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Annex A Division Memorandum No. ___, s.


DepED, Division of Cebu City



Technical Assistance
Needed from DO

SBM 1.1 The school head: Has an appointment

 Attested appointment (CSC)
Appointment papers/designation
Plantilla (DBM) signed by SDS
Designation by the SDS
Is aware of his/her basic roles and responsibilities in school improvement
Certificate of attendance/
Documents showing attendance in
participation in induction and/or
induction and/or orientation on basic
 orientation on basic leadership and
leadership and management roles of
management roles training of the
the school head
school head
School Annual Improvement Plan
 Approved SIP/AIP
SBM 1.2 The school head: Has attended SBM related trainings
Certificate of participation/attendance
 Basic SBM Training
on SBM training
Certificate of
 SIP/AIP Training participation/attendance on SIP
Annual School Budget (ASB) Certificate of participation/attendance

Training of (ASB) training

Certificate of participation/attendance
 Fiscal Management training
on Fiscal management
Certificate of participation
 ICT related training
/attendance on ICT
SBM 1.3 The school head: Initiates organization of stakeholders
Copy of
Documents showing roles and handbook/manual/guidelines/by-
 responsibilities of each organized laws/MOA on the roles and
internal/external stakeholder group responsibilities of internal /external
List of officers of Internal Stakeholders:
List/s of officers and members of
 Student organization
student organization/s
 Parent organization List of general PTA officers
List of faculty club /Teacher
 Teacher organization
Association officers
List of officials of External Stakeholder group:

 LGU Lists of barangay officials

List/s of officers and members of
 Local organizations local organization/s initiated by the
school head

Records of meetings/orientation on
 roles & responsibilities of each Documentation Report
internal / external stakeholder group

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 1
SBM 1.4 The school head: Initiates the installation of the required SBM mechanisms/systems
Organized teams and list of membership per team:

 Management Information School Memo/Designation of the

System (MIS) different (MIS) working committees

 SIP-School Planning Team List of SIP – School planning team

 School Memo/Designation of INSET

INSET Mechanism

 School Memo/Designation of M & E

M&E Mechanism

 School Memo/Designation of
Financial Management System
Financial Management System Team

 School Memo/Designation of School

School Staffing System
Staffing System Team

Records of orientation on SBM

 systems and organizational set up of Documentation Report
school teams

SBM 1.5 The school head: Performs fund management duties

Records of resource generation from the different sources:

Records/Documents of MOOE
 MOOE downloaded and Liquidation
Request letters address to LSB/SEF
for fund assistance

 Adopt A School Documents (MOA,

Certificate of Acceptance, etc.)
Records of Deed of Donations for
 donated resources /List of donated
resources submitted to Division
Office / Documentation Report

 Documentation Report / Project

Income generating projects
 PTCA support Documentation Report

 Others, (Pls. specify) ________ Documentation Report

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 2

Technical Assistance
Needed from DO

SBM 2.1 PUPILS/STUDENTS; TEACHERS; PARENTS: Are aware of their rights and responsibilities as
primary stakeholders
Report on the conduct of orientation regarding their rights, roles and responsibilities as stakeholders:

Documents/Narrative report on the

 Pupils/Students conduct of pupils’ orientation on
their rights, roles and responsibilities

Documents/Narrative report on the

 Teachers conduct of teachers’ orientation on
their rights, roles and responsibilities
Documents/Narrative report on the
conduct of
 Parents parents’ orientation on their rights,
roles and
Copies of the following:
 Pupils/Students Handbook Copies of Pupils/Students Handbook
Copies of Magna Carta of
Magna Carta of Teachers/DepEd Teachers/DepEd Service

Service Manual Manual/Education Act of 2001 (RA
Provisions on Parents roles and
- Education Act of 1982
responsibilities found in DepEd
 - DepEd Order No. 54, s. 2009
Service Manual/Education Act of
- PD 603
Existence of School Organizations(name of organization and list of officers)
- List of Pupils’/Students’ School
 Pupils/Students Organizations and
- List of Members and Officers
- List of Officers and Teachers’
 Teachers
List of Parents’ Organizations and
- General PTA Officers,
 Parents Grade/Year Level, Homeroom
PTA Officers
- Other organizations (e.g.
Parents Brigade)
Constitution and by-laws:
 Pupils/Students SSG/SPG By-laws
 Teachers Teachers’ Organization By-laws

PTA By-laws/DepEd Order No. 54, s.

 Parents
Minutes of the meetings on school improvement:
 Pupils/Students Minutes of SSG/SPG Meetings
Minutes of Teachers’ Organization
 Teachers
Minutes of Parents’ Organization
 Parents Association

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 3
SBM 2.2 Teachers are trained on curriculum content and pedagogy
Accomplished and Consolidated
 Report on training needs analysis
List of Teachers with corresponding
 Report on trainings attended trainings attended on curriculum
content and pedagogy
SBM 2.3 Teachers apply knowledge, process skills and instructional innovations acquired from participation
in trainings

Sample of Lesson Plans showing

Lesson plan showing the application
 application of skills, innovations and
of methodologies learned
methodologies learned from trainings
Reports on utilization of IM,
Documents on utilization of
reference books,
Instructional materials, reference
 workbooks, lesson exemplars,
books, workbooks, lesson
etc./Documentation reports such as
exemplars, etc.
logbook, borrower’s card, etc.
Records of teacher observation Observation Tracking/Progress
 results showing improvement in Reports/Clinical Observation Reports
teaching/learning process (e.g. Form 178, TLOC, etc.)
Student Performance Progress
Report/Consolidated Students’
Records of evaluation results
Performance per grading
 showing increased student
period/subject area (e.g. Form XIV,
ORV Results, PHIL-IRI, Math Basic
Computation Reports, etc.)
SBM 2.4 Parents: Assume responsibilities as partners in the learning process
Records/journals of parents’
Records/Pictures of Parents’
visit/participation in interventions e.g.
 Participation in school
reading program, feeding program
and others
Records of parent-volunteers as
Records/Pictures of parents’
 teacher aides, para teachers, tutors,
participation/support in instruction
remedial teachers, etc


Technical Assistance
Needed from DO

SBM 3.1 External stakeholders: have a clear and common understanding of their rights, responsibilities and
functions in school improvement
Records of attendance to SBM orientations by the following stakeholders :
 Local School Board (LSB) / LGU Record of Attendance
 Alumni/Youth Group Record of Attendance
 Retirees/Elders Record of Attendance
Professionals/Barangay Health
 Record of Attendance
Workers/Traditional Birth Assistants
Religious Groups/Church leaders or
 Record of Attendance
Non-government Organizations /
 Record of Attendance
Cooperatives/Church Organizations

 School Governing Council Record of Attendance

 Others, (Pls. specify) ___________ Record of Attendance

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 4
SBM 3.2 External stakeholders: School Community are organized to support/implement SBM
Existence of organizations (name of organization and list of officers)
Name of the Organization with List
 Alumni
of Officers
Name of the Organization with List
 Retirees
of Officers
Name of the Organization with List
 Professionals
of Officers
Name of the Organization with List
 Religious Groups
of Officers
Name of the Organization with List
 Non-government Organizations
of Officers
Name of the Organization with List
 School Governing Council
of Officers
Name of the Organization with List
 Others, (Pls. specify) ___________
of Officers
Minutes of the meeting/s on school improvement:
Minutes of the meeting on school
 Alumni
Minutes of the meeting on school
 Retirees
Minutes of the meeting on school
 Professionals
Minutes of the meeting on school
 Religious Groups
Minutes of the meeting on school
 Non-government Organizations
Minutes of the meeting on school
 School Governing Council
Minutes of the meeting on school
 Others, (Pls. specify) ___________
SBM 3.3 External stakeholders: Are mobilized to support SBM and the implementation of the SIP
Reports/records of
Document Report /Minutes/records
meetings/orientation of external
 of meetings/orientation on SIP/AIP
stakeholders on SIP/AIP and its
and its implementation
Work plans of external stakeholders
 Work plan
aligned to the SIP/AIP
Reports/records of Document Report/Minutes of
meetings/orientation on other meetings and orientation on

possible school community possible school community
partnerships partnership
SBM 3.4 External stakeholders: Local Government stakeholders are fully aware of their roles and
Report/records of Document Report/minutes of
meetings/orientation/training/briefing meetings/orientation/training/briefing
 of Local Government stakeholders of Local Government stakeholders
on their duly recognized roles and on their roles and responsibilities
responsibilities related to SBM related to SBM
Report on/records of participation of
 local government unit in the Document report
development of the SIP/AIP

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 5

Technical Assistance
Needed from DO

SBM 4.1 School conducts assessment of SBM practices using assessment tool
Accomplished self-assessment Accomplished self-assessment guide

guide on SBM practices on SBM practice

Analysis of SBM assessment List of strength and weaknesses

results based on SBM assessment results
Data on school performance
 BEIS/SRC (for the last 3 years).
indicators gathered
Comparative data on school
Analysis of school data against
 performance indicators against
National Standard
National Standard
Records on the trend analysis of
results on the assessment of SBM
 Level 1 Assessment Result
Practices submitted to the Division
for provision of technical assistance
SBM 4.2 School Governing Council is organized
List of officers with roles and List of officers with roles and

responsibilities responsibilities
 Constitution and by-laws Copy of Constitution and By-laws
 Code of Conduct Copy of Code of Conduct
 Operating procedures Copy on Operating Procedures
List of committees with roles and List of committees with roles and

responsibilities responsibilities
SBM 4.3 The school has: Knowledge-based and participatory SIP/AIP formulation
Documents/Records showing
Communication from the SPT
School Planning Team (SPT)
 inviting stakeholders to participate in
leading the development of the
the development of SIP/AIP
The SIP has the following basic contents:
 School and community profile School and community profile
Situational analysis that is data Situational analysis that is data

driven (based on School MIS) driven (based on School MIS)
School vision, mission, goals and School vision, mission, goals and

objectives objectives
 Priority Improvement Areas Priority Improvement Areas
 Work and Financial Plan Work and Financial Plan
Records of involvement of
Records of involvement of
 stakeholders in SIP formulation,
stakeholders in SIP formulation
attendance sheets, pictorials
Document on implementation
 Implementation structure documents
The AIP has the following contents:
Priority Improvement Areas for the
 Approved AIP copies
current year
 Objectives Approved AIP copies
 Programs, projects or activities Approved AIP copies
 Resource requirement Approved AIP copies
 Timeframe Approved AIP copies
 Amount and sources of funds Approved AIP copies

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 6
SBM 4.4 Stakeholders are informed, consulted and engaged in SIP/AIP formulation and implementation
Records of involvement of
Invitation/communication sent to
 stakeholders representatives in the
SIP/AIP formulation
Copy of the SIP planning team
Records of involvement of
bearing the signatures of the
 stakeholders representations in the
stakeholders, `-minutes during the
SIP/AIP implementation
SBM 4.5 Performance-based Incentives and Rewards System for pupils/students and teachers installed in
school and supported by the SGC
Guidelines on Incentives and Rewards System for
Guidelines set by SPG, Teachers
 Pupils/students
and approved by SGC

Guidelines set by SPG, Teachers

 Teachers
and approved by SGC
Results of pilot implementation on
 the guidelines on Incentives and Copy of results
Rewards System
Copy of revised guidelines on
Revised guidelines on incentives
 incentives and rewards system
and rewards system implemented
SBM 4.6 The school emphasizes improvement of school outcomes
Comparative results before the
SIP/AIP implementation attained
implementation and after the
 the goals and objectives relevant to
implementation of the AIP relevant to
school performance indicators
school performance indicators.


Technical Assistance
Needed from DO

SBM 5.1 The school: Has an Annual School Budget (ASB) aligned with the Annual Improvement Plan (AIP)
ASB submitted and reviewed by the
 Annual School Budget (ASB)
Division Office

ASB reflecting Maintenance and

Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)
 ASB aligned with Approved AIP
and other sources of funding for AIP

 Procurement plan aligned with ASB Approved APP supports the ASB,

ASB submitted to DepEd Division

ASB submitted to SDS (school copy
 representative (SDS or District
must be stamped received)
Supervisor) to the LSB

Records of representation/advocacy
Letter requests/documents re:
 for LSB support to SIP/AIP made by
assistance from LSB
DepEd representative

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 7
SBM 5.2 The Annual School Budget (ASB) resulted in the attainment of school targets and desired learning
ASB supported interventions/ programs/projects attained school targets on:
SRC/Summary Report of Enrolment
 Enrollment for the last 3 years, (supported by
SIP Goal Chart and BEIS
SRC/Summary Report of Drop Out
 Drop Out Rate Rate for the last 3 years, (supported
by SIP Goal Chart and BEIS
SRC/Summary Report of Retention
 Retention Rate Rate for the last 3 years, (supported
by SIP Goal Chart and BEIS
SRC/Summary Report of Completion
 Completion Rate Rate for the last 3 years, (supported
by SIP Goal Chart and BEIS
SRC/Summary Report of
Achievement Rate for the last 3
 Achievement Level
years, (supported by SIP Goal Chart
and BEIS
SBM 5.3 The school manages and controls funds with minimal fiscal authority/autonomy
Records on utilization of
Liquidation Reports of Cash
 downloaded school MOOE with
Advances (MOOE Download)
assistance from Division Office
Copy of recent Bond of Government
Division Memo granting School Officials/Memo issued by SDS
 Head minimal signing authority on authorizing grant of Cash Advances
financial transactions for MOOE/DepEd Memo re: Schools
with Fiscal Autonomy (OUs/IUs)
Designation of fiscal staff signed by
School Memo designating fiscal
 the Principal for schools without
fiscal autonomy
Designated fiscal staff trained on Certificate of Training on
 bookkeeping and disbursement bookkeeping and disbursement
processes processes
SBM 5.4 The allocation Optimally utilized and disbursement of funds is aligned to SIP/AIP/ASB and
recorded, reported and accounted for
Records of needs analysis (SIP
Priority Improvement Areas (aligned
 identified programs and projects)
Records of simple accounting Liquidation Report Audited by
(O.R.,RER, expenses receipts, Division Internal Audit Unit for
 other supporting documents to MOOE and Liquidation Report of
vouch transactions) of MOOE and other sources of funds
other sources of funds submitted
Annual Procurement Plan prepared
 Approved APP
and submitted

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 8

Technical Assistance
Needed from DO

SBM 6.1 The school:

 Has mechanisms for transparency and accountability
 Has installed and operationalized Monitoring and Evaluation System
Documents showing monitoring and evaluation tools on:
M & E Tool for SIP /AIP
 Implementation of SIP/AIP
Consolidated Form 14 per Grading
period, PHIL-IRI, ORV, Monthly
 Tracking of student performance DORP Report, SREA, NAT, Basic
Computation in Grade 3 Math, CFSS
 Tracking of teacher performance
Observation Tool, Form 178
 SGC operations M & E Tool on SGC Operations
 Fund management M & E Tool on Fund Management
Guidelines on:
 Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines on M & E
Guidelines on Transparency and
 Transparency and Accountability
Guidelines on M & E Reporting
 M&E reporting system
Guidelines on the organization of
Committees organized involving
committees organized involving
 internal and external stakeholders
internal and external stakeholders in
in M&E
Reports on briefing/orientation on
 transparency and accountability Attendance and Minutes
SBM 6.2 The school: Informs and involves major stakeholder in the monitoring and evaluation
Records of reports and information provided to the:
Received copy of M & E reports
 Superintendent
submitted to SDS

Received copy of M & E reports

submitted to LSB

Received copy of M & E reports

submitted to PTA

Received copy of M & E reports

submitted to SGC
Received copy of M & E reports
Others, (Pls. specify)
 submitted to other stakeholders
Records of involvement of the:
 Division Officials Documentation Report
 LSB Documentation Report
 PTCA Documentation Report
 SGC Documentation Report
 Others, (Pls. specify) __________ Documentation Report (optional)

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 9
SBM 6.3 The school: Monitors and evaluates improvements in student performance indicators per class,
per student, per subject

Documents of targets on school

performance indicators (enrolment,
retention rate, cohort survival rate,
 Documentation Report
completion rate and student
achievement) are disseminated to
internal and external stakeholders

Form 14 (Periodical Test, NAT Gr. 3,

Classroom level tracking of student 6, 2nd/4th yr, NCAE), PHIL-IRI, ORV,
 learning outcomes Monthly DORP Report, SREA, NAT,
Basic Computation in Grade 3 Math,

Organized documents on tracking

of school performance indicators



Mrs. Rosalinda Tan
D1 School Leadership Mr. Danilo Gudelosao Mrs. Leonicila Lendio
Mrs. Anita Rodriguez
Internal Stakeholders Mrs. Lourdes Tolosa
D2 Mrs. Grecia Bataluna Mrs. Delia Kiamco
Participation Mr. Allan Pancho
External Stakeholders Mr. Rey Lanete
D3 Dr. Luis Derasin Dr. Ester Tangente
Participation Dr. Jocelyn Tejano
Mrs. Josefina Fabio
School Improvement
D4 Mr. Faviolito Alberca Dr. Febelyn Bendulo Mrs. Barlet Maglangit
Mrs. Rhoda Labella
Mrs. Flores Delfin
Mrs. Roquesa Sabejon
D5 School-Based Resources Mr. Cipriano Balili Mr. Liberato Lauronilla
Mrs. Araceli Gudelosao
Mrs. Jaene Aguila
Mrs. Celestina Gohetia
School Performance
D6 Dr. Erlinda Melgo Mr. Wilfredo Tano Mrs. Faith Misa
Mrs. Feloiza Catingub

Cebu City SBM Assessment of Level I Practices – Practices and MOVs Page 10

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