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Berglund 1

Genna Berglund
Shape Your World
Enduring Idea: Shapes make up our world
Lesson Title: Shape Your World
Grade: 11-12
Duration: Eight days

Lesson Summary: Students will construct two still life portraits using cut pieces of painted
paper pasted onto mat board, one will be “as is” while the other will be made only from
geometric shapes.

Artworks, artists and/or artifacts: Pablo Picasso, Aaron Rutten, Stefaan De Croock, Vaclav

Key Concepts:
 Geometric shapes are the fundamentals to the world around us.
 A variety of shades and tints can be achieved even with a limited palette
 The order in which things are placed is significant in construction

Essential Questions:
 Can geometric shapes be found in the world around us?
 Can shades and tints be shown with a limited palette?
 How does the order of placement affect the finished piece?

HS Accomplished VA:Cr3.1.IIa Engage in constructive critique with peers, then reflect on, re-
engage, revise, and refine works of art and design in response to personal artistic vision.
HS Proficient VA Cn10.1.Ia Document the process of developing ideas from early stages to full
elaborated ideas

Interdisciplinary connections:
 Math: geometric shapes

 Students will build their own still life.
 Students will make use of 5 colors to create their still life.
 Students will arrange cut paper to recreate a still life.
 Students will construct a background, middle ground, and foreground.
Berglund 2

Pre-Assessment: Students will sketch out their still life, both as it is seen as well as
Formative Assessment: In progress critique
Summative Assessment: There will be a class critique at the end where the students will discuss
the use of shapes, color, and order of placement. Project will be graded using a rubric.

Instructional Procedures:
Day One:
Hook: Students will be shown the exemplar and be introduced to the project
Development: Students will set up their still lifes at their own tables, choosing three objects
from around the classroom. Each table will work together to create their still life. They will begin
to sketch out their still life. They will trace it twice onto tracing paper.

Day Two:
Hook: Students will be shown how to paint their papers.
Development: Students will begin to choose their colors and paint their papers. They will map
out the background, middle ground and foreground using their tracing paper.

Day Three:
Hook: Students will be shown how to cut out their shapes and how to place them in order.
Development: Students will have the remainder of class to work on their project.

Day Four - Eight:

Studio work day. Students should be done by the end of class day eight (or sooner).

Day Eight:

Paper craft, cubism

Middle ground

Instructional Resources:
Power Point
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Mat board
Bristol board (5 pieces per student)
Exactor knife

Special Needs/Challenges:
Reminders will be written on the board to help keep students on task. Verbal reminders will be
given at the beginning and end of the class. Extra time (outside of class i.e. study hall/activity
period) will be given. Redirection during class. Chunking information (demos on different days).
Power Point will be available on Google Classroom for the students to reference at any time.
Gloves will be available for students with sensory issues.

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