14, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA No N/A
1st Year: $190K
8th Year: $340K

Kirkland & Ellis June 14, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 3: $4.701M
1st Year: $190K London, UK 1st Year: $5K
6th Year: $305K 6th Year: $25K

Clifford Chance June 15, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes N/A
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
9th Year+: $350K 9th Year+: $25K

Cahill June 15, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 8: $3.693
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Goodwin June 15, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 35: $2.151
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
7th+ Year: $325K 7th Year+: $25K

Ropes & Gray June 15, 2018 All Associates on U.S. Scale Yes Yes 29: $2.315
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Freshfields June 15, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes N/A
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
9th Year+: $350K 9th Year+: $25K

Sidley Austin June 15, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 30: $2.260M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Morgan Lewis June 15, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 55: $1.368M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Wilson Sonsini June 15, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 32: $2.211M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
70 9th Year+: $350K 6th Year+: $25K
Keker June 15, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes No N/A
 1st Year: $190K
8th Year: $340K

Greenberg Gross June 16, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes N/A
 1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Gunderson June 17, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes (subject to hours) N/A
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

White & Case June 18, 2018 All U.S. Offices on NY Salary Yes Yes 30: $2.260M
1st Year: $190K Scale 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Fried Frank June 18, 2018 New York, NY Yes Yes 18: $2.942M
1st Year: $190K Washington, D.C. 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K London, UK 8th Year: $25K

Cooley June 18, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes No 37: $2.084M
1st Year: $190K
9th Year: $350K

Vinson & Elkins June 18, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 27: $2.361M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $340K 8th Year+: $25K

Kramer Levin June 19, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 34: $2.152M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
9th Year+: $350K 9th Year+: $25K 3/11
1/15/2019 Salary Wars Scorecard: Which Firms Have Announced Raises And Bonuses? (2018) | Above the Law
Munger Tolles June 19, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes (retroactive) Yes N/A
MENU 1st Year: $190K
8th Year+: $340K
1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $25K

Brown Rudnick June 19, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes No N/A
1st Year: $190K
7th Year+: $325K

Baker McKenzie June 20, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes 57: $1.3M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $340K 8th Year+: $25K

Schulte Roth June 20, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes (subject to hours) 23: $2.559M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
9th Year: $350K 9th Year: $25K

Dechert June 21, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes (subject to hours) 21: $2.683M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $340K 6th Year+: $25K

Orrick June 21, 2018 All U.S. Offices (excluding Yes Yes (subject to hours) 41: $1.863M
1st Year: $190K Seattle, WA; Portland, OR; 1st Year: $5K
Senior Year 2+: $340K Sacramento, CA which will Senior Year 2+: $25K
receive commensurate
raises on lower pay scale)

Akin Gump June 21, 2018 All Associates on U.S. Salary Yes Yes 25: $2.386M
1st Year: $190K Grid 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 6th Year+: $25K

Shearman & Sterling June 21, 2018 All U.S. Track Associates Yes Yes 28: $2.361M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 6th Year+: $25K

Gibson Dunn June 22, 2018 All U.S. Associates Yes Yes (good standing for 15: $3.240M
1st Year: $190K NY; subject to hours for
8th Year: $340K assocs outside NY)
1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $25K

Mayer Brown June 22, 2018 All U.S. Associates Yes Yes (subject to hours) 50: $1.575M
(subject to firm 1st Year: $5K
development hours) 8th Year: $25K
1st Year: $190K
8th Year: $340K

Herbert Smith Freehills June 22, 2018 New York, NY TBA No N/A
1st Year: $190K
8th Year: $340K

Stroock & Stroock & June 22, 2018 New York, NY (full match) TBA No N/A
Lavan Washington, D.C. (full match)
1st Year: $190K Miami, FL (based on Cravath
8th Year: $340K increase but adjusted for
70 Miami market standard)
SHARES Los Angeles, CA (full match
for 1st-4th years; 5th year+
 subject to individualized

Fenwick June 22, 2018 Global Yes Yes (subject to hours) 53: $1.513M
 (subject to hours) T1/L1: $5K
T1/L1: $190K T3: $25K
 T3: $325K (minimum)

Latham June 22, 2018 All U.S. Associates Yes Yes (subject to hours) 14: $3.246M
1st Year: $190K Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1st Year: $5K
9th Year+: $350K Dubai, UAE 8th Year+: $25K
Beijing, China
Hong Kong, China
Shanghai, China
London, UK

Hogan Lovells June 22, 2018 San Francisco, CA Yes Yes (subject to hours) 59: $1.283M
1st Year: $190K Silicon Valley, CA 1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $340K Los Angeles, CA 8th Year+: $25K
Balitmore, MD
Houston, TX
Philadelphia, PA
New York, NY
Washington, D.C.
Tysons Corner, VA
Boston, MA (increased to full
scale on 01/01/19)

O’Melveny June 25, 2018 All U.S. Associates TBA Yes (subject to hours) 38: $2.008M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K 4/11
1/15/2019 Salary Wars Scorecard: Which Firms Have Announced Raises And Bonuses? (2018) | Above the Law
8th Year: $340K 8th Year+: $25K
Covington June 25, 2018 All U.S. Associates Yes Yes 52: $1.543M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year+: $25K

Baker Botts June 25, 2018 All U.S. Associates Yes Yes (subject to hours) 42: $1.838M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year+: $340K 8th Year+: $25K

McDermott Will & Emery June 26, 2018 All U.S. Associates TBA Yes N/A
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Linklaters June 26, 2018 All U.S. Associates TBA Yes N/A
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Susman Godfrey June 26, 2018 All U.S. Associates TBA No N/A
1st Year: $195K
8th Year+: $345K

Desmarais June 26, 2018 New York, NY TBA Yes N/A

1st Year: $210K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $360K 8th Year: $25K

Lowenstein Sandler June 26, 2018 New York, NY Yes Yes (subject to hours) N/A
1st Year: $190K (NY, CA, Palo Alto, CA Individualized ($5K –
D.C.) Washington, D.C. $25K)
1st Year: $170K (NJ) Roseland, NJ

DLA Piper June 26, 2018 All U.S. Offices in Major Yes No Yes (subject to 43: $1.757M
1st Year: $190K Markets hours)
8th+ Year: $340K Individualized

Morrison & Foerster June 26, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes (subject to hours) 44: $1.736M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Paul Hastings June 27, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes (subject to hours) 19: $2.905M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Thompson & Knight June 27, 2018 All U.S.-Based Associates TBA Yes (discretionary; N/A
Level 1: $190K subject to hours)
Level 8: $340K

King & Spalding June 28, 2018 All U.S. Offices in Major Yes Yes (subject to hours) 22: $2.605M
1st Year: $190K Markets 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $340K 8th Year: $25K

Cadwalader June 28, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes (subject to hours) 24: $2.510M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
10th Year: $360K 10th Year: $25K
SHARES Patterson Belknap June 28, 2018 All U.S. Associates No Summer Program No N/A
1st Year: $190K
 7th Year: $325K

 Jenner & Block June 28, 2018 All U.S. Associates Yes Maybe in December 54: $1.417M
1st Year: $190K
 10th Year: $310K

Ahmad Zavitsanos June 28, 2018 Houston, TX TBA Yes N/A

Anaipakos (AZA) 1st Year: $5K
1st Year: $190K

Allen & Overy June 29, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes N/A
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
9th Year+: $350K 6th Year+: $25K

Norton Rose Fulbright June 29, 2018 New York, NY (full match) TBA Yes (NY/DC only; at 87: $860K
1st Year: $190K Washington, D.C. (full match) year’s end)
8th Year: $340K Texas (full match only for 1st 1st Year: $5K
& 2nd Years; all other class 8th Year: $25K
years must meet hours for
bonus that will make them
California (full match only for
1st & 2nd Years; all other
class years must meet hours
for bonus that will make
them whole)

Alston & Bird June 29, 2018 New York, NY TBA No 40: $1.926M
1st Year: $190K Washington, D.C.
8th Year: $340K Los Angeles, CA 5/11
1/15/2019 Salary Wars Scorecard: Which Firms Have Announced Raises And Bonuses? (2018) | Above the Law
Silicon Valley, CA
MENU Dallas, TX
Atlanta, GA (lower raise
Charlotte, NC: 1st Year:
$165K / 7th Year: $255K
Research Triangle, NC (lower
raise scale)

Olshan June 29, 2018 New York, NY Yes No N/A

1st Year: $180K Newark, NJ
8th Year: $290K

Choate Hall June 29, 2018 Boston, MA Yes Yes N/A

1st Year: $190K 1st Year/Patent
6th Year+: $305K Agents/Staff Scientists:
1st Year Counsel: $325K $5K
2nd Year Counsel: $340K 6th Year/Counsel: $25K
Patent Agents: +$7.5K
Staff Scientists: +$5K

Perkins Coie June 29, 2018 Chicago, IL (full match) Yes No 63: $1.173M
1st Year: $190K Dallas, TX (full match)
4th Year: $255K Los Angeles, CA (full match)
San Diego, CA (full match)
New York, NY (full match)
Washington, D.C. (full match)
Seattle, WA (full match for 1st
and 2nd Years for 1950
hours; no raise and “true up”
for 1850 hours)
Bellevue, WA (full match for
1st and 2nd Years for 1950
hours; no raise and “true up”
for 1850 hours)
Denver, CO (full match for 1st
and 2nd Years for 1950
hours; no raise and “true up”
for 1850 hours)
Portland, OR (no raise)
Madison, WI (no raise)
Phoenix, AZ (no raise)

WilmerHale July 2, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes Yes (subject to hours) 36: $2.116M
1st Year: $190K 1st Year: $5K
2nd Year Counsel+: 2nd Year Counsel+:
$340K $25K

Sheppard Mullin July 3, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes No 46: $1.710M
Associate 1: $190K
Counsel 2: $340K

Katten July 3, 2018 All U.S. Offices (excluding TBA No 51: $1.570M
70 (subject to hours) Charlotte, NC, which will
SHARES 1st Year: $190K receive commensurate
7th Year+: $325K raises on lower pay scale)

Yetter Coleman July 3, 2018 Houston, TX TBA Yes (not a match) N/A
 1st Year: $190K Standard Summer
8th Year: $340K Bonus
 EOY Bonuses

McGuireWoods July 5, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes (not a match) 71: $1.020M
 NO RAISES Large City Markets
Senior associates:
Midlevel associates:
Junior associates:
Other Markets
Senior associates:
Midlevel associates:
Junior associates:

Arnold & Porter July 6, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes No 61: $1.191M
1st Year: $190K
8th Year+: $340K

Kasowitz Benson July 9, 2018 New York, NY TBA No N/A

1st Year: $195K
9th Year: $355K

Duval & Stachenfeld July 10, 2018 New York, NY TBA No N/A 6/11
1/15/2019 Salary Wars Scorecard: Which Firms Have Announced Raises And Bonuses? (2018) | Above the Law
1st Year: $190K
MENU 8th Year: $300K

Dovel & Luner July 11, 2018 Santa Monica, CA Yes (retroactive to No N/A
1st Year: $215K summer start date)
6th Year: $330K

Pillsbury July 13, 2018 All U.S. Offices No Yes (half paid now, half $1.275M
NO RAISE paid at year-end)
1st Year: $25K
5th Year: $100K

Haynes & Boone July 13, 2018 New York, NY (full match) TBA Yes (subject to hours; $957K
1st Year: $190K All Other Offices paid at year-end)
8th Year: $340K (individualized) 1st Year: $5K
8th Year: $25K

Arent Fox July 13, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA No N/A
1st Year: $170K
8th Year: $???K

Locke Lord July 18, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes (subject to hours; $936K
1st Year: up to $187.5K discretionary)
10th Year: up to $340K 1st Year: $10K
10th Year: 85K

Warren Lex July 18, 2018 San Francisco, CA TBA No N/A

1st Year: $190K
8th Year: $340K

Foley Hoag July 18, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA No N/A
1st Year: $190K
3rd Year: $220K

McKool Smith July 19, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Individualized N/A
1st Year: $190K
8th Year: Individualized

Greenberg Traurig July 20, 2018 Chicago, IL TBA No 47: $1.634M

1st Year: $190K New York, NY
8th Year: $340K Philadelphia, PA
(Raise only certain practice

Bracewell July 23, 2018 All U.S. Offices Yes No N/A

1st Year: $190K
8th Year: $340K

Smyser Kaplan & Veselka July 23, 2018 Houston, TX TBA No N/A
1st Year: $190K
7th Year: $285K

Boies Schiller July 24, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA Yes (early payouts from 13: $3.273M
1st Year: $190K EOY bonus)
70 7th Year: $325K 1st Year: $5k
SHARES 7th Year: $25K

 Foley & Lardner July 28, 2018 Major Markets TBA No 64: $1.167M
1st Year: $190K
 8th Year: ???

 Steptoe & Johnson July 30, 2018 Phoenix, AZ ($8K raises) TBA No 77: $976K
1st Year: $190K San Francisco, CA
 2nd Year: $200K Los Angeles, CA
All Others: Individualized Washington, D.C.
Chicago, IL
New York, NY

Mintz Levin July 30, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA No 58: $1.294M
1st Year: $190K
2nd Year: $200K
3rd Year: $220K
All Others: Not full

Hunton Andrews Kurth July 30, 2018 Washington, D.C. TBA No N/A
1st Year: $190K Los Angeles, CA
All Others: Individualized San Francisco, CA
Austin, TX
Dallas, TX
Houston, TX
New York, NY
Miami, FL (1st Year: $175K)
Richmond, VA (1st Year:

Wiley Rein August 1, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA No N/A 7/11
1/15/2019 Salary Wars Scorecard: Which Firms Have Announced Raises And Bonuses? (2018) | Above the Law
Reed Smith August 1, 2018 Century City (LA), CA TBA No Summer Bonuses 62: $1.178M
1st Year: $180K Los Angeles, CA Increases to Non-
8th Year: $340K San Francisco, CA Discretionary Bonuses
Palo Alto, CA (subject to hours)
Chicago, IL
New York, NY
Washington, D.C.
Austin, TX
Houston, TX
McLean, VA

Taylor Wessing August 1, 2018 London, UK TBA No N/A

NQs: £71,000

Bryan Cave Leighton August 6, 2018 Major Markets TBA No 89: $804K
Paisner (1st Years in smaller markets
1st Years: $170K will receive $5K raises)
8th Years: ???

Kellogg Hansen August 8, 2018 Washington, D.C. TBA No N/A

1st Year: $225K
6th Year: $345K

Fish & Richardson August 9, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA No 48: $1.630M
NO RAISES September 26, 2018
1st Year: $190K
7th Year: $325K

Quarles & Brady August 9, 2018 All U.S. Offices TBA No N/A
$10K raise for all class

Troutman Sanders August 15, 2018 1st-Year: $145K TBA No 70: $1.058M
First-Years: Raise Portland, OR
depends on location Virginia Beach, VA
All Other Years: 1st-Year: $165K
Individualized Atlanta, GA
Charlotte, NC
Raleigh, NC
Richmond, VA
1st-Year: $190K
Orange County, CA
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
Washington, D.C.
Chicago, IL
New York, NY

Kilpatrick Townsend August 24, 2018 1st-Year: $165K TBA No 72: $1.011M
1st Year: $190K Atlanta, GA
All Other Class Years: North Carolina
Individualized 1st-Year: $190K
70 California
 New York, NY
Washington, D.C.
 IP Team in Seattle, WA
All Other 1st-Years: $10K

Loeb & Loeb August 29, 2018 Los Angeles, CA TBA Yes (end-of-year N/A
 1st Year: $190K San Francisco, CA bonuses; subject to
8th Year: $275K Washington, D.C. hours)
Chicago, IL 1st Year: $5K – $25K
New York, NY 8th Year: $55K – $175K

Earlier: New York To $190K — No, Cravath Didn’t Make The First Move

Staci Zaretsky has been an editor at Above the Law since 2011. She’d love to hear from you, so please feel free to email
her with any tips, questions, comments, or critiques. You can follow her on Twitter or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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SHARES 11/11
Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 82 Filed 12/26/18 Page 1 of 5

December 26, 2018

Raj V. Abhyanker
(650) 965-8731


The Honorable Donna M. Ryu
United States District Court. Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building
1301 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612

Re: Joint Letter, Inadequate Production responsive to Plaintiff RAPC’s First Set
of Production Requests from September 13, 2018 (4:18-cv-02573-YGR)

Dear Judge Ryu:

Plaintiff LegalForce RAPC Worldwide P.C. (RAPC) submits this joint letter
regarding a discovery dispute of Plaintiff’s RAPC’s First Set of Production Requests
from September 13, 2018 & evidence of ​manufactured ​evidence. RAPC informed
Defendant UpCounsel, Inc. (“UpCounsel”) of their intention to file a Joint Letter in
advance of a Meet & Confer on December 18, 2018. RAPC provided to UpCounsel a
draft of their position in this Joint Letter on December 20, 2018 after a second Meet &
Confer failed to result in a resolution. Instead of providing a full response to this joint
letter, UpCounsel wants to “continue our dialog” into the new year, leaving little option
to RAPC to file this letter now or risk not receiving substantially responsive documents
until near the end of discovery. First, RAPC moves the Court to (i) compel Defendant to
substantively complete their document production by January 25, 2019. Second, RAPC
moves the Court to (ii) compel Defendant to explain fully the manufactured evidence
mixed in to the first set of production as explained below.
The parties’ positions on the both issues are set out in pages 3-5. Attached hereto
as ​Exhibit A​ are RAPC’s First Set of RFPs to UpCounsel and UpCounsel’s responses.
Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 82 Filed 12/26/18 Page 2 of 5

Respectfully submitted,



/s/ Raj V. Abhyanker

Nic Marais Raj Abhyanker

Attorney for Defendant Attorney for Plaintiff

UpCounsel, Inc. LegalForce RAPC Worldwide P.C.

Relevant Case Management Deadlines

Event Date

Non-expert discovery cut-off February 25, 2019

Hearing on Motion to Quash February 28, 2019 at 9am

Disclosure of expert reports Opening: March 15, 2019

Rebuttal: April 5, 2019

Expert discovery cut-off April 19, 2019

Dispositive motions/​Daubert Filing: April 23, 2019

motions To be heard by: May 28, 2019

Compliance hearing August 23, 2019, 9:00 a.m.

Joint pretrial conference statement August 30, 2019

Pretrial conference September 13, 2019, 9:00 a.m.

Trial date September 30, 2019, 8:30 a.m.

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 82 Filed 12/26/18 Page 3 of 5

A. RAPC’s Position:
Issue 1: Whether UpCounsel must produce documents in response to
RAPC’s document requests and explain manufactured invoices.

UpCounsel has produced ​very little ​with respect to RAPC’s key production
requests identified herein to outside counsel Jorge Amador and Emil Ali who are now
custodians of highly confidential discovery. A vast portion of the hundreds of
UpCounsel’s pages of production are just print-outs available from public sources. Not a
single email between officers, directors or employees has been produced. No tax returns
have been produced demonstrating assets, profits, or losses. Nothing is ESI evidence with
any meta-data. Only a few documents (a few dozen) are relevant to any of the requests.
Among the few relevant documents produced by UpCounsel are documents
apparently ​manufactured ​for the purposes of this litigation. These manufactured
documents are mixed in, and can sometimes be identified by depictions of non-existent
users of UpCounsel “Mason Client” and “Mason Attorney”, or dates as late as September
2018, months after this litigation commenced. What makes the manufactured documents
notable as they seem to be materially ​altered ​from what customers actually received
(based on comparisons with similar documents received from third parties).
Manufactured documents seem to attempt rectifying some issues alleged in the operative
complaint. RAPC has asked for but has not received an explanation of who created them,
when they were created, if they were actually distributed to users on UpCounsel, why
they were provided to the RAPC mixed in as legitimate document production, and any
and all communications including meta-data associated with their creation. RAPC
demands unaltered source documents associated with these documents as RAPC has
reason to believe that they were invented to deceive the Plaintiffs. Only after being
caught, did outside counsel for UpCounsel feebly try to justify the manufactured
documents as “explaining concepts” not responsive to any particular RFP. However,
they could not identify a single RFP explained by these documents.

Additionally, below is an item by item explanation of some of the key

deficiencies in UpCounsel’s production.

1. UpCounsel produced nothing with respect to Request No. 1 ​which requested

“​All documents that refer or relate to board meeting minutes or notes, cap tables, and
valuations of UpCounsel from the date UpCounsel was formed till now.​” Production
responsive to this request is needed because it is likely to lead to admissible evidence
because it may show knowledge and bad faith among UpCounsel and its investors, as
well as may be relevant to damages with respect to valuation growth of UpCounsel.
2. UpCounsel produced nothing with respect to Request No. 2 ​which requested
“All communications among Your management and employees referring or relating to
the phrase “Top 5%” from the date UpCounsel was formed till now.” In fact, despite
thousands of pages on the UpCounsel website showing “Top 5%” in page titles,
UpCounsel has not produced a single document that shows ​any ​communications referring
to “Top 5%” between any employees much less any of the senior management including

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 82 Filed 12/26/18 Page 4 of 5

Faustman, Blake (who you identified as a 30(b)(6) witness) or Parks. Production

responsive to this request is needed because it is likely to lead to admissible evidence,
and may show knowledge and bad faith among UpCounsel and its management team.
3. UpCounsel produced nothing with respect to Request No. 3 ​which requested
“All documents that refer or relate to the weekly, monthly or annual metrics of all
marketing and sales employees at UpCounsel” w ​ hich is relevant to fee sharing​.
4. UpCounsel produced nothing with respect to Request No. 4 ​which requested
“All tax returns and financial documents that describe the total annual revenues of
UpCounsel, how those revenues are calculated and across which geographies and legal
practice areas, from 2014 till now. ​UpCounsel did not produce a single responsive
document. UpCounsel produced no tax returns of any kind, much less cash flows,
balance sheets, or financial documents. RAPC is entitled to tax returns and financial
documents from UpCounsel because it will show data needed by experts to analyze
relevant revenues, expenses, assets, and losses in determining damages.
5. With respect to Request No. 5-6 ​which requested Documents sufficient to show
the names and email addresses of each and every customer and attorney user who, from
May 2014 till now, used for trademark, patent, copyright, corporate
formation and stock and equity structuring services. UpCounsel produced not a single
responsive document. RAPC (through outside experts/surveys directly coordinating
with outside counsel) seeks to interview customers and attorneys on UpCounsel to
determine whether they clearly understood UpCounsel’s fee structures. RAPC also seeks
to survey customers to determine if customers believed they were hiring an attorney in
the “Top 5%” of attorneys in their local area. RAPC outside counsel and experts also
need this information to further demonstrate that at least some UpCounsel customers are
also RAPC clients, or otherwise located in the same cities in which RAPC has significant
numbers of trademark, patent or corporate clients to calculate damages.
6. UpCounsel produced nothing with respect to Request No. 9 ​which requested
“D​ ocuments describing the amount and method of calculation of bonus and incentive
compensation paid to all marketing and sales staff at UpCounsel from May 2014 till
now.” ​This information is relevant to fee sharing allegations in the complaint.
7. UpCounsel produced nothing with respect to Jeff Chen in Requests 10-14 :
A. Request No. 10 which requested ​“All documents substantiating or supporting Your
employee Jeff Chen’s statement “Increased organic search traffic 700%+” Year over
Year to 2.4+ million visitors per year” as alleged in the FAC ¶ 62.”​
B. Request No. 11 ​which requested “​All documents substantiating or supporting Your
employee Jeff Chen’s statement “Increased ‘revenue 300%+ YoY, tripled the largest
marketing channel, set new traffic and revenue records almost every month for past
12 months…​” as alleged in the FAC ¶ 62.”
C. Request No. 12 ​which requested “​All documents substantiating or supporting Your
employee Jeff Chen’s statement “Ranked ‘90,000+ new unbranded keywords with
15,000+ keywords in top 10…’” ​as alleged in the FAC ¶ 62.
D. Request No. 13 ​which requested ​“All documents substantiating or supporting Your
employee Jeff Chen’s statement “Helped to capture ‘$8.4 million of Adwords
traffic/year” as free traffic thanks to UpCounsel’s search engine optimization
techniques.’”​ as alleged in the FAC ¶ 62​.

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 82 Filed 12/26/18 Page 5 of 5

E. Request No. 14 ​which requested ​“All documents that refer to relate to any and all
employment agreements, bonuses, metrics, and incentives associated with your
employee Jeff Chen.​”
Jeff Chen’s name was not even mentioned in any documents produced, much less any
communications related to Mr. Chen’s statement here, and this information is needed for
experts and outside counsel to analyze damages with respect to the alleged Lanham false
advertising violations, and their impact to RAPC’s business.
8. UpCounsel produced NOTHING with respect to Request No. 19 ​related to
responsive documents of how customer “Success Fees” have been calculated since 2014.
9. UpCounsel produced nothing with respect to Request No. 21 ​which requested
“All documents and communications that relate or refer to any complaints or fee disputes
filed by UpCounsel’s Employer Users or Consultant Users from May 2014 to now.​”
10. UpCounsel produced nothing with respect to Request No. 24 which requested
“​All documents, communications, invoices, and financial reports that describe the total
dollar amount of all Paid Search advertising purchased by You on Google and Bing from
May 2014 to now for online ads related to intellectual property services (trademark,
patent, copyright) in the United States​.” UpCounsel produced not a single responsive
document with respect to requests 19, 21, and 24.
Full production (including ESI with metadata) responsive to requests 1-6, 9-14,
19, 21, and 24 is essential because it is likely to lead to admissible evidence, and is
relevant to Lanham and unfair competition claims alleged in this case as well as damages.

B. UpCounsel’s Position:

Despite repeated requests to provide a formal position, UpCounsel only provided a

position via email on this discovery dispute through counsel Nic Marais who on Monday
Dec 24, 2018 at 6:37 PM substantially wrote :

“…...Last week, we had two lengthy and productive meet-and-confer calls with your
lawyers, Emil Ali and Jorge Amodar. During those calls, we covered each of Plaintiffs’
overbroad discovery requests and discussed a number of productive compromises. We
have made clear that we are willing to produce certain categories of documents on a
schedule that applies to both sides—subject to the compromises we negotiated and just as
soon as Plaintiffs sign an ESI stipulation and explain in writing what they will produce.
We will continue our dialog with Mr. Ali and Mr. Amodar in the new year……”

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 96 Filed 01/10/19 Page 1 of 6

January 10, 2019


The Honorable Donna M. Ryu
United States District Court. Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building
1301 Clay Street, Oakland, CA 94612

Re: Joint Letter re Plaintiff RAPC’s First Set of Production Requests

Dear Judge Ryu:

Plaintiff LegalForce RAPC Worldwide P.C. (RAPC) and Defendant UpCounsel, Inc.
(“UpCounsel”) submit this joint letter regarding Plaintiff RAPC’s First Set of Production
Requests from September 13, 2018, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A along with
UpCounsel’s responses. Per this court’s request, RAPC and UpCounsel met and conferred
again on January 8, 2019 and reached a number of compromises. The parties have been
unable to resolve a handful of issues, though, which are set out below.
Relevant case management deadlines in this case are as follows: non-expert
discovery cutoff is February 25, 2019; the expert discovery cutoff is April 19, 2019;
dispositive motions are due by April 23, 2019; dispositive motions must be heard by May
28, 2019; the pretrial conference is scheduled for September 13, 2019; and trial is currently
set to begin on September 30, 2019.

* * *

RAPC’s Position

After the meet and confer yesterday on January 8, 2019, UpCounsel is now willing
to produce additional responsive information, but nothing additional has yet been produced
by UpCounsel as of the writing of this joint letter. Specifically, to date, UpCounsel has
produced very little with respect to RAPC’s key production requests identified herein to
outside counsel Jorge Amador and Emil Ali who are now custodians of highly confidential
discovery. Not a single email between officers, directors or employees has been produced.
No tax returns have been produced demonstrating assets, profits, or losses. Nothing is ESI
evidence with any meta-data. Some of these issues UpCounsel is now committed to
producing. However, RAPC requests that the court compel them to produce substantially all
remaining discovery items no later than January 25, 2019.

The remaining issues requiring the court’s guidance will now be described.

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 96 Filed 01/10/19 Page 2 of 6

A. Continuing Dispute 1: Whether UpCounsel must produce responsive documents

involving corporate services in all remaining discovery requests.

For reasons unknown to RAPC, UpCounsel steadily refuses to produce responsive

documents in any response related to corporate services alleged in the first amended
complaint. UpCounsel unilaterally chooses to limit its production to just trademark and
patent services. RAPC has provided sufficient evidence including financial reports
explaining why and how RAPC has significant revenues related to corporate services
including with respect to incorporations, corporate contracts, licensing agreements,
settlement agreements and ownership transfer agreements to UpCounsel.

B. Continuing Dispute 2: Whether UpCounsel must produce metrics and detailed

reports of “valuations” of its company over time in response to Request No #1.

RAPC has explained to UpCounsel that an expert that it has retained and others it is
exploring retaining have requested detailed valuations of UpCounsel, along with metrics
needed to achieve each valuation increase. The reason for this is because RAPC’s damages
theories lie in the form of lost profits caused by UpCounsel’s reliance of millions of dollars
of outside venture capital likely predicated on increasing revenue and market share even at
a substantial operating loss to eliminate competition, including competition from the
RAPC has explained this phenomenon is not new. In fact, RAPC has explained to
UpCounsel that Uber and UpWork, two websites funded by the same venture capitalists
funding UpCounsel effectively burned through tens of millions of dollars (an in the case of
Uber, billions) to outspend at a loss to capture ever increasing market share and thereby and
eliminate competition from competing websites and taxi companies in efforts to create an
effective monopoly.
RAPC has also pointed out that UpCounsel’s own CEO Faustman, in public
presentations, has said his aims to emulate marketplaces such as this because Faustman says
he wants to create a monopoly when he admits he wants to create one of the “biggest
monopolies in the world”1 because “they are the hardest type of businesses to kill no matter
how much you want to kill them, no matter how much you hate them, they are really, really
hard to kill them once you actually get them moving.”2 Faustman cites examples of Uber
and AirBnB as his models because they are “two of the fastest growing companies as far as
valuation are both marketplaces.”3
In other words, RAPC requests detailed valuations and metrics associated with these
valuations because Plaintiffs believe and allege that UpCounsel competes unfairly in large
part because it uses outsized venture capital funds to unfairly capture market share and
revenue otherwise vested in Plaintiffs and effectively destroy all competition, including
competition from the Plaintiffs by outspending on advertising even when it runs in and likely
operates with an operational loss supported by negative cash flows artificially bolstered by
outside venture capital.

1 Persian Tech Conference 2014,

2 Persian Tech Conference 2014,
3 Persian Tech Conference 2014,

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 96 Filed 01/10/19 Page 3 of 6

C. Continuing Dispute 3: Whether RAPC should be forced to submit new

production requests in narrowing discovery requests 10-13 as marked below.

RAPC has substantially agreed to narrow its discovery requests 10-13 as marked
below. However, UpCounsel insists that entirely new RFPs be submitted so that they can
produce documents according to the requests below. RAPC is willing to do this (and will do
so), but given that discovery cut-off is imminent on February 25, 2019, RAPC does not
believe that it should be required to wait an additional month for the UpCounsel to respond
to the narrowed discovery requests below, and requests that the court compel UpCounsel to
produce responsive documents to the narrowed RPFs by January 25, 2019, so that it receives
them in time to review before depositions of defendants in this case.


All documents emails and documents reporting or explaining increases in
substantiating or supporting Your employee Jeff Chen’s statement “Increased organic search
traffic on the UpCounsel website 700%+” Year over Year to 2.4+ million visitors per year”
sent to management by Jeff Chen, and any associated email responses from management to
Jeff Chen. as alleged in the FAC ¶ 62.
All documents emails and documents reporting or explaining increases in
substantiating or supporting Your employee Jeff Chen’s statement “Increased ‘revenue
300%+ YoY, tripled the largest marketing channel, and set new traffic and revenue records
almost every month for past 12 months…’” as alleged in the FAC ¶ 62. sent to management
by Jeff Chen, and any associated email responses from management to Jeff Chen.
All documents emails and documents reporting or explaining increases in ranking of
substantiating or supporting Your employee Jeff Chen’s statement “Ranked ‘90,000+ new
unbranded keywords sent to management by Jeff Chen, and any associated email responses
from management to Jeff Chen. with 15,000+ keywords in top 10…’” as alleged in the FAC
¶ 62.
All documents emails and documents reporting or explaining capture of
substantiating or supporting Your employee Jeff Chen’s statement “Helped to capture ‘$8.4
million of Adwords traffic/year” as free traffic sent to management by Jeff Chen, and any
associated email responses from management to Jeff Chen. thanks to UpCounsel’s search
engine optimization techniques.’” as alleged in the FAC ¶ 62.

D. Continuing Dispute 4: Whether RAPC should be be provided contact

information for each attorney and each customer on UpCounsel with respect to
patent, trademark, and corporate services.

RAPC seeks this information in discovery requests 5-6 so that RAPC can have
outside consultants poll customers and attorneys on UpCounsel whether they understood the
fees they would be assessed. UpCounsel refuses to share this information, even designated
as highly confidential.

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 96 Filed 01/10/19 Page 4 of 6

UpCounsel’s Position

Although irrelevant to the issues they raise, Plaintiffs complain at length that UpCounsel
has produced “very little.” UpCounsel’s efforts to push discovery forward in this case
have been hindered by Plaintiffs’ own delays. They refused to retain counsel in this matter
until the Court ordered them to do so. Once they did, UpCounsel produced hundreds of
pages of documents, and within days, had fully complied with a dozen of Plaintiffs’ RFPs
(on which even Plaintiffs do not now move). We promptly conferred at length with
Plaintiffs’ new lawyers, and agreed with them to compromises that resolved the RFPs at
issue in this letter. But then, just hours later, Mr. Abhyanker walked those agreements
back—stripping his lawyers of “any authority to negotiate” and opting instead to file a
unilateral letter brief. As a result, UpCounsel was forced to re-negotiate these same
requests a second time. UpCounsel will continue to work diligently to produce responsive
documents, and hopes that Plaintiffs will cooperate.

Issue 1: Financial data about UpCounsel’s “corporate” services is irrelevant.

This case has always been about patent and trademark services—areas in which
Plaintiffs allege that UpCounsel competes with them. LegalForce’s website describes the
firm as “protect[ing] more intellectual property than any other law firm in the United
States.” Mr. Abhyanker’s personal blog boasts of his “fourteen years as a lawyer for
trademark and patent filings.” The original complaint described the plaintiffs as
“practic[ing] patent and trademark law,” see Dkt. 1 ¶¶ 12–13. During meet-and-confer,
Plaintiffs admitted that Trademarkia does not generate any revenue from “corporate
services”; and, even for RAPC, “corporate services” constitutes a tiny fraction of its
practice and comprises work that is derived almost entirely from its patent and trademark
It is true that, in their Amended Complaint, Plaintiffs added passing references to
“corporate services.” But that allegation alone is not enough to expand discovery to reach
every aspect of UpCounsel’s business. The test for Plaintiffs’ RFPs is not “conceivable
relevance”—it is whether the requests are “proportional to the needs of the case” in light of
“the issues at stake in the action.” In light of the Court’s recent order on Plaintiffs’ fee-
sharing allegations, see Dkt. 95 at 25:20–26:10, it is difficult to see how even UpCounsel’s
trademark-related revenues are relevant. Nevertheless, in the spirit of compromise,
UpCounsel has offered to produce (a) copies of its tax returns, which will detail all of the
company’s revenues and expenses; and (b) detailed breakdowns of its revenues in the
patent and trademark categories on its website. Plaintiffs have apparently rejected that
offer. The Court should reject Plaintiffs’ attempt at a fishing expedition.

Issue 2: UpCounsel’s valuations are irrelevant.

When it comes to Plaintiffs’ compound, multi-part Request No. 1, the Parties have
largely reached agreement: UpCounsel will produce Board minutes that relate to the
allegations of this case (but not to valuations); Plaintiffs have acknowledged that
capitalization tables are irrelevant. The only remaining dispute is about valuations of
From the outset, UpCounsel has expressed concern that Plaintiffs—who style
themselves as competitors—are using this lawsuit to learn more about UpCounsel’s
business. Plaintiffs now want to use Request No. 1 to demand any valuations of

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 96 Filed 01/10/19 Page 5 of 6

UpCounsel, but they have been unable to articulate why those documents are relevant.
They argue above that their “damages theories lie in the form of lost profits caused by
UpCounsel’s reliance of millions of dollars of outside venture capital.” Plaintiffs seek only
injunctive relief under the UCL, not money damages; when it comes to their Lanham Act
claim, their damages are limited to “(1) defendant’s profits, (2) any damages sustained by
the plaintiff, and (3) the costs of the action… 15 U.S.C.A. § 1117; see also Cook, Perkiss
& Liehe, Inc. v. N. California Collection Serv. Inc., 911 F.2d 242, 244 (9th Cir. 1990) (to
bring a false advertising claim under the Lanham Act, a plaintiff must show damages
“either by direct diversion of sales from itself to defendant, or by lessening of the good will
which its products enjoy with the buying public”). What UpCounsel is worth has no
bearing on “damages sustained by the plaintiff.” Plaintiffs will have to demonstrate that by
reference to either UpCounsel’s or Plaintiffs’ own revenues. And UpCounsel has agreed
to produce its tax returns, which will show (a) its revenues, (b) its expenses, and even (c)
whether UpCounsel has “burned through tens of millions of dollars … to outspend at a
loss.” Plaintiffs have not explained why they need more—nor do they above.

Issue 3: RAPC cannot circumvent Rule 34’s 30-day deadline.

Plaintiffs’ Requests 10–13 originally sought documents “substantiating or
supporting” hearsay statements allegedly made by a third party on his LinkedIn profile. In
late December, UpCounsel explained that these requests were improper, and Plaintiffs’
outside counsel agreed to table them. Plaintiffs’ in-house counsel have also made no effort
to defend the original requests. Instead, they want to rewrite them entirely, generally
making them even broader than their improper originals. (For example, the brand-new
Request No. 10 seeks “all emails” among UpCounsel’s management related to “changes in
organic search traffic on the UpCounsel website in the years 2016, 2017, 2018.”) If
Plaintiffs want to serve new RFPs, they can and should; UpCounsel will respond to those
requests pursuant to the Rules and will meet and confer in good-faith to discuss their
scope. But Plaintiffs cannot circumvent the 30-day deadline set by Rule 34 and demand
that UpCounsel immediately produce documents responsive to requests they haven’t even
served. This issue simply isn’t ripe.

Issue 4: Requests for the identity and contact information of every attorney or
customer who has used the UpCounsel platform are irrelevant and overbroad.
Requests 5–6 ask UpCounsel to turn over the names and contact information of
“each and every customer” and “each and every attorney” who has used the UpCounsel
platform since 2014. That request is overbroad. It seeks competitively sensitive
information—UpCounsel’s entire user base. Plaintiffs’ CEO has openly said that his goal
is to contact each and every one of these individuals, presumably to explain his allegations
and to continue his efforts to drive UpCounsel’s user base away from the platform.
(Plaintiffs have sued 51 individual UpCounsel users in state court, and confessed to
contacting others to try to enlist them as “witnesses” for the plaintiffs.) Worse, Plaintiffs
have no basis for requesting this information: if they want to conduct a survey about
consumer confusion, they can do so by polling members of the public. Despite
UpCounsel’s request, Plaintiffs have been unable to identify a single court order requiring
the relief they seek here.

Respectfully, UpCounsel requests that the Court deny each of Plaintiffs’ requests.

Case 4:18-cv-02573-YGR Document 96 Filed 01/10/19 Page 6 of 6

* * *


/s/ Simona A. Agnolucci /s/ Raj Abhyanker

1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

San Francisco Business Attorneys & Lawyers

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Top Rated Attorneys

Our Lawyers Business California San Francisco Attorneys

Joshua Garber
216 reviews
Representing notable clients like Tesla and the City of Los Angeles, Josh Garber excels at helping clients with
employment and labor laws. Many of his past clients have had great success using Josh for employment
agreements and Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) hearings. With his practical advice, he has
even helped clients avoid going to court.

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John Fallone
71 reviews
John Fallone thinks big and gets it done. As an early-stage company attorney, John is also a co-founder of
SendHub, the cloud-based phone system making it easier for today’s businesses to communicate with
customers and employees. A self-identified geek of processes and efficiency, John plans to get an MBA from
Duke’s Fuqua School of Business 1/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

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Jann Moorhead
69 reviews
Jann Moorhead is a global transactional attorney with 25 years of experience representing established
international companies and startups. She was the lead attorney for the Star Wars franchise and was in charge
of negotiating the licensing activities. She has also negotiated many agreements for licensing, distribution,
business transactions, privacy, and other commercial contracts across many industries such as consumer
products, media, technology, software, and e-commerce.

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Ashley Talbot
58 reviews
Ashley Talbot is a business attorney that has gained extensive experience while acting as an outside general
counsel for various corporate clients. She primarily focuses on providing legal assistance to small business,
startups and entrepreneurs. Ashley has a J.D. in law and a B.A. in Business Administration, which she
obtained from the University of San Diego. She founded her own law office, Talbot Law Firm, in 2015.

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Jesko Onken
47 reviews
Licensed in California and Germany, Jesko Onken offers cost-effective legal advice to small and midsize
companies. A speaker of German, French, and Italian, Mr. Onken provides services in business law and
international legal management. He specializes in entity formation, business contracts, corporate compliance,
immigration, licensing, and securities.

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Christopher Borders
44 reviews
The future is now and Christopher Borders not only envisioned it, but he made it happen. His practice provides
practical and personal legal services for businesses in an ever-changing, tech-driven world. He is the co-
founder and CEO of NOWArchive (24/7 real-time video uploads) and co-founder and Operations Director of
Shestock (first and only female-centric imagery by female photographers).

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Irvin Tyan
43 reviews
Navigating the legal world as a startup can be intimidating and overwhelming. That is why experienced
attorneys like Irvin Tyan are an absolute must-have. Mr. Tyan can help your startup with a variety of issues, 3/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel
including intellectual property, contract drafting, portfolio analysis, and commercial litigation. He can also help
with employment issues and competitive landscape analysis.

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Brad Bertoglio
22 reviews
Intellectual property is especially important for businesses that are experiencing growth. Brad Bertoglio focuses
his practice on obtaining intellectual property rights for businesses of all types, with emphasis on growth
companies. He offers expert legal advice that fast-paced, growing companies can trust. High-quality service is
important to Mr. Bertoglio and that is what he provides.

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Dan Blomgren
13 reviews
Dan Blomgren co-founded Ceopio Legal with a simple objective: help small business and startups at all stages
of their growth. He helps these business with all different types of legal needs including financing, operations,
disputes, and entity formations. His passion for helping small businesses stems from his own business
experience when he started a small catering business as a college student.

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Eric Chung
10 reviews
Eric Chung has had experience as a General Counsel, chief compliance officer, corporate lawyer, fund-
formation lawyer and a real estate lawyer. Eric has worked for companies such as Atmel Corporation and
Protiviti Inc. He is currently the Founder of the Officer of Lighthaven Capital Management, LLC - his main focus
areas include Corporate Governance and Fundamental Analysis. In 1996, he graduated with his J.D. from the
Vanderbilt University Law School.

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Drew Sanchez
9 reviews
Drew Sanchez has more than six years of experience as a corporate attorney. He primarily specializes in
business formation, business operations, employment law and commercial contracts. Drew obtained his Juris
Doctor degree in 2010, after he graduated from the Santa Clara University School of Law. He has been
licensed to practice law in California. Drew has been a sole practitioner since 2011. Prior to this position, Drew
was an independent counselor at The 42nd Group.

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Feras Mousilli
7 reviews 5/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel
Feras Mousilli is a technology lawyer with 14 years of experience. He is licensed to practice law in Texas and is
also a member of the Texas Patent Bar. Feras holds a J.D. in law, which he obtained after graduating from the
University of Texas School of Law. Feras has represented Apple, Dell, Riverbed Technology and numerous
other corporate clients. Since June 2016, Feras has been a managing partner at Lloyd Mousilli, LLC.

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Owen Benito
7 reviews
Patrick Benito is a corporate attorney with four years’ experience. He primarily specializes in providing legal
assistance to companies in the technology industry, with a strong focus on clients that focuses on e-commerce,
virtual reality, artificial intelligence and related sectors. Patrick is licensed to practice law in California and the
District of Columbia. Since February 2015, Patrick has been the managing attorney of his own law firm.

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Nate Kelly
7 reviews
Nate Kelly can help with intellectual property, corporate organization and finance, contract drafting and
negotiation, dispute resolution, and employment issues. He provides services to businesses that are designed
to be a complete solution, regardless of their business law issue. His finance experience includes securities
and collateralized debt obligations, alternative investments, and stock issuance.

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Jason Balogh
6 reviews
Jason is an attorney at Lerch Sturmer LLP who handles insurance coverage, professional liability, and
premises liability case. He has successfully represented many clients in complex, multi-party litigation with
liability exposure. Outside of the firm, Jason volunteers as a Pro Bono Attorney for the National Center for
Refugee & Immigrant Children.

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Lemoine Skinner
4 reviews
Lemoine has a BA from Princeton and graduated second in his class from Hastings College of Law. He has 30
years experience with top tax and trust and estate law firms in San Francisco and Los Angeles and was
counsel for two years at Wilson Sonsini. He has advised clients in technology, securities, and other industries
on the legal aspects of: entity formations, reorganizations, and dissolutions; commercial real estate loans;
mergers and acquisitions; and other business transactions.

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Aaron Belcher
3 reviews 7/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

After working for several large law firms, Aaron Belcher found himself growing tired of the same old
bureaucracy, so he decided to start his own firm, APB Law. He prides himself on being selective about the
clients that he works with in order to be sure that he can best provide them with the legal services they need.
He aims to be responsive, flexible, and creative when it comes to fees.

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Adam Forest
2 reviews
Adam Forest is a corporate attorney with more than eight years of experience. He focuses on companies in the
technology industry. Adam has been licensed to practice law in California and received his legal degree from
the University of California in Los Angeles. Adam has also been admitted to the State Bar of California. While
Adam primarily specializes in commercial contracts, he is able to assist with any legal matters related to
business law.

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Mary Fong
2 reviews
Mary Fong is an employment attorney that has been practicing law in California for the past 11 years. She
obtained her J.D. in law from the UC Hastings College of the Law. Apart from her experience in labor and
employment law, Mary is also experienced in legal research and writing. Mary has advised judges that
represented the Superior Court of California in the past. She has been a senior attorney at The Mitzel Group
LLP since October 2015.

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Shilpa Thakur
2 reviews
Shilpa Thakur is a startup attorney that helps new businesses overcome any legal issues they face. She has
more than three years of experience and is licensed to practice law in California. Shilpa has represented
ClearTax, Fearless Genius, Komli Media and many other corporate clients. She graduated from the University
of San Francisco with a Juris Doctorate degree in law. Since August 2014, Shilpa has been an associate at
Inventus Law.

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Adam Binder
2 reviews
Adam Binder is a corporate attorney with almost two decades of experience. He is licensed to practice law in
California and obtained his Juris Doctor degree from the McGeorge University School of Law. Adam is highly
experienced in labor and employment law, and specializes in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts.
Adam has been the vice president of legal operations at Percolate Industries, Inc. since June 2017.

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Jack Jacobs
2 reviews 9/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Jack Jacobs is the current Managing Partner at Cleantech Law Partners - a Law Firm focusing on the
renewable energy industry - and has been for over 7 years. Before that, he worked as an Environmental
Litigation Lawyer, as well as a Consultant for many different corporations around the world. Jack obtained his
J.D. from the Vermont Law School, and his Masters in Environmental Law and Natural Resource Policy from
Lewis & Clark Law School.

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Oscar Lumen
2 reviews
With over 10 years of experience, Oscar Lumen is the Attorney to call whenever you are facing problems in
corporate and securities law, international payments, federal and state compliance and corporate governance.
He has experience as a Founder and General Counsel of a startup and specializes in areas such as drafting,
negotiation and supervising a regulatory examination. He attended New York Law School after receiving his
undergraduate degree from Georgetown University School.

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Deirdre Roney
2 reviews
Deirdre is an experienced transactional attorney well-versed in a range of contractual and financial matters,
including licensing agreements, construction law, and real est... read more

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Peter Boyd
16 reviews
Peter is an entrepreneurial-minded attorney with a practice focused on advising entrepreneurs, companies,
and investors on a range of issues including strategic transactions and corporate governance. He developed a
solid understanding of business operations as a former management team member of a startup. His goal is to
help people assess legal risks so they can make informed decisions.

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Tali Buchman
11 reviews
Tali is a dedicated attorney who established her own firm in 2008 and represents diverse clients from startups
to publicly traded corporations. She has a range of expertise including negotiating commercial agreements,
protection of intellectual property, and real estate transactions. Before starting her own firm, she was an in-
house counsel for a software company and a financial services company.

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Elan Raffel
8 reviews
Elan Raffel finished law school from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University in 2012. He
currently works as a Trademark Associate Attorney since October 2015 at Oliner Law. He was a Discovery 11/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel
Attorney in Cahill Gordon & Reindel from May 2014 – March 2015 and other prominent law firms. His areas of
expertise include litigation, mediation, appeals, licensing, trademark infringement and others.

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Vanessa Williams
7 reviews
With a background in both economics and business, Vanessa has advised governmental and quasi-
governmental agencies as well as small businesses. Interestingly, Vanessa Williams is licensed in both
California and Guam and is on the boards of ANZ Guam, a community focused bank, Hagatna Restoration and
Redevelopment Authority, and Guam Animals in Need.

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Adam Lovingood
4 reviews
Adam Lovingood is a business attorney that primarily helps startup companies overcome legal issues that
stands in their way. He has over 20 years’ experience and is licensed in California, as well as in Georgia. Adam
has represented a variety of corporate clients, including, MTV Networks and Roku. He has extensive
experience in dealing with commercial contracts and trademark law, as well as with general business
operations. Adam recently became a legal consultant at Udacity.

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Asha Wilkerson
4 reviews
Asha opened her own practice in 2011 and specializes in employment law and criminal defense. When she
began her legal career working as a medical malpractice attorney, she learned the ins and outs of civil litigation
and the art of negotiation. Asha has volunteered on many human rights projects and has received an award for
her pro bono work. She is also rated by Super Lawyers.

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Alec Segarich
4 reviews
Based in San Francisco, CA, Alec Segarich works as a class action and employment lawyer with his two close
colleagues Jason Lohr and Roberto Ripamonti. Together they represent employees and consumers in class
action lawsuits. Sigarich concentrates in state and federal appellate briefing and arbitration. Most of his cases
are about protecting workers’ rights to fair pay in California.

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Inder Comar
3 reviews
Inder Comar is the Principal of his private practice Comar Law, which helps ventures and investors succeed by
providing specialized services in investor representation, full-service corporate counsel, and corporate 13/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel
litigation. His diverse clients have ranged from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies. When he's not working
with corporate clients, he donates his time to practice human rights law.

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Jonathan Jew-Lim
2 reviews
Jonathan Jew-Lim specializes in corporate related legal matters and has six years of experience. He is
licensed to practice law in California. Jonathan obtained his legal degree from the University of California at
Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law. He is exceptionally experienced in providing legal assistance to startup
companies. Since November 2015, Jonathan has been an associate attorney at Perkins Coie LLP.

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Ryan David Williams

2 reviews
Ryan David Williams is a business lawyer that specializes in assisting startup companies overcome their legal
hurdles. He has more than five years of experience. Ryan is licensed to practice law in New York and
California. Some of his most recent clients include Menud and Credit Dream. He is exceptionally experienced
in dealing with legal cases related to securities and finances. Ryan founded his own law office in June 2017.

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Yaasha Sabba
2 reviews
Yaasha is a patent agent from Silicon Valley who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs capture their
innovative ideas to generate value and using the right tools available around the world. Intellectual property law
has been his specialty since law school and he has developed a diverse understanding in the fields of fashion,
outer space, entertainment, and mobile tech.

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Russell Boltwood
2 reviews
Russell Boltwood is an attorney at law with over 24 years of experience. He is licensed to practice law in
California and obtained his Juris Doctorate degree in law from the Golden Gate University School of Law.
Russell specializes in commercial contracts, mergers and acquisitions, and securities and finances. Some of
his most recent corporate clients include Accela, Safeway and Intermolecular. He has been an attorney at
Dillingham & Murphy since May 2017.

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Mariam Amin, Esq.

2 reviews 15/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel
Mariam Amin is Founding Partner of the law firm, Start It. Before that, she did a lot of legal work for Cumulus
Networks and Kiip. Her specialties include company formation, fundraising, drafting contracts, negotiation and
providing advice on legal issues faced by startups. She has experience assisting in growth stage opportunities
between $10 million and $50 million. Mariam holds a B.A. from U.C. Berkeley and a J.D. from GGU Law
School. She is on the Board of Directors of The Daily Californian.

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Michael J. Thomas
2 reviews
In 2014 Michael J. Thomas founded Creative Vision Legal with a mission to offer reliable, affordable legal
services to small businesses, film makers, and musicians. Since then, he has advised clients in a wide range of
industries on intellectual property, business formation, and internet law issues. He has served as a panel
attorney for the California Lawyers for the Arts' referral service since 2015. Michael is not just a legal adviser,
but he is also a musician and a former recording studio owner, in addition to having worked on anti-trust
litigation matters at a national law firm.

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Melissa Frank
2 reviews
A native of Silicon Valley, Melissa Frank is the chief legal and risk executive of Wingate Industries, Inc. She is
also formerly with SunPower Corp. and Texas Instruments/National Semiconductor. She is skilled at managing
legal disputes, commercial contracts, and risk mitigation. Melissa is also a member of the Sedona Conference
Working Group One, a think-tank for advancing complex legal practices.

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David Niebauer
2 reviews
David Niebauer is a business lawyer who focuses on providing his legal services to companies in the
technology industry. He has a strong focus on intellectual property law, and often assists the newly formed
companies with their legal matters. David is licensed to practice law in California and he obtained his J.D. in
law after he graduated from the Brooklyn Law School. Since April 2012, David has been the director of
business development, as well as a general counselor at Brillouin Energy Corp.

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Lindsey Mignano
2 reviews
Lindsey Mignano previously worked as an Associate Lawyer for Clyde & Co LLP, an international law firm, as
well as LeClairRyan. She has now launched her own law firm, Smith Shapourian Mignano LLP. Serving both
emerging and small businesses, Lindsey focuses on business formation, counseling and litigation needs. In
2010, she was awarded her Witkin Award for Academic Excellence and two separate CALI Excellence Awards.
Some years later, she was recognized as a "Rising Star" by Super Lawyers.

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Hanlen Chang
2 reviews 17/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel
Hanlen Chang is a business lawyer with more than a decade of experience. He is licensed to practice law in
California and has a Juris Doctorate degree in law, which he obtained from the Southwestern Law School.
Hanlen specializes in providing his legal assistance to startup businesses and entrepreneurs. He is also
experienced in dealing with commercial contracts. Hanlen founded his own law offices in August 2013.

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Brett Jackson
2 reviews
Brett Jackson is a business lawyer who has been providing his legal services to corporate clients for more than
a decade. He has been licensed to practice law in California and obtained his J.D. degree in law from the
Stanford Law School. Brett is exceptionally experienced in providing his legal assistance to startup companies
and entrepreneurs. He often assists with drafting, negotiating and reviewing commercial contracts. Brett
founded his own private legal practice in 2017.

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Neil Devani
2 reviews
Neil Devani is a corporate counselor with four years of experience. He has been licensed to practice law in
California. Neil received his legal degree after he graduated from Stanford Law School. Neil is experienced in
dealing with legal matters that involve securities and finances. He often assists startup companies and
entrepreneurs with their legal issues. Since November 2016, Neil has been serving as a special advisor at
Comar LLP.

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Joshua Ridless
2 reviews
Joshua Ridless is an attorney at law with more than two decades worth of experience. He is licensed to
practice law in California and obtained his J.D. degree in law from the University of California at Berkeley,
School of Law (Boalt Hall). Joshua specializes in securities and finances, as well as in mergers and
acquisitions. He is also experienced in drafting, negotiating and reviewing commercial contracts. Joshua
founded his own legal firm in September 2000.

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Sumin Kim
2 reviews
Sumin Kim is an advisor that primarily focuses on providing legal advice to high-tech startup companies. He
has been serving corporate clients in California for the past five years. Sumin obtained his legal degree from
the Northwestern University School of Law. He has provided his legal advisory services to LinkedIn, Udemy
and many other corporate clients. Since August 2017, Sumin has been serving as a legal counselor at

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Gregory Wood
2 reviews 19/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel
Gregory Wood is a corporate attorney who has been practicing law for almost two decades. He is licensed to
provide legal services to corporate clients in California. Gregory has a J.D. In law, which he obtained from the
University of San Diego. He primarily specializes in legal matters that involve labor and employment law, as
well as real estate law. Since June 2004, Gregory has been serving as a partner attorney at Wood Robbins,

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Sarah Brooks
2 reviews
Sarah Brooks is the Senior Strategy Analyst for Pilot44 Labs, and before that she gained experience as a
Research and Policy Analyst, as well as a Director of Content Marketing. Her expertise is extensive regarding
startups and, other than that, she is a Certified Neutral with the Georgia Commission on Dispute Resolution.
Sarah received her J.D. in Business & Corporate Law from the Georgia State University College of Law in
2015. She also has her BA in English Language and Literature.

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Darek Defreece
2 reviews
I have been primarily a securities attorney and executive for the past 20 years. I started my career as an
associate in a law firm, working with small private hedge fun... read more

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Patrick Lytle
2 reviews
Patrick Lytle is a commercial attorney with almost a decade worth of experience. He is exceptionally skilled in
dealing with legal issues that involves companies in the technology sector. Patrick is experienced in legal
research and writing, as well as in dealing with commercial contracts. He is licensed to practice law in
California and received his degree in law from the Golden Gate University School of Law. Patrick has been an
associate general counselor at Fitbit since August 2017.

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Eric Malis
2 reviews
Eric advises emerging companies on legal and strategic matters by helping founders fine tune their business
models and corporate structures, evaluate partnership opportunit... read more

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Justin Glyer
2 reviews
Justin Glyer is the Founder and Principal of Glyer Media and Entertainment Law. Mr. Glyer is an attorney with
over 14 years of media, entertainment, technology and business... read more 21/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

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Marianne Recher
2 reviews
Talented in drafting and collaborating, Marianne Recher counsels clients on regulatory-related issues and
claims involving violations of state and federal securities law, trafficking counterfeit goods, and violations of the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and False Claims Act. She also advises individuals under investigation by the
DOJ, SEC, FINRA, state attorneys general, and Senate PSI.

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Dieter Hellmoldt
2 reviews
Dieter Hellmoldt knows how important it is for businesses in today’s world, especially technology companies, to
protect their intellectual properties. His law firm focuses on helping businesses to do this. Based in California,
Dieter has a range of legal experience, appearing in California court and in federal court. He has also worked
with law firms across the United States and in Germany as well.

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Kate Merrill
2 reviews
For the past 11 years and counting, Kate has served as the Associate General Counsel and Director of the
Mergers and Acquisitions for Intel Corporation. Her prior experience includes working as a Private Equity
Associate, as well as a Corporate Associate. She handles legal matters in strategic and commercial
transactions, corporate governance, employment, intellectual property and compliance. In 1998, she graduated
with her J.D. from The University of Michigan Law School.

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Chetan Gupta
2 reviews
Chetan Gupta has nine years’ experience in business law. He focuses on all aspects of business law, including
business formation, finances, securities, taxation and employment law. He is licensed to practice law in Delhi,
but is also in the process of obtaining a license to practice law in California. Chetan is also a member of the
Delhi Bar Council. He has been a managing partner at Chetan Gupta and Associates since 2009.

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Alexandra Frumar
2 reviews
Representing technology companies in structuring, drafting, negotiating, and commercial transactions,
Alexandra Frumar supports her clients with everything from strategic alliances to cloud computing issues. Ms.
Frumar favors an approach that allows her to become part of her clients’ teams to understand their business
models, technology, and goals.

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David Brayton
2 reviews
David Brayton is a transaction attorney that has more than 20 years of experience. He has represented high-
end clients, including Medtronic, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Allergan and more. He is also an expert when it comes
to intellectual property laws and international distributions. David is the legal director at Novatris. Prior to this
position, he was a senior counsel at Axiom and a member of the Institutional Review Board at Genesys Health

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Anthony Lewis
2 reviews
Anthony Lewis is a business attorney that provides legal services to corporate clients of any size. He has been
licensed to practice law in California and has more than four years of experience. Anthony obtained his Juris
Doctor degree from Boston University. Some of his corporate clients include Twitter, AutoDesk and Seragon
Pharmaceuticals. He focuses on commercial contracts, mergers, acquisitions and business operations.
Anthony is the co-founder of a boutique firm that was founded in 2017.

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Irene Sulaiman
2 reviews 24/54
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Irene is a business and intellectual property attorney with international experience. She received her Juris
Doctor degree from the University of Kansas with a certificatio... read more

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Jill Diamond
2 reviews
My practice is focused on commercial work for emerging companies, including business and vendor contracts,
NDAs and confidentiality agreements, terms of service, and privac... read more

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Julian Biggs
2 reviews
I have broad experience, both as an attorney and an executive, and am primarily focused on assisting
corporate clients with managing their litigation and dispute-processing... read more

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1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

John Crandon
2 reviews
John is an entrepreneur and a senior-level corporate, private equity, and transactions attorney. He has
specialized experience in venture finance and business transactions in software, hardware, energy, Internet
services, consumer goods, and life sciences. John has raised over $80 million in venture finance for early-
stage companies in software and biotech.

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Terrence Smith
2 reviews
Terrence Smith is a start-op attorney with more than a decade worth of experience. He is licensed to practice
law in California and obtained his J.D. in law after he graduated from the Georgetown University Law Center.
Terrence specializes in drafting, negotiating and reviewing commercial contracts. He is also experienced in
labor and employment law, as well as in mergers and acquisitions. Terrence is currently serving as a partner at
Smith & Patel Law.

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Ashar Ahmed
2 reviews
I am a legal advisor to my clients on a broad range of corporate matters. I guide them through corporate
management and governance, litigation disputes involving complex bu... read more

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Oleg Albert
2 reviews
With experience in class actions, trade secrets, and breach of contract litigation, Oleg Albert is more than
qualified to advise and help management navigate the legal landscape, representing clients in all aspects of
labor and employment law. Mr. Albert has received the Super Lawyers Rising Star award every year from 2014
to 2016 and is a member of the California Employment Lawyers Association.

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Jiang Bian
2 reviews
Jiang Brian has a background representing global public companies, as well as startup ventures. He
represents in areas such as the developing, licensing, selling, acquiring and protecting of intellectual property
rights and technology assets. His experience extends to structuring, drafting, negotiating and documenting
complex cross-border and domestic technology-based transactions. Jiang attended the George Washington
University School of Law.

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Michael Mowery
2 reviews 27/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

Corporate legal executive responsible for the negotiation of large, complex technology transactions and legal
office management. Roles have included: • Assistant General C... read more

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Mahsa Hakimi
2 reviews
Mahsa has devoted herself to creating a progressive private practice without the high cost of larger law firms.
Her years of business experience as in-house general counsel... read more

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Li Qu
1 review
Li is a foreign and domestically trained attorney whose experience spans the globe with concentrations in the
United States and China. Her broad experience includes seven years of in-house experience at publicly traded
tech firms and expertise in reviewing, drafting, and negotiating technology-related agreements. Her clients
include leading technology giants like Sandisk and Broadvision.

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J.R. Eppler
1 review
J.R.’s legal experience is well-complemented with a Master of Business Administration. Whether a businesses
is incorporating, structuring an investment, or negotiating a new relationship, his firm Eppler Legal will provide
practical advice. He has worked with businesses from varied industries throughout their lifecycle and is a
passionate advocate for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

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Ben Richter
1 review
Having embarked on a few of his own ventures, Ben Richter introduces entrepreneurs to potential new
opportunities. He is skilled in explaining complex concepts, ensuring business owners understand financings,
vendor negotiations, licensing, and consulting agreements. Mr. Richter also assists in drafting website terms of
service, privacy policies, offer letters, and consulting agreements.

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Alisha Louie
Alisha is the principal of Louie Employment Law. After years of counseling Fortune 500 companies, Silicon
Valley start-ups and small businesses, Alisha dedicates her practice solely to advising and counseling 29/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

individual employees on a variety of employment matters. She is particularly experienced with handling matters
for executive-level employees who work in a broad-range of industries.

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Robert Preskill
Robert has over 20 years of experience serving highly demanding clients with critical legal goals and has done
extensive work in connecting high achievers and visionaries with new opportunities. He works as a
transactional lawyer in media, entertainment, franchise, and business. He is a featured lawyer and literary
agent in California Lawyer magazine and the San Francisco Chronicle.

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Laura Slezinger
Based in San Francisco, Laura Slezinger is specialized in intellectual property and Internet law. She has
counseled startups and entrepreneurs on a broad range of topics including issues related to technology, media,
and privacy. In addition to her J.D., Laura holds an LL.M. in Intellectual Property and Technology Law. She has
lectured widely and also volunteers her time with Girls in Tech.

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Vadim Alden
Vadim Alden works with companies of all sizes, from startups to large businesses, in employment law cases.
This includes advising clients about business formation, drafting employment contracts, and handling
commercial real estate leases. He serves as general counsel for several companies, providing advice on
executive compensation agreements, policy guidelines, risk management, and more.

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Alla Barbalat
Alla Barbalat has over five years of experience as a professional business lawyer. She specializes in business
formation, commercial contracts, and labor laws. She speaks English and Russian fluently and has been
admitted to the Bar Association of San Francisco, UCLA Alumni Association, and the Santa Clara County and
Alameda County Bar Associations. Attorney Barbalat is focused on her clients and getting the results they
desire. She has a strong commitment to providing pro bono work as well.

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Ansel Halliburton
Ansel focuses his practice on advising startups, growing companies, and entrepreneurs on IP strategy, data
privacy and security, export controls, and corporate and securities law issues. He is an expert in all aspects of
litigation and has won cases resulting in verdicts in over one million dollars. In addition to being an experienced
lawyer, he has been a programmer since he was 10 years old.

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Ronnie Gipson
Ronnie is one of the founding partners of Higa & Gipson, PC, a firm that provides personalized representation
for commercial clients of all sizes. She advises clients on how to avoid and resolve costly legal disputes in a
rapidly changing business world. Ronnie and her team can assist at any stage of company growth from a client
in startup mode with a new venture to a client facing litigation.

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Anna Furniss
Anna is a San Francisco native who is a litigator and an in-house attorney in all California state and federal
courts. She advises entrepreneurs on a variety of subjects including incorporation, employment, and contract
drafting. She previously served as a General Counsel for a prominent digital marketing agency. When she is
not helping clients prevent lawsuits, she works in digital marketing.

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Jeff Rechtman
Jeff Rechtman focuses on helping startups and small business navigate an array of legal issues. He is
passionate about finding creative solutions and contributing to businesses’ success in any way he can.
Additionally, he currently provides counsel to Google as well as working as a technology contracts manager.

| 32/54
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Zachary Strebeck
Zacharary is a game lawyer who has experience in the game and software industry to help clients focus on the
game development process while protecting their business and intellectual property. He has worked with the
startup Crowdfunder and two entertainment companies, including serving as an associate producer and former
guest on Entertainment Law Update.

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George Milionis
George Milionis has over 15 years of experience in complex commercial litigation. Currently, he works as
general counsel for Solar 4 America. He has practiced in the areas of trade libel, unfair competition, data
security, breach of contracts, and trade secrets. Whether your business needs help with a merger, formation, or
simply needs a lease negotiation, George Milionis can help.

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Vincent Tong
Vincent Tong’s practice, Tong Law, is located in Oakland, California. The goal of his practice is to offer legal
solutions that are practical while at the same time offering exceptional customer service. Tong Law is also 33/54
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proud to be a sustainable business: they run a paperless office, boast that their web hosting is 100% wind
powered, and they use environmentally friendly products.

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Howard Ullman
Howard Ullman is a member of the San Francisco office of Orrick law firm where he focuses on trade
regulation, antitrust, class action, and other complex litigation issues. In 2004, he tried a case before the
Supreme Court. Additionally, he has worked numerous antitrust cases including one in which he worked with
Microsoft Inc.

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Kristen Frick
Kristen Frick was recently licensed to practice law in Los Angeles, California. She is experienced in dealing
with legal matters related to employment law, estate planning, tax law and commercial contracts. Kristen is also
skilled in legal research and writing. She received her J.D. from the Loyola University New Orleans College of
Law. Kristen has been a tax consultant for Moss Adams LLP since June 2016.

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Teela Smith
Teela Smith is a licensed attorney in California. She graduated Cum Laude from University of California,
Hastings College of the Law. She works as an Associate Attorney in Dimitriou & Associates, P.C. (June 2011 –
June 2012) and Tucker Ellis LLP (Sept 2015 – April 2016). She is a Founding Partner at Smith Shapourian
Mignano LLP. She was designated a Northern California Rising Star by Super Lawyers Magazine (2015-2016).

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William Edwin
William has served as an in-house counsel for both public and private companies. His main areas of focus
include reviewing, drafting, and negotiating various agreements such as licensing agreements, vendor, and
Saas agreements. He has also provided guidance on international matters. William enjoys working effectively
to find legal and ethical solutions to challenging problems.

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Bill Porter
Bill Porter is a California-based business attorney with over two decades worth of experience. He primarily
offers his services as an outside counselor and specializes in providing legal assistance to corporate clients in
the technology industry. Bill is exceptionally experienced in dealing with commercial contracts, as well as legal
matters related to business formation. He has been the head of business operations and legal at
ThousandEyes since July 2016.

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Raye Mitchell
A graduate of Harvard Law School, Raye Mitchell is passionate about supporting the success of women and
girls. In recent years, she has become a motivational speaker, working with both individuals and corporate
clients to inspire women to be global leaders. She is also recognized as an entertainment producer, social
entrepreneur, and published author.

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Luthien Niland
Luthien Niland specializes in business law and primarily focuses on assisting startup businesses with legal
advice that will help them start and grow. She focuses on restaurants, food producers and bars, but also has
experience in assisting startup companies in other industries with their legal matters. Luthien is licensed to
practice law in California. She has a Juris Doctor degree and more than four years of experience as an
attorney. She is currently a senior attorney at Bend Law Group PC.

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Michelle Chan
Michelle Chan is a Lawyer for Innovators and she is currently working at her own Law Offices. Previously, she
has done legal work for some big corporations. She started out as a Paralegal for the very well-known law firm,
Leigh Day & Co. Her focus areas include business law, commercial contracts, employment, immigration and
intellectual property. She graduated from The College of Law, London UK with her Bachelor of Laws. 36/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

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Martin Sances
Martin Sances is a business attorney with more than 22 years of experience. He is experienced in contract
drafting and reviewing, labor and employment law, and business formation. Some of his most recent clients
include Allianz and ABM Industries. Martin is licensed to practice law in California. He obtained his legal
degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School. He has been an attorney at Ramsey Law Group since
February 2017.

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Pierre Zado
Emerging growth, entrepreneurs, and start-up companies have unique legal needs and Pierre Zado
understands those needs. Mr. Zado can help with a wide range of start-up activities, including debt/equity
financing deals, compliance, licensing, trademarks, and other general formation matters. He has dealt with
companies who work in various industries, including consumer, analytics, hardware, life sciences, and more.

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Jeremy Fancher
Jeremy Fancher is a commercial attorney with three years of experience. He is licensed to practice law in
California and obtained his Juris Doctorate degree in law from the University of Michigan. Jeremy primarily
specializes in reviewing, drafting and negotiating commercial contracts. He is also experienced in labor and
employment law. Jeremy has been serving as an associate and a commercial litigation attorney at Bryan Cave
since October 2015.

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Josh Horowitz
Entrepreneurial counsel with fast-growth, regulatory, international expansion, privacy and operating
experience. As the General Counsel of Tilt (YC W12, $64M funding from... read more

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Rachel Ratliff
For the past 15 years Rachel Ratliff, a Corporate Lawyer from California, has been practicing Law. She started
her career as a Paralegal with Powell, Goldstein Frazer & Murphy. Currently, she is the CEO and Founder of
Voki Mobile and using her entrepreneurial expertise to enhance her legal capacities. In 1996, she graduated
from the Stanford University Law School with her J.D. Prior to that, she obtained her B.A. in Government from
the Smith College.

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Jim Thompson
Jim Thompson is a corporate attorney specialized in international transactions including mergers and
acquisitions and brings expertise in a number of corporate matters. Jim holds a J.D. from the University of
Denver Strum College of Law and an M.B.A. from the University of Denver Daniels College of Business. He is
licensed to practice in New York and is also registered as a foreign attorney in Hong Kong.

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Jesse Woo
Jesse Woo will step in and help resolve your business legal issues so that you can get back to doing what you
do best. With previous work experience being a public defender, judicial extern, research assistant and law
clerk, Jesse Woo now offers all of that in his own law practice. Jesse Woo specializes in corporate formations,
business transactions, business litigation, copyrights, and trademarks.

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Girard Kelly
California-based attorney Girard Kelly specializes in internet, cybersecurity, privacy, and intellectual property
law. He has experience with a number of legal matters, ranging from public policy to emerging technologies.
Girard received his J.D. from Santa Clara University School of Law. He also holds a Master’s in Applied Ethics
of Science and Technology Policy from Arizona State University.

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Mia Butera
Mia Butera has extensive experience with commercial contracts, but has also worked with cases that involve
business formation, employment and other business law practice areas. She has represented a large number
of companies, ranging from startup to established public companies. These include TrialPay, intuit and Oracle.
Mia has gained experience while working as a legal counsel at Instacart between 2014 and 2015, as well as at
Pacific Art League between 2013 and 2014.

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Spencer Gusick
Spencer is a director and associated at Zuora. He has worked with some of the world’s largest companies,
including Microsoft, Universal Studios and Facebook. Spencer has experience in different commercial and
corporate areas, including litigation, compliance, security and finance. He completed a J.D. in law at the
University of Michigan Law School and started his career as an attorney at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
LLP in 1993.

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William Kushner 40/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

William Kushner has been practicing as an attorney for over 20 years. He has experience working with
technology, healthcare, social media, and consumer products clients. William was also an M&A advisor to an
investment bank in New York. This experience enabled him to develop his corporate finance skills which, in
turn, has allowed him to offer better legal counsel.

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Wooksun "Phil" Hong

Wooksun is the Bay Area Legal Incubator for Cohort and is also currently working as a Contracted Staff
Attorney for Eviction Defense Collaborative, Inc. - which was also where Wooksun did part of his internship in
2014. His focus areas include immigration, housing, trademark, estate planning, as well as uncontested
divorce. He is also equipped in limited scope representations for broad legal access. He received his J.D. from
the University of San Francisco in 2015.

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Caitlyn Finley
Caitlyn Finley is the principal attorney at her own law firm, Delphina Law. She has experience in transactional
and litigation cases. Caitlyn prefers to focus on cases that involves food and beverage, business, and
employment laws. She has worked as an associate attorney at Finkelstein Thompson LLP and at Girard Gibbs
LLP. Caitlyn completed her JD at the University of California and have completed numerous additional courses
since her graduation.

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Janelle Smith
Janelle Smith is experienced in business law and received her license to provide legal services in California
five years ago. She obtained her Juris Doctor degree from the University of San Francisco School of Law.
Janelle has experience in numerous practice areas, including business formation, employment matters,
trademarks and general corporate lawsuits. She is currently a managing partner at Buffett-Kennedy & Smith
LLP. Prior to this position, she served as a partner at Stall Parker LLP.

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George Wolff
Attorney George Wolff has received the prestigious AV rating under the Martindale Hubbell’s Independent
Lawyer Rating System. He is a skilled lawyer that practices business law and 75 percent of his law firm
focuses on construction and real estate litigation. He has helped numerous real estate, construction, and
building companies, but also focuses on startup technology companies. Some of his notable clients include
PCCi Builders, Falwiler-James, Inc., BBI Construction, and Bank of America, SF.

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Jordan Reis Cohen

Jordan was introduced at an early age to cooking and food culture by his parents. He was urged to pursue a
legal career that would bring him face to face with the industry he was so passionate about. After receiving his
law degree, he seized the opportunity to create a specialized law firm that serves the Bay Area's burgeoning
restaurant, bar, and beverage retail community. 42/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel

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Wendy Hillger
Wendy Hillger is skilled in commercial litigation, including real estate, construction defect claims, insurance,
and personal injury. She recently won a substantial jury verdict in an employment retaliation/discrimination suit.
As part of her firm’s Pro Bono Pledge, Wendy volunteers with the Bar Association of San Francisco’s Justice &
Diversity Center in support of tenant housing rights.

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Delia Ramirez
A transactional attorney with a passion for entertainment, arts, craft beer, and technology, Delia Ramirez is
often inspired by her clients. She received her JD from Golden Gate University School of Law where she
specialized in intellectual property. Ms. Ramirez focuses on corporate formation and transactions, contract
drafting and reviews, and copyright and trademark registration.

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Ryan Flaherty 43/54
1/15/2019 Top 5% of Business Lawyers in San Francisco, California | UpCounsel
Ryan Flaherty has over 11 years of experience. He specializes in providing outside counsel services for startup
companies in the technology and software industries. Ryan is permitted to practice law in California and
obtained his law degree at the California Western School of Law. He started out as a private attorney in 2005
and have since worked with numerous companies, including Ryan is also the chief legal
officer at MDDX.

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Joshua De Larios-Heiman
Joshua De Larios-Heiman is the Managing Attorney of his own Law Offices, as well as a member of the
Product Counsel for the Free Law Project. In the past, Joshua has worked as an Attorney for Law Firms such
as Weems Law Offices and Ribera Law Firm. His focus is on technology licensing, corporate compliance,
privacy law, risk management and product counseling. He obtained his J.D. from the University of San
Francisco and studied further with Stanford University Law School.

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Manny Alvarez
As a consumer finance lawyer, Manny Alvarez currently exerts himself as General Counsel and Chief
Compliance Officer for Affirm, Inc. In the past, he has held many positions, including the Enforcement Attorney
for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He specializes in the company’s day-to-day legal and
compliance affairs. He attained his J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. His
profession vocabulary extends to English, Spanish and French.

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Peter Seeger
Peter Seeger, who is licensed in California, brings over 15 years of experience counseling companies on legal
and operational matters in corporate, employment, environmental, and intellectual property law. He is an
attorney and program manager at consulting firm Toeroek Associates, Inc., and is also Of Counsel to Kiski
Law. Peter holds a J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.

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Nicole Farrar
Nicole Farrar has been an Attorney for 13 years and is currently working for Neat Capital Inc. - overseeing
legal, compliance, HR and marketing, as well as assisting with fundraising and strategy. She focuses on
startups and emerging growth companies - assisting with the formation, equity administration, hiring and
termination of employees and contractors, commercial contract negotiation, and debt and equity financing. She
attained her J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.

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Christopher Muller
Christopher Muller has received two pro bono service awards and have more than six years’ experience in
different legal fields, including business litigation, zoning and appeals. He was licensed to practice law within
the New York state in 2010 and recently obtained a license for practicing law in California. Christopher is a
general counsel at Better Place Forests. He was also an associate at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher for five years. 45/54
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Nicolas Gold
Nicolas Gold is a general business attorney who fundamentally focuses on intellectual property law and
commercial contracts. He has more than 20 years of experience and is licensed to practice law in California.
Some of the clients that Nicolas has represented includes the Jelly Belly Candy Company, Geo M Martin and
Medallia. Nicolas has exceptional experience in providing legal assistance to startup companies. He has been
an attorney at Gold Business & IP Law since 2014.

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Colin Murray
Collin Murray is a corporate attorney that focuses on legal matters related to finance, debt, acquisitions and
mergers. He also has experience with business formation related cases and other aspects related to business
law. Collin has been practicing law in California for seven years. He obtained his Juris Doctor degree from
Cornell Law School. Collin was a senior associate at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati between 2014 and
2016, but left the position to start his own law firm.

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John Thyberg
John Thyberg is a business attorney that specializes in providing start-up companies with efficient legal
services. He has experience in all legal practice areas related to startups, including commercial contracts,
employment law and business operations. John has been licensed to practice law in California since 2016. He
obtained his legal degree from the University of the Pacific. After receiving his legal license, John started his
own law firm, ThybergLaw, in May 2016.

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Masaya Uchino
Masaya Uchino is the Managing Attorney at Uchino Law Offices with over 5 years worth of experience. His
starting job was an Associate for Teraoka & Partners, advising global companies such as Sega, Kikkoman and
Japan Food Corporation. Currently, he is assisting social entrepreneurs and small businesses in the Bay Area
with their corporate, IP and employment law needs. He obtained his J.D. from University of California, Hastings
College of the Law.

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Jennifer B. Wills
Jennifer B. Wills is a corporate attorney with 22 years of experience. She is licensed to practice law in
Delaware. Jennifer obtained her J.D. in law from the Villanova University School of Law. She primarily
specializes in dealing with legal cases that involve labor and employment law, but she is also experienced in
business development and corporate governance. Since September 2016, Jennifer has been serving as an
associate general counselor at the PMX Agency.

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Darryl Yorkey
Darryl Yorkey is a business attorney with six years of experience. He also has extensive experience in the
executive management field. Darryl is licensed to provide legal services in California. He received his legal
degree from the University Of California Hastings College Of Law. Darryl primarily specializes in business
formation and commercial contracts. He started his own legal office in 2011. Darryl was also an assistant
director at Stanislaus County between September 2015 and July 2016.

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Shahriar Amin Alaghmand

Shahriar Amin Alaghmand went from receiving a JD from Vanderbilt Law School to working at top 100 law
firms and Fortune 500 companies including Google, Merrill Lynch, and American Express. Residing in
California close to Silicon Valley, Shahriar Amin Alaghmand can help aid startups and tech companies with
legal advice. In his former life before becoming an attorney, Shahriar Amin Alaghmand was a series seven
certified financial securities representative.

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Karli Sager
I am a seasoned business professional operating at the intersection of technology, commerce, and law. At HP, I
have supported go-to-market strategies, sales, sales ops, par... read more

| 48/54
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Reginald Young
Reginald graduated from UCLA Law and has a bachelor's from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He
practices business law and securities law, with an emphasis in innovative... read more

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Ben Fisher
Ben Fisher is a corporate attorney. He has been providing corporate legal services to businesses in California
for the past five years. Ben has been the senior corporate counsel at User Testing Inc since 2015. He was also
a corporate counsel at Xoject for two years prior to this position. Ben primarily specializes in commercial
contracts and often works with startup companies. He obtained his degree in law from the Michigan State
University College of Law.

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Payal Cadman
Payal Cadman is an experienced attorney with a background in litigation as well as basic estate planning for
individuals and families and contracts. She is a graduate of Lo... read more

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Laura Kyriazis
Sr. Corp. Counsel providing legal/strategic business support to WW Sales, Product Management, Global
Supply Chain, R&D, Product Engineering, Information Technology, Hum... read more

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Recently Completed Jobs

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Agreement/Investment Assistance"
San Francisco, CA
"We have a small investment coming in and want to issue a percentage of the company. Also, we want to
TM our company and complete formalities and formalization of our co-founder's understanding."
What do your current legal needs relate to?
Intellectual Property
Are you currently working with another attorney or law firm?
No - I do not currently have counsel
Proposals Received
Average Price
$1,280 - $1,920
Start a similar project

"Outside General Counsel Services"

San Francisco, CA
"We are in the middle of a complicated legal situation with a sale agreement, a management agreement,
and an employment contract. One of my partners recently deceased and holds a large percent of the
share of the company and I hold all of the voting shares. I need a second opinion on the matter."
What are your current legal needs?
What is the scope of the project?
This is a one time need 50/54
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Proposals Received
Average Price
$2,240 - $3,360
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Useful Resources
Corporate Resolution
General Release of Liability Agreement
Notice of Meeting of Board of Directors
Demand Promissory Note Board Approval
Release of Liability
Privacy Policy Template
Demand Promissory Note
Convertible Note Purchase Agreement
Shareholder Agreement Template
Terms of Use Template
How to Close a LLC: Everything You Need to Know
Damage to Company Property Policy Sample
Uniform Commercial Code Explained
Non-Disclosure Agreement: Everything You Need to Know
Agreement Between Consultant and Client
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1. Our Lawyers
2. Business
3. California
4. Oakland Attorneys 1/15/2019
Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 2 of 22

Steven Stark

310 reviews
For over 30 years, Steven Stark has offered counsel to non-profit organizations and private companies. He has a passion for helping small businesses in particular
since he himself started several businesses of his own in New York and Florida. He understands the importance of small businesses having a reliable attorney to
advise them about legal matters from their inception.
14 repeat hires | 42 yrs experience | Licensed in FL, NY | verified
"Very clear communication. Answered all of my questions and completed NDA within 1 day. Thank you!"
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Joshua Garber

216 reviews
Representing notable clients like Tesla and the City of Los Angeles, Josh Garber excels at helping clients with employment and labor laws. Many of his past clients
have had great success using Josh for employment agreements and Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) hearings. With his practical advice, he has
even helped clients avoid going to court.
44 repeat hires | 10 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"Josh is a great, would work with him again."
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Richard Gora

163 reviews
Looking for an attorney with experience? Richard Gora is the exact attorney you want. Having defended over 100 cases both in state and federal courts and
working with clients from around the globe, Richard has an array of different experiences. His services are wide-ranging and include business litigation, securities
litigations, employment litigation, and business counsel. Prior to founding Gora LLC, he worked for Finn, Dixon & Herling LLP for eight years.
8 repeat hires | 13 yrs experience | Licensed in CT, NJ | verified
"Richard is a trusted law professional. He also has knowledgeable associates."
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Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 3 of 22

Eric Anderson

1 review
Eric Anderson is both a businessman and a corporate attorney. He has over 13 years of experience and has been licensed to practice law in both California and
Colorado. Eric obtained his legal degree from the University of Colorado School of Law. He specializes in multiple corporate legal practice areas and often assists
his customers with reviewing, negotiating and drafting commercial contracts. Eric has been serving as an associate attorney at Jerry L. Freedman, APC, since 2016.
14 yrs experience | Licensed in CA, CO |
"I appreciate Mr. Anderson's pragmatism and ability to balance legal risk with business risk. He has reviewed and written business agreeme..."
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Tony Detoro

Tony DeToro is currently a private attorney at law who specializes in law cases involving data privacy, labor and employment, technology, technology transactions
and litigation management. He is registered with the Association of Corporate Counsel and completed his Doctor of Law at the University of San Francisco School
of Law in 1984. Tony has also worked with United Online, Inc. for more than 15 years as their VP.
34 yrs experience | Licensed in CA |
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Valery Loumber 1/15/2019
Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 4 of 22

2 reviews
As a Federal Judiciary attorney for 15 years, at both trial and appellate levels (EDCA, DNV, 9th Cir. BAP), I have had the privilege to work on the adjudication of
tens of ... read more
19 yrs experience | Licensed in CA |
"I have had the privilege to receive legal counsel during the last few years from Valery on various legal issues, mainly involving the for..."
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Justin Kline

2 reviews
Justin Kline is an attorney at law with 15 years of experience. He has been licensed to practice law in both California and the Central District of Columbia. Justin
holds a Juris Doctorate degree in law, which he obtained from the University of Southern California. Justin has handled a variety of legal matters, including cases
where over $1 billion financial transactions were involved. Justin has been a general counselor at U.S. Eco-Green Real Estate since August 2010.
15 yrs experience | Licensed in CA |
"Justin Kline has represented myself and all of my business entities in all business-related legal matters for 8 years. This has included..."
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Ryan Minarovich

The healthcare industry has a lot of unique and complicated rules and regulations. Mix that with technology and you have an area of the law that many attorneys
simply will not touch. That is not the case with Ryan Minarovich. Mr. Minarovich focuses on digital health and mobile health industries. His experience includes
dealing with FDA regulations, health privacy laws, and other compliance matters.
4 yrs experience | Licensed in CA |
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Peter Moulinos

Peter Moulinos is a corporate, business, and real estate attorney based in New York. He is the founding partner of Moulinos & Associates LLC in New York City
and has over two decades of legal experience. Previously, he worked at Shane Henty Sutton, P.C. An experienced real estate litigator, he represents multiple
condominiums in New York City. Peter, who is also fluent in Greek, received a J.D. from New York Law School.
22 yrs experience | Licensed in NY | 1/15/2019
Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 5 of 22

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Asha Wilkerson

4 reviews
Asha opened her own practice in 2011 and specializes in employment law and criminal defense. When she began her legal career working as a medical malpractice
attorney, she learned the ins and outs of civil litigation and the art of negotiation. Asha has volunteered on many human rights projects and has received an award
for her pro bono work. She is also rated by Super Lawyers.
8 yrs experience | Licensed in CA |
"Asha is terrific! She gave us excellent advice and helped us hone the advice for our audience."
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Conor Teevan

147 reviews
Top-tier talent shouldn’t have to come with a top-tier fee. This is why Conor Teevan combines his top-tier expertise (Yale undergrad, Stanford Law) with
affordability. Conor has represented Silicon Valley startups, real estate investors, artists creating companies, and even a child author in need of a book deal. Conor
himself started a real estate company with holdings in five states.
3 repeat hires | 14 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"Without any doubt, the best attorney"
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Sue Dunbar

180 reviews
Go with Sue Dunbar if you want a big law firm experience with a small law firm cost. Sue's experience working at Robins Kaplan LLP and serving as special
counsel to Senator Joseph Dunn has landed her big-name clients like BestBuy, Time Warner Cable, and Yahoo!. Currently, Ms. Dunbar specializes in knowledge
about confidentiality and privacy laws regarding sensitive trade secrets.
19 repeat hires | 25 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"Sue is the perfect mix of legal counsel combined and business savvy. She works to understand our business units and products as part of..."
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Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 6 of 22

Seth Wiener

747 reviews
As an experienced trial lawyer and litigator, Seth Wiener has resolved numerous federal and state litigations. His cases have included everything from family law to
bankruptcy to fraud and more. Before Seth formed his own firm, the Law Office of Seth W. Wiener, he worked for several prominent law offices where he gained a
great deal of experience.
112 repeat hires | 20 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
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Johnny Manriquez

114 reviews
Johnny Manriques is a patent attorney with extensive experience in dealing with cases that involves intellectual property law and related legal matters. He has more
than 14 years of experience and is licensed to practice law in California. Johnny is registered with the State Bar of California. He has a Juris Doctor degree in law.
Johnny recently started his own firm, but worked with Procopio Cory for three years prior to starting his own law office.
2 repeat hires | 17 yrs experience | Licensed in CA, Patent Bar | verified
"Johnny is very professional and did a great job reviewing our contract. I highly recommend him and hope to use his services again in the..."
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Thomas Bark

256 reviews
Thomas Bark is a Partner at Jones Bay working with startups, but he can also handle legal matters for large companies. Previously, he has worked for two top
international law firms for some 25 years - some of his experience includes working abroad.. His practice extends to corporate law and commercial contracts, with
a particular emphasis in VC finance, M&A, lending, employment, joint ventures and technology issues. He attended The University of Virginia School of Law.
95 repeat hires | 28 yrs experience | Licensed in NY | verified
"First time using the platform, and Thomas has ensured I will be using it again. Work was efficient and well done."
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Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 7 of 22

Ramsey Taylor

78 reviews
Ramsey Taylor is a business attorney with over 21 years’ experience. He has exceptional experience in dealing with international business law, but also assists
local companies within the United States with their legal matters. Ramsey is licensed to practice law in New York and the District of Columbia. He obtained his
Juris Doctor degree from the New York University. In March 2017, Ramsey founded his own legal firm, Taylor Legal, where he now acts as the owner and
principal attorney.
18 repeat hires | 22 yrs experience | Licensed in DC, NY | verified
"Ramsey has always given us an honest and practical opinion."
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Grant Maynard

83 reviews
Grant represents high-growth companies in all aspects of formation, financing, and intellectual property issues. He has previously done general corporate,
intellectual, and real estate work at Nebraska's oldest law firm before transitioning to a more virtual lifestyle. As an entrepreneur himself, he understands the need
to balance legal and business interests.
19 repeat hires | 7 yrs experience | Licensed in NE | verified
"Grant has been great to work with. Super responsive, knowledgeable and helpful. I will continue to utilize him for our legal needs."
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Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 8 of 22

Mary Hodges

170 reviews
Employment is a big part of any business, and Mary Hodges understands that many business owners may not know the legal details of the hiring or termination
process. She works with business owners with a variety of needs: from working with independent contractors, to developing and implementing employment
policies, non-disclosure agreements, and more. Ms. Hodges can also help with business formation, contracts, and operations.
9 repeat hires | 9 yrs experience | Licensed in IL, MO | verified
"Mary Hodges is great to work with. She has supported us in all the areas of legal expertise we needed."
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Scott Stram

173 reviews
As a member of both the New York and New Jersey Bars, Scott Stram is an accomplished lawyer with experience in a range of legal and business areas. This
includes corporate law, data security, compliance, real estate, and intellectual property. Before founding Stram Law, Scott was a compliance officer for a company
that performed property audits, a director of a security consulting practice, and an operations officer for Viacom and CBS.
44 repeat hires | 12 yrs experience | Licensed in NY | verified
"Scott was responsive, listened and did an excellent job redlining and then negotiating a resolution on a Master Services Agreement."
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Seth Heyman

164 reviews
Seth Heyman takes the saying, "the devil is in the details" to heart. As a corporate law attorney, he knows that being thorough and detail-oriented is extremely
important in transactions and in every agreement. Mr. Heyman has over 20 years of experience with entity formation, advertising law, contracts, regulatory law,
international law, and Internet law. He provides practical and cost-effective legal solutions. 1/15/2019
Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 9 of 22

10 repeat hires | 24 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified

"Seth was professional, very responsive to my questions and concerns, and provided detailed answers which displayed his expertise in the m..."
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Meaghan Zore

81 reviews
Meaghan Zore is an attorney and certified information privacy professional (CIPP/US) who has served as an in-house counsel for dozens of companies. Meghan
has demonstrated expertise in technology policy strategy, analysis, and advocacy, which is why her insights have been quoted in Time Magazine and San Diego
Union Tribune. Her practice provides large firm services at a fraction of the cost.
9 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"Continuation of original job. Recommended!"
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Diana Palchik, Esq.

60 reviews
Diana Palchik is a Texas-based attorney. She primarily specializes in providing legal services to business clients, with a focus on trademark law and commercial
agreements. Diana has extensive experience drafting and negotiating software licenses, professional services agreements, and other commercial transactions and
has worked for a number of large corporate clients. She has more than 17 years of experience and has a solo practice.
18 repeat hires | 18 yrs experience | Licensed in TX | verified
"Diana was both helpful and informative with drafting a document for my company. Her fast response time and understanding of the subject m..."
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Eric Kirkland

120 reviews
Eric Kirkland is a business attorney with a strong entrepreneurial background. He has 26 years of experience. Eric focuses on contracts, intellectual property,
strategic partnerships, software licensing and other general business-related legal matters. He is the managing attorney of Kirkland Law and was previously the
founder and CEO of Just Cellular Inc. Eric graduated with a Doctor of Law from the Pepperdine School of Law.
29 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | 1/15/2019
Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 10 of 22

"Great reactivity and professionalism as always! Again, I warmly recommand Eric."

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Neil Park

100 reviews
Neil Park is well-equipped in Private Practice - with over 7 years of experience acting as outside General Counsel for many of his business clients. For the past two
years, Neil has been working as Counsel for an Intellectual Property boutique. His practice areas include Intellectual Property Counseling, Trademark Prosecution,
Licensing, Trade Secret Management and Strategy, Business Transactions, Corporate Law and Regulatory Compliance. He attended Loyola Law School.
25 repeat hires | 10 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"We are very satisfied with the services provided by Neil so we will hire him again for sure."
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Bradley Rothschild

126 reviews
Creativity is key for Bradley Rothschild, a real estate, business, intellectual property, and entertainment attorney. When clients need an attorney who will think
outside the box for them - Mr. Rothschild is the right person for the job. He focuses on not only solving problems, but also on serving the whole client and
preventing problems.
14 repeat hires | 11 yrs experience | Licensed in NJ, NY | verified
"Easy to communicate with. Clearly explained everything in detail."
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Lisa Thorsen

50 reviews
Licensed in California and Texas, Lisa Thorsen focuses on corporate contracts and transactions, trusts and estates, real estate, and startups. She previously worked
as an associate attorney at Circuit, McKellogg, Kinney & Ross, LLP for six and a half years and spent the past 3 years in private practice as a solo practitioner. Ms.
Thorsen has 8+ years of experience practicing law as a licensed attorney. 1/15/2019
Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 11 of 22

3 repeat hires | 11 yrs experience | Licensed in CA, TX | verified

"Super reactive to our urgent needs , Did a thorough job developing an asset purchase agreement , with a clean process . Worked through N..."
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Helen Quinn

52 reviews
Helen has extensive experience in structuring, negotiating, and managing corporate transactions. In her previous role as a senior corporate securities attorney for
Wilson Sonsini, she provided corporate counsel in connection with over seventy merger and acquisition transactions, over fifty venture capital finance transactions,
and several initial public offerings.
4 repeat hires | 21 yrs experience | Licensed in CA, TX | verified
"Helen is a great attorney. Very experienced. Highly recommended!"
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Mario Naim

138 reviews
Mario's firm focuses on serving growth companies throughout the venture capital life cycle from startups to public companies. The firm provides services related to
business law, specifically corporate, securities, business combinations and commercial transactions. He has also helped foreign clients in the acquisitions of
businesses in the U.S., Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and South America.
22 repeat hires | 16 yrs experience | Licensed in NY | verified
"Mario provided us with all the necessary transactional documents necessary in a timely manner. Mario is very attentive to all the details..."
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Geoffrey Amend

423 reviews
Geoffrey Amend has over 21 years of experience as a business attorney. He is licensed to practice law in Kansas. Geoffrey has represented numerous corporate
clients, including JungleBee, MomoCentral and APIMATIC. He started his own legal firm in 2013 and was the general counsel at Chelsea Partner before starting
his own firm. Geoffrey graduated with a J.D. in law from the Washburn University School of Law in 1995.
61 repeat hires | 24 yrs experience | Licensed in KS | verified
"Great service as always, a real pro!" 1/15/2019
Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 12 of 22

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Lauren Roberts, Esq.

73 reviews
Lauren Roberts was the Senior Associate working for the Law Offices of Bovino & Associates. She is now a Corporate Attorney with plenty experience - handling
Corporate Transactions, Intellectual Property, Business Matters and Legal Research. She is well-equipped in conducting of extensive due diligence reviews.
Roberts attended the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2008 and graduated with her J.D. three years later. Just prior to that, she graduated cum laude from the
New York University.
24 repeat hires | 8 yrs experience | Licensed in CA, CO | verified
"Lauren was terrific to work with. Knowledgeable and proactive in making recommendations; responsive and timely with follow up; clear and..."
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Glenn Manishin

98 reviews
Glenn Manishin is the managing partner at Paradigmshift Law LLP and founded the law firm in 2015. The focus of his law firm lies within Internet technology and
business law. Attorney Manishin has a mission in place to help clients and companies find creative and efficient ways for their business models to navigate through
legal and regulatory barriers. Attorney Manishin has worked with top companies including Sports Fans Coalition, Inc., Consumer Federation of America, and more.
12 repeat hires | 37 yrs experience | Licensed in CA, DC, VA | verified
"......Like Iv'e mentioned so many times before...... " Glenn is AWESOME "...... relationship comes first....but after..."
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Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 13 of 22

Paul Spitz

94 reviews
With an MBA in marketing from Indiana University, Paul Spitz offers business experience and legal expertise to companies ranging from startups to midsize
organizations. He specializes in the areas of technology, marketing, e-commerce, and digital media. Unlike attorneys at large law firms, Mr. Spitz is able to provide
affordable services in counseling, representation, and negotiation.
15 repeat hires | 29 yrs experience | Licensed in CA, OH | verified
"Paul's great to work with! This is the third project he's done for me and I am sure it is not the last!"
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Jeff Carson

56 reviews
Jeff Greenblatt provides small to mid-size technology companies with effective legal counsel, but his clients will tell you that he responds as if he is your personal
in-house counsel. Perhaps this is because of his experience as a general counsel for a variety of businesses. Mr. Greenblatt handles contracts and transactions,
intellectual property issues, employment matters, and compliance and risk management.
10 repeat hires | 32 yrs experience | Licensed in CO, OR | verified
"Great insight an experience"
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Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 14 of 22

Irvin Tyan

43 reviews
Navigating the legal world as a startup can be intimidating and overwhelming. That is why experienced attorneys like Irvin Tyan are an absolute must-have. Mr.
Tyan can help your startup with a variety of issues, including intellectual property, contract drafting, portfolio analysis, and commercial litigation. He can also help
with employment issues and competitive landscape analysis.
16 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"Extremely happy with process and result. You won't have post regrets with Irvin."
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Jenny Villier

46 reviews
Jenny graduated from Notre Dame Law School and has a bachelor's degree in finance and accounting from the University of Dayton. Jenny was a member of the
Notre Dame Law Review. Jenny is also a CPA (inactive). Jenny's practice areas include business and tax law, with a particular emphasis on small business and
startup legal issues. Jenny regularly writes in the areas of business law, tax law, estate planning and employment law. Her articles have been published in the ABA
Business Tax Quarterly, the ABA Private Equity and Venture Capital Committee Newsletter, and the WealthCounsel Quarterly.
1 repeat hire | 14 yrs experience | Licensed in CO, IL | verified
"She was very nice and easy to work with. Very quick response time and helpful in answering questions."
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David Yamaguchi

140 reviews
Startups and small businesses sometimes need someone who can deal with complex transactions on an international playing field. David Yamaguchi specializes in
content hosting issues and intellectual property. He concentrates his practice in the United States, Asia, India, and Europe. Whether you are a business giant or a
startup, Mr. Yamaguchi can provide legal advice that fits your needs.
9 repeat hires | 34 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"David is knowledgeable and efficient. He gave me valuable advices."
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Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 15 of 22

Joseph Waala

39 reviews
Joseph Waala is an Attorney, who has been licensed for 17 years. In the year 1999, he was an Associate with Baker & Hostetler. After that, he spent time working
for Law Firms such as King & Spalding, LLP and Phillips Lytle, LLP. His focus areas include energy and utilities, oil and gas, contracts and agreements, as well as
commercial real estate matters. Joseph attended The Georgetown University Law Center and graduated with his J.D. almost two decades ago.
18 repeat hires | 20 yrs experience | Licensed in DC, NY, OH, PA | verified
"Joe has been an awesome partner for us throughout the lifecycle of our company. He helped us get off the ground and navigate the legal wa..."
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Lois (Nuo Jia) Li

35 reviews
Lois Li is a commercial attorney with extensive experience in business law. She primarily focuses on assisting startup and small businesses. Lois served as an in-
house and outside counsel in the past. She has a license to practice law in two countries, including the United States and Canada. Lois is able to assist clients in
Chinese and English. She completed a degree in law at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. Lois is currently an attorney at Alpine Law PLLC.
11 repeat hires | 5 yrs experience | Licensed in MI | verified
"Lois is very knowledgeable about advisory agreements; she helped me review, understand and negotiate the terms with my company."
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Kaiser Wahab

55 reviews
Complex corporate transactions in technology, media, and securities require a knowledgeable and experienced attorney. Kaiser Wahab brings those qualifications
with him when he is counseling clients on corporate structuring, investor agreements, and equity incentive plans. Whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a
start-up, Mr. Wahab has your complex business needs covered.
19 yrs experience | Licensed in CT, NY | verified
"Easy to work with and provided great insights!"
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Philip Heller

76 reviews
A corporate and commercial transactions counsel, Philip Heller has represented leading digital media, entertainment, and technology companies, including Warner
Bros, Hulu, and American Express. He is particularly knowledgeable about SaaS, software licensing, partnerships, and private equity funds. Mr. Heller specializes
in negotiations and drafting complex agreements and privacy policies.
10 yrs experience | Licensed in CA |
"Philip is always dependable and fast. The work gets done properly every time."
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Stacy Smith

79 reviews
Stacy Smith is your go-to for your business and real estate needs. She can help with business sales and purchases, entity formation, contracts, and more. Whether
your business needs help with vendor agreements or financing, Ms. Smith can help. She can also deal with things like zoning and separating or combining lots. She
brings her 25 years of experience to every legal issue.
3 repeat hires | 28 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
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Thomas Love

68 reviews
Holder of seven patents, Thomas Love has a work history spanning from a partnership in a major firm (specializing in international corporate finance) to working
at a number of startups, including in software, global supply chain, and online education. Today, Mr. Love represents clients worldwide and has provided his
services to non-profits in theater, women’s empowerment, medical education, and more.
6 repeat hires | 35 yrs experience | Licensed in CT | verified
"Mr. Love helped me get to that level I needed to get to. He was very informative. I have enjoyed his assistance."
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John Fallone

71 reviews
John Fallone thinks big and gets it done. As an early-stage company attorney, John is also a co-founder of SendHub, the cloud-based phone system making it easier
for today’s businesses to communicate with customers and employees. A self-identified geek of processes and efficiency, John plans to get an MBA from Duke’s
Fuqua School of Business
1 repeat hire | 4 yrs experience | Licensed in CA, NC | verified
"John was great to work with! I highly recommend him to others."
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Jonathan Savar

78 reviews
In addition to being a skilled business lawyer, Jonathan Savar is highly experienced in investment banking. He handles strategic transactions, financings, and
contracts for individuals, startups, and middle-market companies. Mr. Savar offers every one of his clients individualized attention to provide efficient, cost-
effective services.
2 repeat hires | 23 yrs experience | Licensed in NY | verified
"Jon has been very helpful in getting our business incorporated, registered, and setup for success. He’s been available by phone and email..."
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Mary Obidinski

54 reviews 1/15/2019
Top 5% of Business Lawyers in Oakland, California | UpCounsel Page 18 of 22

Business owners often shudder at the idea of having to pay general counsel for legal advice. With Mary Obidinski, you know that you are getting straightforward,
honest legal options that will not break the bank. Ms. Obidinski is worth every cent from her experience as general counsel for a large private corporation and work
with small businesses and starts ups.
6 repeat hires | 8 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"Thanks, Mary!"
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Matt Googe

69 reviews
Matt is a registered patent attorney whose practice includes trademark application preparation and prosecution, copyrights, and related litigation. He has worked
with diverse sectors including aerospace technology and medical devices. Since 2013 Matt has worked with Robinson Law IP, a firm that has been managing
patent and trademark portfolios in over 50 countries.
13 repeat hires | 9 yrs experience | Licensed in TN, Patent Bar | verified
"Look forward to working with Matt again."
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Jamie Davenport

39 reviews
Jamie Davenport is a business lawyer that specializes in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts. She primarily assists startup companies and entrepreneurs
overcome legal hurdles, but she is able to assist clients of any size. Jamie is also experienced in dealing with legal matters that concerns trademark and copyright
law. Jamie has over 17 years of experience and she is licensed to practice law in California. She has been acting as a solo practitioner since 2012.
1 repeat hire | 18 yrs experience | Licensed in CA | verified
"It was great working with Jamie! She's helped us with a legal document we needed in a timely manner. Highly recommended!"
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Anjali Nowakowski

28 reviews
Anjali Sareen is not only a well-qualified Attorney, but she is also a freelance Writer and Editor. Currently, her focus is on legal services regarding Intellectual
Property matters of individuals and small businesses. She started out as a Law Clerk for Garbarini FitzGerald P.C. Also included on her C.V. is her experience in
representing Fortune 500 companies. Anjali attended The New York University School of Law and graduated with her J.D. in 2011.
2 repeat hires | 6 yrs experience | Licensed in FL, NY | verified
"We were looking for help in creating contracts around the new GDPR legislation as it relates to providing web-related services to large, ..."
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Useful Resources

• Demand Promissory Note Board Approval

• Equitable Relief Meaning: Everything You Need to Know
• How to Write Terms and Conditions for Online Store
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What is Secured Debt?

Secured debt is a debt that's secured by pledging an asset for collateral. It means someone took on a debt and backed it with a piece of property they own. The
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Common examples of a secured debt include a mortgage and a car loan. The car or the house become the security asset for the debt that you took on. If you default
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What Is a Non Solicitation Agreement?

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To understand what “anti-dilution” is, you must first understand the meaning of dilution.

The term, “dilution” refers to an event in which the shareholders’ ownership of a company is reduced due to the issuance of new shares in that particular company.
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