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In His Name

Teachers Questionnaire

All information that is collected in this study will be treated confidentially.

About the Questionnaire

I would like to ask you to help me by answering the following survey questions concerning
projects (posters and/or presentations) you usually assign to your students and your
knowledge of PBL (Project based learning) as a teaching method.

In order to better understand current opinions about project-based learning, your

participation is greatly appreciated. This is not a test so there are no “right” or “wrong”
answers. I am interested in your personal opinion and would like to request that you answer

The result of the questionnaire will help in assessing the daily school projects set by the
teachers to students and determining the need for teacher training in PBL (Project based

This questionnaire should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Thank you very much for your participation.

Section I
General teaching experiences

1. Gender:

2. What is your major? ____________________________

3. Teaching subject: ______________

4. Teaching cycles: _____________

5. Years of teaching experience: _______

6. Please tick the highest level of your educational qualifications:

High school Master’s degree

College diploma University doctorate degree

University bachelor’s degree

7. How long have you worked at the current institution? ____________

8. How many hours of class a week do you teach at the current institution? ____________

Section II

This section is going to ask about your teaching practices that might support students’

learning of the following 21st century skills:

 Critical Thinking

 Collaboration

 Communication

 Creativity and Innovation

 Self-Direction

 Making Local connections

 Using Technology as a Tool

For each of the above you will be asked about your general teaching of these skills, and

about a few specific practices you may have used:

There are no correct or incorrect answers and all responses will be kept confidential.

1. Questions about students’ CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.

In your teaching, how often have you asked students to do the following?
A few
Almost 1-3 times 1-3 times Almost
times a
never per month per week daily
Compare information from different sources before
completing a task or assignment?
Draw their own conclusions based on analyses of
numbers, facts, or relevant information?
Analyze competing arguments, perspectives or
solutions to a problem?
Develop a persuasive argument based on
supporting evidence or reasoning?
Try to solve complex problems or answer questions
that have no single correct solution or answer?

To what extent do you agree with these statements about your class?
To a To a very
To a minor To a great
Not really moderate great
extent extent
extent extent
I have tried to develop students’ critical thinking
Most students have learned critical thinking skills
while in my class
I have been able to assess students’ critical
thinking skills

2. Questions about students’ COLLABORATION SKILLS.

In your teaching, how often have you asked students to do the following?
Almost A few 1-3 times 1-3 times Almost
never times a per month per week daily
Work in pairs or small groups to complete a task
Work with other students to set goals and create a
plan for their team?
Present their group work to the class, teacher or
Give feedback to peers or assess other students’

To what extent do you agree with these statements about your class?
Not really To a minor To a To a great To a very
extent moderate extent great
extent extent
I have tried to develop students’ collaboration
Most students have learned collaboration
skills while in my class
I have been able to effectively assess students’
collaboration sills

3. Questions about students’ COMMUNICATION SKILLS.

In your teaching, how often have you asked students to do the following?
Almost A few 1-3 times 1-3 times Almost
never times a per month per week daily
Structure data for use in written products or
oral presentations (e.g., creating charts, table
or graphs)?
Convey their ideas using media other than a
written paper (e.g., posters, video, blogs, etc.)
Prepare and deliver an oral presentation to
the teacher or others?
Answer questions in front of an audience?

To what extent do you agree with these statements about your class?
Not really To a minor To a To a great To a very
extent moderate extent great
extent extent
I have tried to develop students’
communication skills
Most students have learned communication
skills while in my class
I have been able to assess students’
communication skills

4. Questions about students’ CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION SKILLS.

In your teaching, how often have you asked students to do the following?
Almost A few 1-3 times 1-3 times Almost
never times a per month per week daily
Use idea creation techniques such as
brainstorming or concept mapping?
Generate their own ideas about how to
confront a problem or question?
Test out different ideas and work to improve
Invent a solution to a complex, open-ended
question or problem?

To what extent do you agree with these statements about your class?
Not really To a minor To a To a great To a very
extent moderate extent great
extent extent
I have tried to develop students’ creativity and
innovation skills
Most students have learned creativity and
innovation skills while in my class
I have been able to effectively assess students’
creativity and innovation skills

5. Questions about students’ SELF-DIRECTION SKILLS.

In your teaching, how often have you asked students to do the following?
Almost A few 1-3 times 1-3 times Almost
never times a per month per week daily
Plan the steps they will take to accomplish a
complex task?
Use specific criteria to assess the quality of
their work before it is completed?
Use peer, teacher or expert feedback to revise
their work?

To what extent do you agree with these statements about your class?
Not really To a minor To a To a great To a very
extent moderate extent great
extent extent
I have tried to develop students’ self-direction
Most students have learned self-direction
skills while in my class

6. Questions about students’ LOCAL CONNECTIONS SKILLS.

In your teaching, how often have you asked students to do the following?
Almost A few 1-3 times 1-3 times Almost
never times a per month per week daily
Investigate topics or issues that are relevant to
their family or community?
Apply what they are learning to local
situations, issues or problems?
Talk to one or more members of the
community about a class project or activity?

To what extent do you agree with these statements about your class?
Not really To a minor To a To a great To a very
extent moderate extent great
extent extent
I have tried to develop students’ local
connections skills
Most students have learned to make local
connections while in my class

7. Questions about students’ USE of TECHNOLOGY as TOOL FOR LEARNING.

In your teaching, how often have you asked students to do the following?
Almost A few 1-3 times 1-3 times Almost
never times a per month per week daily
Use technology or the internet for self-
instruction (e.g., videos, tutorials, self-
instructional websites, etc.)?
Select appropriate technology tools or
resources for completing a task?
Use technology to analyze information (e.g.,
databases, spreadsheets, graphic programs,
Use technology to interact directly with
experts or member of local communities?

To what extent do you agree with these statements about your class?
Not really To a minor To a To a great To a very
extent moderate extent great
extent extent
I have tried to develop students’ skills in using
technology as a tool for learning.
Most students have learned to use technology
as a tool for learning while in my class.

Section III

General questions

1. Please answer the following question

Less than 50% of 50-75% of the 76-90% of the More than 90%
the students are students are students are of the students
assigned to do assigned to do assigned to do are assigned to
the project. the project. the project. do the project.

What is the percentage of YOUR

students who are engaged in the
project making?

2. Please answer the following yes/no questions about projects you have already assigned to
your students:

Yes No

I have assigned a project to my students on a subject they have not learned in class

I have let my students work on one project for more than one class session?

I send my students outside the classroom during class time to collect information
for class-related work.
I send my students outside the classroom after class to collect information for
homework assignments.
I investigate topics in the community or real-world issues (e.g., elections, the
environment, public transportation etc.).
If students know that often people (other students) will be relying on and judging the
information (project), do you think their motivation to work hard and take risks

3. On the scale of 1 to 5 how would you evaluate/rate the quality of your students’ projects?
1 2 3 4 5
Poor o o o o o Excellent

Section IV

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and
skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and solve an authentic,
engaging, and complex question related to real world problem.

The rest of this survey is going to ask about your knowledge and practice of PBL (Project
Based Learning) teaching method in your class.

1. Have you heard of PBL teaching method before? Yes No

If you answered “No”, please go to question 7.

2. If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, what is YOUR definition of PBL
teaching method?

3. Have you used PBL teaching method in your class? Yes No

If you answered “No”, please go to question 7.

4. If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, please give an example.

5. On the scale of 1 to 5, how successful was the implementation of the PBL in your class?
1 2 3 4 5
Not o o o o o Very
successful successful

6. If you answered less than 4 to the previous question, please provide the reason for the
method not been successful in your class.

7. Would you use PBL teaching method in your class? Yes No

8. If you answered “No” to the previous question, please provide the reason.

If you wish to explain any of your responses, or comment on the questions that were
asked in this survey, please use this space freely.

Thank you for completing our survey


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